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How to decorate a wooden frame with your own hands. Frame decor: do-it-yourself secrets of magical transformation (50 photos). From improvised materials or how to decorate a photo frame

It is difficult to find such a house or office where there would be no place for paintings and photographs. But just attaching a picture or a masterpiece of art to the wall will be ugly, and ridiculous. It was in order to arrange photographs and paintings that frames were invented. With their help, you can ennoble the interior and add comfort to the premises. Now there are millions of options for frames in stores, but it is not always possible to find one that suits your home. That is why we will tell you how to make a frame with your own hands, while spending a minimum of money and effort. You need to start by choosing a design for future crafts.

Deciding on a design choice

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a frame design:

  • will it fit the overall interior of the room;
  • the frame must be color scheme with an image, not with walls;
  • the frame should complement the image.

To achieve the desired result, you need to carefully consider the material from which the frame will be made.

Material selection

There are no special restrictions on the material. The only thing that is unchanged is the base on which the decorations will be glued. It should be dense, strong and not soak from the glue. Thick cardboard and, of course, wood are well suited for the frame. Moreover, the wooden frame itself is already a complete craft. It can be opened with varnish and it will be appropriate for any interior.You can decorate the product with any improvised means. It can be pasta, pebbles, clothespins, buttons, beads. But do not forget that the selected material should complement the picture. So, for example, shells are suitable for the seascape, and a pasta frame with the addition of cereals is perfect for the kitchen.

Let's focus on the two main materials from which frames are most often made - wood and polyurethane foam.

wood frame

Wood is a classic material used to make picture frames. Such designs are durable, suitable for almost any picture and room design.

To make a wooden frame, it is not necessary to go to the forest for wood, then process it and cut out the planks. You can contact hardware store and buy wooden skirting boards there. They are perfect for a product like this.

What you need:

  1. Wooden plinth. Its length and width should correspond to the size of the picture. Therefore, be sure to measure the picture before buying a skirting board and do not forget that the frame will be longer than the canvas.
  2. Well sharpened knife.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Glue for furniture. PVA will do.
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Little nails.
  8. Hammer.
  9. Ruler. Better if it is angular.
  10. Cardboard or plywood.

What to do:

For a richer look, carved wooden skirting boards can be used. Their price matches the look, so for such material for the frame you will have to pay a decent amount, but at the end of the work it will be worth it.

PU foam frame

For women, "polyurethane foam" sounds threatening, but do not be afraid, because it is ordinary foam, only stronger. They make from it ceiling plinths which are now being used to renovate apartments. Their price is low, but the variety of patterns is impressive. Differences in manufacturing wooden plinth no. But do not forget that this is not a tree, so polyurethane foam should be handled with care. Any blow can lead to dents, or even completely break the entire structure.

What you need:

  1. Ceiling plinth.
  2. Hacksaw or sharp knife.
  3. Glue.
  4. Ruler.
  5. Plywood or cardboard (depending on the size and strength of the katrina).

Photographs are a repository of all sorts of moments. They keep life itself. That is why always, even in the era of digital technology, people put on the table, place on the walls photos associated with this or that event or person. I don’t want to put memories dear to my heart into a template frame at all. Therefore, the decor of photo frames has always been, is and will be in demand. Decorating frames with your own hands is feasible for almost everyone, it is exciting, makes you feel like a real creator.

As a basis for the work, you can take a cheap purchased frame or cut it yourself out of cardboard.

Types of photo frame decor

  • the first most common way to decorate a photo frame: stick something on it. And this “something” is a boundless sea;
  • paste over in decoupage style;
  • paint in an original way using a variety of techniques;
  • the frame can be sewn from soft materials;
  • cover with knitted fabric;
  • decorate with a cloth;
  • wrap picturesquely with twine, various threads, braid, lace;
  • make from tree branches;
  • it can even be baked (from salt dough).

The list can be continued indefinitely, only the limit of your imagination can limit it.

Pasted decor

You can glue a lot on the frame, everything is determined by the taste and imagination of the master.


Photo frames decorated with buttons will look original, especially if you choose them in the same color. However, this is not a mandatory condition. The desired color uniformity can be achieved with acrylic paint. For example, buttons covered with gold paint will transform beyond recognition, by a lucky chance, an old photo frame that did not have time to get into the trash can.

Beads, rhinestones

Over time, these things accumulate in abundance in every woman. All this can become a unique collection of materials for decorating an elegant frame with your favorite photo with your own hands, it is worth sticking them on a pre-planned pattern, ornament.

Tip: you can use whole brooches, beads, beads, pearls, interesting pieces of glass, fragments of broken dishes, mosaic elements.

natural materials

Tastefully decorated frame in natural style always attracts attention. After all, we are all children of nature.

Coffee beans, lentils, acorns

Everything can go into action and create unique compositions.
Coffee beans will come in handy not only for making an invigorating drink, they turn out to be an excellent material for decorating a photo frame with your own hands: they have a wonderful smell, original texture, noble color, they do not deteriorate. The work will not take much time either: it is not so difficult with the help of glue gun or PVA glue to tightly cover with coffee beans a standard photo frame, which in a new guise is guaranteed to become a leading interior accessory.

Tip: to make the frame made by yourself fragrant, buy anise and star anise stars and find a place for them in the overall decor.


This is one of the grateful materials for decorating a photographic frame with your own hands. Seashells are required for decoration. various shapes and magnitude. In addition to shells, it is appropriate to use interesting pieces of glass, sea pebbles and other finds made on the sea or river bank in the inlay.


When creating an exclusive frame with your own hands, paper can be used, which, in the usual scenario, faces the sad fate of waste paper. Very original photo frames, decorated with tubes of paper from newspapers and magazines that have served their purpose.

They can be either short (glued with the end face) or oblong - we use it in a horizontal position.
Another decor idea: birch bark is a very spectacular look natural materials. Cut the piece of birch bark into five strips. Four will become the actual frame, the fifth can be made a stand.

Salty dough

You can turn an ordinary photo frame into a designer one using salt dough. Everyone has their own ideas: someone will decorate it with flowers, and someone will blind the name of the child shown in the picture. But first you need to make this very dough: knead it from a glass of salt, two glasses of flour and water. Having achieved the consistency of plasticine, start sculpting the intended decor elements right on the corner of the photo frame - this way the dough will take the desired shape at the base, and it can be glued to the right place without any problems. Put it in the oven for 20 minutes. Cool, glue to the frame and start painting with any paints. You can even limit yourself to one of the aerosol cans. The final stage consists in varnishing (it is better to make two layers) and drying.

Entourage of childhood

If there are daughters in the family, the number of decorative hairpins and elastic bands grows in geometric progression. Cute trinkets, decorated, for example, with flowers, can get a second life when this idea is implemented. Cut flowers from boring rubber bands. Those that are larger, stick on the upper corner of the frame, place smaller copies below.

The result will be a real flower cascade. You can glue the flowers only on the top, leaving the bottom of the frame intact. After completing this process, place the work under load for several hours. When the flowers are white, the part of the frame remaining free from decor should be covered with silver paint, or green if they evoke associations with a spring meadow.


Before starting work, prepare:

  • frame (not necessarily new, you can just bored);
  • a sheet of sandpaper;
  • glue (if there is no decoupage, dilute PVA glue with an equal amount of water);
  • brush;
  • decoupage napkins, cards.

After that, proceed to the decoupage process itself:

  • Sand the old photo frame first. A new one, if it is not varnished, does not need to be processed.
  • First you need to cut out the desired area from a napkin or card, having previously measured the frame itself, not forgetting the margin needed for processing the edges.
  • With a brush (you can use a sponge), carefully apply glue to the front side of the frame. Then place the prepared image in the right place and smooth it, making sure that all air bubbles come out from under the glued fragment. Do this starting from the center, gradually moving towards the edges.
  • Then, literally for two minutes, you need to put the frame under something heavy, for example, under a massive book.
  • To remove excess pieces of tissue paper, run a nail file along the edge of the photo frame (pressing angle should be 45). In the same way, remove the remains from the central part.
  • Finally, apply another layer of glue and leave the frame to dry.

A rich assortment of decoupage napkins will surely allow you to choose the means to implement the idea and create a unique work.

Another option for decoupage photo frames

Add paint and varnish to the previous set of materials.

Bold and unconventional

  • People who value originality can even use a bicycle wheel that has outlived its time as a frame for photographs: select pictures of a general theme, think over a plot, insert a photo between the spokes or fix it with clothespins - original decor ready.
  • It is not worth guessing how a hunting lover will react to a portrait presented to him in a frame of spent cartridges. Of course, with sincere gratitude.
  • An option for anglers: attach hooks or brackets to the rod, hang photo frames on them with twine or not a thick cable with original marine knots, add a couple of floats.
  • Even an ordinary glass jar can become a creative frame for a photo: place the photo of the appropriate size in the selected container, decorate the empty space in it with sand, shells, starfish, LED garlands or any other entourage close to the subject of the picture.

It is impossible to describe all the ways of decorating photo frames with your own hands: every day the ranks of lovers of this democratic type of needlework are replenished, new ideas are born, which, in turn, become an incentive for further ideas. The creative process never stops.

Want to hang on the wall favorite photo, but there is no suitable frame?

The easiest way is to buy it in the store. However, this is not interesting.

Why not make your own photo frames? This is a useful and creative activity that does not require special tools and materials.

About everything in order.

Cardboard photo frame: tools

Creating beautiful frames without the appropriate inventory is problematic. Therefore, collect a minimum set of tools. It should include:

large scissors; stationery knife; PVA glue; simple pencil; adhesive tape; small scissors; fine-grained sandpaper; ruler.

Note: it is advisable to get a cutting mat, it is much easier to mark the details of the future frame with it.

If the color of the cardboard for the frame does not suit you, purchase a can of spray paint. To decorate photo frames, use shells, pebbles, glass, rhinestones, beads, etc.

In addition to the basic tools, come in handy: paint brush with soft bristles, spray gun, water and tongs. They will be required to prepare the material for use.

Photo frames: material preparation

The best material for making DIY photo frames is cardboard. Why? It is cheap and malleable in processing. Every home has at least one cardboard box and glue with scissors.

In its raw form, cardboard is of little use for making a frame for a photograph. Its preparation comes down to the following - separate the top layer so that the corrugated part appears.

Sometimes this is not easy to achieve because different types cardboard is made with different amount glue and they have different thicknesses.

Learn how to quickly peel off the top layer of cardboard:

    Moisten the part of the paper to be removed. Spread the moisture evenly over the surface with a brush. Wait 2-3 minutes until it is saturated. Use your fingers or a knife to pry off the edge of the layer and try to remove as large a piece as possible. Cut off the remnants. Clean off the dried glue with sandpaper.

The method described above is applicable to large pieces of cardboard, for small ones it is sometimes enough to rub the top layer.

Note: spray water more carefully. If you overdo it, the cardboard will get wet. At best, you have to wait until it dries. At worst, start over.

How to make a cardboard frame: instructions

First you need to decide for which photo the frame is created. What matters is not the content, but the size and orientation of the card (vertical or horizontal). Based on this, proceed:

Step #1. Cut out the base.

From a large piece of cardboard, cut out the base of the frame. Its dimensions should exceed the size of the photo at least twice. Further you will understand why. Using a ruler and a pencil, mark the contours of the future part. Then cut it out with scissors.

Step #2. We make a compartment for photography.

In the middle of the base, draw a rectangle slightly smaller than the photo for which the frame is made. Gently trace along the contour with a clerical knife and cut out the window.

Cut out a rectangle that will cover the photo hole on the back of the frame. Tape the door on one side.

Step #3. We complete the preparation.

Make some cardboard strips different lengths. Glue four of them around the photo compartment. Use the rest to create the structure of the front. For clarity, look at the figure below.

To make the frame fit snugly against the wall, glue triangles at the corners of the back. They compensate for the thickness of the door and allow the photo frame to hang more evenly.

Making triangles is easy. Cut out one, outlining the outlines with a pencil, and then use it as a stencil.

Step number 4. Decor.

Everything we did before had little to do with creativity. It's time to turn on the fantasy to its fullest. Here is one of the frame design options, but this is just an example, you can come up with your own version.

So, to decorate the photo frame, we use the same cardboard. Take the prepared material with bare corrugation and cut into ribbons. Divide several of them into elements as shown in the figure below.

There is always the question of how best to glue a wooden frame for a picture. Frames with a curly profile are joined in a "mustache", i.e. the ends of the parts are sawn at an angle of 45 *. Clips for tightening the frame when gluing have been around for a long time, but here's the strange thing, they continue to be invented to this day.

Moreover, such clamps are designed by the craftsmen themselves, especially those who have to make a lot of such frames for work. Apparently one single universal clamp has not yet been invented.

I don't make picture frames every day, and I usually use two methods. The first option is to tighten the parts with a special corner clamp, photo above. But this method has some inconvenience, the angle clamps that I use do not allow you to collect small frames.

There are others enough simple ways gluing. To make such a device is a matter of just a few minutes. To work, you need a flat square platform made of chipboard or thick plywood. Support bars are screwed along two edges with self-tapping screws. When assembling, please note that the bars should be at an angle of 90 * relative to each other. For precise installation, use a metal square.

Next, we smear the frame parts already prepared and sawn at an angle with glue and tighten them with two long clamps. When compressing, be sure to check all corners of the frame with a square. The photo shows how you can still check the correctness of the assembly. Graph paper is laid on the fixture platform, and during assembly it is clear how the parts stood up relative to each other. And yet, so that you can use your device for a long time, put paper under the corners so that the glue does not stick to the site.

Another option looks more like a professional angle clamp, although in fact it is also homemade. Here four separate stop angles with sides are used. All four corners are pulled together from the inside with elastic rubber, tension rope or cable. IN classic version all four corners are tightened with one bolt, and the stop corners are mounted on four diagonal rails.

As for this particular product, the whole problem here is to make these very corners with sides. In my opinion, the methods listed in this article are quite suitable for making a small number of frames. There is another method, article. Although I repeat, the masters continue to invent corner clamps for assembling frames, everyone is looking for the most convenient option for themselves.

Master class "Wooden frame for photos and paintings"

"For family photo". Master Class

Zhbanov Alexander Semenovich, teacher of fine arts and technology, MBOU "Perkhlyaysksya OOSh" Ruzaevsky district of the Republic of Mordovia.
Purpose: Regardless of the style of our interior, wooden frames are the best decoration paintings or photographs, because wood is the most expensive and exquisite material. Thus, a wooden frame can not only decorate a picture or photo, but also improve the design of our interior. A gift in the form of a frame made of wood will bring warmth and comfort to the house.
The master class is designed for 6th grade students, it will be useful for technology teachers when studying the topic "Artistic processing of wood products", creative parents.
Target: Making a wooden frame for drawings, photos and paintings.
Tasks: Familiarize yourself with the types of artistic processing of wood products, improve skills in working with wood, develop creative thinking, to form the ability to see beauty, to cultivate industriousness, interest in arts and crafts.
Introductory speech of the teacher
Artistic processing of wood products is an amazing art and craftsmanship of working with wood. However, with the desire, a little creativity and patience, almost anyone can make interesting decor items. The main types of artistic wood processing are: wood carving, pyrography - wood burning, turning - wood turning various products, painting on wood. Some tools are also provided for wood processing. The most accessible and inexpensive are stain, beeswax, water-soluble paints, varnishes. This simple set of tools will give the product a finished look.
Today we choose simple carving elements and water-soluble paints. But first of all, we need to make a product.

During manufacture wooden frame we will work with tools such as a hacksaw, hammer and chisel and perform basic woodcarving techniques. Let's practice connection techniques wooden parts with glue, do decoration products. When working, we will strictly observe all the safety rules studied earlier.
For work you will need:
1. Wooden slats 250x50x10mm-2pcs, 350x50x10mm-2pcs.
2. Wood cutters
3.Watercolor paints, varnish
4.Sandpaper, glue

On the edges of the rails we will remove the chamfer (round). We use a cutter, or an ordinary knife. Do not substitute left hand under the cutting tool!

Let's prepare all four slats.

Let's draw arbitrary wavy lines.

We cut a shallow groove (brook). For those who have not previously used wood cutters, I advise you to visit this master class. Here you will find the tricks and rules safe work. /blogs/jbanov-aleksandr/obuchenie-tehnike-rezby-po-derevu.html

We will make one “bank of the stream” gentle.

It turns out a stream with one steep bank.

On one half of the rail (with a steep bank), we apply arbitrary grooves with an angle cutter, thereby imitating the bark of a tree.

That's the way.

All four rails are ready.

Let's study this drawing. Dimensions in millimeters.

Arrange the rails according to the drawing. Depending on the size of the photo or picture, the size of 50 mm can be reduced or increased. The cut end of the rail is placed on the clean surface of the other rail and the place for the groove is marked with a pencil.

With a hacksaw with fine teeth, we will make cuts (to the middle)

Cut out the grooves. This is done with a chisel or flat chisel.

Thus, we get four grooves on the non-cut ends of the rails.

Let's put it in place.

Turn face down, mark the ends of the rails with the corresponding numbers

We repeat the same work for reverse side.

You can check.

It's time to use the wood treatment products. We chose ordinary watercolors. Everyone has the right to choose the color.

Slightly "walk" with sandpaper.

Let's assemble using glue. The brand of glue can be different: carpentry, "Moment", "PVA" and others. Spread the grooves with glue and press firmly. You can use the simplest press (several books on top of each other)

The frame is almost ready if you use it for the picture. And for a photo, glass is needed so that the photo is well preserved, and it could be easily replaced. To do this, we use a window glazing bead.

On the reverse side we frame with a glazing bead inner part frame, stepping back from the edge of 6-8 mm. You can use glue or small nails.

From the same glazing bead we will make two small turntables.

We score

Give an aesthetic look

Cut out a rectangle to size (thick cardboard, plywood, fiberboard)

It remains to come up with a device for suspension. To do this, we will make two loops from the wire.

With an awl or a thin nail, we drill shallow holes and “plant” on the glue.

Tie a strong thread

The teacher cuts glass. Paint with colorless varnish. The frame is ready!

We insert a photo.

Gift for a "wooden" wedding.

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