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Potentilla shrub - planting and caring for an unusual plant. Potentilla shrub care and cultivation pruning and reproduction How to feed Potentilla ornamental shrubs in July

Potentilla shrub is an amazingly beautiful shrub belonging to the Rosaceae family. This plant is now called cinquefoil, but earlier it was called dasiphora. From time to time, such names as five-leaf tea and Kuril tea are remembered. Why tea? Because once the leaves of the cinquefoil were used as tea.

, more than 500 pieces. The plant will become good, it blooms for a long time and plentifully, for which gardeners fell in love. looks completely different if it is decorated with shrubby cinquefoil.

Here are some types of cinquefoil that are ideal for any area in the garden:

  • The cinquefoil is stemless. A plant of small height of 2-6 cm. It grows well on stony, gravelly soils. Loves sunny sides and wetlands.
  • The cinquefoil is shiny. This type of cinquefoil will perfectly create a decoration on the site. With its silvery green leaves, the plant mimics a carpet covered with dozens of beautiful pink flowers.
  • Altai cinquefoil. The plant reaches a height of up to 35 cm. It has flowers of bright yellow color and broad carved leaves.

Dozens of varieties have been bred with flowers of various colors. Selected fruits tend to bloom much longer and are more beautiful than natural species.

Potentilla with white and yellow flowers is very fond of the sun. It is more resistant to drought and less capricious in relation to soils than cinquefoil with red and pink flowers.

If you plant several variety of varieties cinquefoil, with different colors, flowering periods and the shape of shrubs, you can get interesting flower arrangements in your garden.

To obtain new plants, it is enough to propagate Potentilla through its cuttings. They need to be cut at the end of June and before the end of July. They will take root wonderfully if you put them under a jar or film. It is better to plant them on a permanent site in the spring.

Varieties that creep are best propagated by layering.

You can simply press the branch of the plant to the soil and bury it. But, there is also a third way of reproduction - the division of the bush. It is very important not to let a poorly established bush bloom, which can ruin it.

Potentilla is an unpretentious plant. Quite resistant to winter, drought, loves sunny sides, but can also grow in the shade. Growing does not require the application of large forces and costs. The only drawback is that cinquefoil is very rarely found on sale.

Light fertilized soils, slightly acidic and alkaline reactions are well suited for the plant. It is not necessary to moisten the soil where the cinquefoil grows too much.

Potentilla will grow and bloom well on fertile soil with diffused lighting.

In the spring, you need to fertilize the soil with mineral top dressing. Potentilla care includes periodic sanitary pruning, it is best to do it in the month of May. In summer, you can sometimes trim the ends of the branches so that the crown of the plant remains dense. In autumn, old shrubs need to be rejuvenated, cut out entirely individual branches. Running shrubs are best cut off completely, so they will best be renewed.

It is necessary to loosen and mulch the soil with humus, compost or peat. If there is no rain for a long time, then it is necessary to water the cinquefoil, irrigating the crown. It is better to do this in the evening with warm water.

Three important principles that will help to achieve a successful result when growing cinquefoil:

  1. Potentilla grows remarkably on sunny places, but it is better to prefer partial shade for planting.
  2. The soil should be fertile, loose and moderately moist.
  3. Potentilla is well related to periodic watering. It is not necessary to allow the soil to dry out too much, but it is also not recommended to fill it with water too much.

Local residents of the Altai Territory have been using cinquefoil as a medicine for many centuries. The nomads used Potentilla shoots as a tonic. Tea brewed from cinquefoil leaves gives the body new strength, develops appetite, improves the condition of the digestive, respiratory, excretory and cardiovascular systems. Statistics show that cinquefoil is an effective, effective and safe remedy used in the treatment of childhood dysbacteriosis.

Such widespread use of cinquefoil is easily explained by the fact that it contains the most biologically significant substances. possess young shoots, which are harvested in the phase of budding and flowering.

Due to the high content of selenium, Potentilla tea is incredibly beneficial for the human body. In the field of herbal medicine, specialists have been studying the healing properties of Potentilla for a long time. Of course, not everything has been proven to the end, but it can be definitely argued that Potentilla has a positive effect on the outcome of diseases such as diffuse goiter, hyper- and hypothyroidism.

One very well-known and effective drug Endonorm, aimed at the prevention and treatment of thyroid pathologies, was created on the basis of an extract of cinquefoil roots.

Potentilla roots are rich in trace elements: iron, silver, copper, iodine, etc. The use of cinquefoil has a positive effect on restoring hormonal balance and optimizing metabolic processes. But, on the plots, Kuril tea can be cultivated not only to obtain medicinal raw materials. Potentilla - high ornamental plant. It is ideal for creating magnificent hedges, alpine mountains, and as additions among evergreen coniferous crops.

Potentilla is easy to cut, pleases gardeners with its rapid development, growth and unpretentious care. Thanks to all these advantages, in terms of design and agricultural technology, cinquefoil is one of the most convenient types of plants to decorate your backyard.

More information can be found in the video.

Potentilla shrub is gaining more and more popularity among gardeners. And this is not surprising, because her bushes are not inclined to crowd out their neighbors, and their decorative qualities are high due to long flowering. Also, tonic drinks and extracts, if desired, can be made to raise the mood and general tone. In general, the culture is interesting from all sides, let's get acquainted with the representatives of this species and some varieties that are successfully used in garden design.

Potentilla: types and varieties, photo

Potentilla (Potentilla), five-leaf or Kuril tea - all these are the names of one plant, which not only has an interesting appearance, but also medicinal properties, and is also considered a good honey plant.

Many gardeners may be familiar with such a perennial herbaceous plant as a false strawberry (dusheneya), blooming with yellow flowers, with an aggressive character like a weed. Another well-known variety is white cinquefoil (P.alba), used in herbal medicine to treat women's diseases and the thyroid gland. It is becoming less and less in the wild, as fertile meadows are quickly moving away for agriculture.

Kalgan or cinquefoil erect is used as a spice in the fish canning industry. But now we will focus on shrubs and semi-shrubs used in ornamental gardening.

This type of plant is part of the Rosaceae family and has been cultivated since 1700. In nature, Kuril tea is found in the Kuril Islands, in the North Caucasus, as well as in Europe. Some types of five-leaf spring grow in Russia:

  1. Manchurian;
  2. Dahurian;
  3. Friedrichsen hybrid;
  4. small-leaved;
  5. shrubby.

These plants are highly branched shrubs, reaching a height of one to one and a half meters. On young branches there is a lot of short fluff, and adult shoots are covered with gray-brown exfoliating bark.

Small carved leaves cover the shoots from the very base to the top. Medium-sized flowers, mostly yellowish, open in early summer. They are located on the branches in inflorescences such as a brush. Long flowering continues until late autumn. Each plant can bloom without stopping for more than two months.

Potentilla varieties

Potentilla Dahurian grows in natural conditions among the massifs woody plants, along the banks of rivers, on the rocky slopes of Eastern Siberia, on limestone soils Far East. This species is represented by a shrub that reaches a height of about 60 cm. The loose crown of the plant is formed by thin shoots covered with gray bark.

Long flowering lasts up to 100 days (May - September), and fruiting takes place from August to October. This plant tolerates winter well. The shrub grows intensively, but mostly in width. Kuril Dahurian tea is used in the design of rockeries and alpine slides. It is propagated by seeds, cuttings and division of the bush.

Low bushes of Manchurian Kuril tea reach a height of about half a meter, and its width varies from 0.8 to 1.6 meters. The ovate leaves are completely covered with soft fluff. Decorative white flowers about 2.5 cm wide bloom at the tops of the branches. Long flowering runs from early summer to October, and the seeds begin to ripen from August. Winter-hardy bushes grow very quickly.

Small-leaved Kuril tea is the shortest, as it reaches a height of only 20 cm. Gray-green leaves consist of several leaves (5, 7 or 9). Beautiful bright yellow flowers located on the branches one by one or in inflorescences. Powerful flowering takes place from June to September, and the seeds begin to ripen from August. This species is used in the design of rocky gardens and rock gardens. Handles winter well.

Friedrichsen's Kuril tea was obtained by crossing bush and Dahurian teas. The crown of the shrub is covered with bright green leaves. Plant height varies from 1.0 to 1.5 meters. Medium-sized flowers are painted in a cream or light yellowish tint. Long flowering lasts from June to October. It has good winter hardiness.

Potentilla shrub (Potentilla fruticosa) stands out among other varieties for its variability. The size of the flowers, the amount of pubescence, the height and width of the bush directly depend on the growing conditions. Under natural conditions, it is found in many regions of our country.

A spherical bush about one meter high is formed by sprawling branches. The branches are covered with gray-red bark. The greenish-gray pinnate leaves consist of several leaflets and are covered with short hairs. Kuril tea extract is used in the complex therapy of inflammatory processes and as a powerful immunomodulator.

Beautiful small yellow flowers (about 3 cm wide) are arranged singly or collected in racemes. Flowering continues all summer (June-August). Interestingly, seed ripening occurs simultaneously with flowering. Life expectancy is 30 years. Differs in unpretentiousness and winter hardiness. This species is one of the few lignified among 300 herbaceous varieties, therefore it is widely used in landscape design. In addition to the original yellow, many varieties with white, pink and red flowers have been bred.

Potentilla shrub: the best varieties

Today there is a large number of varieties of Kuril tea, which are used in the design of cottages, household plots, parks and squares.

  • "Manchu". The height of the bushes of this variety is only 40 cm, and the width of the crown is about one meter. Whitish flowers with a delicate cream tint bloom from June to September.
  • "Tilford Cream". The height of the sprawling bush varies from 0.35 to 0.6 meters, and the width - from 1.0 to 1.2 meters. Light green leaves cover the plant from top to bottom. Creamy white flowers bloom in May. Flowering lasts until September.
  • "Pink Queen". Plants of this variety reach a height of 0.8 meters. The width of the bush is 1.5 meters. flowers pink shade bloom on branches covered with bright green leaves. Flowering occurs from June to September.
  • "Princess". The height of the cushion-shaped crown is 0.8 meters, and the width is 1.2 meters. Flowers painted in a pleasant pink color, bloom in May. Flowering ends in September. Dark green leaves cover the bush in large numbers.
  • "Floppy Disc" is a compact shrub reaching a height of about 40 cm. The width of the crown is 0.8 cm. Smallish light green leaves are located on gray-brown branches. The flowers are 2.5 to 3 cm wide, pink with a red tint. Powerful flowering lasts from July to September.
  • Red Robin. The bush of this variety reaches a height of 60 cm. The width of the crown reaches 1.3 meters. Red flowers bloom in July. Flowering ends in September.
  • "Tangerine" or "Tangerine". The height of the shrub varies from 0.5 to 0.8 meters. The width of the crown is 1.2 meters. The grey-green leaves go well with the orange flowers (about 3 cm wide) with a golden center. Flowering lasts from June to September.
  • Hopless Orange. Plants of this variety grow up to 0.5 meters. Medium sized flowers are dense Orange color, but when grown in partial shade, they turn yellow-orange. Flowering occurs from May to September.
  • "Abbotswood". Bushes reach a height of 0.8 to 0.9 meters. The width of the crown, shaped like a pillow, is 1.3 meters. A large number of light green leaves cover the bush from top to bottom. Medium-sized flowers (about 3.5 cm wide) are painted in pure White color. On the branches they are located in inflorescences (small) or one at a time. Spectacular flowering occurs from June to October.

Potentilla shrub: planting, care and cultivation nuances

When choosing one or another variety, it is worth knowing that bushes with yellow flowers are more winter-hardy, and plants with pink or reddish flowers do not always withstand winters with severe frosts.

Kuril tea is a photophilous plant, and therefore they need to be planted in sunny places with loose nutrient soil. The depth, width and length of the pit varies from 40 to 60 cm. The place where the roots grow should be located at ground level.

best time planting of this crop is considered spring (April), when the earth is completely warm. But you can also do it in the fall (September).

On lands with a large amount of clay, the volume of the pit is increased by 20-40 cm, and drainage from pebbles and crushed stone is poured onto the bottom. The layer height is 15-20 cm.

A mixture for falling asleep in a pit is prepared from leaf humus, sand, and soddy soil. Moreover, leaf humus and soddy land are taken in two parts, and sand - one part. Before planting, the roots of the seedling are inspected, straightened, cut off broken and dried up.

The bush is placed in a pit, the roots are distributed evenly over its volume, and covered with a soil mixture. In this case, you need to ensure that there are no voids between the roots. Then the bush is watered, and the place around it is mulched.

Care and pruning of Potentilla shrub

Adult bushes of Kuril tea can go without watering for a long time, but at the same time they hardly tolerate dry air. During hot weather, when there is no precipitation for a long time, the plants are watered only 3 times per season, but sprayed regularly in the evening.

Young plants begin to feed from the third year of cultivation. The first feeding is carried out in the spring. To do this, use garden compost or rotted cow manure, diluted with water (1:10). Before blooming flowers, the bushes are fed again with ash fertilizer.

To maintain the size of the bush, plants are formed every year in the fall after flowering. During formative pruning, all branches are shortened by a third of the length. The compactness of the crown is maintained by powerful pruning, which is carried out once every three to four years in the spring, shortening the shoots by 8-10 cm.

Potentilla shrub in garden design

Due to the unpretentiousness and rich variety of colors, Potentilla shrub is widely used to decorate the design of the garden. With its compact bushes, it is good to “knock out” groups of conifers, plant low-growing hedges in the form of borders.

Potentilla shrub is also good in mixborders continuous flowering, where it is combined with a prominent stonecrop and cosmea (to create compositions in pink). And yellow varieties go well with more bright colors.

In general, Potentilla has many positive qualities- this is unpretentiousness in care, and the duration of flowering, which is rarely combined in plants intended for sunny areas of the garden. Feel free to plant such a plant as shrub cinquefoil - its peaceful nature and long flowering will appeal to you.

Potentilla - perennial, rarely annual plant from the rose family. The genus Potentilla is the most numerous in terms of the number of species - there are about 325 of them, including herbaceous, semi-shrubby and shrubby. And each of the species can decorate a corner of the garden or become a centerpiece. landscape composition especially since they are easy to care for.

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    Botanical description

    Potentilla is rightfully considered an unpretentious and frost-resistant plant, as it tolerates cooling down to -30 ° C. In the wild, distributed in northern latitudes with temperate climate- the range covers Europe, North America and some Asian countries.

    The flowers of the plant consist of five petals of different colors: white, yellow, pink, orange and different shades of red. Leaves are palmately divided, lanceolate or pinnate. The color of the leaves depends on the composition of the soil at the place of growth and varies from light silver to dark green.

    Potentilla is popularly called cinquefoil, it also has another name - Kuril tea. The leaves and roots of the plant are distinguished by a high content of vitamins, microelements, tannins and tannins, so they are used as raw materials for brewing tea, as well as for the preparation of various medicines. Potentilla medicines have anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic properties. They are used even for violations of the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency in the body.

    Gardeners fell in love with Kuril tea for its high decorativeness - almost all types and varieties are characterized by long flowering up to 2-4 months. Yes, and caring for cinquefoil is within the power of even a beginner in gardening.

    species diversity. The best varieties

    Potentilla species are conventionally divided into three groups, differing in flower color:

    • yellow-flowered;
    • white-flowered;
    • red-flowered (this includes species with pink, orange and red petals).

    Each group has a huge number of varieties. Among the variety of shrub varieties, it is worth highlighting a few of the most popular:

    • Goldfinger.

    One of the brightest representatives of the yellow-flowered group is the Potentilla Goldfinger. Shrub shoots grow up to 1.2 m, the crown of an adult bush reaches 1.5 m in diameter, and dark yellow flowers - 4-5 cm. The plant blooms from June to frost, differs high resistance to diseases and pests. AT landscape design Potentilla shrub Goldfinger is used as decorative hedges and borders, and looks great as a tapeworm plant.

    • Goldstar.

    Of the yellow-flowered plants, Potentilla shrub Goldstar stands out. A small shrub 0.6-0.7 m high in June is covered with large golden yellow flowers (up to 5 cm in diameter). Abundant flowering continues until the first frost.

    • Abbotswood.

    Potentilla shrub Abbotswood belongs to the group of white-flowered species. This is a low shrub up to 1-1.2 m high. The size of white flowers is small and is 2.0-2.5 cm in diameter, but a large number of simultaneously opened petals and long flowering from June to September make this variety the best of the group.

    • Red Ice.

    Of the representatives of the third group, the Potentilla shrub Red Ice stands out. The plant blooms for almost three months, while the color of the petals changes throughout the season: orange-red flowers bloom in early summer, in the middle of the season they turn yellow-orange, and with cold snaps they acquire a rich red color. The shrub is not so tall compared to the above varieties - the length of the stems is 0.6-0.7 m, and the crown diameter grows to 1.2 m.

    • Lovely Pink.

    It is impossible to ignore one more variety - Potentilla shrub Lovely Pink (Pink Beauty), bred by British breeders. The plant justifies its belonging to the Rosaceae family - its large bright pink flowers up to 5 cm in diameter abundantly cover a relatively low (0.5-0.6 m) bush. Despite the high decorativeness, Lovely Pink tolerates the conditions of the metropolis, drought and frost well. These qualities make it indispensable for decorating the urban landscape as a tapeworm or hedge. Gardeners plant shrubs in discounts, rock gardens, in combination with perennials, and even use them as a ground cover plant.

    • Princesses.

    Potentilla Princesses in adulthood reaches 0.6-0.8 m. The shrub is covered with light pink flowers with a yellow center, atypical for other plant species. The diameter of the flowers does not exceed 3 cm. Flowering continues from May to November, depending on climatic conditions growing zones.

    • Mango tango.

    Of the variety of species, the cinquefoil shrub Mango-tango stands out - a low shrub (0.5-0.6 m) with spectacular large flowers mango color. In cool weather, red-orange flowers take on a rich red hue.

    A wonderful decoration of the garden is the hybrid cinquefoil, bred by breeders by crossing different types. Its large double flowers come in all sorts of shades: yellow, pink, red and purple.

    Unpretentious and at the same time decorative garden shrub Potentilla, planting and caring for which do not cause any special problems, regardless of the variety. This is how she earned the love of fans. flowering plants and landscape designers.

    The plant grows equally well on any, even infertile, soils. But best result can be achieved by growing Kuril tea on loose nutrient soils with good drainage and an acidity index of pH 7.0-8.5.

    In the wild, the cinquefoil grows in large open spaces well lit by the sun. In garden culture, bright corners of the garden are better suited for her, where the sun's rays will delight at least 6 hours during the day. Constant sun is undesirable for the plant - in bright light, the color of the flowers becomes pale.

    Potentilla shrub, which can be planted in autumn, spring, and summer, has a superficial root system, so it does not need a deep planting hole. According to gardeners, it is still worth planting shrubs in early spring as soon as the snow melts and the soil thaws:

    • They prepare a hole twice as wide and deeper than a store container or an earthen ball (depending on how the roots of the plant are “packed”).
    • When planting as a hedge, a distance of at least 0.6-0.7 m is left between the bushes.
    • A layer of lime gravel must be laid at the bottom of the landing pit, which will perform the function of drainage. River pebbles or broken bricks are also used as a drainage layer.
    • A soil mixture is prepared from leafy soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1.
    • The pit is filled halfway with the prepared mixture. 100-150 g of complex mineral fertilizer is added to it, mixing the granules well with the ground.
    • The seedling is not buried - the root neck should be slightly above ground level.
    • Then the pit is covered with the remaining earth, only without the addition of fertilizers, well tamped and watered. After watering, the earth will settle and the root neck will be flush with the surface of the site, which is optimal for good growth of Potentilla.
    • The first three weeks, the cinquefoil is watered as the top layer of the earth dries up.

    So that the soil does not dry out too quickly, it is mulched with straw, wood chips or sawdust with a layer of 5-7 cm. In the future, rooted and adult plants will not have to be watered too often.

    Care rules

    Caring for Potentilla shrubs includes watering, loosening, fertilizing and pruning.

    Kuril tea tolerates dry air and a long absence of watering well, but it is better not to allow the earth to dry out. During the summer season, it is watered additionally 3-4 times, pouring 1.5-2 buckets under each plant, and if the summer is dry, then the number of waterings is increased. The cinquefoil responds well to sprinkling, which is carried out in the evening after sunset.

    Loosen the soil to a shallow depth of 5-10 cm, not forgetting the superficial roots, which are easy to damage. Loosening and weeding help saturate the roots of the plant with oxygen and free the area from weeds.

    Potentilla shrub, whose varieties are distinguished by a variety of colors, is able to decorate flower beds and gardens for 20-30 years. And although most bushes have a natural rounded shape, every year it must be maintained with formative pruning.

    Pruning of Potentilla shrub is carried out as late autumn and early spring. If you carry out a “haircut” in the fall, then in the spring Kuril tea will not take up precious time, which is so lacking in this “hot” time for gardeners. However, residents middle lane and the northern regions, it’s better to set aside an hour of free time for spring pruning, so that the cinquefoil overwinter with old branches - they will help to keep snow and endure frosts without loss.

    For pruning, you will need a fan rake and a good secateurs that can “bite”, and not flatten, shrub branches, which reach a diameter of 1-1.2 cm with age:

    • With a fan rake, they clear the soil around the bush, freeing it from old leaves and grass.
    • Pruning shears cut the branches of the cinquefoil, trying to give the crown a symmetrical shape resembling a ball.
    • When pruning, the branches are shortened by about a third of the length, a maximum of half, no more.
    • Dried and damaged branches are cut out completely.
    • Slices are treated with garden pitch.

    Formative pruning not only improves the appearance of the shrub, but also stimulates it to bloom abundantly. During the summer, the clipped bush will turn into a thick green ball, densely strewn with flowers. Since Kuril tea belongs to slow-growing plants, gardeners recommend cutting the bush every 2-3 years.

    Advice:Given thatplantbloodroot- "long-liver", gardeners recommend every 5-6 years to carry out a radical rejuvenating haircut, after which they leave stumps 15-20 cm above ground level. Young branches will grow back quite quickly, and the plant will again take on a decorative look., but for this after trimmingcinquefoilmust be fed.

    The cinquefoil is fertilized annually in the spring after the first green leaves appear. As top dressing, phosphate fertilizer and potassium sulfate are used, which are diluted at the rate of 25-30 g per 10 liters of water. Knowing how to feed the plant, it is easy to achieve lush and long flowering.

    Potentilla shrub, which is easy to care for, is highly resistant to insect pests and fungal diseases. If there are signs of rust or powdery mildew the plant is treated with colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux liquid or ready-made fungicidal preparations.

    It is not necessary to cover Kuril tea for the period of cold weather - the good winter hardiness of the plant makes it easier for gardeners to work when preparing for winter work.

    herbaceous varieties

    1. 1 Potentilla Nepalese.

    The varieties discussed above are perennial shrubs. You can not ignore the herbaceous varieties. Of particular interest is the Nepalese cinquefoil Miss Wilmont. This perennial with straight branched stems, reaching a height of 0.5 m, and rather large pink-red flowers with a diameter of 2.5-3.0 cm, collected in paniculate inflorescences.

    AT last years it is the Nepalese cinquefoil that is popular among gardeners, the cultivation and care of which is possible even for inexperienced flower growers.

    Even an inexperienced gardener can grow Nepalese cinquefoil seeds from seeds. Seeds are laid out on top of the soil and sprinkled with a small layer of earth. After 2-3 weeks, shoots appear, and after another 2-3 weeks, the sprouts dive and plant on permanent place in the garden. For successful germination of seeds and growing seedlings, the air temperature should not fall below + 18 ° C.

    Potentilla Nepalese needs the same lighting and soil composition as shrub varieties, and timely top dressing will ensure good growth and abundant flowering. However, we must remember that when planting seeds, the plant will bloom only in the second year.

    Potentilla Nepalese also propagates by dividing the rhizome - in a simple and effective way. To do this, in the spring or autumn, they dig up the mother bush and cut it into several parts with a sharp disinfected pruner. Delenki are planted in a permanent place in the garden reserved for future bushes. When planting in a row between the bushes, a distance of at least 0.3 m is left so that the overgrown Nepalese Potentilla does not drown out the neighboring bushes.

    Potentilla Nepalese does not require special care - all the same agrotechnical conditions apply to it as for shrub varieties.

    1. 2 Potentilla white.

    Unlike its "relatives", white cinquefoil grows only 8-25 cm in height. This perennial herb is used in folk medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Useful, from a medicinal point of view, are rhizomes harvested in the fall. Leaves and stems do not healing properties and are of no value to herbalists.

    The rhizomes of the cinquefoil contain trace elements: silicon, aluminum, manganese, zinc and iodine. The iodine content gives the plant a special value - the composition of many drugs intended for the treatment of thyroid diseases includes extracts and extracts of Potentilla white.

    Potentilla grass white grows in Europe, occupying the territory from the Volga to Central Europe, it can be found in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Italy and Yugoslavia. If the Nepalese cinquefoil prefers light areas, then the white loves semi-shady places and is found on forest edges, in copses and meadows. It is used by gardeners as a ground cover plant that stifles the growth of weeds. This type of cinquefoil is grown even as ampelous plant, planting in hanging pots.

    Important:Due to the intensive development of forestry and agriculturefarmsplant canseeless and less often - in many countries where earlierPotentilla herbaceousfound everywhere, it is listed in the conservation lists of endangered species.

    Application in landscape design

    Without exception, all types and varieties of cinquefoil are highly decorative. On any site, both shrub varieties and herbaceous varieties will look equally impressive.

    Thanks to the formative pruning, the shrub cinquefoil will become a spectacular tapeworm that attracts the eye, looks beautiful and hedge or group planting.

    Low-growing varieties of cinquefoil are planted in flower beds, rockeries and rocky gardens, and herbaceous varieties are planted in flower beds in combination with other perennials. So, yellow cinquefoil looks pretty with blue and blue flowers, red cinquefoil - with white and pink.

    Absolutely any plants deserve to be “neighbors” of Kuril tea, except for pine, which, like the cinquefoil, can be affected by rust.

    Unpretentious and at the same time attractive cinquefoil is able to decorate a city park, flower bed or lawn, and even on garden plot it is worth highlighting a corner for this unpretentious plant. Even a novice florist can grow a wonderful shrub that will bloom throughout the summer season.

    Flowering shaped cinquefoil bush

    Potentilla (lat. Potentilla) - perennial, which can decorate gardens and flower beds for 20-30 years. Various varieties have dimensions from 50 to 100 cm in height and width. Usually, the cinquefoil bush has a rounded shape, but to make it ideal, it is necessary to help the plant "bring beauty" every year, that is, to make a shaping haircut. Consider how to properly prune using the example of Potentilla shrub "Goldfinger" (Goldfinger).

    It is better to use a sufficiently powerful pruner as a tool, since the oldest branches reach 0.7-1.2 cm in diameter.

    You can make a haircut in the fall, before installing the snow cover. In this case, in March-April you will see a neat crown of a shrub that will not require your attention on busy spring days for a gardener. However, in colder latitudes, in the conditions of the middle lane, it is better to prune in the spring. The old branches of a dense shrub will contribute well to snow retention, and the plant will better tolerate frosts.

    You will need:

    • secateurs;
    • fan rake;
    • roulette.

    Work sequence:

    Use a fan rake to clear the ground around the bush of old foliage and grass. With the same rake, you can "comb" the branches of Potentilla, removing last year's leaves and flowers that have dried on them.

    Examine the shape of the plant, determine the degree of shortening of the branches. If the plant was more in the sun on one side and in the shade on the other, it could form its crown asymmetrically. In this case, to give the correct rounded shape, the branches will be cut with different parties not the same. The main thing is that as a result of cutting the branches of the bush become the same length, which will create the shape of a ball.

    When cutting cinquefoil, proceed from the rule that the branches should not be shortened by more than half, best option- by a third. Remove the old broken and dried branches entirely, treat the sections with garden pitch.

    Potentilla shearing stimulates abundant flowering. It is desirable to feed the plant in the period after the shearing, when the first green leaves begin to appear on the branches. Potentilla responds well to spring top dressing phosphate fertilizer (25 g per 10 liters of water) and potassium sulfate (30 g per 8-10 liters of water).

    In a dry summer, Potentilla needs a cool shower, so do not bypass it with a hose when watering, but walk well with a “rain” along its crown.

    By comparing the photos before and after the haircut, you can clearly see that a well-groomed look can be given to the plant by spending only 15-20 minutes working with a pruner. In response, Potentilla will thank you with a thick ball of greenery and bright flowers against its background.

    The most popular in gardening are perennials that do not require special care, but at the same time bloom for a long time and beautifully. When choosing plants for a flower bed, you should pay attention to the Potentilla shrub. it unpretentious flower known as Kuril tea.

    Description of perennial (photo): varieties and types of Potentilla

    Potentilla shrub is a perennial strongly branching plant with a dense spherical crown, whose height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The leaves are divided into 5 lobes and slightly pubescent. Potentilla flowers are large, sometimes collected in inflorescences. In the middle of each flower, there are up to 30 stamens, which gives it some splendor. The flowering period is quite long - from the beginning of June to the end of October.

    After flowering, the plant is covered with pubescent brown fruits - achenes that look like buttons. This gives additional decorativeness to the plant.

    In nature, there are more than 250 species of ornamental plants, but only a few can be successfully grown in our latitudes.

    1. The Nepalese variety is a tall variety that grows well in any soil. The perennial is unpretentious in care, reaches a height of about 60 cm.

    2. Potentilla brilliant - decorative variety with dark pink flowers.

    3. White cinquefoil is a small shrub that reaches up to 25 cm in height. From spring it is covered with large white flowers, which are collected in inflorescences.

    4. Potentilla shrub - herbaceous perennial. Traditional yellow flowers.

    How to plant Potentilla shrub

    Potentilla shrub will help to decorate a garden of any style without much effort. Her landing is more of a pleasure than a difficult task.

    Choosing a place to grow

    Perennial prefers bright areas, well lit throughout the day. But under the direct sunbeams it is impossible to plant a cinquefoil. Too much light is bad for delicate flowers, they quickly fade in the sun and lose their decorative effect.

    When looking for a place for a shrub, it is better to give preference to shaded areas with rarefied light. Leave too dark places in the garden for other crops, as the perennial does not tolerate dense shade. In such conditions, it develops slowly, is more often affected by diseases and practically does not bloom.

    Soil selection and planting

    Potentilla grows on any type of soil, but requires additional top dressing. Ideal ground for her there will be loams. Varieties with pink flowers are especially demanding on the composition of the soil.

    Planting Potentilla shrub should be carried out in spring or autumn. It should be borne in mind that the root system of the plant is superficial, therefore, the holes should be up to 50 cm deep. When planning to plant several plants, you need to leave enough space for their development. Between the bushes, Potentilla recede from 30 to 80 cm.

    landing pit must be well drained. To do this, a layer of broken brick, crushed stone or pebbles is laid on the bottom. Humus mixed with earth is poured on top, and the plant is lowered. The planting of Potentilla shrub must be approached responsibly, correctly position the root neck of the plant. It must be above ground level, otherwise the perennial will hurt.

    Important! When planting a seedling, add to soil mixture some mineral fertilizers or ash.

    Finish landing abundant watering seedling and mulching the soil around it. Over the next month, it is necessary to monitor the level of soil moisture, preventing it from drying out.

    How to ensure proper care behind the cinquefoil shrub

    Caring for a perennial is not difficult at all, it is enough to follow some recommendations, which will ensure good development bush and full bloom.

    Watering and feeding regimen

    One of the important points for caring for Potentilla shrub is watering. The plant prefers wet soil. For abundant flowering it needs regular moderate watering. Some gardeners do not take this point into account, since cinquefoil refers to drought-resistant plants and is able to get by with rainwater, so the flower develops worse.

    In the hot summer, Potentilla will not refuse spraying, which is carried out in the evening. Young seedlings need more attention. At first, they are watered 2-3 times a week, spending up to 10 liters. warm water for one plant.

    An ornamental perennial that responds well to fertilization. When landing, it is better to use mineral complexes. next spring the plant needs to be fed like this:

    Mix 30-40 grams of potassium sulfate and phosphate, dilute in 10 liters of water. This top dressing is enough for one bush. Use in early spring.

    During the budding period, use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. They are bred in accordance with the instructions and feed the seedling.

    Potentilla shrub belongs to unpretentious perennials It's quite easy to take care of her. For supporting decorative look shrubs are pruned. It is best to do this in spring or autumn. Growing a bush for several years, it is necessary to cut off up to 1/3 of the length of all shoots, which will return it an attractive appearance and restrain growth. Also, the plant needs regular weeding. The soil must be loosened after watering and weeds must be removed.

    How Potentilla reproduces (photo)

    Growing Potentilla on the site, every gardener is faced with the need to propagate the plant. This decorative perennial can be propagated in several ways:




    The division of the bush.

    Potentilla seed propagation

    For further cultivation the seeds are harvested in autumn when they are fully ripe. They can be dried and stored for up to 3 years or immediately sown in the ground. Seeds are evenly distributed on the surface of the soil, slightly pressing down. Potentilla propagates well by self-seeding. Young plants are used for cultivation. They are transferred to temporary ridges, where good seedlings will grow in a few years.

    Perennial cuttings

    Harvest cuttings from last year's growth. All leaves are removed from them and planted in a greenhouse. The cuttings need regular watering and ventilation. If the plant releases buds, then they are removed so as not to take away food from a fragile seedling.

    Reproduction by layering

    This method is considered the simplest. The incised shoot is bent to the ground, fixed with a hairpin and sprinkled with nutrient soil. All that is required from the gardener is watering. As soon as the plant takes root, it is transplanted to a permanent place.

    Division of the mother bush

    Adult plants can be propagated by dividing the bush. In warm weather, the root process is separated from the selected mother bush and planted in a flower bed. The mother plant must be over 4 years old.

    Diseases and pests of Potentilla shrub (photo)

    Gardeners who grow cinquefoil shrubs may not be afraid for their ornamental plant. After all, the perennial is practically not affected by pests and does not get sick. The only thing that worries the cinquefoil is rust.

    The leaves of the plant are covered with yellow-brown spots. With the advanced form of the disease, they curl and dry out. The shrub is treated with preparations containing sulfur and boron. A solution of potassium permanganate also helps. Experienced gardeners noticed that Potentilla is affected by rust if it grows next to coniferous crops. Avoiding the disease is simple - do not plant Potentilla shrub near these plants.

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