Encyclopedia of fire safety

How much lumber is needed for a 6x6 frame house. How to calculate the amount of materials for the construction of frame structures? Flooring calculation

Tired of the city bustle and noise? A house outside the city will solve this problem. But such a purchase can be too expensive. In this case, it remains to build own house, and technology will help save frame construction. This article will discuss the stages of construction frame house and the necessary materials for this.

The foundation of a frame house - the basis of the basics

Every building starts with a foundation. It takes on the entire load of the house, and the stronger the foundation, the longer the house will stand idle. So, a poorly made foundation can lead to a skew of the veranda, windows, doors, because of which they will eventually stop closing tightly. It is likely that because of this, gaps will appear in the walls of the structure.

To correct the shortcomings of the foundation, you will have to additionally spend up to fifty percent of the total cost of construction. For a responsible, correct and deliberate choice of the foundation of a frame house, it is necessary to take into account some points.

The calculation of the foundation must be made with the obligatory consideration of the above factors. The purpose of the calculation is to determine the load on the foundation and soil, to provide possible problems. In order to calculate the total load for the foundation, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the house, the furniture inside it and the people arriving there. Most often, pile structures are used for frame structures, columnar foundation because the weight of the buildings is small. Which by no means prohibits the use of slab or strip types of foundations.

Features of the columnar foundation of a frame house

This type of foundation consists of pillars buried in the ground. They can be round, rectangular, square. The cross section for such pillars can be either variable (the lower part of the pillar is expanded) or constant (in the form of a parallelepiped or cylinder). Due to the expanded lower part (base) of the column, the bearing capacity of such a foundation increases. This will help more uniform distribution the weight of the house, and when the soil is heaving, it will serve as an obstacle for squeezing the pillars up.

The column base can be monolithic concrete, brick and even wood. Wooden poles are not very durable, no matter how hard you try to protect them, sooner or later they will begin to rot, which is why the bearing capacity is also lost. Such a basis is relevant except for the construction of temporary structures.

The use of bricks for the construction of a columnar foundation is not very convenient and causes a lot of labor. It is quite problematic to fold a column of such material inside the well. Nevertheless, such material for pillars has high strength, which is important. Alternatively, you can fold the bricks into a pillar shape and lower finished structure into the well. Of course, it is necessary to allow the mortar between the bricks to dry.

The most common and best material for the columnar foundation is monolithic reinforced concrete. Foundation with variable or permanent cross section a pillar can be laid by first digging a rectangular or square hole. It is better to make the width of such a pit 40-50 centimeters more than necessary for the pillar itself. This is necessary in order to place the formwork there, which will give the column the future shape. A rebar frame is placed inside the formwork, and then concrete is poured. After drying concrete mix the formwork is dismantled and the column is covered with earth.

Wells for a columnar foundation can also be made using a hand drill. The depth of the wells is determined by the level of freezing and also depends on the density of the soil. The drilling diameter varies from one hundred and fifty to four hundred millimeters. The drill is very convenient and practical. TISE-F. With it, you can drill a well with a diameter of up to 20 cm. Due to the plow available from the drill, soil can be cut from the walls of the bottom of the well. Thus, the lower part of the well has an extension in the form of a hemisphere.

For a reinforcement frame, as a rule, two to four thick rods (ten to fifteen millimeters in diameter) are used, which are tied together with mounting thin reinforcement. The calculation of the required volume of cement takes into account the diameter and depth of the well. The pillars are placed under the future bearing walls and at their intersections. The heads of the pillars should be fifty centimeters above the ground. This will give a gap, thanks to which it is possible to avoid decay from dampness of the lower part of the structure of a wooden frame house.

At weak ground(marshland, peat soil) it is recommended to use a screw-piled foundation. Such piles are steel pipes, at the bottom of which are the blades. Due to them, screw piles are screwed into the ground. The blades also serve as a barrier to its extrusion from the ground. One such pile can withstand a load of four to six tons. Its length can be up to twelve meters. When screwing screw piles it is necessary to monitor its vertical position. The main advantage of this type of foundation is the absence of earthworks, which affects finances. There is no need to use reinforcement and concrete.

Strip foundation - reliable, but expensive

The tape base is a closed tape of inextricable rigid concrete structure. It is laid under all the load-bearing walls of the frame house. Compared with a column foundation, a strip foundation requires a lot of labor during construction in terms of land work and volume. concrete material and therefore more reinforcement.

As a rule, during construction, this type of foundation is used if it is necessary to build a basement or ground floor. In such cases, it is necessary to take into account the freezing of the foundation, which acts as a basement wall or basement, and the depth ground water. Such a structure from the side of the ground will need to be treated with waterproofing materials, and preferably. To do this, you will need materials from foam glass or expanded polystyrene. The width of the tape is made ten to twenty centimeters more than the thickness of the wall.

To avoid transverse deformation of the foundation, its height must be made twice the width of the tape itself.

A monolithic reinforced concrete slab as a foundation is the most reliable option. This base has the largest support area when compared to other species. Main Feature such a foundation is that it can and should be used on soils, calculation bearing capacity which does not allow the use of other types of foundations - the heaving forces of the soil can least affect it. The thickness of the plate can be ten or more centimeters.

At the very beginning for the construction monolithic slab it is necessary to level the surface, make a sand and gravel cushion and compact it. Top fit waterproofing material, insulation, which is covered with a film. After this procedure, a reinforcing cage is formed (ribbed rods with a diameter of twelve to sixteen millimeters are used). On average, it takes about fourteen meters of reinforcement per square meter of foundation. When the frame is ready, all this is poured with concrete.

Construction of the frame of the house - we purchase materials

The frame in this type of construction can be used both wooden and metal. Calculation of material for ordinary frame house has been repeatedly done by builders - we will give ready-made figures, traditional for houses from 60 sq. m. up to 80 sq. m. m. You can purchase all building materials for a frame house project at any construction market.

So, when using wooden frame it will take seven to nine to build it cubic meters timber. It is desirable to use a section of one hundred by one hundred and fifty millimeters. Materials for sheathing the frame can be used the following:

  • moisture-resistant glass-magnesite sheet of premium class (later it can be plastered or painted);
  • chipboard or oriented strand board;
  • waterproof plywood.

For example, for a house of 10 by 6 meters, wall sheathing can go within six oriented strand boards measuring 125 by 250 centimeters.

Before starting construction with their own hands, each future owner must calculate the approximate cost of building a frame house. The calculation is necessary in order for you to accurately determine whether your finances are enough to complete the construction. If the resulting amount is slightly more than you can afford, the house project can be slightly adjusted - reduce the size of the house, replace materials with cheaper analogues, etc. Each calculation for the construction of frame housing with your own hands is approximate, and the total amount spent on construction is usually 5% more than originally planned.

How much does it cost to build a foundation

The most popular type of foundation, which is poured under an inexpensive frame house, is a tape one. It is a cement mixture poured into a mold. The device of such a foundation can be done independently, thereby saving up to 50% of the cost of the foundation.

Foundation works are divided into 2 categories:

  • preparatory work
  • foundation pouring

The first category includes soil research, calculations of the future frame weight of the house, marking, excavation, device sand cushion, installation reinforcing cage or mesh frame, all formwork installation work, etc. Here you can also add the purchase of all necessary materials, the number of which must be calculated in advance. If you decide to carry out these works yourself, then you will only have to pay for the sand or ASG for the pillow and its delivery. You can buy the formwork ready-made, or you can put it together yourself from boards and film (they also need to be purchased). The calculation is done using data on the perimeter of the foundation, its depth and height above the ground. In matters of foundation depth, proceed from weight data frame structure.

The second category includes pouring the foundation cement mixture. Here you will have to pay for the cost of concrete, delivery of it by a mixer and, most likely, the work of several workers. Concrete sets very quickly, so you will need help leveling it in the formwork.

On average, the cost of a foundation with your own hands will be from $ 2,000.

If you order a foundation from a turnkey company, the price will be increased several times.

Construction of walls and partitions

So, if your foundation is already ready, you can start building the wall frame. For this you will need:

  • technical drying timber (price per m3 is 135-140 dollars, depends on the type of wood and% moisture content)
  • insulation (Basalt, stone wool, mineral wool. Basalt fiber mats metal mesh). The price will be 20-30 dollars per roll (min.wool).
  • waterproofing (45-50 euros per roll) and vapor barrier (47-55 euros per roll)
  • OSB boards (OSB-3 board 9x1250x2500 mm (Format-Europe) - 550 rubles per sheet

In addition, you may need universal galvanized screws, universal galvanized screws, a hacksaw for wood, self-tapping screws, a drill for wood, nails.

All work can be carried out independently, which will also save at least a third of the amount requested by turnkey construction firms.

If you decide to build a house from SIP panels, their cost will be:

1500x1250x174 - $100

2500x1250x224 - $117

2800x1250x174 - $120

2800x1250x224 - $127

The price may vary depending on the region, order size and delivery.

How much does it cost to build a frame house from the developer - we read.

Roofing: materials and prices

The roof is the most important element of the house, so you should not save on the roof. First, you need to decide which of the roofs will be built. It can be single-sided, double-sided or more complex. Also, the cost of the roof is affected by how the attic space will be used. Residential attic needs good insulation.

Cheaper will cost you a house with a shed roof.

In addition, the final cost of the roof will depend on the price. roofing material. Slate is one of the cheapest materials, but it does not have such characteristics as modern materials- for example, a soft top. soft top It costs more but is much easier to install. In addition, it does not make noise during operation of the house.

Do not forget about wood fire protection. You can order the processing of the frame base from fire organizations or carry it out yourself. The calculation of the amount of impregnation for self-treatment depends on the number of layers.

Materials you will need to build a roof

The purchase of material is the main column of the cost of building a roof. What materials do you need to build a frame roof?

  1. For the construction of the truss system, you will need a beam with a section of 15x5 centimeters.
  2. Mauerlat will also be made of timber - only the cross section should be 10x10 centimeters.
  3. A board or timber for the crate is selected based on the parameters of the future roof. The calculation of the timber is based on the size of the perimeter of the house and the step between the rafters.
  4. Consumables - screws, nails and others, will be required for fastening truss system and other parts of the roof.

These materials will be required for the construction of the roof frame. However, the roof must be insulated and insulated, and for this you will also need:

  1. Insulation (mineral wool and polystyrene).
  2. Waterproofing.
  3. Vapor barrier.
  4. Joint foam.
  5. Glue.

There is a certain difficulty in the calculation of materials when frame housing construction. It consists in the fact that the structure of enclosing structures can be very diverse, it is thanks to invariance that you can build a house with minimal cost. Therefore, it is very important to have a project on hand, regardless of whether you decide to purchase a ready-made set of a house or a future cottage - this is a bouquet of your ideas.

Surely making a simplified economic-cost analysis, you have already encountered those questions, one way or another related to the selection and calculation of the material. Of course, finding the optimal balance between price, quality and ease of installation is not an easy task.

But, nevertheless, having disassembled the structure element by element, you can find out which option suits you best. It is more convenient to make the calculation according to the stages of construction, i.e.

  1. Foundation
  2. Covering the first floor
  3. Frame erection
  4. Roof installation
  5. Sheathing with insulating material

such a sequence is typical for housing construction according to the Scandinavian

technology, when the walls are insulated only after the construction of the roof.

If the consumption of materials is more or less known for arranging the foundation, since typical types of foundations are often used, such as tape shallow, piled or columnar, then you will have to work hard with the choice and calculation of lumber and insulation. Although if you understand key moment process, there is nothing complicated about it, you just need attention and patience.

In order to make your task as easy as possible, they start with a selection of material according to the drawings, for convenience, we advise you to draw a structural block, for example, a load-bearing frame and make a scan for each component (floor, wall, etc.). You can also make calculations according to detailed drawings.

I would like to note right away that for frame housing construction, lumber must be dry and pre-treated with various antiseptic compounds. Otherwise, the assembled structure may shrink, which will inevitably lead to various kinds of distortions of the structure and, as a result, the formation of cracks and other defects. The impregnation must penetrate about 10 mm into the wood, only in this case can a long service life be guaranteed. Surface application of antiseptics will protect structural elements for a maximum of two to three years, after which re-treatment will be required wooden parts at home.

Undoubtedly, a tree dried and processed under production conditions is much more expensive than what can be purchased at construction sites. If you still decide to save money and purchase lumber of natural moisture, then after it is delivered to the site, it will be necessary to stack it. Each row is laid on slats to prevent boards from touching each other and to provide natural ventilation. Although this method of removing moisture does not guarantee against corroding, the main disadvantage of wood.

Calculation of materials for the construction of a frame house

For the construction of a power frame, lumber is often used conifers. For tying the lower belt, use ordinary timber 150x150 mm, this section is suitable for corner posts if the building will have two levels. The required amount is calculated based on the perimeter of the building, i.e. we need width (a), length (b), according to the simplest mathematical formulas, we find out the required volume of timber, (a + b) x 2 = N is the total value of the material in running meters. To convert to cubic meters V = N * 0.15 * 0.15 = 0.0225 * N (m 3). Similarly, we make calculations for racks, with the only difference being that instead of the length and width of the house, we will need other values, the number of supports (n) and the height (h) of the floor or house, if the project provides for their through location. According to the project, we determine the required amount of lumber for other structural elements. However, I would like to focus on some points. With regards to intermediate racks, their cross section should be commensurate with the thickness thermal insulation material.

When choosing a step (distance) between them, they are guided by two conditions, this is the calculated load and the standard size of the material used. Agree it is not logical to place supports at a distance of 950 mm, if you know for sure that the drywall sheet with which you plan to sheathe inner surface, It has standard width 600, 800 and 1200 mm. Therefore, choosing, for example, a step of 800 mm, you can easily calculate the number of boards (M) for installing intermediate racks. For this, the perimeter of the house is taken and divided by the set step, N / 0.8 \u003d M, from this value we subtract the number of main racks of the load-bearing frame and we get how many racks in pieces are required per floor. This figure can also be expressed in cubic meters, knowing the geometric parameters of the board used (usually 100x50mm), we use the same formula as for the beam, V = (M - f) * 0.15 * 0.05 = 0, 0075 * (M - f) m 3, where f is the number of main racks.

A very interesting and functional alternative to a lattice structure made of timber and boards in frame housing construction can be called a recently appeared on Russian market- an I-beam, which is made entirely of wood.

It serves as a ready-made cell for laying heat-insulating material. It consists of two beams interconnected by a jumper, which is made of OSB boards. The I-beam shelf is easily adjusted by the size of the base and is selected according to the calculated thickness of the thermal insulation. With the help of this structural element, the thermal uniformity of enclosing structures is improved and the risk of shrinkage deformations of the frame is reduced.

To calculate other materials, in most cases, the surface area will be required, this applies to waterproofing (roofing, roofing material), subfloor, internal and exterior finish. Everything is simple here, we take the dimensions of the space that we need and with the help of not tricky mathematical operations we carry out calculations.

Along with the material for the power frame, the choice of thermal insulation is very important. Disputes about this not only do not subside, but as new representatives appear in this sector, they only flare up. First of all, it is worth noting that there are two main types of heat and soundproof materials: soft and hard. Belongs to the soft basalt wool and fiberglass insulation. Styrofoam and its new modificationextruded polystyrene. Each of them has very low thermal conductivity and has its own pluses and minuses.

The main advantage of mineral wool mats is their excellent physical and mechanical properties, thanks to which the thermal properties are preserved for a long time. This material is chemically and biologically resistant, non-hygroscopic, absolutely environmentally friendly and resistant to deformation. Time has proven that mineral wool practically does not shrink, which eliminates the occurrence of "cold bridges" during operation.

Water repellency this material prevents the penetration of moisture into the board, and its excellent breathability makes it possible to create a comfortable microclimate in the premises by means of natural ventilation. Another undoubted plus is the fire resistance of mineral wool, according to the fire safety classification, it belongs to the NG group (not combustible material). In order for the insulation to “work” to the full, during installation it is necessary to provide for it correct styling. The size of the mat should be 10 - 30 mm wider than the cell, this will avoid required clearances and extra slots, which guarantees minimal heat loss.

What else do you need to know about mineral wool boards? The heat-insulating properties of the material are determined by its thickness, but if during the installation process it so happened that the insulation was 100 mm thick, you had to seal it up to 80 mm, then it quality characteristics will correspond to its final state, i.e. 80 mm. That is why it is so important to observe the size of the beam, which sets the parameters of the cell for laying insulation.

Less attractive in many respects is glass wool. Even if we discard everything difficult moments working with this material, it is still inferior to the previous insulation. The fact is that fiberglass is subject to shrinkage, which over time leads to the appearance of "cold bridges" and heat loss. Not the most in the best way the heat-insulating properties are reflected in a relatively large water absorption rate, which can reach 13 - 15%.

What can be said about foams? Undoubtedly, it has almost the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient, low volumetric weight and a number of other advantages that exceed the parameters mineral wool. However, along with many positive qualities there are a number of significant shortcomings, which force developers to abandon this material in favor of others. The rigid structure does not allow to mount the insulation according to the "in-line" technology, which inevitably entails a loose connection in the cells and, as a result, additional heat losses. The absolute airtightness of the material creates the effect of a "thermos", which also cannot be attributed to pluses. Unscrupulous manufacturers often use low-quality, cheap raw materials for the manufacture of foam, which further undermines confidence in this species insulation. But the most important thing that stops many builders from using polystyrene is its combustibility. Moreover, under the influence high temperatures toxic substances are released that are harmful and dangerous to human health. And this not very personal list is completed by the fact that the foam plastic is a favorite place for rodents to live, and this is not a very comfortable neighborhood for living.

The amount of heat-insulating material that will be required to insulate the house will largely depend on the estimated thickness and overall dimensions of the blanks. Experts recommend making the necessary insulating layer stackable, for example, an estimated thickness of 150 mm, it is advisable to assemble from three mats of 50 mm each or two 100 and 50 mm high. This type of insulation is considered more effective because it has additional air gaps.

After you make a phased selection of material for the entire structure, similar positions are summed up, and as a result you will receive a complete breakdown of costs in cubic meters, pieces, rolls, liters and kilograms. For clarity, you can bring all the numbers into one table, by the way, in this way, it will be easier to calculate the upcoming costs in monetary terms. In order not to lose sight of one or another material, sketch out a schematic layered structure of the floor, walls, ceilings, ceilings.

Roughly, you should get the following list:

    main and intermediate racks



    vapor barrier material

    overlap of the lower and upper belt

    hydro, windproof membrane

    finishing material


Also, do not forget that during the construction you will need antiseptic compounds, polyurethane foam, fastening elements (nails, self-tapping screws, perforated metal corners). Do not forget that when purchasing materials, 10 - 12% should be added to the estimated volumes, since waste in construction is inevitable. Although some argue that this percentage remains if door and window openings were not taken into account.

Do not think that frame houses are standard project, and all buildings built according to this method are the same. In fact, the history of building houses on a frame has a long history - at least 5 centuries, or even more. Naturally, for such a period of time, the craftsmen learned to build not only small squat houses, but also full-fledged high-rise buildings on the frame. The cost of each of them is determined individually. And it is calculated in the process of building a project.

Frame house project

As in any other case, work on a frame house begins with the development of a project - the success of the entire event will depend on the accuracy of its execution. In addition, at the time the project is being worked out, it is also necessary to draw up an estimate of future work, which in the future, if slightly changed, then not very much.

Drawing up a design project for a future home begins with the definition of residential premises. You should definitely take into account the number of family members, make a bookmark for replenishing the family and do not forget about all the necessary utility rooms.

Experts recommend allocating a room with a footage of 40-50 square meters for each separately living family member. Such a space, according to psychologists, is the most comfortable.

Concerning utility rooms, it is also desirable to carefully calculate their area. A rigorous approach will help you fully and accurately determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour entire home during the preparation of the design project. Once you get the numbers, you will be able to understand how many floors your building should have for a comfortable stay.

True, it should be borne in mind that other factors also affect the number of storeys, such as the size of the territory on which the building will be erected (the smaller it is, the less likely it is to get a high-rise building), the layout and landscape of the land (not for all sites it is outwardly acceptable big house). And, of course, the age of all those who will live in it has a special influence on the number of storeys of the house. So, for example, if there are elderly people in the family, it is better to make the house smaller in height, but stretch it in length. With children, the issue is quite controversial, since they grow up quickly and stairs for them will no longer be such a terrible obstacle and danger.

It is desirable to take into account the general architecture of the street. So, for example, if for the most part there are low buildings on it, you should not stand out too much against the general background.

The advantage of designing a frame house is that it is assembled from panels on a wooden or metal base (the frame itself). This contributes to better planning as the panels can be easily installed anywhere.

When the design project is completed, carefully review it again and make any necessary adjustments. Remember that after the start of construction, changing something will be problematic or impossible at all.

Next, take care of the budget. Here you need to very clearly calculate how many materials you will need, and how much they will cost. You can use average prices as a basis (if you manage to save money, this will become nice bonus). In addition, be sure to lay another 25 percent of the total amount for unforeseen expenses. If possible, lay down 50%. The calculation of the cost should be as complete and detailed as possible, so that after that you do not have to seek additional funds.

The cost of materials for frame construction

Enough is used for construction a large number of materials. This and construction timber, and insulation, and roofing. In addition, the cost is affected by Decoration Materials- lining, siding, etc. And it is also necessary to lay in the cost of materials the price of those that will go to the foundation. True, there is a plus. Frame houses are quite light in weight, due to which they are usually installed on a columnar or strip foundation. And this significantly reduces the cost of construction.

So, if you decide to build a frame-based building, cottage or household, you will need the following materials.

For foundation:
- gravel, costing about 2000 per cubic meter;
- formwork boards - 7000 per cube;
- various fittings- order 1000 per cubic meter;
- road grid - 2000 per cubic meter;
- concrete - about 5000 per meter;
- blocks - 4500;
- cement - 300 rubles per bag;
- insulation - 4000 r. per meter;
- geofabric - 50 rubles per square;
- film for waterproofing - 30 r. per square;
- concrete (slab) - 4800 per cubic meter;
- blind area concrete - 4800 per cubic meter;
- expendable materials(nails, screws, bolts, etc.) - about 10,000 rubles for everything.

The total cost of one cubic meter of foundation costs about 36,000 rubles.

Next, you need to calculate the cost of the cube of the main building. For it you will need other materials. It:
- antiseptic - 200 r. per liter;
- pipes for poles - 400 rubles per linear meter;
- hydro / vapor barrier - 20 rubles. per square meter;
- drainage system- 2000 r. per linear meter;
- dry built board - 12000 per cubic meter;
- insulation - 2000 rubles. per cubic meter;
- plywood - 18000 per cubic meter;
- windows (depending on the company and configuration);
- entrance door (also estimated by the manufacturer and the materials used);
- softboard - 230 rubles. per square;
- consumables - about 50,000 rubles.

Total cost square meter at home, excluding windows and doors, it will cost an average of 38,000 rubles.

To calculate the final cost of materials, you need to multiply the cost of 1 cubic meter or square meter by total area. This will turn out the full cost of materials for a frame house. If you want to make construction cheaper, try to look at the markets where certain materials are sold cheaper. This way you can save a lot.

Price construction works It depends on what rates the team has. But on average, it is worth focusing on 1,500,000 rubles.

How to calculate the required amount of materials

In each individual case, the cost of materials is calculated specifically. For example, you can take a house in which the walls along the length of the house are 10 meters, the height of the walls is 2.8 m, the walls along the width of the house are 8 m.

For starters, the frame. Start the calculation for its vertical load-bearing racks by calculating the total length of the walls of the building (in the given example it will be 10 + 10 + 8 + 8 = 36 sq.m.). Vertical racks are usually installed at a distance of 50 cm from each other. But it should be borne in mind that where there will be windows, the distance between the racks should be at least 1.2 m. From here you can calculate the amount of timber that is needed to build the frame. Approximately for this example, about 4 cubic meters will be needed. For the base of the frame and the final connection, add 3 more cubes of the same timber.

Edged board, which is used for wall cladding, is approximately equal in number to timber. True, it all depends on how many walls you will sheathe. As a rule, the method of double-walled sheathing is used. So, for the house indicated in the example, about 5 cubic meters of board will be needed.

As for the insulation, in each case it is calculated in its own way, depending on its thickness, overall dimensions and other parameters.

AT last years frame construction is rapidly becoming fashionable, because a few decades ago nothing was known about this type of construction of houses. Although this is a “young” type of construction, but due to its increased efficiency, low cost, how Money, and time, has already earned the trust of many potential owners. With at least basic construction skills, you can independently build excellent housing for yourself and your family. To do this as economically as possible, you can use online calculator frame house, or you can do all the calculations yourself.


Any construction starts from the bottom, and therefore we will start the calculation from the foundation. There are three main types of foundations for a frame house - columnar, tape and pile-grillage. The foundation must be calculated from data such as:

  • Material of the future structure;
  • Waterlogging of the soil;
  • Level and availability of groundwater;
  • Climate conditions in your area.

As a rule, a columnar foundation is used for the construction of low buildings, these are small areas, often just country houses.

The pile-grillage foundation is more suitable for taller houses, several floors and higher, and is also built in areas where there are problems with soil and temperature changes. In this case, the calculation of the foundation should include the length of the pillars and piles, as well as their number.

The tape is calculated based on the depth of the trenches for the foundation, the type of reinforcement and formwork panels. When installing formwork and self-pouring cement, you can save at least 30%, the percentage depends on the size of the building.

Everything must be taken into account, from the cost of a sand cushion, filled to the bottom of the trenches for leveling the soil, to the type and section of the purchased reinforcement and the used formwork. And, of course, it is very important what brand of concrete you will use. For a more accurate calculation of all costs, it is recommended to use the calculator for the construction of a frame house, which is available online. The mounted foundation needs to be dried qualitatively; the drying period varies from a couple of weeks to six months or more, although in the warm season the terms are significantly reduced.

Racks and walls

For a more accurate calculation of the walls and racks of your building, you need to have data on what is the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour house, height (number of floors), is there internal partitions(rooms) and what is the total load. If the building involves more than one or two floors, the walls must be made thicker, and the floors and supporting structures must also be stronger.

Racks are the base of the frame structure, for their installation a bar, several bars, and also boards are used.

The bar can be of various standards, with a section of 50-100 mm or 100-200 mm. An important factor when calculating the cost of a bar for racks, the moisture content of the material, the quality and breed of the tree itself are taken into account. Depending on the type of insulation and sheathing, the number of racks is also calculated. The thickness and material of the insulation directly affects the cross section of the bar for the rack.

The height of the supports directly depends on how many floors you are going to build, but, as a rule, it is at least 2.5 m, in less significant rooms, such as storage rooms or a bathroom, it can be about 2 m. Depending on the width of the insulation, it is calculated and spacing between the supports, this is also affected by the panels to be mounted.

At self construction cost savings can be up to a third of the amount that contractors will offer you. But for such work, additional consumables are required:

  • Special self-tapping screws;
  • Galvanized corner;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Drill;
  • Nails;
  • A hammer.


The laying of the insulation is done after all the racks are mounted, and this happens, as a rule, together with the laying of the floor, when installing the walls, ceiling and roofs. If there are several floors, then an additional laying of insulation is required, the online frame house material cost calculator will help to calculate this.

The price of insulation directly depends on the material that you use for this. There are many options: from practically free foam plastic to far from cheap mineral wool. Of course, you should not save on insulation, this will greatly extend the life of your home.

Special attention should be paid to the impregnation of the material from various pests and rodents. The best option for the price and positive characteristics is ecowool or glass wool, it is better to use loose heaters for the floor and ceiling.

When calculating, you should take into account:

  • Vapor barrier - price and installation;
  • Plywood - the required amount for intermediate, inner lining;
  • Insulation - the required thickness, depending on climatic conditions and the location of the supports, can vary from 100 to 250 mm;
  • Hydro- and windproof film - is necessary step construction to protect your insulation;
  • Ventilation - be sure to consider this type of cost, as it will help prevent the accumulation of dampness in the room;

Upon completion of the insulation work, you can proceed to interior decoration premises.


The roof is also very important element, and for this reason, you should not save on the material for it, a well-made roof will protect your home from leaks for a long time and will keep your home cozy and warm.

Roof installation requires:

  1. Rafter bar with a section of 50x150 mm;
  2. Lathing material - calculated based on the size and type of your roof;
  3. Consumables - nails, corners and self-tapping screws;
  4. Material for insulation, it can be either polystyrene or basalt wool;
  5. Hydro and vapor barrier materials;
  6. Mounting foam for sealing cracks and joints;
  7. And, of course, the coating itself: slate, metal tile, roofing felt, etc.

Openings, windows and doors

Prices for windows and doors depend on the material from which they are made, and if these are double-glazed windows, then on the number of chambers, on the size and availability of shutters. metal and plastic doors an order of magnitude more expensive than wood products, the price will also be affected by the system of locks and handles.

For frame construction, the use of windows with a width exceeding 1200 mm is not applicable, since this will significantly increase the step between the racks, at least 2 times.

So, for a house with dimensions of 6x5 meters, it is possible to include in the project the presence of 7-8 windows with dimensions of 1200x1100 mm (on average, 2 window openings per side, depending on the location of the bathroom) and about 5 doorways. The total cost of this will help to calculate the online calculator for the construction of a wooden frame house.

Of course, when building such a structure with your own hands, you can miss some details, but, in any case, it turns out to be more profitable than if a team of contractors installs such a house for you. But before such a decision, you should understand that this is a rather laborious task and requires a lot of time, and due to the fact that you have no experience, you can make a mistake, and then everything will have to be redone.

Therefore, initially it is worth weighing all the pros and cons, and if you still decide to make your house with your own hands, then be sure to calculate the costs before starting the construction of the building.

On our website you can find a suitable online calculator, you just have to correctly fill in the fields, then throw 10-15% on unaccounted misses and start building.

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