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What are cucumber seeds. The best cucumber seeds - personal experience. Cucumber Miranda F1

To choose the right cucumber seeds for greenhouses, you need to navigate the varieties, quality and purpose of the fruit. Plants are divided into varieties and hybrids.

Varieties are characterized by a stable purity of reproduction, that is, the resulting seed in subsequent generations will show the expected taste, size, shape.

The selection effect is manifested only in one season. Plants from the harvested seeds will differ from each other due to the reverse splitting of the source varieties. On packages, hybrids are designated "F1", "F2".


  • cross-pollinated species,
  • self-pollinated;
  • parthenocarpic (not requiring pollination).

By maturity: early - up to 45 days;

Divided by length for short, medium, long. Small fruits 3-5 cm are called pickles, 5-9 cm - gherkins, above - Zelentsy. They vary in shape, degree of tuberosity, pubescence, color (from white to dark green).

By target purpose allocate:

  • Salad: thick skin, voids, softening when exposed to temperature, short term storage.
  • Canned: thin skin, permeable to brine, marinade; dense crispy pulp, resistant to heat treatment.
  • Universal cucumbers are good in any form.

Interestingly, in Iran, cucumber is considered a dessert.

Varieties and hybrids for greenhouse cultivation

What are the best cucumber seeds? Of course, hybrid parthenocarpic. But varietal, self-pollinated, even cross-pollinated for open ground are also suitable.

Parthenocarpics do not have barren flowers. The number of female flowers with ovary increases with growth. A set of the best traits from the original varietal species provides a long-term high yield, excellent taste, uniform size and color, disease resistance, good transportability. There is a category adapted to the lack of light, temperature deviations.

Self-pollinating plants have bisexual flowers with pistils and stamens.

Cross- or bee-pollinated species are used minimally. Absence in the greenhouse beneficial insects have to compensate manual process: stamens of barren flowers freed from petals touch the pistils of female flowers. For getting the right amount male flowers are planted with additional plants.

Varietal diversity

Many prefer such parthenocarpics:

  • Goosebump F1- early maturing, black-thorned, suitable for barrel fermentation;
  • Krakow F1- early ripening (42 days), 8-10 cm, green with pimples, can be salted in a barrel;
  • Persian F1- smooth salad, sweet, length 15-20 cm;
  • Masha F1- universal Dutch, early (40-45 days), bouquet ovary, gives a friendly high yield;
  • German F1- early Dutch, pickling, bunches of 6-7 fruits in knots, its improved hybrid - Meringue F1;
  • Mother-in-law F1, Son-in-law F1- early (45 days), with a dense crispy middle, fruitful, it is recommended to sow nearby.

All of them differ in the bouquet type of flowering and ovary. The best seeds cucumbers are treated with fungicides.

  • Ecole F1- bright green, pickled. The maximum length is 8 cm, which allows you to remove the fruits in the form of pickles and gherkins.
  • Director F1- early ripe gherkin, dark green, with powerful growth, loves well-fertilized soil. After harvesting the main crop, it actively throws out new ovaries.
  • Kibria F1- high-yielding powerful gherkin of dark green color. A large load does not prevent growth and new ovaries.
  • Monizia F1- early ripening (38-40 days), large-tuberous, length 6-9 mm, suitable for processing.

Some gardeners refuse small-fruited varieties due to the fact that gherkins quickly take the form of balls. In this case, choose a pickling hybrid Carolina F1. It does not outgrow, allowing for a slight delay in picking.

From diversity seed you can choose greenhouse varieties adapted to shade and partial shade. They are divided into winter and summer.

There are fewer winter varieties. For example, Forward F1 is late, long-fruited, smooth, with thin skin and excellent taste. spring planting provokes the development of diseases. From January you can grow at home on the window.

From the summer assortment, Garland F1, Arina F1, Danila F1, Secret of F1, etc. are offered.

A lot of fans have smooth long-fruited cucumbers. An even shape will provide them with a timely garter on the trellis. More often they have a length of 15-17 cm to 35-40 cm.

Interesting among them are parthenocarpics for spring-summer greenhouses: Chinese heat-resistant F1, Chinese frost-resistant F2, Arbat F1 - 15-17 cm, Vasilisa F1 - black-thorned, dense, pickling, 18-20 cm. It is advisable not to overexpose the length indicated in the description, later the fruit increases in diameter.

From the temperature difference and dryness, cucumbers become bitter. But breeders have overcome this negative by offering varieties with a guaranteed absence of bitterness.

  • For example, Miracle Crunch F1- ripening for 40-43 days. Beam ovary, small tubercle cucumbers 60-65 g each. They do not outgrow for a long time, they are suitable for pickling, pickling. Resistant to powdery mildew, VOM-1.
  • Stout Baby F1- pickling, ripens for 53-58 days. Zelenets 7-8 cm, weight 73-85 g with a bright fresh aroma. Resistant to low temperatures. He is not afraid of cladosporiosis, powdery and downy mildew.
  • Paratunka F1- self-pollinated, early ripening, does not outgrow. The fruits are tuberculate with white spikes, in knots of 3-4 pieces 8-9 cm long. Suitable for double planting - in spring and summer. Seeds are dressed.
  • This category includes Pasa Doble F1, long-fruited Zozulya F1.

The best varieties of cucumbers (video)

Tips on how to choose cucumber seeds:

  • carefully study the description on the package;
  • limitation period - no more than 3-4 years;
  • acquire several varieties, giving preference to zoned ones;
  • when visiting the site in short trips, choose non-overgrowing species;
  • give preference to long-term fruiting, bush forms are not suitable in this regard;
  • simple packaging without a photo print is cheaper;
  • in plastic bags, the seed suffocates;
  • untreated seeds must be kept for half an hour in a saturated pink solution of manganese, then washed;
  • for enrichment with trace elements, soak for 3 hours in 1 liter warm water from 2 tbsp. l. wood ash.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse will protect them from frost, acid rain, and harmful dust.

Seeds for seedlings of cucumbers (video)

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Cucumber is a favorite vegetable for many. Crispy, fragrant ground cucumbers are grown by almost everyone who is engaged in vegetable growing. But if earlier only bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers were intended for open ground, recently gardeners often prefer self-pollinated (parthenocarpic) hybrids. It is important to understand their main features in order not to make a mistake when choosing seeds. In this article, we will consider which self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers for open ground are best suited for planting in the country, we will analyze the rules for buying seeds.

Variety or hybrid of cucumbers - which is better?

Seed manufacturers offer both varieties and hybrids of cucumbers for open ground. What is their difference, what seeds to buy for harvest?

One of important features varieties is the ability to preserve characteristic features and properties in the offspring, that is, if you prepare seeds from varietal plants, exactly the same cucumbers will grow from them.

The situation is different with hybrids. Even if it is possible to obtain seeds from them, then the resulting offspring will definitely not retain any of the properties and characteristics of the parents. Seeds for cultivation will need to be purchased every year.

Vegetable growers have seen in practice that the capabilities of self-pollinated hybrids significantly exceed the capabilities of varieties, and therefore give them their preference.

The fact that we have a hybrid in front of us is evidenced by the marking in the form of a signF1 next to the name. It means that it is a heterotic hybrid of the first generation, and the seeds are obtained from crossing two parent plants with a certain set of properties.

The phenomenon of heterosis has long been known to breeders; in the first generation, it manifests itself in increased yields, disease resistance, improved taste, and ripeness parameters. It should be noted that these plants have nothing to do with genetic engineering, and hybrid seeds are obtained thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, almost manual pollination, so the price of such products is much higher.

A certain group of hybrids has parthenocarpy, that is, the ability to form a cucumber fruit without pollination. This phenomenon is considered by some to be self-pollination, although it is not, and the corresponding hybrids are more correctly called self-fertile. Naturally, there will be no seeds from such fruits, since fertilization does not occur.

Although these species were originally intended for greenhouses, they are now successfully grown in open ground, since the harvest will no longer depend on the presence of bees and changeable weather. A good bonus is resistance to diseases, temperature fluctuations, and yield stability. Many cucumber hybrids are universal - suitable for both greenhouses and garden beds.

Vegetable growers have seen in practice that the capabilities of self-pollinated hybrids significantly exceed the capabilities of varieties, and therefore give them their preference.

Classification of self-pollinated cucumbers

  • According to consumer properties, cucumbers are conditionally divided into pickling, for fresh consumption and universal, that is, combining both properties.
  • According to the terms of formation, they distinguish: early-ripening - bear fruit on 40-46 days, medium-early - on 46-50 days, mid-ripening - on 50-57 days and late-ripening - starting from 57 days and above;
  • According to the degree of branching of the lashes: good, medium and weak;
  • According to the method of pollination - pollinated and self-fertile (parthenocarpic);
  • By natural features consider different pubescence of fruits and tuberosity. The thorns are white, brown or black, small- and large-hilly, there are also completely smooth varieties. It is believed that white-thorned ones are suitable for salads, and black-thorn ones are suitable for salting.
  • In size, cucumbers are both small - from 4-5 cm (picks, gherkins), and long - 30 cm and above.

Despite the fact that self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers were intended for greenhouses, they are now successfully grown in the open field, i.e. the harvest will no longer depend on the presence of bees and changeable weather

How to choose varieties of cucumbers for sowing?

Of course, each variety has its own nuances and advantages, the choice depends on personal preferences and needs. To fully take them into account, you need to answer a few questions that will help you navigate when buying seeds:

  1. Where will the cucumber beds be located - in the sun or in the shade?
  2. What cucumbers are needed for consumer properties, sizes?
  3. What is the best ripening time?

What are the best varieties of self-pollinated outdoor cucumbers (hybrids)?

  1. mother-in-lawF1. Early maturing, resistant to cold, with the advantage of female flowers, brown-thorn, universal, not bitter. Forms several ovaries in the sinuses, middle length, cold resistant.
  2. ZyatekF1. Early maturing, arrangement of ovaries - bouquet, white-thorn, tuberculate, excellent taste, especially good for salads. Tolerates heat well.
  3. Prestige F1. Abundantly bears fruit until cold weather, medium early, moderate branching. Not bitter, fruits are cylindrical, densely pubescent, white-thorned, universal use. Tolerates shade and sudden weather changes.
  4. MashaF1. Super early maturing, very productive, with a long fruiting period. The fruit is a gherkin with large tubercles, not bitter, universal in use. Resistance to negative factors, diseases.
  5. AntF1 Ultra-early, medium climbing, bouquet type of ovary, medium branching. Covered with tubercles, cylindrical fruit of typical size. resistance to common diseases.
  6. HermannF1. Super early, super productive. Medium-fruited, large-tuberous, cylindrical, bitterness is absent. Universal application.
  7. Caroline F1. High-yielding, early, small tubercle, tasty, versatile. The fruits are even, regular cylinder, transportable.
  8. Claudine F1. Superearly, the fruit is tasty, beautifully shaped, good in salt. Productive, long shelf life.
  9. Paratunka F1. High yielding, versatile. Has good disease resistance.
  10. Moscow NightsF1. Mid-season, great taste, versatile. Strongly climbing, tuberculate, cylindrical, white-pubescent, of medium length. Tolerates shade well.
  11. ConnieF1. Medium-braided, early type, without bitterness, bundle ovary. Does not outgrow, white-thorned, multi-tuberous, fruitful.
  12. marindaF1. Yielding, early ripe, good presentation, large-tuberous, there are spikes, universal.
  13. EskimoF1. Resistant to low temperatures, short side shoots, good in salt.
  14. GenerousF1. Early ripe, very fruitful, high-quality fruits, uniform in color, not bitter, universal.
  15. Moscow delicacy. Medium climbing, early, excellent presentation, small tuberculate, does not outgrow, universal. Stable to stress conditions, without bitterness.

Breeding work does not stand still, every year there are interesting news hybrids, the main thing is to pay attention to the suitability of growing the hybrid you like in open ground, otherwise you can not wait for any harvest.

Self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers can be grown in any strip of Russia, for this, familiarize yourself with their features.

Basic rules for buying seeds

  1. Buy seeds only from reputable, well-established companies. It is advisable to choose from those who have nationwide fame and have been working on the market for a long time.
  2. A prerequisite is packaging in branded bags. Do not be shy to check the tightness of their seams, to see if the integrity of the package is broken.
  3. Check the labeling, whether the name and contact details, variety name, batch number, weight (g) or quantity (pcs) are indicated. If you have any doubts, you can require documents, certificates that are issued for each batch.
  4. Make sure that the expiration date is stated and acceptable. Information is usually on the back of the package. The fertility of the plant directly depends on the shelf life of the seeds. For cucumbers, the third year of storage is considered optimal, the plants are stronger, with an increased number of female flowers, but fresh seeds can fail. At proper storage The germination of cucumber seeds lasts for 6-8 years.
  5. Plan the purchase of the desired variety or hybrid in advance, read the literature, consider what kind of cucumber you want to end up with, make a list of the necessary seeds.
  6. When choosing, pay the main attention not to a colorful picture, but to the characteristics of the variety, the timing and conditions of its cultivation. Some novice vegetable growers make the mistake of focusing on high yield figures, but do not take into account that this, for example, is a late-ripening variety, and even without growth restrictions. Such plants will produce many shoots, flowers, but without proper agricultural technology and inept formation of lashes, as well as inappropriate weather conditions, may not give the expected harvest.
  7. If the variety or hybrid is unfamiliar to you, do not rely on the description of planting dates and agricultural practices on the seed bag. It happens that such advice does not take into account regional climatic conditions at all. It is better to find information in the reference literature or rely on your own experience.

If you store cucumber seeds correctly (in sealed packaging, in a dry place), then the germination of cucumber seeds lasts for 6-8 years.

How to grow self-pollinated outdoor cucumbers

To reveal all the fruitful possibilities of hybrids, pay attention to important points in their cultivation

  • It's time for the seeds to land when it warms up at a depth of 11 cm to +12 degrees C, and the air temperature will be from +15 and above. Early species can be grown in seedlings.
  • The culture feels better on ridges with light and loose soil of a neutral reaction. Arrange them from north to south, then the plants will receive sufficient sunlight.
  • Form cucumber lashes in a timely manner, shortening unnecessary shoots, do not allow strong thickening of plantings. Remember that the plant will produce as many fruits as it can support.
  • Do not forget about timely feeding and watering, do not allow the soil to dry out or overmoisten.
  • Sow cucumbers at intervals of 2-3 weeks to prolong fruiting.

Advice#1. It is time to sow cucumbers if the first leaves of the oak have blossomed, and the mass flowering of dandelions has begun.

Advice#2. It is very important to clean the formed greens in time. The more young cucumbers are removed, the more new ovaries are formed. Cucumbers should be cut with a knife, and not torn off the stem, so as not to damage it. Remember that the lashes of the plant are very delicate.

Preparations for combating certain diseases and pests of cucumbers, see the table below.

Product name Purpose Consumption Method Number of treatments
Sulfur colloid From powdery mildew, anthracnose, ascochitosis Solution: 20-40 g per 10 liters of water, consumption - 1 liter per 10 sq.m. Processing before flowering, with disease - every 10 days 4-5
Bordeaux mixture Against bacteriosis, peronosporosis, anthracnose 50 g of copper sulfate and lime per 5 liters of water Spray during the growing season 3
Iskra Golden Against whiteflies, aphids, thrips Solution: 5 ml per 10 liters of water, consumption - 5-10 liters per 100 sq.m. Spraying in the presence of pests 2
Medvetoks Against ants and bear 105 g per 30 sq.m Introduce into the soil around the beds and plants, depth - up to 5 cm 1-2

Cucumbers should be cut with a knife, and not torn off the stem, so as not to damage the lashes of the plant

Answers to current questions

Question number 1. Do I need to somehow process and warm hybrid seeds before sowing?

No, hybrid seeds do not need pre-treatment.

Question number 2. After what vegetable crops can you place cucumbers?

It is advisable to use beds after peas, corn, legumes, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, celery. Avoid predecessors such as pumpkin.

Question number 3. Why do the ovaries turn yellow and fall off? How to deal with it?

This happens when the soil is waterlogged or there is a lack of nutrients. Let the soil dry out and feed the plants, preferably liquid fertilizers they are better absorbed.

Question number 4. Why do cucumbers grow deformed, in the form of a pear, expanded at the stem and tapering towards the end?

This usually happens when plants lack nitrogen. Additional signs are thin shoots, shredded, pale or yellowed leaves. The problem will be solved by fertilizing with herbal infusions, nitrophoska or organic solutions - litter, mullein.

Question number 5. Why did a brown border appear on the edges of the leaves, and the fruits expand towards the tip and narrow at the stalk?

There was a potassium deficiency. Apply top dressing by mixing a half-liter jar of ash with water, let the solution settle and pour 1 liter under the bush.

Question number 6. There are a lot of empty flowers, the fruits are poorly tied, what is the reason?

One of the reasons is too hot weather and high temperature. An excess of nitrogen in the soil is also possible, while powerful stems and leaves are formed, but flowering is very weak, there are few fruits.

Many people love cucumbers. Therefore, even if there is no greenhouse with cucumbers, garden plot there are beds with this vegetable, trellises. Any varieties of cucumbers are planted on them, but summer residents prefer to purchase self-pollinated ones.

Self-pollinated cucumbers are popular with gardeners

Why Choose Self-Pollinated Cucumbers

Advantages of self-pollinated cucumbers

If you are thinking about which cucumbers to buy, then you should study the advantages of self-pollinated cucumbers:

  1. They don't need bees for pollination.

There are less and less bees, insects die in families, and without them it is impossible to carry out pollination for bee pollinators.

  1. They will give a harvest in a rainy summer.

If during the flowering of cucumbers it is rainy weather, when insects do not fly out for honey. As a result, the flowers will fall off, while self-pollinating cucumbers will provide you with crispy cucumbers in any conditions.

  1. Such cucumbers are distinguished by excellent taste, without bitterness.
  2. Harvest.
  3. Resistant to diseases and adverse conditions.

As we can see, self-pollinated cucumbers are the best among the representatives of their species. Although much depends on the particular variety.

Self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers form an ovary regardless of weather conditions

self-pollinated or parthenocarpic

Even experienced gardeners they believe that there is no difference between self-pollinated and parthenocarpic cucumbers, because. both those and these produce a crop without the participation of insects. But there is a difference. Parthenocarpic or self-fertile cucumbers do not need pollination. They don't have seeds.

And in self-pollinated, pollination occurs, but independently, with the help of a pistil and stamen. You can recognize such cucumbers by the seeds that they have.

Which seeds to choose

Which cucumber seeds for open ground to choose, which ones are the best and most productive? The choice is huge. Each variety has its own merits that should be considered. Let's talk about some popular varieties for landing.

This is one of the best varieties, which belongs to the early ripening. The first fruits will appear 47-50 days after planting. You can grow horses using trellises, because. liana vigorous. He has a beam laying of ovaries, which is why the yield of this variety is a record.

The fruits of this cucumber are small (7-9 cm), but very dense and crisp, bright green. They are delicious without bitterness. They are salted or eaten fresh. Another advantage is its disease resistance.

Cucumber Koni F1 - early ripe variety

For the past few years, this variety has been the most sold variety for planting. Its fruits have an excellent presentation. These cucumbers will not grow to gigantic sizes, a maximum of 10 cm, but more often no more than 8. Therefore, they are suitable for preservation. Cucumbers can be stored for a long time (several weeks) without worrying that they will turn yellow.

You will get a harvest very quickly, already 36 days after planting. If you grow it in a greenhouse, cucumbers will appear in mid-spring. It has a pleasant taste, without bitterness. Not susceptible to diseases, resistant to them.

Grow with a trellis, because. it grows up to 4-5 m. If you sort out varieties of cucumbers for open ground, then this one is one of the best. These are very productive varieties: from 1 sq.m. gain 25 kg of cucumbers. If the plants are well looked after, fed, then the yield increases to 35 kg with square meter.

But this variety does not tolerate frost well. In addition, the seedlings of these cucumbers do not take root well, so they are first grown on the windowsill, and only at a temperature of at least 17 degrees they are planted in open ground. It gets rust easily fungal disease). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out processing on time, otherwise the plants will die.

Cucumber German F1 is very thermophilic

This is also an early ripe hybrid, the fruits of which appear 42-45 days after planting, these are high-yielding varieties. Cucumbers grow small - 6-8 cm. Distinctive feature of this variety - friendly fruiting. On a small bush, without additional shoots, 11-12 cucumbers ripen at once. They are small, only 60-75 g each, good for pickling and pickling. It is this variety that is recommended to be grown in open ground, adapting the trellis. It is resistant to many diseases, tolerates heat well. These cucumbers never outgrow, no bitterness.

Cucumber Ekol F1 is suitable for open ground

Zozulya F1

This is a favorite variety of cucumbers, it is partially self-pollinated. Zozulya F1 will give the first fruits in a month and a half, you will try the first cucumber.

The advantages of this variety:

  1. Not afraid of temperature changes

His most important virtue is not afraid jumps temperature. . The weather can be unpredictable, today it is hot, tomorrow it suddenly gets colder, such drops are typical for the beginning of summer and all spring.

  1. Can grow in low light and produce a crop.
  2. Lateral branches almost do not grow, so the plant does not need to be pinched or pinched. It will easily master the trellis, it is not necessary to form a bush.
  3. Gives fruit for a long time
  4. Harvest varieties

Up to 30 kg of cucumbers are harvested from one square meter.

  1. Not bitter.
  2. High quality fruits.

Zozulya F1 cucumbers weigh about 300 g, grow up to 24 cm. They are used both for pickling and for making salads. If desired, this variety is grown not only in open ground, but also at home, on the windowsill.

These are not all the best varieties of cucumbers, you can buy other cucumber seeds for open ground. But these are favorites of experienced gardeners.

Cucumbers are one of the key horticultural crops grown by summer residents throughout the country. In this regard, the question of choosing the right planting material always acute in front of gardeners, especially before the start of the season. Many continue to use self-prepared seeds, but this is not entirely the right decision, since from year to year the fruits will be smaller and smaller. Others, on the other hand, use hybrid varieties, bred specifically for certain climatic conditions.

We'll try to help you make the right choice. the right seeds, especially since there are quite a lot of them on the market - it is easy to get confused in them. We will begin our review with the rules for selecting the right planting material.

What do you pay attention to when choosing cucumber seeds?

Next, you need to consider the conditions under which these crops will be grown. If cucumbers are planned to be planted in greenhouse conditions, then parthenocarpic varieties are suitable here. They are self-pollinating, so they don't need insects. Pollinated varieties are perfect choice for open ground. The start time of the harvest also plays an important role: you can find special winter varieties who feel great with a lack of sunlight- they are planted in a greenhouse in autumn, and already in January they are able to give a fairly large harvest.

Hybrid varieties can be early-ripening or late-ripening - the first variety bears fruit already 60-70 days after sowing, the second will have to wait about 110-120 days. Summer residents most often prefer spring-summer varieties that grow quickly and resist diseases well. You should also decide for what purposes the crop will be used. If cucumbers are intended for pickling, then you need to choose varieties with a thin skin and dense pulp; cucumbers with a dense skin and crispy flesh of medium or large sizes are best suited for eating. There are general varieties.

When we compiled our rating, we tried to take into account all these points, based primarily on user reviews, as well as on the ratio of price and quality of planting material. We hope that our rating will be informative and useful for you.

Greenhouse varieties

5. Cucumber variety Murashka F1

This is one of the most universal varieties- plants will feel good both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground, they can be grown even on a balcony. Cucumbers do not require pollination, the fruits retain their freshness for a long time, they do not develop bitterness, the yield is always consistently high. It appears already 40 days after planting the seeds. The sizes are medium, there are not too many branches, however, if they are, then they will all be determinant with a predominance of female flowers.

There are many leaves, they are small, smooth to the touch, there are almost no barren flowers. Fruiting is long, plants are resistant to the most common diseases - powdery mildew and cladosporiosis, but timely care should be taken to prevent diseases such as root rot and downy mildew. Fruit sizes are average - rarely when they grow more than 12 cm in length, however, they can be harvested when they are at least 8 cm. The average weight is about 100 grams. The shape is cylindrical, there are few thorns, but they are very prickly. Cucumbers are universal - suitable for both eating and pickling.


  • Versatility both in terms of cultivation and in terms of use;
  • High yield;
  • Long fruiting period.


  • Resists not all diseases of cucumbers.

4. Cucumber variety Boy with a finger F1

It is an early maturing variety that will produce a crop approximately 35-40 days after sowing. It belongs to the hybrid group, feels good in tunnels, spring greenhouses and in the open field. The length of the fruit is about 9-12 cm, there are small tubercles on the surface, the weight reaches 70-80 grams. The pulp is fragrant, even overripe cucumbers do not have emptiness or bitterness. The seeds are small, almost invisible. The fruits have excellent taste characteristics - they can be used fresh for food, as well as for preservation.

This variety gives an optimal yield when grown as a seedless type. It is recommended to soak them for several hours before planting in the soil. Seeds are carefully inspected before planting, making sure that they are full-weight and about the same size. If this condition is observed, it will be possible to achieve almost 100% germination. Plants should be fed not with chemicals, but with various natural remedies- droppings, slurry, ash, husks and so on.


  • Very tasty fruits;
  • High yield;
  • Long period of fruiting;
  • Ideally resists various diseases.


  • Barren flowers are found, especially on branches from the main stem.

3. Variety of cucumbers Benefis F1

This hybrid variety can also be attributed to varieties high yield, besides, such cucumbers practically do not need care. It is classified as a medium-early variety, about 50 days pass from the moment of germination to ripening, it is self-pollinated, the flowers are female in most cases, there are practically no empty flowers, fruits are tied in bunches of 3-6 pieces. About 7-8 kg of cucumbers can be removed from one bush. In terms of growth conditions, the culture is universal - it can grow in the garden, in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse, cucumbers can be consumed fresh, they are suitable for any preparations.

It is worth noting that the whip grows quite long, so it will have to be molded in the process of growth, especially if it grows on a vertical trellis. The weight of the fruit is about 100 grams with a length of not more than 13 cm. The shape is oblong, there are short strips on the skin. The taste of cucumbers is pleasant, there is no bitterness. The pulp is quite dense, the fruits perfectly tolerate long-term transportation, it is well stored for a long time. Plants are resistant to diseases, lack of moisture, low temperatures.


  • High yield;
  • Resistance to negative weather conditions;
  • Unpretentiousness in terms of care.


  • The whip is long enough, it must be molded, otherwise it will negatively affect the yield.

2. Variety of cucumbers Alekseich F1

The variety is quite popular among summer residents and farmers, largely due to its high yield and rapid fruit ripening - no more than 45 days pass from emergence to the first picking of cucumbers (sometimes less, depending on climatic and weather conditions). This hybrid is self-pollinating, feels good under a film unheated greenhouse or in open ground. The plants are not too big, there are few side shoots. Blossoms in nodes, each of which forms up to 3 fruits.

The shape of cucumbers is cylindrical, elongated, there are green stripes of various lengths on the skin, there are few tubercles, the length is in the range of 7-9 cm and weighs about 70 grams. The pulp is crispy, dense, without bitterness. The fruits are suitable for both fresh consumption and canning. About 14 kg can be harvested from one square meter of crops. It can be grown in the form of seedlings, it can be planted in open ground when the soil warms up to about 15-16 degrees. It is recommended to plant no more than 5 shoots per square meter, if cucumbers grow on trellises, then there should be even fewer of them - 3 or 4 plants per square of soil. The soil is pre-fertilized by adding leaves or sawdust before winter.


  • Friendly formation of fruits, due to which a high yield is immediately ensured;
  • Long fruiting;
  • Good resistance to any disease.


  • The soil must be prepared for this variety at the end of the previous season.

1. Cucumber seeds Sankina love F1

The most productive hybrid among all the best varieties of cucumbers in 2018 - fruiting begins early and lasts for quite a long time. All plants of the female type of flowering, almost do not branch, which greatly facilitates their care. It blooms in knots, and up to 12 fruits can be in one node. It is generally accepted that this variety is ideal for canning and salting in a jar, but it also goes well for food: the fruits are not bitter, have a thin skin and dense, crispy flesh. There are pronounced tubercles on the surface, the length of cucumbers is in the range of 8-11 cm, they withstand transportation well even over long distances. Good resistance to diseases such as olive blotch, common cucumber mosaic virus. Not sensitive to all varieties of powdery mildew, including downy mildew.

Experienced gardeners recommend forming plants strictly in one stem - this way they will receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, and all the necessary nutrients. After the first harvest is obtained, cucumbers should be fed with products with a high nitrogen content. They should grow quite far from each other - up to two shoots are allowed per square meter. This variety loves abundant watering, necessarily warm water. The crop should be harvested daily - if these recommendations are followed, record yields can be achieved: from one square meter, you can get about 40 kg of cucumbers during the season.


  • Very high productivity;
  • Disease resistance;
  • Slight sprawling bushes.


The best frost-resistant varieties

It is a fairly hardy plant, the lashes and roots of which are able to withstand significant cooling. The length of the lashes is small, it is only about 80 cm, so about 5 plants can be planted in one square place - they will not interfere with each other. The peel of the fruit is quite dense, inside they are soft, so they are recommended exclusively for fresh consumption. The cucumbers themselves have the shape of an ellipse, there are almost no tubercles on the surface, the color is light green in length, they are about 9-10 cm, however, there are also quite large specimens - up to 15 cm.

The taste characteristics are average, the fruits may begin to taste bitter in case of lack of moisture. The variety can be attributed to the fast ripening. The yield is average, but it will be quite enough for food. Plants do not require any special training soil, can be grown even in fairly lean soils that are poor in nutrients.


  • Frost resistance;
  • Unpretentiousness;
  • Long fruiting period.


  • Suitable for consumption only.

4. Cucumber variety Serpentine

Enough productive variety for aging cucumbers low temperatures, fruits ripen early, are well suited for pickling and for direct consumption. The bushes are quite powerful, they do not grow long, there are not too many lateral lashes, they are characterized by a female type of flowering. From the moment of planting to the time of harvesting the first fruits, about 45 days pass. The shape of the cucumbers is oblong, cylindrical, up to 12 cm long.

The appearance is very beautiful, the flesh is crisp, without the slightest hint of bitterness, fragrant. The peel is thin, the average weight is 80-90 grams. From one bush you can get about 20 kg, but if the weather and climatic conditions allow, then this figure can be made even more - up to 25 kg. The variety bears fruit for a long time - during all the summer months. They are planted in the ground in May, the seeds are not pre-soaked, there should be about 30 cm between plants.


  • Excellent yield;
  • Magnificent trade dress;
  • Juicy fruits;
  • Long shelf life and transportability;
  • Not capricious.


  • There are many thorns on the fruits, so they are washed with a special brush.

3. Variety of cucumbers Bush

One more is enough compact version among varieties best cucumbers 2018 - his maximum length the lash does not exceed 70 cm, in total there are no more than 2-3 lateral lashes. This plant is perfect for small plots where there is not enough land all the time to plant all the desired crops. Such a variety belongs to parthenocarpic, due to which it can be grown in greenhouse conditions, however, in a greenhouse, the yield will be significantly lower than in open ground. Cucumbers are considered early ripening - the crop can be harvested within 20 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

The size of the fruit is not very large - no more than 12 cm with a weight of about one hundred grams. Oval in shape, slightly elongated. Well suited for conservation, but fresh food is also suitable. The taste is excellent - the pulp is very juicy and crispy, the skin is not too dense. You can grow both seedling and seed type, however, in the first case, the crop can be obtained much earlier - planting in the ground is carried out either at the end of May or at the beginning of June. After planting, until the plants take root in the soil, they need to be covered with a film for the night. Mature plants are not afraid of falling temperatures and cold nights, besides, they are not susceptible to diseases.


  • Unpretentiousness;
  • Does not require a lot of land;
  • Good taste;
  • Excellent resistance to various diseases.


  • Fruiting ends in about five to six weeks.

2. Cucumber variety Competitor

This variety is classified by professional agronomists as early ripening - the first fruits can be obtained in about 45-50 days. Sowing is carried out in mid-May, when the temperature is already positive at night. The stem grows very quickly and produces tendrils, so it is well suited for trellises. Leaves are medium sized and heart shaped. It begins to bloom very quickly - literally after the appearance of the fifth and sixth leaves. The variety needs pollination. The yield is average, even closer to low - only about 3-4 kg per square meter. The fruiting period is long and is about 90 days. It can be either longer or shorter, depending on weather and climatic conditions. There were cases when the lashes bore fruit even in mid-October.

Cucumbers have a standard shape, are painted dark green, the fruits are usually large - they can reach 18 cm in length and weigh 130-200 grams. This greatly facilitates harvesting. The taste is good, there is no bitterness, the pulp is slightly sweet, juicy. They can also be used for conservation, both separately and in combination with other vegetable crops.


  • Non-hybrid variety, so seeds can be used for planting next year;
  • Good taste;
  • Unpretentiousness.


  • Long whips;
  • Low yield.

1. Variety of cucumbers Nezhinsky

Another varietal variant, which also withstands short exposure to low temperatures well. It belongs to the pollinated, does not ripen as quickly as we would like - after the emergence of seedlings, about 60 days pass. Scourges can reach a length of about 2 meters. The leaves are bright green in color and small in size. Average yield - about 12-14 kg per square meter. The taste is high: the pulp has a characteristic cucumber aroma, bitterness does not occur even with a lack of watering. The skin is dense, there are many sharp black spikes, the fruit weighs no more than 100 grams.

Before planting, agronomists recommend disinfecting the seeds by putting them in a solution of potassium permanganate for a day. This helps to protect them from the occurrence of diseases of the root system. Planting is allowed in fairly cool soil - about 10 degrees. It is watered about once a week, after germination, fertilizing is carried out with products containing nitrogen, magnesium and phosphorus.


  • Perfect for any climatic conditions;
  • Withstands both low temperatures and drought;
  • Fruits easily tolerate transportation;
  • Plants are not susceptible to various diseases.


  • Not detected.

In conclusion, a useful video

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