Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to glue wide non-woven vinyl wallpaper. How to paste over the walls and ceiling with non-woven wallpaper? Preliminary preparation of the room before pasting

Interlining is a material made of cellulose fibers, which are bonded together with a polymer. This is the so-called "improved paper" because it is stronger and more resistant to abrasion, with high level fire resistance. Non-woven is often used for painting. By repainting them several times, you can quickly update the interior in your home. How to glue non-woven wallpaper? This topic is covered in an article written by our expert.

The advantages are:

  • thanks to the non-woven base, it is possible to mask small irregularities on the surface of the walls during wallpapering;
  • they have a textured surface that resembles decorative plaster;
  • this is perfect option if you need to change the look of the room without spending a lot of money, effort and time;
  • in the absence of a vinyl layer, non-woven wallpaper can freely pass air, because of its wall they “breathe”;
  • a high degree of resistance to fire, and, consequently, fire safety;
  • they are easier to stick than paper ones: you don’t need to lay out the wallpaper on the floor for spreading with glue;
  • they can be washed with water and detergents;
  • vinyl with a non-woven base does not accumulate dust, because such wallpapers are a salvation for those who bronchial asthma or allergies;
  • characterized by resistance to fading when exposed to sunlight;
  • they are easier to remove from the walls than paper wallpaper.


  • the top layer is sensitive to different kind damage, because if there are kids and animals at home volumetric wallpaper quickly fall into disrepair;
  • pay attention to environmental friendliness when choosing. Flizelin is a large group of materials that are characterized by varying degrees of environmental safety. By purchasing cheap wallpapers, you risk, because. they are most often made from raw materials Low quality. Buy wallpaper from trusted brands;
  • their cost is higher than that of paper ones.

What is needed for pasting?

If you are wondering how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper, we recommend that you read the article to the end and prepare everything you need for pasting.

You will need wallpaper, a spatula, a roller or brush, special glue, a brush, plastic corners and a level.

Preparation for pasting walls with non-woven wallpaper

Wall preparation and marking

Preparation begins with the removal of old wallpaper, dust from the walls, as well as the elimination of surface defects, the removal of a layer of paint. At a minimum, it is worth treating the painted surface with medium caliber emery, and then with a primer.

Non-woven wallpaper has high-quality edges, so you can glue them "butt". The panels that are located side by side look like a single canvas. Such wallpapers are often produced in widescreen, therefore we will talk about gluing wide wallpapers. It is recommended to start work from the corner of the room. From the corner, using a level, draw vertical lines at a meter distance from each other.

When gluing, try to stick to these lines. The width of the wallpaper is usually 1.06 m, so there is a 6 cm margin that will come in handy when making a joint in the corners of the room.

Wallpaper preparation

When the wall markings are ready, prepare the wallpaper. It is better to cut blanks on all the walls in the room. The degree of complexity of this work depends on the pattern on the wallpaper, but if it is not there, there will be no difficulties. Before cutting the workpiece, measure the height of the wall at its various points (for example, every 30 centimeters). When you make sure that the height is the same on all walls, cut the wallpaper blank to the size you need.

When sticking wallpaper with a large pattern, select it: during the marking, make sure that the patterns match. It is important that there are no mistakes and that you do not have to glue pieces of wallpaper above the floor or under the ceiling.

Glue preparation

Use special glue (it is thicker than usual, does not leave yellow spots after drying). For vinyl wallpaper, it is better to use glue that is designed specifically for heavy wallpaper. Pay attention to the labeling on the packaging, as well as the recommendations of the manufacturer, so as not to make a mistake in choosing an adhesive.

Step by step instructions for sticking non-woven wallpaper

How to glue non-woven wallpaper? Let's bring step by step instructions for wallpapering.

  1. The glue is applied in a thick layer with a roller on the wall or with a brush to a width slightly larger than the width of the wallpaper sheet, then a dry sheet is applied. The strips are glued end-to-end: doing this carefully, you will not see the joints. When glued with an overlap, they will have a sloppy look, because the surface thickness will be higher than usual, and this can cause a damaged interior.
  2. It is not difficult to dock the canvases, the material is dense, it does not tear or stretch. The sheet can be removed without consequences and pasted again.
  3. You need to start pasting from the corner. In the place where the 1st panel ends, draw a vertical line. Focus on it, gluing the strip. The quality of pasting depends on the 1st sheet, since other strips are glued end-to-end to it.
  4. Apply adhesive to the wall in 2-3 strips, apply the 1st sheet to the wall, starting from the top, pressing it and smoothing it with a spatula, removing air bubbles. Make sure that the edge matches the vertical line you drew.
  5. If the glue is dry, unscrew the edge of the wallpaper, smear the wall with a roller or brush again. Finally gluing a strip of wallpaper, cut off the excess with a spatula or clerical knife under the ceiling and above the floor. Do not align the bottom edge too carefully, you will cover it with a plinth.
  6. Glue the next strips, focusing vertically on the canvas in the neighborhood and tracking the pattern match, paying attention to snug fit at the joints. Glue from the wallpaper on top can be wiped with a brush or cloth, no traces will remain.
  7. Cut the wallpaper in the corners, and then glue it end-to-end. Do not seal the corner with a solid strip, otherwise inaccurate folds will appear in this place. After completing the work, make sure that all the canvases are securely held, if they are lagging behind in some places, spread them with glue and press them against the wall.

Taping corners and awkward areas

When gluing, maximum attention should be paid to the corners in the room, carefully smearing them with thick glue. It is recommended to use plastic corners, which can be attached to wet putty to get a neat result.

What to do when bubbles appear?

If bubbles appear during the gluing process, move a piece of wallpaper away from the wall and glue it again, gently leveling the surface.

If a bubble arose after the non-woven wallpaper dried, then you can take a thin needle and pierce the place of its appearance. Then it is necessary to level the surface with a spatula and stretch the wallpaper.

You can use a syringe to inject glue under the wallpaper, they will provide the necessary tightness of the wallpaper to the wall so that the bubbles disappear.

How long does wallpaper take to dry?

When drying wallpaper, humidity and temperature in the rooms are important. Sudden changes in humidity, sudden movements of air masses should not be allowed, therefore, during drying, it is necessary to close all doors and windows.

The use of heaters during drying is impractical, it is better to dry the wallpaper in a natural way with well-functioning ventilation.

How to care for wallpaper?

If you purchased a washable wallpaper based on flaselin, then the degree of their protection against water is indicated on the roll.

The symbol of 3 waves is evidence that the wallpaper is not afraid of moisture, they can be wiped with a wet cloth, the symbol of wave 1 allows you to wipe them with a damp cloth, the symbol in the form of a brush can be washed with.

It is not allowed to wash embossed wallpaper.

Is it possible to glue non-woven wallpaper on old wallpaper?

When pasted on top of a layer of wallpaper, the old panel may peel off. In addition, color mismatches are possible, especially if the bottom layer is darker. If you remove a layer of old wallpaper and leave the base on the wall, then gluing a new canvas is advisable only when the base is firmly held. By their type, they must match the new wallpaper.

Do not leave a paper base if you want to stick wallpaper that does not allow steam to pass through, for example, if they include metal. Walls with applied oil paint or varnish - unsuitable coating for non-woven wallpaper. If you stick something on them, don't rush to take them off. old layer coverings, it is better to stick a new layer of wallpaper on top of the old one, making sure that they hold securely.

In stores there is a special tool for replacing wallpaper, which can be applied to a dry surface before sticking, then after the end of their service life they can be easily removed. Due to the composition, the product easily penetrates the structure of old wallpapers. They can then be removed without wetting the wall, in a dry form.

When removing old non-woven wallpaper, take them by the edge (for example, near the baseboard) and slowly separate them from the substrate. There is no need to lubricate the wall, the front layer will peel off entirely or in stripes. If the base holds well, no damage is found, then new canvases can be glued on top.

If the peeling of the base has begun in pieces, and the top layer cannot be removed in some places, then you need to remove 2 layers entirely, otherwise the base for new finish will be of poor quality.

  1. The substrate of old non-woven wallpaper is resistant to damage, strengthens the walls, and prevents cracks. It is necessary to treat this base with a layer of primer and you can glue wallpaper, apply decorative plaster, etc.
  2. First of all, it is worth considering that interlining is a transparent material. If the vinyl or paint layer is not thick enough, uneven wall tone can be detected through the wallpaper. With inaccurate wall plastering, for example, only in places where drywall sheets adjoin each other, this will be revealed if the wallpaper is light. Before sticking, attach non-woven wallpaper to the wall, turn on bright lighting and see if there is any dark spots. If they are, you must first align the color of the walls. If the wallpaper is needed for painting, it is better to paint over with 1-2 layers of paint so that there is no translucence.
  3. When repainting, even if it is done several times, the structure of non-woven wallpaper does not change, but the strength and sound insulation increase.
  4. Other repair and decoration work in rooms with pasted wallpaper cannot be carried out during the drying period.


By re-gluing non-woven wallpaper several times, you can quickly update the interior in your home without spending a lot of time, effort and money. We hope our article will help you with this!

I'm sinking | 5.10.2015

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An incomprehensible picture, but still 1300 rubles. they don’t roll on the road, although this is not enough, as previous participants write, they earned tens of thousands of dollars in 1 month. And suddenly, after one month, the most interesting thing began: money began to come to my wallet EVERY DAY, after another 2 weeks, there were already about 39,000 rubles in my account. After that, I sent my ads to more than 150 forums. The result was stunning! After only 2 months, I received 157,000 rubles. And the money goes every day, every 10 minutes 10-30 rubles are credited to my account. I was in a very bad economic situation and for a long time could not find myself suitable job before I came across this article. My job now is every day for several hours on the Internet and EVERYTHING!!! And the earnings are such that no bosses and managers even dreamed of !!! Now I will tell you how it works and why! I promise you that if you strictly follow the instructions below, then you will start to receive much more money‚ what do you think‚ without applying to it special efforts. Agree that it is simple and completely legal!!! Your contribution is only 70 rubles and there are very high chances to increase your well-being! IMPORTANT: this is not a scam and you risk nothing‚ but it WORKS! THE WELL-BEING OF ANY PROJECT PARTICIPANT DEPENDS ON THE WELL-BEING OF EACH PARTICIPANT. ATTENTION!!! Read this a couple of times. Follow the instructions EXACTLY and you will earn good money within two months!!! All this works well thanks to the HONESTY of the participants. HERE ARE THE SAME 3 STEPS TO SUCCESS: 1. Register in the Yandex.Money system. get familiar with this system and how it works. Then you need to walk to the nearest terminal cellular communication to transfer money to project participants. Take the first wallet number from the list below, send 10 rubles to it. through a cell phone terminal It is important! So that everything works exactly and in the future you can cash out your money. You ask lawful service for which pay. Further, starting from the second, by analogy, send 10 rubles each. for the next 6 wallets. And also enter the number of wallets carefully, do not make mistakes. 1) 410012222288871 2) 41001262057983 3) 41001230761288 4) 41001213074292 5) 41001797660746 6) 41001881331167 7) 410012398338078. I repeat, TO RECEIVE INCOME, YOU NEED TO SEND 10 RUBLES TO EACH OF THESE 7 WALLETS, OTHERWISE NETWORK MODERATORS (ADMINISTRATORS) OF YANDEX WALLETS YOU SIMPLY WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CASH OUT. Now WARNING!!! After you have completed step 1, STEP 2: write your own similar letter, you can copy mine. In the copied article, delete the FIRST (TOP) wallet from the list of wallets and move the 2nd wallet to the place of the 1st that you erased, the 3rd to the place of the 2nd, the fourth to the place of the 3rd, the 5th to the place 4 -th‚ 6th to the place of the 5th‚ 7th to the place of the 6th‚ and in the 7th number, which turned out to be empty, enter the number of YOUR wallet!!!3. Place this article on at least 200-300 forums and news feeds (News Groups). Remember, the more you place, the higher your income will be, and this income will directly depend on you. When you post an article, then do not write “Easy to earn a million”, “Big money in a month”, etc., it is better to write “Manager required‚ s/n $ 1000”. Placing this article on 200 forums‚ even on the least visited‚ guarantees you an income of 180,000 rubles. - IT'S MINIMUM!!! In just 2 months!!! More placements - more income (and in geometric progression ). REMEMBER!!! This business continues to exist and prosper only thanks to the HONESTY AND SERIOUS PARTICIPANTS. So‚ when you reach the first position‚ you will have thousands of dollars just AS A LIST CREATOR!!! It costs only 70 rubles and is not difficult at all!!! Most importantly, it WORKS!!! Do it now‚ don't put it off until tomorrow‚ time is money!!! But you still have to work. People need to be interested. To do this, you need to use the distribution. Posting ads on specialized job search sites, forums, bulletin boards. And here everything is in YOUR hands, DARE!!! After all, you don’t lose anything except 70 rubles !!! And what if it doesn’t work out, what if this business collapses and no one sends me money? — THIS IS A LINE FOR PESSIMISTS. So what!!! Every day, between 20,000 and 50,000 new users appear on the Internet. According to specialists' forecasts, only in Russia by 2008 the number of Internet users will increase from the current 9 million users to 21 million!!! Well‚ and the last‚ it's really a great axiom - to get something‚ you have to give something‚ and to get even more‚ you have to give even more! See for yourself… Good luck to you!! And now I will explain to you why you in any case do not lose anything, but ONLY WIN!!! Let's say out of 200 placements I'll get only 5 responses (a very low figure)‚ so I'll make 50 rubles‚ being in 7th position in the list. Now these 5 people make again MINIMUM 200 placements with my wallet in the 6th position‚ and only 5 people answer those first 5 - that's already 250 rubles. Then these 25 people make 200 placements with my wallet on line 5 and only 5 answer - my income is 1,250 rubles. Now these 125 people, having posted and received only 5 answers each, give me 6,250 rubles of profit (I'm in 4 positions). It gets even funnier: these 625 people make at least 200 placements with me on the 3rd line and only 5 people answer - this is 31,250 rubles. The most interesting thing is that these 3,125 people will make another 200 placements, but if only 5 people answer them, then I already get 156,250 rubles (I'm in 2nd position). Now ATTENTION: these 15,625 people will make another 200 placements‚ they are answered by 5 people - this is 781,250 rubles and so on!!! Aren't they impressive numbers? And all this for an initial contribution of 70 rubles!!! You can imagine that thousands of people from all over the world join the Internet and read these articles every day, just like you are reading this article now!!! So that? Will you spend 70 rubles‚ to find out if it works? ?? And the last, in my opinion, the most important thing: HOW TO WITHDRAW MONEY FROM THE INTERNET WALLET? You press "withdraw money"‚ then choose the appropriate bank in your city‚ better choose a bank where you don't need to open an account‚ then type in the data of the owner of the INTERNET WALLET program‚ and type in the data who will withdraw money from the bank (passport data is required there, write the truth Otherwise they won't give money).

Date: 06/19/2017

Before proceeding with the renovation of the walls in the room, a coating is selected. paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster- there are many options. Today we will talk directly about how to glue vinyl wallpapers on non-woven base!

Coating Benefits

Vinyl wallpapers are produced with a base of paper and non-woven. In this case, we will focus on the first option. Positive points for vinyl wallpaper with non-woven base:

  • Leveling properties. Although they are minimal, the effect is present. To achieve a smooth surface, it is worth treating the wall before pasting to achieve uniformity. Non-woven based wallpaper is dense, hides minor defects walls and plaster cracks;
  • Easy to operate and glue. Glue is not applied to non-woven vinyl wallpaper. They cover the wall. It is convenient and takes little time. Because how to glue vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base faster in time than other types;
  • Long term use. Properly handling the wallpaper, they will last longer than those that have a paper base.

How to glue non-woven vinyl wallpaper

There are advantages not only to the base, but also to the vinyl coating itself, which is the face of the wallpaper. First of all, the coating is a real scope for the designer's imagination. In addition, there are special wallpapers for painting. You can apply paint up to 20 times. Basically limited to three, you can change the color of the walls regularly.

If the vinyl covering is flat then it is smooth, if it is foamed then it creates an attractive texture on the wall. But foamed vinyl wallpaper is fragile. It is not recommended to use in rooms where animals, children.

Non-woven wallpaper is suitable for pasting in any room. They are easy to care for.

There are also disadvantages to this coverage. The main one is high price. There are very few domestic manufacturers of these fights, mainly foreign-made canvases are used. In addition, the wallpaper does not pass air well. But along with this, non-woven vinyl coating is of high quality.

Blue vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing with patterns

Determining the amount of material

The calculation is made in the traditional way:

  • Measure the height between floor and ceiling;
  • Measure the length of all walls;
  • Add up the data obtained after measuring the length of the walls;
  • Multiply the obtained data with the height of the room;
  • Measure the area of ​​openings of windows and doors;
  • Subtract from total area premises received data;
  • Divide the data obtained by the area of ​​the roll.

If you get a non-integer number, round up. It is better to buy a quantity of wallpaper with a margin. This is 10% of the received final data. It is worth noting that wallpaper with a pattern is wasted faster. Additionally, calculate the step. There is a distance between the drawings, it is measured. If the step size is 10 cm, then you need to add 5 cm to each strip.

Adhesive selection

Wallpaper glue should be chosen carefully. Cost is not the main criterion when choosing. After all, expensive glue may not be the best, and glue of the middle price category will turn out to be reliable.

Adhesive for non-woven vinyl wallpaper

Wallpaper on a flesiline basis is an expensive material, you should not risk the quality of pasting and be negligent in the choice of glue.

Carefully study the package with glue. The composition contains components that will not allow the formation of fungus and mold on the surface.

Please note that the composition does not contain harmful substances that are harmful to health and adversely affect the human body.

Choose an adhesive that is easy to use. You need to dilute it, apply it to a certain section of the wall and paste the wallpaper. Pay attention to the consumption of glue, the smaller it is, the more economical it is to use.

The choice of non-woven wallpaper

So that the joints are not visible, choose thin wallpaper with a foam surface. If after pasting you plan to paint the wallpaper, then remember that some of the properties of the canvas will be lost, including the wallpaper will stop "breathing".

Sticking vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis

If you purchase single-layer wallpaper, please note that they have high light transmission. The colors present on the wall through the coating will be visible. Before gluing, treat the wall carefully so that no flowers remain.

When buying non-woven wallpaper that you want to paint, pay attention to the relief of the coating. If there is a relief pattern on the wallpaper, then after each staining it will decrease due to an additional layer of paint. If you want a relief pattern, then choose the highest one.

Vinyl wallpaper can be non-woven and paper. If it is difficult to distinguish one from the other, then tear the coatings a little and look at the structure of the edge. The presence of fibers means that you have non-woven vinyl wallpaper in front of you. If there are no fibers, this is paper wallpaper.

Non-woven and paper vinyl wallpaper

When buying wallpaper for painting, consider in advance several colors in which you will paint the coating. Because it is difficult to repaint from one color to another.

Tools for the job

Before gluing non-woven vinyl wallpaper, prepare everything you need in the process. You will need:

  • Sharp knife and scissors;
  • Purchased wallpaper;
  • Bucket. In it you will dilute the glue;
  • Plumb;
  • Putty knife;
  • Rags;
  • Roller for wallpaper;
  • Table. On it you will work with wallpaper.

Pasting is a process that requires a lot of effort and time. But, this type of wallpaper is able to facilitate the task and simplify it.

Tools for sticking vinyl wallpaper

Pasting stages

There are 9 main stages of wallpapering:

  • Wall preparation. The surface must be leveled as much as possible. Try to get rid of all the defects that are present on the wall. Wallpaper will lie more evenly;
  • Wallpaper preparation. All rolls are checked to ensure they match the pattern and color. Then proceed to cutting the canvas. When doing this, make sure that the pattern remains intact, matches over the entire area;
  • Wall stickers. To make the strips lie more evenly before pasting, take a level and mark where the strip will be. It is not necessary to apply glue to the wallpaper strip itself. It is enough to smear them with the section of the wall where you plan to stick the wallpaper. You can lightly grease the edges of the prepared strip with glue so that it is better fixed on the wall;
  • Angles. They need Special attention. When gluing such wallpapers, do not use the "in the corner" technique. Leave a 5 cm allowance for one strip and place it in the corner, glue the new one in an overlap. Spend sharp knife along the double junction, connecting with each other;
  • Switches and sockets that are in the room at the time of repair must be de-energized. It is worth taking care of this even at the stage of preparing the walls. Remove all nails and screws from the walls, if any. When gluing the strip, make a cross cut in the rosette area. The corners should not stick out, bend them. After completing the process of gluing and drying the wallpaper, return the elements to their original places;

Removing old wallpaper before wallpapering

Advice! In the room where you glue the wallpaper, the temperature should be the same. There are no drafts. Take care of this in advance.

  • Start wallpapering from top to bottom. It's better to take an assistant. Working in pairs is faster and more convenient. One sticks the wallpaper, the second supports the strip;
  • Start smoothing the wallpaper. Roll over them from the center towards the edges. Thus, all excess air and glue residue will come out from under the canvas. Remember that adhesive residues must be removed from the wall immediately, otherwise appearance the walls and the wallpaper itself will deteriorate;

Advice! If you notice that the area did not adhere well and began to move away from the wall, coat it with glue again and glue it again.

  • Please note that all strips try to place exactly butt-to-butt so that they are completely adjacent to each other. In places where it is difficult to glue, use a special spatula;
  • After the strip has been glued, you have processed it with a roller from excess air, proceed to cutting off excess parts. You'll need sharp knife. You glue from above, going down, and all the excess should also be located below. Cut them carefully so as not to damage the canvas.

Roller treatment of wallpaper from excess air

Taping in hard to reach places

It has already been noted above how to paste wallpaper in the corner, leaving special allowances. But there are other places where it is very difficult to glue wallpaper:

  • Gluing wallpaper near the window, the strip overlaps with a margin. Then make cuts near the niche and window sill and leave an overlap. Glue the next strip. Cut off all excess;
  • Do not paste door leaf simultaneously from both sides. Especially when there is a pattern on the wallpaper. It is problematic to dock the pattern over the opening. It is better to do everything sequentially;
  • Region for heating batteries also problematic for gluing. It is recommended to paint the entire area acrylic paint, resistant to high temperatures. If you still decide to use wallpaper, then paste in thin strips;
  • Vinyl wallpaper is applied not only to the wall, but also to the ceiling. The action algorithm is the same. The whole process is best done by two people.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in sticking vinyl wallpaper with a non-woven base. It is necessary to carefully prepare and follow the indicated instructions. Choose an adhesive that is completely suitable for the purchased coating, which does not leave streaks and marks. Wallpaper with it must hold securely. If you have any difficulties, please contact the sellers in the store.

How to glue non-woven vinyl wallpaper

2015-12-22 301


Wallpaper has long been one of the the most popular types of interior decoration. They look appropriate both in the kitchen and in the bedroom, both in the office and in the house. But it is very difficult to choose a specific one, because each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you should determine your requirements for the material. Non-woven vinyl wallpapers compare favorably with their competitors, as they have many "pluses". So, for example, this material can be freely use in rooms high humidity . It hides perfectly, and also does not require special care. The durability of such wallpapers is also very high. But one of the main advantages is the ease of installation. Even a person who has not done it before will be able to sort out this issue and paste the wallpaper. To do this, you just need to read the step-by-step instructions.

Advantages and features of non-woven vinyl wallpaper

Special attention when choosing a material deserves it the foundation. , where vinyl layer applied to paper, and not a non-woven base. And they are not very popular. There are several reasons for this: the complexity of installation, fragility, "black mold" that forms on the material. But non-woven base noticeably wins from competitors. There will be no problems with the shape and length of the product, since the interlining does not get wet from water. And this means that the strip that was cut and pasted will not become too short during the drying process.

Another clear dignity non-woven base - the need to apply glue on walls. The canvas can remain completely dry, which greatly simplifies the workflow.

And one more additional "plus", which owners of non-woven vinyl wallpaper will appreciate much later - ease of dismantling. When the old material is removed, it flakes off and leaves a “rough” surface on the wall. This is very convenient when sticking new wallpaper.

It is worth noting that the vinyl itself is also is a great material suitable for finishing both office and residential premises. It is easy to wash and proper care retains its appearance for up to 15 years. The only downside is part model range does not let air through. Therefore, we recommend that you purchase wallpaper with pores.

There is an opinion that non-woven vinyl wallpapers can be hazardous to health. But they do not contain harmful substances, so they completely safe and cannot harm human health. However, there are many fakes on the market. We advise you to carefully study all the certificates available to the seller.

A wide palette of colors and patterns will allow you to choose a model that is ideal for the chosen style of interior design. Are popular different kinds wallpapers: from smooth to hot embossed models.

How to glue non-woven vinyl wallpaper: step by step instructions

To get started you need determine the required amount of material. Traditionally, the calculation is carried out as follows:

  • measured height from ceiling to floor
  • measure the length of each wall,
  • add up the length of all walls,
  • the resulting number is multiplied by the height of the room,
  • measure the area of ​​the door and window openings,
  • the resulting number is subtracted from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room,
  • then the final result is divided by the area of ​​the roll.

Need to round to the big side. We recommend that you buy some more wallpapers. So you will definitely be sure that the calculations are correct. But remember that wallpaper with a pattern is more "wasteful". In this case, it is necessary to calculate the "step" - the distance between two identical patterns on one canvas. If the step is 10 centimeters, then add 5 centimeters to each strip.

Advice. Remember that the real step may not correspond to the figure, as they stick together different sides stripes. It is best to purchase wallpaper "with a margin."

Thereafter glue is purchased and then the walls are prepared. The next steps are discussed in more detail in the next chapter.

What is needed for work?

If you are going to start wallpapering yourself, then you can't do without these items:

  • scissors ( better knife),
  • roller,
  • tray for glue/primer,
  • brush for applying primer and glue,
  • ruler,
  • shovel for pressing wallpaper,
  • small brush,
  • level,
  • clean rags and sponges.

Wall preparation, marking

To get started you need get rid of the old finish: Remove wallpaper, paint or plaster. After that, pay attention to the height differences. If the walls are crooked, then they need to be putty. If the difference is no more than 1 centimeter, then vinyl wallpaper will hide all the roughness.

Thereafter remove all sockets and switches from the walls so they don't interfere with your work. Surface need prime. This preparation will increase the durability of the repair. Sold special primers with antifungal properties, but you can use a separate tool. The non-woven base usually does not allow the development of "black mold", but we recommend that you do not neglect additional protection.

Using a level draw a vertical line in the place where you plan to start work. If you do not know how to glue non-woven vinyl wallpaper, then try to be as careful as possible and carefully. Take your time, even if the glue dries, it can be "refreshed". In addition, the advantage of the non-woven base is that such wallpapers can be safely torn off the wall during installation to re-stick.

Wallpaper preparation, cutting

Preparing the canvas is easy. Do it best on a flat, clean surface, for example, semi. Unroll the roll and measure on it desired length + 10 centimeters (stock). Cut the canvas evenly, because the slightest curvature can ruin the whole work. It is best to use a sharp construction knife, but large scissors are also suitable for this work. If you chose patterned wallpaper, then take care of not one, but two canvases at once. They must perfect for each other. For this, only one canvas is usually cut off, and the second is selected from any roll. In this way, a perfect match can be achieved with maximum savings.

Glue preparation

Thereafter read the instruction on the glue package. We advise you to avoid cheap analogues and purchase only quality materials from trusted manufacturers. Saving on glue can lead to disastrous consequences for everything expensive repairs. Dilute the glue according to the instructions, so you will save yourself from mistakes and misses.

Sticking vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base

Glue is applied only to that part of the wall to which it will be fasten the finished canvas. Do not apply glue to the entire area, as this will only increase its consumption and complicate the work.

Non-woven wallpaper is considered almost the best option for self-finishing walls in any room. They do not deform after gluing, have a thick and stable base, are hygroscopic and practically harmless. But only if all the rules of use are observed, you can count on a long service life.

Coating features

Non-woven wallpaper is always wide (roll width is 106 cm). This means that you will have to make fewer joints, and the more important each connection, because it will be very disappointing to fail the whole thing due to elementary inattention. These wallpapers are heavy and structural, they are distinguished by a dense texture, so they are able to mask defects. various surfaces. Low susceptibility to light avoids fading - the surface does not shed. Internal structure guarantees good breathability, the canvas can absorb a limited amount of moisture and at the same time not be deformed. Vinyl or, moreover, paper solutions do not have such an advantage in principle.

Sticking non-woven wallpaper is also attractive because they:

  • can be repainted many times without losing its external appeal.
  • Resistant to mechanical damage and perfectly resist destructive external influences.
  • They tolerate wet cleaning well.
  • Practical for doing repair work, they can be glued even in small rooms.
  • When dismantled, they do not require soaking.

Necessary tools and materials

Before sticking non-woven wallpaper, you need:

  • remove the old coating (if any);
  • close the irregularities with putty;
  • thoroughly prime the walls;
  • turn off the power supply, remove the outer casings of the sockets.

Important: take care of a high-quality primer, otherwise it will not work to guarantee the adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall.

For work you will need:

  • roller;
  • moderately wide brush;
  • container for glue;
  • roulette;
  • stationery sharp knife.

Measurements and fitting are carried out using a level and a long ruler. You will also need a simple pencil, sponge, cotton, water and, of course, the required amount of wallpaper and non-woven fabric new glue in the right amount. If a major renovation is planned, and not just wallpapering, be sure to take laser level rather than hydraulic. A five-meter tape measure is better than a three-meter one because it is much more practical. The roller should have a long pile, and it is advisable to buy a plastic spatula with soft edges. It will allow you to roll the wallpaper properly.

The sponge should be taken foam rubber. You will also need a soft brush, with its help you can smooth out the glued wallpaper in case of bumps. A useful accessory is a mesh that simplifies the cleaning of the rollers from excess glue. In addition to a rubber spatula, another one is useful, narrow with a metal blade. It is also necessary to prepare two buckets: one for glue, the other for clean water(better to use plastic ones).


The first step in preparing for gluing non-woven wallpaper is to inspect the surfaces. The easiest way to glue on paper, clean concrete, drywall, chipboard and plaster, but only on condition that these surfaces are perfectly even and in good condition.

Important: the color of the rough surface must be uniform and match the tone of the wallpaper itself, otherwise it will shine through them, which will violate the whole aesthetics. If newspapers are pasted on the wall, they will definitely have to be removed. Any defect is removed, the dirt is cleaned.

Even the paint must be peeled off, if necessary, fine-tuning the rough layer is done sandpaper with medium grain. Then the surface is primed. The quality of non-woven wallpaper allows you to stick them end-to-end, and the connected canvases almost do not allow you to see the seam.

The rules for working with non-woven wallpaper mean that you need to stick them from the corner. From there, a meter is measured along the length, and a line is drawn exactly vertically for orientation. Further, checking the level, such lines are placed on the entire wall. Since the typical roll width is 106 cm, there is an excess of material - this allows you to make the joints at the corners clearer.

Then comes the turn of work with the wallpaper itself. It is best to cut all the workpieces at once.

Important nuance: before “cutting out”, measure the height of the room at different points in increments of 20-30 cm, and if the walls are at least slightly uneven in height, take this into account when cutting.

Large drawing may look very attractive, but it must be selected with all care, not missing a mandatory match in the markup process.

A margin of 10-15 cm in height does not always help with very high altitude ceilings, so the length of each workpiece should be made greater than the height of the room. It is best to cut on the floor itself, for this they spread polyethylene film; high-quality linoleum or laminate is enough just to wash and dry. The rolls are rolled out face down, a strip is measured with a margin for fitting and marked with a knife. According to this notch, the canvas is folded in such a way that the ends of the folded fragment and the main panel are on the same line. After making sure of this, you can cut off the wallpaper with a special knife or paper scissors.

After rolling out subsequent sheets, they immediately check how accurately the drawings fit. It is most convenient to control this by paying attention to some well-marked part of the graphics. Only after everything is combined, you need to work on the next blank. Attention: for non-woven wallpaper, only specially designed glue is used, which is poured in a thin stream into a container of water, while stirring constantly. The mixture should settle, then it is stirred again and lumps are selected. This completes the preparation.

Important: it is absolutely impossible to glue new ones on old wallpapers, and it’s not even about the special properties of non-woven fabric. Over many years of operation, the wall covering inevitably absorbs grease and soot, dust and soot, allergens and industrial emissions. Therefore, there is only one correct way - to clean the base to a perfectly flat rough surface, and then prepare everything as described above.

Do I need to glue the walls?

The correct answer is simple: sticking non-woven wallpaper, if you smear them with glue, will not work. So it is absolutely necessary to smear the walls with glue, and only them. But if any of the strips is already missed, then there is no need to cover the wall: just remove the excess glue with a soft cloth that will come out at the joints. Important: glue is applied only to the strip with which they work in this moment , and not on all canvases at once.

The primer may not be used in only one case: the wallpaper is not initially intended to be used for a long time, and they act only as a temporary solution, for example, until you move or a more suitable one appears. wall covering. If not primed, it may be found that the adhesion of the material to the surface is insufficient. It is for this reason that canvases often fall off suddenly, as if by themselves.

It is recommended to start pasting from door or window openings. and move deeper into the room, and not vice versa. Always smear the wall not exactly the width of the roll, but with some margin. Particular care should be taken at skirting boards, in corners, at corners and in places with a complex configuration, for example, where pipe outlets are located, electric meters are placed, hanging furniture, wall hangers.

Unlike ordinary ones, it is allowed to glue non-woven wallpaper on PVA. The fact is that their dense, heavy structure makes standard wallpaper adhesives insufficiently effective, but ultimately follow the manufacturer's instructions. As written in the instructions, this is how it should be done. If you add polyvinyl acetate glue to the wallpaper (its consumption will be 150 g per liter of the main glue mass), the coating will stick more firmly.


Overlapping non-woven wallpaper is glued in the corners, this allows you to visually cover up various irregularities and deviations from the norm. At the corners are placed corners made of plastic, attached to the walls. Attention: do not excessively “go” on adjacent walls. The technology implies that the roller, after dipping into the glue, is necessarily carried out along the grid, and only when the excess composition is removed, you can run it along the wall. It should be glued from above, for this they take the canvas by the edge and apply it to the wall. Then the roll is smoothly led down, the web is smoothed from the center to the edges with a special brush or roller. You can also use a plastic spatula, but it requires caution.

Make sure not only that the joints are not visible, but also for bubbles, folds somewhere. Attention: after gluing several strips, all subsequent seams are carefully rolled out with a roller. If an extra piece remains below, it is cut off, but not immediately, but only after the canvas dries. On the outside corners the wallpaper is glued with an overlap of 5 cm. Then a ruler is applied to the middle of the strip and a through cut is made along it with a knife.

Meter wallpaper is more correct to glue end-to-end, but you can not stretch the canvas too much or smooth it too much. A thin strip can easily tear, but there is no way to fix the matter. Attention: Always use brand new glue every time. Remaining from the last repair or from yesterday is completely useless.

It is not difficult to stick non-woven photo wallpapers, but still this work should be done only with sufficient experience and knowledge. It is necessary to customize the pattern with an error of no more than 1 mm. If you have never glued wallpaper at all, you should not take on such a thing. It is better to choose the option for painting, it is easier and more reliable to use.

The simplicity of sticking wallpaper on drywall is only apparent, and even without sufficient preparation Smooth surface won't make the job easier. All visible metal fasteners must be covered with an anti-corrosion agent. Be sure to use an acrylic primer that inhibits the development of mold colonies. Important: do not use too much wallpaper glue, otherwise drywall sheets may sag and deform.

To exclude translucence of the base, installation should not be carried out on the drywall itself, but on water-based paint white tones. Please note that overlapping wallpaper in this case is undesirable. Regardless of the base, it is worth turning off the electricity in the entire room, because wet glue is an excellent conductor of current.

It is possible to paste over the walls with non-woven coating in the corners of the room without the help of specialists, but you need to be even more careful than when working with the main space. You should not apply the canvas in equal proportions to both walls, because such a strip will almost certainly stretch and break. If you put a point in the narrowest part of the cloth and draw a vertical line through it, the markings will be more accurate.

Sometimes they still dare to glue non-woven wallpaper on glass. To assess whether it is worth the risk at all, look at how embossed the pattern is on the intended base. On top of the convex ornament, sticking a new layer steadily will not work in principle. Never glue interlining on paper base because it can't handle that much load.

Part of the non-woven wallpaper is textile, their outer layer is formed by various fabrics, for example, silk. It makes sense to choose linen, it is practical and relatively inexpensive.

A jute coating will help mask even rather serious wall defects, and felt is used when you need not only to decorate, but to insulate a room and protect it from extraneous noise. Non-woven wallpaper on painted walls you can stick it with your own hands, but this will require careful and verified preparation.

There are such ways:

  • scrape off all the previous coating with a spatula, and then prime the base;
  • sand the paint with sandpaper so that fixing points appear.

The first option is more familiar and reliable, and the methods are approximately the same in terms of labor intensity. In addition, in the first case, you will not be mistaken by creating the wrong roughness, in the wrong place, so the second method should be left to professionals who know all the subtleties.

In fact, sticking wide non-woven wallpaper on your own is no more difficult than narrower samples. There is no special need to even carefully measure and calculate door and window openings, it’s more correct to just buy more stuff to make sure it's enough. Remember, if you make a mistake, you will have to urgently purchase additional coverage, and it will not always be possible to match it to the tone of the one already used.

We must strive to ensure that the wallpaper lays down without seams. Those home craftsmen who can achieve this effect can consider themselves almost professional repairmen. To avoid a seam, work with glue carefully, it should not fall on front surface. Of course, in order to abandon the seams, you need to purchase a special coating that is glued end-to-end, and not overlapped.

Hot embossed wallpapers with a bright pattern look good only in those rooms where there is enough sunlight. In a darkened room (corridor, pantry), they are completely inappropriate. Please note that most of these wallpapers do not have an ornament and are intended for further self painting. Important benefits hot stamping are that it does not accumulate static electricity and is not afraid of water ingress.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper, see the following video.

What to do if they bubble?

It happens that certain problems arise when covering the walls, and then you need to act immediately to correct the defect. Sticking non-woven wallpaper without bubbles is quite simple, you just need not save glue, but use it exactly as much as indicated in the instructions. Then there will be no difficulties.

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