Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

What is the best way to paint the lining inside the house? How to paint lining indoors - effective methods of protecting wood How to properly paint lining inside a house with paint

How can painting of lining be done in a country house or in a city apartment? What properties should dyes and varnishes have? Finally, how to apply them correctly? Let's try to answer these questions.


Painting or varnishing combines several functions:

  • Hides wood defects. The surface of the lining is not always ideal; often on her large quantities there are knots, cross-grain, and the appearance of the texture of the cheapest spruce and pine is not expressive;

  • Protects wood from temperature influences and humidity fluctuations, significantly reducing its service life;

Please note: this is especially important if wooden lining is used for exterior finishing- wall cladding country house, roof lining open terrace or roof overhangs.

  • Prevents fermentation- a process that causes wood to darken in bright light. Opaque paints completely block the effects of harmful appearance ultraviolet wood; transparent varnishes for this purpose include special additives that combine under common name- ultraviolet filter.

In addition, many decorative and protective impregnations include fire retardants (additives that prevent fire) and antiseptics (that kill fungus, mold and repel insects).

Alternatively, antiseptic and fire retardant treatment can be performed at the stage of preparation for painting: a transparent water-soluble composition is applied over the entire surface of the lining with a brush or by immersing individual boards in a container with antiseptic primer.

If the wood has darkened in bright light or is affected by fungus, it is pre-treated with another compound - bleach. Active chlorine or oxygen oxidizes fermentation products and kills mold, brightening (and, alas, partially destroying) the surface layer of the board.


To get a good idea of ​​the cost and functionality of different paints, primers and varnishes, we'll explore the most popular formulations from each category.


The most profitable ones to purchase are dry antiseptics, which are diluted with water to the required concentration before use.

An example for us will be the domestic antiseptic primer KMF from Ognebiozashchita LLC.

  • The powder is diluted with water in volumetric proportion 1:12;
  • The service life of the soil is estimated at 40 years;
  • The powder and its aqueous solution are odorless and are not washed out with water, chemically combining with wood cells;
  • The soil does not interfere with steam and air exchange through wooden structures.

Please note: antiseptic treatment with CMF gives the wood a greenish tint. If the lining will later be covered with transparent varnish, you should prefer a transparent antiseptic.

Decorative and antiseptic impregnations

What and how to paint the lining at the dacha if you want to preserve the appearance of the wood?

An excellent solution would be the decorative antiseptic impregnation Aquatex.

  • The composition in atmospheric conditions provides reliable protection linings for a period of up to 5 years (up to 7 years, subject to preliminary priming of the surface with the composition “Aquatex-Grunt”;
  • It allows you to tint the wood in one of the basic colors (white, mahogany, rosewood, pear, yellow, etc.). In this case, to obtain intermediate shades, different tinting compositions can be mixed. Painting leaves the wood grain visible;

  • Aquatex can be used as self-covering and as a primer before applying alkyd or oil paints, enamels and varnishes;
  • The impregnation is absorbed into the wood; however, part of the Aquatex remains on the surface of the lining, forming a transparent hydrophobic film;
  • After drying, the coating remains elastic, which allows it to withstand significant fluctuations in humidity and temperature.

What else is useful to know about Aquatex?


How to paint the lining white with the same Aquatex, if sunlight Has she noticeably darkened? Obviously, you will have to pre-bleach its surface.

As an example of an effective bleach that can restore the appearance of wood after long-term operation in bright light, we use the Senezh Effo composition.

  • Effo can be used indoors and outdoors outdoors. It is used to lighten wood that has not previously been treated with paints and varnishes;
  • The composition is applied to the darkened surface with a brush, brush or spray. Consumption must be at least 150 g/m2;
  • Lightening time - 2-3 hours;
  • Senezh Effo is sold in canisters with a capacity of 5 and 10 liters. The retail cost of a liter is 80 - 90 rubles.

Oil paints

Not so long ago, they enjoyed the highest popularity, but now oil paints for wood are almost not in demand on the market.

There are several reasons:

  1. Long drying. At the stated 24 hours, one layer dries for at least 3 days;
  2. Long-lasting unpleasant odor;
  3. Moderate resistance of the coating to atmospheric conditions and short service life.

The object of our research will be the domestic MA-15.

  • Drying oil (natural or composite) is used as a primer;

However: many manufacturers allow its replacement with a faster-drying acrylic primer for wood.

  • Service life in atmospheric conditions is estimated vaguely “up to a year or more”;
  • A minimum of two coats is recommended.

Alkyd enamels

Dyes based on pentaphthalic and glyphthalic varnishes are much more durable than oil varnishes and are more wear-resistant. They create a thin and durable waterproof film on the surface of the wood, which, however, does not allow air to pass through.

The most famous and in demand in this family is the PF-115, which has been in production for more than half a century.

  • The enamel can be applied directly to dry wood or over a glyphthalic primer GF-021;
  • Drying time for one layer at room temperature is 24 hours. Accelerated drying is allowed - 1 hour at a temperature of 100 - 110C.

Acrylic paints

Water-dispersed acrylic paints noticeably more expensive than alkyd and oil-based ones, despite the cheaper base - water. The cost of painting lining per m2 is 70 - 150 rubles versus 20 - 25 for PF-115.

What does the buyer get for the difference in price?

  • Complete absence of odors during application and further use of the coating;
  • Service life of 7 years or more in atmospheric conditions;
  • Resistant to washing with any non-abrasive cleaning agents;

Let's clarify: we are talking about . Interior dyes for mineral bases are less resistant to wet wear.

  • Drying time is no more than 1 - 2 hours per layer.

To the author, the most attractive solution seems to be the so-called rubber paints, modified with the addition of latex: they are a complete waterproofing coating, compatible with any surfaces and most old paints and varnishes.

An example of such a composition will be the paint Rezel+ from Sevastopol LLC Accent.

It attracts with its low cost and wear resistance: the manufacturer allows its use for waterproofing floors and existing roofs.

Alkyd varnishes

They have all the properties alkyd enamels, leaving, however, the wood grain visible.

Most common on post-Soviet space representative of the family is pentaphthalic varnish PF-170.

However: its resistance to atmospheric influences is limited. The author used varnish for finishing coffee table in the attic and courtyard benches. While the table looks perfect after two years of use, the varnish on the bench has partially peeled off and darkened.

  • Can be applied to dry wood without primer;
  • Dries at room temperature in 72 hours.

Here are other characteristics of the PF-170:

The main advantage of the solution is its low cost: when applied in two layers, the cost of painting the lining with varnish will be no more than 40 rubles/m2.

Alkyd-urethane varnishes

This category of varnishes is attractive due to its exceptional weather resistance: with constant contact with water, the manufacturer promises at least three years of service. In reality, the coating lasts much longer: even the external cladding of the house remains dry most of the time.

Let's study the properties of alkyd-urethane yacht varnish from Russian company Neomid.

The photo shows yacht varnish from the Neomid company.

  • The varnish is resistant to water (including salt water) and any non-abrasive cleaning agents;
  • After varnishing, the lining has a glossy glassy surface;
  • The cost of a liter of varnish is about 300 rubles;
  • It does not necessarily require priming and can be applied directly to dry wood.


New lining

Painting begins with antiseptic treatment. We emphasize: it is better to process the board before installation, paying particular attention to Special attention ends and back, which will be inaccessible in the future.

A caveat: the lining can be supplied having undergone antiseptic treatment. Before purchasing an antiseptic, read the accompanying documentation.

After installation, the front surface is covered with one or two layers of paint-compatible primer with intermediate drying. The actual painting is done with a wide soft brush, a medium-nap roller (allowing you to paint the seams between the boards) or a sprayer.

It is most convenient to paint the seams with a brush, and the surface of the boards with a roller.

When using decorative antiseptic impregnations and varnishes, priming is usually skipped.

Old clapboard

The painting algorithm looks somewhat different if we are dealing with old lining.

Wood covered with old paints and varnishes is cleaned of them. For cleaning, it is most convenient to use a hair dryer and a steel spatula. A hairdryer softens the paint, after which it can be easily removed with a spatula; The remaining coating is removed by grinding.

We have already studied bleaching: the wood is treated with oxygen or chlorine bleach and left for 2 - 3 hours. Further work is carried out after the surface has completely dried.

Useful little things

When applying paint or varnish with your own hands, it is worth paying attention to a number of seemingly small details.

  • Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, all coatings are applied at temperatures from +5 to +30C. At low temperatures, the varnish or paint will become viscous and drip (and paints will water based and will completely freeze). If too high, drying too quickly can make the paint coat uneven;
  • When painting a wall with a brush or roller, move along it from top to bottom. The instructions are related to the fact that in this case you can avoid the appearance of drips;

  • Thin the paints to the consistency of rich milk. High viscosity will force you to apply an excessively thick layer, which will take a long time to dry and again cause drips;
  • It is better to protect the edges of surfaces that are not planned to be painted with masking tape. Areas adjacent to those protected by tape should be painted with a brush with a small amount of paint, holding it perpendicular to the surface: this way it is easier to avoid flowing under the tape.


We hope that our miniature review of protective and decorative coatings will help the reader in making a choice, and a description of the painting technology will help avoid mistakes during finishing. Please note that painting the lining white can not only decorate the room, but also make it more spacious and brighter.

As always, Additional materials The video in this article will bring you to your attention. We would appreciate your comments and additions. Good luck!

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Painting the lining is the final finishing process. The decorativeness and durability of the coating depend on the quality of work and the correct choice of material. Let's see how to do it correctly.

How to paint the lining?

The tree needs covering. The range of paints and varnishes is huge, so the choice of material for lining depends on specific purposes:

  • protection against fungi/mold;
  • imparting moisture resistance;
  • decorativeness;
  • preservation of texture, etc.

The lining can be painted with different means. All of them are divided into two groups.

Functional compounds

Ensures the safety of wood and extends its service life. They give it the necessary qualities and increase its operational functions:

  • Fire retardants- protective compounds that reduce the flammability of the material. Refers to mandatory coatings. They can be universal (with bioprotection) and provide tint.
  • Antiseptics, biopyrenes, bactericidal compounds- often called impregnation, as they penetrate deep into the wood. Protect from aggressive environments, UV rays, block the development of rot/mold. They are divided into subgroups: for interior and exterior work.

  • Drying oil - gives water repellent properties, protects against rotting. Used only for outdoor work, takes a long time to dry, has a smell. A surface coated in several layers may remain sticky for 1–2 years.
  • Alkyd varnishes- retain texture, are considered universal: protecting wood + adding decorativeness. Applicable for finishing. Apply in two layers: the first is a transparent varnish, the second is a tinted varnish.

  • Synthetic varnishes- Compared to acrylic ones, they have an aggressive, difficult-to-dissipate odor. After application they form smooth surface with rich shine. The composition contains substances harmful to health (toluene, xylene), so they are used, as a rule, for outdoor work.
  • Yacht varnish- the most durable and reliable coverage. Provides protection from moisture, ultraviolet radiation, and fungal formations. It contains strong-smelling solvents, but after drying the smell disappears. Happens three types: matte, glossy, semi-matte.
  • Oil varnishes - contain resins, driers, oils, solvents. They form a high-quality material on the lining protective film, giving an ocher tint. Can be used inside and outside the house.

  • Wax-based compositions- are an advantageous alternative to varnishes. They give a matte shine and reliably protect the wood. Texturol does not require a primer and is available in 18 colors.
  • Scuba diving - best option for lining. They are water-based and come in matte, glossy, and semi-matte finishes. They retain vapor permeability and may have bactericidal additives, colors, and UV filters.

Decorative compositions

They help to radically change the color of wood and are used in design projects, serve as protection for wood fiber:

  • Oil paints- increase resistance to aggressive influences, including moisture. They are easy to apply, but take a long time to dry and reduce the breathability of wood. Oil paint is considered an impractical coating: after 2–3 years it begins to change color (fade). Recommended for interior work.
  • Alkyd enamels- suitable for interior decor, have a wide color range. After drying it has a glossy shine. Not durable and require repainting after a few years.
  • Acrylate, acrylic paints - durable, superior to oil based ones in many respects. Acrylic gives elasticity, so they do not crack due to temperature changes and minor deformations. Acrylate paint is universal, effective for lining inside and outside the house.

  • Water-based paints - create a matte surface, leave a wooden texture, dry quickly, do not interfere with breathability, and have no unpleasant odor. In terms of reliability and durability, they are inferior to all types of varnish. A thick layer will completely hide the texture of the lining.
  • stain- completely preserves the texture, gives shade/tints. The color intensity is achieved by the number of layers.

There are many mixed compounds that can be classified into both groups. They can tint, add decorativeness and protect at the same time.

How to paint lining

It is not difficult to paint the lining with your own hands. In dyeing technology important stage is surface preparation. It must be cleaned of contaminants and treated with a soda solution (2%). If the paint has already been applied and has peeling, use mechanical cleaning with sandpaper.

Primary application involves the use of impregnations, but it is not necessary to impregnate a dry board. It is better to use universal compounds with protection. The lining is painted only on the front side, the back side remains untreated.

Using for lining water-based paint, it is diluted with water - this will help to apply a thin layer and preserve the wood grain. In damp room Protective compounds must be used, preferably on both sides and at the places of cuts/cuts.

High quality final result Sanding and painting each board before installation will give you the best results. Already treated boards are nailed to the walls/ceiling.

Let's consider the technology of piece dyeing:

  • The lining needs to be sorted. Deformed, cracked, knotted boards are rejected. They will be used for undercuts and will be useful for testing paint and installation in closed areas.
  • High quality material is sanded(front side and tenon/groove). It is more convenient to work with a grinder; you can use a block with sandpaper. The grain used is No. 250–280. The back side does not need to be processed.

  • The prepared surface is cleaned from dust and paint with a roller, brush, or spray. Using a brush, you need to shade the composition along the board, trying to get a uniform color.
  • Covering varnishes/paints may raise lint, leave roughness after drying. In this case, the surface is sanded again. Then the second layer is applied.

When painting, achieving the intended result, you can apply an unlimited number of layers of paintwork. Repeated painting is always carried out with minimal composition on the brush and good shading, otherwise there will be smudges and uneven color.

Damp, semi-damp wood needs to be primed. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve uniform coloring. A matte colorless varnish is often used for primer.

Photo Description

Tip 1

Before work, the paint is thoroughly mixed - this is the golden rule.

Tip 2

The paint will adhere better if you work with the tip rather than the middle of the brush.

Tip 3

You can express the pattern and emphasize the texture of wood with wax, varnish, or pigmented oil.

Tip 4

The saturation of the coating is obtained not by applying one thick layer, but by creating several thin layers.

Tip 5

The paint adheres better with long, continuous strokes.

Tip 6

To paint difficult places (joints of skirting boards, corners), use a thin brush 2–4 cm.

  1. Protective means
  2. Which varnish to choose for new wooden lining
  3. Painting old coating

For indoor and outdoor finishing works Such wonderful material as wooden lining is often used. The wood version has a number of useful qualities. So, first of all, wood paneling good quality, correctly installed and treated with appropriate protective equipment, is good heat and soundproofing material. In addition, wood is known for its excellent decorative qualities, therefore, by decorating the interior of the house, you can visually expand the room, create an atmosphere of comfort, and also add a rustic touch to the decoration of the room.

Wooden cladding in the country is especially good. In addition, this finishing material is simply irreplaceable in the bathhouse. Lining can be used to decorate balconies, loggias, rooms and many other rooms and structures. As for outdoor work, as a rule, wood paneling used to decorate the walls of houses.

Features of operation and operation

It should be noted that the material has all the qualities inherent in wood. In other words, this is a material that needs processing protective compounds, protecting the tree from the effects of the following factors:

  • excess moisture, sunlight;
  • fire, chemicals;
  • mechanical factors (friction, etc.);
  • various types of pollution.

For example, if the inside of a loggia or balcony, or an attic in a country house is finished, then the wood material is usually exposed to ultraviolet radiation, seasonal humidity, mold, etc. In a bathhouse, the lining experiences temperature fluctuations, exposure to moisture and other negative factors. If the hallway is decorated with wood, then the material may lose its appearance due to mechanical friction, dirt, etc.

Protective means

For guard wooden surface from the effects of various physical and chemical factors are used special means, and some of these products are applied even before the installation of the lining.

In particular, this applies to antiseptics. It is antiseptic compounds that protect wood from pests and mold. By the way, some European manufacturers sell wooden cladding material that has already been treated with an antiseptic, as evidenced by the corresponding marking.

As for fire retardant substances, they increase the fire resistance limit of the material. But to protect from the sun, moisture, friction and chemicals, you can use varnishes and paints. It should be noted that before painting the lining inside the house, it must be treated with a primer, then with an antiseptic, and then with paints and varnishes. It is this sequence of processing that guarantees the durability and aesthetic appearance of the finishing material throughout its entire service life. If a bathhouse at the dacha is finished with clapboard, then in addition to an antiseptic, you cannot do without a fire retardant.

How to paint the lining inside the house? Painting the lining with which they are finished interior walls premises, is carried out with paints and varnishes that are intended for wood processing and interior work. The advantage of lining at this stage is that the surface of this material is polished and does not require additional alignment before painting. Of course, this applies to new lining, but to update the old painted surface, you need to preliminary preparation– surface cleaning.

Which varnish to choose

As noted earlier, before installation, the entire surface of the new lining must be treated with a primer, antiseptic and dried for at least 2 days. After this, the boards are mounted and varnished or painted. Since the lining has a beautiful appearance, it is better not to radically change the color of the finishing material. You can simply coat the wood with varnish - and it will shine, creating an atmosphere of warmth and lightness.

It should be noted that painting the lining inside the house is carried out using the following types of varnish:

  • acrylate;
  • water based;
  • polyurethane.

Using varnishes you can get a glossy or silky surface without shine. In addition, varnishes may contain coloring pigments. The varnishes are diluted with appropriate solvents (water, white spirit, xylene, ether, alcohol, etc.).

Alkyd varnishes and polyurethane-based varnishes are suitable for both interior and exterior use, as they have good protective properties.

Acrylate varnishes are used for interior work. They preserve the natural color of the wood and protect from exposure to sunlight. Alkyd varnishes are moisture resistant. They make the wood resistant to chips and cracks. The main disadvantage of alkyd varnishes is their strong odor and long drying time.

When applying polyurethane varnishes, a coating is created that is resistant to moisture, ultraviolet rays, and chemicals. Significant disadvantage- high price.

Painting new wood paneling

On what basis is it best to choose varnishes for lining? Water-based varnishes are best suited for painting lining. Such materials are environmentally friendly, odorless and dry quickly. However, water-based varnishes are best used only for interior work. Their main advantage is ease of use, harmlessness and reasonable cost.

To varnish new lining inside the house, after applying a primer, antiseptic composition, drying and installation, paint the lining with the selected varnish using a sprayer or brush in 3-4 layers. Correctly apply the next layer of varnish only after the previous one has completely dried..

In addition to varnishes, to paint lining indoors, you can use the following types of paints for woodwork:

  • water-based;
  • pentaphthalic enamels;
  • enamel on chlorosulfonated polyethylene;
  • urethane-alkyd enamels.

Water-based lining paint (water-based) can create matte and semi-matte finishes. Such paints are used for interior work and are not washed off with water. However, they should not be used in areas with high humidity. For rooms with high humidity, it is better to treat the lining with organosilicate materials, which create a shiny, smooth surface.

As for various types of enamels, they usually contain coloring pigments, change the natural color of the wood and are suitable for repainting lining. Enamel paint for lining is resistant to water and detergents.

In addition to traditional varnishes and paints, you can also paint wood with natural dyes - stains, stains, and wax-based paints.

Which varnish or paint should I choose for painting? The choice depends on the operating conditions of the material and the requirements for paint coating. Correctly selected painting material is a guarantee of durability and aesthetically pleasing wood paneling.

Painting old coating

If a previously painted surface has a coating with defects and dirt, then in this case it is better to degrease the surface with a solvent. Then you can paint the material in two layers.

The wood is wonderful finishing material, but over time, the appearance of the unprotected surface of the lining deteriorates. In this article, we’ll look at how lining is painted so that it retains its qualities for a long time.

Why does the lining need to be painted?

Proper treatment of walls will protect the surface from mold, damage by insects, and damage to the appearance from exposure to high humidity.

Unpainted wood darkens and loses its attractiveness. With changes in temperature and humidity, wood tends to swell or shrink when exposed to dry air. Surface protection of the lining is carried out to preserve its appearance for a long time. It is better to treat the wood initially, since restoring the original shade of the untreated material will then be difficult or almost impossible.

Wood coloring products

There are many paints and mixtures for treating wood surfaces. To decide what is better to paint the lining inside the house, consider the properties various types coatings

Means for processing lining inside the house are divided into two types:

  • to protect against the ingress and proliferation of microorganisms, mold, insects, various atmospheric influences, and decay processes;
  • protective and decorative coatings.


  • antiseptics, primers, impregnations;

Protective and decorative:

  • various paints, varnishes, enamels.

Types of protective and decorative paints

You can coat the lining inside the house with oil, acrylic, and alkyd paints to give it an aesthetic appearance. The best way to paint the lining must be decided individually, depending on personal preferences.

Oil paints

Painting work should be carried out in dry weather so that the room can be well ventilated.


  • has a service life of up to five years without loss of shine;
  • protects well from moisture;
  • dries within 24 hours;
  • perfectly absorbed into the wood surface;
  • low cost.


  • pungent toxic odor;
  • when painting, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system with a respirator;
  • surface coated with paint oil based does not “breathe”, which can lead to cracking of the material;
  • after prolonged use the surface loses its shine;
  • No other coating is applied on top of oil paint.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic paint is the most popular for painting lining. It is made from a mixture of water and acrylates.


  • environmental cleanliness;
  • protects the material from moisture;
  • the surface “breathes”;
  • short drying time, does not create streaks;
  • has no pungent odor;
  • solvents are water and alcohol;
  • frost-resistant;
  • retains its original appearance throughout the entire period of use.


  • cheap paints may change color after drying;
  • long duration of the surface treatment process - you need to carefully apply a thin layer, wait until it dries, and only then apply the next one.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd compositions are suitable for covering not only walls, but also floors. It is recommended to apply only to a dry surface, otherwise the coloring composition will bubble and peel off after drying.


  • low cost;
  • moisture resistance.

Other types of compounds

Transparent decorative glaze can highlight the texture of wood. To give it any shade, a corresponding pigment is added - color.

To give the lining a noble shine, a wax composition is used that is absorbed into the wood. To secure the layer on top, you can apply varnish.

Opaque enamels completely paint over the structure of the material - they are applied in three layers to a dry surface.

How to paint the lining inside the house must be chosen based on personal preferences, the desire to preserve the natural color of the wood, and partially or completely repaint it to match the interior of the room.

Decorative varnishes

How to cover the lining indoors to preserve the structure of the wood? To preserve the magnificent original appearance, the lining is varnished.

There are many types of varnishes:

  • polyurethane varnishes protect the lining from various influences, for example, from yellowing and ultraviolet radiation;
  • acrylic-polyurethane, suitable for those located on sunny side premises, are not subject to fading, are used in baths, bathrooms, have excellent water-repellent properties;
  • water-based - environmentally friendly varnishes;
  • alkyd varnishes, used to cover floors and walls, are abrasion resistant, used for interior and exterior work;
  • restoring varnish with bleach based on chlorine and oxygen will look beautiful, but the restored appearance of the board surface may be partially destroyed due to exposure to aggressive bleach;
  • water-based acrylic - available in matte and glossy, used to cover indoor walls, completely safe for human health, will not harm allergy sufferers;
  • Aqualak is well suited for covering floors and ceilings; it is colorless, strong and durable;
  • Wood stains for lining are used on surfaces without defects and discolor the wood.

Painting of the lining is done manually or using a spray gun. In order to paint the surface by hand, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • primer, antiseptic, paint or varnish;
  • bucket, tray, molar brush, short-hair roller, fine sandpaper;
  • apron;
  • ladder.

Stages of work:

  1. We clean the lining from dust, dirt, old coating, and degrease it with an alkaline washing solution.
  2. We rub the wood with fine sandpaper.
  3. Cover with stain to lighten.
  4. We treat with an antiseptic and primer to protect against fungi, mold, insects and protect against darkening and the appearance of black spots. The antiseptic penetrates deep into the wood. To highlight the structure of the wood, it is recommended to coat the surface with a transparent primer. To, on the contrary, hide the wood texture while maintaining the relief, you need to use a transparent composition.
  5. It is necessary to treat the surface from the inside with paint or varnish in three layers. Apply the next layer only after the inner one is completely dry. Last layer applied from top to bottom.

When painting, it is necessary to carefully treat the ends of the lining with a primer and finishing coat.

How to choose the right coating?

How to cover the lining inside the house so that it fits into the overall design of the room? We select suitable color coatings that match the interior and furniture in the house.

How to treat the lining inside the house so that mold does not grow in it? Various antiseptics are used to protect against mold.

How to paint the lining inside the house to visually expand the space? Will fit bright hues, painting in shades of white, milky, peach shades expands the space. Painting in dark color visually makes the room smaller.

Some important tips:

  • color shades on the floor, ceiling, walls should be combined, you should not choose contrasting tones;
  • on light walls dirt is visible faster;
  • better for bedrooms suitable color natural wood;
  • choose strict classic tones for the walls of the office;
  • country house, with wooden walls varnished will look very natural;
  • In order for the color and gloss of the painted surface to be uniform, it is necessary to mix the paint well;
  • if walls are painted in hot weather, the coating will dry quickly and may crack;
  • when covering walls oil paint, it is recommended to use a coating a shade darker than desired, since the paint may acquire a lighter shade over time;
  • impregnation of the lining must be carried out on both sides;
  • drying oil is not recommended to be used indoors, as it contains toxic substances;
  • before applying aqualak, the surface of the lining is treated with impregnation, antiseptic, water-repellent, anti-slip solutions;
  • It is recommended to cover the eurolining polyurethane varnish, it will emphasize the texture and naturalness of the wood.

What is the best way to cover the lining to prevent rotting and fungus?

  • it is recommended to cover the eurolining in rooms with high humidity; to protect against fungus and rotting processes, it is recommended to use polyurethane-alkyd varnish or antiseptic paint;
  • The lining can be cleaned of fungus using wood bleaches.

To cover expensive types of lining, it is important to use a good varnish.

The question of how and what to paint the lining is not relevant in our time, since the choice of materials is large. The lining inside a country house can be coated with the most suitable composition for it. The walls are covered with a darker shade than the ceiling.

Most often, lining is used indoors coniferous species. To protect wood from aging, swelling, cracking, mold and changes in appearance, it is coated with an antiseptic and topped with varnish.

Painted lining is rarely used in urban interiors; it is sometimes used as cladding for loggias or balconies. In private buildings, painted panels are used much more often, because they look very harmonious in country interiors. Varieties of this design will be discussed below.

Types of lining

Board cladding differs in the material of manufacture, also finishing panels classified by external qualities, connection options.

  1. Made of wood. Such boards are made from coniferous or deciduous trees: aspen, beech, ash, pine and others.
  2. Made of plastic. This variety is made from PVC materials by pressing molten plastic through a forming device. Extrusion allows you to give an object the desired shape.
  3. From MDF. Unlike wooden type, the lining in this case is not planed from wood, but glued together from wood chips, thanks to which it receives high density. No harmful impurities are used in production.
  4. Made of aluminum. Cladding made from this material is only suitable for external cladding. Its advantages are light weight and anti-corrosion properties. The disadvantages are weak protection from physical impact and insignificant thermal insulation, so it is not used in finishing the interior of the house.

Depending on the quality of the material, the lining is divided into:

  • High class, which is designated as “0” or “extra”. High-quality boards are not damaged; no wood core was used in their production.
  • The lowest class, which is designated "C". Such elements may have 1-2 invisible knots, paint stains, and other defects.

Lining profiles

The appearance of the boards and the recesses for connecting them to each other determine the profile of the lining.

The most popular are:

Painting the lining

Walls covered with simple clapboard are not suitable for all styles, so they often need to be painted wooden boards color suitable for the interior.

The problem of painting is especially acute for owners country house, since this is where this cladding method is most often used.

Some people believe that internal lining there is no need to apply any compounds, but not in all conditions it will be able to maintain its appearance without them.

If ventilation is poor, the wood may turn blue, sun rays– grayish. There are methods to combat these problems: blued boards are treated with agents containing oxygen or chlorine-containing compounds, and then covered with protective compounds.

Grayed wood is sanded to its original appearance, but without a coating the wood will soon turn gray again. Therefore, painting the boards immediately after installation would be the right decision.

Wood protection liquids are available in the form of:

Painting rules

Coating panels with paint consists of several stages, the strict implementation of which will ensure a long service life of the painted surface.

Stage 1. The boards are checked for defects, and all damaged elements are rejected. Damaged boards are useful for testing shades and determining the number of layers.

Stage 2. Panels that have been sorted are sanded smooth. Better to use grinder, but it will also do sandpaper, attached to the beam. The sandpaper should be 240-290 grit. Grinding is carried out in a circular motion, processing the front side, groove, tenon. Inner part may not be processed.

Stage 3. The coloring composition is applied using a brush or roller. A small amount of paint is distributed over the bar in short strokes, then shaded.

Stage 4. After uniform staining, the boards are left to dry.

Stage 5. When working with varnishes or paints of a dense structure, it is necessary to sand the surface again.

Stage 6. Apply a second layer of the substance and leave to dry.

To preserve the wood structure, pigmented oils, glaze or wax are used. First, the coloring composition is applied in fragments over the entire length of the board, then the strokes are shaded with a brush and left to soak in for 7-10 minutes.

To develop a tree drawing, soft cloth removes most of the oil coating. Due to this, pigment remains in the furrows, but there is almost no pigment in the convex places. In decoration, this type of painting is used for internal surfaces buildings.

Modern paints and varnishes allow you to get the effect of a two-color lining with a pronounced texture. For the first layer, take a dark shade, for the second – a more saturated or white one. Cover the board with the first layer, leave for 10-12 minutes, and then wipe off the excess with a lint-free cloth.

Leave to dry for a day. Then coated with oil light color, after 10 minutes, treat with a spatula and leave to dry for 24 hours.

Coloring ideas

Painting lining inside a house has many variations: photos of interiors will show the variety of existing ideas. One of the new decorations was the combination smooth walls and wood paneling.

The combination of boards of different thicknesses looks unusual. Thin panels are inserted between wide ones, and then the boards are painted the same color, but of different intensities.

Smooth boards and eurolining are used to form waves or depressions on the wall. To emphasize lighting areas on the walls, you can play with color: paint the trim near the lamps with light paint to highlight this area.

The lining on massive ceilings is whitened, and the beams are covered with dark paint. The room looks modern, despite the usual cladding materials.

In showers and baths wood cladding also takes place. It is important to ensure high-quality ventilation of the room and treat the boards with moisture-resistant impregnation. Warm wood tones around the perimeter and bright tiles on the floor will give the bathroom a dramatic look.

For a child’s bedroom, you can paint on the lining. After drying, the resulting painting is coated with varnish/oil without color.

Painted lining for decoration premises will suit for admirers of natural materials in the interior. Big choice Methods for painting panels will allow you to create an exclusive wall coating that will protect the lining from damage and extend its service life.

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