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Equipment for the production of soap at home. Homemade manual soap production

If you are already a Master for the manufacture of soap at home or only learns, think about how to make a source of income from this. Humanity is engaged in soaping throughout the Millennium, and about 10 years ago, it turned out of work in real art. The diversity of recipes, fragrances, forms, ingredients allows you to create masterpieces.

Soaping is an interesting, creative thing, which can be done with almost scratch. Consumers preserve the content of natural components, hypoallergenicity, exclusivity, an unusual appearance. Some products due to special ingredients can carefully clean and treat the skin, protect it from the effects of negative factors. This is an excellent gift.

With the competent organization of sales of soap production handmade will bring a worthy income.

How to open a model for the production of soap?

In the West as a business manual soap is popular. In Russia, the direction only develops, so you can take the place "under the sun" without a tough competitive struggle. Large release began 3-4 years ago, in many regions, Niche is still free.

One of the arguments in favor of the business is the ability to produce soap at home or in a small workshop. Need only gas or electric stove For cooking. The process does not require special knowledge, long preparation.

In order for the case to develop faster, it is better to establish a release according to plan, compiled in advance.


For the production of soap at home, needed:

  • Scales for liquids. Do not buy mechanical - they have too high error.
  • Capacity for cooking.
  • Forms.
  • Thermometer.
  • Grater for soap base.
  • Pipettes.
  • Shovels for mixing.
  • Scoop.
  • Refrigerator.

Glass, plastic and stainless steel pans are suitable as containers. Do not use wood and aluminum dishes, since alkaline solution comes with them to the reaction.

As the client base, business expansion and reducing use manual labor It makes sense to modernize the technical process.

The technological line for the manufacture of soap consists of:

  • mixer;
  • mills;
  • machines for molding;
  • machine for stamping;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • machine for cutting.

Chinese manufacturers offer a lot suitable equipment For work on modest rates.

Exotic Soap Production: Technology

There are 2 technologies:

  • Cold. The soap mass is thoroughly mixed with essential oils, champs, honey, other components. Next is poured into forms, freezes for 2-4 days. The frozen one piece is cut into parts, leave "trim" within a certain time (from month to year - depending on the variety).
  • Hot. Best Methodology To increase profitability. The soap mass is slowly heated, constantly mixed, due to which the reaction is sweeping. After a few hours in the mixture add additional components, spill it in forms. The frozen mass is cut, acquires the final consistency within 2 weeks.

Both soap production technologies are similar. Only the composition and proportions of the ingredients are changing for the base.


At the promotion stage, all the work can be done independently. This will avoid losses if the products are unclaimed. Then they will need production and warehouse space, special equipment, staff.

When expanding, it will be necessary from 5 employees:

  • Basher. Leads the process and is responsible for the result.
  • Assistant. Performs secondary operations.
  • Packer. Engaged in packing finished products.
  • Designer. Develops appearance, logo. It is not necessary to keep it in the state, you can use third-party services. Or develop design yourself.
  • Sales Manager. Conducts advertising campaigns, conquers audience trust.


In addition to auxiliary products (Cellofan, gift paper, ribbons, ropes) need to purchase raw materials for the manufacture of handmade soap. By the way, creative packaging - important detail In the promotion of goods. It must be transparent.

As raw materials use:

  • Soap base. Transparent or white color, consists of fatty acids, glycerin. Usually implemented for weight. There is a liquid base for the manufacture of liquid soap, gels, shampoos.
  • Oil. Protect the skin from dehydration, irritation. Olive, coconut oil, jojoba.
  • Ether. Served as flavors. Enter soap useful properties. Popular citrus, lavender, mint tree, equalipte, patch, ylang-ylang, tea tree. Each oil is a natural antiseptic, protects against a rash on the face. The greatest complexity is dosage and fixation of the aroma of essential oils.
  • Dyes. Allow you to create a bright or multicolor soap. There are many coloring substances on the market, so the creative process is limited only by your fantasy. The best option is dyes of natural origin. They are harmless. Products from natural product products are especially demand.
  • Fillers. These are the ingredients for the gentle gumaha, additives for scraping (ground apricot bones, ground coffee beans, raspberry seeds, fruit and berry fiber, synthetic abrasives). Still put dried herbs, gelatin.
  • Fondes. With the help of essential oils, you can achieve a magic aroma, but this is not enough. The flavors will make the smell more saturated, help create a product with a fragrance of a cake, fruit, sweets.


Realize products profitable on the Internet. You need to create groups in social networks, your site, place ads on women's forums and thematic sites. Good effect brought sales through Instagram. An important role is played by the image. Make bright photos - this is the first thing potential customers will pay attention to. Do not skimp on the product description, shed the composition, the benefits of each component and the benefits of the product (natural ingredients, anti-allergy, unusual design).

Try to popularize the production of exotic soap through the "Sarafan Radio". Give on a piece of friends and acquaintances and ask them to tell about your product as many people as possible.

Registration Business on soap

Soaping in the Russian Federation is mostly illegal activities. Handmade soap People produce in their own kitchens, sell through social networks and messengers. You can register as an artisan. It is necessary to regularly pay the collection - then you can not be afraid of fines.

If you are going to rent a room and hire personnel, open LLC or IP. Choose a simplified taxation system, for example, USN with a tax of 15% per difference between profit and costs.

When making a soap business, such documents will be needed:

Application for registration of IP in form P21001

Statement in form p11001

Photocopy passport

The solution of the only founder or the protocol of the General Meeting of the founders about the opening of LLC

The receipt of the payment of state duty (as of 2019, the amount is 800 rubles).

Charter in 2 copies

Receipt of payment of state duty (as of 2019, the amount is 4 thousand rubles)

Documents confirming the availability of legal address.

Suitable OKVED codes: 24.51.3 and 24.51.4.

Calculation of profit and payback

Calculate the profitability of business in the production at home:

  • Scales - 10,000 rubles.
  • Dishes, forms, blades - 15 000 rubles.
  • Raw materials - 30,000 rubles.
  • Packaging materials - 5,000 rubles.
  • Advertising costs - 15,000 rubles.

Total sales plan: 75 000 rubles will be required for the start.

From the purchased raw materials you will make about 100 pieces of handmade soap. The price of everyone is 300 rubles.

Cumulative profits will be 30 thousand rubles. To recoup the initial costs, you need 3-4 months.

Is it a risky business?

The mini business in the production of soap has pros and cons:


Before followed by the example of the heroes of the film "Fight Club", make a detailed business plan for soaping with calculations. Create a mini business without preparation, as in the movie, is unlikely to succeed. Scrupulously examine the market of handmade soap and competitors. If you are able to create a better product and stand out, you will be able to work. If you make a mediocre product similar to what already exists, improve the approach.

You should not be limited to your region. Online store is a great way to sell throughout the country, sending it by mail. However, you will need time and money to promote the store. You can sell in Russia through social networks.

It is important to make an exceptional soap that will attract the attention of the target audience as an appearance and characteristics. Then the success will be on your side!

A small business at home, as an addition to the main work - always a very profitable investment of time and money. Does not require large financial investments, takes little time and is very valued due to the uniqueness of the manufactured products or product. For those "cases - hobby" belongs to the business for the production of handmade soap, and much more.

Why this particular business is very good for a small homeproof?

The business idea of \u200b\u200bthe production of soap for our country is new and has not yet managed to renounce the market. Beautiful, original, and most importantly, useful, soap from the subject of hygiene turned into best gift To the close and ability to express your creative "I".

Benefits and Disadvantages of Business

Why is it worth selling handmade soap as a business?

Soaping many advantages:

  • Inexpensive equipment;
  • Soap creation technology is available to each Wishing;
  • Your buyers can be men and women of any age, social status, profession;
  • Manual handmade soap - it is clean creativity, the ability to experiment;
  • Even if your city charges several dozen sozes, each of them will be unique. This means that there will be no problems with the clientele.

Of course, working with soap has its own minuses:

  • You still have to invest certain resources in this case;
  • Sales of finished products are far from immediately;
  • Soap production is not suitable for allergies. Work with essential oils or chemicals, if you have sensitive leather or mucous membranes, can turn out of pleasant leisure to the daytime.

Manufacturing technology

Soap manufacturing technology includes two global stages:

  • Creating a soap base with additives;
  • Formation from this mixture of a product ready for sale.

The process of manufacturing soap

The soap base from which our process begins is sold in stores. You need it in large quantities, so negotiate with suppliers. So, you will be able to purchase raw materials (if you are lucky, then with a discount), then not to look for the foundation you need after each new batch of the finished product.

The base for soap is poured into a saucepan, where it is then boiled, and the master adds essential oils, dyes, aromatic substances. Soaping has a lot of recipes, so each master should know at least a couple of dozen.

A more time-consuming process is a full-scale manufacture of soap. This production uses natural fats, alkali and other components. This method requires more thorough preparation. You must be familiar with the technologies of industrial production, know the principle of the reaction of washing, be able to measure the pH of the obtained product. On the ripening of the finished product takes a long time. To pH soap reaches a neutral mark, should pass about 30 days.

The appearance of the soap is critical to the successful promotion of affairs. Most often, people buy soap as a gift close to the holidays. Beautiful packaging, bright color, impurities of shades, charming fragrance - what will be cling, attracting attention. The more the smallest things are successfully connected in the finished product - the more chances to sell it profitable.

Business plan

Business Plan for the production of soap We will look for two cases: sales of products at home (via the Internet, for example) and the opening of the store.

The first case allows you to quietly lower the three points of the plan:

  • Check in;
  • Premises;
  • Repairs.

You will not need to make anything or search for: it will be possible to immediately move to the equipment purchase stage.

The second situation is much more interesting. The first thing is to register an IP (private entrepreneur), registration with the tax authority and local administration, receiving permits from the sanitary and epidemiological and fire station, and then - search for space.

Rental premises

Let's talk about the room. Small roomChosen for the future shop must be located where future buyers will see it. The ideal option will be the street, avenue, plots approximate to the subway or center, large stores. The room will require the relevant repair work. Think over the concept that will make it unique to attract attention to it. Pun the beautiful wallpaper, hang on the walls of drapery, arrange the racks on which there will be beautifully packaged soap sets, install the counter, seller's seat, get acquisition cash machine and computer. If your trading point has some specific subject, for example, "soap, cooked through ancient Indian recipes", the more interesting. So, the store will have a chance to become a landmark.


For the manufacture of handmade soap at home, one or more plates (gas or electric) are needed, huge pots (liters at 15, no less), forms where the final solution, scales, laboratory dishes are spilled, thermometer. The stove will cost the future businessman from 100 to 300 dollars. The pot will leave 60 y. e. And 20 forms are drawn up for about $ 200.

Forms may be the most different. The easiest option is ordinary rectangular shapes. But much more interesting if soap will acquire the appearance of some flower, birds or geometric Figure. You can use baby molds for sandboxes, baking, special (they are sold in soap stores).


A large part of the expense will be the purchase of materials: soapy bases, oils, perfume compositions, vitamins.

For example, 1 ton of the foundation will cost about 6 thousand y. e. Tona is too much, for a start, it is quite enough kilogram of 100-200. To give beautiful products external view A variety of dyes are used. Handmade soap production as a business is attractive because each piece of the finished product will differ from its fellow. To achieve this, the manufacturer needs to purchase a large range of aromatic and vitamin supplements, herbs, honey - in general, let the will of fantasy.


There are no many personnel in the production of soap. While the master is working at home and does not plan to open the store, the only employee in this company will be he himself. Is that his loved ones want to help. When the time comes to open a trading point, sellers will be required (2 people sewn), accountant, guard and cleaner. For salary, each of them will leave from 20 thousand rubles per month. Sale of products via the Internet from this point of view is clearly more profitable.


Soap production is a process, at the exit of which is a very beautiful product. Advertising must be repel from this. Make a website with artistic photos, come up with the original feed, create communities on social networks.

Many soaps at the initial stages carried out pre-holiday thematic shares. Making a party of the thematic New Year or Christmas soap, offered it in offices and shops, took orders, handed out business cards. Booklets, flyers, business cards - generally universal way tell about yourself. They can be left everywhere and give anyone.

Acquisition of a ready-made business with a plan and work under a well-known brand seems to be more attractive decision, especially considering the popularization of free business franchises selling handmade soap. However, in practice, most potential franchisees (Tsarskoye Silent Manufactory, soap treasure shop, Riga soap manufactory, soyloff) are no more than ordinary product suppliers with partners standard contract Deliveries.

Support and training of business rules in such cases is offered in free consultative form, without providing instructions, technologies, methods, and the main guarantee that provides for the original contract of the franchise. This means that you will still need to independently develop a business plan and solve organizational tasks.

Business plan for handmade soap

If you want to represent a unique product on the market, you need to learn how to boil soap yourself. Special education is not required for this. Learn skill can any creative person. You can start working at home (in the kitchen) with a minimal range of finished products. Next, when the customer base is accumulated, you can expand your business by opening a small workshop and tracing hired staff.

Necessary start-up capital To start work, it consists of the cost of buying equipment, raw materials, payment communal services and advertising products. If assumed retail Soap at its own point of sale, you should add the rental of the premises and the cost of branding and furniture (racks, counters).

Handmade soap production equipment

The cooking technology at home involves the use of the finished soap base (glycerin and fatty acids), which is melted and mixed with various fillers (scrubs, oils), flavors (essential oils) and dyes. At home for this procedure is suitable kitchen stove and set of dishes (preferably from stainless steel):

  • pans and bowls of different volumes - up to 40 dollars;
  • measured spoons - up to 10 dollars;
  • measuring mug (bucket) with naist - up to 10 dollars;
  • knife and grater for cutting and grinding soap - up to $ 8;
  • hands for whipping - 1 dollar;
  • mortar for grinding fillers of plant origin - about 15 dollars;
  • manual sprayer for oils - up to 10 dollars;
  • shovel and Svimovka - up to 5 dollars;
  • watering can - 1 dollar.

In addition, you will need:

  • Silicone molds for soap molding or casting (You can use baking forms) - from 5 dollars per 1 form.
  • Scales with the ability to weigh up to 1 kg or more, with an accuracy of 1 gram - From 5 dollars.
  • Culinary thermometer for tracking temperature modes - From 4 dollars.
  • White monophonic towels - From 4 dollars per 1 pc.
  • Protective clothing, glasses and gloves - From 3 dollars.

Thus, the cost of equipment and inventory make up total from 106 dollars.

Important! You can not use the dishes used in cooking, and therefore a separate kit is necessary.

Calculation of raw materials and production volume

The real consumption of ingredients for the preparation of the final product depends on the applied formulation and technology. You can determine the exact calculation by making trial samples. On average, the following ingredients will be required to produce the finished soap:

  • Soap base - Retail price of raw materials from 4 dollars per kilogram.
  • Oils for humidification - Usually used basic oils (almond, grape) used in aromatherapy and for the preparation of massage oils. The cost is 100 ml of oil from $ 2.
  • Essential oils and fragrances - The cost varies depending on the type of oil. For example, an orange can be bought from 50 American cents per 10 ml, and Jasmine from $ 1.5. Special flavors can also be used, the price of which is from 1 dollars per 10 ml.
  • Dyes for soap - can be liquid and powder. The price of material in retail from 80 American cents per 10 ml or 5 grams.
  • Glitters and Pearls - Decorative components that give soap brightness and shine. The cost of raw materials from 90 cents per 10 grams of glytter or 5 grams of pearl.
  • Fillers - Scraping components (Pumice powder, shell almond Out, strawberry seeds, lavender flowers). Retail price from 30 American cents per 10 grams.

Thus, to prepare soap from scratch (1 kilogram), you will need only 9 dollars. The retail cost of the finished piece (100 grams) is from 2 dollars. So your income will be $ 20 or a minimum of $ 11 net profit.

The temporary costs of production of soap houses depend on the chosen soap technology. Three main methods are distinguished:

  • Cold - The process of soap and mixing with additives occupies from 1 hour to one cycle. On the other hand, for sale and use, such soap will be ready only after 1-1.5 months, because according to the technology it will need to pass the ripening process.
  • Hot - The cooking process is about 3-5 hours, but it will be ready for use after a day. On the other hand, to improve the quality of the product prepared in this way, the masters are recommended to leave soap to ripen at least 7 days.
  • Combined (cold hot) - The cooking process takes only 2 hours per cycle, and the ripening time is reduced to 2 weeks.

This means that if your equipment allows you to prepare 1 kilograms of soap, depending on the technology, you can produce from 2 to 8 kg of product during the day. When loading into one standard weekday, 40 hours, you can independently produce from 40 to 160 kilograms of soap. Potential profits can provide such home business on handmade soap will be from $ 440 to $ 1,160 per month.

Also should be taken into account the cost of packaging. It can be a common transparent film, individual plastic or carton boxes, fabric bags and other types of decorative packaging.

Branding and increasing the awareness of the brand will allow you to bring home business handmade soap to a new level, increasing customer commitment to your brand, expand the client base and increase income to significantly.

Room and hired personnel

If you are planning small volumes of up to 100 kilograms of soap per month, you can organize work at home. But it should be borne in mind that the finished product needs to be stored somewhere. With large volumes you need a separate room, consisting of at least three rooms:

  1. soap manufacturing workshop;
  2. raw warehouse;
  3. finished products warehouse.

According to the law, the placing for the production of soap should be outside the zone of residential buildings and comply with the standards fire safety. It should also contain communication and sanitary node.

Home business on the manufacture of handmade soap can be organized together with relatives or friends like-minded people. But if you want to open your own point of sale and achieve a high turnover, you will need the professional assistance of the following specialists:

  • Accountant - It can be invited on the terms of outsourcing to address issues on issuing tax documentation and the maintenance of the general accounting of the enterprise.
  • Driver (courier) - We are needed to deliver goods to shops or direct customers.
  • Designer - You can invent design yourself, and you can only deal with sales by shifting the tasks on a professional designer.
  • Soylovary - With large volumes of production you will need 1-2 soaps on an ongoing basis.

Methods for selling products

Effective handmade soap business can cover several directions for product sales at once. These can be the following ways:

  • Own online store. The creation and promotion will need to be investing from $ 500.
  • Retail sales point. The most effective is the discovery of a trading point in a crowded place (TRC). The price of rent depends on the city and location of the shopping center.
  • Sale through social networks. Suitable for small production, as well as for masters working under the order. For large businesses, social networks can be used as an advertising tool to attract customers to a retail and online store.
  • Wholesale deliveries to Cosmetics Stores. In this case, you will have to reduce the cost of the sale of soap, but at the same time you will be delivered from the need to conduct an advertising campaign (see how to advertise the goods: basics, examples).
  • Sales through special sites. With small volumes, you can sell goods on ad sites (AVITO, OLX, UBU.ru), as well as on resources for handmade products (Fair Masters, Hand-made.ru, Fintiflu.com).

An additional advertising can be decorative packaging of your soap. It must correspond to the status of handmade products and attract customer attention, especially if you sell sales at the retail point.

It is worth understanding that handmade soap advertising must match his quality. If you declare buyers about natural components and health benefits, you must guarantee the use of safe ingredients. Otherwise, when deception, you will lose your reputation and can even be in court.

Legalization of activity and permits

Without registration in tax services, it is difficult to build an effective handmade soap manufacturing business, since you cannot actively advertise, open out the trading points and engage in direct deliveries. It is possible to work in the shade only with small private orders.

The most suitable forms business activities For such an IP (FOP) or LLC, while it is best to choose simplified forms of taxation for pure profits (income minus expenses). OKVED codes For this area of \u200b\u200bactivity (RF and Ukraine):

  • 41 "Soap and detergent production";
  • 42 "Production of cosmetic soap";
  • 92 "Packaging activities";
  • 75 "Retail sale of cosmetic and personal hygiene products in specialized stores" (suitable subsections are selected).

In the Russian Federation Handmade soap certification is voluntary. However, compliance declaration is required, which confirms the quality of products. Without this document, your product cannot be implemented in stores. As regulatory documents For the manufacture of products, you can use GOST or TU. The declaration is obtained for each type of product (soap recipe), which greatly complicates the process for those who like to experiment with new ideas. To avoid such problems, you can implement your soap as souvenir products - in this case, certificates are not required. However, if you are planning the delivery of goods for sale, stores can refuse you with such design.

In Ukraine To legalize the production of soap, it is necessary to develop that and to obtain the conclusion of the SES. At the same time, the manufacture of soaps at home is not allowed by law and you will need to organize a full-fledged workshop (to save it, it can be submitted to the country territory). Next, the certificate is obtained for each type of production. But in this case, there is a simpler output - obtaining quality certificates for product components and providing them to buyers. They can be requested from the seller consumables.

If you want to create a recognizable brandIt is also necessary to register a trademark that it will later give you the opportunity not only to strengthen the market, but also to start expanding the network, selling franchise.

In practice, handmade soap as a business has one weighty problem - long-lasting permanent customers. This is due to the specifics of the very type of product, which is forced to compete with cheaper factory products. That is why many masters stop their activities in the first months, however, if you are engaged in improving the product and learn sales and business techniques, you will undoubtedly achieve success.

You will learn about the methods of manufacturing soap at home. We will tell you from what soap make, what equipment will need to launch production and to whom to sell finished products.

Want to cook soap and make money on it? Belly run own businessBut first read our article.

You will learn what technologies manual manufacture Soaps exist, and which one to choose in the organization of production. We will tell how to calculate profits and prevent errors.

Production of soap as a business - earn and make the world cleaner

Speaking about the manufacture of copyright soap at home, often implies staining, flavors and pouring into the form of a finished base. It does not require special knowledge and is suitable for handmade at home without purchasing special equipment (as forms used packaging from under milk and other products).

In such a product from a semi-finished product (purchased basis) many advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • rapidity manufacturing process;
  • availability of certificate of conformity;
  • visual diversity (matte, transparent) and their combination.

The biggest minus of such a handmade product is its high cost. This is quite justified. After all, their share of money for the final product has already received people who have completed part of the work (welded the basis).

If you are soapped professionally, the transition to another technology will lead to a significant increase in profitability. This technology is called full cycle cooking or producing from scratch.

My neighbor Alena, engaged in the manufacture of handmade soap, gradually switched from purchasing the basis for its manufacture. It significantly increased profits, and brought manual work to another level. The article presents professional recommendations.

Methods of manufacturing soap

To obtain a solid soap base, fats (vegetable and animals) are mixed with sodium alkali in different proportions.

There are 2 cooking options.

Cold technology

The mixture of oils (fats) is filled, heat and thoroughly mixed. Separately prepare a solution of caustic soda (alkali). After the filping, it is also heated to the temperature of the mixture of fats. This will prevent premature mass of mass.

To connect liquids, it is added to the oil, gradually stirring. The mass is hustling to the consistency of the "track" (liquid sour cream). Dyes, oils, fragrances are added to the resulting mixture and poured into forms.

They are wrapped with cloth and leave in warm place. To accelerate the chemical reaction, ripening in the oven at a temperature not higher than 50% for 5 hours. If the gel stage (shore-like state) did not pass, he was defended by another 12-48 hours.

Then get the mass from the forms, they give to dry and cut. Further ripening of finished pieces takes about 6 weeks. After that, they are packaged.

The finished product will keep soft and easy to decorate it with inscriptions and stamps.

With the production technology, it is possible to get acquainted in detail here:

Hot technology

After mixing the basic oils with alkali to the stage of the trace, it is placed in the oven or on water bath. Washed ( chemical reaction) occurs at a temperature of 80-85 ° C, for 3-4 hours. For the uniformity of the chemical reaction, the mass is thoroughly stirred 3-5 times over the entire heating period.

A surgery (skin care oils), flavors, dyes are added to the resulting base, stirred and laid out into the form.

After a day, cut into pieces. They give dry (about a day) and pack.

The number of ingredients included in the soap, with any of these methods equally. But the cost of production obtained on hot technology is lower due to a significant shortening of aging timelines.

Differences between soap production methods:

Criteria comparison Cold way Hot fashion
Total time to obtain a finished product About 33 days 2 days (you can use in a day)
The time of adding a linger When mixing fat with alkali (to washed) After washing
Preservation useful properties Caring oils Partially (part of the survey enters the reaction with the alkali) Fully
Consistency at the time of mixing with additives Semi-trip Pasty
Production of Swirls ++++ +
Bundle ++ +
Decoration after release from the form Decorated with stamps, etc. Perhaps scratching on a stencil
Consistency Plastic Dense

How to do soap for sale - production technology

For large volumes, use the "from scratch" method. This increases profitability and confidence in the feedstock.

Industrial release is standardized. It is made according to a well-established algorithm.

Stage 1. Loosening of fats alkali

To make soap, it is necessary to connect an aqueous solution of alkali with fats of plant or animal origin. This will occur alkaline hydrolysis. Fats turn into glycerin and fatty acids that react with sodium hydroxide to form salts.

If you connect the ingredients without adding water, the chemical reaction will not happen. It will not be possible to correct the situation - adding water later, it is impossible to avoid bundle.

Calculate the number of components with a soap calculator.

The resulting mass is thermal processing (boiling).

The result of this phase of production is to obtain a viscous, hard fluid. It is called "soap glue."

Stage 2. Thoring soap glue

To transform the "soap glue" in a full-fledged product produce it "Purchase". As a result, from the initial mass is removed excess water and glycerin.

This process is also called the yield of the kernel. It is produced by fractional addition of small portions of the cooking salt (sodium chloride) or a solution of caustic soda. After administration of each portion, the resulting mass is boiled.

Gradually, the mixture becomes two-phase - stratified by layers. The top remains a soap core from solid grains, in the lower alkaline or hydrochloride solution with impurities.

The cleanliness, quality and output of the final product depend on the quality of the counting. When accelerating the digestion of the core consists of lumps with a low pH and will subsequently become spongy. It does not comply with the requirements of standards.

After boiling, the capacitance is closed with a lid, heat insulating material and upgrade to full cooling. After that, the kernel is collected from the surface of the solution and defend again.

In the manufacture economic Soap Production chain at this stage ends. Toilet soap is subjected further processing (bleaching).

Stage 3. Latching the dried soap core

At this stage, the kernel is converted into a product with specified properties. It is here that the strawberry soap will begin to differ from the citrus.

For getting top grades Soap kernel saw. At the same time, fragrances, dyes, and other auxiliary substances add to it. Multiple fluttering between rollers of the saw machine lead to uniform stirring. Soap acquires the necessary properties: color, smell, etc.

Our expert Alena in the manufacture of a large batch proposes testing fonds, dyes and humidifiers on an experimental instance. In case of failure (clouding, bundling, etc.), such a trial piece is not difficult to reject, without damaging the entire party.

Stage 4. Mass pressing

The resulting mass is not ready for use. It is loaded into the press to impart the necessary form. Mechanisms are used to compact individual pieces and integers. They are manual, semi-automatic and automatic.

For cutting a large pressed formation, a stubble is used.

Stage 5. Packing

Cutted dried pieces are aesthetically packaged. It is from the beauty and attractiveness of the result obtained at this stage in many ways the commercial success of a business idea.

What equipment need

As you already understood, a small factory is equipped for soaps from scratch. It is advisable to find separate rooms for it with good ventilation - it will have to work with aggressive liquids and fragile substances.

An additional place is necessary to dry the finished goods before packaging and storing the products being implemented.

To begin with, you will need:

  1. Plate.
  2. Capacities for cooking (at least 3 pcs.) With covers.
  3. Large scales for collecting nucleus.
  4. Capacities and devices for mixing additional substances.
  5. Refrigerator with a large freezer.
  6. Pilius.
  7. Press.
  8. Forms, stamps, cutters.
  9. Stuslo.
  10. Tables for work.
  11. Racks for drying and storage.

Alena advises to purchase minimum equipment at the start stage. It is better to buy the necessary in the production process than to spend money on unnecessary devices.

Who sell finished products

Receiving products are implemented among the target audience. Start the implementation from the near Circle - relatives and friends. When you increase the number of species and the volume of goods, go to a wider audience.

Soap has different properties, and the need for it will be different categories of customers:

The property of soap Major consumers
Medical Pharmacies, patient organizations, patients themselves, their friends and relatives
Cosmetic (with caring properties) Beauty salons, women
Children's Pharmacies, stores with children's assortment, young mothers, grandmothers
Decorative Shops with gift or souvenir assortment, friends and relatives of future birthday books, organizations
Hygieniese Shops, hairdressers
Economic Stores, Organizations, Country Partnerships

Experience when producing a natural, high-quality handmade soap is possible with proper positioning of products. For example, baby soap "Firefly" has little chance of active sales in the store souvenir products.

Beginners producers rarely pay attention to the design and name of the product produced. Meanwhile, their compliance with the interests of customers increases the chances of success.

Learn to do natural soap easy - the master will win the nuances in a few days. It is much more difficult to sell the finished product.

How much can earn money

The answer to this question depends on several components:

  1. Where the wark soap happens. Rental of premises significantly increases cost.
  2. What volume of production you organize. For example, I will indicate the price of the Internet on the caustic nat. If you buy 25 kg by packages., Then the price varies from 70 to 80 rubles. If you buy in fine packaging, the proposals begin from 150 rubles.
  3. How much is the sale worth. I did not make a reservation. Sales process itself costs money. Even when trading through the site, it is necessary to take into account the cost of its creation and hosting.
  4. How many people are involved in production.
  5. What equipment is purchased. It is clear that the cost of 3 saucepan and cutting board Much below the price of an industrial production line.
  6. Dimensions of additional expenses, for example, logistics.

Consider whether the Ward is favorable:

Structure Number (kg.) Price (rub. / Kg) Amount (rub.)
1 Palm oil 1,5 360 540
2 Olive oil 1,2 1500 1800
3 Coconut oil 0,8 220 176
4 Flavor 0,02 4000 80
5 Dye 0,015 4000 60
6 Sodium hydroxide 0,485 150 72,75
7 Water (LED) 1,155 2 2,31
8 Rerazier (Shea Oil) 0,315 120 37,8
TOTAL: 5,551 2 768,86

In the manufacture of soap from scratch with a hot way, the output of the finished product will be 5.5 kg. A piece of unpacked soap weighing 100 g will have the cost of 50.34 rubles. About 14 rubles must add labels, business cards and wrappers. That is, the final cost will be 64,34 rub.

Solving, in which area to open its own production business, it is important to choose such a direction where the goods manufactured, regardless of the season, is in high demand. And soap is one of the few products that can be included in this list without any doubt. If you buy equipment for the production of soap and adjust the channels of sales, you can completely recoup all capital costs. This market segment is characterized by great competition, since Russia successfully operates both large industrial plants for obtaining soap and mini workshops operating in local markets. But it is unlikely that this fact must stop the entrepreneur, since with a competent approach, it is quite realistic to "win" his niche.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments - from 5000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of the opening of the business is 5/10.

Especially attractive given direction in that the entrepreneur can launch a full-fledged plant with all relevant equipment, and mini production of soap production at home. And you can make a choice in favor of this or that way of the development of the planned business can be based on your own skills and availability of finance. But in any case, the "soap" business, subject to the sale of all products produced, can bring steadily high income.

So how to open the production of soap in Russia from scratch? What will be to describe in a business plan?

What is the assortment to offer customers?

The technological process of the production of soap will practically not depend on the type of product manufactured - the difference is larger in the raw material. And before purchasing all necessary components And to equip the workshop with machines, you need to thoroughly think over the range that is planned to offer to customers.

What types of solid soap can be allocated?

  • laundry soap,
  • toilet soap,
  • antibacterial soap
  • baby soap
  • perfumery soap.

And in terms of the appointment of soap, the products may be the most different:

  • shampune soap
  • shaving soap,
  • scrawing soap
  • garden soap.

The business plan for the production of soap must necessarily include the list of products that are planned to be offered to further clients. The cheapest option is the release of the household soap. In this case, it will not be necessary to carefully work out the recipe and pick raw materials. But industrial production Soaps only will begin to bring high profits when the consumer will see on the shelves not only the economic soap, but also its other types.

The release of the toilet soap is complicated only in the sense that it will require a thorough study of its composition. The existing enterprises of their recipes, of course, will not reveal. Therefore, it will have to be resorted to the help of a qualified technologist, which will develop the "ideal" product will create.

If you offer a potential audience at least 10-20 species (in composition and appointment) of soap, the production of toilet soap with a greater share of probability will not only last afloat, but will also develop.

Raw Materials and Technology

And if the production of children's soap in industrial scale According to technology, it is practically no different from the release of the same products, but at home, then the composition of the raw material is distinguished. In industrial conditions, not to the creative, and therefore here, as a rule, an inexpensive raw material is used, which reduces the cost of the final cost of products.

What raw material is processed in the workshop to get soap?

  • beef or pork fats,
  • palm or coconut oil
  • naphthenic and fatty acids
  • rosin,
  • fragrances
  • fruit acids
  • stabilizers
  • preservatives
  • dyes.

The final formulation will depend on what type of soap is scheduled to receive at the output.

But why not establish natural soap production on an industrial scale using better ingredients? But the thing is that it is completely unprofitable, as it will increase the cost of production almost twice, which, naturally, will affect the sale of products. A mass consumer is mostly configured to buy an inexpensive soap. Products with the addition of natural components (better and expensive) is better at first to release only as a certain "add-on" to the main line of budget products. Well, and then, when the company will enter the break-even point, you can think about the "republic" of the current mini shop.

The production technology of soap in the enterprise looks like this:

  • The washing of fats by alkali to obtain a viscous fluid ("soap glue").
  • Pulling "soap glue" (its treatment with electrolytes), as a result of which the mixture is divided into a liquid fraction and solid residue is a soap core. At this stage, the production of household soap is practically completed. The product after adding various additives, molding and packing to the mixture can be on sale.
  • The inheritance of the dried soap core with the addition of fragrances and dyes.
  • Pressing mass.
  • Soap packing.

The process is relatively simple. In addition, on industrial enterprises All operations perform an automatic soap production line, which reduces the use of manual labor to a minimum. It turns out that it is important for the release of high-quality product to pay special attention to choosing equipment.

Technical Equipment of the Soap Release Enterprise

Due to the popularity of this area, the market today is presented big choice Specialized equipment for soap. The set of the line, as a rule, includes the following machines and devices:

  • melting capacity
  • cooking boiler
  • mixer with stirrer,
  • two-stage screw press
  • stamping shapes
  • machine for cutting and marking products.

The entrepreneur has to take complex solution - either to buy a low-performance, but at the same time cheap, equipment, or equip the workshop of a powerful fully automated line. And the direct influence on the choice will be the price of equipment for the manufacture of soap, since the equipment can cost quite expensive. For example, the price line with a capacity of up to 300 kg / h is worth not less than 2500,000 rubles. But it is hardly a novice entrepreneur to spend such money on the organization of business. Here it will be enough to equip the workshop with a capacity of up to 60 kg / h. The cost of these is, on average, 550000-800000 rub.

An example of a configuration of a soap production line

01. Steel platform 02. Mixer 03. Mill 04. Mill 05. Ribbon conveyor 06. Molding machine 07. Conveyor 08. Machine for soap stamping 09. Return machine 10. Refrigerated unit.

What perspectives promises home business?

And if you even wait for the payback of a full-fledged workshop, on optimistic calculations, not less than 1.5 years, then the production and sale of handmade soap as a business in this regard is more promising. It is not enough that its organization will not need large investments, and the cost of finished products is almost twice below its selling price.

The demand for handmade soap is consistently high. And this is due to the use of natural components in the process of its manufacture. And considering that today the trend on the consumer is increasing today to buy all the "original and high-quality", it becomes clear why the masters do not delay the goods cooked for sale.

In terms of technology, the production of handmade soap is even somewhat simpler - there is no precipitation stage of fats. Special soap bases are used in the work of the masters. of different compositionYou only need to melt and fill in forms. In addition to the main ingredient, various additives are also applied:

  • essential oils,
  • dried herbs
  • scrapping particles
  • loofah,
  • natural pigments
  • glycerol,
  • vitamins.

And this case is not only interesting, but also low-cost, because the minimum equipment kit will need for work:

  • plate,
  • capacities,
  • forms.

To offer customers the most diverse products, it is important to buy forms for the manufacture of soap of different configuration. They can be made of many materials, but experienced soaps are advised to acquire precisely silicone. Special silicone for the manufacture of forms for soap is completely safe for human health, is convenient to use and durable.

Silicone forms for the manufacture of soap

Manual soap production at home is a real fantasy space for creative people. It is very realistic to develop hundreds of recipes based on a variety of components. Having taking this niche, you can organize business both on the production of entire batches of products and on the execution of private orders. Over time, when the case "goes", you can think about opening your own trading point or online store.

Finished Product Sales Strategy

Soap russian production in labor assortment Presented on store shelves. But a big level of competition is not a reason to lower your hands, because the outlets are always interested in expanding the lines presented in front of the consumer of products.

The optimal option is to establish the wholesale market of finished products. So, not climbing in warehouses, all released products will be immediately implemented.

Who can offer soap released in the walls of the plant?

  • trading networks
  • private shopping stores
  • shopping warehouses
  • children's shops
  • pharmacies.

Household soap sales is easier, because retail trade is carried out. finished products. Offer original products by internet and ads in the newspaper. After having studied the client base and studying the technology in detail, you can go to another sales market - handmade shops and natural cosmetics shops, because small outlets are often taken from Masters Soap to implement. But for this, most likely, it will be necessary to develop your logo and attractive packaging. In addition, such cooperation will require official business registration, which implies certain costs of tax deductions and certification of products.

What profit can make a business?

The real profitability of the enterprise will depend, first of all, from sales and types of products manufactured. And for calculations of payback periods, start-up capital should be calculated.

As for capital costs, it is necessary for the first month and the preparation for work for the first month and prepare for work will be required at least 1600,000 rubles. Significantly cheaper will cost the manufacture of handmade soap at home - here the entrepreneur will need to create the first batch of goods not more than 5000 rubles.

The average cost of a piece of conventional toilet soap is approximately 5-12 rubles. But its wholesale price in the market will be at least 10 rubles. The original soap, made manually, is much more expensive - at least 80 rubles. For 100 g. And it even at a small cost of the product - at 20-30 rubles.

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