Encyclopedia of fire safety

Izover - the whole variety of mineral wool and basalt insulation. What you need to know about Izover insulation. Characteristics of Isover Basalt Slab

The building materials market is replete with a variety of insulation and soundproofing materials for buildings. As a rule, the main difference between them is the form of manufacture and the composition of the base, but the country of origin, the reputation of the manufacturer and the possibilities of application also play a significant role.

Heaters usually cost a significant amount, so in order not to get into a mess, you need to rely on a guaranteed quality product, for example, products from Isover. According to experts and customer reviews, it occupies a leading position in such characteristics as service life, reliability and efficiency.


Isover insulation is used both in residential buildings and in public institutions and industrial buildings. This product is produced and sold by a company that is part of the international association Saint Gobain- one of the leaders in the building materials market, which arose more than 350 years ago. Saint Gobain is known for its innovative designs, state-of-the-art technology and the high quality of its products. All of the above points also apply to Isover heaters, produced in various modifications.

Isover products share many of the pros and cons of mineral wool as they exhibit similar properties. On the market, they are sold in the format of plates, rigid and semi-rigid, and mats, rolled up in rolls according to their own patented technologies in 1981 and 1957. This insulation is used for processing roofs, ceilings, facades, ceilings, floors and walls, as well as ventilation pipes. Isover is based on glass fibers. Their length is from 100 to 150 microns, and the thickness is from 4 to 5 microns. This material is resilient and resistant to stress.

Isover insulation is tear-resistant, which means it can be placed on complex structures. For example, these include pipes, elements of production lines, industrial equipment other.

When using Isover as a heater or sound insulator, it must be protected from moisture.

Usually, vapor barrier and waterproofing films are used for this. It is customary to install a vapor barrier from the inside of the house to protect it from condensation. The waterproofing film is placed outside, saving from rain and melting snow. As a rule, Isover is mounted without the use of fasteners, the only exception may be the insulation of the ceiling - in this case, dowels-"fungi" are used.

Under the "cap" of the brand, a lot of heaters are produced, which have different purposes and perform various functions. They are divided into two groups: for industrial and domestic use. In private housing construction, the Classic material, marked with the letter K, is most often used.

The price of Isover insulation may vary in different regions of our country. Usually the average figure varies from 120 to 160 rubles per square meter. In some areas, it is more profitable to purchase it in packages, and somewhere in cubic meters.

The subtleties of manufacturing

Saint Gobain has been operating on the Russian market for more than 20 years and is engaged in the production of materials at two factories: in Yegoryevsk and Chelyabinsk. All enterprises are obliged to pass the certification of the international standard of environmental management, which makes Isover insulation an environmentally friendly product that is on par with cotton and linen in terms of environmental performance.

As part of different types Isover contains both glass and basalt fibers. This structure is the result of processing glass cullet, quartz sand or mineral rocks of the basalt group.

  • It is in Isover that mineral raw materials are used. Its constituents are melted and drawn into fibers following the TEL technology. As a result, very thin threads are obtained, which are interconnected using a special composition of resins.

  • The composition of cullet, limestone, quartz sand and other minerals is carefully mixed beforehand.
  • To obtain a homogeneous fluid mass, the resulting mixture must be melted at a temperature of 1300 degrees.
  • After that, the "liquid glass" falls on a rapidly moving bowl, in the walls of which holes are made. Thanks to physics, the mass flows outward in the form of threads.
  • In the next step, the fibers must be mixed with a polymer adhesive that has a yellow tint. The resulting substance enters the furnace, where it is blown with hot air and moves between steel shafts.
  • The glue sets, the layer is leveled and glass wool is formed. It remains only to send it under the circular saws in order to cut it into fragments of the required size.

When buying Isover, you can see the quality certificates. When the material is produced under license, the seller provides documents confirming the EN 13162 and ISO 9001 standards. These become a guarantee that the Isover is made of safe materials and is not prohibited from being used indoors.


There are different types of insulation, depending on whether they are sold in a roll format or in slabs. Both varieties can have different sizes, and different thicknesses, and different laying technology.

Heaters are subdivided and depending on industries of application. They are universal or suitable for individual areas - walls, roofs or saunas. Often the purpose of the insulation is encrypted in its name. In addition, it is worth adding that the materials are divided into those used indoors and on the facades of buildings.

It is also worth adding that Isover are divided according to the stiffness of the material. This parameter, related to the characteristics of GOST, is indicated on the package and is closely related to the density, compression ratio in the package and thermal insulation properties.

Advantages and disadvantages

All Isover heaters have similar positive and negative characteristics. If we talk about the pros, then the following are distinguished:

  • The material has low thermal conductivity. This means that the heat "lingers" in the room for a long time, so it is possible to spend less on heating, thereby saving significant amounts.
  • The insulation demonstrates a high ability to absorb noise due to the presence of an air gap between the fibers, which absorbs vibrations. The room becomes as quiet as possible, protected from external noise.
  • Isover has a high level of vapor permeability, that is, the material breathes. It does not retain moisture and the walls do not begin to dampen. In addition, the dryness of the material increases its service life, because the presence of moisture negatively affects the thermal conductivity.

  • Thermal insulators are completely non-flammable. On a flammability scale, they received the highest rating, that is, the best resistance to fire. As a result, Isover can be used to build wooden buildings.
  • Plates and mats are lightweight and can be used in buildings that do not tolerate excessive load.
  • Service life can reach 50 years.
  • Heaters are treated with compounds that increase moisture resistance.
  • The material is easy to transport and store. The manufacturer compresses Isover 5-6 times when packing, and then it completely returns to its shape.
  • There are product lines with different technical characteristics, designed for different areas of construction.

  • Isover is highly resilient. The insulation is superior to other mineral wools in this indicator due to the special TEL technology, according to which it is produced.
  • 5 centimeters of mineral wool are equal in thermal conductivity to 1 meter of brickwork.
  • Isover is resistant to biological and chemical attack.
  • Isover is quite affordable, especially when compared to other alternatives.
  • The material demonstrates high rates of density and rigidity, which allows it to be mounted without additional fasteners.

However, there are still a few downsides:

  • A relatively complex installation process, during which it is necessary to additionally protect the respiratory system and eyes.
  • The need to lay an additional layer of waterproofing during construction. Otherwise, it will absorb moisture, which will violate the thermal insulation characteristics. In winter, mineral wool can even freeze, which is why it is important to leave a ventilation gap.
  • Some types still do not belong to non-combustible, but to self-extinguishing - in this case, you will additionally have to comply with fire safety requirements.
  • The soft structure of cotton wool limits the scope.
  • The only negative for industrial enterprises is that when the temperature rises to 260 degrees, Isover loses its properties. Namely, there such a temperature is quite possible.


Isover is produced using a special patented TEL technology and has excellent technical characteristics.

  • Coefficient of thermal conductivity very small - only 0.041 watts per meter / Kelvin. A big plus is the fact that its value does not increase over time. Insulation retains heat and retains air.
  • As for soundproofing, the indicators for different models differ, but are always on high level. This means that any kind of Isover will somehow protect the room from external noise. All this is ensured by the air gap between the glass fibers.
  • With regard to combustibility, then Isover varieties are either non-combustible or low-flammable and self-extinguishing. This value is determined by the relevant GOST and means that the use of almost any Isover is absolutely safe.
  • Vapor resistance of this insulation ranges from 0.50 to 0.55 mg / mchPa. When the insulation is moistened by at least 1%, the thermal insulation will immediately deteriorate by as much as 10%. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to leave a gap of at least 2 centimeters between the wall and the insulation for ventilation. Glass fibers will return moisture and thus maintain thermal insulation.

  • Isover can serve up to 50 years and for a rather impressive period not to lose their thermal insulation qualities.
  • In addition, the heater contains water-repellent components which makes it inaccessible to mold.
  • It is also important that in fiberglass material bugs will not be able to settle and other pests. In addition, the density of Isover is approximately 13 kilograms per cubic meter.
  • Isover considered environmentally friendly insulation and absolutely safe for human health.
  • It is much lighter than the competition, therefore, it can be used in rooms made of fragile materials or in which it is forbidden to create excessive loads. The thickness of a single-layer Isover can be either 5 or 10 centimeters, and in a two-layer Isover, each layer is limited to 5 centimeters. Slabs are usually cut meter by meter in size, but there are exceptions. The area of ​​one roll varies from 16 to 20 square meters. Its standard width is 1.2 meters, and the length can vary from 7 to 14 meters.

Isover produces not only universal heaters, but also narrowly focused actions that are responsible for specific elements of the building. They differ in size, functions and technical properties.

Isover can be produced for light thermal insulation (wall and roof insulation), general building insulation (soft slabs for frame structures, medium hard slabs, mats without fasteners and mats with foil on one side) and special purposes (for pitched roofs).

Isover has a special marking where:

  • KL are plates;
  • KT - mats;
  • OL-E - mats of special rigidity.

The numbers show the class of thermal conductivity.

The packaging also indicates where one or another type of insulation can be used.

  • "Isover Optimal" It is considered a universal material that is used to process ceilings, walls, partitions, roofs and floors along logs - that is, all parts of the house, except for the foundation. The material has low thermal conductivity and retains heat in the house, it is elastic and non-combustible. Installation is very easy, does not require additional fasteners, and, given the versatility, all of the above points make "Optimal" one of the most popular representatives of Isover.
  • "Isover Pro" It is also a versatile insulator. It is sold in the form of rolled mats and is used for roofs, walls, ceilings, ceilings and partitions. "Profi" has one of the lowest thermal conductivity and is very convenient to cut. The insulation can be 50, 100 and 150 mm thick. Just like "Optimal", "Profi" belongs to the NG class in terms of combustibility - that is, it is absolutely safe in a fire situation.

  • "Isover Classic" is chosen for thermal and sound insulation of almost all parts of the house, except for those that fall highest load. The "exceptions" include the basement and foundation. The material is sold both in rolls and plates and has low rigidity. The porous structure makes it an excellent insulator. However this species does not differ in strength and durability, which means it is not suitable for installation under a screed and for finishing walls under plaster. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to use it for facade insulation, then only in combination with siding, clapboard or facade panels fixed on the crate. "Classic" insulates the house very well and allows you to reduce heating costs by almost half. In addition, it is a good sound insulator and protects the building from unnecessary noise.

  • "Isover Warm House-Stove" and "Isover Warm House" used in the installation of most parts of the house. They have almost the same technical characteristics, with the exception of volume and linear dimensions. However, it is customary to use plates in one area, and mats in another. "Warm House-Stove" is selected for insulation vertical surfaces, inside and outside the house, as well as frame buildings. "Warm House", which is sold in the form of rolls of mats, is used to insulate interfloor ceilings and the floor above the basement (installation takes place between the lags).
  • "Isover Extra" It is made in the form of plates with increased elasticity and 3D effect. The latter means that after compression, the material expands and occupies all the free space between the surfaces that require insulation. The plates are tightly connected to each other and just as tightly adjoin to the surfaces. "Extra" is also universal, but is usually used for wall insulation indoors. It is worth adding that it can also be used for thermal insulation of facades in the case of subsequent cladding with bricks, clapboard, siding or panels, and for roofs. "Isover Extra" is considered one of the most effective heat preservation materials.

  • "Isover P-34" It is produced in the form of plates, the thickness of which can be 5 or 10 centimeters. They are mounted on a frame and are used to insulate ventilated parts of the house - facade or multilayer masonry. It is possible to insulate both vertical, and horizontal, and inclined surfaces, since the model is very elastic. "P-34" is easily restored after deformations and is resistant to shrinkage. It is completely non-combustible material.
  • "Isover Frame P-37" used for insulation of floors between floors, roof slopes and walls. It is important to consider that the material must fit snugly against the surface. "Isover KT37" also adheres tightly to the surface and is used for insulation of floors, partitions, attics and roofs.

  • Isover KT40 refers to two-layer materials and is sold in the form of rolls. It is used exclusively on surfaces located horizontally, that is, for ceilings and floors. In case of insufficient depth of the cavity, the material is divided into two separate layers of 5 centimeters. The material has a high vapor permeability and belongs to non-combustible materials. Unfortunately, it cannot be used on surfaces with difficult wet conditions.
  • Isover Styrofoam 300A requires mandatory fasteners and is available in the form of plates. The material has increased moisture resistance and thermal insulation due to the presence of extruded polystyrene foam in the composition. Such insulation is used to treat walls inside and outside the premises, floors and flat roofs. It is possible to apply plaster on top.

  • "Isover Ventiterm" has a somewhat unusual scope. It is used for ventilated facades, pipes, plumbing, as well as to protect precision instruments from the cold. You can work with it both with and without fasteners. Such a heater is produced in the form of plates. Its technical characteristics are quite serious, especially in terms of strength - an order of magnitude better than that of ordinary mineral wool.
  • "Isover Frame House" It is used to insulate walls from the outside and from the inside, pitched roofs and attics, as well as ceilings and partitions. In general, it is suitable for improving any frame structures in the house. The elasticity of the material helps to retain its shape during operation and installation, while the stone wool fibers provide additional noise protection.


For roof insulation, some universal varieties of Isover are used, for example, "Optimal" and "Pro", as well as highly specialized "Isover Warm Roof" and "Isover pitched roofs and attic". Both materials are designed for the same purpose, but have different characteristics: they differ in the form of release, linear dimensions and the material used. They also undergo a special treatment that gives the products increased moisture resistance.

  • "Warm Roof" produced in the form of mats rolled up. They are sold in plastic packaging with markings that allow you to cut the material according to its width. "Pitched roofs" are sold in the form of slabs, pressed and packed in polyethylene. They are used in the case of insulation of pitched and mansard roofs, as well as for surfaces inside and outside the building.

  • "Isover Pitched Roof" used exclusively for roof insulation. It is moisture resistant, does not let in sounds, has high vapor permeability and is non-flammable. As a rule, it is recommended to use it in two layers, with the top one covering the joints of the bottom one - this way the material will retain heat even better. "Pitched Roof" is available in the form of slabs with a width of 61 centimeters and a thickness of 5 or 10 centimeters. "Pitched Roof" has a high hydrophobicity - it does not absorb moisture, even if immersed in water for a long time. This allows the material to be used in difficult conditions that are not suitable for other heaters.
  • "Isover Ruf N" is a flat roof insulation. It has the maximum level of thermal protection and is compatible with any building materials.

  • "Isover Master of Warm Roofs" also has a high rate of thermal protection. Due to its vapor permeability, it eliminates the accumulation of moisture in the wall. In addition, when insulated from the outside, the plate will retain its properties in any weather.
  • "Isover OL-P" is a special solution for flat roofs. It has ventilated grooves to remove moisture and is created using the tongue-and-groove technology, which increases the tightness of the mineral wool layer.

Facade under plaster

To insulate the facade for the purpose of further coating with plaster, the following types of Isover are used: "Facade-master", "Plaster Facade", "Facade" and "Facade-Light". All of them are sold in the form of plates and are non-combustible material.

  • "Facade-Master" p It is used for insulation of facades of residential buildings up to 16 meters high. The plaster must be applied in a thin layer.
  • "Plaster Facade", which is an innovative material, costs much less than the previous one, but performs the same functions and is applied under the same conditions.
  • "Facade" used for subsequent coating with decorative plaster.
  • "Facade-Light" used for houses with a small number of floors and for subsequent finishing with a thin layer of plaster. For example, this option is chosen by the owners of country houses. Such material is strong, rigid, but light in weight.

For soundproofing buildings

In order to protect the house from various noises, both external and internal, "Isover Quiet House" and "Isover Sound Protection" are used. Besides, you can also use universal heaters - "Classic" and "Profi".

  • "Quiet House" has a high ability to absorb noise, so it is often chosen for soundproofing walls and partitions between rooms. Plates are also used for horizontal surfaces - for logs, beams, spaces between false ceiling and original. The material performs two functions, so the home becomes quiet and warm.
  • "SoundProtection" has high elasticity, therefore it is often mounted inside the frame crate, which acts as a partition or is fixed on the wall (in the case of facade coatings). The material can be used in combination with other heaters and thus create a double layer that retains heat and does not let in sounds. Such a solution will be especially effective for creating frame partitions and attic floors.

Wall insulation inside

For thermal insulation and sound insulation of the walls of buildings inside and outside, Isover Profi, Isover Classic Slab, Isover Warm Walls, Isover Warm and Quiet Wall and Isover Standard are recommended. These heaters are sold both in mats in rolls and in the form of saws.

  • "Standard" usually selected for thermal insulation structures consisting of many layers. In this case, siding, lining, brick, block house and other materials can be used as a finish. In addition, these plates are suitable for thermal insulation of frame structures, for mansard and pitched roofs. Due to the medium density, the material is not suitable for further plastering of walls. "Standard" has good elasticity, which means a snug fit to surfaces and structures. The plates are fixed using special clamping fixtures.

  • "Warm Walls"- these are plates that are also made of glass fibers, but in addition are reinforced with a water-repellent treatment. This variety is also used for thermal and sound insulation of walls inside and outside, installation in a frame, insulation of roofs, loggias and balconies. Increased moisture resistance becomes an additional plus in the last two examples. The material is resilient and elastic, does not slip or break.
  • "Warm and Quiet Wall" It is sold both in the form of plates and rolls. The material has a porous structure, which allows it to perform two functions. In addition, this variety is characterized by increased vapor permeability and, as it were, “breathes”. This allows you to create a comfortable environment in residential premises. The plates are elastic and do not even need to be additionally fixed - they themselves will qualitatively “spread” inside the frame.

  • "Warm and Quiet Wall Plus" has similar characteristics to the "Heat and Quiet Wall", which will be discussed a little later, but has a lower thermal conductivity and better sound insulation. The slabs are used for walls inside the building, walls outside under siding or facade coverings and, with additional protection, for warming frame structures.

Floor insulation

To insulate the floors with high quality, you can choose two specialized materials - "Isover Floor" and "Isover Floating Floor", which have slightly different technical performance characteristics, which, however, combine damping properties and mechanical characteristics. Both types are easy to install, but using different technologies. In addition to insulation, these materials are also distinguished by high-quality bilateral sound insulation.

  • "Flor" used for the construction of floating floors and structures along the logs. In the first case, the material covers the entire surface and creates a warm and quiet floor. Due to the adaptation to high loads, the insulation can also be placed under a concrete screed.

  • "floating floor" always used to create a concrete screed that will not be connected to the walls and the base, in other words, for a "floating" floor. The plates are always laid out on a perfectly flat surface and connected using a technique called the “thorn groove”. Due to the fact that the fibers are arranged vertically, this type of insulation demonstrates outstanding strength characteristics.

Bath thermal insulation

For warming baths and saunas, Isover has special solutions - mats rolled up and called "Isover Sauna". This coating has a foil layer on the outside, which reflects heat and creates a vapor barrier.

"Sauna" consists of two layers. The first is mineral wool based on fiberglass, and the second is foil. It should be noted that mineral wool is a non-combustible material, and the foil coating has a flammability class G1. It can withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees due to the presence of glue, and at a higher temperature it can ignite and die out on its own. To avoid an accident, the foil layer is additionally covered with clapboard.

"Isover Sauna" on the one hand performs the functions of thermal insulation, and on the other hand, it is a barrier to steam so that the mineral layer does not suffer from a large amount of evaporation. The foil reflects heat away from the walls in the room and increases the level of heat retention.

Installation nuances

First of all, you need to choose right kind Isover, for this it will be enough just to look at the existing markings. Each product is assigned a class and number of stars, and these data are contained on the packaging. The more stars, the better the heat-shielding properties of the material.

To insulate a house without special requirements, two stars are enough; for increased thermal protection and ease of installation, three stars are selected. Four stars are assigned to the product of the latest generation with increased thermal protection. In addition, each package has a label with precise data regarding thickness, length, width, package volume and number of pieces.

Mineral wool insulation is mounted in the same way as any other heat-insulating material. When insulating the walls inside the room, the first thing to do is to make a crate of wooden or metal planks. Drywall will be attached to them later. The walls are pre-primed, and a heat-reflecting coating is fixed on those that border the street.

When installing the battens, it is necessary to observe a step corresponding to the width of Isover, slabs or mats. At the next stage, the insulation sheets are glued to the wall, if necessary, a water-repellent film is fixed and horizontal strips are stuffed.

Wall insulation outside the building begins with the fact that a wooden frame is attached to the wall.

  • It is usually made from bars measuring 50 by 50 millimeters, which are attached vertically.
  • Insulation can be mounted in one or two layers. It is placed in the structure so as to fit snugly against the wall and frame without gaps and cracks.
  • Further, the bars are again attached on top, but already horizontally. The distance between the horizontal bars should be the same as between the vertical ones.
  • With two-layer insulation, a second layer of thermal insulation is placed in a horizontal crate, moreover, overlapping the joints of the first.
  • To protect against moisture, a hydro-windproof membrane is placed outside, the necessary ventilated gap is created, and after that you can proceed to the cladding.

Roof insulation begins with the fact that a hydro-windproof membrane, which is also produced by Isover, is stretched along the upper edge of the rafters.

  • It is fastened with a construction stapler, and the joints are glued with reinforced mounting tape.
  • Further, it is recommended to start the installation of the roofing - a gap is formed on top of the membrane with the help of a pressure bar, and then the coating is installed on the counter-lattice of bars 50 by 50 millimeters.
  • The next step is to install the heat insulator directly. With a standard distance between the rafters, the insulation will need to be cut into 2 halves and each installed in the frame. Most often, one piece manages to insulate the entire length of the roof slope. If the distance between the rafters is non-standard, then the dimensions of the thermal insulation boards are determined independently. We must not forget that their width should be at least 1-2 centimeters more. Thermal insulation should fill the entire space without gaps and cracks.
  • Next, a vapor barrier membrane is installed along the lower plane of the rafters, which will protect against moisture inside the room. Joints are glued vapor barrier tape or reinforced construction tape. As always, a gap is left and installation begins interior cladding, which is attached to the crate with nails or self-tapping screws.

Floor insulation along the lags is selected in two cases: attic ceilings and ceilings above basements with no heating.

  • First, logs are installed and laid with roofing material to prevent rotting and destruction of the structure.
  • Then the heat insulator material is installed inside. For cutting, a knife with a blade length of more than 15 centimeters is used. The roll is simply rolled between the lag so as to close the entire space, and no additional fixing actions are required. During installation, moisture of the material should be avoided.
  • The next step is to install the overlapping vapor barrier membrane, the joints are glued as usual with reinforced mounting tape or vapor barrier tape. A base is installed on top of the vapor barrier, which is attached with screws to the logs.
  • Everything ends with finishing: tiles, linoleum, laminate or carpet.

When carrying out activities for the purpose of soundproofing partitions the first step is the marking and collection of guides and their further installation.

  • At a free-standing partition, it is necessary to veneer one side with drywall, and you can begin to create sound insulation.
  • Isover mounts between metal frame posts without fasteners, fitting snugly to the structure and filling the entire space without gaps or gaps.
  • Then the partition is sewn up on the other side with drywall, and the seams are puttied using paper reinforcing tape.

Thermal insulation of baths and saunas begins with the creation of a wooden frame from bars measuring 50 by 50 millimeters.

  • The bars are mounted horizontally.
  • The insulation is cut with a knife into two halves and installed in the frame, while the foil layer should be turned inside the warm room. As usual, the material is installed without gaps and cracks.
  • The joints are well glued with foil tape, as is the outer surface of the crate. All this will create a sealed vapor barrier circuit.
  • A crate is placed on top of the horizontal bars to create air gap. It will speed up the warm-up and increase the life of the skin.
  • At the final stage, the inner lining is installed.

One of the main mistakes when using Isover is not right choice material width.

If the insulation roll lies freely between, for example, beams, then the main goal will not be achieved. It will be quite costly to cut it into several rows, and leaving it in this state, despite the gaps and gaps, is completely pointless. Therefore, it is extremely important to calculate all the necessary dimensions for the work surface, taking into account the length, depth and width of the beams or battens.

In the event that the insulation is in direct contact with wires or pipelines, it is necessary to check the tightness of communications. In terms of electricity, the situation is not very dangerous, but in the second case it is better to isolate communications with a corrugated pipe.

In addition, all materials must be absolutely dry before the start of the insulation process. If the surface for which Isover is intended is wet, then you will either have to wait for it to dry, or dry the room with a hair dryer or gun.

But the worst mistake, of course, will be the lack of waterproofing and vapor barrier. If you miss these moments, then the material will be wasted, and the thermal insulation effect will not be achieved.

How to calculate: instruction

It is very important to be able to correctly calculate the required thickness of insulation to create and maintain comfortable temperature in room. To determine it, it is necessary to reproduce the heat engineering algorithm, which exists in two versions: simplified - for private developers, and more complex - for other situations.

The most important quantity is the resistance to heat transfer. This parameter is referred to as R and is defined in m2×C/W. The higher this value, the higher the thermal insulation of the structure. Specialists have already calculated the recommended average values ​​for various regions of the country, which differ climatic features. When building and insulating a house, it must be taken into account that the resistance to heat transfer must be at least normalized. All indicators are specified in SNiP.

When building and insulating a house, it must be taken into account that the resistance to heat transfer must be at least normalized. All indicators are specified in SNiP.

There is also a formula that shows the relationship between the thermal conductivity of the material, the thickness of its layer and the resulting thermal resistance. It looks like this: R = h / λ. R is the heat transfer resistance, where h is the layer thickness and λ is the thermal conductivity of the layer material. Thus, if you find out the thickness of the wall and the material from which it is made, you can calculate its thermal resistance.

If there are several layers, the resulting figures will have to be summed up. Then the obtained value is compared with the normalized values ​​for the region. It turns out the difference that the heat-insulating material will have to cover. Knowing the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material chosen for insulation, it is possible to determine the required thickness.

It is worth remembering that in this algorithm it is not necessary to take into account layers that are separated from the structure by a ventilated opening, for example, determined by the type of facade or roof.

This happens because they do not affect the overall resistance to heat transfer. In this case, the value of this "excluded" layer is equal to zero.

It must be remembered that the material in the roll is cut into two equal parts, usually 50 millimeters thick. Thus, having identified the required thickness of the insulation squares, the product should be laid in 2-4 layers.

  • To calculate the required number of standard packs for roof insulation, you will have to multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof to be insulated by the planned thickness of the thermal insulation and divide by the volume of one package - 0.661 cubic meters.
  • To calculate the number of packs to be used for facade insulation for siding or lining, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls will have to be multiplied by the thickness of the thermal insulation and divided by the volume of the package, which can be equal to 0.661 or 0.714 cubic meters.
  • To determine the number of Isover packs required for floor insulation, the floor area is multiplied by the thickness of the thermal insulation and divided by the volume of one package - 0.854 cubic meters.


When working with insulation, consisting of fiberglass, be sure to use goggles, gloves and bandages made of gauze or a respirator. Clothing should be with long sleeves and trousers, in addition, do not forget about socks. It is better, of course, to play it safe and wear protective overalls. Otherwise, installers expect unpleasant consequences - itching and burning all over the body. By the way, this requirement applies to all types of work with any mineral wool.

To protect the inhabitants of the house from glass dust, it is recommended to put a special film between the insulation and the top layer, for example, clapboard.

Even if the wooden panel is damaged, the insulation particles will not be able to penetrate the room. You can cut the material with a simple knife, but it should be sharpened as sharply as possible, in extreme cases, you can use a fairly sharp chisel.

The insulation must always be stored in a dry, closed place, and the packaging must only be opened at the installation site. The room should be well ventilated, and after completion of work, all waste should be collected and discarded. Also, after completing the installation, you must take a shower or at least wash your hands.

The original color for slate was gray for both wavy and flat, but due to the unsightliness and monotony of the palette, every possible attempt was made to add variety. With the help of acrylic dyes, colored slate was obtained in a range of red, brown, blue and green tones. Flat slate is characterized by a palette of both bright glossy and matte, which makes it possible to select such a product for any need.

Such an additive contributed not only to the decorative effect, but also to the improvement of the properties of the material. Dyes protect the slate from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and some other environmental factors, which significantly extends the life of the product.

When buying, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the paint. If the color is even and evenly distributed, then the material is made according to all standards.

It is also important to pay attention to the similarity of the gamut on both sides of the sheet: in high-quality products, the color should be the same. . Plastic slate can be either colored, dense or transparent

Plastic slate can be either colored, dense or transparent. The production material is polycarbonate, which is an environmentally friendly material. Such products are lightweight, so they are easy to work with and can be mounted on wooden structures without reinforcing them.


According to numerous reviews, all the advantages and disadvantages of this material are known. The undeniable "pluses" include the following properties of the asbestos-cement sheet:

  • hardness, it withstands loads quite well;
  • resistance to high temperatures (in the sun it keeps the temperature normal);
  • durability (everyone has seen houses covered with sheets that have stood for 50 years or more);
  • fire resistance, fire resistance (it does not perceive fire at all);
  • ease of processing (can be cut with the most common tools);
  • complete immunity to corrosion (this is its main advantage over metal roofs);
  • low cost (significantly cheaper than other blood materials);
  • decent sound insulation (hail and rain will not bother);
  • resistance to alkalis;
  • ease of maintenance.


Consider the main technical characteristics of various types of asbestos-cement sheets.

Bending strength index: for pressed flat sheets is about 23 MPa, for non-pressed flat sheets - 18 MPa, for sheets with seven and eight waves - 16 MPa.

The density of the sheets must be at least the specified value: for non-pressed sheets, as well as sheets with seven and eight waves, this indicator is at the level of 1.6 g / cm3, for pressed flat sheets, the indicator is at the level of 1.8 g / cm3.

The index of impact strength for pressed flat sheets is at the level of 2.5 kJ/m², for unpressed flat sheets this figure is slightly lower - 2.0 kJ/m².

Residual strength for all types of asbestos-cement sheets is at least 90%.

Pressed flat sheets of asbestos cement have the highest degree of frost resistance with a number of cycles of at least 50, for other types of asbestos cement sheets this figure is at least 25 cycles.

Gray sheets are often used, but colored sheets can also be used. In order to give the sheets a certain color, pigments are used.

Features of the composition of flat slate

Flat slate is flat rectangular sheets made of asbestos cement (chrysotile cement). It contains:

  • portland cement - 80-90% (as a base);
  • chrysotile asbestos - 10-20% (as a binder);
  • additives - 1%.

Chrysotile asbestos is a durable magnesium silicate fiber that is resistant to alkaline cement media. Therefore, asbestos cement, in fact, is fiber cement reinforced with hard chrysotile fibers. This explains the high mechanical strength of asbestos-cement slate, its heat resistance, wear resistance and durability.

An important detail: in the composition of flat slate, chrysotile-asbestos is firmly bound to cement, so it does not evaporate into the environment. Asbestos dust can only enter human lungs when cutting slate. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is necessary to use a respirator during this event.

Environmental Safety

To date, most European countries have introduced a ban on the use of materials containing asbestos. This makes many refuse from the use of flat slate for finishing residential premises. But as studies have shown, it was more of an economic war, the purpose of which was to oust cheaper material from the market. Chrysotile asbestos is the safest of all the minerals and artificial fibers used, according to the reports of the toxicological laboratories where the studies were carried out.

In the Soviet Union and in modern Russia, traditionally plates are used containing chrysotile asbestos, the effect of which on the human body does not differ from the effect of materials containing quartz or cement.

  1. When working with slate, it is enough to use a gauze bandage so that construction dust does not enter the body.
  2. When dust enters the body and settles on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, it is excreted naturally.

In Europe, the main component of asbestos is amphibole, which was the reason for the ban. The half-life of this substance is 470 days, in comparison, chrysotile decomposes in 14. Popular "sustainable" ceramic fiber materials degrade in 60 days, aramid 90, and cellulose may require over 1000 days. All this data provided by laboratories in the USA, Germany and Switzerland suggests that materials produced by using asbestos it is too early. Replacing asbestos with chrysotile, in the production of slate, increases the environmental quality of the material.

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Flat slate has only two varieties.

  1. pressed- a composition of asbestos and cement, which is created using a press. The resulting material is very strong - 23 MPa, has a high density - 1.8 g / m3, and impact strength is 2.5 kJ / m2. Such material can be exposed to high and low temperatures for fifty consecutive times. After such tests, the strength is reduced to 40% of the original.
  2. unpressed- the version of flat slate is inferior to the pressed one in terms of characteristics, so its strength is only 18 MPa, density characteristics - 1.6 g / m3, and impact strength indicators will decrease to 2 kJ / m2. This type of slate can retain its properties for about 25 cycles of exposure to low and high temperatures. But the performance after 25 cycles will be better than that of pressed slate twice.

Sheet slate can be used to cover the roof of a house. Roofing from such material will be reliable and durable. The thickness of the sheets should be from 8 to 10 mm, linear dimensions do not matter

The weight of the structure will turn out to be significant, therefore it is important to strengthen the frame for slate. The wood on the crate is treated with an antiseptic to prevent the appearance of microorganisms and rotting of the boards.

The horizontal row of such slate is placed end-to-end, and the vertical row is overlapped by half of a small slate sheet. You need to fasten everything with the help of metal screws, on which a press washer and a sealant are put on. Holes for them are drilled no closer than 7-10 cm to the edge.

For non-residential premises can be used modern version flat slate made of plastic. This is a transparent and very light material with which you can cover the roof of a barn, make a canopy, gazebo, and more. If you need to decorate some surface, you can use flat slate with stone chips. For a special effect, a colored variety is often used, which helps to create an imitation of natural stone. Such an additional coating not only decorates the texture of slate, but also improves its properties, increasing resistance, protecting the surface from external factors.

Scope of use of flat slate

The universal shape and excellent performance properties allow the use of flat slate in many sectors of construction. Compared to corrugated sheets, it is not often used for roofing and then, as a rule, as part of prefabricated screeds. Although quite recently, enterprises produced small-sized flat tiles - especially for covering roofs like tiles. Now their production has been discontinued.

However, some home craftsmen, wanting to get an inexpensive "tiled" roof made of asbestos cement, find a way out of the situation. And on small tiles, then to cover the roof with them. An interesting way to use, but in the official instructions for slate, it is not recommended.

In accordance with GOST 18124-2012, flat slate is used:

  • when installing prefabricated screeds for roofing systems such as PKS-1, PKS-2, PKS-3, PKS-4;
  • as an element of roofing in prefabricated roofing systems(for example, "TN Roofing-Titan" and "TN Roofing Universal" from "TechnoNikol");
  • as a material for interior cladding of walls and partitions;
  • for facing the facades of premises for various purposes (residential, industrial, etc.);
  • for the construction of structures: fences, gazebos, galleries of industrial enterprises, fences for balconies and loggias;
  • for mounting boxes, slopes, window sills;
  • for flooring or suspended ceilings;
  • in designs wall panels(blocks) with sandwich type insulation - in the construction of residential buildings, pavilions, stalls, utility blocks, etc.;
  • as material fixed formwork for foundations and walls in the construction of low-rise buildings (flat sheets in this case play the role of finishing and external retaining reinforcement for a concrete structure);
  • when constructing structures for landscaping the local area, garden and vegetable garden, that is, as a material for covering paths, assembling the walls of compost pits, fencing beds, etc.;
  • for the device of irrigators in cooling towers.

In addition, it is used in TechnoNikol roofing systems:

Decorative features of the material

In order to provide the consumer with a wide range of material, with the possibility of selecting it for the specific requirements of the design of the structure, flat slate is produced:

  • unpainted;
  • painted;
  • invoiced.

Unpainted sheets are considered ordinary, they remain in the natural color for asbestos cement - gray. To obtain painted sheets, a primer layer is applied to the pressed slate, and then acrylic paint. Mass staining is performed much less often. The color base is selected according to the RAL, Monicolor, Tikkurila, NCS catalogs.

Textured slate is the most decorative option. There are several ways to texture the surface of asbestos-cement sheets:

  • Creation of a layer of stone chips of jasper, marble, serpentine, granites. A primer is applied to the surface of the slab, then an adhesive composition, which is sprinkled with stone chips, followed by a varnish coating.
  • Applying embossed prints to the raw asbestos-cement mass using special stamps, after which the sheets are painted in the usual way. As a result, flat slate gets a new texture and color, imitating wood, stone, silk, etc.
  • Creating a textured polymer layer with marble or quartz filler.
  • The use of iron oxide pigments as a filler, which give the slate a "metallic" color (like titanium, bronze, aluminum, etc.).
  • Colored sheet coating cement plaster, allowing you to get an unusual texture and a variety of shades with color splashes.

Coatings with paint or stone chips not only increase the decorative properties of slate, but also play the role of a protective layer. Such sheets have increased wear resistance, wear out less and last longer. Due to the decorative component, they are used for finishing cladding of facades, installation of balcony (loggia) railings, construction of fences and other visible surfaces of structures.

Asbestos cement sheet advantages and disadvantages of this building material

Like any building material, sheet asbestos cement has a number of advantages and at the same time has certain disadvantages.

First, consider the main advantages of asbestos-cement sheets, which include:

  • strength. A solid and dense sheet of asbestos cement retains its integrity, perceiving the mass of a person;
  • high temperature resistance. The material retains operational properties and practically does not heat up under the influence of sunlight;
  • long period of use. The durability of the material is evidenced by the roofs of buildings covered with slate more than half a century ago;
  • Fire safety. Asbestos-cement material does not ignite when exposed to open flame and has refractory properties;
  • ease of machining. No need to use special tools and equipment to cut sheets to size;
  • moisture resistance. Asbestos-cement slate reliably blocks the way to precipitation and maintains performance when operating in conditions of high humidity;
  • anti-corrosion properties. Asbestos cement is not subject to corrosion and surpasses roofing materials made of metal in this indicator;
  • electrical insulation characteristics. The material is a good insulator, does not conduct electricity, ensuring safety in case of wire breaks;
  • soundproofing properties. Asbestos-cement material absorbs sounds from hail and other precipitation on slate roofing;
  • affordable price. Compared to other types roofing materials slate is much cheaper, which saves;
  • resistance to aggressive liquids. The material is resistant to alkaline environment and does not break down on contact with acid;
  • maintainability. If the asbestos-cement elements of the roof are damaged, it is easy to carry out repair measures by replacing individual sheets.

Asbestos cement material is durable

Along with the advantages, slate also has weaknesses:

  • in conditions of high humidity, the surface is gradually covered with moss;
  • significant efforts are required to lift massive sheets;
  • heavy sheets exert increased pressure on the roof structure;
  • fragile material needs careful handling during transportation and installation.

To increase the moisture resistance of the material and prevent the development of moss, special primers are used. To ensure the reliability of the roof structure, beams of increased cross section are used, which are reinforced at the junctions with metal plates.

facade slabs

Asbestos-cement facade slabs are used for the installation of ventilated cladding, both in new buildings and long-standing buildings. The work is carried out very quickly, they can be carried out at any time of the year. Main advantages:

  • democratic price;
  • durability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature extremes;
  • a wide range of colors and textures.

Asbestos-cement slabs for facades are of two types: painted, covered with stone chips. The former have a smooth surface. From above they are covered with dyes that are resistant to climatic factors. The second option is asbestos-cement slabs with a rough stone surface. A crumb of natural minerals adheres to the base and creates a waterproof layer thanks to the epoxy resin that is part of the coating.

Composition and types

Flat slate, like wave slate, is made from sweeping Portland cement with asbestos fiber and water. The share of asbestos in the composition is 18%, this mineral increases the strength and toughness of the sheet. Flat slate is divided into 2 subspecies depending on the method of production:

  1. Unpressed. The technical characteristics of an unpressed asbestos-cement sheet are somewhat worse than those of a pressed one. The strength of the material is 18 MPa, the density is 1.6 g / cu. cm, impact strength 2.0 kJ / sq. m. Unpressed flat slate retains its properties for 25 cycles of defrosting and freezing. But the residual strength of the sheet is 2 times higher than that of the pressed one. Non-pressed asbestos-cement sheets
  2. Pressed. The asbestos-cement slate produced by pressing is used in great demand in private construction. The reason for this is the high technical characteristics. The sheet has a strength of 23 MPa, a density of 1.8 g / cu. cm, impact strength 2.5 kJ / sq. m. Pressed flat slate without loss operational qualities withstands 50 continuous cycles of freezing and defrosting. However, after that, the sheet retains only 40% of its initial strength. Pressed asbestos-cement sheets

Important! Experienced builders prefer pressed flat slate, as the technical characteristics of this material allow it to be used in difficult conditions with high humidity, temperature changes and stress. In addition, the pressed asbestos cement sheet has more stable dimensions, since the error allowed during production is 4 mm, against 10 mm for non-pressed

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Asbestos-cement sheets are especially popular among professionals, primarily due to the presence of the following advantages:

  • sheets are hard, while they are able to withstand the weight of a person;
  • such sheets are practically not warmed up by the sun's rays;
  • asbestos-cement sheets are durable;
  • sheets are fireproof, they are refractory, non-flammable;
  • such sheets are easily processed with various tools;
  • sheets are not susceptible to corrosion, in comparison with metal roofing;
  • are distinguished by the presence of excellent electrical insulation characteristics;
  • during rain or hail, the sheets do not conduct noise;
  • low cost in comparison with other materials;
  • excellent resistance to alkalis;
  • it is very easy to repair such sheets, and individual sheets can be replaced.

Asbestos-cement sheets, like other materials, have their drawbacks:

  • over time, moss may appear on the sheets, but on this moment its appearance can be prevented; for this, a primer is used, which can enhance the hydroresistance of the sheet;
  • the weight of the sheets, they are somewhat heavier compared to other materials, so in order to lift them onto the roof, it will be necessary to make an effort;
  • asbestos-cement sheets are fragile, so they must be carefully transported and installed.

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Flat slate. General information

Flat slate - a kind of wavy asbestos slate

It is produced in two types:

  1. pressed and
  2. unpressed.

Both are made from asbestos and Portland cement. The mixture is diluted with water, bringing to a certain consistency.

Asbestos fiber performs a reinforcing function, making flat pressed slate strong and reliable. Unpressed flat slate is made using a different technology, so it has its own differences in strength and freeze-thaw cycle, and besides, its price is significantly lower than pressed material.

Flat sheet slate is used to cover the roof with a slope of no more than 30 °, as a formwork, for fences, fences at various enterprises, as a facing material for walls. Suitable for the construction of fences for beds made of flat slate, on loggias and balconies, as well as the creation of structures for showers and sheds in suburban areas.

Advantages of flat slate sheathing

  • cheapness;
  • long service life;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • resistant to external aggressive environment;
  • does not give in to corrosion and rotting;
  • fire resistance;
  • does not conduct electricity;
  • low labor costs for installation and repair;
  • easy to install;
  • you can decorate as you wish;
  • economical in consumption.

Disadvantages of flat slate

  • the material is heavy, so one person cannot cope with it;
  • low level of environmental friendliness;
  • very fragile, requires delicate handling and transportation;
  • needs to be processed from moss, as well as in the process of cutting and laying;
  • low level of moisture resistance, frost resistance (covered with acrylic paint for protection).

Important! All work with flat slate must be carried out in protective clothing and a respirator, since asbestos dust, penetrating into the respiratory tract, brings discomfort and is dangerous to human health. . For mounting flat slate, holes for nails need to be drilled with a larger diameter than the nail head itself

For mounting flat slate, holes for nails need to be drilled with a larger diameter than the nail head itself.

This is done in order to prevent splitting of the material in the cold (the accumulated moisture expands under the influence of low temperatures).

Nails are taken with a galvanized hat with the addition of rubber or plastic.


During the laying of flat slate on the roof, bridges or special ladders are built, due to the fragility of the material, it cannot be walked on

Forget the nails carefully, because the sheets can crack or even split from impacts.

Production process

Flat sheet slate, which is produced in factories, has quality certificates and corresponds to the technological process, which is divided into stages:

  1. preparation of a mixture of components;
  2. molding;
  3. product aging process;
  4. pressing;
  5. final exposure;
  6. end material.

There were times when flat slate was produced in one unsightly gray shade. At the moment, the building material market can offer fastidious customers a rich color range of material with excellent performance characteristics.

Most often, this material is used for internal and external wall cladding. It has such properties that allow insulation to be laid in the gaps between it and the wall.

To ensure a pleasing appearance, many people buy flat slates in various colors.

Inside the house, such material will fit for laying interior partitions or floors. The material has sufficient density and has a thickness within 40 mm.

For floors, pressed flat slate is more suitable. Also, the material is used for the construction of ventilation shafts and traditionally for.

Pros and cons of what to value and what to fear

If you ever need to carry out the dismantling of such sheets or partial repairs, then you can safely carry out these works without disassembling the entire roofing. But a strong enough impact of stones on such material can lead to holes or cracks. Depending on the thickness of the product, it can withstand a certain wind load. But you can not worry about the appearance of bark beetle pests, do not cover with an anti-corrosion coating and not be afraid of low minus or vice versa high plus temperatures.

Such flat sheets can be successfully decorated and painted. You can paint such material yourself with the help of special paint for slate, or buy sheets already in the color that you like. This material should also be valued for its incombustibility, but at the same time its service life is only 25–30 years. The question of toxicity or non-toxicity of the material is still not closed. While we use it, in Europe, some types of slate with unsafe substances have been discontinued. At the same time, different laboratories give their arguments in defense of their position.

But the pluses of the product include the commercially available sheet sizes - now you can buy both sheets with parameters of 1000x1500 mm and 3000x1500 mm. When buying sheets, you can also give preference to a non-standard length of the material - if necessary, the manufacturer can fulfill an order for your dimensions. So whether or not to use such material in the construction of your house, garage, fence or foundation is up to you!

Characteristics of slate

Slate is produced from Portland cement, asbestos and water, mixing these components in proportions determined by the technological standard. To form a reinforcing mesh, asbestos fibers are evenly distributed in a cement solution, thereby increasing its viscosity characteristics, which makes it possible to significantly increase the resistance of the final product to stretching and impact.

In special cases, to further increase the strength of the sheet, thin metal plates are placed in it during manufacture, which greatly increase its strength and resistance to any external influence.

  • Cost ↓
  • Pros and cons of flat slate ↓
  • Scope ↓
  • Features of application and installation ↓
  • What can be painted ↓
  • Installation features ↓
  • How to fix sheets ↓

Depending on the chosen production technology, flat slate is produced in two types: non-pressed and pressed. They differ from each other, first of all, in density characteristics, which, thanks to the pressing technology, are, of course, better than the second option, due to which it is much stronger under physical impact, more resistant to climatic factors, and therefore more durable than its non-pressed counterpart.

In accordance with the norms of the state standard, flat slabs are marked with an alphanumeric code:

  • LP-P stands for flat pressed sheet.
  • LP-NP - non-pressed flat sheet slate;

After the letter designation of a particular type of material, there are digital data on the size of the sheet, including not only its length and width, but also its thickness.

GOST is always indicated at the end of the marking. For example, marking data on a sheet: “LP-P-3.5x1.5x7 GOST 18124-952” stands for a sheet of flat pressed asbestos-cement slate 3.5 meters long, 1.5 meters wide and 4 mm thick, produced in accordance with the relevant GOST.

As a rule, such plates are made in the form of a rectangle, with standard sizes that have several values, for example, its length can be 3.6 m and exactly 3 m and even 2.5 m. The width, in most cases, has two values: 1.5 and 1.2 meters. The thickness of unpressed asbestos-cement sheets varies from 6 to 12 mm, but pressed plates can have a thickness of 6 to 40 mm.

Different types of sheets have different characteristics:

  • the strength of the pressed sheet is at least 23 MPa, while for its counterpart it barely reaches 18 MPa;
  • the density of asbestos fibers in a material made under pressure is not less than 1.8 g/cm3, while plain sheets slate this value is 1.6 g / cm cubic;
  • the impact strength index, measured in kJ / m square, is also higher for the material produced under pressure, and is 2.5 versus 2 usual;
  • tolerability of exposure to low temperatures in the first 50 seasons, and in the second 25 cycles;
  • residual strength after all frosts in press-slate is less than 40%, while in analogue it is 90%.

Also, pressing technology allows smaller errors and violations from the given dimensions.

Asbestos cement sheets are divided into several types: wavy and flat sheets. In this case, flat sheets are divided into non-pressed and pressed sheets. Corrugated sheets are used for arranging roofs on residential buildings and public buildings, as well as for outbuildings and wall fences.

Flat sheets can be used as wall panels, partitions, as well as slabs in the arrangement of ceilings and other buildings. Including this kind of asbestos-cement sheets can be used in the process of finishing work, both from the outside and from the inside of buildings.

Pressed and non-pressed sheets have the same external characteristics. Their main difference lies in different indicators regarding strength and density. Pressed sheets are additionally compacted, which makes it possible to increase their density and improve strength.

What to do if there is no slate of the right size on sale

If there are no slate sheets of the size you need on sale, then you can use such a service as cutting flat slate - it is offered by almost all manufacturers and sellers of slate. Asbestos-cement products are distinguished by the fact that cutting them does not present any particular difficulties and can even be carried out by the buyer himself already at home.

Flat slate manufacturers understand that it is impossible to produce sheets of absolutely all sizes, and the need for the construction process happens in sheets that are not on sale. Therefore, slate cutting is a ubiquitous and inexpensive service. The so-called sandwich panels are constructed using flat slate. In general, sheathing a house with flat slate is popular today, fashionable and very practical.

Facing the house with flat slate protects against weather vagaries, from excessive noise, from excessive moisture

In addition, slate has heat-saving qualities, which is very important in cold winter conditions. And in the hot summer, walls lined with slate will save the room from heating and keep the precious coolness in the house.

For purposes such as cladding, of course, thicker sheets of slate are better suited - for example, flat slate 10 mm and thicker. And flat slate 6 mm is better for decorative purposes - for example, to create any decorative buildings such as gazebos in the country or to decorate your garden plot with slate figures, to build a beautiful fence.

flat slate for aesthetic purposes also does not require thick sheets, it is enough to have a thickness that is well cut and processed at home.

Disadvantage of flat slate

The production of flat slate has been established in our country for a long time and well, so there is no shortage of this building material. Despite various rumors about whether slate is harmless, like an asbestos-cement product, it is allowed for use at facilities for various purposes, including those where there are high requirements for environmental friendliness and hygienic safety of materials.

For example, in kindergartens, schools, hospitals, wave and flat slates are actively used: both as flooring and as a means for constructing barriers. And you probably know that balconies are often equipped with slate. At one time it was very fashionable, but now it's just practical, without unnecessary aesthetic frills.

The fact that slate, in addition to all its attractive technical characteristics, is also inexpensive, is very tempting for both professional builders and private builders. Only high-end construction deliberately bypasses this functional, time-tested material.

Application of flat sheet slate

Sheet slate flat is used mainly for cladding building structures in production or in residential buildings, for the installation of barriers, for the conversion of balconies or loggias, for mounting wall panels and partitions, for flooring.

The moisture-resistant qualities of this material allow it to be used with particular benefit on the lower floors of buildings and in basements, where humidity is often high.

Flat slate, like wave slate, is produced in sheets that vary in thickness and area. Depending on the purpose for which the slate sheets are used, the buyer chooses one or another size. The thickness of a flat slate can be important when, for example, this material is used in order to reduce sound interference, that is, for soundproofing purposes. It is known that slate has this quality - the ability not to let excess noise into the room. If your balcony is finished with slate, then this means that the room should be much quieter than it was before.

Pros and cons of sheet slate

Modern slate is not inferior in its performance to competitors, and its low cost makes this material indispensable in private and industrial construction.

The main advantages of asbestos concrete slabs include:

  1. Durability. This quality is well shown by old buildings, where the roof has not changed for several decades.
  2. Hardness and strength. Any kind of slate freely withstands the weight of a person.
  3. Slate is dielectric(does not conduct electricity).
  4. Silent. It is not a resonator, it dampens noise well.
  5. Ease in processing. It is well cut and processed by hand tools.
  6. Is an non-combustible material. The disadvantage is the ability to explode under the influence of high temperatures.
  7. Among other materials of this type is the cheapest due to the components used. Prices for slate range from 300 to 1000 rubles. per sheet. Cost depends on quality overall dimensions and type of material.
  8. The low coefficient of temperature deformation ensures a long service life.

The disadvantages, which are not so many, include:

  1. Big weight sheets. A standard plate weighs about 30 kilograms.
  2. Weak water resistance. You can get rid of it if you treat the slate with a special solution.
  3. Presence in slate asbestos. When working, it is better to protect the respiratory tract.

Chrysotile cement and asbestos cement sheet differences

Asbestos, water and cement are used in the production of asbestos-cement and chrysotile-cement sheets. Among themselves, the products differ only in the types of asbestos. There are two main types:

  1. Chrysotile.
  2. Amphibole and its varieties.

Asbestos are fine-fibrous silicate minerals with different crystal structures and chemical composition. The fibers of amphibole asbestos are brittle and brittle. Easily disintegrate into tiny particles. When inhaled, asbestos dust lingers and accumulates in the lung tissue. May cause lung cancer. Amphibole asbestos is stable in neutral and acidic environments. Its use is limited.

Chrysotile cement asbestos, on the contrary, is resistant to alkalis. Decomposes with acids into amorphous components. It does not accumulate in the body. Its tensile strength fibers are not inferior to steel. Chrysotile is considered less hazardous to health. It is widely used for the manufacture of asbestos-cement products (more than 300 types).

Process Requirements

There are a number of requirements to consider when cutting flat slate sheets. Workers must wear gloves

In addition, it is important to wear a respirator and goggles. This will help protect against harmful asbestos dust.

Even if you cut with two people (one cuts, the other adds water), particles of slate can get into your eyes. The assistant must be careful when directing the jet of water at the disc. If you get on the grinder, the power tool can not only break, but also cause injury. It is better to cut the sheets in advance, before the installation begins.

When working with a grinder, you can not put much pressure on the tool. The slate is quite fragile, so with a lot of pressure it can break. Turnovers must be set to medium. If in one pass it was not possible to cut off the desired piece of sheet, you should walk a second time along the same line. You need to try not to break the slate, but to saw through it. With strong pressure, it can break at all out of line. In addition, flat slate should not be overheated. To do this, it is better not to keep it near an open flame.

Before sawing the sheet, it is worth moistening the cut line with water. Before that, it is outlined with a pencil. Along the intended line, you need to lay rags soaked in water. In this position, the slate is left for 3 hours. As a result, it becomes elastic. Wet material is easy to cut with a grinder, a jigsaw, and even a hacksaw.

Production composition and process description

Sheet slate production technology consists of several stages:

  1. In a pre-prepared sheet form a layer of Portland cement mixture is poured water based;
  2. Asbestos fibers are evenly distributed over the entire plane of the future sheet, which will give a high level of impact strength, and the strength of the product directly depends on it;
  3. Another layer of cement is poured on top. After the sheet is given the required size;
  4. Before sending the finished product to dry, the sheet is pressed (if it is part of the production process);
  5. Then the finished sheet is sent to dry.

The asbestos share in each sheet according to GOST standards is 18%.

Two types of flat slate are produced:

  • pressed;
  • not pressed.

The difference between them is in strength, hence the duration of operation: non-pressed - 25 years, pressed - 50. Therefore, non-pressed slate is most often used for indoor decoration

The price of pressed slate is correspondingly higher.

The characteristics of the finished flat slate are influenced by the quality of the asbestos, the diameter of its fibers, their length, even the composition of the asbestos, how strongly it is mineralized or how finely it is ground. The equipment on which flat slate is made is also important, the more modern it is, the higher the quality.

The error in the production of pressed flat slate is 4 mm, and not pressed 8 mm. Previously, slate could only be bought in gray. Now there is a choice of different shades.

Coating Properties

You can independently protect the slate from moisture, in any suitable color. This, firstly, will increase the service life, and secondly, it will add aesthetics to the general background of the building. It will also significantly reduce the harmfulness of asbestos.

Scope of application

Due to its price and properties, asbestos cement is widely used in a wide variety of construction areas. Corrugated asbestos-cement sheets are well known as an inexpensive and high-quality replacement for roof tiles. Industry produces slate different colors and shades, so each buyer has the opportunity to choose a color that harmoniously fits into the design of the house.

Flat sheets are used for the construction of outbuildings - workshops, storage facilities, utility room, cabins, etc. At the same time, not only the low price and reliability of the material are highly valued, but also the ability to build a building of the required size in a short time.

In agriculture, it is used for the construction of fences, pens for livestock, cages in poultry farms.

In addition, sandwich panels are made from flat asbestos-cement sheets in the construction of low-rise buildings. They are also used for the installation of a roofing pie, internal and external partitions that do not experience load. Such sheets are indispensable in the construction of ventilation shafts, ducts, window lintels, etc.

It is advantageous to use flat asbestos-cement panels for the manufacture of fixed formwork - this helps save time on pouring concrete structures, where the slate, after the mortar has solidified, acts as a cladding.

Varieties of asbestos-cement sheets

This material has two varieties:

  • flat;
  • wavy.

Flat sheets are produced in accordance with GOST 18124-95, they can be pressed/non-pressed. They have no external differences, the types of asbestos-cement sheets differ solely in technical characteristics (density, strength). For pressed, these figures are higher.

Wavy sheets must comply with GOST 30340-95. They also have several subspecies, which are distinguished depending on the nature of the profile:

  • ordinary;
  • reinforced;
  • unified;
  • average;
  • Central European.

Sheets are mainly produced in gray (unpainted), there are also colored options, in their manufacture the initial mass is dyed with pigments.

Slate cutting

When using this material, the question often arises of what. The fact that it is very difficult to cut a wave is understandable, but there are no such difficulties with a flat one. It is best that when cutting the material there is a minimum of dust, which is harmful not only to the tool that is used to work, but also to the master himself.

Important! In no case should slate be sawn indoors.

There are several ways to cut slate, which may well be applicable at home.

Cutting slate with no dust

In order to give a sheet of flat slate the desired size, it is easiest to break it. So there will be less dust and the minimum amount of time will be spent. Most importantly, slate breaks very easily due to its structure, in which fibers are present. But when breaking, you need to be extremely careful not to damage the corners of the sheet. There are several ways to carry out this procedure carefully:

  1. Break along the line. To begin with, a line is marked along which it is necessary to break, a rail is laid on the cut line, then uniform pressure is applied to the part to be broken off and the slate is broken off along the intended line. Important! You can simplify the task by cutting a small hole along the entire fracture line.
  2. Break with a nail. To begin with, again, marking is done with a pencil. This line is marked with a sharp nail, and then nails are driven into it at a distance of 2 cm from each other. After pressing on the slate, the sheet will break along the punctured line.
  3. Cutter cutting. For this process, you will need a quality cutter made of good steel. It is necessary to lay a sheet of slate on a flat surface and draw a cut line on it. Later, this line should be expanded with a cutter, and then put a rail under the sheet parallel to the notch and press on the slate. Important! It is better not to apply a lot of force, as the slate can crack. Better knock on special strong areas side of the hammer.

Cutting slate with special tools

If there is one of the special tools for cutting building materials in the arsenal, then you can use it.

cutting grinder

To do this, you need to have a grinder with a diamond disc. She will be able to cut a large amount of slate into the desired size parts. And with the help of this tool, you can do it quickly and safely. The only negative in the whole process will be the presence of a large amount of dust, so it is necessary to protect the eyes and respiratory organs, and work should be carried out only on the street. You need to work as a grinder, holding it with one hand and dragging it towards you. Under its own weight, the tool will cut flat slate more efficiently.

With the help of a diamond wheel, along with cutting, the edge of the slate sheet will also be additionally polished. To avoid overheating of the tool, it must operate at a power of about 3000 rpm. You can also use a grinder to simply make an incision on the material, and then break it.

Cutting with an electric saw and chisel

This is the most traditional way of cutting flat slate, which is practiced by most professional builders. To begin with, the future cut is measured with a ruler, and notches are made with a chisel on each side. The slate is laid on a flat surface, which has a bar on it, so that its edge coincides with the intended line

The material is carefully broken.

If no fracture has occurred, then you can cut the slate with circular saw with occasional wetting.

Cutting with an electric jigsaw

An ordinary jigsaw is unlikely to be suitable for large amounts of slate cutting, but a unit with a high-carbon steel nozzle will do an excellent job of this task.

Also suitable is the jigsaw, in the set with which there is a saw, each clove of which is equipped with a victorious tip. This tool can also cut holes and arcs.

Saw cutting

A Teflon-coated saw does an excellent job with flat slate. It helps protect the saw from abrasion and reduces friction with the material itself. Such a saw is not much different in cost from a regular saw, but when cutting, less dust is obtained and the process is faster.

Important! The larger the teeth of the saw, the faster the cutting of slate goes.

Cutting and installation of slate

Important! For cutting or drilling material, it is necessary to choose a tool that will ensure minimal dust generation. . The most elementary method is to break off the necessary pieces of slate

The structure of the material allows this to be done without much difficulty, and without the risk of cracks in the remaining part of the flat slate.

The most elementary method is to break off the necessary pieces of slate. The structure of the material allows this to be done without much difficulty, and without the risk of cracks in the remaining part of the flat slate.

This procedure can be done at home, since there will be practically no dust. It is important not to break off from the corners, because it will not work out exactly.

In order to break off a piece of the required size, draw a break line on the slate, make a couple of 1 mm holes, place the slate on the surface so that this line is on the edge, then press on the material and break it off.

Cutting tools

You can also use tools:


It is better to work in pairs, because there will be a lot of dust. For example, you are cutting and a companion is pouring water on the cutting disc and cutting line, the dust particles bind and turn into dirt.

Diamond circle

When working, be sure to use protective equipment, and grind the slate sections.


Draw a cutter along the marked line until a furrow is formed and break the material.

Electric jigsaw

To work with flat slate, you do not need to buy a tool with a lot of power. In this case, a less powerful tool would be a better choice, since the slow operation ensures the process is simple and reliable, and there will be less dust.

Important! It is not recommended to use a hacksaw for sawing flat sheet slate. The process will be long and labor-intensive, and there is a lot of dust.

Flat slate installation

After the material is prepared for work, you can begin the installation process. To fix the flat slate on the roof, it is necessary to make holes for self-tapping screws in it. In this case, this is the best fastener, since self-tapping screws have a washer and gasket, they do not need to be driven in like nails, and deformation of the slate will not happen. Do not forget that a layer of waterproofing must be applied to the roof.

For mounting walls or leveling them, you need to apply a profile and make the necessary structure, which is sheathed with flat slate. For fastening sheets, a clamp is used, which is able to fix 2 parts of the slate and ensure the strength and reliability of the structure.

The side of the flat slate facing the street must be additionally treated with protective agents against moisture; for this, acrylic paints are taken. On the inside, plaster is applied, leveled and sanded, thus preparing the surface for finishing. For final work, colored flat slate is suitable.

How to cut slate without dust

Due to the lack of a profile, flat slate is cut so easily that it can even be broken without fear of damaging large parts of the sheet. This option is also suitable for those who decide to cut the slate indoors. Breaking the slate is very easy. This is due to its fibrous structure.

It is important not to damage the corners, making the break line as even as possible.

How to break thin slate:

  • mark the fault line with a pencil;
  • make several holes with a diameter of 1 mm along it;
  • lay the slate on a table or flat surface so that the break line is on the edge;
  • evenly press on the part to be broken off.

You can also make a special device - a bar with nails every 2-3 cm. With it, you can easily fill a line of holes, along which the sheet will break. However, experience is needed to apply this method.

If you choose how to cut flat slate, the easiest way is to purchase the following tools:

  1. Bulgarian with a circle for a stone. It's better to work together. One worker will cut the slate, and the second will add water to the cutting line and to the disk itself. For this, a bottle with a hole in the lid is prepared in advance. Thanks to this method, asbestos dust turns into dirt and flows from the processed piece to the ground.
  2. You can apply a more costly way - to use a diamond wheel. In this case, the presence of protective equipment is mandatory. You can also cut in multiple directions and grind edges. The disk used will last long enough - it can be used throughout the entire process.
  3. If there is no cutting machine, you should use a jigsaw. It would be better if it had lower revs. It is important not to press hard on the sheet so that it does not deform.
  4. The cutter also does a great job of cutting flat slate. The material must be laid on a hard surface, then mark the cut line. Then, using a ruler, you need to draw along the intended line of risk. After performing 2-3 passes with a cutter, the risk noticeably deepens. After that, the slate sheet is placed on the rail (it should be under the cut line) and pressed on the detachable part.

The longest and most inconvenient way to cut slate is with a hacksaw for wood or metal. However, with such a tool, the sheet can only be cut along a straight line. For example, when equipping the exit point of the chimney pipe, it will not work with a hacksaw

Cutting material must be done with extreme caution. It is easy to damage it if carelessly pressed.

Properties and characteristics of the material

At the heart of a flat slate sheet is a special substance - asbestos, which is part of many building materials. Such mineral raw materials are relatively inexpensive, but at the same time, they are of high quality. Recently, it has become clear that the use of asbestos-containing materials is harmful to the environment, but this is not an indicator that stops consumers from using this material.

Flat slate deserves a place of honor among developers due to its excellent performance in terms of hygroscopicity, as well as airtightness. In addition, it is very durable and easy to handle.

This material differs from the wavy counterpart that everyone is used to seeing on the roofs of houses. Wavy slate is much more rigid, but thin, but flat slate is thicker, but is the most fragile. Its thickness is usually from 4 to 5 mm, but there is one that has a thickness index in the range of 10 mm. Such material is often used to decorate the roof of outbuildings. It is affordable and of high quality.

Depending on the manufacturing technology, flat profile slate can be pressed and not pressed. The first option has excellent strength characteristics, so it is made with a sheet size much larger than not pressed.

At the moment, the use of a flat slate sheet is to finish various elements of buildings, for example, the foundation. Also, the material is used in the design of household buildings.

Spheres of use of flat slate

Pressed flat slate is used in various construction fields and for various purposes, in particular:

  • For carrying out the design of the structure in the ventilation shafts.
  • For the manufacture of lintels for windows and window sills.
  • For flooring in industrial premises.
  • For cladding buildings inside and out.
  • For the manufacture of sandwich panels.
  • For the construction of outbuildings, such as aviaries, toilets and others.

Advice! It can be an excellent basis for mounting a fence, as such a structure will serve its owners for a long time and will delight with a laconic appearance.

Using slate in the country

The low cost of the material played a role, and this material interested summer residents and gardeners. Flat slate material is actively used for arranging summer cottages of our fellow citizens.

It is very convenient to make with it a side along the perimeter of the beds. Thanks to him, the bed turns out to be somewhat elevated, but the water from it does not flow down the paths when watering. It is very convenient that such strips of material weigh a little and it is easy to cut them, which greatly simplifies their installation and allows even a woman to cope with the work.

For example, for a summer residence you can do. Such a fence will serve its owners longer than, for example, a wooden one, since it will absolutely not be exposed to insect pests.

Often in summer cottages you can meet exterior finish this material various buildings. This is also justified, since thanks to this design, much less noise will come into the room. In addition, the structure will be protected from atmospheric phenomena, negative chemically affected environment, and slate will not allow the building to catch fire, and will not conduct electric current.

Flat slate for foundation

The foundation is the basis of any structure, therefore, the further operation of the building depends on its quality. Despite the fact that now there is a huge variety of materials, flat slate is also used to make the foundation.

For example, it can be used for mounting formwork. In this case, the surface of the base is perfectly flat, which will simplify the work on further waterproofing the basement. You can, of course, use plywood or planed boards for these purposes, but this will significantly increase costs.

Application of slate sheets

Chrysotile cement flat sheets are widely used:

  • As formwork for foundations and walls.
  • In the design of ventilated facades (facade slabs).
  • As roofing material for pitched roofs.
  • In the design of sandwich panels.
  • When decorating balconies.
  • For floors, ceilings, window sills, door and window slopes.
  • In irrigation devices of cooling towers.
  • During the construction of premises for keeping birds and animals.
  • When finishing gas stations, service stations and car washes due to fire resistance, non-corrosion, as well as resistance to technical fluids and detergents.

Until recently, the industry produced flat tiles from asbestos cement. Today its release is suspended. If desired, a large sheet can be cut into plates of the desired size using a grinder, but in this case it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.

You can see details about flat slate, the subtleties of choosing a material and options for its use on the page

Classification according to GOST

The production and dimensions of flat slate are fully spelled out in GOST 18124−2012. The shape of the product is rectangular, the deviation from the size is not more than 5 millimeters. Deviation in the horizontal plane is not more than 4 mm for a pressed product, designated LPP, and 8 mm for an unpressed product - LNP.

After the letter marking, there is a digital designation of dimensions, the length and width are indicated in meters, and the last digit, thickness, in millimeters. GOST also regulates the area of ​​​​use of the material, starting from the roofs of residential buildings and garages, and ending with agricultural use. The percentage component of asbestos in the initial solution is determined by the value of 18%.

Types of flat slate

In accordance with GOST 18124-2012, two types of flat asbestos-cement slate are produced: pressed and unpressed.

Pressed sheets removed from the sizing drum are additionally subjected to pressure compaction. The manufacturing technology of non-pressed products does not provide for such a procedure.

In the symbol of slate sheets, there is always an alphabetic abbreviation of the type of product. Flat non-pressed sheets are designated as LPN. Pressed flat sheets - like BOB.

Unpressed slate is less durable and dense than pressed slate. But it has less weight and is easier to handle. LPN can be cut, sawn, drilled without much physical effort. They are easy to fix on horizontal and vertical surfaces with screws. Accordingly, non-pressed slabs are very convenient for finishing and roofing work. They are used for sheathing walls and partitions inside buildings, for installing ceilings, for mounting fences, as a leveling screed in a roofing prefabricated pie.

Pressed slate, due to the additional compression of its structure under pressure, is characterized by higher strength, density, impact strength and durability. LPP is recommended for use in cladding and assembly of structures exposed to aggressive environments and the risk of fire.

Pressed slate is resistant to corrosion, chemical and biological substances, elevated temperatures. It does not burn, does not evaporate harmful substances. Therefore, its use is popular at gas stations, car washes, service stations, workshops and spray booths. LPP is also used for cladding facades and interiors of buildings, for creating prefabricated wall panels, enclosing structures, floor surfaces, roofing pies(as a tie). The increased strength and load-bearing capacity makes pressed sheets a suitable material for permanent wall and foundation formwork. An additional advantage of LPP is increased wear resistance, which allows the sheets to be reused after dismantling.


High strength and long service life significantly expand the possibility of using flat slate. In addition to the usual use for roofing, there are other areas where it ends up. indispensable assistant. It is better to take colored slate right away - the factory color is better and more durable.

When covering the roof, remember that the minimum slope of the sheet must be at least 15 degrees. Otherwise, when it rains and strong side winds, water will fall under the roof slope.

Flat slate for beds

In addition to its main purpose, as a building material, slate is successfully used on household plots for beautiful design and arrangement of beds. Special one and a half meter narrow strips are produced. Flat slate for beds allows you to protect the root system from pests, but due to the additional heating from the leaf, the earth requires more water.

Flat slate formwork

A good and inexpensive alternative to wood or metal formwork is non-pressed slate construction. When constructing the foundation formwork, asbestos cement sheets can not be dismantled - this will additionally waterproof and insulate the foundation of the house. If you still decide to remove them, before installation, it is necessary to treat the inner surface of the sheet with a specialized solution.

Internal finishing with sheet slate

In a private house, walls and ceilings can be sheathed with flat slate. This is especially true for country houses, where the owners live during the warm period, and during the period of rains and cold weather, the house is not heated and becomes damp. Also, this option is great for the basement. Unlike drywall sheets, slate does not rot and does not absorb moisture, which allows you to keep the interior clean and avoid the unpleasant smell of dampness. To improve the water-repellent properties, it is recommended to paint.

slate fence

Ease of installation, low price, the ability to paint in any color make it possible to use asbestos-cement sheets as a fence for houses and adjacent areas. Such a fence is not subject to rot and corrosion. As an addition, it is desirable to strengthen the ends of the sheets with metal corners - to increase the strength of the entire structure.

Facade decoration

Pressed slate can be used as a replacement for sandwich panels. A layer of insulation is laid under it and the sheets are installed. The immunity of the material to sudden changes in temperature, the ease of processing and finishing with your own hands make it an inexpensive and alternative option.

Foliage slate on the floor

Flat sheets can be laid on the floor as a base for tiling. Their laying will provide a flat surface, waterproofing and additional insulation of the base. Unlike DSP, slate can be laid in the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity.

Types of flat slate

Today, the industry produces two types of sheet slate - pressed and unpressed. Fundamental difference between them is not, it is only in technical specifications.

The main characteristics of flat slate:

Pressed slate, has smaller error linear dimensions, the permissible deviation for it is only 4 millimeters, and for unpressed 8. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers in stores give out unpressed slate for pressed. To avoid this before buying, carefully study the label located on the sheet.

The marking looks like this: LP-NP-1.5×1.0×6 GOST. It stands for:

  • LP - flat sheet;
  • NP - unpressed, the letter "P" is used to designate pressed slate.

The numbers indicate the dimensions of the sheet, expressed in meters:

  • 1.5 - length;
  • 1.0 - width;
  • 6 - sheet thickness, expressed in millimeters.

The main dimensions of slate entering the retail trade are:

  • thickness - 6, 8; 10 millimeters;
  • width - 1200, 1500 millimeters;
  • length - 2500, 3000, 3500 millimeters.

Slate sizes 40×60 centimeters in retail chains is extremely rare and is used as a roofing material.

Advantages and disadvantages

Flat slate is used in many areas of construction, it is considered one of the most popular materials for roofing, construction of outbuildings, facade cladding, walls. The following advantages make the asbestos-cement sheet so popular:

  • Affordable price. A sheet of size 1.5x1.0 m, the thickness of which is 10 mm, costs in hardware stores in the range of 300-350 rubles. Pressed flat slate is considered the cheapest material used for roofing. The price of this coating is 2-2.5 times lower than on.
  • Durability. Judging by the buildings of the Soviet era, it can be assumed that the life of an asbestos-cement sheet 10 mm thick, with proper maintenance, exceeds 30-40 years, declared by the manufacturers.
  • Fire resistant. Thanks to high refractory properties asbestos cement sheet is used as insulation for installation sites heating equipment or chimneys.
  • Strength. The asbestos-cement pressed sheet with a thickness of 8-10 mm can easily withstand the average weight of a person, so it is not afraid of mechanical damage.
  • Ease of installation and repair. The installation and reconstruction of the slate sheet does not require special tools and skills. You can replace a damaged sheet with your own hands without disassembling the roofing completely.
  • Versatility. The sizes of flat slate are various. Manufacturers produce materials with a sheet thickness of 6, 8, 10 and even 30 mm, a length of 1.5 - 3 m, a width of 1 - 1.5 m. Most often, damage to asbestos cement occurs when builders cut flat slate. Dimensions are selected so as to make as few cuts as possible. Standard sizes of flat asbestos cement sheets

Important! Asbestos, from which slate sheets are made, carries a potential hazard to human health. Getting into the respiratory tract and mucous membranes, it irritates them, causes coughing, itching

However, asbestos dust is only released during cutting and making holes in the slate. To protect against it during work, use a respirator soaked in water, goggles.

The disadvantages of asbestos cement are considered to be a potentially harmful composition, high weight and low resistance to moisture penetration. depending on the size is 25-30 kg. Considering how much it weighs, a reinforced crate, a reliable truss frame, will be equipped for installation. The problem with waterproofing is solved by applying a special paint that gives an attractive color and creates a protective film that does not allow water to pass through.

Weight of unpressed and pressed flat asbestos cement

slate roof

Flat slate is used for the construction of roofs as a roofing material. This process has a number of features:

  1. For roofing, pressed flat slate 8-10 mm thick is used. Thinner sheets do not have sufficient strength, and thicker ones are too heavy.
  2. Since the weight of an asbestos cement sheet with a thickness of 10 mm 1.5x1.0 m is 29 kg, the rafter frame and the roof sheathing are reinforced. Rafters with a section of 100x150 mm are installed in increments of no more than 80-100 cm, and the laths of the crate are made from boards of 50x50 mm. All wood is treated with an antiseptic compound. Flat slate roof
  3. Sheets are laid in a run to avoid long longitudinal seams, poorly protected from moisture penetration. Horizontal rows of flat slate are mounted in a joint, and vertical ones with an overlap up to half the length.
  4. Stainless steel self-tapping screws with a press washer and a rubber seal are used as fasteners. Self-tapping screws do not deepen, but leave a small gap to avoid damage. In order not to split the sheet, holes are drilled no closer than 70-100 mm from the edge. Installation of asbestos cement sheets on the crate
  5. To give the roof desired shade and strengthen protection against moisture penetration, use a special one. The surface is primed before application. Damage to the roof of flat asbestos cement

Note! The hammer and nails used to install wave slate are not suitable for flat. Too much hammer blow is often the cause of sheet splitting

If the installation is performed by an inexperienced craftsman, the material is purchased with a margin of 10-15% for culling.

The excellent performance characteristics of flat asbestos cement, as well as modern production technologies, make it possible to create a durable, spectacular roofing, the appearance of which cannot be compared with the monotonous wavy slate.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of flat slate are much greater than disadvantages, that is why this building material is especially effective in the Russian construction industry.

  • Profitable price;
  • Material strength that withstands all the adult;
  • fire resistance, but if open fire is directed at the slate, it can “shoot” with fragments;
  • Has properties dielectric;
  • Sustainability from corrosion and decay;
  • high UV protection and electromagnetic radiation;
  • Thermal stability;
  • Okay withstand temperature fluctuations, severe frost or heat;
  • Even after the end of the guaranteed period, the percentage of subsequent freeze-thaw 80% ;
  • flat slate easy to install.

Now about the negative side of this building material:

  • high weight. Weight is the main obstacle, without additional help it will not work to install it alone;
  • Contains asbestos, therefore, it is necessary to work with it taking precautions;
  • Poor waterproofing, therefore, additional processing is required with special solutions during installation, otherwise moss begins to sprout on the slate in the future;
  • When cutting sheets the edges of the slate also need to be processed so that the building does not collapse in the future;
  • Slate is a rather fragile material. especially during transportation.

The cost-effectiveness and durability of flat slate has been tested over the years, take at least old buildings. So proper processing with special tools during installation guarantees a service life of even 100 years.

Flat slate or csp which is better

With a similar manufacturing technology and external similarity, DSP and slate have the main difference in the components included in the material. The composition of the cement-bonded particle board includes wood filler - against asbestos and composite materials in slate. Possessing great environmental friendliness, DSP is advisable to use in interior decoration.

Availability wood fibers causes greater moisture permeability of the plate. Therefore, it is not suitable in rooms with high humidity, roofs and exterior walls of the building. It is impossible to use chipboard as a material for a fence and agricultural needs.

Already after 20 cycles of freezing / thawing, it loses 50% of its strength, this is not taking into account that it can be exposed to moisture all year round. So the range of application of slate sheets is wider. Asbestos-cement sheet is more versatile, although it is harmful to health if used improperly.

Features of laying flat slate on the roof

For wall cladding with flat slate, problems should not arise, but in order to cover the roof you need to know a few important features.

The slate is stored in a film in a horizontal position, it is worth removing the packaging only before starting work. Prepare everything necessary protective equipment, this is useful for cutting sheets. There should be a crate under the slate, which must be done correctly. You should purchase special nails for slate in advance.

The slate is laid in such a way that the overlap was on the tucked side, and for convenience, pull the twine over the eaves, and already along it you can begin to lay the first rows.

It should be noted that the crate should be solid and it must be marked in advance in the form of a grid. The grid size is 23.5 by 22.5 centimeters, and the slope must be at least twenty degrees.

The general laying technology does not differ from wave slate, the sheets are also mounted from the bottom up, and the overlaps should be on the leeward side. Another feature of laying flat slate is that each an odd row must be started from a whole sheet, and even from the half, then there will not be one continuous joint on the roof.

Flat slate is practically no different from wave slate, it is good to use it for beds, as well as for wall cladding, laying roofs and floors for non-new houses, where it makes no sense to buy expensive material. Flat slate is in no way inferior in beauty to other materials, varied in color and looks pretty good.

Best buy asbestos cement pressed slate, because it is denser and therefore stronger, as for asbestos, bourgeois plates are produced today, but these sheets do not contain it, and harmful substances are not emitted into the environment, and no other fibers are used. In addition, slate cannot be compared with concrete tiles, because tiles break during installation and does not work for bending. Even though pressed slate is much more expensive, it is much better, so don't be stingy or it will end up costing you even more later.

Best for wall cladding acidide, also it is suitable for the manufacture of partitions. Everyone can afford the price, yes, we are not rich people, we cannot afford to buy more expensive material, although I do not argue that it is better, but slate is an excellent replacement for it, while it has the same qualities. Everywhere has its pros and cons, and expensive materials are no exception, so if it’s not possible to buy beautiful, then we’ll take quality.

The use of flat slate for beds

Material Properties

Summer residents and gardeners know how much effort needs to be invested in order to create neat beds on the land. In this case, by the way, slate will have to be used, which will show its best qualities:

  • durability;
  • resistance to putrefactive processes in contact with the earth and plants;
  • has a presentable appearance;
  • simple and easy to install.

Important! Before you start laying sheets, the material must be inspected for chips, cracks and various defects. If there is a need, the slate is cut

How to make beds from flat slate with your own hands?

  • For this purpose, use flat slate of different colors, at your own discretion.
  • The standard size for a flat slate is 1.75 cm in length. In order to avoid waste during work, the sheet is cut into two halves, thus forming the width of the beds.
  • To connect the sheets to each other, metal corners are used, which are pre-cut to a certain size and make holes for the bolts in them. Then these places need to be painted over in order to avoid corrosion.

With this method of formation, the beds will be located 10 cm above the ground level, which contributes to better heating of the soil. When deepening the flat slate by 15 - 20 cm into the ground, protection will be created from the roots getting into the beds.

Important! In order to avoid damage to the slate, you first need to dig a trench, and not drive it into the ground.

Pros and cons of flat slate

The main advantages of flat slate include its following features:

  1. Relatively low price. The components included in its composition provide it with the cheapest cost compared to other sheet analogues.
  2. Long service life confirmed by time on the example of old buildings with slate roofs.
  3. incombustibility, even under the influence of an open source of flame. In case of fire, such a coating does not burn by itself, although under the influence of high temperature it bursts, emitting loud sounds type of shots.
  4. High levels of hardness and strength, allowing it not to break even under the weight of a person standing on it.
  5. Does not create additional noise when precipitation occurs in the form of rain or hail.
  6. Slate itself is a dielectric, which means it not only does not conduct current, but also does not susceptible to corrosive processes like metal coatings.
  7. Ease of installation and handling. Sheets from it are easily cut with a hand saw, not to mention the grinder.
  8. It is also an important feature for maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the building, especially in the hot summer period is that, due to its properties and light color, it does not attract sun rays, and therefore does not heat up in the heat. By the way, this is the secret of its durability, because the less the material is heated, the less it is subject to thermal expansion, which leads to deformation of the structure of most materials.

Originally conceived as a roof covering, such slate has a minimum of negative properties:

  1. This type of slate is produced using asbestos, which adversely affects human health by releasing toxic dust into the surrounding space.
  2. Relatively large sheet weight, compared to modern materials for roofing, and hence the increased load on bearing structures buildings. For example, only one ordinary plate 1750x1120x8 mm creates a load of 31 kg.
  3. Not very good water resistance which over the years leads to the growth of moss right on the slate slabs, get rid of which, however, is easy using special solutions.

Features of application and installation

What can be painted

Flat slate sheets are necessarily painted, which significantly increases their performance, because asbestos-cement sheets protected by paint are more resistant not only to fracture, but also to water and low temperatures.

Painted slate does not emit toxic asbestos particles into the surrounding space and moss or lichen cannot grow on it, which, as a rule, is the “decoration” of a conventional wave roof covering.

For painting flat boards, special acrylic or silicone paints are mainly used., as well as liquid plastic, which after application form a protective film that increases their service life by at least 2 times.

Mounting Features

Fixing flat slabs to any flat surface does not present any additional difficulties. But, as with any specific materials, during this operation it is necessary to take into account the installation features:

  1. Firstly, since such sheets are mainly intended for roofing work, due to their significant weight, increased requirements are placed on the reliability of the roof truss system, which must withstand the considerable weight of the flooring itself and the increased ice and snow load in winter.
  2. Secondly, the method of laying flat slabs involves their displacement, to avoid the formation of long seams, which, as a rule, are weak point roofs and are more susceptible to water intrusion. Just as in the case of other roofing materials, the laying of such sheets is carried out only with an overlap. Thus, even when a longitudinal row of boards is mounted end to end, boards from adjacent rows are offset and overlapped by half the length of the underlying row, so that all joints are completely covered.
  3. Thirdly, it without fail requires the organization of roof waterproofing with special films, serving as a hydro-barrier.

How to fix sheets

Unlike ordinary wave material, which can be fixed on the roof with standard nails driven through it into the rafters, its flat counterpart for installation requires high-quality wood screws with a special press washer that has a rubber gasket that prevents water from entering the gap between it and the fasteners .

By the way, for drilling holes for self-tapping screws, hard alloy soldered drills are used. And when drilling, always observe an indent from the edge of the sheet of at least 70 mm, so as not to cause a crack in the slab.


Today, asbestos-cement slate slabs are sold at different prices depending on the specific manufacturer, but there are two natural trends in their cost:

  1. Firstly, the price for them, as, indeed, for any other, is primarily determined by the thickness of the slate sheet, as well as its length and width;
  2. Secondly, due to better characteristics and longer production times, pressed boards are always slightly more expensive than non-pressed boards. For example, a plate with dimensions of 3000x1500x12 mm in LPP version costs 1318 rubles, and a similar LPN type costs 1186 rubles.

From which it follows that preferring more cheap material the second will not be able to seriously save, due to the low difference between them, which can only matter when purchasing large lots with low performance requirements.

By standard sizes, asbestos-cement slabs have approximately the following prices:

  • 3000x1500x12 mm: LPN - 1185 rubles, BOB -1315 rubles;
  • 3000x1200x12 mm: LPN - 973 rubles, BOB -1108 rubles;
  • 2000x1500x10 mm: LPN - 590 rubles, BOB - 810 rubles;
  • 1500x1000x6 mm: LPN - 202 rubles, BOB -260 rubles;
  • 1750x1070x6 mm: LPN - 260 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of slate

To better understand whether flat slate is suitable for use in a particular building situation, it will be useful to outline its pros and cons.

The most significant benefits:

  • Wear resistance and mechanical strength.
  • Durability, which is on average 25-50 years.
  • High bending strength, due to which the sheets are not deformed under the influence of a layer of snow (on the roof) or concrete masses (as formwork walls).
  • High fire resistance. Slate refers to fireproof, refractory and non-combustible materials.
  • Resistance to aggressive environments - chemical and biological. Slate is not subject to corrosion, neutral to alkalis and industrial atmospheric emissions. The material is resistant to microorganisms, it does not rot and is not damaged by insects.
  • Moisture resistance. Sheets of flat slate do not let water through and are an excellent waterproofing material.
  • Resistance to temperature changes.
  • Frost resistance, allowing the use of slate in any climatic zones, even in the Far North.
  • Easy installation, simple repairs.
  • Undemanding in operation.
  • Low price compared to similar materials.

Disadvantages to be aware of:

  • Fragility, which often leads to breaking sheets already at the installation stage. This feature requires laying in the estimate an additional amount of material. At the same time, many manufacturers are trying to deal with the problem by adding special plasticizers to the chrysotile-cement mixture.
  • Low impact strength. Slate sheets, often used as a finishing material on outdoors, are subject to shock deformations, for example, from hail or a thrown stone.
  • The release of asbestos dust during cutting and drilling of slate, which can enter the lungs of a person and adversely affect his health. Therefore, when machining plates, you should use respirators. At enterprises and in enclosed spaces where slate is processed, it is mandatory to install dust collectors with air purification devices.

Despite the shortcomings, flat slate can be safely called a universal building material. Some experts say that you can build a whole city out of it! And this statement is not so far from the truth. Walls, roofs, and fences are built from flat chrysotile sheets, which are highly durable and retain their properties for many decades.

Flat slate specifications

It is this material that does not require special skills from you during installation, in addition, it is not too expensive. Slate is relatively strong and durable. Flat slate sheets consist of a special mixture - Portland cement and asbestos fiber, as well as water. At the same time, the total share of asbestos itself reaches almost 18% - this is enough to obtain the much-needed tensile strength and the desired impact strength.

Asbestos, of which the sheets are composed, has been used in construction work for more than a dozen years. It turns out that at a fairly low price you get high-quality material. As professionals note, such sheets have high rates - both in terms of hygroscopicity and airtightness. It is also convenient that there are a large number of different types of slate and color schemes on the market. Depending on the characteristics, the price for the product also varies.

However, first of all, builders pay attention to the use of a press in the process of manufacturing slate. It is pressed that is most valued - for such sheets, the bending strength of the material is greater and reaches 23 MPa, while for non-pressed it is 5 units less. The density of the material is also higher for the pressed one and reaches 1.8 g / cc, and as for frost resistance, in the first case the indicator reaches 50 defrosting cycles, in the second - 25

When choosing, it is better to stop at sheets whose thickness will be at least 8 mm - this will give you the necessary strength. The most enterprising citizens manage to build even a garage or something like a stall from such an asbestos product. Quite often, flat sheets are used for both cladding and fencing.

physical and chemical indicators

The most important technical characteristics of flat slate, on which its durability and application possibilities depend, are strength, density, viscosity, and frost resistance.

Flat slabs are characterized by high bending strength, which allows them to be used in the construction of ceilings, floors, roofing, foundation walls. Unpressed products withstand bending forces of 18 MPa, pressed products - 23 MPa.

The density of flat slate is relatively small and is equal to 1600 kg/m3 for LNP and 1800 kg/m3 for LPP. It means that thermal insulation properties material, on the contrary, are quite high.

Impact strength is a value that indicates the ability of a material to resist impact loads. For pressed sheets, this parameter should be at least 2.5 kJ/m2, for non-pressed sheets, at least 2 kJ/m2.

Another important parameter is frost resistance. Unpressed slate withstands 25 freeze-thaw cycles, and pressed slate - 50. As a rule, these figures are very close to the actual service life of asbestos-cement sheets.

Slate coloring

In order to give flat slate an attractive appearance, they began to paint it with acrylic paints in brown, red, green, blue shades.

They can be either matte or glossy. Coloring is done not only with a decorative purpose, but also with a protective one.

After all, such a coating provides protection from ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and extends the life of the material.

When choosing a product, be sure to inspect how well the paint is applied. According to the standard, the slate must be painted evenly without smudges on both sides.

To make the right choice and not be disappointed, pay attention to all the nuances: for what purpose the material is purchased, what methods of fastening, sheet thickness, marking. . For the roof, a flat slate of large sizes is selected, but at the same time with a small weight, to speed up the laying process and reduce pressure on the house

For the construction of walls, slate is taken with a greater thickness, but of a smaller size.

For the roof, a flat slate of large sizes is selected, but at the same time with a small weight, to speed up the laying process and reduce pressure on the house. For the construction of walls, slate is taken with a greater thickness, but of a smaller size.

This is done so that there are no additional labor costs for the arrangement of window and.

Flat slate application and options

In addition to being used in the construction of small buildings, recently this material has become more in demand in the construction of residential buildings. And this, first of all, is the decoration and cladding of the facade, as well as the interior office space. You can use this product if you need to resolve the issue of facing partitions, ventilation shafts, window lintels.

The use of flat slate is also justified in the case of the construction of utility sites - from gazebos and aviaries to summer buildings and booths. The sheet version of slate can be easily adopted during the construction of walls or ceilings. To reduce the pressure on the slate during installation, washers can be used. If we are talking about roofing, then when laying the roof, the angle of inclination should be from 30 degrees, and the installation direction should be from bottom to top and from right to left - these are the laying standards.

In addition, when working with a tool such as a hammer, you should be very careful - with strong blows to the surface, the product may crack.

And one more piece of advice - when hammering, the nail heads should not “drown” in the sheets. Holes for nails are drilled a little larger in diameter than the diameter of the fasteners. On top of the slate, directly under the nail, it is better to lay rubber seals to avoid leaks. But to make it easier to walk on such a coating, we recommend using special walkways.

  • Pressed slate is often bought for curtain walls and "sandwich panels" - and here you can add an additional layer of insulation. As professionals note, the sufficiently high strength of this material makes it possible to use it when laying the foundation. Note that this material has resistance to temperature extremes and to the influence of negative environmental factors. Such material is quite easy to process with tools - you can use a hacksaw or a circular saw.
  • The thickness of the sheets allows you to use the material as the basis for the fence. Slate sheet, with standard parameters 3000 by 1500 mm, is successfully used as country fences. Such a fence will definitely not rot or be “afraid” of the effects of insects. When using slate in the design of the fence, it is desirable to enclose the sheets in metal corners - in this case, an immovable structure is obtained.
  • Well, and another area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication is the garden and country beds. With the help of this material, summer residents make it easier for themselves to take care of the soil and are increasingly using straight slate for fencing beds.
  • Flat slate roofing is becoming commonplace - such a roof will last you a long time if all the details of the installation were taken into account during installation. By the way, the installation of the coating itself can be done year-round - both in the heat and in the cold. You do not need any special skills.
  • Professionals see a particular advantage in using it in the possibility of using it in the process of foundation work. In the trenches under the load-bearing walls, sand is first poured, then water is poured, and reinforcement is laid on top, which is sheathed with sheets of flat slate. Such work is carried out from the inside of the structure under construction. First, wooden planks are attached, which are then fixed to the sheets and directly to the reinforcement using self-tapping screws.

Slate production

Asbestos is a natural raw material, the strength of the fibers of which exceeds the strength of steel wire in its performance. asbestos fibers grip well with cement mortar, forming a reinforcing mesh, resulting in a durable material that does not support combustion.

Flat slate is obtained by fiber forming chrysotile asbestos and cement mixture. Asbestos fibers are evenly distributed over the entire shape of the sheet, this gives it high impact strength and increased strength. The service life of slate, manufactured in compliance with the technological process, is 50 years. It has the highest rates of fire resistance and frost resistance, so after 50 freezing cycles the material retains 90% of its original strength.

What is flat slate

Slate was used as a building material long before metal was invented. Its main advantage is durability. And, despite the abundance of other roofing materials on the modern market, the demand for slate products still remains.

Recently, flat slate has been actively used. All thanks to the rich list of areas for its application. The name itself characterizes its main advantage over its brother, wave slate. It can be used not only as a roofing material, but also as a finish, for example, a garage.

The flat shape of the slate allows you to perform various manipulations on it, turning into reality the most daring design decisions, while saving the budget. The main thing is to turn on the fantasy.

The advantages of flat slate over other types of slate are obvious. Possessing a number of advantages, in comparison with any other roofing or finishing materials, flat slate is in great demand among experienced builders.

In most European countries, products containing asbestos have been banned, citing the fact that it is harmful to the human body. But modern research has shown that the use of slate for construction or decoration in no way affects the health of people living nearby.

Rather, this is a marketing ploy aimed at ousting inexpensive and at the same time high-quality building materials from the market.

Rather, this is a marketing ploy aimed at ousting inexpensive and at the same time high-quality building materials from the market.

Slate sheet construction

Here is a list of flat slate benefits:

  • Low cost, from 300 to 1000 rubles. for flat asbestos-cement sheet;
  • Long service life. If taken in comparison with a metal roofing product, slate has a service life of 25 to 50 years, and up to 30 years if it is of high quality;
  • Comfortable and easy to handle. Perfectly cut, even with a hand saw, without deforming;
  • Rich sheet assortment required size for construction;
  • Economy during the construction of the necessary structures.


Take special care when processing or cutting flat slate. Since the main component of slate is asbestos, all work must be carried out in masks to protect the respiratory tract.

Advantages and disadvantages of flat slate


  1. high strength material, an adult, can freely move along it without damaging it;
  2. durable, this is no longer new material and has been tested for years by many people;
  3. fireproof and can withstand high temperatures
  4. Does not pass heat;
  5. Easy to process;
  6. frost-resistant;
  7. Waterproof;
  8. High isolation from external noise, in contrast to, practically inaudible rain and hail;
  9. Acceptable price;
  10. Quick installation.


  1. Weight. Its considerable weight makes installation very difficult, one person obviously cannot cope;
  2. fragility. Although it can withstand the mass of a person, it is necessary to transport, load and unload the material very carefully, you should pay attention to ensure that it does not fall, it can break right away;
  3. asbestos content. When processing, it is necessary to protect the mucous membrane and respiratory tract, since asbestos affects human health.
  4. covered with moss. Over time, moss forms on the slate, but it can be eliminated with the help of primers, which prolongs operation and enhances water resistance.
  5. Emission of harmful substances to the air.

For the correct installation of flat slate on the building, you should follow some simple rules, then there will be no need to hire professionals to work.

The fastening of flat slate to a wooden crate differs from the wave one.

Flat slate must be fastened with galvanized nails or self-tapping screws, and a piece of rubber or roofing felt must be attached to each nail.

Since, due to temperature changes, the slate either expands or narrows, so you need to leave a small distance between the nail and the slate.

You can not hammer nails, so you can ruin the sheet. You first need to drill holes for future fasteners, it should be 1-1.5 mm larger than the nail itself.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is no coincidence that this building material is in great demand. It is distinguished by high technical characteristics, the main of which are:

  • frost resistance and the ability to tolerate temperature extremes well;
  • no deformation during heating;
  • high strength;
  • good sound insulation;
  • indifference to ultraviolet;
  • high fire safety;
  • the ability not to accumulate or shield electromagnetic fields;
  • high anti-corrosion properties;
  • resistance to rot and mold;
  • ease of processing and ease of installation;
  • durability.

Such properties have all types of slate. Along with this, flat pressed asbestos-cement sheet has even better qualities:

  • twice the ability to withstand temperature extremes;
  • higher margin of safety;
  • very low porosity.

Thanks to the latter property, its water absorption is reduced, and the sheet successfully resists the appearance of moss on its surface.

The durability of 30 years, which is inherent in unpressed slate, increases to 40–45 years.

One of the main disadvantages is the relative fragility of the sheets, which requires increased attention during transportation and installation.

In addition, they include:

  • the severity of the sheets, which makes it impossible to stack them alone;
  • the need for processing with cutting tools to cover sections with special compounds;
  • tendency (over time) towards moss.

Composition and types of asbestos-cement sheets

The basis of this material is Portland cement grades M300-500, mixed with water. During molding, asbestos fibers are evenly distributed inside each sheet. Their share in building materials is 18 percent. The mineral component gives the canvas strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

Asbestos-cement sheet is produced in wavy and flat design.

The first option is divided by the number of waves: seven or eight. Rarely produce five-wave, six-wave sheets, but they are used only for industrial needs.

A flat asbestos-cement sheet is sometimes not pressed to reduce cost. In this case, the service life of the material is reduced due to low strength and porosity. And you can use non-pressed sheets only for small outbuildings or cladding.

Colored slate gives aesthetic appearance house facade

The usual shade of asbestos-cement sheets is gray. But some manufacturers also offer colored slate. Coloring of bright products occurs during molding by adding coloring pigments.

Designation and marking of sheets

Flat slate sheets have their own symbol characterizing their type and size. It contains the letter abbreviation of the product type (LPN or LPP - non-pressed and pressed sheets, respectively), dimensions (length, width, thickness - in millimeters), designation of the current standard. For example, pressed sheets with a length of 3000 mm, a width of 1570 mm, a thickness of 10 mm, manufactured in accordance with GOST 18124-2012, are designated as LPP 3000 x 1570 x 10 GOST 18124-2012. And non-pressed products with a length of 1200 mm, a width of 1120 mm, a thickness of 6 mm - as LNP 1200 x 1120 x 6 GOST 18124-2012.

The symbol for sheets is indicated in the accompanying documents for products, in construction drawings, etc. Directly on the sheets you can see another mark for identification - marking. Usually it is applied to the slate by printing. But it is also allowed to use printed labels that are glued to sheets. A minimum of 1% of the sheets in a lot must be marked with the marking.

The marking contains:

  • manufacturer's name or trademark;
  • lot number;
  • a sign indicating the type of sheet and its thickness (a square with a number in the center is an unpressed sheet, the same square, but symbolically “compressed” by two arrows, is a pressed sheet).


When all the elements are ready for work, it is important to mount them correctly. If the slate is attached to the roof, then it is necessary to drill holes for self-tapping screws in it

You can also use a roofing nail, but self-tapping screws with a washer or gasket in this case will be more convenient, because they do not need to be driven in, which minimizes the chances of deformation of the coating. In the case of roofing, it is important to remember the need for a waterproofing layer.

To work with walls and, in particular, their alignment, it is necessary to use a profile and make the desired structure, which will be sheathed with slate sheets. To securely fasten them to the wall surface, you can use a clamp, which will fix two parts of the slate and make the entire structure more stable and reliable.

The side of the sheet that faces the street must be additionally protected, which will prevent the destruction of the material. Therefore, the corresponding surface must first be treated with acrylic paint. And on inner part a layer of plaster is applied on top, the surface is leveled, polished and prepared for further finishing. For finishing work, you can choose a colored slate.

Installation of wall plates is carried out end-to-end, while at the joints it is better to coat with sealant to minimize the chance of leakage. If we talk about the roof, then there the laying is carried out with an overlap, so that precipitation under no circumstances falls under the surface of the ceiling. After installing the flat slate on the wall, it is puttyed and then polished so that the surface is perfectly even.

If you need to make a gazebo or sheathe a fence, then it is best to use large slate sheets that are screwed to the frame or beams of the future fence. The principle of work is almost the same, the main difference is the dimensions of the slate, which must be selected individually for the design.

How to cut and drill flat slate

Slate drilling must be carried out using a concrete drill with a pobedit tip. When drilling holes, it is necessary to reduce the possible vibration of the material by laying it on the ground or on a special substrate. Without a drill, you can make a hole and attach building material using slate nails. They do not leave cracks when clogging. You can also use roofing screws with a special drill at the end.

You can cut the required piece to size using a grinder with a disc for stone, concrete. It should be noted - if you are performing the operation alone, goggles and a respirator are required to protect against asbestos dust. If with a partner - you need to water the cut line with a jet of water - then there will be no dust and less chance of chips.

If the grinder is not at hand, then you can try to make a cut with an ordinary hacksaw or a sharp construction knife - we draw a line and use a ruler or a guide with the tip of the knife to draw the risk several times. If the risk is deep enough, the slate will break along the notch line.

Types and characteristics of flat slate

In accordance with the specifications, a flat slate sheet can be of two types:

  • Pressed (BOB). Its production technology includes additional compaction. It differs from LPN in high strength, rigidity, density, impact strength and durability.
  • Unpressed (LPN). Flat slate, price per sheet which is significantly lower than that of LPP. It is inferior to the pressed one in terms of characteristics (see table), but having a less dense structure, it is easily cut, sawn and drilled. It is convenient to fix it with self-tapping screws to the surface to be lined.

The widespread use of chrysotile asbestos sheets is due to their unique performance characteristics:

Buy flat slate it is possible in building materials stores, but even without a guarantee of quality, its cost will be significantly higher than in the Cem-Cement company.

Features of flat slate

  1. Strength. The manufacturing technology includes asbestos fiber and Portland cement, thanks to which the slate is able to withstand mechanical loads, and the sheets can withstand weight up to one hundred kilograms;
  2. High sound insulation. Such material reduces external noise quite well, so it is used for finishing residential buildings and industrial buildings;
  3. Asbestos cement can also serve for the installation of other materials, and this suggests that no need to make a frame;
  4. Slate can't burn, and besides, it does not conduct electricity, so it is it that is used as floor covering in transformer boxes, substations and other places where there is heightened danger electric shock;
  5. Another feature of this material is that it does not rot, does not rust, mold does not form, is not damaged by fungus, and insects do not start;
  6. Withstands sudden temperature change, absorbs moisture;
  7. On store shelves many different colors, for every taste. In the manufacture of slate, a chemical is added that can change color, and this, in turn, improves some other property, for example, sound insulation or frost resistance.

What it is

Slate has been familiar to man since ancient times, but often a wavy version was used in construction, it was used for the roof of a house or any other building. Since the material itself was inexpensive, and served for a long time and reliably, an attempt was made to create an even version of the same product. This is how an even slate turned out, which is in no way inferior to its progenitor, but unlike it, has much more opportunities for use.

The material is called flat because it has a perfectly flat surface. Such slate is also made of asbestos, which gives it strength and durability, including making it relatively light. With it, you can both cover the roof and make a fence. If desired, the material is used for interior decoration non-residential premises. Often the lower part of the balconies is covered with flat slate.

Due to its low cost, slate can be used for any repair purposes, and its long service life, which can reach 50 years, will help get rid of unnecessary repairs for a long time.

It is very convenient to work with it, because it is easy to cut the plate even with a saw, without worrying that the material will deteriorate, break or somehow deform. When interacting with slate, safety rules must be observed so that asbestos does not enter the respiratory tract.

Flat slate has a wide variety of sizes, which makes it easy to choose the right size sheets. It is this material that differs significantly from wavy slate, where there are only a few options for the dimensions of the product. Working with flat forms, there is very little waste, which is very economical.


For the production of flat slate, at least 18% of asbestos is used, which makes the sheets so strong and reinforces them. To connect all the initial elements, Portland cement is used, to which asbestos and water are added, after mixing which the necessary mixture is obtained. When the composition hardens, a durable flat slate is obtained.

If you pay attention to the technical characteristics, it is important to mention the methods for obtaining this building material:

  • production of slate using a press;
  • production of non-pressed slate sheets.

Finished products are distinguished by marking:

  • PL - flat sheets;
  • NP - flat sheets of unpressed slate;
  • P - pressed sheets of flat slate.

Unpressed slate is less dense, therefore it is recommended to use it for interior decoration. The pressed variety is a more advanced model, and therefore it has more functions. The properties of the future plate depend on asbestos and its characteristics. The strength and durability are affected by the diameter and length of the fibers of the main component, in addition, the impurities that make up the boards also play a significant role.

The weight of flat slate varies from 25 to 30 g for large sheets, which is quite a lot, so it is important to provide for the necessary measures to strengthen the structure under such a coating. .

The material is widely used in construction, so it is important to know all its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • inexpensive cost;
  • strength and durability;
  • ease of care;
  • non-flammable composition;
  • immunity to electricity, can be used as a dielectric;
  • good soundproofing.

There are a number of negative characteristics of this material:

  • relative fragility;
  • susceptibility to biological influences (moss and mold);
  • the need for additional material coverage.

To protect flat slate, you need to use a special paint that will not let moisture through and make the roof attractive. Consumption per 1 m2 can be calculated taking into account the specific type of paint and the number of layers. If the surface is not too large, then large expenses for paint are not expected.


The installation of flat slate on the walls is carried out end-to-end, and the points of contact are coated with sealants.

For gazebos or fences, you need to take large sheets of slate. They are attached to beams or frame according to the same principle.

The main difference will be the size of the sheets, which is chosen according to the size of the structure.

To ensure a long service life of a flat slate, it is necessary to take care of the correct processing at the initial stage, and its subsequent installation.

To cover flat slate with paints, it is necessary to take acrylic ones, since they have optimal characteristics that can protect the material from an aggressive environment.

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Isover insulation was originally developed and produced in France, and came to us about 25 years ago. It was first used in the mid-30s of the last century with the light hand of Saint Gobain. It is a material based on fiberglass and mineral fibers. Thanks to localized production, its price has ceased to be European with a fairly good quality.

What is Izover

Izover insulation can be supplied in a wide variety of shapes and formats. It depends on where it is used. Only one thing remains unchanged - it is an insulating material based on mineral fibers and fiberglass. The first quality of any insulation should be the minimum coefficient of thermal conductivity. The tables show the characteristics of several types of material and the maximum thermal conductivity of the universal Isover. It is about 0.036 W / m³ and may fluctuate depending on the density of the material.

The material itself is a fiber structure. The length of the fibers can be from 120 microns, and the thickness is not more than 4 microns. It is these indicators that guarantee the material high strength with minimal thermal conductivity and a sufficient amount of air held inside the material. The production technology is patented and not a single material can simply physically have the characteristics that Izover of any type declares.

Characteristics of Izover

Minimal heat loss is provided by the simple property of air placed in the closed space between the fibers of the material, which is what makes the material so warm. In addition, Izover can also be used as a sound insulator and the company declares it as absolutely safe for health. It can be used not only for external insulation of facades, but also for internal insulation of rooms in a residential building, including children's rooms.

The vapor permeability of the material is also of great importance, since the accumulation of moisture in the structure of the material leads to a loss of thermal properties. However, when Izover insulates foundations, plinths and facades, experts recommend leaving at least 2 cm for sufficient ventilation. For water repellency, the material is impregnated with water repellents, which guarantee the absence of not only moisture, but also biological threats. Therefore, the manufacturer can guarantee a 50-year service life of the material.

Safety, weight and price

According to GOST, Izover is considered non-combustible when used in the form of clean slabs, mats and rolls. In combination with aluminum foil or film, it can be considered low-flammable, but this is enough from a safety point of view to calmly insulate the internal walls of residential buildings with the material, not to mention the facades. Izover in this sense has no restrictions on the use.

One of the distinguishing qualities of the material is its very light weight. This is important if you take into account the cost of equipping the battens, fastening materials and additional elements that are used during installation. Also, the low weight of the insulating structure reduces the load on floors, walls or roofs. The price of the material is also quite worthy. With a high level of localization of production, it was possible to achieve the price level of domestic materials, and this is about 130-180 rubles per square meter of insulation. Packing an insulator can cost from a thousand to 1,500 rubles, depending on the brand.

Dimensions, density and types of insulation

The density of a material can play a decisive role when it is used in certain conditions. For example, the densest insulation has a density of 120 to 160 kg / m³ and is used for roofing, and the least dense with an indicator of 28-38 kg / m³ can be used for both walls and facades. Izover for the floor has a density of 150-165 kg / m³.

The size of the material and the form of release can be very different, depending on the scope of application. For example, for a foil moisture-resistant Izover for wet rooms, it can be produced in rolls with a thickness of 50 to 100 mm, and the length of the unfolded roll will be within 1.25 m. Universal insulation can be up to 100 mm thick and produced in the form of plates of various sizes, at the same time, the material is perfectly cut and processed, and the size of the plate is selected based on the size and surface area, so as not to allow a large amount of waste.

Areas of application for insulation

Given the universal properties, low price and various forms of release, the use of the material can be very versatile. For example, the main areas of use of Izover are:

  1. For baths and saunas, a foil isover is used.
  2. Ceilings, interfloor ceilings are insulated with a less dense material.
  3. Izover of increased density is used for floors and roofs.
  4. It is used when installing plastic windows.
  5. For insulation of balconies.
  6. For insulation of basements and basements.
  7. Interior partitions are insulated, taking into account the fact that the material has good sound insulation.
  8. For facade insulation.

Reliable and durable material (the manufacturer declares 50 years of warranty operation) can be an excellent insulation not only for a private house, but also for an apartment, as well as for non-residential buildings. Good luck to everyone and warm homes!

In our time, the building materials market has such a wide variety of insulation materials that it often even makes it difficult to choose. They differ in the base material and the form of manufacture, in the field of application and, of course, in the reputation of the manufacturer. The cost of heaters is often quite considerable, so the desire of consumers to give their money for a guaranteed quality product is quite understandable. And this means that it is best to stop the choice on the original products of well-known brands, among which "Isover" (in Russian transcription - "Isover") takes one of the leading places in terms of the effectiveness of thermal and sound insulation of buildings, in terms of its reliability and durability.

Isover insulation, the technical characteristics of which will be further discussed in this publication, is widely used in various fields. The materials of this brand are famous for the effective protection of residential, public, industrial, utility buildings and structures from cold, heat and external noise, and there is no doubt about their high quality.

A few words about the manufacturer of insulation "Isover"

The Isover manufacturer is a company that is part of the largest international association Saint Gobain, which manufactures a huge and comprehensive range of modern building materials. "Saint Gobain" brings together more than a hundred industrial companies and organizations involved in innovative developments in the construction industry. It's hard to even imagine, but the history of the appearance of this manufacturer dates back to the 17th century - how many companies in the world would have already celebrated their 350th anniversary?!

Huge, centuries-old experience, the ability to properly organize the activities of all links, the constant independent development of innovative technologies and much more - all this is the basis for the fact that the manufacturer has become the undisputed leader in the manufacture of materials that allow you to create zones of the most comfortable living space.

"Saint Gobain" works in various directions. These are high-tech materials, ordinary flat glass and glass designed for special applications, building products, which include insulation, drywall and other gypsum-based products, building mixtures, tiles and facade cladding, acoustic panels for walls and ceilings, integrated drainage systems, plumbing and sewer pipes, and much more.

In addition to the Isover heaters discussed in this publication, which are produced in various modifications, the company also produces technical thermal and sound insulation materials under the Isotec and Isoroc brands.

The company has been operating in Russia for more than 20 years, producing various building materials, including mineral insulation based on basalt and fiberglass. The plant for their manufacture has been operating for more than 10 years in the city of Yegoryevsk (Moscow region), and in 2011, as part of the business expansion strategy, Saint Gobain acquired the Minvata plant in Chelyabinsk, which, after a radical re-equipment, now insulation is made on the basis of stone fibers.

All enterprises of this association successfully pass the certification of the international standard of environmental management, therefore, heaters are considered environmentally friendly products. The company places its products in the same environmental group as linen and cotton, and they comply with European and international standards - EN 13162 - ISO 9001, as well as Saint Gobain's own extremely stringent standards.

The main types of thermal insulation "Isover"

So, the insulation materials of this manufacturer can be made from glass or basalt fibers. Such specific structures are obtained as a result of the processing of quartz sand, cullet or mineral rocks of the basalt group - their melting followed by drawing using the TEL fiberization technology. The resulting thinnest, almost microscopic threads with a thickness of 4 ÷ 5 microns and a length of 110 ÷ 150 microns are interconnected with special resins.

Mineral heaters"Isover" are produced in mats, which are then rolled up, and in slabs. Both of them can have different thicknesses and several linear dimensions, depending on their purpose and the recommended laying technology.

The main lines of this material are divided into types according to their areas of application in construction and universal. For example, the purpose of many heaters is clear from the name:

  • "Isover Warm House Stove"
  • "Isover Warm House"
  • "Isover Warm Walls"
  • « Isover Warm roof"
  • "Isover Sauna"

And the following types can be safely attributed to the materials of universal purpose:

  • "Isover Optimal"
  • "Isover Pro"
  • "Isover Classic"
  • "Isover Extra"

Each of the above heaters has its own characteristics that correspond to its area of ​​​​application. They will be discussed below.

In addition, Isover produces heat and sound insulators for floors, interior partitions, ceilings and suspension systems, and wall materials are divided into those used for interior surfaces and for building facades.

There is one more criterion for the division of insulation materials "Isover" - by rigidity. The designation has an alphabetic symbolism applied to the package, and its decoding is given in the table below. This parameter is closely related to such characteristics as the density of the material, its thermal conductivity, and the degree of its compression in the original packaging (many types after opening the package increase significantly in the thickness of the slab or mat).

Table of division of heaters "Isover" according to the degree of rigidity:

Insulation markingAverage density, kg/m³Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m×°KCompression ratio in factory packaging
CT-II– elastic mats in a roll11÷130,041 1:4
CT– elastic mats in a roll17 0,036 1:4
KL-A- flexible plate17 0,041 1:1,5
KL- flexible plate19 0,033 1:1,4
RKL– rigid board reinforced with fiberglass on both sides60 0,030 No
RKL-A– windproof rigid plate (with tongue and groove connection)60 0,030 No
RKL-EJ– a plate of increased rigidity (with tongue-and-groove connection)95 0,031 No
SKL- semi-rigid plate50 0,031 No
VKL- hard plate130 0,032 No

General advantages and disadvantages of Isover heaters

Before proceeding to a detailed review of the technical characteristics of each type of Isover insulation, it makes sense to obtain information about their common features that are inherent in each of these products.

The positive characteristics of this material include the following qualities:

  • Low thermal conductivity allows you to keep the heat generated by the heating units in the house for as long as possible, which means that less fuel will be spent on heating the building, and the owner will save a decent amount on paying for it.
  • A high level of absorption of sound waves - this quality will reliably protect the house from external noise, and the rooms (when using the material in the construction of partitions) - from extraneous internal sounds. Good is achieved due to the structure of the material, since the air gap between the fibers is able to absorb vibrations. Any, in fact, from Isover heaters performs two functions at once: it thermally insulates the room and makes it as quiet as possible. But in addition, the manufacturer produces a material specifically designed specifically for noise protection.
  • A high level of vapor permeability is one of the most important qualities for a heater. Such a material is also called "breathable", since it does not collect and does not retain moisture in its structure, which means that it will not create a favorable environment for the appearance of pathogenic microflora, the walls will not become damp. In addition, the ability to freely pass water vapor makes the insulation more durable in its direct functionality, since the waterlogged material has a sharp increase in thermal conductivity, and it becomes unable to provide proper thermal insulation of building structures.
  • The incombustibility of Isover heat insulators makes them absolutely safe. The material is classified according to the NG combustibility scale, that is, according to the highest degree of resistance to fire, which means that it can be safely used in the construction of frame, block and log houses.
  • "Isover" - slabs and mats are lightweight, so they can be used to insulate buildings in which excessive load on the supporting structures is unacceptable.
  • The service life of the insulation, subject to the installation technology and operating rules, is 50 years or more.
  • Isover heaters are treated with water repellents, that is, water-repellent compounds, so they have a fairly high moisture resistance.
  • Affordable cost. Compared to other similar materials, Isover products have a price that is quite acceptable for a family with an average income.

True, the heat insulators of this manufacturer also have their own “minuses”, which for some may turn out to be significant, so they also need to be mentioned:

  • Since the binders for basalt and glass fibers are usually phenol-formaldehyde resins, the material cannot be called absolutely clean from an environmental point of view. The fact is that over time, such compounds can begin to release toxic fumes into the environment that are dangerous to human health.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer positions its products as absolutely “clean”, this still has to be treated with a certain amount of distrust. Binder resins have not yet been eliminated - and although formaldehyde emission is indeed reduced to a possible minimum, it is too early to talk about its complete absence.

It should also be noted here that almost all heaters of this type include precisely these binders. There is certain exceptions, but they are still so expensive in cost that not every homeowner can afford such thermal insulation.

  • Despite the rather high moisture resistance, it is impossible to exclude waterlogging of the material in direct contact with water. Thus, a thermally insulating structure, for example, on a facade or on a roof, must necessarily provide for a reliable waterproofing layer.
  • Since for the manufacture of any mineral wool, the finest fiber with relative rigidity is used, during installation, its smallest particles can get into the respiratory tract and eyes, and also stick into open areas of the skin. Therefore, this factor somewhat complicates the installation process due to the need to use protective equipment.

In addition, when insulating the house internally, mineral wool must be hermetically sealed with a dust-proof material so that fiber particles do not enter the air of residential premises.

  • The manufacturer calls the advantage of heaters their incombustibility. However, it should be noted that some types of insulation (this applies to foil to a greater extent) are not non-combustible, but self-extinguishing, that is, they do not allow fire to spread. They can be used for buildings raised from any material, but at the same time observing the requirements for ensuring fire safety prescribed in SNiP 21-01-97.

Read interesting information in our new article on our portal.

Characteristics of thermal insulation materials "Isover" and recommendations for their use

Now, having familiarized ourselves with the information about the main "pluses" and "minuses" of Isover thermal and sound insulators, we can proceed to consider the detailed technical characteristics of each of them.

Prices for insulation "Isover"

Isover insulation

Universal heaters "Isover"

The company produces not only narrow-purpose heaters, but also universal ones, which can be used for different building structures. Such materials include: "Optimal", "Profi", "Classic" and "Extra", as well as "Warm House Stove" and "Warm House".

Their technical and operational characteristics are given in the table:

"Isover Optimal" (stove)"Isover Profi" (mats in rolls)"Isover Classic" (plates)"Isover Classic" (mats in rolls)"Isover Extra" (stove)
45 45 54 54 55
1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,3 0,3 0,55 0,55 0,55
Insulation density, kg/m³28÷36.528÷36.515,0 15,0 20,0
Flammability groupNGNGNGNGNG
Thickness, mm50; 100 50;100;150 50; 100 50 50; 100
Width, mm600 1220 610 1220 610
Length, mm1200 5000; 5000; 4000 1170 6150; 8200 1170
0,288 0,61; 0,61; 0,73 0,5; 0,5 0,75; 1,0 0,5
5,76; 2,88 12,2; 6,1; 4,88 10,0; 5,0 15; 20 10,0; 5,0
8; 4 2 (20 plates);
1 (10 plates);
1 (8 plates)
14; 7 2 14; 7

"Isover Optimal"

"Isover Optimal" is a universal material made of basalt fibers, which is used for insulation and soundproofing of all departments of the frame house structure, except for the foundation - this is the roof, ceilings, walls, partitions and floors along the logs.

In this option, in accordance with its name, we found the optimal combination of various qualities of the material:

- low thermal conductivity and excellent elasticity;

— simple installation that does not require additional fasteners;

— versatility of use;

  • The first step is to install racks of timber with a step of 590 mm on the insulated surface or in the frame. Such a distance "in the light" will help the plates of heat and sound insulating material to securely fasten by surprise. The thickness of the timber racks or lag should be equal to the thickness of the heat insulator.

  • The next step between the elements of the crate in one or two layers, insulation plates are installed, which must be pressed at the ends.
  • If the wall of a frame house is insulated, then from the outside the insulation is tightened with a wind-waterproof membrane, and from the inside - with a vapor barrier film. These materials are stretched horizontally along the frame, starting from the bottom line of the wall, and fixed to the frame posts with staples and a stapler. The top sheet must be overlapped on the bottom sheet by 120÷150 mm, the joints of the membranes must be sealed by sticking a moisture-resistant adhesive tape on them.
  • After that, a counter-lattice is fixed on the frame, on top of the film, on which the facing material will already be fixed. Thanks to this approach, a ventilation gap is created between the insulation and the decorative finish, which contributes to the spontaneous removal of water vapor and the evaporation of condensate.
  • The final stage is fixed on the frame structure, first from the side of the street, then from the inside of the house.

"Isover Pro"

"Isover Profi" is made of fiberglass in the form of mats rolled into rolls. This insulation is also universal, as it can be used for thermal insulation of roofs of various shapes, walls from the inside and outside, frame walls, attic floors, floors, suspended ceilings, as well as sound insulation of interior partitions.

This insulation has its own advantages that distinguish it from other Isover products:

  • "Isover Profi" has one of the lowest thermal conductivity of all materials from this manufacturer.
  • Due to the fact that special markings are applied to the mat, it is convenient to cut it. At the same time, even if a non-standard design is insulated, a minimum of waste remains from the material.
  • Insulation is produced different thickness- 150, 100 and 50 mm.
  • This version of the heat insulator belongs to the "NG" group in terms of flammability.
  • The manufacturer positions it as a material safe for human health.

Installation work using such material is easy and fast, since the roll on the package has the markings necessary for cutting. Therefore, the mats are cut to the desired width without unrolling the roll.

  • The first step is to install racks with a standard step of 600 mm for the crate. The width of the roll is 1220 mm, it is cut in half and two strips 610 mm wide are obtained. Thanks to this size, the mats will be tightly installed between the posts or stacked between the lag by surprise.
  • The cut roll is released from packaging, unrolled and installed between the frame elements. If the strip of insulation is not additionally cut into plates across, this will help to avoid the formation of cold bridges.
  • The non-standard arrangement of the racks of the frame will complicate the installation. In this case, before cutting the mat, it is necessary to measure the distance between the frame elements, not forgetting to add 5 mm to the resulting distance for spreading on each side.
  • If the attic structure is also insulated, then before installing the insulation, a windproof film is fixed on the outside of the roof.
  • After the Isover insulation is installed, it must be tightened from the inside with a vapor barrier, the membrane of which is stretched horizontally, starting from the floor of the attic floor.

"Isover Classic"

Due to the fact that "Isover Classic" is universal, it can be used to insulate almost all building structures, excluding the plinth, foundation and surfaces that receive a high load. They are heat and sound insulated with frame structures - partitions and external walls, roofs and ceilings, ventilated facades and floors along logs.

"Isover Classic" is a fiberglass insulation produced in the form of mats in rolls and plates, with low rigidity. This means that it has a pronounced porous structure, which makes this material a good insulator.

However, this type of insulation does not have high strength characteristics, therefore it is not suitable for installation under a screed and for finishing walls with plaster. If it is planned to be used for facade insulation, then only for materials such as siding, lining or plates fixed on the crate.

"Isover Classic" has the following distinctive features:

  • A layer of this insulation with a thickness of 50 mm is equivalent in terms of heat saving to brickwork with a thickness of 950 mm.
  • Using "Isover Classic" as a home insulation, you can reduce the cost of heating the building by 40÷45%.
  • The material performs two functions at once - protecting the house from the cold and external noise.
  • Installation of plates is carried out without the use of additional fasteners - it is installed at a distance between the elements of the crate or lags, adjoins them tightly, excluding the occurrence of cold bridges.

  • If the floor is insulated along the lags, then it is recommended to fix them on glassine pre-spread on the base.
  • The width of the "Isover Classic" slabs is 610 mm, and the mats are 1220 mm, so the distance between the floor joists or the racks of the crate should be 600 mm.
  • The roll is cut across in the packaged form in half. The manufacturer prudently applies markings on the packaging, which will be easy to navigate when cutting the material.
  • Then, the insulation boards are laid, and the mats are rolled out between the wooden structural elements. Due to the fact that the heat insulator has a width greater than the distance between the lags by 10 mm, it will fit snugly between them.
  • The insulation must fill all the space between the timber. Only in this case, it is possible to achieve the desired effect of keeping warm and protecting from outside noise.
  • If the insulation is installed in two layers, then the mats of the second layer must be laid or installed with an offset of their joints by 120 ÷ 150 mm relative to the first.
  • The material is recommended to be used in combination with a wind and hydroprotective film and a vapor barrier membrane.

"Isover Extra"

"Isover Extra" is a fiberglass insulation in the form of plates with increased elasticity with a 3D effect, which allows the material to straighten out after it is compressed, filling all the free space between the timber or metal profiles in drywall systems. In addition, the plates fit snugly against the wall when insulating vertical surfaces, and are also tightly connected to each other at the joints, which completely eliminates the appearance of cold bridges.

Thanks to these features, Isover Extra insulation is universal and is used for thermal insulation of walls from the inside of rooms, facade surfaces for cladding them with bricks, siding, clapboard and decorative plates, roofs of various modifications.

"Isover Extra" has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.034, which makes it one of the most effective materials from the heaters presented by "Isover" in terms of heat saving - its use reduces heat loss to a minimum.

Installation of this type of insulation is carried out according to the manufacturer's recommendations given above, taking into account the width of the plates and the distance between the frame elements. The only thing I would like to add is that, thanks to the 3D effect, there is no need to level the surface to be insulated for the installation of Isover Extra - due to expansion, it will fit snugly against it.

"Isover Warm House Stove" and "Isover Warm House"

These two thermal insulation materials can also be called universal, as they are suitable for installation in most construction sites. Their main characteristics, slightly different from each other, are shown in the table:

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Warm House""Isover Warm House Stove"
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0,040 0,040
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)45 45
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1,0 1,0
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,55 0,55
Insulation density, kg/m³11,0 11,0
Flammability groupNGNG
Thickness, mm50 50 and 100
Width, mm1220 610
Length, mm5490 and 70001170
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0.67 and 0.850.5 and 0.5
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²13.4 and 17.110 and 5
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.2 and 214 and 7

"Isover Warm House Stove" and "Isover Warm House", as can be seen from the table above, have the same physical and operational characteristics and differ only in linear dimensions and volume. Both materials are made from fiberglass obtained from the processing of a specially selected mixture of limestone, sand and soda. However, plates are more convenient to use for insulation in one area, and mats in another.

  • "Isover Warm House Stove", as the name implies, it is produced in slabs, which are more convenient to use for thermal insulation of vertical surfaces, both from the inside and outside, as well as to insulate them
  • "Isover Warm House" It is produced in the form of mats and goes on sale in rolls. This modification of the insulation is perfect for laying on horizontal surfaces. So, they isolate the interfloor ceilings, they will insulate the floors well above the cold basement, but they are mounted only between the logs, and this material is not suitable for screeding.

Having dealt with the universal insulation "Isover", you can proceed to consider those that are designed for specific areas of the structure.

Isover mineral wool for specific applications

For individual sections of thermal insulation of buildings, the manufacturer has developed several types of specific materials. Therefore, to make it easier to understand their models, they should be combined into groups.

Facade insulation for further plastering

To insulate this part of the building, several Isover materials are used - these are Facade-Master, Plaster Facade, Facade and Facade-Light. Each of them is designed for specific surfaces, so their characteristics differ from each other:

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Facade-Master" (plate)"Isover Stucco Facade" (slab)"Isover Facade" (plate)"Isover Facade-Light" (plate)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0.036÷0.0400.038÷0.0400.037÷0.0420,034
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)45 45 45 55
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,3 0,4 0,55 0,4
Insulation density, kg/m³125,0 80,0 125÷15550,0
Flammability groupNGNGNGNG
Thickness, mm50, 100, 150,200 50, 100, 150 50, 100,150 50, 100,150
Width, mm600 600 600 600
Length, mm1200 1200 1200 1200
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,288 0,288; 0,288; 0,216 0,144; 144; 0,216 0,288; 0,216; 0,216
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²1,44; 1,44; 2,16; 1,44 5,76; 2,88; 1,44 2,88; 1,44; 1,44 5,76; 2,88; 1,44
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.4,0; 2,0; 2,0; 1,0 8,0; 4,0; 2,0 4,0; 2,0; 2,0 8,0; 3,0; 2,0

  • - this is a heater made of basalt fiber (stone wool), it goes on sale in slabs of different thicknesses. The material is intended for insulation of the facade of residential buildings up to 16 meters high, under thin-layer plaster.

Prices for plaster "Facade-master"

facade master

  • produced in glass fiber slabs and is an innovative material for thermal insulation of a building from the outside. This material has a more affordable price than the previous one, but is also intended for installation under finishing with plaster solutions, which will be applied to their surface in a thin layer.

  • produced in the form of slabs of basalt fiber, and is intended for facade insulation. The material is usually laid with the expectation of subsequent finishing with decorative plaster.

  • - this version of fiberglass facade insulation is used for low-rise buildings and is installed under the finish with a thin plaster layer. The material is well suited for warming country houses and cottages. The insulation is characterized by high strength and rigidity, however, it has less weight compared to heaters of a similar purpose.
  • Work on the insulation of the facade using the "wet facade" technology, that is, with subsequent plastering, must be carried out at a temperature of at least +5 degrees, having previously protected the walls from possible direct ingress of water. Usually, a temporary structure made of timber or metal profiles is installed for this, which serves as a frame for a plastic film.
  • Installation of insulation starts from the bottom of the wall. Fix the plates on a pre-primed and dried wall, on an adhesive solution. The solution must be applied to the surface of the slab so that contact is ensured over at least 40% of the total area of ​​the slab.

  • The plates are glued to the wall, pressing tightly against each other. If between them, due to the incorrect "geometry" of the walls, gaps of more than 2 mm are formed, they must be filled with strips of the same insulation.

  • After the glue dries, the insulation is additionally fixed on the wall with special fasteners, the so-called "fungi".

  • The next step is to cover the insulated surface of the wall with a thin layer of adhesive, so that the relief of the plates can be seen through it. Usually the same glue is used as when installing the plates. After that, a thicker layer is applied, about 3 ÷ 5 mm, and it is recommended to walk over it with a notched trowel with a low comb.

  • After that, without a pause, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh is fixed on the prepared surface, which is sunk into the distributed solution with a spatula (trowel). The mesh must be completely immersed in the solution.
  • Next, proceed to the application of a thin (about 3 ÷ 4 mm) base plaster layer. It may be a special composition designed specifically for " wet facade”, or again the same mounting adhesive for mineral wool. This layer is leveled, smoothed, and when ready, it is primed with a special composition for a specific type of decorative plaster.
  • After the base plaster layer dries, decorative plaster can be applied on it.

Wall insulation materials inside and out

The next line of insulation "Isover" includes products designed for thermal and sound insulation of walls both from the inside and outside. These include such universal materials, such as "Isover Profi" and "Isover Classic Stove", the characteristics of which are described above, as well as "Isover Warm Walls", "Isover Warm and Quiet Wall" and "Isover Standard", the parameters of which are presented in the following table:

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Warm Walls" (stove)"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall" (mats in rolls)"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall" (plates)"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall Plus" (plates)"Isover Standard" (plates)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0.036÷0.0400,034 0,037 0,037 0.035÷0.039
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)45 50 50 54 45
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,3 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,3
Insulation density, kg/m³20,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 40÷55
Flammability groupNGNGNGNGNG
Thickness, mm50, 100 100 50, 100 50 50, 100
Width, mm610 1220 600 610 600
Length, mm1170 5000 1200 1170 1200
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,5; 0,5 0,61 0,288 0,356 0,288
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²10,0; 5,0 6,1 5,76; 2,88 7,14 5,76; 2,88
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.14,0; 7,0 1,0 8,0; 4,0 10,0 8,0; 4,0

"Isover Standard"

"Isover Standard" - these are plates made from basalt fibers, which are used in multilayer insulating structures, in which a block house, siding, lining, facing brick, and other similar materials act as a decorative finish. In addition, Standard slabs are also suitable for thermal insulation of frame structures, as well as for attic and pitched roofs.

  • The material has an average density, therefore it is not suitable for installation under plastering walls.
  • The good elasticity of the insulation ensures its snug fit to the surfaces of the walls and the frame structure.
  • Increased tensile and strength parameters provide reliable fixation of the plates with the help of special clamping fasteners - "fungi".

"Isover Warm Walls"

"Isover Warm Walls" are heat and sound insulating boards made of glass fibers, reinforced with a water-repellent treatment.

This version of the insulation is used for thermal insulation of walls from the inside of the building and for outdoor installation under sheathing with siding, decorative plates, clapboard or facing bricks, as well as for installation in frame structures. In addition, the material is suitable for insulating roofs of various configurations, as well as loggias and balconies.

  • Insulation plates are sufficiently resilient and elastic, so they hold well between the racks of the frame, do not slip or break during installation.
  • Increased moisture resistance allows the use of material for insulation of roofs and balconies.

"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall"

"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall" is made of fiberglass in the form of plates and mats. Due to its porous structure, the material is able to perform two functions, which are reflected in its name.

This version of "Isover" is used for internal and external wall insulation, as well as for frame buildings.

  • "Isover Heat and Quiet Walls" has an increased vapor permeability parameter compared to other heaters, which allows it to "breathe". Thanks to this quality, a favorable microclimate is created in the premises of the house.
  • The materials have high elasticity, so they quickly straighten out in the frame, filling all the free space.
  • When installing slabs or mats in any frame, they do not need to be additionally fixed, since they are perfectly held due to the expansion during self-expansion.

"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall Plus"

This version of wall insulation is produced in fiberglass slabs and has characteristics similar to the materials presented above. But its distinctive feature is a lower thermal conductivity and an increased sound insulation index.

"Isover Heat and Quiet Wall Plus" is designed to insulate walls from the inside of the building, as well as from the outside under the decorative layer of siding, slabs, lining or facing bricks. In addition, using additional protective materials, such as wind-waterproofing and vapor barrier membranes, these boards can also be used to insulate frame structures.

Recommendations for internal insulation walls from the manufacturer

Work on the installation of insulation mats or plates on the walls between wooden racks or metal profiles is quite simple, with the correct marking and installation of the elements of the crate.

  • The first step is to fix the crate on the marked wall. Racks are installed at a distance from each other, depending on the width of the insulation material. So, if the width of the plate is 600 mm, then the racks must be fixed in increments of 590 mm.
  • Further, insulation material is installed between the fixed racks. It can be mounted in one or two layers, depending on the required thickness.
  • If a metal profile is used for the frame, it may be necessary to additionally fix the plates on the wall with dish-shaped dowels - “fungi”. When installing a crate from a bar, there is usually no need for additional fixation of the insulation, since it is securely held due to self-expansion.

  • After all the insulation is installed in its place, it must be tightened from the side of the room with a vapor barrier membrane, which will additionally become a layer that will delay the spread of dust, and small particles from mineral wool fibers will not enter the airspace of the premises. The membrane sheets are stretched horizontally, starting from the floor, each subsequent strip is overlapped by 120 ÷ 150 mm on the bottom, and their joints are sealed with adhesive tape.
  • Further, drywall plates, one of the types of lining or decorative plates are fixed to the frame elements.

When installing insulation using this technology on the outer surfaces of the walls, work is carried out in a similar way, with the exception of some points. For example, instead of a vapor barrier, a wind-damp-proof diffuse membrane is stretched over the insulation (which passes water vapor well), and on top of it, counter-battens are fixed to the racks, which will create a ventilated gap between the insulation and the decorative sheathing. Thus, moisture will freely evaporate into the atmosphere.

Isover materials for roof insulation

To insulate the roof, Isover also provided several heat-insulating materials, and some of them have already been described above - these are the Optimal and Profi station wagons. In addition to them, there are also highly specialized heaters "Isover Warm Roof" and "Isover Pitched Roofs and Attics", the characteristics of which will be discussed further.

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Warm Roof" (mats in rolls)"Isover Pitched Roofs" (slabs)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0.037÷0.0390.037÷0.039
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)45 45
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more0,08 1
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,3 0,55
Insulation density, kg/m³13÷1515
Flammability groupNGNG
Thickness, mm50; 150 50, 100
Width, mm1220 610
Length, mm5000; 4000 1170
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,61; 0,73 0,714
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²12,2; 4,88 14,27; 7,14
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.2,0; 1,0 20,0; 10,0

"Isover Warm Roof" and "Isover Pitched Roofs"

Both materials are designed to insulate roof slopes of different configurations, but have different characteristics, in terms of release form, linear dimensions and material of manufacture. They are united by the fact that heaters for this area of ​​application undergo a special treatment using the AquaProtect technology, which provides products with increased moisture resistance.

  • "Isover Warm Roof" is made of fiberglass in the form of mats rolled into rolls. They go on sale in a polyethylene package, on which markings are applied for the convenience of cutting the material along its width.

  • "Isover Pitched Roofs" - made from basalt fibers in the form of slabs, which are pressed and also packaged in polyethylene.

These materials are suitable for thermal insulation of the surfaces of pitched and mansard roofs, as well as, by the way, for wall surfaces from the inside and outside under cladding with decorative panels and facing bricks.

The procedure for installing insulation in the roof truss system is described in the "Isover Profi" section.

Floor insulation and soundproofing

In order to insulate the floors with high quality, the manufacturing company has developed two types of special materials - Isover Floor and Isover Floating Floor, which have different technical and operational characteristics:

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Floor" (plates)"Isover Floating Floor" (slabs)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0,036 0,033
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)32÷3637
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1 1
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,3 0,3
Insulation density, kg/m³125 80
Compressive strength at 10% deformation, kPa, not less than8÷208÷20
Flammability groupNGNG
Thickness, mm30; 40; 50 20; 20; 30; 40; 50
Width, mm600 1190
Length, mm1200 1380
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,173; 0,216; 0,216 0,197; 0,296; 0,296; 0,328; 0,328
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²5,76; 4,32; 4,32 9,85; 14,78; 9,85; 8,21; 6,57
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.8,0; 6,0; 6,0 6,0; 9,0; 6,0; 5,0; 4,0

These materials have a common purpose, and therefore similar characteristics. The manufacturer in their development has achieved the optimal combination of damping properties and mechanical characteristics. Both types of insulation are easy to install, but their installation technologies differ from each other.

Products not only insulate surfaces, but also significantly reduce the noise coming from the insulated room to the one below the floor and vice versa.

  • "Isover Flor"- These are plates made of basalt fiber with increased rigidity. They are used for arranging a floating floor, as well as a floor along logs. The construction of a floating floor provides greater efficiency in creating a warm and quiet floor, since the insulation in it completely covers the entire surface. The material is adapted to high loads, so it may well be laid under a concrete screed.

  • "Isover Floating Floor"- this version of the slabs made of glass fibers is intended to create a "floating" floor - a concrete screed that is not connected to the walls and the base. For a tighter connection of the plates to each other, the manufacturer, by order of consumers, can produce products with a tenon-groove connection. However, jointed slabs can only be used on a perfectly leveled surface.

Products have high strength characteristics due to the technology of vertical arrangement of fibers.

"Floating" refers to the design of the floor, which is not fixed to the base, for example, to the floor slab.

If it is supposed to do "wet" cement-sand screed covering the insulation, then the plates laid on the base must be covered with a layer of waterproofing. This material is intended to protect the insulation from the penetration of moisture from the concrete solution. Waterproofing sheets are overlapped by 200÷250 mm. Waterproofing is also provided between the base and the insulation layer - to prevent capillary penetration of moisture into the material.

Prices for insulation "Isover flora"

insulation Isover floor

In addition, when arranging any, before installing the insulation, it is necessary to install a damper tape around the perimeter of the room or narrow strips cut from the insulation, 10 ÷ 12 mm thick, and a height that will exceed the level of the screed by 120 ÷ 150 mm.

After the screed has hardened, it will be easy to cut off the excess damper strip. This element of the “pie” structure will enhance sound insulation, since the screed will not adjoin the walls and will not directly transmit noise vibrations. In addition, such a damper will keep the screed intact during linear expansions caused by temperature changes.

Isover materials for building soundproofing

To protect the house from external and internal noise, the company produces two types of specific material - Isover Quiet House and Isover Sound Protection. However, in addition to them, for this purpose, the above-mentioned universal heaters "Classic" and "Profi" can be used, which have characteristics that are quite suitable for this purpose.

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Quiet House" (plates)"Isover SoundProtection" (plates)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0,038 0.038÷0.044
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)54 54
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1 1
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,7 0,55
Insulation density, kg/m³15 15
Flammability groupNGNG
Thickness, mm50 50; 100; 50; 75; 100
Width, mm610 610
Length, mm1170 1170
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,5 0,5; 0,5; 0,714; 0,856; 0,714
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²10,0 10,0; 5,0; 14,27; 11,42; 7,14
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.14,0 14,0; 7,0; 20,0; 16,0; 10,0
  • "Isover Quiethouse»

"Isover Quiet House" - this heat and sound insulator made of fiberglass, goes on sale in polyethylene packages. The material has a high noise absorption index, therefore it is an excellent tool for soundproofing walls and interior partitions.

In addition, the slabs are laid on horizontal surfaces - between the floor joists, attic floor beams, in the space between the suspended ceiling and the floor slab, etc. Their installation will make the rooms not only quiet, but also warm, since the material performs two functions at once.

  • "Isover SoundProtection"

"Isover ZvukoZaschita" are slabs molded from basalt fiber, which have a pronounced elasticity. Due to this quality, they are easy to mount in a frame crate, installed in the form of a partition or fixed to the wall.

Soundproof boards can be used in combination with other insulation materials, installing them in two layers. This design will be especially effective for frame partitions.

This material is also perfect for attic floors, since the sound insulator layer will not only prevent extraneous sounds from entering the house, but also retain the accumulated heat, preventing it from escaping through the ceiling.

Most often, walls and partitions insulated with slabs are sheathed, as it is best suited for such structures.

  • The slabs should fit snugly against each other or against the elements of the crate, since even small gaps can significantly reduce the level of sound insulation.
  • It is best to cover the insulated wall with plasterboard sheets - it also absorbs sound waves well, resonates much less compared to wood-based sheets - plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, OSB, etc.
  • Before sheathing with drywall, mineral wool must be covered with a material that does not let dust into the living quarters along with microscopic fragments of fibers. At the same time, such a membrane should act as a vapor barrier.
  • If metal profiles are used for the frame, it is recommended to stick a vibration-proof tape on their outer surface before fixing the drywall, which will also help reduce the noise level.
  • The gaps allowed between the plasterboard sheets will reduce the soundproofing effect, therefore, during installation, care should be taken that they are not more than 2 ÷ 3 mm. If this was not achieved, it is best to use silicone and acrylic-based sealants to seal them, as they also have a soundproofing effect, do not crumble and adhere securely to the surface.

Materials for thermal insulation in the bath and sauna

For the insulation of saunas and baths in the range of materials from this manufacturer, you can find a specific offer - these are mats rolled up, with characteristic name Isover Sauna.

This material is made of fiberglass and has a foil coating on the front side. The main characteristics of "Isover Sauna" are presented in the table:

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Sauna", mats in rolls
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0,041
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)54
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pavapor-tight
Insulation density, kg/m³30
Flammability groupG1 based on NG
Thickness, mm50;100
Width, mm1200
Length, mm12500; 6250
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,75
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²15,0; 7,5
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.1,0

The following points can be attributed to the features of this heat-insulating material:

  • The mats consist of two layers: the main one, made of mineral wool based on glass fiber, and the outer one, made of foil. At the same time, mineral wool is characterized as a non-combustible material, and the foil coating belongs to the G1 combustibility class, as it withstands surface temperatures up to 100 degrees, mostly due to the adhesive layer that holds the foil. With higher heating, this layer loses its elasticity and, under direct exposure to a flame, can ignite, although being self-extinguishing. To prevent this from happening, as well as to give the walls a decorative effect, they are usually sheathed with wooden clapboard.
  • "Isover Sauna" takes on two functions: it is a good heat insulator and at the same time - a vapor barrier that protects the mineral layer from abundant evaporation, which are an integral part of a bath or sauna.
  • The foil layer has the ability to reflect heat from the walls back into the room, which significantly increases heat saving, which is so important for bath conditions.

To understand the installation process, you can consider an approximate scheme for installing materials:

  • The wall of a log house (there may well be any other wall of the bath).
  • Timber framing. In this case, it is installed horizontally, but this is not important.
  • Insulation "Isover Sauna".
  • Spacer strips that create an air gap.
  • The interior lining of the premises is made of natural lining.

Installation of "Isover Sauna" on the walls is not very different from the installation of conventional heaters, except for some nuances:

  • The material is mounted between the racks in a spacer, with the foil side inside the room.
  • The joints of the heat insulator plates with the guides and between themselves, as well as the remaining open front part of the guides, must be sealed with foil adhesive tape.

  • Mats need to be cut only with a very sharp knife, otherwise the cuts will turn out uneven and when installing insulation between the racks, unacceptable gaps are formed.
  • On top of the insulation, counter-lattices perpendicular to the guide rails are installed. They will additionally press the insulation against the wall, create a ventilation gap between the foil surface and the decorative sheathing, and become the basis for attaching the cladding. The thickness of the rails must be at least 25÷30 mm.
  • The final stage is the lining of the wall with clapboard, which is fixed to the rails of the counter-lattice.

And what is the thickness of the material "Isover" is necessary for effective thermal insulation?

We hope that after getting acquainted with the range of Isover heaters, the purpose and characteristics of each of the types, the interested reader will be able to choose optimum material for your needs. But here's another question - how thick should the insulation be in order for it to really fulfill its role, so that a comfortable microclimate is maintained in the premises?

To determine this, you will need to make some thermal calculations. Usually they are carried out by socialists, but for a private developer, a somewhat simplified algorithm for determining the thickness of thermal insulation is enough. Let's try - you will see that everything is not so difficult.

The calculation is based on the fact that any building structure of a residential building must have a certain parameter - heat transfer resistance. This value (R) is expressed in m² × ° C / W, and the larger it is, the higher the thermal insulation capacity of the structure.

Specialists in the field of construction and heat engineering carried out the necessary calculations, on the basis of which normalized values ​​were established thermal resistance for different regions of the country, in accordance with their climatic features. This suggests that in order to maintain an optimal microclimate in residential premises at any time of the year, it is required that the heat transfer resistance of building structures be at least not lower than normalized.

The corresponding tables of normalized values ​​are in the SNiP, but it will be more convenient to use the diagram below.

There is a special formula that shows the relationship between the thermal conductivity of any material, the thickness of its layer, and the resulting resistance to heat transfer.


R is the required resistance to heat transfer;

h is the thickness of a specific layer;

λ - tabular value of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material from which the calculated layer is made.

  • Thus, knowing, for example, the thickness of the wall requiring insulation, and the material of its manufacture, it is easy to find what thermal resistance it provides.
  • The same calculations are made for other layers of the structure, if they affect the overall insulation of the wall. After a layer-by-layer calculation, the values ​​are summarized.
  • Then the total value must be compared with the normalized value established for your region. You will get a difference (usually very impressive), which the insulation material should make up for.
  • Well, knowing the thermal conductivity of the selected insulation, it is easy to determine the required thickness by the formula.

“In words”, perhaps, it will seem difficult to someone, but with our online calculator, which takes into account the necessary tabular values ​​​​and the necessary dependencies, the calculation will not be difficult.

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