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Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Cleom - landing and care in open ground

Kloma barbed - a beautiful decorative annual. Its appearance is very unusual - this bright inflorescenceconnected to one bulk ball. For the cells are characterized by sharp spines, which make it difficult to care for her, and the original fragrance, which will attract bees into your garden. At the same time, the flower is very decorative and can become a real diamond on your flower. Learn the features of Clear Care in open soil And its landing.

Planting Clear

First of all, it is necessary to choose a variety. Depending on the colors, which you lack on the flowerbed, you can stay on one or more varieties:

  • for "Pink Queen" are characteristic pink flowers;
  • for "Golden Sparkler" - yellow;
  • Helen Campbell will delight white inflorescences;
  • "Rosacenigin" has a gentle pink shade;
  • the mixture of seeds "Colored fountains" is the cells of different colors.

The planting material is allowed to sow immediately into the open ground. This can be done at the end of autumn or even in winter, and then with the arrival of spring, the germina sprouts will already be shown on the ground surface. In domestic or greenhouse conditions, a seed basis, planting seeds in cups or containers in early March.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in the epin solution, and then deepen to 1 cm into the ground consisting of a mixture of sand, humus and garden land. Next should be regularly and evenly moisturize the soil, waiting for the appearance of germs. Peer Clear Seedlings should be carefully, since this flower does not tolerate transplant. When seedling is rooted, and night frosts will retreat, glue can be transplanted into open ground.

Cleoma - Care Features

Caring for the color of the Cleoma, as well as landing, is easy. The feeders are recommended to be held every 2 weeks using mineral fertilizers or a solution "Ferty" (2 table. Spoons on the water bucket). Water the plant rarely and abundantly, but do not allow overvalued.

The flowering time of Clearm - from June to September. Due to the fact that this flower grows up to 1.5 m high, it is often placed on the back plan for the flower garden or.

An annual or two-year-old flower, which is often used by gardeners to decorate the landscape design of the site - this is a Cleoma, this plant can often be seen in Russian gardens. Everything, due to the fact that it has pretty remarkable characteristics and appearance, which can be evaluated in the photo presented below. Today, let's talk in more detail how landing and care is carried out and what is the difference in seeds. Cleom flowers even in the photo look very attractive, and in landscape design They are indispensable:

Botanic description of the Clear and the photo of this plant

Perhaps it is worth starting with botanical description This garden plant. Cleom B. different typesx is found in almost all corners of the world, but mainly its abode is warm and moderate areas. In general, this plant can grow as a semi-staple or grass. Briefly iron-lowered stems have a rather large branching, on which the leaves are located in the next order. The leaves themselves can have both fairly simple and complex buildings, as in the photo below.

As for flowers, they are located at the highest tassel and can have a bright color. For example, it is often possible to see the inflorescences of pink, yellow, white or gentle purple. The colors of the Clearma according to the Germans are very similar to the spray of champagne, but not many like such a plant, as it has a rather specific smell. But despite this, it does not look bad and decorates yards and gardens. After the Clem is blowing away, the fruits can be observed, which are a podlovoid box, no more than 3 cm long.

Germans such a flower are often referred to as "spine", all due to the fact that his inflorescence is pretty unusual shape - On the one hand, there are long stamens and pestle, and with the other four petals. The plant blooms with buds, the diameter of which can reach up to 20 cm, as in the photo below. At the same time, the Cleoma can become a real decoration of any garden, many even grow it in a group with fragrant tobacco and lavater, in such an ensemble of the Cleoma will be a solo plant.

Popular types of cells in the photo and their description

Cleoma is a plant that includes about 170 species, but according to the nerds, they are actually more than 200. The most popular types of them are Creator Hasser, since his barrel has spines, in everyday life this plant is called Kleoma Kolyma. This species was introduced into the culture and does not particularly differ from others. His homeland is South America, where these flowers have grown in tropical conditions, but they are not bad for a good gardener at proper care. In the photo below, you can see the flowers of the most popular species of the plant of Cleom, and then try to make a small description of some of them.
But, in fact, do not everyone know that Kleoma Kolynyny and Klezler Koloma are two completely different types of this plant. They differ in each other different color gamut Inflorescences, which is why often gardeners are confused and called one "Kloma Kolynyny". It is worth noting that under conditions where long and cold winters are observed, this flower can be grown for their garden only as an annual. In contrast to tropical crops - such a plant will not exceed one meter in height, but it can often be seen as a living hedge.

In general, all types of canoma plants differ among themselves only with a shade of colors with which they can delight all summer long. So, for example, Cleom Hellen Campwell has a pleasant white blossom, Rosacenigin is a gentle-pink, Golden sparkler - yellow. Types of plants that are called Sparkler Lavenden and Violet Queen have light purple flowers and ink inflorescences - they look just magically and therefore be sure to look at their photos below.

Most popular grader Kleomy Kolyachy is Cherry Queen or Cherry Queen, as it is customary to call it in Russia. His flowers have incredible original shape and exuded a very pleasant fragrance. Plants of this variety can reach no more than 60 centimeters and they can easily grow out of seeds for their garden or yard.

Another pretty popular view is the Kholoma Hassler, the most popular variety of it is the flower "Champagne splashes". It can reach no more than 120 centimeters high and have a pleasant pink shade Flowers, the diameter of which reaches 3-4 cm, while the diameter of inflorescences can be about 20 cm, they can be observed from the beginning of July to the most frosts. Quite often can be used by gardeners as a living hedge, as it can achieve quite high growth.

Cleom Cherry Queen (Cherry Queen): Interesting varieties in the photo

Plant that on this moment has just a huge amount interesting varietiesBreeded by breeders is Cleom Cherry Queen or Cherry Queen, which can be seen on the photo further. This species was introduced into the culture in 1817 and at the given moment some of its varieties are rather common. Let's talk about some of them in more detail.

Cleom Cherry Queen can reach no more than 60 cm in height, while the extension gives it a reprehensive stem without spiny. The flowering of this variety is one of the most prolonged - it can be observed from the beginning of July to mid-September. Pretty popular among gardeners is a series of varieties Cherry Queen Queen. They can have white, pink or pale lilac color. At the same time, the flower petals in contrast to other varieties are more fleshy, and the aroma is softer and pleasant.

No matter exactly what kind of grade of this annual will choose a gardener worth knowing that it requires that it requires the care of which and let's talk about. First of all, it is necessary to take care that Cleoma Cherry Queen be a place is well lit by the Sun, which is best to plant it in late May-early June. Before planting the plant, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for it, for this purpose, the landing is added directly into the soil. Dolomite flour or woody ashes. It is necessary to do this in this way: 1 or 2 cups of ash or dolomite flour with a pumping compartment (4 kg per m2). Everything else that is associated with the departure for this plant does not differ from the basic rules that are applicable to any other species and varieties.

Aza care and landing of a beautiful admission of Cleom

Although it is believed that Cleoma is pretty unpretentious plantSince it is at least rather drought-resistant and not picky even at home before landing, it still costs to know about some of the surplus and planting such a plant. This is necessary in order for this annual pleased the gardeners with its beautiful flowersWhat, for example, you can see in the photo below.
Care and landing is mainly not dependent on the variety and type of cell, so it is not difficult to understand some nuances that must be remembered before you have a plant in your garden. Almost all of these annuals are well multiplied by seeds, which must be done at home and only then land in the prepared soil. During the flowering of Cleom, it may well form viable seeds that can be used for the next year. Depending on when the gardener wants to see a beautiful bloom to make a landing. In some cases, the seeds immediately sow into the ground under winter or in the spring, but if you want to see the flowers early, you should first prepare seedlings in containers at home.
To prepare seedlings, it is necessary to sink seeds into a specially prepared soil. Specialists advise to use loose nutrient soil for this. Perfectly fit a mixture of humus and land from the garden. After that, the container is covered with glass and artificial illumination is created. After 2-3 weeks, shoots will appear that need to soak in phytogarmon, which can be completely anyone. Seedlings should be watered very carefully, avoiding the stagnation of water in the ground, since the sprouts can rather react to it. In some cases, it is better not to attach than to pour water into a container with only sprouted seeds, since the plant is more resistant to drought than to excess moisture.
In any case, disembarking on open ground needs to be done as early as possible, since the root system only sprouted with glue more easily tolerates transplant. In addition, it is pretty not friendly plants, regardless of the variety, so the picking is best to do as soon as possible in different pots.

Exotic I. unusual flower Cleoma is still practically not familiar to domestic gardeners. It occurs in the country areas extremely rare. Although it is possible that its original inflorescences, a magnificent fragrance, simplicity in care and unsurpassed resistance to the income of all sorts of pests will open him the path to the hearts and flower beds of Russian flower flowers.

Amazing Americana

A native of South America and a bright representative of the family of cruciferous, Cleoma is exquisite and unusual. It is surprisingly everything: the giant growth, reaching one and a half meters, straight thick, up to 3 cm in diameter, stem, amazing flowers associated with the French with splashes of champagne, and in the British with spider. Interestingly, both names fit the flower, as they absolutely give his description. Unusual top paint brushes consist of numerous non-standard florals on elongated flowers having four petals located on one side, as well as elegantly hanging stamens and pestle - on the other, which gives a flower exotic species. As long seed pods are formulated, the plant looks even more attractive. There are more than 70 species, the flower of the canoma can be a perennial semi-staple, and an annual herb plant.

Russian summer cottages still decorate only the Kolyoma Kolyny, who received this name due to the characteristic pricklers - spikes and the pubescent stem. Considering that for tropical beauty temperate climate Domestic medium breadth is a very inappropriate replacement for the native South American heat, its height does not exceed 1 m, which does not affect the beauty of culture. Shades are varied: from snow-white and pink to purple and purple, although there are blue and yellow-lemon instances. The fact that Cleom blooms in June and pleases the gardener throughout the summer season to the coldests.

Interesting flowering process: buds are dissolved alternately, starting from the lower yarus of the brush, and the brute, form thin, directed into different sides, Long seed boxes that serve as an additional decoration of the bush. In addition, the flower of Cleom Kolynyya has a very strong and quite pleasant aroma.

Features of culture

Clema flower is amazingly resistant to diseases and all sorts of pests. Provoke an infection of culture with a black leg or other infection with incorrect leaving. The plant absolutely does not endure the convergence, and in case of such conditions, weakening protective functions The flower is inevitable. To maintain the decorativeness of culture, prolonged flowering period, uncomplicated, but mandatory conditions put forward by the Clear: maintain a certain temperature during cultivation, choose right plot and prepare the soil, provide the necessary feeding and high-quality ass.

Growing the Clear: Choose time and cook soil

In the southern latitudes of our country, it is possible to land the seeds of the cells immediately at a permanent place, and in moderate it is determined exclusively by sedale. A long period before the start of flowering assumes early sowing, therefore seeds seeds to seed out in the 2nd decade of March. You should cook soil mixture, mixing the garden ground with a humus in equal shares and add river sand - The fourth part of the specified number. By the way, if there is no possibility to prepare the necessary soil, you can buy it in the store.

Gradate exotic flowers. Clea: landing and care

Cleaning seeds prerelated in a solution of potassium mangartage or other special preparations are planted into a random box, blocking them no more than 0.6-1 cm. The germination period ranges from 2 to 3 weeks. For better germination, you can spray the landings of a sifted compartment on top, cover with glass or film, creating a stable temperature, and install it into a warm and very bright place. In case of lack of lighting, add it artificially. With germination of seeds, glass from the box is gradually shifted. Immediately do it should not be done - it is stress for small sprouts. With the further germination of seedlings, the soil is maintained in a slightly raw state, constantly controlling the moderate humidity of landings, since excessive water is destructive even for adult plants. With the appearance of 2 real leaves, the sprouts are pyric in any containers with a diameter of at least 7-8 cm with the soil of the same composition. The first days after the dive should not leave them on the bright sun, it is better to protect with paper or underfloor material.

Grown and strengthened plants planted in an open ground in May. It should be followed by some requirements that this culture puts forward. The flower of Cleoma does not endure frosts, even the weakest. Therefore, it is necessary to plant it in the garden when this danger passed.


Kleoma - Yuzhanka, and it could not not affect her preferences. She loves windless, well warmed solar places. The soil fertility is indifferent, but speaks well to care and fertilizers. Quietly tolerates heat and periodic drought, but the overvailing can cause it irreparable harm. It should be remembered that the canoma is a plant with a strong root system. It grows well for the season, so it is necessary to plant it with an interval of 0.8-1 m. As weeds appear, it is necessary to periodically guess and loose the soil layer.

Falker culture is definitely needed. All of them should be conducted 2 or 3 times. It is necessary to look closely to the growth of seedlings. If it develops poorly, it is necessary to use a solution of biostimulants, whipping which can be carried out 1-2 times. 7-10 days after planning for a permanent place, the flowers are fed by any organic: a humus, a liquid navigation solution. If a organic fertilizers No, the mineral complex feeding is suitable. For example, "Kemira". For better and abundant flowering In June, the flower feed again. As a rule, more in fertilizers does not need a plant.

Cleed flower: Growing for the soul

Many flower products highly appreciate the beauty and non-community of this culture. Prolonged flowering, unusual, pleasant and light fragrance - thanks to all this and high-explore care, the flower finds new admirers among leading Russian gardeners.

Perfectly compatible with other plants, Cleom flower, which is easy to care, will create a magnificent bright holiday in the afternoon, and in the evening - a quiet cozy little paradise on cottage plot.

A huge herbaceous bush, resembling a small tree, spherical flowers of a gentle pink shade with a magic shape of petals - this is a true decoration of any garden, Cleom. It is easy to grow, using seeds, or through seedlings, after selecting the color of petals in the photo. Modern selection suggests unique flower Not only with pink, but also with purple, purple and snow-white petals. The secrets of landing and care are open here! It is enough to familiarize yourself with the information - and the "champagne splashes" will delight stable and long blossoms!

Flower Descriptions: Information for those who are not familiar with Clear

Cleom occurs where it is hot. Her homeland is considered to be South America, but the flower can be found in Brazil, in Mexico, in many other countries where it provides not only a small bush tall up to 1.8 m, but also a creeping grass with large flowers.

The flower has a powerful reprehensive stem with numerous membranes in the sides. The top of them decorate large flowerswhose petals are paired, located in a circle, decorated with threads-hairs. Leaves have spines with inner, arranged alternately on the stem, coloring - from light green to the color of saturated greenery.

The breeders of all over the world work with 2 types of Cleomes: Cleome Hassleriana, barbed Cleomo. A variety of champagne splashes, whose height of whose height is up to 120 cm. The variety is distinguished by a long period of flowering (from the beginning of June to mid-October), inflorescences reaching 10-12 cm in diameter and the numerous flowers on one escape.

Kleoma Kolynya

But with the help of Cleome Spinosa (Cleome Spinosa) were bred next varieties, Different coloring petals:

  • Sparker Lavender and Violet Queen, the first of which has lilac petals, the second - saturated-purple color;
  • Golden Sparclare - a plant with yellow flowers;
  • Pink, Rose Queen, Rosacienigin - varieties with different shades of pink;
  • Cherry Queen - Flowers in Bordeaux shade;
  • Snow beauty that will delight snow-white petals!

Attention! Selecting the varieties of maximum height, you will get a flower for a bouquet (on a cut, that is, with a long leg). It will be original and unique on any holiday or family celebration!

Seeding: Features

In order to get a presenter-drying glue with a loaf for a long period of vegetation, we can engage in sowing seeds into an open ground after the threat of frosts can be raised to grow a flower seedlings or sow seeds under the winter, in October-November.

However, the cultivation of seedlings is the most common way that almost all amateur flowers use. He will give the opportunity to plant hardened and healthy plants in the soil in the amount in which intended. And do not worry about the complexity of germination, thinning and other aspects in case the Cleom is sown directly to the ground.

Cleaning seeds

To obtain seedlings you need:

  • purchase high-quality seeds or prepare them yourself. It is enough for this late in autumn Collect seeds from a bush, dry and store in a cool room before spring;
  • choose the right time. In order for the Cleoma blooming in the garden as soon as possible, it is worthwhile for seedlings of February 15-20;
  • prepare seeds. They must be soaked 12 hours in a warm solution (2 drops of epin preparation on 1 st water), remove, dry;
  • prepare container with soil. Sadd land, compost, sand and peat in proportion 3: 1: 1: 2 or nutritious substrate from the store;
  • carry seeds into grooves that are easy to make duranka or pencil. The distance between them is 2-3 cm. It will make it easier for sowing and subsequent breakdowns. After seeding, the grooves are followed by soil, seal and pour. Optimal temperature for shoots - 20-22 ° C;
  • after the appearance of the first sprouts, they need to provide shocking (at least 10 hours a day). Watering is moderate, first time - a solution of mangarteean or emockers to prevent diseases;
  • when the sprouts reach 5-7 cm and there will be 2-3 real leaves, they can be sked.

Shoots of Clear

Being in separate "apartments", the plants will receive a maximum nutrients and elements, therefore, easily transferring a transplant. 10-14 days after picking the plant, it is possible with a complex mineral fertilizer (growth-concentrate, plantafol).

Plant can be planted in open ground, since the end of April. The threat of frosts will leave, the Earth warms up - the sprouts will quickly fit and go to growth.

Planting Clear to Open Soil and Plant Care

Cleoma is luxury, bright colors, fragrance and unpretentiousness to growing conditions. Many novice flowerflowers in it do not believe, looking at the delicate and neat flower petals. But this is a fact! However, in order for flowering to be long and abundant, it is worth following some rules, however, as with any other flower in your garden.

In order to plant the glue into the open ground, enough:

  • choose sunny place. The plant adores the sun, it is pulled out and does not please with abundant blossom;
  • prepare a garden, reappear and making mineral fertilizers 1-2 weeks before landing;
  • spring glue at a distance of at least 50-70 cm from each other in a row. This will allow plants to be well ventilated and not to acquire pests. If you plan a group landing - observe distances!

Interesting! Brightly and unusually looks caps on the country area in the form of a living hedge. Her flowers attract the spines - repel, in this - the duality of the flower.

IN abundant irrigation Clem needs only in a dry period, but she does not hurt me. It may not only be root subordinate, but also feeding on the sheet. Optimal option - alternation of feeding.

Kloma in the garden: Combinability with other plants

Landscape designers use flower for territory design. In this case, the canoma is organically and fully described as an independent plant forming a group on a specific area and as an additional.

Cleom in the garden

The original idea is to pick up as a "partner" to the Clear of the flower with a contrasting tinge of petals, it can be both a homoor and a perennial. . garden roses, Clear the company lined with a flower in the first row.

It can be a back background for large-scale, such as fir or. Creative - place evergreen In the circle of Clee, silent a kind of halo. In a word, any capricious is possible with it, the restriction of which is your fantasy.

Cleom refers to the class of adhesive and is one and two-year-old plant. Grows throughout the land, in moderate and warm climates. There are about 70 species and has another name "Flower Spider". Appearance and the location of the petals is remotely reminded by paws shaggy spiderAnd bright coloring and strange smell - have become more and more flowerflowers.

Cleom has a pronounced pinkish, white, yellow and purple. Flies in early June and finishes its bloom at the beginning or mid-September. Powerful root system, durable branched stalks, height up to one and a half meters - all characterizes the plant. Many gardeners use glue as an excellent means to scare insects. Ceing, but not a poisonous smell spreads quickly and makes the beetles fly away for several meters.

Plant care

As already mentioned, on the glue, the impact is negative large number moisture - Quickly rotates the root. Therefore, it is necessary to water it so that the soil is not dry, but not too moistened. The land must completely absorb water and remain wet over several days. After that, you can pour out again and roaming the plant. In favor of the flower, we can say that the care of it is simple. Several times a month you can add minerals and add a zincon solution.

Be sure to follow the temperature. Exotic plant It does not like when frosts or the temperature drops below zero. That is why it is planted at the beginning of the summer and spring season.

In addition, the growing flower can be sprayed with a special solution. It is prepared from three liters of water and "FERTIKA-KOMBI", also applied zircon. Three teaspoons of the drug on three liters of water will be enough to sometimes conduct a procedure and achieve an excellent result. Additionally, it is necessary to restore the beds and carry out mulching. The soil looser may be effective. Lined B. winter, requires even smaller care, but the owner is followed to prepare that the color will be quite late.

The owner may encounter such a problem as a disease in a plant. It is quite simple to determine them - in a thorough form and the lack of new shoots. It affects not only the wrong landing, but also the possibility of infection by pests. It is treated with spraying and use of special preparations.

Plant susceptible to groundwater, Therefore, before landing, you should consider such a feature.

The prevention of diseases is carried out in this way: a well-diluted solution of manganese, which water the plant is poured. After two weeks from the dive, you can add mineral feeding in a small consistency, and after - to feed every week or two.

Flower landing in open ground

Where the frosts rarely happen, but the optimal snow falls - it is possible to sow glue into open soil. Usually, it is done at the beginning of the first frosts, closer to December. Snow cover creates the necessary conditionsTo save seeds. At the same time, the plant is booming a little later than is required - for one month. It will save it from a unpleasant transplant and will help acclimatize in vivo. Detect the first sprouts are closer to the middle of spring.

It is possible to transplant the plant not before May. The probability of reduced temperatures is reduced to zero. Only recently appeared sprouts are very sensitive to temperatures. To be too low can become a destructive factor, and too high - affect the growth of the plant itself. Choose a territory that will become permanent place Clear growth, you need carefully. It should be a platform where there are no drafts, but there is a bright sunlight.

Before planting, the soil should be swapped and dissolved. The preparation also includes composite and mineral fertilizers. Preparation for transplant is characterized by ELINE treatment. Depending on the intended sizes of the bush, placed at a distance from 35 to 70 cm. Complete the procedure for watering the humate solution. The land must be sufficiently loose and easy, with normal acidity. On too nutritious soils, the plant will start too late, but bloom will be small. During bait, do not forget to dose substances.

Glinding of Clear

The only one right wayTo grow flower in our conditions, is reproduction with seeds.

In order to get a plant faster than his flowering period, it is necessary to prepare seedlings in advance. It is planted in the first decade of March, using an earthen-peat mixture and a box (you can use a greenhouse). The prerequisite is that it is necessary to use seeds collected last year. Shoots appear slowly and not at the same time. Accelerate the process and strengthen the "health" of the plant itself will help soaking seeds in the growth activator and change temperatures in the first two weeks. It acts about this way: during the day the plants must be warm and in the sun, and they are cleaned of the fridge for the night. It is desirable that the temperatures are not too low. In this case, the first shoots may die.

So that in the further glue it was convenient to transplant in a separate pot, you need to make small recesses next to the sowing material. Seedlings will submit the first signs within one month. After that, they must be transplanted by separate pots. If you do not have time to do this on time - seedlings will be more difficult to postpone the procedure and may die at all. When transplanting, the sprout is plugged right to the first leaflets.

Growing with seedlings under normal conditions requires additional lighting and maintaining optimal temperature mode. The backlight is necessary in the evenings when the sun comes. Moisturizes shoots are not too much - dryness is not particularly worried about the flower, and the flooding threatens the rapid death.

Usage in landscape design

Cleoma is powerful and beautiful plant. It can be combined with bright objects at home, providing a separate place on the windowsill. Dwarf options are popular in creating comfort in the interior, besides, they do not exude an unpleasant smell.

In open areas, they are used as a central element of the composition. Perfectly combined with, velvets and. Bright coloring adds general style originality. From the Clearma you can form various figures by landing it as it is necessary. White shoots look perfectly next to other, saturated shades.

Often, the flower is assigned the role of the fence. High shoots can shade other plants, which becomes an unpleasant fact for the garden owners. Therefore, she takes place at the fence or around the perimeter. Flower fence becomes a real garden decoration and adds to him bright colors. Professionals are advised using clothespins to form three branches so that the plant is perfectly looked in flower composition. It is often used to create original bouquets.

Subspecies and varieties

There are two main varieties of Kleoma: Hassler and "barbed". They differ only in their colors, so among lovers and professionals are both called Kloma Kolynyny. It is often used for crossing and removing new subspecies. The most original type is Cherry Queen, which is distinguished by a pleasant aroma and its size. Color resembles more cherry than any other shades.

Basically, the Cleom is different in height and color of their shoots. So distinguish white, dark pink, yellow and others. Often you can find dwarf variants used in landscape design and for home cultivation.

The highest variety is "champagne splashes". Their cultivation based on Cleassome Hassler. It blooms straight to first frosts and has a high stem - up to 120 cm. Flowers - pink or white. The inflorescences diameter is up to twenty centimeters.

The objects of interest in flower flows are new varieties. For example, bright purple "Rosalite". They have a high stem and are often used to decorate bouquets and the preparation of all sorts of compositions. The fragrant smell and bright color becomes an excellent addition to the overall composition.

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