Encyclopedia of fire safety

Make a bath in the field. Mobile camping bath - do it yourself. Some nuances of a camping bath

A camping bath is a mobile analogue of stationary structures. The structure is assembled on site from improvised materials or a specialized tent and stove, which can be purchased at stores with goods for active rest Outdoors. If you are going to make a camping bath with your own hands, you will need to prepare before the event. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the installation process and the choice of materials necessary for its implementation.

What are camping baths

There are several options for the execution of a tourist camping bath:

  • based on the purchased stove and tent;
  • completely made up of improvised means;
  • combined from specialized and improvised materials.

The first way to build a camping bath is the simplest, however, it has several significant disadvantages:

  • acquisition costs;
  • transportation of the overall stove and frame;

The option is suitable for tourists who often go to nature on own car. If the installation of a camping bath-tent is planned very rarely, then it makes little sense to purchase specialized products.

Attention! It is not recommended to use synthetic tents for the construction of a bath. They are not designed for high temperatures (even if they are refractory impregnated) and can quickly deteriorate, as well as release toxic substances during the heating process. Performance tourist bath possibly from canvas tents.

Choosing a place to install a camping bath

To install a camping bath, you need to choose a place where there will be enough stones to build a stove. Most suitable option a forest river will become, since in such an area you can find stones, materials for kindling and building a structure. The presence of water nearby also plays an important role, thanks to which it will be possible to get steam without any extra effort.

Before you make a camping bath with your own hands, you need to arm yourself with a tarpaulin or plastic wrap, as well as a frame, or make it on the spot from sticks. To build a frame on the spot, you need to take adhesive tape or twine. An indispensable attribute in every trip is a tourist knife, which does not take up much space, but has a wide range of applications in nature.

How to install a camping bath

To install a camping bath you will need:

  • dig a small depression in the sand or earth (it is recommended to lay the bottom with stones);
  • install the frame of the future stove and lay stones on it;
  • kindle a fire inside the furnace (the fire must be large, since the stones heat up very slowly);
  • when the stones heat up and the fire burns out, you need to install the frame of the bath (purchased or home-made) and pull a tarpaulin (film) over it.

Instead of the first two points, you can use a purchased stove for a camping bath.

The frame can be assembled in advance so as not to waste the heat of the stove, and after that you can fix the tarpaulin and start using the bath. It is desirable to pour on stones hot water, which can be boiled in parallel with construction.

Attention! Try not to install the stove for a camping bath directly on the ground. Heated stones may begin to burn the ground beneath them, causing carbon monoxide. If the sandy base cannot be found, it is recommended to make a thick cushion of stones under the stove.

In order to make a small bath frame with your own hands, you need to pick up a few elastic branches, fix the bases in the ground or sand and connect them with tape or rope in the middle. It is very convenient to use adhesive tape, as it can be used to fasten small sticks into the desired design.

Wet and especially wet stones, as well as fresh sticks and logs, can break under the influence of heat, so it is recommended to choose dry ones. Construction Materials for the oven. If this is not possible, you need to be as careful and attentive as possible until the stones are completely warmed up. Under influence high temperature the water contained in the stones turns into steam and tries to escape. If there is not enough space for moisture in the gaseous state to escape, the stone will explode due to the high pressure inside. Compliance with such simple rule security will allow you to enjoy outdoor recreation without any problems.

Speaking about the bath, we mean not only the possibility of a high-quality wash, we are talking about health. Going on a hike, we also go for rest, health, beauty and energy. So, a bathhouse on a hike is health squared! And how to strengthen it? The only option is a mobile bath. Here's how you can get it, we'll talk ...

Who needs camping baths and why?

Remember how you bathe on a long hike: after a whole day of active rest (which, by the way, gets more tired than hard work), you find the first body of water that comes across, set up camp next to it and put yourself in order, as God wills. Sometimes, it happens, you have to go to bed hastily washed. No pleasure. Now imagine that you have the opportunity to lie down not just clean, but relaxed and exhausted after a good bath. The difference is huge! And you will feel it right away! How you rest at night determines your entire next day. Draw conclusions ... Often, camping baths help summer residents who do not have the opportunity to build a full-fledged building. It is also a great option for construction team, for a long time "tied" to an object near a reservoir. In general, if you know the price good rest, take care of your health and love the steam room, then, of course, a mobile bath is for you.

What does a camping bath look like?

The design of the building almost does not differ much from the usual: you will need an enclosed space that functions as a steam room and a stove for a camping bath. Sometimes, in field conditions, they do not use a special stove, but build something from stones that resembles a fireplace in which they make a fire. Stones are then placed in it. The most important thing is to heat these stones enough to get the right amount of hot steam. If such a home-made “oven” is installed, then they usually try to find rounded stones for it, because flat and layered ones can crack. Scattering into different sides fragments of stones can injure others, therefore, while warming up the bath, it is better to stay away or go another, more “civilized” way - to purchase a finished stove, and possibly the entire structure.

While the stoves for camping baths heat the stones, you need to build a frame of poles. You will need four vertical posts, four more poles for connection from above. Four diagonal poles will hold the "walls" and two more - the "ceiling". Having assembled the frame, you need to cover it with plastic wrap - this will be a kind of warming of the steam room, the cracks must be carefully closed. This will be the wig. To take a steam bath, you have to constantly throw firewood. Don't count on high temperatures either. So, this is a labor-intensive, but “one-time” option. It is better, of course, to do something more reliable and durable, or still go broke on finished structure. Read more about all this.

Ready camping bath: what, why and how

As for ready-made mobile structures, there is a choice. You can buy just a tent for a mobile steam room or together with a stove. There are also separate awnings that do not come with a frame: you will have to assemble it yourself.

If you buy a ready-made kit right away with the stove, then you won’t have any problems with steaming “in the field”, but it’s desirable to have some kind of vehicle: it is not so easy to carry a tent and a stove, even if they are as light as possible. But this is an ideal option for summer residents and builders.

You can simply buy a special awning in the hope that in the place where you are planning a vacation, there will definitely be poles for the frame. You can also buy a tent-bath, in which the frame is already provided. In any case, this is convenient: the problem of heat loss is much easier to solve, since these awnings hold steam very well, unlike polyethylene film. Only the stove for the camping bath will remain. Having correctly built it, you get a full-fledged steam room - warm, cozy and, most importantly, hermetically sealed.

How to make a camping bath: features

If you have firmly decided that you need a mobile bath with your own hands, feel free to build it. There is nothing difficult in this. How to do it? You will need the following materials and conditions:


Racks are needed for the frame. Carbon fiber or aluminum are fine. Take ready-made racks from a 4-person tent. It is believed that they may not withstand the "bath" temperature, but practice shows that these materials are quite safe and relatively durable. You can, of course, use wooden poles, but they are unreliable and quickly fail. In addition, wood is a combustible material, and you constantly have to worry about safety.

Covering material

If you do not buy a special awning, then take the usual wide polyethylene. When buying, make sure not to make a mistake with the size of the piece. Calculate it based on the fact that the area you need to cover is 6X6 m. This amount of material is enough to build a steam room for 6 people. Some of our practical compatriots have adapted to use old banners as a covering material. You can try too. The main thing is not to take risks and do not put up a regular tent from a modern tent, otherwise you will quickly say goodbye to it, but Soviet-era canvas tents can withstand temperatures very well.



You need to put a mobile steam room in a place where there is an abundance of firewood. Moreover, for the bath you will need dry firewood with a maximum diameter of 10-15 cm. Do not harvest logs that are too thick.


They also need to be prepared in advance. For one run, you will need approximately a bucket of stones. Get more - good. Pick up large rounded boulders. Carefully inspect the finds: stones with chips and impurities of other rocks, flat and layered, do not take in any case. If a the right amount It was not possible to collect large stones, take smaller pebbles.


A camping bath is being built on the shore of a reservoir. If necessary, organize a dam in advance so that you can swim normally.

Step by step instructions for building

Stage one

Lay firewood on the ground in one layer, and a layer of stones on top. Light a fire. When it flares up well, lay the second layer of firewood, after which - again stones. The procedure for throwing firewood and stones continues until all the collected stones are in the fire. After that, just keep a good flame going. The fire should give a good heat.

Stage two

Take the prepared racks and set them crosswise. Collect the frame near the fire. If you decide to use poles, then they should be 3-4 cm thick. Using a rope, adhesive tape or electrical tape, build a cube without a bottom or a hut out of them, covering the ends of the poles with a cloth so that they do not tear the polyethylene.

Stage three

When the stones in the fire turn red, it's time to set up the tent. Take a shovel or long thick sticks and roll stones from the fire into the frame. Perfect option- dig a hollow for them in advance so as not to drive all over the camp. When all the large stones are under the frame, remove all the small fragments and spill the “path” along which they rolled with water. So you will save both the future tent and your own legs. Next, cover the frame with a film, avoiding the place where the stones were placed. Press the edges to the ground with pebbles, logs, you can sprinkle with sand. The wig is ready. From the opposite side of the hill of stones, make an entrance.

If you are satisfied with a camping bath in a black way, then the frame and awning can be placed directly above the fire. In this case, you won’t have to roll the stones anywhere, but the fire is prepared a little differently. You can build something like a furnace with the letter P, put a box with stones from rods or thick wire over an ordinary fire, or build a structure like a pyramid with a large boulder in the center. Keep in mind: such a bath is less safe, so constantly make sure that the materials do not burn or melt.

Some nuances of a camping bath

Remember: stones crack when heated. So try to stay away from them. But there is also good news: when you water them, they no longer scatter into fragments, so you can safely bathe. You can draw conclusions about how high the temperature in the steam room is by observing the steam. If it rises in a hot wave, then the temperature is high, you can steam for a long time. And if the steam spreads throughout the tent in a thick fog, then this entry is the last one. The disadvantage of a camping bath is in the relatively low temperature near the ground. In order not to catch a cold, spread a rug or dry grass under your feet. Take care of your health!

A camping bath is a simple tent equipped with a stove. Both structures are folded at the resting place from those at hand. natural materials or they carry prefabricated collapsible structures with them in the car.

Do-it-yourself camping bath

A mobile bath tent was built from a frame covered with a film, awning or tarpaulin. A stove is installed inside. There are 2 options for organizing a bath: assemble a structure from available materials or install a factory-made tent.

In the first case, the frame of the camping bath is optimally folded from metal thin tubes, but it will have to be transported to the place of rest. In nature, a similar skeleton of a structure is assembled from long, durable poles. Cobblestones are used for laying the stove.

The second option for a camping bath is a ready-made factory-made tent. It will have to be transported to the place of rest by car. Plus, a metal stove is taken to the tent. It is small, but it has weight, and it is difficult to carry such a burden by hand.

Advice! When using a tent, it is optimal to give preference to a Soviet-style product.

The choice is explained by the fact that in such models a tarpaulin serves as a shelter for the frame. The material retains heat, moisture, does not emit harmful fumes when heated.

Design features of a camping bath

The main requirement for such structures is that the camping bath-tent should be light, safe, quickly disassembled and assembled.

The best for a bath is a frame made of aluminum tubes. In a collapsible form, it is easy to carry even by hand. Assembled frame durable, fireproof. If the tent skeleton is made of wooden posts, then best material long thin trunks of young trees are considered. Poles should not be taken dry, as they are fragile and more susceptible to ignition from the stove.

The best covering material for a bath is a Soviet-style tarpaulin, but it is heavy, expensive and not available everywhere. A conventional film will serve as a primitive shelter. For a tent designed for 5 people, you will need a piece of 6x6 m.

Any bath-tent must be equipped with a stove. There are 2 options to choose from:

  1. The stove-heater is folded at the resting place from large cobblestones. The design resembles a well with a closed top. A window is left on the side for putting firewood into the firebox.
  2. The portable sauna stove is welded from metal. The design resembles a potbelly stove. On top of the stove there is a platform where you can heat water and heat stones to organize a steam room.

The camp stove can be folded inside and outside the tent. The first option is called "in black", since inside the bath, along with steam, there is smoke. The second option is called "in white". The smoke from the stove does not penetrate into the tent. Stones are warmed up outside the bathhouse and heated inside.

Important conditions

Install a portable bath-tent not in any place. It is optimal to choose a site with suitable conditions:

  • The presence of water. In field conditions, a suitable option for a bath is the shore of any reservoir or river.
  • Stones. If there is no metal portable furnace, it will have to be folded from the cobblestones. There should be stones nearby, but not layered, but solid. Otherwise, the cobblestones will crack from heating. Flying fragments can injure a person. The optimal dimensions of the cobblestone are from 10 to 12 cm. Small stones cool down quickly, and large ones take a long time to warm up with a fire. The shape of the cobblestones is optimal, slightly flattened, elongated. It is difficult to fold the stove from round stones, as they will roll down.
  • Young trees. If there is no frame with you, it is collected from long poles 3-4 cm thick. The material is looked for in the nearest forest or planting.
  • Firewood. The stove in the camping bath is heated for about 3 hours. Firewood needs dry wood. Trees are selected with a trunk thickness of 10-15 cm.

On a hike, it is not always possible to find a place for a bath with all the conditions, but you need to try to find something in between. First of all, a reservoir is in demand. Stones, firewood, poles can be searched and brought by hand.

Do-it-yourself manufacturing steps

A tent bath is set up almost according to the same principle, regardless of the material available. The difference is the location of the stove.

Making a camping bath "in white"

“In white” a bathhouse is set up in a tent with your own hands without a stove. It is built outside the steam room. Only hot stones are brought inside the tent. The advantage of this method is the absence of smoke. The downside is the long heating of the camping bath and its rapid cooling. It is optimal to build a small tent so that there is enough space only for necessary procedures. A voluminous hiking steam room will take a long time to warm up, you will need a lot of stones, and in cold weather this is almost impossible to achieve.

Due to the lack of a stove inside the tent, a film can be used as a covering material. The frame in the marching version is most often made of poles. It will take 8 sticks more than 1 m long. The poles are tied together with wire or tape. You should get a cube or a parallelepiped.

Advice! With a collective rest, it is better to build a bath for 4 people and bathe in turn.

For 1-2 people, you can get by with a wigwam-shaped frame. 3 poles are placed at an angle, forming a cone. Before stretching the film with tape, wrap all sharp knots on sticks. The polyethylene sleeve is dissolved with a knife. The frame is covered with the resulting single-layer canvas. The film is tied to the poles with adhesive tape, fixed with clothespins.

From the side of the entrance, 2 large sheets of film are left. Doors should overlap to prevent steam from escaping from the camping bath. Inside, they arrange a place for hot stones. It is fenced with sticks 30-50 cm long driven into the ground. The floor of the camping bath is covered with spruce branches. For sitting, you can lay a rug or find a stump.

The oven is set up for safe distance from the tent. The spark should not reach the film cover. It is also impossible to move the stove too far away, because you still have to carry hot stones into the tent. After the construction of the stove, the remaining stones are not thrown away. They press the bottom of the film shelter of the tent to the ground. It is important to put the stones tightly together, otherwise steam will come out from under the non-pressed areas.

Making a bath-tent "in black"

In the "black" way, a do-it-yourself bathhouse on a hike is installed in a similar way. The design difference is the location of the stove inside the tent. The frame of the camping bath is associated with wicker or vines. The easiest option is to tape 4 poles about 1.5 m long with tape. If you can find long sticks about 3 m, then 2 pieces will suffice. The poles are simply bent, tying in a cross in the center to form a hut.

A film can serve as a shelter for a camping bath, but polyethylene is afraid of fire. The stove will have to be folded with high quality in order to protect the film tent from sparks to the maximum.

For a camping bath “in a black way”, it is better to install a collapsible frame from thin aluminum tubes. It is guaranteed not to ignite from the oven. Instead of a film, the tent is covered with a tarpaulin. Strong posts will withstand the shelter, even if it is covered with snow or rain, accompanied by strong winds.

A quick camping sauna with a stove is organized in a factory-made tent, only with a tarpaulin cover. The frame is assembled from folding arcs in a few minutes. For convenience, first a stone stove is laid out in a tent, and then a tarpaulin shelter is pulled up.

Do-it-yourself stove for a camping bath

Do-it-yourself stove-stove for a camping bath is folded on the spot from large cobblestones. In fact, the design resembles a potbelly stove. First, the firebox is laid out in the form of an unfinished ring, leaving a window for loading firewood. The arch is made as shown in the figure: solid, vaulted or with a jumper. The first scheme is worse due to poor heating of the upper cobblestones, since the flame is not enough to reach them.

The main stages of the construction of a bath from improvised means

Seasoned travelers build a bath-tent with a stove quickly. A beginner should follow the steps step by step, following the recommendations. After several trainings, the installation of a camping bath will take no more than an hour.

Place selection

A suitable site for a camping bath is chosen taking into account important conditions. Any source of water, firewood and stones is required. Carrying cobblestones from afar is hard. The same goes for water. You can bring a couple of buckets, but the pleasure of bathing will be small. It is good to stop on the shore of the pond, where you can take a dip after the steam room.

When choosing a site, it is worth exploring the soil. The ground must be solid. In soft and loose soil, it is impossible to reliably strengthen the arcs of the tent.

The construction of the stove

The most crucial moment is considered to be the installation of a stove for a camping bath from the cobblestones found in the vicinity. The simplest stone stove is built according to the following rules before covering the tent with a tarpaulin:

  1. Under the stove, with a sharp spatula, cut off the upper part of the soil. In the recess, cobblestones lay out the base. If there is dry grass nearby, it is cleaned with a spatula to prevent fire.
  2. Using flattened cobblestones from 200 mm in size, lay out the hearth. Its height and diameter is approximately 700 mm. For laying firewood in the hearth, a small opening is left. From above, the hearth is covered with a large flat stone. You'll be lucky if there's a slab-shaped savage. It is convenient to put a bucket of water on a flat stone.
  3. A fire in the stove of a camping bathhouse is lit 4 hours before swimming. The readiness of the stones will be signaled by their red or White color which depends on their breed.

The first watering on the stove is done with caution. If the stones do not crack and fragments do not fly off from them, the cobblestones are selected correctly.

Frame device

At a collapsible tent, the frame is made up of tubes. Using homemade design, felled poles are cleaned from knots. The most convenient and safe is a camping bath of two compartments. The frame of the tent is made in such a way that the steam room is slightly removed from the stove.

First, 4 racks are dug in at the corners. From above they are connected along the perimeter and crosswise with crossbars. The poles form a strong outline of the tent and do not allow the canvas to sag on the ceiling. To one side of any wall, two long poles are placed at an angle. From above they are fixed to the frame of the tent, and from below they rest against the ground. It turns out the second compartment for the stove.

Canopy for a camping steam room

For a tent, it is advisable to use a single piece of film or tarpaulin. In size, it should be larger than the frame so that the edges can be well strengthened from below. The canopy is pressed to the ground with cobblestones or earth. Most good option- this is to dig a trench around the frame, lay the canopy, sprinkle with soil.

The warm floor inside the tent is laid out from spruce branches. A rug is laid on top or thin branches with foliage are laid out. Birch is ideal.

Using the hot tub is easy. A few tips for beginner travelers:

  • during the burning of firewood in the tent, a small open window is left to weather the smoke;
  • a bucket of water is placed on the stove for watering the heater;
  • after heating the stones, the burned-out heat is taken out of the heater, and the tent is tightly closed to prevent heat loss;
  • stones are watered as needed to form a comfortable amount of steam.

The cooling of the stove stones lasts about 2 hours. During this time, you can comfortably steam. To protect the walls of the tent from fire and people from accidental burns, the stove is fenced with shields made of branches.


A camping bath is not built too spacious. Heat leaves a large tent faster. It is better to install a small structure and bathe in turn.

The ability to take a steam bath while on a long hike or working in the field seems to most people to be something out of fantasy.

Indeed, many people believe that being in conditions of complete autonomy in the wild, you can only partially wash yourself - using water heated at the stake. Besides the fact that this method is inconvenient and troublesome, it also does not give such a feeling of cleanliness as from a full wash. However, there is still a way to wash off sweat and fatigue from a body exhausted by a hike - this is the construction of a real camp bath.

This is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance. Anyone can build a mobile bath - it does not require professional building knowledge and skills or specially prepared materials. The latter condition is especially important in a campaign, when every extra load is an unbearable burden and hinders movement.

“The construction of a mobile bath is an extremely useful skill that all those who often go on hikes and nature trips should have,” such is the opinion of seasoned tourists. This will make your vacation not only pleasant, but also useful - what could be better and more favorable for the health of the soul and body than a steam room in the fresh air?

Construction of a camping bath: what is required

So, for the construction of a camping bath with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • stones. To build a mobile camping bath, you will need a lot of stones. Their choice should be taken carefully enough. For the construction of the stove itself, which will give off heat, round or oval stones, homogeneous and without impurities or inclusions, are suitable. The fact is that stones with sharp edges, cracks, damage or inclusions of another breed tend to explode when heated, which can be very dangerous. Limestone rocks are best suited for a camping bath, but if they are not available, ordinary pebbles can also be used.
  • Firewood. To build a fire and properly heat the stones, you will need a large number of firewood. It makes no sense to take thick logs - they slowly flare up, do not have time to burn out to the end and give all their heat to the stones. Therefore, firewood should be dry and not large - small logs with a diameter of 10 ... 15 cm burn through perfectly.
  • frame. For the construction of a strong and reliable frame, you will need racks. As racks, you can use wooden poles, carbon fiber or aluminum tent racks. An aluminum frame is more reliable and environmentally friendly, however, in its absence, thin trunks or thick branches from a neighboring forest are quite suitable.
  • Covering material. As a covering material, polyethylene is most often used - the most affordable and inexpensive material. Instead of polyethylene, you can use an awning or a dense banner, a tent tarpaulin is also suitable. The more people steam at the same time, the larger the piece of covering material should be. For example, in a bathhouse arranged under an awning measuring 6x6 meters, up to 6 people can fit.
  • Related materials- dense strong rope or twine, as well as oilcloth or rug. These materials will be useful to you for fastening the frame on which your camping bath will be held, and fabric or other material for warming its floor.

Do-it-yourself camping bath: the construction process

First of all, you need to choose comfortable spot to build your bath. Prerequisites, for finding a place suitable, several. First of all, next to your future bath there should be a reservoir in which you can arrange a backwater for diving into it after the steam room. It is also necessary that a sufficient amount of stones and firewood can be collected near the site of the construction of the bath.

Advice from the master: The soil on which your mobile camping bath will be placed must be dense in order to securely fix the racks together with the awning, otherwise they may fall directly on people and hot stones.


The place for your bath has been chosen, the materials have been prepared - you can proceed directly to the construction of the structure itself. The mobile camping bath, the photo of which you can find in this article, is not so different from regular bath. In its design there is also a stove that gives off heat and a steam room. The first stage in the construction of a mobile bath is the construction of a stove.

The stove in the camping bath consists of properly heated open flame stones. In order for the stones to warm up well, the fire must be made multi-level. Firewood is laid on the ground as the first layer, and the first layer of stones is laid on top of the firewood, on which a fire is immediately made. Next, the fire is built according to the principle of "firewood-stones, firewood-stones" until the required number of stones is in your makeshift stove.

Frame and awning

While your stones are burning in the fire, it's time to start building an awning that will cover your steam room. The awning will consist of a frame and covering material. It is better to build the basis for a steam room near the fire, so that it is easier to transport hot stones inside.

If you use the branches you found as a frame, before proceeding with the assembly, they must be processed - remove all flaws with a knife so as not to get hurt and damage the awning. Racks can either be installed crosswise, or according to the following scheme - 4 poles vertically, 2 on top and 2 on the side diagonally. It is necessary to fix the structure you have obtained with twine.

Advice from the master Using wire to fasten the frame is not only undesirable, but also dangerous - metal elements heat up easily, and you can get burned.

After your frame is installed and securely fastened with improvised means, it must be covered with an awning. If you built a frame from poles, then the corners should be covered with some kind of cloth - for example, put on a scarf or T-shirt so that the sharp ends of the branches do not tear the film.

Throw an awning on the racks should be carefully. After the entire frame is evenly covered with a covering material, it should be securely fixed - the ends of the film must be pressed to the ground with stones, then the heat from the steam room will not come out.

When the stones in the fire warm up enough (this will happen after 4-6 hours), they should be moved under the awning. It is most convenient to dig a small groove from the fire to the tent and roll the stones under the canopy with a shovel. Of course, a variant is possible when it is not the stones that move, but the canopy itself.

In this case, the fire should be carefully extinguished, unburned logs should be thrown out of it and the pre-assembled awning should be carefully transferred and covered with red-hot stones. After that, your do-it-yourself camping bath will be ready - you can start the pleasant process of washing.

  • Despite the fact that your new bath- hiking, the rules for visiting it are the same as in a regular stationary bath. Remember that in order to avoid health problems, bathe in mobile bath should not be taken after a heavy meal or alcohol intake.
  • When heating stones, you should move away from the fire, as stones under the influence of high temperature can crack, explode and scatter into fragments, which can be potentially dangerous.
  • If the steam in your sauna rises, then you still have enough time to get a good steam bath. If, due to the thick steam, the interior of the bath is no longer visible, then the temperature in the steam room drops, and most likely this entry will be the last.
  • A camping bath practically does not warm up the ground - therefore, the places where people will sit should be covered with oilcloth and rugs.

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