Encyclopedia of fire safety

Business for the construction of ready-made baths. How to open a sauna (bath): business plan and recommendations

Bath, an institution interesting and in demand. About medicinal properties this institution is an individual question, but for most organisms it really has positive influence. Nowadays, you can attract people with additional services and services. Unfortunately, not every owner of the bath guesses to offer customers something other than alcoholic beverages. Below, we will review the public bath business plan.

So, the steam room includes the provision of services for water procedures, namely, steaming the client with water and steam. Sometimes this mechanism can change, for example, a different water temperature is used. Vaping tanks also come in many varieties, from large vats and booths to huge public spaces.

Additional services :

  • low alcohol bar;
  • hookah;
  • fruit cocktails.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

This time, we will consider a business plan for a public bath, as the least expensive type of bath to open. Less costly, mass character makes it. As well as smaller finances that need to be invested in the decoration of the premises and the individualization of equipment.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

In such a business, you will need a large list of references related to the sanitary and fire conditions of the premises. Required documentation:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • certificate from SES;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • a contract for the lease of premises;
  • contract for periodic disinfection;
  • a log of briefings;
  • regulations of contraindications for visits for unhealthy people.

Stage 2 - finding a room

If you open an individual bath, you will need an area of ​​​​at least 50 sq.m. where the equipment will be placed. If you are opening a public steam room, you need at least 75 sq.m. Also, the room must be in a passable place. A big advantage will be the presence or rent of the old bathhouse, with the already laid plumbing infrastructure.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

In this list, we indicate the cost of a piece of equipment. You may need several units or more powerful equipment. It depends on how many clients the bath is designed for at the same time.

Necessary equipment, prices in rubles:

  • oven (from 56,000);
  • heat exchangers (from 15,000);
  • furnace portal (from 6,000);
  • steam intake plate (from 5,000);
  • chimney (from 2,000);
  • steamer (from 2,500);
  • pouring device (from 6,000);
  • hangers (from 300);
  • thermohydrometer (from 1,500);
  • bath textiles (from 5,000).

Mobile steam room (from 75,000 rubles)

Steam room with heat sink (from 80,000 rubles)

Stove heat exchanger (from 15,000 rubles)

Brazed stove (from 50,000 rubles)

Stage 4 - recruitment

Employees play a big role in this company. They envy the level of service. Even if you are doing an inexpensive public steam room, do not forget about the high level of service. Also, remember about the workers who will be constantly in a hot room and check their health status. If necessary, distribute shifts and hire another employee.

What employees are needed:

  • attendant (40,000 rubles);
  • administrator (30,000 rubles);
  • cleaner (25,000 rubles).

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

  • bonuses and discounts for regular customers;
  • subscriptions for unlimited access;
  • health improvement programs;
  • family, discount coupons.

Financial plan

In this financial terms, we calculated the approximate investment in this institution. The rental price is taken from the calculation of the current, but requiring restoration of a public bath. Also, we did not take into account the repair and Finishing work, as it largely depends on the condition of the room.

Required amount:

  • equipment (from 99,300);
  • personnel (95,000);
  • rent (from 100,000);

Total: 294,300 rubles.

Sauna and business is quite an exciting combination. The one who is not afraid of competition knows how to quickly get together and accept the only correct solution, will be able to open the sauna with minimal cost. In the future, you can earn a good reputation and have a constant contingent of steam lovers.

Where to start a business?

Before realizing the idea of ​​​​opening a sauna, it is necessary to clearly imagine the end result, draw up step by step plan actions. The more detailed this is done, the greater the likelihood of success. Where to start?

Step 1. Define:

  • type of sauna (Finnish (sauna) with dry air, Russian (banya) with wet air);
  • the need to install equipment (main and auxiliary);
  • a range of services (billiards, fitness equipment, massage and beauty salon, solarium).

Step 2 Use of existing property, purchase or lease of premises.

Step 3 Development of a business plan.

Step 4 Repair, re-planning, re-equipment of the premises of the future sauna.

Step 5 Acquisition of the main auxiliary equipment.

Step 6 Registration of individual entrepreneurs, obtaining various permits and operational documents.

Step 7 Personnel selection.

Is it profitable to open a sauna and why?

The profitability of a business is determined by the amount of income received. A well-thought-out structure of the enterprise with the provision of the most popular services in the sauna is a guarantee that customers will visit such an institution, which will contribute to further development.

Today, the sauna is perceived not only as a recreational institution, but also as a cultural and entertainment one. It is very important that a business has some kind of zest, is strikingly different from similar ones, in modern terms, be a little creative. This may be the decoration of the premises, the installation of innovative equipment or the provision of a free service to customers. You can "win" a client only by the impeccable quality of the services provided, the high professionalism of the attendants.

Competent planning of the future business, impeccable execution of the plan, attracting real masters as employees will make the business not only attractive, but also profitable.

Business plan for opening a sauna

A business plan is a document by which a business will be built in the future. All costs and expected profits are calculated, as a result of which it is planned to receive income that would cover expenses. In the future, it is planned to receive dividends, which is the main goal of the business.

When calculating a business plan, you need to carefully study the main points for making a profit. First, you need to pay attention to the location of the sauna, the internal selection of premises, the quality of furniture and special equipment.


The main activity of the sauna is the provision of recreation services to private individuals. Sole proprietor is the best legal form for this business. It is better to accept the system of taxation as a "single tax on imputed income". Such a type of activity as the provision of personal services, in accordance with the all-Russian coding of types of economic activity, has code 93. Sauna services fall under this paragraph.

Location selection

The location of the sauna must be approached very carefully. by the most suitable place will be located away from the main roads, quiet, surrounded by trees or a fence. The location of the sauna on the shore of any reservoir is considered optimal. The presence of nearby power supply networks, water supply and sewerage play an important role in choosing a place for construction.

Room selection

The choice of premises is made when it is planned to rent it and equip a sauna. This method is one of the best in terms of future expenses.

The size of the rented premises must be at least 150 m². This area should include:

  • steam room;
  • pool;
  • rest room;
  • dressing room;
  • toilet room.

Depending on the planned volume of services, it is necessary to provide separate rooms for massage, physiotherapy exercises. Billiards can be installed in the recreation room.

It is better to place a bath on the territory of a hotel, fitness club, entertainment or sports complexes.

The option of renting a small room is also possible - 50-60 m². Such a sauna can simultaneously take 4-6 people. Refurbishment costs will be significantly reduced, which means that the cost of services can be made more affordable.

Equipment selection

To popularize the sauna, comfortable conditions for a good leisure time are important. It is advisable to purchase and install in the rest room comfortable furniture, plasma tv, karaoke, billiard table with a full set of accessories. The shower room must be equipped at the exit from the steam room, preferably next to the pool. You will need a standard set of bath accessories: ladle, basin, tub.

In the locker room, install separate lockers, a shelf for shoes, ensure the availability of bath slippers, hats, bathrobes, and install a mirror. Provide for the issuance of sheets or towels to visitors. This can be scheduled for a fee.

In the presence of a massage, physical education or beauty room equip them in accordance with the requirements: armchairs, chairs, massage tables, various sports equipment.

Sauna requires special equipment:

  • stove for a steam room;
  • water heater;
  • boiler for space heating;
  • pool water filter system;
  • indoor and outdoor lighting;
  • steam generator;
  • alarm system, fire extinguishing.


“The customer is always right” - from this position it is necessary to select employees for the sauna - polite, courteous. The more tolerant and loyal the employee, the more willingly people will come here. The sauna must have an administrator to regulate, place and take orders; cleaning lady to keep the premises clean; technical worker for maintenance of steam and communications. In the presence of massage and beauty parlors, appropriate specialists are needed. They can be attracted under a separate contract.

Considering the round-the-clock mode of operation, the issue of organizing shift work is relevant.

Advertising and promotion

Advertising is the engine of trade, and no one can object to this. The better the advertising campaign of the opening sauna is carried out, the greater the guarantee of success. It is necessary to involve the media, make and distribute visual advertising (install navigation signs, rent a billboard, distribute business cards, invitations, booklets, leaflets to passers-by on the street). If possible, place ads on all local Internet sites, social networks.

Estimated cost calculation

The costs paid monthly are shown in the table:

One-time expenses that are necessary when starting a business are shown in the following table:

Cost types Amount, thousand rubles
1 Making an individual


2 Premises renovation 500
3 Sauna equipment set 40
4 Set of equipment for the pool 30
5 Energy equipment set 45
6 Lounge furniture set 50
7 Set of household equipment 20
8 Massage room furniture set 15
9 Gym equipment set 18
10 Dressing room furniture set 15
11 Administration furniture set 15
12 Billiard table included 25
13 soft inventory 10
Total 713

Prices for all types of furniture, technological and special equipment are approximate. They depend on the manufacturer, power and other parameters that affect the cost.

Payback forecast and profitability

The individual entrepreneur sets the prices for visiting the sauna on his own, based on the expected payback time. From the practice of such institutions as a sauna, the most visited day of the week is Saturday.

For ease of calculation, consider an example. We accept the price of 200 rubles. per hour per visitor. Possibility of simultaneous visit - 10 people. Duration work shift- 12 hours. Since on weekdays the sauna load can be up to 50%, simple arithmetic calculations show that the monthly revenue will be 350 thousand rubles. Monthly income is 63 thousand rubles.

With this monthly income, taking into account all contingencies payback saunas will be 1.5 years. Reducing the price and increasing the duration of work per day will increase the payback period. With an increase in the “load” of the sauna, it will decrease.

When making a payback forecast, the main thing is not to overdo it with setting the hourly rate. Setting too low a tariff will cause alertness, high one will “beat off” the visitor.

The provision of guaranteed quality services is the key to the impeccable reputation of the institution and the influx of visitors.

Required documents to open a sauna

Opening a sauna is a responsible and troublesome business. A license to provide such services is not required. In addition to arranging the premises, it is necessary to collect a package of various documents:

  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological service to operate the sauna;
  • agreement in fire service start of work;
  • developed and approved program of sanitary production control;
  • contracts in accordance with the established procedure for disinfection, deratization, disinfestation of sauna premises;
  • for service ventilation system;
  • for the removal of household waste;
  • for washing clothes;
  • contract for service maintenance internal electrical networks;
  • for the supply of electricity, water supply and sanitation.

To prevent fines imposed by regulatory authorities, it is necessary to comply with all requirements for the legal conduct of business.

Possible risks when opening a sauna

Starting your own business is always associated with risk. When opening a bathhouse, the entrepreneur faces the question: when will the income cover the expenses? Sometimes there are fears - suddenly the project will not pay off. To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to certain rules for conducting a sauna business:

  1. The services provided in the sauna should not be harmful to health.
  2. The profitability of the business will ensure the timely execution of all required documents and contracts in accordance with applicable law.
  3. Do not provide services that fall under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intimate services, distribution of narcotic and psychotropic substances, etc.).
  4. The business owner and staff must strictly maintain the confidentiality of visitors.

Compliance with such simple rules will create a positive reputation among customers, traffic will increase, and, therefore, revenue will double or triple, and profitability will increase.

An important factor in increasing the attendance of the bath is the sanitary condition of the premises, inventory, the level of culture of the attendants.

Do not neglect business insurance against bankruptcy and sauna accidents.

Sauna power supply

The sauna room belongs to the premises with a massive stay of people and a high fire hazard. The electrical wiring in the sauna is subject to increased safety requirements. The thermal insulation of the wire must withstand high temperatures. According to the "Rules for the operation of electrical installations", it is strictly forbidden to install switches, sockets, junction boxes. The best option- wiring with outer side steam room walls. It is necessary to lead the ends of the wiring directly to the current collector through the wall. If an electric oven is installed in the steam room, the cable must be laid in monolithic construction gender. It is forbidden to use a metal hose, corrugation, any kind of cable channels for laying electrical wires.

You can not install lamps in the steam room on the ceiling. The lighting device must meet the requirements for heat resistance (withstand temperatures not lower than +125 ° C), and have an increased level of moisture resistance. In rooms with high humidity(pool, shower room) it is recommended to install waterproof fixtures and fittings (sockets and switches).

It is better to install the power supply control panel at the entrance to the sauna (lobby, locker room).

All current collectors in the sauna must have a separate ground circuit.

Sauna water supply

Sauna water supply is not the last in the list of mandatory solutions. Business development depends on the quality and quantity of water.

If water is taken from the city network, it is necessary to install a cold water meter and a filter system. Purified water fills the pool and is fed into heating device for use in the shower room. The durability of the heating boiler operation depends on the quality of water purification, stop valves.

The device for electricity and water supply is best done according to a ready-made design solution.

How to open a sauna (video)

The presented video on "live" examples describes how to open a sauna from scratch, and what is needed for this.

From an economic point of view, such a type of business as a sauna is profitable and profitable. Initially invested funds in a year or two bring a net income. A business plan drawn up correctly, taking into account all the needs and financial possibilities, will ensure stable business conduct, which will bring not only monetary profit, but also moral satisfaction.

Dear visitors, below is an example of a bathhouse business plan with economic calculations. The document was compiled by economists with experience and can be used as an example to draw up your project plan for submission to government agencies for subsidies (if there are no other requirements for the structure), to a bank for a loan or for an investor.

The document contains a calculation that can also be used to calculate your project by changing only the data on revenue and investment in it. All calculations will change automatically.


The goal is to open from scratch a public bath "Oasis" in the city of Perm. The facility will be designed for both family vacation on separate days, and for a separate pastime. The bath will be focused on citizens with an average income. This class is the most actively using services of this type.

Depending on the days of the week, it will have its own program. The presence of two steam rooms: Russian and Turkish, will allow each client to choose the desired one, depending on preferences. The presence of a small pool will have even more relaxation. The children's area on the street will provide an opportunity to have a great rest not only for adults, but also for children.

Initiator of the project

The work of opening a bathhouse will be carried out by a person who previously worked in this area, but who previously did not have experience in opening his own company. After studying the business "from the inside", it becomes clear that this species recreation is in high demand, and the absence of such establishments in the area in which it is planned to operate, excludes the presence of strong competition.

Investment costs

Investment costs will amount to 4,233 rubles. The investment costs include:

  • Registration of LLC - 10 thousand rubles,
  • Obtaining permits - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Acquisition of a land plot and registration of its ownership - 750 thousand rubles,
  • Construction of a bath - 1,000 thousand rubles,
  • Repair and preparation for activities, including the purchase and commissioning of specialized fire fighting and other equipment, the purchase, assembly and installation of furniture and interior items - 1,500 thousand rubles,
  • The device of the pool - 1,000 thousand rubles.

The bath is located on a separate land plot with access roads and has a separate entrance.

In addition to investment expenses, an additional 901 thousand rubles will need to be invested before reaching break-even operation,

Project financing

The project will be financed partly at its own expense, and partly at the expense of the project initiator. The organizer of the project plans to invest 2,033.7 thousand from his own funds, of which 1,132.7 thousand rubles. will go to capital investments, and 901 thousand rubles. will go to support the operation of the business until it reaches a payback. The remaining 3,100 thousand is taken on credit at 15% per annum, the collateral for the loan will initially be the entrepreneur’s apartment and cottage, after the bathhouse is put into operation, the bathhouse’s premises and land will serve as collateral, and the property of the project initiator will be withdrawn from the pledge.

Payback periods

The calculation is made for 10 years. Inflation is taken as 10%. After the calculation, the following performance indicators were obtained:

  • The calculation period is 10 years.
  • Inflation - 10%.
  • The simple payback period is 4.33 years.
  • The discounted payback period is 5.25 years.
  • NPV - 4,018.35 thousand rubles.

Suppliers and contractors

Building, repair work, finishing, communications will be carried out by the contractor, which will provide a discount due to the amount of work. A work schedule will be drawn up, taking into account production breaks. Thanks to the work carried out by one contractor, all preparations for the opening will be completed as soon as possible.

Sauna equipment and furniture will be purchased from suppliers with whom the organizer has previously worked. They not only sell equipment, but also maintain it, and the furniture offered by these suppliers is made specifically for baths, which allows it to remain like new for a long time with enough difficult conditions operation.


The main purpose of the establishment is rest in the steam rooms: Russian and Turkish. cabin will be installed infrared sauna. This diversity is due to the different tastes of customers: someone wants something hotter, someone is interested in improving the body, someone wants to relax in a calm atmosphere. After warming up the body, it is possible to cheer up and dive into a small cool pool equipped with lighting.

The common recreation area includes big table and Kitchen Area, which allows you to bring your own products, cook them and offer them to guests. There is also a plasma TV with satellite TV and karaoke equipment.

The presence of a children's area on the street will make interesting vacation for kids.

lovers fresh air like barbecue, gazebos and swings in the local area.

The reception sells food and alcoholic beverages, but you can bring food with you to the establishment. And although a healthy rest is welcome in the bathhouse, drinking alcoholic beverages is allowed, and alcohol is also on sale.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time and increase quality. finished document 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan


A piece of land has been purchased for the construction of a bathhouse. A draft of the bath room has been prepared, which you can see below:

The room consists of the following rooms:

  • vestibule - 3.36 sq.m.
  • corridor - 12.40 sq.m.
  • kitchen-living room - 38.73 sq.m.
  • recreation area - 10.46 sq.m.
  • Russian steam room - 6.25 sq.m.
  • Turkish steam room - 5.25 sq.m.
  • washing area - 5.25 sq.m.
  • bathroom - 5.04 sq.m.
  • furnace - 9.60 sq.m.
  • bedroom - 20.76 sq.m.

Investment work plan

After the construction of the bathhouse itself, the following work will be carried out in it:

  • device electrical works, heating water supply and discharge,
  • finishing works - the room was insulated, windows were installed, floors and walls were installed, doors were installed,
  • installation of heating equipment from leading manufacturers,
  • pool construction works
  • arrangement of furniture and kitchen set.

The work schedule is shown in the diagram below:

Thus everything preparatory work for the construction, decoration and commissioning of baths are made in 12 months.

Investment amount

The cost expression of expenses is presented in the table (thousand rubles):

Expenses will be paid both at the expense of the project initiator and at the expense of credit funds.

Marketing plan

The bath will be located in a residential area, so it was decided to take care of informing the population about it in advance. Before the opening of the bathhouse, an advertisement about the opening will be launched on the radio. For a constant reminder of yourself, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki groups will be created, a website with photos of the interior and exterior, description of services, contacts and services provided will be made to describe services. In addition, a sign will be put up by the end of the work.

In addition, in order to attract customers at the initial stage, it was decided to provide discounts to customers who visit the institution more than once, discounts are valid from the second visit. For this purpose, plastic cards of a regular customer were made, the discount upon presentation of them is cumulative from 3 to 10 percent. There is no discount for the first visit, the card is only issued to the client. Then, with each visit, the discount grows by 1% for every thousand rubles. The discount card is nominal, upon its receipt, a questionnaire is filled out.

Additionally, colored cardboard business cards with information about the institution were made. They are distributed to large offices, shops. They are also at the reception of the bath.

An analytical comparison was made with the main competitors in the segment:

Zharov and Steam Nagorny Oasis
location not center not center not center not center
room wooden wooden wooden wooden
the presence of steam rooms Russian
Russian Russian Russian
swimming pool available absent absent available
adjacent territory available available absent available
maximum number of visitors 12 20 6 15
visit price 1 000 rub./hour 1 400 rub./hour 550 rubles/hour 1 200 rubles/hour

Availability good repair, swimming pool and well-groomed surrounding area will allow our bathhouse to set high prices for visiting customers. The pricing policy at the initial stage will attract additional customers, and the availability of services that are not provided in other establishments will also contribute to the growth of attendance. With the help of these techniques, a location not in the very center of the city will be blocked.

The presence of a children's area will make the bathhouse more attractive for families. The distribution by day makes it possible to relax in the very team that you want.

There are a lot of similar establishments in Perm. Basically, these are saunas that have several separate rooms and are intended for companies to relax, which makes it impossible for one or more people to visit the establishments, such a vacation will cost them very much. The price level in saunas and baths starts from 100 rubles per person for an hourly stay and rises to 400 rubles per person. Thus, our bathhouse has fairly affordable prices and is located closer to the lower limit of payment per person.

Production plan

The bath will include the following rooms:

  1. 2 terraces - 11.18 and 6.68 sq.m.
  2. vestibule - 3.36 sq.m.
  3. corridor - 12.40 sq.m.
  4. kitchen-living room - 38.73 sq.m.
  5. recreation area - 10.46 sq.m.
  6. Russian steam room - 6.25 sq.m.
  7. Turkish steam room - 5.25 sq.m.
  8. washing area - 5.25 sq.m.
  9. pool area - 20.76 sq.m.
  10. bathroom - 5.04 sq.m.
  11. furnace - 9.60 sq.m.
  12. bedroom - 20.76 sq.m.

The cost of visiting depends on the day of the week and time of visit:

day of the week visiting time
morning day evening night
Monday 500,00 500,00 800,00 1 000,00
Tuesday 500,00 500,00 800,00 1 000,00
Wednesday 500,00 500,00 800,00 1 000,00
Thursday 500,00 800,00 1 000,00 1 200,00
Friday 500,00 800,00 1 200,00 1 500,00
Saturday 500,00 800,00 1 200,00 1 500,00
Sunday 500,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 200,00

Due to the fact that the main flow of visitors falls on the days from Thursday to Sunday, higher prices are set on these days. The rest of the time the prices are much lower. The planned average price of visiting the institution will be 1,200 rubles per hour. Based on this figure, revenue was planned. The table below shows the planned occupancy of the premises by day of the week:

Day average % load
Monday 12,50%
Tuesday 16,67%
Wednesday 16,67%
Thursday 16,67%
Friday 41,67%
Saturday 41,67%
Sunday 33,33%
TOTAL 25,60%

Prices are per hour in the bath. In addition, there is a system of discounts, which was mentioned above.

In addition to the variability of business load by day of the week, there are quite serious seasonality factors in business, which are presented below:

So, we observe a surge in attendance in January and April-May, while a rather serious decline is observed in the summer months, when people go on vacation and to their summer cottages.

The reception sells related products, as well as food and drinks, including alcohol. The structure of revenue from renting a bathhouse and selling goods is as follows:

SWOT analysis

In order to adequately assess the opportunities in the field of activity, an analysis of the institution was carried out.


  • Variety of services provided.
  • Variety of couples.
  • Acceptable prices.
  • Focus on middle class(most numerous).
  • Special additional area for children.

Weak sides:

  • The presence of competition.
  • Large initial costs.
  • The presence of a credit burden, which sharply reduces the opportunities for re-profiling the business in case of failure.


  • Increase in the number of clients.
  • Opening additional business after full repayment of the loan.


  • There may be similar establishments in the area.
  • The bank may fail to provide credit.
  • Greater demands from customers due to the large number of offers in the segment.

organizational plan

Organizational form

The activity will be conducted from the Limited Liability Company. In this case, the organizer will be the sole founder and director. Taxes will be paid according to the simplified taxation system - 15% of the base income - expenses.


To carry out activities, you need: a director, administrators, cleaners. The number of employees and their wages will look like this:

The work schedule of the staff is two days later. There is one administrator and one cleaning lady on shift. The administrator answers calls, talks about the bath, negotiates with clients. Upon arrival, customers give them all necessary information, towels, slippers, etc., shows the room. The cleaning lady cleans up after the departure of clients from the bathhouse, takes care of the surrounding area.

The organization has strict vertical subordination, the subordination structure is presented below:

Financial plan

The following macroeconomic indicators are assumed for the calculations:

  • Inflation - 11%,
  • Income tax - 15%,
  • personal income tax - 13%,
  • Social contributions - 34.2%,
  • VAT - 0%,
  • discount rate (WACC) - 15%.

Project financing

The total investment in the project will amount to 5,133.7 thousand rubles. of which 2,033.7 thousand are planned to be invested by the project initiator himself. RUB 1,132.7 thousand from the initiator's investments will go to capital investments (organization of a legal entity, acquisition of a land plot, furniture and equipment, advertising). The remaining part is 3,100 thousand rubles. will be spent as a bank loan, which will be received at 15% per annum, the collateral for it will be the property of the project initiator. After the construction and commissioning of the bathhouse, the pledge will be re-registered for the bathhouse and the land plot located under it.

Project costs

Expenses will be paid monthly: wages of employees, tax payments, utility bills, purchase of products, marketing activities, entertainment expenses, other expenses.

These indicators are interesting and are stimulating for starting a business. The organizer has a great chance of obtaining a loan, as the business pays off quickly enough, and the collateral guarantees the bank the return of the loan amount.

In addition, the estimated payback rates are of interest not only to the bank, but also to private investors, who are most likely to be interested in participating in the project.

Risk Analysis

The calculations made by the bath business plan prove that this business is quite profitable. But it is also worth considering situations that may adversely affect the opening or development of activities:

  1. Problems in getting a loan. The organizer has no experience in starting a business, so he will not be a very reliable client for banks. But there is a project with calculations, as well as property that is issued as a pledge. In this connection, this option is unlikely.
  2. The appearance of such an institution in the area. This will lead to a partial churn of customers. Although our bathhouse has competitive prices compared to most similar establishments. There is also a system of discounts, which makes the institution attractive. At the same time, the bathhouse has numerous services for family holidays and for company holidays. Therefore, it will be difficult for a newly-minted competitor to retain lost customers.
  3. Decrease in incomes of the population, which will lead to a decrease Money that can be spent on rest and leisure. However, the prices in the bathhouse are low, and the rest can be quite varied. In this regard, a significant decrease in the flow of customers is not expected.


Bathhouse business plan calculations show interesting business performance indicators and timely repayment of loans. In this regard, this project will be of interest to both credit institutions and private investors.

The Russian bath has always been a popular holiday destination. After the massive closure of the public baths built in Soviet time, private baths and saunas have become widespread among the city dweller. With the growing popularity of baths, competition in this area is only increasing. The profitability of this business is estimated at 30-50%. Return on investment from 1-3 years (see also bath business plan)

In contrast to the common recommendations for placing a commercial bath in buildings from 100m2, we suggest considering the idea of ​​building a small complex consisting of several detached houses. Clients will be offered hourly rental of sauna houses with a capacity of up to 10 people.

How much money do you need to open a commercial bath

The construction of swimming pools, salt rooms and other complexes is not expected, as it costs additional investments, and the price of the project may rise to 3 million rubles or more.

In our case, a mini-complex of three bath houses will cost a little more than 1 million rubles. new investments

  • Bath from a bar "turnkey", 3 pcs. — from 700,000 rubles.
  • Administrative building - from 150,000 rubles.
  • LLC registration, license for alc. — from 60,000 rubles.
  • Connection to engineering networks— from 150,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - from 50,000 rubles.

Total - from 1,110,000 rubles.

What system of taxation to choose for a commercial bath. OKVED code

If you plan to trade in alcoholic products, then you must purchase a license "for the sale of alcohol and alcohol-containing products" in accordance with Law No. 171 FZ. In this case, you will have to register an LLC, since a license for the sale of alcohol individual entrepreneurs cannot be obtained.

The taxation system in our case will be USN 6% of revenue (or 15% of profit). OKVED 93.04 "Physical and recreational activities." Description of services

Service list

  • Hourly sauna house rental. Payment can be either per person or total, for example, 800 rubles per hour for up to 10 people;
  • Services of a massage therapist and a hairdresser;
  • Sale of bath accessories: brooms, soap, shampoos, washcloths, etc.;
  • Sale of cooling and alcoholic drinks, fast food, beer snacks.

Reservations can be made by phone or by advance payment.

Do not forget to think over the issue of security, as sometimes the object will be visited by violent companies who, after five mugs of beer, simply do not want to leave the premises on time.

Cleanliness is the key to health

Cleanliness and hygiene are very important in the provision of such services. It is worth at least once to prick on this - the client will not return. Therefore, after each visitor, a thorough sanitization premises.


Bath location

For the location of the complex of baths, a land area of ​​​​10 acres is required. It is good if such an area is owned and the cost of buying a plot is not required. If the business is located on a land plot that was used for housing purposes, then it should be transferred to the appropriate type of permitted use.

Step-by-step plan for opening a commercial bath

Bath houses can be built by a hired team, and the material can be bought separately, or you can purchase a turnkey bath, which will be ready for work in a few days. You can choose a very different material, from which only now they are not building: timber, log, frame technology, sandwich panels, brick, brick + timber, etc. However, the most economical and practical material is considered a beam.

A turnkey log bath measuring 4x6 meters will cost about 230 thousand rubles. The complex of three buildings will cost 690 thousand rubles. The capacity of one house is about 10 people. At the same time, the room will include everything you need: a steam and washing department, a rest room.

How to choose equipment for a bath

Since such objects are fire hazardous and the inspection authorities impose increased requirements on them, the bath project is being developed according to the recommendations of the fire supervision and SES. The set of rules is contained in SNIP II - L 13-62. During the construction of the premises, ventilation hatches must be provided. Walls must be sheathed with hardwood not treated with combustible substances.

The interior lining of the room is best made of linden. The rest room must be equipped with benches, a table and a TV. It is also necessary to have an administrative building where a bar, cash desk and staff will be located.

Building a complex is one thing. No less complicated procedure is the connection of communications. In this case, you will need "full stuffing": gas, water, electricity, sewerage. It is good if the site is already prepared and all communications are connected. And if not? With water and sewage, everything is more or less clear, but with gas and electricity, everything is not so simple. In this case, it is difficult to determine the cost of connection, and the connection time is frightening - from 6 months or more. It all depends on the remoteness of pipelines and power lines, as well as on the “appetite” of network companies. Ultimately the cost this stage maybe from 100 thousand rubles. and higher.


At the stage of searching for a labor collective, problems may also arise. As a rule, wages in such a business are not high, so people are not willing to follow the ads. Be that as it may, the bath complex needs: an administrator, attendants and security guards. If we want to provide additional services, then we need to find more masseurs, bathers, and even hairdressers. By the way, it is better to hire a massage therapist on an ongoing basis and combine his work with the duties of a steamer.

For a small bath the complex is suitable and this staffing:

The total payment fund will be about 70 thousand rubles per month. Marketing

Advertising and promotion

untwisted baths with good service booked weeks in advance. Achieving high attendance is the main "bread" of this business. The growing competition in the bath business every year requires the entrepreneur to regularly search for tools to promote his business.

The most common methods include:

  • Advertising in the media;
  • Creation of a website and pages in the social. networks;
  • Carrying out regular promotions. For example, when ordering a bath from 8 people - 1 hour as a gift;
  • Planning a flexible system of discounts, including for regular customers;

How much can you earn on bath services

The most important thing is not to “overdo it” with the price of the service, but also not to make it too low. The hourly price of renting a sauna house depends on many factors:

  • The presence of competitors;
  • Solvency of the population;
  • Availability of additional services.

As a rule, the price in many regions of Russia is in the range from 100 to 600 rubles per hour per person. Or the whole complex is rented, then the price is from 700 to 1500 rubles, regardless of the number of people.

The main revenue of the bath, as a rule, falls on weekends. One bath house these days works for 10 hours. Peak attendance is Saturday. Rent a bath, on average, will be companies consisting of 4 people. This means that about 40 people will visit the bathhouse in one day off. With an average check of 200 rubles per visitor, the revenue from one bath will be: 200 * 40 \u003d 8,000 rubles. From three bathhouses: 24,000 rubles for one day off. 8 days off per month (Saturday and Sunday). Total 24,000 rubles. * 8 days = 192,000 rubles per weekend per month.

Weekdays cannot boast of such attendance. Therefore, all 5 weekdays will bring only 50% of the revenue for 2 days off. Total: 96,000 rubles.

Currently, baths and saunas are increasingly being opened in cities, even entire bath complexes offering not only to wash, but even to spend an unforgettable holiday in non-standard conditions. Despite this, competition in this business is not as fierce as, for example, among the owners of cafes and restaurants. Having studied the supply and demand for saunas in your city, you need to decide on the size of the future institution, as well as the range of services provided.

Speaking of the sauna, we assume exactly the type of bath that is called the Finnish sauna, with its high temperature and low air humidity. In addition to steam rooms and relaxation rooms, modern saunas can provide a range of services. These can be: solarium, peeling, massage, various Spa treatments, relaxation programs, phytobarrel, salt inhalations, aromatherapy, medicinal teas.

It is worth noting that one of the guarantors of your permanent income and successful business prosperity will be the reputation of the sauna as a decent institution.

Main risks

It is difficult to choose a room for a sauna. When purchasing a building that already had a bath or sauna before, you risk spending a lot of money on repairs, since high humidity over time, inevitably spoils the walls of the building itself. Alteration of the finished premises inevitably entails the complexity of redevelopment. It should be noted that even a small sauna includes: at least two locker rooms, steam rooms, preferably a swimming pool, relaxation rooms, a massage room, etc. Experts recommend building a new building for a sauna. However, this will take a lot of time and expense.

The cost of creating and maintaining a good sauna is high. So, in addition to start-up capital(at least 400 thousand rubles, not counting construction), a reserve fund is required for the periodic renewal of equipment that tends to break and deteriorate, replacement wood paneling inside steam rooms, etc. overhaul needed in 4-5 years. Its cost can be 20-30% of the funds spent on the initial interior decoration. However, a completely new sauna, with a sufficient flow of visitors, can pay for itself in an average of 5 years.


The constant flow of visitors is associated with the location of the sauna. However, opening a sauna in the busiest city center does not make any sense. The sauna is not entered on the way, as, say, to the store.

It is beneficial to open a sauna in a microdistrict with a large number of houses or next to a large residential complex. A sauna can be a profitable addition to an existing business. If you are the owner of a restaurant, cafe, hotel or fitness room, then the sauna can be opened in a part of an already functioning building.


An impressive expense item is associated with the purchase and installation of equipment. You can do without lush interiors indoors, but the equipment is something that you should not save on. A gas or electric stove in a steam room, filters, compressors for a pool must be of high quality and reliable.

We include in the initial capital expense item: furniture for rest rooms, dressing rooms, massage tables, a solarium (if it is planned to be available). In addition to global purchases that will last more than a year, we also need those that will have to be updated periodically: scoops, towels, disposable slippers, etc.


The staffing of the sauna will depend on the services provided and the schedule of the institution. As a rule, there are steam rooms in the sauna, rest rooms, which are rented by the day or hour, and various health-improving services are provided. For the full operation of such a sauna, you need: a director, an administrator, a cleaner, a security guard, a masseur, a handyman.

AT major cities sauna mode is round-the-clock, which requires a large number personnel.
For small towns, a 12-hour working day is relevant.
Such a schedule allows one person to combine several positions. It is desirable that the composition of employees be constant.

Documents and licenses

For the provision of personal services, in particular, the opening of a sauna, OKVED 93.04 “Physical and recreational activities” is suitable, which includes: “activities to improve physical condition and provide comfort, for example, activities Turkish baths, saunas and steam baths, solariums, spas with mineral springs, weight loss and weight loss salons, massage rooms, physical culture centers, etc.” The number of this section in OKUN is 019100.

Fire requirements for baths and saunas are presented in SNiP 31-05-2003 p.6. Sanitary standards are implemented on the basis of SanPiN 2.1.2. "Design, construction and operation of residential buildings, public utilities, educational institutions, culture, recreation, sports."

Most likely, you will conduct your business as individual entrepreneurship. Then UTII will be an acceptable option for taxation. According to the explanatory letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the opening of a sauna is eligible for this taxation option.

You don't need a license to open a sauna. However, if you plan to sell alcohol on the territory of the sauna, then the relevant documents are required.


When developing a sauna business plan, it must be taken into account that the profit from the activity depends on many factors. Sauna advertising, its reputation, quality of service are also important.
As practice shows, it is often word of mouth that gives real results in attracting customers. Currently, various promotions are relevant (for example, 2 hours for the price of 1), the development of a system of discounts for regular customers, etc.


Opening a sauna is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first. It is much more difficult to maintain its profitability, despite the competition. A sauna, even a small one, can bring real income. The variety and quality of services provided high level services will be an advantage of the new sauna over other establishments.

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