Encyclopedia of fire safety

Beautiful do-it-yourself tire pond: step-by-step instructions for beginners and photos for inspiration. New life for tires - we make a reservoir with our own hands Mini pond in the country from tires

The choice of blank largely depends on the place that you can allocate on your site for this decorative "highlight". Not enough space - a tire from a passenger car, more space - good:

  • KAMAZ tires;
  • rear wheels of the tractor "Belarus";
  • tire from a 45-ton "BELAZ".

Used tires can be found in a tire shop (free of charge) or at a car company (for symbolic money). An offer of a product of this kind can be found on the Internet.

What kind of pond can be built?

Of course, in such a pond it will not be possible to breed fish, but land water lilies, marsh turkey and floating pondweed, and along the banks - Siberian iris, it is quite real.

Decorative flagstone can hide the rubber base, break it next to alpine slide- and no one will guess about the fundamental principle of your decorative pond.

Photo of mini-reservoirs from tires with your own hands, which you can do in the country with your own hands.

Even such a non-standard pond may be a source of danger to children left unattended.

What will the craftsman need in the course of work?


  • shovels (bayonet and shovel);
  • building level;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw.


  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • stones;
  • soft sealant;
  • plants for decoration.

Video about creating an artificial pond from a car tire with your own hands.

How to move towards the result, having the right tire on hand?

How to make a decorative mini-pond from old tire with your own hands? Step by step instructions with photos:

  • on the surface of the leveled area;
  • buried in the ground by a third;
  • buried in the ground for the entire width of the treads.
  • Digging a hole in the form of a tire, a size slightly larger than its outer diameter. We determine the depth based on the previous paragraph.
  • Level the bottom and fill it with sand(15 cm).
  • We lay the tire on the compacted bottom of the pit.
  • As a soft sealant PVC film can also be used, but a special covering material for pools is preferable, which is easy to purchase in specialized stores. It is freely spread along the bottom of the pit and the edges are brought out (half a meter beyond the limits of the tire laid in it).
  • In order for the film membrane to be rationally distributed inside the tire, water is poured and carefully straighten the covering material. To fix it, you can use rounded stones, laying them on the bottom at opposite ends.
  • The edges of the film material, brought out of the tire, must be straightened and covered with sand to hold, then decorate gravel, wild flagstone or turf laid on powdered soil.
  • At this stage of work, the "newborn" pond can be revive the fountain, for which a small pump or turbine for an aquarium with a nozzle is suitable. For the operation of such a fountain, an electrical connection is needed. For safety, it is fashionable to put the wire in a plastic hose and dig it in.

    Another video on how to make a pond with a tire fountain.

    An interesting addition would be garden lamp lighting on solar panels. During the day, it accumulates energy, and in the evening it gives soft light.

    1. If the bottom of a man-made reservoir is camouflaged with gravel or sand, the water will become cloudy.
    2. So that small animals living in the garden do not accidentally die in the pond, you can place a picturesque snag in it, along which they can get out of the water.

    Options for decorative solutions for a tire pond

    1. It is possible to build from different-sized or equal-sized tires two ponds contacting protectors. In progress decorative design above the junction, according to Russian tradition, to install a bridge from birch logs unpeeled from the bark - a beam bridge. The bridge can be a plank, and even with a railing. It can be purely decorative or part of a garden path.
    2. If one tire is installed in a recess, and the other on the surface of the site, you can get two ponds with overflow. An overflow can provide rainwater drainage from the roof or a homemade waterfall.
    3. You can make it by bringing it to the upper pond, through the thickness of decorative heaps of stone, a thin hose with a weak water pressure. The flow of water, which will fall from the height of the stones, will provide overflow to the lower pool.

    4. Pool from a small tire can even be used to decorate a balcony, loggia, terrace. In this case, the side surface of the tire is pasted over (on a waterproof basis) with an artificial stone.
    5. A large tire will allow you to create paddling pool for children. To do this, you need to strengthen the tire as best as possible, preventing possible shifts, and securely tile the coastal zone with tiles to ensure the safety of walking barefoot. In addition, you will need a pump to filter the water, or replace it periodically.

    Photo of finished ponds in the country or a plot of the house with your own hands from tires.

    If you have a desire to bring beauty to the usual order of your garden and a used tire is at hand, hurry up and decorative pond surrounded by unusual plants decorate your garden already this season.

    Often, the owners of cottages or plots want to decorate their possessions by making ponds with their own hands from a tire. Such a pond made of tires will undoubtedly become good source coolness and pleases the owner himself, as well as his guests, and is an adornment of the entire summer cottage. Only the sight of a pond and its water surface is enough for a person to relax and feel like a real vacation. However, some, judging that their own site is not so big, do not move beyond just a dream. And in vain! This article will show you step by step how to make a pond in the country with your own hands from tires or tires.

    Place for your mini-pond: how to find it

    It should be located where it will attract our attention, so you need to choose it very carefully. It is important to follow a few rules that will help make your choice successful:

    1. Your pond does not need to be constantly in the sun. The best place for the location of the reservoir - partial shade. If this factor is neglected, then the plants will wither, and the water will bloom.
    2. The space open to the winds is also not suitable.
    3. A pond surrounded by trees will quickly fill with fallen leaves and wood dust. Such a pond will need to be cleaned frequently, which will require a lot of time and effort.

    It would be great if the reservoir is located in a place overlooked from everywhere. Then the whole surrounding landscape will be well reflected in it. When such small reservoirs are in a lowland, they look much more attractive. Therefore, when looking for a place for a pond, then try to find such a natural recess in the area. Eat good way find such a site without spending much effort.

    The picture shows a place where your pond will not be under the constant rays of the sun, and also which is visible well from different sides

    Previously, you can simulate the location of the future pond by placing a piece of plastic wrap in the place you have chosen. Now go around it to see how the future mini-reservoir will supposedly look from different sides. If you like it, then this is it. appropriate place.

    Where to find the right tire

    Before looking for the right tire, you need to consider what size pond you need and how deep. If there is not enough space for a large structure in the summer cottage, then just one slope from the car will be enough for this. And if the plot of land is large, then for the implementation of this project you need larger tires, with a diameter even higher than a person's height. For example:

    1. Slopes from a KamAZ car;
    2. Tractor wheel "Belarus";
    3. Tires from BelAZ.

    What to do when there is no suitable tire? The right one can be found at a service station, where there is a lot of rubber, which will still have to be disposed of. You can look for used tires at any car depot or ask a neighbor who has a car. Sometimes used tires just lie on the side of the road.

    Large slopes from Gulliver, Kamaz, BelAZ are not easy to find. Often they are not suitable for our relatively small areas.

    What will your pond look like?

    Would you like to have fish in your lake? In a small lake, this is hardly possible. But if you have a pond from a large tire, then you can start, for example, goldfish. But in another case, if the structure is not made for fish, then it can be decorated different plants, pebbles, animal imitations and other artificial decorations. In general, it all depends on your taste and imagination.

    So that no one guesses how your mini-pond appeared, you need to close the rubber base well with a stone. You can also add lighting from lamps to the decoration. During the day they collect the energy of the sun, and at night they reflect beautifully from the pond.

    Mini pool for children (video)

    However, one should not forget that any mini-pond may be unsafe for small children who are left alone near the pond without adults.

    The decoration of the pond has two sides. When decorating a pond, we think about the aesthetic appearance. But you need to remember that kids can also become connoisseurs of beauty, who are also attracted by decor and various figures. Children should not be left near water without adult supervision.

    Now for the step by step tutorial.

    The success of any undertaking depends on good preparation. Must be pre-assembled the right materials and tools - this will help you once again not be distracted during the main work.

    Step one - collect inventory, procure materials

    Inventory: shovel and large sapper shovels, building level, electric jigsaw or hacksaw.

    Materials: car tires, polyethylene or special waterproofing material for pools, sand, gravel, large stones for decorating the edges of the pool, plants for landscaping.

    When everything you need is collected, proceed to the second step.

    Step two - preparing the tire

    We first remove dirt from the tire. After that you need to cut upper part stingray.

    On the tire, you need to cut off the upper part

    Step three - dig a hole for the pond

    To start digging a hole, you need to level the surface that we have outlined for the reservoir. Also, before starting work, you need to set the depth of the future lake, according to the rubber base, as well as the desired look.

    Dig a hole

    The rubber base of the reservoir can be:

    1. Lower to the depth of the entire tread.
    2. Dig in half
    3. Leave most of it on the surface of your site.

    We dig a hole. We make a shape that corresponds to the outer diameter of the tire, with small indents around the entire circumference for free lowering it to the required depth.

    If you do not bury the tire completely in the ground, then the remaining side will protect your pond from sewage.

    The pit needs to be dug, taking into account the necessary "cushion" of sand (about 15 cm). We pre-align the bottom so that the waterproofing gasket is not damaged. If necessary, the sand must be sifted to remove hard lumps and small pebbles in advance. The bottom is important to carefully tamp and align horizontally.

    Construction stages

    Step four - waterproofing device

    You can use ordinary polyethylene, but keep in mind that it is short-lived. After a short use, it deteriorates from exposure to the sun, water and temperature changes. It is better to take waterproofing for the construction of stationary pools, which is much more practical. It is sold in specialized stores or in construction stores. Of course, when using special waterproofing, the cost of your pond will be higher, but the water from it will not flow into the soil. I do not want it to be like in the saying: "the miser pays twice."

    Instead of a film, it is better to take waterproofing material

    How much material is needed? As much as needed so that the canvas covers the bottom of the tire, fits against the walls, and so that there is another half a meter of film beyond the edges of the pool. In order for the waterproofing material to fit snugly to the bottom and walls, it is best to fill the entire container with water when laying. She will push everything internal surfaces reservoirs and give them correct form. Try to straighten the waterproofing material well. For him to stay in desired position, press it along the edges with large rolled stones.

    Decorating a pond with stones

    Step five - install the walls and bring beauty to the pond

    The edges waterproofing material level and sprinkle with sand and screenings. Now the membrane is fixed completely and will not move out. Sand will be the main material for the design of the future reservoir.

    Designer's tips for installing a tire pond (video)

    How you want to use your reservoir will depend on the versions of the distribution of stones.

    For swimming and bathing

    In order for your project to build for swimming, the tire must be quite large. Do not overload the banks of this structure with large stones, otherwise bathers may suffer. A great option would be to simply form a platform along the walls.

    For decorative purposes

    In another case, if the pond is only for design purposes, then you will have to fantasize about the distribution of stones and plants and decor, thereby emphasizing the look of your yard and making others happy with it. Now don't worry about the jagged rocks, it will look very impressive.

    decorative pond with a fountain

    It is advisable to lay the stones in rows: large and rounded stones - from below, and small stones - from above. Miniature, smoothed sea ​​water pebbles will help beautifully cover the bottom of the mini-pond. Sand with gravel is not recommended as a bottom decoration due to the fact that the water becomes cloudy and unpleasant in appearance.

    Small or medium-sized animals live in every yard. For example: hedgehogs, moles or mice. If you do not want to see them dead in your reservoir, then take the time and effort to find a snag that will give originality to your reservoir, well, and if you're lucky, it will save the life of some small animal.


    Decorating your yard or garden with such an original structure is very simple and does not require large cash outlays. All you need is a little time and energy and imagination. The work itself will bring you satisfaction, and the result will bring joy to you and your loved ones.

    Tire jacuzzi (video)

    The dacha has a large creativity, since there is a lot of space for implementing design solutions. The atmosphere in the country should be created comfortable and conducive to quality rest. Water has an exceptional effect on the atmosphere in the garden, as it creates a feeling of calmness and unity with nature. It is thanks to its properties that the presence of a reservoir in the country attracts many owners. Today we will consider a method with minimal physical and financial costs to build a pond from improvised material - tires. Also don't forget to tell us about your DIY tire pond experience.

    Pond wears special meaning c, as it gives a special spiritual appeal to giving. Many do not even imagine a vacation away from the water.

    The advantages of ponds are obvious:

    • Flexibility of construction. It is possible to equip a reservoir with various decor;
    • In the pond you can settle fish or unusual plants;
    • The presence of water on the site allows you to ozonize the air and create the impression of freshness;
    • There are a lot of options for arranging a pond, given the variety natural materials and an abundance of design solutions, you can create truly unique decors;
    • The reservoir provides moisture to nearby plants, giving them a green and healthy look;
    • An additional recreation area is being created. You can just sit and watch the water flow and the movement of the fish;
    • Perfectly complements any.

    Ponds in dachas (we will talk about how to make a country pond from a wheel below) perfectly compensate for the lack of unity with nature and create an ideal microclimate in a plot with a beautiful landscape of water. One of the directions in creating ponds is the option made from car tires, which will perfectly help to replace artificial reservoirs.

    What's special about a tire pond?

    The key undeniable advantages of this type of tanks are:

    • Durability of materials. Rubber and insulation can last for decades at correct device;
    • High reservoir strength;
    • Can do ponds various sizes;
    • Rubber holds up well low temperatures and does not deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
    • Despite the fact that rubber is not an environmentally friendly material, it does not transmit harmful substances, especially since it is covered with a waterproofing layer on top. Therefore, such a pond can be used as an aquarium;
    • It has a solid frame, which allows you not to create walls, but only the bottom;
    • There is the possibility of painting in any color you like;
    • The tire lends itself well to decoration;
    • The tire itself is usually obtained free of charge or for a small fee (if relatives or friends have old, unnecessary tires that they want to throw away or from employees in a tire shop);
    • You can install tires yourself, without hiring specialists;
    • During transportation or installation, the form is not damaged, it only bends;
    • Due to the elasticity of the material, the tire can take the shape of an oval.

    Photos of different design options

    There are not so many types of ponds made from tires, in most cases they differ in decor. By functional types only a few varieties can be distinguished:

    • Ordinary pond with a round shape;
    • Cascade type, where a waterfall system is used, when water fills one tank, then falls into another;
    • A group of ponds, thus, is equipped immediately with 2-3 or more tires. It looks good when they have different sizes;
    • With a fountain Even in relatively small pond you can make a fountain that will decorate the site.

    In terms of decor, the choice is quite large, but the main emphasis is on natural materials, so the arrangement of the pond often requires:

    • Stones - mostly natural types, perhaps they will be turned, decorative or acute-angled stones;
    • Greenery. You can create a real oasis with green spaces growing both in the pond itself and beyond;
    • Lighting. You can make pool lighting from the tire from the inside or outside;
    • Decorative figurines. They can be made from leftovers or other tires, also sold various options in country stores.

    In general, you can use everything that is enough for imagination in making your own pond.

    How to choose a place?

    Mostly a reservoir is created for some reason. Pursuing it, it becomes more obvious where it is better to equip our structure. Mostly the pond has some kind of decorative value (we talked about how to make the pond decorative below), which can complement the appearance of the site in general or create a nook in it.

    It is advisable to place our small lake in the center of the site so that it is visible from any angle and immediately gets the attention of guests.

    For correct location pond, it is necessary to take into account several main factors that will affect the decision:

    • Plot dimensions. If it is large enough, then visibility will not work, it is better to equip it in some open and noticeable place. Another relevant tip is to make a pond near the gazebo or the place where you spend most of your time;
    • Land form. Mainly choose a rectangular area, if it is very elongated, then it is worth considering the location in the center of free space, where there are no buildings;
    • The size and decor of the pond itself. If you take a large tire or prepare a cascade, you will need a large plot of land that is as clean as possible from construction debris and trees. Weeds are not a problem, they are easy to eliminate. The decor affects the size, if there is a desire to equip a fountain, lighting or similar elements, you will have to make a pond bigger size;
    • Soil type. If the surface is loose, dirty, or has bad smell, it is better to move the structure to another place;
    • Are there ground water under the top of the earth. If there is groundwater nearby, it will be easy to provide a constant flow of water, but the bottom should not reach directly to the stream.

    What tires are needed?

    To correctly determine a suitable tire, you must first know the planned dimensions of the structure. If you are planning a very small pond, which will be a replacement for an outdoor aquarium, you can choose a tire from a regular one. passenger car. To build a larger structure, you will have to choose a larger caliber - with truck, for example, KamAZ, tractor or bus.

    The easiest way to get the necessary tire is to ask at a car repair shop or tire fitting, where it will be sold for a small cost. For specific tires, for example, from KamAZ, you can ask for the necessary carcass in the workshop from service center automobile enterprises. Sometimes they can be found in ads ( on Avito or Yulia) or independently post an application for the purchase of a tire.

    What will be needed at work?

    To perform a high-quality arrangement of a pond using tires, it is necessary to first prepare a tool, mainly a garden one, which is in every household:

    • Roulette ( meter);
    • Level;
    • Shovel;
    • Electric jigsaw for cutting tires. If it is not available, you can take hand saw for metal.

    In addition to the tool, you still need to prepare the material:

    • Tire. In addition to the fact that it needs to be obtained, it must also be cleaned of dirt, fuel oil and other unwanted precipitation. In general, the cover is unsuitable for the preparation of the reservoir, since the upper edge hides most of the entire reservoir. To do this, cut off the top of the tire, using electric jigsaw or hacksaws;

    • Stones for decoration. most accessible and beautiful way to create an attractive and natural look is natural stones that hides the rubber;
    • Waterproofing film that will prevent water leakage;
    • Adhesive for arranging the tank from the inside and outside;
    • The rest of the decor and greenery is determined according to your desires, the same applies to lighting and a fountain.

    Beginning of work

    A pit is first dug out into which the tire will be laid. It is possible that it will lie on top of the ground, this option is simpler, but it does not look a little aesthetically pleasing, although it all depends on the quality of the design and the idea.

    To determine the dimensions of the pit, it is necessary to replace the thickness of the tire and its width. It is worth considering that the dug hole should be somewhat larger in width in order to lay it neatly and without deformation and ensure a strong bond. It is also worth using a level so that the surface is perfectly flat, otherwise the water will be at an angle.

    Important! So that the impromptu pond does not become heavily clogged, it is worth raising it slightly above the surface level.

    Wheel waterproofing

    To prevent high flow water, it is necessary to lay waterproofing, which is given great attention. The bottom is especially important. The most common and available material It is PVC film made of polyethylene. Unfortunately, the film breaks quite simply and can hardly withstand the load. It is better to lay the film in at least several layers. Ideally, another material with greater reliability should be preferred. There are also other materials with which you can make waterproofing, the most popular are: liquid rubber, liquid glass and polyurethane putty.

    Buying material for pools, it will be possible to ensure the durability of the pond and simple operation. A layer of waterproofing is also laid inside the tire, but only after it is already on the ground. The film should go beyond the edges of the reservoir by 0.5 m so that it does not slip and leak. Excess film is removed only after the final installation, when the product takes shape.

    Important! Before laying the film, it is necessary to remove all sharp and protruding elements: snags, nails, sharp edges of stones, construction garbage and other elements. Otherwise, the film will tear and you will have to redo a lot.


    To prevent vibrations and slipping of the tire together with the film, it is necessary to fill the frame along the edges with sand or crushed stone of fraction 0-5, 5-10. This will also provide some buffer zone between the weeds and the stake. If there is no such material under the other, then the earth will do..


    To create a unique, attractive appearance, which will decorate the site, decor is used. The most common decoration methods:

    • Plants are planted at the bottom of the pond. They are usually sold in containers ready to use;
    • Plants in tubs and pots that are installed on the shore. The advantage of this option is the ability to change the location of elements and thereby create unique design;
    • fish room with bright colors;
    • Creation of compositions from natural materials, for example, stones.

    To prepare a more beautiful composition, it is better to alternate the sizes of stones and their shapes.

    Fish for the wheel pond

    You can run in an impromptu aquarium:

    • goldfish;
    • Shubunkin;
    • comet;
    • golden horp;
    • Koi (large tire ponds only)
    • Minnow.

    Tire pond plants

    There are quite a few types:

    • Lotus;
    • Brazania;
    • Zherushnik;
    • Wolfia;
    • Azola;
    • Vodokras;
    • Luronium;
    • Pemphigus;
    • Urut;
    • Waterwort;
    • Elodea.

    Step-by-step analysis of creating a pond from wheels

    Now let's go through the whole process step by step:

    1. Determination of the place where the pond will be located;
    2. Digging a hole for laying inside the tire;
    3. Elimination of the upper edge of the tire so that the border is smooth and without large roundings;
    4. Make a sand base according to the level;
    5. Tire laying;
    6. Waterproofing is laid on top of the frame;
    7. The edges should be sprinkled with sand, it should hide the rubber and create stability;
    8. laying stones;
    9. At the final stage, decoration is done, plants are placed and fish are launched.

    We hope that we have helped you understand the issue and now you know how to make a pond out of a wheel with your own hands.

    Useful videos


    The pond will become the highlight and the most popular summer cottage, so it is better to do it near the gazebo, it is also recommended to install benches, swings, and recreation areas nearby. It is worth remembering that the condition of the water should be monitored, periodically changing it, but the design itself does not need maintenance. For the winter, the water is simply drained, and the plants are removed, and upon the onset of warmth, everything returns to its place.

    Tire Pond- this is the simplest design solution for the formation of an artificial reservoir on personal plot. How to make a pond out of a tire in the country with your own hands and how to choose an old car tire for these purposes is described in the proposed article.

    The first thing to consider before making a tire pond is the potential size than larger diameter, the wider the scope for the designer's imagination. The easiest way is to make a pond with your own hands from a tire from a truck, but from wheels of a smaller diameter you can make composite structures. A beautifully decorated do-it-yourself pond in a country house made of tires is a decoration of the site and an original living corner for relaxation.

    Sometimes to have a pond at the dacha or garden plot really want; but there is no strength for the production of a full-fledged film, or even more concrete, and there is not enough money for a purchased form. In this case, it is not at all necessary to associate your future with bank loan. To create small ponds on garden and summer cottages the easiest way is to use the worn ones car tires. This is an excellent, essentially free and almost eternal storage of rainwater, which can be successfully used to water cultivated plants. Rubber "shores" are preferable to metal ones (iron barrels and tanks), since the water in them does not oxidize, warms up less and retains its freshness for a long time. Such do-it-yourself tire ponds can be placed at the corners of the building by directing storm water drains from the roof into them.

    Before you make a pond out of a tire with your own hands, form a pillow of sand or fine gravel about 5 mm thick in the chosen place. Shut her up plastic wrap to seal the seam and press down with a tire from above. At the latter, you first need to cut off the upper sidewall, and at the bottom, cut off the part of the side that is bent inward. After the excess rubber is separated from the tire, lay the workpiece in place. Fill the center of the laid tire with concrete so that it catches the cut bottom edge, and when the concrete mass has completely hardened, apply a layer of hot bitumen to the resulting bottom. After that, the water tank is completely ready for use. It will serve for a long time, not being afraid of rust, not only for its intended purpose, but also as a decoration for a garden plot. To do this, it will be necessary to paint the tire beautifully. It can be installed under roof gutters or used as a mini-pond with water lilies and other marsh plants. Such a garden pond will noticeably enliven the landscape of your estate.

    When cutting the tire, you may not completely cut the upper sidewall. In some cases, when creating a pond from a tire with your own hands, it is better to leave a small bend inward, which will imitate the side of the pool.

    See what a do-it-yourself tire pond can be like in the photo, which shows the most different variants designs:

    Tank with a bottom - mobility in movement

    If for a number of reasons you need a similar container, which is desirable to move from place to place at least occasionally, you will have to attach a bottom to the tire. This is done in the following way. this will give mobility in movement.

    First of all, you need to carefully cut off the sidewall of the tire. Then cut out a round bottom from sheet steel. Next to the bead wire in both sidewalls of the tire (both the cut off and the remaining one) and in the bottom, drill 8 through holes with a drill with a diameter of 11 mm in a circle (evenly through 45 °). Now you need to clamp the bottom between the whole sidewall of the tire and the detached one using eight M10 bolts and nuts, placing washers on both sides. For tightness and protection against rust, it is desirable to fill the bottom with bitumen.

    The mini pond is ready. In addition to durability, its significant advantage is that with the onset of cold weather, water from such a container does not need to be poured out. Even if it freezes in winter, the tire still will not break, which usually happens in such cases with an iron container.

    In this way, you can create not only a modest-sized bowl for rainwater, but also a whole decorative pond from a tire of quite decent dimensions. To do this, you just need to look for tires not from cars, but from heavy vehicles. After all, a tire, for example, from a tractor "Belarus" holds about 600 liters of water, and this is equal to the volume of at least three baths. The pond in the dacha made of tires from Kirovets is almost three times larger, and if you get a wheel from BelAZ, then several tons of water will enter it! And this is already a solid reservoir, which will bring a lot of joy not only to children, but also to adults.

    Bath from a car tire

    To arrange such a bath, dig a small depression along the contour of the selected car tire pour sand cushion. Lay the tire and slightly load its lower bead with large gravel. After that, you can fill the center of the rubber pond with concrete or cold-glue a layer of waterproof material (a piece of film, linoleum, or something similar) onto the sidewall.

    Another way- line the container from the inside with plastic wrap, wrap the rubber sides with it, and push the edges under the tire from the outside - it will firmly press them down. In this case, the upper sidewall must be cut off to the tread so that the edge of the pool is not bent, otherwise the PET film will tear, and it will be inconvenient for the child to get out of the pool. Irregularities in the bottom can be leveled with a small layer of sand. Outside, fill the tire with crushed stone along the contour.

    Polyethylene film in such conditions will not last long. She will certainly survive one or two seasons, but then she will have to be changed anyway. If you are planning to make a large stationary pool, do not spare money for PVC (polyvinyl chloride) film - its endurance will last for 10-15 years, and it is not even necessary to drain the water from such a pool for the winter. There are, of course, more reliable, and, accordingly, more expensive materials.

    If swims are not planned in such a container, a small bend is left on top of the tire when cutting the sidewall, which can be overlaid tiles, pebbles or decorative stones, to waterproofing film and the fastener was not visible. In the middle or from one of the edges, you can build a small hill from stones - it will depict an island. It remains to decorate the pond with plants, and the artificial reservoir is ready to be filled with water.

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