Encyclopedia of fire safety

Thematic calculation of hours of combat coordination of reconnaissance companies. Lepeshinsky I.Yu. Fundamentals of military pedagogy and psychology: lecture notes - file n1.doc

  • Seliverstov V.I. (ed) Clinical foundations of preschool correctional pedagogy and special psychology (Document)
  • Efremov E.G. History of Psychology (Document)
  • Family Dictionary. From the course Family as a subject (Handbook)
  • n1.doc

    1 .3. Organization and planning procedure
    combat training of subunits (parts)

    Combat training is one of the main types of training of the Armed Forces Russian Federation, which is a purposeful, organized process of military training and education of personnel, coordination (combat coordination) of subunits, military units, formations and their command and control bodies (headquarters) to perform combat and other tasks in accordance with their purpose. Combat training, as a type of training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, is the main content daily activities commanders (commanders), command and control bodies (headquarters) and troops (forces). It is carried out both in peacetime and in wartime and is due to the state's needs for well-trained military personnel, subunits, units and formations capable of successfully fulfilling the tasks assigned to them.

    The purpose of combat training is to achieve, maintain and improve the required level of military professional training of personnel, their physical endurance, coherence of crews, crews, subunits, units, formations and their command and control bodies (headquarters) to perform combat and other tasks in accordance with their purpose. .

    The direction of combat training is determined on the basis of the fundamental provisions of the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Fundamentals (Concept) of the state policy of the Russian Federation for the development and training of the Armed Forces, taking into account the trends in the development of military art. It is built on a strictly scientific basis using the experience of wars, armed conflicts and exercises, the prospects for the development of organizational forms and technical equipment of troops (forces), as well as the experience of training armies of foreign states.

    The main tasks of combat training are:

    • maintaining a high constant combat readiness of subunits, units and formations for the performance of combat missions (tasks for their intended purpose);

    • instilling in officers, warrant officers (warrant officers), sergeants (foremen) solid professional knowledge and skills, developing their commanding qualities, pedagogical skills in training and educating subordinates, as well as skills in managing crews, crews, subunits, units, formations and fire in the performance of tasks and their further improvement;

    • training of military personnel as part of crews, crews, units for self-fulfillment their official and special duties in the course of performing combat (special) tasks and the skillful use of standard weapons and military equipment according to combat mission;

    • coordinating crews, crews, units, units and formations, improving field, air and sea skills;

    • mastering new models of weapons and military equipment, instilling in personnel knowledge and skills in carrying out maintenance and maintaining readiness for combat use, fulfillment of safety requirements;

    • preparation of troops (forces) for participation in armed conflicts and actions as part of united (multi-agency) groupings to maintain (restor) peace and security;

    • verification in the course of training of the existing statutory provisions on the organization and conduct of combat (tactical actions), the development of new methods for the combat use of troops (forces);

    • coordinating the command and control bodies (headquarters) of subunits, units and formations, teaching them the ability to control troops (forces) in various conditions of the situation and to carry out measures that ensure the survivability of command and control bodies (headquarters);

    • training military personnel in strict and precise compliance with the requirements of laws and general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    • education among the personnel of high morale and combat qualities, a sense of responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland, vigilance, discipline, diligence, and military camaraderie;

    • the development in personnel of high psychological stability, courage and determination, physical endurance and dexterity, ingenuity, the ability to overcome the difficulties of combined arms combat, the ability to endure physical and psychological stress in difficult conditions environment;

    • training military personnel to comply with the norms of international humanitarian law and the rules of conduct in the conduct of war (during armed conflicts);

    • ensuring the preparation of reserves;

    • development of means and methods for improving the methodological systems of training and education, individual methods, taking into account the specifics of the troops (forces), the characteristics of the training of military specialists in various fields;

    • further development and specification of the requirements of the principles of training and education in accordance with the ongoing changes in the life of society and its Armed Forces, taking into account the improvement of weapons and military equipment, methods of combat operations, and the need for constant increase in combat readiness.
    The main requirements for combat training are:

    • achieving the required result (level) of training - a clear definition by the commanders (commanders, chiefs) of the goals and objectives of combat training and ensuring the required results of training of military personnel, troops (forces) and command and control bodies (headquarters) at all stages of their training;

    • consistency in the training of all categories of trainees - coordination of the training of military personnel, troops (forces) and command and control bodies (headquarters) in terms of goals, tasks, content of training, place and time of events, ensuring joint training of military branches and special troops;

    • rational use of the educational material and technical base of combat training and the cost-effectiveness of conducting combat training activities - the operation of training facilities for combat training with a maximum load, their uniform loading during the academic year (training period), their timely maintenance and improvement, a comprehensive economic justification for the feasibility and necessity of conducting combat training activities at the facilities of the educational material and technical base;

    • the introduction of advanced, scientifically based training methods into the process of combat training - the active and purposeful use of new effective forms, methods and means of training, the constant improvement of combat training methods.
    When organizing and conducting combat training events, the following principles must be strictly observed:

    • conformity of the orientation of training with the state ideology, the provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation;

    • ensuring the constant combat readiness of subunits, units and formations to perform combat missions for their intended purpose, regardless of the duration of their training;

    • to teach troops (forces) what is needed in the war;

    • each commander trains his subordinates;

    • visibility and maximum approximation of training to the situation of a real battle;

    • systematic and consistent training (training "from simple to complex");

    • scientific nature of education;

    • collective and individual approach to learning;

    • Consciousness, activity and independence of trainees;

    • unity of training and military education.
    The principle "from simple to complex" is one of the basic principles of combat training. Its implementation in the practice of the troops should be carried out in three directions: structural, organizational and methodological.

    The structural direction involves the construction of combat training "from the soldier", i.e., the first stage of training should be his individual training. After that, the coordination of departments (crews, crews), platoons, companies (batteries, battalions, divisions), regiments, brigades and divisions is carried out sequentially. Coordination of a larger subunit should be started only after the complete coordination of the subdivisions included in it.

    The organizational direction presupposes a clear separation of the functions of officials and control bodies of various levels in organizing and directing combat training.

    Squad (crew, crew) commanders, platoon and company commanders are direct supervisors of combat training.

    Battalion (division) commanders are the organizers of combat training.

    The divisional (regimental) level of command is also entrusted with methodological guidance and comprehensive support for combat training. In addition, the divisional link is the main controlling link. At the same time, the company is the center of combat training.

    The methodical direction of combat training means the consistent formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the trainees.

    At the same time, knowledge is transferred (reported) in the form of lectures, conversations, stories, film and video films, demonstrations of the practical actions of the troops.

    Skills are formed in the course of simulators, training, shooting, driving exercises.

    Skills are formed mainly in those forms of education where the main method is practical work. This applies primarily to tactical and tactical special exercises.

    Thus, the story, demonstration, training, exercise, practical work are the methodological paradigm for the implementation of the principle "from simple to complex".

    A high level of combat training is achieved:

    • knowledge by commanders (chiefs) of the real state of training of troops (forces), timely and specific setting of tasks, high-quality and purposeful planning of combat training activities, continuous, flexible and operational management of combat training, personal participation of commanders (commanders, chiefs) in planning combat training activities and training of subordinates;

    • strict adherence to the daily routine, plans and schedules of classes, the exclusion of disruptions and transfers of classes, separation of personnel from combat training;

    • timely preparation and comprehensive provision of classes, the right choice forms and methods of teaching, using the recommendations of military pedagogy and psychology;

    • the applied nature and practical orientation of military personnel training;

    • effective use of the educational material and technical base, its development, improvement and maintenance in good condition;

    • skillful organization and carrying out methodical work in military units, on ships and formations, the constant search for new forms and methods of training military personnel, the improvement of the methodological skills of class leaders, the generalization and dissemination of advanced experience in training military personnel;

    • purposeful and continuous educational work and skillful organization of competition during classes;

    • constant control over the course of training of troops (forces) and effective work military command and control bodies (headquarters) to provide assistance to subordinates;

    • analysis of the results achieved and summing up with each category of trainees;

    • comprehensive material and technical support for combat training, the full bringing of the established norms of allowances to servicemen.
    Combat training includes:

    • single (individual) training of servicemen;

    • training (coordination) of subunits (military formations), units and formations;

    • preparation (coordination) of control bodies (headquarters).
    In formations and military units of the Strategic Missile Forces, military air defense on combat duty, combat training, in addition, includes training of personnel for independent work on equipment, combat duty (duty) as part of shifts and crews.

    Single training - training of sergeants (foremen), soldiers (sailors, students) after their arrival in the unit (training unit).

    The purpose of individual training is to give military personnel knowledge, instill skills and abilities (to master military registration specialties) necessary to perform duties in combat, when handling weapons, military equipment and performing daily service.

    Single training of sergeants (foremen) and soldiers (sailors, students), including those undergoing military service under the contract and female military personnel, includes:

    • initial (combined-arms) training of military personnel, including those who entered military service under a contract for the positions of sergeants (foremen) and soldiers (sailors);

    • the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities for the position held (military registration specialty);

    • the study of the basics of training and education of personnel, the development of commanding qualities among sergeants (foremen);

    • admission of sergeants (foremen) and soldiers (sailors) to independent work on equipment, combat duty (duty) as part of crew shifts;

    • preparation and delivery of tests for the assignment (confirmation) of class qualifications, the development of an adjacent specialty;

    • preparation for actions as part of duty shifts, crews, teams, units (military formations).
    Individual training - maintenance and improvement in the course of coordinating crews, crews, units (military formations) of knowledge, skills, professional skills and qualities of officers, warrant officers (midshipmen), sergeants (foremen) and soldiers (sailors) necessary for them to perform official and special duties in line with the position.

    The purpose of individual training of military personnel is the complete and high-quality development of training programs, official and special duties for their positions, and the achievement of the highest qualification.

    Individual training is carried out:

    • officers, warrant officers (warrant officers), sergeants (foremen) - in the system of command training, in the course of planned classes and training in armament (weapons), on military and special equipment, simulators and other objects of the educational material and technical base;

    • soldiers (sailors) - in the course of planned classes and training in subjects of study in the scope of general military training and training in military specialty.
    Training of crews, crews, subunits (military formations), military units and formations is carried out in order to ensure their constant readiness for combat operations in any situation, according to their combat mission.

    The training of crews, crews, subunits (military formations), military units and formations is carried out in the course of their successive coordination (combat coordination) in conditions as close as possible to combat.

    Coordination is the training of military personnel in coordinated actions as part of duty shifts, crews, crews, teams, units (military formations) with subsequent training as part of a military unit and formation to perform combat (special) tasks for their intended purpose.

    The training of command and control bodies (headquarters) is carried out in order to ensure their readiness for planning combat operations, training troops (forces) and managing them in any situation, as well as resolving issues of interaction and comprehensive support.

    Training of command and control bodies (headquarters) includes:

    • individual training of officers and ensigns (midshipmen) of the control body (headquarters);

    • training of support units of the command and control body (headquarters);

    • coordinating the combat control groups and the command and control body (headquarters) as a whole.
    The combat training system is a set of interrelated elements that form a certain integrity and unity, functioning in the interests of training and military education of military personnel, coordinating command and control bodies and troops (forces) for conducting combat operations or performing other tasks in accordance with their purpose.

    The elements of the combat training system are:

    • the central bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which determine the goals, tasks, structure and main content of combat training;

    • military command and control bodies (types, arms, military districts, formations, formations) directly managing combat training, carrying out its activities and its comprehensive support;

    • crews, crews, subdivisions, units, formations and their command and control bodies (headquarters) with which training is conducted;

    • organization of training;

    • subjects of training, i.e., a set of tasks, techniques, standards, the implementation of which is trained by military personnel, subunits, units, formations and their command and control bodies;

    • forms and methods of training military personnel, coordination of subunits, units, formations and their command and control bodies;

    • educational material and technical base of combat training;

    • material, rear, financial, technical support combat training activities.
    All elements of the combat training system are interconnected and organically interact with other training and support systems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The most important condition for the effectiveness of the functioning of the combat training system is the skillful and competent application of the forms and methods of training various categories of military personnel, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of military collectives.

    The organization of combat training is a purposeful activity of commanders (commanders, chiefs) and command and control bodies (headquarters), aimed at building the process of training subordinate troops (forces) and their command bodies, as well as preparing combat training measures.

    Combat training in the RF Armed Forces is organized on the basis of the following requirements:

    • laws of the Russian Federation;

    • Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation concerning issues of military development and the functioning of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    • resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation defining (clarifying) certain issues of the activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    • orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation concerning the issues of training the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the fulfillment of tasks by them as intended;

    • general military charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    • combat regulations and instructions;

    • other official documents (organizational and methodological guidelines for the training of troops (forces) in the academic year, regulations, manuals, instructions, programs and training courses for various categories of military personnel, units), which define the tasks of combat training and requirements for it, organization and content combat training, as well as issues of its comprehensive support;

    • orders for combat training of commanders-in-chief of types (branches) of troops, commanders of troops of military districts (fleets), commanders (commanders) of formations (formations, units);

    • orders and instructions for conducting inspections, final checks and control classes;

    • collections of standards for combat training.
    The head of combat training is the commander (commander). Combat training is directed by commanders (chiefs) of all levels personally, through subordinate headquarters (services) and combat training bodies.

    Combat training bodies are:

    • in the Ministry of Defense - the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    • in the types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, branches of service, main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense - departments (departments, groups);

    • in military districts (navies, air force and air defense districts) - directorates;

    • in armies (flotillas), corps (squadrons, naval bases) - departments;

    • in compounds - branches.
    The organization of combat training includes:

    • making a decision on the organization of combat training;

    • combat training planning;

    • coordination of the developed documents and their submission for approval;

    • setting tasks and bringing the necessary planning documents (or extracts from them) to subordinates;

    • control over the organization and course of combat training, evaluation of its results, promotion of best practices in troop training;

    • leadership organization.
    Combat training in a unit (subunit) is carried out within certain periods of training: the academic year, the period of training (winter and summer), the stages of combat coordination, the timing of entering the training ground, the duration of the training day. Combat training is carried out in a certain sequence: improving the initial military training of young people arriving in the army, training young soldiers, training a squad (crew), platoon, company, battalion. In the course of this entire process, individual training of servicemen undergoing military service under the contract and combat coordination of units are carried out.

    The improvement of the initial military training of a young soldier is carried out from the day of his arrival in the unit and until the beginning of the training period. At this time, an in-depth medical examination is carried out, vaccinations are made; issuance of uniforms, shoes and their adjustment; the daily routine of the unit, the general duties of military personnel, the military oath and a number of laws are studied; classes are organized on drill and physical training, charters, public-state training and other issues. The program provides for the improvement of initial military training
    12 training days (72 hours). The duration of the school day is 6 hours.

    The training of young soldiers entering directly into units is carried out with the beginning of the school year or training period (from December 1 and June 1), and, if necessary, as replenishment and recruitment of platoons arrive.

    Training of young soldiers is carried out as part of consolidated units on a unit scale for 23 training days. During this period, all military personnel are engaged in the program of a motorized rifle soldier and complete their training by performing the initial exercise from a machine gun and, then, take the military oath.

    As a result of training, young soldiers, by the time they leave for the unit, according to their official assignment, should be able to: act tactically competently in combined arms combat, hit stationary and emerging targets from a machine gun from a place, use protective equipment and protective properties terrain and structures, perform the duties of a company orderly, as well as drill techniques without weapons and with weapons on the move and in place.

    The unit commander is allowed to specify the duration and content of the training of young soldiers, based on the timing of their arrival.

    The training of personnel and coordination of subunits is organized in accordance with the combat training program.

    Combat training program developed on academic year duration of 10 months with two periods of study - winter and summer -
    5 months each and with two preparatory periods (May and November).
    On combat training stands out:

    • for full-strength units with a staffing of 50% or more of the peacetime staff - 16 training days per month;

    • for reduced and full strength units with staffing less than 50% of the peacetime staff -
      8 training days per month.
    The remaining days of the month are used for service in daily duty, maintenance of weapons and equipment, park and economic (park) days, work to restore the educational and material base, as well as weekends and holidays.

    The duration of the school day is 6 hours, the school hour is 50 minutes. When conducting battalion field trips, trips to training grounds and other activities related to going out into the field (exercises, shooting, driving), the duration of the training day is not regulated.

    Training of personnel and coordination of units from the squad (crew) to the battalion is carried out during:

    - 10 months - for units staffed only by military personnel under the contract, or mixed recruitment (under the contract and conscription), provided that the unit is staffed by military personnel under the contract by 50% or more, while 1.5 months are allotted for coordinating the squad (crew), platoon - 2 months, companies - 3.5 months, battalions - 2 months;

    - 5 months - for units staffed only with conscripts, or mixed recruitment, provided that the unit is staffed with conscripts by more than 50%, while 1 month is allotted for coordinating the squad (crew), 1 month for the platoon, 1 company, 5 months, battalion - 1 month.

    In reduced strength units, as well as in full strength units with a staffing of less than 50% of the peacetime staff, improvement of individual training and coordination of the squad (crew) and platoon are carried out every 5 months.

    At the beginning of each training period, joint actions of all personnel in full-time combat alert units are practiced. In the future, training in such actions is carried out throughout the academic year according to the plan of the unit commander.

    During the preparation of units, their coordination is carried out, the basis of which is field training - tactical and fire training, driving combat vehicles.

    Combat training of units of units of full and reduced strength is organized and carried out in the form of a battalion going to training grounds (classes at a field training base) to work out field training issues, actions in armament and equipment with mandatory development of the prescribed standards and exercises at the base as part of companies.

    Exits to the range are planned monthly, sequentially for each battalion. A tank battalion of a motorized rifle regiment (a motorized rifle battalion of a tank regiment) leaves simultaneously with one of the motorized rifle (tank) battalions. If the unit is stationed near the training ground, then the battalion is engaged in a field training base according to the plan for entering the training ground, being located at the point of permanent deployment. When entering the training ground, the personnel of the battalion are exempted from carrying out guard, internal services and performing chores in the unit.

    There are options for going to the landfill lasting 3-4 days. In all cases, the number of exits for subunits, their duration is determined by the unit commander, based on the conditions and capabilities of the training ground for organizing combat training.

    All classes are organized on a company (battalion) scale, officers of the battalion administration, regiment headquarters, heads of military branches and services are involved in their conduct.

    When training personnel, the prescribed standards are necessarily worked out, the quality of which determines the level of training of personnel and units. The number and numbers of standards being worked out are determined by the company commander when drawing up the schedule of classes for the week. During the academic year, all the standards established by the training program must be worked out.

    In order to train personnel for operations at night, at least 30% of all field exercises should be conducted at night.

    In addition, in units of the full strength, in order to coordinate subunits before the first battalion or regimental (brigade) tactical exercises, a battalion field trip lasting 5–6 days is planned, during which tactical drill (tactical) exercises, shooting, driving and targeted training are carried out units, taking into account the content of the topic of the upcoming tactical exercise. The battalion subunits enter the field exit in full force on regular military equipment with the involvement of attached and supporting units.

    Training and coordination of subunits are carried out based on the ultimate goal of performing a combat mission as part of a subunit. For high-quality training of military personnel in actions in modern combat, classes and exercises should be carried out without concessions and simplifications.

    All personnel of the unit must be present at training sessions and exercises. With soldiers and sergeants released from field training due to illness, classes are organized in the classroom by the decision of the company commander.

    In order to consolidate and maintain at the proper level, as well as to restore the lost and improve the accumulated knowledge, skills and abilities in the specialty, bringing them to automatism, individual training sessions are held with contract servicemen.

    Individual training is carried out through targeted classes and training. 1-2 training days per month are allotted for it, which are not related to activities that require actions as part of the unit, battalion field exits, putting equipment into storage and other activities. If necessary, by the decision of the regiment commander, individual training can be carried out outside training hours.

    In total, 120 hours are allotted for individual training, of which 84 hours according to the program and 36 hours according to the plan of the subunit (unit) commander.

    For individual training classes, study groups are created in the specialty (subjects of study) and leaders of the classes are appointed, an educational and material base (including training equipment), military equipment and ammunition are allocated within the limits of the issued norms. Classes should be practical in nature and carried out mainly by the method of training, group exercises and practical work.

    Control over the course of combat training includes checking the fulfillment of the plan and program, the coverage of personnel by training, checking the organization and methods of conducting classes and exercises, the level of training of personnel and the coordination of units, as well as the training of training leaders.

    In order to increase the responsibility of officers for the quality of training of trainees, as well as to check the degree of fulfillment of combat training tasks, control exercises are periodically held. They can be carried out both on the entire content of the worked out topic or lesson, and on individual issues. Control classes, as a rule, are combined with planned classes of units. In addition, they are held at the end of the coordination periods. Control exercises are carried out: with a platoon - the company commander, with the company - the battalion commander. Shortcomings revealed in the course of control in individual servicemen must be eliminated in the course of independent training.

    The transfer of equipment and weapons in the troops to the seasonal operation mode is carried out in May-June and October, for which up to 10 working (training) days are allocated during the training period. Depending on the climatic conditions and the tasks to be performed, priority work on the transfer to the summer mode of operation may also be carried out in April during park and park maintenance days.

    Combat training planning consists in the collective work of commanders (chiefs) and headquarters to determine and coordinate combat training activities at the place and time and its comprehensive support, with a graphical display of the most optimal system consistent training of personnel, coordination of troops, command and control bodies, to conduct combat operations in various conditions of the situation, study of standard weapons, military and special equipment, and methods of using them in battle.

    The basis for planning combat training is the decision to organize combat training. Planning should be real, simple, visual and provide: an integrated approach to solving combat training tasks; maximum use of educational and training facilities and high intensification of classes; using the experience of wars and armed conflicts, the achievements of domestic science and technology, best practices in organizing and conducting classes and exercises.

    Planning documents should be convenient for everyday use as a working document. When developing plans, all activities are mutually linked and coordinated with each other, their uniform implementation is envisaged throughout the entire academic year. The number of planned events and exercises, as well as their sequence, should be based on the level of training of the troops and the actual availability of time.

    In a formation (military unit), planning begins upon receipt of the combat training guidance documents within the time limits established by the commander (commander, chief), and must be completed no later than
    November 10 (15), respectively.

    Plans for the preparation of formations, military units, divisions and military commissariats are approved:

    • connections - until November 10;

    • military units, military commissariats of districts (cities without district division) and their equals - until November 15;

    • battalions and their equals - until November 20;

    • Class schedules in companies (batteries) are approved and communicated to personnel by November 25.
    In a division (brigade, regiment) and their peers, on the basis of the order of the commander (commander) "On the results of the training of troops (forces) in the year 0000 and tasks for the year 0000" and the training plan for the military command and control bodies and troops (forces) of the association for the academic year ( division training plan) are being developed:

    • preparation plan;

    • order "On the organization of combat training, internal and guard services for the year 0000 (training period)";

    • plan-calendar of the main events for the month;

    • a consolidated schedule of classes for a month (for a week);

    • class schedule for command training with training groups of officers, ensigns (midshipmen).
    The plan for preparing a unit (military unit) should include the following sections:

    I. Combat and mobilization readiness:

    II. Mobilization and combat training

    1. Mobilization preparation:

    • according to the plan of the senior chief;

    • according to the plan of the commander of the formation (military unit).
    2. Combat training:

    • according to the plan of the senior chief;

    • according to the plan of the unit commander (military unit):

    • personnel training;

    • preparation of governing bodies;

    • preparation of units (subdivisions).
    III. Events Everyday life and activities.

    1. Ensuring combat duty.

    2. Measures to guide the preparation.

    3. Activities to ensure training.

    4. Work in military units and divisions.

    5. Work with personnel.

    6. Restoration and repair of weapons and military equipment.

    7. Capital construction, repair and redeployment of military units and divisions.

    8. Other activities.

    IV. Procedure and terms of reporting.

    Applications are being developed for the plan:

    • a list of topics, their content, the distribution of reinforcements and the consumption of motor resources for tactical (tactical-special), command and staff exercises and training;

    • schedule for the allocation of training facilities for training activities;

    • the list and terms of holding competitions, competitions, contests;

    • calculation of the allocation of motor resources and ammunition for training;

    • plan of inspections of military units, departments and connection services.
    Applications are being developed for the preparation plan of the regiment (separate part):

    • the composition of training groups and the calculation of hours for command training of officers and ensigns;

    • calculation of hours for independent training of officers and ensigns;

    • a list of topics, their content, the distribution of reinforcements and the consumption of motor resources for tactical (tactical-special) exercises and training;

    • a list of gatherings of specialists and the timing of their holding;

    • the list and terms of holding competitions, reviews-competitions;

    • the list and timing of sporting events;

    • calculation of the allocation of motor resources for training;

    • calculation of the allocation of ammunition for training;

    • calculation of the provision of measures for the preparation of fuel and lubricants.
    The direct organizer of combat training in the company is the company commander, who, in accordance with the charter internal service must:

    • organize combat training in the company, draw up a weekly schedule of classes, conduct classes with officers, ensigns and sergeants, as well as with company personnel;

    • test the knowledge and practical skills of soldiers, sergeants and officers;

    • weekly summarize the state of combat training;

    • check the preparation of weapons and military equipment of the company before each exit to exercises or classes, as well as their availability upon returning from exercises or classes;

    • take measures to prevent disasters, accidents and breakdowns of weapons and military equipment, ensure that personnel comply with safety requirements during training, firing, exercises and work.
    In each part, a time is set at which platoon and company teams check the readiness of commanders subordinate to them for classes, conduct briefings with sergeants, give instructions on the methodology and procedure for conducting upcoming classes, the use of training equipment and teaching aids, recommendations for the organization of the competition, establish safety requirements and approve plans for conducting classes.

    Then these commanders report to senior commanders on the readiness of leaders and subunits for classes on the next day.

    The platoon commander personally trains and educates subordinates. He is obliged:

    • conduct combat training sessions with platoon personnel and monitor the correct training of soldiers by squad leaders;

    • check the preparation of weapons and military equipment for the exit to each exercise or lesson, as well as their availability and condition upon returning from the exercise or lesson;

    • ensure compliance with safety requirements in the classroom, shooting, exercises and when working with weapons and military equipment;

    • keep records of the combat training of the platoon.
    He is given the right to set the duration of working out educational issues during classes.

    The basis for planning in the battalion and company is the decision of the unit commander to organize combat training. To accomplish this, the following principles must be observed: the organic unity of training and education of personnel, methodological consistency in training; ensuring constant combat and mobilization readiness, field training and subordination of all subjects of training to tactical (tactical-special) training; maximum approximation of combat training to the real situation; consistency in the training of personnel in terms of tasks, subjects, terms of training with the activities that determine the daily activities of units; reality and efficiency of planning; skillful and effective use study time and educational material and technical base. Compliance with these principles makes it possible to develop well-thought-out plans that contribute to the qualitative solution of combat training issues.

    When planning combat training, the following are developed:

    • in the battalion - a combat training plan for the period of training with a thematic calculation of hours;

    • in the company - the schedule of classes for the week.
    The battalion combat training plan for the period of training consists, as a rule, of sections: training of officers, ensigns and sergeants; training units; measures to guide the training, education and strengthening of military discipline. In addition, the battalions develop a general calculation of hours of training time for a month and a weekly calculation of hours for subjects of study, determine the topics of classes, the number of hours for each of them, practiced shooting exercises, driving and standards for combat training for all specialties. The specific content of each section of the combat training plan depends on the conditions under which combat training will be organized and conducted.

    In addition to the plan for the period of training, the battalion develops a plan-calendar of the main events for the month, in which additional events are determined. The content of the plans and annexes to them is set out in the Information Bulletin on the exchange of experience in combat training. ground forces No. 1 for 1989, and versions of these documents are presented.

    The main planning document in the company is the schedule of classes for the week. As a rule, on Thursday of the current week, under the guidance of the battalion commander, company commanders personally draw up this schedule.

    The battalion commander at the set time gives instructions on planning combat training for the next week. To receive the task, the commanders of companies and individual platoons arrive with combat training programs, workbooks and blank forms of class schedules. The battalion commander sums up the results of combat training, indicates positive sides and shortcomings, notes distinguished and lagging behind over the past week. Then he sets tasks for the main subjects of training for the next week, indicating with which categories of officers, ensigns and sergeants and on what days and hours command classes and test firing will be held.

    Unit commanders, based on the instructions of the battalion commander and the calculation of hours for the subjects of training for the week, draw up a schedule of classes.

    In addition, the initial data for scheduling classes are:

    • an extract from the battalion's combat training plan for the coming week (the topics of classes, the timing of their development and time);

    • an extract from the schedule for the allocation of objects of educational and material base to units;

    • schedule of service in the garrison and internal outfit;

    • schedule of options for physical charging.
    In addition, the company commander takes into account the topics, timing and procedure for conducting classes by senior commanders with personnel.

    In preparation for scheduling classes, the company commander

    • study an extract from the battalion combat training plan for a given week;

    • study the content of the topics worked out under the program of combat training of units;

    • to analyze the degree of assimilation by the personnel of the material covered in each subject of training, as well as the quality of the development of standards for combat training;

    • provide for the integration of training subjects, especially tactical and fire training, driving, as well as the incidental use of training facilities.
    Write out the topics of commander's classes and determine the content of instructor-methodical lessons with company sergeants. Together with the deputy company commander for educational work (if he is available in the state), determine measures for educational and mass sports work, taking into account the tasks carried out by senior commanders.

    Subsequently, the company commander fills out the columns of the company schedule in the form.

    The columns indicate:

    • the specific time of the lesson;

    • the position of the head;

    • means of material support allocated for classes;

    • manuals and manuals indicating articles or pages.
    In accordance with the daily routine, it is planned to take care of military equipment and weapons, where specific activities are indicated.

    Self-training in the schedule is determined only by time, since its content is determined by platoon commanders.

    Classes in the section "Commander, instructor-methodical exercises with sergeants" should precede the corresponding exercises with units. It is important to take into account that the training of sergeants is planned at a time when they are free from classes as part of departments or do not act as class leaders, i.e. when other officials can conduct classes with personnel.

    When planning, the company commander must be creative, taking into account the requirements for field training, the level of training of personnel and the local conditions in which training is conducted. There can be no template in the activities of a company commander when drawing up a schedule. The sequence of his work in this matter may be different. It depends on his work experience, knowledge of his subordinates and other factors.

    The schedule of classes is approved by the battalion commander no later than Friday of each week. Before its approval, the company commander presents it to the chief of staff, who checks the correctness of the planning of all classes and other activities. It determines the completeness of inclusion in the schedule of all topics, the number of hours for their development, indicating leaders and training places. On Friday, company schedules are posted in a conspicuous place so that all personnel can familiarize themselves with them. Worked schedules are stored throughout the academic year as a reporting document for the implementation of the combat training program.

    Each unit commander keeps records of the results of combat training, in a platoon - individually and for squads; in a company - for squads (crews), platoons and company sergeants; at the battalion headquarters - for companies, separate units and officers of the battalion. Accounting should be objective, high-quality, timely and regular.

    The main document for accounting for combat training in a company is the journal for recording the company's combat training for the academic year. It is conducted personally by the company commander and kept in the company office for a year.

    The logbook of combat training of the company consists of ten sections:

    1. Logging rules.

    2. Accounting for worked out topics on subjects of study. A certain number of pages are allocated for each subject, records are kept weekly for each platoon and for the company as a whole.

    3. Accounting for the results of firing practice. Accounting is kept for each platoon, depending on the category, on the type of weapon, the number of the exercise performed, and for the company as a whole.

    4. Accounting for the results of driving combat vehicles. The account is similar.

    5. Accounting for the experience of practical driving cars (tanks). Accounting is kept on an individual basis for each serviceman and for all driving lessons on an accrual basis. This section also takes into account various hauls of equipment, as well as driving during exercises and in other classes.

    6. Accounting for excellent students in combat training. In this section, the names of military personnel are recorded - excellent students of combat training, noted in the order in parts.

    7. Accounting for class specialists and the prospect of their training during the period of study. Records are kept for each serviceman who has a class rating or plans to have it by the end of the school year.

    8. Accounting for the delivery of standards of the military sports complex. Accounting is kept for each serviceman, in the numerator - the result shown, in the denominator - the date of delivery, and before the fraction - the uniform: "C" - sports, "B" - military.

    9. Accounting for commander's and instructor-methodical exercises with sergeants. A certain number of pages are allocated for each subject, records are kept individually for each sergeant.

    10. Remarks and instructions of senior chiefs. After checking the lessons in the company, the inspector in this section writes down comments and recommendations on the checked lessons.
    The main accounting document reflecting the course of combat training in a platoon is also a register of combat training of a platoon for the period of training. It is conducted in all classes personally by the platoon commander (and in his absence - by the deputy platoon commander) and is kept in the company office.

    The platoon combat training register consists of six sections:

    1. Logging rules.

    2. Name list of personnel. It is compiled according to the platoon's staffing and includes personal data for each serviceman, necessary for the commander to conduct individual educational work.

    3. Accounting for class attendance, academic performance and worked out topics (standards) for subjects of study. For each subject of study, the number of sheets necessary to enter into it all the classes (exercises, shooting, training) in this subject is allotted. The same section takes into account the fulfillment of standards and the time of work of each serviceman on equipment. On the left, a platoon list is glued, indicating the position, military rank, surname and initials. For each lesson, the leader gives individual marks to all the interviewed (verified) servicemen, and at the end of the topic, each soldier (sergeant) displays the final mark on the topic passed. The final grades are entered in the next free column, and the grade for each squad (crew) and for the entire platoon is determined from them.

    4. Accounting for the results of firing exercises. This section takes into account marks both for all shooting and for work in training places during exercises and in fire training.

    5. Accounting for the results of performing exercises on driving cars. This section takes into account the marks for all exercises performed in general and separately for speed and for driving technique and other data necessary to analyze the quality of the trainee's preparation for this exercise.

    6. Notes from senior leaders. After checking the lessons in the platoon, the inspector in this section writes down comments and recommendations on the checked lessons.
    Combat training registers are systematically checked by senior commanders and are obligatory when checking (inspecting) a subunit (unit).

    1.4. Forms and methods of organizing and conducting classes
    for combat training

    The form of education is the organizational side of the educational process. It depends on the goal, the composition of the trainees and determines the structure of the lesson, the place and duration of working out training issues, the role and specifics of the activities of the leader, his assistant and trainees, the use of elements of the educational material and technical base, training and combat equipment.

    Forms of training are divided into general and specific.

    General forms of education can be classified according to the following criteria: according to the orientation of training - into theoretical and practical;

    • on the organization of trainees - on the collective, group, individual;

    • at the venue - in the classroom and field;

    • at the place in the official process - for educational-planned, service-planned, out-of-service.
    Educational-planned forms of education are typical for theoretical, practical and training sessions, live firing and missile launches, exercises, military games held during scheduled classes.

    Service-planned forms of training are implemented on park maintenance (park) days and days of routine maintenance, during scheduled safety briefings, special briefings and meetings.

    Out-of-service (extracurricular) - when organizing classes in technical circles, at conferences, various kinds of competitions, competitions, etc.

    The main forms of education are:

    • lecture;

    • seminar;

    • conversation (story-conversation);

    • class-group lesson;

    • self-preparation;

    • ostentatious occupation;

    • briefing (instructive lesson);

    • training (exercise), staff training, command and staff training;

    • tactical flight;

    • group exercise;

    • tactical drill;

    • loss (situational loss) of actions;

    • tactical (tactical-special) occupation;

    • instructor-methodical lesson;

    • complex training, complex occupation;

    • field trip, field exit;

    • command and staff exercises, tactical (tactical-special) exercises;

    • combat training launch;

    • control lesson (test lesson);

    • competition (competition).
    Each form of conducting classes provides for one or more teaching methods.

    Training methods are the methods and methods by which the transfer and assimilation of knowledge is achieved, the formation of skills and abilities, the development of high morale and combat qualities of personnel, the coordination (combat coordination) of crews, crews, subunits, military units, formations and their bodies is ensured management (headquarters).

    in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in various combinations the following teaching methods are used:

    • oral presentation educational material;

    • discussion of the studied material;

    • show (demonstration);

    • exercise;

    • practical work (in the field, at sea, in the air, in parks, at starting positions, at airfields);

    • self preparation.
    These teaching methods are common. They are used in the training of military personnel of all types of the RF Armed Forces, military branches and special forces. The specifics of the activities and training of military personnel of various categories and specialties, subunits, units, formations, command and control bodies (headquarters) determine the use of combat training and special training methods in practice. They are interconnected with common methods which form the basis of the corresponding methods of mastering one or another military specialty.

    Each form and method of training and education correspond to different kinds classes. They depend on the subject of training, goals, educational issues, the category of trainees, educational and methodological support and material support.

    In addition to these forms and methods, others can be applied, according to which methods for their use have been developed and are available. The choice of the form and method of training depends on the level of training of the personnel, the topic and purpose of the lesson, the availability and condition of the educational material and technical base.
    1.5. Organization and conduct of the lesson
    for combat training

    The practice of combat training shows that the quality and methodological level of training, the effectiveness of personnel training depend on the leader's ability to properly prepare for it.

    Lesson preparation includes:

    • personal training of the leader;

    • preparation of material support and venue for the lesson;

    • preparation for the occupation of sergeants as assistants to the leader of the lesson or leaders in training places;

    • preparation for the lesson of trainees;

    • control of the readiness of the lesson.
    The leader must clearly understand the content and purpose of the upcoming lesson, that is, to understand what he wants to achieve as a result of the lesson, what standards to comply with, etc. As a rule, two or three goals are formulated for each lesson.

    The first goal is what new things should learn and what subordinates should learn in the lesson. The second is what skills and abilities acquired in the upcoming classes to improve. These goals are determined from the learning objectives and guidelines available for each subject of study in the program of combat training of units. The third goal is educational - aimed at developing moral and psychological qualities in subordinates.

    In accordance with the topic, the purpose of the lesson and its content, the leader selects manuals and manuals and proceeds to study them. Manuals include charters, service manuals, manuals, instructions, directives and orders for combat training, as well as other documents approved by senior commanders. Benefits are: textbooks, teaching aids, various bulletins, collections, articles and other materials that develop, substantiate and explain the recommendations of the statutes, manuals and instructions.

    After understanding the content of the lesson (its volume, the content of each educational issue and the objectives of the lesson), the leader selects the literature indicated in the schedule and other sources that answer the questions and that should be studied (worked out). It is advisable to select the necessary examples from the experience of the exercises of the Great Patriotic War, local wars and training practice of troops, interesting points from military memoirs.

    After that, it is necessary to study the guiding documents on combat training and sections of the program, in accordance with which the lesson will be conducted.

    The next stage of work should be the study of the manuals, and first of all, the statutory provisions related to the topic of the lesson.

    So, to conduct a tactical training session, it is necessary to study the organization and armament of units of foreign armies. expedient separate provisions write out in the lesson plan or in annexes to it. Particular attention should be paid to the order of compliance with the standards, their time parameters and estimated indicators.

    Each lesson is divided into introductory (introductory), main and final parts. In the introductory part, the leader announces the topic, educational and educational goals, educational questions and the time for their development, conducts a brief survey of students on previously covered material, links it with the upcoming lesson and reminds (brings) safety requirements. The introductory part should not exceed 3-5 minutes.

    In the main part of the lesson, educational issues and actions of the leader and trainees in the course of their development are revealed.

    In the final part of the lesson, which should not exceed 5 minutes in time, the leader summarizes the results of the lesson, recalls the topic and goals of the lesson and how they were achieved, notes positive points and shortcomings in the preparation of trainees, announces grades and sets tasks for self-study.

    Thus, the commander of the unit (platoon, company) draws up a plan-outline or plan, which is a working document for the lesson.

    The plan-outline of the lesson is the most common and rational type of working document of the leader. This document defines the organization of all activities of the trainee and trainees during the lesson. The most typical variants of plans are presented in the appendix to this textbook.

    Methods of bringing the educational material are determined by sub-questions, techniques and actions. At the same time, it is indicated what and how is explained, what and how is shown, in what and how trainees exercise, what and how is served. It also outlines the procedure for the transition from working out one educational issue (sub-question, technique and method of bringing them to the trainees) to another. It is advisable to provide ways to eliminate possible errors of trainees. This will allow the leader to quickly influence the course of the lesson, to achieve a better assimilation of the studied material (procedure).

    The column "Actions of trainees" sets out: expected actions of trainees, options possible solutions, reports, answers, reference material according to the content of the lesson; methods of mastering the material by trainees.

    Each leader can draw up a plan-outline in another form convenient for him, but in all cases it must indicate: training questions, the time for their development, the content of the educational material with the necessary information, the actions of the leader and the actions of the trainees.

    The main requirement for the outline plan (plan) of the lesson is its visibility and ease of use, therefore, it is necessary to approach their compilation creatively, avoid simply rewriting them from teaching aids or from your comrades.

    Completing the preparation for classes, the company commander organizes the inspection and maintenance of standard weapons and military equipment, if any, checks personal protective equipment, flags, pointers, portable radio stations and other equipment necessary for the lesson.

    Before leaving for classes, the unit commander checks the availability and equipment of personnel, weapons, logistics, as well as the knowledge of the trainees of safety requirements.

    The units are brought to the exercises in full force with standard weapons and the necessary amount of equipment to ensure high-quality training of training issues and, of course, with reinforcements. For a battalion tactical exercise with live firing, the battalion is withdrawn entirely on a regular materiel with the involvement of attached and supporting units.

    During the period of preparation for a company tactical exercise, the company commander must carry out a number of important measures and give instructions to his subordinates.

    Chapter2. Moral and psychological
    ensuring combat activities
    troops (forces)

    In the course of giving the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation a new modern look, among the most important issues requiring priority attention is the comprehensive support of the troops (forces), including their moral and psychological support (MPO).

    The relevance of practical tasks for the organization of MPS of troops is determined by the general theoretical, social, applied interests and needs of society, the state and the army, which have their dominant influence on the development of research on the system of MPS of troops, as well as the practice and technology of making appropriate decisions.

    The organization of IGOs ​​as one of the most important social processes occurring in the troops, and its sociological analysis serves as a starting point in solving the problem of application to the problems of MPS of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    To date, in accordance with the governing statutory documents, moral and psychological support as independent view provision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a set of actions coordinated in terms of goals, tasks, directions, place, time, sequence, forces and means involved, carried out by military command and control bodies and officials to form, maintain and restore a high morale and psychological state and other qualities among personnel , ensuring the unconditional fulfillment of the assigned tasks in any conditions of the situation.

    An important tool for the moral and psychological support of servicemen is the system of sociological support for decisions taken by the country's leadership and the Russian Ministry of Defense in the military social sphere.

    The data and recommendations obtained by military sociologists make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the activities of military command and control bodies, to find out public opinion and evaluate the moral and psychological state of military personnel, as well as to arm commanders and educator officers modern methods military education and prevention of antisocial phenomena in military collectives.

    Military service in peacetime and wartime places high demands on the spiritual, moral, psychological and physical qualities of servicemen. Even in the era of highly developed technology and weapons, the main role in the war belongs to man.

    The most advanced weapons can't compensate poor training military personnel. The most precise organization of combat operations turns out to be ineffective if the soldiers, due to their physical and psychological state, cannot participate in combat operations. There is nothing more important for combat readiness than the attitude of military personnel to their duty, their fighting spirit and behavior on the battlefield. Therefore, it is very important to prepare a soldier for combat operations, to develop his psychological stability and readiness to fight, to bring the morale of the troops and the behavior of military personnel in line with modern requirements.

    The course and final outcome of a modern war will largely depend on the moral and psychological state of the personnel, their ability to endure the many times multiplied military hardships, overcome fear in battle and, in spite of everything, maintain the will to win. The solution to these problems is psychological preparation.

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    Proposals for optimizing the work of the commander of a motorized rifle company in directing combat training and conducting combat coordination

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    The lessons of the war sternly warn us against any manifestation of underestimation of the combat training of troops, against any attempt to stray away from the demands of combat reality.

    Great Patriotic War showed with unprecedented sharpness how much the level of combat training of troops means, especially at the beginning of the war, what a great specific gravity it occupies in the general system the conditions that determine the combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces, how much it influences the price, which wins the war.

    Combat training, but history knows no other such example, when in the army throughout the war the training of troops would be carried out as purposefully and fruitfully as in the Soviet Army during the Great Patriotic War.

    The combat training of the troops has always been and is being carried out, with such tension and scope, primarily for the implementation of all measures to achieve maximum results.

    The relevance of my thesis lies in the fact that the system of work of the commander of a motorized rifle company in directing combat training and conducting combat coordination has not been thoroughly studied. Many questions are worked out by commanders without any idea how to carry out this event.

    The object of the study is the work of the commander of a motorized rifle company in organizing, directing and accounting for combat training in the company.

    The subject of the study is the system of work of the commander of a motorized rifle company in directing combat training and conducting combat coordination.

    The purpose of the study is to develop, on the basis of guidance documents, proposals for optimizing the work of a motorized rifle company commander in directing combat training and conducting combat coordination.

    The scientific significance of the diploma work is the possibility of using its materials for training cadets of military schools in the subjects of the Department of Troops (Units) Control in peacetime.

    The practical significance of the work done is determined by the fact that unit commanders, using this material, can significantly increase the effectiveness of combat training in motorized rifle units.

    The volume of this thesis is 81 pages. Structurally, the thesis is represented by an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. There are 2 figures and 2 appendices in the thesis. The list of references includes 15 sources.

    company commander combat training


    Under perfect conditions, the managerial activity of a commander in organizing combat training includes the solution of a wide range of tasks, the organization and implementation of many complex activities related to the preparation of combat and the leadership of subunits during combat operations in various conditions.

    The management system is a complex socio-economic process based on various areas of human knowledge. It cannot be otherwise, since the management of a unit, as a process, is very complex and includes many different elements connected in such blocks as planning, organizing, motivating, controlling and coordinating. In more detail, we will consider the tasks of combat training and activities of the preparatory period in a motorized rifle company when planning by the company commander, which is essential conditions organized and rhythmic work of the commander.

    The work of a motorized rifle company commander in directing combat training and conducting combat coordination is a creative process and is ensured by knowledge of the real state of combat and mobilization readiness, a clear understanding of the role and significance of each event in the system, constant consideration of the prospects for the development of the company, combat capabilities and the specifics of the situation, in which solves these problems, the ability to optimally distribute forces, means and time for solving permanent problems.

    The management of combat training, as the main type of daily activity, requires from the commander special clarity and the ability to make decisions. In the planning process, the main efforts of the commander are aimed at finding ways to most effectively use subordinate troops in battle, determining the best option their actions, ensuring the defeat of the opposing enemy grouping in a short time with the least expenditure of their forces and means.

    When making certain decisions, the commander cannot avoid the question of the values ​​of certain groups of people or individuals. He may need knowledge in any area, since the latter can have a serious impact on the nature of his professional activity in organizing planning. The activity of a manager, which is the commander, is impossible without knowledge in the field of science, ecology, culture, and jurisprudence. Sometimes he cannot do without knowledge of a foreign language, without the ability to communicate in it, without understanding the economic, military, social and other terminology accepted in the world. foreign language. The need to master knowledge in mathematical disciplines is directly related to leadership. Mathematical knowledge is necessary for carrying out various kinds of calculations, for competent use computer science and, above all, computers. Then the results of the management will be more accurate, competent and faster.

    Of particular, in my opinion, the tactical (tactical-special) training of subordinates has a dominant significance in the entire spectrum of determining and developing factors of leadership. It is tactics, as the science of combat, that teaches future military specialists in limited time make appropriate and adequate decisions, plan the battle so as not to have defeats. These decisions are most often associated with the correction of the actions of subordinate forces and means in the interests of capturing or holding lines and positions under the constant threat of death or capture. The basis for the defeat of the enemy is his fire defeat, which is studied by fire training of subunits, single training and preparation of subunits. Thoughtful leadership is the foundation that makes it possible to carry out successful training of subunits, educates and disciplines personnel, and helps to improve a commander's style of work.

    1. Management of the combat training of units of a motorized rifle company

    Combat training is one of the main types of training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is a purposeful, organized process of military training and education of personnel, coordination (combat coordination) of units to perform combat and other tasks in accordance with their purpose.

    Combat training is carried out both in peacetime and in wartime and is conditioned by the state's needs for well-trained units capable of successfully fulfilling the tasks assigned to them.

    The purpose of combat training is to achieve, maintain and improve the required level of military professional training of personnel, their physical endurance, coherence of crews, crews, units to perform combat and other tasks in accordance with their purpose.

    The main tasks of combat training are:

    -maintaining a high constant combat readiness of subunits for the performance of combat missions (tasks for their intended purpose);

    -instilling solid professional knowledge and skills in officers, warrant officers, sergeants, developing their commanding qualities, pedagogical skills in training and educating subordinates, as well as skills in controlling units and fire in the performance of assigned tasks and their further improvement;

    -training military personnel to independently and as part of units to fulfill their official and special duties in the course of performing combat (special) tasks and the skillful use of standard weapons and military equipment for combat purposes;

    -coordination of crews, calculations of subdivisions; improvement of field training;

    -mastering new models of weapons and military equipment, instilling in personnel knowledge and skills in carrying out their maintenance and maintaining them in readiness for combat use, fulfilling security requirements;

    -preparation of units for participation in armed conflicts and actions as part of joint (multi-agency) groupings to maintain (restor) peace and security;

    -verification in the course of training of the existing statutory provisions on the organization and conduct of combat (tactical actions), the development of new methods for the combat use of combined arms units;

    -training military personnel in strict and precise compliance with the requirements of laws and general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    -education among the personnel of high morale and combat qualities, a sense of responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland, vigilance, discipline, diligence, and military camaraderie;

    -the development in the personnel of high psychological stability, courage and determination, physical endurance and dexterity, ingenuity, the ability to overcome the difficulties of combined arms combat, the ability to endure physical and psychological stress in difficult conditions;

    -training military personnel to comply with the norms of international humanitarian law and the rules of conduct in the conduct of war (during armed conflicts);

    -ensuring the preparation of reserves;

    -development of means and methods for improving the methodological systems of training and education, individual methods, taking into account the specifics of the troops (forces), the characteristics of the training of military specialists in various fields;

    -further development and concretization of the requirements of the principles of training and education in accordance with the ongoing changes in the life of society and its Armed Forces, taking into account the improvement of weapons and military equipment, methods of combat operations, the need to constantly increase combat readiness.

    The main requirements for combat training are:

    achievement of the required result (level) of training - a clear definition by commanders of the goals and objectives of combat training and the provision of the required results of training of servicemen and troops at all stages of their training;

    consistency in the training of all categories of trainees - coordination of the training of military personnel, troops in terms of goals, tasks, content of training, place and time of events, ensuring joint training of military branches and special troops;

    rational use of the educational material and technical base of combat training and the cost-effectiveness of carrying out combat training activities - the operation of combat training training facilities with a maximum load, their uniform loading during the academic year (training period), their timely maintenance and improvement, a comprehensive economic justification for the feasibility and necessity of conducting combat training activities at the facilities of the educational material and technical base;

    the introduction of advanced, scientifically based training methods into the process of combat training - the active and purposeful application of new effective forms, methods and means of training, the constant improvement of combat training methods.

    Management of combat training is a purposeful activity of command and control bodies and officials in planning and organizing combat training, providing assistance and monitoring the organization of combat training in subordinate troops (forces) and their command and control bodies; control over the course of implementation of combat training measures; summarizing the experience of combat training and bringing it to the attention of military command and control bodies and troops (forces), accounting for combat training activities and reporting on them; regulation of training and military education of military personnel, coordination of subunits, units, formations and their command and control bodies.

    Combat training is directed by commanders-in-chief (commanders, commanders, chiefs) of all levels personally and through subordinate command and control bodies (headquarters).

    The management of training and indoctrination must be specific and ensure the full and high-quality implementation of combat training programs and plans.

    The main activities of combat training management are:

    control over the course of combat training and assistance to subordinate commanders and units (subdivisions);

    purposeful training of commanders and staffs for directing combat training;

    organization of work to improve (confirm) class qualifications;

    organization of competitions, competitions (competitions) among military personnel and units according to tasks and standards;

    constant study and operational implementation of advanced experience in the practice of training troops (forces);

    continuous improvement of the educational material and technical base and the timely introduction of the latest training aids into the practice of combat training; accounting and reporting, timely and objective summing up of the results of combat training.

    When directing combat training, the following principles must be strictly observed:

    1.conformity of the orientation of training with the state ideology, the provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation;

    2.ensuring the constant combat readiness of subunits to perform combat missions for their intended purpose, regardless of the duration of their training;

    .each commander trains his subordinates;

    .visibility and maximum approximation of training to the situation of a real battle; systematic and consistent training (training "from simple to complex");

    .scientific nature of education; collective and individual approach to learning; Consciousness, activity and independence of trainees;

    .unity of training and military education.

    The principle "from simple to complex" is one of the basic principles of combat training. Its implementation in the practice of the troops should be carried out in three directions: structural, organizational and methodological.

    The structural direction assumes the construction of combat training "from the soldier." That is, the first stage of training should be its individual preparation. After that, the coordination of departments (crews, crews), platoons, companies (batteries, battalions, divisions), regiments is carried out sequentially. Coordination of a larger subunit should be started only after the complete coordination of the subdivisions included in it.

    The organizational direction presupposes a clear separation of the functions of officials and control bodies of various levels in organizing and directing combat training.

    Squad (crew, crew) commanders, platoon and company commanders are direct supervisors of combat training.

    Battalion (division) commanders are the organizers of combat training.

    The regimental level of command is also entrusted with methodological guidance and comprehensive support for combat training. In addition, the divisional link is the main controlling link. At the same time, the company is the center of combat training.

    The methodical direction of combat training means the consistent formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the trainees.

    At the same time, knowledge is transferred (reported) in the form of lectures, conversations, stories, film and video films, demonstrations of the practical actions of the troops.

    Skills are formed in the course of simulators, training, shooting, driving exercises.

    Skills are formed mainly in those forms of education where the main method is practical work. This primarily applies to tactical and tactical-special exercises.

    Thus, the story, demonstration, training, exercise, practical work are the methodological paradigm for the implementation of the principle "from simple to complex".

    A high level of combat training is achieved:

    knowledge by commanders (chiefs) of the real state of training of troops (forces), timely and specific setting of tasks, high-quality and purposeful planning of combat training activities, continuous, flexible and operational management of combat training, personal participation of commanders (commanders, chiefs) in planning combat training activities and training of subordinates;

    strict adherence to the daily routine, plans and schedules of classes, the exclusion of disruptions and transfers of classes, separation of personnel from combat training;

    timely preparation and comprehensive provision of classes, the right choice of forms and methods of training, the use of recommendations from military pedagogy and psychology;

    the applied nature and practical orientation of military personnel training;

    effective use of the educational material and technical base, its development, improvement and maintenance in good condition;

    skillful organization and carrying out of methodical work in military units, on ships and formations, constant search for new forms and methods of training military personnel, improvement of the methodological skills of class leaders, generalization and dissemination of advanced experience in training military personnel;

    purposeful and continuous educational work and skillful organization of competition during classes;

    constant monitoring of the training of troops (forces) and the effective work of military command and control bodies (headquarters) to provide assistance to subordinates;

    analysis of the results achieved and summing up with each category of trainees;

    comprehensive logistical support for combat training, the full bringing of the established norms of allowances to military personnel

    Combat training includes:

    single (individual) training of servicemen;

    training (coordination) of units;

    preparation (coordination) of the governing bodies (headquarters) (Fig. 1.1.).

    Single training - training of sergeants (foremen), soldiers (sailors, cadets) after their arrival in the unit (training unit).

    The purpose of individual training is to give military personnel knowledge, to instill skills and abilities (to master military registration specialties) necessary to perform duties in combat, when handling weapons, military equipment and performing daily service.

    Single training of sergeants (foremen) and soldiers (sailors, cadets), including those undergoing military service under the contract and female military personnel, includes:

    initial (combined-arms) training of military personnel, including those who entered military service under a contract for the positions of sergeants (foremen) and soldiers (sailors);

    the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities for the position held (military registration specialty);

    the study of the basics of training and education of personnel, the development of commanding qualities among sergeants (foremen);

    admission of sergeants (foremen) and soldiers (sailors) to independent work on equipment, combat duty (duty) as part of crew shifts;

    preparation and delivery of tests for the assignment (confirmation) of class qualifications, the development of an adjacent specialty;

    preparation for actions as part of duty shifts, crews, teams, units (military formations).

    Individual training - maintenance and improvement in the course of coordinating crews, crews, units (military formations) of knowledge, skills, professional skills and qualities of officers, warrant officers (midshipmen), sergeants (foremen) and soldiers (sailors) necessary for them to perform official and special duties in line with the position.

    The purpose of the individual training of military personnel is the complete and high-quality mastering of training programs, official and special duties for their position, and the achievement of the highest qualification.

    Individual training is carried out:

    officers, warrant officers (warrant officers), sergeants (foremen) - in the system of command training, in the course of planned classes and training in armament (weapons), on military and special equipment, simulators and other objects of the educational material and technical base;

    soldiers (sailors) - in the course of scheduled classes and training in subjects of study in the scope of general military training and training in military specialty.

    Figure 1. 1. The structure of the combat training of units

    Training of subunits is carried out in order to ensure their constant readiness for conducting combat operations in any conditions of the situation, in accordance with their combat mission, and is carried out in the course of their successive coordination (combat coordination) in conditions as close as possible to combat.

    Coordination is the training of military personnel in coordinated actions as part of duty shifts, crews, crews, teams, units, followed by training to perform combat (special) tasks as intended.

    The training of control bodies is carried out in order to ensure their readiness for planning combat operations, the training of motorized rifle units and their control in any situation, as well as resolving issues of interaction and comprehensive support.

    Management training includes:

    individual training of officers and ensigns of the governing body;

    training of support units of the governing body;

    coordinating the combat control groups and the control body as a whole.

    The combat training system is a set of interrelated elements that form a certain integrity and unity, functioning in the interests of training and military education of military personnel, coordinating command and control bodies for conducting combat operations or performing other tasks in accordance with their purpose.

    1.2 Organization and planning of combat training in a motorized rifle company

    The organization of combat training is a purposeful activity of commanders and staffs aimed at building the process of training subordinate units, as well as at preparing combat training measures.

    Laws of the Russian Federation;

    Orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation concerning the issues of training the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the fulfillment of tasks by them for their intended purpose;

    General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    Combat regulations and instructions;

    Other official documents (organizational and methodological guidelines for the training of units in the academic year, regulations, manuals, instructions, programs and training courses for various categories of military personnel, units), which define the tasks of combat training and requirements for it, the organization and content of combat training, as well as issues of its comprehensive provision;

    Orders on combat training of commanders-in-chief of types (branches) of troops, commanders of troops of military districts (fleets), commanders (commanders) of formations (formations, units);

    Orders and instructions for conducting inspections, final checks and control classes;

    Collection of standards for combat training.

    The head of combat training is the commander. Combat training is directed by commanders (chiefs) of all levels personally, through subordinate headquarters and services.

    The organization of combat training includes:

    Making a decision on the organization of combat training;

    combat training planning;

    Coordination of the developed documents and their submission for approval;

    -setting tasks and bringing the necessary planning documents (or extracts from them) to subordinates;

    -comprehensive support for the preparation of the educational process;

    monitoring the readiness of subdivisions, units by the beginning of the academic year.

    When organizing combat training, the following is taken into account:

    the state of combat training of troops, this involves clarifying the topics of classes in individual subjects of training, the number of training sessions, exercises performed for each category of trainees, as well as the redistribution of training time to poorly mastered subjects and topics of classes, other combat training measures, taking into account the challenges faced by subunits (units, connections) tasks;

    The peculiarities of the theater of military operations are taken into account when organizing combined-arms tactical (special tactical) exercises as part of the troops of the parties involved in the exercises, as well as in the subject of group exercises, tactical briefings, staff training conducted with headquarters and in the system of command training. In this case, both the study of the enemy characteristic of a given theater of operations (strategic direction) and the troops of the most powerful enemy of the aggressive military blocs are envisaged. In addition, accounting for the theater of military operations makes it possible to train troops in operations on the battlefield, taking into account the military-geographical and climatic conditions of the given area;

    the combat mission of troops in the organization of combat training is taken into account so that officers, even in peacetime, prepare for the solution of tasks that they will have to perform with the start of hostilities in various conditions of the situation.

    indicators that make it possible to better plan the main activities, rationally distribute training time, develop the most appropriate forms and methods of training, as well as efficiently and rationally distribute ammunition, motor resources and other material and technical means:

    staffing of units with personnel, military equipment and weapons;

    the level of general education and pre-conscription training of servicemen;

    the availability and timing of the entry into service of new military equipment and weapons.

    Making a decision on the organization of combat training

    The decision to organize combat training is the most important stage in the work of the commander and control officers. The development of a solution begins with the understanding and evaluation of the initial data and the definition of the intention, and consists of:

    in the study of governing documents, tasks set by senior leaders; analysis of the results of current and final control, reports and proposals of subordinate units;

    assessment of the conditions for organizing and carrying out combat training in the current academic year or training period;

    clarification of the degree and quality of staffing of subordinate units with personnel, weapons, military and special equipment;

    analysis of the state and possibilities of the educational material and technical base, the availability of financial resources for organizing and conducting combat training events, and living conditions.

    Based on the results of clarification and evaluation of the initial data, appropriate conclusions are drawn and specific measures are outlined that must be taken into account when organizing combat training.

    The plan for the organization of combat training defines:

    • the main focus in training units in the current year (training period);
    • the procedure, methods and sequence of preparation (coordination) of formations (military units, subunits, military personnel), command and control bodies (headquarters);
    • the main issues of directing the training of troops (forces).
    • Subsequently, the commander informs the officers directly subordinate to him about the instructions he received from senior commanders, announces the plan and sets tasks for the chief of staff, deputies, heads of military branches and services to prepare proposals. Commander's instructions must be sufficiently specific and purposeful. Their level of detail depends on how fully the initial data is understood and on the preparedness of command and control officers.
    • Hearing proposals of deputies, heads of military branches and services can be carried out both at a meeting and individually. The content of the proposals should reflect issues related to the most important combat training activities.
    • Based on the clarification of the requirements of the governing documents, a comprehensive assessment of the conditions, the concept and consideration of proposals, the commander (commander) makes a decision on the organization of combat training, which is the basis for planning.
    • The decision to organize combat training shall reflect:
    • goals and objectives of combat training and methods for their implementation;
    • the procedure for preparing subordinate troops (forces) and their command and control bodies for the performance of combat missions for their intended purpose and for training personnel;
    • measures for the comprehensive provision of combat training;
    • measures for the management of training, education and strengthening of discipline.

    The goals and objectives of combat training are determined on the basis of the requirements of the governing documents, the specific tasks facing the formation (unit, subunit), taking into account the actual conditions for organizing and implementing combat training in the current academic year (training period). Concrete and realistic goals and objectives determine not only the objectivity of planning, but also provide a clear guideline indicating the main areas of activity for commanders and chiefs of all levels.

    When determining the procedure for preparing subordinate troops and their command and control bodies for the performance of combat missions for their intended purpose and for training personnel, first of all, the terms and procedure for working out issues of personnel actions on combat alert, bringing subunits and units to various degrees of combat readiness are outlined. In the future, the sequence and terms of single training, coordination of subunits and units are specified; carrying out combat firing; the number and types of combat training competitions; outlines the procedure for withdrawing units (units) to training centers; the procedure for joint training, including with subunits and units of other branches and branches of the armed forces.

    When determining measures for the comprehensive provision of combat training, a procedure is outlined for the use of objects of the educational material and technical base, including those of other departments, for the expenditure of motor resources, ammunition, imitation, Money released for combat training, the sequence of construction and improvement of training facilities and their assignment to units (subdivisions).

    When determining issues of directing combat training, measures are determined to provide assistance to subordinate subunits and to exercise control. A special place is given to demonstrative, methodical and control classes, summarizing and setting tasks, the work of complex groups for monitoring and providing assistance.

    The commander announces the decision made to his deputies, headquarters, heads of military branches and services, sets tasks for the direct development of planning documents.

    Combat training planning is the activity of commanders, command and control bodies, educational work bodies aimed at thoroughly thought out, planned and comprehensively provided systemic training and education of military personnel, coordination of units.

    Combat training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is organized on the basis of the requirements of:

    Laws of the Russian Federation regulating the terms and procedure for passing military service;

    Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation concerning issues of military development and the functioning of the Armed Forces;

    Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation defining (clarifying) certain issues of the activities of the Armed Forces;

    Orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation concerning the issues of training the Armed Forces;

    general military charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    combat regulations and instructions;

    other official documents that define tasks for combat training and requirements for it, the organization and content of combat training, as well as issues of its comprehensive support;

    collections of standards for combat training.

    It should be noted that one of the most important conditions for the organized and rhythmic work of military command and control bodies and units is high-quality planning of events. In this regard, planning must be realistic, justified and financially secure. In this case, an important place should be given to the development of such variants of plans that would ensure a complete balance between the necessary costs and available resources, taking into account the predicted conditions of the situation and its possible changes.

    Planning should ensure the most expedient distribution of time, forces and means for the qualitative fulfillment of the tasks of combat training and the strengthening of military discipline. Planning must be timely, clear and flexible.

    Planning is a creative process carried out by commanders (chiefs) and their command and control bodies within the limits of the rights and duties granted to them. It does not tolerate formalism. There is only one way to exclude it - personal participation and unrepresented leadership of the planning process by the relevant officials. They are fully responsible for organizing and coordinating the work to carry out the planning and strict compliance with his plan of the senior chief and the decisions made by him.

    A creative approach in planning for the next academic year is provided by:

    knowledge of the real state of combat and mobilization readiness, a deep analysis of all its components and the results of troop training in the completed academic year;

    solid knowledge and clear understanding of the general system of measures to maintain combat and mobilization readiness, the place, role and significance of each measure in the system;

    constant consideration of the prospects for the development of troops, their combat capabilities and the specifics of the situation in which assigned tasks are to be accomplished;

    the ability to optimally and effectively allocate forces, means and time in combat training for solving assigned tasks, taking into account the staffing of the troops, their material support and the level of training.

    Planning is carried out at all levels of management and must correspond to the level of the planning body, not allow guardianship and substitution of lower-level commanders (chiefs) when they carry out their tasks. official duties.

    High quality planning can be achieved if the generally accepted principles of planning developed by experience are observed. Their essence is as follows:

    centralization, that is, planning by management levels sequentially or sequentially in parallel from top to bottom;

    orienting the activities of the plan towards the final result and fulfilling the main tasks of maintaining the necessary and sufficient level of readiness of formations, formations and military units to fulfill the tasks for which they were intended.

    This means that when planning, following the definition and formation of tasks, one should choose directions (path) and ways to solve them, then determine the minimum and at the same time a sufficient number of activities, works and actions, which in turn will require a certain amount forces and means, and their preparation and implementation fit into the real possibilities in terms of time resource and the cost of material and financial resources;

    the priority of the main link or the concentration of efforts on those activities, without which the implementation of the tasks set is impossible.

    To implement this principle, preference in the distribution of resources of time, forces and means should be given to the main measures, which, as a rule, are of a complex nature and occupy a decisive place in the training of troops;

    consistency and interconnection of the planned activities in terms of content, place and timing, forces and means involved, level of command, as well as the place and role of each event in the overall system of training units.

    To implement this principle, it is important to identify priority tasks and, on this basis, choose the appropriate and most effective sequence of activities, linked to the time of their implementation and ensuring the achievement of the desired end result;

    clear and unambiguous distribution of responsibility for the preparation and holding of planned events, timely communication of the main tasks, main events and the procedure for their implementation to the organizers (managers) and performers. The implementation of this principle provides the most important conditions for planning in the work of officials who are required to clearly know the general and their work plan for the academic year, training period, month, week and have enough to prepare and carry out the planned activities;

    systematic analysis of the results of the implementation of the plan, its feasibility and the effectiveness of the measures taken. This principle makes it possible to timely determine the reality of the plan, identify weaknesses in the training of troops and promptly take measures to correct the plan in order to improve the level of training of command and control bodies and military units (subunits).

    The purpose of planning the training of a company for the next academic year is to determine the main directions for maintaining and increasing the level of combat readiness of command and control bodies and units, the implementation of which ensures complete and high-quality solutions to the tasks set for the academic year.

    Combat training is planned and carried out in accordance with the program approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces.

    The combat training program is developed for an academic year lasting 10 months (winter and summer training periods of 5 months each) with two preparatory periods (in May and November).

    Combat training is allocated:

    For full strength units with a staffing of 50% or more of the peacetime staff 16 training days per month;

    for reduced and full strength units with less than 50% of the peacetime staff - 8 training days per month;

    for the training of young soldiers - 23 training days in the first month of each training period.

    The duration of the school day is 6 hours, the school hour is 50 minutes. When conducting battalion field trips, trips to training grounds and other activities related to going out into the field, the duration of the training day is not regulated.

    In order to consolidate the material covered, to work out some poorly mastered topics, to prepare for the next classes, to train in the performance of certain exercises and techniques in the class schedule, it is planned to conduct independent training.

    The preparation and coordination of the units of the full composition of the battalion is carried out during:

    10 months - for units staffed only by military personnel under a contract or mixed recruitment (under a contract and by conscription), provided that the unit is staffed with military personnel under a contract by 50% or more, while 1.4 months are allotted for smoothing the department, platoon - 2 months, companies - 3.5 months, battalions - 2 months (Appendix 1);

    5 months - for units staffed only by conscripts, or mixed recruitment, provided that the unit is staffed by conscripts by more than 50%, while 1 month is allotted for smoothing the department, 1 month for a platoon, 1.5 months for a company, battalion - 1 month (Appendix 1).

    At the beginning of each training period, joint actions of all personnel in full-time combat alert units are practiced.

    The order “On the organization of combat training, internal and guard services for the 200th academic year (training period)” is issued in the regiment, which is the main document that determines the procedure for planning and providing combat training activities, and contains the decision of the commander on issues on which the general military charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation grant him the right to independently establish the procedure for organizing their implementation.

    1.3 Accounting for the results of combat training and reporting on them

    Accounting for the results of combat training is a reflection of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the fulfillment of plans for the training of personnel and the level of training of troops. Accounting includes the collection, systematization, storage, updating and analysis of data that reveal the degree of preparation of units, units and formations.

    Accounting for the results of combat training should provide a comprehensive analysis of the state of the level of training and coherence of units and subunits, the progress and quality of the educational process in order to prepare necessary decisions, recommendations in the process of command and control of troops to maintain and improve their combat readiness.

    Accounting is divided into operational and periodic.

    Operational accounting consists in the daily recording and processing of the results of the implementation of combat training plans and the assimilation of the training program by personnel. It includes accounting for the combat training of soldiers (sailors) and sergeants (foremen) of a platoon (equal to him), warrant officers (midshipmen), officers of units.

    Periodic accounting - generalization of the results of operational accounting with subsequent analysis and conclusions for a specified period of time of the academic year (week, month, quarter, half year, year).

    The main accounting document for the combat training of a company, platoon, and equal subunits is the combat (commander's) training register, which is maintained during the academic year. Journals are kept for a year and destroyed at the end of it.

    In a platoon and equal subunits, records of combat training and its results are kept in the combat training log, with specification for each serviceman.

    In a company and its equal subunits, records of combat training and its results are kept in the combat training log of the company and its equal subunits for squads (crews, crews) and platoon. In addition, marks are made on the conduct (fulfillment) of classes (events) in the class schedule.

    In a battalion and subunits equal to it, records of combat training and its results are kept for platoons and companies and subunits equal to them. In addition, the commander's training of officers and warrant officers (warrant officers) is taken into account in the registers of commander's training.

    In part, combat training and its results are recorded for companies, battalions and their equals. In addition, the commander's training of officers and warrant officers (warrant officers) is taken into account in the registers of commander's training. In the plan of combat training of the unit and the plan-calendar of the main activities, marks are made on the implementation.

    Responsibility for maintaining accounting documents in a unit, battalion and equal units is assigned to the headquarters, in a company and equal units to it - to the commander; for commander training - to the head of the commander training group.

    Personal records of officers' training are maintained at headquarters, which reflect the results of commander's training, final checks, exercises, fulfillment of individual tasks and other indicators of officers' service.

    Reporting on the results of combat training - a system of reporting and information documents and measures that provides commanders and command and control agencies with timely and objective data on the progress and quality of troop training. It provides for concreteness, efficiency, and continuity in command and control of troop training, and includes:

    reports on the results of combat training for the winter training period and the academic year;

    reports (acts) on the results of inspections in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for inspections;

    reports on the implementation of training plans;

    reports on the readiness and conduct of the main combat training activities carried out personally by the commanders;

    current (including formalized) reports using computer centers, telephones and other communication equipment.

    The established reporting and reporting system should provide commanders and staffs with timely and objective data on the implementation of combat training plans, on the level of training of personnel and subunits.

    The reporting system should exclude duplication of information submitted to the same authority. It is established by the Timesheet of urgent reports and the Instruction on the procedure for conducting inspections.

    The results of control in the subunit are recorded in the combat training registers, summarized by the headquarters and reported to the commander for decision-making.

    Subunit commanders report on a weekly basis on the quality of the implementation of the planned activities, the coverage of personnel in combat training.

    Based on the results of the control, commanders (chiefs) conduct debriefings, both general and with individual categories of personnel, in which positive experience, shortcomings, their causes and ways of elimination are considered.

    The battalion commander and his peers report monthly on the accomplishment of assigned tasks, the results of training of personnel, attendance at classes, assessments of units in subjects of training for the month to the unit commander.

    The unit commander and his peers monthly analyze the degree of fulfillment of assigned tasks, the level of training of subunits, the quality of the educational process and the coverage of personnel in combat training, and shortcomings in combat training. On a monthly basis, in the amount established by the commander of the formation, he reports on this with an indication of the marks given during the control exercises. Based on the final data for the period of study and the academic year, submits a written report to the unit commander in accordance with the Report Card of Urgent Reports.

    Reports for the period of study and the academic year are submitted in accordance with the Timesheet of Urgent Reports.

    2. The system of work of commanders, links - squad, platoon, company for the preparation and conduct of combat coordination of a motorized rifle company

    .1 The system of work of officials on the organization of planned daily activities

    The system of work of the company commander in the development of planning documents in the new training period provides for a certain sequence of their organizational and practical activities includes seven interrelated stages.

    First step. Assessment of the state of combat training of the company, completeness and quality of solving problems in the current academic year.

    second phase. The study and deep understanding of the tasks set by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the commander-in-chief (commander) of the type (brand) of troops, the commander of the formation, the commander of the formation and regiment for the new academic year.

    Third stage. Definition of initial data for planning

    Fourth stage. Development of a plan for the preparation of the company in the new academic year.

    Fifth stage. Announcement to the main deputies and unit commanders of the plan for preparing a company in the new academic year and setting tasks for planning

    Sixth stage. Organization and development of planning documents, their coordination.

    Seventh stage. Reviewing plans and approving them. Plans after approval by a higher commander (chief) are binding on all personnel and become a program of actions of commanders coordinated in terms of time and means of action, all adjustments to the plan are made only with the permission of the person who approved it.

    In the company and its peers, on the basis of the training plan for the battalion and its peers and the consolidated schedule of classes, a weekly schedule of classes is developed.

    The weekly schedule of classes is the main document determining the organization and course of combat training in training groups and subunits. Through class schedules, I implement all programs and training plans.

    In the schedule of classes for each platoon and its peers, the following should be determined:

    in columns 1 and 2 - the date and time of the classes;

    in column 4 - the subject of combat training, the numbers and names of topics and classes, the forms (method) of classes, the numbers of standards;

    in the remaining columns - venues, leaders of classes, guiding documents and material support for classes, a mark on the conduct of the lesson.

    In addition to the scheduled classes with the personnel of the units, the schedule includes training, self-training, summing up the final setting of tasks, instructor-methodical classes with sergeants (foremen).

    The schedule of classes also indicates the preparation and service of units on duty, the time of combat duty and other activities carried out as part of the units, including park and housekeeping days, maintenance of weapons and equipment, chores and washing in the bath.

    When conducting classes as part of a unit, with the involvement of officers, this category of servicemen is also indicated in the class schedule.

    The schedule of classes is drawn up personally by the unit commander and approved by the senior chief no later than the current week.

    Combat training planning for the next month should be completed:

    in the association - up to the 10th;

    in conjunction - until the 23rd;

    in a military unit - up to the 25th;

    In order to improve the methodological skills and effectiveness of the work of commanders in military units, a system of work of officials in planning and organizing the daily activities of the troops should be introduced.

    In order to improve the methodological skills and effectiveness of the work of commanders and chiefs, a system of work of officials (a typical month) has been introduced in military units to organize planned daily activities, including combat training.

    Typical month.

    All weeks of the month have their own focus.

    First week - commander's:

    Conducting command training sessions:

    Monday - ensigns, sergeants;

    Tuesday - battalion commanders (group leaders);

    Wednesday - company commanders;

    Thursday - platoon commanders;

    conducting command and instructor-methodical classes;

    conducting drill reviews;

    work of complex commissions.

    In full and reduced military units, work is additionally carried out in units to provide assistance in organizing and carrying out activities for combat training, educational and mass sports work.

    The second week is mobilization.

    In military units of the full complement (permanent readiness):

    command (mobilization) training, training, command post and mobilization exercises;

    conducting planned combat training classes;

    Wednesday, Thursday - mobilization days;

    Friday - study of combat missions.

    In reduced military units, weapons storage bases:

    the first day - classes on mobilization training with all categories of officers;

    the second day - the study of mobilization resources, clarification of registration, the work of officers in military commissariats;

    the third day - the work of representatives of the military commissariats in the completed military units;

    the fourth and fifth days - the study of documents of combat and mobilization readiness, combat documents;

    the sixth day - work on the basis of mobilization deployment and combat coordination.

    Third week - park:

    command training classes are held with command and control officers;

    command and staff exercises and staff training are conducted;

    plans for the next month are being developed;

    execution of current documents, submission of reports, reports, applications to the contenting authorities;

    the first day - classes on the security of military service, holding reviews of weapons and military equipment, parks, warehouses RAV, VTI;

    the second, third and fourth days - the implementation of measures to maintenance weapons and military equipment, improvement of park and warehouse facilities;

    the sixth day - summing up the quality of the work performed, summing up the results of the park week.

    In military units of the full complement (permanent readiness), the following are additionally carried out:

    scheduled combat training classes;

    the sixth day - park (park and economic).

    Fourth week - control classes, held:

    control classes in the main subjects of combat training with all categories of military personnel;

    command classes with the commanders of regiments (departments) and their deputies;

    summing up the results of combat training, military discipline, service of troops, operation of weapons and military equipment;

    setting goals for the next month.

    The practical work of officials in planning daily activities for the week begins on Thursday of each week, the commander of a military unit holds a meeting with his deputies, heads of military branches and services, commanders of battalions, individual companies at which:

    the chief of staff announces the plan for the organization of daily activities for the coming week;

    deputy commanders, chiefs of military branches and services report on the results of the current week's activities on their issues and proposals for organizing their work for the coming week;

    the commander of the unit, completing the meeting, sums up the results of the current week, gives instructions on next week and approve planning documents.

    At the end of the meeting, the battalion commanders, heads of military branches and services communicate the unit commander's instructions to their subordinates and hand them updated extracts from the consolidated schedule of classes.

    On Friday of each week, company commanders, under the direction of the chiefs of staff, personally draw up and write the schedule of classes for the coming week.

    Approved class schedules are posted by the end of Friday of each week at the location of the units.

    .2 Preparation and conduct of combat coordination of a motorized rifle company

    .2.1 Coordination of units

    Coordination of units is the training of military personnel in coordinated actions as part of units to perform assigned tasks in any situation. The basis of coordination is field training.

    The main goals of alignment are:

    achieving a higher level of readiness of subunits for the performance of combat missions through the systematic and purposeful development of activities in combat training plans;

    ensuring the irreducible combat capability of subunits to perform assigned tasks during periods associated with the recruitment and dismissal of conscripts, the replacement of officers, warrant officers (midshipmen), the development of new weapons and military equipment, methods of their combat use (actions).

    Coordination tasks:

    in subdivisions of constant readiness: to train personnel and subunits for the conduct of combat operations, taking into account the peculiarities of the theater of operations and the fulfillment of tasks for their intended purpose in the full scope of the program;

    in subdivisions of a reduced composition: to prepare personnel and subunits for actions to receive mobilization resources, to ensure the preparation of weapons and military equipment for combat use; conducting combat operations taking into account the peculiarities of the theater of operations, organize individual training of military personnel of all categories and direct it to the restoration, instillation and maintenance of skills and actions that ensure the fulfillment of their tasks as part of units.

    The coordination of units for conducting combat operations is carried out sequentially and includes:

    coordinating units, shifts on duty;

    harmonization of the part as a whole.

    Coordination of units is carried out in the course of classes in all subjects of study in the methodical sequence "from simple to complex":

    coordinating departments (crews, crews, shifts on duty);

    coordinating platoons and equal units;

    coordinating mouths and equal units;

    coordinating battalions and equal units.

    Coordination of the military unit is carried out during tactical (tactical-special) training, KShU, tactical (tactical-special) exercises with the military unit as a whole.

    Forms of coordination of units equal to a company are: tactical drill (tactical-special) exercises and tactical exercises, and platoons, squads and their equals - tactical drill, tactical exercises, live firing.

    Tactical combat exercises, as a rule, precede tactical exercises (exercises). They train personnel and units. The main method of training in tactical combat training is an exercise (training) in the implementation of techniques and methods of action. They are the first step in coordinating units and can be carried out "on foot by machine" or on vehicles. They practice the technique of performing techniques and methods of action of troops (forces) in various types of hostilities, and officers, warrant officers, sergeants (foremen) get practice in managing subordinate units.

    Tactical exercises are the main form of coordinating a squad (platoon) and their equal units. In the course of them, commanders not only get practice in managing subordinate units, but also improve their skills in organizing combat operations.

    At the final stage of coordinating the squad, the platoon conducts live firing with them, which are the highest training.

    Tactical exercises are the highest form of coordinating formations of military units (ships) and subunits, aimed at increasing the level of training of command and control bodies (headquarters), the combat readiness of troops (forces) and allow them to most effectively prepare them for modern combat.

    The main teaching method for tactical exercises is the practical work of trainees in the performance of official and special duties for the management of subunits, units and formations in the development of combat training tasks in cooperation with subunits of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military branches and special forces, armed formations of other ministries and departments.

    When training personnel, the prescribed standards are necessarily worked out, the quality of which determines the level of training of personnel and units. The number and numbers of standards being worked out are determined by the company commander and his equals when drawing up a weekly schedule of classes. During the academic year, all the standards established by the Collections of standards for combat training must be worked out.

    the stage of training units for actions in defense;

    the stage of training units for offensive actions;

    the stage of training units to perform special tasks;

    the final stage is comprehensive training in combat operations.

    The duration of coordination, the content of the stages of training of subunits, units and formations is determined by the programs (courses) of combat training.

    Coordination of the squad is carried out during fire training, driving lessons, tactical combat and tactical exercises. At the final stage, live firing of the squad is carried out.

    Platoon coordination is carried out in the course of fire drills, exercises in driving combat vehicles as part of a subunit, tactical combat and tactical exercises. At the final stage, live firing of the platoon is carried out.

    Coordination of the company is carried out in the course of fire drills, fire control drills, exercises for driving combat vehicles as part of a unit, and tactical drills.

    At the final stage, a company tactical exercise with live firing is conducted (without live firing, if this period of training provides for a battalion tactical exercise with live firing) in one of the types of combat operations.

    The coordination of the battalion is carried out in the course of training in fire control and battalion subunits, tactical drills, performing exercises in driving combat vehicles as part of the subunit, during the battalion's entry to the training ground and the battalion's field exit.

    During the stage of coordination of the battalion for training units to perform special tasks, tactical drills are held to practice the actions of the battalion in special conditions in accordance with the nature of the tasks assigned to it.

    At the final stage of the coordination of the battalion, a battalion tactical exercise with live fire is conducted (without live fire, if this period of training provides for a regimental (brigade) tactical exercise with live fire) on a complex topic that provides for the transition from one type of combat operations to another and actions in special conditions.

    .2.2 Combat coordination of units

    The combat coordination of military units and subunits of reduced strength, bases for storing weapons and military equipment consists in carrying out pre-planned measures to prepare them for performing tasks in a regular wartime organization. It is organized and carried out on the basis of orders and directives of the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the armed forces, the program of combat coordination of motorized rifle (tank) units and subunits of the Ground Forces.

    The main tasks of combat coordination are:

    1. improving (restoring, acquiring) the skills of personnel in the possession of weapons, military equipment and in the performance of their functional duties in combat;
    2. coordination of subunits, military units and staffs in a regular wartime organization and their preparation for the performance of combat missions;
    3. timely preparation of weapons and military equipment for combat use.

    Combat coordination during the transfer of military units and subunits from peacetime to wartime is carried out during tactical (tactical-special) exercises, tactical and tactical-combat exercises, shooting, driving, training and other events at which officers, warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers improve (restore, acquire) skills in performing their duties as part of a regular unit in conditions close to combat, as a rule, near the area of ​​concentration. With the receipt of a combat mission, incomplete combat coordination continues during the advance and after arrival in the destination area.

    The program of combat coordination of motorized rifle (tank) units of the Ground Forces provides for the conduct of combat coordination of subunits, units in the course of six stages.

    I stage. Single preparation.

    II stage. Combat coordination of squads (crews, crews) of platoons.

    III stage. Combat coordination of mouths (batteries).

    IV stage. Combat coordination of battalions (divisions).

    V stage. Combat coordination of regiments.

    VI stage. Combat coordination of formations.

    Tasks of the stages of combat coordination.

    I stage. Single preparation. At this stage:

    1. separate staff exercises are conducted in the directorates of formations and military units;
    2. military personnel study their functional duties, prepare for their implementation; restore (acquire) the skills of owning weapons and military equipment by performing exercises for firing a standard projectile, driving military vehicles, training in loading equipment onto vehicles;
    3. readiness for action as part of the squad (crew) is ensured;
    4. Combat coordination of squads (crews) begins.

    II stage. Combat coordination of squads (crews), platoons. At this stage:

    1. staff training and radio training are conducted in the directorates of formations and military units;
    2. readiness for conducting combat operations as part of a company is ensured; readiness to get out from under possible enemy strikes, to march over long distances;
    3. the combat coordination of squads (crews) is being completed. Conducted live firing squads;
    4. platoons are coordinated at tactical drills and live firing;
    5. combat coordination of mouths begins.
    6. stage. Combat coordination of mouths. At this stage:
    7. two-stage staff training is carried out in the link regiment - battalion;
    8. the readiness of companies for combat operations as part of a battalion is ensured;
    9. the combat coordination of the mouths is completed. Conducted tactical exercises with live fire;
    10. the coordination of battalions in tactical drill exercises begins.

    IV stage. Combat coordination of battalions. At this stage:

    1. the readiness of the headquarters of regiments and brigades to manage subunits in the course of performing combat missions is ensured;
    2. skills and abilities are consolidated in organizing and conducting coordinated actions of units as part of a military unit;
    3. a regimental tactical exercise.

    VI stage. Combat coordination of formations. At this stage:

    1. the readiness of commanders and headquarters of formations to control military units in the course of organizing the performance of combat missions, coordinated actions of headquarters, military units of military branches, services is ensured;
    2. divisional command posts are conducted with training in artillery and air defense fire control.

    The duration of combat coordination, the tasks and content of the stages are determined by orders and directives of the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The training time determined for combat coordination in agreement with the senior commander (chief) can be adjusted upward or downward depending on the established deadlines for the readiness of the formation (military unit). The commander of a military unit, based on the level of training of military personnel, the upcoming task and conditions of the theater of operations, is given the right to change the content of topics and classes, the number of hours allocated to them, and also determine the forms and methods of training.

    The duration of the training day during combat coordination is 10 hours, the duration of the training hour is 50 minutes.

    Preparation of activities for combat coordination includes:

    1. making a decision on combat coordination;
    2. combat coordination planning;
    3. development of plans, plan - notes and other methodological documents;
    4. creation and accumulation of material resources for combat coordination;
    5. creation and improvement of educational material and technical base;
    6. preparation of areas for combat coordination;
    7. training of officers, warrant officers and sergeants, both in military service and in the reserve.

    Combat coordination planning is carried out simultaneously with the development of documents for the transfer plan from peacetime to wartime based on the decision of the formation (military unit) commander. At the same time, combat coordination plans are developed by headquarters together with the heads of military branches and services in peacetime.

    When developing a combat coordination plan, the following are taken into account:

    1. the combat mission of the formation (military unit);
    2. set deadline;
    3. available weapons and military equipment;
    4. availability, remoteness, throughput of objects of educational material and technical base;
    5. requirements of the combat coordination program.

    The main leading role in the course of combat coordination belongs to the commanders of battalions, companies, since the vast majority of exercises are carried out on the scale of a battalion, company, and the organizing role is played by the commander and headquarters of the unit.

    The battalion combat training plan for the period of combat coordination consists of four parts:

    1. the main tasks of combat coordination;
    2. calculation of hours for subjects of study for subunits by stages of combat coordination;
    3. terms for working out programs for the stages of combat coordination for officers of the headquarters of the battalion and subunits, indicating the subjects of training, numbers of topics, classes and time for their implementation;
    4. exercising control and providing practical assistance in organizing combat coordination with the distribution of command and staff officers to the main units, indicating the subjects of training and training fields on which these officers will exercise control.

    Applications developed to the battalion combat training plan for the period of combat coordination:

    1. topics of instructor-methodical classes with officers and sergeants;
    2. plans, plan - notes for each exercise, lesson conducted by the commander and officers of the battalion headquarters.

    In a company, a separate platoon, a schedule of classes and plans is drawn up, a plan is notes for each lesson conducted by officers and sergeants with company units.

    Documents of the unit, subdivisions are developed on the basis of the requirements of the governing documents; the necessary clarifications, changes and additions are made in a timely manner.

    For officers who are in reserve in peacetime, cadre officers develop plans, a plan - notes for conducting classes, and other necessary documents.

    Documents developed for combat coordination are stored in the unit's office in suitcases sealed with the seals of unit commanders.

    2.2.3 Ensuring combat coordination. The procedure for conducting combat coordination

    Combat coordination of formations and military units of reduced strength, bases for storing weapons and military equipment, formations of the cadre and newly formed consists of the training of officers, individual training of sergeants and soldiers, as well as combat coordination of subunits and units.

    Officer training

    The training of officers is carried out in order to ensure their readiness for training with personnel and the ability to control units in combat. It is conducted on subjects of study in the form of lectures, group exercises, tactical meetings, practical, demonstration, methodical classes and trainings.

    The basis for the training of reserve officers is training and gathering activities held in peacetime.

    The tasks of training officers to be solved in the course of combat coordination:

    1. restoration (acquisition) of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful performance by officers of their functional duties;
    2. study of weapons and military equipment samples in the staff of the unit and training in their combat use;
    3. instilling the skills to manage units in combat, taking into account the characteristics of the theater of operations and thematic conditions;
    4. restoration (formation) of methodological skills in conducting classes with personnel.

    The training of officers is organized in training groups created according to the positions and specialties they hold. Classes for commander training of officers are held before the start and continue in the course of combat coordination and its improvement. The number of such classes, their content and the procedure for conducting them are determined by the unit commander, based on the level of training of officers, upcoming tasks and available opportunities.

    Prior to the reception of the main reinforcements, classes are held with officers - commanders of subunits in the order of formation of subunits and conducting exercises in the course of combat coordination.

    For up to 10 days before the start of the formation of units, classes are held with officers called up from the reserve to recruit newly formed formations and military units that are part of the reserves on the subjects of combat training, the study of their functional duties, the procedure for forming units and conducting combat coordination. The duration of the school day is 10 hours. On the eve of conducting training sessions with personnel, direct commanders (chiefs) conduct briefings and instructor-methodical sessions with officers, at which they are given a plan developed in advance (plan - notes), are given practical advice organization and conduct of upcoming classes.

    Single training of sergeants and soldiers

    Single training of sergeants and soldiers is carried out in order to prepare military personnel for the successful performance of their functional duties in combat.

    Learning objectives:

    1. study (deepening of knowledge) of combat regulations, manuals, manuals and other documents that determine the techniques and methods of action of military personnel in battle;
    2. restoration (acquisition, improvement) of knowledge of the material part and skills of owning weapons and military equipment, ways of using them in combat;
    3. the formation of physical and moral-volitional qualities necessary for the successful completion of tasks.

    Most of the training time during the solo training period is devoted to tactical training. Tactical training focuses on:

    1. studying and skillfully fulfilling the requirements combat charter;
    2. developing the skills and abilities of combat in difficult conditions day and night in cooperation with neighbors, crews of military vehicles with the full exertion of all moral and physical strength;
    3. the formation of the skills of sergeants to organize combat on the ground, competently and clearly give a combat order, confidently and continuously manage the crew (squad) in battle day and night, train subordinates in skillful and decisive actions in the performance of combat missions.

    Tactical training of personnel is carried out in tactical drill classes and is improved in classes in other subjects of study. Tactical combat exercises are conducted on foot (“In machine”, “In tank”) and on standard equipment.

    The direct commander is the leader of tactical drill exercises. The duration of tactical combat training is 2 - 4 hours. All tactical training classes begin with a study of a potential enemy, his combat capabilities.

    In the course of fire training, sergeants and soldiers study the material part of standard weapons, the techniques and rules for firing from them, train in observation, reconnaissance of targets and firing at them, perform training and control firing exercises from standard weapons.

    In the technical training classes, the main attention is paid to the study of the structure of the material part of the combat vehicles in service with the unit, the procedure for checking, repairing, evacuating, the rules for operating equipment, developing the ability to perform maintenance of military equipment and preparing it for combat use. Technical training classes are organized in the company according to specialties. They are carried out directly on the equipment.

    Classes on driving combat vehicles are held with the aim of acquiring practical skills in driving military equipment in relation to the theater of operations. Driving skills and abilities are restored (improved) in independent classes, as well as in the course of tactical and fire training classes. Particular attention is paid to the study of the rules for overcoming obstacles, driving vehicles in a convoy, in pre-battle and combat formations on the ground, typical for a theater of operations, and compliance with safety requirements.

    Combat coordination of subunits and units

    Combat coordination of military units, subunits deployed in wartime states, is carried out using standard weapons and military equipment on complex topics, providing for the development of joint actions in the conditions of the use of modern means of combat by the enemy.

    Coordination of crews, squads within subunits begins at the stage of single training and continues at the stage of coordinating crews (squads), platoons.

    The basis for the combat coordination of crews and squads is the solid mastery of their official duties in a regular position, the basic provisions of general military regulations, the material part of standard weapons, methods of protection against weapons of mass destruction, and mastery of tactical methods of action on the battlefield.

    The combat coordination of crews and squads is carried out directly by their commanders, with whom the platoon and company commanders first conduct a practical briefing on the procedure for conducting exercises.

    Platoon and company commanders are instructed on the procedure for conducting combat coordination exercises for platoons and companies in a regular wartime organization, respectively, with platoon commanders - company commanders, and with company commanders - battalion commanders.

    To conduct classes, commanders of crews and squads must be provided with general military charters and instructions on standard weapons, instructions for soldiers in battle for each regular position, as well as instructions for maintaining high vigilance and maintaining state and military secrets.

    Combat coordination in platoons and companies is carried out strictly in accordance with the training schedules developed in peacetime.

    Battalion commanders personally organize and conduct combat coordination of platoons and companies and are responsible for the quality preparation of subunits for combat missions.

    The basis for training the personnel of platoons and companies during the period of their combat coordination is their practical training on the combat materiel by conducting tactical-combat, tactical-special exercises and tactical exercises. The topics of tactical combat training are selected from the combat coordination program, taking into account the combat mission of the unit, the characteristics of the theater of operations and the time of year. The topics of tactical exercises are determined by: company commanders - commanders of regiments (individual battalions); battalions - commanders of divisions (brigades).

    Tactical combat exercises usually begin on foot "In a tank" ("In a machine"), then continue on a regular materiel. To work out joint actions for tactical combat exercises and tactical exercises of motorized rifle and tank battalions, subdivisions of the military branches and special troops are involved.

    Tactical exercises are conducted on complex topics, involving the development of several types of combat operations. Duration of exercises: with companies and battalions - 1 day.

    Tactical exercises with live firing during the period of combat coordination are carried out, first of all, with those subunits and military units that, according to the plan of the formation commander, are intended to be used when moving in the vanguard (in the forward detachment), and in battle - in the first echelon in the main direction. Otherwise, the methodology for preparing and conducting tactical drill exercises and tactical exercises during combat coordination is the same as during combat training under normal conditions.

    Combat coordination is carried out at the facilities of the educational material and technical base and alienated land plots, while 30% of classes and exercises are conducted at night.

    The educational material and technical base must ensure the full implementation of combat coordination measures. To this end, in advance, in peacetime, it is planned to increase the capacity and bandwidth training facilities, the necessary stocks of materiel are created for combat coordination, which are stored in an emergency reserve in a designated place.

    In addition to the equipped areas of the terrain and stationary objects of the ranges, the composition of the training and material base for combat coordination includes: sets of range equipment (movable motorized winches, company tactical kits, portable shooting equipment); a set of targets, pointers, plates, devices, accessories for training in shooting from standard weapons, bringing them to normal combat, reconciliation of shooting and observation devices; a set of guidance documents, methodological and guidance literature, accounting documents.

    When determining the number of targets per regiment during combat coordination, one should proceed from the calculation:

    1. to perform UKS from small arms - 50 sets;
    2. to carry out the UKS from infantry fighting vehicles and tanks - cannon targets for 50% of combat vehicles, machine guns: in SMEs - 10 sets for infantry fighting vehicles and 14 sets for tanks; in TP - 20 sets;
    3. at BTU (RTU) with live firing - cannon targets - 1 set for 2 exercises; for small arms - 1 set for all exercises in the regiment.

    Covering the training fields is carried out by a team of 15-20 people from the organizational core.

    At the end of the stages of combat coordination and upon its completion, reviews of readiness for the performance of combat missions are held. Their number and time are determined by the commander of the military unit.

    After the completion of combat coordination, if there is time and material means, the improvement of combat coordination is carried out, continuing until the start of receiving a combat mission.

    The main tasks of improving combat coordination are:

    1. conducting classes on subjects and topics that were not well enough learned in the course of combat coordination;
    2. consolidation of skills and abilities in conducting coordinated and decisive actions of subunits and military units of all types of troops and special troops in various conditions of the situation;
    3. training in the coordination of controls, radio training and other activities that do not require a large expenditure of material resources.

    .1 Training of officials for fire drills

    The high quality of classes cannot be achieved without careful personal preparation of the leader for the class. Determining the organizational forms and methods of conducting classes, he must proceed from the actual level of knowledge, skills and abilities of military personnel. This can only be achieved through individual study of the trainees. In addition, the preparation of the lesson includes a wide range of other activities, the main of which are the preparation of trainees, the educational material base and leaders at the training places, as well as the conduct of instructor and methodological classes with the personnel of the educational process support units, if it is involved in conducting classes at training points as instructors.

    Great attention deserves such a practice of preparing trainees, when the organization of the upcoming lesson is brought to them on the eve of training. In this case, during the lesson, the leader, after declaring security measures and introducing the trainees into a tactical environment, has the opportunity to start conducting the lesson at the training places without further organizational measures. As a result, the net time of training at training places can be up to 90% of the time of fire training.

    3.1.1 Training of the class leader and other officials

    The preparation of the leader for conducting fire training is carried out at demonstrative, instructor-methodical classes, briefings and independent work. Independent work begins with the study of guidance documents on combat training, which give specific instructions on the organization of classes, and also draws attention to those issues of firearms training that, according to the experience of the past training period and previous classes, cause particular difficulties for trainees, so that during classes work them out more carefully.

    From the combat training program and the schedule of classes, the leader receives the initial data for conducting fire training: the topic, content of training issues, venue, time, as well as the amount of military equipment and ammunition required for the lesson.

    When studying the initial data, the manager understands:

    ¾ topic and content of training questions;

    ¾ performed exercises and standards;

    ¾ the place of the lesson;

    ¾ the time and duration of the lesson;

    ¾ material base and the amount of ammunition issued.

    As a result of assimilation by the head of the lesson of the selected material, taking into account the previously conducted classes and the level of training of the personnel, a preliminary lesson plan is drawn up and training questions are determined. The leader of the lesson can go to the training center with a possible option for the lesson.

    At the training center, the class leader specifies:

    ¾ number of training places for fire training;

    ¾ the possibilities of the firing camp for conducting classes, the availability and performance of simulators;

    ¾ instructs operators;

    ¾ determines the capacity and equipment of each training site, the shift procedure, the availability of means of communication between the training sites and communications at the training site for fire control, landmarks and other issues of ensuring the lesson.

    Then the head of the lesson determines the number and content of training places, the order of their change, educational and educational goals; determines the material support at each training place, the method of conducting the lesson, methodological and educational techniques to achieve the goals of the lesson, the leaders of the classes at the training places and other issues of the methodology for conducting the lesson.

    Personal training ends with the preparation of a plan-outline, which is the working document of the leader. It usually gives a clear statement of the topic of the lesson; educational and educational goals are determined; educational questions are formulated; planned time and place of the lesson; the literature used in preparation for the lesson, material support are determined; the calculation of the time for the lesson is made, the course of classes at the training places is determined.

    In the future, the leader of the lesson is engaged in the preparation of leaders at the training places, the preparation of training places, means of material support and trainees.

    Shooting from small arms trainees, as a rule, perform from regular (assigned to them) weapons.

    Trainees who have studied the material part of weapons (weapons) and ammunition, safety requirements, the basics and rules of shooting, the conditions of the exercise and passed the test are allowed to perform shooting exercises.

    Trainees who have not passed the test are not allowed to shoot.

    3.1.2 Preparation of personnel and training material base before performing a fire drill

    The company commander instructs the platoon commanders, foreman of the company, sergeants to prepare personnel, material resources, weapons and equipment for fire training, and to perform preparatory exercises. Organizes an instructor-methodical lesson with officers, foremen and non-commissioned officers of the company. Prepares a fire drill plan.

    Platoon commanders, having received the task from the company commander to train personnel and material base, proceed to the task. Organize, during hours of self-training, the study of preparatory exercises from the Kalashnikov assault rifle, PM and hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher and safety requirements. Gives instructions to the non-commissioned officers to prepare the equipment of the personnel. Personally checks the condition of weapons and equipment, takes credit on knowledge of the provisions of the firing course, safety requirements. They draw up a plan-outline of the lesson at the training place and approve it from the company commander. They conduct a conversation with the personnel of platoons to assess the psychophysiological state of military personnel.

    Units arrive at the military shooting range (headmistress, firing camp) no later than 30 minutes before the start of shooting. This time is used to organize classes at training sites, check the operation of the range equipment, the target field and inspect the targets; checking the communication of the senior shooting leader with the shooting leaders in areas firing combat vehicles and training places where shooting and dugouts will be carried out; as well as to check the readiness of weapons and weapons for firing and calculate the initial settings of the sight. The communication of the shooting leader on the site with the shooters, from combat vehicles and helicopters, is carried out by radio, in the absence of radio communication, shooting is prohibited.

    After preparing for the lesson, the platoon commander lines up the personnel and reports to the company commander about the readiness of the platoon for fire training.

    Before performing fire drills as part of a squad (platoon) and special exercises, tactical and drill exercises, training in fire control and throwing hand grenades should be carried out, and instructor-methodical (demonstrative) exercises with firing leaders, in addition, performing exercises as part of a combat pair (group).

    Personnel must be trained in shooting in gas masks. During the training period, trainees must perform firing exercises in gas masks, and during inspections (checks), up to one third of the trainees, by decision of the inspector, are involved in performing firing exercises in gas masks.

    Shooting in gas masks is carried out without changing the conditions of the exercise. Gas masks are put on by the personnel at the command "Gases", which is given by the chief of fire on the site before the signal "Listen to everyone", and are removed at the command of the chief of fire on the site after the combat vehicles return to their original position and the crews leave them.

    When performing exercises for training, control, qualifying and live firing, trainees must have gas masks, and when performing exercises and exercises with live firing, other personal protective equipment.

    When performing shooting exercises, classes (training) are organized at training sites. The number of training places, the standards to be met (if not stipulated by the conditions of the exercise) and the content of the classes on them are determined by the head of shooting at the site.

    The head of the military shooting range is responsible for the timely and high-quality preparation of the above training facilities, and the commander (chief) to whom the facility is subordinate is responsible for the timely and high-quality preparation of the above training facilities.

    All work on the preparation of training facilities for shooting ends no later than one hour before the start of the lesson.

    The head of the training facility reports to the head of the lesson (shooting) on ​​the site about the readiness of the equipment of the military shooting range for shooting. For control classes, final checks (inspections), an act of readiness of the object is drawn up, which must be kept by the shooting leader.

    The military shooting range is equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Guidelines for the service of the ranges of the Armed Forces and the Album of schemes of training facilities and fields of the ranges of the Armed Forces.

    In addition, at the military shooting range, to a depth of 200-300 m of the target field, shelters are arranged and mock-ups of various local objects are built (funnel from shells; stones, logs; wells, fences, etc.), allowing them to be used by personnel, when performing shooting exercises, for shelter and camouflage and not limiting the possibility of firing from all types of weapons. In 1-2 directions of a military shooting range, for carrying out a live firing exercise as part of a squad (combat pairs, groups), at a distance of 150 m from the ROO, sections of wire obstacles are equipped, 50-60 m wide and 15-25 m deep, ensuring their overcoming of at least than in two ways.

    To perform shooting exercises in relation to the conditions of conducting a defensive battle from small arms at military shooting ranges, one firing position is equipped for each shooter in each direction, its removal from the line of opening fire should ensure the creation of the required number of options for displaying targets. The firing position includes two or three trenches for standing fire.

    The trenches are located at a distance of 10-12 m from one another along the front and are connected to each other by a communication course 1.5 m deep, into which two entrances are equipped.

    The line of opening fire should be located at a distance from the starting line no closer:

    when firing from small arms and automatic grenade launchers on the machine - 10 m;

    when firing from the armament of combat vehicles - 25 m;

    when firing from hand-held and mounted anti-tank grenade launchers - 30 m;

    when firing from reactive infantry flamethrowers - 50 m;

    when firing from anti-tank rocket systems (ATGM) and tactical laser systems (TLK) - 80 m;

    When performing exercises in throwing combat hand grenades, the throwing line is located in such a way that there are no people and objects within a radius of 50 m when throwing offensive and 300 m when throwing defensive and anti-tank grenades that can be hit by fragments of grenades.

    3.2 The method of work of the company commander during fire drills

    A scientific approach to solving the problem of improving the means and methods of command and control of troops is conditioned by changes in armament and the nature of hostilities. The large saturation of troops with various military equipment, the colossal power of new weapons, the huge spatial scope, the dynamism, transience and tension in combat operations, a significant increase in the amount of information and an equally sharp reduction in the time allotted for organizing combat operations, makes unusually high demands on command and control of troops.

    Management is a purposeful impact on groups of people to organize the coordination of their activities in the process of solving a problem.

    What is common between command and control as a whole and command and control of troops is their basis - the management of people, their teams, machines and weapons. The troops are a self-governing, dynamic system, with the presence of a control body and an object of control, direct and feedback.

    The goal of management is to obtain the greatest possible effect with the least effort and cost.

    The purpose of troop command and control is to ensure the fulfillment of a combat mission within the specified time frame and with the least expenditure of manpower and resources.

    Command and control of troops is a multifaceted practical activity of commanders and staffs, which consists in the constant leadership of subordinate troops in peacetime, maintaining them in a high combat development of the armed forces, the theory and practice of command and control of troops also changed and developed.

    3.2.1 Operations of the Chief Range Officer

    When conducting fire training with a motorized rifle company at a military shooting range (directress) of one company, the commander of the firing company is appointed as the senior leader of the shooting.

    The senior shooting leader is responsible for the observance by the firing subunits of the established order, safety requirements and the conditions of the practiced firing exercises. The leaders of the shooting at the sites and the personnel serving the shooting are subordinate to him.

    He is obliged:

    a) on the eve of the shooting:

    Study the Landfill Operation Manual;

    find out what exercises and at what training facilities will be performed by units (which military units);

    the number of shooters from each type of weapon, the time of the beginning and end of firing, from which unit (military unit) officials are appointed to serve the firing;

    Scope of work on the preparation of target fields;

    Appoint shooting leaders at the sites (when shooting from small arms);

    b) before the start of shooting:

    accept reports from the leaders of firing at the sites (commanders of firing units) on the readiness for firing and the number of shooters by category, and from the heads of training facilities - on the readiness of equipment, operators, communications - obtain permission to start firing from the head of the range;

    from the head of the cordon - about the posted posts;

    check the acts of readiness of educational facilities for classes. A sample of the act of readiness of the educational facility for conducting classes is given in the appendix to this Guide;

    to instruct, against signature, the leaders of the firing at the sites on the procedure for conducting firing and recall the safety requirements;

    notify (in the absence of direct communication - through the duty officer at the range or the operational duty officer) to the military sector of the corresponding regional center of the EU ATM no later than 5 minutes from the actual (planned) start of the activity about the actual start time of the activity or about the delay and transfer of activity, from the appointed time, or about cancellation;

    organize observation of the shooting and the target field, set tasks for the observers and all officials appointed to serve the shooting;

    Upon the arrival of the unit, the commander of the company (separate platoon) lines up the personnel, checks the weapons and equipment of the trainees, appoints the head of the ammunition station and, at the direction of the senior firing leader, appoints observers at the command post, sets the task of preparing weapons and ammunition for firing and preparing training places in the rear of the shooting range for classes.

    When conducting fire training exercises with the performance of shooting exercises, the following order is observed:

    With the beginning of the lesson, the commander of the firing unit

    Informs the topic, goals and order of the lesson;

    indicates the training places and the procedure for interaction with the shooting leaders in the areas (training places where shooting is carried out), the time of the beginning and end of the shooting;

    checks the trainees' knowledge of the basic provisions of the Firing Course and the safety requirements for firing, brings meteorological data to the trainees;

    after setting tasks, he gives a command for the units to occupy the indicated training places (firing areas).

    As mentioned above, places are equipped at the military shooting range not only along the front, but also in the rear of the military shooting range. In order to consider what training places will be used in fire training, we use the training staff of a motorized rifle company. The structure is shown in Fig.2.

    Figure 2. Organizational and staffing structure of the MSR on the BMP

    In service consists;



    -AK-74-7 unit






    -SBR - 1 unit

    When organizing fire training, the company commander understands the objectives of the lesson, the capabilities of the military shooting range facilities, the availability and readiness of the company's personnel (platoon commanders, sergeants and privates)

    Mandatory training places at each fire drill should be;

    Ø Preparatory shooting exercises

    Ø Target reconnaissance and target designation

    Ø fire control exercise

    Based on this, the company commander organizes the following training places;

    1.First Academic Place "MSV Fire Control"

    2.The second training place "Performance of launchers from small arms and grenade launchers"

    .The third educational place “Throwing hand-imitation grenades. Fulfillment of standards»

    .Fourth educational place "Training at the TOPs"

    3.2.2 The order of work of the leaders of shooting at training places

    The deputy company commander, platoon commanders, during fire training, perform the duties of firing leaders in the areas.

    The head of shooting at the site is responsible for the exact fulfillment by the shooters of the safety requirements, the established procedure, as well as the conditions of the exercise being performed. The duty operator of the training facility and all officials assigned to serve the shooting at the site are subordinate to him.

    He is obliged:

    a) before starting shooting:

    communicate ceasefire signals to all personnel of subunits during firing exercises, live firing and tactical exercises with live firing;

    check the compliance of the target environment with the conditions of the exercise being performed and the availability of communication with the senior shooting leader;

    when performing an exercise afloat, check the organization of the evacuation service;

    organize communication with the crews of firing combat vehicles;

    check the readiness of training places for classes;

    receive from the head of the training facility a map (a tablet with a coordinate grid and landmarks) to account for unexploded ordnance, mines, air bombs and other explosive objects;

    organize shooting supervision;

    report to the senior chief of firing on readiness for firing, the number of shooters and set a visual signal of red color at the control point;

    to clarify on the ground areas (sections) for firing along the front and in depth.

    b) while shooting:

    supervise shooting on the site;

    keep records of unexploded ordnance, mines, aerial bombs and other explosive objects;

    in case of violation of safety requirements, immediately stop shooting and report to the senior shooting leader.

    c) at the end of the shooting:

    report to the senior leader of the shooting on the end of the shooting;

    organize the collection of spent cartridges, inspect military vehicles and make sure that they do not contain ammunition and cartridges;

    report to the senior firing officer on the results of firing and on the number of unexploded shells (grenades) and unnoticed explosions;

    debrief the shooting with the unit and announce the assessment to each shooter and unit.

    During the execution of shooting exercises, the head of shooting on the site must be:

    when shooting on foot - during the day no closer than 15 m from the shooter, at night no closer than 5 m;

    when shooting through the loopholes (over the side) of a combat vehicle, from the cockpit of a car, motorcycle, helicopter in flight - in a combat vehicle, car, motorcycle, helicopter;

    when firing from a structure - in the structure and maintain contact with the district control point;

    when firing from the armament of military vehicles - at the district control point;

    when performing combat firing exercises as part of a subunit - behind the combat formation of subunits in a place that provides observation of the actions of trainees, but not closer than 15 m during the day and not closer than 5 m at night.

    When performing firing exercises from short stops and on the move (on the move), targets are shown after the shooting (combat vehicles) pass the line of opening fire, as well as upon reaching the lines from which the distances to the targets specified in the conditions of the exercises are calculated.

    The display (movement) of each next target is carried out, as a rule, after the end of the display (movement) of the previous target and the change (during the change) of the firing position. Options for displaying targets and firing positions (when performing firing exercises from a place) for each change of trainees are determined by the shooting leader on the site or by the inspector.

    With the occupation of the specified shooting area by the unit, the head of the shooting at the area:

    informs the topic, objectives (if necessary) and the procedure for conducting the lesson;

    indicates on the terrain the starting position, firing positions for combat vehicles and trainees (when firing from small arms and grenade launchers), lines of opening and ceasefire, main and dangerous directions of fire, direction and speed of movement of combat vehicles, the procedure for occupying and changing firing positions, turning at the line of ceasefire and return to the starting position;

    determines the procedure for interaction with leaders at training sites where shooting will be carried out;

    checks the trainees' knowledge of the main provisions of the Shooting Course, the conditions of the exercise being performed and the safety requirements for shooting;

    puts the commanders of platoons (squads) shooting combat mission in relation to actions on the offensive or on the defensive, depending on the conditions of the exercise being performed.

    Platoon commanders set a combat mission for squad commanders (commanders of combat vehicles) before performing an exercise with their platoon and each change of shooters, and combat vehicle commanders set combat missions for crew members in combat vehicles during loading of ammunition (squad commanders set a combat mission for squads after receiving ammunition) .

    It is forbidden to indicate to trainees the location of targets and the order in which they are displayed.

    When firing at one section of the military shooting range (headmistress), the same order is observed as in several.

    In the course of the exercise, the shooting leader on the site observes the actions of the shooters, manages the display of targets and evaluates the actions of the trainees, reflecting the results of the shooting in the record of the results of the shooting exercise (Appendix 9). He is forbidden to interfere with the actions of the shooters, if they do not violate safety requirements.

    After the firing of the unit (shift), the head of firing at the site orders to collect shells, check weapons, cartridge belts and boxes, magazines and bags for magazines and grenades; if necessary, inspects the targets, then debriefs with all personnel and announces the assessment of the shooting.

    When firing using information about hitting targets, target inspection may not be carried out, the signal "Hang up" after the end of firing by each shift (subunit) of shooters may not be given, and the red flag (red semicircle of the Armed Forces of Ukraine) is not replaced. The next shift (subdivision) of shooters in this case performs a firing exercise according to the commands of the senior shooting leader (shooting leader on the site).

    Control over the results of shooting is carried out in the same way as during training in shooting.

    Starting the lesson, the leader introduces the trainees into a tactical environment, indicates landmarks and sets a combat mission (gives an order). In fire control training, the leader gives the order in the role of platoon leader, in platoon fire control training, in the role of company commander, and in company fire control training, in the role of battalion commander.

    Trainees take places, establish communication, report on readiness by radio and conduct observation.

    Having accepted the readiness reports, the leader starts showing the first group of goals in accordance with the conditions of the exercise. At the same time, emerging and moving targets are raised by the operator, and the leader indicates the stationary targets to the trainees by radio.

    Targets for destruction are selected depending on their importance (danger), nature of actions and vulnerability.

    Therefore, all goals are shown in groups, while the groups are made up so that in each of them one of the goals is more important (dangerous).

    Having found the targets, the crews report to the unit commanders, who make decisions on their destruction, set tasks by radio for firing. According to these tasks, tank commanders give commands to open fire to crews that fire from tanks. The shooting time is limited by the target display time. The commanders of the armored personnel carriers keep a record of the commands and targets on which the fire was fired, indicating the results of the firing. The head listens to the commands given by the company or platoon commanders by radio (in this case, a tape recording can be made), and selectively orders one or another armored personnel carrier commander to report on the radio the task assigned to the crew. In case of incorrect actions, the leader demands to re-set tasks or give commands for firing.

    A fire mission is considered set and completed correctly if the trained commander correctly assessed the importance of targets, determined the type of weapon, ammunition, method of firing to hit the target, and gave the command to open fire, and the subunit quickly and clearly indicated firing at the indicated target in accordance with the command of the commander.

    When the target display time expires, the leader orders the first group to be lowered and the next group of targets to be shown.

    After the end of the exercise, the command "END" is given, according to which the military personnel stop the combat mission; if live ammunition was fired, the weapon is unloaded and the case catchers are released, the commanders report this to the leader. Having received the reports on the unloading of weapons, the leader gives the command "To the car", collects the records of the tank commanders, looks through them and, based on his personal observations, the results of firing and the records of the tank commanders, makes an analysis. Analysis of the exercises is carried out with all trainees and separately with unit commanders ( divisions)

    1.The analysis of the activity of the company commander in the preparation of fire training was carried out. The company commander is the direct organizer of combat training in the company. He must have a system for conducting fire drills, plan his personal training, the training of officials who provide and maintain fire, as well as the training of platoon personnel, equipment and weapons based on the recruitment, level of training of officers, sergeants and soldiers in accordance with the requirements of the governing documents.

    2.The place and role of fire training in the system of combat training of motorized rifle units has been clarified. Fire training is the initial form of field training for platoon personnel. It is the next stage in the preparation of personnel for the performance of control firing exercises. Fire training is carried out with the aim of improving the skills and abilities in action with weapons (armament of a combat vehicle), shooting, interaction, fire cover and fire control during a firefight.

    3.When formulating training goals, it is necessary to take into account the performance of fire missions with real live fire and its influence on the education of morale, combat and psychological qualities among personnel. Before performing fire drills, it is necessary to conduct tactical drills, drills in fire control and in throwing hand grenades. Take tests on knowledge of combat regulations, organization, weapons and tactics of a potential enemy, security requirements. Conduct instructor-methodical (show) classes with unit commanders.

    4.A methodology has been developed for the work of officials in preparation for fire drills and in the course of it.

    5.A plan for conducting fire training was developed taking into account the recommendations of the Firing Course - 2006.

    6.Recommendations were given to unit commanders to improve the company's preparation for fire drills and unit management during the training session.

    .The schedule is drawn up for a long time, and if it is written by hand, then it takes a very long time. I'm talking about the fact that in modern conditions you need to use a computer to write a schedule. In the form of the schedule in the computer version there is:

    Sample week;

    elements of the daily routine;

    dress preparation, etc.

    It remains only to make changes to the subjects of study, the topics of classes and the schedule is ready. If the schedule is written by hand, then it takes 3-4 hours, and so the time is reduced to 1 hour.

    Our lives are getting more and more difficult. Many people now have to study computer technology, without which most of the tasks performed are indispensable.


    The experience of everyday activities of troops in peacetime shows that the level of their combat readiness is always higher in those subunits where combat training is well organized, equipment is properly maintained and operated, and great attention is paid to mobilization work.

    One of the most important conditions for maintaining high combat readiness is the availability of highly qualified officers. Only highly professional, well-trained officers are able, when bringing subunits, units to full combat readiness, to accept mobilization resources in a timely manner, form subunits, conduct high-quality combat coordination and prepare the subunit for the performance of a combat mission. Therefore, the mobilization training of officers should begin with the theoretical training of cadets in educational institutions with a subsequent increase in their skills in solving practical problems in the troops. My diploma summarizes the requirements of the governing documents, taking into account the positive experience accumulated in the troops on the issues of receiving mobilization resources, organizing and conducting combat coordination.

    The main provisions of this thesis work are not complete and I suggest it is expedient to propose a similar topic in the future work of cadets, for a more creative approach to planning problems in military units and subunits. This paper considers issues related to combat training in peacetime in its most important areas.


    1. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of November 5, 1998 "On the organization of combat coordination of formations and military units".
    2. Ivanov S.I. and others. Fundamentals of command and control. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1971. p. 220-240
    3. Guidelines on the organization and implementation of activities of daily activities in the military unit. Book 1.-M.: Military Publishing, 2003. pp.78-112
    4. Grom about in and O. N. Organization of managerial work: Proc. allowance. - M.: GAU, 1993.
    5. Leadership of units in peacetime. Part 1. - M .: Department of Military Education, 1998. p.8-25
    6. Leadership of units in peacetime. part 2 - M .: Department of military education, 1998. p.8-29
    7. The program of combat coordination of motorized rifle (tank) formations and units of the Ground Forces, Moscow. 1999
    8. Handbook of the combined arms commander. - Khabarovsk: Combat Training Department, 1995. p.13-25
    9. Combat training program for motorized rifle units "For units manned by military personnel undergoing military service under contract and conscription": Voenizdat. - Moscow, 2005.
    10. Papkin A.I. Fundamentals of practical management. - M .: Unity-Dana, 2000. p.8-19
    11. Skachko P.G. Combat action plan and command and control. - M .: Military publishing house, 1968. p.74-85
    12. Fundamentals of Control Theory./ ed. V.N. Parakhina, L.I. Ushvitsky.- M.: Finance and statistics, 2004. p.274-294
    13. Varennikov V.I. Fundamentals of the theory of command and control. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1984. p.173-205
    14. Ivanov D.A. Fundamentals of command and control in combat. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1977. p.150-155
    15. Army collection №2-2004 p.37-41


    Annex A

    Table. Class schedule of the 4th motorized rifle company for the period of combat coordination from M 1 to M 11

    Annex B

    “I APPROVE” the commander of the military unit 00000 Colonel I. SIDOROV ““ 2006

    Table. PLAN Preparation of the 2nd motorized rifle battalion for the summer training period of the 2006 academic year

    No. Actions to be taken Deadline for implementation Who performs Who controls Completion mark-1--2--3--4--5--6- 1. 2.1. STATE OF BATTLE AND MOBILIZATION READINESS. Finalize the documents of the Design Bureau for the transfer from peacetime to wartime. Clarify the mobilization documents of the battalion units: - personal plans of the unit commanders; - work cards of unit commanders; - workbooks of unit commanders; - SDS; - Invoices for receipt of material resources. Equip the KB command post. Until 20.05.04 until 20.05.04 NS Com. other KB NSh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2. STATE OF COMBAT TRAINING. Draw up a plan for combat training of the battalion for the summer period of training in 2004. Draw up a thematic calculation and schedule for command training of platoon commanders and sergeants. Prepare journals of combat and command training. Make a schedule for the period of training on combat readiness. Write notes on conducting combat readiness classes. Re-equip and re-equip the company UMB, painting boxes 4MSR, MIN. BATR. Restoration of the company UMB 5MSR, 6MSR. Construction site. - Installation of a poster with standards for combat training. - Installation and alignment of flagpoles. The field of preparation of small units. Setting "clothes of coolness" in position for separation. - Repair and installation of targets, fastening of cables. - Repair and installation of landmarks. Until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 20.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 30.05.04 until 25.11.04 until 22.05.04 until 29.05.04 until 30.04.04 until 30.04.04 Other Com. Other Com. 4MSR, min. Batr. Com. 5MSR Com. 4MSR Com. 4MSR Com. 4MSR Com. 4MSR KB CB NSh NSh ZKB ZKB ZKB ZKB ZKB ZKB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.3. STATUS OF THE TROOP SERVICE. To carry out the selection of personnel of the battalion for admission to serve on guard. Conduct a lesson and take tests on knowledge of the provisions of general military regulations with the personnel on duty in the battalion. Conduct a lesson and take tests on knowledge of the provisions of general military regulations with the personnel of the guard. Update documents: - Guards; - battalion duty officer. Complete the bag of the battalion duty officer with new documents: - a plate with the duties of the duty officer for the battalion and the work schedule of the duty officer for the battalion - 1 pc.; - a plate with the duties of an orderly for the battalion and the order of work of the orderly for the battalion - 2 pcs.; - a plate with commands given by the orderly and with the daily routine. Update boards with documentation: - documentation of the battalion duty officer; - documentation of unit commanders; - Documentation of foremen of the company. Update posters with orders given by orderlies to the battalion. Update the documentation in the CWC (on the documentation board, in pyramids and boxes). Charge the battery from the CWC Carry out repairs in the CWC (special attention to the condition entrance doors and pyramids). Repair posters and stands at the guard town. Repair the fence and guard tower at the guard town. Until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 20.05.04 until 20.05.04 Until 15.05.04 until 15.05.04 until 15.05.04 until 10.05.04 until 15.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 NSh ZKVR NSh NSh Com. 4MSR Com. other NSh NSh Com. 6MSR Com. 6MSR Com. 6MSR Com. 6MSR KB KB KB KB NSh NSh KB KB NSh NSh NSh NSh 1. 2. 3.4. STATE OF ARMAMENT AND EQUIPMENT. Complete the transfer of equipment to the summer operation mode. Put equipment 5 MSR, PTV, GDV on the bed. Complete and check the operability of the fire protection equipment and GDV. until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 5. Repair fences No. 1 Update technical documentation in subdivisions. before 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 KR KR ZKV ZKV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.5. MORAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STATE, STATE OF LAW AND MILITARY DISCIPLINE. Redecoration of the leisure room. Preparation of the field leisure room. Wall print issue. Preparation of documentation for the new study period. Instructor-methodical knowledge with the leaders of the UCP groups. Preparation of progress screens. until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 until 25.05.04 REAR CONDITION. Carry out electrical wiring in location 5.6 MSR. Repair the water supply in the washroom. Complete the household room with the necessary property. Excess clothing items in the warehouse. Update company management documentation. until 30.04.04 until 10.04.04 until 10.04.04 until 30.04.04 until 10.05.04 Room 5,6 MSR. Com. 4 MSR Com. min.batt. Com dr. Com. other KB KB KB KB KB

  • Cash allowance
  • Food supply
  • Clothing provision
  • Medical support
  • § 8. The activities of the commander to ensure the security of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • § 9. Accommodation of conscripted military personnel in barracks. Maintenance and operation of the barracks and housing stock, fire protection
  • Chapter 3. Organization of internal, guard, garrison and combat services
  • § 1. Organization of internal service
  • The work of the commander and headquarters of the military unit to monitor the state of the internal service
  • Maintenance of the assigned territory
  • Daily outfit
  • Checkpoint equipment (checkpoint)
  • Duty (orderly) for the company
  • Organization of personnel washing
  • Accounting for personnel in a military unit, subdivision
  • § 2. Organization of guard duty
  • Selection and training of guards11
  • Features of the equipment of the guardroom, posts
  • Internal order in the guards15
  • Ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition on guard
  • Features of the protection of the Battle Banner of the military unit
  • Guard service with the use of technical means of protection
  • Protection of objects by guard dogs
  • Features of the organization and performance of guard duty for the protection and escort of transports with military cargo
  • Organization of protection and escort of military cargo
  • Welfare and medical support
  • Control over the organization and performance of guard duty
  • § 3. Organization of combat duty (combat service)36
  • Training of personnel for combat duty
  • Combat duty (combat service)38
  • § 4. Organization of garrison service
  • Features of the organization of preparation and performance of garrison service
  • Military automobile inspection of the garrison
  • Chapter 4
  • § 1. General preparation for leadership
  • Advantages and disadvantages of various types of organizational structures
  • § 2. Managerial communication of the commander
  • Some general principles for dealing with "difficult" people
  • § 3. Prevention and resolution of conflicts
  • § 4. The essence and content of the managerial activities of the commander
  • § 5. Organization of management in a unit (subdivision)
  • § 6. Management of the activities of subordinates
  • § 7. The content of planning in part Requirements for the organization of planning in part
  • Combat training plan documents
  • Planning in the battalion and company
  • Chapter 5. Powers of commanders in personnel activities
  • § 1. Activities of commanders when concluding contracts for military service
  • Organization of attracting citizens and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription for military service under the contract
  • Contract signing activities
  • § 2. A set of actions for commanders in the appointment of military personnel to positions, dismissal, transfer to a new place of military service
  • General conditions for the appointment of military personnel to positions
  • § 3. Actions of the commander upon dismissal of military personnel and their exclusion from the list of military units
  • § 4. Powers of commanders for conferring military ranks on servicemen
  • § 5. Features of the acquisition of military units by civilian personnel
  • Chapter 6. Organization of educational work and moral and psychological support
  • § 1. The essence and content of educational work and moral and psychological support
  • § 2. Planning and organization of educational work in part
  • § 3. Organization of public-state training in the unit (subdivision)
  • § 4. Maintenance of military discipline in the unit (unit) and its analysis
  • § 5. Actions of the command to organize the search for those who left the unit without permission
  • Chapter 7. Legal basis for the financial and economic activities of commanders
  • § 1. Basic normative documents regulating the economic activity of military units Orders of the Minister of Defense
  • Directives of the Minister of Defense and the General Staff
  • Orders of the Chief of Logistics of the Armed Forces
  • § 2. Procedure and legal consequences of the disbandment (liquidation) of a military unit
  • § 3. Permitted activities of military units aimed at making a profit
  • § 4. Actual and conditional names of military units and the procedure for their use in economic activities
  • § 5. Military unit as a legal entity
  • § 6. Powers of the commander of a military unit in the field of economic activity. The rights of the commander to conclude contracts
  • § 7. The powers of the commander to dispose of the income of the military unit. Features of the activities of subsidiary farms of military units and the distribution of income from their activities
  • § 8. Responsibility of the commander of a military unit for violations in the field of economic activity
  • § 9. Financial activities in the military unit. Settlement systems that military units are entitled to use
  • § 10. Powers of individual commanders (chiefs) in the field of economic activity
  • § 2. Organization of combat training in a unit, subdivision and analysis of its results

    combat training- this is one of the main types of training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is a purposeful, organized process of military training and education of personnel, coordination (combat coordination) of subunits, military units, formations and their command and control bodies (headquarters) to perform combat and other tasks in accordance with their purpose. Combat training is the main content of the daily activities of commanders, command and control bodies (headquarters) and troops. It is carried out both in peacetime and in wartime and is due to the state's needs for well-trained military personnel, subunits, units and formations capable of successfully fulfilling the tasks assigned to them.

    The purpose of combat training is to ensure the constant combat readiness of troops, to achieve, maintain and improve the required level of military professional training of personnel, their physical endurance, coherence of crews, crews, subunits, units and their command and control bodies (headquarters) to perform combat and other tasks in accordance with their purpose.

    The direction of combat training is determined on the basis of the fundamental provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Fundamentals (Concept) of the state policy of the Russian Federation for the development and training of the Armed Forces, taking into account the trends in the development of military art. It is built on a strictly scientific basis, using the experience of wars, armed conflicts and exercises, the prospects for the development of organizational forms and technical equipment of troops, as well as the experience of training the armies of foreign states.

    The main tasks of combat training are:

    Maintaining a high constant combat readiness of subunits and units for the performance of combat missions (tasks for their intended purpose);

    Instilling in officers, warrant officers, sergeants (foremen) solid professional knowledge and skills, developing their commanding qualities, pedagogical skills in training and educating subordinates, as well as skills in managing crews, crews, subunits, units, formations and fire in the performance of assigned tasks and their further improvement;

    Training of military personnel for independent and as part of crews, crews, units to fulfill their official and special duties in the course of performing combat (special) tasks and the skillful use of standard weapons and military equipment for combat purposes;

    Coordination of crews, crews, units, units and formations, improvement of their field training; mastering new models of weapons and military equipment, instilling in personnel knowledge and skills in carrying out their maintenance and maintaining them in readiness for combat use, fulfilling security requirements;

    Preparation of units and subunits for participation in armed conflicts and actions as part of united (multi-agency) groupings to maintain (restor) peace and security;

    Checking in the course of training the existing statutory provisions on the organization and conduct of combat, the development of new methods of combat use of troops;

    Coordinating the command and control bodies (headquarters) of subunits and units, teaching them the ability to control troops in various conditions of the situation and carry out measures that ensure the survivability of command and control bodies (headquarters);

    Training military personnel to strictly and accurately comply with the requirements of laws and general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; education among the personnel of high morale and combat qualities, a sense of responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland, vigilance, discipline, diligence, and military camaraderie;

    The development of high psychological stability, courage and determination, physical endurance and dexterity, ingenuity, the ability to overcome the difficulties of combined arms combat, the ability to endure physical and psychological stress in difficult conditions;

    Training of military personnel to comply with the norms of international humanitarian law and the rules of conduct in the conduct of war (during armed conflicts);

    Ensuring the preparation of reserves; development of means and methods for improving the methodological systems of training and education, individual methods, taking into account the specifics of the troops, the characteristics of the training of military specialists in various fields;

    Further development and specification of the content of training and education in accordance with the ongoing changes in the life of society and its Armed Forces, taking into account the improvement of weapons and military equipment, methods of combat operations, and the need to constantly increase combat readiness.

    The main requirements for combat training are:

    Achieving the required result (level) of learning, i.e. clear definition by commanders (chiefs) of the goals and objectives of combat training and ensuring the required results of training of military personnel, troops and command and control bodies (headquarters) at all stages of their training;

    Consistency in the preparation of all categories of trainees. It means coordinating the training of military personnel, troops and command and control bodies (headquarters) in terms of goals, tasks, content of training, place and time of events, ensuring joint training of military branches and special troops;

    Rational use of the educational material and technical base of combat training and the cost-effectiveness of carrying out combat training activities, i.e. operation of combat training training facilities with a maximum load, their uniform loading during the academic year (training period), their timely maintenance and improvement, a comprehensive economic justification for the expediency and necessity of carrying out combat training activities at the facilities of the educational material and technical base;

    The introduction of advanced, scientifically based training methods into the process of combat training, representing active and purposeful application of new effective forms, methods and means of training, continuous improvement of combat training methods.

    When organizing and conducting combat training events, the following principles are strictly observed:

    Compliance with the orientation of training and education of the state ideology, the provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation;

    Ensuring the constant combat readiness of subunits and units to perform combat missions for their intended purpose, regardless of the duration of their training;

    To teach troops (forces) what is needed in the war;

    Each commander (chief) trains his subordinates;

    Visualization and maximum approximation of training to the situation of real combat operations; systematic and consistent learning, i.e. learning "from simple to complex". This principle in the practice of the troops is carried out in three directions: structural, organizational and methodological.

    A. The structural direction involves the construction of combat training "from the soldier", i.e., the first stage of training should be individual training. After that, the coordination of departments (crews, crews), platoons, companies (batteries, battalions, divisions), regiments is carried out sequentially. Coordination of a larger military formation should be started only after the complete coordination of the subunits included in it.

    B. The organizational direction presupposes a clear division of the functions of officials and control bodies of various levels in organizing and directing combat training. Squad (crew, crew) commanders, platoon and company commanders are direct supervisors of combat training. Battalion (division) commanders are the organizers of combat training. The regimental level of command is also entrusted with methodological guidance and comprehensive support for combat training. At the same time, the company (battery) is the center of combat training.

    C. The methodological direction of combat training means the consistent formation of knowledge, skills and abilities among the trainees. At the same time, knowledge is transferred (communicated) in the form of lectures, conversations, stories, film and video films and practical actions of the troops. Skills are formed in the course of simulators, training, shooting, driving exercises. Skills are formed mainly in those forms of education where the main method is practical work. This primarily applies to tactical and tactical-special exercises and exercises. Thus, the story, demonstration, training, exercise, practical work are the methodological basis for the implementation of the principle "from simple to complex".

    When organizing and conducting combat training events, the following principles are observed:

    Scientific teaching;

    Collective and individual approach to learning;

    Consciousness, activity and independence of trainees;

    Unity of training and military education.

    A high level of combat training is achieved:

    Knowledge by commanders (chiefs) of the real state of training of troops;

    Timely and specific task setting;

    High-quality and purposeful planning of combat training activities;

    Continuous, flexible and operational management of combat training, personal participation of commanders (chiefs) in the planning of combat training activities and training of subordinates;

    Strict implementation of the daily routine, plans and schedules of classes, the exclusion of disruptions and transfers of classes, separation of personnel from combat training;

    Timely preparation and comprehensive provision of classes, the right choice of forms and methods of training, the use of recommendations from military pedagogy and psychology;

    Applied nature and practical orientation of military personnel training;

    Effective use of the educational material and technical base, its development, improvement and maintenance in good condition;

    Skillful organization and conduct of methodological work in military units, constant search for new forms and methods of training military personnel, improvement of the methodological skills of class leaders, generalization and dissemination of advanced experience in training military personnel;

    Purposeful and continuous educational work and skillful organization of competition during classes; constant control over the course of training of units and the effective work of command and control bodies (headquarters) to provide assistance to subordinates; analysis of the results achieved and timely summing up the results with each category of trainees;

    Comprehensive logistical support for combat training, the full bringing of the established norms of allowances to servicemen.

    Combat training includes: single (individual) training of servicemen; training (coordination) of subunits (military formations), units and formations; preparation (coordination) of control bodies (headquarters).

    Single preparation- training of sergeants and soldiers after their arrival in the unit (training unit). The purpose of individual training is to give military personnel knowledge, to instill skills and abilities (to master military registration specialties) necessary to perform duties in combat, when handling weapons, military equipment and performing daily service. Single training of sergeants and soldiers, including those undergoing military service under the contract and female military personnel, includes:

    Initial (combined arms) training of military personnel, including those who entered the military service under a contract for the positions of sergeants and soldiers;

    Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities for the position held (military registration specialty);

    The study of the basics of training and education of personnel, the development of commanding qualities among sergeants; admission of sergeants and soldiers to independent work on equipment, combat duty (duty) as part of crew shifts;

    Preparation and delivery of tests for the assignment (confirmation) of class qualifications, the development of an adjacent specialty; preparation for actions as part of duty shifts, crews, teams, units (military formations).

    Individual training- maintenance and improvement in the course of coordinating crews, crews, units (military formations) of the knowledge, skills, professional skills and qualities of officers, warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers necessary for them to perform official and special duties in accordance with their position. The purpose of the individual training of military personnel is the complete and high-quality mastering of training programs, official and special duties for their position, and the achievement of the highest qualification.

    Individual training is carried out:

    Officers, warrant officers, sergeants - in the system of command training, in the course of scheduled classes and training in armament (weapons), on military and special equipment, simulators and other objects of the educational material and technical base;

    A soldier - in the course of planned classes and training in subjects of study in the scope of general military training and training in a military specialty.

    Training of crews, crews, units (military formations) and military units is carried out in order to ensure their constant readiness to conduct combat operations in any conditions of the situation in accordance with their combat mission. It is carried out in the course of their sequential coordination (combat coordination) in conditions as close as possible to combat.

    Coordination is the training of military personnel in coordinated actions as part of duty shifts, crews, crews, teams, subunits (military formations) with subsequent training as part of a military unit and formation to perform combat (special) tasks for their intended purpose.

    Training of governing bodies (headquarters) is carried out in order to ensure their readiness for planning combat operations, training and command of troops in any situation, as well as resolving issues of interaction and comprehensive support. This training includes: individual training of officers and ensigns of the control body (headquarters); training of support units of the command and control body (headquarters); coordinating the combat control groups and the command and control body (headquarters) as a whole.

    combat training system- this is a set of interrelated elements that form a certain integrity and unity, functioning in the interests of training and military education of military personnel, coordinating command and control agencies and troops for conducting combat operations or performing other tasks in accordance with their purpose.

    The elements of the combat training system are:

    Central bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which determine the goals, tasks, structure and main content of combat training;

    Military command and control bodies (types, branches of troops, military districts, formations, formations) directly managing combat training, carrying out its activities and its comprehensive support;

    Crews, crews, subdivisions, units, formations and their command and control bodies (headquarters) with which training is conducted;

    Organization of training;

    Subjects of training, i.e., a set of tasks, techniques, standards, the implementation of which is trained by military personnel, subunits, units, formations and their command and control bodies;

    Forms and methods of training military personnel, coordination of subunits, units, formations and their command and control bodies;

    Educational material and technical base of combat training;

    Material, logistic, financial, technical support for combat training activities.

    All elements of the combat training system are interconnected and organically interact with other training and support systems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The most important condition for the effectiveness of the functioning of the combat training system is the skillful and competent application of the forms and methods of training various categories of military personnel, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of military collectives.

    The form of education is the organizational side of the educational process. It depends on the goal, the composition of the trainees and determines the structure of the lesson, the place and duration of working out training issues, the role and specifics of the activities of the leader, his assistant and trainees, the use of elements of the educational material and technical base, training and combat equipment. Forms of training are divided into general and specific.

    General forms of education can be classified according to the following criteria:

    a) according to the orientation of training - on theoretical and practical;

    b) on the organization of trainees - on collective, group, individual;

    c) at the venue - in the classroom and field;

    d) at the place in the official process - for educational-planned, service-planned, out-of-service.

    Educational-planned forms of education are typical for theoretical, practical and training sessions, live firing and missile launches, exercises, military games held during scheduled classes. Service-planned forms of training are implemented on park maintenance (park) days and days of routine maintenance, during scheduled safety briefings, special briefings and meetings. Out-of-service (extracurricular) - when organizing classes in technical circles, at conferences, various kinds of competitions, competitions, etc.

    The main forms of education are:


    Conversation (story-conversation);

    Class-group lesson;


    demonstration lesson;

    Briefing (instructive lesson);

    Training (exercise);

    staff training;

    Command and staff training;

    Tactical flight;

    group exercise;

    Tactical drill;

    Loss (situational loss) of actions;

    Tactical (tactical-special) occupation;

    Instructor-methodical lesson;

    Comprehensive preparation;

    Complex occupation;

    Field exit;

    Command post exercise;

    Tactical (tactical-special) doctrine;

    Combat training launch;

    Control lesson (test lesson);

    Competition (competition).

    Each form of conducting classes provides for one or more teaching methods. Training methods are the methods and methods by which the transfer and assimilation of knowledge is achieved, the formation of skills and abilities, the development of high morale and combat qualities of personnel, the coordination (combat coordination) of crews, crews, subunits, military units and their controls is ensured ( headquarters).

    In combat training, the following training methods are used in various combinations:

    Oral presentation of educational material;

    Discussion of the studied material;

    Display (demonstration);


    Practical work (in the field, in parks);

    Self preparation.

    These teaching methods are general. They are used in the training of military personnel of all types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military branches and special forces. The specifics of the activities and training of military personnel of various categories and specialties, subunits, units, formations, command and control bodies (headquarters) determine the use of combat training and special training methods in practice. They are interconnected with the general methods that form the basis of the corresponding methods of mastering one or another military specialty.

    Each form and method of training and education corresponds to different types of classes. They depend on the subject of training, goals, educational issues, the category of trainees, educational and methodological support and material support. The choice of the form and method of training depends on the level of training of the personnel, the topic and purpose of the lesson, the availability and condition of the educational material and technical base.

    Specific forms of training are associated with the specifics of the activities and training of military personnel of various categories and specialties, subunits, and determine the use of special training methods in the practice of combat training.

    The organization of combat training is a purposeful activity of commanders (chiefs) and command and control bodies (headquarters) aimed at building the process of training subordinate troops and their command bodies, as well as preparing combat training measures.

    Combat training is organized on the basis of the requirements:

    Laws of the Russian Federation;

    Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation concerning issues of military development and the functioning of the Armed Forces;

    Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, defining (clarifying) certain issues of the activities of the Armed Forces;

    Orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation concerning the issues of training the Armed Forces and the fulfillment of tasks by them for their intended purpose;

    General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    Combat regulations and instructions;

    Organizational and methodological guidelines for the training of troops in the academic year, regulations, manuals, instructions, programs and training courses for various categories of military personnel, units, which determine the tasks of combat training and requirements for it, the organization and content of combat training, as well as issues of its comprehensive security;

    Orders on combat training of commanders-in-chief of types (branches) of troops, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders (commanders) of formations (formations, units); orders and instructions for conducting inspections, final checks and control classes; collections of standards for combat training.

    The head of combat training is the commander. Combat training is directed by commanders (chiefs) of all levels personally, through subordinate headquarters (services) and combat training bodies.

    The organization of combat training includes:

    Making a decision on the organization of combat training;

    Combat training planning; coordination of the developed documents and their submission for approval;

    Setting goals and bringing the necessary planning documents (or extracts from them) to subordinates;

    Control over the organization and course of combat training, evaluation of its results, promotion of advanced experience in troop training; leadership organization.

    When organizing combat training, the state of combat training of troops is taken into account. This involves clarifying the topics of classes in individual subjects of training, the number of training sessions, exercises performed for each category of trainees, as well as redistributing training time to poorly mastered subjects and topics of classes, other combat training measures, taking into account the tasks facing subunits (units, formations).

    When organizing combat training, such indicators as the staffing of subunits (units) with personnel, military equipment and weapons are taken into account; the level of general education and pre-conscription training of servicemen; the availability and timing of the introduction of new military equipment and weapons into service, which make it possible to better plan the main activities, rationally allocate training time, develop the most acceptable forms and methods of training, as well as efficiently and rationally distribute ammunition, motor resources and other material and technical means.

    The presence, throughput and removal of objects of the field educational material and technical base largely determine not only the quality of training, but also the consumption of motor resources, fuels and lubricants, and other material and financial resources. When organizing combat training events, such forms and methods of conducting training sessions are used that would make it possible to minimize the time spent on transitions (transfers) during training sessions. The time spent on moving to training facilities, moving when changing training places, is used to conduct incidental training and work out individual issues and standards for combat training.

    Analysis and correct use the results of inspections, final checks and control exercises in the organization of combat training allows commanders (chiefs) to consolidate the results achieved, determine ways to eliminate shortcomings and rise to a higher level in combat skill.

    Decision-making on the organization of combat training begins with the clarification and evaluation of the initial data and the definition of the plan and consists in studying the governing documents, the tasks set by senior commanders; analysis of the results of current and final control, reports and proposals of subordinates; assessment of the conditions for organizing and carrying out combat training in the current academic year or training period; clarification of the degree and quality of staffing of subordinate troops with personnel, weapons, military and special equipment; analysis of the state and possibilities of the educational material and technical base, the availability of financial resources for organizing and conducting combat training events, and living conditions. Commanders (chiefs) must begin this work in advance at all levels of command, without waiting for the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the preparation of the Armed Forces, organizational and methodological instructions for the training of troops in the academic year, the decision of the senior chief and the order of the commander of the military district, the decision to organize combat training of the immediate superior.

    Based on the results of clarification and evaluation of the initial data, appropriate conclusions are drawn and specific measures are outlined that must be taken into account when organizing combat training (Scheme 1).

    Scheme 1. The sequence of the commander's work on making a decision on combat training

    With regard to units, the plan for organizing combat training determines: the main focus in training troops and their command and control agencies in the current year (training period); the procedure, methods and sequence of training (coordination) of military units (subdivisions, military personnel), command and control bodies (headquarters); the main issues of directing the training of troops.

    Subsequently, the commander informs the officers directly subordinate to him about the instructions he received from senior commanders, announces the plan and sets tasks for the chief of staff, deputies, heads of military branches and services to prepare proposals. Commander's instructions must be sufficiently specific and purposeful. Their level of detail depends on how fully the initial data is understood, and on the preparedness of command and control officers. Hearing of proposals can be carried out both at the meeting and individually. The content of the proposals should reflect issues related to the most important combat training activities.

    Based on the clarification of the requirements of the governing documents, a comprehensive assessment of the conditions, the concept and consideration of proposals, the commander makes a decision on the organization of combat training, which is the basis of planning.

    The decision to organize combat training shall reflect: goals and objectives of combat training and methods for their implementation; the procedure for preparing subordinate troops and their command and control bodies for the performance of combat missions for their intended purpose and for training personnel; measures for the comprehensive provision of combat training; measures for the management of training, education and strengthening of discipline.

    The goals and objectives of combat training are determined on the basis of the requirements of the governing documents, the specific tasks facing the unit (subunit), taking into account the actual conditions for organizing and implementing combat training in the current academic year (training period). Concrete and realistic goals and objectives not only determine the objectivity of planning, but also provide a clear guideline indicating the main areas of activity for commanders and chiefs of all levels.

    When determining the procedure for preparing subordinate troops and their command and control bodies for the performance of combat missions for their intended purpose and for training personnel, first of all, the terms and procedure for working out issues of personnel actions on combat alert, bringing subunits and units to various degrees of combat readiness are outlined.

    In the future, the sequence and terms of single training, coordination of subunits and units are specified; carrying out combat firing; the number and types of combat training competitions; the procedure for the withdrawal of subunits (units) to training centers is outlined; the procedure for joint training, including with subunits and units of other branches and branches of the armed forces.

    When determining measures for the comprehensive provision of combat training, the procedure for using objects of the educational material and technical base, including those of other departments, spending motor resources, ammunition, imitation, money allocated for combat training is outlined, the order of construction and improvement of training facilities and the procedure for their implementation are determined. assigned to divisions.

    When determining issues of directing combat training, measures are determined to provide assistance to subordinate subunits and to exercise control. A special place is given to demonstrative, methodical and control classes, summarizing and setting tasks, the work of complex groups for monitoring and providing assistance.

    The commander announces the decision made to his deputies, headquarters, heads of combat arms and services and sets tasks for the direct development of planning documents.

    Combat training planning consists in the collective work of commanders (chiefs) and headquarters to determine and agree in detail on the place and time of combat training activities and its comprehensive support, with a graphical display of the most optimal system for sequential training of personnel, coordination of troops, command and control agencies, to conduct combat operations in various conditions of the situation, the study of standard weapons, military and special equipment, methods of using them in combat. The basis for planning combat training is the decision to organize combat training.

    Planning should be real, simple, visual and provide: an integrated approach to solving combat training tasks; maximum use of educational and training facilities and high intensification of classes; using the experience of wars and armed conflicts, the achievements of domestic science and technology, best practices in the methodology of organizing and conducting classes and exercises.

    Planning documents should be convenient for everyday use as a working document. When developing plans, all activities are mutually linked and coordinated with each other, their uniform implementation is envisaged throughout the entire academic year. The number of planned events and exercises, as well as their sequence, should be based on the level of training of the troops and the actual availability of time.

    The coordination of combat training measures with the measures that determine the day-to-day activities of the troops means careful coordination of the ongoing combat training measures with the tasks that the troops perform on a day-to-day basis. These include: combat duty, guard, internal and garrison services; holding park days; putting equipment into storage; daily maintenance of weapons and equipment; performance of necessary economic and other works. The tasks performed by the troops in their day-to-day activities must not hinder or frustrate the fulfillment of the planned combat training activities.

    In a military unit, planning begins with the receipt of combat training guidance documents within the time limits set by the commander (commander, chief) and must be completed no later than November 15. All combat training planning documents must be developed taking into account the provisions of a typical month.

    Training plans are approved: military units - until November 15; battalions and their equals - until November 20. Class schedules in companies (batteries) are approved and communicated to personnel by November 25.

    The system of work of the commander of a military unit and headquarters in the development of planning documents for the new academic year provides for a certain sequence of their organizational and practical activities and includes a number of interrelated stages.

    First stage - assessment of the state of combat training of a military unit (subunits), completeness and quality of solving problems in the current academic year.

    Second phase - study and deep understanding of the tasks set by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the commander-in-chief (commander) of the service (arms) of the troops, the commander of the formation, the commander of the formation for the new academic year.

    Third stage - determination of initial data for planning.

    Fourth stage - development of a plan for the preparation of a military unit in the new academic year.

    Fifth stage - announcement to the main officials of the military unit management and the commanders of the units of the plan for the preparation of the unit in the new academic year and setting tasks for planning.

    Sixth stage - organization and development of planning documents, their coordination.

    seventh stage - reconciliation of plans and their approval.

    Plans, after approval by a higher commander (chief), are binding on all personnel and become a program of actions of commanders, headquarters and services coordinated in terms of tasks, time and means. All adjustments to the plan are made only with the permission of the person who approved it.

    Combat training activities are planned on the basis of the order of the formation commander "On the results of troop training in __ year and tasks for __ year" and the division training plan. The regiment develops: a combat training plan; order "On the organization of combat training, internal and guard services for __ year (training period"; plan-calendar of the main events for a month; consolidated schedule of classes for a month (for a week); schedule of classes for command training with training groups of officers, ensigns.

    The plan for the preparation of a military unit provides for the following sections:

    1. Mobilization preparation:

    1) according to the plan of the senior chief;

    2) according to the plan of the commander of the military unit.

    2. Combat training:

    1) according to the plan of the senior chief;

    2) according to the plan of the commander of the military unit: training of personnel; preparation of governing bodies; preparation of units (subdivisions).

    III. Activities of daily life and activities: ensuring combat duty; preparation management activities; training arrangements; work in departments; work with personnel; restoration and repair of weapons and military equipment; capital construction, repair and redeployment of military units and divisions; other activities.

    IV. Procedure and terms of reporting.

    The following appendices are being developed for the regiment's training plan:

    The composition of training groups and the calculation of hours for command training of officers and ensigns;

    Calculation of hours for independent training of officers and ensigns;

    The list of topics, their content, the distribution of amplification means and the consumption of motor resources for tactical (tactical-special) exercises and training;

    The list of gatherings of specialists and the timing of their holding; the list and terms of holding competitions, competitions, contests;

    List and timing of sporting events;

    Calculation of the allocation of motor resources for training;

    Calculation of the allocation of ammunition for training;

    Calculation of the provision of preparation measures with fuels and lubricants.

    The work of planning combat training in a regiment begins with the preparation of a plan form, in which the activities carried out by senior commanders are first entered. It is expedient to enter these measures and the timing of their implementation sequentially in all sections of the combat training plan, after which the chief of staff, on the basis of the decision of the commander, specifies the timing of tactical (special tactical) and other exercises, the sequence of working out topics in training subjects. This work is carried out by the chief of staff with the involvement of deputies, chiefs of arms and services, who, together with the headquarters, develop the relevant sections of the plan, taking into account their specialty.

    At the same time, deputy commanders, chiefs of military branches and services, and other officers involved in planning, on the basis of the decision of the commander and instructions of the chief of staff, complete the development of the relevant sections of the military unit preparation plan and annexes to it. With the development of one or another section of the plan, as a rule, corresponding applications are also developed in parallel (Scheme 2).

    D the detailed development of a combat training plan begins with the clarification and development of the "Combat and mobilization readiness" section, which is usually developed personally by the commander with the involvement of the chief of staff.

    Scheme 2. Algorithm for developing a combat training plan and annexes to it (option)

    The direct development of the subsequent sections of the plan and annexes to it is carried out by officers allocated for this under the leadership of the chief of staff, who organizes and coordinates the work of all performers.

    The officers appointed to develop the plan and its annexes, on the basis of the decision of the commander and the instructions of the chief of staff, make the necessary calculations, link the planned measures, make entries in the prepared forms of the plan and annexes to it. In addition to the staff officers, officers of the armed forces and services are involved in the development of individual sections of the plan and annexes to it.

    The development of sections of the plan usually begins with checking the completeness of the measures previously entered into them from the decision of the commander and senior commanders, and determining the missing measures.

    The development of the section "Training of personnel" is carried out on the basis of the calendar of an approximate typical month. At the same time, commander training is planned for certain weeks and days of the month, freeing up the rest of the time for exercises, firing, and going to training centers.

    Fire, tank-rifle drills, and fire and subunit control drills are planned on the days of command training.

    In the future, offsets and independent work of officers are planned.

    Planning for the training of warrant officers is carried out in the same sequence as for officers.

    The training of sergeants is planned only in the plans for the training of regiments and their peers. At the same time, educational and methodological gatherings, as a rule, are planned before the start of each period of study. When planning the training of female military personnel, it is necessary to take into account that it is advisable to train female specialists holding the positions of officers, ensigns in the classroom in the appropriate groups for command training of officers, ensigns. For women holding the positions of sergeants and privates, special training classes must be planned as part of full-time units.

    Simultaneously with the second section of the combat training plan, an appendix "The composition of training groups, a list of topics and the calculation of hours for command training of officers, ensigns" is being developed. Then, in accordance with the commander's training programs, the relevant commanders develop a thematic calculation of hours for subjects of study for each category of trainees. After the development of this application, the application "List of fees of specialists and the timing of their holding" is being developed.

    The section "Training of command and control bodies (headquarters)" is developed by the chief of staff with the involvement of assistant chiefs of military branches and services, and in part - personally by the chief of staff of the unit. Simultaneously with the development of this section, an application is being developed with a list of topics, the distribution of reinforcement means for command and staff exercises and training.

    The development of the section "Training of units (subunits)" must begin with the planning of activities carried out by senior commanders, tactical (tactical-special, special) training for all units and subunits, including military branches. At the same time, special attention is paid to the planning of tactical exercises with live fire. Subsequently, measures are determined for the preparation of military branches, educational work; driver training and marches; conducting drill reviews, reviews of mass sports work; competitions and competitions in combat training.

    Planning of fire training is carried out in units where the measures for fire training of subunits are specified. They are closely linked with tactical (tactical-special) training.

    Planning of technical training is carried out only in terms of combat training of the battalion and its equal units by the deputy commander for armaments, indicating the standards and practical work.

    Driving training planning is carried out by the deputy commander of the armament unit together with officers of subordinate services. He, together with the staff officers, is developing an appendix to the plan "Calculation of the need for ammunition and motor resources for combat training."

    In parallel with the development of this section of the plan, relevant applications are being developed.

    The section "Measures of daily life and activities" is developed by the chief of staff and deputy commanders with the personal participation of the commander. At the same time, the activities and deadlines for the work of officers of the unit’s management to exercise control and assist the commanders of subordinate units in organizing and conducting classes and exercises, strengthening discipline, comprehensively ensuring the process of training and education, etc. are first determined. These activities are planned so that they are carried out purposefully, taking into account the importance of the tasks solved in the unit (subunits), and are carried out, as a rule, by complex groups under the leadership of the commander or his deputies.

    In addition to plans for the academic year (period), the regiment develops a plan-calendar of the main events for the month, which not only specifies the timing of individual events, but, most importantly, details the procedure for ensuring the main events, and sometimes additional events are planned in order to qualitatively fulfill the main month tasks.

    The plan-calendar of the main events contains the main tasks and activities that ensure their implementation for a given month, indicating the specific dates, responsible executors, involved departments, venues, and is developed on the basis of the preparation plan for the part. A feature of this document is that it includes only those activities in which several units, services participate or the preparation and implementation of which require the direct participation of commanders and headquarters.

    In addition, the following are being additionally developed in the unit: a work plan to strengthen discipline and improve the service of the troops; plan for the construction and improvement of the educational material and technical base; technical training plan (additional training) for drivers and other automotive service specialists; a plan for comprehensive counteraction to foreign technical intelligence; plan for training class specialists; plan of rationalization and inventive work.

    The chiefs of the military branches and services of the unit develop plans for the work of services for the academic year, which reflect: the activities of senior commanders and the work order of departments (services) for their implementation; measures taken by the head of the military branch (service) to train subordinate units and units in their specialty; the timing of tactical (tactical-special) exercises and training, control exercises with their subordinate units; thematic calculation of hours for individual companies (platoons) and equal subdivisions of military branches and special forces for the period of training in the service profile; the timing and procedure for attracting units of military branches to combined arms tactical exercises; the timing of access to the training grounds and the organization of training on them; thematic calculation and timing of the commander's classes of their subgroup, ostentatious, instructor-methodical and other classes with officers of the military branches (sergeants) in the specialty, organization of self-training with them; the procedure for training class specialists in the service; the procedure for the material, technical and financial support of measures for the combat training of service units, the creation and improvement of the training and material base for the profile of the service; measures to strengthen discipline and improve the service of the troops; management of training and education of subordinate units.

    developed: a plan for the preparation of the battalion; the composition of training groups and the calculation of hours for command training of officers; schedule of classes for commander training with training groups of officers, ensigns, sergeants; plan-calendar of the main events for the month; consolidated weekly schedule.

    The training plan for the battalion and its equal units is a long-term planning document, drawn up for the training period and includes the following sections:

    I. Combat and mobilization readiness:

    1) according to the plan of the senior chief;

    2) according to the plan of the commander of the formation (military unit).

    II. Mobilization and combat training.

    III. Mobilization preparation:

    1) according to the plan of the senior chief;

    2) according to the plan of the battalion commander.

    IV. Combat training:

    1) according to the plan of the senior chief: preparation of management bodies; command training; tactical (tactical-special) exercises, etc.;

    2) according to the plan of the battalion commander: command training; single (individual) training; training units; competitions, reviews, competitions.

    V. Activities of daily life and activities: ensuring combat duty (duty); preparation management activities; other activities.

    The “Combat and mobilization readiness” section contains the procedure and terms for conducting combat readiness classes with battalion personnel, combat readiness training, measures to study mobilization resources, the procedure for monitoring the state of combat and mobilization readiness in battalion subunits (checking the availability, condition and accounting for weapons and military equipment, materiel; training of officers, ensigns, sergeants).

    The section "Mobilization and combat training" includes the timing, procedure for conducting training, command and methodological exercises conducted in the battalion (its equal unit); single (individual) training; preparation of subunits (coordination of subunits, performance of firing (launches) and driving exercises, live firing, tactical exercises, tactical and drill exercises on materiel during a field exit); competitions, contests and competitions and planned costs.

    The section "Measures of daily life and activity" includes measures to ensure combat duty (duty), the timing of activities to manage combat training: summing up and setting tasks for combat training, conducting control exercises, tests and drill reviews, control and final checks, measures of control and assistance, other measures.

    The thematic calculation of hours for the training period is developed in accordance with the combat training programs for various categories of military personnel in all subjects of training.

    The composition of training groups and the calculation of hours for commander training of officers include: the composition of training groups; general and thematic calculation of hours for subjects separately for each of them. In the battalion and its equal units, only a group of platoon commanders is created with the involvement of ensigns in them, holding officer positions.

    The general and thematic calculation of hours for commander training is developed on the basis of commander training programs for officers and ensigns.

    The schedule of classes for command training with training groups of officers, warrant officers, sergeants is drawn up for each month of training separately for each category of trainees.

    The plan-calendar of the main events for the month and the consolidated schedule of classes for the week are current planning documents.

    The plan-calendar of the main events for the month is essentially an extract from the training plan for the battalion (its equal) for the month and has the same sections. In it, on the basis of the plan-calendar of the main events for the month of the regiment (its equal), extracts from the schedule for the allocation of training facilities and the schedule of orders, the dates, time and form of the planned events are specified.

    To organize daily quality control of the educational process and assist subordinates in the preparation and conduct of classes in formations, military units, a consolidated weekly schedule of classes is worked out. It is made up of commanders and chiefs who have subordinate military units, divisions, services, after receiving extracts from the calendar plan and schedule of outfits. They indicate the main activities (classes) of combat training that require control, support, assistance from the respective commanders (chiefs), as well as classes conducted by them personally and their direct subordinates.

    In the company and its equal units, on the basis of the training plan for the battalion and its equal units and the consolidated schedule of classes, a weekly schedule of classes is developed. It is the main document that determines the organization and course of combat training in training groups and subunits. All training programs and plans are implemented through class schedules.

    In the schedule of classes for each platoon and its equal units, the following should be determined:

    In columns 1 and 2 - the date and time of the classes;

    In column 4 - the subject of combat training, the numbers and names of topics and classes, the forms (method) of classes, the numbers of standards;

    In the remaining columns - venues, class leaders, guiding documents and material support for classes, a mark on the class.

    In addition to planned classes with the personnel of the unit, the schedule includes training, self-training, summing up and setting tasks, instructor-methodical classes with sergeants.

    The schedule of classes also indicates the preparation and service of units on duty, the time of combat duty and other activities carried out as part of the units, including park and housekeeping days, maintenance of weapons and equipment, chores and washing in the bath.

    When conducting classes as part of a unit with the involvement of officers, this category of servicemen is also indicated in the class schedule.

    The class schedule is drawn up personally by the unit commander and approved by the senior chief no later than Friday of the current week.

    The planning of combat training for the next month must be completed: in a military unit - before the 25th; in the unit - until the 29th (for March - until February 27).

    In order to improve the methodological skills and effectiveness of the work of commanders in military units, a system of work for officials (a typical month) has been introduced to organize planned daily activities, including combat training.

    The first week is organizational. Certain events are held in military units: commander training, tactical (tactical-special) training (Monday - ensigns and sergeants, Tuesday - battalion commanders (group leaders), Wednesday - company commanders, Thursday - platoon commanders, commander and instructor-methodical classes; drill reviews, the work of complex commissions).

    In full and reduced military units, work is additionally carried out in units to provide assistance in organizing and carrying out activities for combat training, educational and mass sports work.

    The second week is mobilization. In reduced military units the following activities are carried out: command (mobilization) training, training, command post and mobilization exercises; work in the troops, control and assistance in conducting combat training classes, carrying out activities of the mobilization week:

    The first day - classes on mobilization training with all categories of officers;

    The second day - the study of mobilization resources, clarification of registration, the work of officers in military commissariats, military construction and training military units;

    The third day - the work of representatives of the military commissariats in the completed military units;

    Fourth and fifth days - study of documents of combat and mobilization readiness, combat documents;

    The sixth day - work on the basis of mobilization deployment and combat coordination.

    The following activities are carried out in full-strength military units: command (mobilization) training, training, command-staff and mobilization exercises; scheduled combat training classes; Wednesday, Thursday - mobilization days; Friday - study of combat missions.

    The third week is planning; for formations, military units - park.

    In military units, the following is carried out: conducting classes on command training with officers of departments; conducting (participating in) command and staff exercises (staff training); development of plans-calendars for the next month; leadership and control over the development of plans for the main events and schedules of classes for the week in companies, checking the records of combat training; execution of current documents, submission of reports, reports, applications to the contenting authorities:

    The first day - classes on the security of military service, holding reviews of weapons and military equipment, parks, warehouses of missile and artillery weapons and military equipment;

    Second, third and fourth days - implementation of measures for the maintenance of weapons and military equipment, the improvement of parks and warehouses;

    Fifth day - conducting classes on technical (special) training with all categories of military personnel (with a driver's staff - driver's day);

    The sixth day - summarizing the quality of work performed, summing up the results of the park week.

    In military units of constant readiness, additional scheduled classes in combat training are held;

    The sixth day is a park (park and economic) day.

    Fourth week - control classes. Practical work in subdivisions to strengthen military discipline and service of the troops, logistics, improve the educational material and technical base; work of complex groups; analysis of the state of implementation of combat training plans, strengthening of military discipline, rendering assistance to subunits; summing up the results of work in departments for the past month, setting tasks.

    In military units: control classes in the main subjects of combat training with all categories of military personnel; command classes with commanders and their deputies; summing up the results of combat training, military discipline, service of troops, operation of weapons and military equipment; setting goals for the next month.

    The practical activity of officials in planning daily activities for the week begins on Wednesday, when, based on the instructions of the commander of the unit, the monthly plan-calendar of the main events, the headquarters of the military unit, together with the deputy commanders of the unit, heads of military branches and services, and chiefs of staff of battalions (divisions) develop proposals for the commander of the military unit to make a decision on the organization of daily activities (combat training) and clarify the action plan for the next week.

    The headquarters of the military unit (on a standard sheet of drawing paper) develops an idea for a consolidated schedule of classes and the main events of the military unit for the next week.

    The concept of the consolidated schedule of classes and the main events of the military unit for the next week reflects proposals: on the distribution (redistribution) of the daily order between units; by appointment of the duty unit; on the distribution of objects of the educational and material base for conducting classes in combat training, conducting control, instructor-methodical classes by the commander of a military unit, his deputies, heads of military branches and services; on the order of work of the chiefs of military branches and services of the unit in subdivisions for checking the state of stocks and resources (one or two days a week in a company); the date and time of the bathing of personnel in the bath, the places and times of holding events common to the unit, divisions (evening inspections, park days, sports holidays, conferences, unified days of sergeants, drivers, etc.), as well as divisions allocated for performing chores, on combat duty.

    Prepared proposals for planning the coming week with a consolidated schedule of classes and main events of the military unit of the current week on the same day are submitted by the chief of staff to the commander of the military unit for making a decision and considering planning documents.

    On Thursday every week the commander of a military unit holds a meeting with his deputies, heads of military branches and services, commanders of battalions (divisions), individual companies (batteries). The Chief of Staff announces the plan for organizing the daily activities of the coming week. Deputies commander of a military unit, heads of military branches and services report the results of the activities of the military unit for the current week on their issues and proposals for organizing their work for the coming week.

    At the end of the planning meeting for the upcoming week, the commander of the military unit, as a rule, sums up the results of the current week; gives instructions on the organization of daily activities for the coming week and approves planning documents.

    At the end of the meeting, the commanders of battalions (divisions), heads of military branches and services bring the instructions of the commander of the military unit to the commanders of companies (batteries), individual platoons and hand them extracts from the combat training plans of the military unit, battalions (divisions) updated based on the results of the meeting for scheduling classes .

    On Friday every week, the commanders of individual subunits in the tactical class of the headquarters of the unit under the leadership of the chief of staff (deputy chief of staff) of the unit, and the commanders of line companies (batteries) in the corresponding premises of the battalions (divisions) under the guidance of the chiefs of staff of the battalions (divisions) personally draw up and write the schedule for upcoming week.

    In the tactical classroom of the headquarters of the military unit, the premises of battalions (divisions) in the designated place, control copies of the necessary reference literature (combat training programs, firing courses, driving, manuals on types of support, general military regulations, manuals, manuals, training methods for subjects of study and other documents) for scheduling classes.

    Company commanders arrive to draw up schedules with their literature. Before starting work, the unit chief of staff (deputy chief of staff), chiefs of staff of battalions (divisions) are required to: check the presence of officials and their readiness for work; check the availability of literature from the unit commanders and its compliance with the control copies; bring the instructions of the commander of the unit (battalion); clarify the subject and time of conducting control, instructor-methodical classes conducted by the unit commander, his deputies, heads of military branches and services; to bring (clarify) the working hours of officials of the military unit to check the condition, maintenance, accounting, storage, conservation and operation of weapons and military equipment, material reserves and their consumption; clarify the activities of educational work, options for morning physical exercises for each day of the week, the content of physical training, the time and content of mass sports work; clarify the topics of instructor-methodical and demonstration classes with sergeants, training with personnel in the morning, as well as the time for bathing personnel in the bath.

    Based on the instructions of the commander of the military unit, the specified measures of daily activities, the requirements of combat training programs, using educational and methodological literature, the commanders of subunits personally develop the schedules of classes for subordinate subunits. Upon completion of work, the unit commanders submit the schedules of classes to the chief of staff of the military unit (chief of staff of the battalion) for verification, coordinate them with the officials of the military unit and submit them for approval to the relevant commanders, chiefs. Approved class schedules are posted to the end of Friday of each week in the locations of units.

    The class schedule is the law, changes to this document can be made only in exceptional cases with the personal permission of the commander of the military unit by crossing out the planned event and writing a new one in the bottom of the class schedule form, with each change certified by the signature of the commander of the military unit.

    The commander of a military unit, deputy commanders, heads of military branches and services develop personal work plans for a month (week). They usually indicate: the activities carried out by the senior chief, indicating the timing, place and method (form) of the activities; events personally held in subordinate units, indicating the timing, place and method (form) of the events; individual training activities (including self-training) indicating specific activities and deadlines.

    Personal plans must comply with the plan of the daily activities of the military unit and the plans for the daily activities of subordinate units. They are signed by officials and approved by direct commanders (chiefs).

    After the development of planning documents is completed, all planned activities are carefully checked and coordinated among themselves, after which the developed documents are submitted for approval and approval to the relevant commanders (chiefs).

    Upon approval, the following is checked: compliance of the developed planning documents with the established sample forms; completeness of coordination of plans with the relevant officials; completeness and quality of planning, compliance of goals and objectives in planning documents with the plan for the preparation of the unit, announced by the unit commander; mutual consistency of the planned activities in terms of timing, venue, responsible executors, involved forces and means; the reality of plans with verification of calculations-justifications for planned activities, as well as other issues at the discretion of the unit commander.

    In the course of coordination, all planning issues are finally (if necessary) resolved, the role and place of each chief in the performance of the most important tasks are clarified. Coordination of planning documents is carried out under the direct supervision of the commander. At the same time, in the course of coordinating and approving planning documents, the commander checks the readiness of his deputies, heads of departments and services, commanders of subordinate units to solve the tasks set for the new academic year.

    After completion of the coordination of planning documents, the commander sums up the results of planning, evaluates the work carried out by the relevant officials and, if necessary, sets tasks for finalizing the developed documents. Approval of planning documents is carried out immediately after summing up the results of planning or at another appointed time.

    Tasks for combat training are set in part by the order “On the organization of combat training, internal and guard services for the __ academic year (training period); other orders (instructions) of the unit commander.

    The chiefs of military branches and services set tasks for subordinate units and services in relation to the above terms.

    The headquarters of the unit, no later than the 20th day of each month, sends extracts from the schedule for the allocation of training facilities at the training grounds and the schedule of orders to the units.

    Tasks are set (specified), as a rule, simultaneously with summing up. They must not repeat the provisions set out in guidance documents, but develop them in relation to the unit, subdivision and specific situation. Tasks should be specific, justified and realistically achievable, provide for the consolidation of the positive results achieved, the elimination of shortcomings that have taken place in this unit, and determine the next milestone in the training of personnel of the unit (unit) with specific deadlines, quantitative and qualitative indicators.

    When setting tasks, the commander determines:

    Combat training activities to which special attention should be paid in a given academic year (training period);

    The order of preparation of the unit (subdivisions);

    The timing of the withdrawal of units to the training grounds for working out combat training tasks and ground work;

    What exercises, exercises and in what units will be conducted by the commander, where and at what time will the commander's complex group work to provide assistance and monitor the progress of combat training;

    What and to whom to carry out measures for the comprehensive support of the course of combat training and the timing of their implementation;

    The sequence and timing of the implementation of measures to organize combat training, determines in detail: the procedure for training officers, warrant officers, sergeants and units, including which and to whom to additionally work out topics and classes, specifies the number of hours for their implementation;

    Forms and methods of educational work in subdivisions;

    The sequence of use by units of the objects of the educational material and technical base, compliance with safety requirements when conducting combat training activities;

    The procedure for organizing and conducting inventive and rationalization work; order of control and assistance.

    In addition, the commander of the unit on a monthly and weekly basis can clarify tasks in the main subjects of training, conducting classes with certain categories of military personnel, in terms of the consumption of material resources in tactical (tactical-special) classes and exercises, complex classes and on other issues.

    The commanders of subdivisions set tasks according to the subjects of training, topics and standards of combat training. This usually states the following:

    The procedure for conducting command classes with sergeants;

    Terms of coordination of divisions;

    Clarified content of the topics of classes and standards;

    What classes, exercises and in which units will be held by senior commanders (chiefs);

    What topics (standards) to additionally work out with lagging units (military personnel);

    The procedure for working out issues of moral and psychological preparation in the course of training sessions, exercises and trainings;

    The procedure for conducting field trips and range work.

    Combat Training Leadership- this is a purposeful activity of command and control bodies and officials in planning, organizing combat training, providing assistance and monitoring the organization of combat training in subordinate troops and their command and control bodies; control over the course of implementation of combat training measures; summarizing the experience of combat training and bringing it to the attention of military command and control bodies and troops, taking into account combat training measures and reporting on them; regulation of training and military education of military personnel, coordination of subunits, units and their command and control bodies.

    Combat training is directed by commanders (chiefs) of all levels personally and through subordinate command and control bodies (headquarters). It must be specific and ensure the full and high-quality implementation of combat training programs and plans.

    Requirements for the leadership of combat training:

    Compliance of the content of combat training with the provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian state;

    Strict and complete observance of the principles of military training and education;

    Taking into account the achievements of military science, the experience of wars and armed conflicts, best practices in organizing and conducting combat training activities for troops;

    Effective use and development of the educational material and technical base of combat training.

    The main activities of combat training management are:

    Monitoring the progress of combat training and providing assistance to subordinate commanders and subunits;

    Purposeful training of commanders and staffs for directing combat training;

    Organization of work to improve (confirm) class qualifications;

    Organization of competitions, competitions (competitions) among military personnel and units according to tasks and standards;

    Continuous study and prompt implementation of best practices in teaching practice;

    Continuous improvement of the educational material and technical base and the timely introduction of the latest training aids into the practice of combat training;

    Accounting and reporting, timely and objective summarizing the results of combat training.

    An important element in the management of combat training is the control over its progress and the provision of assistance to subordinates. The purpose of control and assistance is to provide the commander (chief) with objective data reflecting the readiness of subordinate troops and their command and control agencies to perform tasks for their combat mission, the level of training of personnel, the actual state of affairs in combat training, the state of discipline and service of troops in all units and training of commanders (chiefs), organization, planning, conducting and comprehensive support of combat training activities and other issues.

    The main content of the work on control and rendering assistance is: verification of the implementation of the plan and programs of combat training, the coverage of training for all categories of military personnel; checking and evaluating the organization and methods of conducting classes and exercises, the level of training of personnel and the coherence of units, studying the results of monitoring the progress of combat training, determining the causes of discovered shortcomings and assisting subordinates in organizing and carrying out work to eliminate them; developing measures and planning the work of services to eliminate deficiencies that require the decision of the head who organized the inspection; training the commanders of the organization's subdivisions and the methodology for solving the assigned tasks by preparing and conducting targeted instructor-methodical and demonstrative classes, joint practical work on the preparation and implementation of the main training events for troops; control over the elimination of discovered deficiencies.

    Commanders (chiefs) are obliged to exercise constant control over the fulfillment by subordinate units of the assigned tasks and the quality of the educational process. Control is carried out through the planned work of senior commanders in units, subunits, as well as according to reports received from subordinate commanders and chiefs.

    Control measures are reflected: in the plans for the preparation of parts - for the academic year; in the plan-calendar of the main events - for a month; in the plans of work of complex groups - for the period of their work.

    In the battalion, control measures are reflected: in the combat training plan of the battalion (its equal) - for the period of training; in the plan-calendar of the main activities of combat training - for a month. Unit commanders draw up personal work plans for the month (week), which are approved by direct commanders (chiefs).

    The battalion commander must check the quality of the training every month in at least 2 units, the company commander (his equal) - weekly in at least 1 squad, platoon and equal units. When checking the organization and course of classes, the state of accounting for combat training is necessarily checked. The results of the checks are recorded in the combat training logs.

    Control over the course of combat training is subdivided into current (everyday) and periodical.

    Current (everyday) control serves to ensure the quality of the training process, adjust the training process, and prevent negative phenomena in combat training. The content of the current control: checking the readiness of the main activities of combat training, training leaders for the next classes; checking the organization, methodology and course of classes; checking the quality of assimilation (working out) by military personnel of topics, educational tasks and standards in the course of classes; checking the serviceability and efficiency of the use of the educational material and technical base; hearing subordinate commanders (chiefs) on the implementation of combat training measures and readiness for classes the next day.

    Day-to-day (current) monitoring of the course of combat training should be carried out in accordance with the consolidated training schedule, as well as the personal work plans of the commander and other command and control officers of the unit.

    Periodic control organized in order to check the level of training of personnel in individual subjects of training, official and special duties, the training of units as a whole, after working out individual sections of the programs (completion of coordination stages), training units, introducing best practices and requirements of guidance documents into the training process. The content of periodic control: checking the level of training of personnel for combat duty; test (control) classes (exercises); final (control) checks; verification of the organization of training and commissioning of newly arrived reinforcements, graduates of training centers, military personnel serving under a contract, officers - graduates of military educational institutions, officers called up from the reserve, and military personnel transferred from other branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; checking the performance of individual tasks by officers; monitoring the implementation of best practices; acceptance of tests based on knowledge of guiding documents on combat training.

    The level of readiness of units and subunits to perform tasks for their combat mission is checked at combat training classes, and the level of professional training of personnel is checked at control classes.

    The level of readiness of units and subunits of constant readiness to perform missions for combat purposes is checked: at the exercises of subunits, units and formations; in training; in combat shooting.

    Exercises during the final (control) checks are conducted with a battalion and its equal units on complex topics, with a company and its equal units - on one of the topics. A part, a subunit is brought to these exercises in full force with standard weapons, military equipment and established stocks of materiel. Certain restrictions may be imposed at the discretion of the person in charge of the review.

    Control exercises are an effective means of checking the quality of assimilation by personnel of the main topics of training programs and increasing the personal responsibility of commanders for the level of training of subordinate units.

    At the control sessions, personnel are checked on the implementation of combat training tasks, exercises and standards in accordance with the requirements of orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, directives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, organizational and methodological instructions of the commanders-in-chief (commanders) of the branches of the Armed Forces troops, special troops) for the training of troops for the current year, programs, courses, manuals, charters, instructions and collections of standards.

    Control classes are conducted by commanders, chiefs of military branches and services upon completion of individual training of soldiers and combat coordination of units. Control exercises to check the coherence of the battalion and its equal units are carried out by the commander of the formation, company and its equal units - the unit commander.

    In order to improve the quality of training of troops for exercises, part of the tactical drill exercises immediately preceding company, battalion and equivalent tactical (tactical-special) exercises are conducted on equipment together with reinforcement units as control exercises by senior commanders.

    The work of senior commanders in subordinate units in order to control and provide assistance is planned, as a rule, in a complex manner. For these purposes, complex groups are created from officers of the control bodies (headquarters), heads of military branches, special troops and services. In the course of their work, they must: teach commanders effective methods of management, mastering new equipment and weapons, improving the methods of training and educating subordinates. The duration of the group's work in the unit is up to a week.

    Before working in subordinate units of senior commanders and complex groups, a plan for their work is developed. It defines: purpose and objectives; the composition of the complex group; terms and duration of work; the composition of the units involved in the audit; issues of organizing combat training, subject to study and verification; main issues of assistance; the procedure for the preparation and work of the leader and group in the troops (work plan); the procedure for recording the results and summarizing the work of the integrated group.

    Based on the plan, a work plan of the integrated group is drawn up, specified in place, time and tasks to be solved, targeted training is carried out with a check on the readiness of officers to fulfill the task assigned to them, personal work plans are approved, linked to the daily routine of the unit.

    The developed plan should take into account the activities carried out by the subdivisions as much as possible, and not only exclude their disruptions and postponements, but also assist in their preparation and implementation. If necessary, work plans may additionally include activities and exercises that need to be carried out in a given unit by a senior boss in order to train subordinates or eliminate existing shortcomings. IN without fail assistance should be provided on the most important events of a typical month or week.

    In the course of training, instructive sessions are held with officers, at which the following are brought up: the goals, objectives and work plan of the group; analysis of the state of affairs in a particular unit and unresolved issues; the procedure for checking, evaluating and providing assistance in organizing, conducting and comprehensively providing combat training. At the end of the classes, the group leader sums up the results and sets tasks for the further training of officers.

    In preparation for work, officers are required to study the methodology for conducting those classes and activities that they will conduct in the course of control and assistance. Each member of the group, preparing for work, must prepare plans for upcoming classes in the units.

    Officers who will conduct exercises in the course of control and assistance are obliged to: understand the purpose of the lesson, with which unit it is conducted and on what topic, the state of the units, their composition and tasks to be solved; study the program, a collection of standards on the subject of training and draw up a list of questions and practical tasks, taking into account the fact that military personnel should know and be able to perform; determine the methodology for conducting the lesson, think over its organization and procedure; determine training places, their number and their assistants; determine the necessary security requirements; when setting a task for the commanders of units (subdivisions), indicate: place, time, procedure for conducting the lesson, material support, time of readiness. If necessary, individual tasks can be given to the checked (trained).

    Preparations for work on control and rendering of assistance are being completed by checking readiness for it. The main task of the readiness check is to determine the degree of readiness of the officers of the integrated group to work in units and to give permission for admission to work as part of the commission. During this stage, interviews should be held with all members of the complex group and, if necessary, tests should be taken, which check their knowledge of the statutes, guidelines, readiness for work. Based on the results of the interview or the passing of tests, a conclusion is given on admission to work.

    The results of the work of the integrated group are reflected in reports (reports) or acts that indicate: the degree of implementation of programs and plans for combat training, the level of training of military personnel and the coherence of units, the shortcomings that took place and their causes, conclusions on the organization of combat training in this unit, as well as the results of work on other issues, measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings with the determination of the timing of their implementation.

    Measures to eliminate deficiencies that cannot be eliminated during the period of work, and the timing of their implementation are included in the relevant plans for the preparation of parts.

    The study, generalization and implementation of advanced training experience consists in the purposeful daily work of commanders (commanders, chiefs), command and control bodies (headquarters) to identify new, advanced methods and ways of organizing the training and education of officers, warrant officers, sergeants, soldiers and the application of new methods, methods training and education through demonstration, instructor-methodical classes, meetings and methodological conferences (seminars) on topical issues of combat training, development of methodological manuals and recommendations. The holding of such events contributes to the establishment of common views on the methodology for preparing and conducting classes and exercises in this part, compound.

    Accounting for the results of combat training is a reflection of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the fulfillment of plans for the training of personnel and the level of training of troops. Accounting includes the collection, systematization, storage, updating and analysis of data that reveal the degree of preparation of units, units and formations. It should provide a comprehensive analysis of the state of the level of training and coherence of units, the progress and quality of the educational process in order to prepare the necessary decisions, recommendations in the process of command and control of troops to maintain and improve their combat readiness.

    Accounting is divided into operational and periodic.

    Operational accounting consists in the daily recording and processing of the results of the implementation of combat training plans and the assimilation of the training program by personnel. It includes accounting for the combat training of soldiers (sailors) and sergeants (foremen) of a platoon (an equal unit), ensigns (midshipmen), officers of units.

    Periodic accounting is a summary of the results of operational accounting with subsequent analysis and conclusions for a specified period of time of the academic year (week, month, quarter, half year, year).

    The main accounting document for the combat training of a unit (battalion, company, platoon and equal subunits) is the combat (commander's) training register, which is maintained during the academic year. Journals are kept for a year and destroyed at the end of it.

    In a platoon and equal subunits, records of combat training and its results are kept in the combat training log, with specification for each serviceman.

    In a company and its equal subunits, records of combat training and its results are kept in the combat training log of the company and its equal subunits for squads (crews, crews) and platoon. In addition, marks are made on the conduct (fulfillment) of classes (events) in the class schedule.

    In a battalion and subdivisions equal to it, combat training and its results are recorded for a platoon, company, and subunits equal to them. In addition, the commander's training of officers and ensigns is taken into account in the registers of commander's training.

    In part, combat training and its results are recorded for companies, battalions and equal subunits. In addition, the commander's training of officers and ensigns is taken into account in the registers of commander's training. In the plan of combat training of the unit and the plan-calendar of the main activities, marks are made on the implementation.

    Responsibility for maintaining accounting documents in a unit, battalion and equal subdivisions rests with the headquarters, in a company and equal subdivisions - with the commander; for commander training - to the head of the commander training group.

    Personal records of the training of officers are kept at headquarters, personal records reflect the results of commander's studies, final checks, exercises, fulfillment of individual tasks and other indicators of officers' service.

    Reporting on the results of combat training is a system of reporting and information documents and measures that provides commanders and command and control agencies with timely and objective data on the progress and quality of troop training. It provides for concreteness, efficiency, and continuity in the management of troop training, and includes: reports on the results of combat training for the winter period of training and the academic year; reports (acts) on the results of inspections in accordance with the instructions on the procedure for inspections; reports on the implementation of training plans; reports on the readiness and conduct of the main combat training activities carried out personally by the commanders; current (including formalized) reports using computer centers, telephones and other communication equipment.

    The results of control in the subunit are recorded in the combat training register, summarized by the headquarters and reported to the commander for decision-making.

    Subunit commanders report on a weekly basis on the quality of the implementation of the planned activities, the coverage of personnel in combat training.

    Based on the results of the control, commanders (chiefs) conduct both general reviews and reviews with individual categories of personnel, which consider positive experience, shortcomings, their causes and ways to eliminate them.

    The battalion commander (and his peers) monthly reports on the accomplishment of the assigned tasks, the results of the training of personnel, attendance at classes, assessments of units in subjects of training for the month to the unit commander.

    The unit commander (and his equals) monthly analyzes the degree of fulfillment of the assigned tasks, the level of training of subunits, the quality of the educational process and the coverage of personnel in combat training, and shortcomings in combat training. On a monthly basis, in the amount established by the commander of the formation, he reports on this with an indication of the marks given during the control exercises. Based on the final data for the training period and the academic year, he submits a written report to the unit commander.

    Each service must know the state of training of subdivisions directly subordinate to it, and according to the profile of its specialty - for all subdivisions. To do this, the order of reports on services is established and accounting forms are developed.

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