Encyclopedia of fire safety

Fire safety requirements for open parking lots. Car parks

Approved and put into effect

Order of the Ministry

Russian Federation

on business civil defense,


and elimination of consequences

natural Disasters

(Russian Emergency Situations Ministry)




Embedded underground parkings.

fire safety requirements

SP 154.13130.2013

OKS 13.220.01

Introduction date


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation, the rules for the application of sets of rules are established federal law dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On technical regulation".

The application of this set of rules ensures compliance with the requirements fire safety to underground parking (storage) of cars built into the buildings of another functional purpose regardless of the forms of ownership established by the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements".

About the set of rules

1. Developed and introduced by the Federal State Institution "All-Russian Order of the Badge of Honor" Research Institute of Fire Defense" (FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia).

2. Approved and put into effect by the Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of Russia) dated February 21, 2013 N 117.

3. Registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on March 22, 2013.

4. Introduced for the first time.

Information about changes to this set of rules is published by the developer in his official publications and posted in information system general use in electronic digital form. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information and notifications are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet.

1 area of ​​use

This set of rules is applied in the design and construction of newly constructed and reconstructed underground parking (storage) facilities for cars built into buildings of other functional purposes, and contains fire safety requirements specific to these protection facilities for space-planning, constructive solutions and engineering equipment of these facilities.

When designing built-in underground car parks, along with the provisions of this set of rules, other applicable fire safety regulations should be followed.

This code of practice uses normative references to the following standards and codes of practice:

GOST R 12.2.143-2009 Occupational safety standards system. Photoluminescent evacuation systems. Requirements and control methods

GOST R 53296-2009 Installation of elevators for firefighters in buildings and structures. fire safety requirements

SP 1.13130.2009 Systems fire protection. Escape routes and exits

SP 2.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Ensuring the fire resistance of protected objects

SP 3.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Fire warning and evacuation control system. fire safety requirements

SP 4.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protected facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions

SP 5.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Settings fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishers. Design norms and rules

SP 6.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment. fire safety requirements

SP 7.13130.2009 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire requirements

SP 8.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Sources of outdoor fire water supply. fire safety requirements

SP 10.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. fire safety requirements

SP 12.13130.2009 Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire fire hazard.

Note. When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the effect of reference standards, sets of rules and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3. Terms and definitions

In this set of rules, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1. car parking (car park): A building, structure (part of a building, structure) or a special open area intended only for parking (storage) of cars.

3.2. underground car park: A car park that has all floors with the floor level of the premises below the planned ground level by more than half the height of the premises.

3.3. car parks with ramps (ramps): Car parks that use a series of constantly rising (lowering) floors or a series of connecting ramps between floors that allow a motor vehicle to move under its own power from and to ground level.

3.4. mechanized car park: A car park in which vehicles are transported to storage places (cells) by special mechanized devices without the participation of drivers.

3.5. semi-mechanized car park: A car park in which vehicles are transported to storage locations with the participation of drivers using special mechanized devices.

3.6. built-in car park: A car park located within a fraction of the height or width of a building of another functional purpose and separated by fire barriers.

4. Placement of built-in underground parking lots

Underground car parks are allowed to be built into buildings of other functional purposes of I and II degrees of fire resistance of class C0 and C1, with the exception of buildings of functional fire hazard classes F1.1, F4.1, and F5 of categories A and B. It is also not allowed to have underground built-in car parks under fire compartments of these functional fire hazard classes.

In buildings of class F1.3, it is allowed to build in car parks for cars only with permanently assigned places for individual owners.

It is allowed to build parking lots into class F1.4 buildings, regardless of their fire resistance and constructive fire hazard class. At the same time, the parking lot is distinguished by fire barriers with a fire resistance rating of EI45.

5. Space-planning and design solutions

5.1. General requirements

5.1.1. Car parking can be carried out:

With the participation of drivers - along ramps (ramps) or using freight elevators (car parks without mechanized parking and with semi-mechanized parking);

Without the participation of drivers - mechanized devices (mechanized parking lots).

5.1.2. In car parks with semi-mechanized parking, it is allowed to store cars in two levels.

5.1.3. Categories of premises for storing vehicles in terms of explosion and fire hazard should be determined in accordance with the requirements of SP 12.13130. Premises for storing cars in the absence of calculations should be classified as category B1, the fire compartment of car parks - as category B.

5.1.4. Parking (storage) of vehicles intended for the transport of fuels and lubricants, explosive, poisonous, infectious and radioactive substances, as well as vehicles with engines running on compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas, in underground built-in car parks is not allowed.

5.2. Car parks without mechanized parking and with semi-mechanized parking

5.2.1. Built-in underground car parks can have a maximum of five underground floors.

5.2.2. Underground car parks should be separated from fire compartments of other functional purposes by fire walls and type 1 ceilings.

In buildings of class F1.3, the built-in underground car park may be separated from the residential floors by a technical floor, allocated with type 2 fire floors.

5.2.3. The required degree of fire resistance, the permissible number of storeys and floor area of ​​parking lots within the fire compartment should be taken according to SP 2.13130 ​​(table 6.5). At the same time, the degree of fire resistance of the car park must be no less than the degree of fire resistance of the building in which it is built.

Parking lots with two-level storage of cars should be provided for at least fire resistance class I and constructive fire hazard class C0, with interfloor ceilings with a fire resistance rating of at least REI120.

5.2.4. Communication between the fire compartment for storing cars and the adjacent fire compartment of another class of functional fire hazard should be provided through openings with the implementation of type 1 tambour locks with air overpressure in case of fire.

5.2.5. Communication between adjacent fire compartments for storing vehicles should be provided through openings filled with fire gates (doors) of the 1st type with a fire resistance rating of at least EI60.

5.2.6. AT underground car parks it is not allowed to divide parking spaces by partitions into separate boxes.

In the storage rooms of cars owned by citizens, it is allowed to use a mesh fence made of non-combustible materials to allocate permanently fixed places. At the same time, it is forbidden to store flammable liquids, combustible liquids, tires, combustible substances and materials, as well as non-combustible substances in combustible packaging.

5.2.7. Placement in the built-in underground car parks of premises of categories A and B is not allowed.

5.2.8. In underground built-in car parks, it is allowed to provide for: service premises for service and duty personnel (control and cash points, control room, security), technical facilities (for engineering equipment), sanitary facilities.

Device in the underground built-in parking space for after-sales service cars (posts Maintenance and current repair, diagnostics and adjustment work, etc.) is not allowed, except for the washing rooms. The washing rooms must be separated from the car storage rooms by fire barriers with a fire resistance rating of (R)EI45 and appropriate filling of the openings.

Placement of retail premises, stalls, kiosks, stalls in fire compartments for storing cars is not allowed.

5.2.9. Office space for duty and maintenance personnel, pump fire fighting and water supply, transformer substations (only with dry-type transformers), the washing room may be located not lower than the first underground (upper) floor of the built-in underground parking.

5.2.10. In underground built-in car parks, in order to ensure their communication with parts of a building for another purpose, it is allowed to use elevators and stairwells connecting the floors of the car park with the lobby at the entrance to the building, providing for the installation of vestibule locks of the 1st type with air overpressure at all levels of the underground floors of the car park .

If it is necessary to ensure the functional connection of the car park with all floors of the building at all levels of the underground floors of the car park, in addition to the installation of type 1 tambour locks with air overpressure in case of fire, at all levels of the underground floors of the car park, it is also necessary to provide air overpressure into the volume of common staircases and elevator shafts.

5.2.11. In parking lots with three underground floors or more, an elevator should be provided in each fire compartment for transporting fire departments that meets the requirements of GOST R 53296.

5.2.12. To move cars, ramps (ramps), inclined floors or freight elevators should be provided.

5.2.13. Parking lot elevators, except for those having an operating mode "for transporting fire departments", are equipped with automatic devices that ensure their lifting (lowering) in case of fire to the main landing floor, opening doors with subsequent shutdown.

5.2.14. In underground car parks, exits from underground floors to stairwells and exits (exits) from elevator shafts should be provided through type 1 floor locks with air overpressure in case of fire.

5.2.15. When using structures having a continuous spiral floor, each complete turn should be considered as a tier (floor).

For multi-storey car parks with mezzanines, the total number of floors is defined as the number of mezzanines divided by two, the floor area is defined as the sum of two adjacent mezzanines.

5.2.16. The exit (entrance) from the underground built-in car park, as well as the exit (entrance) from the elevator for transporting cars to the underground car park should be provided directly outside or through the car park on the first or ground floor.

5.2.17. In car parks, ramps common to all underground floors, as well as ramps connecting the floors of the car park, must be separated (be isolated) on each floor from the car storage rooms by fire barriers and type 1 tambour locks with air overpressure in case of fire with a depth that ensures opening gate, but not less than 1.5 m.

In car parks with one underground floor in front of the ramps (ramps), tambour locks may not be provided, except for the case when the exit (entrance) from the underground floor of the car park is through the car storage area on the ground or basement floor.

Instead of vestibules, before entering isolated ramps from floors, it is allowed to provide for the installation of fire gates of the first type with an air curtain above them from the side of the car storage room, by means of flat air jets from nozzle devices with an air flow velocity of at least 10 m/s at an initial jet thickness not less than 0.03 m and the width of the jet is not less than the width of the protected opening, provided that the ramp is not intended to be used as an evacuation route in case of fire.

5.2.18. From each floor of the fire compartment of car parks, at least two dispersed evacuation exits should be provided directly to the outside or to smoke-free H3-type stairwells that have access directly to the outside.

In one-story underground parking for evacuation, ordinary stairwells are provided with access directly to the outside.

5.2.19. It is allowed to provide one of the emergency exits from the car park on an isolated ramp. At the same time, a sidewalk with a width of at least 0.8 m is arranged on one side of the ramp.

5.2.20. The passage along sidewalks in ramps to the mezzanine in the stairwell can be considered evacuation.

5.2.21. Evacuation exits from the premises specified in 5.2.8 may be provided through the premises for the storage of vehicles.

5.2.22. The allowable distance from the most remote storage location to the nearest emergency exit should be taken in accordance with SP 1.13130 ​​(table 33).

5.2.23. Stairs used as escape routes must be at least 1 m wide.

5.2.24. For access to the ramp or to the adjacent fire compartment, it should be provided near the gate or in the gate fire door(gate) with a width of at least 0.8 m with a threshold height of not more than 0.15 m.

5.2.25. In the premises for storing vehicles at the exit (entrance) to the ramp or to the adjacent fire compartment, measures should be taken to prevent possible fuel spillage in case of fire. The slopes of the floors of each floor, as well as the placement of ladders and trays, must be provided so that liquids cannot enter the ramp and floors below.

5.2.26. The decoration of the walls and ceilings of the car park must be made of non-combustible materials.

The floor covering of the car park must be resistant to oil products and designed for dry (including mechanized) cleaning of premises.

The coating of ramps and footpaths on them must exclude slipping.

Floor coverings should be provided from materials that provide a group of flame propagation over such a coating of at least RP1.

5.2.27. In places of passage and storage of vehicles, the height of premises and gates from the floor to the bottom of protruding structures and hanging equipment must exceed by at least 0.2 m highest altitude vehicle and must be at least 2.0 m.

5.2.28. Underground car parks should be provided with devices for draining water in case of fire extinguishing.

5.3. Mechanized car parks

5.3.1. The premises of mechanized parking lots can be provided underground in a separate fire compartment, allocated with fire walls and type 1 ceilings with a capacity of no more than 100 parking spaces.

5.3.2. Departure (entrance) from the underground built-in mechanized car park, as well as exit (entrance) from the parking device for transporting cars should be provided directly outside or through the car park on the ground or basement floor.

When organizing an exit (entry) through the first or basement floor, the parking device should be separated by fire barriers and a type 1 tambour lock with air overpressure in case of fire with a depth that ensures the opening of the gate, but not less than 1.5 m.

5.3.3. From each storage level of a mechanized parking lot for the evacuation of repair and maintenance personnel, it is necessary to provide at least two dispersed exits. In this case, one of the exits must be evacuation, the second exit may be provided by stairs made of non-combustible materials through a hatch measuring at least 0.6 x 0.8 m. The slope of the stairs is not standardized.

6. Requirements for engineering systems

6.1. General requirements

6.1.1. Engineering systems of parking lots and their engineering equipment should be provided taking into account the requirements normative documents on fire safety SP 5.13130, SP 6.13130, SP 7.13130, SP 8.13130, SP 10.13130, except as otherwise specifically provided for by this set of rules.

6.1.2. Plots engineering communications and cable networks passing through fire barriers should be laid in boxes (niches) with a fire resistance limit not less than the fire resistance limit of the crossed enclosing structures.

6.1.3. The engineering systems of car parks must be autonomous from the engineering systems of fire compartments of another class of functional fire hazard.

6.2. fire fighting requirements

6.2.1. Internal fire water supply should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 10.13130.

6.2.2. In underground car parks with two floors or more, internal fire water supply must be carried out separately from other internal water supply systems.

6.2.3. In underground car parks, internal fire-fighting water supply and automatic fire extinguishing installations must have branch pipes with connecting heads brought out to the outside, equipped with valves and check valves, to connect mobile fire fighting equipment.

6.3. Heating, ventilation and smoke protection

6.3.1. Heating, general ventilation and smoke protection systems for underground car parks should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 7.13130.

6.3.2. To compensate for the volumes of removed combustion products in the lower parts of the protected premises, it is necessary to provide for a dispersed supply of outside air: with a flow rate that provides an imbalance of not more than 30%, at a level not higher than 1.2 m from the floor level of the protected premises and with an exhaust velocity of not more than 1.0 m/s.

6.3.3. All supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems should be provided with mechanical draft induction.

6.3.4. The required smoke exhaust costs, the number of shafts and fire dampers are determined by calculation.

In underground car parks, it is allowed to attach smoke zones to one smoke shaft with total area no more than 3000 m2 on each underground floor. The number of branches of air ducts from one smoke shaft is not standardized.

6.4. Electrical devices

6.4.1. Electrical devices of car parks must be provided in accordance with the requirements.

6.4.2. To ensure the reliability of power supply, consumers should be classified into the following categories:

6.4.3. Light indicators should be connected to the emergency (evacuation) lighting network:

Emergency exits on each floor;

Ways of movement of cars;

Places for installation of connecting heads for connecting fire equipment;

Places for installation of internal fire hydrants and fire extinguishers;

Locations of outdoor hydrants (on the facade of the building).

6.4.4. Lamps indicating the direction of movement are installed at turns, in places where slopes change, on ramps, entrances to floors, entrances and exits to floors and stairwells.

Direction indicators are installed at a height of 2 m and 0.5 m from the floor within line of sight from any point on escape routes and driveways for vehicles.

6.4.5. The use of charging and starting electrical appliances and devices of autonomous and stationary design in the premises of underground parking lots is prohibited.

6.4.6. In underground car parks, electric cables with a flame retardant sheath should be used.

6.5. Automatic fire extinguishing, automatic fire alarm, warning and evacuation management in case of fire

6.5.1. In underground car parks in car storage rooms, automatic fire extinguishing should be provided, regardless of the number of storeys or capacity (with the exception of individual residential buildings).

6.5.2. Settings automatic fire extinguishing and alarms used in car parks must comply with the requirements of SP 5.13130.

6.5.3. In car parks with two-level car storage, the consumption of fire extinguishing agents should be doubled in relation to the requirements of SP 5.13130.

6.5.4. When using automatic water fire extinguishing installations in multi-level car parks, the placement of sprinklers should ensure the irrigation of cars at each storage level.

6.5.5. Underground parking lots (with the exception of those built into buildings of class F1.4) with a capacity of up to 200 parking spaces inclusive must be equipped with a warning and evacuation control system of the 3rd type, more than 200 - of the 4th type.

6.5.6. In underground car parks in car storage rooms, provision should be made for the installation of manual fire detectors near emergency exits and fire hydrant cabinets.


PUE Rules for the installation of electrical installations

Date of entry into force 16.10.2001

Application area

1. General requirements
2. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions
3. Engineering equipment
4. Special requirements for car parks with mechanized vehicles without the participation of drivers
5. Special requirements for car parks open type
6. Special requirements for the superstructure of existing car parks
Annex 1 Terms and definitions
Annex 2 Requirements for the development of security sections environment when designing parking lots for cars
Annex 3 Clarifications on the application of the requirements , and . fifteen


1. DEVELOPED on the basis of MGSN 5.01-94 * "Parking of cars" (MARCHI - prof. Podolsky V.I. - head of the team of authors, Moscow State Expertise - Doctor of Technical Sciences Obolensky N.V., Moscow Committee for Architecture - architect Kegler A.R. ., Mospromproekt - Engineer Korovinsky N. V., Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Candidate of Engineering Sciences Ilminsky I. I., Candidate of Engineering Sciences Meshalkin E. A., Candidate of Engineering Sciences Nikonov S. A., Center State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow - Sanitary Doctor Fokin S.G., Sanitary Doctor Cherny V.S.) and Amendments NN 1, 2, 3, 4 to them (Prof. Podolsky V.I., - Moscow Architectural Institute; arch. Grigoriev Yu. P., architect Zobnin A. P., architect Shalov L. A. - Moscow Committee for Architecture, Doctor of Technical Sciences Obolensky N. V. Candidate of Architecture Pirogov Yu. M., architect Povtar V. Ya. , architect Artamonova I. E., engineer Boxer A. N. - Moscow State Expertise, Candidate of Technical Sciences Ilminsky I. I. - VNIIPO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, engineer Korovinsky N. V., architect Malyutin A. V. - Mospromproekt, Sanitary Doctor Fokin S.G., Sanitary Doctor Cherny V.S. - Center of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in Moscow, Doctor of Economics. Sciences Korolevskiy K. Yu. - Department of experimental development; eng. Morozov I. A. engineer. Goryunov S. L., engineer. Lokhmatov V. E. - UGPS GUVD of Moscow, engineer. Maslov A. A. - Giproavtotrans).
This edition was developed by the team of authors: prof. Podolsky V. I. - Moscow Architectural Institute; cand. arch. Pirogov Yu. M., engineer. Boxer A.N., Ph.D. tech. Sciences Kurnikov V. A. - Moscow State Expertise; arch. Zobnin A.P., arch. Shalov L. A. - Moscow Committee for Architecture; Doctor of Economics Sciences Korolevskiy K. Yu. - Department of experimental development; eng. Goryunov S. L., engineer. Lokhmatov V.E., engineer. Borisov S. E., engineer. Tsvetkov E. B. - UGPS GUVD of Moscow; dignity. doctor Cherny V.S. - Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow; eng. Brinza N. I. - Moskompriroda; eng. Andreev K. A. - Specialized Design and Installation Enterprise "Fire Safety" of the All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society, Ph.D. tech. Sciences Ilminsky II - VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
2. SUBMITTED for approval by the Moscow Committee for Architecture.
3. PREPARED for approval and publication by the Department of Advanced Design and Standards of the Moscow Committee for Architecture.
4. AGREED with the Department of State Police of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow, the Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Moscow, the Moscow State Expertise, the Moscow Nature Committee, the Moscow Committee for Architecture, the Gosstroy of Russia, the Department of Natural Resources for the Central Region.
5. ADOPTED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 926-PP dated October 16, 2001.
6. With the release of this edition, MGSN 5.01-94 * "Parking of cars" and Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 to them become invalid.


These standards have been developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 10-01-94 as territorial building codes (TSN) in force on the territory of Moscow and apply to the design of newly built and reconstructed car parks.
These standards establish the basic provisions and requirements for space-planning and design solutions, as well as for the engineering equipment of car parking buildings.
These standards contain mandatory, recommended and reference provisions. Mandatory provisions are marked with #.


These standards provide references to the following regulatory documents:
SNiP 10-01-94 "The system of normative documents in construction. Basic provisions".
SNiP 21-02-99 "Parking".

SNiP II-89-80* " master plans industrial enterprises".
MGSN 2.07-97 "Foundations, foundations and underground structures".
" ".
NPB 250-97 "Elevators for transporting fire departments in buildings and structures. General technical requirements".
NPB 110-99 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic installations and automatic".
VSN 62-91 * "Designing the environment of life, taking into account the needs of the disabled and people with limited mobility."
VSN 01-89 ". Automobile maintenance enterprises".
ONTP 01-91 /Rosavtotrans/ "All-Union norms of technological design of enterprises".

"Norms and Rules for Planning and Development of the Central Part and Historical Zones of Moscow".

RD-3112199-98 /Ministry of Transport of Russia/ "for enterprises operating motor vehicles on compressed (compressed) natural gas".
PB 10-06-92 Rules for the design and operation of elevators.
NPB 88-2001 "Fire extinguishing and signaling installations",
SNiP 35-01-99 "Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility".
SanPiN 2.2.1 / "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects


1.1. These rules apply to the design of buildings, structures and premises for parking (storage) of cars (hereinafter referred to as parking lots), regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership.
When placing gas-cylinder cars with engines running on liquefied hydrocarbon gas (LHG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) in the indicated parking lots, additional requirements for premises, buildings and structures ONTP 01-91 and RD-3112199-98 should be taken into account.
Premises with the placement of gas-cylinder cars should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-02-99.
*1.2. Parking lots can be located below and above ground level, consist of underground and above-ground parts, be attached to buildings for other purposes or built into them, including located under or above these buildings (in the underground, basement or first above-ground floors), including under residential buildings.
Aboveground car parks can be with external wall fences - closed type and without external wall fences (only with floor parapets) - open type.
Car parking can be carried out:
  • with the participation of drivers - along ramps (ramps) or using freight elevators;
  • without the participation of drivers - mechanized devices.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

1.3. When canceling the current regulatory documents referred to in these rules, one should be guided by the rules that have been introduced to replace the canceled ones.
1.4. Placement of parking lots in the city is carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01-89, Norms and rules for planning and development of the central part and historical zones of Moscow, and in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

At parking lots, collection points for used oils, rags, used batteries and other waste should be provided.
Landscaping of sites should be envisaged: up to 15 - 30 percent of the territory not occupied by buildings.
1.5. Terms and definitions are given in mandatory Annex 1.


#2.1. Ground parking lots can be designed no more than 9 floors, underground - no more than 8 underground floors. When determining the number of storeys of a building, the basement floor should be considered the above-ground floor.
#2.2. The height of the premises (distance from the floor to the bottom of protruding building structures or utilities and suspended equipment) for storing cars and ramps, as well as driveways should be 0.2 m higher than the height of the highest vehicle, but not less than 2 m. people should be at least 2 m.
The height of the washing, (TO) and maintenance (TR) rooms is determined according to ONTP 01-91, taking into account the dimensions of vehicles and equipment.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

2.3. The parameters of one parking space, ramps (ramps), driveways in the parking lot are determined by the project depending on the dimensions of the cars for which the parking lot is designed, and their maneuverability, as well as taking into account the technical equipment (turning circles) and the planning solution of the parking lot, in accordance with the standards technological design, taking into account the dimensions of the approximation specified in ONTP 01-91.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#2.4. The composition and area of ​​parking spaces, including those for technical purposes, for service personnel, sanitary facilities, etc., are determined by the design task, depending on the size of parking lots and the features of their operation.
The structure of the parking lot, in addition to the premises for storing cars, may include only technical premises for the placement of engineering equipment, premises serving the parking lot, including for those on duty, for storage fire-fighting equipment and others, as well as car wash facilities, maintenance posts (TO), current repairs (TR) for self-service of vehicle owners.
The specified premises, including the premises of the combined engineering systems (clause 3.3.), Must be separated from each other and from the vehicle storage room fireproof partitions 1st type. Exits from these rooms are allowed through the car storage rooms, exits from the maintenance and repair rooms should be provided bypassing the car storage areas.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#2.5. The capacity of car parks is determined by the design task in accordance with the requirements of MGSN 1.01-99, with an assessment of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and external noise, and also taking into account the characteristics of the building to which the car park is attached or built into.
Design of parking lots under children's buildings preschool institutions, schools, orphanages (orphanages) and hospitals medical institutions not allowed.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#2.6. Buildings and structures of car parks are classified as fire hazard category B car storage rooms - B1 ¸ B4).

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#2.7. The degree and class of constructive fire hazard of closed elevated parking lots, the permissible number of floors and floor area within the fire compartment should be taken in accordance with Table. one.

Table 1

Constructive fire hazard classAllowed number of floorsFloor area within the fire compartment, (m²), no more
I, IIC0 9 10400 5200
C1 2 5200 2000
IIIC0 5 7800 3600
C1 2 3600 1200
IVC0 1 5200 -
C1 1 3600 -
C2, C3 1 1200 -
VNot standardized 1 1200 -

1. For multi-storey car parks with half floors, the total number of floors is determined as the number of half floors divided by two; floor area is defined as the sum of two adjacent mezzanine floors.
2. The degree of fire resistance and the class of constructive fire hazard of a parking lot with an individual or blocked residential building is not standardized.
3. Special requirements for car parks with mechanized car parking devices are set out in section 4, special requirements for the superstructure of existing car parks - in section 6.
4. Open parking of cars on the operated roof without installing a canopy is not taken into account when calculating the above-ground floors; when installing a canopy, it is included in the number of above-ground floors and requires the installation of looped dry pipes in accordance with clause 5.7 of these standards. Parking lots on the operated roof must be provided with emergency exits in accordance with clause 2.23 of these standards. The installation of temporary shelters for cars (such as "shell", etc.) on the operated roof is not allowed.

#2.8. Parking lots attached to buildings for other purposes must be separated from these buildings by type 1 fire walls.
#2.9. Parking structures built into buildings for other purposes must have a degree of fire resistance not less than the degree of fire resistance of the building in which they are built, taking into account Table. 1 and be separated from the premises of these buildings by fire walls and type I ceilings.
The fire resistance limit of ceilings and walls separating a parking lot built into a blocked residential building or attached to them is not standardized.
Premises built into the car park building and not related to it must be separated from the car park premises by fire walls and type I ceilings and designed in accordance with applicable standards.
#2.10. When placing parking lots under residential buildings (in the underground or first above-ground floors) living rooms it is not allowed to place directly above the car storage rooms, i.e. the said premises must be separated non-residential premises(floor).
Above the openings of the entrance (exit) gates of built-in parking lots, visors should be provided in accordance with VSN 01-89.
The requirements specified in this paragraph do not apply to parking lots, blocked residential buildings and apartments with independent access to the site, located on the first floors of multi-apartment residential buildings.
2.11. In parking lots for permanent storage of cars with 200 or more parking spaces, it is necessary to provide for washing cars with treatment facilities and reverse system in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 and technological standards.
2.12. The number of posts and the type of washing (manual or automatic) is accepted by the project from the condition of organizing 1 post for 200 parking spaces and then 1 post for each subsequent full and incomplete 200 parking spaces and is fixed in the design task.
Instead of a washing device, it is allowed to use existing city washing points located within a radius of no more than 400 m from the projected facility.
#2.13. In underground parking lots, car wash, maintenance and repair posts, technical personnel rooms, pump fire extinguishing and water supply, transformer rooms with dry transformers are allowed to be located not lower than the first (upper) floor of the underground structure. Placement of other technical premises of the underground car park (automatic pumping stations for pumping water when extinguishing a fire and other water leaks; water meter units, rooms, ventilation chambers, heating points, etc.) is not limited. The doors of these rooms must be fireproof with a fire resistance rating of EI 30. Maintenance and repair posts in car parks located under residential buildings can only be provided outside the dimensions of residential buildings located above the parking lots.

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#2.14. Premises for car maintenance, except for those specified in clause 2.13, are not allowed to be located in underground floors. These premises may be provided attached or built into the parking lot building, provided that they are separated by fire walls of the 2nd type (or fire partitions of the 1st type) with the corresponding fire doors (gates) and deaf fire ceilings of the 3rd type. Arrangement of exits from the vehicle storage room through the maintenance and repair rooms is not allowed.
The connection of parking spaces equipped with automatic fire extinguishing with other premises (not included in the parking complex) is allowed through with air overpressure in case of fire and deluge curtains above the opening from the side of the parking lot with automatic start in accordance with the requirements of NPB 88-2001.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#2.15. If it is necessary to arrange places for unloading cars in car parks, it is allowed to provide them in separate rooms equipped with automatic fire extinguishing and isolated from the car park premises by fireproof partitions of the 1st type; at the same time, it is allowed to enter the indicated premises with the number of unloading places not more than two through the parking premises. At the same time, the planning decision should exclude the possibility of storing goods, containers, etc. in the named parking lots.

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#2.16. In the buildings of closed and open parking lots, it is allowed to provide boxes for the storage of vehicles, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs. 5.40 and 5.43 SNiP 21-02-99. Installation of boxes in underground car parks and bunded car parks is not allowed.

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2.17. Buildings (structures) of parking lots with an underground part should be designed in accordance with the requirements of MGSN 2.07-97 section 10, SNiP 2.06.15-85 and other regulatory documents in force in Moscow.
#2.18. Interfloor floors of car parks with insulated ramps (clause 2.27) should not have openings, slots, etc. through which smoke can enter. Gaps in the places of passage of engineering communications through interfloor ceilings must have seals that provide smoke and gas tightness and fire resistance limits not less than those established for the indicated ceilings.
2.19. The flooring of the car park must be resistant to impact and designed for dry (including mechanized) cleaning of premises.
#2.20. The degree of fire resistance and the class of constructive fire hazard of underground parking lots and the permissible number of floors should be taken from Table. 2, while the floor area within the fire compartment should not exceed 3000 m².

table 2

* - On special specifications, approved by the UGPS of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow;
** - For detached car parks.

#2.21. Fire compartments must be separated from each other by fire walls and floors of the 1st type with the corresponding fire gates and doors.
#2.22. Doors and gates in fire walls (partitions), in vestibule locks must be closed by automatic devices interlocked with the fire department and manually. should be installed on both sides of the closed opening.
#2.23. The number of exits (entrances), emergency exits from the floors of the car park, as well as their design should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-02-99. (Clause 5.11; Clause 5.14).
In underground and surface car parks with a capacity of up to 100 cars, instead of ramps, it is allowed to provide for the installation of freight elevators for transporting cars. When placing parking lots on two or more floors, at least two freight elevators are required in mines with air overpressure in case of fire, the enclosing structures of which must be with fire resistance limits not less than the fire resistance limits of interfloor ceilings. The doors of elevator shafts must have a fire resistance rating of EI 60. Before floor-by-floor entrances to elevators, deluge curtains with automatic start in case of fire and air curtains should be provided in accordance with the requirements of clause 2.26.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#2.24. It is allowed to arrange one of two exits through an adjacent fire compartment when installing a deluge curtain with automatic start in case of fire above the opening with type 1 fire gates.
#2.25. To exit to the ramp or to the adjacent fire compartment near the gate or in the gate, a fire door (wicket) should be provided. The height of the gate threshold should not exceed 15 cm.
#2.26. Ramps (ramps) common to all floors of the parking lot, intended for entry (exit), with two or more floors of car parks, must be separated (be isolated) on each floor from the storage rooms for cars, maintenance and repair by fire walls, gates, vestibules in in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-02-99 (clause 5.12). In underground car parks, instead of vestibules, before entering isolated ramps from floors, it is allowed to provide for the installation of type 1 fire gates with an air curtain above them from the side of the car storage room, by means of flat air jets from nozzle devices, with an air flow rate of at least 10 m /s, with an initial jet thickness of at least 0.03 m and a jet width of at least the width of the protected opening.
In surface car parks, it is allowed to provide instead of fire gates in isolated ramps automatic devices(screens) made of non-combustible materials with vertical guides and blocking the ramp opening floor by floor in case of fire at least half of its height with an automatic water deluge curtain in two threads with a water flow rate of 1 l / s per meter of the opening width.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#2.27. The device of non-insulated ramps is allowed in surface car parks:

  • during the reconstruction of existing buildings of parking lots I and II degree of fire resistance; in this case, a fire compartment (compartments) should be provided, defined as the sum of the floor areas connected by non-insulated ramps. The area of ​​such a fire compartment should not exceed 10400 m²;
  • in buildings up to 3 floors inclusive of I and II degrees of fire resistance with a total floor area of ​​​​not more than 10,400 m²;
  • in open car parks.
When equipping car parks with a sprinkler fire extinguishing system over the entire floor area, including ramps (ramps), and protection of openings connecting floors (half-floors), automatic devices (smoke screens) blocking these openings on the floor (half-floor) in case of fire (clause 2.26), it is allowed to install uninsulated ramps in surface car parks up to 6 floors inclusive and underground up to 2 floors. The device of a common non-isolated ramp between the underground and ground floors is not allowed.
2.28. Longitudinal and transverse slopes of ramps are accepted in the project according to technological requirements. The need for a footpath along the ramp is determined by the project. Ramp and walkway surfaces must be non-slip.
#2.29. Ways of movement of cars inside car parks must be equipped with signs orienting the driver.
2.30. Freight elevators for transporting cars must meet the requirements of PB 10-06-92. The dimensions and load capacity of freight elevators are determined by the design task, taking into account the types of vehicles and the features of the space-planning solution of the parking lot in accordance with technological requirements.
#2.31. Entrance to the freight elevator (exit from it) on the landing floor of car parks of all types must be provided directly from the street, it is allowed to enter (exit) from the tunnel, which has a direct connection with the street in accordance with the requirements of MGSN 4.04-94, clause 1.5.
2.32. The need for the installation of elevators for people in parking lots of all types is determined by the design assignment and the project.
2.33. The fire resistance limits of enclosing structures and doors (gates) of elevator shafts must comply with the requirements set forth in Table. 1 SNiP 21-02-99 and NTB 250-97.
#2.34. Parking lot elevators, except for those having the "transportation of fire departments" mode, are equipped with automatic devices that ensure their lifting (lowering) in case of fire to the main landing floor, opening doors and subsequent shutdown.
#2.35. Staircases and elevator shafts of car parks must be with air overpressure in case of fire:
  • with two or more underground floors;
  • if stairwells and elevators connect the underground and surface parts of the car park;
  • if stairwells and elevators connect the underground car park with the ground floors of a building for another purpose.
It is allowed to use non-smokeable staircases of type H3 instead of smoke-free staircases of type H2. In one-story underground car parks, stairwells with only direct exits to the outside can be made without air overpressure in case of fire.
#2.36. Staircases and elevator shafts that provide a functional connection between the underground parking lot and the ground part of a building for other purposes may be designed in accordance with MGSN 4.04-94 (clause *) 2.36).
#2.37. The device in residential buildings and in the parking lots located under them of common stairwells and elevators is not allowed; in private residential buildings, when placing parking lots under them, it is allowed to design common stairwells and elevators in agreement with the authorities.
In residential buildings of category I and in public buildings, when placing parking lots under them, it is allowed to design common elevator shafts that have the "transportation of fire departments" mode; provided that double locking is performed on the floors of the car park with air overpressure in both locks (in the 1st, adjacent to the elevator shaft, the vestibule-lock at the rate of a closed door, in the 2nd - at the rate of open door) and deluge curtain devices in accordance with clause 2.14.
From the parking lot located under the residential building, it is allowed to provide for an elevator to the lobby on the ground floor without extending it to the upper floors (subject to the requirements of clause 2.14 of these standards) and without access to the technical floors, while the staircase of the residential building, in addition to the exit to the lobby, must have direct access to the outside.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#2.38. In underground car parks with 3 floors or more and in surface car parks with 5 floors or more, at least one elevator should be provided for each fire compartment, which has the operating mode "transportation of fire departments" in accordance with NPB 250-97.
2.39. Car park roof exits should be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.09.02-85* and SNiP 21-01-97.

*2.40. “In accordance with SNiP 35-01-2001, it is necessary to provide in car parks, measures for their accessibility for people with limited mobility.
*2.41. Doors of stairwells and car parks must be fireproof with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 30.

Paragraphs *2.40 and *2.41 are introduced additionally. Supplement No. 1.


3.1. Engineering systems and parking equipment should be designed in accordance with SNiP 21-02-99 and these standards.
3.2. The need to equip the car park with domestic and drinking water supply, hot water supply, sewerage, heating, the need to install sanitary facilities is determined by the design task, taking into account the size of the car park, its mode of operation, the conditions for connecting to city utilities and in accordance with these standards.
#3.3. Engineering systems that provide parking lots with a capacity of more than 50 parking spaces, built-in (attached) to buildings for other purposes, must be autonomous from the engineering systems of these buildings, with a capacity of 50 or less parking spaces, separation of these systems is not required, except for the system (including). It is allowed to combine groups of pumps, taking into account the volume of the maximum water flow when extinguishing a fire.
In the case of transit laying of engineering communications through the parking lot premises belonging to the building in which the parking lot is built (attached), these communications, except for water supply, sewerage and heat supply from metal pipes, must be insulated building structures with a fire resistance limit of at least EI 150.

*3.4. ventilation chambers exhaust systems and parking systems located under a building for another purpose, when laying air ducts through this building, should be placed on the upper technical floors, attics or on the roof of the building in compliance with regulatory requirements for noise and vibration isolation.

Supply ventilation units it is allowed to place openly in the volume of parking lots, taking into account the requirements.

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#3.5. Engineering communications serving the car park with insulated ramps (water supply, sewerage and heat supply), passing through the floors, must be made of metal pipes; cable networks crossing the floor should also be laid in metal pipes or in communication niches (boxes) having a fire resistance limit of structures in accordance with SNiP 21-01-97 *.
In underground car parks, electrical cables and wires should be used with a flame retardant sheath; electric cables supplying fire-fighting devices should not be used simultaneously for supply to other current collectors.
#3.6. Engineering systems of parking lots and equipment related to fire extinguishing (water supply, power supply of fire extinguishing installations, evacuation lighting, fire elevator, fire pumps, including those for pumping water in case of fire, fans) belong to the I category of reliability.
#3.7. Automatic fire extinguishing (in accordance with) should be provided in buildings and structures of closed parking lots:

  • attached to buildings for other purposes or built into these buildings with a capacity of more than 10 cars;
  • underground:
  • at 2 floors and more;
  • I and II degrees of fire resistance of ground-based single-storey buildings with an area of ​​7000 m² or more; IIIa (not lower than IV, CO according to SNiP 21-01-97 *) fire resistance degree with an area of ​​​​3600 m² or more;
  • with mechanized car parking devices without the participation of drivers.
Parking lots I and II degrees of fire resistance, ground-based one-storey areas of less than 7000 m² and car parks of IIIa degree of fire resistance with an area of ​​​​less than 3600 m², are equipped with automatic fire alarms in accordance with SNiP 2.04.09-84.
In one-two-story box-type car parks with direct exit to the outside from each box, it is allowed not to provide an automatic fire alarm.
In one-three-storey buildings of parking lots of I and II degrees of fire resistance with exit from each box directly to the outside and intended for storing personal cars of citizens, it is allowed not to provide an automatic fire alarm; automatic fire extinguishing and internal fire water supply, regardless of the building area, provided that the indicated boxes are allocated with type 1 fire partitions and gates with a fire resistance limit of E15 and constructive fire hazard of KO structures.
In detached one-two-story bunded car parks of I and II degrees of fire resistance, it is allowed not to provide for automatic fire extinguishing. At the same time, parking lots should be equipped with a sprinkler system according to a simplified scheme, i.e. without fire pumps, with a looped dry pipe device with check valves or gate valves controlled from the outside at the branch pipes brought out to connect fire equipment and automatic fire alarms.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#3.8. The internal fire water supply of car parks should be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01-85.

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#3.9. Fire water supply and automatic fire extinguishing system in underground and overground car parks with 3 floors or more must be carried out separately with branch pipes with a diameter of 89 (77) mm brought out to the outside, equipped with valves and connecting heads. The number of nozzles should be provided based on the condition for ensuring the supply of the calculated amount through automatic fire extinguishing installations and the internal water supply network when using mobile fire fighting equipment. Coupling heads must be placed outside with the calculation of the installation of at least 2 fire trucks at the same time.
With a parking lot capacity of up to 100 parking spaces inclusive, it is allowed not to separate these systems and not to provide separate groups of pumps for them.
3.10. Device Necessity fire water pipeline, automatic fire extinguishing and in parking lots attached (built-in) to cottages and blocked residential buildings are determined by the design assignment.
#3.11. On the supply network between fire pumps and the fire water supply network, check valves should be provided.
#3.12. In the overlappings of parking lots, devices should be provided for draining water when extinguishing a fire. In underground car parks, the pipelines for the specified water outlet must be separate for each underground floor.
#3.13. Automatic pumping stations for pumping water when extinguishing a fire, removing water from various leaks must be equipped with water collection tanks with a capacity according to the calculation, but not less than 2 m³.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#3.14. Heating, ventilation and smoke protection of car parks should be designed taking into account the requirements, SNiP 21-02-99, ONTP 01-91 and these standards.
Heating and ventilation of the washing, maintenance and repair rooms should be designed taking into account the requirements of VSN 01-89.
Installation of shut-off and control valves for heating over parking lots is not allowed.
In unheated free-standing ground garages, autonomous exhaust fans in boxes are allowed.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#3.15. The ventilation of the car washes, TO, TR and ramps should be designed separately from the ventilation of the car storage rooms.
The ventilation of underground car parks should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-02-99.
In surface car parks, it is allowed to provide general supply and exhaust ventilation systems common to all floors (within the serviced fire compartment) when performing fire fighting measures set out in clause 3.16.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#3.16. In ventilation air ducts at their intersection with fire barriers, as well as at the points of connection of horizontal air ducts to vertical collectors and shafts, fire dampers with a fire resistance rating of EI 60 must be installed.
Designs of air ducts, transit for this room(within the serviced fire compartment) must be provided with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 60, and outside the fire compartment - air ducts with a fire resistance rating of EI 150.
For all multi-storey car parks, smoke exhaust shafts within the fire compartment should be designed as common, ensuring their fire resistance limit is equal to the fire resistance limit of traversed floors.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#3.17. Distance from exhaust ventilation shafts, as well as from smoke exhaust shafts of car parks to buildings for other purposes and ventilation, emissions from underground parking garages should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 / and taking into account protection from external noise.
Consumption extract air general ventilation is taken according to the calculation, but not less than 150 cubic meters per hour per parking space, provided that the air exchange rate per hour is at least two.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#3.18. Supply and exhaust smoke ventilation of car parks should be provided taking into account the requirements, SNiP 21-02-99 and these standards. The smoke exhaust must ensure the removal of combustion products in case of fire:

From the car storage rooms of underground and above-ground car parks of a closed type;
- from corridors without natural light;
- volumes of isolated ramps.

The volume of removed smoke should be determined according to SNiP 2.04.05-91 * for a smoke zone with an area of ​​​​not more than 1600 sq.m.
In underground multi-storey car parks in order to ensure effective work smoke exhaust systems, shafts should be designed for the natural intake of outside air to the fire floor. In the mine, on each floor, provide for the installation of normally closed automatic fire-retarding and check valves with a fire resistance limit of EI 60.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

#3.19. Start-up of smoke protection systems should be carried out automatically (from an automatic fire brigade or) and remotely (from a remote control and from buttons installed in fire hydrant cabinets or at emergency exits from floors).
#3.20. The fire resistance limit of smoke exhaust shafts must be provided not less than the required fire resistance limits of intersected floors, and the floor branches of air ducts from the shafts must be at least EI 60. The fire resistance limits of smoke dampers must be at least EI 60.
Each mine must be serviced by a separate exhaust fan, maintaining performance at a temperature of 600 °C for at least 1 hour or 400 °C for at least 2 hours, depending on the calculated values ​​of the temperature of the combustion products removed. It is allowed to use devices that reduce the temperature of gases to the limits established by the rating data of the fans. The required smoke exhaust costs, the number of shafts and smoke valves are determined by calculation.
#3.21. Supply smoke ventilation serving tambour locks, elevator shafts and stairwells should provide for air supply through normally closed fire dampers with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 60, equipped with automatic remote and manual control of drives. The parameters of supply smoke ventilation must be determined by calculation in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91*.
#3.22. To remove combustion products from isolated ramps of above-ground car parks, it is allowed to provide natural exhaust smoke ventilation through window openings or through smoke valves in the upper part of the ramp volumes to be protected. The use of exhaust smoke ventilation with natural induction in underground car parks is allowed if outside air is supplied to the lower part of the ramp volume from the supply smoke ventilation. Emission of smoke can be provided through the outer opening of the ramp when equipped with automatic entry-exit gates and remotely controlled drives. Above the outer opening of the ramp, a canopy made of non-combustible materials with a width not less than the width of the outer opening must be installed, and spaced from the plane of the facade at a distance of at least 1.2 m.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

3.23. Electrical devices of parking lots must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules (), VSN 01-89 and these standards.
#3.24. In car parks with systems on evacuation routes, it is necessary to provide those connected to the evacuation lighting network. Pointers should be installed at a height of 2 m and 0.5 m from the floor. Light indicators of installation locations of connecting heads for connecting mobile fire fighting equipment must be connected to the evacuation lighting network. On the facades of the parking structure, it is necessary to provide for the installation of the location of hydrants. Light indicators should turn on automatically when the systems are triggered fire automatics.
The power supply system should be provided.
3.25. Fire alarm systems for car parks must be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.09-84 and these standards.
#3.26. Parking lots with an underground part with a capacity of more than 100 cars must be equipped (), which includes: a dispatch control panel, a network of loud-speaking devices and; light indicators of the direction of movement to the exits. The control panel must be located no lower than the first underground floor and have a direct exit to the outside or to a stairwell leading to the outside. In room control panel must be located by all car park systems.
#3.27. Car parks with 2 underground floors or more should be equipped with semi-automatic (using a microphone). For this purpose, a radio broadcast network can be used. Audibility must be ensured in any place (room) of the parking lot with the car engine running. In other cases, in car parks equipped with fire automatics systems, it is necessary to provide for the supply of an alarm sound signal(siren, etc.), the inclusion of which is carried out when the specified systems are triggered.
Warning system networks must be implemented taking into account the requirements for fire alarm networks.
3.28. When assessing air pollution by emissions from cars parked in a parking lot, one should be guided by the requirements given in mandatory Appendix 2.


4.1 The composition and areas of the premises, the parameters of the car park with a mechanized device are determined technical features used car parking system.
#4.2. Control of a mechanized device, control over its operation and fire safety of the car park must be carried out from a room located on the landing floor, by a dispatcher or automatically.
4.3. Parking lots with a mechanized device must be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations in accordance with NPB 88-2001.

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#4.4. To connect automatic installations fire extinguishing to mobile fire equipment, dry pipes with connecting heads (according to paragraph 3.8) should be provided, providing the estimated water flow.
#4.5. The placement must ensure the irrigation of the glazed surfaces of the vehicle. The free head of the operating sprinkler must be at least 0.05 MPa.
#4.6. Parking lots with mechanized devices are allowed to be designed ground and underground. It is allowed to attach surface car parks to buildings for other purposes only to blank walls with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 150.
#4.7. A car park block with a mechanized device can have a capacity of no more than 100 parking spaces and a structure height of no more than 28 m. In the case of a parking lot of several blocks, they should be separated by fire partitions with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 45 for ground and REI 150 for underground. Each block must be provided with an entrance for fire engines.
With a structure height of up to 15 m above the ground, the capacity of the block can be increased to 150 parking spaces.
#4.8. Parking lots with mechanized devices are allowed to design the IV degree of fire resistance and class of constructive fire hazard C0.
#4.9. In open ground mechanized parking lots, with provision of ventilation and performance load-bearing structures with a fire resistance limit of at least REI 45, it is allowed not to provide for automatic and internal (from fire hydrants; fire extinguishing, as well as fire alarms. At the same time, the construction of such a parking lot must be equipped with a dry pipe for the purposes internal fire extinguishing in accordance with clause 5.7.

5. Special requirements for open car parks

#5.1. The required degree of fire resistance, the allowable number of storeys and floor area of ​​an open parking lot within the fire compartment should be taken from Table 3.

Table 3

Degree of fire resistance of the building (structure)Class of constructive fire hazard of the building (structure)Fire compartment floorFloor area within the fire compartment, m²
Single storey buildingmultistory building
I, IIC0 9 10400 5200
C1 2 3500 2000
IIIC0 6 7800 3600
C1 2 2000 1200
IVC0 6 7300 2000
C1 2 2600 800

In car park buildings, the width of the body should not exceed 40 m.
5.2. In the openings of the outer walls of an open-type car park, it is allowed to use protective devices that provide through ventilation of the car park.
AT protective devices, starting from the second floor, every 30 meters it is necessary to provide transoms that can be easily opened from the outside with a width of at least 0.7 m for the entire height of the opening. The height of the floor parapets should not exceed 1 m. To reduce the impact of precipitation, canopies made of non-combustible materials can be provided over open openings. At the same time, through ventilation of the floor should be ensured.

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#5.3. Parking lots for individual owners with fixed parking spaces should be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations when 100 or more parking spaces are placed on the floor.
#5.4. From each floor, at least two emergency exits should be provided in accordance with Table 3.
As escape route it is allowed to consider the passage along the ramps to the mezzanine to the stairwells. The passage must have a width of at least 80 cm and rise 10 - 15 cm above the carriageway (with a wheel breaking device).
#5.5. Staircase structures in all open parking buildings, regardless of their degree of fire resistance, must have a fire resistance limit and a fire spread limit corresponding to the II degree of fire resistance according to SNiP 21-01-97 *.
#5.6. In the construction of the parking lot, looped dry pipes with non-return valves at the branch pipes brought out for mobile fire fighting equipment should be provided. dry pipes should be designed for irrigation of each point of the parking lot with two jets of at least 5 l / s, each from different risers. Dry pipes with cabinets of fire hydrants should be convenient from the side of the staircases. The diameter of the taps on dry pipes should be 66 mm. On the ground floor, a heated storage room for firefighting equipment should be provided.
#5.7. In parking buildings with more than 6 floors, elevators should be provided, which must comply with the requirements of NPB 250-97.
#5.8. All built-in and built-in-attached premises that are not related to the parking lot (including car shops, etc.) must be separated from the parking space by fire walls and type I ceilings and designed in accordance with applicable standards.
The rooms on duty and the premises for storing fire-fighting equipment must be equipped with an automatic fire alarm.
#5.9. Open car parks provide natural ventilation and smoke removal through ventilation.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

*5.10 Open-type car parks are prohibited to be built into the lower floors of buildings for other purposes than residential, subject to the requirements,
Introduced additionally. Supplement No. 1.


6.1. When designing a superstructure (reconstruction) of existing car parks, one should be guided by the requirements of these standards for the design of closed and open car parks.
6.2. Existing car parks to be built on can be one-story (flat), buried in the ground, underground.
6.3. Inclusion or non-inclusion of the existing car park in the scope of the add-on is determined by the design task and the project.
#6.4. If the scope of the superstructure does not include the existing car park, the superstructure and the existing parts of the car park must have separate structures, entrances and exits. The linking of engineering communications of both parts of the parking lot is determined by the project.
#6.5. Bearing supports and the lower ceiling of the superstructure must have a fire resistance rating of at least REI 150.
#6.6. The floor area of ​​the superstructure should be taken according to Table. 1 and 3 of these rules.
The width of the body of the superstructure must be no more than 40 m. Between the surface of the flat parking lot and the ceiling on which the superstructure is being erected, a space (gap) with a height of at least 0.8 m is provided to ensure natural ventilation. Fencing and use of this space for storage and other needs is not allowed.
The gaps between the hulls should be:

6 m - for closed parking lots;
12 m - for open car parks I - II degree of fire resistance;
15 m - for open parking lots of IIIa degree of fire resistance.

Within the gaps, existing boxes are subject to demolition. Existing boxes located under the buildings under construction and bordering on the gap must be protected from it by fire partitions with a fire resistance limit of at least 0.5 hours. In height, these partitions should not block the gap (0.8 m) for ventilation between the covering of the boxes and the ceiling on which the superstructure is being built. Separate connecting passages (passages) may be provided between the buildings.
#6.7. Flat parking driveways located under the superstructure must have.
#6.8. In the case of a superstructure of two or more buildings, the separation of driveways of a flat parking lot by gates within the boundaries of each building is not allowed.
#6.9. Each box of a flat car park, over which a superstructure is being erected, should be equipped with a sprinkler with a looped dry pipe device with check valves at the nozzles brought out for connecting mobile fire fighting equipment.
#6.10. In flat car parks located directly under the superstructures, it is not allowed to place car repair shops, etc.
6.11. When building a superstructure, users of the existing flat car park should be provided in accordance with building safety regulations.

7. Special requirements for bunded car parks

7.1. The bunded car parks are mainly intended for the construction of residential areas, microdistricts, quarters in the courtyards, using the car park cover for landscaping and gardening, playgrounds and sports grounds.
* 7.2. The distance from the entrance and exit from the parking lot and ventilation shafts to buildings for other purposes is regulated by the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 / ".
7.3. Minimum distances from the bunded sides of car parks to buildings are not limited.
*7.4. The constructive fire hazard class of bunded car parks should be provided not lower than CO, the degree of fire resistance - not lower than II.
*7.5. When separating the floors of two-storey car parks with a fireproof ceiling, fire safety requirements it is allowed to take each floor as a one-story building (clause 3.7). The fire resistance limit of the fire ceiling must be at least REI 60.
The fire resistance limit of load-bearing structures that provide stability, fire ceilings and attachment points between them must be at least R 60.
Section 7 (Introduced additionally. Supplement No. 1).

Annex 1 (mandatory)


The main terms and their definitions are adopted in accordance with SNiP 21-02-99.
FLAT PARKING- a platform for open or closed (in separate boxes or metal tents) storage of cars on the same level.
ROCKED PARKING PARKS- ground or underground car parks with external enclosing structures bunded with soil, protruding above ground level.
RAMP, RAMP - inclined design, designed for independent movement of cars from the level (to the level) of the ground and to different levels of the parking lot.

The ramp (ramp) can be open, i.e. uncoated and fully or partially walled, as well as closed, having walls and a coating that isolates it from the external environment.

GROUND FLOOR- upper underground floor.
UNDERGROUND FLOOR - a floor when the floor level of the premises is lower than the planning level of the ground by more than half the height of the premises.
CAR STORAGE- the main parking lot, which is not related to storage facilities by designation and use.
LANDING FLOOR- floor of the main entrance to the car park.
Maintenance posts(THEN) and current repair(TR) - places with devices ( inspection pits) for self-service of car owners.
GROUND FLOOR - a floor with the level of the floor of the premises below the planning level of the ground to a height of not more than half the height of the premises.

Changed edition. Supplement No. 1.

Annex 2 (mandatory)

Requirements for the development of sections on environmental protection in the design of parking lots for cars.

1. Determination of emissions into the atmosphere from vehicles should be carried out according to the methodology set out in ONTP 01-91, Appendix 5, while taking into account the following initial data.
1.1 Specific emissions of pollutants (CO; CH; NOx) when calculating in car park construction projects until 2005 should be taken according to the data in Table 4 of Appendix 5 of ONTP 01-91 for 2000 indicators. according to the reference table below (taking into account the averaging factor for the year equal to 0.5):
Indicatorscar parks
permanent storageshort-term storage
GSKunder housesat offices general purpose
Total number of car departures during rush hour in % of the total number of parking spaces 20 35 40 25
The same concurrent entries 4 - 10 15
The total number of car departures during rush hour in % of the total number of parking spaces in the parking lot during the cold season (at low temperatures) 10 30 35 20
The same concurrent entries 2 - 8 12
General analysis of cars on the most busy day in % of the total number of parking spaces 70 80 150 250

#1.2 The number of entries per hour indicated in the table should be calculated from the total number of parking spaces provided by one entry-exit, but not less than 1 minute for the exit of one car.
#1.3 Specific emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO 2) should be taken from the table below:

Vehicle typeType of fuelSpecific mileage emission SO 2 g/km
cold periodwarm period closed car park
CarsB 0,09 0,07
- especially small classB 0,090 0,070
- small classB 0,140 0,110
- middle classB 0,260 0,210
- big classB 0,330 0,260
- big classD 0,850 0,680
- extra large classD 0,970 0,780
- especially low load capacityB 0,100 0,080
- light load capacityB 0,130 0,109
- medium loadB 0,220 0,180
- large load capacityB 0,280 0,240
- large load capacityD 0,850 0,680
- extra large load capacityD 0,970 0,780

1. Type of fuel: B - gasoline, D - diesel fuel.
2. For LPG vehicles ( compressed gas) specific SO emissions are reduced by 10% compared to petrol engines.
3. The coefficient of influence of the driving mode is assumed to be 1.0.
4. Data (**) are given for the case of placing the indicated types of transport in the parking lots. For CO, CH, NOx, specific emissions should be taken according to the indicators of 2000, the calculation of emissions should be carried out according to ONTP 01-91.

1.4 Specific emissions of pollutants from passenger cars with diesel engines are taken according to the table below.

1. The values ​​of specific emissions indicated in the table are given at an average technical speed of movement - 10 km / h (for open areas); for enclosed spaces (at a speed of 5 km/h) the value of CO and CH emissions must be multiplied by a factor of 1.1.
2. The influence of the outside air temperature (for open car parks at t less than 0 °C) should be taken into account by multiplying the values ​​of CO and SO 2 emissions by a factor of 1.2; CH and C emissions by a factor of 1.5.

1.5 Determining the amount of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere when adjusting the engine on a car in garage conditions(without engine repair) to be carried out at following conditions:

Adjustment is made at various engine speeds at idle for 10 minutes, which is equivalent to a car run of 1.7 km at an average speed of 10 km/h;
- the number of adjustments is determined by the technological calculation (a multiple of TO-2);
- adjustment is made only in the presence of a hose suction, while a possible breakthrough of exhaust gases into the room should be taken as no more than 10%.

#1.6 For open car parks, the number of entries and exits should be taken as 15 and 25%, respectively.
2. The calculation of the ventilation of car parks should be made with the following input data:
#2.1 Air exchange in car parks of individual (personal) vehicles is determined by calculation with an average value of the number of entries and exits, respectively, equal to 2 and 8% of the total number of parking spaces. In this case, the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) should be taken as 20 mg/m3. The volume of air exchange should not be less than 150 cubic meters per hour per parking space.
#2.2 Air exchange in short-term storage car parks at offices and general purposes is determined by calculation based on the maximum values ​​of the number of entries and exits (clause 1.1, table). At the same time, the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) should be taken depending on the length of stay of people, but not more than 1.0 hours, guided by the data of the technological part of the project and GOST "Sanitary and hygienic requirements for air working area" (12.1.005-88).
#2.3 In underground car parks with a capacity of more than 25 parking spaces, the installation of a backup supply or exhaust fan should be provided.
3. The requirements of ONTP 01-91 and this appendix (when developing the section of the project on environmental protection) relate to the design of newly built parking lots. For objects being reconstructed or being built on the territory of existing enterprises, the determination of emissions from vehicles (when developing the environmental protection section of the project) is carried out by separate calculations for each enterprise.

Annex 3 (informative)

Clarifications on the application of the requirements of SNiP 21-02-99, VSN 01-89 and NPB 110-99

Department of technical regulation of the Gosstroy of Russia and the Main Directorate of the State fire service The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in a letter dated October 24, 2000 No. 9-18 / 527 and dated October 20, 2000 No. 20/22/3764 gave the following explanations on the application of the requirements of SNiP 21-02-99, VSN 01-89, NPB 110-99.
In connection with the entry into force on July 1, 2000 of SNiP 21-02-99 "Car Parking", the requirements of VSN 01-89 "Car Maintenance Enterprises" of the Ministry of Autotransport of the RSFSR in terms of designing premises and buildings for storing cars should be considered invalid.
Vehicle maintenance enterprises listed in the preamble of VSN 01-89 ( motor transport enterprises and associations, service stations, etc.), as well as separate premises for cars provided as part of parking lots (according to clause 5.6 of SNiP), should be designed taking into account the requirements of the VSN. The need for an automatic fire extinguishing device in the premises of maintenance and repair posts, diagnostics and adjustment work is determined in accordance with section 6 of the VSN (the corresponding reference to VSN 01-89 is available in clause 2.10 of NPB 110-99), other production and storage facilities- according to NPB 110-99, depending on their category.
The need for an automatic fire extinguishing device and a fire alarm in car parks for cars is regulated by SNiP 21-02-99 (clauses 6.28 - 6.32).
Paragraph 6.29 d) of SNiP 21-02-99 establishes general rule on the automatic fire extinguishing device in parking lots built into buildings for other purposes. Paragraph 4.27.2 of NPB 110-99 contains an admission from this rule for small (for 2 cars) parking lots located in the basement and above-ground floors.
The choice of automatic fire extinguishing agents (water, foam, gas, powder, etc.) is carried out by the design organization, taking into account technological and design features protected premises and feasibility study. It is allowed to use self-acting modules and systems (powder, etc.), certified in the prescribed manner. In this case, the gates in separate boxes should be provided with blind ones, without making holes required by clause 5.40 of SNiP.
Material presented on the page NOT AN OFFICIAL EDITION

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6.11. Requirements for car parks without maintenance and repair

6.11.1. Fire distances from collective ground and ground-underground garages, open organized parking lots in the territories of settlements and car service stations to residential buildings and public buildings, structures and buildings, as well as to land plots of preschool educational institutions, educational institutions and medical institutions stationary type on the territories of settlements should be at least the distances given in table 35.

Table 35

Buildings to which fire distances are determinedFire distances to neighboring buildings, meters
from garages and open parking lots with the number of carsfrom service stations with the number of posts
10 or less11 - 50 51 - 100 101 - 300 10 or less11 - 30
Residential buildings:
to walls with openings10 (12) 15 25 35 15 25
to blank walls10 (12) 10 (12) 15 25 15 25
Public buildings10 (12) 10 (12) 15 25 15 20
General educational institutions and preschool educational institutions15 25 25 50 50 50
Medical institutions of stationary type25 50 50 50 50 50

Note - In parentheses are the values ​​​​for garages III and IV degrees of fire resistance.

Fire distances should be determined from the windows of residential buildings and public buildings, structures and structures and from the boundaries of the land plots of preschool educational institutions, educational institutions and hospitals of a stationary type to the walls of the garage or the boundaries of an open parking lot.

Fire distances from sectional residential buildings to open areas located along longitudinal facades with a capacity of 101 - 300 cars should be at least 50 m.

For garages of I and II degrees of fire resistance, the distances indicated in Table 35 can be reduced by 25% if there are no opening windows in the garages, as well as entrances oriented towards residential buildings and public buildings.

6.11.2. Parking lots may be located in annexes to buildings of other functional purposes, with the exception of buildings of functional fire hazard classes F1.1, F4.1, and F5 of categories A and B.

6.11.3. Parking lots can be built into buildings of other functional purposes of I and II degrees of fire resistance of classes C0 and C1, with the exception of buildings of classes F1.1, F4.1, F5 of categories A and B. It is allowed to build parking lots into buildings of class F1.4 regardless of their degree of fire resistance . In class F1.3 buildings, it is allowed to build car parks for cars, except for open-type car parks, only with permanently fixed places for individual owners.

Under buildings of class F1.1, F4.1, it is not allowed to have parking lots.

6.11.4. Parking lots attached to buildings for other purposes must be separated from these buildings by type 1 fire walls.

Parking lots built into buildings for other purposes must have a degree of fire resistance not less than the degree of fire resistance of the building into which they are built, and be separated from the premises (floors) of these buildings by fire walls and ceilings of the 1st type.

In buildings of class F1.3, the built-in parking lot may be separated by a type 2 fire ceiling, while the residential floors must be separated from the parking lot by a non-residential floor (technical).

In buildings of class F1.4, the parking lot is allocated with fire barriers with a fire resistance rating of EI 45.

6.11.5. In car parks built into a building for other purposes or attached to it, in order to limit the spread of fire, the distance from the car park openings to the bottom of the nearest window openings buildings for other purposes at least 4 m or fire-prevention filling of window openings (except for buildings F1.4).

6.11.6. If necessary, the device as part of the parking lot of premises for servicing cars (posts for maintenance and repair of diagnostics and adjustment work, washing, etc.) should be provided for these purposes in a separate building, room or group of rooms. Such premises may be provided in car parks and must be separated from the car park by type 1 fire walls and type 1 ceilings. Entrances and entrances to these premises must be isolated from the entrances and entrances to the car park.

6.11.7. In car parks built into buildings for other purposes, it is not allowed, as a rule, to provide common ordinary staircases and common elevator shafts. To ensure the functional connection of the car park and a building for other purposes, the exits from the elevator shafts and stairwells of the car park, as a rule, should be provided in the lobby of the main entrance of the specified building with the device on the floors of the car park of vestibule locks of the 1st type with air overpressure in case of fire.

The connection of the premises for storing vehicles on the floor with premises for other purposes (except those specified in 6.11.8) or an adjacent fire compartment is allowed through a vestibule with air overpressure in case of fire.

6.11.8. Placement of commercial premises, trays, kiosks, stalls, etc. directly in the car storage areas is not allowed.

It is allowed to provide no more than two parking spaces for unloading (loading) cars serving the enterprise that owns the parking lot in car storage rooms. At the same time, the possibility of permanent storage of goods in this place of the parking lot should be excluded.

In the premises for storing cars owned by citizens, it is allowed to use a mesh fence made of materials of the NG group to allocate permanently fixed places.

6.11.9. It is allowed to provide in the buildings of parking lots: service premises for and on-duty personnel (control and cash desks, control room, security), technical facilities (for engineering equipment), sanitary facilities, a storeroom for customers' luggage, rooms for the disabled, as well as public telephones and the installation of elevators for people.

6.11.10. Closed-type parking lots for vehicles with engines running on compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are not allowed to be built into buildings for other purposes and attached to them.

6.11.11. Fire distances from open areas (including those with a canopy) for storing cars to buildings and structures of enterprises (car maintenance, industrial, agricultural, etc.) should be taken:

a) before industrial buildings and facilities:

I, II and III degrees of fire resistance class C0 from the side of walls without openings - not standardized;

the same, from the side of walls with openings - at least 9 m;

IV degree of fire resistance class C0 and C1 from the side of walls without openings - at least 6 m;

the same, from the side of walls with openings - at least 12 m;

other degrees of fire resistance and fire hazard classes - at least 15 m;

b) to administrative and amenity buildings of enterprises:

I, II and III degrees of fire resistance class C0 - not less than 9 m;

other degrees of fire resistance and fire hazard classes - at least 15 m.

The distance from car storage areas to buildings and structures of I and II degrees of fire resistance of class C0 on the territory of car service stations with no more than 10 posts on the side of walls with openings is not standardized.

6.11.12. Storage of vehicles for the transportation of fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) should, as a rule, be provided for in open areas or in separate one-story buildings not lower than II degree of fire resistance class C0. It is allowed to attach such car parks to blind fire walls of the 1st or 2nd type of industrial buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance of class C0 (except for buildings of categories A and B), provided that cars with a total capacity of transported fuels and lubricants are stored in the car park no more than 30 cubic meters. m.

In open areas, storage of vehicles for the transportation of fuels and lubricants should be provided for in groups of no more than 50 vehicles and a total capacity of these materials not more than 600 cubic meters. m. The distance between such groups, as well as to storage areas for other vehicles, must be at least 12 m.

The distance from the storage areas for vehicles for the transportation of fuel and lubricants to the buildings and structures of the enterprise should be taken in accordance with Table 7, and to the administrative and amenity buildings of this enterprise - at least 50 m.

6.11.13. Above-ground car parks may be provided with a height of no more than 9 floors, underground - no more than 5 underground floors.

When using structures having a continuous spiral floor, each complete turn should be considered as a tier (floor).

For multi-storey car parks with mezzanines, the total number of floors is defined as the number of mezzanines divided by two, the floor area is defined as the sum of two adjacent mezzanines.

6.11.14. In closed-type car parks, ramps common to all floors should be separated (be isolated) on each floor from the car storage rooms by fire barriers, gates and vestibules with air overpressure in case of fire according to Table 36.

Table 36

Doors and gates in fire barriers and tambour locks must be equipped with automatic devices for closing them in case of fire.

In one-story underground car parks in front of the ramps, a tambour-lock is allowed not to be provided.

In insulated ramps, instead of fire gates, it is allowed to provide automatic devices that block the ramp opening floor by floor for at least half of its height (smoke screens) with a deluge curtain over the opening from the side of the storage rooms.

6.11.15. In overground car parks, it is allowed to install uninsulated ramps in buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, class C0 and C1, while the total area of ​​​​their floors (semi-floors) connected by uninsulated ramps should not exceed 10,400 square meters. m.

The arrangement of a common non-isolated ramp between the underground and above-ground floors of the car park is not allowed.

6.11.16. The floor covering of buildings for car parking should be provided from materials that provide a flame propagation group for such a coating of at least RP1.

6.11.17. When using a car park deck, the requirements for this deck are the same as for normal car park decks. The top layer of such an exploitable coating should be provided from materials that do not spread combustion (the flame propagation group for such materials should not be lower than RP1).

6.11.18. In the premises for storing cars at the places of exit (entry) to the ramp, as well as on the surface (when parking there), measures should be taken to prevent possible spillage of fuel.

6.11.19. Premises for storing gas-balloon vehicles should be provided, as a rule, in separate buildings and structures of I, II, III and IV degrees of fire resistance of class C0.

Premises for storage of passenger gas-cylinder vehicles can be located on the upper floors of free-standing parking lots with cars running on gasoline or diesel fuel.

The location of storage rooms for gas-balloon vehicles on the floors of open parking lots, as well as in mechanized parking lots (provided that the storage tiers are ventilated) is not standardized.

6.11.20. Premises for storage of gas-balloon vehicles are not allowed to provide:

a) in the basement and underground floors of car parks;

b) in closed-type above-ground car parks located in buildings for other purposes;

c) in elevated car parks of a closed type with non-insulated ramps;

d) when storing cars in boxes that do not have direct access to the outside of each box.

6.11.21. In underground car parks, premises for car park maintenance, including service rooms for duty and maintenance personnel, pumping fire extinguishing and water supply, transformer substations (only with dry transformers), a storeroom for customers' luggage, a room for the disabled are allowed to be located no lower than the first (upper) underground floor structures. The placement of other technical premises on the floors is not regulated.

These premises must be separated from the vehicle storage premises by fireproof partitions of the 1st type.

6.11.22. In underground car parks, as a rule, it is not allowed to divide parking spaces with partitions into separate boxes, except for specially stipulated cases.

In parking lots located in the basement or basement floor of buildings of class F1.3 I and II degrees of fire resistance, it is allowed to provide separate boxes that meet the requirements of 6.11.23 to allocate storage places for cars belonging to citizens.

6.11.23. In underground car parks with two underground floors or more, exits from underground floors to stairwells and exits from elevator shafts should be provided through floor locks with air overpressure in case of fire.

6.11.24. In the buildings of elevated parking lots of closed type I and II degrees of fire resistance, it is allowed to provide separate boxes for the allocation of storage places for cars belonging to citizens. Partitions between the boxes must have a fire resistance rating of EI 45, fire hazard class K0; the gates in these boxes should be provided in the form of a mesh fence. The gates of each box at a height of 1.4 - 1.6 m must have an opening with a size of at least 300 x 300 mm for supplying extinguishing agents and monitoring the fire-fighting condition of the box.

If there is an exit from each box directly to the outside, it is allowed to provide partitions made of materials of the NG group with a non-standardized fire resistance limit in two-story buildings I, II and III degrees of fire resistance and one-story buildings of class C0. At the same time, in two-story buildings, floors must be fireproof of the 3rd type. The gates in these boxes must also have openings of at least 300 x 300 mm in size for supplying extinguishing agents and monitoring the fire-fighting condition of the box.

6.11.25. In the buildings of open-type elevated car parks for cars, the width of the body should not exceed 40 m.

6.11.26. In open-type aboveground car parks, the construction of boxes, the construction of walls (with the exception of the walls of stairwells) and partitions that impede ventilation are not allowed. If it is necessary to allocate places for storing cars belonging to citizens, it is allowed to use a mesh fence made of non-combustible materials.

6.11.27. As filling open openings in the external enclosing structures, it is allowed to use a grid of non-combustible materials. To reduce the impact of atmospheric precipitation over open openings, canopies made of materials of the NG group can be provided.

6.11.28. In the buildings of elevated open-type parking lots of IV degree of fire resistance, the enclosing structures of evacuation stairwells and their elements must comply with the requirements for stairwells of buildings of III degree of fire resistance.

6.11.29. It is allowed to use fire breaks (drives) with a width of at least 8 m instead of type 1 fire walls to distinguish fire compartments in open-type above-ground car parks, which do not provide for parking and placing a fire load.

At the same time, the floor area of ​​fire compartments should not exceed 41,600 sq. m.

6.11.30. Buildings (structures) of mechanized parking lots can be provided for above-ground class of constructive fire hazard C0.

Car parks may be designed using unprotected metal frame and enclosing structures made of materials of the NG group without the use of combustible heaters (such as a multi-tiered whatnot).

Mechanized parking lots may be attached to buildings for other purposes only at the blank walls of these buildings with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 150.

6.11.31. A parking block with a mechanized device can have a capacity of no more than 100 parking spaces and a building height of no more than 28 m.

If it is necessary to arrange a parking lot from several blocks, they should be separated by fire partitions of the 1st type.

6.11.32. In the block of a mechanized parking lot for the maintenance of systems of a mechanized device by floors (tiers), an open staircase made of materials of the NG group is allowed.

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