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Reproduction of strawberries with a mustache: terms and rules of planting. Proper propagation of strawberries with a mustache step by step When you can plant strawberries in August

Mustaches on strawberries appear during fruiting, and in some varieties they form in in large numbers. If you need to get high-quality mustache seedlings, you need to remove all flower stalks even at the flowering stage. This will allow you to get a mustache with well-developed rosettes and a root system. It remains only to decide on the timing of planting the mustache on a separate ridge.

When to plant strawberries with a mustache?

Planting strawberry whiskers ( garden strawberries) can be practiced in the spring or from the end of July to September.

Planting tendrils in spring

hurry with early landing strawberry seedlings are not worth it. The soil should warm up well and only then the mustache can be planted on a new ridge. The fact is that young strawberries can be transplanted when leaf growth is activated in it, and the root system can take root in a new place.

The peculiarity of the spring planting of strawberry whiskers is that the process of rooting in a new place and the growth of peduncles occur simultaneously. Naturally, this plant spends a lot of energy, so there is no need to wait for a high harvest. Many experienced gardeners it is advised in the first year, when the mustache is planted in the spring, to remove all flower stalks so that the bushes can grow a good root system.

When determining the timing of the spring planting of strawberry whiskers, you need to focus on the plant itself: as soon as the first leaf appears, you can start planting. And it’s better to try to transfer the seedlings with a clod of earth - the plant quickly adapts and then you can even count on a good harvest of berries.

Planting mustache strawberries in summer

The summer planting of strawberry whiskers has a great advantage in that before the onset of cold weather, the seedlings take root well and give a full-fledged harvest of berries next year. To obtain good seedlings, from spring in the mother bushes, all flower stalks are removed, and only the first two rosettes are left on the resulting mustache (the subsequent ones lose their varietal qualities). In this case, the mustache is ready for transplantation in the middle of summer.

In late July - early August, you can start planting strawberries with a mustache. According to lunar calendar for 2016, better days for planting strawberries there will be a period from July 22 to August 1 (except July 27 and 28). Planting should be carried out on a rainy or cloudy day, or seedlings should be planted in the evening. This will allow the root system to transfer the procedure as comfortably as possible and adapt to new conditions.

Autumn planting strawberry mustache

The autumn planting of strawberry seedlings begins on the twentieth of August, and deadline considered mid-September. This is the best time for autumn planting mustache, because before the onset of stable cold weather, strawberries have time to build up the root system and lay fruit buds.

If the region has a warm climate and winter comes at the end of October, strawberry seedlings can be planted until the end of September. This should be done on a rainy day, and preferably in the evening. It is important not to be late with plantings, otherwise frosts will destroy young bushes. The technology for planting strawberries in the fall is the same as in spring or summer.

Strawberry bushes for good fruiting are recommended to be transplanted once every 2 to 3 years. Growing longer than this period, strawberries gradually cease to bear fruit. The fact is that during this time pests and spores of the fungus take root in the soil, as well as bacteria that adversely affect the growth of bushes and the number of ovaries. Crop rotation rejuvenates plants, so in the fall you need to work in the garden so as not to be left without berries next year.

When to transplant strawberries

When there is time and desire. But the result of transshipment of plants in spring, summer or autumn will be different:

  • Spring bushes will not bloom and bear fruit in summer, you will have to wait until next year. Their task is to take root and gain strength.. In the spring it is better to root the mustache - they are small, they are just starting to grow anyway. Some summer residents cut them off in the fall and dig in, and in the spring they take them out to the garden.
  • In summer, it is problematic to plant garden strawberry bushes, since in the heat, they take root worse and get sick more often. Seedlings will need to be watered in the morning and in the evening, if there is no rain. The most optimal summer month for transshipment is July. Closer to August.

AT middle lane and in the northern regions they do so, because the bushes still have a month to take root in a new place, and then the cold comes. If the bush began to kick out new leaves after transplanting in the summer, then the event was successful. Minus one - summer bushes there will be no more berries, only next spring.

  • The most convenient time is the end of summer or autumn. In warm regions, summer lasts longer and bushes can be planted even in September, because the temperature will begin to drop only in October. Bushes after wintering will bloom and produce a crop. In this way, you can plant a whole plantation and not be left without strawberries in the spring.

During the autumn transshipment of strawberries, she needs to be helped to take root faster. To do this, stock up on fertilizers - organic or mineral in granules, which can be used to feed strawberries after transplantation in August.

How to choose strawberry seedlings

The owner of the site probably knows when he last planted strawberries. Therefore, if a bush grows in one place for 4 - 5 years, it is better not to transfer it to a new bed. It is better to take young shoots - mustaches or two-year-old garden strawberry bushes. If there are 3-4 leaves and a root system on the bush, it can be used for planting.

If transplanted remontant varieties, which still bear fruit in the fall, then you need to transfer to a new place those bushes on which there are no berries left or to remove the entire crop, cutting off the green berries and flower stalks. Thus, all the energy of the bush will go to rooting and the bush will winter well. Usually, strawberry transplantation begins 2 weeks after the crop is harvested from the bush.

Video: First feeding and processing of strawberries

The maximum yield growth in a new place is given by bushes that were transplanted at one or two years of age.

In autumn, the rains begin and the heat subsides, which strawberries do not like so much. Therefore, the conditions for survival are the most favorable.

The procedure for transplantation

First choose a place. It is best if greens grew in front of the strawberries in the garden or early cultures- radish, onion, garlic.

There will be time to contribute nutrients and restore the amount of humus in the soil. Fertilizers when transplanting strawberries are the main condition for its fruiting for the next year.

1.5 months before the proposed transplant strawberries dig the soil with humus or compost. Fresh manure is not used, unless it is insisted on for a week before being introduced into the soil and diluted with water so that ammonia does not damage the roots, which are vulnerable to transplantation.

On the square meter contribute at least 5 kg of organic matter. You can shed the soil with biological solutions to speed up its decomposition. For example - Baikal EM. The soil must be moist, since only in a humid environment do bacteria effectively process organic matter that has fallen into the ground. All weeds are removed.

The time for transshipment is chosen in the evening so that the sun does not injure the plants. Even better on cloudy days.

  • Dig a hole along the length of the root system.
  • Put a layer of sand on the bottom.
  • Pour 2 - 3 liters of water and wait until it is absorbed.
  • Put the bush in the ground and sprinkle with soil. At a depth of 2 cm from the top layer sprinkle with granules of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Top fertilizer cover with soil.
  • Water the root area with 1 liter of water.

The root neck should be above the soil surface. Roots should not be exposed. If the soil sags and opens part of the root system, the earth is added and compacted.

It is important what fertilizer to apply when transplanting strawberries. Nitrogen top dressings should not be used, since after them the green mass grows and the plant will weaken in winter, it may even die at the first frost. The main nutrients are phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to support the roots and lay the buds for the next year.

Landing under the film

The method has both advantages and negative sides. If the soil is covered with a black film, evaporation decreases and moisture remains in the soil longer. But this can lead to the formation of mold and plant diseases.

Therefore, the hole under the bush is made wider so that air enters the root zone, and the film itself is placed on a layer of straw and is not pressed strongly to the ground. The air will circulate better and the berries will stay clean. At the same time, weeds will not be able to grow, as they will not receive sunlight.

Lutrasil film will help plants to winter, protecting them from freezing.

Sometimes Lutrasil is used for trapezoidal landings. It prevents the soil from spreading, maintaining the embankment in the desired shape.

On the suburban area this method is very time consuming and does not differ much from conventional landings. The root system is raised above the soil surface in the northern regions so that the roots freeze less, and they are laid at the base of the embankment fresh manure, which decomposes and heats the roots additionally. The height of the embankment is 50 - 60 cm.

When and how to fertilize strawberries during transplantation

One method has already been described - fertilizing strawberries when transplanting in the fall mineral fertilizers, which were added directly to the well, and then watered. The soil was previously enriched with humus. Thus, the strawberry bushes received all the necessary nutrition in the winter.

There are other ways than to feed strawberries in August when transplanting:

  • Wood ash. It also has an organic origin, contains potassium and phosphorus, as well as trace elements - calcium, copper, boron, zinc, iodine. Dry matter it is better not to add, as the ash is alkaline and can damage the roots.

Phosphate fertilizers will not dissolve in an alkaline environment, root nutrition will be limited. 300 g of ash are insisted in a bucket of water for 3-4 days and poured liter of solution under the root, then sprinkled with earth. Strawberry nutrition is provided until spring, and in the spring it will be necessary to spray with a foliar solution of urea to stimulate the greens to grow.

  • Bone flour. Contains calcium and phosphorus. When embedded in the ground, an extract is made by pouring boiling water over the substance. With such top dressing of phosphorus nutrition, strawberry bushes will last for 3 years. You will need to feed with nitrogen and potassium.

  • You can fertilize strawberries in the fall when transplanting one superphosphate. The main goal is to support the root system. The composition of superphosphate includes nitrogen in a small amount, which does not affect the wintering of plants, and calcium, which stimulates metabolic processes and accelerates rooting. Superphosphate must be poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for a day, stirring occasionally to completely dissolve. So it will quickly get into the tissues of the plant.

The main thing is that the bushes after transplantation are regularly watered if the weather is warm. Watering should not be superficial. It is necessary to calculate the amount of water so that water penetrates to the very roots.

grown on personal personal plot, tasty, fragrant and large strawberries bring a lot of pleasant emotions to the gardener. But to collect a rich harvest of this berry is not quite easy. Only by knowing the secrets of her planting and caring for her, it is possible to grow delicious strawberries. New bushes of this berry are rooted in late summer or autumn. How to plant strawberries in August? Consider a description of the sequence of agrotechnical work before planting seedlings of a given crop and methods for planting berry bushes.

How to choose and buy strawberries for planting

To get healthy strawberry bushes that will grow well without disease and give big harvest sweet berries, it is necessary to plant high-quality seedlings. How to choose the right material for planting? Experts recommend buying annual seedlings with a closed root system (in cups). They should have fibrous roots at least 5 cm long and no more than 3 well-developed leaves.

A good harvest is given by elite varieties of strawberries. It will be great if you purchase and plant such seedlings on your plot. Even for breeding this crop, gardeners use frigo seedlings, which are carefully selected from the bushes of berries available in the garden, then dug up late autumn and stored in bags at a low negative temperature.

Where is the best place to buy strawberry seedlings? If you buy it in the markets from private traders, then there is a chance that the purchased plant will be infected with diseases and pests. It is best to take healthy seedlings obtained from sterile plants grown according to special technique"from a test tube". Such seedlings are sold by large manufacturers. In their specialized nurseries, strawberry seedlings are sold from late July to early August.

The earlier at the end of summer you plant the bushes of this plant, the more likely it is that flower buds will be laid on them, and the first harvest will be next year. When choosing seedlings, inspect the seedlings well. If you see pale, shriveled leaves on the plants, or there are some points on them, it is better not to buy such material. These signs indicate the poor quality of seedlings, infection with diseases / pests. Buy strawberry seedlings with the following features:

  • The leaves of the seedlings are leathery / with pubescence, have a rich, healthy, shiny, green color.
  • The horn of the seedling has a thickness of at least 0.7 cm.
  • The length of the roots open seedling more than 7 cm.
  • Seedlings have no damage to the roots, leaves.
  • The core of the bush is strong, elastic, has a rich green color.
  • For seedlings in cups or cassettes, the roots should envelop the entire volume of the container in which they are located.
  • The peat pot should be with roots that have pierced through it and look out.

Soil preparation

Planting strawberries is best at the end of the summer season in August. It is desirable to do this in sunny places and on southwestern slopes with a slope of 2-3 degrees. It is not desirable to use plots in the lowlands or a closed type for growing this plant. The acidity of the soil for planting strawberry seedlings should not be more than 5.5-6.5. Bushes of berries will give a good harvest if they are planted on chernozem podzolized soils or on dark gray forest soil, which has a medium or light composition.

The berry will also bear fruit well on sod-podzolic, sandy loamy soils. It is not advisable to plant strawberries where groundwater is close to the surface. Before planting seedlings in a certain area, it is necessary to first examine it for the presence of pests, and if they are found, destroy the insects by special means. The land for planting strawberries is first cleared of weeds. Then, 2 weeks before planting seedlings, prepare the soil for planting seedlings. 2-3 buckets of organic matter are scattered over the territory of the site per 1 sq. m.

What crops to plant after: strawberry predecessors

When choosing a site for planting strawberries, consider which plant grew on it before. Do not use the land for growing this delicious berry, if plants from the Asteraceae, Ranunculus or tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, sunflowers have recently grown on it. So after what can you plant strawberries? And is it possible to plant this plant after onions? The harvest of berries will be good if you plant seedlings in the soil where they previously grew:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • parsley;
  • radish;
  • mustard;
  • dill;
  • salad;
  • oats;

At what distance to root a berry: planting scheme with a photo

When planting seedlings, do not bury them too deep into the ground, otherwise the central point or heart of the bush will be below ground level, which will lead to the death of the plant. It is also impossible to allow shallow planting of strawberries. This is fraught with drying of the heart and death of the bush. Seedlings will take root well and will grow if planted so that the central point of the seedling protrudes slightly above the soil surface.

  • When planting seedlings in a hole, you need to make a mound in it and put a plant on it.
  • The roots should not be bent, they should smoothly descend along the tubercle. If they are too long, be sure to trim them a little.
  • After planting the seedlings, the plant should be watered abundantly and a l of HB 101-93 solution should be applied under each seedling, diluting 93 drops of this substance in 1 liter of water.
  • Then young bushes are mulched with compost (5-6 cm) or straw, hay, sawdust (10 cm) and covered with special material to create a greenhouse effect for better rooting of seedlings.

In the future, regular weeding of the bushes is carried out and the mustache is removed. If the weather is dry after planting the seedlings, you need to water the crop so that the ground on the site is wet. During this period, flower buds are laid, on which the next year's berry harvest depends. There are several schemes for planting strawberries:

  • Single line. This is planting seedlings in one row. The distance between the bushes of plants should be 15-20 cm, and between the rows - 60-70 cm.
  • Two-line. This is planting with ribbons, consisting of 2 rows of bushes. The distance between the ribbons is 60-70 cm, in rows - 30 cm, bushes - 15-20 cm.
  • Natural agricultural technology. With this scheme, seedlings are planted every 50 cm in one row on beds 50 cm wide. The distance between rows is 50 cm.

How to fertilize the soil before planting

2 weeks before planting seedlings, it is advisable to add to the soil (for every 1 m2) 40 g of double superphosphate, up to 20 g of potash fertilizers (wood ash or potassium sulfate). It is desirable to add organic matter to the holes for planting seedling bushes. To do this, dig a hole 25x25x25 for each seedling and fill it with a mixture consisting of 1 bucket of earth from the site, 1 bucket of compost, 1 bucket of rotted horse manure, 2 glasses of ash.

Planting garden strawberries with a mustache in open ground

One of the ways to obtain strawberry seedlings is to root the mustache from a specially prepared mother bush of this crop. Rosettes and their own root system are formed on such shoots:

  • 2 weeks before transplantation, separate the young seedling obtained from the rooting of the mustache with scissors from the adult plant. From now on, he will switch to his own diet.
  • When the strawberry rosettes are ripe, transplant them to permanent place. And when to plant strawberries with a mustache? It is better to start this process in time from the end of July to the end of August. This should be done on a cloudy day or in the evening, so that the root system of the plant adapts well to the new place.
  • Divide the area for planting strawberries into rows with a distance of 1 m between them. Plant strawberries at a distance of 20-30 cm between the bushes.
  • Make a hole for strawberry seedlings 15 cm deep.
  • The core of the outlet after planting should be at ground level. It is important not to deepen it and leave it above the ground so that the bush does not die.

How to plant under a black film

To get a large crop of strawberries, gardeners use the method of planting a plant under a black film or agrofiber. These devices cover the entire area. Holes are made in the film for planting berry bushes. Black material does not pass to the ground sunlight, and weeds and other plants that are undesirable in this area do not grow under it. To implement this landing method:

  • Purchase agrofibre or black film, an area equal to the size of the plot of the future strawberry plantation.
  • Next, lay the mulching material on the ground, laying its corners in holes around the perimeter and filling it with soil.
  • Then start the process of planting seedlings. It is advisable to plant them in a checkerboard pattern with a distance between the bushes of 25-30 cm.
  • On the film, pre-mark the places for the holes and make small perpendicular cuts in them.
  • Then, through each hole, dig holes with your hands and plant seedlings.
  • Holes in the film should not be large, so as not to provoke the growth of weeds.

What fertilizer to use or how to feed in the fall

Plants planted in August must be fertilized. This is done with different substances. It is useful to treat strawberries with a solution consisting of 30 g of urea and 10 liters of water. foliar top dressing produce boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc. Treated bushes will bring more harvest in summer, and the quality of berries will be higher than on plants not fertilized with these substances. To make a feed mixture, prepare the following ingredients:

  • molybdenum - 2 g;
  • manganese - 50 g;
  • boric acid- 15 g;
  • water - 15 l.

Autumn care for strawberries includes preparing the plant for winter. The bushes of this crop are covered with straw, peat, compost, fallen leaves or corn stalks. These natural substances will not only keep plants from cold in winter, but also fertilize the soil. Special materials are also used as mulch for bushes - spunbond, lutrasil. Covered strawberries will be protected from frost and will give a good harvest next year. Further agricultural work with strawberries begins in April.

Is it possible to plant different varieties of strawberries next to each other

In some reviews of gardeners, there is a deep conviction that it is impossible to plant different varieties of strawberries together. So they pollinate among themselves, and then on their bushes the quality of the berries becomes worse. But experts say that the reason for the deterioration of the crop in such cases is not that pollination occurs, but because the plant is degenerating.

If you delve a little into botany, then you can remember that during the pollination of crops, double fertilization occurs. As a result of this process, seeds are obtained that have the genetic information from the pollinator plant. However, the situation is different with strawberries, because its fruit is not quite what the botanist understands by this term.

A juicy red berry on a bush of this crop is an overgrown receptacle, which is part of the mother plant and carries only its genetic characteristics. Therefore, the culture whose pollen pollinates strawberry flowers does not affect the quality of the berries. So, planting different varieties side by side is not prohibited. But when propagating a plant with a mustache, it is important not to confuse which variety of strawberries the daughter outlet belongs to.

Video: landing technology on covering material

Experienced gardeners prefer to use black film, spunbond, agrofibre for growing strawberries. The technology of planting seedlings of this plant on covering material allows you to get a good harvest and prevents the appearance of weeds. You will learn about the features of planting strawberry seedlings on agrofibre, spunbond from 3 videos below, which show different ways seedling rooting.

Under black spunbond

How to plant under agrofibre

The original way of landing

The appearance of a fragrant berry in the garden means that the middle of summer has come, so it's time to start caring for strawberry bushes to ensure that you can get even more harvest next season. It is in August that the period occurs when new leaves grow on the bushes, horns grow and buds are laid. The formation of berries in the next season depends on these moments, so it is right to start caring for the plant at this time.

Soil preparation

The bed before planting seedlings for the next season should be prepared at the end of the previous year. This should be done on fine and warm days when the air temperature is +20 degrees. You need to choose the beds on the slopes directed to the south. It is undesirable to grow this crop in the lowlands, as well as in those areas where groundwater is high. The soil must also have a certain acidity, which should not exceed 5.5 units. The land should be sufficiently fertilized so that in July for the next season it is not necessary to apply a large amount of top dressing.

The culture will not bear fruit well on sandy soils. And also do not grow strawberries where direct sunlight falls on them. Before preparing the area, it is recommended to examine it for the presence of various pests. If found, they must be destroyed with the help of special preparations.

And also the ground is preliminarily cleared of weeds and, along with this, seedlings are prepared for planting on open areas. After removing the weeds, it is recommended to apply 2-3 kg of organic matter per 1 square meter to the site.

What crops to plant after?

When choosing a site, it must be taken into account that this crop cannot grow in areas where tomatoes or potatoes, as well as sunflowers, used to grow. Strawberries are recommended to be planted in those areas where previously there were crops such as:

  • radish;
  • peas;
  • dill;
  • beans;
  • parsley;
  • oats;
  • salads.

When planting seedlings, do not dig them too deep into the ground, as the central bud may be below ground level, which will lead to decay of the bush. It is also not recommended to plant bushes too small, since in hot weather the hearts can dry out, which will cause the death of the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to plant so that the central kidney is at the level of the soil. In the hole itself, it is necessary to make a mound along which to spread the roots of the seedlings. They should not be intertwined, so if necessary, they can be cut. It is also recommended to pour a sufficient amount of water under each seedling and cover them with earth.

From above, the site is mulched with hay or straw. The thickness of the mulch layer should be about 10 cm, which will help create a greenhouse effect and retain more moisture in the soil that the roots can consume so that the plant develops better. After disembarkation, it is recommended to regularly weed the site, as well as remove excess whiskers from the bushes.

In hot weather, it is necessary to ensure that the soil in the garden is moist, especially at the time of the appearance of flowers. Strawberry planting is carried out using methods that differ in the distances between the bushes and rows.

What to fertilize?

14 days before planting, you need to add nutrients to the soil. For this, fertilizers based on potassium, superphosphate and others are used. They are applied at the rate of 30 g per 1 m² on average. You can also add ash. When planting the seedlings themselves in the wells, you can add a little organic matter diluted in water. To do this, you need to take one part of the raw material and dilute it in 1 part of water.

To prepare the optimal composition for feeding strawberries, it is recommended to use tools such as:

  • manganese - 40 g;
  • molybdenum - 5 g;
  • water - 15 l;
  • boric acid - 10 g.

All these components are mixed together and applied to the site. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the composition evenly covers the bed.

These components will help saturate the strawberry roots with nutrients, and also have a positive effect on the quality of the berries. The fruits will become larger and sweeter, and their appearance and transportability will also improve.

Seedling selection

To accelerate the growth of sprouts, as well as to ensure the possibility of obtaining a healthy and rich harvest, it is recommended to choose the seedlings correctly before planting, which will help to prevent diseased seedlings that can infect other bushes from entering the site. Experts recommend purchasing seedlings from trusted sellers, which are in plastic containers and have healthy roots, as well as developed leaflets.

Currently, there are many varieties of strawberries that are intended for cultivation in certain regions, depending on weather conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to these points, acquiring the best variety for your region. Planting in August will be done correctly if the seedlings are carefully selected first. Young seedlings should be without wrinkles or damage, which may indicate poor quality of such material, as well as if they have a disease.

It is worth paying attention to such points as:

  • stem thickness should be 0.7 cm;
  • the color of the leaves is bright green;
  • seedlings do not have defects on leaves and roots;
  • bush root - up to 8 cm;
  • it is recommended to buy seedlings in peat pots or plastic containers.

Elite varieties can give a large harvest, but at the same time they are quite expensive. To save money, you can breed seedlings yourself. This can be done from seeds or by dividing a bush that used to bear fruit well. In the first option, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on breeding seedlings, so it is recommended to use the second method. All agricultural activities for obtaining seedlings can be carried out at home, using small boxes placed in a warm place, where they will be provided with the necessary temperature and humidity.

Before planting, each seedling is recommended to be disinfected by placing it in water for 15 minutes at a temperature of +50 degrees. It is necessary to perform several such procedures with an interval between them of half an hour. Before planting, it is recommended to dip the seedlings with their roots in a solution of clay with water and compost, which will help the roots to better adapt to the new place.

The main methods and techniques of disembarkation

To plant strawberries correctly, you should choose one of several methods.

  • One-liner. In this case, the distance between individual bushes should be a maximum of 20 cm, and between rows - up to 70 cm. In this case, all bushes should be in separate holes.
  • Two-line. This method of planting is similar to the previous one, only the difference is that separate holes are not made under the bushes, but sprouts are planted in a trench at a distance of 15–20 cm. The distance between rows is 70 cm.
  • Natural agricultural technology. This method involves planting bushes every 50 cm in a row. The distance between the individual rows is 50 cm.

Landing is done after the rosettes on the bushes mature. In this case, they need to be moved to a permanent place. Landing is carried out only on favorable and cool days, it is better to do this in the evening or in cloudy weather. In this case, the plant will be able to adapt and take root faster.


This method of seating involves the rooting of individual mustaches of the uterine strawberry bush. New rosettes and roots will form on these shoots. 14 days before transplantation, the seedling, which is obtained from the mustache, is separated from the adult plant and its further nutrition is provided from its own roots. When the seedling is a little stronger, it can be dug up and transplanted to a new place. The process is best done in July or August, choosing evening or cloudy weather for this, so that the roots adapt better. The depth of the pits for the bush must be made small, as well as spread the roots in it.

Under agrofibre

To get a bountiful harvest, you can use the method of planting under agrofiber. This is the best and correct technique, which is used by many to grow strawberries for commercial purposes. First you need to purchase a film and cover the prepared area with it. To do this, it is recommended to pre-fertilize the soil, as well as dig it up. Then holes are made on the film for the bushes.

The film will not let the sun through, so the soil will remain moist longer, and weeds and other plants that are undesirable for strawberries will not appear under it.

Agrofibre must be purchased in sizes that correspond to the plantation site. A layer of mulch is laid on the prepared soil and everything is covered with a film. Then you can start planting seedlings. The holes must be made small so that weeds do not break through next to the strawberry bushes.

Under spunbond

Experienced gardeners strawberries are also planted under this covering material. The technology for preparing the soil and planting seedlings is similar to the previous one. Spunbond allows you to get a big harvest and also does not allow weeds to develop on the site.


In September, after planting, the bushes must be fertilized. You can do it various substances. Gardeners prefer to treat strawberries with a solution of urea diluted 3:10 with water. And also the roots can be fed with solutions of manganese, boron or zinc. The bushes treated with this composition will bring more yield, and the quality of the fruit will also be high.

Care of the crop consists in timely watering, as well as fertilization. After harvesting, it is recommended to prepare the plant for winter. To do this, the bushes are covered with a layer of peat or straw mulch. Such natural substances retain heat and moisture longer, and they also do not miss frosts and fertilize the soil. After that, the following agrotechnical measures can be carried out in April, when the snow melts and the weather warms up.

If you take care of strawberries correctly and in accordance with the recommendations of experts, you can get a big harvest next year.

Some gardeners give good advice about how to seat various varieties strawberries in one area. But it is not recommended to do this, as different varieties of strawberries will be pollinated among themselves, as a result of which the berries will become worse in quality. In all other respects, agricultural technology stands in maintaining and implementing generally accepted rules, which consist in timely watering, fertilizing and weeding. It is also important to remove weeds from the plots, preventing them from growing, which can lead to diseases in the strawberries themselves. Affected and diseased strawberry bushes must be removed on time so as not to infect other seedlings.

In the next video, you will find the features of planting strawberries in August.

A prerequisite for obtaining a rich harvest of strawberries is proper preparation beds and soil for planting. At the same time, it is important not to miscalculate the timing of planting work, as well as to provide strawberries with proper care.

Strawberries are a very demanding crop in terms of growing conditions. A plot for growing berries should have following characteristics:

  • be flat or have a slight slope;
  • well lit sunbeams during most of the day;
  • located in the southwest of the site;
  • be high, without prolonged stagnation of moisture.

Strawberries will not grow well and bear fruit when planted in lowlands and in spring-flooded areas. When placing berry beds in the shade or partial shade, the quantity and quality of the crop suffer greatly: the berries become noticeably smaller, the taste becomes sour. Landing in places with occurrence ground water above 60 cm from the soil surface threatens strawberries with frequent fungal infections. The northwestern part of the site is also unfavorable for growing strawberries.

Crop rotation rules and the choice of neighbors for strawberries

When choosing a place for planting, one should not neglect such an important agricultural technique as crop rotation. A well-planned rotation of crops allows you to get abundant harvests of berries every year. The best predecessors for strawberries:

  • green manure (rapeseed, mustard, buckwheat);
  • greens;
  • legumes;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • radish, radish.
  • all nightshade;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers, zucchini;
  • pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke.

As for plants - neighbors, strawberries cannot be classified as particularly capricious in this regard, they are friends with many cultures. Especially comfortable berry bushes will grow next to:

  • flower beds: with velvet and nasturtiums;
  • herbs (basil, sage);
  • greens (lettuce, spinach, sorrel);
  • garlic and onions.

Not too pleasant "company" for strawberries will be nightshade. They quickly pull everything out of the ground useful material, and are also distributors of phytophthora. It is dangerous to place berry beds near raspberries and wild roses. Insect pests of these crops will quickly spread to strawberry bushes. There will be no good harvest next to cabbage, as it claims the same nutrients and requires more frequent watering.

Soil preparation

Suitable for berry crops will be light in composition soil that does not accumulate moisture. Such properties are typical for loamy and sandy soils. On soils with a different composition, the situation can be corrected by adding additional components:

  • large river sand in the amount of 2-3 buckets per 1m2 - for heavy and clay soils;
  • humus in the amount of 2-3 buckets per 1m2 - on light, sandy soils.

To increase fertility in any plots, except for chernozem, in addition to 1 m2, the following components must be added:

  • humus - 1 bucket;
  • superphosphate - 2 matchboxes;
  • potassium sulfate - 1 tablespoon.

Distribute the substances evenly over the surface of the site, dig up the soil and leave to rest for 14-20 days. During this time, the soil will settle, and the fertilizers will completely dissolve and take on a form that is easily digestible for strawberries.

Important for berry bushes and soil characteristics such as acidity. A soil with a slightly acidic reaction, that is, with a pH of about 5.5-6.0, will be ideal. To make acidic soil suitable for planting, a liming procedure is carried out. For this, apply dolomite flour or fluffy lime.

Lime application rates for various types of soil

Liming is carried out 4-6 months before planting, because freshly limed soils negatively affect the condition of strawberry roots.


To determine the acidity of the soil, you can use litmus test strips, widely available on the market. From improvised means for this purpose, you can use table vinegar. On the surface of the studied earth, you need to drop acetic acid. The reaction in the form of the formation of small bubbles means that the soil has a neutral acidity. If there is no reaction, it can be concluded that the soil in the area is acidified.

How to prepare beds for planting strawberries in August

Depending on the characteristics of the site and the desire of the gardener, strawberries can be grown on beds that differ in the way they are formed. Each design method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Easy way to land

The "out of the blue" landing method is suitable for high and dry areas. Landing holes are placed in one or two rows. In the first case, the row spacing is left 65-70 cm wide. With a two-line planting pattern, a width of 80 cm is maintained between the lines, and the spacing between rows is 40 cm. The distance between the bushes is determined depending on varietal features strawberries.

Regardless of the planting pattern, it is necessary to dig dividing grooves between rows with a depth of about 15-20 cm. Such furrows are necessary to collect excess rainwater. This will significantly reduce the risk of spreading diseases and pests.

Low bulk German bed for strawberries

The German bed is a mound framed by boards made of boards or other material. This option is great for low-lying areas and wetlands. The height of the sides depends on the desire of the gardener, on average it is 20-25 cm.

The plot under the bed must be cleared of weeds and remove the top fertile layer. After installing the box on the prepared place, proceed to its filling in the following order:

  • protective mesh against rodents;
  • drainage layer ( broken brick, dry branches, expanded clay);
  • nutrient soil.

The width of the ridges can be different, but in order to make it convenient to take care of the plantings, it should not exceed 80 cm. The planting pattern in such ridges can be either single-row or two-line.

Growing strawberries in German beds has several advantages:

  • easy to care for plants;
  • the soil is not washed away by rains;
  • weeds cannot move from one bed to another;
  • drainage provides good aeration of the soil, which significantly increases productivity and reduces the risk of the spread of fungal diseases;
  • give the site an aesthetically pleasing appearance.


In order for the “German” beds to last for several years, carefully treat the boards with special antiseptics.

High beds from barrels or tires

For the design of such ridges, wooden or plastic barrels, as well as tires from different cars. Rubber from combines, VAZ and MAZ cars is ideal. The containers should be dug a little into the ground and filled with fertile soil. To enlarge usable area tires are cut out inner part. To give future beds aesthetics, you can paint tires.

Such beds have many advantages:

  • it is convenient to carry out agrotechnical work (no need to bend low);
  • durability;
  • compactness and mobility (can be moved);
  • no material costs.

The only drawback when choosing such ridges will be a small amount of plantings, even only 5-6 berry bushes will fit in the largest tire.

Landing under agrofibre

The most common way to plant strawberries among gardeners. You can use agrofibre both on a regular bulk bed and on a bed of the "German" type. In both cases, it is necessary to carefully dig the soil and apply the necessary fertilizers. Then a canvas should be spread over the soil and fixed with wire studs.

The canvas is issued standard sizes, 1.6 m or 3.2 m wide. This must be taken into account when planning the length and width of the beds in order to avoid joints. Landing holes in agrofibre, as a rule, already exist. If you purchased a continuous agro-canvas, then make the markings in accordance with the desired planting pattern. In the marked places, cut the fabric crosswise sharp knife, pull the corners out. Plant strawberries in the resulting holes.

The use of agrofibre has a number of advantages:

  • the material perfectly passes moisture and air, but does not allow weeds to germinate;
  • berries do not have contact with the ground;
  • the crop ripens 1-2 weeks earlier, due to the rapid heating of the soil in spring;
  • excellent aeration is provided (the soil surface does not dry out and a crust does not form).

Decorative vertical beds

Vertical structures for planting strawberries are very popular among owners of small garden plots. The most common landing methods are:

  • wooden garden pyramid

Such a design is made of several tiers of square wooden boxes. The sizes of the boxes can be different, but at the same time, each tier should be 30-35 cm smaller than the previous one. First, prepare the desired number of boxes. Then, starting with the larger one, stack them on top of each other, filling each with fertile soil. The bed can have from three to nine tiers.

  • in metal or plastic pipes

Pipes with a diameter of at least 15 cm are suitable. Along the entire height of the pipes, it is necessary to cut holes in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of about 20 cm. It is best to concrete the pipe in the soil or attach it in several places to a support, for example, to a veranda or gazebo. Fill the installed structure with nutrient soil mixture and plant strawberries.

Cut plastic bottles, fill with soil and fasten with ropes to any vertical surface. One bush is placed in one bottle.

Advantages of vertical beds:

  • save space;
  • decorate the site;
  • the contact of berries with the soil is excluded;
  • ease of care (no weeds).

Should know!

The soil in vertical beds dries out very quickly, so watering should be done every 2-3 days.

Regardless of which method of designing the ridges you choose, in order to get a good and high-quality harvest, you need to know some of the features of caring for and growing this crop.

When to plant

For planting strawberry bushes, both spring and autumn time of the year. Seedlings grown independently from seeds are transplanted into the ground in May-June. The benchmark is to set the average daily temperature at 15 degrees Celsius.

When propagating strawberries with a mustache, planting can be done from early August to mid-October. At the same time, it is important to complete planting work a month before the onset of the first night frosts. Agronomists consider August best month for planting strawberries. Plants planted at this time have time to get stronger and practically do not freeze out in winter. Harvest from such beds can be obtained the next year.

Selection of planting material. What mustache to take for landing

For reproduction, mustaches are used from healthy bushes that bring excellent yields. In order for the children to be stronger from early spring, all flower stalks should be cut off from the mother bushes. The very first rosettes in terms of location from the “mother” have a more developed root system, so they are considered the best. planting material. The remaining shoots are not suitable for further reproduction, so they are removed.

Sockets can be dug next to the mother bushes or planted in separate pots. After the children grow up a little, and are able to feed moisture from the soil on their own, they are separated from adult bushes and transplanted to a new place.

Is it possible to plant different varieties of strawberries next to each other

planting different varieties strawberries in one garden is quite acceptable. Since the strawberry is an overgrown receptacle, and not a fruit, there is no need to be afraid of cross-pollination of varieties. The confusion in the overgrown mustache is the only drawback mixed landings.

Experienced gardeners advise dividing neighboring varieties with several rows of garlic or onions. Good as a separator fit pieces of slate dug in the garden between the bushes.

Berry garden care

In order to receive annually good harvests berry beds need to be properly cared for. It consists of the following agricultural practices:

  • Watering

Irrigation of the berry is carried out based on weather conditions. In dry summers, watering is carried out 1-2 times a week. With regular rainfall, watering can be reduced or stopped altogether.

  • Mulching

To keep moisture in the soil as long as possible, a mulch layer is lined on the beds. Straw, agrofibre, cardboard can be used as mulch. The coating is lined between berry bushes in early spring immediately after the snow has melted. In anticipation of the winter season, the mulch layer is replaced with a new one - dried humus.

Spring mulch prevents the growth of weeds, keeps the soil well aerated and eliminates the contact of berries with the ground. Winter cover will save strawberry roots from freezing and additionally fertilize the soil.

  • top dressing

Fertilize the berry start from the second year after planting. Agronomists recommend feeding the crop according to the following scheme:

  • in early spring - nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied;
  • during the formation of buds - use potassium nitrate;
  • in the autumn - use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

And finally, here are some more tips to get a new bigger harvest every year:

  • the berries will be larger and sweeter if the beds are placed on sunny place in the direction from east to west;
  • renew plantings every four years (with the exception of some varieties that can bear fruit perfectly for a longer time in one place);
  • if your garden plot is on a slope, then place a berry bed across it, so the plantings will not be eroded by precipitation;

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