Encyclopedia of fire safety

Moon in Aquarius in the children's horoscope. Moon in the signs of the zodiac. Moon in Sagittarius in the natal chart of a man, a woman, a child. Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius in astrology

Mom through the eyes of her child

By the moon in natal chart a person can be defined by his relationship with his mother. Analyzing the map, we can see those around us through the eyes of the born (the world is not what it is, but how a person sees it).
Quite often it turns out that the position of the Moon in sign indicates the Sun of the mother or not her Moon, or her Ascendant, or the element of the Sun. In girls, the Moon often coincides with the Sun of the mother or with her Ascendant. If there is no such coincidence, then the person perceives his own mother in a distorted way.

For a child with Moon in Aries mother is very warm, but strong-willed and authoritarian, decisive and straightforward. Often the child has a feeling that the mother suppresses his will.

In a child with Moon in Taurus Mom is a caring home, but demanding, especially to cleanliness. If a girl has the Moon in Taurus, her mother cooks well.

At Moons in Gemini relations with mother are quite friendly, but coldish, alienation often occurs; mother is mobile, sociable, contact. With the Moon in Gemini, the house is often a mess, but intellectual communication with mom.

Moon in Cancer- Mom is warm, caring, knows how to do everything, and will comfort the child, and warm. Usually, the attachment to the mother of a child with the Moon in Cancer is very strong, the house for him is the most native place, the warmest memories are taken out of the parental home.

Moon in Leo- a strong emotional contact, but the mother is authoritarian, she completely controls the house, everything is done as she says.

Moon in Virgo- an unkind child who lacks warmth, a feeling of coldness and criticality remains from the mother.

Moon in Libra- good, warm, friendly relations, but in boys with the Moon in Libra and in Scorpio it is colored with strong eroticism, as well as with strong aspects of the Moon with Venus.

Moon in Scorpio- a strong connection, but also a strong dependence on the mother, which often gives rise to conflict and the desire for independence at an early age in girls. Men with the Moon in Scorpio often choose a very active and authoritarian woman as their wife, thereby reproducing conflict with their mother in adulthood. Boys with the Moon in Scorpio do not develop quite harmoniously, they often have too much dependence on their mother.

Moon in Sagittarius gives rise to friendly warm relations, gives early independence of character, mother is less strong-willed than with the Moon in Leo or Aries.

Moon in Capricorn- a very strict, demanding, practical mother, but she is on an equal footing with the child, sees an independent personality in him, although she worries about him too much, especially in early childhood.

Moon in Aquarius- assertive, emotional, authoritarian mother, often quick-tempered, but quick-witted. Mother is first and foremost a friend.

Moon in Pisces- a soft, warm, sensitive mother, the child has a strong connection with the mother, the conflict arises due to excessive care, the mother’s desire to completely protect the child from any anxieties and dangers, which fetters his independence.

All of the above does not take into account the aspects of the Moon in the chart. A square to Saturn can bring fear into a relationship, and a square to Mars will strengthen the connection, indicate the support of parents in some matters. But the aspects change the basic background, the quality of the relationship does not change.

Moon in Sagittarius in the natal chart makes a person follow generally accepted norms - what is right and what is bad a person feels subconsciously. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius tries not to go against the moral principles accepted in society, he is afraid of condemnation from the people around him.

The Moon in Sagittarius endows a person with an inner desire for justice. If the Moon is afflicted, then it may constantly seem to a person that the surrounding people are not acting according to their conscience, that they are cunning, deceiving. A person with a afflicted Moon in Sagittarius will always seek the truth, but this truth will be within his understanding.

If the Moon in Sagittarius in the natal chart is harmonious, then the person will really be inclined to do justice, it will be difficult for him to go against his conscience.

The Moon in Sagittarius seeks to express itself through its ruler - through Jupiter. Jupiter in astrology is the planet of expansion and a person with the Moon in Sagittarius wants his spiritual impulses to be visible to everyone around him, so that his kindness is appreciated.

In the soul, a person with the Moon in Sagittarius is really kind, always ready to give in, help, please, especially if it is harmoniously located in the natal chart. The Moon in Sagittarius gives inner gentleness and compassion. But a person with the Moon in Sagittarius may not always seem like that, because. he has a habit of telling people what he thinks - if he is offended, then everyone around will immediately know about it, if he is dissatisfied with something, then he will also not be able to hide his irritation. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius is quite open and does not know how to hide his feelings and experiences.

In a new environment, a person with the Moon in Sagittarius behaves calmly, although he has a need to make a favorable impression, to please others, so that they immediately understand that he can be relied upon, that he can be trusted.

The reaction of a person with the Moon in Sagittarius to external events can be expansive, overly exaggerated, although such a person subconsciously seeks the easiest and best way out. In case of problems, a person with the Moon in Sagittarius does not lose heart, he is able to set himself up positively and calm others, support. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius is always ready to accept reality, come to terms with what is happening.

The most important desire of Sagittarius is respect, and for a person with the Moon in Sagittarius, this desire is subconscious. He needs close people to respect him, honor him, listen to his advice. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius does not like to be wrong.

The Moon in Sagittarius gives a person independence, he himself will not refuse help, but does not want to depend on someone. In general, such a person does not like to follow other people's advice. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius can only listen to those who have great authority, and one who has not achieved heights in life, who does not have life experience, is not an adviser for a person with the Moon in Sagittarius.

The peculiarity of the Moon in Sagittarius is that a person can feel how events will develop in the future, especially if the Moon has a harmonious aspect with Mercury. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius has foresight and can foresee the future.

Moon in Sagittarius for a man.

A man with the Moon in Sagittarius is freedom-loving, he has a subconscious desire not to limit himself to limits. Such a man does not like to take on additional responsibilities. And if there are other indicators in the natal chart, then the Moon in Sagittarius in a man can make him irresponsible. A man with the Moon in Sagittarius is looking for an active, cheerful, independent and open woman. The moon in Sagittarius in a man makes him good-natured and responsive, he is ready for grand gestures for the sake of love. Although a man with the Moon in Sagittarius can be principled, and if his chosen one does not follow generally accepted norms that are important to him, then he can break off relations.

Moon in Sagittarius woman.

A woman with the Moon in Sagittarius is internally independent. The Moon in Sagittarius makes a woman idealistic and dreamy. Sometimes a woman with the Moon in Sagittarius can be stubborn and harmful, she follows her inner principles and it can be difficult to convince her of something. Such a woman does not know how to hide her emotions and feelings, sometimes she is even overly frank. The moon in Sagittarius in a woman makes her a good wife and mother. A woman is always ready to help her loved ones, she loves to be praised, her care is appreciated.

Moon in Sagittarius for a child.

A child with the Moon in Sagittarius is open, active and good-natured. Parents with such a child will have a minimum of problems, tk. he listens to the opinion of people who are authoritative for him. And the most important thing for parents who have a child with the Moon in Sagittarius is to win the trust of the child, to become good mentors and friends for him.

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The Moon in Pisces is perhaps one of the most "emotional" locations of this luminary. In such children, life is ruled by feelings, which can sometimes lead to tragic consequences. Since they are extremely receptive and everything around them has its influence, they tend to take everything to heart. They often cry. Do not blame them for this (and the boys too!). Perhaps the most important thing to teach such children (which is especially important for them) is to be realistic and objectively relate to the world around them.
Children whose Moon was in Pisces at the time of birth tend to feel misunderstood, feel sorry for themselves and overly dramatic look at their own lives and the lives of others. Try to teach them to be less vulnerable and not take absolutely everything personally. It will do them good, especially when they become adults.
Children with the Moon in Pisces often live in the world of their fantasies. It is easier and more natural for them than to live real life. They tend to take the path of least resistance. Don't indulge in it. Teach your child to fight. Explain that you can’t be led by your mood, which, all the more, changes so quickly. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him in the future.
Emotions play an important role in the lives of these children. They have a huge creativity and an extraordinarily vivid imagination. This is one of the reasons why they are so fond of music, poetry, theater, and everything where their creative nature can be revealed.

Love relationship and compatibility if you are a horoscope.

Another one distinguishing feature children with the Moon in Pisces - the need to take care of others, especially the sick. The only thing is that they need to be careful and not succumb to the influence of someone else's biofield, especially in the case of mental or severe somatic diseases. Such children will always find a common language with animals, they are able to feel any living beings. Of course, this is a gift from God, but such sensitivity can also become an enemy.
Explain to the child that his ideals, emotions and attitudes can be more stable. These children tend to go with the flow, to follow the line of least resistance. From childhood, they need to be more confident in themselves and their abilities. Otherwise, painful doubts and constant depression will become their companions for life. Or even worse - they will lose their unique individuality, they will simply dissolve in those around them. Teach your child not to indulge their weaknesses and not choke on their feelings.
Children with the Moon in Pisces will feel happy if peace, tranquility, and friendly relations reign around them. Any negative emotions, such as anger, quarrels and squabbles, are perceived by these children very painfully. Quiet pleasant music and peace will help restore their lost strength and peace of mind.
Try asking your child to tell you their dreams. It is quite possible that he has the ability of a medium, and something prophetic can be found in his dreams. Last, but perhaps most important, teach your child to repeat every morning, "I won't have any bad experiences today! I won't let them near me, let them go away!"

Children born under the Sagittarius Moon love sports, travel and a wide variety of entertainment. They want to travel the whole world. Traveling, they learn a lot of new things and get great pleasure. They are interested in everything: other countries, new people, foreign customs and orders. They often marry foreign women or marry foreigners. They are interested in everything, they learn the world, while they have enough strength. They like the new only because it makes them "wiggle their brains". They are also very attracted to animals and nature.
Those who have the Moon in Sagittarius offer their ideas absolutely sincerely and openly, although the latter seem somewhat rude to others. Such children easily express their thoughts and feelings, but - pay attention - they are completely devoid of diplomatic abilities. Help the child develop tact in himself, explain that it is not always possible to say exactly what you think ... It is easy to offend others who may not understand too sincere words.
Such children are idealistic by nature and are often somewhat naive. They want to see the world as honest, noble and beautiful. They themselves always try to be just like that and, quite naturally, expect the same from others. You will have to teach them to accept life as it is, otherwise they will be disappointed in the future. Because they are easy to digest new information and new points of view, they can often change their minds. Their energy is simply fantastic, they are extremely active in any activity. But this same property can turn against them: in the absence of proper guidance, they are prone to disorganization (both mental and physical).

Forecast of relations according to the horoscope.

Sagittarius is a sign of fire, which means that such children are quick-tempered, they can be easily pissed off, but their anger passes as quickly as it arises. They do not tend to harbor resentment and generally have a very good character. Their ideals are lofty and noble. They hate hypocrisy and pretense. Perhaps the most important thing you can teach your child is to set more realistic goals for yourself and not be so harsh on others.
One of the most valuable properties of their character is an unchanging sense of humor. They seem to be able to laugh under any circumstances and can always make others smile. In the most difficult, most serious and even hopeless situations, they know how to find something funny. This is a wonderful property, but there is still one caveat: they need to remember that others are much more serious and sober and are not always able to appreciate their sense of humor. But in the end, in such situations, innate self-discipline and prudence will come to the aid of such children.
When disciplined, be direct and honest. It is best to explain to the child the reason for their actions - this is the most good way find a common language. Such children are unable to be upset and upset for a long time. These are the most avid optimists of the Zodiac. They are extremely curious and ask an insane amount of questions. They are interested in everything: people, God, the Universe. And they will expect an honest and reasonable response, so be prepared. If you do not know how to answer them, it is best to honestly confess: you will not lose anything, on the contrary, you will gain their respect. Better yet, try to find the answer together - it will be interesting!
Children with the Moon in Sagittarius are always learning something. They are especially interested in the lives of prominent people - those who left their mark on history. Communication with such cheerful children is a real pleasure! Just remember one thing well: you need to love such children completely and completely, without any reservations, without any ulterior motives, with open heart. Perhaps "open" - keyword for those little extroverts. Limit them in something: at a toddler age, they will protest to the best of their ability, and when they grow up, they will simply leave!


The Moon in Aries characterizes our mother as a sharp, impulsive, active person. Such a mother always tries to be in time for 2 places at once, solve several problems at the same time and can bring others to a white boil with her activity, because. not everyone around is able to perceive this energy. In general, the relationship with the child is not bad, but such a mother does not pay much attention to the child. The child grows up independently. . Uncontrollable emotions, inconsistency of actions, haste are qualities that are inherent in people with the Moon in Aries.

The leading need of a person whose Moon is in Aries will be the opportunity to show their initiative, activity is very important. At the same time, it is extremely important that others recognize his individuality, otherwise any activity loses its meaning.

For a child with the Moon in Aries, it is simply necessary to feel that he is recognized as a person, that his opinion is taken into account. Do not force him to do something by force, it is better to try to captivate the baby with the necessary activity so that he wants to do it. The famous children's "I myself!" begins to sound in these children much earlier than in their peers with the Moon in another sign. Try not to limit physical activity child. If he is busy with something, he will perceive even hugs and tenderness as a hindrance, and will be very angry. If his actions are unacceptable for you or they are life-threatening, distract him to something else, instead of abruptly stopping the activity. Always strive to offer an alternative, to redirect energy in another, more acceptable direction.

Naturally, all this is true for other children, but for a child with the Moon in Aries, this is especially important.


Moon in Taurus - Here the Moon is in a strong position. People whose Moon is in Taurus have good contact with their mothers. Girls with a similar position of the Moon are very feminine, boys are soft. Although it is the material side that is more important for the mother, so that the child is fed, dressed, and shod. She is caring, not intrusive, however, overly sentimental, but reasonable and practical. We can say that this is an ideal mother who takes care of her child and protects him from the incidents of this world. The emotionality of a person with the Moon in Taurus is quite peculiar - on the one hand they are very vulnerable, sensitive, on the other hand they are thick-skinned. in themselves, which can have a bad effect on the ligaments and throat (tonsillitis, an increase in goiter, as one of the manifestations of these emotions) Heightened emotionality is not typical for them, they know how to calm people down, find compromises, they are born psychologists, true friends, caring parents. As a rule, it is very pleasant to communicate with them, because. they feel the mood of the interlocutor intuitively and try to tune in to his wave.

For the Moon in Taurus, it is necessary, first of all, to feel the reliability of everything that includes its reality: people, home, things. He will not get involved in adventures or make decisions in a hurry. Everything that surrounds him should provide safety and comfort. These people are never in a hurry and do not like change. Any haste or any pressure from outside is a source of great discomfort for them. But if they really want something, then their emotional onslaught can be compared to the movement of an asphalt rink: slowly but surely.

Do not demand from a child with the Moon in Taurus to share toys with other children if he himself does not want to. The need for possession and accumulation in these children manifests itself very early, and this must be taken into account. Consider also the desire of the child to maintain the usual way of life, making the necessary changes gradually. Even the transition from winter clothes to spring clothes will be perceived by the baby as something unusual, and therefore unsafe. Try to ensure that any change in regimen comes from the needs and desires of the child himself. And most importantly: never rush the baby, any rush for him is stress.


The Moon in Gemini shows a mother who takes care of her children when she remembers their existence. Often this type of mother devotes more time to talking than to acting, but in a conversation she can express all her emotions, attitudes towards this or that. For them, the manifestation of care is manifested in organizing the leisure of children, making sure that the child is not worse groomed than the rest, and grabbing the success of their child in front of other mothers. Children of such parents tend to talk more than they do. If the Moon is in Gemini for a girl, then it is worth saying that the girl will find contact with everyone, regardless of gender, age, social status. She will demonstrate her qualities intellectually, and not in deeds. Boys with a similar position of the Moon will look for very talkative persons in their life companions, with big family. Parents should pay special attention to this, teach the child to feel and think, and not mix these two concepts together. A similar position of the Moon gives a tendency to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a tendency to allergic reactions. Unlived emotions, as it were, get stuck in a person’s chest, it is necessary to teach him how to breathe correctly.

Be sure to listen to your child. Surround it with sources of information (books, pictures, etc.) - and you will not need to make much effort to develop it, it will intuitively select all necessary information and absorb it faster than any other baby. Be sure to spend as much time as possible fresh air and tell your baby about everything you see. And try to avoid any dual situations. The child must feel that the parent clearly knows what he is doing. This will provide him with inner comfort.


Mom is very caring towards the child, she devotes a lot of time and effort to his nutrition, health, education. Often she reacts strongly emotionally over any trifle (for example, a child fell, got an abrasion, both mother and child roar). The mother of a child with a similar position of the moon needs to learn how to control her negative emotions, they can cause disagreements in your relationship with your child. The child, trying not to upset you with something not very pleasant, will worry, hiding his emotions inside, he will worry, which may cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The more positive emotions a mother will give a child, the more care and attention she will give him, the closer the connection between mother and child will become, which in the future may prevent the child from becoming a person. Therefore, mothers should use their love and care in a dosed way, showing the child the degree and his responsibility for his life. Boys with a similar position of the moon often cannot build their own for a long time. family relations, because they are looking for a "substitute" mother in the face of a wife

A child with the Moon in Cancer is sensitive, shy and touchy. It is important for him to feel that his home is a place where he is safe and where he is loved. He is always ready to respond with warmth to the tender feelings shown towards him. However, any affectation will instantly force him to withdraw, as he feels all emotions very subtly. The Moon in Cancer is touchy, and will remove the child from you for a long time, tying him to the negative experience he has experienced. Sincerity of feelings is the basic principle of communication with lunar Cancers.

A lion:

The Moon in Leo shows how you need to show your feelings towards others. Often the mother of a child whose Moon is in Leo occupy a leading position in the house (head of the family). If the Moon is in Leo in the boy’s horoscope, then he will look for a strong and powerful woman from his wife. will be indulgent at a time when mom has time, so there is a risk that the child may not receive some of the mother's attention and care, but these will only be internal sensations. Others will assume that this child has an ideal mother. These children are very much experiencing any failures associated with society, they need additional support from their mother. They will keep all experiences deep in themselves, although they can demonstrate emotions, but not completely. If your child has the Moon in Leo and often complains of headaches, pay attention to your relationships and the emotional situation in the family. The less emotions (both positive and negative) there are, the less headaches the child will have.

Children with the Moon in Leo love to be the center of attention. They are happy to demonstrate their skills when parents want to show them to others. They love praise, for them it is the strongest incentive to action. It is these children who will be happy to climb onto a high chair and read a rhyme or repeat a funny phrase said the day before. However, here parents need to be very careful not to demand from the child more than his real capabilities and not put him in an awkward position. Any failure hurts them painfully and can further create an internal ban on the manifestation of creative abilities.


The Moon in Virgo speaks of caution, shyness and preoccupation with how not to discover true feelings. Mom can love and take care, but more often it manifests itself not in the form of feelings, but in the form of deeds (always perfectly clean clothes, hairstyle, neat appearance, tasty and healthy food, etc.). Moms should be more emotional, not rational, you should not forbid your children to show emotions in public, otherwise in the future for children this will result in an upset of the gastrointestinal tract. Mothers often care about the external gloss of housing, the quality of food, cleanliness in the house, academic performance at school, than about the inner world of the child, his hobbies, his desires. Boys with a similar position of the Moon often become pedants, they demand sterility from others in everything (relationships, words, etc.). Children rarely show feelings openly and freely. Often love will manifest itself in the form of help, something tangible and useful. They find it hard to believe that they are valued, that they are attached and loved. They often feel like they just didn't deserve it, or that it's all "words-words-words", so they can come off as rather cold, reserved, aloof.

A child with the Moon in Virgo needs a strict daily routine, then the child will feel that everything in his world is calm. The subconscious desire for order is often expressed in the fact that children tend to put everything in its place, remembering exactly what lies where and even correcting adults if they suddenly notice a mistake. Their actions must be encouraged, because. it is very important for them to feel that they are helping adults. Such children should be explained and laid out on the shelves. This will provide them with peace of mind. They love to learn and already in early childhood they try to analyze and understand the cause-and-effect relationships between ongoing events.


The Moon in Libra gives very good contact with the mother. The main thing for such a mother is harmony in everything. Any external circumstances will plunge the mother into a state of depression, indecision, long reflection, which makes it impossible to demonstrate to the child proper care and attention. A child, looking at his mother, learns to make decisions in life with the help of someone, does not like to take responsibility for himself, often does not complete the work he has begun. Here, the mother needs to teach the child to make decisions independently, not relying on emotions, but giving preference to common sense. The more rational the mother is, the easier it will be for the child in the future. For girls, such a position of the Moon does not carry a negative connotation, because. she will choose as her wife the person who will make decisions for her, but for the boy, the moon in Libra will be fraught with a lot of trouble: he will look for a way out of any situation with the help of a partner’s advice, while often following other people’s instructions, go on the occasion of other people's desires, not realizing their male potential. Children with a similar position of the Moon are very creatively developed. It is worth directing their emotional energy in a creative direction. Pay attention to diseases of the genitourinary system. These people are idealists and would rather see the world in pastel colors to live with people in peace and harmony. They know how to make friends with the most different people to show attention and care. They have a real talent for this.

Children with the Moon in Libra prefer to choose for themselves what to wear or purchase. This must be taken into account and allowed to make their own choice. Also, give your child enough opportunity to socialize with peers. Paired games will attract him much more than classes alone. And be sure to talk to him about how he feels, so that the child learns to distinguish his own feelings from the models imposed on him by the environment or situation.


The Moon in Scorpio is not in the best position. Mothers, no matter how hard they try, cannot give the child the caress and care that he needs. The main indicators in the expression of feelings are often material rewards, the absence of punishment. Mom is more busy at work, social affairs, resolving conflicts with relatives than raising a child. The child feels "busy" and "importance" of the mother does not try to ask for encouragement with emotions. More often expressed in various whims on the part of the child, misconduct in relation to the surroundings. Mothers of a child whose Moon fell into Scorpio at the time of birth should devote more time to their child, but at the same time, such a child should not be pampered and strongly encouraged with money. It is very often difficult for children with such a position of the Moon in the horoscope to show their emotions, they express them “dryly”, more often demonstrate indifference, indignation than love, affection. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the health of the reproductive system in children, because. in most cases, it does not function well (in girls it is expressed in menstrual irregularities, in boys, low libido, low sperm motility). Such children often grow up secretive and prone to painful silence. It is difficult for people to understand what is hidden in the depths of their soul, because they trust and open themselves to very few. They do not allow themselves to be vulnerable and let go of control over relationships with others. Love is expressed passionately, but often, when the passion passes, they become cold, jealous attacks are frequent, both for friends and children. They have an unpleasant habit of remembering the past, when they were hurt, when they were offended, falsely accused. They keep all these feelings to themselves. It is very important that they learn to forgive and forget. It will be better if they learn to express their feelings openly and directly, without hiding or suppressing them.

If your child has a Moon in Scorpio, provide him with an atmosphere of love and unconditional acceptance. A stable, constantly confirmed positive experience of emotional communication will create a basis for a quick exit from periods of psychological contradictions and restructuring to a more constructive position of response.


The Moon in Sagittarius speaks of an open, generous, wise mother. From the outside it may seem that she is not interested in the affairs of her child, however, this is far from the case. She is always aware of his affairs, his life, even when he grows up. Mothers of Lunar Sagittarius are very sociable women, they often take part in public organizations, in social activities. In this regard, children learn to understand and accept how important it is to work with people, contact with people, what benefits the information received from other people brings. Mom does not deprive her child of attention and care. The child does not bother the mother with his whims, in fact, an ideal union is obtained, where the child and mother skillfully combine the desires and capabilities of each other. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that if the mother ignores the wishes of the baby, then anger will accumulate in the child. If the mother does not respond in time to the child's fits of anger, then at one fine moment the child will stop showing anger to the mother, and will direct it to others. If a child accumulates anger in himself, then this can turn into a disease of the liver and hematopoietic system. Children born with the Moon in Sagittarius are full of friends and acquaintances. They succeed by being able to communicate with people, they are enterprising, they perceive life as a game. They are freedom-loving and always ready to buzz and have a good time. They rarely spoil the mood from obstacles and difficulties. They are optimists. For their happiness, it is necessary that the one with whom they are intimately close is theirs. best friend and supported them in the expectations and aims of an ideal order. At the same time, they need greater emotional freedom and mobility.

For children with the Moon in Sagittarius, it is very important to feel that their opinions are taken into account. Their behavior is often authoritative, and even patronizing - both in relation to other children, and in relation to adults. Do not make fun of it or stop it, as this will cause significant internal resistance. Teach your child to listen to himself and compare his feelings with the realities of life. But do not call on him to reason specifically and state everything in detail, leave him room for breadth of scope in judgments and actions.


The Moon in Capricorn is stingy with emotions. The mother of such a child will monitor how the child behaves, will punish, scold for misconduct, but will not encourage achievements. It is very important that the child always has an incentive, so that any, even insignificant, successes are noticed and encouraged (at least emotionally, in a word). The mother of the child is more busy with her career, work, she has no time to deal with the child, give him as much time and attention as he needs. The child, not receiving emotions from the mother, will often be capricious, play pranks. Mom should learn that not a single nanny, even the best in the world, not a single developmental center, can replace a child's warmth, care and maternal care, without which the child "dries out", both physically and emotionally. Serious and responsible people grow up from such children, who try to carry the whole world on their shoulders, they do not want others to notice that they themselves need help and support. They either deny the very existence of the emotional sphere in themselves, or do not pay any attention to it, believing that people will not perceive them the way they want if they see their weakness. They do not like to be emotionally dependent on anyone. They should understand that there is no absolute independence. They should be more gentle with their "childish" emotional needs and desires. Mom needs to teach the child to rejoice, relax, sometimes take life lightly, like a fun game. Diseases of the knees are often observed as a psychosomatic indication that a person does not want to follow the path chosen for him. Mom should remember that children with a similar position of the moon need to learn to take responsibility for their lives with early childhood but at the same time remember that there are people nearby who can come to the rescue at any time. The sooner such a child leaves the family, the better the relationship with his mother will develop in the future.

For a child with the Moon in Capricorn, the routine and preliminary planning of actions is very important. Let him know in advance what you are planning for the current or next day, coordinating with him, if possible, everything related to his actions. He will take it very seriously and responsibly. It is important for a kid to feel that he is able to control the course of his life, which he must be convinced of in practice. If he does not receive the appropriate emotional experience in childhood, then in the future he is likely to develop low self-esteem and attempts to assert himself by humiliating others.


The Moon in Aquarius gives a mother with an unshakable character. Frequent mood swings, irrational actions can bring anxiety to the child's soul. Over time, the child will learn to move away from mom's mood swings, thus, he will be able to hide his emotions, fence off other people's emotions. A child with a similar position of the Moon in the horoscope will enjoy undoubted success in a friendly circle, will be able to become a leader in an informal get-together, because. he subtly feels the mood, in time he can “change course” and direct the team in a different direction. Mom, as an addicted nature, will be able to demonstrate to the child the whole range of manifestations of emotions. Sometimes a wall of misunderstanding can arise between a child and a mother, however, it disappears just as spontaneously as it appeared. Mom needs to teach the child that the manifestation of care, tenderness, love can be expressed not only in taking full responsibility, but also in other directions. It is necessary to teach the child softness, to develop a creative touch.
A child with the Moon in Aquarius can be detached not only from the emotions of other people, but also from their own. It seems that they are able to turn them on and off at will. It is good that this switch is not left off too often, otherwise they are in danger of turning into too cold a person. Family ties and attachments are not as important to them as they are to other people. Often friends are closer to them than relatives by blood. Their sympathies and concerns extend much beyond their own family. In personal relationships, they insist on a certain independence and freedom, on friendship with many people, both men and women. They will not be able to appreciate a person close to them if he is jealous and seeks to command. The best way they feel in an atmosphere of openness and experimentation. They do not like and do not recognize customs and traditions. Particular attention should be paid to the legs, as a signal that the path along which they are trying to lead is not his, a kind of protest against society.

Children with the Moon in Aquarius need to ensure that they are often in a peer group. Usually they easily enter into children's groups and skillfully organize joint games. The need for novelty makes them generate new ideas almost constantly and in everything. Try not to limit his creative flight. Remember the inner love of freedom of the child and try to satisfy his desire for independence as much as possible. Satisfaction of the leading need will positively affect the emotional development in the future. If the baby is capricious, be ready to offer the child something new, and he will come out of this state if you do not put pressure on him.


The Moon in Pisces is very sensual and sentimental. She always shows emotion. Often the mother of the child is "in frustrated feelings." She cannot clearly determine what feelings she is overwhelmed with, whether it is love or hate, grief or joy. She is very vulnerable and sensitive nature. Often a child with a similar situation has tears, whether they are tears of grief or joy, even a small nuisance can cause a storm of emotions. Mothers of Lunar Pisces are very sociable, kind, gentle. They do not use punishment in raising children. It is easier for them to persuade the child than to punish (they cannot forbid). Often mothers are creative natures, the presence of a child nearby during the creative process does not interfere with them, but children often lack some specific steps or actions from the mother. Often children tell their mothers how to act in a given situation, take responsibility. But this is not appreciated by the mother, so in the future, such children will often avoid situations where it is necessary to make decisions and take responsibility, they would rather entrust it to someone else. Such people are unusually light-hearted, full of sympathy for people, and this understanding of their feelings and needs borders on telepathy. They cannot bear it when a living being, be it human or animal, suffers before their eyes. Knowing their kindness and responsiveness, people suffering from mental pain or in a state of confusion often turn to them for help. Sometimes they abuse their gentleness. They have a poetic soul, they love and feel music. It seems that music is their natural language. In love, they are romantic, often in love not so much with a person as with the relationship itself, in this pleasant state. In order to avoid problems with mental disorders in the future (for example, sleep disturbance), it is worth giving such children more responsibility and encouraging them for their actions. right decisions. It also makes sense to show children that white is not always white (if you have committed a misconduct, be kind, bear the punishment for it).

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