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A complete list of wallpapering tools. What is needed for wallpapering? Wallpaper smoothing tool

You can update the interior easily and quickly. Sometimes all you need to do is re-paste the wallpaper. Wallpapers are now sold in a wide variety of types of coatings and types of bases.

What is non-woven wallpaper

Recently, non-woven wallpaper has been very popular. They have different types of coverage, with varying degrees of relief. They are also washable and therefore suitable for almost all rooms. The undoubted plus is that sticking non-woven wallpaper with your own hands is available even to a beginner in repair matters.

An important feature of these wallpapers is the non-woven base. Since this base is very plastic, this wallpaper can be easily glued to the wall. It is also easy to adjust their placement on the wall. Glue for non-woven wallpaper is applied directly to the wall, which greatly facilitates the process of gluing, because. this is much easier and faster to do, especially with a roller.

Read more about what kind of glue for non-woven wallpaper is needed in this article.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper and what is needed for this

In order to glue non-woven wallpaper easily and simply, in addition to the desire for change, you will need some tools and a few useful tips. As well as a short guide in the form of step-by-step instructions.

So, for work you need the following tools and devices:

  • non-woven wallpaper in the right amount;
  • glue for non-woven wallpaper;
  • roller for applying glue;
  • thin brush for applying glue;
  • plastic wallpaper spatula for smoothing wallpaper;
  • metal spatula 250-350 mm long for trimming;
  • stationery knife;
  • regular knife;
  • scissors;
  • glue tray;
  • plumb line or level to get a vertical line;
  • roulette;
  • pencil, not too soft;
  • rubber roller for smoothing wallpaper (optional, as an option);
  • small rubber roller for smoothing joints and hard-to-reach places (optional);
  • ladder.

wallpaper spatula

Preparatory processes

Smooth walls and even corners

You need to start wallpapering after the walls are leveled, puttied and a baguette is glued under the ceiling. It is very important to check the condition of the corners. It is the corners that are quite strongly curved. A slight unevenness or slope of one wall on the wall itself is not so visible. But when two walls meet, and even with varying degrees of inclination and tuberosity, it turns out not quite a beautiful “perspective”. That is, subsequently, a very ugly corner can turn out, which will ruin all the work. At the same time, it can take a lot of time and effort to stick a clumsy corner, but the result will still be unhappy. Therefore, it is important to correctly assess the condition of the corners and, possibly, contact a specialist, because. even corners are the lot of masters. Of course, if the corner is permanently closed by a cabinet or is it the back corners in narrow room, which are practically not visible, then you can not worry about them much. But if it is an open corner in a conspicuous place, then it must be treated carefully and its defects corrected as much as possible before wallpapering.

Wall primer

Before wallpapering, the wall must be primed with a primer. deep penetration and let it dry right time(indicated in the instructions for the primer, usually 1-2 days).

If you have just removed the old wallpaper and the wall is in good condition, then you can probably skip this step. It is important that the wall has a uniform strong coating, does not “dust” and has the same “absorbency” (degree of moisture absorption). In this case, you can independently decide whether the wall needs to be primed now. But experts recommend that the walls be primed before wallpapering.

If the walls are uneven, they need to be puttied. Read more.

Non-woven wallpaper is glued end-to-end and it doesn't matter how they are glued - from the window or to the window. The main thing to choose correct order gluing so that it would be convenient to glue and there was an optimal cutting of wallpaper.

It is better to start from the corner or from the doorway in order to get a strictly vertical front page.

For correct gluing canvases need to be marked on the wall in the form of a vertical line. It is desirable to draw a vertical line in such a way that the edge (joint) of the wallpaper does not pass along the line, but with an indent of 2-5 mm, so that the line does not fall into the seam. You should also try to draw a neat line, you can make it in the form of strokes. It is better to use a pencil that is harder and well sharpened.

If the wallpaper is without a selection of a pattern or is monophonic, then trimming the wallpaper in height can be done in the course of gluing. If a selection of a picture is required, then it is better to cut the wallpaper into canvases in advance.

You need to pay attention to the fact that trimming the top of the wallpaper under the baguette is done immediately after the sticker of each canvas, and not after the completion of gluing the entire wall or even the room. You need to cut off the top while the glue has not yet hardened, then you can get a smooth edge that is ideal for a baguette.

We remove the imaged wallpaper under the baguette

Step by step instructions for sticking non-woven wallpaper

Step 1. Preliminary preparation. Before starting work, you need to carefully examine the wall so that there are no bumps, greasy spots on it, which can then appear through the wallpaper. Sometimes better wall Wipe with a damp cloth to remove dust from it. Sockets, switches, cornices and everything that can interfere with work are removed from the wall. In order to prevent glue from getting inside the socket, it can be carefully sealed with masking tape. So, how to glue non-woven wallpaper? Read on.

We remove sockets and switches from the wall

Step 2. Applying the first layer of glue. Clay gets divorced clean water in accordance with the instructions. The adhesive is applied to the wall with a roller. It must be well rolled out on the wall so that the adhesive layer is uniform everywhere and of the same thickness.

The glue should dry and soak into the wall. The time is indicated in the instructions, approximately it can be 3 hours.

Step 3. Preparation of cloths for gluing. We measure the height of the wall from the floor to the baguette and set aside desired length wallpaper canvases. The height of the canvas should correspond to the measured height of the wall plus 1.5-3 cm of margin to correct irregularities under the ceiling and along the floor. The margin depends on the size of the irregularities. If the level of the ceiling and floor is horizontal, then the margin can be made only 1.5 cm for trimming under the baguette.

Measuring the height of the wall

If the wallpaper is with a pattern (rapport), but it is necessary to select a pattern and cut the required number of canvases. On the reverse side of pre-prepared canvases, it is recommended to apply special marks indicating the top of the canvas. Apply the marks carefully with a thin pencil so that they do not show through and become visible after the sticker, because. non-woven wallpaper thin and on light wallpaper inscriptions made with a pen or a bold pencil may appear.

In order to get an even cut at a right angle to the ends of the wallpaper, the panel is bent and aligned along the edge line.

Align the panel along the edge of the roll

Then it is carried out along the edge of the inflection with a spatula, so that a stable, clear bend line is obtained.

Smoothing the cut line with a spatula

Cut along the formed line with a metal spatula or an ordinary knife.

Cut the wallpaper with a spatula

It is not advisable to use a sharp clerical knife here, because. he can "wiggle". Of course, you can cut with ordinary scissors, but the cut will not be very even and it is not so convenient. Experts recommend cutting with a knife or spatula.

Step 4. Marking on the wall. We determine the place where you want to start gluing the wallpaper. It is best to start from a corner or doorway.

Measuring the width of the canvas

We measure the width of the canvas and put it on the wall, put a notch.

We transfer the width of the roll to the wall

Then, using a level or plumb line, we draw a vertical line.

Draw a vertical line

Step 5. Preparing glue for wallpapering and applying a second layer to the wall. The amount of glue should correspond to the area of ​​the wall. If the area is large, then it is better to prepare the glue in a smaller amount, because. If you do not have time to do everything at once, then there will be an extra one. A small amount of excess glue can be poured into a jar and covered plastic lid. But this way you can leave the glue if the work continues the next day. And if in a week, then you need to make a new portion.

Apply glue to the wall with a roller

Using a roller, glue is applied to the wall within the area under one canvas. The glue is carefully rolled out so that it is evenly distributed. AT hard-to-reach places glue is applied with a brush.

Under the baguette, carefully apply glue with a brush

You also need to carefully brush the places under the baguette with a brush, at the bottom near the floor and along the edge of the already pasted canvas. Special attention give the corners, they should be well smeared with glue so that the wallpaper does not peel off later.

Thoroughly coat the corners

Step 6. Sticker of the first panel. The canvas is taken by the upper edge and lightly applied to the wall without pressing. We impose the canvas with a small approach of about 1.5 cm on the baguette.

First of all, you need to make sure that the edge of the canvas coincides with the vertical line and at the same time direct the top of the canvas horizontally along the baguette. The cloth should be clearly set along a vertical line.

We check the verticality along the entire length and at the very bottom.

After making sure that the vertical matches, the wallpaper is pressed against the wall and smoothing movements begin to glue them. You can smooth the wallpaper with a special wallpaper spatula or a rubber roller.

Smoothing the wallpaper with a rubber roller

The direction of movement with a spatula is first up, then up and to the sides. Somewhere from eye level, we begin to smooth the canvas down and from the middle of the canvas down, as it were, diagonally. Then from the middle and to the sides. The movements are shaped like a Christmas tree.

Smoothing the wallpaper with a spatula

If the bottom of the canvas moved away from the vertical line, then the wallpaper easily rises and aligns along the line.

Warped wallpaper can be lifted and corrected their position

Again they are smoothed with movements, first down, and then down and to the sides. In the same way, you can adjust the placement of the upper part of the canvas.

Step 7. Displacement of air bubbles. After the canvas is in place and smoothed out, there are still a lot of air bubbles. These bubbles are “expelled” from under the cloth with the same smoothing movements: first up, then down and to the sides. The presence of bubbles is controlled by running a hand over the surface.

We expel air bubbles with a wallpaper spatula

Step 8. Trimming the top edge of the panel. Now you need to cut the top of the panel under the baguette. With an obtuse angle of the wallpaper spatula, we draw under the baguette several times, trying to draw a good line of the joint.

The wallpaper must be carefully “crushed” under the baguette to get a clear line. This is necessary so that there is no glue left at the junction, which creates thickness, and after the final trimming and smoothing the edge to the wall, because of this thickness, the edge may not be even or even lagging behind the baguette.

Carefully press the wallpaper under the baguette

You need to cut off an extra piece of wallpaper with a metal spatula and a sharp clerical knife. The spatula is applied to the cut line, once again pressed well against the baguette.

You need to pay attention to the fact that the spatula should, as it were, lie on the wall, it does not need to be placed at an angle. The cut should go along the very edge of the baguette at the place where it adjoins the wall, and not along the wall or “into the corner”. Then you get a beautiful adjoining of the wallpaper to the baguette without gaps.

So you can not keep when cutting. If you cut at an angle, you can get a gap between the wallpaper and the baguette

We apply a spatula and make a cut with a knife, leading the knife along the spatula. Here, too, there are subtleties. The first subtlety: the knife should be held as parallel as possible with respect to the spatula, and not at an angle to it (you need to cut along the baguette). Second: the knife is kept continuously, without interruption, until the entire cut is made, otherwise notches will appear. To do this, the knife is not brought to the very end of the spatula, the movement is stopped (the knife is not torn off) and the spatula is smoothly moved to the next position. The spatula with light pressure is again, as it were, “crushed” under the baguette and after that we again continue to cut with a knife.

Correct cutting position

The cut tape is removed, and the upper edge is carefully pressed against the wall. The remains of glue from the baguette and wallpaper are washed off with water using a sponge (the sponge is well squeezed out).

Rinse off residual adhesive with clean water using a sponge.

Step 9. Gluing the next canvas. The next canvas is glued similarly to the first. Only here the edge of the already glued panel will serve as the main reference point.

Glue is applied to the wall with a strip equal to the width of the dense or slightly wider. If the wallpaper is with a moisture-resistant vinyl coating, then you don’t have to worry if the glue gets on the edge of the already pasted wallpaper. it can then be easily washed off with water using a sponge. It is important to immediately glue the place of the seam well with glue so that the wallpaper does not lag behind later.

When laying a new canvas, we focus on a vertical seam

The panel is superimposed with a slight approach to the baguette and is immediately set vertically along the seam. If the wallpaper is with a selection of a pattern, then the pattern is displayed and the rapport docking is carefully checked.

We expose the drawing

Then the panel is smoothed and air bubbles are expelled as already described above. The seam joint is carefully checked.

Checking and correcting seams

Then the seam is carefully pressed down and smoothed out with an obtuse angle of the spatula or a special small rubber roller.

Smooth out the seam with a roller

Step 10. Pasting non-woven wallpaper in the corners. Consider the features of wallpapering in the corner. Wallpaper in the corner can be glued only on one wall, cutting out the panel of the desired width, or with the transition from one wall to another. But, in the case of gluing on two walls at once, the angle must be even and, most importantly, vertical. In this case, the wallpaper is carefully smoothed to the walls and the corner will turn out neat. But, if the angle is far from perfect, then with a large “toe-in” between the walls, it may turn out that the second edge of the canvas is not vertical, but oblique. In some cases, for example, if the corner is concave inside the wall, it can turn out to be completely ugly. Above and below will be extra wallpaper, which will fall like an "accordion", and in the center the wallpaper will be stretched, which means that they will soon fall behind the wall and "swell up". Therefore, for gluing not ideal corners, it is better to cut the panel and glue it to each wall separately.

There should not be large gaps between the spatula and the wall.

The procedure for gluing the canvas itself is the same as described in Steps 5-9. You just need to carefully coat the corner with glue. If the walls are bumpy and when applying a spatula, sufficiently large gaps are visible, then on one wall the wallpaper can be pasted with a slight overlap (1.5 cm) on the other. This will be the bottom panel.

Step 11. Trimming the wallpaper in the corner. After both wallpapers are pasted on the walls of the corner, on one of the canvases you need to cut off the extra pieces of wallpaper (they just form on bumps). To do this, use the same method of trimming with a spatula and a clerical knife, which is described in Step 8. Only the spatula is now set vertically along the corner again "lying" on the wall.

The wallpaper must be carefully pressed into the corner

Before you start trimming, you need to press the wallpaper very well against the wall in the corner. Moreover, both the first (lower) canvas and the upper one should be carefully pressed. With a plastic spatula, we draw several times along the corner, pressing the wallpaper there and pressing it against the wall.

Pressing the wallpaper into the corner

With a metal spatula, as it were, we "press" the corner. Sliding the blade of the knife along the spatula, carefully cut the extra pieces on the top sheet. You need to cut parallel to the spatula, not "in the corner." We do not tear off the knife during cutting, moving the spatula from time to time, we lead along it with a knife. Not reaching the very bottom of the corner about 10 cm, we tear off the knife. At the very bottom, we cut the last 7-10 cm from the bottom up.

Moving the spatula along the corner cut off the excess wallpaper

When trimming a corner panel for a baguette, you should use the following advice. A metal spatula must be installed not reaching the corner between the walls for a short distance, approximately 3-5 cm. Otherwise, burying itself in a corner, the spatula can make a hole in the wallpaper. The unfinished top is easily trimmed with sharp scissors. To do this, the upper corner of the wallpaper is torn off, the corner is cut off and the wallpaper is glued back into place.

Cut corners with scissors

Replace sockets and switches.

When choosing a roller for wallpapering, you can really get confused. There is a tool on sale, which is called - "Wallpaper roller". But it has a different purpose: they roll out already glued wallpapers so that air bubbles come out from under them. It looks like this:

Also on sale you can find the tool "Roller for wallpaper joints". And again, in its name there is the word "wallpaper", but it is not suitable for applying glue. But this is a great tool for rolling joints - this procedure reduces their visibility. This is what the tool looks like:

For applying glue suitable tool, which has the name "Fleecy paint roller". There are many varieties and they differ in the length of the pile and the width of the bobbin. I recommend taking a roller with a fur element of medium length, width - average, which is about 25 cm ("Mideal" size).

Also for applying glue to wallpaper fit"Foam roller". I have tried both options, but I still recommend paying attention to the tool with a fleecy element. It is more reliable and correct operation will last a long time, and with subsequent cleaning of glue and storage can be reused.

Also, for a uniform application of glue to the roller, I recommend purchasing a special dish called the "Painting Bath". Such a simple device saves a lot of time and effort in work.

Do-it-yourself wallpapering is within the power of everyone Wallpapering is one of the most milestones in the decoration of the apartment. On how correctly and neatly the walls are decorated, the whole appearance interior. Putting wallpaper on the walls is not so difficult. Knowing the basic rules and nuances, this work can be done even without the help of professionals. About how to choose and paste wallpaper so that the room looks neat, and the repair serves you long years- read on.

Preparing walls for wallpapering with your own hands

Half the success of wallpapering depends on proper preparation walls. This stage is important because under a thin canvas of such a finishing material, all the irregularities of the base are clearly visible.

Preparatory actions take even more time than the process of wallpapering itself. It includes two items: putty and primer walls.

Putty allows you to eliminate all the irregularities of the walls in time. Without it, the room will look dirty and untidy.

Such a seemingly simple process as a primer solves a lot of problems. The primer glues dust particles together, increasing the adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall, it also reduces the amount of adhesive used and protects the walls from the formation of fungi and mold.

Before you start gluing wallpaper, you need to remove all irregularities from the walls

We prepare the walls for sticking wallpaper with our own hands:

  1. The wall is covered with a special primer solution. More convenient

do this with a roller or a wide brush. The applied primer is left to dry for a day.

  1. Next, plaster putty is applied. With its help, all the irregularities of the walls are eliminated. It is best to start puttying the surface from the corners, pulling the composition to the middle. Here, your main tools will be a wide and narrow spatula. If you purchased dry putty, then it must be diluted with water to a state of fatty sour cream. After completing this work, the wall should be smooth and even.
  2. After the layer gypsum putty dry, using a wide spatula, all unevenly dried particles are removed from the wall. The surface is again treated with a primer.
  3. To make the wall beautiful, and yellow or grey colour rough putty, a layer of finish is applied to it. It usually has a white or slightly pinkish tint. Finishing putty diluted to a state of thin sour cream and applied in a thin layer on the wall. At this stage, the mixture must be applied especially carefully.
  4. Dried walls are polished with a special tool, which is a rigid mesh inserted into a holder. Next, the surface is primed for the last time and left to dry completely.

Related article: What wallpaper to choose for the hallway: how best to glue, photos, which ones are suitable, choose a color, stick it in a small one correctly, stick it, video

There may be one finish layer for wallpaper, but if you decide to paint the walls, then this amount will not be enough. These works at first glance seem quite complicated, but if you follow the sequence of actions, then you can putty the wall yourself.

Choosing the material before sticking the wallpaper itself

Market finishing materials constantly evolving, so this moment there is a huge number different types wallpaper. Each of them differs in wall mounting technology, so before choosing materials, you need to familiarize yourself with their properties.

The most common types of wallpaper:

  1. Most old view wallpaper is paper sheets. They are the cheapest, so they are still in demand. However, they do not differ good performance. Such material is only suitable for finishing dry rooms. The paper gets wet quickly, so it is easy to ruin such wallpapers when working with them. To stick paper sheets on the wall, you need to lubricate them with reverse side a thin layer of glue, the surface that you make out can also be treated with an adhesive.
  2. Vinyl wallpapers are distinguished by their resistance to fungi and moisture. They look great and can be used in absolutely any room. Such wallpapers can even be washed, and due to the relief of this material, small irregularities of the walls are hidden. Vinyl can have a paper or non-woven base, in the second case they are easier and more convenient to glue.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper is made from a mixture of paper and mineral fibers. Due to this composition, they are not afraid of moisture and do not shrink after drying. To glue such wallpapers yourself, you need to lubricate only the wall with glue.
  4. Fabric wallpapers look very expensive and cost accordingly. They consist of textile fibers planted on a paper or non-woven base.
  5. Glass fiber is modern material With long term services. They are made from fiberglass. To stick such wallpaper, you need to smear with special glue only the surface of the wall.

Fabric wallpapers in the interior look luxurious and rich

Liquid wallpapers are very interesting way sticking. They are sold in dry or liquid form and are applied with a spatula in the same way as putty.

How to calculate and stick wallpaper with your own hands

Another important point in preparing for working with wallpaper is the calculation of the number of rolls. If you make such calculations incorrectly, then there may not be enough material and you will have to go to a store where the right product may not be available, then your repair will freeze for several weeks.

There are two ways to figure out the amount of wallpaper you need to furnish your room. In the first case, you need to add the length of adjacent walls, and multiply the resulting figure by two. Next, the length of the wallpaper roll is divided by the height of the room, and the resulting number is multiplied by the width of the wallpaper. Now all you have to do is divide the first result by the second. The result rounded up is the number of wallpapers you need.

Related article: How to choose and buy inexpensive kitchen furniture: kitchen samples sale and other options

In the second case, you need to divide the area of ​​the room by the area of ​​one roll of wallpaper. The first value is determined by multiplying the sum of the adjacent walls of the room by two, and then by the height. For the second size, you need to multiply the length of the roll by its width.

DIY wall sticker of paper wallpaper

First of all, it is worth clarifying that any wallpaper should not be glued overlapping, as was done before, but joint-to-butt. Only in this case, the repair will look neat and modern.

You need to start finishing the room from the door or from window frame. And you must always go in the same direction. The fact is that the walls and corners in the room can be uneven, but windows and doors are always installed strictly at right angles.

Wallpapering technology depends on the material from which they are made. Paper wallpapers are cheaper than other types, but working with them is more difficult.

It is necessary to start wallpapering in a room from a door or window.

DIY paper wallpaper sticker:

  1. The rolls are rolled out and the edges (if any) are cut from the wallpaper.
  2. Next, the wallpaper is cut into canvases corresponding to the length of the room. In order for the finish to look neat, it is necessary to cut the wallpaper with a margin of 10-15 cm. At this stage, the selection of paintings according to the pattern also takes place.
  3. The reverse side is lubricated wallpaper paste, which, by the way, can be welded independently, then the wallpaper is glued to the wall. If you are using dense paper wallpaper, then apply glue to the canvases in two stages.
  4. Excess glue and air bubbles are expelled from under the pasted piece of wallpaper with a dry, soft and clean cloth. Remember that thin paper wallpaper is very easy to damage or stain.
  5. Excess wallpaper is cut off or hidden under the plinth with a narrow metal spatula.

Pasting the walls with paper wallpaper is a rather long and difficult stage. Since the glue is applied directly to the wallpaper, and not to the wall, it is quite difficult to glue such wet heavy canvases. To do everything as quickly and without errors as possible, we advise you to take a second person as your assistant.

We glue vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers are distinguished by their strength and durability. This option is less capricious in sticking than paper wallpaper, but has its own nuances.

When sticking vinyl wallpaper It is better to remove the plinth before finishing the walls.

To stick vinyl wallpaper, you will need a special adhesive. It is very durable and able to withstand heavy webs of this material.

The article will help you avoid situations when, in the process of gluing wallpaper on a wall or ceiling of a room, you have unforeseen moments that force you to “take off” and go to a hardware store to buy the same narrower spatula or run around the floors and beg your neighbors for a curly screwdriver . Check out our article and choose for yourself necessary tools for wallpapering.

Wallpapering tools

List of all possible tools

When you make a list the right materials and tools, take into account the fact that in the process preparatory phase you may need not only tools related to applying glue, etc., but also improvised means for tearing wallpaper off the walls (or removing old paint), and for covering various holes with putty.

To begin with, we list all the tools for wallpapering:

  • paint roller,
  • wallpaper roller,
  • wallpaper roller for corners,
  • paint bath,
  • bucket,
  • sponge,
  • drill,
  • insulating tape,
  • pencil,
  • brush,
  • ruler,
  • stationery knife,
  • scissors,
  • screwdriver,
  • plumb line,
  • construction tape,
  • construction mixer,
  • rag,
  • square,
  • level,
  • cord,
  • paint spatula,
  • wallpaper spatula,
  • wallpaper brush,

Please note that this list of tools is optional. So, you can apply glue to wallpaper with one roller (not several). You can cut the canvas either only with scissors, or only with a clerical knife.

Paint roller

Rollers for wallpaper are different. First, consider the painter. When choosing a paint roller in a hardware store, ask the sales assistant to bring you a roller with medium length villi. This tool is used to apply diluted adhesive on the surface of the cut canvas or directly on the walls, depending on the type of wallpaper chosen.

Paint roller

Wallpaper roller

The purpose of this roller is not to apply the adhesive solution to the surface to be glued or rolls, but to smooth the cut-out canvas already glued to the wall. So, thin wallpapers are not intended for use with a spatula, as it can damage them. This tool will come to the rescue, which will help you get rid of bubbles and excess glue between the wall and the canvas. The wallpaper roller comes in two colors - yellow and black. The first is used if your wallpaper has an embossed pattern, and you do not want to “crush” it, and the second is for more flat surface when there is no fear of spoiling anything.

Wallpaper roller

Wallpaper roller for corners

Thanks to its conical shape it will allow you to apply the necessary pressure on separate sections canvases - namely in the corners.

Wallpaper roller for joints

Tray painting

After you dilute the glue in an arbitrarily chosen container, you should choose a good tray that will allow you to distribute the glue evenly over the entire working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roller. The bath consists of two parts - there is a flat one, and there is smooth surface. The roller must be rolled precisely on an uneven surface with ribs. The size of the paint bath directly depends on the size of the roller (its width should be slightly larger than the width of the roller).

Tray painting


You will need a bucket to dilute the adhesive solution in it. At the same time, if you expect to use glue the next day, it is best to choose a bucket (or any other container) with a tight-fitting lid. This is the only way to store glue! Of course, do not forget to place the container in a cool place out of the reach of sun rays. If you are interested in the question of how to glue wallpaper, then we suggest that you read another article on our site.

You can’t do without a bucket, you need it to stir the glue


It will come in handy for wiping off excess glue along the edges of the canvas glued to the wall. Choose a sponge that is as soft as possible, and if its side has a more ribbed surface, then do not try to wipe your wallpaper with it, as you can easily damage them.

Sponge is useful in the process of wallpapering


This tool can come in handy if you don't have a construction mixer. Choose a nozzle so that you can stir the glue solution.

Drill is convenient to stir the glue

Insulating tape

It is quite natural to have at least one switch and one socket in any room. After you unroll them and pull out the boxes, you should without fail insulate all wires, otherwise you will endanger yourself. And tape will help you with this.

fabric tape


You will need a pencil to mark the walls. Choose a pencil that will be visible on concrete wall. So, construction stores offer everyone to buy a building pencil.

Buy a good pencil before wallpapering


Here we will not consider in detail each brush option. They differ in width, elasticity of the villi (soft or more rigid) and their length. If you do not use rollers, which, if you have already understood, can have different purposes (for canvases, for corners and for joints), then be sure to buy one wide and one narrow brush. A wide brush will help to apply a layer of glue on the canvas or on the surface of the wall, and with a narrow brush you can smear the walls at the junctions and corners between the wall - ceiling and wall - floor.

Wallpaper brush


If you don’t have a construction tape measure at home (like any other), you will have to wield what you have. A ruler will help you measure the height of your walls and determine the length of the wallpaper. Do not forget that about 5 cm must be added to the obtained wall height to fit the canvases together.

The most common line

Stationery knife

You will need a clerical knife in order to cut the canvas of the specified length. It is very handy if you want to trim the corners. With a knife, the canvas is also cut along the plinth or ceiling. In addition, in the process of wallpapering the walls under the canvas, bubbles may appear, which cannot be driven out with a roller or spatula. In this case, you can try to make a small incision on the wallpaper. True, it is best to use a thin needle for these purposes. It is better to make 3-5 small holes with a needle and spend a little more time than one big and conspicuous "hole".

Stationery knife

By the way, if the knife blade becomes dull, then do not rush to buy a new one. Drive the blade inside the knife so that one part remains outside (up to the last notch). Take pliers in your hands and break off a piece. So, you can use a new one on the edge of the knife sharp blade. In addition, you can protect yourself from unnecessary injuries to anyone by hiding your eyes under construction goggles.


They are suitable for you to cut the canvas right size. But, unlike the same clerical knife, it will be much more difficult and inconvenient to cut off the corners, and where the thin line under the ceiling is much worse, as it seems to us, with scissors.

Scissors are an important tool in wallpapering


A screwdriver is useful in order to remove boxes from sockets and switches. Do not forget to insulate the wires after that, as described above.

There is a screwdriver in every home, and it will come in handy

plumb line

Highly right tool, because how smoothly you glue the canvas to the wall depends on its presence and proper operation. Attach the top to the top so that the weight "dangles" at the bottom. Now draw a straight line along the hanging thread with a pencil or felt-tip pen. The plumb line allows you to apply an even vertical marking.

The plumb line is also useful for wallpapering.

Roulette construction

I think there is not much to explain here - a tape measure will help you measure the height of the walls, their width, and also cut the wallpaper correctly.

Construction tape measure

construction mixer

The mixer is designed to stir adhesive solution. If you do not have a construction mixer, then do not despair! In any case, even if you use a clean wooden stick, this process will not affect the properties of your glue for the worse. You just have to devote a little more time and effort to the stage of bringing the glue to the desired concentration, plus you will have to pour the dry mixture in smaller portions than using a mixer. But if you are a happy owner of this tool, then pick up a construction mixer, turn on low speeds and gradually pour small portions of glue in a bucket of cool water ( hot water Not recommended).

construction mixer


With a cloth soaked in water (be careful: it should be damp, but not to such an extent that water drips from it), wipe the surface of the glued canvas, getting rid of excess stains and streaks. It is best that it be soft - it will not damage the wallpaper.

The most common rag


The tool will come in handy if you need to cut out various geometric shapes from a roll of wallpaper. Attach a square to draw a right angle.



A level is required in order to stick the canvas in an even vertical position. Level and plumb - important tools for wallpaper!



You can make a plumb line out of it by attaching a small weight. On the other hand, the cord can be used for horizontal marking of walls.

Even an ordinary shoelace can help you

Spatula painting

In order to cut wallpaper near the ceiling or floor, attach a spatula there and draw a straight line with a clerical knife.

Spatula painting

Wallpaper spatula

Working surface such a spatula is not metal, but plastic or rubber. The fact is that it is necessary to smooth the canvas on the wall, which will allow you to expel excess glue and bubbles. Plastic and rubber will not damage your wallpaper. But remember that in case your wallpaper is very thin, the best choice for this stage of pasting will be a wallpaper roller.

Wallpaper spatula

Wallpaper brush

In the absence of a roller or brush, it will be possible to apply glue to the canvas or wall surface with a brush. But its main purpose is the same smoothing of the canvas glued to the wall. The brush is especially convenient when used during pasting not on walls, but on the ceiling.

Wallpaper brush


We tried to tell you about all the tools for wallpaper. Which of them will be useful to you, you decide. The article provides interchangeable tools. This means that you can apply glue to the canvas either with a roller or brush, or with a regular brush to smooth the wallpaper. If you are interested in the description of any other tool, then leave your wishes in the comments below.

Photo gallery (26 photos):

The article will help you avoid situations when, in the process of sticking wallpaper on a wall, or you have unforeseen moments that force you to “take off” and go to a hardware store to buy the same narrower spatula or run around the floors and beg your neighbors for a curly screwdriver. Check out our article and highlight the necessary tools for yourself.

List of all possible tools

When you make a list of the necessary materials and tools, keep in mind the fact that during the preparatory stage you may need not only tools related to applying glue, etc., but also improvised means for tearing wallpaper off the walls (or removing old paint), and for covering various holes with putty.

To begin with, we list all the tools for wallpapering:

  • paint roller,
  • wallpaper roller,
  • wallpaper roller for corners,
  • paint bath,
  • bucket,
  • sponge,
  • drill,
  • insulating tape,
  • pencil,
  • brush,
  • ruler,
  • stationery knife,
  • scissors,
  • screwdriver,
  • plumb line,
  • construction tape,
  • construction mixer,
  • rag,
  • square,
  • level,
  • cord,
  • paint spatula,
  • wallpaper spatula,
  • wallpaper brush,

Please note that this list of tools is optional. So, you can apply glue, having one roller (not several). You can cut the canvas either only with scissors, or only with a clerical knife.

Rollers for wallpaper are different. First, consider the painter. When choosing a paint roller in a hardware store, ask the sales assistant to bring you a roller with an average length of fibers. This tool is used to apply diluted glue to the surface of the cut canvas or directly, depending on the type of wallpaper chosen.

The purpose of this roller is not to apply the adhesive solution to the surface to be glued or rolls, but to smooth the cut-out canvas already glued to the wall. So, thin wallpapers are not intended for use with a spatula, as it can damage them. This tool will come to the rescue, which will help you get rid of bubbles and excess glue between the wall and the canvas. The wallpaper roller comes in two colors - yellow and black. The first is used if your wallpaper has a relief pattern, and you do not want to “crush” it, and the second is for a more even surface, when there is no fear of spoiling anything.

Wallpaper roller for corners

Thanks to its conical shape, it will allow you to apply the necessary pressure in certain areas of the canvas - namely, in the corners.

After you dilute the glue in an arbitrarily chosen container, you should choose a good tray that will allow you to distribute the glue evenly over the entire working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roller. The bath consists of two parts - there is a flat, and there is a smooth surface. The roller must be rolled precisely on an uneven surface with ribs. The size of the paint bath directly depends on the size of the roller (its width should be slightly larger than the width of the roller).


You will need a bucket to dilute the adhesive solution in it. At the same time, if you expect to use glue the next day, it is best to choose a bucket (or any other container) with a tight-fitting lid. This is the only way to store glue! Of course, do not forget to place the container in a cool place out of direct sunlight. If you are interested in the question of how to glue wallpaper, then we suggest that you read another article on our site.


It will come in handy for wiping off excess glue along the edges of the canvas glued to the wall. Choose a sponge as soft as possible, and if its side has a more ribbed surface, then do not try to wipe it, as you can easily damage them.


This tool can come in handy if you don't have a construction mixer. Choose a nozzle so that you can stir the glue solution.

Insulating tape

It is quite natural to have at least one switch and one socket in any room. After you unscrew them and pull out the boxes, it is imperative to insulate all the wires, otherwise you will endanger yourself. And tape will help you with this.


You will need a pencil to mark the walls. Choose a pencil that will be visible on the concrete wall. So, building stores offer everyone to buy a building pencil.


Here we will not consider in detail each brush option. They differ in width, elasticity of the villi (soft or more rigid) and their length. If you do not use rollers, which, if you have already understood, can have different purposes (for canvases, for corners and for joints), then be sure to buy one wide and one narrow brush. A wide brush will help to apply a layer of glue on the canvas or on the surface of the wall, and with a narrow brush you can smear the walls at the junctions and corners between the wall - ceiling and wall - floor.


If you don’t have a construction tape measure at home (like any other), you will have to wield what you have. A ruler will help you measure the height of your walls and determine the length of the wallpaper. Do not forget that about 5 cm must be added to the obtained wall height to fit the canvases together.

Stationery knife

You will need a clerical knife in order to cut the canvas of the specified length. It is very handy if you want to trim the corners. With a knife, the canvas is also cut along the plinth or ceiling. In addition, in the process of wallpapering the walls under the canvas, bubbles may appear, which cannot be driven out with a roller or spatula. In this case, you can try to make a small incision on the wallpaper. True, it is best to use a thin needle for these purposes. It is better to make 3-5 small holes with a needle and spend a little more time than one big and conspicuous "hole".

By the way, if the knife blade becomes dull, then do not rush to buy a new one. Drive the blade inside the knife so that one part remains outside (up to the last notch). Take pliers in your hands and break off a piece. So, you can use a new sharp blade on the edge of the knife. In addition, you can protect yourself from unnecessary injuries to anyone by hiding your eyes under construction goggles.


They are suitable for you to cut the canvas of the desired size. But, unlike the same clerical knife, it will be much more difficult and inconvenient to cut off the corners, and where the thin line under the ceiling is much worse, as it seems to us, with scissors.

Scissors are an important tool in wallpapering


A screwdriver is useful in order to remove boxes from sockets and switches. Do not forget to insulate the wires after that, as described above.

plumb line

A very necessary tool, because how smoothly you glue the canvas to the wall depends on its presence and proper operation. Attach the top to the top so that the weight "dangles" at the bottom. Now draw a straight line along the hanging thread with a pencil or felt-tip pen. The plumb line allows you to apply an even vertical marking.

Roulette construction

I think there is not much to explain here - a tape measure will help you measure the height of the walls, their width, and also cut the wallpaper correctly.

The mixer is designed to stir the adhesive solution. If you do not have a construction mixer, then do not despair! In any case, even if you use a clean wooden stick, this process will not affect the properties of your glue for the worse. You just have to devote a little more time and effort to the stage of bringing the glue to the desired concentration, plus you will have to pour the dry mixture in smaller portions than using a mixer. But if you are a happy owner of this tool, then pick up a construction mixer, turn on low speeds and gradually pour small portions of glue in a bucket of cool water (hot water is not recommended).


With a cloth soaked in water (be careful: it should be damp, but not to such an extent that water drips from it), wipe the surface of the glued canvas, getting rid of excess stains and streaks. It is best that it be soft - it will not damage the wallpaper.

The tool will come in handy if you need to cut out various geometric shapes from a roll of wallpaper. Attach a square to draw a right angle.

A level is required in order to stick the canvas in an even vertical position. Level and plumb - important tools for wallpaper work!


You can make a plumb line out of it by attaching a small weight. On the other hand, the cord can be used for horizontal marking of walls.

In order to cut wallpaper near the ceiling or floor, attach a spatula there and draw a straight line with a clerical knife.

The working surface of such a spatula is not metal, but plastic or rubber. The fact is that it is necessary for smoothing the canvas, which will allow you to expel excess glue and bubbles. Plastic and rubber won't hurt. But remember that if your wallpaper is very thin, a wallpaper roller will be the best choice for this stage of pasting.

In the absence of a roller or brush, it will be possible to apply glue to the canvas or wall surface with a brush. But its main purpose is the same smoothing of the canvas glued to the wall. The brush is especially convenient when used during pasting not on walls, but on the ceiling.


We tried to tell you about all the tools for wallpaper. Which of them will be useful to you, you decide. The article provides interchangeable tools. This means that you can apply glue to the canvas either with a roller or brush, or with a regular brush to smooth the wallpaper. If you are interested in the description of any other tool, then leave your wishes in the comments below.

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