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PVC panels for the bathroom which company is better. How to choose plastic PVC panels: types of material and their features. Best PVC Wall Panels

When making repairs in an apartment or house, the question of choosing materials often arises. After all, they should be both attractive and of high quality, and fit the chosen interior. The modern market offers a huge number finishing materials, and among them, PVC panels have recently begun to stand out. Due to the variety of options for this material, you can experiment. However, the abundance of options can make you choose the most suitable material for a long time.

Properties and characteristics

To understand what PVC panels are, you first need to find out what these three letters hide behind them. In fact, everything is extremely simple - they stand for polyvinyl chloride (organic polymer). This is a type of plastic with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The polymer material used for decoration, and it is worth noting that recently it has become clearly very popular. The composition of polyvinyl chloride includes chlorine (57%), carbon (42%), hydrogen with impurities (approximately 1%). It is very rare, but still found, that lead is added to PVC as a stabilizer. Of course, because of this component, there were rumors that the panels are unhealthy. However, today lead is replaced by zinc and calcium in equal proportions, and therefore they are completely harmless.

PVC panels are produced in standard sizes according to GOST. So, the length of the panels is 2700, 3000 and 6000 millimeters, and the width is 100, 250 and 375 millimeters. As for the thickness, it depends on the manufacturer and model, and its value varies from 1 to 30 millimeters.

PVC can be used at temperatures from -50 to +60 degrees. Moreover, it is desirable to use panels for interior decoration. This is due to the fact that in the premises during the day the temperature difference is not too strong. Of course, there are types of panels, for example, for finishing a balcony, which are resistant to extreme cold or sunlight. In addition, they calmly tolerate temperature fluctuations.

The strength of the panels depends on how many percent of the polyvinyl chloride they contain. Also, the strength is affected by the number of stiffeners. Moreover, the ribs should not be visible through the front side of the panel.

The colors and texture of PVC panels are completely unlimited. Today you can find both white classics and wood or stone style, and you can get absolutely any shade on order. It is worth noting that when painting this finishing material, water-based paints are used.

The surface of the panels can be either matte or glossy. There is only one manufacturing technology - varnishing, just after glossing the panels undergo additional processing. Such a coating carries not only a decorative function, but also a protective one. After this treatment, the material becomes antistatic, wear-resistant, resistant to mechanical damage (scratches), and also better tolerates ultraviolet radiation.

Lining made of polyvinyl chloride is used for finishing walls and ceilings in residential premises, offices, shopping malls. At the same time, in apartments they can be used everywhere, including the hallway, bathroom, kitchen, living rooms. Of course, most often they are still used in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Also, the panels are used for finishing slopes on windows, as well as loggias and balconies.

Such an extensive use of this finishing material is primarily due to the fact that it is easy to care for and even easier to install. The light weight allows you to finish both the walls and the ceiling with such panels even alone. Moreover, they are sold in a very convenient package, which greatly facilitates their transportation.

More important property PVC panels is that they have a low degree of flammability. This just allows them to be used without undue embarrassment, in particular, in the kitchen, even next to a gas stove.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plastic panels, which are also widely known as plastic lining, have come a long way until they were able to appreciate them. To understand why they have become popular lately, it is worth knowing their pros and cons.

Of course, you should start with positive qualities:

  • Affordable price. This quality can be safely called the most important advantage of PVC panels. This material is several times lower in cost than most other finishing materials. And despite the low cost, plastic panels also have excellent properties.
  • Ease of installation. Working with PVC is very easy. As a result, they are often mounted independently, which saves money on the services of a specialist. In addition, the ease of use also allows you to save on finishing time.

  • Mask imperfections. Such a finish will also become indispensable if there are any flaws on the walls or ceiling. With their help, any irregularities or other defects are hidden very easily. After finishing with this material, an even and pretty room is obtained.
  • Easy to replace damaged PVC panel. In the event that for some reason one of the panels was damaged, it can be easily changed to another. As a result, you do not have to renovate the entire room again, which again saves time, effort and money.

  • Ease of care. A room with panels will always look clean, because they are easily wiped with a damp sponge. So that they always look like new, it is enough just to periodically carry out wet cleaning. Of course, special attention will have to be paid to the joints of the panels, but these are trifles.
  • Moisture resistant. Not every finishing material can be used to finish a bathroom or a room with a high level of humidity. In this case, the panels do not form rusty plaque and no fungus will appear. Thus, they make it possible to fulfill the dreams of many housewives about the absence of problems with excessive moisture in the kitchen and bathroom.

  • Little weight. Lightweight panels won't hurt at all load-bearing structures. At the same time, they are easy to transport and mount even alone.
  • Long service life. Quality PVC can look like new for 40 years. Such a dignity cannot go unnoticed.
  • Great variety of colors. A huge palette of PVC makes it easy to match them to any interior. And quite often, not plain panels are in demand, but with drawings, as well as in the form of imitation of wood or stone.

  • Environmental friendliness. If selected quality materials they are completely non-toxic.
  • Sound and heat insulation. The PVC finishing of the rooms makes them even more soundproof. At the same time, they will also keep warm better.
  • Strength. Not everyone agrees with this dignity. In fact, the panels are strong and flexible, but many make the mistake of choosing. Indeed, for wall decoration, panels with a higher density should be used, and “lightweight” options are also suitable for the ceiling. Light impacts and other minor mechanical damage to the panels are not terrible.

  • Withstand temperature fluctuations. Most PVC panels can easily tolerate temperature fluctuations from +50 to -50 degrees.
  • Application versatility. In addition to walls, ceilings, windows, door slopes, they are also used to create shower stalls, formwork of non-standard shapes is mounted. And even summer residents have found a use for them, forming excellent beds from them.

With all the advantages of so many negative qualities, this material does not have so many:

  • Distortion during sudden changes in temperature. Of course, within a certain temperature range given material serves great. However, if it happens sudden jump, for example, by 20 degrees (no matter which way), then it can be deformed.
  • Area reduction. Sometimes indoors it is necessary to use additional structures for mounting panels. For example, if the walls are very curved, you first have to install a wooden or metal frame. As a result, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room may decrease slightly.

  • Acrid smoke from a fire. PVC is practically non-combustible, but when it burns, it produces a very acrid smoke. Therefore, prolonged contact with it can be harmful to health.
  • UV resistant. This disadvantage is especially noticeable on white panels, which are under sunbeams over time, they become yellow, losing their beautiful appearance.

  • Bad smell. This disadvantage of the panels disappears a few days after their installation. And it doesn't always happen.
  • Not suitable for children. Despite the high environmental friendliness of the panels, many experts still do not recommend using them for children's rooms. In addition, some cheap panel options may contain harmful substances.

Varieties and applications

On modern market presented a large number plastic panels. With them, the cladding of houses becomes pleasant and simple. Surprisingly, decorative wall PVC can make the walls look like they are laminated. They are very different, and you can choose them even based on the type of furniture.

However, such a variety can sometimes even make it difficult to choose. To make this task easier, it is worth considering in more detail each of the types of panels that are on sale:

  • Rack (vinyl) panels, they are plastic lining. In their appearance, they really strongly resemble a lining, hence the name. use this species panels for walls and ceilings. Moreover, the main advantage of the view is that the lining can be placed both horizontally and vertically. The first location option will visually increase the height of the ceilings, and the second one will slightly reduce it. Such type-setting rectangles are attached to the wall with metal brackets or just glue.

The most popular types of lining by connection:

    "European" has a wide lock;

    "Polka" is distinguished by a narrow castle connection.

  • Tile panels. By themselves, such typesetting panels are often squares, that is, they look like familiar tiles. Installation of this type of material will be very difficult and time-consuming. However, in the end, you can experiment with interesting designs, including unique copyright ones. Squares differ in their size, design, texture.

This type is especially relevant for interior decoration of a bathroom or kitchen. Moreover, in the latter case, it is best to select only the working area with panels for tiles.

Installation of such panels is carried out using a special adhesive. They are connected to each other like a constructor or a puzzle - the panels have grooves and protruding parts with which they are attached.

  • Sheet panels, or seamless. They are definitely the most beautiful type of PVC panels. This is due to the fact that no joints are formed between the panels during installation. Most often they are used for wall decoration. Installation of this type is carried out using glue or nails.

  • Sandwich panels. This type is often used as a decorative finish. With such panels, any room will look more representative and aesthetically pleasing. They are also used for finishing partitions and window slopes. These panels consist of two sheets.

In order for this material to acquire the best thermal insulation properties, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam is used as a filler for it.

According to the material from which the outer layer is made, sandwiches are divided into three types:

    Laminate. Such plastic is formed by combining decorative paper, kraft paper and overlay. All this is impregnated with formaldehyde and pressed. Possesses high durability and reliability. Withstands even heavy loads.

    Foamed. This plastic has a porous structure. Best suited for places with high humidity. Moreover, it is good heat-insulating material. The surface of such panels, as a rule, has a roughness.

    Hard. It can be either matte or glossy. Quite often used for decoration window slopes and doorways.

Dimensions and decor

The dimensions of PVC panels vary depending on their type. Therefore, it will be useful before choosing the desired option, to get acquainted with what the panels can be in size. After all, depending on this, you can choose the most optimal option for a particular interior.

Dimensions of plastic lining:

  • thickness - from 8 to 12 mm;
  • length - from 300 to 1200 mm;
  • width - from 100 to 500 mm.

Tile panel dimensions:

  • thickness - from 0.5 to 1 mm;
  • length - up to 1000 millimeters;
  • Width - 500-1000 mm.

Sandwich panel dimensions:

  • thickness - from 10 to 32 mm;
  • width - from 900 to 1,500 mm;
  • length - up to 3,000 mm.

In addition to size, the panels also differ in their decorative look. The coating of the panels differs, which can be glossy or matte. They can be colored, patterned and even embossed. For example, lining is most often white matte or glossy, sheet panels can even imitate tile.

Depending on the type of coating, the panel can be matte or glossy. There are also differences depending on the application of paint to the surface of the panel. For example, a pattern is applied to a white panel, and then, using a special paint roller, it is painted in colors. After that, a colorless UV varnish is applied as a protective layer.

There are types with thermal printing, which makes them more diverse and affordable. However, these options are shorter in duration.

Of course, today it is not difficult to choose finishes, even if the interior design requires something special. For example, if the interior is played up with a marine or country theme, then panels with imitation of a stone cut will be an excellent option. PVC options with the image of natural slate look amazingly realistic. This solution is especially relevant for the bathroom.

Very refined and subtle options among plastic tiles- also not uncommon. You can choose models under blue marble. A few suitable decor elements, and a room with such tiles will be the height of elegance. Of course, the most common White color or panels with a pattern. However, dark colors have shown that they are in considerable demand.

Among those in demand are red shades, transparent panels, bamboo imitation. Particularly impressive are the wide and thin sheets of panels that give the walls the smoothest and most luxurious look. It is worth noting that wood panels (especially pine) also proved to be one of the most popular.

An amazing decor can be mirrored PVC, which instantly give the room an attractive look. They are actually glass made of polystyrene, which is attached to the frame. Moreover, a pattern, perforation can be applied to its surface, or it will be with a holographic effect.

Panda panels have an exclusive design. They have very high quality and bright drawings. Moreover, the images are visible very clearly, it is not difficult to see even the most small parts. The interiors of the bathroom, hallway, kitchen or living room with such panels will be chic. After all, the collections feature one main drawing and from one to five additional ones.

Chic wenge color options will also be an excellent solution. Their rich dark brown color, approaching black, will bring real tropical notes. An instant transformation can be achieved using black and white patterns on PVC. For lovers of brighter and more luxurious, there are options in combination with a golden hue.

There are a lot of varieties of PVC decorative design. It is enough just to choose the appropriate variation for a certain interior.


There are a large number of panels from different manufacturers on the market. Of course, among them there are options that were able to prove the quality of their products. It is on such PVC that you should pay attention when choosing. Today, manufacturers such as KronaPlast, Aquaton and Vox stand out among the entire range.

"Kronaplast" has been operating on the PVC panel market since 2000. Currently, this company is a leading manufacturer of finishing materials. Among the company's products you can find plastic panels for walls and ceilings, lining, floor plinths, accordion doors, moldings. Particularly noteworthy are decorative plastic panels, the Ceramica collection for tiles, laminated, offset and ceiling panels from this manufacturer. The company's products are also distinguished by a large number of colors for every taste.

Aquaton LLC has been operating for over 16 years. Now the company produces a large number of materials from fibreboard and polyvinyl chloride. The manufacturer presents not only panels, but even PVC window sills, sheet panels, as well as various fittings. Aquaton offers interesting options in its Novita collection. This collection also includes panels for walls, ceilings, moisture-resistant floor coverings and composite marble based on rigid PVC.

VOX has been producing building materials and furniture since 1992. Today, the company presents a huge number of PVC materials for outdoor and internal works. Moreover, there are panels for walls, ceilings and even facades. The company constantly cares about the development of technologies, which allows maintaining high quality and affordable prices.

Decorative panels Vox is suitable for finishing both residential and commercial real estate (offices, shops, utility rooms). Unique interiors can also be created with Vox's "Didital Print" collection. It should be noted that the colors of the panels of this manufacturer are distinguished by a special European aesthetics.

Buy quality and interesting options panels today you can even in the online store. For example, the Axon store offers a large number of finishing panels for any interior from leading manufacturers. At the same time, they can even be ordered for delivery by a certain time, which is very convenient. You don't even have to leave the house to update the interior.

Criterias of choice

At choice of pvc panels, you should pay attention to a number of some parameters. It is advisable to first decide where exactly the panels will be used. Today they are used not only for walls and ceilings, but also as cladding for balconies and loggias, slopes of windows and doors, and even as floor formwork for steps of the original form.

One of the main parameters are the stiffeners that are inside the panels. It is they, or rather, their number and location (at least 10 millimeters between them) that determine how high-quality the product is. The higher the hardness, the more pressure will be able to withstand the panel. Moreover, the ribs should not be visible through the front side of the PVC.

It is also worth carefully examining how the paint is applied to the surface. Ideally, it should lie in an even layer, and there should be no stains, streaks or other defects. It would be useful to carefully inspect the panels also for scratches, dents, cracks. It is best if the panels are covered with a protective film.

Before choosing panels with a pattern, special attention should be paid to how it is made: thermal printing, offset printing or lamination. After all, each panel will need to be installed so that a full-fledged image is obtained. Moreover, such panels require very accurate measurements. Having made a mistake with the calculations, then you may not find the necessary drawing. It is worth considering the fact that when ordering a batch with a similar pattern, you can find out that the panels differ in some details in the image.

For living rooms the best option will be panels with printed patterns. As for bathrooms, as well as kitchen spaces, thermal transfer options should be selected for them. Such panels are better tolerated detergents and frequent friction.

When choosing panels, be sure to check how tight their joints are. The smaller the inter-seam space, the more neat and even the wall looks. Certainly, the best option become seamless panels.

The weight of the lining matters, and this must be taken into account when choosing panels. Based on this parameter, one can get an idea of ​​the panel wall thickness, stiffness, and the number of stiffeners. For example, one square meter of a standard PVC lining weighs about 1.5 kilograms.

Panel thickness is also important. Often it varies from 0.1 to 10 millimeters. However highest value this parameter has when decorating walls. And in this case, the greater the thickness, the better. For ceilings, panels with the smallest thickness can also be selected.

According to professionals, high-quality plastic lining contains about 20 percent of chalk. If this indicator is higher, then the product will be more fragile. To check the amount of chalk in the material, you need to bend the corner of the panel. In a plastic product in the place where there was a bend, neither a strip nor a crack will appear.

When choosing panels, it will also be useful to sniff them. After all, if in a store where finishing materials are sold, there is a sharp smell of plastic, then this indicates their toxicity. In fact, a specific smell should only be when opening a new package with lining. And it can not be called sharp.

Well-known trade brands already have a well-deserved reputation, so it is better to choose well-known brands that try to maintain quality at a decent level.

When choosing panels, you need to think in advance exactly where they will be used. After all, PVC is ceiling and wall. Recently, you can even find floor panels. By design, they practically do not differ from each other, but their strength and some characteristics still have differences.

If the material is purchased for finishing walls with large dimensions, then it is better to opt for sheets of maximum dimensions. Thus, the interior will look more aesthetically pleasing.

The resistance of PVC to various temperatures deserves special attention. Especially this parameter should be taken into account when choosing a material for finishing a kitchen, bathroom or balcony.

Price also matters. Moreover, it often depends on the manufacturer and quality. However, it cannot be said with absolute certainty that the most expensive panels are the highest quality. It is better to stop at a reasonable middle.

By choosing specific PVC panels, you can even ask the seller for a certificate confirming the quality standard, as well as wear resistance, fire safety and other product parameters. Do not be afraid to request these documents, as their absence indicates a low-quality product.

Frieze panels are lightweight and highly durable, which makes them indispensable for bathrooms or kitchens, where interior partitions are made of fragile drywall. Panels under a natural stone or a tree. Moreover, the first option is lightweight, but it looks very realistic, and the second one is moisture resistant and does not lose its appearance over time. PVC with a 3D image will also be an interesting option.

For finishing a balcony or loggia, laminated panels will be an excellent option. They do not fade in the sun, do not crack, do not deform from low temperatures. In terms of resistance to mechanical stress and image quality, such panels can easily compete even with MDF.

If the apartment has high ceilings, then it is best to opt for glossy panels. They are an excellent reflector of light, which will make the room even brighter and more pleasant.

Accessories for PVC mounting panels is also not the last point to consider when choosing. After all, the molding (special fasteners) must be of high quality, fit along the grooves to the thickness of the panel and be matched exactly in color. Otherwise, the fittings will stand out too much against the background of the panels. You should also be aware that moldings may vary depending on the surface to be faced.


Finishing with PVC panels can be carried out with the installation of a frame or by installing panels without crates. To better understand which method to choose, you should read them in more detail.

The easiest option is to mount the frame. For its manufacture, you can use a variety of materials.

Frame from wooden beam Suitable for most living spaces. However, it is worth remembering that it is not suitable for bathrooms or kitchens, as it does not tolerate high humidity. And in these rooms, the panels will have to be washed frequently.

For quick installation you need to use a frame made of plastic strips.

The most reliable is definitely a frame made of metal profile. Of course, it should be borne in mind that it is very expensive.

To install panels without any crate, you need to have solid experience, and also smooth walls and ceiling. Of course, you can try and understand this process, but it is worth considering that skills are also important here. Main disadvantage this method is that if one of the elements loses its appearance, then to replace it, you will have to veneer the entire wall.

Which method to use is up to you to decide. Here it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room to be finished, and the shortcomings of walls with ceilings, and most importantly, take into account the peculiarities of the microclimate.

When you have decided on the installation method, you should proceed to preparation. At this stage, you will need a tape measure, a level, a ruler (preferably a meter long), a pencil or marker, a screwdriver, a drill, dowels, self-tapping screws or nails, a stapler, a hacksaw. In addition, it is worth preparing bits, drills, staples and other consumables in advance. If all this is taken care of in advance, then the time for finishing can be significantly reduced.

You should not mount the panels on the walls as soon as the sheets were brought home after purchase. It is best to give them 24 hours to mature. To do this, the panels are unpacked so that they can "get used" to the conditions of the room.

Also at the preparatory stage, a complete dismantling of the old wall and ceiling covering should be carried out. Then it is necessary to carefully level the surface, repair holes and remove other defects so as not to spoil the quality of the PVC coating. Otherwise, the panels will stick out in places, and in the future they will completely deform. At the end of the preparation of the walls and ceiling, they should be covered with an antiseptic. This is especially important in the bathroom and kitchen.

Mounting with a frame has some advantages. The main one is the ability to eliminate significant irregularities and various wall defects. Also, the frame allows you to make the thermal insulation of the room better and hide various communications.

When the walls and ceiling are prepared, you can start marking them. This is done exclusively with the help of the level. It is important to avoid even small mistakes here.

Frame assembly starts from the bottom. The lowest row must be raised above the floor by 1-2 centimeters. This will allow the panels to fit very snugly against the wall. Next, using a square, level and pencil, you need to make a mark and climb 50 centimeters up. At this point, you need to make another part of the frame.

Repeating this procedure, you need to reach the very ceiling. Upon completion of the work, you should evaluate how parallel the lines are and whether they are at the same distance from each other.

When all the lines are outlined, you can install the crate. For wooden crates, it is better to additionally use a disinfectant solution. Dowels should be installed at intervals of about 50 centimeters, and then fix the rails on them. Moreover, if the wall is with obvious irregularities, then the recesses can be filled with wood chips or special wooden wedges suitable sizes. It is worth noting that a wooden frame is best suited for finishing dry rooms.

The frame can also be created from a metal profile. This option is especially relevant for the bathroom, where there is constantly high humidity. During installation important point is the direction of the panels and the profile itself.

The most modern version of the frame is a plastic crate. In this case, the guides are attached to the wall using dowels. The clips are inserted into a special groove, and PVC is held on them.

When assembling the frame, it should be borne in mind that it is desirable to maintain a distance of 8 centimeters from the wall to the panels. This is necessary for the normal movement of air in order to avoid the appearance of too much dampness.

After creating the frame, you can mount the panels themselves. Installation usually starts from the left corner of the room. First you need to install the internal plastic corner, which has connectors oriented towards adjoining walls. After that, you should fix the upper and lower plinths.

Next, you need to attach the plastic panels to the surface and take measurements. It is important to consider that they must be inserted into the connectors of the lower and upper plinth. Measurements are best done with a tape measure and very accurately (up to a millimeter). The first panel must be inserted into the corner, and if necessary, cut the groove part with a conventional construction knife.

Then cut off desired length panel and is inserted into the upper plinth, after which its lower part is folded and immersed in the lower plinth. In the event that all measurements were made correctly, the panel will fit snugly and evenly. Now you can connect the grooves of adjacent panels and secure them using self-tapping screws or a stapler and staples. To remove the gaps at the joints of the panels, you can use silicone.

Thus, all panels are mounted. When the installation is completed, the molding should be installed. It is thanks to him that the finish will be more reliable and visually attractive. It is necessary to install molding elements around the perimeter and seams. You can make holes in the PVC panel for sockets, pipes or lamps with a simple clerical knife.

Panels can also be installed using the frameless method using glue. However, it must be borne in mind that it is not as durable as a frame one, and the walls should be carefully aligned for it.

It is worth considering that if the installation of the panels will be carried out by this method, then the surface should be primed in advance. For this procedure, it is necessary to use special solutions that are selected depending on the material of the walls.

When mounting panels on glue, it is important to choose a quick-drying glue (you can use “liquid nails”) that will not leave streaks, since it cannot be washed off. At the same time, it must be resistant to excessive moisture. The glue is applied with a notched trowel on the wall with large drops in a checkerboard pattern. Then panels are attached to it in turn, joining each other. It should be noted that with this method of installation it will not be possible to install recessed fixtures.

With the help of panels, you can also create window slopes yourself. You can also make a whole panel on the wall from PVC sheets or decorate an arch. Various crafts will only transform the interior and make it even more interesting. The original painting of the panels will also give originality to the room.

Examples in the interior

Numerous room design samples allow you to quickly select the most suitable option. Today it is easy to find interesting options that will suit both the Provence style and the loft style. Very original design ideas can be realized using panels with photo printing.

The design of the hallway room with panels will be very interesting and bright. Moreover, you can choose bright PVC sheets with floral or abstract patterns that will look great against the background of wooden furniture. An excellent option for a spacious corridor will be panels with a picture, tinted with a not too catchy pattern. At the same time, it is best to give preference to bright and juicy shades so that the space seems brighter and more welcoming. For those who appreciate elegance and modesty, wood-effect panels will become an indispensable option for finishing the hallway.

Pick up for the bathroom interesting interior even easier. Panels with a pattern for small mosaics or marble look perfect. They fill the bathroom space with a special charm. And you can give them a little pretentiousness due to molding with golden and silver elements. Panels with 3D images maritime theme able to turn a familiar bathroom into a tropical oasis.

Finished kitchen area facing panels able to look bright, practical and modern at the same time. For the main part of the walls (preferably the top), it is better to choose a color that is not too catchy, but a smaller part can be lined with panels with a bright pattern. At the same time, the working part can be highlighted in a different color, conditionally dividing the kitchen into a zone. As for the choice of colors and shades, everything here is exclusively individual.

PVC plastic panels - optimal solution, if the main task is a minimum of effort and cost. They are easy to install, and the choice of colors is extremely huge. PVC panels have gained popularity among users immediately after their appearance due to their versatility, practicality, aesthetics and economy.

What are pvc plastic panels

PVC plastic panels are a polymeric finishing material that has gained popularity among users since its inception. The composition of the panels includes light, hard and durable polyvinyl chloride. Therefore, facing the ceiling and walls with plastic panels is often performed in residential premises, offices, shops and shopping centers.

A decorative pattern is applied to the outside of PVC panels using thermal printing, offset printing or lamination. The surface is covered protective layer matte or glossy varnish. This treatment increases wear resistance and makes the material anti-static, UV-resistant and scratch-resistant.

In the production of plastic panels, substances harmful to humans (phenol-formaldehyde resin) are not used, which makes the coating harmless to health. For painting PVC lining, water-based paints are used.

PVC panels are produced a wide range. They are varied in texture, color and shape. A large selection allows you to use "plastic" finishes in various rooms: from the toilet or bathroom, and ending with the hall and hallway.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC panels

The popularity of the use of the material is due to a number of advantages of PVC panels:

Negative characteristics of finishing with PVC plastic panels:

  1. Insufficient UV resistance - white plastic may turn yellow over time and lose its original appearance.
  2. Low impact resistance. Naturally, PVC panels are able to withstand minor loads, but it is possible that dents and deformations will remain. The strength of the product depends on the content of chalk in the plastic - this content is determined by the manufacturer. When counting on the purchase of durable plastic, special attention should be paid to the choice of the manufacturer.
  3. Specific smell. Some consumers note that at the beginning of use (for several days) bad smell, which eventually disappears completely.
  4. No matter how much manufacturers talk about the complete safety of plastic, there are always questions. Plastic in its environmental friendliness is in any case inferior to natural materials - wood and stone. In view of this, it is not advisable to install PVC panels in children's rooms.

PVC plastic panels: types and characteristics

PVC panels are primarily classified depending on the purpose: ceiling or wall.

PVC plastic wall panels are characterized by increased strength, reduced flexibility and the ability to withstand mechanical stress. The thickness of such plastic is greater than the ceiling panels. The stiffness of the material is determined by the content of polyvinyl chloride. The internal stiffeners of PVC wall plastic panels have a thickness of 1 mm - it is no longer possible to cut such plastic with a knife.

An important factor that determines the differences in plastic and which cannot be neglected when choosing is the size of PVC plastic panels. Depending on the width of the panels, the following types of finishing material are distinguished.

Plastic lining. The length of such panels is 3 m, width - 10 cm (sometimes -12.5 cm). Lining is used for both external and internal decoration. The appearance of the material is somewhere between wooden clapboard and polycarbonate. There are two popular options:

  • "Polka" - with a narrow castle connection;
  • "European" - with a wide lock.

The outer PVC lining has a seam connection. This is because plastic has a high coefficient of linear expansion. Therefore, the lining installed outside the room should “play” - move under the influence of temperature changes. Additional feature facade lining is that the color pigment is added to the raw material at the production stage, and is not painted from above. Thanks to this technology, PVC lining retains its original color for a long time.

Plastic PVC sheet panels have a large width - from 80 to 203 cm. The length of sheet plastic reaches 105-405 cm. The most popular material is made of foamed PVC. Some manufacturers subject the surface of the sheets to a special treatment, as a result of which the sheets become stronger and more resistant to mechanical damage.

Sheet PVC panels are mounted with glue and nails, and the gaps are sealed with a narrow rail or sealant to match the color of the coating.

PVC panels. Popular materials are 260, 270 and 300 cm long and 25 cm wide. Panels 50 cm wide are also used for cladding. Outer side panels are varnished, painted or covered with thermal film. When assembled, an almost imperceptible seam is formed.

Plastics fall into a separate category. pvc sandwich panel- modern finishing material with high operational characteristics. PVC panels consist of two sheets of plastic. To give the material thermal insulation qualities, various fillers are used: polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene.

Plastic sandwich panels differ in the material of the outer layer:

Fittings for plastic panels

For the installation of PVC lining, a special plastic profile for PVC panels is used - a decorative molding. Standard length profile - 6 m. Under different surfaces cladding, various moldings are used:

  • initial (starting);
  • universal;
  • inner and outer corner;
  • connective;
  • cornice (ceiling plinth);
  • F-shaped end.

When choosing a molding, you should pay attention to two main parameters:

  • grooves - are selected taking into account the thickness of the PVC panel used; for example, under a PVC panel with a thickness of 10 mm, it is necessary to select fittings of the appropriate parameters;
  • colors - usually profiles of the same color as the PVC panel are taken, but for some multi-colored options you will have to buy a plain molding that is close in color to the base material.

How to choose high quality PVC panels

When choosing plastic panels, you can focus on the cost of the material, because high-quality products cost a lot. However, in order not to be deceived and not overpay for low-quality goods, you need to know the key points that determine the quality of plastic lining:

Finishing technology with plastic panels

To perform the work, you will need some tools and materials:

  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • hacksaw;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure and building level;
  • pencil, square;
  • wooden slats for lathing or metal profiles;
  • stationery knife.

Plastic finishing can be done in several ways. The choice of cladding method depends on the level of humidity in the room and on the surface.

The simplest option is frameless sheathing - vinyl panels are mounted directly to the walls or ceiling. This method can only be used in dry rooms if the base is relatively even. Fasteners - special glue or liquid nails.

The adhesive mixture is applied with a notched trowel to the wall. The panels are alternately fixed with glue, docking with each other.

Important! With the frameless cladding method, it is impossible to mount recessed fixtures

For interior decoration high humidity or uneven surfaces, you must first install the crate. The wooden frame is suitable for dry rooms. If the wooden crate is mounted in a room with high humidity, then it must be treated with a special moisture-proof compound.

Fix wooden slats in a vertical position along the perimeter of the room in 40 cm increments. Then on wooden crate using small nails or a stapler, PVC panels are attached.

Installation of a metal frame is carried out in the same way as for installation drywall construction, only without transverse profiles. CD is hung across the PVC panels, and UD along the perimeter of the room. For finishing large rooms it is recommended to use clamps. Trimming of lamellas is carried out individually at the place of installation.

Docking joints are masked with a foam plinth or L-start. Fastening the latest model is sometimes done with glue.

PVC plastic panels: interior photo

Finishing the kitchen with plastic with a half-wall pattern. The interior is done in black and white with red accents.

PVC plastic panels for the bathroom.

Wall cladding in the living room with decorative vinyl siding.

Bright floral motifs in the decoration of the walls. Hallway interior with PVC panels.

The use of plastic lining for wall and ceiling cladding on the balcony.

made entirely of polyvinyl chloride. Polyvinyl chloride - PVC for short - is a synthetic polymer that is made from natural materials: common salt and petroleum products. PVC is the most common type of plastic, which is characterized by a given strength, as well as being versatile and economical in use. The main consumer properties of PVC are:

  • Strength;
  • Durability;
  • Water resistant;
  • Resistant to most chemicals, including many acids and solvents;
  • Weather resistance;
  • UV resistant.

Panels are intended for internal and external use. The panels can be used for wall and ceiling cladding. Equally suitable for public spaces, private apartments and houses. They tolerate weather, moisture and temperature fluctuations well.

Due to the mechanical properties of PVC, products made from it are easily amenable to any machining. PVC is an environmentally friendly material. Made from the same plastic Electric kettle, TV case and many other objects around us.

On the front surface of the PVC panels applied decorative coating. There are three ways to draw a picture:

  • drawing a picture by the method of thermal transfer;
  • offset printing;
  • film lamination.

For walls, unlike other types, in addition to the printed pattern, they have a texture that makes the pattern more expressive. And for models with an imitation of the texture of natural materials, a fuller feeling is created. natural material. Laminated products are more suitable for use in living rooms for walls: their surface is pleasant to the touch.

The technology for the production of laminated PVC panels consists in gluing a film with a pattern and an extruded texture onto a PVC blank. The film is applied to the front surface and folded to the wrong side. This prevents the film from peeling off at the edges.

Except appearance, the laminated coating is more resistant to mechanical stress: it is more difficult to scratch it, the pattern is not erased. The surface is more resistant to temperature: there will be no trace of a burning cigarette on it. This quality makes laminate flooring suitable for use in the kitchen. Low temperatures also do not affect the coating. Laminated pvc panels for a balcony or loggia are a great solution.

Thanks to this type of coating, PVC panels acquire a number of advantages that significantly distinguish them from other types of panels.


  1. Resistance to mechanical damage. Laminated plastic panels are more resistant to mechanical damage than other types of decoration. The lamination film applied to the PVC panel creates an additional protective barrier against bumps and scratches. If the same mechanical impact is exerted on panels of three types (laminated, flexo printing and thermal transfer), damage cannot be avoided, but on a laminated PVC panel, the flaw will be the least noticeable. Due to this property, these panels can be widely used in rooms with high traffic, as well as in homes where there are pets - cats and dogs, which can scratch the surface.
    In addition, laminated panels are made with denser walls, which also gives the product rigidity and impact resistance.
  2. Possibility to purchase any invoice. Lamination is the only way to decorate a plastic panel, which, by covering the surface with a film, allows you to convey the texture of any material - stone, wood. It is due to the three-dimensional texture that laminated plastic panels are very pleasant to the touch and look natural, and not like a plastic product.
  3. High elasticity. Lamination increases the elasticity of the PVC panel - even in severe frosts and strong temperature fluctuations, the panel does not crack, the appearance of the panel retains its properties.
  4. High temperature resistance. Laminated PVC panels have high heat resistance: the touch of an unextinguished cigarette to the panel does not damage the surface.
  5. Environmental friendliness. Laminated plastic panels are made from environmentally friendly raw materials and non-toxic adhesives.

Thanks to all these properties, laminated panels become an indispensable finishing material in modern design.

Buy with this product:

Among modern finishing materials, plastic panels are very popular. And all this because they are light, hygienic, easily attached to walls made of any material, are not afraid of moisture and are not subject to decay. Plastic panels made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are made by extrusion, which gives them the necessary strength and rigidity. In this article, we will define the main criteria for choosing this finishing material.

Today, the industry produces a huge selection of plastic panels produced in Turkey, China, Russia and Ukraine, differing in appearance, color, gloss level and other characteristics. In any hardware store, eyes run wide from their abundance and variety, confusion sets in: so which panels to choose?

All panels are conditionally divided into ceiling and wall. There is no direct ban on the use of wall panels on the ceiling, and ceiling panels on the walls, but a slight finger pressure test unambiguously interprets that, having low strength, these panels cannot be used for wall cladding.

An additional distinguishing element is the length. Typically, ceiling panels are 6 or 12m long, while wall panels are shorter - 2.7, 3 and 6m.

The thickness of the ceiling panels is gradually reduced by manufacturers, before it was 8mm, then it became 7mm, now there are 5 and even 4mm, and wall panels are usually produced with a thickness of at least 10mm.

Many buyers consider the cheapest panels, but do not want to pay attention to the fact that a quality product cannot be cheap.

After all, the vast majority of Chinese plastic panels are made from low-grade raw materials, bad adhesives and varnishes. In the future, they will quickly lose their appearance and, most importantly, will begin to release toxic substances, even the option of provocation is not excluded. allergic reaction human body.

So, you should purchase panels thoughtfully, comprehensively considering and paying attention to the following factors. The main types of plastic panels are:

    1. Plastic lining - used in the decoration of walls and ceilings, special fastening brackets are used for fastening. Embossed panels are often referred to as lining, because they create an imitation of a wooden panel "lining".
    2. Plastic panels for tiles. It is advisable to use square tiles having a width of 30 to 98 cm.
    3. Sheet panels - resemble plywood. Their main difference lies in the installation - fastening is done with glue or nails. Joints are sealed with sealant or sewn up with rails that have the structure and color of the panels

From the point of view of room design, emphasis should be placed on the fact that there is a variety of color palette panels, allowing to satisfy any desire of the buyer.

All panels are conditionally divided into glossy, matte and semi-gloss.

Their technical characteristics are the same, and the difference lies solely in the surface layer. This is achieved by using a varnish that creates on front surface protective film layer.

When choosing plastic panels, you must carefully study the following parameters:

    1. The thickness of the front part - a large thickness has significant strength.

    2. The number of stiffeners - the more, the stronger the panel. The external state of the stiffeners must be identical without visible deformations. A high-quality panel has more weight, which corresponds to its thickness and the number of stiffeners.

    3. The outer surface must be evenly painted, and viewing the stiffeners is not allowed. It is easy to check the quality of the panels - just press it down with a deflection of up to 50% and look at the result. There are no dents in high-quality panels, mainly due to the low content of chalk.

    4. Panels must fit snugly and firmly into the groove. The type of joint in the panels is seamless and embossed. The most common is currently seamless, but it should be called conditionally seamless, because even with the most quality installation the seam is still visible.

    Poor manufacturing or incorrect storage and transportation of plastic lead to its inevitable deformation and, as a result, to the impossibility of perfect joining of its parts.

Characteristic advantages and disadvantages of plastic panels

Like any material, plastic panels have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the positives.

According to the manufacturers, all plastic panels are environmentally friendly, do not burn, have soundproof properties, light weight, good moisture resistance, durability, easy to clean and, moreover, are inexpensive.

The disadvantages of plastic panels are as follows:

    low strength, scratches, dents and chips remain on the surface (one sufficiently strong blow or strong pressure leads to a crack);
    panels have a limited scope;
    initially there is a specific smell;
    being universal material, plastic panels are usually used for interior decoration.

Installation of plastic panels

can be performed both horizontally and vertically and even at any angle.

They find their application in the decoration of loggias and balconies, and are also often used as a ceiling material in the bathroom, corridor and kitchen.

Sewing walls with plastic is extremely simple, therefore, it is done by hand without any problems.

a) Initially, it is necessary to bring the temperature of the plastic panels closer to the temperature of the room - if they brought it from the cold, then let them adapt.

c) Walls with a high-quality dry surface must be sanded, in this case the adhesive will lie perfectly, therefore, the panels will last a long time.

d) Panel cutting is easy, using hand saw on wood or metal.

e) For a good appearance, cutting and drilling of panels should be carried out on the front surface.

f) But you need to remove the protective film from the plastic panels at the last stage, as it protects the surface of the panel from cuts and scratches.

Finally, a video on the topic from Roman ...

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