Encyclopedia of fire safety

Wallpaper for water-based paint. Is it possible to glue wallpaper on old wallpaper or water-based paint. The strength of the water-based paint layer

Without greatly tormenting our reader, we’ll say right away that such an approach is allowed, but only if a number of requirements are met, otherwise you can’t expect a long life of the wallpaper. In this part of the article, we will analyze all the nuances regarding the foundation, see all the technological steps that we need to go through.

Varieties of wallpaper

Coming in hardware store, you will see that there are a large number of varieties of wallpaper on the shelves. They may have different basis, differ in thickness, color, pattern. All this determines not only appearance, but also performance, including the convenience of gluing. For this reason, it is necessary to correlate these parameters with the characteristics of the substrate on which they will be glued.

Option number 1. Thin wallpaper

Thin wallpapers, which include budget paper, vinyl, expensive silk-screen printing and fabric materials, usually have no more than two layers. Therefore, when glued, they repeat the surface of the base, and even small irregularities appear through them, which is especially true for smooth models. Surface preparation for them can take a long time, especially when it comes to expensive materials. Putty such walls and ceilings at least 4-5 times, achieving perfect smoothness.

If the texture of such wallpapers is embossed, then they may well hide small irregularities, but still you should not tempt fate, since what is imperceptible in the process of work will definitely catch your eye when it will be problematic to redo something. Therefore, we always keep this information in mind.

Thin wallpapers are much easier to glue, as they are more elastic and do not have a large mass. When pasted on water-based paint, they will not strongly tighten it, that is, a violation of integrity is less likely. The exception is - this material is poorly impregnated, it is inelastic and can tear off pieces of paint when the glue dries.

Option number 2. Dense wallpaper

Thick three-layer wallpaper on a non-woven base can hide most of the minor surface flaws, so the requirements for the surface on which they are glued are less stringent. By themselves, they are quite heavy, but when glued they are not impregnated, but only smeared on the wall, so the material does not stretch much, and therefore does not shrink back - the solution is quite suitable for walls painted with water-based emulsion.

Option number 3. The liquid wallpaper

Another type of wallpaper is liquid. This material is a paper pulp tinted and diluted in water, which is applied to surfaces in the manner ordinary putty. These wallpapers are the most undemanding to the base, as they fill all the bumps. Moreover, the more flaws on the surface, the better they will hold, but only within reason. This means that from very deep potholes, the material may crumble over time. However, the evenness of the surface is guaranteed in any case.

They can also be glued to a water-based emulsion, like other options, but only subject to certain conditions, which we will talk about later.

Prices for different types of wallpaper

Varieties of water-based paint

There are several varieties of water-based paints. They have one thing in common - water is used as a solvent, but the base is different, which affects the performance properties.

Option No. 1 Paint based on polyviniacetate

The most inexpensive and low-quality version of water-based paint is made on the basis of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) dispersion. Such a base will have less strength compared to competitors. Its surface is porous, if applied incorrectly, it can peel off in places. This paint is applied in two thin layers. It washes off easily warm water.

It is better not to glue wallpaper on a base covered with such paint, although if you are sure that the material will not peel off, then you can try. In places where the paint lags behind, it must be soaked with warm water and cleaned, getting to strong places.

Advice! With this approach, you leave different types of bases on the surface. On the exposed plaster, the wallpaper may not stick normally and move away over time. Therefore, it is recommended that the cleaned places be preliminarily puttied and, after drying, subjected to grinding.

The quality of the polyviniacetate emulsion varies. good lineups allow wallpapering without the risk of further peeling, while cheap options, of course, cannot give such a guarantee. Therefore, our advice, if you do not know what the walls were specifically painted with, clean off such a coating completely. This is easy to do, but be prepared for a large number dirt, so pre-cover the floors in the room with plastic wrap.

Option number 2. Polymer based paint

If your walls are painted with polymer water-based paint, then you can glue wallpaper on them with more confidence. These compounds include latex, silicone and acrylic paints. All of these options are washable, so they just do not dissolve in water. If you try to scrape them off the surface with a spatula, they will come off in pieces, while the PVA-based option will crumble into powder.

Distinctive feature polymer compositions- their durable surface, not afraid of damage and moisture. It is preferable to glue wallpaper on such surfaces, but only if there are no delaminations on it, which can also appear due to improper painting work.

The elimination of flaws is carried out in almost the same way - we clean the poorly holding places with a spatula, level the differences due to putty, grind it and you can get to work.

Advice! If you are not sure about the reliability of the polymer water-based emulsion, then to remove it you will need to buy a special wash, after processing which, the paint peels off very easily.

Prices for water-based paints

Water based paint

Surface preparation

And now let's discuss in more detail the process of preparing walls for wallpapering.

We start by inspecting them for the presence of cracks, delaminations, pockets of mold, and damp places. All these points, one way or another, will affect the quality of the adhesion to the wallpaper and the strength of the paint itself.

In the presence of mechanical damage, we take a hard spatula and begin to clean the paint to those places where it will seem to us that it is already holding firmly. If the paint lags behind very easily and in whole layers, as shown in the photo below, then it is best to clean it all off the base, otherwise you risk ruining it new renovation. If this effect is not observed, but doubts still do not leave you, then take an ordinary adhesive tape, stick it to the wall along the cleaned edge and pull it sharply. If pieces of paint come off, then the stripping must be continued, if everything is in order, then you can not worry about the fate of the wallpaper.

If you have traces of mold on the paint, then this may indicate that your walls are freezing in this place or moisture is constantly getting on them from somewhere. Maybe there is a communication going on. In any case, the cause will need to be eliminated, otherwise your new wallpaper will soon look no better than the old whitewash.

If mold is found in the corner of the room, then 90% that it freezes through. In this case, you should take care of the insulation, and do it better outside the room, from the side of the street. If this is not possible, then you can install a heat insulator from the inside, but usually this will require additional wall cladding with drywall ... In general, the problem is quite serious, and its solution requires appropriate measures.

The same goes for dampness. It is necessary to find its source and eliminate it. It happens that mold on the walls appears due to poor ventilation of the room. This is the simplest case - here we will check the ventilation, adjust its operation and simply eliminate the fungus. The easiest way to kill mold is with Whiteness or any other chlorine-containing compound. The walls are carefully processed, after which the mold disappears literally before our eyes.

Deep penetration primer prices

Primer deep penetration

Before starting any dirty work, it is necessary to free the room and lay the floor. If this does not work, then we shift everything to the center of the room and cover it with the same polyethylene or thick cloth.

After stripping, we inspect the walls for irregularities - it is quite possible that curved walls were painted. If there are any in a small amount, they should be promptly eliminated - it can only be applied on a solid base, so these places will also have to be cleaned. If there are serious differences in the plane on the face, then it may be worth deciding on the plastering of the walls, but if the evenness of the finish is not important to you, you can skip this step.

Further, all cleaned places must be treated with a primer. For these purposes, deep penetration acrylic primer is perfect. We apply it with a brush and let it dry according to the instructions for use.

Then we start applying putty. Please note - if your walls are painted with polymeric vapor-proof paint, for example, latex, then putty should be chosen with similar properties. You can buy it at ready-made, in small buckets. The putty is applied in such a layer that it is on the same level with the paint. Then it is left to dry for 5-6 hours.

After the putty has dried, it must be cleaned to a smooth state. Use a fine abrasive for 200-240 for this. Make circular motions so that the material is scraped off evenly.

Having received the repaired surface, you can start wallpapering. We will describe this process in detail in the next chapter.

We will give one more piece of advice on how to check the reliability of a base painted with water-based paint. Take a regular newspaper and stick it on wallpaper glue to the wall. Try to take it off after a day. If it leaves without paint and with difficulty, then everything is in order, and if it comes off, leaving bald spots behind, then it is better to clean everything off before puttying.

Video - How to remove paint from walls

Wallpapering painted walls

So, preparatory processes completed, move on to gluing. To do this, we need a simple set of tools.

1. Roller, brush and cuvette- with their help, we will apply priming compounds and glue. The roller should not be taken foam rubber, pile is better. The brush should be medium or big size to make it easy for her to handle large areas. It is also worth preparing a small bucket with which it will be convenient to climb up to the ceiling.

2. Plastic spatula. Smoothing wallpaper with rags is last century. It is inefficient and of poor quality. Today, for these purposes, either such elastic plastic spatulas or special rubber rollers are used. It is worth using a spatula only with wallpaper with a high-quality pattern that does not come off at the slightest impact.

This tool is truly indispensable and very convenient. Be sure to buy another pack of blades, as they dull very quickly in the process. From cutting tool you can also turn on scissors, as it is more convenient to divide the roll into sheets with them.

For precise cutting of wallpaper under ceiling baguettes and joining the canvases you will need a spatula with a wide and even blade. We will describe its application in more detail below.

Wallpaper seams must be strictly vertical. To verify the position, we need a building level, you can use a plumb line or even a laser axis builder, if you have one. Also, for marking, you will need a simple pencil and some kind of even and long guide.

Prices for building levels

Building levels

6. Bucket. Throw in a bucket for mixing glue and you have a complete set. Now, as for the materials, we do not take into account the putty, since we have already described the complete procedure for working with it, and it is not needed in every case.

7. Wallpaper. I would like to say a few words about the width of the purchased rolls. Many people think that wide wallpaper gluing is much easier and faster. And indeed, the way it is, if you have wide walls in the room and a minimum number of window and doorways and there is free access behind the heating radiator. If you decide to glue, for example, in small hallway, take better option by 50 cm.

8. Primer. If your walls are painted with vapor-permeable paint, then you will need to pre-prime them, as they will absorb moisture greatly, which will complicate the work with glue. If the paint, for example, is latex, then this step can be skipped. No, we will prime the walls, but with a completely different composition.

9. Wallpaper glue. Want to make things easier for yourself? Then buy a good wallpaper paste for your type of wallpaper. From our own experience, we will say that the undoubted leader is products from French companies, such as Kleo or Quelid. Also, morally, the good old CMC glue does not want to become obsolete, and if you add PVA glue to it, then hardly anyone can compete with such a mixture in quality.


Table 1. Instructions for wallpapering

Steps, photoDescription

We begin work with the preparation of glue. There are three types of it: powder, concentrate and ready. We act with the view you have according to the instructions. Please note that we will need to make two different dilutions - both methods are indicated on the package. The first will be intended for application to wallpaper and walls, and the second for priming the surface. The composition is diluted in this case more liquid.

Next, we begin to prime the walls. It is better to do this in several layers so that the wallpaper does not peel off during operation. The first layer is made with acrylic primer. We repeat - it is not required if the paint is vapor- and waterproof. After drying, you can make another layer with the same composition, or you can immediately primed with glue. This treatment is mandatory - you do not consume much material, but a film forms on the wall, which, when wet, will also have adhesive properties, which will simplify the task. In general, 2 or three layers of soil, decide for yourself.

Further, in order not to be distracted in the process, the wallpaper must be cut into pieces. To do this, measure the height of the wall and add 5-10 cm to it from above for possible inaccuracies. If you have a wallpaper with a pattern, then be sure to follow its coincidence. Perhaps in this case it will be easier for you to cut the wallpaper in place after gluing.

It is convenient to roll wallpaper on the floor, so make sure it is clean. We cut the material with a clerical knife or scissors according to the markup. In such work, a flat guide and a strong underlay, for example, a piece of plywood, on which you can cut without fear of damaging the flooring, can come in handy.

We take a tape measure, and set aside the width of the wallpaper minus 2-3 cm from any corner to the side. From this point down, we make a markup with a plumb line or level, along which we will align the first sheet.

Attention! Do not use dyeing thread in your work, as its paint can stain the wallpaper. Our choice is a simple pencil.

Before applying glue, carefully inspect the wallpaper label and look for one of the signs indicated in the photo. If a roller is drawn, then the adhesive is applied directly to the wall, there is no need to smear the wallpaper. If a brush is drawn, then we will smear both.

We smear wallpaper directly on the floor. It is necessary to cover with a layer of glue all reverse side. Then the canvas must be folded, as shown in the photo. This is necessary so that their base is well saturated with glue. You can prepare up to 6-7 canvases in this way - they will not dry when folded.

After we move on to the wall - we apply glue to it with a roller over an area slightly exceeding the width of the roll. We coat the corners, top and bottom separately with a brush.

We glue the first canvas with a slight bend around the corner. Let's say right away that if the corners in the room are geometrically even, then this can not be done, but in most cases the joints in them have to be done by ourselves, according to their shape.

The following canvases are glued end-to-end with the previous ones, while 2-3 cm are left on top for trimming to the ceiling. We look from below so that the remaining space can cover the plinth. The wallpaper is leveled with a plastic spatula, first from the center to the edges and up, and then in the same way, but moving down.

At the ceiling, the wallpaper must be cut. You need to do this with a spatula and only sharp knife to keep the edge clean. Be extremely careful if you eat stretch ceiling- it is very easy to pierce it with a spatula or knife.

Using a spatula, an inconspicuous joint of the canvases is also made if there are no factory edges. For this you need:

  • glue two canvases on top of each other with an overlap of 4-5 cm;
  • attach a spatula vertically in the middle and press down the wallpaper;
  • cut through both pieces of wallpaper in one pass;
  • remove trimming by bending the edges;
  • freshen up the glue on the wall and smooth out the wallpaper.

    Such a joint, provided that the color and pattern match, will be even more inconspicuous than the factory one. It is also done in the corners of the room.

  • If you are not a supporter of whitewashed gypsum walls, but at the same time you want to have the opportunity more often and without special costs change the look and mood of the rooms again, why not look towards wallpapers that can be painted over and over again? In we will tell you how to paint wallpaper for painting correctly, strictly according to technology, so that they serve for a long time.

    Video - How to glue wallpaper with your own hands

    As you know, before pasting the wallpaper, it is necessary to prepare the surface in order to ensure the necessary adhesion and avoid peeling of the coating. After all, it is precisely the violation of the work process and insufficiently high-quality training that most often serve as the reason for the fact that through short term wallpaper peel off.

    In this review, we will consider whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on water-based paint, and what needs to be done for this.

    Surface preparation methods

    We note right away that just leaving the paint on is a rather risky undertaking. Many craftsmen answer in the affirmative to the question of whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on water-based paint, arguing that such a base is much better than a coating of oil or alkyd compounds.

    And this is correct, but it is impossible to guarantee that the layer will behave stably - the finish can last a dozen years, or it can peel off in a year along with the paint. It is better to insure yourself against any unforeseen situations and spend necessary work according to technology. It will take some time, but the result will be guaranteed reliable and durable.

    Removing non-waterproof paints

    Of course, it is best if your walls are covered with ordinary paint that is not resistant to moisture, the work is quite simple and should be carried out in the following sequence:

    • The surface is wetted with water using a foam roller or sponge, this must be done carefully and evenly.
    • After that, you need to wait 10-15 minutes and you can start removing the coating. You can do this with a spatula, but it is best to use a special scraper to remove paint, with it work will pass much faster.

    On the picture - different types scrapers, and the choice of a particular option depends on your preferences and the amount of work

    • If there are areas of coating left, moisturizing should be repeated and scraped again.
    • After that, you should carefully examine the surface, if there are damages on it, they should be repaired with putty, after which the walls are polished.
    • The last stage is priming the surface with deep penetration compounds, you can choose any option, the main thing is that it be of high quality.

    Removing the waterproof coating

    If your walls are covered with waterproof or washable compounds, then the process will be somewhat more complicated.

    But still prepare the foundation for right approach for any person:

    • The surface must be treated with metal brush. It is necessary that there is not a single untreated area left, so do the work especially carefully.
    • After that, the walls are moistened, and a draft is arranged in the room, as a rule, the base gets wet, and after half an hour the paint begins to lag behind, after which it can be removed with a spatula or scraper. If poorly removed areas remain, the whole process is repeated.

    • Then everything is done, as in the chapter described above - if necessary, the surface is puttied and the primer layer is applied last.

    Cleaning walls with a wash

    This method appeared relatively recently, but has become very popular among those who carry out repairs due to the simplicity of the process:

    • The surfaces are cleaned of dirt, after which a layer of a cleaning composition of 1-2 millimeters is applied to it and left for a period of 10 minutes to half an hour, depending on the layer and the characteristics of the paint composition. The instructions will tell you what time will be optimal.
    • After that, the wash is removed along with the paint, and the surface is wiped with a rag. If necessary, the processing can be repeated, the composition is safe for the bases and does not spoil them.
    • Dried base if necessary.

    Other Ways to Prepare Walls

    There are other methods that are used in do-it-yourself surface preparation:

    • Processing with a grinder or an electric drill and a wire cup. So the paint can be removed quickly enough, but a lot of dust is generated during the work, and even without experience in carrying out such work, not only the paint, but also the layer of plaster or putty can be severely damaged. And in this case, it will be necessary to carry out puttying work on the entire surface, and the price of materials is quite significant.

    • Another option for carrying out work is the use of a building hair dryer. It heats up with it small plot surface, and the paint layer can be easily removed with a scraper or .

    So, we figured out whether it is possible to stick wallpaper on water-based paint. As you can see, it is undesirable to leave a coating, so you still have to carry out certain work, otherwise after a few months the layer may begin to peel off in whole sheets.

    Whatever method you choose, remember that the walls must be primed before wallpapering, this significantly reduces the absorbency of the base and improves the adhesion of wallpaper glue.

    A rational solution - in parallel with the repair of walls. If indoors high humidity, then Zinga conductive paint is perfect, and in other rooms you can use fire retardant paints for metal Polistil - they not only perfectly protect the metal, but are also completely fireproof.


    We looked at how you can glue wallpaper on water-based paint, and why you can not leave a coating on the wall. If you have any questions, the video in this article will help you understand some aspects of surface preparation better.

    In most cases today decorative trim walls are painted various formulations or wallpapering. It often happens that tenants have a desire to update the interior, for example, to replace wallpaper on walls painted with water-based paint or vice versa. In this case, the question often arises: “is it possible to glue wallpaper on water-based paint?”

    Wallpaper sticker features

    There is no unequivocal answer to the question, it is possible to glue wallpaper on water-based coatings. It all depends on how and how the walls are prepared for this procedure. In principle, you can stick wallpaper on any surface; the only question is how long they can hold out on it. In this regard, it is necessary to understand what determines the high-quality pasting of wallpaper.


    The most important factor on which the durability of the wallpaper service depends is the level of adhesion of the wallpaper glue, the canvas and the supporting base.

    Adhesion is an applied physics term that refers to the ability of two substances to interpenetrate. In the construction business, it characterizes the ability of some materials (adhesive, paintwork, masonry mortars) to create a strong connection with certain bearing bases.

    There are two main ways to increase adhesion:

    • Giving smooth surface rough structure.
    • Pre-treatment of the base with primers.

    They can be used both individually and in combination. Using these methods, you can achieve a strong attachment of the wallpaper to the wall.

    Types of wallpaper and wallpaper glue

    • Simple paper wallpaper. Most a budget option: they are cheap, but very short-lived due to poor resistance to abrasion and fading.
    • Non-woven. Manufactured from a special non-woven composite material- mixtures of cellulose and polymers.
    • Vinyl. Consist of 2 layers: internal paper or non-woven, intended for applying glue. The outer layer is a thin protective film from polyvinyl chloride. The figure shows vinyl wallpapers non-woven base.
    • Fiberglass. They are made from fiberglass, which is woven from fiberglass. For greater strength, they are treated with a starch solution.
    • The liquid wallpaper. They are a cross between a regular canvas and a paint and varnish coating. It is a mixture of cellulose and decorative fibers. The application process is shown below. liquid wallpaper on the wall.
    • Cloths made of natural fabric, jute, cork, bamboo and other exotic materials.

    For each of these materials, special adhesive compositions have been developed, taking into account their technical and operational features. For vinyl, in addition to compounds specially designed for it, any adhesive intended for heavy wallpaper.

    Compounds for interlining have, in addition to strength, the ability to interact well with cellulose. Simple paper sheets glued universal wallpaper glue. You can glue fiberglass, bamboo, cork, silk and similar wallpapers using building adhesives: liquid nails, concentrated PVA, etc.

    Surface preparation

    Before applying wallpaper paste, painted surfaces must be properly prepared.

    According to the provisions of SNiP, it is categorically not recommended to stick wallpaper over painted surfaces. This is due to the fact that if the walls were previously painted, there is a possibility of peeling the paint along with the wallpaper.

    When paint removal is necessary

    Before gluing the wallpaper, it is necessary in places of its deformation. It should not have swelling, cracks and other traces of delamination. If there are such traces, it is better not to risk it and completely remove the old finish.

    Unlike water emulsion paints with a glossy surface: nitro enamels and oil ones are considered absolutely unsuitable for gluing. The adhesive composition will not be able to penetrate deep into their dense structure, and even if the wallpaper sticks to them, they will not be able to hold out for any long time.

    Determining what composition the surface is painted with is simple, just try to remove the finish with a metal spatula. Oil formulations and nitro enamel will peel off in thin plates or flakes. Paint on water based it is much more difficult to remove - they will not peel off, but will be scraped off the wall in the form of powder or chips.

    Remove badly held oil paint you can use a metal spatula, starting with bubbling and peeling fragments. Tough paint can be removed with grinder. Water-based compositions can also be removed with a grinder or manually coarse sandpaper or a brush with hard bristles. The figure shows the cleaning of the wall with a metal brush mounted on a grinder.

    Exist folk way removal of water-soluble compounds from the wall. Cheap, but rather dense paper wallpapers are taken and pasted on the wall. After some time, when the glue hardens enough, they simply come off along with a thin layer of paint. The fragments of painting remaining after that on the wall are removed with a spatula, knife and other improvised tools. After that, all existing wall defects are carefully sealed with putty. Next, the surface is cleaned of construction dust and covered with a primer, after which it dries, it is ready for wallpapering.

    Increase adhesion

    If there is complete confidence in the reliability paintwork, you can try to stick wallpaper on water-based paint. Increase the adhesion rate of wallpaper glue and paint. Usually water-based paints do not have such a smooth and glossy surface as oil or nitro enamels. Their surface is slightly rough to the touch and has a pronounced fine-grained texture. In this way, they compare favorably with other paints and varnishes in terms of compatibility with adhesive solutions.

    If the bearing bases are painted with a glossy emulsion, you can roughen it up by lightly walking along its surface with sandpaper. The photo below shows a wall painted with glossy paint. This can also be done if waterproof types of emulsion were used to paint the walls. Water repellency The paint won't allow the wallpaper paste to soak into the wall properly, so light scratches in a thin layer of paint will be essential.

    The question often arises: "is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on a wall painted with water-based paint?". The technology of their application provides for abundant wetting of the bearing surface, which can simply blur the water-soluble composition.

    Wallpapering on a water-based paint that does not have a water-repellent effect can turn into an unpleasant surprise. If you wet such a surface with glue too much, the paint can get wet and peel off the wall along with freshly pasted wallpaper.

    To avoid this, it is imperative to treat the surface with strengthening soil compositions.

    Wall primer

    Priming compositions are designed specifically to strengthen the surfaces of the base and improve their ability to adhere to various paints and varnishes and adhesive compositions. The principle of operation of adhesive primers is that any solutions are better to stick to a granular, rough surface.

    To give any surface a more granular structure, fine quartz is added to the adhesive primer compositions. Being fixed on the wall with the help of binder components, it creates that fine-grained base, for which it can “catch” adhesive solution.

    In addition, the adhesive components contained in the primer make it possible to fasten all weak spots, glue microcracks and delaminations. The result is a strong surface that can withstand the load in the form of wallpaper canvases.

    Before treating the walls with a primer, they must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and construction dust. Apply the primer-composition should be 2 - 3 layers in such a way that before applying the next layer, the previous one had time to dry completely.

    The drying time of the primer depends on its technical features. The time for complete drying should be indicated in the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging. Also, this indicator is affected by temperature and humidity. The photo shows the process of processing the painted surface with a primer.


    After completing all preparatory work you can start wallpapering. This procedure has a number of features. So, before gluing heavy vinyl or fiberglass sheets to a painted wall, it should be pasted over with paper or newspapers. This will allow heavy wallpaper to stick more securely on the painted wall.

    For gluing newspapers, you can use a mixture consisting of universal wallpaper glue and primer mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1. Also, for gluing heavy wallpaper, you can use a mixture of wallpaper glue and building PVA. However, it should be borne in mind that if it becomes necessary to remove wallpaper pasted using PVA, it will not be so easy to remove them.

    Taking into account all these nuances, and also, having carried out competent and high-quality surface preparation, you can stick wallpaper on painted surfaces. At the same time, the durability of their gluing will depend entirely on the thoroughness of the preparatory work.

    The video shows the process of gluing wallpaper on a surface painted with water-based paint.

    Pasting the walls in the house is a very important event and requires a certain skill. And, when suddenly what you worked on and waited in trepidation for everything to dry and become smooth and even, suddenly begins to peel off with a rustle or categorically does not want to smooth out - this means that you worked in vain and you can only blame yourself. And, of course, I would very much like to avoid this. In order to prevent such a trouble from happening, you need to know the answers to questions that may well arise during the repair process, in particular: is it possible to glue wallpaper on a water-based emulsion.

    Surface preparation

    Ideally, of course, it is necessary to determine the type of previous wall covering. This presents no particular difficulty. indoors, with rare exceptions, two types of paint are used.

    • Oily, specific smelling and resistant to moisture penetration. Such paint lays down in a continuous layer, and after a while it easily peels off in large pieces.
    • A water-based coating that is completely odorless and reliably lays on the surface, in our case, the wall. If it becomes necessary to remove it from the wall, this will be quite difficult to do.

    In general, you will have to get rid of the oil coating.

    Rough sandpaper, scrapers - using these tools, you can remove the emulsion and create a rough base. By the way, if there were no more than three layers of water emulsion, you can simply try to wash it off with water. Water must be changed frequently and the surface of the wall must be carefully treated.

    Before gluing wallpaper on water-based paint, the walls must be coated with a primer. It is necessary to choose it, based on its inherent adhesive properties, then it will take less glue, and the material will be fixed on the surface more reliably. In addition, high-quality primer - good protection moldy walls. The walls should be smeared with it at least three times, more can be. Wall defects: chips, cracks, must first be carefully repaired with putty.

    If you intend to make a pasting y, without cleaning off the water-based paint, then you must first apply a mixture of parts of the primer and glue one to one on the base. And remember that it is worth gluing something on top of a water-based coating only if this paint is of good quality.

    This is easy to check for yourself. Glue a regular newspaper, and then, after a day, try how it rips off. If it was not possible to tear off the newspaper, calmly glue it, as planned, the wallpaper will hold firmly on the walls, and your work will not be lost. If the newspaper managed to be torn off, it is better to wash off this paint, otherwise you will face a lot of trouble with self-peeling wallpaper in the near future.

    If air bubbles form, do not try to fight them by repeatedly peeling off the roll and sticking it again. This will destroy the adhesive strength of the sheet. Bubbles must be driven out either with a special, dense roller, or with a spatula with a rubber tip, closely adjacent to the wall.

    Tools for the job

    For a quality repair you need:

    And then, sticker wallpaper coating, even on water-based layer, will not cause you any difficulties.

    Next step: primer

    Currently selling primers- for every taste. It is better to choose with higher adhesive properties, their value should be indicated on the label. Apply in layers with a break of 2-3 hours with a brush or roller. Each layer must dry thoroughly before the next one is applied on top of it.

    The composition of the primer includes a solvent, due to which it penetrates into the thickness of the paint, respectively, the connection is very strong. If somewhere the paint does not hold well - it must be cleaned by all means. And then these places are carefully puttied and dried.

    Wallpaper on a water-based emulsion is glued in the same way as on a clean wall. True, professionals recommend that you first make a mixture of wallpaper glue, ordinary, but of high quality, and one-to-one PVA. With this mixture, not only the painted surface is smeared, but also the paper itself before the sticker. The mixture is able to stick anything to anything, and the new wallpaper will adhere wonderfully to a water-based paint-covered wall without giving you any trouble.

    In addition, if the walls were previously whitewashed, you can safely use the same recipe. The properties of whitewash are similar to the properties of water-based paint, and therefore, if you buy quality materials, fuss with water and rags can be avoided.

    What wallpaper is suitable for pasting

    Wallpaper made of material different thickness and quality, respectively, and the glue to dry under different wallpapers times will be different. And the longer it dries, the more likely it is that the wallpaper and the water-based layer will get wet and fall off.

    However, if water-based paint peels off easily enough, it is better to clean the walls with a spatula.

    All in all, feel free to glue wallpaper on water-based paint, but do not forget about the features of the paint, materials and glue used. You will have to work hard, but you will see that your work was not in vain. And thanks quality repairs, carried out by your own hands, the house will please you for a long time with comfort, cleanliness, quality factor and well-groomed premises.

    After buying an apartment from new owners, the first thing that arises is a desire to refresh, make repairs in your new home. This is a costly and very troublesome business, but sometimes it is simply impossible to avoid or delay it. often taste preferences former owners Well, they have nothing to do with perception. home comfort new owners. And even more often the reason for this is a quick and cheap tidying up square meters previous owners before sale. At such moments, few people are puzzled by gluing expensive and quality wallpapers much easier and cheaper

    In the process of preparing yourself for the upcoming repair, a lot of questions arise, and the most common of them is whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on water-based paint. If you turn to craftsmen for help, you are unlikely to get a definite answer. Some masters recommend removing such a coating completely, while others advise not to bother and just cover the walls with a primer. So which one is right? Today we will understand all the intricacies of gluing various things on a painted surface and answer the question: "Is it possible to glue wallpaper on water-based paint, yes or no?"

    Determining coverage

    Water-based formulations are not as simple as it seems at first glance, their composition can vary significantly. In order to find out whether the paint can stay on the surface of the walls under the weight of the wallpaper, you need to determine the presence and amount of film-forming substances in it. These are polyvinyl acetates and acrylates, which are part of the adhesives, they are responsible for the adhesion of the coloring composition to the surface. If there were a sufficient number of them, then the coating should be durable, and it is quite acceptable to glue wallpaper on it after a certain processing. Often these are expensive and quality paints, but the cheap ones cannot boast of this.

    Paint quality

    How to determine whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on the one inherited from the previous owners? To do this, you need to conduct a small test.

    Examine the walls carefully. If cracking, flaking and peeling of paint is found, then its quality is most likely not the best. Alas, but it will have to get rid of.

    If the paint adheres perfectly to the wall, it is worth checking how it behaves under a layer of paper. Use a piece of unwanted wallpaper or newspaper. Paste over a small area and after complete drying, try to tear off the paper. If it easily lags behind the wall along with a water-based emulsion, then it is impossible to glue wallpaper on such a coating. If it holds firmly, only the paper layer is removed, and the paint is held on the wall - you are lucky, you can glue wallpaper on top of such paint.

    Choosing a wallpaper

    Not everyone can stick wallpaper on water-based paint. They differ in the quality and thickness of the material, and therefore the time for the glue to dry under them will be different. The longer the glue stays wet, the more likely it is that the water-based emulsion will soak and peel off along with the wallpaper.

    • Ordinary, thin paper (cheap) wallpapers can be glued, they are light and the glue dries quickly.
    • Non-woven wallpaper on water-based paint can be glued after a certain preparation, their structure allows the glue to dry quickly.
    • Washable wallpaper or any other thick wallpaper is better not to choose. They are heavy and will take a long time to dry, which is why the risk of peeling is very high.
    • Most best option- the liquid wallpaper. They are perfectly applied to water-based paint, they will hold well, and even hide the unevenness of the walls.

    If the paint is unreliable

    If the paint on your walls does not pass the test, you need to get rid of it. The surface should be thoroughly cleaned of water emulsion.

    When the paint layer is thin, it can simply be washed off with water. The process will take time, but there is nothing complicated in it. You will need a bucket of hot water, detergent and rag. Rinse off the paint carefully so that even small particles do not remain on the surface. Add a little to the water detergent and wash the walls with this solution. Try to change the water as often as possible, your task is to wash off the paint, not smear it on the wall. After washing, the surfaces must be completely dry, and only after that they can be continued to work with.

    If the layer is thick, then a spatula is indispensable. They need to remove the emulsion as much as possible, and then wash off the remnants with hot water and soap.

    There is another option: glue unnecessary wallpapers, cheap or even plain paper, against a painted wall. After the glue has completely dried, they are removed, and with them the water-based paint.

    Under the wallpaper, the walls must be leveled with putty, cover up all the flaws, primed, and only then proceed to pasting.

    If the paint is strong

    You are already lucky - you don’t have to wash the walls, and this task is unpleasant, and it takes a lot of time. But the surfaces on which water-based paint was applied still need to be properly prepared for wallpaper.

    It is important that the adhesive penetrates as deep as possible into the paint and thus provides a better bond. If your walls are perfectly smooth, then you need to go over them with coarse sandpaper. Roughness will provide better absorbency.


    Now let's move on to next step- primer. There are many compositions on sale today; preference should be given to those with high adhesive properties. With this composition, the walls are covered in several layers with an interval of 1-2 hours, you can use brushes or a roller. Each layer must dry well before the next application.

    The primer contains a solvent that helps it penetrate deep layers of paint and thereby increases the strength of the bond. Areas where the paint does not adhere well must be cleaned. These places should be puttied and dried well.

    After the walls have been carefully prepared, you can proceed to the further stages of repair.

    Gluing wallpaper

    It is not difficult to glue wallpaper on water-based paint, the process will be exactly the same as pasting clean walls. But there is also helpful advice, which is important to adopt from professionals. They mix quality wallpaper paste with regular PVA in a 50/50 ratio. With such a mixture, it is necessary to cover not only the painted surface, but also the wallpaper itself. This adhesive mass is able to perfectly stick almost anything, and if the former owners did not stint on the quality of the water-based emulsion, then your brand new wallpaper will hold perfectly on the painted walls for many years.

    What if it's whitewash?

    By the way, the information from this article can be safely used in relation to whitewashing. Its properties are similar to water-based paint, therefore, if you responsibly approach the choice of materials and buy high-quality glue, washing of ceilings can be avoided.

    As you can see, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on water-based paint will be quite in the affirmative. But such a decision should be made carefully, be sure to consider the properties of paint, glue and wallpaper. If you doubt the durability of the applied material, then it is better to get rid of it. The work will be laborious, but you can be sure that the repairs in your home are of high quality. And patience and work will certainly pay off with the beauty and comfort of your home.

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