Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

How to properly apply textured plaster to walls. Do-it-yourself textured plaster. Video - Painting decorative plaster

The range of decorative finishing materials for covering internal and external wall surfaces available on the modern market is quite wide. Some types are quite expensive and require special equipment and professional approach. Others are cheap and even a beginner can handle them.

It often happens that the desire to decorate a room beautifully is limited by a lack of budget. Master finishers, and simply folk craftsmen, have come up with effective ways to work with cheap finishing materials, allowing you to imitate expensive analogues.

One of the most popular methods is to create decorative plaster based on ordinary putty, which is widely used due to its low cost.

    Cement. Used to create a leveling layer. Can be used both indoors and outdoors directly on brickwork.

    Plaster. The most common material. It is these types of putty that are used for finishing. Due to the ability of gypsum to absorb moisture vapor at high concentrations, and to evaporate moisture when the dryness in the room increases, the humidity level is regulated.

    Polymer. Used for final finishing. Ideal for filling joints and small gaps.

    Waterproof. Easily adheres to bases made of different materials. Withstands high humidity and temperature changes. Excellent resistance to numerous loads.

    Universal. Presented in different color shades. Sands to perfection smooth surface. In some cases, it may replace one of the types presented above.

All types of putties are divided into starting and finishing. The first category is used to level surfaces and has a coarser grind. It is distinguished by a grayish color. The finishing line is intended for final finishing for painting, wallpaper or other finishing material.

With its help, a perfectly smooth surface is created. It is this type of putty that is used as the basis for simulating decorative plaster.

Among Russian consumers, the most popular are dry putty mixtures from such manufacturers as:


    Sheetrook offers polymer-based leveling compounds. A feature of the products is that some types contain fillers in the form of marble chips or vinyl fibers. Therefore, Sheetrook putties can be used both as a leveling and decorative layer.

    It is possible to choose ready-made material supplied in plastic containers, or dry mixtures diluted with water.

    If you look at the ratio of the finishing materials used to the total quantity, you can say that Knauf products come first. The main specialization of the company is the production of gypsum-based sheet materials.

    Being a recognized leader in the production of plasterboard, the company also offers dry building mixtures. Knauf putties are primarily designed for finishing wall materials own production.

    Vetonit putty mixtures, in addition to the gypsum base, contain polymer glue, thanks to which the layer applied to the walls achieves high strength. The mixtures from this company are intended for finishing dry rooms during interior work.

Both the ease of working with it and the quality of finishing the wall surfaces depend on whether the putty solution is prepared correctly. The basic gentleman's kit for preparing putty mortar and working with it consists of:

    Spatula spatulas of different sizes;

    A container in which the solution will be mixed;

    Drill-based stirring mixer;

    Construction float;



When measuring the amount of components for mixing, it is worth remembering that the finished solution hardens quite quickly. This is especially true for gypsum-based putties. Therefore, the volume must be such that it can be produced without compromising quality. It is better to make one or two extra batches than to throw away a frozen, unused solution.

The quality of work, the durability of the coating and the appearance of the decorative coating depend on a properly prepared putty solution. The optimal ratio of dry material and water is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. However, in practice it is often necessary to change the indicators.

The consistency of the finished solution should resemble not very liquid sour cream. The water temperature for mixing is within twenty-five degrees.

The thickness of the mixture depends on the expected thickness of the applied layer. The higher it is, the more dry mixture needs to be added. It should be borne in mind that the thicker the solution, the faster it hardens.

To ensure reliable adhesion of the putty layer to the wall surface, it is necessary to perform some preparatory work. If you intend to decorate brickwork plastered with cement mortar, then the latter must be cured for a period of four weeks.

When working with old walls, the layers of old paint, wallpaper and putty that have been applied to them over time must be completely removed. The presence of fatty contaminants is unacceptable. Such areas are cleaned with a solvent, followed by rinsing with soapy water.

Large cracks and irregularities are covered, and the entire surface of the wall is leveled using the same putty that will be used for decorative imitation. The preparation ends with the application of a primer layer.

When working to imitate decorative plaster, there are situations when it is necessary to level the surface before applying the main layer. For this, a base layer is used, which also serves as the basis for better adhesion of subsequent mortar applications to the wall.

The technology for applying the base layer is carried out using the same technology as the decorative one. The only difference is that starting putty is used for this.

Options for imitation decorative putty

There are several ways to transform a layer of ordinary putty into decorative plaster. For this you can use the most ordinary tools and available materials. It should be remembered that the height of the decorative texture is usually 1 - 1.5 millimeters. Based on this, the thickness of the main layer is calculated.

Everything ingenious is simple. Create a masterpiece using a basic paint roller

By rolling the surface of the putty layer applied to the wall with this tool, you can get irregularities of the original shape, reminiscent of tousled velor. By adjusting the degree of pressure or wrapping the roller with fabric, a different decorative effect is obtained.

We use textile material with a large, embossed texture

Using a piece of fabric with a clearly defined texture of interwoven threads, you can create an original texture on the wall. It is enough to press the material onto the applied layer of putty.

The intertwined threads will be imprinted on the surface, leaving behind a pattern of small depressions and tubercles. Old burlap gives an excellent effect.

Using brushes is one of the most common and simplest techniques.

One of the most simple ways, which nevertheless gives a good result. The bristle of a brush passed over the surface of the layer leaves marks in the form of stripes. Their shape, frequency and type depend on the density of the bristles on the instrument and the force of pressing.

The rest depends on your imagination. The brush can be moved along the wall either straight or in waves, circles or zigzags.

"Fish scales" - spectacular relief with minimal effort

With this method, decorative irregularities are obtained by pressing a spatula against a layer of putty and then pulling it back. The surface treated with a tool with a rounded edge looks especially impressive.

"Rose buds" or arbitrary texture obtained using thick paper

You can get patterns in the form of flowers on the wall using thick paper. To do this, a ball is formed from the sheet.

To protect it from moisture, it must be placed in a plastic bag. By pressing such a unique tool against soft putty, it is possible to obtain patterns reminiscent of rose flowers.

The next method is a little more complicated than the others and takes more time. Based on this, it is necessary to prepare the solution in small volumes. Wall treatment should also be carried out in small sections.

Rain effect - create drops and streams of water on the wall

The work begins by applying markings to the wall, which are parallel stripes, guided by which strokes are made with a trowel.

Since the direction of “traces from raindrops” can be vertical, inclined or horizontal, the marking is also done. The distance between the lines should be equal to three times the width of the trowel used.

The working solution is applied to the wall in a layer of three centimeters. Since the putty sets quickly, the width of the strip being processed should be equal to the size of the tool used, and the length should be one meter.

Imitation of raindrops is obtained by pressing the tool against soft putty and then peeling it off. As a result of the operations performed, numerous spine-shaped protrusions are formed on the surface. They will be the basis for the main decor.

Having applied a clean trowel to the surface and positioned it at a slight angle, move the tool in the desired direction, smoothly tearing it off at the end of the movement. Gradually, all sections of the wall are processed in this way.

Formation of texture through a stencil

Using purchased or homemade stencils, you can get a variety of wall surface textures. The simplest is the indentation technology. For this, stencils with convex patterns are used.

After applying a layer of mortar to a small area of ​​the wall, the selected stencil is pressed to the surface. Using this method, you can create both abstract textures and concrete images and ornaments on the walls.

The use of special stencils allows you to imitate snake or crocodile skin, stone or brickwork.

Using your imagination and imagination, you can use what you can find at home to create an original texture. An ordinary rope, attached to a piece of plywood in the form of a pattern, becomes an original stencil. Thanks to its flexibility, twine allows you to realize your wildest fantasies.

Interesting textures can be created using newspapers, film, washcloths, sponges and other improvised means.

The nuances of using multiple colors

The final stage of finishing is painting the surface. To emphasize the decorative effect of relief surfaces, it is advisable to use paint of at least two different shades.

Textured plaster can be painted using the wash method. This method is more acceptable with a clearly defined surface topography. To give the walls expressiveness, two different shades are used.

Lighter paint is used as a background. After its application and complete drying, a darker color is applied, part of which, after application, is removed with a damp sponge or cloth. Thus, a dark background remains in the recessed areas of the relief, and the protruding parts are lightened.

Useful tips. Video - master class on creating an elite “Venetian” from ordinary putty

Work with a layer of putty applied to the wall must be carried out as quickly as possible in order to have time to set the solution.

During the work, the boundaries of wall sections with different textures are separated by masking tape, which must be removed before the putty has completely dried. Otherwise, chipping of the extreme contours is inevitable.

Sooner or later you have to carry out repair work. And they necessarily involve finishing activities. Plaster, putty, and primer can be used here. Each of them has its own influence on the quality of the resulting finish.

Textured plaster allows you to obtain a perfectly flat surface and thus prepare it for further work. This product can be bought at a dry mixture store, but if you don’t want to spend extra money, then try preparing the mixture at home. To do this, you need to use two important components such as plaster or putty.

Preparation from base material

Textured plaster is a mixture that contains granules of various fractions and a binder component. Thanks to these granules, it is possible to make the surface decorative. Choice suitable materials for the manufacture of textured plaster is carried out taking into account where the finishing will take place - inside or outside. This method cannot be done.

To give the mixture decorative characteristics It is necessary to add the following components to the composition:

  1. Mineral– gypsum, lime, cement, stone chips, minerals.
  2. Polymer– acrylic, silicone. If you use fillers, you can get the effect of leather, suede, silk. By adding stone chips, you can get complete surfaces that will not have seams or defects. The result will be the effect of natural stone. However, it cannot be used as a

What types of plaster are there for interior decoration, as well as what it looks like can be seen

To impart viscosity and excellent adhesion, the composition must contain plasticizers. Since the product is prepared at home, PVA glue can be used as a plasticizer.

The video shows how to make textured plaster from regular plaster:

Why is heat-insulating plaster needed for interior work?

If you do not want to purchase ready-made textured putty, then you should try preparing it according to a recipe that involves using the following components:

  • PVA glue – 0.8 l;
  • 5% CMC solution;
  • 10% solution of laundry soap, grated;
  • chalk powder – 6.5 kg.

You can find out which plaster is better for drywall

To prepare, combine all the described ingredients in a container, then take a drill with a mixer attachment and stir everything. The finished consistency should resemble a paste. If the composition was prepared correctly, then it is very plastic and can be easily applied to the wall surface. The drying time for such textured plaster is slightly longer than when using store-bought plaster. When asking questions, you should immediately understand that it will not be possible to apply anything on top of the textured coating.

But this recipe is far from the only one.

If you want to finish the interior of the house with textured plaster, you can prepare the following composition:

  1. Rinse and sift thoroughly river sand. If there is no rack and pinion, you can use a career one. Soaking is done to ensure that all clay impurities are eliminated.
  2. Satengypsum is a dry gypsum mixture containing mineral additives. Take in an amount of 3 hours;
  3. Fugenfüller is a ready-made mixture based on gypsum with polymer components. It allows you to give the plaster strength and moisture resistance. Take this component in an amount of 1 tsp.

If you are finishing walls, you can use gypsum or cement plaster. If the finishing is done in the bathroom or kitchen, then it is necessary to use a composition that can withstand moisture. In this case it is worth using cement composition. The prepared mixture is ideal for wall cladding, ceiling structure, as well as a fireplace and stairs.

The video shows more information on how to make textured plaster with your own hands:

How to properly make styrofoam plaster on the facade of a building

Textured plaster is a great opportunity to create in your home interesting elements on the wall or ceiling. Today in stores such a product is contained in large quantities, but many people do not trust the quality of certain manufacturers, so they try to prepare such a product themselves. Anyone can make textured plaster at home, because no knowledge or experience is needed.

The modern construction market offers buyers a huge amount various materials for decorative finishing of walls indoors. It can be various kinds panels, tiles, wallpaper and so on. But textured plasters remain one of the most popular options. With their help you can create original interior and bring your design fantasies to life. Textured decorative plaster is applied very simply, so even an inexperienced home craftsman can handle it.

Before applying textured plaster, you need to choose the right this material. The main difference between different mixtures is the filler. The drying speed of the coating and its performance characteristics, as well as the consistency of the material, depend on this substance.

Before choosing textured plaster, you need to decide on the functions it should perform

Main types of textured plaster:

  1. Acrylic. As the name suggests, the main component is acrylic resin. The plaster is supplied ready-made, packaged in plastic containers of various sizes. It does not need to be diluted with water, just open the container and mix it with improvised means, after which the material is ready for use. Some unused acrylic plaster can be stored in a closed container, but it is better to use it all at once. The cost of these compositions may differ, but in terms of quality they are almost the same. It all depends on pricing policy
  2. manufacturer. Silicate. In this case, the binder component is
  3. liquid glass
  4. . This type has become widespread due to its good vapor permeability, so it can be used for finishing concrete. In addition, it adheres well to any surface. After drying, silicate plasters become durable and therefore resist mechanical stress well.


In such mixtures, the main component is synthetic polymer resins, which are resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. Therefore, textured plasters of this type are used for treating external and internal surfaces. The service life is up to 15 years, and the cost is relatively low.

Mineral. This is the most economical type of textured plaster for walls. It is made from lime or concrete with the addition of sand, quartz or other minerals. Supplied in dry powder form in paper bags. Before application, the material must be diluted with water and stirred until smooth. The type of textured plaster depends on the main component included in its composition

  • Required tools and materials
  • For
  • finishing works
  • you will need:
  • textured plaster;
  • trowel;
  • rubber and metal spatulas of different sizes;
  • grater;
  • rule; plumb and level;

Mineral. masking tape or tape, plastic film; brushes, rollers and paint;

  • various instruments
  • to give texture to plaster.
  • preparatory stage
  • you need the following:


paint brush;

sandpaper or sander;

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface, remove all fasteners from it and fill cracks and potholes with putty.
  2. Remove dust from the walls with dry cloths or a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Treat the surface with two layers of primer. It is better to use a deep-penetrating composition that will ensure good adhesion and tight contact of the plaster with the surface.
  4. Cover the floor, furniture and glass with plastic film and secure it with tape.

You should know! If the surface is of poor quality, with smudges and large potholes, then it will have to be removed and a new starting layer of plaster applied. In some cases, leveling the surface is difficult and costly, then it is recommended to use plasterboard boards.

Basic stage of work

Applying textured plaster with your own hands begins with preparing the solution if dry mixtures are used. Before making textured plaster, read the instructions provided by the manufacturer on the packaging. To obtain a durable coating, it is important to strictly follow it.

Then the composition is scooped onto a wide spatula and transferred to the wall. At this stage, you do not need to achieve an even layer; it is enough to simply cover the entire surface of the wall with the material.

Next, use a trowel to smooth out the plaster. To create the texture, you need to leave a 1.5 mm layer of material, so the total thickness should be about 3 mm. After this, you should pay attention to the corners. Using narrow spatulas, apply and stretch the plaster onto the surface. Once the entire wall is completed, you can begin the next stage.

Stretching textured plaster

Important! Ready-made mixtures take a long time to dry because they contain special components. But in the case of mineral plasters, you cannot hesitate, so it is better to think through the entire concept of work in advance.

Creating an invoice

For this purpose, you can use various tools and techniques, but the most common methods of applying textured plaster are the use of rollers, trowels and stencil stamps (see photo).

Textured rollers allow you to create amazing prints


You can use regular wool rollers or foam and shaped tools. After using the roller, you will get a surface with a finished texture that does not require the use of additional tools. Therefore, this method is considered the simplest. To carry out this operation, you first need to take a roller with long bristles and pass it over the entire surface of the wall until it begins to dry out, then repeat the procedure with a tool with short bristles. If foam rubber or shaped tools are used, then it is enough to treat the surface once. Movements can be directed in one direction or be chaotic - it all depends on the imagination of the master.

Video: applying textured plaster with a roller - master class

Stencil stamps

These tools are rubber or polymer sheets with relief patterns. They need to be pressed against the wall and removed. At first glance, everything is simple, but the procedure is complicated by the fact that the surface of the stamp must be constantly washed with water. In addition, in places where you press your hand on the stencil, the design will be more voluminous. To process corners, you need to purchase small stencils separately.


Textured plaster in the interior can look like natural stone, leather and even fabric. The simplest and fastest way is to create a stone-like coating. To do this, you need to take a trowel or spatula with teeth and move the tools along the surface of the wall in a chaotic manner. You can also create certain designs using a trowel, but this process takes more time. The main thing is not to get carried away and not to apply the texture deep to the base, since this will cause fragments of plaster to simply fall off the walls.

Final stage and decoration

After creating the texture, you need to leave the wall to dry. Then a layer of primer is applied to the surface, and then painting begins. Conventional painting technology involves applying 2-3 layers of paint, each of which is slightly lighter than the previous one. For this operation, use a roller or brush. It goes without saying that plaster to which color has been added does not need to be painted. The last step is to apply varnish or wax to the walls.

Use of special compounds

Now that we have found out what textured plaster is and how to apply it correctly, we need to talk about its special types. To imitate the surface of a tree after the activity of a bark beetle, the material of the same name is used. It contains granules that “cut” the base layer during application. After drying, the surface becomes covered with grooves. You can make vertical or horizontal furrows. You can also move a grater or trowel in a circular motion to achieve an original texture.

In addition, you can use bark beetles not with hard granules, but with soft ones. In this case, they will burst during finishing. The furrows will not be as deep as in the first case, and the bursting granules will give different shades to the surface fragments.

Bark beetle plaster with different patterns

With the help of decorative plaster of a liquid consistency, you can depict the effect of smudges, and with the help of thick plaster, three-dimensional relief patterns are created.

There are compositions that, after drying, imitate fabric, animal hair, leather and many other materials.

Making decorative plaster from putty

All of the above materials are quite convenient to use, but they have one common drawback - high price. Decorative plaster made from ordinary putty will cost much less.

To carry out this operation you will need the following:

  • putty (manufacturer is not important);
  • Venetian relief spatula (you can also use a trowel, but in this case the design will not be so original);
  • regular spatula;
  • sandpaper.

First of all, apply the putty in an even layer over the entire wall, after which the surface is treated with a Venetian spatula using random movements and left to dry. After 3-4 hours, using a regular narrow spatula, remove fragments that stick out too much, and the entire surface is cleaned with fine-grain sandpaper. Finally, the surface is treated with primer, paint and varnish, as is the case with. This method allows you to save money, but the result will be the same.

Video: DIY textured plaster master class

Textured plaster made of cement-sand or lime mixture

This is another cheap option that is best used for external works. The fact is that the resulting surface will be rough and cold, so it has no place in a living space.

To prepare decorative plaster you will need:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • liquid soap.

First, sand and cement are mixed in a 3:1 ratio, after which a little liquid soap is added to the mixture. At the end, pour in water and stir until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. Using a regular wide spatula, the mixture is applied to the prepared surface, after which it is decorated with a brush, trowel, shaped spatula or roller. The mixtures have rather poor adhesion, so the surface must be treated with a primer.

Textured plaster made of cement-sand mixture

To prepare the lime mixture, mix slaked lime and water in proportions 1:3. The so-called lime paste is obtained, then this material is mixed with cement and sand in proportions 1:1:3 or 1:1:5. The application method is the same as with the previous material.

Should I choose liquid wallpaper or textured plaster?

Many people are afraid of the difficulties of applying decorative plaster, and they prefer to simply apply liquid wallpaper to decorate surfaces. On the one hand, this is correct, because liquid wallpaper is really easier and faster to apply, but at the same time, you need to remember that textured plaster purchased or made by yourself is much more reliable than the above-mentioned composition. It can be used indoors and outdoors, it tolerates high humidity, temperature changes and so on.

Liquid wallpaper is not as strong as decorative plaster

The same cannot be said about liquid wallpaper. This is a surface material, so it does not have such strength and long service life. It should also be mentioned that textured plasters are applied to walls and ceilings, while liquid wallpaper cannot be applied to horizontal planes. As for the range, liquid wallpaper wins here. They consist of synthetic materials, which allows them to be produced in different colors and textures.

Based on the above, we can conclude that liquid wallpaper is suitable if it is not possible to spend a lot of time on finishing, the walls are perfectly smooth, and the budget for repairs is large enough. In all other cases, textured mixtures will be the best solution.

Finishing walls with textured plaster is a fairly simple process that does not require any special skill. The main thing is to prepare for it: choose the right material, level the walls and create an action plan. It is also important to follow the instructions indicated by manufacturers on the packaging of decorative plaster.

Among the variety of finishing methods, textured plaster remains a popular decor option as before. Modern materials for renovations, we raised decorative plastering of walls to a qualitatively new level, providing ample opportunities for creating a unique interior. In this article we will look at what textured plaster is, what its popular types are, and how to apply this coating to walls and ceilings with your own hands.

This type of decorative finish indoors or on the façade of a building. It consists of applying a plastic plaster mixture to the walls and giving the surface some kind of relief: arbitrary patterns, geometric shapes, or imitating natural material. After the solution has dried, the texture is highlighted by painting in one or two colors, and is also sometimes treated with wax to add gloss and protection.

What types of textured walls can be obtained by plastering you will see in the photo below.

Types of textures: examples with photos

One of the popular ways to decorate a house is under the bark beetle, in which a texture is created on the surface similar to wood eaten away by insects. Bark beetle samples:

Textured plaster is often imitates texture wild stone : chips, layers, veins, etc. By applying appropriate painting, you can achieve a striking resemblance to natural material. This is a good option for decorating a hall, bathroom, kitchen.

IN modern interior also common repeating lines, geometric shapes. They can be drawn on the plaster by hand or pressed out with a stamp. This finish is suitable for a bedroom or living room. A few examples of such a texture:

Often used to create a three-dimensional pattern on the wall. relief rollers, prints or stencils. You can make a tool for impressions yourself, for example, from foam rubber and plastic film. Leaf prints look beautiful: maple, oak, grapes, etc.

Separately worth noting wood and stone texture, which can also be made using a figured roller or stamp.

Textured finishes are not limited to the listed types. There are many more ways to create a unique pattern on the surface. Here are some samples:

Materials and tools for work

Textured plaster does not have any specific composition; the name only implies that it is a type of finish with a relief pattern. You can use completely different materials:

  • Acrylic, silicone, silicate and other polymer putties. They are suitable for facades and interior decoration, and can be used in wet areas. They are sold both as a dry mixture and in buckets ready for use.
  • Cement-sand mortars. They are usually used to level walls, but they can also be given an interesting texture. They are characterized by low cost and good strength characteristics, a good option for plastering the basement of a house.
  • Gypsum plasters. This is the best option for decorative finishing indoors. Advantages: ease of use, low price. Suitable for creating any textured surfaces. Disadvantages: less strength than cement or acrylic compositions; absorb moisture and deteriorate, so they are not used outdoors and in wet rooms without additional protection.
  • Finishing putties. They have all the qualities of gypsum coatings, but due to the smaller size of the binding particles, the surface is smoother and more durable. You can see how to fashionably make inexpensive decorative plaster yourself from ordinary putty at the link.
  • Tile adhesive. Its composition is based on cement-sand mortar with modifying additives. It is rarely used as plaster, because in its pure form it is quite plastic and “floats along the wall” under its heavy weight. It can be diluted with CPS in a 50/50 ratio. Used for finishing the base, simulating masonry and other rough textures.

Material consumption

The consumption of textured plaster per 1 m2 will depend primarily on the type of decorative surface and the thickness of the layer.

All manufacturers indicate material consumption in kg/m2. When working, it is more convenient to count in units of volume, for example, how long a bucket of the prepared mixture will last.

Let's consider several different compositions:

  1. Bark beetle texture. Using a silicate-silicone mixture, with a layer thickness of 2 mm per 1 sq.m, it will take 2.7-3 kg. Those. a bucket of Ceresit ST175 (25kg) is enough for 8.5-9 sq.m.
  2. For plaster relief finishing you will need 2.55-3 kg to plaster one square meter with a thickness of 3 mm.
  3. The consumption of cement mixture for textured finishing will be 5.1-5.4 kg per 1 m2 (3 mm layer).

You can more or less accurately calculate material consumption when plaster mortar First they lay it on the wall in an even layer, and then form a pattern in some way. It becomes more difficult when the texture is created immediately when applying the plaster. In this case, the layer thickness is uneven and the exact consumption can only be determined in practice.

To work you will need a tool:

  • A container for preparing the solution, a mixer or other power tool with a mixing attachment.
  • A wide and narrow spatula, a trowel for applying material, leveling and creating a pattern.

Applying textured plaster: video tutorials

Now, step by step, consider the technology of applying plaster and creating a decorative texture. Below in the video we will present several methods of textured finishing, which we will give a description of.

Before starting work, the walls must be prepared: leveled with plastering or plasterboard. The surface is treated with a universal acrylic primer in order to bind small particles and dust, improve the adhesion of materials, and strengthen the base.

Preparation of plaster or putty from a dry mixture occurs as follows. Pure cold water is poured into the bucket at the rate of 0.3-0.5 liters per 1 kg of mixture. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for water consumption! Then apply the plaster from the bag with your hands or a scoop until it is completely hidden under water. Then use a mixer or other power tool with an attachment to mix the solution until completely homogeneous. As the masters say, the consistency should be thick sour cream.

Base layer. A base is prepared for the wall under the future textured surface. The plaster is applied in an even layer of 2-3 mm and left to set. When the coating is not damp to the touch, apply the next layer.

Decoration. Use the same plaster as on the base. Using a trowel, place the mortar 2-3 mm thick on the wall and level it. Immediately, without waiting for drying, they create a relief surface.

You can create a texture using the same trowel or spatula: lightly pressing one edge, run the tool along the fresh layer of finish. Hand movements can be circular, wavy or in any direction.

The video below shows how to apply textured plaster with a trowel.. The master makes small wave-like movements diagonally. After drying, the tops of the relief are rubbed down. Alternatively, you can not wait for it to dry, but after the mixture has set (about 5 minutes), walk over the finish with a trowel, lightly leveling it.

The next lesson shows how to decorate the façade to look like stone.. Decorative plaster is trimmed with a brush - poked, leaving a rough surface. Then the ridges of the texture are smoothed out with a trowel. It turns out to be an imitation of a stone wall.

Decorative plaster under the bark beetle quite simple to implement. The material contains mineral granules, which, when leveling the mixture, leave grooves in it, similar to the passages of a bark beetle in a tree. It is enough to simply apply the mixture in an even layer of 2-3.5 mm and walk in a circular motion over the entire surface with a trowel. If you rub vertically in one direction, you will get a “rain” texture.

When using figured rollers or stamps, the thickness of the decorative coating is made a little larger (3-5 mm). The roller is carefully rolled from top to bottom, leaving a stripe with a pattern. The next strip is created side by side so that the junction of the edges is not visible.

When working with a stamp, you can start from any place on the wall. If the tool is not homemade, then there should be no problems with joining the edges. The stamp is pressed tightly against the plaster, smoothed and removed. A textured imprint remains on the surface.

We examined only a few technologies for applying textured plaster. Each method will be discussed in detail in a separate article on our website.

You can watch other master classes on decorative plastering at video section.

For the ceiling

Fundamentally, the technique of finishing with plaster on the ceiling is no different from decorating the walls. For the ceiling, they usually choose calmer tones and textures that don’t stand out too much. Here are some examples of beautifully plastered ceilings:

How to make a textured ceiling yourself, see the video below.


Ready-made decorative compositions, which are sold in the form of a paste in buckets, are already tinted in the desired color. They can be given a tint and, at the same time, additional protection by covering them with special wax.

If you are going to use the mixture without adding color or pigments, then after drying the textured plaster will need to be painted.

The facade is usually painted in one color. The “bark beetle”, “fur coat”, “lamb” or other coating used in exterior decoration has a simple texture that does not need to be highlighted with color. It is enough to simply paint the walls evenly in one tone. Water-dispersed paints are well suited for facades: acrylic, latex, silicone and others. For more information about this, see the article on painting a plastered facade.

When decorating the interior, painting the plaster in two colors will look impressive.. It is suitable for both stone imitation and arbitrary textures.

There are several coloring techniques, but they are united by common rules:

  1. First, the entire surface must be painted in one base color. To ensure that the paint gets into all the recesses and pits of the texture, you can use a fur roller or a spray gun. Acrylic or water-based paint will do.
  2. At the second stage, the relief of the plaster is highlighted. This can be done in several ways. The simplest option is to lightly walk over the surface with a foam roller or sponge, painting the protrusions a different color. You can also remove the base paint layer from the tops of the relief using a grater or sandpaper. This will expose unpainted white plaster.
  3. To complete the finishing, the walls are covered with decorative wax. It will strengthen the painted surface and give it gloss.

All stages of painting textured plaster are described in more detail in our article.

We hope you found the article interesting. Leave your comments and questions in the comments below.

Knowing how to make textured plaster with your own hands, you can transform a room relatively quickly and inexpensively. Although this wall decoration is considered a more complex method compared to cladding PVC panels or wooden lining, many choose this.

In addition, the advantage of use is explained by the fact that applying decorative plaster does not require a perfectly flat surface, and it can be glued to a wall that has small differences in plane.

general information

Decorative plaster sold in construction stores has high prices. At the same time, the procedure for performing the work is relatively complex, so this will require the services of specialists. The difference is that store-bought mixtures require ideal Smooth surface, which cannot be said for homemade ones.

Applying textured plaster is considered a durable method of finishing walls; in addition, the diverse type of material and the ability to make the interior of the room unique, depending on your preferences, are considered the most distinctive characteristics of the composition.

Silicate plasters are the strongest and most durable

Today, manufacturers of mixtures offer the consumer a choice of a number of specific compositions used for one purpose. Among them are the following types of plaster:

  • decorative;
  • textured;
  • structural.

Despite the different names, the components are almost identical in all, and they are used for the same purpose. It’s just that each manufacturer names their product at their own discretion. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the cost and appearance of the surface after drying. In addition, pay attention to the recommended thickness of the applied layer, binding materials and filler fraction size.

The cost of the material depends on the type of composition and its properties.

Plaster "Rock"

Texture is added to the putty using a spatula

Surfaces made from ordinary finishing putty, in appearance they are no different from store-bought plaster mixtures. Moreover, there is not much difference; it can be either gypsum or cement based. To make it yourself for short term, you can use ready-made formulations diluted with water.

Initially, you need to treat the surface with a primer, this will create an ideal coating with stable and high-quality adhesion properties to the composition. It is recommended to apply the material to a small area, no more than 0.5 m2.

The thickness of the layer varies in the range from 2 to 3 mm. The texture will depend on this; if you want to make it more voluminous, you need to increase the thickness. The putty is evenly leveled with a wide spatula over the entire base.

After this, the surface structure is created. The spatula cleans well and sticks flat onto the new putty. Having made a slight movement to the side by 25 - 30 cm and lifted it, you will see small cavities that have dented into the composition and left marks on it.

In this case, you need to distribute it evenly over the base, and this can be done in a chaotic manner. The finishing texture is done with minimal pressure on the spatula, which will leave virtually no traces of it.

When processing one area, you need to cover the neighboring ones, this is the only way you will get a uniform surface.

The plastered wall must dry for at least 24 hours

There are some nuances that are required to obtain an ideal surface. First of all, this is a good cleaning of the spatula before each smoothing.

In addition, painting the composition until it is completely dry is not allowed. The average time required for this is 1 day.

Having thought through the structure of the coating in advance, you can create not a chaotic direction of the pattern, but make it directional, for example, in the form of a “herringbone”, “zigzag”, and so on.

Even if one of the proposed options is not suitable, you can easily erase it and make a new one.

To increase the density of the resulting coating, it is recommended to treat it with transparent varnish.

Plaster “Rain”

This method is much more complicated, but the drawing is more interesting and beautiful. The direction of the structure can be placed in any direction: horizontally, vertically, diagonally.

Longitudinal lines are drawn on the wall. The interval between them should not exceed 3 spatulas. To create a high-quality coating, lines are made without breaks, including at corners.

The putty is spread in a layer equal to the previously described method. The strip should be 1 m and the width should be less than the width of the spatula. At the end of the action, the instrument is placed flat and sharply removed from the surface. You shouldn't press it hard.

To create a decorative effect, rub the plaster at least 10 times

Grouting occurs while passing along the wall at least 10 times. It is worth mentioning separately that the spatula is not cleaned. Only after the base to be finished turns into a so-called “hedgehog” can you rinse the device and begin smoothing it with light pressure. The texture will depend on the effort applied to pressing it.

With these actions you can complete the streak completely or interrupt it at required length. The adjacent one is overlapped with a slight overlap. After the composition has dried and hardened, it is processed with sandpaper or an abrasive mesh. Thus, protruding elements are removed from the surface. Learn more about how to make different decorative effects with your own hands, watch this video:

If it is not possible to obtain a homogeneous composition, you can leave it as is, since the point of decorative plaster is that the wall is not monochromatic and has various differences in texture. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the absence of strong differences in neighboring areas.

The technology for applying decorative plaster is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.

However, its use makes the walls of the room unique and decorated in a modern style.

At the same time, using paint and varnish, it becomes possible to create your own individual project, capable of adding a special zest to the interior of the room.

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There are many options for decorating a house or apartment. Currently, the market for construction and finishing materials offers a wide range of solutions for gluing and covering walls. These include all kinds of tiles, panels and stripes, wallpaper, etc. However, you can create a truly original and interesting interior without extra costs only with the help of textured plaster. It’s not difficult to figure out how to make textured plaster. There are many different ways to apply it and further decorate it, so you can create the interior you want. Do-it-yourself textured plastering of walls can be done without any particular difficulties or problems.

Small unevenness of the wall is hidden by textured plaster.

Features of working with textured plaster

Textured plaster, also known as structural and Venetian plaster, is a heterogeneous viscous composition of white color. It contains a binder and multi-fraction granules. Textured wall plaster allows you to create coatings with varying degrees of grain, rough texture, rich color palette. You can make textured plaster that will imitate the texture of stone, wood and other materials.

Textured plaster allows you to create coatings on walls that have different degrees of grain, rough texture, and a rich color palette.

Textured wall plaster does not limit your imagination. For example, you can add a special fine-grained material (the so-called “bark beetle”) to the mixture and decorate the surface to resemble wood eaten away by the beetle of the same name.

Textured plaster of walls can be done indoors and outdoors. For exterior wall decoration with your own hands, it is best to use a mixture that contains calibrated granules. Interior finishing is traditionally done using plaster containing small unsorted granules or granules of different fractions.

A coating with a large calibrated filler is applied using a special grater or trowel. The layer of plaster, however, should not exceed the size of the contained granules. Textured plastering of walls using a material with mixed filler is performed using a trowel and a roller. The spraying technique is also used. In this case, the order of application depends on how thick the mixture used is.

Fine-grained compositions are liquid solutions prepared on the basis of lime. They are easier to work with. This plaster can be applied using a vacuum cleaner or roller.

Tools for applying plaster.

When working with textured plaster, you need to imagine the desired result and implement it correctly.

Having decided what the finished wall plaster will look like, you can begin preparing tools and materials for the job.

Textured wall plaster is susceptible to moisture and dust, so it is not recommended to use it in the kitchen.

If such compositions are used to finish a bathroom, the finished coating must be protected with polymers or varnishes.

Textured wall plaster is performed on a properly prepared surface.

First of all, the wall must be leveled and primed: it is recommended to use a deep penetration primer.

After applying the primer, the wall must be allowed to dry.

There is a textured plaster that can be applied to walls with slight unevenness. However, if there are significant unevenness and level differences, they must be eliminated.

Textured plaster of walls is performed using the following tools:

  • plumb lines and rules;
  • ironers;
  • building level;
  • a set of spatulas of different sizes;
  • corner spatula;
  • graters

Applying base coat

Drawing of a lighthouse for plaster.

First, a uniform layer of plaster of the required thickness is applied over the entire wall or a separate section of it. On at this stage a smoothing iron is used. Minor errors are allowed. It is very easy to find out the required layer thickness. Determine the approximate thickness of the future pattern and add to this value at least 1.5 mm of the thickness of the solution that should be underneath it.

Practice on a small area before filling the entire required surface. This way you can choose the optimal thickness of the plaster layer and the order of application of the pattern.

Textured wall plaster takes a long time to dry, so you can easily apply the desired design. If ordinary cement-gypsum or cement-sand mortar, before starting to apply it, it is necessary to clearly think through your actions and divide the surface of the wall into several sections, which will be finished gradually.

Step-by-step instructions for adding texture

Scheme for applying plaster using a crumb thrower.

The technology for applying a pattern varies depending on what tool will be used and what result you want to get.

You can add texture using a roller. An ordinary tool with bristles will do. With its help you will apply a unique design to the surface. If desired, you can additionally run a spatula over the top to smooth the finish a little. You can use rollers specifically designed for working with textured plaster. Such instruments already have an ornament and design. It is enough to roll the roller once along the height or length of the surface. You can apply multidirectional strokes to create a fragmented pattern. Using a roller can significantly reduce material consumption.

Textured plaster on walls is often done using stamps. On work surface Such an instrument has an ornament or design. It needs to be applied to the wall and pressed so that the design is transferred to the plaster. As you work, you will need to frequently clean the tool from adhering plaster and moisten it with water. As a rule, such stamps come with soft rubber versions, which allow you to complete the ornament in narrow areas of the surface.

Textured plaster of walls can be done using a trowel, as well as various brushes and spatulas. An ordinary spatula allows you to turn the surface of a wall into a real work of art. The easiest way is to decorate the surface with natural stone. To do this, you need to move the spatula in arbitrary directions, giving the surface a free shape. You can slightly deepen the spatula into the plaster, creating smooth stripes of varying depths. Working with brushes and a trowel follows a similar pattern.

Textured plaster itself is white, and if necessary it is painted with colored pigments, paints or varnished.

If desired, various fillers can be added to the plaster solution. They will help you create the required drawing. For example, to decorate walls to look like wood affected by bark beetles, add granite chips or polymer granules. This textured plaster is first applied to the entire surface using a trowel. You need to wait until it sets a little, and then rub it over the surface with a grater. This way the crumbs and granules will be drawn through the solution, thereby creating specific grooves. The furrows can have different directions or be horizontal or vertical, parallel to each other.

You can add special soft granules with paint to the mixture. This textured wall plaster is applied in exactly the same way as the previous one. The granules will be crushed, causing the surface to turn different colors. When using liquid solutions, you can achieve the effect of smudges. If you work with a thicker solution, you can form a tall pattern. Consider the fact that the deeper the pattern, the faster dust will collect on it.

Initially, textured plaster is white; later, if necessary, it is painted with colored pigments, paints or varnished. To choose the right shade, it is best to contact the representative offices of the finishing material manufacturer or specialized companies. To finish ordinary mortars, paint is usually used, because... Finding the right pigments is quite difficult.


Tools for applying paint.

Once you have achieved the desired texture, the plaster will need to be protected and prepared for finishing. First of all, a primer is performed. After this, 1 or several layers of paint are applied.

Before applying paint, you need to let the plaster dry. Depending on the thickness of the applied layer, the type of plaster used and the air humidity in the room, this may take from several hours to several days. There is no need to artificially speed up the drying of the surface using heaters or fans, because... This can cause the plaster to crack and even peel off completely.

To apply paint, you can use a roller, wide brush or rubber sponge. If you added coloring piment to the plaster before applying it, you can use a more intense tone of the same shade. The result will be a very interesting effect. If desired, you can apply gold or silver paint to a porous sponge and go over wall with lungs touches. This will create the illusion of a shimmering finish.

If there is no need for painting or if a color composition with coloring pigments is initially used, the surface still needs to be additionally protected. Clear varnish is perfect for this. Good luck!

If the question arises about finishing the walls, we can say with confidence: the renovation is close to completion. But it’s too early to relax, because this is one of the most important stages, especially if the finishing is done with your own hands. And here the question is not so much a technical one, but an aesthetic one! There are an infinite number of options for wall decor, and everyone strives to be original in this matter, tries to realize own ideas. Fortunately, today there is a wide selection of materials that allow you to realize the most daring ideas.

Decorative plaster made from ordinary putty, made with your own hands, can give the walls the most original look.

Plaster and putty as finishing materials

In general, plaster is a rough, coarse-grained material intended for the primary cladding of walls, but decorative plaster has practically nothing in common with this and can easily be prepared from ordinary putty. Putty, in turn, is exactly the material that is used to level walls and hide minor defects. There are two types of putty:

Starter – eliminates cracks, scratches and other small surface defects.

Finishing – allows you to make surfaces absolutely smooth. Prepares walls for painting, wallpapering, etc.

Decorative plaster is often created using finishing putty. This coating looks very impressive and allows you not to resort to the expensive services of specialists in order to get rid of various defects. The decorative coating will perfectly disguise all roughness.

Preparing for decoration

So, if you combine patience, diligence and your imagination, then decorative plaster made from ordinary putty with your own hands will turn the walls into a work of design art.

Before starting work, you need to make sure that everything is prepared. Namely:

Materials for preparing decorative plaster;

Tools required to perform the work;

The surface of the walls is prepared (leveled);

Paint, if you wish, to give your creation color.

Tools and textured rollers can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can use improvised means, remove the old coating of the existing roller and cover it with foam rubber with large pores, or make random holes in ordinary foam rubber. Interesting result can be achieved using a regular sponge, brush, polyethylene, but first things first.

Before starting finishing work, you should decide not only what you want to do, but also how to do it. Decorative putty plaster Lately often used to implement the most bold ideas, but without certain skills it will be difficult. But if difficulties do not frighten you, you can safely get down to business.

Mark the leveled and cleaned surface and cover the boundaries of the areas with masking tape. Decorating the walls occurs gradually, section by section.

Prepare the mixture:

Putty, dry mixture;

Grout for joints;

Primer (white).

Mix the putty and primer so that the composition is the consistency of sour cream. If desired, you can add paint of the desired shade to this mixture. In order not to be mistaken with the thickness, you can first apply the composition to a small piece of drywall. If the mixture does not spread and is not very hard, we can assume that decorative plaster made from ordinary putty, made by yourself, is ready for application. As you can see, there is nothing complicated.

There is also a recipe that can be used to prepare decorative plaster from gypsum putty:

6 kg of gypsum mixture (dry);

2 liters of water;

0.2 liters of PVA glue.

Pour the gypsum mixture into the water and mix using a construction mixer until smooth, then add glue and mix again. The mixture should be homogeneous and thick. To slightly change the consistency, if necessary, you can either dilute the mixture with water or add dry plaster.

Important! The gypsum putty composition must be used within 20-30 minutes. Therefore, it is worth considering your capabilities and how much solution you need to prepare at a time.

How to make decorative plaster from ordinary putty

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to create complex textures and patterns on your own, without proper preparation, but anyone can reproduce simple reliefs, despite the fact that they look no less impressive and original. Decorative plaster will help with this. With your own hands, a solution is prepared from usually putty and applied to a section of the wall in a layer of no more than 10 mm. Then you need to give the mixture a little time to set and begin applying patterns.

Venetian decorative plaster

From ordinary putty, prepare a solution with your own hands that can imitate valuable species natural stones. And the walls, decorated with “Venetian”, will look unforgettably beautiful, in the spirit of the Middle Ages.

Classic Venetian plaster is a mixture of sand from natural stones(quartz, marble, malachite) and slaked lime with the addition of dyes.

You can take the prepared dry mixture and add it to a container of water according to the manufacturer's instructions. Using a construction mixer, mix the mixture thoroughly. The solution should have the consistency of sour cream.

The application process is shown in the photo below.

Venetian plaster can only be used on perfectly smooth, dry and clean surfaces.

Take the putty in small portions and make strokes using a spatula. Strokes can be made wide or small, you can imitate any material or create a repeating pattern. Having finished the first layer, let it dry thoroughly, then move on to the next one. The first layer is made continuous, the subsequent finishing layers are applied with a flexible spatula. The layers are lightly rubbed to avoid unevenness.

The next stage of decor creation is sanding. The main thing here is not to overdo it and smooth out only sharp protrusions so as not to damage the structure. For this purpose, use a coarse sandpaper or mesh.

Then the surface can be painted. This is an important stage in creating a Venetian wall decoration. The paint is applied in layers, and subsequent layers should differ in saturation from the first. The paint is applied quickly to small areas. You should try to remove some of the color from the convex areas.

The finishing touch can be coating the walls with acrylic varnish or adding a gilding effect. But you can leave everything as it is, it’s a matter of taste.

Creation Venetian plaster- it’s not an easy task and has many nuances, but with due diligence it’s within everyone’s control.

Patterns, embossing, roller textures

For creating beautiful patterns, embossing, textures, decorative plaster made from ordinary putty is also used. A roller covered with large-pore foam rubber or steel mesh is used to treat the surface of the applied plaster. Here you can show your imagination: use different rollers, combine directions of movement, use textured rollers. You can make a textured roller yourself using:

A clothesline or cord that should be wound around the roller. Whether it is an even winding or with many overlaps is up to the designer to decide.

Vegetable net or plastic bag. You need to wind them around the roller cylinder, leaving folds. Using such a tool, you can get a pattern that does not have a single repeating fragment.

A piece of foam rubber on which you can cut out your own exclusive pattern.

Let's look at textured surfaces created by other methods.

Decor with a spatula

Creating textured surfaces is a creative question. Using a shaped or regular spatula and applying the solution with wide or small strokes, wavy or arcuate movements, in a straight or chaotic manner, you can create a unique pattern on the walls.

Trowel decor

You can also achieve an interesting design using a trowel. The first layer is applied, and then the solution is gradually distributed over the trowel and transferred to the base. The movements of the trowel will create an unusual surface.

Another pattern using a trowel can be obtained by simply applying it in different places and pressing a little. The randomness of these movements will provide a unique pattern of the walls.

Bark beetle

Using wooden or plastic tools, you can recreate on your own a common type of finish called bark beetle and resembles wood eaten away by insects.

To do this, you need to apply the composition to the surface of the wall and give it some time to set. Then they take the tool and perform horizontal, vertical or circular movements.

Patterns with a sponge and washcloth

Decorative plaster will decorate the walls in the most original way. You can create a grainy texture with your own hands from ordinary putty and a sponge. To do this, you just need to walk the sponge over the entire surface, lightly pressing it against the wall.


You can decorate the walls with a metal comb, “combing” the freshly applied plaster in different directions. You can get interesting “braided” patterns. The directions of movement can be wavy, circular, semicircular, or crosswise. The putty is allowed to dry and cleaned with a rag to get rid of small particles not associated with the surface. Decorative plaster applied in this way, made with your own hands from ordinary putty, allows you to obtain patterns that are unlike any other.


The technique is very similar to the creation of Venetian plaster. But contrasting colors are used. The darker one is placed as the first layer. A light colors sprays are made. To simulate snowfall, it is best to make the top layers white.


Another simple way to create a decorative surface. Using plastic film, you can get a pattern that resembles compressed silk. So:

First, apply putty to the surface in an even layer approximately 2 mm thick.

Immediately after application, a plastic film is applied to the putty area (this “canvas” does not need to be smoothed; the more folds are formed, the more interesting the texture will be).

Having covered approximately a third of the surface, they begin to tighten the folds, slightly twisting them, so that new patterns will form on the putty (repeat the action until the entire wall is covered).

After 12-15 hours, remove the film. After this, let the walls dry for some time.

After complete drying, the surface is lightly cleaned, removing loose parts and smoothing out strongly protruding areas.

The next stage of work is painting the surface. Paint is applied with a roller or sponge. Use a damp, clean sponge to remove some of the color. To remove large accumulations of paint in the corners, use a spatula wrapped in a clean rag to rub them off. The finished surface is allowed to dry. Then, to enhance the “silk” effect, pearlescent paint is applied.

Pattern and Texture Ideas

Having a good imagination and certain skills, you can create the most original patterns; decorative plaster made from ordinary putty is a very beneficial material in terms of creating new textures. Photos, videos, instructions will help you cope with any difficulties. The main ways to create original textures are given in the article, but there are many variations.


It’s safe to say that with patience and a good imagination, you can decorate the walls yourself, minimizing material costs for repairs. You can create and implement any ideas on the surface of the walls. If you have the talent of an artist, then using decorative plaster, created with your own hands from putty, will even allow you to reproduce paintings. Of course, to implement the most ambitious ideas, it is better to turn to professional finishers. But if you still decide to decorate the surfaces yourself, and you don’t have much experience in this matter, you should practice on a small piece of drywall and then feel free to start working on the main decor.

Long gone are the days when stores only offered striped wallpaper or a couple of shades of paint to decorate the walls of an apartment. The current range of facing materials can shock even a person with the wildest imagination.

This includes a variety of wallpapers, panels, paint, and tiles of the most unusual shapes, sizes, textures and colors. And consumers are becoming more and more demanding not only of the quality of the materials offered, but also of uniqueness.

One way to add individuality own home Today textured plaster can be used for wall cladding.

Here there is definitely room for ideas and fantasies to run wild. This coating allows you to create a truly unique interior, playing with color or texture. Don’t think that this is an unaffordable luxury, because decorating your home with textured plaster with your own hands is very simple.

Textured plaster will help create an imitation of stone or wood, unusual patterns, and maybe even paintings.

And in order for your fantasies to come true, you need to choose the right material. The effect achieved by the coating directly depends on the components included in the composition.

The binding basis of any textured mixture is epoxy resin, lime and polyurethanes.

Additives, thanks to which plaster has decorative qualities, as a rule, are marble, stone chips, etc. In addition, the grain size also affects the texture. They can be very small, only 0.5 mm, or large, reaching up to 1 cm.

A huge selection of colors will allow you to paint the solution in any shade. They are added during preparation of the composition for application. And the plastic mass allows you to create images and various curved objects directly on the wall.

Decorative plaster is capable of hiding minor surface imperfections, so walls without obvious imperfections pre-finishing dont need.

Do-it-yourself textured plaster is a simple and relatively inexpensive way to decorate your home.


The decorative mixture differs in its components and is divided into several main types:

Textured. Thanks to a variety of fillers, this type of finish can help create a three-dimensional effect.

Using a variety of textured rollers will help enhance visual volume and depth.

Structural. Thanks to the composition, which includes crumbled stones, the coating resembles tree bark eaten by insects. One of the names of this material is “Bark Beetle”.

The coating looks aged and noble.

Venetian plaster. This coating looks luxurious, imitating expensive stones such as marble or malachite. The price is one of the highest among its peers, and the cost of installation is also not cheap.

Applying the “Venetian” requires certain skills, but the result is impressive in its “richness”.

The facade has a lot of positive qualities. In addition to durability and resistance to climatic changes, the coating protects against heat loss, it is soundproof and has an attractive appearance.

Perfect for external wall cladding; for interior decoration it is better to choose fine-grained plaster.

Gypsum plaster consists of exclusively natural materials. Excellent for working with brick surfaces. The mass is plastic, strong, perfectly levels walls or ceilings.

Advantages of relief plaster

The undoubted advantage of the textured mixture over other finishing materials is the possibility of creating unique style your house.

She can easily create an imitation of a wide variety of textures, be it leather, fabric, expensive wood, marble or other stones.

In addition to purely decorative advantages, one can highlight the fact that it is applied without seams, it has a breathable surface, does not peel off, does not fade in the sun, maintaining a bright color for a long time.

The coating is easy to care for; it is not afraid of moisture, so it is easy to clean.

Can be easily used in the kitchen, as the coating does not absorb odors. It is resistant to mechanical damage, does not crack when the house shrinks, absorbs sound and retains heat.

How to make a pattern

To create texture, you can use a roller.

By running a lint roller over the surface, a texture in the form of stripes is created. You can soften them by lightly running a spatula over the top.

An ornament can be applied to a solid roller. Using it, you can easily apply a repeating motif to the wall. The main thing is not to drive them into different sides. The movement should be one along the length or height of the wall.

Stamps will help you transfer the finished drawing to the wall.

To do this, you need to press it against the plaster, leaving a mark.

Do-it-yourself textured plaster master class

Please note that mixture will stick to the stamp during operation and must be removed regularly. To make it stick less, moisten the tool with water.

Using a spatula you can create works of art.

The drawing is done by hand, with chaotic movements, turning the plaster into the texture of wild stone. In combination with a smooth wall, the effect will be amazing. In addition to a spatula, you can use a stiff brush. She needs to “comb” the surface, depending on the movements, straight or wavy, you can create a unique ornament.

Texture without texture

Smooth on an acrylic or lime base allows you to imitate materials unusual for wall decor, for example, the texture of crocodile skin or aged paper.

Using a glaze upon completion of application will add charm to the coating, creating a glossy, matte or pearlescent surface.

A striking representative of this type of application is Venetian plaster.

Step-by-step application instructions

Do-it-yourself textured plaster is easy to apply. First you need to prepare the walls: clean them of debris and dust, remove the old coating, putty on obvious imperfections on the wall, then prime them.

You can begin directly applying textured plaster.

To do this, use a trowel to apply an even layer of the mixture over the entire surface of the wall. There is no need to try to level it, the main thing is that the thickness is approximately the same over the entire area. The thickness depends on the manufacturer's instructions and on the future design. After you have applied the plaster, we begin to decorate the walls with ornaments.

Upon completion of these works, the surface must be treated with colorless varnish, or primer and then paint.

To emphasize the texture, you can use a long-nap roller to paint the walls one color, then use a hard roller to paint only the protruding parts.

Among the many methods of façade cladding, wall finishing by applying decorative plaster under a fur coat with your own hands or with a machine is apparently the most “age-friendly”.

Do-it-yourself textured plaster (video): your walls are more spectacular than ever

Initially, the fur coat looked very modest and served only a protective function. It took on all the blows and vicissitudes of weather conditions, mechanical influences, making the building neat in appearance, but not giving it any special beauty.

Modern technologies and materials make it possible to design the facade in such a way that it also acquires attractiveness and individuality.

It became possible to make external walls in various colors and textures, and to carry out the work not only manually, but also with the help of special machines and small construction equipment. A fur coat can be used to cover a building with external walls made of any material.

This finish has, perhaps, only one drawback - dust easily settles on it, so the walls will have to be washed periodically.

Useful properties of fur coat plaster

Do-it-yourself decorative finishing of the facade in any way is the last stage of construction or restoration work. When choosing materials, they are usually guided by aesthetic requirements, financial capabilities, and compliance with the style of the overall building and landscape design.

Very often, all these requirements are met by façade plaster coat, which has enough advantages to become the chosen one. This type of cladding has:

  • relatively low cost according to the estimate, in comparison with other materials;
  • high strength, excellent sound insulation properties; these qualities are based both on the composition of the solution and due to the possibility of creating a thicker layer; so that the textured plaster fur coat adheres better to the surface, it can be done over a plaster mesh;
  • simplicity of technology, use of simple devices and machines; Even an amateur can easily master the process and do the work with his own hands;
  • the ability to perform work using simple machines with your own hands;
  • ability to be easily restored;
  • good decorative qualities, in no way inferior to more expensive finishes; the surface can be made in any color by adding color to the plaster mixture or painting an already finished wall.

One of the positive qualities is the fact that the composition of the fur coat plaster can be prepared with your own hands from individual components or using purchased materials.

Factory mixtures of the brands Knauf, Lakra, Diamond, and Aura are deservedly popular.

How can you plaster

Preparing façade decorative mass with your own hands is quite simple. It is necessary to mix dry cement and fine-grained sand in the ratio determined by calculation.

Then the dry composition must be mixed with water and stirred thoroughly with a construction mixer. Water should be added in such an amount to obtain normal plasticity of the solution. That is, it should not be too thick, and, at the same time, not slide freely from the trowel or trowel.

The consumption of raw materials for decorative plaster under a fur coat is determined based on the calculation per 1 m2.

Sometimes gypsum, rather than cement, is used as a binder. However gypsum plaster can only be used in dry conditions, so its use for exterior decoration is highly questionable.

Surface preparation

Preparatory steps include cleaning the surfaces from dust, dirt, and build-up masonry mortar. In order for decorative plaster with a fur coat effect to adhere better, multiple notches must be made on a smooth surface in any convenient way.

With your own hands, you can use a hammer drill, a drill, or, in the old fashioned way, a chisel and a hammer.

If a thick mark of decorative plaster is expected, then the wall is covered with a plaster mesh. The base must be carefully primed. For convenience, they often use a spray gun or other device with a spray gun. Before application finishing coating, the primer must be dried.

Exterior finishing of any building can only be carried out in good weather conditions, in the absence of rain, and at positive outside temperatures.

Methods for applying textured plaster

With any method of applying decorative mass, it is necessary to remember that during the work process you should not allow the previous layer to dry before applying the next one.

In order for the surface to be smooth and without cracks, the layers must be applied one after another, without interruption.

  1. The spray method is one of the most common. The work is carried out using a special sprinkler machine or using devices in the form of brooms, brushes or nets.

    The result can be different. Using a brush will give a surface with fine grains, a broom will give a medium-sized texture.

    You must understand that for plastering it is not an ordinary household broom that is used, but a product made from thin twigs of willow or other flexible wood. The appearance after spraying through the mesh will depend on the size of its cells. For convenience, you need to stretch the mesh onto a wooden stretcher and use the machine.

  2. A very interesting effect can be obtained if you use a roller for fur coat plaster.

    The technology is quite simple, you can use two methods:

    • work with a roller according to the principle of painting, that is, applying plaster to the wall is done directly with this tool, dipping it into the solution;
    • Use a trowel or trowel to distribute the mixture over the surface, and then roll it evenly with a roller.

    For this purpose, rollers with soft covers having different pile lengths.

    It is this that will influence the creation of a certain texture with large, medium or small grains.

  3. Colored decorative cladding is obtained by adding coloring pigments to the solution. To prepare a colored mixture, it is better to use white cement rather than ordinary cement. In this way, purity of the shade is achieved.
  4. Shuba plasters, better known under the names bark beetle and lamb plasters, are obtained by using factory mixtures with these names and a certain structure.

Facade plaster under a fur coat is used to cover buildings for various purposes.

In this option, decorative elements can be finished when arranging a site, fence posts and much more. This finish does not have to be solid; it fits perfectly next to other materials, giving a unique shade and an interesting effect.

How to work with textured plaster?

There are many types of materials for wall decoration. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. It can be one of the most economical and easy to use textured plaster. However, it is recommended to consider some shades before starting use.

Textured plaster is a mixture based on plaster or its derivatives and is different from ordinary plaster in the presence of basic mineral fractions. Why do many space owners and designers often use them? The fact is that this composition does not require perfect alignment of the walls. On the contrary, its particles fill the shallow areas of cracks, so that the unevenness and curvature of the walls are less noticeable.

So what is it economical option for those who want cheap good repairs. In addition, experienced interior design specialists will confirm that this is a universal coating that will match the style of most decorative trends. Collaborating with him does not require any special skills, they just have to be precise and part of the imagination.

Where to begin? First, you need to decide how to draw. There are probably two options. Firstly: the color of the plaster in the mass. If part of the finished coating is inadvertently disturbed, the chip will not be visible. This method is suitable for journeyman owners with a nozzle mixture, since manually achieving a uniform structure is almost impossible.

However, it should be noted that a mixer is necessary for making mixtures. And not for paints and varnishes. Secondly: coloring water color performed at the top of the final dried coating.

Once you specify the coloring method, you can start working. The wall is freed from old wallpaper, oil paint, and fine plaster. The entire surface is then treated with a deep penetrating coating to improve adhesion. Textured plaster is applied to the prepared wall.

Decorative walls with decorative plaster: 10 types of DIY textures

For this purpose, a small spatula collects a certain amount of material on a wide blade or spatula and guides the tool from bottom to bottom with confidence.

When about one square meter the wall is covered with the composition, it is necessary to create the required sample on it until the material dries. The drawing is created using special rolls, blades, sponges and any improvised materials.

Then take another square meter and create a new pattern. If textured plaster is used to create a modern kitchen design, acrylic lacquer applied to a dried surface.

Many manufacturers offer textured plaster of varying quality and price. Experts do not recommend saving materials because they depend on it for repairs and durability.

Lamb plaster - correct application technology

You always want to make the interior of your home especially beautiful. It is worth paying attention to the walls of the house during finishing work and taking advantage of interesting solutions.

For example, create a unique texture on the walls using special plaster.

Decorative textured finishing creates a rough layer on the surface and can be of different types. In this article we will talk about lamb textured plaster and how to apply it correctly.

Decorative textured plaster lamb: what is its feature?

“Lamb” plaster gained its popularity back in the USSR. True, it had a completely different name back then and many remember it as the grainy finish “Shuba”.

This material is used for finishing work indoors, as well as for decorating the facade.

Thanks to the grainy texture it turns out very unusual design. This composition can be used on any surface: cement, gypsum or ordinary lime plaster.

The heterogeneous composition makes it possible to decorate the walls to your taste: for example, in a watercolor style or create an imitation of a wooden surface.

That is why “Lamb” plaster is used in the design of cafes, houses, hotels, holiday homes and apartments.

In addition, the material allows you to disguise flaws on the walls: cracks, potholes.

And the surface coated with such a composition becomes more resistant to moisture, sun, and mechanical damage.

The appearance of this coating looks like new for a long time and does not require special care.

You can simply carry out wet cleaning with a rag.

Properties of lamb plaster

Lamb façade plaster has excellent performance characteristics.

A huge selection of colors provides endless possibilities for creating unique interiors!

The main properties of this material are:

  • Excellent adhesion of plaster to the base;
  • Frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • Impact resistance;
  • Elasticity;
  • Ease of use;
  • Not exposed to the sun.

You can use plaster as a base and cover it with paint or shiny glaze on top. In this case, your interior will be truly unique!

Composition of decorative plaster lamb

This composition is made from environmentally friendly and completely safe mineral components.

Option facade plaster the lamb may contain elements with water-repellent properties - this is necessary for its durability.

The basis of such plaster is natural materials:

This material does not form condensation and allows steam to pass through well.

These properties provide the room with a very comfortable microclimate for human life.

The composition of the plaster and the size of the granules are completely balanced: it contains particles from one to several millimeters. They form a single mass and provide high-quality application to the surface.

Conventional finishes, unlike textured finishes, contain sand. It settles on the surface, and granules of lamb decorative plaster remain in the volume of the mixture until completely dry.

This property makes it possible to create unusual patterns on the walls of the room inside and outside.

Such a coating can become a base for paint and appear as a real work of art!

In order to have a full idea of ​​how the decorative textured lamb plaster looks in reality, it is worth looking at the photos of the finished interiors.

How to prepare for the start of work?

Even before you start processing the walls, you need to prepare all the tools required for the job.

You will need:

  • Ordinary masking tape. In order not to stain those surfaces that do not need to be treated;
  • Several construction spatulas of different sizes;
  • Bucket for preparing the mixture;
  • Cloth for cleaning tools;
  • Gloves;
  • Azure or paint - if you plan to use them.

Be sure to wear gloves on your hands to protect your skin.

Preparing the surface for applying decorative lamb plaster

First, you need to clean the surface to be plastered from dirt.

It should be free of paint and flaking materials.

It is advisable to treat the surface with a primer.

If all requirements are met, a decorative coating can be applied. The surface can be:

  • made of brick;
  • from plasterboard;
  • made of cement;
  • from other materials.

Work should be carried out at air temperatures from 5 to +30 degrees

How to prepare plaster mortar with your own hands

Mix the prepared dry mixture in equal parts.

The percentage is indicated on the product packaging. The finished composition should be similar in consistency to a paste.

Stir the resulting mixture using a special attachment with an electric drill or mixer. Leave for a few minutes, then stir the mixture again.

Apply ready mixture onto the surface using a trowel made of of stainless steel, and then level it.

In this process, mineral granules are distributed randomly.

And on the surface of the wall there remains a trace equal to the size of a granule.

Technology of applying lamb plaster

To decorate the walls you will need plaster and paint primer containing quartz sand. The relief is given with a special grater, spatula or trowel.

Some important rules using the technology of applying lamb plaster with your own hands:

  • The composition must stick to the wall.

    At the same time, it does not need to be absorbed. This is why you need to apply a primer to the wall first.

  • If the surface is smooth, treat it with primer paint.
  • Only after the primer has dried do you proceed to the plastering process.
  • The application layer should be equal to the size of the granules in the composition.
  • Remember that the mixture is structured within fifteen minutes.

    Textured plaster: how to make spectacular wall decor with your own hands

    Calculate the surface to be treated in advance!

  • The plaster must be applied continuously.

You can see more details about how to accurately follow the technology of applying decorative lamb plaster in the photo and

How to level the surface?

Immediately after applying the mixture, it is necessary to remove its excess.

Go over the surface of the wall at an angle with a putty knife until the plaster comes together.

Remove uncured residues with a wet cloth. Frozen - mechanically.

Important. The plaster dries quickly! Don’t forget to stir the finished mixture from time to time and add a little water.

Painting the surface of decorative plaster

If you decide to continue with the design, we recommend reading about the process of painting walls.

The plastered surface must be painted with a roller or a wide brush.

To soften the colors, use a mitten, and a deeper relief is created with an ordinary foam sponge.

For a richer appearance, silver or golden glaze can be applied to the protruding surfaces of the coating.

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

Advice. Walls can always be repainted without changing the texture. This is the advantage of plaster.

For additional shine and strength, you can apply special wax to the surface. This will extend the life of the coating!

Secrets of applying textured lamb plaster

  • Use a special relief roller.

    Run it over the newly applied plaster. If the relief turns out to be too pronounced or rough, you can immediately smooth it out with a soft brush.

  • Shoe brushes also leave texture.

    Use them to create your own unique design and surprise guests with your sense of style.

  • If the plaster is white, paint it with mother-of-pearl glaze. This technology is especially suitable for premium interiors.
  • Before starting work, try applying the finished composition to drywall and try to create a texture.

    This rehearsal will help you create the perfect result!

Lamb is the key to a unique and exclusive interior and freedom to let your imagination fly.

Improve the façade of your home, hotel or the walls inside any room! The result will delight you and your guests for many years.

The installation process of this plaster is not complicated.

But for a better result, check out the training photos and materials.

This way you will be able to make a minimum of mistakes. And the result will leave you satisfied!

If you decide to finish walls, internal or external, using textured plaster, you should know what types of compositions can be used for this purpose.

How to make textured plaster with your own hands?

The main components are: cement, gypsum, sand, water. But, in addition to them, there are additional possibilities to give the surface a textured look.

In short, textured plaster is a mixture consisting of a binder composition and granules of various fractions to give the surface a decorative appearance.

What textured plaster is made from is chosen depending on whether it is external or inside the building is supposed to be used.

It should be borne in mind that, like all coatings that contain water and stone chips, it can stimulate oxidation and corrosion of metal surfaces.

Therefore, when finishing the base and facade, you need to try to avoid contact of the finishing plaster layer with metal surfaces. If large-textured acrylic granules are used as filler, such plasters are not recommended for use when finishing walls insulated with mineral wool.

This plaster coating will prevent such walls from “breathing.” Also, acrylic-based coatings are difficult to repair in fragments. Thus, you need to think very carefully about what to make textured plaster from.

Compositions for textured plaster

You should buy regular dry plaster in the store.

Depending on the color of the intended surface, choose a color scheme. Can be used as a filler wood fibers. They will serve as reinforcing elements and give the finished surface a textured appearance. This type of finishing is appropriate in rooms where the level of humidity is low.

  • Fine marble, granite or quartz chips and stone granules of various fractions are added to the same plaster composition, tinted to the desired tone.

    How larger size filler grains, more of the main plaster composition will be needed. Decorative surfaces with large chips are excellent for finishing external walls and building basements. Compositions with small fraction fillers are exceptional for interior spaces. Due to the fact that plaster is still much less practical than, for example, wallpaper.

    Therefore, it is recommended to use it in bathrooms and utility rooms. Cellulose or silk fibers and polymer granules are added to the plaster composition. Gypsum compositions with various fillers are available for sale.

Tools for getting the job done

  • trowel. For coatings with large fillers - a steel trowel.
  • brushes
  • rollers
  • sponges
  • applicators

Stages of applying decorative coating

  • Preparatory: leveling the surface and covering it with a deep penetration primer
  • Applying a plaster layer

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