Encyclopedia of fire safety

Plastic fire container. Fire tank: design features

Steel tanks are not only used to store oil. It could be fire tank- one of the most practical and ergonomic ways to store a supply of water for fire fighting needs. Although many people think that such structures are needed only in the fire department, in fact it is advisable to install them in any large enterprises, in particular, at gas pumping stations or in the chemical industry.

Fire tanks metal and their types

Such containers are different types. So, they can be not only horizontal, but also vertical. In addition, both above-ground and underground installation methods are assumed. The volume of such tanks can also be different. fire tank, fire tank- all these structures can be in the range of 5-100 cubic meters, and in the range of 100-5000 cubic meters. however, such a large volume is possible only for vertical tanks. The volume of horizontal modifications does not exceed 100 cubic meters. This is due to the fact that a larger volume would require too much area of ​​​​the site allocated for such a structure.

Requirements for fire tanks set quite rigid. Structures of this type are provided in cases where it is not possible to obtain the required amount of water to ensure the fire safety of the facility or to extinguish fires directly from the available water supply sources. Water from such a tank is supplied with a pressure that will ensure effective extinguishing of fires of any category. Filling fire tanks, the specific nuances of their device are determined normative documents.

If the company is going to install fire tanks, SNIP will have to be studied in detail. In particular, the requirements prescribe the need to establish the level of fire volumes in tanks at certain levels. All equipment equipped fire tanks, pumps and other components must also meet fairly stringent requirements. In addition, independent switching of all equipment must be ensured.

Calculation of a fire tank and its features

The production of steel fire tanks is carried out by many companies. Regardless of what the features of this or that modification will be, there are common features for all these designs. It:

  • horizontally oriented body most often cylindrical shape,
  • conical bottom,
  • filler neck,
  • the presence of supports that serve to install the structure on a horizontal base,
  • fasteners for fixing retaining cables,
  • eyelets for ropes.

Construction of fire tanks It also assumes the presence of external and internal stiffeners that protect the structure from deformation, which would inevitably occur when the tank is filled with water. Usually, metal fire tanks are single-section tanks. They are made from steel of various modifications. The wall thickness must be more than 4 mm. If you are interested fire tanks, price they will depend on the grade of steel used for the production, on the complexity of manufacturing, on the dimensions, as well as on the characteristics of a particular type.

Underground fire tanks

If the customer chooses this fire tank, accommodation It has special meaning. The place for its installation is chosen so that the access to such a container is not limited by anything, so that fire hoses, etc. can be easily connected. The distance from the fire reservoir to other buildings and structures that are included in the zone protected by it should be approximately the same . Construction of fire tanks of any type involves digging a pit. Moreover, they usually dig it using an excavator or other appropriate special equipment. The dimensions of the pit for an underground tank are calculated so that the distance from its walls to the surface of any point in the tank exceeds 200 mm.

At the bottom of the pit should be installed concrete base, the thickness of which is at least 300 mm. Usually it is a monolithic platform of concrete or a series of reinforced concrete slabs installed horizontally. In the latter case, an underlying layer of cement-sand mixture or crushed stone should be poured under the slabs.

Installation of a fire tank of this type is assumed with the use of lifting equipment. It is installed on the bottom of the pit, on special legs, then fixed with cables in order to prevent the tank from floating up when lifting ground water. Then filling is carried out cement-sand mixture, and this is done in layers, with a rammer approximately every 20 cm. When such fire tank, installation involves filling it with water simultaneously with tamping.

Fire tank testing strength is the same as for other types of horizontal or vertical containers. They take place immediately after graduation. installation work. If you open the corresponding SNiP, the tanks in them will also be described. But the tests are regulated by other regulatory documents. They require knowledge of many nuances. At the enterprise, they are carried out by the same company that installed them.

Fire safety of tanks

While these tanks are primarily intended for underground installation, other options may be used. For example, it could be vertical fire storage tanks reserve water supply (sometimes even for temporary storage). But in any case, you need to provide them fire safety. For this, among other things, their anti-corrosion protection is necessary, which can protect them from the destructive aggressive influence of precipitation. And for underground storage it is especially important point because it protects against groundwater. For anti-corrosion protection, a special two-layer coating is used.

Necessary for storing water supplies used to extinguish fires. Fire tanks are made for both underground and above-ground types of installation. mounted on a sand cushion.

Water tanks , made of reinforced fiberglass, are completely waterproof and inert to chemical attack. Available for both underground and aboveground installations. Additional equipment available including pumping station, system automatic control, and more. Additional equipment fire water tanks can only be completed at the request of the customer. It is possible to combine installed containers into groups. In cases where the tank is not equipped with its own pump, the fire is extinguished by the fire truck's own pump. To start extinguishing the fire, the tank hatch opens and the machine hose is immersed in the tank. Fire tanks are made in the following sizes: from 0.8 m to 4 m in diameter, in length from 2-12 m, with a volume of up to 170 m 3 . If several tanks are combined into a common tank, then their total volume can be increased to 500 m 3 .

Benefits of Fire Water Tanks

  • The body material is resistant to various types impact: chemical, mechanical, shock, thermal (including solar radiation);
  • The tank weighs very little;
  • Installation takes much less time and financial investments (compared to similar reinforced concrete tanks);
  • Possibility of automation of water supply;
  • Uninterrupted operation of the tank is guaranteed for 10 years;
  • If the tank is installed underground, land resources are saved (there is the possibility of additional buildings - for example, a car park).

Underground fire tanks. Installation of underground fire tanks.

Underground fire tanks mounted on a sand cushion. In the case of a high level of ground water, fire tanks are installed on a concrete slab (200 - 300 mm thick) to which the tank is attached.
When installing water tanks under the roadway, an upper unloading concrete slab to prevent soil penetration.
Backfilling of mounted structures is carried out in layers with simultaneous filling with water.
At the request of the Customer, water level sensors are installed to control the water level in the tank. The sensors are installed in such a way as to signal to the control panel about an unacceptably low water level.

Due to the high strength and low weight of the fire tanks offered by us, the task of their installation and installation is greatly facilitated. Due to the high strength characteristics of the tank, it can be mounted directly into the ground with a small amount of sand, without the use of concrete formwork and caissons.

To calculate the volume of the tank capacity for extinguishing fires / fire or water consumption for external fire extinguishing (per one fire) and the number of simultaneous fires in locality We are guided by the regulatory normative literature:

SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal plumbing and sewerage of buildings (see clause 6. FIRE-FIGHTING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS)

SNiP 2.04.02-84 Water supply external networks and structures

According to SNiP 2.04.01-85 - The number of fire tanks or reservoirs must be at least two, while each of them must store 50% of the volume of water for fire extinguishing. At the same time, fire-fighting tanks do not need to be equipped with overflow and discharge pipelines.

  • If necessary, fire tanks can be blocked and combined, increasing the total volume.
  • When the tank is located under the roadway, a superstructure is made above it - a monolithic reinforced concrete slab made of reinforced concrete, and fiberglass hatches are replaced with cast iron ones.
  • fire tanks different capacity(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100 cubic meters) can also be equipped with water level control devices. It is enough to place the level sensor at the required height and when the specified level is reached, the control device will give a sound and light signal.

We produce: calculation, design, manufacture and sale of fire tanks.
You can also order the production of fire water tanks according to your needs. standard projects and sketches.

Call now, get answers to your questions, clear your doubts, make your choice!

Fiberglass fire tank

Water Group Moscow designs and manufactures custom-made plastic containers and fire water storage tanks made of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and fiberglass, designed to accumulate, store and issuance of fire volume technical water or an aqueous solution of a foaming agent.

The production technology of the company Water Group Moscow (Water Group Moscow) allows the production of inexpensive plastic containers and plastic tanks for fire water supply (fire tanks, fire tanks) that meet all requirements and standards fire fighting system and fire safety types:

Underground execution (underground tanks allow the most efficient use of available space on manufacturing plant) for concreting or without concreting in the manufacture of fiberglass or polyethylene spiral pipe with ring stiffness SN2-SN16, depending on the depth of installation and the presence or absence of traffic load at the installation site;

Ground execution of vertical and horizontal type from sheet plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene) in the basement and upper floors of industrial facilities and buildings, in special technical rooms and rooms with insufficient space and difficult accessibility.

The price of fire tanks made of plastic is constantly decreasing due to the development of manufacturing technologies.

At the request of the Customer, our company equips fire tanks and fire tanks (including underground tanks and reservoirs) with inlet and outlet pipelines, overflow devices, drain pipes, ventilation devices, stairs, manholes for people to access. To provide a more reliable and convenient access to the contents of the plastic container, the withdrawal and supply of the contents, we are ready to offer the installation of pressure seals that will ensure high-quality connection of the pipe with the wall of the plastic fire tank.

Advantages of plastic containers for fire water supply

Fire tanks, containers made of polymer materials have the following advantages:
. lightness, strength, tightness design
. excellent impact resistance
. wear resistance, long service life plastic containers
. not subject to corrosion, unlike containers and tanks made of metal
. 100% tightness, low water absorption and water permeability
. relatively low cost compared to tanks made of other materials
. ease of installation and convenience in further operation

Each material from which fire tanks are made has its own characteristics, and these features must be taken into account when designing and building. engineering networks. Our tanks are made of fiberglass, plastic sheet and spiral pipe.

Fire tanks, containers made of sheet plastic. Advantages:
. low cost;
. the ability to manufacture any shape and size;
. the possibility of manufacturing on site;
. a light weight;
. high service life.

Fire tanks, containers made of polyethylene spiral pipes. Advantages:
. low thermal conductivity due to the double wall;
. relatively low cost;
. low weight with high ring stiffness;
. the possibility of welding (assembly) in place.

Fire tanks, fiberglass tanks. Advantages:
. high mechanical strength;
. ease of repair;
. ease of installation.

Polypropylene fire tanks

Plastic containers and tanks for fire water supply made of polypropylene, polyethylene or spiral pipes, custom-made by our company due to their high performance and inexpensive cost compared to similar products from other materials, are in great demand in cases where obtaining the required volume of water, regulated for extinguishing a fire directly from a water supply source is technically impossible or impractical economic indicators, places where there are problems with the water supply or restrictions on the supply of water, and as a result, an emergency and fire supply of water is required.

Our company Water Group Moscow can manufacture plastic fire tanks locally at the customer's site!

When ordering from polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), fiberglass and spiral pipe tanks for fire water supply and fire tanks in our company, you get a guaranteed quality of plastic fire tanks in compliance with all parameters for strength, tightness and safety corresponding to all regulatory requirements and rules, low prices, installation in as soon as possible, attention, individual approach to each customer, the necessary technical recommendations for the further operation of the equipment, quality certificates for products. The production of plastic containers in our company guarantees you the receipt of functional, durable and reliable plastic products.

Plastic fire tank from the Water Group Moscow company - durable plastic fire tanks at a low price!

Water Group Moscow offers customers reliable and durable plastic fire tanks own production. We are one of the leaders Russian market tank products and equipment from modern species plastic and we have our own enterprises in the city of Moscow and in the regions of the country. The offered products have impeccable quality performance, are designed for a long service life and have all the necessary certificates of conformity. technical standards and SNIP standards regarding storage tanks for storage and distribution of water for extinguishing fires.

Plastic fire tanks: manufacturing features and main advantages

Products are manufactured according to projects developed by our design engineers using ready-made sheets made of modern polymeric materials (plastic or polypropylene). The joints of individual parts are connected by one of two welding methods- seamless (on special equipment) or a rod using hot air. Thanks to unique performance characteristics polymers, our plastic fire container has a number of advantages:

  • absolute neutrality to any kind of impact environment(salts, aggressive chemicals, rotting bacteria, and so on);
  • variability of the method of placement (underground or outdoor);
  • complete tightness (eliminates any possibility of leakage);
  • low weight even for overall products (provides ease of installation and transportation);
  • moisture resistance;
  • lack of constant monitoring of the current state;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • durability;
  • low cost (due to the simplicity of production technology, the pricing policy of our company and the possibility of selling without intermediaries);

Our plastic fire tanks can have both vertical and horizontal way placement, and are intended for those situations when it is technically impossible or economically impractical to obtain the necessary volume of water from centralized water supply sources to neutralize a fire.

Plastic fire tank in standard design and on order

In our catalog you can choose the water tanks of the desired shape and overall dimensions made according to standard designs of our designers. If the offered product does not suit you, we can produce non-standard plastic fire container on order, which will require a personal meeting with our designers at the company's office (Moscow or regional offices).
Also, as an additional service, our company carries out the installation of water storage tanks with different option placement, supply and gadfly of pipelines, equipment with anti-overflow and ventilation devices, ladders, hatches and so on.

The fire tank is a container for storing liquid for localizing fires. This equipment is provided in cases where water intake from a water supply source is economically unprofitable, technically unfeasible, or its volume is not enough to eliminate the fire.

These tanks are installed in engineering system firefighting at enterprises with signs of heightened danger in manufacturing process. This category also includes gas stations, tank farms and warehouses of fuels and lubricants (fuel and lubricants).

Location rules

The placement of containers is based on the availability of buildings and structures, taking into account SNiP, not allowing the distances to be exceeded:

  • with installed motor pumps - within a radius of 100 to 150 m;
  • during the operation of autopumps - up to 200 m.

Distance to buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance is not closer than 10 m; to buildings III; IV; V degrees and open warehouses of fuel and lubricants - 30 m. The equipment is located in such a way that the supply of the reagent can be carried out at any time of the day and at the right amount for extinguishing both internal fires and fires from outside.

Design features

Structurally, a fire tank is a single-walled vertical or horizontal tank of a rectangular or cylindrical shape with a cone-shaped bottom. Horizontal fire reservoirs have a capacity of 5 cubic meters. up to 100 cubic meters

Vertical water storages are much more capacious - 100-5000 cubic meters. In addition, during installation, this design allows saving the area occupied by the territory.

Fire tanks are made of sheet steel with an internal anti-corrosion coating (or without it). Steel grades for manufacturing are selected in accordance with climatic features installation region. Internal annular stiffness diaphragms provide additional strength to the hull.

Installation of the structure is carried out on the base. Road blocks can be used for it, foundation slabs, concrete pad or special metal supports at a height from the ground from 3 to 7 meters. The container is fixed on anchor bolts through holes in the base. Installation can be ground or underground.

Ground structures in harsh climates need additional thermal insulation of the tank:

  • installation of a coil with a coolant supply directly from the heating main or from the boiler room;
  • installation of electric heating of pipelines of the system and the tank itself by means of fiberglass heaters;
  • organization forced circulation liquids to prevent freezing.

Underground structures have an advantage over tanks located on the surface in terms of space savings and the absence of the need for insulation or heating of the internal cavity in winter period. Underground fire containment fluid storage can only be cylindrical.

The disadvantage of the underground location is considered to be a complex of expensive earthworks, the need for preparation and reliable fixing of the base. In addition, it is necessary external waterproofing as groundwater protection based on multi-layer coating with epoxy paintwork materials or polymers.

Filling occurs with the help of pumps through the hatch provided in the structure.

Kit structure

In accordance with the design, the set of the fire tank includes ladders or brackets for lifting and lowering personnel, observation platforms, sensors and liquid level control devices.

In the design of the entire system, modern requirements the following equipment must be provided:

  1. fill pipe. The filling of the tank occurs through the shut-off valve-pipeline;
  2. drainage well. It is needed to fill the fire truck with water. It connects the overflow tank to the storm sewer;
  3. suction pipe with valve. It is filled with fire pumps through it;
  4. drain pipe with shut-off valve for scheduled, emergency drains, as well as for draining during inspection, control or repair work;
  5. overflow pipe. It is connected to drainage well and sewerage in case of tank overflow.

The main factors in the selection and design of a fire extinguishing structure are the number of possible fires and their duration in time. Therefore, for correct selection reservoir, the estimated number of expected likely fires for a certain time period is determined. The length of time planned to eliminate the fire is also calculated.

Then installed optimal volume fire reservoir - with the condition of providing fire extinguishing water from internal fire hydrants, taking into account the needs of sprinkler and deluge installations that are not provided with their own reserve reserves. When calculating, the possibility of replenishing the stock of a fire tank during a fire from a common water supply system is allowed.

The number of required containers at this site is determined. The calculation should be such that in case of failure of one, the remaining ones must be filled with at least half of the emergency volume of water.

The levels of fire volumes in all tanks of the fire extinguishing system must be maintained at the same levels - both at the lowest and highest points.

It is necessary to provide free access to the tanks and wells for fire trucks on a hard road surface.

Reserve and regulation of water supply

In water supply systems, regulating and reserve water storage facilities include water towers, air-water boilers (hydropneumatic installations), which accumulate water volumes to regulate the operation of the entire system, as well as reserves in case of fires. The regulation of reserves consists in the accumulation of water in water towers when supplied in excess and in the intake from it when there is a shortage of water. common system water use.

The reserve of the fire volume of water is provided when it is technically impossible to obtain the optimal amount of water from plumbing system to extinguish fire. At the same time, there is a method for calculating the emergency reserve of fire-fighting volume. Creation of an emergency reserve for the localization of the source of fire up to 3 hours with a flow rate of 25 liters per second and up to 6 hours for a flow rate of more than 25 liters per second is ensured.

Expenditure of the emergency reserve of the water tower is allowed only upon receipt of a fire notice.

To extinguish fires, provide the necessary pressure of the supplied water. The pressures are calculated based on the conditions for creating jets from fire hydrants or the operation of special installations inside buildings.

The equipment of reserve tanks and water towers must ensure the constant availability of an emergency supply of water, even if in some cases pumping units compelled to work over time.

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