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Elina is an Orthodox name or not. Elina (Ellina) - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Origin of the name Elina:name comes from Ancient Greece. The Greeks called their country Hellas (the name presumably has its roots in the word "Eol", which denoted one of the gods who commands the wind). From the name of the country came the name Elina. Its meaning is "Greek", "girl from Greece".FROMThere is also a version that Jewish name, meaning "life given by God". It is not widespread in the world; in Russia it is also rare.

Short form of the name Elina: Elinochka, Ela, Lina, Elinka, Elya, Ella, Elechka, Eliana, Linusya.

Foreign forms of the name: Elina (transliteration for a passport); Ellina, Elena (forms in different countries); Elena (derived from Elina), Helena, Eileen.

Elina's name day: October 19 (according to other sources, name days are not celebrated, and some believe that Elina can celebrate name days, like Elena, January 28, March 19, June 3, June 8, June 10, July 24, August 10, September 17, 12 november)

Characteristics of the name Elina

Positive traits of the name: Elina is fragile, sweet and dreamy. Many people are struck by the sincerity of the girl. Such a free expression of emotions, like Elina's, is not available to everyone. Elina is charming and always elegant. She has natural taste and knowledge of measure. A girl with this name is open to everything new, curious and always ready to talk. In childhood, many will call Elina an angel or an ideal child - she appreciates everything beautiful, learns to play the piano with pleasure. musical instruments, draws, dances, sings. With age, Elina’s love for everything beautiful does not go away, but the girl becomes more mundane, she more realistically evaluates both her talents and the value of this or that occupation. Elina easily enters into any company, she is friendly and few people can see her in anger. But this does not mean that Elina always likes everything - she just can look at the problem from the other side.

Negative traits of the name: In general, the influence of a name on a person is positive, but Elina can be overly emotional and even a little capricious. If a girl is spoiled as a child, she can become selfish. Elina is always sure that she is right and it is extremely difficult to make her change her mind. With age, this feature is smoothed out and the girl will no longer argue "with foam at the mouth", but she will agree far from immediately. It is quite possible that Elina, having supported your position, simply cheated so as not to get involved in an argument. With such a character, Elina's determination can play a bad joke on her - without calculating her strength and not listening to advice, she can suffer an unexpected defeat. In addition, the natural tendency to take everything too personally can have a bad effect on the general condition of the body.

Choosing a profession by name: Elina needs creative profession. An artist, writer, teacher, translator or fashion model will do. Some Elins will do a great job as a mathematician, historian, architect, and even an accountant.

The impact of the name on the business: Elina's sincerity and emotionality make her a bad player in the tough business field. Elina can start her own business, but only in two cases. First and most the best option- partnership with her husband. In this case, Elina will perceive the joint venture as a branch of the house, therefore she will make every effort to ensure that the business is harmonious and successful. The second option is to search for partners or advisers who can calmly assess all the risks and dissuade Elina from too irrational decisions. Elina is undoubtedly a purposeful girl, but only her qualities are not enough for doing business.

The impact of the name on health: Elina's health is usually quite strong, but if a girl constantly indulges her capriciousness, stress can destroy the body. Weakness such women - the immune system and the "jumpy" metabolism. Elina needs to take care of her emotional state And don't forget to exercise. Best for a fragile owner ancient name get a game of tennis or swimming. Athletics can also be a good option.

Psychology: Elina values ​​her family very much and is ready to help her husband and children, if only they give her the opportunity to enjoy life and express herself the way she personally wants. Elina is not one of those who can fully and without reserve devote herself to the family hearth, although he plays one of the central roles in her life. There can be no marriage of convenience or an accidental marriage for Elina - she is ready to live only with the one she loves. This, and Elina's desire for harmony, allows her to create an almost unique atmosphere at home, which is felt not only by home, but also by guests.

Elina name compatibility: Elina is one of those girls who are looking for their prince, so she is in no hurry with marriage. Among a large number gentlemen, Elina is better to prefer Roman or Vasily. Vladimir and Alexei are also well suited. Most men with these names will want to protect Elina, who seems fragile and graceful to them. But Igor, Andrei or Viktor will not notice Elina's features, so it is not recommended to start a relationship with them.

Elina is very beautiful and unusual name. Like any other, it leaves its mark on the fate and character of the woman who wears it. About what the name Elina carries, what can be expected from her and what we will have to face, we will write below. We will also briefly discuss the prospects for personal life, career and recall some of the famous owners of this wonderful name.

Name Elina: origin and meaning

First of all, we will turn to the direct meaning and translation of this name, and for this we need to find out where it comes from. Like many other names common in Europe and Russia, the name Elina is rooted in the ancient Greek language, history and mythology. According to a common legend, a long time ago there was a settlement on the territory of modern Greece, whose inhabitants revered a deity named El. From this came the name of the country of the Greeks - Hellas, and its inhabitants began to be called Hellenes. The name Elina, accordingly, also comes from the name of this progenitor god of the Greeks and is his female form. Therefore, semantically, it can be translated as "dedicated to (or belonging to) El." True, there is another version that relates the origin of this name to an ancient root, probably Proto-Indo-European, praising the beauty of a woman. Therefore, the name Elina can also be understood as "beautiful" or "magnificent."

Characteristics of the name in childhood

In general, we can say that the girl named Elina will be mobile, restless and rather emotional. A complex character is what the name Elina carries in itself. The origin and significance, as we have seen above, are quite noble. And nobility always has a tendency to narcissism and narcissism. Capriciousness and hooligan antics are also a striking feature of a little girl. The baby delivers a lot of trouble and anxiety to parents and caregivers. She is very sensitive, arrogant and touchy. In communication, she is quite impulsive and if she doesn’t like something, she will declare it with all her fervor. Her irritability coexists simply with supernatural stubbornness. For example, just feeding a baby will cost a lot of work, nerves and strength if she doesn’t want something or doesn’t like something.

When the girl grows up and goes to school, she shows her lazy abilities. Learns most often with reluctance. Elina, the meaning of the name, whose character and stubbornness clearly declare themselves, can defiantly show her unwillingness to learn. Therefore, she has to be persuaded many times to start practicing. Any activity that requires perseverance and concentration is not created for her. But the character of the name Elina allows her to show great interest in active pursuits, for example, dancing or a theater studio. She will devote a lot of time to them and will attend classes with pleasure.

Egocentricity and vanity are weak sides girls named Elina. The name for the girl is manifested in the fact that she not only tries to achieve a leading position, but also does everything to be in the spotlight. Sometimes this can cost her dearly and negatively affect those around her. But then the girl, as a rule, has a lot of girlfriends and friends. By the way, she gives priority to boys, as she feels their special interest. A girl named Elina naturally knows how to intrigue and arouse interest in herself. If she has good mood, you can always talk with her pleasantly, cheerfully and naturally.

Youth and youth

With age, the girl begins to open up from new sides. The meaning of the name Elina for a girl at this time is primarily associated with self-control. She learns to control herself, control her feelings, emotions and control her mood. She begins to control herself, but at the same time she acquires power over people. She learns to superbly manipulate and throw dust in the eyes. It costs nothing for her to create the necessary impression of herself, hiding her shortcomings and exposing her virtues in the right light. She can also pretend to be weak and defenseless, clearly realizing that she is holding a very dangerous monster inside herself on a chain. Charm is another important feature of those women who bear the name Elina. The meaning of the name and fate in this respect give the girl all the cards in her hands to arrange her life and surround herself the right people. In addition, the girl carefully monitors herself. She carefully follows diets, watches her figure and generally gives great importance to look beautiful and charming. As an extrovert, she prefers to spend her time in interesting and big companies, but she does not tolerate loneliness well.

In adolescence, Elina, as a rule, suffers from an extreme degree of youthful maximalism, which, being multiplied by her incredible stubbornness, manifests itself in a deterioration in relations with her mother. The meaning of the name Elina for the girl is such that she categorically does not perceive the authoritarian attempts of her parents to lead herself. If something is forbidden or imposed on her, then she will take it extremely fiercely, and then it will take a long time to restore warm relations and former trust. At the same time, quarrels and scandals will not have any positive effect, but will only alienate the girl from the family. The only thing that can affect her is a calm and thorough dialogue on an equal footing.

Elina is very difficult to influence anyone. She is independent and forms her own opinion. Therefore, it is very important. The same principle affects relationships with friends. That is, on the one hand, she manifests herself as a good comrade, devoted and responsible, who will never let her down and keep her promise. On the other hand, she is just as demanding of others and hardly puts up with other people's shortcomings. It is important for her to be heard and understood. He devotes a lot of time in communicating with friends to discussing his own person, his own problems and feelings. In a more general language, Elina needs to feel her importance and relevance in society. Close people know her as a sincere, honest, fair, responsible girl. But to all this, Elina is the owner of an excellent memory, so it’s better not to offend her.

Personal life

In her personal life, Elina manifests herself as an active and sensual person who is not used to restraining her feelings, emotions and passions. It is distinguished by initiative, but it expects the same enterprise and energy from a partner. Signs of attention, surprises and all that is very important to her. Gives sincerity of feelings special meaning. He will never meet and build relationships by calculation. She is very demanding and jealous of her partner - this is a very bright marker of those who bear the name Elina. The meaning of the name and fate send the girl a lot of trials in this regard, and therefore, before finding her man, she goes through many relationships that cannot withstand the heat and such a high bar that Elina sets. She also has a tendency to treat a man possessively, showing authority and exactingness. Compromises for her are an extreme solution, as ultimatums are usually used. First of all, in a relationship he appreciates absolute trust, the absence of reticence and sincerity.

A family

Having married, Elina proves herself to be an excellent wife. This applies to all parties. family life- life, marital relations, raising children and so on. She makes every effort to ensure that the house was cozy and pleasant. The comfort and well-being of the household are in the first place for her. Being self-centered by nature, she, on the contrary, gives herself to the family. Children and husband simply dissolve in her attention. Although he also shows strictness to offspring, trying to accustom offspring to discipline.


Perseverance and unbending adherence to principles often help the Elins achieve heights in their careers. But for her, this is just a game, a kind of action, the interest of which is to win. When the desired place is reached, Elina may face disappointment, since her work in itself will be uninteresting. Therefore, the choice of a career should be approached thoughtfully and focus on those professions in which there will be an opportunity to prove oneself and declare oneself constantly.

name day

As for the name days, they fall mainly in the summer or autumn (June 3, June 8, June 10, July 24, August 10, September 17, October 19, November 12). And only one day each falls on spring (03/19) and winter (01/28). It is important at the same time that, in fact, the name Elina is not in the calendar. Therefore, at baptism, they are guided by the name Elena.

Famous people

Of the famous compatriots, Elina Koryakina can be called. She was a model and owner of her own modeling agency. Gained popularity after participating in the show "Dom-2". Another celebrity is Elina Maria Pernilla Nordegren, also a model, but originally from Sweden. It is also worth mentioning Elina Garancha, a Latvian opera singer.

The meaning and origin of the name: "Greek, true Greek" (Greek)

The energy of the name and character: These women are distinguished from the general environment primarily by their extreme emotional mobility, purposefulness and acute self-esteem. Elina's energy does not imply special strength of character and strong-willed qualities, however, for a woman, they are not so important for success - they have a different weapon: sensitivity and weakness. This is especially pronounced in childhood. Indeed, what parent would raise a hand against a fragile and defenseless creature, even if this creature definitely does not know the measure in its requests? This is where Elina's unrestrained emotionality comes to the rescue - her joy or tears are so sincere that it can be extremely difficult to refuse her. In a word, she has every chance to grow up as a very spoiled woman, which is unlikely to have a beneficial effect on her fate.

It is possible that with age, Elina will learn to use her emotionality with a certain benefit for herself - where necessary, she will let a tear go, or express joy when circumstances require it. In a word, she is very artistic, and one cannot suspect her of insincerity - she is really extremely emotional, only these emotions, like the wind or a sunbeam, flashed by and left no trace.

It is more difficult when Elina's self-esteem is infringed by something, for example, physical handicaps or frequent humiliations, and she suffers from the consciousness of her own inferiority. In this case, her emotionality and acute sensitivity turn into a completely different side: after all, with a lack of firmness, it will hardly be possible for her to come to terms with thoughts about her own inferiority, and the path of working on herself requires known excerpt, to which the energy of the name has little. Rather, Elina will find an outlet for her emotions in some kind of revenge.

However, her fate can develop much more calmly if, with upbringing, her character acquires the ability to notice and respect not only her own interests, but also the interests of those around her, as well as some patience that she lacks. This will make her feelings deeper and more permanent, and will also help to avoid many misunderstandings in relationships both in the family and in society.

Secrets of communication: Elina is an unpredictable person, and you should not rely too much on her emotions: who knows what feelings will begin to overwhelm her tomorrow? The only thing that can be said for sure is that tomorrow she will also be greedy for compliments, courtesies and gifts.

The trace of a name in history:

Elina Bystritskaya

One of the most interesting actresses of the Soviet era, whose skill was not inferior to magnificent external data, Elina Bystritskaya (b. 1928) played many expressive roles both in cinema and on stage. She began her career with the Kyiv Institute of Theater Arts, after which she entered the troupe of the Vilnius Russian Theater, followed by work at the Maly Theater in Moscow and, finally, filming.

Alive and charming, Elina Bystritskaya, even in a very small episodic role, was remembered by the viewer - the image created by her efforts seemed so typical, she worked out the entire drawing of the role so carefully. Nevertheless, Bystritskaya's first roles did not bring her all-Union recognition: neither after participating in the film "Peaceful Days" nor after filming "The Unfinished Tale" did the actress wake up famous. However, her next role in the cinema made a splash, so bright, truthful and even somewhat demonic was the image of the fatal beauty Aksinya created by the actress in Gerasimov's film "Quiet Don". To anyone who watched this trilogy, it seemed that Elina Bystritskaya was literally created for this role, or vice versa - the role of Aksinya was written specifically for her. The spirituality, integrity, passion of this woman, hiding conflicting feelings raging in her, the actress managed to recreate on the screen in full, and this was her first real triumph.

Subsequently, Bystritskaya starred a lot more - in such films as "The Overcoat", "Check on the Roads", "Andrey Rublev", as well as in films for children: "Attention, Turtle!", "Scarecrow", and others, but nonetheless less "Quiet Flows the Don" was and remains a special milestone in her creative career.

Name Description: The name Elina has ancient Greek roots and means "Greek woman" in translation.

As a child, Elina is distinguished by irritability and temper. AT adolescence She often has conflicts with her mother. In relations with other children, Elina has strong likes and dislikes.

She is too demanding of others, and if this is not worked on in childhood, Elina can grow into intolerant. Elina is difficult to educate, her parents have a hard time with her. As a punishment, Elina can be deprived of certain privileges for some time, but no attempt should be made to break her stubbornness by using physical force or humiliating ridicule. If it seems to parents that Elina is wrong, it is necessary to discuss her behavior with her, arguing that she is wrong.

Adult Elina is distinguished from the crowd by excessive emotional mobility, purposefulness and great pride. You can’t download that she has a strong character and indomitable willpower, but this woman can achieve success without them - with the help of sensitivity and weakness.

Unbridled emotionality often helps Elina - her tears of joy or sadness are so sincere that it is impossible to refuse her. Elina can grow up as an extremely spoiled young lady, using her emotionality for selfish purposes.

Therefore, do not believe Elina's emotions - they disappear too quickly. We can only say with certainty that Elina will also crave compliments, attentions and gifts tomorrow.

Elina marries exclusively for love. Thanks to good taste, she knows how to create family comfort. Elina is a skilled housewife, able to appreciate peace and harmony in the family. She will most likely be able to create a strong relationship with her spouse based on responsibility on both sides.

Elina is most suited to the professions of a teacher, lawyer, economist, mathematician, historian, translator, and architect.

Date of birth by Orthodox calendar: November 12, September 17, August 10, July 24, June 10, June 8, June 3, March 19, January 28, October 19

Personality Character: irritable, quick-tempered, kind, direct, jealous, independent, demanding, purposeful, creative, charming,

Name abbreviations: Elinka, Elinochka, Elka, Elya, Elinushka

Suitable middle name: Arturovna, Arsenovna, Maratovna, Rustamovna, Tigranovna, Eldarovna

Suitable for boys or girls: only for girls

Name pronunciation: neutral

Name nationality: Greek

Most suitable for zodiac signs:

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