Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Modern landscape design. Main trends. Landscape design of a summer cottage Landscape design of a summer cottage design

In order to create a dream garden, you need to approach the process calmly and creatively, think through all the details and discuss it with your household. Everyone should feel comfortable at the dacha - this is the key to a friendly and happy family. Nothing brings household members closer together than disputes and discussions about landscape design options. summer cottage prefer.

Great art begins with small things. So where to start planning.

Questions that need to be answered by all family members

We take pens and a piece of paper, start answering important questions and by the end of the test we have decided on the concept of garden design:

  • Is it planned to use the site for replenishment? family budget and growing vegetables. Or the country house will be used only as a place to relax. The choice of garden and berry crops, shrubs and flowers depends on the answer to this question;
  • Landscape design and the plan of the summer cottage should include a place for recreation. It can be a shady gazebo or for sunbathing;
  • How much time do you plan to spend outside the city? Not only the choice of plants depends on this, but also the equipment of engineering communications - watering, lighting, greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • The organization of a playground and a place for barbecue or shish kebab depends on the number and composition of the family;

  • Landscape design at a summer cottage necessarily takes into account the type of fence and the desires of the owners for privacy or, conversely, openness to the whole world;
  • Organizing a pond, pool or fountain involves additional costs for their maintenance, the price of which is considerable. Think right away whether you have enough time and desire to care for and clean the ponds yourself.
  • Draw a plan of the site and place the proposed objects on it - a pond, outbuildings and houses for animals. The location of communications and lighting depends on the location of these objects.

Advice. When planning paths and paths, consider their lighting.
In some cases, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence can help out if there are problems with power outages.

If you use these simple recommendations, then you won’t have to replant plants a hundred times and remodel the garden:

  • Do-it-yourself landscape design ideas for a summer cottage do not have to be immediately translated into reality. It is enough to develop a clear project plan that can be carried out step by step;
  • Creating a dream garden is quite an expensive undertaking.. Therefore, calculating the costs of purchasing seeds and seedlings, gardening tools and the organization of engineering communications can immediately discourage the development. But don’t give up right away. After all, knowing the approximate cost of your dream, you can also realize it gradually, knowing what you are striving for;
  • The project plan must take into account the landscape of the summer cottage, elevation changes, shady and sunny areas, the location of buildings and tall trees.

Advice. The plan for creating utilities - water supply and lighting should be based on the location of the water source (well, borehole) and the source of electricity.
This will save significant costs in the future.

We cut costs

It is not difficult to correlate your dream with reality if you find the right approach to planning a landscape design scheme for a summer cottage:

  • The terrain dictates the concept. To significantly reduce costs in areas with sharp changes in elevation, it is better to arrange spectacular alpine slides with small bright flower beds in a picturesque style;

  • On a flat area, the strict geometry of an English garden with spectacular picturesque arcades and shady gazebos looks good;
  • The landscape design of a summer cottage must take into account the composition of the soil, the choice of green spaces depends on it;
  • The climatic conditions of the region influence the choice of plants and, as a result, the design style. In arid regions, it is advisable to design a garden in an oriental style; in central Russia, English gardens have become fashionable, and in the North, the Scandinavian style looks harmonious;

Advice. Be sure to identify shady and sunny areas. Because the organization of ponds and fountains is usually carried out in an area hidden from direct sunlight.

  • When planting trees and shrubs, the principle is used - from largest to smallest. The most are landed first tall plants, which can no longer be moved and the rest of the design concept is built around them. The same requirement applies to gazebos, pergolas and sculptures.

Interesting practical advice. To make the paths on the site as convenient and functional as possible, they are paved every other year. Let household members independently choose the most convenient routes for the summer season. Then in the spring it will be much easier to plan the landscapes of summer cottages with your own hands.

Popular design styles

Of course, it all depends on personal tastes and preferences. But the most popular design styles this year country houses boil down to several trends:

  • Formal English style, characterized by a clear geometry of the layout of lawns, flower beds and recreation areas. This design will appeal to people who are planning all the main events of their lives several years in advance. Naturally, country houses made from block containers do not fit well into such a regal design of the site;
  • Landscape style is characteristic of creative and dreamy people. Beautiful garden with plantings, arches and gazebos scattered in a picturesque disorder, it invites peace and relaxation from the bustle of the city;

  • Japanese gardens, for all their simplicity, are quite difficult to harmoniously combine with the simple architecture of a country house. All details of the landscape must be thought out in the smallest details. This design is ideal for arid areas with poor sandy soils.

Advice. The style can be different, the main thing is that it is combined with the architecture of the main building.


With proper planning, creating a unique landscape is not at all difficult, if only you have the desire and creative impulse. The video presented in this article will introduce you to the most interesting ideas For different styles design of the territories of country houses.

Gone are the days when everyone at their dacha plot was busy with the beds and fruit trees, but didn’t think about decor. Once upon a time the best decoration The courtyard had unpretentious flowers along the fence or a small flower bed. Today the dacha is becoming a place countryside holiday, and many owners hire a landscape design specialist. But if the hands are in place and there is a little worthwhile ideas, there is no need for large expenses. The original design of a summer cottage is made with your own hands from scrap materials, which are abundant in every garage, on mezzanines, balconies or storage rooms.

Decorating a cottage with your own hands

Mill at the dacha made of stones

Decorating a flower bed with wood

The main advantage of homemade country decor is that it is possible to attach everything that was a pity to throw away. Every thrifty homeowner has long-term deposits of all sorts of goods stored in the garage and on the balcony, mezzanine and pantry, which will soon become an adornment of the landscape.

You can adapt many items that have served their main life to your dacha design with your own hands:

  • bald car tires;
  • plastic bottles, containers and containers;
  • ropes, tarpaulin, burlap, camouflage net;
  • cutting boards and thin cuts of wood;
  • unnecessary plastic pipes;
  • thick wire, chain-link mesh, metal scraps;
  • old shoes and sports equipment;
  • plywood boxes and wooden containers;
  • empty barrels and other containers;
  • leaky teapots, bowls, pans;
  • unnecessary carts and bicycles;
  • old plastic and wooden furniture;
  • leftovers building materials And polyurethane foam.

First of all, you need to evaluate the “reserves” in order to distribute them for the arrangement of the dacha as needed. Some of the materials will be used to make fully functional devices.

In any yard, a “Moidodyr” (washbasin) in the barbecue or grill area and a sofa swing in the shade of the garden under a tarpaulin canopy will be useful. From other old things, make flower stands and flowerpots, all kinds of original ones garden decorations with your own hands.

Boar's head from a pile of earth at the dacha

Decorating a flower bed with flowers

Will need detailed plan site for proper zoning and marking. Even in a small courtyard of a country house or in country garden it is necessary to distribute functional zones that will delimit:

  • curbs;
  • sides from plastic bottles;
  • hedges;
  • decorative stonework;
  • original fences.

A well-maintained estate does not require redevelopment; all you need is creative design ideas for your dacha. On the new site, places for a comfortable pastime are determined:

  • outdoor cooking fireplace;
  • children's playground with decorative sandbox;
  • gazebos, benches, swings;
  • parking under a canopy for cars, motorcycles or bicycles;
  • a playground for a children's pool;
  • decorative beds, flower beds, flower beds and alpine slides.

By working on your own country house design, you have the opportunity to realize long-standing dreams and plans of the whole family. Free areas can be covered with small stones and sowed lawn grass, low-growing border plants and flowers, as in the photo.

Do-it-yourself gazebo in the country

Flowerbed at the dacha

DIY border at the dacha

Garden paths

Discussions about whether paths are needed in a dacha last until the first rainstorm. In some regions, the soil is so viscous that you can’t pull your feet out of the mud - it sticks to your shoes in a heavy lump. The only way out is to provide aesthetically pleasing paved passages between summer cottages.

Paths made of different materials will help you decorate your dacha with your own hands:

  • bricks or foam blocks;
  • cutting boards and round cuts;
  • sea ​​pebbles and wild stone;
  • compacted fine gravel and sand;
  • homemade paving slabs;
  • marble chips and other bulk materials of small fractions;
  • concrete paths with a mosaic of broken glass and ceramic tiles.

The country alley leading to the garden will be functional and attractive in itself when it has original borders or rows of annual flowers on the sides. But the original idea of ​​laying it will make it a real decoration of the garden with your own hands from scrap materials.

Decorating a summer cottage with plants

Flower beds at the dacha

A paved path can be lower than ground level or slightly elevated, and have a flat or slightly convex surface. Alleys will last for many years if done according to all the rules.

You need a shallow trench, which is marked and the boundaries are fixed using a rope between driven pegs. This is the only way to make the path the same width.

The bottom of the trench is compacted with gravel and sand, regardless of the type of paving material.

Next, you need to organize formwork for concrete with filler or sides for large blocks. Low log pegs and rows of glass or plastic bottles of the same size dug upside down are suitable as decorative borders.

Sandbox with flowers

Flowers in pots at the dacha

Flowerbed made of stones at the dacha

The compacted trench is filled between the formwork concrete base under recessed Decoration Materials. Between the pieces of mosaic path tiles, you need to carefully fill the seams.

Alleys made of bricks, blocks and solid tiles (without joining with a cement mixture) are sprinkled with sand along the seams.

When laying tiles or bricks on sand, use a rubber or wooden hammer for adjustment and leveling.

The horizontal is adjusted using the building level.

If the site is located in a lowland, be sure to organize drainage, otherwise the alleles may turn into drains during a rainstorm. The situation will be saved by a shallow drainage ditch parallel to the garden path, paved with ceramic fragments or filled with cement.

Design ideas for a dacha will be realized in the best possible way if all stages of the construction of the path and its decoration are done slowly and efficiently, following the laying technology. The easiest way is to use ready-made lattice templates for homemade cement walkways with filler, as in the photo. The template is step by step moved into the prepared trench with a bed of sand and gravel, filled with base material.

Forms for paving slabs and “Euro fences” of various sizes and shapes are available for sale. You can organize an entire production for your summer cottage or start your own business.

Gardening the border at the dacha

DIY border at the dacha

Decorative hedges, fences and borders

Using the technology described in the previous section, decorative sides are made to strengthen the levels of a sloping summer cottage and the walls of a cascading flower bed. The picket fence method is also suitable as a decorative fence.

The edge of the low side can also be used as paths between flower beds and sandboxes. Children love to run along the rows of buried stumps.

Hedges are a great way to save money on zoning your summer cottage with your own hands. Shrubs for pruning, ordinary or standard roses in the form of a tree are suitable. Low-growing border roses are planted between them, creating a two-row flower wall.

The simplest side is made from plastic bottles. Containers of the same color are filled with sand, gravel or soil. Bottles are dug halfway into a small trench and covered with earth or stone chips. They may be empty, but they last longer when filled with something.

Attention! Plastic bottles cannot be filled with water - under sun rays Lenses are formed that burn nearby plants. There might even be a fire.

DIY flowerbed

Castle made of stones in the country

Do-it-yourself barbecue made of stones in the country

Flower arches and arbors made of climbing plants

Climbing roses and other climbing flowers are a great way to decorate your homemade summerhouse or arches from scrap materials. A metal rod, corner or channel, which can be assembled into a structure, is suitable as a base. welding machine or bolt it together.

Ready-made supports for arches must be securely fixed in the ground. Do-it-yourself dug holes with columns for country decor are compacted well with crushed stone and sand, after which they are cemented and covered with stone chips. At the top of such a gallery, depending on climatic features region, grapes or fragrant flowers may spread.

In hot climates it is better to make an indoor gallery. Remnants of light-transmitting ones will also work. roofing materials. Canopies along decorative paths can only be on the south side, but at an angle to provide more shade. A wire trellis is stretched between the posts where the plants will climb. The most economical way is to grow cucumbers, decorative beans or pumpkins along the arch.

Flower lovers can use various methods to decorate their dacha with their own hands using scrap materials. They make vertical flower beds in holes from wide plastic pipes, wooden or openwork metal shelves for pots, as in the photo.

Flowerbed made of stones at the dacha

Decorating a cottage with your own hands

Garden sculptures and decor from scrap materials

Do-it-yourself garden design from scrap materials is mainly associated with the following materials:

  • car tires (bald tires);
  • templates from plywood scraps, from which it is easy to make the missing elements for the “smiling characters” of country decor;
  • plastic containers;
  • ceramic flower pots;
  • unnecessary shoes;
  • metal and wooden barrels etc.

Some homemade garden sculptures are so good that they can compete with real masterpieces. For example, foam frogs or plaster swans.

But most role models are made from car tires- cut and turned. Acrylic paints will transform any material to make characters recognizable for country house design with your own hands. Depending on the skill and style of garden and patio design, you can choose any idea. This is what swans and parrots look like made from rubber, palm trees made from plastic bottles.

Decorating a flowerbed with snails with your own hands

Decorating a cottage with improvised materials

Table and chairs made of hemp in the country

Original flower beds and mini-beds

Mini-flower beds with succulents and cacti (other small plants) inside large shells look original. No less interesting to many will be the idea of ​​using shoes as flower pots or old hats on the wall.

Small containers are suitable for succulents and indoor plants exposed for the summer. open air. But before you decorate the dacha with your own hands, keep in mind that you will have to bring them into the house during rain, hail and gusty winds. It is better to make original shapes and flowerpots stationary, and insert flower pots for the season or upon arrival at the dacha on weekends.

Traditionally, broken vehicles are used as original DIY garden decorations. Trolleys and bicycles, large car body parts are suitable for a small flower garden. Musical instruments fit too. Creative idea– a piano with flowers and a waterfall.

Fountain, artificial pond

A mini-pond is an excellent solution for decorating a summer house with your own hands. A small tank can be equipped using available materials:

  • old rubber boat;
  • large metal barrel;
  • excavator bucket;
  • tub;
  • tank trim.

The bottom of a homemade pond is made in a small pit, with a compacted cushion of gravel and sand. The top is lined with tarpaulin and thick film in 2-3 layers, the edges are secured with stones in the form of sides. All that remains is to fill with water and decorate with the raised plants.

Advice. To maintain eco-balance, you need to monitor the condition of the water, which is periodically drained or circulated. A fountain requires a pump and a filter. To complete the “lake” design, add homemade frogs, swan or crocodile.

Flowerbeds at the dacha with flowers

DIY flower bed at the dacha

Landscape design with a children's playground

So that children don’t get bored at the dacha, and they don’t waste time while working in the garden and beds, there is a solution - a children’s playground with a sandbox and funny homemade figures.

An important condition is that the place for children’s games should be clearly visible from different angles of the summer cottage in order to observe what is happening.

The sides of the sandbox can be easily built using available materials:

  • palisade made of logs;
  • painted boards;
  • wide wooden box;
  • big tire, etc.

With any type of sandbox, children need a place to sit and lay out the molds. A country children's corner can be fenced off from neighbors with a fence in the shape of pencils or decorated with other homemade decor - paints to the rescue!

If you have enough space, you can build a more interesting sandbox on the site - in the form of a ship, car or mansion. Somewhere nearby you can build a tree house with rope ladders and a slide for descending into a sandbox or a tent city made from old blankets. Stretch ropes between the trees, give them clothespins and fabric, they will happily build houses for themselves.

Original garden furniture

The imagination of folk craftsmen is limitless - from plastic bottles, awning materials and wood waste do garden furniture on the verge of masterpieces. After pruning the garden and removing dead wood, there is a lot of material left that is easy to use to make:

  • armchairs;
  • swing;
  • rocking chairs;
  • tables and stands.

For comfort, soft seats are made, and natural-shaped material is used on the sidewalls and frame of the products. It is very convenient to use ready-made pallets or pallets as the basis for a sofa or a corner under a canopy. Poufs and banquettes, tables and armchairs are made from plastic bottles. If you have time and experience, make an entire sofa for your dacha out of plastic bottles, but you will need many containers of the same shape and volume. A cover or cover for a homemade sofa is sewn from old curtains.

More original ideas will be suggested by photos from our gallery.

“Dacha penal servitude” is a phrase that should disappear from our vocabulary forever. And “dacha vacation” begins with preparing the place - and landscape design. Let's look at the photo best options landscape design of a summer cottage near a country house.

"The dacha is not about relaxation." Somehow it has become the custom since the times of the Soviet Union that the concepts of “dacha” and “garden” are closely related for us. Vacation home(dacha) for the older generation is not a place of relaxation, but a means of survival. Are you jealous of the models in the pictures about their vacation in a cottage on the river bank? Have you always dreamed of your own small forest with a gazebo and a hammock, but do you strongly associate a dacha with beds, seasonal work on potatoes and, at best, barbecues? It's time to break the persistent stereotypes and finally arrange the dacha so that it is pleasant to spend time there.

Where to start designing a site near a country house

You should start arranging your dacha with those same “acres”, usually covered with beds with cucumbers and dill. Meanwhile, the dacha plot - good opportunity try yourself as a landscape designer.

The first step is to sketch out your site plan. When designing a garden, you need to start from the location of the house. Mark where there are already buildings (except for a country house, there is often a garage on the territory, summer cuisine or tool shed). And now it’s time to think about what you need for a good rest. with a barbecue? Goldfish pond? Beds with your favorite variety of strawberries? Write down everything that your imagination suggests and place it on the plan.

PLEASE NOTE! the height of plants on the site should decrease from north to south. The beds are where it is warmer. Trees are where the north is.

Independently designing and decorating a summer cottage will require patience, knowledge in many areas and considerable effort. In the excitement of design and a burst of inspiration, do not forget about what exactly you wanted to see on the site from the very beginning. In the process, it is very easy to get carried away and lose the main idea. As a result, instead cozy garden and your dream house, you risk getting the same chaos from the beds with which you started the renovation.

Don't be afraid to implement bold ideas and trust your intuition, but try not to stray too far from the key idea and style that you like.


The path layout is laid depending on which areas of the garden you need access to. Good decision - lay out an “excursion route” past those parts of the site that look most attractive. There must be an easy path to the beds and flower beds (if you have saved them).

Note! Main paths should be smooth, without sharp turns.

A walking route among trees or flowers can be made winding and complex so that guests have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of a flowerbed or garden composition from all sides.

There is not as much space on the dacha plot as we would like. But even with conditionally cramped conditions, the width of the path must be chosen taking into account the fact that two people should “diverge” freely on it. The optimal width is 1-1.5 meters.

The garden path should have a slight slope on both sides - then puddles will not form on it. Besides rainwater the path will additionally “water” nearby flower beds and wash away dust from the path itself.

The material for the garden path must be resistant to temperature changes, durable and aesthetically pleasing. Most often, concrete, stone or decorative tiles are used to design paths in a country yard. A more natural option is paths sprinkled with sand or gravel. Mosaic paths made of pebbles look very attractive.


Landscape design received less attention than interior design. What can we say about lighting an area if it is not always remembered in interior design? With the right lighting, an area can look more interesting in the evenings than during the day.

We use functional lighting, but forget about decorative lighting. To illuminate paths, turns and buildings on the site, diffused soft light is enough, which makes it possible to safely move around the yard, but does not distract from observing the garden.

Recessed lamps are perfect for functional lighting. They can be mounted along paths, at the edges of steps and near railings. The main purpose is to serve as “guiding lights”, without blinding or irritating the eye. You can also use lamps on posts - if you don’t mind that during the daytime a “fence” will be visible around the garden paths. Bollards come in all possible styles, so even a technical lighting element can be used to support the overall mood of the space.

Thanks to decorative lighting, you can highlight all the advantages of a site by highlighting individual trees or highlighting flower beds.

To illuminate shrubs, trees or decorative elements, ground mini-spotlights are usually used. They are capable of providing not just warm or cold tone lighting, and illuminate the area with any color - thanks to the filters on the glass.

Features of lighting for a summer cottage:

  • lamps need less power than in the city
  • It is better to choose energy-saving lamps
  • It is advisable to provide the possibility of separate inclusion of technical and decorative lighting
  • The power cable for the lighting should be well insulated so that you do not accidentally damage it during gardening work

Garden figurines

Garden figurines of gnomes, animals and mythical characters are very popular in the West, where each of the characters has its own story. You can install any decor on the site. The main thing is that he doesn't look " foreign body"and matched the style of the house and garden. Garden gnomes often hide in the bushes, and the forest fairy should live by the tree. Come up with your own fairy tale about how the Easter bunny or dragon got into your garden.

Landscaping garden plot

Tall plants are best placed on the north side. Middle lane The plot is allocated to bushes. If you decide to save a few beds of tomatoes and peppers “for salad”, these plants feel best in sufficient light, on the south side of the garden.

All typical country gardens are planned in a regular style. Beds, greenhouses and even rows of trees are arranged in a geometric pattern.

Landscape design involves a more natural and natural arrangement of trees and flowers. Special attention pay attention to the nuances of the relief. If there is a hillock on your summer cottage, you should not level it. Try to play with the composition that nature has already created for you.

Alpine slide

Alpine slide is a small piece of real mountains, created by your own hands. A simple pile of stones with flowers somehow stuck between them is not an alpine slide. This decor is not as easy to create as it seems. Before you start implementing a composition, it’s a good idea to plan it on paper. A real mountain has peaks and cliffs, smooth plateaus and a green valley.

Construction of the slide begins in the fall. The first layer is gravel or broken brick, on top of which the earthen mixture is poured (in a heap, of course). The approximate height is about a meter (later, when the earth “settles”, the slide will become a little lower).

After shrinking, large stones are installed in the hill (they are buried halfway into the ground). Medium and small elements are placed on top. The choice of plants for a slide depends not only on their requirements for soil and light, but also on general style plot. But first of all, you should pay attention to flowers and herbs that do not require complex care.

Important! Basis for alpine slide are perennials, annual flowers can be replanted several times a year, updating and changing the appearance of the slide.

Popular plants for alpine hills:

  • edelweiss;
  • sedum;
  • saxifrage;
  • lumbago;
  • gubastik.

Flowerbeds in the garden plot

A flowerbed is not necessarily the usual circle or rectangle filled with even rows of flowers. Creating an elegant and thoughtful flower bed requires taste and some effort, but the beauty of the resulting composition is worth it.

Vertical flower beds

Vertical gardening is a popular type of design for urban spaces that can be adapted for a summer cottage. Who said that flowers have to live on earth? They need soil, but soil can be supplied to the height of human growth.

Advantages of vertical flower beds:

  • REQUIRE LESS SPACE than traditional flower beds;
  • THEY MAKE THE SITE ORIGINAL due to the non-standard solution.

Although flowering plants are most often used for vertical flower beds, ornamental vegetables, herbs or greens look no less attractive - and even more unusual. Interesting option for vertical flower beds - climbing fruit-bearing plants.

Classic forms of vertical flower beds:

  • pyramid- plants are planted in a multi-tiered container;
  • flower tower- similar to a pyramid, but the diameter of the “tiers” does not decrease.


Rabatki - flower stripes, usually located along paths, fences or around lawns. The planting width is from half a meter. When the plants in such a flower bed bloom, the ground is covered with a continuous bright carpet.

Types of discounts:

  • unilateral(usually located along the house or fence line);
  • bilateral(usually designed in the middle of the alley).

Plants for flower beds can be very different. The basic principle of choosing plants for gardening is that they should be low, bright, and match each other in color.


This is a flower garden where herbs, small shrubs and even small trees are organically combined. Caring for it is quite difficult, because each of the plants requires special conditions. Weeding can also add problems - dense planting is a distinctive feature of the mixborder. This type of flower bed is often found in gardens landscape style, where the plants are located so as to create a feeling of “randomness” of their appearance on the site.

Mixborder features:

  • free lines and shapes of flower beds
  • tall plants - in the background (if there is one viewpoint) or in the center (if the flower garden can be viewed from several sides)
  • look impressive contrasting combinations flowers or vice versa - different kinds plants in the same range.

Design project for a summer cottage depending on the area

The style and fullness of a summer cottage directly depends on how many acres are at your disposal. Don’t try to implement everything at once if you only have 6 acres of land. The garden may not fit a swimming pool, but small flower beds and paths will be in perfect condition.

What to consider when planning:

  • Terrain and natural relief.
  • Shape of the plot. The usual “cut” of land can be square, but there are also L-shaped and triangular sections. These features can be used and played up in design.
  • Soil type. This determines how plants will feel comfortable in your garden.
  • Location relative to cardinal directions. This is important both for planting trees and for thinking through garden lighting schemes.

Plot 6 acres

For small plots, the geometric style that was so often found in Soviet vegetable gardens is best suited. It allows you to use the available space as efficiently as possible. You can add originality using non-standard moves (for example, vertical gardening).

NOTE! The house should not cast a shadow on light-loving plants.

Garden trees planted in a row on the north side will not only help organize the space, but will also “shelter” the house from cold winds. In the northern part there are technical buildings and a greenhouse.

If you are not hiding something too important, it is better to refuse high fence. In a small area, it will only increase the feeling of cramped space. They will also help to give “space” garden paths with smooth curves (not straight).

Plot 10 acres

The basic rules for designing a site do not depend on the area. The trees and the barn are still in the north. But you have much more room for imagination when designing the southern part. On a plot of 10 acres, you can already equip a gazebo, sow a lawn and even build a bathhouse or sauna (planted with climbing plants).

On a plot of this size it is possible to equip Japanese garden(you will have to tinker with installing a gazebo and creating an artificial stream) or a “wildlife corner”, which will be filled not by gardeners, but forest trees. In this case, it is important to plant not only tall plants, but also undergrowth - herbs and shrubs that do not require a lot of light (daisies, bells and ferns are what you need).

Plot 12 acres

Such an area will fit not only residential buildings, but also small pond with a waterfall. The soil extracted during the construction of a reservoir can easily be converted into the base for an alpine slide or an independent element of landscape design.

Narrower paths can run from the central path to the house, leading to secluded corners of the garden, to a gazebo or stream.

12 acres make it possible to allocate children their own space on the site and equip play area with soft grass, where there are no sharp corners, thorny plants or tall trees.

How to do your own landscaping

To competently arrange a site with your own hands without involving a designer, you will need the following skills:

  • agronomist
  • builder and surveyor
  • and, of course, the artist

You should start by studying the features of the shape and location of your site, plotting all existing buildings on the plan and marking out functional areas. Further, armed with a reference book garden trees and plants or a seed store catalog, select those species that suit you for aesthetic reasons - and which suit your site.

Landscape design of a personal plot or private yard is not just the ability to transform the area around the house, it is the real art of creating beauty and harmony of your “I” with surrounding nature. Only at first glance everything is simple - I planted several fruit-bearing trees on the site, a couple of bushes near the entrance, laid out a flowerbed and covered the rest of the space with a lawn. But what to do if such a scenario does not meet your requirements on the aesthetic side of the issue. If in your dreams you saw a well-groomed summer cottage or a small backyard, where you can relax in a hammock in the fresh air or have lunch with the whole family in a cozy gazebo, or maybe read a book near a small pond?

How to arrange the area near country house or a private household, so that both the owners would be pleased to look at the fruits of their labors, and the guests would have something to surprise? We hope that our selection interesting projects landscape design created for areas of the most different sizes and shapes, territorial location and practical purpose, will help you be inspired for “gardening” exploits on your own site.

Planning the design of the area near the house

After a dusty and noisy city, it’s so nice to plunge into an oasis of greenery and freshness, which is located in your own backyard of a private household, or go to the country on the weekend and plunge into a world of incredible closeness to nature. But in any case, it will be necessary to work hard to create not only a green, blooming space, but also a practical place for relaxation with the whole family and in the company of friends and acquaintances.

Before you start planning landscape design on your territory, you will have to work on paper or in a special planner program:

  • designate exact dimensions and the shape of the site;
  • mark existing buildings (house, garage, etc.) on the plan;
  • mark the buildings that you would like to build (place absolutely everything on the plan - from a doghouse to a gazebo), even if it seems that the building is small and there will always be a place for it, it is better to take everything into account right away, there is always not enough space, no matter how much there is was;
  • divide the entire area into segments - squares, each of which will contain one or another design element (this will make it easier for you to evenly distribute everything landscape elements, especially if the area is large);
  • mark all the perennial plants that are already growing on the site and plan to plant new ones (remember the distance between trees and in relation to buildings and structures);
  • mark the location on the plan engineering systems(irrigation and water supply of ponds, fountains and cascades, lighting), perhaps at this stage you will need specialist advice.

Next, it is necessary to carry out “reconnaissance on the ground” - to find out the characteristics of the soil and flow groundwater(if any), identify areas of stagnant water and carry out drainage if necessary. You also need to decide on the level of hilliness of the site and find out whether you want to level the soil or leave the pristine landscape of a private area.

Choosing a color palette for landscape design

A skillfully selected color palette of landscape design can transform and make even the simplest and low-budget project unique. But for such a harmonious appearance of your summer cottage or garden plot, it is necessary to take into account the color scheme of the elements, which can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

Elements of natural landscape. These are bushes, trees and other plants, hills and stones, ponds and paths that were created by nature itself. Whatever you choose to leave in to add a natural feel to your landscaping will impact the color palette of the area. It is important to take into account that natural shades will change depending on the time of year and the climate of the area where you are located.

Objects of architecture. This is, first of all, the main building of the house and its extensions - garage, veranda, terrace, bathhouse, greenhouse. As well as bridges, gazebos, canopies and other buildings. The facade of the building and the elements of all buildings must be in a harmonious color combination. This does not mean that it is necessary to paint all buildings the same color. Perhaps some building on your site is destined to become an accent spot, stand out from the general background and take on the role of a focal point. But more often than not, it is the house that becomes the focal point around which the entire concept of decorating the surrounding area is built.

Items of social and decorative landscape. This group includes all plantings, ponds, rock gardens and flower beds that were created by the hands of the designer or the owners of the site. In this case, the possibilities for manipulating shades and halftones are endless; with the help of flowering plants, you can create a unique colorful “carpet” of plantings that will change the entire warm season (usually from April to October in our country). After all, you can use entire avenues of evergreens to ensure a consistent dominance of color in your personal plot or backyard areas.

Other site design elements. These include garden paths and platforms, decking and platforms, sculptures, hammocks and swings. All these elements leave their mark on the overall color scheme of the area near your country house or private home. In matters of creating a certain mood in landscape design, it is the color palette that plays a key role. By using color combinations you can disguise the imperfections of the territory, visually enlarge the space or give it a certain shape, without resorting to drastic actions.

Relaxation area with barbecue or fireplace

Most of our compatriots, who have become the happy owners of a summer cottage or who have decided to improve the yard of a private household, decide, first of all, to organize a place for preparing shish kebab and barbecue. For some, it is enough to build a barbecue and place a couple of garden chairs; for others, a major canopy with a dining group near the outdoor stove and a soft area made up of garden chairs and sofas are needed. There are as many opinions as there are owners of private houses. But we are sure that from the proposed options for organizing a place for relaxing cooking on a fire, you will be able to find an inspiring project.

Barbecue equipment can be installed under a canopy on a wooden deck. But for a barbecue or Russian stove you need separate plot, preferably on an area paved with stone or clinker bricks. For the convenience of cooking over a fire, it is better to place a couple of chairs and a small table next to the grill. The choice of materials for garden furniture is now wide – plastic, wood, rattan, metal and their combinations. Furniture made from plastic is the cheapest. But also practical. Wicker products made from natural rattan look very respectable and even festive, but their price is high. Based on your financial capabilities and the planned frequency of using furniture for outdoor gatherings.

Even in a small yard you can compactly but safely place the necessary attributes for cooking over a fire. It would be most logical to place a small dining group here so that you can dine in the fresh air and try the freshly prepared dishes.

If we talk about an open hearth, then, as a rule, it is made in a round shape. The logical design of the rest area next to it is again a circle. The harmonious and compact shape of the recreation area not only fulfills the functionality assigned to it, but is also able to decorate any garden plot or private yard.

Capital building garden kitchen under a canopy and an adjacent outdoor fireplace, requires a lot of effort and financial investment. But the cost of such a project quickly depreciates, given how often everyone wants to cook and eat food outdoors.

Outdoor dining

A wonderful opportunity to dine with the whole family outside or host an outdoor dinner party should not be missed. Moreover, this does not require much effort. Of course, you will need to purchase a dining set for the street (choose light but durable table options; it is better to take folding chairs or armchairs or easily assemble one into one if you place them vertically). It will be easier for you if your dining area is sufficiently mobile, because in the winter or simply in bad weather you will need to put the furniture under a canopy or bring it indoors.

It is better to place a table and chairs for outdoor dining on a platform paved with stone or any other tile. This way you can provide sufficient stability for the furniture and at the same time prevent metal garden furniture, for example, from sinking into the ground.

If you choose a table with a hole for installing an umbrella (there are plenty of such models among garden furniture), you will be able to provide your family with the opportunity to dine outside on hot sunny days.

Also, an umbrella for sun protection can be installed, if necessary, next to the dining street table. But remember about weights to stabilize the structure in windy conditions.

The canopy looks incredibly beautiful, the frame of which is made of wood, and the role of an awning is played by climbing plants. Any food at such a table will taste better in the romantic and pleasant atmosphere created by man together with nature.

Garden paths and lawns

It is the combination of garden paths with a lawn (if there is one on your site) that forms the landscape design pattern. Paths not only provide free movement around your yard or garden plot, but also form certain segments of the landscape.

Some people like the clear geometry in the arrangement of paths, for others it is more pleasant to look and walk along winding stone paths that go around certain landscaping objects of the site. Paths can be paved with different material– paving stones, stone, clinker or regular bricks, fine gravel and decorative pebbles. Paths made of combined materials look beautiful and practical. For example, you have large stone slabs along the path of the garden path, and fill the space around it with fine gravel.

Another way to make original, but at the same time incredibly functional paths is to fill the space around concrete slabs small pebbles. Against the backdrop of a green, perfectly trimmed lawn, such paths look amazing and create an orderly and harmonious environment. local area.

Nowadays, you can easily purchase a ready-made lawn for your site; it will be delivered in rolls and spread on your territory with an individual adjustment to the curves of its shape. But you can do it the old fashioned way and sow a cleared area for a lawn, wait for germination and trim it depending on your preferences. But in this case, it is important to immediately say that no one can achieve the ideal density of seedlings the first time; you have to re-sow the grass in the bald spots and monitor the new growth. In any case, you will need timely watering of the lawn (think over the irrigation system in advance) and regular mowing (you can also rent lawn mowers, but it is more rational and more profitable to purchase a garden unit).

When there are no boundaries between the lawn and the extensive plantings in the flower beds, an incredibly harmonious and natural atmosphere is created in the yard or area. In a festive green robe, your yard will be pleasing to the eye, and give the owners the opportunity to take a break from the concrete and glass structures of the big city.

Artificial ponds as an element of landscape design

To make the environment of your summer cottage or small courtyard more harmonious, use water in any form. Swimming pools, small ponds or simply bowls of continuously flowing water are ideal for creating a calming and relaxing environment.

Not a single oriental landscape design is complete without the use of a natural or artificial reservoir, but Asians know a lot about creating a peaceful and balanced atmosphere.

What could be better than having the opportunity to plunge into the cool waters of a swimming pool located in the local area on a hot summer day? Of course, to organize a pool on your site it will be necessary to involve specialists and even heavy construction equipment. But all the costs (time, effort, energy and financial resources) will be paid off by the incredible opportunity of owning your own mini-reservoir on your personal plot or in the courtyard of a private house.

A place to relax on a plot with a soft zone

Having the opportunity to relax in the lap of nature, I would like to do it with maximum comfort - in the shade of trees or an awning, on soft sofas or armchairs. You can set up such a platform either on a wooden deck or platform, or on a platform paved with stone or concrete.

If we talk about upholstered furniture for street use, then it is more practical to use rattan or any other wicker furniture with removable soft seats and backs. Typically, the upholstery textiles of such pillows can be easily cleaned with a damp sponge, or the covers are removable and washable in a washing machine.

How to Landscape a Small Lot or Small Backyard

If you are very limited in the area of ​​​​the plot, then you will need, first of all, to set priorities and decide what is most important to you - to be able to relax in the shade of trees, have dinner with the whole family in the open air, or set up an area for preparing shish kebab and barbecue. Or maybe you need a place for a playground or a place to walk your pet?

No matter how you distribute the segments of outdoor recreation that are important to you, you cannot do without fencing your territory. To brighten up appearance boring fence, plant climbing plants or low trees near it that will create a natural atmosphere. In such an environment, it will be possible, at least for a while, to forget about the noisy city outside your backyard.

But what if your backyard is just a piece of land that you've converted to a wood deck? Or you don’t even have a backyard, but you have some free space on the roof. There is a way out of any situation. The next few images of design projects for arranging such mini-segments for outdoor recreation are proof of this.

1069 Dix https://www..pngDix 2015-05-13 19:56:23 2018-11-30 11:20:51 A kaleidoscope of ideas for landscape design of a site

How to beautifully, practically and on your own to arrange the territory near a country house? How to create a difficult oasis of greenery and freshness away from a noisy and dusty city, but also a functional place for family relaxation and receiving guests, friends and acquaintances? How to reflect your vision of beauty, comfort and harmony with nature in your own summer cottage with minimal costs, but with maximum effect? We hope that our impressive selection of 100 will help you answer these questions. different ideas on the arrangement of territories of various sizes and shapes, climatic and landscape features. In the photos of landscape projects you will find relevant, practical and aesthetic solutions for every taste, level of gardening skill and wallet size.

Mandatory preparatory work

Only people who are far from gardening may think that it is not difficult to organize a cozy green corner in the country that meets all the family’s requirements for relaxation, work and entertainment in nature. What is enough to plant? fruit trees, create a flower bed, arrange beds for growing vegetables and herbs, install a gazebo. But everyone’s requirements for comfort and outdoor recreation are different - some need a children’s playground in the shade of green spaces, others need a spacious outdoor dining area for family dinners and entertaining guests, almost everyone wants to have a barbecue area, while others simply You need a hammock to relax in the coolness among the trees and bushes. It is in accordance with your requirements and capabilities of the dacha area that you need to draw up a detailed arrangement plan.

So, on a regular sheet of paper or in a special design program (find on the Internet free version will not be difficult) it will be necessary to note:

  • designate the exact size and shape of the territory, determine the scale (the more accurate the calculations are, the fewer modifications will be made on the ground);
  • it is necessary to mark on the plan already built buildings - a house, a garage, a permanent gazebo, a bathhouse, etc.;
  • also mark the planned construction - mark even small buildings (from a chicken coop to a dog kennel), it always seems that there is a place for a small building (especially on a large site), but in fact you often have to reschedule or change your plans, having already started work;
  • experts recommend dividing the entire site into zones - squares, each of which will have its own main element(for example, in an outdoor recreation area, the key subject of landscape design may be a gazebo with a dining group or a spacious swing);
  • mark all perennial plants that are already on the territory and mark the planting of new ones, taking into account the distance between plantings and the distance in relation to buildings;
  • Next comes the difficult point of marking all engineering systems - from water supply to lighting (it is necessary to mark both existing communications and the planned laying of pipes or wires).

But the initial stage of preparation is not limited to a drawing on paper. It is necessary to carry out what is called “reconnaissance on the ground”:

  • find out the characteristics of the soil;
  • presence (possible) of groundwater;
  • if there are places where water stagnates, then drain;
  • it is also necessary to determine the level of hilliness of the territory (experts recommend not leveling the site, but using the landscape features of a particular area to create the most natural image of the site, but in some cases it is simply necessary to get rid of uneven soil).

Choosing a style of execution, an image of a summer cottage

Creating a not-so-practical space in which you can grow fruits, vegetables and herbs, and creating a truly harmonious image of a summer cottage with all the elements necessary for work and leisure is not an easy task. Obviously, you will have to work hard to obtain a balanced picture of landscape design. Choice of stylistic direction and color range The design of your summer cottage will be largely determined by the elements that fill it. Conventionally, all “participants” in the development of a dacha area can be divided into the following groups.

1. Elements of natural (natural) landscape. Everything that was created by nature - trees, shrubs and other plants, mounds, holes, stones, natural reservoirs, will influence the creation of the image of a certain color palette, if you leave them on your site. Of course, the color scheme of the site will change along with the changing seasons and features climatic conditions each specific area.

2.Architectural structures. Such elements of landscape design include, first of all, the main building (small country house or a spacious estate, depending on the scale of the dacha itself). Architectural objects also include various extensions to the house and independent buildings - a veranda, a bathhouse, a sauna, a garage, a shed, a permanent greenhouse, a gazebo, a canopy and even bridges. It is obvious that all architectural objects will follow the same stylistic direction and will have similarities in color schemes and the choice of façade design. But at the same time, you can choose one element that will become an accent in the overall ensemble. Most often, the main building becomes the key structure, but there are exceptions.

3.Elements of social and decorative landscape. This type of landscape design items includes everything that was created by human hands - plantings, ponds, sculptures, flower beds and beds, rock gardens and other types of slides. In this group of elements you can use an infinite number of options color solutions– creating flower beds and alleys from certain plants allows you to “paint” the area in different colors, considering that in most areas of our country the warm season (plant growth and flowering) lasts from April to October. In addition, there are many varieties of evergreen plants that can be grown throughout almost the entire territory of our country to create a permanent green and fresh background for a comfortable image of a summer cottage.

4. Other elements of landscape design. We will classify everything that does not “fit” into other groups as this type – decking and platforms, garden paths and playgrounds, entertainment items for the playground, various decorative elements.

It is the choice of color scheme for the image of a summer cottage that can help create a complex aesthetic picture, but also disguise shortcomings and highlight advantages, visually change the shape of the territory, and enlarge it. The advantage of correctly chosen color schemes is that they help coordinate the appearance of the dacha area without resorting to drastic changes.

Garden paths - practical and aesthetic design

Garden paths in a summer cottage are not only convenient and safe way movement between objects and segments of landscape design, but also a way of zoning space and decorating it. Therefore, paths and paths in the local area can be not only reliable and practical, but also original, beautiful, executed in the general design of the entire site.

Garden paths can be made from the following materials:

  • stone (“plastushka”, river stone or pebbles, paving stones);
  • wood (painted or coated with special varnishes and antiseptics);
  • concrete in various modifications;
  • brick (clinker or regular);
  • waste material ( plastic lids, bottles or parts thereof, corks and any other material that can be used to create a safe and sufficiently durable surface for country trails).

Also, according to the method of execution, all tracks can be divided into solid and non-solid - the name speaks for itself and leaves no discrepancies in determining the appearance of the two options. In addition, garden paths can be divided into temporary and permanent. Mostly, permanent paths are used in summer cottages, but it happens that the owners use the site for a short period of time and it turns out to be more expedient to lay temporary paths.

Flower beds and beds - a variety of options

Flower beds and flower beds are one of the most popular ways to decorate any area. No matter the size of your summer cottage. There is always room on it, albeit small, but beautiful flower bed. Well, it’s simply impossible to imagine a Russian dacha without beds with vegetables, root crops and herbs. And if according to functional purpose Flowerbeds and beds are somewhat different, but in terms of the method of execution they largely overlap.

Flowerbeds can be divided into the following types:

  • regular;
  • irregular;
  • carpet;
  • raised;
  • traditional monoflowers;
  • vertical;
  • flower beds created not on the ground, but in special devices.

Of course, flower beds can differ both in size and shape, as well as in the type of plants planted. There are a lot of options for execution. The choice of the appearance and content of the flower bed will depend on the size of the area allocated for the flower garden, the type of soil, the climatic conditions of a particular region, your ideas about beauty and aesthetics, and the ability to devote to plants certain time and effort.

In performance country beds There are also a lot of possibilities and not only in the sizes and shapes of the dug trenches. Beds for growing various crops can be:

  • traditional;
  • "warm";
  • with drainage;
  • box beds;
  • beds with high sides.

In order to create a bed-box or with high sides, you can use the following materials:

  • old boards;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • plastic;
  • flat or wavy slate;
  • any waste material capable of maintaining its shape in high humidity conditions for at least one season.

Areas for rest and dining of various modifications

There is no owner of a summer cottage who would not want to equip a place for recreation on his territory, in addition to beds and greenhouses. Well, since for many Russians outdoor recreation is often associated with cooking various dishes over an open fire, a barbecue area will not be superfluous. Most often, the food preparation area is set up as a patio - the area is laid out with stones or tiles (less commonly, a platform is made of wood). This sector can be covered with a permanent or temporary canopy to protect from sun and rain.

Relaxation areas with garden furniture, swings or hammocks can be placed on the terrace or open veranda, attached to the house or a separate canopy, in a gazebo or under a tent. It all depends on the general design concept of the site, its size and the needs of the owners.

To create a cozy segment for relaxation or aesthetic and practical dining area outdoors, you can use garden furniture made from the following materials:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • rattan (artificial or natural);
  • willow twigs;
  • bamboo;
  • stone or concrete slabs;
  • glass (triplex glass);
  • polystyrene;
  • basalt fiber;
  • waste material.

Pools, ponds, fountains and more

Experts in creating landscape designs argue that to create a truly harmonious environment at a summer cottage, it is not enough to correctly position buildings, plant green plants, lay paths and distribute beds and flower beds. In addition to earth (stones) and greenery, water is necessary. Whether it will be an artificial waterfall, a small pond, a fountain of any modification or a swimming pool depends on the desires of the owners, the size and features of the territory and the budget for the project.

Pools can differ not only in size and shape. There are overflow pools, artificial reservoirs with several levels of depth, stationary and portable (temporary and permanent). The pool can be equipped with a “waterfall” or fountains, or have branches. Also, pools differ in the way they filter water. Of course, all these criteria leave an imprint on the methods of arranging an artificial reservoir, its appearance, the cost of creation and operation.

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