Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Gas water heaters in Khrushchev buildings. Kitchen design with a gas heater: placement features, tips. Space: hidden reserves

IN modern world More and more people forget about the existence of such a unit as geyser. Indeed, in most houses, both multi-storey and multi-storey, there are no problems with the supply of hot and cold water. Considering safety standards, gas equipment worth installing exclusively in the kitchen, and this brings some inconvenience to city residents. After all, the old-style speakers are very bulky, not suitable for small apartments, which are now the majority. However, new technologies make it possible to create compact devices for heating water that are ideal for and will create a unique interior. Of course, a designer with extensive experience will easily develop a kitchen design with a gas heater, fitting it perfectly into the overall interior, but for a beginner it will be quite problematic to choose the ideal option. To avoid basic mistakes when choosing, it’s worth understanding large quantities information, which is what our article will help you with.

Main types of geysers, their advantages and disadvantages

So, to begin with, we will tell you what types of geysers exist on this moment, we will highlight their main advantages and disadvantages, and also give a few advice to create a stylish design.

There are several different species columns that differ from each other depending on the type of ignition, type of burners, as well as their prices. At the same time, most often they technical properties almost identical. Their main differences rather in the comfort of use and the necessary costs.

  • Manual ignition in modern times is practically not used anywhere, since it has already become a thing of the past due to its inconvenience. However, in old ones you can still find just such units. In a gas water heater with this type of ignition, the entire system is based on the use matches. The gas in the igniter ignites from a match and when you turn the knob, which provides the main gas supply, the entire burner lights up. Such a column is very dangerous, since in the absence of water it can explode.
  • Piezo ignition. This type devices for heating water is based on piezoelectric an effect in which mechanical action is converted into electricity. In order to activate the heating mechanism, you need to press a special button, located on the gas water heater panel, after which the piezoelement will create a spark, which will ignite the igniter. The subsequent process does not require human intervention. Ease of use of such speakers is achieved due to small the amount of time spent heating water. When you open the tap, the column will light up, and in just a few seconds you can enjoy hot water. Such speakers fit harmoniously into almost any kitchen interior due to their elegant appearance.
  • Gas Ignition in columns is currently considered the safest, highest quality and most reliable. However, this type of speaker is the most Expensive. The whole system works on the principle of ignition in a car. The power element, which is usually two batteries, produces a spark. Therefore, you do not have to use any burning tools or press buttons. All you need to do is simply open the tap and hot water will instantly flow out. Convenience and saving speak for themselves, which is why most people prefer to install this type of water heating unit in their apartment.

To most harmoniously fit such a massive object into the interior of a small room, you can use additional decorative objects. For example, use a beautiful film with a variety of designs. Thanks to this decoration, the speaker will please the eye. You can also show Creative skills and paint external panel paints or special varnishes. If you want to completely hide the speaker from prying eyes, you can place it behind a hinged door.

Features of kitchen design with a gas water heater

Gas water heaters new generation nothing like the huge and explosive speakers of the socialist era. They became compact and very safe, unlike their predecessors, have an aesthetic design and are produced in a variety of colors: white, black and even painted. The speakers have a sophisticated design that allows them not to be masked or hidden, and they also fit perfectly into the overall interior.

When selecting a geyser, it is desirable that it either looks harmonious with the kitchen set or with the appliances installed in the kitchen. Then it will not be something alien and organically will look in general.

Gas water heater located between the cabinets

Gas column, for safety reasons, it is allowed to be installed between the upper kitchen cabinets, but according to the rules, there must be a free space of 3 cm on each side to ensure good ventilation. It is also necessary to cover the surface of nearby cabinets persistent To high temperature materials.

Geyser hidden in a cabinet

To disguise the gas water heater, it can be placed in the kitchen locker. This option is allowed only if all standards are met. security. The design of the cabinet itself, in which the column will be hidden, must meet special requirements. To ensure normal ventilation, there must be free space on the sides of the column. space, the back wall of the cabinet should be completely absent, as well as the bottom and top covers. Most kitchen sets are made to order, so you can easily order a cabinet for a column.

The only condition for this will be absence closed box. After all, the place where gas equipment is located must be ventilated for safety reasons.

Small kitchen in Khrushchev - how to properly decorate the interior?

Gas column, installed on, takes up quite a lot of space and therefore, the best solution such a problem would be to increase the total space in the room using transforming furniture. For example, folding or folding tables, retracting into a niche in the wall. Also used in the interior will help to visually expand the kitchen. As you know, white or beige can give a feeling coziness. That is why most speakers are produced in white.

Another option— put the gas heater in the closet, but the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • The geyser will break sooner or later. She will be needed repair or change it to a new one. When purchasing a new gas water heater, you may not have the right size, and there will be problems with hanging kitchen cabinets
  • Column is gas appliance, so you need to comply with all regulations fire safety. Good ventilation in the cabinet must be ensured, the walls must be well insulated and the holes for gas pipe and corrugation.

The design feature is compactness and maximum functionality. Thanks to your developed imagination and good ingenuity, you can create a real designer kitchen out of a small-sized kitchen. masterpiece.

Geyser and refrigerator in a small kitchen - examples of location

If we talk about the location of objects such as a stove or fridge, then people’s opinions differ. Some believe that they should not be endure beyond so as not to clutter the already compressed space. But this will create some inconvenience, so you should still leave the refrigerator near from the sink and stove. In order to make it easier for you to move from one object to another, you need to arrange them so that they form a certain triangle. But placing the refrigerator too close to the stove or gas water heater dangerous, since the interaction of such different temperatures can lead to unpleasant consequences. Usually, a gas water heater prevents the refrigerator from being conveniently positioned. To solve this problem there is following options:

  • Place it in niche, which was specially created when planning the corridor;
  • Buy compact refrigerator that can be built directly into kitchen set.

The ideal place for a refrigerator in small kitchen areas is seat by the door. With different layouts, the door may form an angle or go flat wall, and in both cases there will be the most convenient location for the refrigerator.

Kitchens ranging from 5.5 to 9 sq.m. — how to get out of a situation with limited space?

For creating cozy design a kitchen with an area of ​​no more than , in which it is intended to install a gas water heater, is required exactly take all measurements and pick up suitable furniture. It is likely that you will have to make a headset to order to exactly match the existing room dimensions. Purchasing a small table and stools would be a good solution.

For a kitchen with a gas water heater, the area of ​​which is no more than , you will need to buy only the most necessary items. The table should be the most minimum size, and best of all foldable. Also a good space saver additional a work surface that can transform into a sliding panel covering the sink. It is best not to place the column itself in the center, but to place on the edge, as if completing the set.

Kitchen 5.5 and with a gas water heater will deliver a lot inconvenience when it is formalized, however, even here it is possible to competently get out of the situation. The solution may be to use . Firstly, you will both cook and eat on it. Secondly, placing shelves for glasses and cups above it will significantly save space. In such conditions, it would be best to remove the gas water heater into a niche or behind a hinged door.

To better imagine everything that was described, it is presented in the photo. On them you will see the most successful examples conditions in small kitchens in Khrushchev, learn for yourself necessary ideas and maybe even bring them to life!

Not only, but even small kitchen can look stylish and organic, the main thing is to show fantasy and put in some effort. And then your kitchen will delight not only you, but also your guests. Good luck!

Not all city apartments have a centralized gas supply - many use gas water heaters. Most often they are installed in the kitchen, because there is more possibilities for air exchange. And although manufacturers produce modern compact and small-sized gas equipment, it also takes up a lot of usable kitchen space in a Khrushchev-era building, which is already small in size. But you can see what a window sill and countertop might look like in a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building

Layout features

The lack of usable space is the main problem of kitchens in houses built by Khrushchev in the 60s of the last century, and although the metropolitan authorities annually report on their demolition, their share in the housing market is still quite large.

Therefore, every housewife wants to arrange her kitchen in such a way that it would not only be possible to prepare food for the whole family, but would also have space for eating and installing the necessary household equipment. How can you achieve such a result? There are some rules and tricks that, with a skillful approach, will help you equip a small kitchen with maximum convenience. But what are the design features of a small kitchen with a gas water heater, you can see

The video shows a description of the kitchen layout:

Skillful design solutions

These simple tricks will help to significantly increase the usable area of ​​a small kitchen, but how to hide a gas water heater, and what options are there for this?

The column can be installed for

How to hide a gas water heater

Before choosing a location for installing a gas water heater, you must consider the following points:

  • The kitchen must have a good ventilation system.
  • No flammable objects should be placed near it.
  • Installation close to the ceiling is prohibited: a decent gap must be left for oxygen access. It is also necessary to leave free space at the bottom of the device to blow air and ensure gas combustion.

If installation is planned in a cabinet, then the device must be mounted to the wall, and a gap of at least 3 cm is left between the walls of the cabinet and the device. The lower, rear and upper blind parts must be absent. The cabinet walls can be fixed to other kitchen furniture, for example, a dryer or another wall.

  • Installation of the device near a window opening. This placement option will go well with hidden storage spaces: drawers or baskets.
  • Open option. This method is considered the safest. In stores you can find very compact and functional water heaters; they can be placed between cabinets in the kitchen and not disrupt the overall design solution.

Practical advice. The best place for the column there will be a location above the sink, because usually a metal apron is installed here to prevent the spread of dampness, and it can also act as a fireproof protection.

But how to choose facades for the kitchen and which are the best and most beautiful, you can understand by going

Space Saving Options

In a small kitchen, every centimeter is important and should be used to maximum advantage, for example:

  • To create a comfortable work surface, you can equip a retractable cutting board. Moreover, it can be used as a stand for coffee or a laptop if you need to organize work at the computer.

    A retractable board is the best option for a small kitchen

  • Instead of a traditional dining table, you can purchase a folding version, when the whole family gathers, you can spread it out and then put it in the pantry.

    A folding table in a small kitchen can even be screwed to the wall

  • If there is no room for it, then you can consider the option with wide window sill, you can not only cut up food on it, but also eat food, equipping it with folding, retractable chairs. Or put shelves on wheels under it - they can be pulled out and taken out at any time necessary items

    or shelf-stable products, and quite a lot of space is saved!

  • The window sill can be used as an additional table If between wall shelves free space left

    – will buy cargo to suit its size: on the open shelf you can place a mixer, watch, wine glasses or other necessary utensils.

  • Additional dishes can be installed on such shelves Also, don't forget about the angles.

    It is best to use custom-made cabinets

Do you have a Khrushchev kitchen with a gas water heater? Then be sure to read on!

You will learn what safety measures need to be observed when drawing up a project for a kitchen with a gas water heater in a Khrushchev-era apartment. We will look at several ideas for arranging furniture in your small kitchen, and try to fit a gas water heater into a modern kitchen set.

To do this, it is not necessary to change your boring “Khrushchev” apartment to a new building. It is enough to think through the project competently and apply some design tricks. And as a result, in a small-sized Khrushchev-era apartment, the kitchen design with a gas heater will be modern, beautiful and comfortable.

Let's start with safety precautions.

Geyser. Security measures

For household gasified water heaters, there are a number of operational requirements that cannot be ignored under any circumstances. When composing and thinking through the design of a kitchen with a gas water heater, it is necessary to build on these standards.

  • The room where the speaker is used must be well ventilated.
  • It is prohibited to place easily flammable objects near the gasified water heater.
  • Do not block the lower part of the water heater, where oxygen enters.
  • For normal operation of the water heater, the chimney must be accessible for cleaning and inspection.
  • Do not cover the chimney with fusible finishing materials.

Types of geysers

According to the principle of operation, instantaneous gasified water heaters are divided into 2 types:


The operating mechanism is as follows: when the valve is turned on hot water, the pilot light lights up and ignites the burner. Cold water enters the column, and hot water flows out of the tap.


In this type of column, the gas wick burns constantly, and when the water is turned on, the burner turns on.

By appearance gas water heaters have a similar appearance, because you need to fit inside a certain amount of tubes and valves. The design of a water heater may differ only in the color of the surface and the type of control panel - buttons, handles or sensor.

Also, in modern geysers, the wick window looks visually more advantageous. And in some water heaters, the control panel is covered with a lid, so that the column looks like an ordinary furniture cabinet.

To transfer or not to transfer?

A gas water heater in a small Khrushchev-era kitchen annoys the owner, no matter where it is located - in the corner or in the middle of the wall.

When the idea of ​​transfer arises, it is worth calculating how profitable it will be to digest the entire water heating system. Take into account the costs of approving a new gas project with the relevant government agencies.

Many design ideas so inventive that sometimes new person, having entered a kitchen with a gas water heater, he does not even suspect the existence of this very water heater and mistakes it for furniture.

Therefore, it is worth considering all the design options for a kitchen with a gas water heater before starting renovations.

To mask or not to mask?

Both options are good in their own way. Let's look at specific, implemented projects.

Option 1: Leave the column open

Modern water heaters are so beautiful and elegant design, which, among other wall cabinets, looks like a glove.

If, for example, your choice fell on a white water heater, then the kitchen furniture will match the right choice. Moreover, the color white best idea for a small kitchen.

Option 2. Mask the column

This decision is made by those who care long years I'm tired of the gas heater in the kitchen. To ensure that the camouflage of the gas water heater is safe, carefully calculate the permissible distances from the water heater to adjacent cabinets. They cannot be less than 3 cm. Exact dimensions indicated in the passport of your device.

As furniture facade use a lattice door at a minimum.

Consider the design of the chimney and do it in accordance with the operational features.

Kitchen design project with a geyser for every taste

In a small kitchen with a column, the interior design project should be carefully considered. Due to the location of the water heater on the wall, the best finishing material for the entire wall would be ceramic tile. Tiles are a wear-resistant and non-flammable material, this is important when using the speaker.

The remaining walls can be covered with washable wallpaper, or decorative plaster can be applied to them.

ABOUT visual magnification We have already spoken about a small space, let us briefly summarize:

  • Choose pastels and bright hues for design small kitchen(including with a geyser) - this visually increases the space;
  • On small ceilings, stucco is usually not used because it looks bulky. A great way to visually raise the ceiling is to install a tension system.
  • Pay special attention to the lighting system. Correctly directed light can emphasize important details: highlight a kitchen unit, for example.
  • Use folding furniture and retractable furniture elements.

Examples of interesting kitchen design ideas with a column

1) This project was designed for a gas water heater located in the middle of the wall. The design of the water heater fits well into the interior, despite the alternative tone of the facades of the set. appearance suitable for kitchens for those who do not want to move the gas water heater to the corner of the kitchen, and are not very concerned about the fact that the water heater is in sight.

2) White color This project “blurs” the line between furniture and water heater, making the kitchen look monolithic. For such a project, you will have to weld the pipes and disguise them in a nearby closet.

3) The next option for arranging a geyser is suitable for those who have it located in a blind corner. At first glance, you can’t even tell that such a unit is hidden behind the holey door of the headset. The only drawback is the inaccessible space on the countertop, although, as a rule, this place in corner kitchens is the “dead zone” or sink. In this project, the sink is in a different place.

4) Interesting a budget option geyser design. The essence of the idea is economical and extraordinary repairs Khrushchev's cuisine. Excellent color scheme - black, yellow and white - a classic combination. Of course, this includes the corresponding interior of all kitchen furniture. And among the shortcomings - open shelves. In the kitchen they collect a lot of dust and dirt, in addition they reduce usable space for storing anything in a small kitchen.

5) This project of a “Khrushchev” kitchen with a gas water heater contains compact (45 cm) built-in household appliances.

From these examples of the design of a “Khrushchev” kitchen with a gas water heater, it is clear that when the right approach any flaw can be turned into an advantage by thinking through the design of the room, competently making repairs and arranging furniture.

No home can be imagined without a cozy kitchen, where the hostess prepares her unique culinary masterpieces every day. And, of course, every woman dreams of a spacious kitchen. But often dreams do not coincide with reality, and you have to be content with a tiny room. However, a kitchen of 6 meters is not a reason for frustration.

Even if you are the owner of a Khrushchev building, with the right approach, decorating a beautiful, functional room will not be difficult. In this matter, you will have to study the recommendations of designers who will tell you what furniture to buy and in what color scheme decorate the space.

Security questions

Arranging a kitchen with a gas heater has its own characteristics. Mainly a matter of compliance with safety rules. Moreover, they should be observed regardless of the interior design.

Safety rules include:

  • Installation, dismantling and any other work related to the column should be performed only by professionals.
  • You cannot change the location of gas equipment at your own discretion. All actions must be coordinated with the relevant service.
  • The wall surface located behind the column should not be covered flammable materials. If the walls are covered with wallpaper, gas apparatus, it is better to finish the wall with regular whitewash.
  • Gas equipment should not come into contact with the cabinets. Optimal distance between the column and the cabinet 3-5 cm.
  • It is prohibited to place gas equipment on top of each other. That is, a gas-powered column cannot be hung above a stove powered by the same fuel.
  • Constant, unimpeded access must be provided to the gas water heater.
  • Communications that ensure the normal functioning of gas equipment should not be walled up in the wall.

Masking the column

No matter how elegant the layout of the 6-meter kitchen in the photo is, bulky gas equipment will not decorate the room. Optimal choice– construction of the cabinet, taking into account all the above safety rules. The best option– order a wardrobe according to individual measurements.

The product must be wide to ensure the necessary air circulation around the equipment. Plus, holes must be made in the cabinet walls for supplying communications.

And, of course, the walls of the structure must be insulated in accordance with fire safety requirements.

Let's move on to decorating the room

Small kitchenette with geyser, area 5 sq.m. leaves virtually no room for the implementation of creative ideas. When designing a room in a photo, you have to be guided by functionality.

It’s great if the result of the work is Beautiful design, but the functionality of the kitchen layout must be in the foreground.

  • If the kitchen is small, literally tiny, the first thing you have to give up is installation oven. You will have to limit yourself to only the hob. Perfect option for kitchen 5 sq.m. This hob, which is covered with a special lid and transforms into an additional desktop.
  • For those housewives who cannot imagine a kitchen without an oven, we can recommend purchasing a small oven, similar in appearance and dimensions to a microwave oven.
  • The layout of a small room does not allow for free space. Therefore, the space under the sink cannot be empty. You can fill it in a dishwasher or miniature washing machine.
  • A regular refrigerator can be replaced with a horizontal model. This is a functional design that takes up space under the work surface.
  • If the option with a horizontal refrigerator is not suitable, regular model you will have to take it out onto the balcony or into the corridor.
  • The dining area will have to be equipped with folding models, similar to tables in trains.
  • The kitchen layout is 6 meters, necessarily includes a window with a window sill. You should not fill this surface with flowerpots. It is more rational to equip an additional work surface. You can also move the sink with lower cabinets here.
  • Even such a small kitchen as 5 sq.m. cannot do without modern household appliances. But in a small room, bulky equipment may look out of place. Therefore, in order to hide useful items, it is recommended to place them behind the facades of the headset.
  • The color scheme for a small room should certainly be light. Two or three shades of one calm color will be quite sufficient for beautiful design kitchens.

Standard Khrushchev houses do not pamper their residents with spacious living space. Kitchens are very small in size. As a rule, the standard kitchen area is 6 square meters. meters. However, the need to equip a kitchen that is modern and has become essential, household appliances and no one canceled the furniture.

When such houses were designed, the space in the kitchen was small, but sufficient. Now we have to solve the real problem, thinking about how to place it on the existing small space dinner table, chairs, cutting board, drawers, cabinets, refrigerator, gas water heater, dishwasher or a washing machine. Besides, you need to somehow fit yourself there.

Design and interior issues are no less important than functionality. There are many solutions for rooms with limited space, a classic example of which are kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings.

Features of kitchen design in Khrushchev

The main requirement for a small kitchen is ergonomic design. Everything should be convenient, everything should be at hand and subordinated to one goal - saving free space.

The design features of a small kitchen in Khrushchev are clearly visible in the photo. The only possible arrangement of objects is exclusively around the perimeter. Nothing will fit in the middle of the kitchen. It is important to keep this space free.

This can be clearly seen in the photo of the kitchen design in Khrushchev. All things are located near the walls.

The following solutions will help you save useful space:

  • extendable dining table. You can have a drink with it Morning coffee, and for dinner push it apart. Thus, the table will not take up extra space and, at the same time, will be able to fully perform its function;
  • use the space under the windowsill. It is suitable for equipping shelves or small drawers suitable for storing food or little-used utensils;
  • seems appropriate to hang above the table wall cabinet. It will not interfere with lunch or dinner and can be used to store dishes and cutlery.

Similar solutions can often be found in photo examples of kitchens in Khrushchev. For cutting meat and slicing vegetables, you can use the surface of a kitchen drawer located near the gas stove. Just choose a box with a moisture-resistant surface.

At the same time, you should not fit as many pieces of furniture as possible in the kitchen. It is better to use a minimal amount, but competently and wisely.

When choosing furniture, it is necessary to give preference to moisture-resistant and durable furniture. After all, drawers and shelves will have to be used often. This means that they will have to be opened constantly. The humidity in the kitchen is higher than in the room. Therefore, the furniture and fittings themselves must be reliable and durable.

Choosing furniture for the kitchen in Khrushchev? take into account all the features and, if possible, make a drawing. All problems with small kitchens existed before and were successfully solved. The main rule of small kitchen design is convenience and simplicity; maximum use useful areas and properties of furniture.

Room zoning

Despite the small area, zoning is also applied here. It is customary to allocate zones: for cooking, for storing food, household appliances. IN narrow kitchens There is no need to install a dining table. The room is used for meals. Interesting optionoval table, which will not take up much space. For skilled designers it is possible to develop a window sill-table. This design is not difficult to install. The surface of the window sill is lengthened and legs are installed.

Some rules for renovating a kitchen in Khrushchev

Often the appearance and decoration of a new kitchen requires a major update. Therefore, many, having bought a small apartment, decide to make renovations to give it modern look. When renovating your kitchen, you should follow some rules.

First of all, you need to get rid of old tiles, wallpaper, flooring, check the reliability of the electrical wiring.

When making renovations, you should not buy a large pendant lamp or chandelier. Despite the fact that it will illuminate the room well, it will also take up too much space. And given the small height of the ceilings, such a chandelier will look ridiculous and just get in the way.

Convenient option are point ceiling lamps; they will provide light and will not take up extra space. Such lamps are convenient for tension or suspended ceiling. Becoming invisible, they remain functional.

You shouldn’t buy large refrigerators either; it may happen that there is simply nowhere to put it. It is better to choose models that are narrower but tall. This will play a role in saving space. Compliance with these rules will help you equip a full-fledged kitchen without losing any free space.

Kitchen interior in Khrushchev

When choosing an interior, an option would be to prefer light colors. They will help to visually enlarge the space, expanding it and making it tall and voluminous.

Conversely, using dark colors will lead to a narrowing of the already small area. The same rule applies to the choice of furniture. Wood-colored options in light shades look good. A white kitchen will also look good. White kitchens in Khrushchev presented various models. However, they all combine well with the color of wallpaper and household appliances, which are also white. White color will help create an atmosphere of cleanliness and comfort; it is suitable for increasing space.

Corner furniture for a kitchen in Khrushchev will perfectly cope with the task of functionality. It will help you not to lose a centimeter of such valuable free space. The corner kitchen is equipped with the necessary amount drawers and shelves. By making deep niches in it, you can fit kitchen utensils. Cutlery, kitchen sets, seasonings, products that do not require storage in the refrigerator are placed there.

Requirement for corner kitchen in Khrushchev, this is the installation of furniture on a blank wall facing the street. Thus, you can place kitchen furniture, besides, it helps to retain heat in the apartment. But massive furniture or furniture in high-tech style will not look appropriate. Furniture takes up too much space and will look awkward in a small room. Besides, heavy furniture much more difficult to move if rearrangement is necessary.

Furniture with doors opening horizontally is not convenient. Kitchen design in Khrushchev has many options with vertical mechanism. They are easy to use and save space. The capacity of such boxes is large.

Consider furniture with an acrylic surface. The material does not absorb dirt and grease, shines and does not fade over time. Cleaning will not be difficult for the housewife.

Features of kitchen design in Khrushchev with a gas water heater

Exist design solutions for the kitchen in Khrushchev with a gas water heater. Modern geysers They are small in size, so the speaker can be “hidden” in a cabinet. And use the free space to store household small items (dish sponges, napkins).

Developed by competent designers interesting solutions kitchen interior in Khrushchev with a gas water heater. At the same time, it is not necessary to transfer the project to the kitchen literally down to the smallest detail. Contribute yours! Details should complement each other, combine in one harmonious way. This approach will help adapt existing solutions to your kitchen.

Do not be afraid to place kitchen furniture too close to the gas water heater. Such a neighborhood will not lead to negative consequences. If you are not sure, install induction cookers.

The interior of a Khrushchev-era kitchen with a gas water heater assumes proximity to a hood. It is very convenient and functional. This solution allows you to place a column, a hood, gas stove and a cutting table.

Select the color of the geyser based on either the color of household appliances or the color of furniture.

Choosing Decoration Materials It's worth stopping at the glass. The working part of the kitchen is exposed to constant exposure during cooking. A ceramic stove is considered the most acceptable option. However, modern models glass apron are not inferior to their analogues. Stylish appearance and long-term wear resistance are the main characteristics of glass materials. This apron does not absorb moisture and can be washed with plain water.

Living room

If space allows, we will combine the living room with the kitchen. In this case, we expand the passage by removing the door and part of the wall or even the entire wall. Modern studio apartments solve the problem of narrow space by combining the hallway with the kitchen and room.

It is important to clearly zone such a room, highlighting dining area and a food preparation area. Zoning is achieved by highlighting with color and finishing. For example, we will highlight the dining area with cork floor covering, A kitchen area– tiles. We use wallpaper or wall tiles with different texture, drawing. At modern assortment, choosing an option to your liking will not be difficult. For the kitchen, choose wallpaper with meadows, herbs, and still lifes with a bright range of colors.

The color tone should be the same. Colors should not oppose each other. Smooth color transitions are the key to stability and the respectable nature of the owner.

Kitchen design in a Khrushchev apartment (30 photos):

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