Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Do-it-yourself temporary porch made of wood. Enclosed porch for a private house: design options. What about the canopy over the porch?

When you are building a solid country house, you cannot do without a good wooden porch. It’s so nice to sit on it on a warm summer evening! In addition, it will also perform economic functions. Therefore, today we will talk about how to build wooden porch with your own hands to make the cottage look finished and cozy.

What is a porch for?

First of all, this building has an aesthetic purpose and serves as a decoration for the facade. But it also has very important practical functions. In winter, the porch will save the front door from skidding, and will also serve as additional thermal insulation. In the summer, it will perform many more tasks: the porch can be used as an impromptu gazebo, and you can leave shoes and household items, such as buckets, on it.

There are three main types of wooden porch:

  • simplified;
  • built-in;
  • attached.

If you want a more original and multifunctional design, you can build a fashionable one in Western Europe porch-patio, reminiscent of an open terrace.


Typically, a wooden porch consists of elements such as a foundation, supports, steps with railings (or without railings) and a canopy.

Now let's talk about the mistakes that beginners in construction often make when they want to build a wooden porch with their own hands. This will help us avoid our own shortcomings in the process.

  1. The most common mistake is purchasing materials either of inappropriate quality or in larger quantities than necessary. This will lead to unacceptable financial costs. It is imperative to fully plan the entire work process and calculate the amount of materials.
  2. Often people without construction experience exaggerate the real complexity of the task. You should not choose a very complex, textured design if it is not necessary. Moreover, a simple porch will definitely fit into the building with taste.
  3. If you think that a wooden porch does not need a foundation, then you are mistaken. Solid base will protect the structure from premature destruction.

Now let’s take a closer look at all the stages of construction of a wooden porch.

Choosing a porch to your liking

Preparatory stage before the start of construction

So, first of all, we need to draw up a plan for the future porch. When creating it, follow the following recommendations:

  • consider factors such as general form and the size of the platform, as well as the size of the flights of stairs;
  • think over the design so that it is subject only to operational loads;
  • constant exposure external environment(weather conditions, wind, soil movement) is also important;
  • the site should be spacious enough so that the porch elements do not interfere with freedom of movement and use of the door.

Now select the required material. In our latitudes, pine is most often used to build a wooden porch, as it is a common, inexpensive, wear-resistant and easy-to-work material. You will need:

  • pine beams 100 X 200 mm or logs for rafters and floor beams;
  • boards for canopy 50 X 150 mm or 50 X 200 mm thick;
  • boards for landing, steps, railings, side posts.

Use pine logs or timber for the foundation

Having purchased necessary materials and drawing up a drawing future construction, proceed to laying the foundation. The best option for the porch there will be a pile type of foundation, it is simple to implement and inexpensive.

  1. Before making the foundation, treat timber or logs for support antiseptics. While the work is going on, the wood will have time to soak and dry.
  2. Constantly referring to the drawings, dig holes for supports. The depth must be at least 80 cm.
  3. Place the supports into the holes, fill the gaps with soil and compact them.
  4. If you want to make the platform and supports more secure, fill them with cement. In this case, you will have to wait until the solution is completely dry, and only then proceed with next stage.
  5. Once the supports are fully installed, make sure that their height is equal. Trim them if necessary. After this, you can prepare the cuts by removing excess wood.
  6. Hollow out nests in the prepared joists and put spikes on them. Errors and unevenness can be corrected using small bars.
  7. One of support posts structures can be attached to the wall with nails or self-tapping screws to provide greater reliability.

The foundation is completely ready, and now you can begin step by step creation the porch itself.

Making steps: basic rules and operating procedures

First of all, we need to make a so-called bowstring, or kosuor. It can be of two types - with cut out ledges or embedded steps. The first option is much simpler, so we will rely on it.

To make a bowstring you will need:

A template will be needed to determine the size of the step recesses. The sides of the pattern must correspond to the tread - the horizontal part of the steps and the riser - to the vertical part.

General view of all elements of a wooden staircase

The dimensions of the steps and their number are also determined according to certain rules. For example, the quantity must be odd. The most convenient, and therefore constant, width of the steps is 37–45 centimeters, the height is a maximum of 20 centimeters. Optimal width the porch itself is one and a half times the width of the front door.

After you have carried out all the required calculations, mark the profile of the future bowstrings on the board. One edge of the support must be securely connected to the joists that are installed on the floor of the porch. To do this, spikes are cut into stringers or bowstrings.

If you decide to build a porch-patio, you will need to make an additional two stringers and two bowstrings. The dimensions of all these elements must be the same. After installing them, measure the structure again to identify possible errors and correct them at this stage.

In order to connect bowstrings and stringers with floor joists, use the simplest “tenon and groove” option. To do this, attach a board with grooves to the platform beam. The tenons of bowstrings and stringers need to be inserted into the grooves of the board. For greater reliability, the resulting structure can be additionally reinforced with steel brackets or metal strips. This last step preparing the frame of the lower part of the porch - stairs and landing.

Installation of the platform (wooden porch floor)

This stage of building a wooden porch is quite simple.

After some time, the boards from which the flooring is made dry out, which is why gaps, sometimes very wide, form between them. This not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but can also be dangerous. To avoid this, lay the boards as close together as possible.

When the flooring is almost ready, and the stringers and bowstrings are securely fastened to the joists, we move on to the next stage - installing risers and treads. These elements are also connected using the tongue-and-groove method and attached to the bowstring.

Note! Some believe that fastening all these elements can only be done with nails and self-tapping screws. In fact, such a design will not stand the test of strength.

Options for attaching stairs to the foundation

That's it, your porch is ready. Compliance with building codes and regulations ensures that it will serve you long and reliably. But do not forget that it is not only the quality of joinery and carpentry that matters here. The durability of any wooden structure largely depends on how correctly the wood was prepared and processed.

Here are some tips that will definitely come in handy:

  1. Do not install an attached staircase too close to the front door. In winter, the frozen ground will raise the stairs, which will impede the movement of the door or even jam it.
  2. The foundation for the porch must be deep enough. It would be a good idea to waterproof the wood so that moisture does not subsequently lead to swelling and rotting of the wood.
  3. Make sure the wood has been thoroughly dried. Be sure to treat it with an antiseptic.

A simple, and at the same time stable and functional frame of a wooden porch is ready. If you wish, you can decorate it to your liking: install railings, make a canopy, a canopy, and add decorative elements.

Video about building a wooden porch with your own hands

We have offered you the simplest option for constructing a wooden porch. This work does not require any professionalism or construction skills from you; on the contrary, even beginners can do it. We hope that our tips will help you make your dacha even more comfortable. Ask any questions you have in the comments or share your experience. Good luck!

Every person sooner or later thinks about where to spend a weekend or an evening alone or with family and friends. The purchase of a country mansion or dacha is becoming increasingly relevant in resolving this issue. By purchasing this property, the owner begins to equip his home. Often modifications begin with remodeling the porch.

Currently, the types of porches are distinguished by their originality, practicality, convenience, beauty and are ideally combined with the main building, decorating it. Modern building materials are used for construction; they are selected taking into account the style of the house itself and last for many years.

If we talk about the practical side and convenience, then it is better to choose a covered extension that will protect both in rain and cold.


All extensions differ from each other in size, shape, style, and location to the main building. Yes, little one garden house a small vestibule of simple size will do appearance, no frills. To home standard sizes A medium-sized concrete structure is suitable, and any shape can be given to it, be it rectangular, square, trapezoidal, round or asymmetrical.

But do not forget that the appearance of the porch is selected individually, in accordance with the overall design of the facade. Square and rectangular extensions are clearer and add rigor, neatness, and consistency to the house, while round extensions add softness, comfort, and romance.

The porch can be partially or completely covered. Each option is slightly different in design and technical specifications. Thus, a completely enclosed extension in all its characteristics resembles a small room. This design has a floor, walls, ceiling, and entrance doors leading to a closed platform. A completely enclosed porch of a private house is more practical, but it is more complex in design.

The semi-closed version has special pillars for support. In addition, railings can be used for added convenience. With a semi-closed design, doors are not necessary to install.

There are many options for how to build a vestibule, veranda or balcony, as well as building materials. Some people like a more environmentally friendly option and their choice falls on timber or boards, others prefer brick combined with glass, while others are crazy about pillars with forged elements.

If you choose concrete, you can finish it and decorate it to your liking. Some companies offer to completely glaze the vestibule, which adds style and at the same time comfort and transparency.

Options for covered extensions

Before you start building an extension, evaluate all the nuances of the building itself - what style it was built in, what materials, what kind of foundation, windows, doors and whether external finishing building. All this must be taken into account when choosing a porch design.

So, you can perform the following options for extensions:

  • Traditional wooden version – budget and practical at the same time. The porch is installed on the foundation. A large canopy protects the entrance from moisture, even if there are open fragments in the upper part where the windows are installed. This version will look great with a wooden house.

  • Russian porch option - a close relative rustic style, but with the addition of modernity and novelty. Such a vestibule-porch in a private house is necessarily made of timber or wood and has a large number of ornaments on the facade, railings, roof. In this option, naturalness is valued, that is, the wood is not painted with colored paints, but is left natural, natural, preserving natural pattern. The timber is coated only with varnish for greater durability.
  • Finnish style– full or partial glazing of walls, looks good with wood and brick. Also included in the design are Forged Products, which further emphasize the chosen direction. If the house is built in Finnish style, then the porch should be small, but at the same time, in addition to wood, stone in combination with glass can be used as a building material.
  • Extension made of brick or concrete. Partially or completely closed with blank walls or glazed. This vestibule is ideal for a house made of brick of the same color or stone.


Variety closed extension is a porch with a vestibule. This is a design of a small area, most often 3X4 meters, which provides a comfortable microclimate of the home. We'll look good one-story house, and with the cottage. The vestibule can be made as a small separate house, in the form of a square, an extension with a transition to a glazed veranda, elevated with stairs or above ground. It is located both in the center, at the main entrance, and on the side, at the back.

As a rule, the porch is formed on the foundation. For walls choose brick, wood, rounded timber, concrete plates, stone, blocks, they can also be partially or completely glazed. The selected material should be similar to the material of the main building. Timber is selected for houses made of logs and slabs. Brick steps are suitable in most cases, but wooden boards

can be used everywhere.

The difference between this design and the others is that this porch looks like a small room - it has a floor, walls, windows, a door and a roof. It can be insulated and illuminated and used as a hallway.

If you like to do everything with your own hands and understand construction, then building a porch on your site will not be difficult. Its design can be different, the main thing is that the vestibule is combined with the main supporting building.

Glazing Porch glazing can be done in several ways. It all depends on what goals the owner of a private house pursues. Currently exists huge selection glazing options. These can be sliding and frameless systems, PVC, aluminum profile or. wooden windows

  • PVC windows- the most popular and a budget option. Plastic windows come in warm and cold varieties. To insulate the extension, double glazing is used. Now there is a huge selection of PVC profiles on the market, so matching it in color and texture to the main building will not be difficult. But it will not be possible to completely glaze the entire porch or veranda with PVC windows without a partition, since they are limited in size (the maximum area of ​​a PVC window is 2.8 m2). One more significant drawback plastic windows is quite heavy.

  • Aluminum systems allow you to glaze the porch with maximum light opening without any additional jumpers. Windows can be warm or cold. Warm ones have 3-5-chamber double-glazed windows and special inserts, thanks to which they are heat and sound insulated. Cold windows have only one chamber and are equipped with lightweight fittings without any inserts, so they are more often used for glazing summer extensions.
  • Wooden windows are a traditional, budget and simple option for porch glazing, if we talk about single 4 mm glass frames. But they do not retain heat in the extension in frosty conditions, so it is better to use more expensive wooden windows or 2-3-chamber double-glazed windows. Frameless glazing is perfect solution, if the porch needs to be closed from gusts of wind and precipitation, but it will not protect the extension from the cold. Typically, such glazing is used for a porch in a large country house or cottage.

With your own hands

A closed porch - although a non-residential structure, is nevertheless important and functional element any building. Building a porch with your own hands is not difficult, but you need to do it correctly and step by step.

The basis of all fundamentals is a properly executed project. It is very important to calculate the parameters, and also take into account the size of the porch, its height, whether there will be a staircase and in which direction it is better to position it. You need to proceed from your own preferences and quantity Money. When designing, the ratio of the width of the extension and the doorway is also taken into account. All this can be seen in the drawings, which are drawn specifically for each plan.

After drawing up the plan and all the calculations, the materials for construction are prepared and the foundation is laid, that is, the foundation is poured. What raw materials the extension will be built from depends entirely on the main building.

A wooden porch can be made on the basis of timber. The boards are suitable for the construction of platforms and steps, and the side racks are best made from slats. The wood must be treated with an antiseptic to prevent rotting.

After the foundation is ready, they begin to build walls, a roof or a canopy, and also make a stringer (the load-bearing part of the stairs) and steps. The railings and canopy are arranged at your own discretion.

Porch serves not only to organize the entrance to the main building, but also gives completeness to the building, harmoniously combining it with environment, is a home decoration.

The appearance of the porch, its size and material of manufacture, shape, number of steps are directly dependent on the type of house, the height of its base, the size of the facade and the finishing material.

In this article we will tell you in detail about the construction of a wooden, concrete and brick porch, how to make a canopy and count the number of steps.

Materials for building a porch

Basic materials for the construction of a porch for a long time remain:

  • Brick- this is the material that allows you to build a porch of almost any shape. A brick porch will be an organic addition to a brick house
  • Tree. The greatest preference is given to a wooden porch, which is ideal option for a house built of logs or timber. For such a porch, only high-quality wood is used, dried, without cracks or rot. Most often they take spruce or pine wood
  • Concrete. The concrete porch is distinguished by its durability, but in winter period It can freeze, and in summer it is cold.
Additional materials, necessary during the construction of a porch, may be:
  • sand and crushed stone- for the construction of a porch foundation
  • beams- to maintain the platform of a wooden porch
  • bitumen or machine oil- for processing the lower part of the porch, made of wood, in order to increase wear resistance.

How to determine the size and number of steps

Number of steps of the porch, its height determined by the level of the plinth buildings. For example, a small porch with a couple of steps is quite suitable for a house with a low base.

To the entrance door, which is located quite high, it may be necessary to build two-flight staircase.

Steps are considered the safest and most convenient 28-30 cm width and 14-17 cm height.

The number of porch steps is calculated by dividing the indicator the height of the base of the house by the height of one step.

By multiplying the number of steps by their width and adding this number with the width of the porch area, determine how much the porch will be retreat from the wall of the house.

Stairs can take either rectangular, square, trapezoidal, round shapes or be ornate and can extend on both sides of the door.

The shape of the porch area and its width are closely related to house façade size. It is clear that a wide porch with a large staircase is unlikely to suit a small house.

Stages of construction of a wooden porch

Main elements of any porch are:

  • foundation;
  • side walls;
  • area;
  • steps;
  • handrail;

Work on adding a beautiful wooden porch requires certain skills, abilities and equipment for cutting and cutting wood.

This is especially true for manufacturing railings and parapets. But it is quite possible to purchase these elements, for example, in a store, and build the steps and foundation yourself.

For this work you will need:

  • measuring tool
  • hammer;
  • jigsaw

The construction of a porch begins with manufacturing its sites. The first step is to install wooden support posts, immersing them in the ground and concreted for strength and reliability.

Treatment of wood with protective agents will help to avoid the destructive influence of the atmosphere. impregnations and antiseptics. Bottom part supports immersed in the ground are treated bitumen mastic.

When installing supports, it is important to pay attention that the upper surface of the supports must be strictly in the same plane.

Having laid powerful transverse beams on the supports, they lay the porch area, using edged board not less 20 mm thick.

For the construction of steps from two wide boards 40 mm made thick side walls porches on which cuts are made, repeating the shape of the expected row of steps of the staircase.

The sidewalls are installed on both sides of the porch platform: one end on the platform, the other on the ground, after which neither of them laying the steps.

Advice! When making cuts on the side walls of the porch for subsequent installation of feet, it is worth considering that the depth of the cuts cannot exceed half the width of the board.

How to make a concrete porch

Start of installation of brick and concrete porch is the construction of its foundation - foundation.

To do this, the base of the porch is cleared of soil. 15-20 cm depth and cover this area with a layer of sand and crushed stone, pouring water, which will allow the sand to better fill the space between the crushed stone.

Now you can start construction formwork into which concrete is poured.

Formwork from boards is constructed for each step and as the concrete hardens rises higher.

The corners of the steps are strengthened metal corners , recessed into concrete solution. The space created inside the structure is filled with crushed stone and sand.

In case of discrepancy in the time of construction of the foundation of the porch and the main building, they are “connected” in monolithic structure reinforcing bars, concreted in the foundation of the main building. Decorate the steps floor tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Note! The porch area is lowered from the bottom edge of the entrance door by 5 cm.

We build a brick porch with our own hands

When constructing a brick porch, the formwork is laid out of brick: first the parapets, and then the steps.

After drying brickwork remaining voids poured concrete. This method allows you to make the steps not only straight, but also round.

If brick cladding is not planned in the future, it is better to use weather-resistant brick silicate. A porch made of red brick requires protection from facing ceramic tiles or a stone.

Porch finishing

Gives the porch a finished look railing, which also ensures safety of movement on stairs with more than three steps.

It may be metal, concrete or wood.

According to their design, railings are divided into lattice and panel. For ease of movement along the stairs, the height of the railing is 90 cm from the surface of the porch area or step.

Being an outdoor structure, the porch is exposed to weather factors. Icy or wet steps dangerous.

Therefore, the surface of the porch must be non-slippery and have a high coefficient of friction. The porch can also be equipped drain, have a slight slope of the platform for water drainage during rain.

In modern times, the problem of security is solved by more effective way, having arranged electric heating steps.

Erection of a canopy over the porch

A canopy over the porch will also provide protection from rain and snow. Most often it is given a rectangular, inclined or dome-shaped shape.

Making a small canopy is easy. To do this, attach a pair of brackets with slopes to the wall that cover roofing material, For example, .

The canopy can have more complex design, representing full roof. In this case, the construction of a canopy is included in the house construction project.

How to attach a porch to a porch with your own hands country house, You can learn from this video:

Are you going to build a porch at your dacha with your own hands? We have collected all the necessary recommendations with which your porch will be strong and durable.

Golden rules for a good porch

For a brick or concrete dwelling, it is best to make the extension from the appropriate material. Wooden houses They will also look better with a wooden entrance.

Let us highlight four principles that experienced builders usually apply in practice. The number of steps must be odd; if the number is more than three, a railing must be constructed. It is unknown what determines such strict requirements (tradition or standard), but common sense, you see, is present.

The type of door determines the width of the porch to the house. The minimum for a single-leaf door is 1.5 m, if it is a double-leaf door - 2 m.

The length (depth) of the area in front of the door must be at least 1 m greater than door leaf. Small spaces can cause you to fall off your porch or cause unwanted injury.

It is better to make the porch at the same time as building the house, otherwise distortions and flaws may occur due to shrinkage. But we will proceed from the fact that it is being built as an additional dacha building.

How to build a concrete structure?

Following our rule, a porch for a dacha made of reinforced concrete must also be made from this material. Let's see in what order the work will proceed.

How to build a porch at your dacha with your own hands - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Pit

Before work, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the level of soil freezing in the area. This is necessary so that later all your work does not go to waste due to freezing of the soil in winter and subsequent thawing in the spring, when water washes away the base. The foundation pit must be dug to such a depth that it corresponds to the freezing level. After the construction of the country porch, some settlement will still occur, but it will not be catastrophic. When the pit is ready, its walls and bottom will be leveled. Then the base is backfilled with crushed stone; it is enough to make the layer height no higher than 10 cm. It is recommended to compact this layer well.

The porch is a part of the house that is subject to constant use due to increased traffic. Completed in harmonious combination with the material of the walls, it becomes a beautiful evidence of the owner’s well-being and his attentive attitude towards his home.

Several design options

First of all, you need to decide on your options entrance group, several landscaping methods are described below.

Open entrance

A porch without a canopy is sometimes used for private houses. This type of entrance represents a platform open on all sides. Railings are not installed, since the height usually does not exceed several steps. The site is exposed to precipitation, since there is no roof or canopy over it.

Most often, an open area is created if there is a veranda behind it. Such open types arranged in southern regions with a dry climate, and in damp areas with high rainfall open options not building.

With terrace

To protect those entering the house, a porch of a private building with a canopy is made. This type allows you to approach the arrangement of the entrance with a huge range various options, as evidenced by numerous photographs. The roof above the platform plays the role of an elegant accessory or becomes the final detail in the whole ensemble of the façade exterior.

A covered area with a porch is the most effective solution, it is economical and practical to use. It is impossible to make a separate canopy in front of the entrance if the platform falls under the common extended edge of the roof or there is a balcony above it. Some canopy options involve expanding it to the roof of a parking lot or a small cozy terrace.

Buried option

This type involves fencing the site with walls made of wood. They can be solid and contain window openings in their design. The role of the roof is played by a separate canopy or a higher balcony above the entrance. Such a weather-protected room further expands usable area Houses.

Sometimes the area inside the closed entrance is made spacious and an additional kitchen is installed there. summer time for preparing food, in winter they put shelves for storing food. Can be combined closed type entrance with a spacious terrace for parties and receiving friends. If you make a solid and spacious closed entrance, then most often you need to build a foundation.

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands - step-by-step work

The construction of a wooden porch often does not require an additional foundation, which helps save money. When manufacturing the structure, attention is paid to massive steps and original railings.

Wood goes well with walls made of artificial and natural stone, brick, covered with siding or plastic. The canopy posts are made massive if the design concept requires it, or they are decorated with figures, light carvings, and balusters are installed. unusual shape. Wood is easy to paint various colors, which makes it possible to develop design ideas.

Wood is a malleable material that can be easily processed and can be processed in complex ways. Steps and others wooden structures, treated with special impregnations against rotting and antiseptics against microbes, will last for quite a long time, and will not only have a presentable appearance, but also delight the owners of the house with their greatness and splendor.

The porch is divided according to the method of connection to the house:

  • built-in type located on common ground with the house and being built with it;
  • attached, carried out in the process of finishing work.

Construction device

The construction is carried out on a natural straight or sloping site using a frame. A wooden or metal box is made, which serves as the basis for installing and fastening the steps. This is a budget option and can be implemented at any stage of construction or after the start of operation of the house.

A porch is built on a bowstring or reinforced stringer, in which a metal box-base is provided only in the lower part, and the upper part rests on the base of the house or floor slab. This method opens up opportunities for more options design solutions, since it has a large bearing capacity than the previous budget option.

Common mistakes

It’s better to learn from the mistakes of others, so we were able to identify several common deviations that beginners encounter:

  • When designing, the materials of the walls of the house were not taken into account, and the porch is knocked out of general style exterior;
  • errors in the dimensions of the structure do not provide a proportional combination with the dimensions of the house;
  • errors are made during measurements, the surrounding paths, flower beds, location and dimensions of the front door are not taken into account, which distorts the correctness of the design solution;
  • excess consumption of material is allowed as a result of incorrect choice of design;
  • the design strength of the structure is insufficient;
  • not provided additional processing antiseptics and protective compounds open parts and load-bearing structures in the ground, which leads to premature damage to wood and reduces its service life;
  • the absence of a load-bearing foundation under a heavy massive porch leads to the soil slumping and the structure to shift;
  • soil characteristics are not taken into account, in particular, subsidence and the possibility of heaving.

Choosing building material

When planning construction, you should first determine the type of wood most suitable for the structure. For outdoor buildings, coniferous wood, pine or larch are chosen. You can make parts from a whole log, which looks very colorful for large estates and mansions. Stringers can be made from logs laid on top of each other, and steps are provided from a trunk sawn along the length.

For the device you will need to prepare the following types of material:

  • It is recommended to make the porch supports from 10 x 20 cm timber. This is a standard solution; the choice of section for each specific case depends on the load, the number of supports and other operating conditions;
  • for the manufacture of a solid platform and steps, a board with a thickness of 2.5 to 5 cm, depending on the span, is optimal;
  • you can install ready-made balusters and railings in the structure, or you can make them from slats or thin timber, the dimensions of which are determined depending on the project;
  • provide protective solutions and compositions for impregnation of finished parts;
  • concrete and metallic profile(if they are provided for by the design for the foundation).

We design

If you start construction without a project or diagram, then the difficulties that arise will put the craftsman in front of the need to change something during the construction of the structure. The presence of all diagrams and dimensions in a visual form on paper will make changes easier and simpler. The project must contain:

  • drawing, drawing or photo of the appearance of the porch in front and side projection;
  • the location, number and height of steps are indicated;
  • height and placement of railings, frequency of balusters;
  • size and shape of the visor;
  • dimensions of the platform base;
  • the dimensions of the side walls, their thickness, the presence of window and door openings.

There are patterns defined by norms and rules applied to rapid construction structures:

  • the platform is made at the level of the foundation or base of the house;
  • front area width front door, taking into account the size of the first stage, 1.3–1.7 m is usually taken;
  • the width of the step should be within 30–40 cm, its standard height is 15–20 cm;
  • the bottom of the visor is located 25–30 cm above the top of the entrance door;
  • The minimum width of the passage on the porch for one person is taken to be within 70–80 cm; for two people to walk hand in hand, this passage is increased to 1.4–1.6 m.
  • if the rise to the platform is more than three steps, then the porch is mandatory must be equipped with railings;
  • the front door usually opens outward, so the last finishing layer of the platform should not raise it more than 5 cm below the level of the opening line;
  • The project includes waterproofing wooden walls from concrete base, if provided;
  • the width of the platform is made taking into account the opening of a double or single leaf door;
  • it is recommended to provide night lighting for the entrance area and the surrounding area;
  • the extension of the canopy is made by 40–50 cm in length and width relative to the platform;
  • It is recommended to include in the design an inclination angle of the steps and platform of about 2–3 degrees to avoid the accumulation of water and the formation of ice.

Making the foundation

A lightweight structure can be installed without a foundation, but its foundation will help avoid the structure’s dependence on seasonal shifts and swelling of the soil. To do this, you can choose a columnar foundation.

A solid slab-type foundation is located under the porch and platform and is made in the form of a foundation for massive large entrances combined with terraces and verandas. Strip foundation is the most economical, as it has sufficient tensile strength with reduced material costs.

It is better to take the depth of the foundation at the level of the foundation of the house. It is recommended to fasten these two foundations together using embedded parts made of reinforcement or strip metal.

During construction, a number of mandatory rules must be observed according to the instructions:

  • the base of the stringer beam must rest in an area isolated from moisture, which is located on the foundation;
  • it is better to make supports from coniferous wood, which works better in wet conditions of contact with the ground;
  • It is imperative to treat all load-bearing and structural parts with an antiseptic to a height of up to 52 cm above the soil level; drying oil or used machine oil is used as impregnation;
  • the supports are installed to a depth of at least 80 cm or at a distance equal to 1/3 of the length, the number of racks depends on the massiveness of the structure;
  • after hardening concrete mortar adjust the height of the racks;
  • for reliable laying of beams and joists in the upper part of the racks, quarters are chosen;

Installing the steps

The steps are installed from below and gradually move upward. They are attached to the beam with self-tapping screws or wooden pins. It is advisable to lubricate both of them with wood glue before use. The heads of the screws must be well sunk into the wood to avoid foot injuries.

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