Encyclopedia of fire safety

The procedure for organizing the safe conduct of gas hazardous work. Standard instructions for organizing the safe conduct of gas hazardous work


Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR


with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions



Typical instruction on the organization of the safe conduct of gas hazardous work contains requirements for the organization and documentation of gas hazardous work; determines the duties and responsibilities of the managers and performers of these works; establishes the procedure for preparing and directly conducting them; determines the main measures to ensure safety in the conduct of gas hazardous work, including work related to the stay of people inside the apparatus, tanks, wells, tunnels and other similar equipment and structures.

When developing the Instruction, the comments and suggestions of the Ministry were taken into account chemical industry, Ministry of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry of the USSR, Ministry of Production mineral fertilizers, Ministry of Gas Industry, Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR, Ministry of Forestry and Pulp and Paper Industry of the USSR, Ministry of Oil Industry, Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR, Ministry of Electronic Industry of the USSR, Ministry of Medical and Microbiological Industry.

This Standard Instruction is mandatory for enterprises of all ministries that have facilities controlled by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor, except for the ministries of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Current and newly developed local instructions at the enterprises must be brought into line with this Instruction.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The standard instruction defines the procedure for organizing and safely carrying out gas hazardous work at existing enterprises and organizations of ministries and departments that have facilities controlled by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor.

1.2. With the entry into force of this Standard Instruction, all previously current instructions on the organization and safe conduct of gas hazardous work and work inside tanks.

1.3. The requirements of the Standard Instruction apply to gas-hazardous work performed by the personnel of the enterprise, as well as by third parties.

1.4. Ministries and departments, on the basis of this Model Instruction, may develop industry instructions for organizing the safe conduct of gas hazardous work. These instructions should clarify and concretize the conditions for the execution, preparation and conduct of these works, taking into account the specific features characteristic of enterprises in the industry. The safety requirements of industry instructions should not be lower than the requirements of this Model Instruction. Industry instructions are approved by the ministry in agreement with the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor.

Each enterprise should develop a plant-wide instruction specifying the procedure for the preparation and safe conduct of gas-hazardous work in relation to specific production conditions, which is agreed with the gas rescue service (GSS), the safety service, approved by the chief engineer and the trade union committee. The safety requirements of this instruction must not be lower than the requirements of the industry instruction.

Third-party organizations when performing gas hazardous work must be guided by the instructions of the customer enterprise.

1.5. Gas hazardous work includes work related to inspection, cleaning, repair, depressurization of process equipment, communications, including work inside tanks (apparatuses, drying drums, drying ovens, reactors, tanks, tanks and other similar equipment, as well as collectors, tunnels, wells, pits and other similar places), during which there is or is not excluded the possibility of release into the working area, determined in accordance with GOST 12.1.005-76, explosive and flammable or harmful vapors, gases and other substances that can cause an explosion, fire, have a harmful effect on the human body, as well as work with insufficient oxygen content (volume fraction below 20%).

1.6. Gas hazardous work, including work related to the presence of people inside the apparatus, containers and other equipment, should be carried out in cases where they cannot be mechanized, automated or carried out without the direct participation of people.

At each enterprise, measures should be taken to reduce the number of gas-hazardous works and increase their safety level by improving technological processes and their hardware design, implementation modern methods diagnostics, means of hydraulic, mechanical, chemical cleaning of technological equipment and communications, equipment technological schemes reliable means of blocking individual nodes and devices, etc.

1.7. At the enterprise, for each workshop (production), a list of gas hazardous work must be developed in the form of App. one.

The list should separately indicate gas hazardous work:

I - carried out with the execution of a work order - admission in the form of App. 2;

II - carried out without issuing an order - admission, but with the obligatory registration of such work before they begin in the journal in the form of App. 3;

III - caused by the need to eliminate or localize possible emergencies and accidents.

1.8. The list of gas hazardous work is developed by the heads of workshops (installations, departments with a non-shop structure), coordinated with the production (technical, production and technical) department, with the gas rescue service, with the safety engineering service and approved by the chief engineer. The list of gas-hazardous works must be periodically reviewed and re-approved at least once a year.

1.9. The list should indicate: workshop (installation, department with a workshopless structure), place and nature of work, possible harmful and dangerous factors of production during its implementation, the category of performers (production personnel, gas rescuers or members of voluntary gas rescue teams), the main measures to ensure the safety of the work performed.

1.10. If it becomes necessary to carry out gas-hazardous work not included in the approved list, they must be carried out according to the permit in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction, followed by their inclusion in the list within 10 days in accordance with the procedure established by paragraphs 1.7 and 1.8.

1.11. To carry out gas hazardous work, an order is issued - a permit (Appendix 2), which provides for the development and subsequent implementation of a set of measures for the preparation and safe conduct of work.

1.12. Periodically recurring gas hazardous work, which is an integral part of the technological process, characterized by similar conditions for their implementation, the constancy of the place and nature of the work, a certain composition of performers, can be carried out without issuing a work permit. All these works are included in the list of gas-hazardous works, compiled in accordance with paragraphs 1.7 - 1.9 of this Instruction.

Safety measures during such work should be set out in technological regulations, instructions for workplaces or in a special instruction developed taking into account the requirements of this Instruction. Such work is recorded in the workshop in the register of gas hazardous work (Appendix 3), carried out without issuing work orders - tolerances. The magazine must be laced, sealed with mastic or wax seal. Pages in the magazine should be numbered. The period of storage of the journal is at least 3 months. from the day it ends.

Gas-hazardous works related to the prevention of the development of emergency situations and the need to localize accidents are carried out in accordance with the plans for the elimination of accidents.

1.13. As a rule, gas-hazardous work performed under a work permit should be carried out in the daytime.

In exceptional cases, urgent gas-hazardous work may be permitted at night with the participation or in the presence of representatives of the GSS. At the same time, the work permit must provide for additional measures to ensure the safe conduct of work, taking into account the conditions for their performance at night.

1.14. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination in accordance with the established procedure and have no contraindications to perform this type of work, trained in safe methods and techniques of work, and the use of means are allowed to perform gas hazardous work. personal protection, rules and techniques for providing first aid to victims and who have passed the knowledge test in the prescribed manner.

Female persons may be involved in certain gas-hazardous work provided for by technological regulations and instructions and permitted by the legislation on women's labor.

1.15. Control over the organization of gas hazardous work at the enterprise is carried out by the gas rescue service and the safety engineering service. The control system and the form of participation in it of these services must be determined in the general factory instruction approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

1.16. Only persons who have undergone special training may be involved in gas-hazardous work associated with the use of oxygen-isolating gas masks and air insulating apparatus.

1.17. Each gas hazardous work performed with the execution of an order - a permit in the form of App. 2 or registered in the register in the form of App. 3 consists of two steps:

preparation of the facility for gas hazardous work;

direct gas hazardous work.

Responsible for preparing the facility for conducting gas hazardous work is appointed in the manner specified in clause 2.4 of this Instruction, the engineering and technical worker of the workshop in charge of the operational personnel of this facility.

Responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work is appointed in the manner also specified in clause 2.4, an engineering and technical worker who is not engaged in the conduct of the technological process for the period of such work and who knows how to safely carry out gas hazardous work. In the event that work is performed by gas rescuers or employees of third-party organizations, an engineering and technical worker is appointed responsible for their implementation, admitted to the management of gas hazardous work and in charge of the performers of gas hazardous work.

2. Responsibilities and duties of managers

and performers

2.1. The chief engineer is responsible for organizing work to ensure the safe conduct of gas hazardous work in the whole enterprise.

2.2. The chief engineer of the enterprise is obliged:

organize work to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Instruction in the whole enterprise;

take measures to reduce the number of gas hazardous work in accordance with the requirements of clause 1.6 of this Instruction;

ensure the creation of educational and training grounds and simulators for teaching safe methods of gas hazardous work.

2.3. The head of the shop is responsible for organizing the safety of gas hazardous work in the shop.

2.4. The head of the department must:

organize the development of measures for the preparation and safe conduct of gas hazardous work and ensure control over their implementation;

appoint a person responsible for the preparation and a person responsible for carrying out the work, who know the procedure for preparing and the rules for carrying out these works;

together with the person responsible for carrying out gas-hazardous work, determine personal protective equipment, the composition of performers and establish the mode of operation (duration of stay in protective equipment, breaks in work, frequency of air sampling, etc.).

2.5. The shift supervisor (or a person from among the engineers, corresponding (but not lower) by position, hereinafter referred to as the shift supervisor) is responsible for the correctness of the scheme for shutting down equipment and communications on which gas-hazardous work should be carried out, the correctness and completeness of the briefing (instructions) responsible for preparatory work and the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work in terms of which equipment is under pressure, high temperature, voltage, explosive, etc. before and during gas hazardous work, for the correctness and completeness of the safety measures taken, as well as for the admission staff to conduct preparatory work and to the direct performance of gas hazardous work.

2.6. The shift leader must:

ensure the possibility of safe preparatory work and the gas hazardous work itself;

warn the operating personnel about the gas-hazardous work being carried out and make an appropriate entry in the log for the acceptance and delivery of shifts;

conduct, together with the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work, instructing workers of third-party services and organizations about the main dangers and hazards in the workshop;

check the readiness of the facility for gas hazardous work, as well as the completeness and quality of these works upon completion;

notify the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work and performers of possible deviations in the work of production, in which gas hazardous work must be stopped.

2.7. The person responsible for carrying out the preparatory work is responsible for the correctness and reliability of shutting down and shutting off (if necessary) the area of ​​gas hazardous work and the implementation of the safety measures provided for in the order - admission or in the register of gas hazardous work performed without issuing an order - admission.

2.8. The person responsible for carrying out the preparatory work is obliged to:

start work only in agreement with the shift supervisor;

ensure the consistency and completeness of the implementation of the measures provided for in the order - admission or in the register of gas hazardous work performed without an order - admission;

ensure that an analysis of the air environment at the place of work is carried out after preparatory activities;

after completion of the preparatory work, check its completeness and quality and hand over the object to the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work;

bring to the attention of the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work and performers about specific features production, facility and characteristic hazards that may arise when work s.

2.9. The person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work is responsible for the correctness and completeness of the safety measures taken, for the sufficient qualifications of the persons appointed by the performers of the work, for the completeness and quality of their instruction, for the technical management of the work and for the observance of safety measures by the workers.

2.10. The person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work is obliged to:

together with the person responsible for the preparation of the facility, check the completeness of the implementation of preparatory measures, the readiness of the facility for work;

check with the performers the availability and serviceability of personal protective equipment, tools and devices, their compliance with the nature of the work performed;

instruct the performers on the rules for safe work and the procedure for evacuating the victim from the danger zone (an approximate list of issues covered during the briefing is given in Appendix 4);

inform the gas rescue service (safety service) about the readiness of the facility and contractors for work;

in agreement with the shift supervisor and upon receipt of confirmation of the possibility of performing gas-hazardous work from a representative of the GSS (safety service), certified by their signatures in paragraph 14 of the work order - admission, and, if necessary, in the register of gas hazardous work performed without issuing an order - admission, instruct performers to start work, having previously checked the place of work, the state of protective equipment, and the readiness of performers to carry out work;

control the implementation by the performers of the measures provided for in the order - admission or in the instructions for the workplace;

ensure the sequence and mode of performing gas hazardous work;

ensure control over the state of the air environment;

take measures excluding the admission to the place of gas-hazardous work of persons not engaged in its implementation;

in the event of a danger or deterioration in the health of the performers, immediately stop the work, inform the head of the workshop about this and take necessary measures to ensure the safety of work;

at the end of the regulated breaks, make sure that the conditions for the safe conduct of work have not changed, prevent the resumption of work if a change in the conditions for its safe conduct is detected;

at the end of work, together with the shift supervisor, check the completeness and quality of the work and close the work order - admission.

2.11. Performers of gas hazardous work are responsible for the implementation of all safety measures provided for in the work permit or in the instructions for workplaces for work recorded in the gas hazardous work log performed without a work permit.

2.12. Performers of gas hazardous work are obliged to:

undergo a briefing on the safe conduct of work and sign the work permit;

get acquainted with the conditions, nature and scope of work at the place of their implementation;

perform only the work specified in the work permit;

to proceed with the performance of work only at the direction of the person responsible for their implementation;

apply protective equipment and security measures, provided for by the order - admission;

know the signs of poisoning with harmful substances, the location of communications and signaling equipment, the procedure for evacuating victims from the danger zone;

be able to provide first aid to victims, use personal protective equipment, rescue equipment and tools;

monitor the condition of workmates, provide them with the necessary assistance;

in case of deterioration of one's own health or the discovery of signs of indisposition among comrades, stop work and immediately inform the person responsible for its implementation;

to stop work in the event of a dangerous situation, as well as at the request of the head of the workshop, responsibility for the work, the shift supervisor, the representative of the State Civil Service, safety personnel, representatives of the inspecting authorities;

after completion of work, put the place of work in order, remove tools, fixtures, etc.

3. The procedure for issuing documentation for holding

gas hazardous work

3.1. Attire - admission is signed by the head of the workshop (installation, department with a non-shop structure) in which the work is carried out, or by a person replacing him in the manner established at the enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the "shop manager"), agreed with the GSS (with registration in a special journal and assignment of the next number), the safety service, and, if necessary, with adjacent workshops, and is approved by the chief engineer (in production associations - the chief engineer of the plant (production) that is part of this association) or his deputy for production, or the head of production.

3.2. Persons who approved the work permit are responsible for the necessity and possibility of carrying out gas hazardous work.

3.3. The persons who signed the order - admission are responsible for the correctness and completeness of the developed measures for the preparation and conduct of gas hazardous work specified in the order - admission, as well as for the sufficient qualifications of the persons included in the order - admission as leaders and performers of gas hazardous work.

3.4. Attire - admission is issued in two copies and, after approval, both copies are transferred to the shift supervisor.

The shift supervisor hands over one copy to the person responsible for the preparatory work.

After the preparation of the facility, both copies are signed by the persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of gas hazardous work, confirming the completeness of the preparatory work and measures to ensure the safety of the gas hazardous work itself.

One copy of the order - permission after the completion of work is transferred to the GSS (safety service) and stored in the affairs of the service for at least three months. Another copy is kept by the person responsible for carrying out these works and after their completion is stored in the affairs of the shop for at least three months.

It is forbidden to fill in the order - tolerance with a pencil. Entries in both copies must be legible. Corrections in the text and caption responsible persons copy is not allowed.

3.5. The order - admission to carry out gas hazardous work is issued for each place and type of work of each team conducting such work, and is valid for one shift.

If the work turned out to be unfinished, and the conditions for its implementation did not worsen and the nature of the work did not change, the work order - admission can be extended for the next shift of the same team with confirmation of the possibility of carrying out work for each subsequent shift with the signatures of the persons indicated in clause 15 of the work order - admission.

3.6. In the case when the preparation and direct conduct of gas hazardous work are carried out by one group of performers, it is allowed to appoint one leader for its preparation and conduct, provided that the appointed person knows safe methods and methods of conducting work and released from other duties for the period of its implementation.

3.7. In all cases of work in tanks related to the depressurization of equipment and pipelines, diagrams of the location of shut-off valves, product removal, flushing, purging, steaming the apparatus and installing plugs, signed by the head of the shop or his deputy, must be attached to the permit.

When performing periodically recurring gas-hazardous work, as defined in clause 1.12, these schemes are attached to the shop register of gas-hazardous work carried out without a work permit.

4. Preparatory work

4.1. The preparation of the object for carrying out gas-hazardous work on it is carried out by the operational personnel of the workshop (production) under the guidance of the person responsible for the preparation.

4.2. To prepare an object (equipment, communications, etc.) for gas hazardous work, the entire range of preparatory work provided for in the relevant instructions and the work permit must be completed.

At the same time, measures must be taken to reduce the degree of danger of gas hazardous work by relieving pressure, removing harmful and explosive products, excluding their entry from adjacent technological systems, excluding possible sources of sparking.

4.3. The place of gas-hazardous work, associated with the possibility of ejection of explosive and harmful products, must be marked (fenced), and, if necessary, posts should be set up in order to exclude the presence of unauthorized persons in the danger zone.

4.4. Electric drives of moving mechanisms must be disconnected from power sources by a visible break and disconnected from these mechanisms. Posters "Do not turn on - people are working!" Are hung on starting devices near devices and in electrical distribution devices, which are removed after completion of work at the direction of the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work.

4.5. To assess the quality of preparatory measures before starting gas-hazardous work, a laboratory or automatic analysis of the air environment for oxygen content, as well as harmful, explosive and explosive substances should be carried out with the results recorded in the work permit.

4.6. During the period of preparation for carrying out gas hazardous work, the availability and serviceability of personal protective equipment, tools, devices and other means of ensuring the safety of performers are checked. Performers are instructed and their ability to use personal protective equipment, knowledge of safe working methods and methods of providing first aid to victims is checked, which is noted in paragraph 11 of the work permit.

5. Carrying out gas hazardous work

5.1. Gas-hazardous work is allowed to be carried out only after all the preparatory work and activities provided for by the work permit and instructions for the workplace have been completed. It is forbidden to increase the amount of work provided for by the work permit.

5.2. Gas hazardous work should be carried out by a team of performers consisting of at least two people. Team members must be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment, overalls, footwear, tools, devices and auxiliary materials.

5.3. Before the start of gas-hazardous work, the person responsible for their implementation interrogates each performer about his state of health.

5.4. The readiness of the facility and the performers to carry out gas hazardous work must be reported to the GSS (safety service). Without confirmation of the possibility of carrying out work by a representative of the specified service, the start of work is prohibited.

5.5. It is only possible to enter a gas hazardous area with the permission of the person responsible for carrying out the work and in appropriate protective equipment worn outside the danger zone.

Work must begin in the presence of the person responsible for the work and the representative of the GSS. The need for their constant presence at the work site or the frequency of control is determined by the work permit (clause 7).

5.6. Works related to the possible release of explosive products must be carried out using tools and devices that do not produce sparks, in appropriate overalls and safety shoes.

For lighting, it is necessary to use explosion-proof portable lamps with a voltage of not more than 12 V or rechargeable lamps that correspond in design to the category and group of an explosive mixture.

5.7. The use of personal respiratory protection equipment and the duration of work in them must meet the requirements of standards and specifications.

The term of a one-time stay of a worker in a gas mask is determined by the work permit (clause 8), but should not exceed 30 minutes.

6. Additional security measures

when working inside containers

6.1. The containers to be opened, inspected, cleaned or repaired must be freed from the product, disconnected from the existing equipment and piping system using standard plugs (according to the diagram attached to the permit) and, depending on the properties of the chemical products contained in them, washed, steamed with live steam, purged with inert gas and clean air.

6.2. Work on the installation (removal) of plugs included in the list of measures for the preparation of the object and provided for in clause 6 of the work permit does not require additional clearance attire - admission and can be carried out both by operational personnel performing preparatory work, and by personnel included in the team for the implementation of these works. Safety measures when installing (removing) plugs should be set out in clause 6 of the order - permission to perform work inside the apparatus.

6.3. Heated containers before descending into them people must be cooled to a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. C. In exceptional cases, if it is necessary to carry out work at more than high temperature additional security measures are being developed (continuous blowing with fresh air, the use of thermal protective suits, footwear, frequent work breaks, etc.).

6.4. Before starting work inside the tanks and for the entire time they are carried out in the area of ​​gas hazardous work, a poster "Gas hazardous work" is hung in a conspicuous place, which is removed after they are completed and only with the permission of the person responsible for the work.

6.5. To carry out work inside the tanks, a team consisting of at least two people (working and observing) should be appointed. Stay inside the tank is allowed, as a rule, one person. If necessary, stay in the tank more workers must be developed, included in the order - admission and additionally implemented security measures that provide for an increase in the number of observers (at least one observer per one working in the apparatus), the procedure for entering and evacuating workers, the procedure for placing hoses, intake pipes of gas masks, signal and rescue ropes , availability of communication and signaling facilities at the work site, etc.

6.6. In all cases, a worker descending into the tank must wear a rescue belt with a signal-rescue rope.

The belt, carabiner and signal - rescue rope must be tested in the prescribed manner.

In the absence of visual communication between workers and observers, a system for supplying conditional signals should be installed.

6.7. When carrying out work inside the tank, the observer must be at the hatch (manhole) of the tank in the same equipment as the worker, having an insulating gas mask in the "ready" position.

In doing so, he must:

monitor the signals and behavior of workers;

monitor the condition of the air hose of the gas mask and the location of the air intake device;

if necessary, call the person responsible for the work and the representative of the GSS to the place of work using available ways communications and signaling;

descend into the tank to assist the victim in an insulating gas mask after prior notification of the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work.

6.8. To protect the respiratory organs of those working inside the tanks, hose or oxygen-isolating gas masks or air insulating devices should be used. The use of filtering gas masks is prohibited.

Work inside the tank without respiratory protection may be allowed by the chief engineer, provided that the volumetric oxygen content in the tank is at least 20%, and the content of harmful vapors and gases in the tank does not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) of these substances in the air working area. In this case, the possibility of ingress of harmful, explosive and explosive vapors and gases from the outside or their release from deposits, lining, etc. should be excluded. Measures to ensure the safety of work inside the apparatus without personal respiratory protection should be set out in the general factory instruction for the organization and conduct of gas hazardous work, in the instructions for workplaces (workshops), in the work permit and include:

continuous guaranteed supply fresh air into an apparatus that provides normal air mode in the device;

continuous monitoring of the state of the air environment;

the presence of each working in the apparatus and observing hose gas masks in the "ready" position;

availability of signaling and communication means (light, sound, radiotelephone) near the place of work;

the presence of each worker in the tank of a life belt with a signal-rescue rope attached to it and other measures to ensure the safety of workers.

Note. Work inside wells, collectors, in tunnels and trenches and other similar devices and structures without respiratory protection is not allowed.

6.9. To descend the worker into the tank, work inside the tank and rise from it, the portable ladders used must be tested in the prescribed manner and comply with safety conditions.

Checking the serviceability, stability and reliability of fixing the stairs at the place of work is carried out in the presence of the person responsible for the work.

6.10. The worker, when descending into the tank and when leaving it, should not hold any objects in his hands. All tools and materials necessary for work must be fed into the container in a way that prevents them from falling and injuring workers.

6.11. If deviations from normal behavior are observed in the actions of the person working inside the tank (signs of malaise, an attempt to remove the gas mask), as well as in the event of other circumstances that threaten his safety, work should be stopped immediately, and the worker should be evacuated from the tank.

6.12. After completing the work inside the tank, the person responsible for carrying it out before closing the hatches must personally make sure that there are no people left in the tank, the tools, materials are removed, there are no foreign objects left, and make a note about this in clause 16 of the work permit.

6.13. Carrying out work in wells, sewer networks, tunnels and similar structures must be coordinated (against receipt in the order - admission) with the heads of workshops technologically related to these objects, which must take measures to exclude volley emissions of harmful and explosive products to the place of work.

6.14. For the period of work, open manholes of wells should be fenced, and at night they should be illuminated.

6.15. When applied protective coatings on the internal surfaces containers, the execution of which is accompanied by the release of harmful and explosive products, it is necessary to provide for the forced removal of these products.

6.16. Hot work in tanks is carried out with fully open hatches (manholes) and air exchange, which ensures normal air conditions in the work area.

When they are carried out, an order is issued - a permit, as well as a permit to conduct hot work in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Instruction for organizing the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and explosive objects, approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on May 7, 1974.

Attachment 1


I approve

Chief Engineer __________


(Business name)



"___" ____________ 19__



(name of the structural unit)


Place and character
ter work
(pos. equipment
according to the scheme

dangerous and

Who performed-

Main activities

according to the preparation
object to
gas hazardous

for safety
nomu prov-
denia gas-

I - Work carried out with the execution of an order - admission in the form of App. 2.

II - Work carried out without issuing an order - admission with registration in the journal in the form of App. 3.

III - Works caused by the need to eliminate or localize the accident.


Production Head of the shop _____________

(production -

technical department) __________________

Gas Rescue Service _____________

Safety Service _________

Annex 2


(Business name)


(position, signature)

"___" ____________ 19__

ORDER - ADMISSION N (next number according to the magazine

FOR CARRYING OUT GAS HAZARDOUS WORKS registration of gas hazardous

Works in GSS)

1. Workshop (production, installation) _____________________________

2. Place of work ____________________________________

(department, section, apparatus,


3. The nature of the work performed ________________________________

4. Responsible for preparatory work __________________

(position, full name)

5. Responsible for the work _________________________

(position, full name)

6. Measures to prepare the facility for conducting gas hazardous

works and the sequence of their implementation _________________________



Application ___________________________________________________

(name of schemes, sketches)

7. Measures to ensure safe work



8. Personal protective equipment and mode of operation _____________


9. Shop manager ____________________________________________

(last name, signature, date)

10. Activities agreed:

With the gas rescue service ___________________________________

(last name, signature, date)

With the safety service ______________________________

(last name, signature, date)

With interconnected workshops ____________________________________

(name of adjacent workshop,

Surname, signature, date)

11. The composition of the brigade and the mark of the briefing:


date and time

FULL NAME. member
new brigade


With conditions
linen, instructions

job title,



12. Analysis of the air environment before and during the event


the date
and time

Location from-




person's signature,
who conducted



13. Measures to prepare for safe work

according to the order - the tolerance is fulfilled


Responsible for preparatory Responsible for conducting

work (surname, signature, date, gas hazardous work (surname,

time) signature, date, time)



14.1. I confirm the possibility of performing work:


(signature of the representative of the GSS (safety services),

time, date)

Shift supervisor (signature, time, date)

15. The validity period of the order - admission has been extended:

date and

environment (la-
go or av-

I confirm the possibility of performing work

for holding


tel GSS or
technical services
nicks are safe





16. The work was completed in full, the order - admission is closed __



(signature of persons: responsible for the work,

shift supervisor, time, date)

Annex 3






(name of division)


the date
in food-


we are X

tiya according to
object to
works you-

noe pro-

With the condition
yami without
you know-
sign them

you analy-
the call of
harm in
tvii with p.
clause 2.8,
4.5 and 6.8


Note. Measures for the preparation and safe conduct of gas hazardous work are set out in the instructions for workplaces.




1. The purpose, purpose of the work and the time allotted for its implementation.

2. Technological (production) situation at the place of work, characteristics and parameters of the environment inside the system, in neighboring areas (if necessary).

3. Harmful and dangerous production factors, the manifestation of which is possible during the work.

4. The nature and possible boundaries of the gas contamination or the danger zone. Ways of evacuation of personnel in a dangerous situation.

5. Preparatory work carried out and security measures taken.

6. Terms of work; Special attention refers to the use of personal protective equipment.

7. The procedure for entering and exiting a gas hazardous place. Locations for workers, observers, gas rescuers, etc. Means of communication and signaling.

8. The sequence of work on individual operations: the procedure for supplying (removing) tools, materials, etc., their location.

9. The sequence of work of performers, the mode of work and rest.

10. Actions of performers when the conditions for performing work change. The procedure for notifying and calling the appropriate persons and services in the event of a dangerous situation.

11. The order of completion of work.

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Moscow 2003

Under the general editorship of S.M. Weinstock

Technological regulations (standards of the enterprise) of the joint-stock company for oil transportation "Transneft". In 2 volumes / Under the general editorship. CM. Weinstock. - M.: GUP Publishing House "Oil and Gas" Russian State University of Oil and Gas. I. M. Gubkina, 2003. The regulations developed and approved by OAO AK Transneft establish industry-wide mandatory requirements for the organization and performance of work in the field of trunk oil pipeline transport, as well as mandatory requirements to the results of these works. Regulations (enterprise standards) are developed in the system of OAO AK Transneft to ensure the reliability, industrial and environmental safety of oil trunk pipelines, regulate and establish uniformity of interaction between the Company’s divisions and OAO MN when conducting work on the main production activities both among themselves and with contractors , state supervision bodies, as well as unification of the application and mandatory implementation of the requirements of the relevant federal and industry standards, rules and other regulatory documents.




1.1. This Regulation determines the procedure for issuing and registering work permits (Appendices 1, 2) for fire, gas hazardous and other work heightened danger performed at explosion and fire hazardous and fire hazardous facilities MN 1 of subsidiaries of OAO AK Transneft (hereinafter referred to as DAO). 1 MN objects - buildings, premises, outdoor installations, structures, territory, open area, technological process, equipment, vehicle, section of the linear part of the oil pipeline. 1.2. For the organization of the safe conduct of fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work, orders for the branches of the DAO 2 are determined List of officials(from among those who have passed certification and testing of knowledge in the field of industrial safety and labor protection in the prescribed manner), who have the right to approve, issue a work permit, responsible for the preparation and conduct of work, as well as persons entitled to analyze the air environment. The order is updated annually in the first ten days of January of the current year and supplemented as necessary (due to the departure of officials). 2 Branch DAO - RNU, UMN, NU, LPDS, SUPLAV, DCS, tank farm. 1.3. The list of explosive and fire hazardous and fire hazardous objects (gas hazardous places), the List of gas hazardous works, the lists of fire and other high-risk works are approved by the chief engineer of the DAO branch. Based on the indicative list of works given in appendices 3, 4, 5, 6, including but not limited to them, DAO develops its own Lists, taking into account specific production conditions. Fire hazardous work must be carried out in accordance with the Instructions developed on the basis of the Rules fire safety Russian Federation and existing departmental guidance documents, taking into account specific production conditions. 1.4. To fire works include production operations associated with the use of open fire, pricing and heating to temperatures that can cause ignition of materials and structures (electric welding, electric cutting, gas cutting, gas welding, gas cutting, the use of explosive technologies, soldering, abrasive cleaning, mechanical restoration metal with the release of sparks, cooking of bitumen and resins, high-voltage tests in explosive zones with opened explosion-proof equipment, thermite welding, etc.) [1, 4, 12]. 1.5. K. gas hazardous includes work related to inspection, cleaning, repair, depressurization of process equipment, communications, incl. work inside tanks (devices, tanks, tanks, as well as collectors, tunnels, wells, pits and other similar places), during which there is or is not excluded the possibility of allocation to the working area, determined in accordance with GOST 12.1.005-88 (General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area), explosive and flammable or harmful vapors, gases and other substances that can cause an explosion, fire, have a harmful effect on the human body, as well as work with an insufficient oxygen content (volume fraction below 20%) [3, 7, 17, 19]. 1.6. Back to work heightened danger includes works in the course of which, regardless of the work performed, hazardous production factors act or may arise at the work sites (insulation work on oil pipelines, hydraulic tests, pneumatic tests, climbing works, earthworks, clearing oil pipeline routes from overgrowth with brush cutters, painting tanks, etc. .p.) [9, 12, 14, 15, 16]. 1.7. Fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work at DAO facilities must be carried out in accordance with the Instructions for the organization and safe conduct of these works, approved by CEO DAO. 1.8. Distribution of responsibilities in the organization and conduct of fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work: - by the person approving work permit when carrying out hot work in a tank farm, on technological and main oil pipelines, on unloading racks, on oil loading terminals, in oil pumping stations, when carrying out major repairs with the replacement of insulation on the linear part of oil pipelines, stripping, overhaul and reconstruction of tanks is chief engineer of RNU, UMN, NU or a person replacing him; - in other cases (work in garages, administrative buildings, at gas stations, fuel and lubricants warehouses, material warehouses, on heating mains, water pipes, in boiler houses, accumulators, etc.), as well as when performing work in gas hazardous areas without hot work, the work permit approves head of structural division 1 or a person replacing him; one Structural subdivision- NPS, OAVP, CTT and ST, etc. - the person issuing work permit, is the head of the structural unit or a person replacing him; - face, responsible for preparing for the work, is a specialist of this structural unit, who has the right to carry out preparatory work at this facility, appointed by the person issuing the work permit; - face, responsible for carrying out the work is a specialist who has the right to carry out this type of work, appointed by the person issuing the work permit; - face, carrying out admission to the production of works increased danger, gas hazardous or hot work, is the head of the structural unit or a person replacing him; - Contractor work is an employee who has undergone training and knowledge testing in the field of the functions performed, performs the work provided for by the work permit and is appointed by the person issuing the work permit; - Watching(Insurance) is an employee from the team performing work on the basis of a permit, appointed for continuous monitoring and, if necessary, providing emergency assistance to the performer of work. Insurers are appointed in cases stipulated by safety rules (for example, when carrying out gas hazardous work inside containers and tanks, in wells, trenches, etc.) [3]; - Understudy is an employee from the team performing work on a work permit, appointed to replace the performer and ensure uninterrupted work performance if the time spent in the work area is limited by safety requirements [3]. 1.9. It is allowed to combine the duties of the person responsible for the preparation and the person responsible for carrying out fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work by one specialist of this structural unit, provided that he is relieved of other duties for the period of work. 1.10. When work is performed at operating MP facilities by third-party organizations (including branches that are part of the DAO), the issuance of work permits and preparation of facilities for work is carried out by the operating organization. The responsibility for the safe performance of work in this case lies with the contractor.


2.1. Given the slight and insignificant difference in the forms of work permits recommended by Appendix 4 PPB 01-93 ** (for performing work of increased danger), Appendix 8 PBE MN (for carrying out gas hazardous work), Appendix 4 VPPB 01-05-99 (for performing fire (repair) work), Appendix 1 of the Model Instructions for organizing the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and explosive objects, approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on May 7, 1974, Appendix 2 of the Model Instructions for organizing the safe conduct of gas hazardous work, approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on February 20, 1985. , The regulation adopted a unified procedure for issuing documentation for all types of work. For the basis permit forms the form of the work permit is taken, given in the Fire Safety Rules PPB 01-93 **. 2.2. This Regulation determines the procedure for issuing a work permit when carrying out work at explosion and fire hazardous and fire hazardous facilities of OAO AK Transneft. An additional item "Analysis of the air environment before and during the work" was added to the work permit. 2.3. Carrying out fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work at explosive and fire hazardous and fire hazardous facilities (hereinafter referred to as work), including in emergency cases, is allowed only after issuing a work permit (in the form of Appendix 1). 2.4. The work permit is a written permit for the performance of work (including emergency work), is issued separately for each type of work and is valid for the period specified in the work permit, necessary to complete the scope of work. 2.5. The work permit is issued in two copies. Corrections and writing in pencil are not allowed. 2.6. After the work is completed, the work permit for work with all applications is handed over to the person who issued the work permit. Work permits for hot work are stored for one year, for gas hazardous and other high-risk work - for three months. The place of storage of closed work permits is determined by the head of the structural unit. 2.7. The issuance, delivery of work permits is recorded in the journal (Appendix 2). 2.8. In the event of occurrence at the work site of harmful or dangerous production factors that can lead to injury to workers or to an emergency, the person responsible for the work is obliged to immediately stop work, remove workers from the work area and notify the pumping station operator, LPDS and the person who issued the work order about the incident. - admission. Work can be resumed only after the causes of their occurrence have been identified and eliminated. 2.9. If it is necessary to change the type, place and conditions of work, a new work permit is issued. 2.10. The work permit must be canceled (cancelled) by the person responsible for the work or the person who issued the work permit: - in the event of a sudden threat to life and health, as well as in an emergency; - automatic activation of the fire extinguishing system; - when issuing by automatic installation fire alarm light or sound signal(or at the same time); - when the warning system is turned on, signaling the creation of a dangerous situation, or warnings set by the signals responsible for the work (strike against a suspended metal object, fire truck sirens, etc.); - in case of detection of violations of the conditions stipulated by the work permit, which can lead to injury to workers or to an emergency; - in case of prohibition of work by controlling and supervisory authorities.


3.1. Grip "I approve". The work permit is approved by the person specified in 1.8. after checking the sufficiency of the developed preparatory measures. 3.2. P.p. 1, 2, 3 work permits are filled in by the person issuing the work permit. 3.3. Clause 4, columns 2, 3, 4 of the work permit are filled in by the person issuing the work permit during its execution. Clause 4, columns 5, 6 of the work permit are filled in by the members of the team of performers after receiving the targeted briefing before admission to work. Clause 4 of column 7 of the work permit is filled in by the person responsible for carrying out the work after checking the certificates of compliance of the composition of the team by position (profession) and qualification with the entries in the work permit, conducting targeted briefing to the members of the team of performers and filling in columns 5, 6 of the work permit. 3.4. Clause 5 of the work permit is filled in by the person issuing the work permit, and is issued for the period necessary to complete said work but not more than 10 days. 3.5. Clause 6 of the work permit is filled in by the person issuing the work permit. Organizational and technical security measures are being developed, which must be implemented during the preparation of the facility for work and which must be carried out during their implementation. 3.6. Clause 7 of the work permit is filled in by the person issuing the work permit. The number and name of the application is indicated, which is drawn up in the form of a table of analyzes of the air environment when working more than one shift, the name of schemes, sketches (if necessary), etc. indicating the date of approval and the position of the person who approved it. 3.7. Clause 8 of the work permit is filled in by a representative of the fire department upon agreement of clause 10.2. permit order. 3.8. Clause 9 of the work permit is filled in by the person issuing the work permit. 3.9. Clause 10.1 of the work permit is filled in by a representative of the labor protection service, if available at the facility. In the absence of such a service at the facility, it is filled in by a specialist who is assigned duties in this area by order. 3.10. Clause 10.2 of the work permit is filled in by a representative of the fire department. At facilities where there is no fire protection, it is allowed to coordinate the work permit by an engineering and technical worker with at least 5 years of work experience who has passed special training at fire safety courses, having a certificate confirming the training and having the right to approve work permits by order of the head. Before agreeing on the work permit, the fire department representative or the above person, having one copy of the work permit, is obliged to inspect the work site and, based on specific conditions, determine the need for the presence of a fire inspector or a representative of the fire service of the facility at the work site, and also the organization of duty at the place of work of the fire post, which is recorded in clause 8 of the work permit. One copy of the work permit remains in the fire department and is stored after completion of work for three days. 3.11. Clause 10.3 of the work permit is filled in by a representative of the service with which it is necessary to coordinate the work permit. The need for such approval is determined by the person issuing the work permit. 3.12. Clause 10.4 of the work permit is filled in by the operator of the pumping station, LPDS, who, if necessary, when performing work that requires, in order to ensure the safety of work, changes in the main technological process of pumping oil (reducing pressure in the oil pipeline, complete shutdown of the pumping station, technological switching, etc. ), coordinates his actions with the RDP dispatcher by phone with registration in the operational log. 3.13. Clause 11 of the work permit is filled in by a chemical laboratory laboratory assistant, or by a person trained, certified and admitted to work on sampling the air environment by order of the head. Recording the results of the analysis of the air environment in the work permit is made immediately after their selection and processing. Sampling sites, the frequency and necessity of conducting an analysis of the air environment are determined by the person issuing the work permit when developing measures to ensure the safe conduct of work (clause 6 of the work permit). Analysis of the air environment should be carried out before starting work, after breaks in work and during work at the intervals specified in clause 6. of the order, but not less than an hour later. The components to be determined in the air of the working area are indicated by the person issuing the work permit in paragraph 2 of the work order when it is issued, based on the place of work and the possibility of releasing oil vapors and combustible gases in accordance with the list given in Appendix 3 to the Regulations. The permissible concentration of oil vapors, combustible gases is indicated by the person conducting the analysis in accordance with GOST 12.1.005-88. In the column "Results of the analysis" the numerical value of the concentration of the analyzed substances is indicated. The possibility of further continuation of work or the need to take additional safety measures is determined by the person responsible for carrying out the work based on a comparison of the normative and actual values ​​of the concentration of substances in the air of the working area. 3.14. Clause 12.1 of the work permit is filled in by the person responsible for the preparation of work after all the preparatory work has been completed. 3.15. Clause 12.2 of the work permit is filled in by the person responsible for the work, who checks the completeness of the preparatory measures and accepts workplace from the person responsible for the preparation of works. 3.16. Clause 13 of the work permit is filled in by a person allowing work to be carried out, who, after inspecting the place of work and checking the implementation of preparatory measures, allows them to be carried out. 3.17. Clause 14 of the work permit is filled in in the event of work being carried out for more than one day (in stages) allowing for work and those responsible for carrying out the work and is certified by their signatures after checking the implementation of measures to ensure the safe performance of the work specified in clause 6.1. permit order. When performing work on the linear part of oil pipelines, the subsequent daily admission to the work can be carried out by a telephone message (radiogram) signed by a person entitled to admit to the work. In this case, the column "signature of the person allowing to work" indicates the number of the telephone message (radiogram) and the full name and position of the person who transferred it. At the same time, the operator of the PS, LPDS makes an entry in the operational log. The completion of the stage of work is recorded by the signature of the person responsible for the work. At the same time, he is obliged to notify the operator about the end of the stage of work, who makes an entry about this in the operational log. 3.18. P.p. 15, 16, 17 work permits are filled out if it is necessary to carry out work after the planned time. The work permit can be extended for the period specified by the person issuing the work permit in clause 15 (but not more than three days), coordination with the services specified in clause 16 of the work permit and the signature of the person allowing the work to be carried out, about extension of admission in clause 17. 3.19. Clause 18 of the work permit - changes in the composition of the team of performers are made by those responsible for the work. The person responsible for carrying out the work checks according to the certificates the compliance of the composition of the newly introduced performers to the brigade by position (profession) and qualifications, after which he conducts a targeted briefing for new members of the brigade with their signature in the corresponding column of clause 18 of the work permit. After the briefing, he signs in the appropriate column of clause 18 of the work permit. 3.20. P.p. 19, 20 of the work permit - the completion of work is formalized by the signatures of the person responsible for the work, the operator and the person who issued the work permit. At the same time, the operator makes an entry in the operational log about the completion of work.


1. Standard instruction for the organization of the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and explosive objects, 1974. 2. RD 39-30-114-78 Rules for the technical operation of main oil pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1979. 3. Safety rules for the operation of main oil pipelines, 1989. 4. RD 39-110-91 Instructions for eliminating accidents and damage on main oil pipelines. 5. Instructions for the safe conduct of welding operations during the repair of oil pipelines under pressure. - Ufa: VNIISPTneft, 1991. 6. Rules for the protection of main oil pipelines. - M., 1992. 7. Safety rules in the gas industry (PBGH, 1992). 8. Safety regulations for the operation of consumer electrical installations. - M.: Gosenergonadzor, 1994. 9. Instructions for the organization and production of high-risk work. - M.: Information Research and Production Agency, 1996. 10. RD 153-39 TH -008-96 Guidelines for the organization of operation and technology of maintenance and repair of equipment and structures of oil pumping stations. 11. Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations. - M.: Glavgosenergonadzor, 1997. 12. PPB 01-93 ** Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation. 13. Rules for the installation of electrical installations. - M.: Glavgosenergonadzor of Russia, 1998. 14. RD 39-00147105-015-98 Rules for the overhaul of main oil pipelines. 15. Fire safety rules for the operation of main oil pipelines of OAO AK Transneft VPPB 01-05-99. 16. SNiP 12-03-99. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements. 17. GOST 12.1.005-88 General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area. 18. Order of the Main State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of October 30, 1995 "On approval of the Manual on the organization of the activities of the facility units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation." 19. Standard instruction for the organization of the safe conduct of gas hazardous work, 1985

Attachment 1

Open Joint Stock Company ____________ Branch __________________________________ Structural subdivision _________________ APPROVED _________ position, full name ______________________ signature "___" ___________200. _ G.

for carrying out fire (repair), gas hazardous
and other high-risk work

(Underline whatever applicable)

1. Issued to (to) _______________________________________________________________ position, full name of person responsible for carrying out the work 2. The nature and content of the work, hazardous and harmful _________________________________________________________________________ production factors are indicated for the performance of work _______________________________________________________________ 3. Place of work _________________________________________________ site, installation, apparatus, communication, premises ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4 The composition of the brigade of performers, including understudy, observing (if the number of members of the brigade is more than 10 people, its composition and the required information are given in the attached list with a note about this in this paragraph). Column 3 indicates: foreman, performer, observer, understudy, etc.:

No. p / p

Full name

Profession, function performed

Qualification (rank, group) in electrical safety

Familiarized with the working conditions, received instructions, clothing for protectionfrom elevated temperatures provided *

Position, full name, signature of the person who conducted the briefing


the date

5. Planned time of work: Start _________________________________________________________________ time, date End _______________________________________________________________ time, date 6. Security measures 6.1. When preparing the object ________________________________________________, organizational and technical security measures, _____________________________________________________________________________ carried out during the preparation of the object for work, _______________________________________________________________________________ means of collective and individual protection, mode of operation _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6.2. When carrying out work _________________________________________________ organizational and technical safety measures, _______________________________________________________________________________ implemented during the work, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Required applications: _________________________________________________ name of schemes, sketches, tables of analysis results, ______________________________________________________________________________ project of work performance indicating the date of approval ______________________________________________________________________________ and the position of the person who approved it 8 Special conditions ________________________________________________________ incl. presence of persons supervising the performance of work __________________________________________________________________________ 9. Work permit issued ____________________________________________________ position, full name, signature of the person who issued the work permit, date 10. Agreed: 10.1. With the labor protection service _____________________________________________ position, full name, signature, date 10.2. FROM fire department _________________________________________________ position, full name, signature, date, time 10.3. With interacting services, workshops, organizations ________________ ____________________________ __________________________________ indicate the specific service position, full name, signature, date, time ____________________________ __________________________________ indicate the specific service position, full name, signature, date, time ____________________________ __________________________________ indicate the specific service position, full name, signature, date, time 10.4. With the operator _______________________________________________________ position, full name, signature, date, time 11. Analysis of the air environment before and during the work:

Date and time of sampling

Sampling location

Defined Components

Permissible concentration

mg / m 3

Analysis resultsmg / m 3

Signature of the person who performed the analysis

When carrying out work for more than 1 shift, a table of the results of the analysis of the air environment before the start and during the period of work is placed in the annex to the permit, and in clause 7 the number and name of the application are indicated. 12. Object prepared for work: 12.1. ________________________________________________________________________ position, full name, signature of the person responsible for the preparation of work, date, time ________________________________________________________________________ 12.2. ____________________________________________________________________ position, full name, signature of the person responsible for the work, date, time ).

the date

Security measures according to clause 6.1 are fulfilled

Beginning of work

End of work

Time (hours, minutes)

Authorizing Signature

Signature of the person responsible for the work

Time (hours, minutes)

Signature of the person responsible for the work

When carrying out work for more than 5 days, a table of marks on the daily admission to work and its completion is placed in the appendix to the permit, and in paragraph 7 the number of this application is indicated. 15. The work permit was extended until (if it is necessary to carry out work after the planned time - see clause 5) until ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ date and time until which the validity of the work permit is extended ___________________________________________________________________________ position, full name, signature of the person who issued the work permit, date , time 16. The extension of the work permit is agreed (to be completed in the case when the work is not completed within the time specified in clause 5 of the work permit, by the officials specified in clause 10): 16.1. With the labor protection service _____________________________________________ position, full name, signature, date _________________________________________________________________________ 16.2. With the fire brigade _________________________________________________ position, full name, signature, date, time _______________________________________________________________________________ 16.3. With interacting services, workshops, organizations: ____________________________ __________________________________ indicate the specific service position, full name, signature, date, time ____________________________ __________________________________ indicate the specific service position, full name, signature, date, time ____________________________ __________________________________ indicate the specific service position, full name, signature, date, time 16.4. With the operator _________________________________________________________ position, full name, signature, date, time 17. To perform work for the extension period, I allow _______________________ __________________________________________________________________ position of the admitting person, full name, signature, date, time ___________________________________________________________________________ 18. Changes in the composition of the team of performers:

Introduced into the brigade

Removed from the brigade

Signature of the person responsible for work

Familiarized with the working conditions, instructed (signature)

Qualification, category, group by email. without.

Executable function

Date Time

Date Time

Executable function

19. Works have been completed in full, workplaces have been put in order, tools and materials removed, people were taken out ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ date, time _________________________________________________________________________________ full name, signature of the person responsible for carrying out the work _________________________________________________________________________________ time, date, full name, signature of the operator tolerance * Note: clothing to protect against increased temperatures (according to GOST 12.4.045-87 "Men's suits for protection against elevated temperatures") are provided to members of the team when performing work in gas hazardous places. The list of performers to whom such clothing is issued is determined by the person issuing the work permit.

Annex 2

issuance of work permits for firing,
gas hazardous and other high-risk work

Date and time of work

Name and number of the work permit

Place of work

Full name, position of the person responsible for the work

Full name, position responsible for the preparation of work

Signature of the person responsible for the preparation of work in obtaining the work permit

Closing date of the work permit

Signature responsible. for storage in obtaining a closed work permit

Annex 3

explosive and fire hazardous objects (gas hazardous places), harmful and explosive substances that can be released in working areas during technological processes, when repair work and in emergency situations

List of gas hazardous places

Characteristics of the environment

Reservoirs and containers of commercial oil on open areas (ground and underground)

Oil, oil vapor

Oil metering points, valve control chambers, pressure and oil flow control chambers (indoors, wells and open areas)

Oil, oil vapor

Oil traps, settling ponds, flotation plants and other industrial sewage facilities

Oil, oil vapor

Pump stations for any purpose for oil (indoors and outdoors)

Oil, oil vapor

Structures in the territories technological installations(technological and sewer wells, chambers, including open sewer networks), valve assemblies

Oil, oil vapor

Railway loading and unloading racks and loading and unloading berths and piers for oil and oil products

Oil, oil vapor

Oil heating plants (furnaces)

Oil, oil vapor

cable channels, wells, tunnels of oil pipelines, industrial sewerage and other structures and premises on the territories of production sites, open trenches of repaired sections of oil pipelines, where accumulation of gases, vapors of oil and oil products is possible

Oil, oil vapor

Sewage pumping stations for raw sewage and for captured oil and sediments with treatment facilities

Oil, oil vapor

Oil traps (open and closed)

Oil, oil vapor

Repaired sections of existing oil pipelines (during the elimination of accidents, the production of various types of tie-ins, shutdowns of sections, etc.) associated with the release of oil or oil vapor in the work area, as well as during the overhaul of oil pipelines

Oil, oil vapor

Fuel tanks for technological needs, installations

Vapors of hydrocarbons

Exhaust ventilation chambers for hazardous areas
Supply ventilation chambers in separate rooms in the absence of air ducts check valves
Oil laboratory (in the fume hood area)

Oil, oil vapor

Filling points:
- gasoline

Vapors of gasoline

- diesel fuel

Vapors of hydrocarbons

Rechargeable (stationary when charging batteries)
hydraulic fracturing, gasified boiler houses
Storage warehouses:
- calcium carbide

combustible gases

- cylinders with combustible gases

combustible gases

- fuel and lubricants

Vapors of hydrocarbons

- in the presence of combustible materials and packaging

combustible materials

Appendix 4

An approximate list of gas-hazardous work for which it is necessary to issue a work permit

Place and nature of work

Possible dangerous and harmful production factors

Repair of main pumps with pump depressurization: overhaul of pumps; replacement of mechanical seals; cover opening

Oil, oil vapor

Repair of booster pumps associated with opening the cover, repair of mechanical seals

Oil, oil vapor

Sewer pumping station. Repair sewage pumps, fecal pumps, repair of process valves
Overhaul pumps on leakage tanks

Oil, oil vapor

Repair of pumps in the flotation pump house
Sites for aggregate gate valves Sites for pressure regulation Sites for dirt filters Repair of process gate valves: - revision of shut-off valves, gland stuffing; - filter cleaning

Oil, oil vapor

Site of tanks for collecting leaks and damping the shock wave. Revision of above-ground shut-off valves, breathing valves

Oil, oil vapor

Industrial sewerage wells - cleaning and flushing of industrial sewerage

Oil, oil vapor

Tanks for oil: - PPR tanks; - repair submersible pumps; - revision of the eroding system; - revision, adjustment of respiratory fittings; - removal, installation of OP; - revision of the GUS; - replacement of gaskets on hatches; - replacement of gauge hatches on tanks

Oil, oil vapor

Filter chamber. Cleaning the filter elements

Oil, oil vapor

Valve control cameras. Group valve control chambers - valve repair (stuffing)
Oil metering units - filter cleaning; - repair of valves (stuffing glands); - replacement of the drain valve on the measuring line; - revision of the sampling device with dismantling from the pipeline; - revision of the flow straightener on the measuring line

Oil, oil vapor

Piston installation "Prover" - opening of chambers; - extraction, storage of the ball piston; - valve repair

Oil, oil vapor

Repaired sections of existing oil pipelines

Oil, oil vapor

Hydraulic fracturing, gasified boiler house, gas supply to the boiler house

Annex 5

An approximate list of hot work, for which it is necessary to issue a work permit

Hot work for which it is necessary to issue a work permit includes temporary hot work, when this work cannot be carried out on permanent places, including: 1. Electric welding and metal cutting using electric welding. 2. Gas welding and gas cutting works. 3. Petrol cutter and work with blowtorches. 4. Thermite welding. 5. Soldering work. 6. Cleaning of metal using grinders. 7. Machining of metal with the release of sparks. 8. Works with the use of explosive technologies. 9. Cooking bitumen and resins. 10. High voltage equipment testing.

Appendix 6

The list of works of increased danger, for the performance of which it is necessary to issue a work permit

1. Maintenance, repair, installation and adjustment of the main process equipment without its depressurization and auxiliary systems of pumping stations, protection stations. 2. Climbing work and work at height in places where there are no stationary devices for safe work. 3. Painting of tanks from hanger platforms. 4. Installation and dismantling chimneys boiler rooms. 5. Repair and maintenance of overhead crane beams and crane runways in existing workshops. 6. Assembly and dismantling of scaffolding over 6 m high. 7. Dismantling, strengthening and restoration of emergency parts, assemblies, elements of buildings and structures. 8. Works on the repair of automation and fire extinguishing equipment in the pump room, in the used oil system and shock wave suppression. 9. Excavation for opening an oil pipeline, in trenches and pits at a depth of more than 2 m. 10. Installation and dismantling of fastenings (sheet piles) of walls in pits and trenches. 11. Clearing the route of oil pipelines with brush cutters from bushes. 12. Underwater technical work at the crossings of the oil pipeline across rivers. 13. Work with a construction and assembly gun. 14. Carrying out hydraulic and pneumatic tests. 15. Earthmoving, construction, installation work on the territory of the PS, tank farms, UUN, sites for receiving and launching OS without depressurization of the process equipment of oil pipelines, shut-off valves and tanks filled with oil and oil pipelines, as well as industrial sewage networks and facilities. 16. Works on lifting, moving and installation of heavy equipment, cranes and crane runways in explosive rooms and installations, as well as in particularly cramped conditions of existing workshops during their reconstruction. 17. Repair work on existing heating mains, water pipelines on the territory of the PS. 18. Repair work on art wells. 19. Insulation work on oil pipelines without their depressurization.
1. General provisions. 2 2. Registration of a work permit for fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work. 4 3. The procedure for filling out the work permit form for fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work. 5 References .. 7 Appendix 1. Work permit No. for carrying out fire (repair), gas hazardous and other high-risk work. 8 Appendix 2. Log for issuing work permits for carrying out fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work. 11 Annex 3. An approximate list of explosive and fire hazardous and fire hazardous objects (gas hazardous places), harmful and explosive substances that can be released in working areas during technological processes, during repair work and in emergency situations. 11 Appendix 4. Approximate list of gas-hazardous work for which it is necessary to issue a work permit. 13 Annex 5. Approximate list of hot work, for the performance of which it is necessary to issue a work permit. 14 Annex 6. List of high-risk work, for which it is necessary to issue a work permit. fourteen









    a common part

1.1. Gas-hazardous work is considered to be work that is performed in a gassed environment or in which gas can escape.

Gas hazardous work includes:

Connection (tie-in) of newly built gas pipelines to existing ones,

shutdown (cutting) of gas pipelines:

Launching gas into gas pipelines during commissioning, depreservation, after repair


Maintenance and repair of existing internal gas pipelines,

gas-using installations;

Installation and removal of plugs on existing gas pipelines, as well as shutdown or

connection to gas pipelines of gas-using installations;

Purge of gas pipelines when turning off or turning on gas-using installations in

    Requirements for specialists and workers performing gas hazardous work

2.1. Managers, specialists and workers trained in the technology of carrying out gas hazardous work, the rules for using personal protective equipment (gas masks and life belts), methods of providing first (pre-medical) aid, certified and tested knowledge in the field of industrial safety in the scope of the Rules are allowed to perform gas hazardous work. safety of gas distribution and gas consumption systems” of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

2.2. Before being allowed to independently perform gas-hazardous work (after testing knowledge), everyone must undergo an internship during the first ten work shifts under the supervision of an experienced worker. Internship and admission to the independent performance of gas hazardous work are issued by a decision on the enterprise.

2.3. Persons entitled to issue work permits for the performance of gas hazardous work are appointed by order of the enterprise from among the executives and specialists who have passed the exam in accordance with the requirements of the “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems” of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation

3. Performing gas hazardous work

3.1. Gas hazardous work must be carried out by a team of workers consisting of at least 2 people under the guidance of a specialist.

3.2. Carrying out repair work without the use of welding and gas cutting on low-pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of not more than 50 mm. inspection of the technical condition (bypass) of internal gas pipelines and gas-using installations, as a rule, is allowed by two workers. Leadership is entrusted to the most skilled worker.

3.3. A work permit of the established form is issued for the performance of gas hazardous work, which provides for the development and subsequent implementation of a set of measures for the preparation and safe conduct of these works (Appendix No. 1).

3.4. The organization must develop and approve a list of gas-hazardous work, including those performed without a work permit according to production instructions, ensuring their safe performance.

3.5. Periodically recurring gas-hazardous work, performed, as a rule, by a permanent staff of workers, can be carried out without issuing a work permit according to approved production instructions. These activities include the maintenance of gas pipelines and gas equipment without shutting off the gas; maintenance of valves; maintenance (technological) of gas-using installations. These works should, as a rule, be carried out by two workers and recorded in a special journal indicating the start and end times of work.

3.6. Disconnection and subsequent inclusion of gas supply to industrial production are carried out according to a special plan approved by the technical manager of the gas distribution organization. The plan specifies: the sequence of operations; placement of people; technical equipment; measures to ensure maximum safety; persons responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work (separately at each work site) and for general management and coordination of actions.

3.7. Each person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work is issued a separate work permit in accordance with the plan.

3.8. The plan and work permits must be accompanied by as-built documentation (drawing or photocopy of as-built documentation) indicating the place and nature of the work performed. Before starting gas hazardous work, the person responsible for their implementation checks the compliance of the documentation with the actual location of the gas pipeline.

3.9. Works on localization and elimination of accidents on gas pipelines are carried out without a work permit until the direct threat of harm to life, health or property of other persons and the environment is eliminated. Restoration work to bring gas pipelines and gas equipment into a technically sound condition is carried out on the basis of a permit. In the event that emergency recovery work is carried out from start to finish by the emergency dispatch service within a period of not more than a day, a work permit may not be issued.

3.10. Work permits for gas hazardous work must be issued in advance for the necessary preparation for work. The work permit indicates the period of its validity, the start and end time of work. If it is impossible to complete it in set time work permit for gas hazardous work is subject to extension by the person who issued it.

3.11. Work permits must be registered in a special journal of the established form (Appendix No. 2).

3.12. The person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work, receiving a work permit, signs in the register of work permits.

3.13. Work permits must be stored for at least one year from the date of its closure. Work permits issued for the initial start-up of gas, tie-in into an existing gas pipeline, shutdown of gas pipelines with welding tightly at branch points, are permanently stored in the executive and technical documentation for this gas pipeline.

3.14. If gas hazardous work performed under a work permit is carried out for more than one day, the person responsible for their implementation is obliged to report daily on the state of affairs to the person who issued the work permit.

3.15. Before the start of gas hazardous work, the person responsible for its implementation is obliged to instruct all workers on the technological sequence of operations and the necessary safety measures. After that, each employee who received the briefing must sign the work permit.

3.16. When carrying out gas hazardous work, all orders must be issued by the person responsible for the work. Other officials and managers present during the work may give instructions only through the person responsible for the work.

3.17. Gas pipelines not put into operation within 6 months from the date of the test, must be re-tested for tightness. Additionally, the operation of electrochemical protection installations, the condition of smoke exhaust and ventilation systems, the completeness and serviceability of gas equipment, fittings, measuring and automation instruments are checked.

3.18. The connection of newly built gas pipelines to the existing ones is carried out only before the gas is launched. All gas pipelines and gas equipment, before being connected to existing gas pipelines, as well as after repair, must be subjected to external inspection and control pressure testing (with air or inert gases) by the gas start-up team.

3.19. Internal gas pipelines of industrial production and boiler houses are subject to control pressure testing with a pressure of 0.01 MPa. The pressure drop should not exceed 0.0006 MPa for 1 hour.

3.20. Excessive air pressure in the connected gas pipelines must be maintained until the start of work on their connection (tie-in).

3.21. If the launch of gas into the gas pipeline did not take place, then when resuming work on the launch of gas, it is subject to re-inspection and control pressure testing.

3.22. The removal of the plugs installed on the inputs is carried out at the direction of the person in charge of the work on starting the gas, after a visual inspection and pressure testing of the gas pipeline.

3.23. When gas is started, gas pipelines must be purged with gas until all air is expelled. The end of the purge should be established by analysis or by burning the samples taken. The volume fraction of oxygen should not exceed 1% by volume, and the combustion of gas should occur quietly, without pops.

3.24. Gas pipelines, when released from gas, must be purged with air or inert gas. The volume fraction of gas in the air sample (inert gas) should not exceed 20% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation.

3.25. The disconnected sections of gas pipelines during the dismantling of gas equipment must be cut off, freed from gas and welded tightly at the branch point.

    Safe working methods and practices

4.1. Gas hazardous work should be carried out, as a rule, during the daytime. Works on localization and elimination of emergencies are carried out regardless of the time of day under the direct supervision of a specialist.

4.2. When repairing work in a gassed environment, a non-ferrous metal tool should be used that excludes sparking. The working part of the ferrous metal tool should be liberally lubricated with grease or other similar lubricant. The use of electric tools that produce sparks is not allowed. When performing gas hazardous work, use explosion-proof portable lamps with a voltage of 12 volts.

4.3. Before starting the production of gas hazardous work, the air is checked for gas contamination. The volume fraction of gas in air should not exceed 20% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation. Samples should be taken in the most poorly ventilated areas.

4.4. Checking the tightness of gas pipelines, fittings and devices with an open fire is not allowed. The presence of unauthorized persons, the use of sources of open fire, as well as smoking in places where gas hazardous work is carried out is not allowed. Work areas should be fenced off. Warning signs "Flammable - gas" are hung out or put up near the places where gas hazardous work is carried out.

4.5. When purging gas pipelines, it is forbidden to release the gas-air mixture into rooms, ventilation and smoke exhaust systems, as well as in places where there is a possibility of it getting into buildings or igniting from a fire source.

4.6. In gassed premises, repair work using open flame (welding, cutting) is unacceptable.

4.7. During internal inspection and repair, gas-using installations must be disconnected from the gas pipeline using plugs.

4.8. Disassembly (replacement) of equipment installed on internal gas pipelines must be carried out on a disconnected section of the gas pipeline with the installation of plugs. The plugs must correspond to the maximum gas pressure in the gas pipeline, have shanks protruding beyond the flanges, and a stamp indicating the gas pressure and the diameter of the gas pipeline.

4.9. Disassembly of flanged threaded connections and fittings on internal gas pipelines of any pressure should be made on a disconnected and plugged section of the gas pipeline.

4.10. During repair work on gas pipelines and equipment in gassed rooms, monitoring of workers and preventing the introduction of sources of fire should be ensured.

4.11. The use of open fire for heating internal gas pipelines is prohibited.

4.12. Threaded and flanged connections, which were disassembled for repair work on gas pipelines, after assembly should be checked for tightness with a soapy emulsion or using highly sensitive gas analyzers (leak detectors).

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