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Idea for decoration with colored paper butterflies. Templates for cutting paper butterflies. Multi-layered and voluminous

room or renovate your homefor the holiday to becozier and prettier.

Usually when it comes to decoration, this implies high costs. The same can be said about the dwelling, the renovation of which takes a lot of time and money.

But if you approach this issue creatively, then you can decorate any room without big expenses.

You can decorate the walls with paintings or panels, handmade, or you can decorate one or more walls with simple paper butterflies.

On our website you will also find:

  • 10 simple works that can decorate any wall
  • Beautiful and inexpensive crafts on the wall with your own hands

Having created such a decoration, you will be amazed at how beautiful it looks.wall decoration, which gives the impression that someone is sitting on your wall to restmany bright, rare butterflies.

You can also create a whirlwind of butterflies, which as if floating in the air, flapping wings in synchronized dance.

Such crafts will undoubtedly please the eye. Moreover, butterflies can be not only paper - you can draw them on the wall, which will also look very attractive, especially if you use luminous paints.

Paper butterflies on the wall. Option 1.

You will need:

Colored paper or self-adhesive film

Bright magazine pages

safety pins

Scotch tape or PVA glue


Pen or marker

1. Prepare one or more cardboard templates.

2. Using templates, start making butterflies - circle the stencil on colored paper or self-adhesive film (which will be easy to stick to the wall).

* The number and size of butterflies you choose yourself.

3. If you are using self-adhesive film, then you are almost done - you just need to peel off the paper layer so that the body of the butterfly becomes sticky. Now just stick the butterflies on the wall as you like.

If you used colored paper, then you can attachbutterflies to the wall with pins, glue, or regular or double-sided tape.

Wall decor with butterflies. Option 2.

You will need:

Colored paper (preferably two-sided)



Double-sided tape

1. Draw an image of a butterfly on colored paper and cut it out. Use this blank as a template for other butterflies. You can also make several templates of different sizes.

2. Attach templates to colored paper, circle them and cut out new butterflies. To cut out several butterflies at once, simply stack several sheets of paper, fold them in half, draw a half of a butterfly and cut it out - when unfolded, you will have several butterflies at once.

3. When you have cooked right amount butterflies, lay them out on the floor first to figure out how they will be located on the wall.

4. Start sticking double-sided tape to each butterfly, and then start gluing the butterflies according to the pattern that you came up with in advance.

* Butterflies can be glued close to the wall, or you can slightly bend the wings to create the effect of butterflies fluttering.

DIY paper butterflies on the wall. Option 3.

You will need:

Colored or origami paper



Double-sided tape.

1. Fold several sheets of colored paper into one pile and fold them in half, and in half again to make a lot of butterflies when you cut out.

2. Draw a butterfly on a sheet of cardboard and cut it out.

3. Use the cardboard butterfly to draw a butterfly on the top sheet of the stack, tracing around the cardboard template.

4. To stick paper butterflies to the wall, use double-sided tape.

Glowing butterflies on the wall using stencils

For such a butterfly you need light wall and a bright light nearby - desk lamp, For example.

You will need:

Butterfly stencils

Luminous paint (in this example 3 colors are used - yellow, green and blue)


Sponges and brushes or sponge brushes (one for each paint)


glue spray

1. Make some butterfly stencils. It is desirable that each paint has its own stencil (or several stencils).

2. Use spray adhesive to stick the stencils to the wall in the desired order.

3. Prepare a sponge, cut it into several pieces and attach each piece to the handles of the brushes. You can buy sponge brushes and then you skip this point.

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Decorate the room and create original design It is possible not only with the help of expensive items, but also with improvised means. So, do-it-yourself paper butterflies on the wall will be an excellent decoration option. Moths for many are a symbol of lightness, beauty and freedom. Butterfly decor will look great in almost any interior, it is only important to know how to arrange it correctly.

When creating paper butterflies, it is worth considering the interior of the room. Butterflies should look organic with other decor. It is recommended to use butterflies only in living rooms: bedroom, nursery, living room. But if you decide to decorate the kitchen or bathroom with them, then the decor will quickly lose its appearance due to exposure. external factors, such as high humidity, temperature.

Wall butterflies can be used not only as decoration. With the help of such interesting detail you can visually mask uneven walls, dirt or stains on the wallpaper and other defects.

You can arrange a composition of moths both randomly and use them to depict a certain pattern or pattern. In addition, this decor can serve as a frame for photos. With moth decor, you can use only one wall by making it bright accent or decorate the entire room. So, the composition of flying moths looks very interesting.

What styles are suitable for

Butterflies on the wall will look great in an avant-garde style that distinguishes contrast design, unusual shapes And original decor. Moths will complement the avant-garde room and will be able to emphasize its individuality.

To decorate a nursery or bedroom in a contemporary style, paper butterflies in black or white are also suitable. This style is distinguished by classic forms, lightness of lines, inexpensive and functional items.

The pin-up style in the interior is characterized by an abundance of accessories, femininity, lightness, and playfulness. A room decorated in this style is suitable for a young and stylish girl. The final detail will be bright butterflies in the interior on the wall. They can be different size, decorate both part of the wall and the entire wall.

The Scandinavian style of the interior is distinguished by light shades, natural materials, harmony and integrity of the interior. For many, the classic plain white or light gray walls that are characteristic of scandinavian style, seem boring, so glossy or velvet moths can complement the interior.

It must be remembered that there are also interior styles in which it is almost impossible to fit decor in the form of butterflies. These styles include all classic:

  • Baroque;
  • Victorian style;
  • Renaissance;
  • Classicism;
  • Rococo.

Interiors created in this style are characterized by an abundance of expensive finishing materials, luxury furniture, sophistication and sophistication. Moths will not be combined with decor made of marble, stucco and other similar items.

What are handmade butterflies made of?

For the manufacture of butterfly decor on the wall can be used different materials. wall decoration will look different, depending on the material used. In addition, some materials are much easier to work with. The main materials used for manufacturing include:

  • Cardboard paper (both plain and glossy or matte);
  • Double-sided colored paper;
  • corrugated paper;
  • Paper with a velvet texture;
  • Thin fabric.

There are also options in which moths are made of metal or wood, but such methods are much more difficult to implement.

Design options and wall decoration with paper butterflies

There are various ways to decorate walls with moths. For each interior fit your color, size, decor material.


Black moths are the perfect complement to a solid white, beige or light gray wall. We recommend choosing glossy black to create a decor. cardboard paper. Such an ornament will look more advantageous than one made from plain paper without glitter.


Volumetric decor is distinguished by lightness, grace. At the slightest breath of wind, such butterflies will move, which, of course, looks very advantageous. You can decorate with voluminous moths not only the wall, but also mirror surface. So, white decor in the corners of the mirror will give it originality.


The butterfly panel is a white or colored canvas on which the decor is pasted. The convenience of the panel is that the canvas is easy to remove, so you can change the interior design without damaging the wall. In addition, the panel will be an excellent gift option.


Colored butterflies are suitable for decorating a plain wall in neutral shades: white, gray, beige. Decor bright color can become both the only eye-catching detail and complement the room in an art style. You can make such an application more vivid if you use paper of several colors.

And other possible options for paper butterflies

Among the original options, one can note the creation of luminous butterflies. The decor can be seen only in the dark, in daylight the butterflies remain invisible. To do this, stencils (templates) of butterflies are used for cutting paper on the wall and phosphor paint.

In large stores for home goods, ready-made wallpaper with butterflies for walls has already begun to appear. But creating decor on your own is more budgetary and interesting. In addition, if you do not like the resulting design, then the butterflies can always be removed.

Another one unusual ideaWall Clock with moths. They can be both decorative and real.

The main ways to make paper butterflies with your own hands

There are several options for making paper wall decor. We present the most beautiful and simple options:

  1. Paper moths. To create moths, you will need thick paper or cardboard, colored or white paper, and scissors. On cardboard, draw a pattern of butterflies of different sizes to cut out of paper on the wall. Using the resulting templates, trace the outline of the design on colored paper, and then carefully cut out the required number of decorations. Attach the moths to the wall, fixing only the middle part, so that the wings remain free and create additional volume. You can attach the decor both in a chaotic manner, and create a specific pattern with the help of decoration.
  2. Panel with moths. To create a panel, you will need a blank canvas, scissors, glue or double-sided tape, colored paper or cardboard. Draw a pattern of moths on cardboard, cut it out. If you want decorations to be different sizes, you will need several templates. Then circle the pattern on paper using a stencil, cut out the resulting shapes. Use glue or double-sided tape to stick the decor to the canvas. It is important to apply glue only to the base, without touching the wings of the butterfly, so that the picture looks lighter and more airy.
  3. Glowing decor. You can create butterflies that will glow in the dark using stencils, fluorescent paint, pencil and brush. In order for the final drawing to come out brighter, it is worth taking luminous paints of several colors. Take cardboard and cut out butterfly stencils from it. right size. Carefully attach the stencils to the wall with double-sided tape or spray adhesive. Apply paint to the stencil, then wait for the paint to dry before removing the stencil. When you turn off the light, you will see luminous butterflies fluttering on the wall.
  4. Origami. Beautiful, original and voluminous moths can also be made using the origami technique. You will need thick paper. Use the origami scheme, in which the paper must be folded in a certain way to get desired element. You can fix the origami moth to the wall with tape or a pin.

You can also create a beautiful drawing, for example, a heart made of moths. In order for the drawing to come out more accurate, lay out all the details on the floor in advance and see how the finished picture will look. So you can correct the shortcomings at the preparatory stage of work.

It is worth noting that to create moths it is not necessary to have the talent of an artist. You can download a stencil from the Internet or easily make it using standard computer programs and then print.

Wall mounting options for finished paper butterflies

If the decor is not properly attached to the wall, you can damage both the moths themselves and the wall material (wallpaper, decorative plaster). That is why it is so important to choose suitable option mounts.

  1. Double sided tape. The simplest and a budget option fastening, which is not recommended for use on expensive surfaces, such as silk wallpaper. Scotch tape can only support the weight of small moths, but it is not suitable for attaching large cardboard products.
  2. Pins. With the help of pins, you can fix the decor on the wallpaper or fabric surface. Pins are convenient to fix shapes large sizes from dense materials, but with this type of fastening, traces will remain on the wall.
  3. Glue. Glue is convenient to fix the decor on the panel. But gluing butterflies directly to the wall is not recommended, as it will then leave traces that will be difficult to remove.

A composition of butterflies on the wall will help not only decorate the interior, but also hide the unevenness of the walls, dirt on the wallpaper. When creating jewelry, it is important to choose the desired color, material, size of moths. You can show your imagination, create a picture of butterflies, arrange the decor over the entire surface of the wall, or decorate only part of the room with a pattern.

For creating unique interior used today different variants. Butterflies on the wall, photos of which you will see in this material - original way revive an empty wall. Repair completed furniture arranged, new ones are already hanging curtains, but something is missing to complete the image of the room. Paper butterflies on the wall creative idea which cannot fail to attract attention.

Creating such a decor will require a minimum of material and the availability of free time. Even if there is no suitable paper in the house, it is sold in any stationery department and is inexpensive. If you don’t want to bother with cutting out silhouettes, you can purchase ready-made stickers with a sticky base.

But fluttering beauties can be made not only from paper - there are other materials suitable for embodying the idea. This will be discussed.

Butterflies on the wall with your own hands

Butterflies as a design move are used not only to decorate walls. They decorate, and, mirrors, ceilings. However, butterflies in the interior on the wall are the most popular option. And this is not just a beautiful element of the scenery: according to the laws Feng Shui, butterflies are considered a symbol of joy, rebirth and mutual love.

Their appearance in the bedroom will give marital relations new colors, bring back slightly extinguished feelings, kindle the fire of passion. Fluttering beauties should not be bored alone - they are glued to the walls in pairs or large groups.

For the manufacture of bright moths, different materials are used:

  1. Colored paper.
  2. Rough cardboard.
  3. Vinyl records.
  4. Starched fabric.
  5. Thin metal (cans of beer, Coca-Cola).

The sizes of the soaring beauties can also be different, it is also allowed different forms and colors. The embodiment of the idea depends on the imagination and the material at hand.

Advice! You can arrange butterflies on the wall randomly or depict a swift whirlwind. Moths can be used as a frame for any composition, for example, from several photographs.

What style is suitable for such decorations

Decorating the wall with butterflies will be appropriate in any style of interior:

  • rustic;
  • teeming with technology;
  • ascetic;
  • stingy;
  • noble classics.

The main thing is that miniature appliqués are in harmony in color with the overall interior. Otherwise, they will look ridiculous and tasteless. Just do not need to make butterflies from paper of the same tone as the walls, they will simply merge with the background and will be almost invisible.

The following combinations are ideal:

  1. green or red moths on;
  2. black or dark brown on white either;
  3. a combination of bright blue and bright red on.

Advice! Designers recommend enhancing the effect that creates the illusion of real soaring. A bedroom or a nursery decorated in this way will look great.

Preparation for work

First you need to think over the composition and make a stencil of butterflies on the wall. Photos of ideas can be peeped on the Internet, this is in case your own imagination does not suggest anything. Then you should choose the material, and if there is nothing suitable in the house, you will have to go to the stationery or arts and crafts store.

Moths of the desired shape and size are drawn on paper or vinyl film using a stencil. Ideally, there should be several stencils, then the figures will differ in variety. When choosing fastening method some points need to be taken into account:

  • if the moths will hang on the wall, at least until the next repair, then you can use glue to fix them;
  • if the owner of the apartment is not sure that the butterflies are for a long time, it is better to fasten them with pins or small buttons.

Advice! Having clearly imagined the future composition or drawing up a sketch on paper, you need to mark the lines of the location of the butterflies on the walls with a pencil. This will make it possible not to deviate from what was planned, which may well happen during the gluing of the elements.

Bright, shiny butterflies come from old, long-read magazines. Photos of butterflies can be taken from the Internet and printed on glossy paper. In order for the applications to shimmer with multi-colored lights, they are covered acrylic varnish with the addition of glitter. The effect is amazing! No less tempting look compositions with fluorescent paint.

Advice! When fixing butterflies on the wall, only their middle should be fixed, and the wings should remain completely free and bent, creating volume.

Fabric composition and painted butterflies

If the room is finished liquid wallpaper, decor with butterflies on the wall - perfect solution, but as a material it is better to choose textile. Any will do variegated or plain patches which are sure to be found in any home. For fastening it is better to use PVA.

So that the edges of the matter do not crumble and fray, and the fabric is more rigid, it is recommended to pre-wet it in water with the addition of PVA glue, dry it, and only then cut out the figures.

Drawn moths look no less luxurious. To create a unique composition you will need:

  • which is made of plastic or thick cardboard;
  • acrylic and fluorescent;
  • thin brush;
  • sponge for washing dishes.

Using a wall stencil acrylic paint the main drawing is applied, then the contours of the butterflies are outlined with fluorescent paint. In the dark, soaring moths will mysteriously twinkle.

Today on the Internet you can often find a request on how to make a butterfly out of paper or other improvised material, because there is not always a desire and funds for capital and even redecorating, but I want to change something in the interior.

This decor is an appliqué made of sheet material using special templates. You can make and fix such a panel on the wall different ways, and how to do it depends final result.

Butterflies in the interior will please the eye every day, attracting the attention of guests. Let's get acquainted with how to make such a craft with your own hands. There are several original and uncomplicated ways.

Where to begin

In the world design solutions relatively recently, such a trend as decorating walls with butterflies has appeared and gained popularity. These crafts create an atmosphere of sophistication, fill it with romance and lightness. However, as in any process, do-it-yourself interior decoration is preceded by preparatory work:

  1. Initially, you need to decide on the surface where you want to place the planned panel or image.
  2. You need to calculate the shape and total area drawing, whether it will occupy a certain area or be distributed over the entire wall.
  3. It is important at the preparatory stage to choose the material from which the decorative elements will be created. It is also worth remembering about compatibility with the interior of the room.
  4. Consider the shape, size and color of crafts. A colorful composition on a light surface is optimal solution. As for the size, it is better to make wings of different sizes and shapes than to stick to one pattern. Butterflies made with asymmetry turn out to be as realistic as possible. There is no need to observe strict mirroring; upon completion, slight deviations will add volume and dynamism to the composition.
  5. You should come up with a sketch in advance, but it’s better to draw a sketch on paper overall composition. It can be a descending stripe, a flying circle of moths, a heart of butterflies of the corresponding color, etc.

Depending on the solution, prepare necessary tools and the material from which the wall decor will be made.

Popular and accessible materials

You can create decorative butterflies from various sheet materials, the main ones being:

  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • textile;
  • film, including self-adhesive.

Each of the presented materials is good in its own way.

Using paper, you can later color it in any suitable color, which will stylishly place butterflies in the interior. You can immediately use colored paper, which is sold in any stationery store. If there is a desire to make multi-colored wings, you can use already unnecessary glossy magazines, which in the end will allow you to get a colorful and beautiful composition. Paper crafts can be attached to the wall in any convenient way, while they will not protrude significantly above the surface level.

If paper products are too thin and fragile, you can use cardboard as a base. This option will be many times more reliable and stronger, although working with cardboard is somewhat more difficult. The advantage of cardboard is that it easily takes a given shape and retains it. So, wings or other parts can be rounded or bent, thereby making a voluminous butterfly. This is done by wetting the cardboard, giving the desired shape and drying in a given form. However, along with the advantages, cardboard has significant disadvantage- if paper butterflies are easy to fix with your own hands, then you will have to tinker with cardboard.

Butterflies from vinyl records look original and polyethylene film. Such crafts will delight the eye with shape and color. It is as easy to cut crafts from film as it is from cardboard. You can fix the butterflies from plastic film as plain paper, and with vinyl crafts it’s completely easy - just peel off in the right place protective layer films.

Another practical option is the manufacture of butterflies on the wall of fabric. You can make a composition on the entire wall or select a separate panel. In any case, the fabric craft looks no less “soulful” than the previous options. It is better to fasten the fabric to the wallpaper with glue, and completely cover the craft with it. And you can form a three-dimensional composition - soak the fabric in adhesive solution, let dry, and then attach the product to the wall.

Butterflies made of paper or cardboard: step by step instructions

Paper or cardboard butterflies are the most budgetary, but at the same time original version how to decorate a wall with your own hands. They can be multi-colored, decorative, openwork, silhouette, solid and even fluttering - it all depends on the creator's imagination.

One of the main advantages of such butterflies on the wall is the variety of colors and the possibility of additional transformation with the help of paints.

Attach, as mentioned earlier, cardboard and paper moths can be both on double-sided tape and glue, and on a pin.

So, let's start making a butterfly on the wall on our own. This will require the following:

  • paper or cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • eraser.

The whole technique for creating crafts comes down to how to cut a butterfly out of cardboard or paper. First, a square of arbitrary size should be cut from the base material, and then folded in half. Then draw a sketch of a moth in all details. For these purposes, there are various templates on the Internet. Of course, you can draw butterflies yourself, guided by your own imagination, but it is unlikely that you will be able to get a large number of exactly the same pieces. That is why it is better to use ready-made stencils, which are enough to circle around the contour with a pencil and cut out.

After the required number of products has been made, you can start decorating the walls with butterflies with your own hands. To do this, first on the surface you need to mark with a pencil the places where the crafts will be attached. After that, using glue or tape, you can fix the butterflies on the wall.

If cardboard butterflies are used in the interior, you can bend their wings to create a fluttering effect. For these purposes, the edges of the wings should first be wetted, then the desired bend should be given. When the craft dries, the given shape will be preserved. Origami butterflies can also be made from cardboard, and children can be involved in this process.

Fabric butterflies: step by step instructions

Butterflies come out of fabric in a very original way, and you can use different materials. A predetermined pattern is cut out of thin fabrics, and then soaked in a soapy or adhesive solution. As soon as the products dry, start decorating the wall.

If you need to make a small number of crafts, then the option of a felt butterfly is suitable. For this you will need the following material:

Initially, you should draw a stencil on paper, then cut and transfer the workpiece to the main fabric. Separately, 6-8 petals need to be cut out of tulle. The rest is a matter of everyone's imagination. Use glue to decorate the fabric blank decorative elements, and drape the wings with petals (2 for each wing), and for the lower ones, the tulle blanks will need to be folded in half. A ribbon should be sewn to the butterfly so that it can be hung. In general, the process of creating a bright felt butterfly is shown in the photo.

With such a craft, you can not only decorate a wall or other surface, but also use it as a souvenir, present and christmas decoration.

Photo gallery

In our gallery you will find 32 more photo ideas original butterflies to decorate your interior.

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