Encyclopedia of fire safety

Paint vapor barrier. Vapor barrier. Dry mix for vapor barrier. How to remove vapor permeability. Overview of vapor barrier materials

Paint vapor barrier is, in fact, a special paint. But one should not expect special attractiveness from her. The task of a vapor barrier is to prevent water from passing through either in liquid form or in gaseous form.

For vapor barrier by painting use bituminous mastics modified with various additives to bitumen: lacquer "Kukersol" (solution of shale resin in solvents), lingosulfanate, used as a plasticizer. The main purpose of these additives is to increase plasticity in the cold, but there are others: reducing flammability, increasing resistance to acids and alkalis, UV radiation, etc. Chlorinated rubber is also used to prepare varnish, and polyvinyl chloride, for the same purposes, tar and gumrocam mastics or emulsions.

Properties of paint vapor barrier

All the materials that have just been mentioned above are united by excellent hydrophobicity, primarily adhesion to water. They collect water in droplets on their surface, which roll off very easily. Besides not having any pores, they do not allow gases to pass through, including water vapor, which is also a gas.

According to the method of preparation, hot and cold mastics are distinguished. Hot ones are heated in boilers to a temperature of +120 ... +170 ° C, and cold ones are treated with solvents to reduce viscosity to required level. Gudrokam (gudrokam - a material obtained by oxidizing a mixture of bitumen and anthracene oil, has a very high biological stability) mastic should be heated only to 70 degrees, and for rubber-bitumen, a temperature of 200 and a very good hood must be provided.

Vinyl chloride varnishes protect stone materials well from moisture penetration and in several layers form a very good vapor barrier(for example, lacquer XB-701). However, their temperature range is limited: -15 ... +40°C, so they are not suitable for external works in cold climate areas.

Scope and technology

One of the main places where paint vapor barrier is used is the roof. Since the listed types are highly water-repellent, they must be applied to a completely dry surface. The preliminary layer, the primer for vapor barrier, is prepared from a mixture of bitumen with gasoline in equal parts. Several layers of vapor barrier are then applied, either by spraying or by watering, if possible.

For internal works vapor barrier of walls, ceilings and wooden structures use emulsions and polymer compositions. The use of bituminous materials indoors is strictly not recommended.

Man is created in such a way that monotony bothers him. Often you want something new in life, in work and in the interior of the house. Often, in order to update their apartment or house, they resort to simple material which has been known for a very long time. What is this about? About ordinary paint. It is often used for wall processing. The result is always surprising, since correct work, it all looks very nice. Just worth buying quality material. And here your eyes can run wide: so many types, so many colors, so many textures that it can be very difficult to choose.

How to deal with all this? We invite you to consider information about what types of wall paints exist and how to distinguish them in order to choose the right option for you?

How to classify material

At first glance, it may seem to you that buying wall paint is not difficult. What's so complicated about it. But it is not so. There are a lot of color variations, so some of them may not suit you. All materials differ in price, quality and characteristics. How can you separate colors? Let's consider:

These are the main criteria by which material can be distinguished. But, that's not all. Wall paints may vary in composition. We'll consider different formulations, their features and scope.

Differences in composition

In production, by adding certain components, products are turned into special ones. It has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. What types of paints are distinguished?

water emulsion

Water-based or, as it should be, water-dispersion paint. The solvent in the composition of the material is water. That is why the mixture dries fairly quickly and has no foreign odors. Paint created on water based, differs depending on the polymer that acts as a binder. It can be latex, acrylic resins or polyvinyl acetate. The last option is the cheapest, this paint is used to treat ceilings in dry rooms. The advantages of paint are its vapor permeability, quick drying and no smell. In addition, it is easy to remove dirt from it.

Water-dispersion material can be divided into the following subspecies:

Oil formulations

As the name implies, they are made from oils, namely from natural or synthetic drying oil. Various pigments are added to the composition, which dissolve in this oil.

The advantage of the material is that it is quite durable and strong. The composition can be used for internal and external works. Nevertheless, there are also disadvantages: it dries for a long time, it does not let air through, and it does not smell very pleasant. That is why such paint for walls in the apartment is no longer used.

Alkyd material

The binder in the material is alkyd resin. It takes a little time to dry the composition, as it dries due to the oxidation of the solvent upon contact with air. The surface is covered with a vapor-proof durable film. The smell from it is very sharp and unpleasant, so the use of the material in a residential area is quite rare.

marker paint

Based material epoxy resin, acrylic or polyurethane polymer. As soon as it dries, the effect of a marker board is obtained. The composition is easily applied to the wall with smooth surface, after which it hardens, creating a marker coating. The amazing thing is that you can write or draw on such walls with an erasable marker. After all the art, the marker is simply erased, leaving no marks on the wall. it perfect option for those with small children. They love to draw on the walls, and with marker paint, you won't have to do repairs.

Note! The composition can cover not only walls, but also furniture, interior items.

The concept of "decorative paint" for walls

We propose to talk a little more about this species. texture paint for walls appeared on the market not so long ago, but has already managed to win its respect. Thanks to it, you can achieve different styles design. Any texture is imitated on the wall: silk, velvet, stone, silver, gold, etc. These techniques are used in designer rooms. Texture paint for walls part is referred to as textured.

Note! There are products that change their color depending on the lighting in the room.

Decorative compositions can be attributed to water-dispersion. Through polymeric or minerals, the composition changes and is achieved desired effect. The material has a lot of advantages: wear resistance, durability, safety for the body. In addition, the coating will not be covered with dust. This is ideal for decorating the walls in the apartment.

Textured wall paint is applied in a special way, using special techniques and tools. It can be textured rollers, metal and plastic spatulas, as well as paint brushes different sizes. The technologies by which it is applied structural paint for walls, there are a lot. The result always surprises the owners.

Magnetic wall paint

This type of material can be called no less new. It can be said that this innovative technologies, because thanks to paint with magnets, your photos, pictures or applications do not have to be nailed, fastened with buttons or tape. All this is already in the past, since there is a magnetic paint. After drying, the wall will turn into a magnetic board, because a magnet will be attracted to it.

The thing is that fashion dictates its own. Now, decor elements that are hung on the wall are quite popular, especially photographs and pictures. Therefore, there is a material that can keep it all on the walls. And with magnetic paint, the task is halved. The thing is that there are particles of iron in the composition. And as you know, a magnet attracts iron. The composition is applied to a particular area, which will be a place for decorative elements, this is a kind of refrigerator with magnets. The coating has gained its popularity for use in cafes, offices, offices, kindergartens and schools, as well as at home. All that is required of you is to take a photo, drawing or picture and attach it with a magnet. Looks very nice.

Material advantages:

  1. No unpleasant odors.
  2. Ecological purity. The use of magnetic paint is allowed in educational and medical institutions. None negative impact on people and animals.
  3. Fire safety.
  4. Possess the increased adhesion to any surface.

And what is most surprising, the composition has a unique property. It dampens electromagnetic radiation from the TV, computer and microwave oven.


We saw that the range is really very large. But is it worth it to take the first paint that comes across? Not at all. It is worth paying attention to the manufacturer, as the quality depends on it. What are these firms? For example, the Finnish paint "Tikkurila" has long been known for its excellent products. It's perfect for walls.

And also it is worth noting the company "Dufa", because the material shows nice results on walls and ceilings. German companies are also good. But still, we are closer to the familiar "Sniezka", from a domestic manufacturer. It is considered the best among Russian manufacturers. The price-quality ratio is excellent.


And what exactly to buy, it's up to you.


The reason for writing this article was the numerous appeals of our clients, who used at their facilities as the main structural material for masonry walls gas silicate blocks also called aerated concrete blocks . Within the framework of this article, there is no need to once again list all the main properties of this material, but one indicator of aerated concrete is from the category of determinants. And this indicator is the coefficient of vapor permeability.
So what is the vapor permeability of a material and in what units is it measured? By definition, the vapor permeability of a material is the ability to pass or retain water vapor as a result of the difference in partial pressures of water vapor at the same atmospheric pressure on both sides of the material layer. This ability is characterized by the value of the coefficient of vapor permeability or the reciprocal of the resistance to the permeability of water vapor. Usually, vapor permeability is indicated in milligrams of water vapor that has passed through a layer with a thickness expressed in meters per 1 hour at a difference in partial pressures of water vapor of 1 Pa. Vapor permeability coefficients for various materials can be viewed in the table SNIP II-3-79. For gas silicate, this value, depending on the density, is in the range of 0.17 - 0.25. For comparison, for ordinary concrete or reinforced concrete - only 0.03, for cement-sand mortar- 0.09, for cement-lime sand mortar - 0.12. So the vapor permeability of gas silicate, as we can see, is very high. To determine the vapor permeability resistance of a particular wall made of a homogeneous material, it is necessary to divide the thickness of the material layer (in meters) by the coefficient corresponding to the material from the table SNIP II-3-79. The resistance to vapor permeability of a multilayer building envelope is determined by the sum of the resistances to vapor permeability of its constituent layers. It should be noted that mainly in modern construction, multilayer building envelopes are used, and one layer of the “pie” is a heater (most often the cheapest is mineral wool). In order to avoid the accumulation of moisture in the building envelope, which can lead not only to loss of heat-saving properties (especially if the insulation is mineral wool), but also to the destruction of the building envelope itself, the thicknesses of all layers should be calculated in such a way that the dew point would be taken out into the insulation layer. This case is generally recognized as optimal. In this regard, when designing a building envelope, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the calculation of the thermal conductivity of the structure, but also to calculate its vapor permeability in accordance with SNIP II-3-79.
So, many consumers suddenly make the following discovery for themselves: gas silicate 7 (!) times more permeable to water vapor than ordinary concrete. And since the correct design of the wall "pie" is considered to be the one in which the vapor permeability of each subsequent layer is greater than the previous one in the direction from inside the room to the street, they come to the absolutely correct conclusion that in the area, as mathematicians say, there are simply no real numbers of such a design. maybe there are no such materials. And then they simply decide kill vapor permeability", rightly believing that if it is necessary to vaporize even ordinary concrete roofs with a coefficient of 0.03, then gas silicate with its average of 0.20 - God himself ordered.
vapor barrier performs the function of a vapor barrier and serves to reduce the flow of diffusing water vapor from inside the room to the outside, and also reduces the risk of condensation in the insulated structure. Meanwhile, no recommendations on how remove vapor permeability manufacturers of gas silicate blocks do not give their favorite products. And then clients call us.
In order for the coating to become vapor barrier, you do not need to reinvent the wheel. There are many methods of partial or complete vapor barrier. Simplest vapor barrier method is to lay under one of the inner finishing coatings, for example, under drywall, simple plain polyethylene film. However, this method is fraught with the possible accumulation of condensate and the subsequent indispensable swelling of the wall. Note that even simple vinyl wallpaper reduces vapor mass transfer by 8-10 times.
One of the most common methods for reliable vapor barrier is the use of a thick layer of the most common mixture based only on sand and cement (the so-called "Armenian" version) without additives as a plaster dolomite flour or lime with a thickness of at least 2.5 - 3.5 cm. Such a coating already reduces the transfer of steam by 5-6 times, which is sometimes quite sufficient. However, we do not recommend the use of such a vapor barrier, since sometimes peeling and even shedding of the plaster is observed due to the high water absorption capacity of aerated concrete, although the main choice remains with the customer. Instead, we offer three options for vapor barrier finishes using our products.
According to the first option, we offer before any internal plastering works on gas silicate, carry out a three-four-fold priming of the walls with a special composition "". At a composition consumption of 1.2 kg per 1 sq. m. the vapor permeability of the wall is reduced by 5-6 times. Further, the addition of this concentrate when mixing plaster into water in an amount of only 15% can reduce the vapor permeability of conventional gypsum plaster another 3 - 4 times, and cement - 2-2.5 times (less goes for cement water) with a thickness of the plaster layer of only 10 -15 mm. As a result, we get the desired effect. If you then paint the wall with a special paint with low vapor permeability (this can be a regular Oil paint), or paste over it vinyl wallpaper, then "killing" the vapor permeability of the wall can be considered a solved problem. As a result, we achieve the desired result - this is reliable vapor barrier.
According to the second option, we propose to carry out pre-processing internal walls special composition "", diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 - 1:3 and with a consumption of 1.0 to 1.5 kg per 1 square meter, which leads to a decrease in the vapor permeability of the wall immediately by 6-8 times. The composition works similarly if this composition is used instead of water when mixing plasters.
Finally, according to the third option, we propose to cover the walls of gas silicate from the inside with a thin - 3-4 mm thick - layer of a composition that is unique in its properties "", Such treatment completely blocks the flow of air and steam through the walls. As a result, the presented material can be used as vapor barrier mixture. Then, any leveling layer of plaster and / or putty can be applied to the resulting vapor barrier (and at the same time waterproof!) Coating, or fastened facing tiles, but the type of coverage no longer matters.

Technoprok offers 2 alternative materials for wall vapor barrier.

  1. emulsions and mastic compositions (made in Israel), known in Russia as liquid rubber.
  2. under-roofing films Eurovent (made in Germany), also known as under-roofing membranes.

Despite the fact that the films are "under-roofing", they are a traditional material for wall vapor barrier. Most builders know only this material and for many it is a revelation that the vapor barrier of walls can be done with liquid or paste-like waterproofing materials.

Vapor barrier of walls with films

If someone prefers to make the vapor barrier of the walls in the old fashioned way or have those 2 limitations mentioned above, then Technoprok offers a wide selection of different diffusion films of the Eurovent trademark.

Eurovent diffusion membranes with high vapor permeability are used as underlayment for pitched insulated roofs, as well as for wall vapor barrier.

Eurovent vapor barrier films are products with a high mechanical strength, which is one of the key properties for high-quality vapor barrier.

High UV stability (4 months) does not limit the time of work before the installation of the roof. This is not so important for the vapor barrier of the walls from the inside, but is an essential factor when installing the vapor barrier of the walls from the outside or when installing the vapor barrier of the roof.

The advantage of Eurovent brand products is undoubtedly their durability, confirmed by wear tests carried out in one of the leading laboratories in Germany, Institut für textile Bau und Umwelttechnik GmbH w Greven.

Testing products by simulating wear conditions is one of the requirements of the European standard EN13859-1. This rule applies to materials used as subroofing for pitched roofs.

Technoprok presents single-layer and multilayer membranes and films of the German company EVROSYSTEM, among which you can choose the best one for each task. Vapor barrier membranes are designed to protect not only the roof from exposure to vapors, but also the wall and floor, preventing the appearance of fungi, mold and decay in wood.

Spheres of application of vapor barrier Technoprok LLC

Apart from wall vapor barrier, liquid rubbers, both emulsions and mastics are the most convenient and reliable materials when proper hydro - and vapor barrier of the floor is required. This is especially true for the first floor, located above the basement or in wooden house or during wet room(shower, bath, laundry, swimming pool, etc.).

In order for the building to be dry and warm in any weather, it is necessary to competently and efficiently carry out roofing, one of the conditions of which is a properly implemented vapor barrier of the roof. Use of liquid rubber for flat roof it is also convenient because it allows you to quickly and efficiently mount the vapor barrier layer over a large area.

In order for the vapor barrier of the house to be effective, it protected the building from the penetration of moisture from the outside and protected the insulation from exposure humid air, you need to understand what steam, condensation and dew point are.

Technoproc specialists will advise you on the application of vapor barrier and wind insulation. In addition, we have very affordable prices for the entire range. In our warehouse we always have both liquid rubber and waterproofing mastics and geotextiles and drainage membranes - in a word, everything that is necessary for a vapor barrier device and.

modern building impossible to imagine without thermal insulation. At the same time, even the highest quality insulation material will not be able to function effectively enough if it is not protected by properly installed roofing and wall vapor barrier.

Vapor barrier of the roof is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of condensate on the materials that serve as roof insulation. The production of this type of work is very milestone for the construction of a warm and cozy home, especially in the case of frequent temperature changes outside. Proper vapor barrier reliably protects the roof. If mistakes were made during the device, then the thermal insulation quickly loses its functional characteristics, the house becomes damp, mold, fungus can start. That is why, when repairing a roof, it is advisable to carry out the thermal insulation of the roof and the vapor barrier of the roof at the same time.

Equally important is the vapor barrier of the walls: after all, any building loses heat very quickly through the walls. If the work on the device was carried out efficiently and professionally, the house will always be cozy and warm, and the walls will be reliably protected from getting wet as a result of diffusion. When carrying out work, a layer of material with a sufficiently high degree of diffusion resistance is most often used. Usually use materials such as roofing material, glassine, aluminium foil, polyethylene. If was chosen sheet material seams must be carefully sealed.

Wall vapor barrier

It happens external and internal. Before choosing best option, take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and the material that was used to build the house. If the building is complemented by a veranda, it plays the role of a kind air cushion preventing heat loss. In this case, the cost of work will be minimized. It is somewhat more difficult to perform vapor barrier on the walls of concrete and brick houses: such structures have high thermal conductivity and are characterized by high heat transfer. External vapor barrier of walls can be performed in one of three ways:
- "sandwich" - wall + thermal insulation + external panel;
- fixing the insulation on the wall using a special adhesive composition;
- ventilated facade.

Advantages of the method: you can perform work at any time of the year, insulate only the coldest areas, corners, joints; the architectural appearance of the house is not disturbed.

Roof vapor barrier

The material used as a roofing insulation must retain moisture resistance for a long time, meet all the requirements fire safety, as well as be environmentally friendly and do not emit toxic substances during operation. Heat losses are significantly reduced if the roof is supplemented with an attic, as well as in the case of pitched roof. For such roofs, the requirements for roofing material somewhat softer: most importantly, it should not shrink - this can lead to the formation of "cold bridges".

Vapor barrier materials

A universal vapor barrier material that could sheathe the entire building, from the roof to the foundation, simply does not exist. The choice of material largely depends on the goals that you set for yourself. However, in any case, when choosing a material, pay attention Special attention on its properties such as reliability, fire resistance and reliability. In addition, thermal conductivity is very important: the lower it is, the less material you will need for laying vapor barrier layers.

Do walls and roofs always need vapor barrier? The need for work is eliminated if the walls of the building are insulated from the outside with a material with low diffusion resistance; when the walls of the building are erected from a homogeneous material, as well as in the case of "breathing" walls.

If a decision is made to organize the protection of thermal insulation, it is necessary to seek the services of specialists - only a professional organization will provide a warm and dry house.

Vapor barrier materials.

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