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The consequences of overeating: how important a sense of proportion is. Dangerous consequences of overeating

We all overeat from time to time - we ask for additives at the New Year's table or we eat dessert when we are already full. The disorder called psychogenic binge eating is characterized by regular and uncontrolled bouts of binge eating.

You eat to cope with stress or negative emotions despite the fact that after you will feel even worse. Your illness may seem like a vicious circle, but binge eating is treatable. With appropriate help and support, you will learn to control your food intake and develop healthy eating habits.

In today's article, we will take a closer look at the following issues:

1. What is psychogenic overeating

2. Signs and symptoms of psychogenic overeating

3. Consequences of psychogenic overeating

4. Causes of psychogenic and overeating

5. How to stop overeating

6. Help and treatment

7. Helping a person suffering from psychogenic overeating

So, what is “psychogenic overeating”?

Steve's story. In eighth grade, Steve began to gain weight. His classmates teased him for being overweight, and Steve, seizing on negative emotions, grew more and more fat. Today Steve is 32 years old, he is constantly dieting and hates his body.

However, after a hard day at work, or when he is bored, sad, or lonely, Steve finds himself unable to cope with the urge to stop by a fast food restaurant on his way home. He orders cheeseburgers, fries, chocolate cocktail, onion rings, and a bucket of fried chicken.

Then he goes to the store for chips, donuts and cookies. Steve eats at home alone and does not stop until the food runs out or he feels bad. But even after that, negative emotions do not leave him. Steve calls himself a vile pig and goes to bed thinking about his aching knees and high cholesterol.

For psychogenic overeating, episodes of uncontrolled absorption of large volumes of food are characteristic when a person does not find the strength to stop. Symptoms usually appear in late adolescence or early adulthood.

Binge eating attacks usually last about 2 hours, but for some, they stretch out for the whole day. People with this disorder eat when they are not hungry and continue to eat when they are full. They can overeat so quickly that later they cannot remember what they ate or tried.

Symptoms of psychogenic overeating:

Frequent bouts of uncontrolled overeating;

Feeling anxious or depressed after these episodes;

Unlike bulimia, this disorder is not characterized by attempts to get rid of the calories eaten by vomiting, fasting, and excessive physical exertion.

People with psychogenic overeating constantly struggle with feelings of guilt, disgust, or depression. They worry about the effects of overeating on their bodies and punish themselves for their lack of self-control. They really want to stop this process, but they feel that they cannot.

Cycles of psychogenic overeating

The process of eating food can be pleasant, but then reality returns, and with it regret and self-loathing. Binge eating often leads to overweight or obesity, which only aggravate the seizures.

The more the patient is dissatisfied with his appearance, the more often he is comforted by food. And the circle closes: we eat so that we feel better, then we feel even worse and eat again to calm down.

Signs and symptoms of psychogenic overeating

People with this disorder usually feel ashamed about their eating behavior and eat in secret to hide their symptoms. Most of the patients are overweight or obese, but some are of normal weight.

Behavioral symptoms of psychogenic or compulsive overeating:

Inability to control or stop food intake;

Rapid absorption of large amounts of food;

You eat even after you feel full;

You hide or store food to eat later when no one is seeing;

You eat normally in the presence of other people, but you overeat when you are alone;

You don't have breakfast, lunch and dinner, you eat all day long.

Psychological symptoms of psychogenic or compulsive overeating:

Feelings of stress or tension that only food relieves;

Feelings of shame about the amount of food consumed;

A feeling of loss of control over your body during bouts of overeating (as if you are not really you);

You never feel satisfied after eating, no matter how much you ate;

Feelings of shame, disgust, or guilt after episodes of binge eating;

You are desperate to regain control of your weight or eating behavior.

Identification of symptoms of psychogenic overeating in oneself

Ask yourself the following questions. The more affirmative answers you get, the more likely you are to have this disorder.

Do you feel a lack of control over your food intake?

Do you think about food all the time?

Are you eating in secret?

Do you eat until you feel bad?

Do you eat to get away from worries, relieve stress, or calm down?

Do you feel disgusted or ashamed after eating?

Do you feel that with all the desire you can not stop the process of absorbing food?

The consequences of psychogenic overeating

Psychogenic overeating leads to a myriad of physical, psychological or social problems. People with this disease are more prone to stress, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts.

Depression, neurosis and drug addiction are also frequent companions of nervous overeating. But the most common consequence of poor eating habits is by far weight gain.

Psychogenic overeating and obesity

Often, overeating leads to obesity, and obesity in turn increases the risk of a number of other medical complications, such as:

Type 2 diabetes mellitus;

Gallbladder disease;

High cholesterol;

High blood pressure;

Cardiovascular diseases;

Some types of cancer;

Pain in muscles and joints;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Stopping breathing during sleep (apnea).

Causes of psychogenic and compulsive overeating

Usually there are a number of interrelated factors that lead to the development of psychogenic overeating, in particular, genetic predisposition, psychological state, etc.

Biological causes of psychogenic overeating

Certain biological disorders can influence the development of psychogenic overeating. For example, malfunctioning of the hypothalamus (the part of the brain responsible for controlling appetite), in which it sends the wrong signal about hunger or satiety. In the course of a number of studies, it was also possible to find a mutation that provokes food addiction. In addition, a low level of serotonin production has been proven to affect the manifestation of this disease.

Social reasons psychogenic overeating

Public opinion, imposing stereotypes about weight, provokes the onset of the disease. Some parents, using food to encourage, distract, or comfort their children, unwittingly set the stage for the latter to develop eating disorders. Children who constantly listen to unpleasant comments about their figure are as vulnerable as those who were sexually abused in childhood.

Psychological causes of psychogenic overeating

Overeating is directly linked to depression. Most of the sufferers suffer from depression or have had previous history; others may have trouble controlling emotions or expressing feelings. Low self-esteem, loneliness, and dissatisfaction with your figure all lead to eating disorders.

Psychogenic overeating and your emotions

One of the most common causes of overeating is trying to cope with negative emotions, stress, depression, loneliness, fear, or tension. After a hard day, food seems like our only friend. Overeating can make all these feelings disappear. This effect, however, is fleeting.

How to stop psychogenic overeating

Coping with psychogenic overeating and food addiction can be difficult. Unlike other addictions, your "drug" is necessary for survival, so you cannot do without it.

Instead, you must develop a normal attitude toward food — an attitude that takes into account your biological needs for food, not your emotional needs.

A healthy diet involves having a balanced diet, choosing as healthy food in restaurants and cafes as possible, and getting enough vitamins and minerals.

We will learn more about the ways to overcome this disease in the next publication.

How often do you eat an extra hot portion or drink tea with an unlimited amount of sweets? Compulsive overeating occurs in every second person, but not everyone has the strength to cope with an unbridled appetite. Excessive food consumption leads a person to serious illness and stress.

More than half of humanity suffers from compulsive overeating. This is because a huge amount of stress during the day provokes a feeling of unbridled appetite and desire for "something" tasty. It's safe to say that everyone overeats from time to time.

This manifests itself in different ways: an extra portion of the additive, a hearty lunch with three positions, cookies and tea rolls, and unobtrusive snacks throughout the day. Binge eating is not justified by hunger and therefore makes you feel unwell.

Binge eating disorder and bulimia

Bulimia is a disorder of human digestive behavior. It is very easy to recognize it, as it is characterized by a sharp increase in appetite. Simply put, the sudden feeling of hunger does not disappear and provokes gluttony.

As a result, a person feels weakness and pain in the pancreas. Of course, some diseases of the central nervous system and even nervous disorders can provoke bulimia. Most often, a person suffering from bulimia suffers from obesity and other endocrine diseases.

Causes of binge eating disorder

Overeating compulsive and binge eating in adults can be closely associated with poor parenting in childhood. This is because when people turn a family meal into a food cult, they don't know any other way to express love for each other:

  • holidays with lush tables
  • delicious gifts
  • regular visits to restaurants and cafes
  • "Grandmother's care" with pies, buns and buns

Food is a method of reward and approval in such cases. It is worth considering how you act in this moment and don't you “please” your child with a candy for a good deed?

On the other hand, uncontrolled overeating can be emotional in nature. Binge eating from stress serves as a localizer for negative feelings and bad moods. The basis for stress is:

  • sexual trauma
  • heredity
  • emotional shake-up
  • complexes

Who is more prone to bulimia and binge eating disorder?

  • Statistics show that most of the people suffering from bulimia and binge eating are in the United States. It was there that the cult of food and fast food reached its highest degree of popularity. Affordable prices for food products provide all degrees of obesity to Americans and, as a result, serious illnesses
  • Most often, this problem affects adolescents who have no idea about proper nutrition and eat junk food: chips, hamburgers, sodas, sweets, chocolate, ice cream and pastries. But, no less vulnerable are women between the ages of 20 and 40, whose nervous system is not as stable as that of men.
  • Numerous data indicate that about 20% of overeating people are obese. The rest are overweight, which they cannot cope with on their own.

What is the difference between bulimia in groups of people of different ages?

Based on the total suffering from bulimia, then you can determine the following statistics:

  • 20% are children and adolescents
  • 30% - men
  • 50% - women

Children's bulimia is provoked by an immature psyche and the inability to cope with psychological stress. Also, most often, bulimic children appear in those families where the parents themselves suffer from this problem. Unbalanced baby food and disorder general regime nutrition - lead to the manifestation of the disease, and the constant compulsion of the child to eat in those cases when he is not hungry - only aggravate the situation.

Another reason for the increased appetite in children is constant stress: dissatisfaction with oneself, divorce of parents or their bad relations, misunderstanding with peers, violence and conflicts in society. Causes of childhood bulimia:

  • wrong metabolism
  • unbalanced psyche
  • the habit of consuming food in excess
  • imposition by society and advertising of food

Women's and men's bulimias are almost the same. It is quite easy to determine their signs:

  • obesity and overweight
  • depressed mood, apathy towards the outside world and depression
  • close dependence on food
  • regular stress and feelings of increased anxiety
  • constant medication

It is not for nothing that the "stronger" sex has such a name and is often more resistant to various factors, therefore, its percentage of suffering is lower. Men also do not differ in a special desire to follow dietary diets or to induce vomiting reflexes in themselves. Women most often take laxatives, while men play sports and physical activity.

The consequences of binge eating

Of course, this disease significantly worsens the condition of the digestive tract, puts stress on the heart and blood vessels. Impaired metabolism depletes protective functions the body, as a result of which a person is susceptible to frequent diseases and suffers from a weakened immune system. Obesity interferes with normal functioning.

Bulimia often provokes the appearance of another disease - anorexia (exhaustion of the body and refusal of any food). Whatever the reason for the appearance of bulimia in a person, it seriously injures the human psyche and aggravates its symptoms. Therefore, it is urgent to treat binge eating disorder when even the smallest symptoms are found.

Who can you turn to for help with bulimia and binge eating disorder?

You can eliminate many of the causes of your disease on your own, however, high-quality treatment with effective result can only be provided by a qualified doctor. Comprehensive treatment includes:

  • drug treatment
  • psychological assistance

Individual or group psychotherapy has an effective impact on a person and solves many of his problems. Plunging into the depths of consciousness, an experienced psychologist finds the reasons for your overeating and tries to eliminate them. The medication side includes taking antidepressants as needed and hormonal drugs... Not unimportant is the advice of nutritionists who can adjust your diet and diet.

The result of getting rid of binge eating disorder

If you are worried about your health and want to be fully active, then a timely visit to a doctor will allow you to enjoy life without restrictions. Healing from a disease will allow you to experience many benefits:

  • refusal from constant "hungry" diets and exhaustion of the body by constant restrictions in food, as well as trauma to the psyche
  • a well-chosen diet will not only relieve you of excess weight, it will eliminate it forever and will not allow you to accumulate "unnecessary" kilograms
  • after treatment, you will be able to accurately recognize the feeling of physical hunger from the desire to "seize stress" and will only eat food when necessary
  • obsessive and ghostly thoughts about food will disappear and stop dreaming
  • not overeating will eliminate other problems associated with being overweight

It's never too late to take care of your health and appearance. Fighting bulimia and binge eating is a long process, but if you decide to do it, you can feel the fullness of life and significantly improve your well-being. It is not difficult to find strength in yourself, it is more difficult to get rid of negative thoughts and insecurity.

If you cannot cope with your problem on your own, a qualified doctor is always able to make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle. Positive emotions and the joy of every day is much better than flour buns and a fatty portion of hot!

Video: Overeating. How to get rid of a bad habit?


Concept binge eating in practical medicine and folk practice, it does not fundamentally differ, since its essence includes increased food intake provoked by psychogenic or somatic disorders. Nervous stress, pregnancy and the postpartum period, somatic need for food or the presence of pathological changes in the body - all this is a predisposing complex of factors that directly lead to overeating.

Binge eating. Descriptive characteristics

A certain contribution to the development of pathology is made by the modern lifestyle and infrastructure of developed countries. Use of biological and chemical substitutes for natural food, stimulants taste sensations and the widespread availability of food allows this condition to develop and progress gradually. Well-established drinking traditions are also important.

It is noteworthy that overeating is not a specific nosological form in practical and preventive medicine, since, in fact, it is only a symptom, because its provocation is observed in various diseases, the elimination of which can relieve the symptoms of the condition.

Obesity statistics in the 19th and 20th centuries

Historical data on overeating are rather scarce, although specific cases have been previously described by domestic and Western experts in the medical literature. At the same time, the relative lack of ready-made food products, the famine of the war times and the low yield of food crops were a prerequisite for the fact that obesity, as the main symptom of hyperphagia (overeating), was observed relatively rarely. There were about 2-3 cases per 1000 people in different countries overweight... It is noteworthy that their manifestation was often associated with somatic and psychological diseases, the unambiguous interpretation of which had not previously been determined. Such diseases include type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, bulimia as a hypothalamic disorder of the nervous regulation of eating behavior, pathology of the intestines and pancreas, menopause in women.

Due to the lack of studies on the constitution of the human body, as well as without the practical use of body mass index, doctors did not assess the weight of their patients, which is why the obesity statistics were significantly lower than on the present stage... This information is genuine, and its proof is the example of one circus artist Celeste Hermann from Cincinnati: her comic performances in the 19th century were very popular, and she made her audience laugh with her body.

Clumsy moving around the circus site, she caused wild delight among visitors. Moreover, her talent was due to a disease leading to overeating. It is noteworthy that the weight of this circus artist was 135 kg at the age of 16. In 1946 - 266 kg. The importance of the mention of this case of obesity, and the fact of her performance in the circus, speaks of the excessive rarity of obesity in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Obesity statistics in the 21st century

In the 21st century, the statistics of obesity, according to the above reasons, has increased significantly. The average weight of typical American residents, in particular housewives, has settled at 80-95 kg. Per 1000 people, the number of obesity cases for US residents is about 200. In Western Europe, this figure was set at 130 people, and for the Slavic population - 80-90. Traditionally, it is believed that residents of the East are much less likely to notice such changes in their bodies. The explanation here lies in the traditionality of their social and political system, the religiously conditioned sin of gluttony.

In Africa, the obesity statistics are the lowest. This has a direct connection with lifestyle, the lack of a large amount of ready-made food, herbal and synthetic additives, breakfast cereals and business lunches. This is also due to the low level of economic development of the countries of the region. China, Japan and Vietnam, as well as relatively small states in the Asian region, also have lower obesity rates, since traditionally preference in their diet is given to natural products, most of which include plant components, namely, fresh herbs. Also, the inhabitants of these countries often consume low-calorie foods: sea fish, crustaceans, molluscs.

Compulsive overeating

In practical medicine, binge eating is a symptom of an uncontrolled desire to consume certain foods under the influence of nervous stress, or nutritional deficiencies in certain components of the diet. The patient is not able to control food intake, eating it almost uncontrollably, as this reduces the anxiety of his condition.

The primary causation of binge eating is the experience of nervous stress, which can be distant. Often it is not possible to establish the cause when collecting an anamnesis, since the fear can also be childish, about which the patient does not remember anything at all. Also, binge eating disorder often occurs in people who have had episodes of hunger. At the level of the psyche and reservation of the body's capabilities, the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain send signals to the autonomic centers, which requires satisfying hunger. In reserve, the body can accumulate specific substances, but not emotions or a feeling of satiety. Since initially, even with some abstinence from food, such people begin to consume mobile stores of nutrients and substances valuable from the point of view of energy needs. Mobile reserves do not have time to start splitting, which is why for some time, if you do not allow food intake with volitional tensions, hypoglycemia will be observed in the blood.

This condition will be characterized by an unpleasant symptom complex: trembling of the limbs, gait instability, palpitations, memory impairment, irritation in the epigastric region, increased intestinal motility. Particular symptoms and objective data for binge eating are such signs as nervous excitement during hunger, emotional instability. In this case, pathology can be diagnosed on the basis of anamnesis: the presence of episodes of hunger in the process of life, experienced stress, labile type nervous system, type of temperament - melancholic or phlegmatic.

Bulimia as pathological overeating

Bulimia is an uncontrolled episodic violation of the physiological regimen of food intake, the causal factor in the development of which is the pathology of the regulatory centers of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for reflex activity, including eating behavior. Its structure contains specialized nerve nuclei located ventromedially, which are responsible for saturation. A defect in their functional activity causes the impossibility of satiety, and therefore the patient eats as many foods as he is physiologically unable to digest.

The symptomatology of this pathology consists of two directions. The first is isolated damage to the hypothalamic nuclei responsible for saturation. Then bulimia is the main symptom, and the diagnosis is made after excluding other etiological factors. The second direction is combined damage that occurs after trauma, neuroinfections, basal strokes, as a result of the growth of tumors of the central nervous system or meninges. Then bulimia is superimposed on focal neurological symptoms, a violation of the regulatory functions of the autonomic nervous system.

Overeating at night

Overeating at night is not classified into a nosological form, as is the pathological state of hyperphagia itself. That is, in fact, it is a typical symptom in some types of eating disorders associated with hunger appetite. Overeating at night is generally associated with the compulsive form of the disorder, although there is confirmed evidence that patients with bulimia experience a significant increase in appetite in the evening.

Traditionally, the typical characteristic of overeating, uncomplicated by obesity, is characterized by increased appetite before bedtime and inability to fall asleep before eating. In relation to the functions of the intestines and stomach, this condition has a negative effect. This is due to low indicators of the activity of the digestive system in conditions of hypodynamia. Such patients note a tendency to constipation and flatulence, since food lingers in the intestines for a long time. In addition, eating food just before bed is a predisposing factor for the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Causes and mechanisms of development of overeating

Overeating has many reasons, including those caused by pathological disorders in the body. Among them, the most significant is the neuro-humoral failure of the physiology of the body, as well as somatic diseases of a metabolic nature.

Overeating as a neuro-regulatory failure

Eating behavior is regulated by the functions of the hypothalamus, as the highest nervous autonomic center. And if, with a violation of the structure of its nuclei, the mechanism for the development of hyperphagia is practically deciphered, then in relation to nervous stress given influence and his side effects, have not yet been studied thoroughly.

It is assumed that a typical factor in the development of overeating is neurosis. This condition arises as a result of nervous tension, stress, inadequacy of motivation to the objective possibilities of their fulfillment. Emotional reactions tend to persist for a long time in the form of a circular focus of nervous excitement in specialized centers of the limbic system.

However, in some cases, increased motivation, emotions, and stress responses can also affect other brain foci, including the centers of autonomic regulation. The central organ of this system is the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the humoral and nervous regulation of body functions. Disruption of its work can cause blocking of impulses about saturation coming from the stomach and vascular chemoreceptors. Therefore, on this basis, they generate an upward impulse into the cerebral cortex, which stimulates the search for food.

The humoral effect is associated with pancreatic and thyroid hormones. Disruption of the cycle of functioning and target pathologies of these organs can cause obesity. In type 2 diabetes mellitus, this is due to the low efficiency of fat breakdown, although symptoms of hyperphagia may not be noted. In the case of hyperthyroidism, metabolic disorders become more pronounced and specialized. The body increases the intensity of catabolic processes, due to which most of the stored substances are spent on the formation of heat. At the same time, a constantly low level of glycemia stimulates the centers of hunger in the hypothalamus, forming appetite. However, obesity with severe hyperphagia in such patients does not occur, since the food consumed is processed into heat.

The main symptoms of overeating. Side symptoms

Overeating, the symptoms of which are visible even to people around, has some peculiarities in relation to pathological changes in the body concerning the cardiovascular system and the digestive system. A typical and nonspecific symptom of overeating is a feeling of appetite, which persists after eating as much food as previously caused satiety. Also, pathological compulsive overeating is characterized by the desire to eat even with an objective sensation of a feeling of fullness in the stomach. In this case, there may be pain in the stomach, vomiting, after the termination of which the patient is again taken to eat food (mainly characteristic of bulimia).

Constant filling of the stomach and intestines, as well as a deficiency in the function of the body's enzyme systems, leads to the ingress of incompletely digested food into the distal parts of the intestine. In the large intestine, it begins to be fermented by bacteria, which leads to an increased formation of toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream, causing toxemia.

A deficiency in pancreatic function results in mushy stools. Its discharge is observed 2-3 times a day, especially with compulsive overeating. Eating a large amount of plant products leads to an increase in osmotic pressure in the colon, since the polymer molecules of cellulose are degraded to dextrans, which are even more active with respect to the osmotic gradient. A large amount of fluid begins to enter the intestinal lumen, which causes diarrhea.

Based on the conclusions about the extreme physiological manifestations of overeating, it is worth highlighting the following nonspecific symptoms: frequent, mushy stools with the presence of semi-digested components, sometimes diarrhea 3-4 times a day, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, polydipsia, nausea, vomiting.

An increase in body weight is not always a pathognomonic sign of overeating, since there are pathologies in which the level of energy metabolism (type 1 diabetes, hyperthyroidism) does not allow substances to be stored in reserve.

Changes in the body associated with overeating. The harm of overeating

In accordance with the peculiarities of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, overeating causes a lot of side effects, which consist in restructuring the mode of its operation. Due to the increased intake of food, the stomach stretches and increases in volume. Its muscle wall quickly adapts to stretching, which greatly increases its capacity. In fact, this causes the formation of a pathological circle: increased food intake will cause the walls to diverge, the adaptation of stretch receptors to the load. As a result, for the onset of saturation, more food is required, which will contact them.

The impulses along the nerve fibers are delayed, and therefore saturation is formed much later than during the normal functioning of the digestive system. At the same time, initially people who do not control their diet may fall into the category of predisposed to obesity. This is due to the presence of slow myelin-free nerve fibers coming from the stomach. The saturation pulse is always about 20 minutes late. In the case of fast food consumption, the organ cavity fills up instantly, but there is no signal about the extinction of appetite. His "arrival" to the higher nerve centers of the regulation of eating behavior, if a person continues to eat, is carried out when, in fact, there is an overflow of the stomach. This problem mainly characterizes the development of pathology.

In case of night overeating, when after eating man is walking sleep, the walls of the stomach are stretched, its proximal part at the level of the esophageal opening is irritated, and the pressure on the cardiac sphincter increases. Over time, this causes its expansion and the formation of insufficiency (the entrance to the stomach is not completely closed, and food in some quantities is thrown back into the esophagus). Through this mechanism, the development of heartburn is explained as the main symptom in the formed gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Overeating is a fundamental factor in the development of obesity, except in cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism. The deposition of fat on the body is formed gradually, bringing the body weight to high numbers. There are cases described when this indicator for patients was more than 350 kilograms. Moreover, such indicators of obesity are fraught with a whole complex of diseases, starting from the cardiovascular system and ending with the skin.

An increase in the amount of lipids consumed leads to an increase in the level of chylomicrons and low density lipoproteins in the blood. The latter have a pronounced atherogenic property, that is, they can cause atherosclerosis of large and medium-sized arteries. Subsequently, these changes lead to coronary heart disease, transient ischemic attacks, ischemic strokes, pathologies of the lower extremities.

The human musculoskeletal system is not always able to withstand weight loads. This causes the development of arthritis, destructive changes in the epiphyses of bones, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, pathologies of the ankle joints, radiculoischemia, discogenic radiculopathy. Subsequently, patients with severe forms of obesity of the 3rd degree lead sedentary image life, often confined to bed. Vein thrombosis of the legs, phlebitis with complications require adequate pharmacological therapy.

Diagnosis and determination of a specific form of overeating

Diagnostic manipulations to identify a specific form of overeating and obesity require the participation of several specialists, in particular, somatic and psychiatric profiles. Complete diagnosis of complications requires visits to targeted specialists.

In the diagnosis, the main data are: life history, general examination, physical, instrumental and laboratory research. The history specifies the presence of stress factors and a predisposing environment: prolonged fasting, psychogenic disorders, hormonal diseases. General examination allows you to establish the facts of disruption of the intestines, the amount of food consumed per day.

Instrumental and laboratory research is the most informative approach to diagnosis. By means of fibro-gastro-duodenoscopy, the presence of GERD, stomach volume, gastric secretion on an empty stomach is determined. Laboratory methods are designed to establish blood cholesterol levels, identify the risk of developing atherosclerosis and find out some hormonal pathologies, including hyper- and hypothyroidism, diabetes... All this is of great diagnostic value, since the establishment of a specific pathology can solve the problem of overeating and obesity.

Development stages

Exposing a specific stage of obesity is necessary measure to form a forecast, on the basis of which a specialized medical report about the tactics of treatment and the regimen of food intake. It can also become an indication for pharmacological and surgical methods of treating obesity, correcting mental status.

In practical medicine, body mass indices (height-weight ratio), indicators of the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are used for this.

The first stage of obesity, associated with overeating, is characterized by a BMI in the range from 30 to 34.9 kgm 2. The excess free mass is 20%. The second stage of obesity: BMI 35-40 34.9 kgm 2, and the third: BMI more than 40 kgm 2.

Overeating in children

Unfortunately, children also have a tendency to overeat, with unformed hormonal mechanisms for regulating appetite. Moreover, their indicators of excess weight are much less likely to go beyond the boundaries. acceptable limits requiring correction. As a rule, most cases are due to the presence of somatic diseases that require a specialized approach and treatment. Also, genetics has a major influence on the proportions of the body, and, accordingly, the amount of food consumed per day.

Overeating in newborns
The failure of the regulatory and receptor systems of the newborn's body often leads to overeating. However, since the organ systems are also not fully adaptable, the stomach, which has a volume of approximately 30-35 ml, is unable to accommodate large amounts of breast milk. The result is regurgitation (regurgitation) of excess food. For a newborn, this is not a pathology, just a discrepancy in the amount of breast milk secreted by the gland in one feeding can exceed the volume of the free space of the stomach.

An important point overeating such a plan is caring for the newborn after feeding. If he initially regurgitates excess milk, you should wait until the regurgitation stops. It is noteworthy that before laying the baby down, you should hold him upright for a while, especially if vomiting has occurred earlier. This is necessary to prevent asphyxiation of the newborn.

Overeating during pregnancy

Pregnancy is characterized by special changes in the woman's body. During the manifestation of toxicosis of pregnant women, food intake can be greatly complicated, since its use causes vomiting. The severity of this condition requires treatment, and the shorter the duration of toxicosis, the less likely is the onset of a period when appetite increases compensatory. A similar phenomenon described above? and is characterized by the "desire of the body" to take food in reserve.

Part of the increase in appetite and pickiness in food is due to the lack of certain components. These are mainly iron and proteins. In this case, food intake can be either uncontrolled (in rare cases), or simply increased. In a typical sense, the term overeating does not characterize this condition, because in this way the components and nutrients necessary for the body are replenished.

Treatment tactics for overeating and obesity

Overeating as a pathological condition is largely associated with obesity, with the exception of the hormonal pathologies described above. At the same time, an assessment of the general condition of the body and the degree of obesity can become an indication for therapeutic measures using pharmacological agents and a variety of surgical techniques.

The severity of the indications for treatment should prevent the therapy of cases that can be treated with a specialized metered-dose regimen and the implementation of the principles of fractional nutrition.

Pharmacological treatment

Pharmacological treatment of binge eating is often not highly specialized, especially if it is metabolic in nature. For the most part, in medical hospitals and outpatient departments there are patients in whom overeating provoked the development of health disorders. This ischemic heart disease, arthritis, ostearthrosis, pathological fractures of the extremities, gastroesophageal reflux disease, intestinal obstruction.

If overeating is a symptom of organic brain diseases, or a consequence of psychogenic stress, specialized therapy includes a course of antidepressants, and is prescribed by a neuropathologist or psychiatrist.

Symptomatic treatment of obesity is associated with the development of thrombosis and phlebitis. Correction of blood cholesterol level is also carried out as a preventive measure to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. This therapy requires the appointment of a course of drugs belonging to the class of fibrates, or statins, nicotinic acid derivatives, vitamin complexes and antioxidants.

The rationality of obesity therapy using the so-called bioactive food additives raises certain doubts, since the indicators of their use do not differ in a qualitative change in the patient's weight, and do not affect appetite. Also in practical medicine, experts are skeptical about fat absorption inhibitors and stored lipid burners.

Most of these drugs are undergoing controlled clinical trials, and therefore the safety of their use has not yet been proven. In this case, a typical complication of taking lipid absorption inhibitors is the development of bacterial complications, dysbiosis of the intestinal microflora, and an increased risk of developing metaplasia of the epithelial cover of the large intestine. Last thing side effect, which develops as a result of constant contact of the mucous membrane with the acidified contents of the colon, is characterized as facultative precancer. This means that the patient has an increased risk of the formation of both malignant and benign neoplastic formations in the intestine.


For the treatment of obesity, surgical tactics are more specific and effective, although relapse can manifest itself through certain time, as well as side effects associated with changes in the physiological mechanism of digestion.

Among the most promising surgical interventions, resection of the antrum of the stomach, resection of the small intestine (part of the ileum, directly at the Bauginia valve), gastric banding, and the installation of an intragastric balloon can be used.

However, surgical treatment tactics are not always applicable, even in cases where the general somatic status of the intervention is not contraindicated, which often happens in bedridden patients with stage 3 obesity, due to the risk of thrombosis. Also, surgical intervention should be carefully considered in terms of indications, among which there is no absolute need for intervention.

Typical indications for surgical treatment of obesity include: BMI over 40, disease progression (the primary pathogenetic factor of which is obesity), absence of endocrine pathology, and ineffectiveness of conservative therapy.

Metabolic disturbances in obese people who overeat lead to a relative lack of insulin. The result is type 2 diabetes mellitus, which further exacerbates obesity. In this case, the metabolism is partially reconstructed for the processing of fats, however, due to the large amount of acidic foods, their breakdown and the formation of ketone bodies, patients may experience serious health problems.

What people who are prone to overeating and obesity need to know

A rational explanation for the predisposition to obesity is the genetic background, the presence of close relatives with obesity in the family, the diet with an excess of the energy capacity of the consumed products. In this case, it should become a preventive measure designed to control the amount of food consumed. According to a rational technique, the essence of which is to stretch the time allotted for one meal, you can achieve a stable weight loss.

Also, the fight against overeating should not be carried out on your own, since you should initially find out its etiology by passing a medical examination. On its basis, specialists on a personal basis, taking into account specific constitutional features, will recommend a specific regimen, or provide special treatment.

Predictive characteristics of the development of various types of overeating
after proper treatment

Modern pharmacological and surgical techniques have achieved some success in the treatment of obesity of various etiologies, including complex hormonal pathologies. This guarantees patients a stable weight loss, and a decrease in pathological cravings for food through psychotherapy and drug treatment... At the same time, the main emphasis in the therapy process is placed on stimulating personal qualities specific patient.

With regard to pharmacological treatment, there are nuances, however, according to statistical data, their effectiveness has its own characteristics. If medicines were used together with the regime restriction of the amount of food, then a significant decrease in weight is observed in many cases. It also has high efficiency in psychogenic diseases, especially after adequate anti-stress therapy with antidepressants.

Surgical techniques are a last resort, although effectiveness surgical intervention comparatively higher, because patients lose their weight faster. However, these methods are associated with high trauma, the natural passage of food through the intestine is disrupted. In addition, with the exception of gastric ballooning, these tactics do not teach patients to eat correctly, but only block its absorption, or limit the volume of the stomach lumen, forming early impulses for satiety. Therefore, in relation surgical interventions it is worth highlighting some priorities: they guarantee weight loss in the postoperative period and the first six months by 10-20%; operations with resection of a part of the ileum and stomach have a long-term effect, gradually reducing body weight. With regard to the patient, it can be guaranteed that with the help of medical manipulations it is possible to reduce the manifestations of obesity, however, the formation of optimal eating behavior and weight management depends entirely on the personality of the person.

Before use, you must consult a specialist.

Overeating is an eating disorder characterized by the ingestion of excess food and the inability to stop at the right time.

Reasons for overeating

V modern society regular or occasional overeating is common for almost everyone. Many people experience the consequences of this disease on themselves, but do not always attach importance to them.

Common causes of excess food intake are:

  • Insensitivity of the human stomach to small changes in the amount of food due to the ability to stretch, so a feeling of satiety appears only 15-20 minutes after a meal;
  • Loss of selectivity in relation to food, that is, when choosing, people are guided not by the usefulness and nutritional value of the product, but by looking at it appearance, aroma, availability, ease and speed of preparation. In addition, numerous advertisements affect the subconscious of a person;
  • Masking the need for water (thirst) or nutrients under the feeling of hunger. This reason for overeating is due to the fact that fast food, which is increasingly consumed modern people, practically devoid of vitamins, useful amino acids, micro- and macroelements;
  • Giving food a new meaning that differs from the true one (replenishing energy costs). For example, a business lunch in a restaurant, when it is assumed that all guests will eat, regardless of whether they are hungry;
  • Psychological overeating. This group includes "seizing" stress, bad moods or tragic events, low self-esteem and self-doubt, food as a consolation.

Overeating symptoms

Having understood the reasons for excessive food consumption, it is necessary to find out the signs of this disorder in order to take timely measures and not bring the situation to obesity.

So, the main symptoms of overeating are as follows:

  • Weight gain or persistent weight fluctuations;
  • Sleep disturbance. After overeating, it is difficult for the body to fall asleep, because the digestive processes continue;
  • Malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, a feeling of discomfort ( increased gassing and bloating);
  • Absorption of food at any time, even in the absence of hunger;
  • Eating more food while maintaining the same daily routine and lifestyle;
  • Uncontrolled eating, for example, while watching TV or reading. Distractions not only make it difficult to enjoy the aroma and taste of food, but also make it difficult to determine when you are full;
  • Depression resulting from the above symptoms of overeating.

Nutritionists also identify such psychological manifestations of gluttony as: the desire to eat alone, an inner sense of guilt and self-dislike.

The consequences of overeating

The danger of overeating is so serious that doctors insist that getting up from the table should be with a slight feeling of hunger. Otherwise, metabolic disorders will not keep you waiting, which will affect the work of all internal organs.

The first consequences of overeating hit the heart. A person's weight grows, and with it all organs increase, so the heart has to saturate a larger space with blood. Heart contractions are intensified, and the muscle walls of the human "motor" thicken. As a result, hypertension and blood pressure problems arise.

The second organ that suffers after overeating is the liver. When the amount of essential fats is exceeded, it becomes their immediate source. Almost all cells in the body are filled with fat. This seriously affects not only the liver and heart, but also the intestines - the entire intestinal tract suffers. Cases of diseases such as cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis and chronic pancreatitis are on the increase.

Another consequence of overeating is hormonal disruption due to thyroxine deficiency. Women have problems with menstruation, and this threatens infertility. In men, erection is impaired.

It is also worth noting that excess weight is an additional burden on the spine and joints, which wear out ahead of time.

How to avoid overeating

You can cope with overeating on your own, but you need to constantly monitor food intake. Basic rules to follow:

  • Eat on time, concentrate on food and not be distracted;
  • Stop all snacks by gorging on main meals;
  • Always eat while sitting, as this helps to adhere to the regime and not be distracted during the meal;
  • Do not turn food into a reward or stimulant, you can find other ways for this;
  • Try not to eat in the first 15 minutes after coming home, as fatigue and hunger are one of the reasons for overeating.

Overeating treatment

Eating disorders are difficult to identify, since shame, denial and secrecy are the loyal companions of these diseases, so the disease may remain undetected for a long time. The disorder is only recognized when a person seeks help with weight loss or wants to get rid of health problems caused by obesity.

There are no studies that diagnose overeating. If this disorder is suspected, the doctor examines the patient's history, prescribes a series of examinations and tests to exclude physical pathologies. If, as a result of these manipulations, no physical illness is detected, the specialist refers the person to a psychologist who can diagnose and treat the symptoms of overeating.

If you cannot cope with the disease on your own, you can consult a doctor who will prescribe medications that reduce appetite.

Overeating problem in children

The culprits of an eating disorder in children are almost always parents, who by all means strive to feed the child even when he does not want to eat at all. After overeating, the baby's stomach stretches and holds much more than the child's body needs, the amount of food.

In addition, adults come up with various distracting maneuvers, for example, feeding a child while playing or watching cartoons, which absolutely should not be done. With this approach, the process of food consumption becomes uncontrolled and automatic, the baby develops bad habit snacking on a book or watching TV, and all together this leads to obesity.

The negative consequences of overeating are obvious, but it is worth noting that not only regular consumption of large amounts of food, but also one-time holiday gorging can lead to them. You should not go on a visit to try all the dishes on the table, but to chat with friends or relatives. It must be remembered that even a single excess of the permissible amount of food is fraught with serious health problems.

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