Encyclopedia of fire safety

Fire safety at school. Fire safety at school: rules. Fire safety at school: briefing

When sending their child to school, parents are usually calm and confident in their safety. They do not even suspect how much work is being done for this. One of the main areas of activity for protecting the health of students is fire safety at school.

Preventive work

Preventive measures to prevent fires in the territory educational institution carried out before the start school year. During the summer period, the classes in which children will study are examined by special commissions. The fire department makes a decision to recognize the school as a safe place.

In order for the classrooms to remain safe, do not clutter them with unnecessary items: furniture, appliances, manuals and other accessories. The number of desks must also comply with design standards. If classes were held in an office, workshop or laboratory using flammable or explosive substances and materials, they must be removed to the premises intended for their storage.

In addition, it is necessary to explain that fire safety at school depends primarily on themselves. Cognitive briefings have been developed for students of different grades. Learning the basics fire safety for elementary grades it is carried out entertainingly, in a playful way.

Discussions are organized with senior classes about the importance of a responsible attitude to school property, the danger of flammable and explosive materials for the health and life of children is emphasized.


The principal of the school approves and monitors the implementation of instructions on fire safety measures. It highlights the standards for maintaining the school and its territory, as well as the corridors along which the evacuation will take place.

The basement and all exits from the school must be kept free from foreign objects. The keys to them are usually kept in the office, as well as with the staff working on the ground floor.

Smoking areas are provided, as well as safety measures during technological and hot work. The actions and duties of school employees in case of fire are considered in detail.

It would be appropriate to attach a memo "Procedure of actions in case of fire" to this manual. In addition, this memo should be in every school building. The application also contains a plan for the evacuation of students, teachers and other personnel from the school building in case of fire.

School Fire Procedure


The organization of the evacuation procedure for students and staff provides for the appointment of teachers who are responsible for the order of exit from the building in case of fire. They are usually responsible for regulating the flow of people on each floor of the school. If a fire occurs in a classroom, gym or workshop, the evacuation is carried out by a teacher leading the this moment occupation.

During mass sports and cultural and entertainment events at the school, the organizer is responsible for fire safety. The responsible officer must also check the condition of the tracks before the start of the event. possible evacuation students.

During the year, special classes and briefings are held with those people who have been appointed responsible for evacuation in case of fire. Class teachers include in the plan of educational work a conversation with students about the importance of observing fire safety standards. In addition, the teacher of the course "Fundamentals safe life» during training sessions, studies and practices with children the rules of behavior in case of a fire.

Agreed I approve
Chairman of the trade union committee Director of MBOU "Oboroninskaya sosh"
Gudukhin S.P. _____________ Shevchenko V.A.

"__01_"______09__________2012 "__01_"___09____________2012

INSTRUCTIONSon fire safety in the institutionfor all school staff.
IOT No. 001-12
1. General requirements.
1.1 Employees of the institution are required to comply with the fire safety requirements established by the "Fire Safety Rules in Russian Federation”, put into effect by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of December 14, 1993 No. 53b and these instructions.
1.2 Persons guilty of violating the Fire Safety Rules and this instruction bear criminal, administrative, disciplinary or other liability in accordance with applicable law.
1.3 All employees of the institution are allowed to work only after passing the fire drill.
1.4 The head of the institution determines the responsibility for the fire safety of buildings and premises by order.
1.5 In order to involve the employees of the institution in the work of preventing and fighting fire at the facilities, fire-technical commissions and voluntary fire brigades can be created.
1.6 Personal responsibility for ensuring the fire safety of the institution and its structural divisions in accordance with the current legislation is assigned to the leaders.
2. Organizational events for fire safety.
2.1 In all premises of the institution, signs indicating the telephone number of the fire service should be posted in prominent places.
2.2 In each institution, an order (instruction) establishes fire mode, including:
- the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in case of fire and at the end of the working day is determined;
- regulates the procedure for conducting temporary hot work, the procedure for inspecting and closing the premises after the end of work, the actions of the employee upon detection of a fire;
- the procedure and terms for conducting fire-fighting briefing and fire-fighting classes are determined; technical minimum, as well as the appointment responsible persons for their implementation.
On each floor, in a conspicuous place, an evacuation plan in case of a fire, approved by the head, should be posted.
In the corridors and on the doors of the evacuation exits there must be prescriptive and indicative safety signs.
At the end of classes, employees of the institution should carefully inspect their assigned premises and close them by de-energizing the power grid.
At the end of the work, the person responsible for fire safety is obliged to control the shutdown of all electrical appliances.
In case of fire, de-energize all electrical equipment of the building by turning off the breaker.
In the event of a fire, employees are required to report it to the fire brigade, as well as take measures to save people, property and extinguish the fire.
Repeated fire safety briefing is carried out for employees at least once every 6 months, initial briefing - upon admission to work with registration in a special journal.
The briefing is conducted by the head of the structural unit.
Fire safety briefing for managers is carried out by the person responsible for fire safety in the institution.
To avoid a fire in administrative buildings administrative and technical personnel and employees must know and strictly comply with the basic requirements of fire safety rules set forth in this manual.
3. Requirements fire safety in administrative and office buildings.
It is forbidden:
3.1 Block up corridors, stairwells, exits, openings and entrances to buildings, fire extinguishing and alarm systems.
3.2 Perform gas welding and work using flammable liquids without the written permission of the chief or his deputy.
3.3 Make redevelopment of premises without taking into account fire regulations and rules without the consent of the State Fire Supervision Authority.
3.4 Keep locked up in working time doors and other exits intended for evacuation.
3.5 Smoking in places not equipped for this purpose, scattering cigarette butts and used matches.
3.6 Arrange storerooms and workshops within stairwells and corridors, as well as store under stairs and on platforms various materials.
3.7 Store flammable liquids (flammable liquids) and combustible materials, compressed and liquefied gas cylinders.
3.8 Arrange for window openings residential and service premises deaf metal gratings.
3.9 Make fires, burn garbage on the territory of the institution.
3.10 Dry clothes, organize warehouses, archives, etc. in attic spaces.
3.11 To live in the building of the institution for service personnel and other persons.
3.12 Use combustible materials for wall and ceiling decoration.
3.13 Remove the doors of vestibules, halls, corridors, vestibules and stairwells provided for by the project.
3.14 Nail emergency exit doors.
3.15 Leave unattended electrical appliances connected to the network.
3.16 Use as electrical protection homemade and uncalibrated fuses ("bugs").
3.17 Clean the premises using gasoline, kerosene and other flammable and combustible liquids, as well as thaw frozen pipes blowtorches and in other ways using open fire.
3.18 Use electric heaters and temporary electrical wiring. Application heating appliances may be allowed only with the written permission of the head.
3.19 Store paper and other combustible items on cabinets and heating appliances.
3.20 Arrange archives, warehouses, workshops, etc. in the attic. After the end of the working day, each employee is required to turn off electrical appliances, calculating machines and lighting.
3.21 If violations of the requirements of this instruction are found, take measures to eliminate the deficiencies and inform the management.
3.22 In the event of a fire, each employee is obliged to immediately call the fire brigade by telephone "01", start extinguishing the fire with primary fire extinguishing equipment.
4. Safety requirements in emergency situations.
Production and auxiliary facilities (premises, structures, equipment, etc.) must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with applicable standards.
Usage primary funds fire extinguishing for other purposes is prohibited.
The service personnel of production facilities, when accepting and handing over a shift, must check the availability and serviceability of fire fighting equipment.
The employee is obliged to report to his/her immediate management about each case of injury, poisoning and burns received personally or by other employees, as well as about a fire, an emergency.
The employee is obliged to know telephone numbers and other means of emergency communication, be able to use them and immediately make a call: fire brigade - in the event of a fire or the possibility of its occurrence by calling "01", ambulance - in case of burns, injuries, poisoning - by calling "03" .
Prior to the arrival of the relevant services, workers must urgently take measures to eliminate the fire or accident and provide assistance to the victim.
In the event of an accident, you should:
- skillfully and quickly fulfill the duties set out in the plan for the elimination of accidents, inform the fire brigade;
- stop all technological operations;
- take measures to remove people from the danger zone;
- take part in the liquidation of the accident and elimination of its consequences.
Extinguishing a fire must be carried out with fire extinguishing equipment available on the site.
5. Brief rules use of primary fire extinguishing equipment.
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.
Designed to extinguish fires various substances, with the exception of those whose combustion occurs without access to air, as well as electrical installations energized up to 380 V.
To actuate carbon dioxide fire extinguishers OU-2, OU-5, OU-8, it is necessary to point the socket at a burning object, turn the valve handwheel to failure. Turning over the fire extinguisher is not required; keep as vertical as possible.
To avoid frostbite, do not touch the metal part of the socket with bare parts of the body.
Powder fire extinguishers.
Designed to extinguish oil products, electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 W, valuable materials and fires in motor vehicles.
To actuate powder fire extinguisher OP-10 it is necessary to press the trigger lever and direct the powder jet to the combustion center through the ejection nozzle.
Designed to extinguish solid combustible materials and flammable liquids with water to cool nearby tanks.
The internal fire hydrant is put into operation by two workers. One lays the hose and keeps the fire hose ready to supply water to the combustion center, the second checks the connection of the fire hose to the fitting of the internal tap and opens the valve for water to enter the fire hose.
1. Asbestos cloth, felt (felt felt). It is used to extinguish small fires of any substances. The combustion center is covered with asbestos or felt cloth in order to stop air from accessing it.
2. Sand, used to mechanically knock down a flame and isolate a burning or smoldering material from the surrounding air.
Sand is fed into the fire with a shovel or shovel.
Fire extinguishers should be placed in easily accessible places at a height of no more than 1.5 m, where their damage is excluded, direct contact with them sun rays, direct exposure to heating and heating appliances.
6. Actions in the event of a fire.
Report the fire immediately to the nearest fire station by phone number 01
Immediately notify people about the fire and inform the head of the institution or his replacement employee.
Open all emergency exits and evacuate people from the building.
Remove the most valuable property and documents from the building.
When leaving a room or building, turn off the ventilation, close all doors and windows behind you to avoid spreading fire and smoke in an adjacent room.
By the forces of the voluntary fire brigade, start extinguishing the fire and its localization with the help of primary fire extinguishing equipment
Turn off the power supply and ensure the safety of people involved in the evacuation and fire fighting from possible collapse of the structure, exposure to toxic combustion products and elevated temperature, and electric shock.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Comprehensive school


Head teacher


"____" ___________2009



1. General Provisions

The instruction is mandatory for study and implementation by all school employees, tenants and visitors. The requirements of this Instruction apply to the entire school building.

All employees must be trained in fire safety when they are hired.

2. Fire safety requirements

· Access to the entire school building must be ensured. The area adjacent to the building should not be cluttered, used for storing materials, parking lots.

· All rubbish and waste must be regularly removed to a designated area.

· Drives and passages to the school building, fire water sources, approaches to fire equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and means must always be free, maintained in good order and in satisfactory condition at any time of the year.

· Signs indicating the procedure for calling the fire brigade, signs indicating the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment, emergency exits should be installed on the school grounds in prominent places.

For all administrative, educational and warehouse purpose it is necessary to determine the category of explosive and fire hazard according to ONTP 24-86 and the class of zones according to the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). On the entrance doors of these premises, it is necessary to hang out a sign with the definition of the category of explosion and fire hazard and the class of the zone.

· All school premises must be cleared of combustible debris in a timely manner and kept clean at all times.

· Placement of furniture and equipment in the premises should be carried out in such a way that a free evacuation passage to the exit doors from the premises is provided.

Opposite the doorway there should be a passage with a width equal to the doorway, but not less than 1 m.

· Evacuation routes (passages, corridors, vestibules, flights of stairs, etc.) and exits must be kept free at all times, not blocked by anything.

It is forbidden to store, including temporarily, inventory and various materials in the vestibules of exits, in cabinets (niches) for engineering communications, close locks and other locks that are difficult to open from the inside, external evacuation doors if people are in the building.

· If it is necessary to install gratings on the windows of rooms where there are people, the latter must be opened, moved apart or removed. During the stay of people in these premises, the bars must be open (removed). It is allowed to install deaf (non-removable) grilles in cash desks and warehouses.

During the organization and holding of events with mass stay people must meet the following requirements:

For more than 50 people, use premises provided with at least two emergency exits, which meet the requirements of building codes, do not have deaf bars on the windows;

It is forbidden to arrange storerooms or other auxiliary premises under flights of stairs on evacuation routes from these premises;

Persons entrusted with carrying out such events are required to carefully inspect the premises before they begin and make sure that the latter are fully prepared in terms of fire protection, incl. in providing the right amount primary fire extinguishing equipment, serviceable means of communication, and, if necessary, fire automatics and alarms;

It is not allowed to fill the premises with people in excess of the established norm, narrow the aisles between the rows, install in the aisles extra beds seats.

· Fire hydrants available in the building must be equipped with fire hoses and barrels of the same diameter, kept in good order and accessible for use. At least once every six months, they must be checked for operability by the service that carries out their maintenance.

· Fire hoses must be kept dry, attached to the faucet and barrel. The use of fire hoses for household and other needs not related to fire fighting is not allowed.

· Fire cabinets for accommodating taps should be sealed and they should have openings for ventilation.

On fire cabinet doors outside it is necessary to indicate the sequence number of the crane and the telephone number of the fire brigade call after the letter index "PK". When equipping cabinets, the possibility of placing fire extinguishers in them should be taken into account. When placing fire extinguishers in fire cabinets, put a safety sign on the outside.

· The building and premises of the school must be provided with the necessary number of fire extinguishers in accordance with the norms. They should be installed in easily accessible and conspicuous places (corridors, near entrances or exits from premises) so that they do not impede evacuation.

· All school staff must be able to use fire extinguishers and internal fire hydrants.

· It is forbidden to use switchboards, ventilation chambers and other technical premises for other purposes (for storing furniture, equipment, and other foreign objects). Doors leading to these rooms must be kept closed. The location of the keys must be marked on these doors.

· AT basements it is not allowed to store and use flammable and combustible liquids (hereinafter referred to as flammable and combustible liquids), gas cylinders, calcium carbide, other substances and materials that have an increased explosion hazard.

· Premises where personal computers are used should be equipped with portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. Personal computers after the end of work on them must be disconnected from the mains.

Power and lighting electrical equipment, electrical wiring and other consumers of electricity must be carried out and operated in accordance with the requirements of the PUE and the Rules technical operation electrical installations (PTEE).

· Fusible fuse links must be calibrated with an indication of the rated current of the fuse on the terminal (manufacturer's mark). The use of home-made uncalibrated fuse-links is prohibited.

· Household electrical appliances should be connected to the network only through serviceable sockets and power cords. The operation of temporary electrical networks is not permitted.

· Measurements of insulation resistance in power and lighting networks must be carried out at least once a year.

· Premises ventilation units must always be kept clean. The use of ventilation chambers for other needs is prohibited.

· All installations of fire automatics must be serviceable, kept in working order and have a certificate of conformity.

Maintenance in order to maintain the uptime of the installations for the period of service life;

Development of the necessary operational documentation for maintenance and duty personnel.

The building and premises of the school are equipped technical means fire alarms and communications in accordance with the requirements of building codes.

2.5. Pre-closing inspection procedures

· At the end of the working day, school employees must clean up the workplace, close windows and turn off the power supply of appliances and equipment that they used ( desk lamp, fans, domestic air conditioners, computers, radios, etc.).

Responsible for fire safety in the room, and in his absence, the employee who closes the room, at the end of work, must inspect it, make sure that there are no violations that could lead to a fire, check that electrical appliances, equipment, and lighting are turned off.

3. Actions in case of fire

In the event of a fire (a sign of burning), each school employee must:

Report this immediately by calling 01 or the appropriate number local communications to the fire brigade, while it is necessary to name the address of the object, indicate the number of floors of the building, the place of the fire, the situation on the fire, the presence of people, as well as your last name;

Take (if possible) measures to evacuate people from the danger zone, extinguish (localize) the fire and preserve material assets;

Report the fire to the director;

If necessary, report the fire to other emergency services(medical, plumbing, gas rescue, etc.).

· The school principal or other official, upon arrival at the scene of a fire, must:

Check if it's called fire department(duplicate message);

In case of a threat to people's lives, immediately organize their rescue (evacuation), using the available forces and means for this;

Remove all workers who do not take part in fire extinguishing outside the danger zone;

Suspend work at the school, except for work related to fire extinguishing measures;

Turn off, if necessary, electricity and take other measures to prevent the development of fire and smoke in the premises;

Check the activation of the fire warning system and fire extinguishing installations;

Organize a meeting of the arriving fire departments, assist them in choosing the shortest path to get to the fire and install it on a water source;

Simultaneously with extinguishing the fire, organize the evacuation of people and the protection of property;

Ensure compliance with safety regulations by employees directly involved in extinguishing a fire, saving people and protecting property.

Upon arrival at the fire, fire departments must be provided with unhindered access to the school grounds, except when the relevant state authorities regulations established a special admission procedure.

· Upon the arrival of the fire brigade, the administration and technical staff of the school are required to take part in advising the head of the fire extinguishing about the constructive and technological features schools where the fire broke out, adjacent buildings and structures, organize involvement to extinguish the fire necessary measures, forces and means of the object.

The security of a general education institution is a set of measures developed by state bodies and the administration of the institution to maximize the protection of students and property from external and internal threats.

Such safety covers a fairly wide range of different positions and areas: environmental safety, explosion safety, radiation safety, electrical safety and fire safety, which will be discussed.

Fire safety activities for schoolchildren
distributed in the following areas:

Acquisition and support in a state of full readiness of primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers, fire hoses, cabinets, shields, boxes, etc.);

Installation automatic system fire alarm;

The presence of an alarm in case of fire;

Availability of emergency exits;

Visual campaigning on the prevention of fires in the form of stands and posters;

Preventive work with a team of students and a team of employees of the institution.

Responsibility for ensuring fire safety in the school is borne by the head and his deputies, heads of classrooms and workshops.

School Principal Responsibilities:

1. Ensure the implementation of fire safety rules and control over the clear and strict implementation of the work schedule of all employees, as well as students.

2. Take immediate action to eliminate deficiencies that could lead to a fire.

3. Regularly (according to the schedule) carry out different types fire safety briefings: primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted, etc.

4. Develops and approves an evacuation plan, as well as a procedure for notifying students and employees about an emergency.

5. Distributes among employees the procedure for action in case of fire.

6. By orders for the school, he determines those responsible for fire safety during various events (concerts, evenings, Christmas trees and etc.).

Rules of conduct for teachers and technical staff
and students in the event of a fire.

Let us consider what actions should be taken by participants in the educational process in a school in case of fire.

1. At the first sign fire situation(smoke, burnt smell, gas smell, etc.), the teacher is obliged to assess the situation, ensure the safety of schoolchildren and the possible provision of assistance to them.

2. By correct behavior, the teacher is obliged to prevent the occurrence of panic among children and employees.

3. Evacuate from the premises and buildings quickly, do not panic and exclude oncoming flows of people.

4. When leaving the premises, turn off equipment and electrical appliances, turn off the lights, close windows and doors tightly.

The actions of the teachers must comply established instruction on fire safety.

The teacher conducting the lesson carries out the evacuation in case of fire according to the plan, letting the children go ahead, taking a class magazine, and being on safe distance, make a roll call of the students on the list.

Before teachers teaching the basics of safe life (OBZH), it is quite specific task- to teach children as much as possible to prevent fire hazardous situations, and in the conditions of their occurrence - to assess it correctly and choose the right solution.

As a preventive measure for the occurrence of a fire hazardous situation, the primary task of the teacher-educator is to study the rules of fire safety, starting from the first grade. Theoretical classes alternate with practical ones.

In conclusion, it should be noted that only correctly coordinated actions of all participants in the educational process will prevent a fire, and in case of its occurrence, promptly evacuate and preserve material values ​​as much as possible.

Full set required documents on fire safety (orders, instructions, fire safety magazines, regulations, recommendations) you can purchase on our website.

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