Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to deal with spider mites on indoor plants at home? How to get rid of spider mites on cucumbers What flowers are not afraid of spider mites

A small bug up to 0.5 mm, it is impossible to see the population on the plant with the naked eye. But the damage done to the culture is immediately visible. Despite its name, this pest has nothing to do with ticks, so many chemicals aimed at killing insects do not work on it.

spider mite- arachnid. Insects have a different color: green in summer time and brownish-brown in winter. They form their populations on inside sheet.

It is difficult to destroy the pest - it is very viable. Even if the plant is placed in unfavourable conditions the tick will not die, but will simply hibernate and wait for the right moment.

The spider mite is very common, it does not live only in Antarctica. But the most favorable conditions for reproduction and life activity are: a temperature of 20-35 degrees with an air humidity of 30-55%.

In June, the pest begins to actively multiply in the open air, and in early September it hibernates. To get rid of the pest, processing must be carried out precisely in the active period of life.

In an apartment, this pest can hide under the baseboards in the crevices of the window sill, crawl along the walls and ceiling. AT winter period it may seem that it is not there, but as soon as a favorable period comes, it will immediately move to indoor plants.

Before you start the fight against spider mites, it is worth identifying the cause of the appearance in the apartment.

Pest activity in a residential area begins at winter time when the heating is running and the air becomes dry. Those plants that are near heating radiators are affected by the mite in case of rare watering.

On a note. Often an infected flower is brought from a store. Do not forget that it is impossible to see a pest on a plant until the lesions reach visible proportions.

Popular ready-made preparations for fighting

As mentioned earlier, any drugs for pest control will not work, consider the most effective ones.


Drug toxicity fourth grade- biological insecticide. Fitoverm destroys the pest at any stage of development.

The price of the drug is 21 rubles per bottle.


A very good acaricide, as it destroys not only the tick itself, but also its egg laying. This drug destroys the pest population on indoor plants for two treatments.

The cost is 40 rubles.


Powerful, chemical drug applied when other means fail. It contains a substance such as pirimiphos-methyl. "Actellik" is effective, but it must be used very carefully at home, as it has a second class of toxicity and is dangerous for pets and people.

Processing is carried out every 5 days. Experts advise no more than two treatments in a row, otherwise the spider mite may adapt to the drug.

Price - 20 rubles per ampoule of 2 ml.

Important! It is impossible to process indoor plants indoors, they are taken out to open air.


This is a very effective and popular remedy among flower growers that destroys most pests. But from a spider mite, it is useless, as it is an insecticide, which he is not afraid of.

If a decrease in the population of this pest was noticed when using this drug, then this is most likely the result of spraying. But some flower growers are satisfied with the use of this drug from a tick.

The cost is 40 rubles per ml.

Zoo shampoos and flea or bed bug remedies

To get rid of spider mites, you can also use animal products aimed at destroying fleas and bedbugs. They contain acaricides, which are very effective against spider mites; with constant processing, you can completely get rid of this pest.


This is a highly effective drug that can be used even on a hot summer day. Instructions for use "Antiklesch" is very simple: to prepare the composition, you need to dilute right amount concentrate in a bucket of water and spray the plants on the day of preparation.

Protection against spider mites lasts 2 weeks, after which the processing must be repeated.

Folk remedies

If the pest population on the plant is small, then you can try to cope with the spider mite with folk remedies. Consider how and how flowers can be processed.



Many flower growers drill very effectively with spider mites using laundry soap. It's easy to do this:

  1. Put the plant pot in the tub.
  2. Lather a dish sponge with laundry soap.
  3. Wipe all the leaves and stem of the plant.
  4. The same should be done with the pot and tray.
  5. Spray the soil in the pot with a solution of laundry soap.

    It is impossible to water the whole plant, it may die, so the earthen ball is only moistened from above.

  6. Leave the foam on the plant for 4 hours.
  7. Wash off the foam from the plant and cover it with a plastic bag for a day.

From such manipulations, the tick population will die, since gas exchange with high humidity will be disrupted.

From the video you will learn how to deal with spider mites with laundry soap:


Garlic infusion helps gardeners get rid of many types of pests., and the spider mite is no exception.

  1. Take 2 heads of garlic, pass the cloves through a garlic press and place in a liter jar.
  2. Pour the mixture cold water, tightly close and leave to infuse for 5 days in a dark place.
  3. Before use, dilute the infusion with 1 liter of water and treat the plants together with the pots.


Onion peel is suitable for processing 100 grams of which is poured with 5 liters of water and insisted for 5 days.

Strain the infusion and process the flowers.

Other folk recipes

In addition to the folk methods described above for the destruction of spider mites, there are other time-tested recipes.

Herbal infusions for spraying:

Reference. All folk formulations are used every 5 days.

Read more about how to deal with spider mites on indoor and garden plants, can be read .

Preventive measures

There are a lot of ways to get rid of spider mites, but it is better to take preventive measures:

  • plants need to be kept in optimal conditions - dryness and waterlogging, favorable conditions for the growth of the pest population;
  • plants need to arrange a shower to remove dirt and dust from the sheets;
  • remove dried leaves and inflorescences in time;
  • when spraying into water, add a few drops of neem wood oil.

It can also be used for prevention folk remedies processing plants, only in less concentrated.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about the spider mite and how to deal with it:


Spider mite is a terrible enemy of plants, which can lead to the death of a flower. But if you pick the right remedy to treat crops and apply preventive measures, you can completely eliminate infection and save your flower plantings.

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It is possible to get rid of ticks at home using a soapy solution. Traditionally, this is used laundry soap, however, sulfur tar soap or green soap is sometimes chosen. Some people recommend using a little detergent diluted with water instead of soap.

Any plants are treated with soap - both indoor and greenhouse. For the procedure, laundry soap with a volume of 200 g is ground on a grater and dissolved in a bucket with warm water. After the solution itself has been prepared, you need to take the affected flower and gently wipe the leaves and stems with a sponge dipped in the solution. It must be remembered that getting such a remedy on the roots will have a very detrimental effect on your flower (may even lead to its death), so the procedure is carried out very carefully. When the procedure is completed, the flower is left for several hours (3-4), and then the remaining foam is washed off well. After the procedure, it is recommended to cover the flower with a plastic bag to maintain moisture levels.

Sulfur-tar soap has also established itself as reliable means, with the help of which it is really possible to get rid of the spider mite. It will need less than household or green - only 100 g per bucket of water. Processing is advised to be carried out every week, only 2-3 times.

It is also recommended to fight spider mites with the help of an alcohol solution. For this, ammonia is suitable, which requires only 30 ml. As a rule, this method is used when processing plants that have rather thick leaves (ficuses, dracaena), because alcohol can damage thin leaves. No need to spray the flower, just put alcohol on a cotton swab and wipe the leaves. So at the same time you will remove the web that the tick left.

A solution is also prepared from alcohol and soap - for this, 20 g of soap and 10 ml of alcohol are required per liter of boiling water.

Recall that alcohol will only help get rid of the pests themselves, but their eggs will not go anywhere.


There are several types of infusions that help in this case.

Firstly, garlic infusions are used, which are prepared in several ways. For the first method, you will need 30 g of garlic and a bucket hot water. Chopped garlic is placed in water and left for a day so that the solution is properly infused. A day later, the infusion is filtered and processed.

You can prepare a more concentrated infusion. To do this, 500 g of garlic is placed in a three-liter container with water and left to infuse for 5-6 days in a dark, cool place. Then the infusion is filtered, 60 g are poured from it and they are diluted in a bucket of water. The resulting solution is treated with a plant.

If you need to urgently carry out processing, 200 g of garlic will be required for a bucket of water. The resulting infusion is immediately applied.

Secondly, you can prepare an infusion of onions. To make it, take 200 g of onion per bucket warm water, defend for 12 hours, and then, after straining, they process the plants.

Thirdly, herbs and plants are used for tinctures: dandelion (30 g per liter of water, stand for several hours), yarrow (700 g per bucket of water, stand for three days), horseradish (1 kg of chopped roots per bucket of water, stand for a couple of hours ).


One of the types of folk remedies that are used against spider mites is decoctions with which plants are regularly processed. To do this, you can use the roots of cyclamen (50 g per half liter of water), the broth is immediately filtered and the flower is processed.

A decoction is also prepared using gray alder leaves. 2 kg of fresh leaves are poured with a bucket of water, left for a day. After that, the resulting broth is boiled for half an hour and again defended for 12 hours.

You can make a decoction of wormwood (800 g per bucket of water), which is infused for two days. After that, it is boiled for half an hour, filtered and another bucket of water is added.


To remove this pest, essential oils are sometimes used, which are diluted in water. So, for example, a few drops of rosemary essential oil per liter of water can make a difference.

Questionable means

Video "How to get rid of spider mites"

In this video you will learn about effective methods for the fight against spider mites.

Houseplants often suffer from attacks by various insects, such as mites. They are so small that it is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye. When it becomes clear why the plant is suffering, it is already too late. Little monsters feed on their juice, multiply very quickly and instantly adapt to various poisons. In this article, we will try to find out how the spider mite appears on indoor plants and how to deal with this insidious insect at home.

general information

Insect characteristic

The spider mite, whose photo can be seen in various reference books, is almost invisible, since it dimensions are only 0.5 - 1 mm. Its body can be colored brown, green, brown or grey colour. It causes harm to plants in the process of nutrition. Adults and their larvae consume cell sap, for which they pierce leaf plates with their jaws.

The leaves are first covered with small transparent dots, then they begin to turn yellow, dry out and fly around. All this leads to the cessation of the normal development of a houseplant, the deterioration of photosynthesis, and in more advanced cases it dies.

Does the tick form a web?

Since this insect is called "spider web", many flower growers are sure that it necessarily wraps the plants with cobwebs. In fact, this does not always happen. Many individuals secrete a secret that freezes in the form of threads but often in very small amounts. Only when there are quite a lot of insects, they entangle the entire plant with a web.

Where does the pest come from?

Almost every grower is faced with such a problem as the appearance of a spider mite. How does this insect get on indoor plants?

Firstly, this misfortune can easily be brought from the store along with a new plant. Therefore, the acquired flower is first recommended to be installed on an empty windowsill for quarantine. After two weeks, if nothing strange is found, the plant is put together with other individuals.

Secondly, the spider mite can enter the premises from the street. Quite often, this insect is found among the inhabitants of the lower floors, in which trees grow under the windows. It is from them, on their thin cobwebs, that ticks fly to indoor plants. If they are on the balcony, then getting on them is easy for these small individuals.

But it also happens that spider mites appear in winter, during heating season when the balcony is not open at all. Where do they come from in this case? This is explained by the fact that when adverse factors (for example, cold weather) occur, female spider mites hibernate. At this time, they do not eat anything, do not manifest themselves in any way and lie motionless in the thickness of the earth. In this form, they are able to stay for a very long time, but instantly wake up when favorable conditions occur, for example, when it becomes warm and dry. Spider mite eggs can hibernate for about 5 years.

Insect lifestyle

Before you start fighting insects at home, you need to understand their lifestyle. These pests are very fond of heat when the temperature reaches +27 degrees, and low humidity. Spider mites live only 1 - 1.5 months, but during this time the female manages to lay several hundred eggs, from which, after 3-5 days, young individuals emerge. This information is extremely important when baiting ticks, because it is necessary to treat the plant with poisons at the moment when the young generation begins to hatch from eggs. The eggs themselves are not affected by most modern drugs.

If a spider mite has been found on a houseplant, certain recommendations should be followed.

It is necessary to get rid of infected parts as soon as possible: fallen or damaged leaves. In this case, the insect will not have time to move to neighboring plants. Damaged leaves are removed in a bag., well wrapped and thrown away, but it is best to burn it. If the plant is completely affected, it is advisable to throw it out so that other flowers can survive. It is necessary to pull out all the weeds in which spider mites can hide.

How to get rid?

These insects can be controlled by various means. The easiest way to get rid of pests is natural cleaning, which consists of washing and rubbing the flowers regularly. To do this, use ordinary water, to which a few drops of mild dishwashing detergent are added. Soak a sponge in water and rub it individual leaves, after which water is sprayed from the spray gun throughout the plant, especially trying to get on lower part leaves. You should also process the pallet, pot and window sill.

If after a week the spider mites do not disappear, soap solution is applied again. Not all plants tolerate such a remedy equally well, therefore, before applying it, it is necessary to test the flower. To do this, a soap solution is applied to a small part of the sheet and the reaction is monitored.

Since the spider mite does not tolerate high humidity, you can fight it with the help of frequent watering and spraying the flower. After each moistening, the plant is covered with a transparent bag and left for several days. In conditions high humidity the insect dies. To avoid the greenhouse effect and the flower does not get sunburn, it should be placed in a shaded place.

Preparations such as acaricides help to rid the plant of this small pest. But it is necessary to process flowers with this agent very carefully, because it is unsafe for people and animals. Gentle acaricides include:

  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Vermitek";
  • Aktofit.

Such drugs contribute to the destruction of sleeping females of the spider mite and the eggs of future larvae, so they are used repeatedly to achieve the desired result. If the room temperature is below +18 degrees, these drugs will be ineffective.

Plant can be sprayed with such chemicals, How:

  • difocol;
  • dienochlor;
  • azocyclotin;
  • fenbutatin.

It is not recommended to use the same remedy more than four times, as spider mites begin to get used to it and develop immunity.

You can make your own special herbal tea at home, which is used as an acaricide. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon, 1 tbsp. l. ground cloves and 2 tbsp. l. Italian seasoning. All ingredients are mixed and poured into 1 liter of water, then brought to a boil, cooled and 2 tbsp. l. minced garlic. Filter, after which liquid soap is added to the tea and poured into a spray bottle. This solution is sprayed on the underside of the leaves every three days for two weeks.

Against spider mites at home good help essential oils and organic salts. Rosemary oil is used as an organic pesticide. It is necessary to dissolve a small amount of oil in water and spray on infected flowers. The peculiarity of such a tool is that it has a detrimental effect on ticks, but leaves other insects alive.

Potassium salts and fatty acids have abrasive properties. It is necessary to use them in the evening so that the flowers stay hydrated longer.

The following insects are considered good helpers in the destruction of spider mites:

  • ladybug;
  • predatory thrips;
  • lacewing larva.

Since pesticides kill all insects in a row, the spider mite population begins to grow because of this. Therefore, it is better to stop using pesticides such as imidocloprid, malathion and carbaryl.

Preventive measures

If soil was purchased for planting or transplanting indoor plants, it should not be brought into the room with flowers, but poured into containers elsewhere, for example, in the bathroom. After that, it is fried in the microwave or oven. The same is done with tree bark, pebbles and sand.

Acquired plants first need bring to the bathroom and subject water procedures and then treated with acaricide. The effect will increase several times if, after such treatment, the plant is placed in plastic bags For a three days. It is advisable to repeat this treatment after that, keeping the plants “in quarantine” all this time.

Thus, we have analyzed what a spider mite is, a photo of which can be seen in numerous reference books. It is necessary to get rid of it as soon as it is discovered and it should be dealt with in all seriousness. If you treat this “slipshod”, then the non-destroyed part of the insects will develop immunity to the poison and it will be much more difficult to deal with them.

Spider mite on indoor plants

Indoor plants that decorate the room and help purify the air can be affected by various diseases, and pests often settle on them. The spider mite is just one of such rather dangerous harmful insects. If he settled on a plant, then a web appears on it.

The spider mite has a very small size, in connection with this it will be extremely difficult to see it with the naked eye. The largest adult individual has a body length of no more than 5 mm. Depending on the species, the insect may have a different color. Most often you can meet green ticks, but they can also be orange or red.

These pests can hide in the soil, in flower pots or in the leaf axils of the plant. If there are a lot of ticks, then it will not be very difficult to notice them.

If this pest has settled on your indoor plant, then spots of a light and pale yellow color form on the entire surface of its leaf plates. If there are a lot of pests, then after examining the wrong surface of the leaves, you can see a thin cobweb on it. If the flower is completely covered with cobwebs, then it will dry out quickly.

There are several types of spider mites:

  1. Ordinary. This type occurs most often, and it poses a great danger to plants. As a rule, such a pest takes refuge on young shoots or on the wrong side of the leaf plate. Over time, when the number of ticks increases, they will begin to settle on new plants located near the affected one. Such insects have a light color. Cobwebs appear on the leaves of the affected specimen, as well as yellow spots.
  2. Red. A very small pest has a rich red color. This type of tick is the most dangerous of all, but it can be met not as often as an ordinary one. He prefers to settle on orchids, roses and lemon plants.
  3. Atlantic. This pest prefers to settle where there is an increased level of humidity. He usually chooses exotic plants such as palm trees or citrus fruits.
  4. False. This insect is very, very small, so it is almost impossible to notice. Most often, its presence on a flower is known only when the plant is covered with a thin cobweb and begins to fade very quickly.
  5. Cyclamen. Such a soil mite can hide both on the tubers and on the leaf plates of the flower. Because of this, getting rid of this pest is somewhat more difficult than getting rid of its counterparts. This species is able to form large colonies, which are often mistaken for simple dust by the grower. In this regard, it is often too late to understand that a plant is affected by such a tick. This pest prefers high humidity.

Spider mite control methods

Fight the spider mite that has settled on indoor flower, quite difficult. To destroy it, flower growers often resort to the use of folk or special chemicals. It should be noted that chemical preparations are more effective.

But if you are afraid of harming the plant, then in this case it is better to opt for time-tested folk methods. However, in this case, it should be noted that often these funds have low efficiency. And, in the end, the grower still has to use chemicals.

A fairly large number of chemicals have been developed that can cope with spider mites. Such agents are called acaricides. With the help of them, you can destroy various types of mites that can settle on flowers grown in room conditions. For example:

  1. Actellik. It is used to fight ticks, while this tool is distinguished by a contact effect on the pest. It disrupts the process of feeding spiders, making it impossible. Processing should be carried out 2 times a month. At the same time, the flower grower must wear a special protective suit, and spraying the flower must be done either in non-residential premises, or on the street, as this drug is very poisonous.
  2. Fitoverm. This biological drug is much less harmful than Actellik. The composition of this tool includes aversectins, which are distinguished by a neurotoxic effect, and it has detrimental effect on ticks. When processing, you should also take care of protective equipment, because Fitoverm is also a poisonous agent.
  3. Neoron. This tool is the most effective. During processing, both adult mites and eggs, as well as larvae, die.
  4. flumite. This drug has a detrimental effect on the eggs of spider mites, so that new individuals are not born. Adults also die from this remedy, in connection with this, you will be able to completely destroy the pest in a relatively a short time. You can spray the plant only once every 4 weeks, since Flumite is highly toxic.
  5. Skelta. This tool appeared not so long ago, but has already become popular among flower growers. It destroys both adult insects and larvae. However, it should be remembered that after treatment, adult mites will die only after 7 days, and larvae after 5 days. Despite this, Skelta is highly effective, and just one spray is enough to completely destroy the tick.

It happens that the florist does not want to various reasons resort to the use of chemicals to get rid of spider mites. What to do in this case? There are many folk remedies, in the preparation and use of which there is nothing complicated.

Before you start fighting spider mites with folk methods, you need to prepare the plant, for this you need to thoroughly clean it. To do this, you need to wash a simple flower clean water, while using detergents is not recommended, as they contribute to blockage of the pores on the leaf blades. Then you need to wash the window sill, window and pot very thoroughly to remove any pests that may be there. Only then should the plant be treated with your chosen folk remedy. For example:

  1. Garlic infusion. To prepare it, you need to finely chop a couple of heads of garlic and mix the resulting mass with 1 liter of boiled water. The container must be tightly closed with a screw cap and put in a cool dark place for 5 days to infuse. Before use, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. Then they process the plant.
  2. Onion infusion. 5 l clean water must be combined with one hundred grams of onion peel. This mixture should be allowed to brew for 5 days. The finished infusion must be filtered, and then it can be used to process flowers.
  3. Alcohol. The folk way showed comparatively high efficiency. But it should be noted that only those flowers that have dense leaf plates can be processed with it. Take a cotton swab and moisten it ammonia. Then they need to carefully wipe the surface of the sheet plates. Efficiency this method can be reduced if ticks hide in hard-to-reach places.
  4. soap solution. To prepare such a solution, you can take any soap, for example: laundry, green or tar. Both the affected flower and the container in which it grows should be treated. Foam for 2-4 hours must be left on the surface of the flower. When it is washed off, the flower must be covered with a plastic bag, which is removed only after a day. This will maintain the required high level of humidity.

Infection prevention

To prevent damage to the plant by a spider mite, preventive measures should be taken:

  • systematically inspect all indoor plants;
  • this pest prefers dry air, so it is important to observe optimal level humidity;
  • it is necessary to systematically spray the leaf plates from the sprayer with clean water;
  • Once a month, the flower needs to arrange a warm shower;
  • recently purchased flowers should be quarantined;
  • be sure to steam the substrate, as it may contain individuals that hibernate in the ground.

The spider mite is a pest of agricultural crops. It cannot be said that the name of this pest is well known to everyone, many have no idea about it, have never heard of it and, due to its small size, have never seen it. Much more gardeners observe the consequences of the activity of ticks - withered leaves, weakened growth, cobweb-bound apical leaves of favorite plants. The reason for everything is a spider mite.

Spider mite pest: description

Spider mites (lat. Tetranychidae) are a family of mites that are found everywhere, even in Antarctica. Representatives are united in 1270 species belonging to almost 100 genera.

Appearance of the pest:

  • The length of the body of the tick does not reach even one millimeter. Females, as a rule, are somewhat larger than males, they are difficult to see without special means.
  • The body of the tick is soft, ellipsoid with a convex back and a flat abdomen.
  • According to the biological structure, it has two pairs of eyes, five-membered legs, in young individuals there are 6 of them, and in adults - 8.
  • In the larval stage, individuals are transparent. In the future, the color of mites varies widely from light green to brownish.
  • From the sides on the body protrude dark spots. These are intestinal sacs.

The food object of the spider mite is leaf tissue. The mites suck out the chloroplasts and form a web. There are more than 200 plants in the world that they apply the greatest harm. In terms of susceptibility to this pest, the crops of grapes, soybeans, cotton and cassava are in the lead.

For humans, domestic animals and birds, the spider mite does not pose any danger, allergic reactions does not call.

Spider mite life stages

  1. Mite reproduction occurs in dry and hot weather. as soon as the air temperature is above 25°C and the relative humidity is below 40%.
  2. From 3 to 7 generations of a tick are born per year. If the weather conditions are unfavorable, then the mites do not reproduce and hardly feed - this condition is called diapause.
  3. Eggs are laid by females little by little, in a clutch of 1-3 pieces, they are small, rounded, slightly flattened. In total, all clutches can contain up to two hundred eggs.
  4. If eggs are fertilized by males born this year, females will emerge from them., and the unfertilized remain males.
  5. Hatching of larvae occurs on the third day after laying eggs. The larvae develop for about a day and pass into the nymph stage.
  6. Further development of ticks under favorable conditions also occurs very quickly.. In four days, nymphs of both sexes have time to go through three molts and two stages of development. After that, individuals are considered sexually mature and are able to reproduce again.
  7. Egg laying occurs more often in the ground, under fallen leaves, on the roots of plants, the reverse side of the leaves, and in pot culture - on the walls of pots.

female spider mite

spider mite eggs

Stage of development of spider mite eggs

How do spider mites winter?

Only female individuals pass into the wintering stage. From the end of summer until the next spring, they are orange-red or bright red, the males die. Pest eggs can also overwinter.

The spider mite hibernates in a state of diapause:

  • on plant residues;
  • on fallen leaves;
  • in bee hives;
  • on the details of the fences;
  • on greenhouse structures;
  • in stored waste;
  • in boxes;
  • in old things.

In the ground for wintering, females can burrow to a depth of 20 cm.

Which plants are the most vulnerable?

In the open field, the spider mite infects plants of vegetable, fruit, berry crops and grapes:

  • From fruit - stone fruits, especially young trees such as thorns, are significantly oppressed.
  • Berry bushes suffer from ticks and plantations with berries such as,.
  • Rarely, spider mites damage calendula, almost never occurs on tagetis, garden dandelion, cyclamen.
  • and, releasing phytoncides, repel ticks and never get hit by them.

Medicinal plants, as a rule, are not affected by spider mites:

  • pharmacy;
  • gray mustard;
  • garden parsley;
  • basil green and purple;
  • tansy;
  • celandine;
  • yarrow;
  • sagebrush.

Among houseplants (saintpaulia), gloxinia, caleria and calceolaria are not affected due to the fact that they have densely pubescent leaves. Aloe arborescens is also not affected by the mite.

Houseplants such as fuchsias, balsams, and ivy most often suffer from ticks.

Why does a spider mite appear?

Common causes of spider mites:

  1. In summer, the spider mite migrates very easily from site to site., being firmly attached to the web, it is easily carried by the wind.
  2. On garden plot it can appear with acquired seedlings vegetables and flowers, seedlings of trees, shrubs and grapes.
  3. Spider mite is brought into the house with new potted plants, bouquets of flowers, or even on clothes, an umbrella or a bag.

At temperatures below 18 degrees, ticks no longer multiply, they stop moving and eating.

Therefore, in the hot season, you need to be very careful, wash your shoes and accessories more often, inspect all the flowers that are brought into a house or apartment.

Why is a spider mite dangerous for plants?

Ticks have oral apparatus sucking type and suck out the juice of plants, along with it the plastids in which the process of photosynthesis takes place. The synthesis of plastic substances in the plant stops.

Due to damage a large number leaves, the plant is oppressed, ceases to grow and develop until death. Oppressed plants are not resistant to fungal diseases. And the peddler of many of them is a spider mite.

Signs of damage by a spider mite

You can recognize the presence of a pest by signs:

Effective drugs against spider mites

Preparations that are used to combat spider mites are called acaricides. They have a specific selective effect on the tick, while other insects may not have any effect. Below is a description of these drugs, including both chemistry and environmental products.

For drugs approved for use on different cultures as acaricides include:

Name of the drug Description

Concentrated emulsion of acaricide - 500 g / l. Produced by Syngenta. Used to combat various types mite on crops such as currants, as well as horticultural crops in solution.


  • The consumption rate per 1 ha is from 0.6 to 2.4 liters.
  • The solution is prepared from 30 ml of the drug, dissolving in 10 liters of water.
  • Processed 2 times per season.
  • The duration of the drug is 20 days, you can approach the plants after 7 days.
  • The drug has especially proven itself in the fight against pests on plants such as.

A systemic acaricidal drug is used to control ticks on plants such as grapes and.


  • Sprayed once or twice during the summer.
  • Depending on the crop, from 300 to 1500 l/ha is consumed.
  • Valid for 30 days. Plants can be approached 7 days after treatment.

Pesticide (intestinal and contact). Used for a wide range of crops: vegetables, berries, fruit


  • The drug is used in solution, 10 ml / 10 l of water is taken.
  • On raspberries, spraying is carried out on buds and at the end of the season.
  • Consumption of working fluid 2l/10 bushes. Plants can be approached 10 days after treatment.
  • On an apple tree, the drug is used twice during the growing season, for spraying you need 2-5 liters of solution per tree.
  • The duration of the drug is 20 days.
  • This drug is also used in greenhouses on cucumber and tomato - one spraying, you need 1-3 liters of solution per 10 m 2. Plants can be approached after 3 days.
Karbofos-500 Description:

This drug is used against mites on a wide range of plants. It is important that it is used for processing planting material in such plants: apple, pear, raspberry, cherry, sea buckthorn,.


For this, a 1-2% solution is prepared and the seedlings are kept for 1-2 hours.


They are used on a wide range of plants - fruit, berry, flower crops, vegetables open ground and grapes.


  • Carry out up to two treatments during the growing season.
  • The validity of both drugs is 20 days, the waiting period is from two to ten days.
Preparation 30 Plus

The drug is effective against ticks and a complex of overwintering stages of pests on fruit trees, especially cherries, plums, apple trees, pears. Effective on berry plantations, it is used in parks and vineyards.


  • Spraying is carried out on the buds when the air temperature is above 4 o C.
  • The solution needs from 800 to 4 thousand l / ha, for grapes - 2-5 l / bush.
Omite 30 and 57 Description:

Preparation for work only on ticks on apple, grapes, soybeans, cherries and cloves spicy.


  • 1-2 sprayings are carried out with a consumption of 200 - 1500 l / ha.
  • The duration of the drugs is 45-60 days, the expectation is 7 days.
Iskra, Iskra TAB

They are used on apple trees, open ground vegetables, currants, flower and ornamental shrubs, including conifers - 1-2 l / 10 m 2.


  • One or two treatments are carried out per season.
  • The duration of the drug is 20 days, the expectation is 10 days.
Fitoverm Description:

Biological insectoacaricide - used on vegetables in open and closed ground for such plants: currants, hops, citrus crops.


  • Process 2-3 times.
  • The duration of the drug is short - an average of 3 days.

The most common for use in closed ground. In this case, a solution of 200 to 800 l / ha is needed.


  • Spend two or three treatments.
  • The duration of the drug is 2-3 days.

A very effective preparation, it is used on potted culture in apartments, protected ground, on vegetables and flower crops.


  • The consumption of the solution varies from 600 to 1 thousand l / ha, 1-3 treatments are needed.
  • The duration of the drug is 28 days, the waiting time is 3 days.
Commander Maxi, Commander Description:

They are used for processing vegetables in greenhouses, in addition to ticks, they contribute to the control of pests such as thrips,.


  • Processing is carried out once.
  • The waiting period is from one to three days.

It is used for spraying during the growing season of currants, apple trees, pears and grapes 1-2 times during the growing season, the duration of the insecticide is 14 days.
Clipper It is used on tomatoes and cucumbers in protected ground against ticks and a complex of pests at a dose of 0.6-1.2 l/ha.
Talstar Effective in greenhouses, one treatment is acceptable.
Sunmite It is used on an apple tree, one spraying during the growing season is enough, the duration of the drug and waiting time is 30 days.
It is applied on seed crops of vegetables.
BI-58 New A universal remedy for a large number of crops, including alfalfa, grapes, apple trees, one or two treatments are carried out with an interval of 30-40 days.
Karate Zeon It is used on a wide range of plants - fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, currants. Effective drug, one treatment is enough.
craft The drug is used against ticks on apple trees, grapes, cucumbers. Two treatments per season are allowed with an interval of 28 days.

For processing currants, grapes, ornamental shrubs sulfur preparations are used - colloidal sulfur, Thiovit jet. Copper and are suitable for autumn eradicating spraying.

The list of drugs not approved for use in the territory of the Russian Federation includes:

  • Neoron;
  • Phytosporin;
  • Biokill;
  • Aktofit.

Biological methods of dealing with spider mites

The spider mite has a natural enemy in nature - it is the predatory mite Fitoseiulus. This is actively used in greenhouses, specially breeding Fitoseiulus and releasing it on cucumber and tomato plants, since insecticidal treatments in greenhouses are strictly limited, and in many are prohibited. Its colonies are specially bred with biocomplexes on tobacco plants; it is commercially available.

The predatory mite Phytoseiulus is a natural enemy of the spider mite

In a garden, to scare away a spider mite, you need to plant plants among other crops as often as possible:

  • calendula;
  • cyclomen;
  • marigold.

Spider mites don't like them

Proven folk remedies for spider mites

Folk remedies are used in apartments, as well as on horticultural crops in the ripening phase of the crop, if the whole family, and especially children, is constantly near the plants.

Tool name Mode of application
Alcohol and vodka Used in solutions 1:10 for the treatment of tops of shoots and leaves. This remedy is especially good for mites on tomatoes.. Alcohol use ammonia
Soap (household, tar) Treating affected plants with soap is the first step. Helps wash away significant amount pest individuals and in the future, if chemicals are used, soap will contribute to a better retention of the drug on the leaves. The remedy brings good results if im handle .
Infusion of garlic Infuse in a dark place for 2-3 days, then spray the plants in a diluted form.
Onion infusion Since ancient times, it has been used for spraying plants with various diseases and pests. onion peel bring to a boil in water and leave for a day. The resulting infusion is sprayed with plants in the evening.

Other folk remedies

  • Among the others effective means mustard powder, since gray mustard is an essential oil plant, it effectively repels ticks. Plants are sprinkled with mustard powder. In addition, ash is suitable.
  • With severe damage to the leaves and the spread of the mite, they can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, gently wiping the mass of ticks washed off with foam. it effective remedy acts both chemically and mechanically.
  • As already mentioned, you can never see a tick on calendula officinalis, this plant is a natural antibiotic. Affected young leaves and stems of plants are washed with calendula decoction or alcohol tincture diluted 1 teaspoon per glass of water.

Features of the fight against spider mites

The spider mite does not tolerate high humidity, so showering plants in the apartment and in the garden is very useful. In addition to increasing air humidity, water will mechanically wash away harmful insects from the leaves and stems of plants.

The period of diapause in ticks can be very long - up to ten years! This is a significant period and the plants that they damaged before could already die. But ticks are still alive and are carriers of diseases. Sulfur-containing and phosphorus-containing acaricides must be alternated.

Preparations for spider mites for indoor plants

  1. For indoor plants, Biotlin Bau is effective. It helps to remove not only ticks, but also from whiteflies, thrips and leafhoppers. It is convenient to use in a spray bottle. One treatment is enough.
  2. Iskra Zolotaya is effective for introducing potted crops into the soil.- ¼ tablets per 2 liters of soil are brought into the pot at a distance of 2-3 cm from the non-lignified stem. The Tsvetolux Bau solution works similarly.

Treatment of the greenhouse and greenhouse from spider mites

In greenhouses, all parts inside are washed with a solution of chlorine, soda ash, others detergents. After the use of poisons, it is necessary to ventilate the premises.

In greenhouses, an important event is the change of soil every 2 years. Before each revolution, the soils are steamed with a special installation.

Proven drugs are used to control the pest in the greenhouse. Among them, Plant-Pin can be distinguished, which in a short time eliminates the insect. The drug in the form of sticks is placed in the ground near the affected stem of the plant. When watering occurs, the product dissolves and begins to act.

Soil treatment with preparations for spider mites

  1. The soil for potted crops is treated with boiling water, covered with a box, old rags to heat held on for several minutes.
  2. In addition to high temperature processing, it is necessary to shed well with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. The earth in the garden and in the garden must be dug up- necessarily late autumn before the onset of frost with the turnover of the reservoir.
  4. In summer, shallow digging will also be useful.. In the open sun, the soil temperature reaches 60 ° C - this is enough to kill the larval stages of the tick.

It is advisable to treat with Fitoverm or Akarin 1-3 days before planting seedlings the soil in the ridges under vegetable crops: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and others.

The consumption of the drug varies greatly depending on the contamination of the soil and can range from 50 to 200 mg/m 2 . The soil must be shed, and then loosened to a depth of 15-20 cm. The protective effect is manifested for two to four months.

Using preparations for spider mites on cucumbers

In protected ground, the drug Bitoxibacillin, P. is effective. The rate of its use is up to 30 l / ha of a 1% solution. Up to 6 treatments possible.

Other drugs approved for indoor use are:

  • Vertimek;
  • Craft;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Clipper.
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar essence are diluted in 8 liters of water;
  • spray the seedlings with the resulting solution.

Spider mite prevention

To preventive measures include the following:

  1. In dry, hot weather, sprinkle garden crops, water with a hose, and use sprinklers to increase the humidity of the adjacent air layer.
  2. Sprinkle house flowers regularly with water, wipe with a soft, damp cloth.
  3. Regularly change the soil of domestic plants, treat the new soil with boiling water and a solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Spray the berries with soapy water several times over the summer.
  5. On grapes, remove leaves affected by mites and burn them.
  6. In late autumn, dig up the soil in the area with the turnover of the reservoir, so that the wintering stages of the tick are killed by low temperatures.

Varieties of spider mites

The most common are the common and red spider mites:

  • Normal(common) spider mite infects most vegetables - tomato, cucumber, eggplant, pepper.
  • Red spider mite infects apple and plum trees, clove, citrus, young trees are especially vulnerable. Attacks cacti. On the underside of the leaf, pinkish mite eggs and a coating in the form of light dust are noticeable - this is its web.

Common spider mite

Red spider mite

Other types:

  • Currant bud mite infects bushes of black, white, red currants. Black currants are most affected, the leaves of which may look wrinkled, swollen, and mites settle on reverse side sheet.
  • Spruce spider mite infects conifers - spruce, thuja,.
  • False the spider mite does not form cobwebs, is smaller in size than the ordinary spider mite. On the underside of the leaf, next to the veins, you can sometimes see single oval red eggs. These insects cause significant damage to the leaf epidermis. In cases where many leaves perish on a plant, this can have irreversible consequences for the plant. Citrus fruits, orchids, papaya, passionflower and many other tropical crops are susceptible to attacks by the false spider mite.
  • Cyclamen the mite harms mainly in greenhouses, lives in still unopened buds and buds. Unlike the common tick, it prefers high humidity conditions. Feature, signaling the presence of a cyclamen mite on plants, is the twisting of the leaves inward and their wrinkling. Damages even plants with pubescent leaves, such as violets, geraniums, petunias.
  • Turkestan spider mite (green) is a very small pest. characteristic feature lesions - yellow dried leaves with cobwebs. It affects vegetables, melons, beans, cotton.
  • Wide spider mite - lives in greenhouses with a high humidity regime. A characteristic feature of the lesion is hardened twisted leaves and a bronze-colored coating on the back of the leaf. It strikes flower crops, harms chrysanthemums, gerberas. It also feeds on tissues of vegetable plants.


Be sure to fight the spider mite in your garden or on the windowsill in the ways described in the article, do not leave your plants unattended. Never get a high yield if plants and soil are infested with spider mites and left untreated.

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