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It is better to plant basil. Rules for planting basil in open ground seedlings. Planting basil seeds for seedlings: varieties, terms, necessary containers and soil

Modern cooking is unthinkable without spices. This is an unconditional taste decoration of many dishes. Therefore, it is not surprising that the cultivation of herbs on household plots became a popular activity. But not all of them can be planted immediately on the beds. Such a whimsical culture as basil is grown by seedlings.

Growing spicy leaves

Anyone cultivated plant constant care is needed. But basil is considered to be particularly demanding and is highly biased towards soil and temperature. environment, although it has strong immunity.

To grow basil and get good harvest, he needs to be given more time to develop, especially in the conditions of central Russia and Siberia. And here you can not do without a seedling method.

AT middle lane Such varieties as Anise and Lemon have taken root well in Russia, the leaves of which have an interesting rich aroma, summer residents are happy to grow them for homemade spice mixtures and as an additive to tea.

Sowing dates

Sowing seeds for seedlings should be done approximately 5-6 weeks before the end of spring frosts. This is usually done in late March or early April. Someone will say: too early for the grass. But the fact is that the first three weeks, the basil develops very slowly, and he needs to have time to get stronger by May.

Capacity and soil

You can sow basil both in a common box and in separate pots. It can be peat tablets, cups made of peat or plastic, as well as cassettes for seedlings. But most often, in the old fashioned way, boxes are filled with planting mix.

In shape and size, the boxes are taken so that they fit on the windowsill of a window facing south.

The selected container is filled with soil, consisting of equal parts of vermiculite, peat and perlite or humus, sand and soddy soil. The soil is compacted a little, removing air pockets, and moistened with a nutrient solution of potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea (3–4 g of each preparation per five liters of water).

Landing stages

  1. Before sowing, basil seeds are soaked in a weak nutrient solution of Epin, Zircon or humate.
  2. For sowing basil seedlings, containers with a depth of no more than 6-7 cm with drainage holes are best suited.
  3. A drainage layer of expanded clay or small pebbles is laid at the bottom of the containers.
  4. Sow basil in a soil rich in peat or sand mixed with humus and garden soil.
  5. Seeds are laid out on the soil surface 4–5 cm apart in a row, with a distance between rows of 10 cm, and covered with a centimeter layer of soil.
  6. Crops are carefully shed warm water and covered with glass or transparent film.
  7. Covered containers are placed in a warm place with constant temperature 20–25 ° С, crops are watered and aired daily.
  8. A few days after the emergence of seedlings, the glass or film is removed from the seedling containers, the temperature is reduced by 3-4 ° C.

    Subject to all conditions, seedlings will appear on the fifth day, and the seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground or a separate pot after about 40–50 days.

Video: sowing basil

The original way to get seedlings in the "snail"

This method is gaining more and more followers. It is also applicable for obtaining seedlings of basil.

  1. Cut tapes from polyethylene or isolon.
  2. Lay toilet paper folded in several layers on them, moisten with water with the addition of Epin or another similar means, carefully tamp the earth onto this substrate.
  3. It is necessary to lay out the seeds with an interval of 1.5–2 cm, stepping back at least 1 cm from the edge and from the top of the tape.
  4. Top the seeds with another layer toilet paper moistened with a spray bottle. Put another strip of polyethylene on it.
  5. Now you can twist the snail roll.
  6. After placing the snail with seeds in any suitable container and adding a little water, cover with cling film and put in a warm place. Shoots will appear in 5 days or even earlier. Immediately rearrange the "snails" in a bright place.
  7. When there are 2-3 true leaves on the seedlings, you can carefully unroll the snail-roll and transplant each plant into a separate cup.

Video: growing basil in a "snail"

Features of care

The process of growing basil seedlings is not easy. Unlike sowing, it requires trouble and attention: the temperature and watering regimes must be constantly monitored. Basil is especially demanding on heat and moisture. A box with crops should be placed in a room where the average daily temperature does not fall below 20 ° C.


Watering should be after drying the top soil layer, but it should not dry out completely.

After the appearance of the first sprouts, when the covering material is removed, watering should be a little more frequent, as the moisture will evaporate more intensively. Watering should be twice a day, not allowing the soil to dry out.


When the shoots reach 6 cm, they dive into a more capacious container.

When picking, do not bury basil seedlings. The planting depth should be the same as that of the seedlings.

A pot for a single shoot should be well-drained, as you have to water often, but if the water stagnates, the basil will get sick and die. It is best to moisten the soil under the pickled seedlings once a day, in the morning, so that during the day the water can be well absorbed and the excess evaporated.


After the development of the fifth true leaf, the shoots can be pinched. The plant will branch, it will have more leaves, for which basil is grown.

At the moment when the basil seedlings begin to bloom, it is recommended to pinch off the flowers and a couple more leaves under the buds. The fact is that flowering provokes the plant body to hormonal changes, and this is not in the best way affects the taste of spicy herbs and reduces the number of leaves. If the basil is allowed to bloom, the bush will stretch up, become lanky and almost naked.

top dressing

An important factor for obtaining a healthy basil bush is the fertility of the soil.

Basil seedlings need to be fed. In the phase of the very first sheet, mineral fertilizers, however, only if the shoots are sluggish, lifeless. To do this, potash, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are diluted in a liter of settled water by 3, 2 and 5 grams, respectively. The resulting mixture is used for square meter, and the remains are reused, in the fourth week of plant development. If the basil shoots develop normally, the seedlings need to be fed immediately after picking, then the basil is fertilized every 10 days.

Do not forget that the basil at the beginning of its growth develops very slowly, and in the future it does not grow as fast as in the open field, so do not rush it and fertilize it excessively. Excess useful substances can be more destructive than the starvation of the plant.

Difficulties of care

Caring for seedlings is a laborious task that requires a lot of effort and time, since young plants experience stress and can get sick from any sudden change in environmental parameters. But knowing what difficulties occur when growing seedlings, some problems can be prevented, and those that have arisen can be eliminated.

Plants are very elongated

When the plants do not have enough light, the shoots begin to stretch strongly, because the balance of soil and leaf nutrition is disturbed. An elongated plant is greatly weakened. In such cases, stop feeding and increase lighting.

Young shoots are also stretched when the temperature rises. Greenhouse conditions for grown seedlings, unlike barely hatched seedlings, are not needed. Basil grows well at an average daily temperature of 17–23 °C. If trouble occurs, lower the temperature and increase the lighting again. You can apply artificial lighting landings.

When too early landing it can also stretch too much. Elongated seedlings of an already capricious culture require special attention, which is extra work. So it is better to observe reasonable sowing dates.

If the plantings are too dense or if the picking is late, the seedlings again stretch upwards, as in crowded shoots begin to obscure each other. Therefore, do not be greedy, sow basil at an acceptable distance according to the 5x10 cm pattern.

Busting with nitrogen fertilizers will also inevitably make the seedlings stretch. In this case, we lower the temperature, stop feeding and reduce watering.

Video: dive overgrown basil seedlings

Seeds don't germinate

Some manufacturers flower soil, which is often used for seedlings, can use herbicides to kill weeds. These chemicals can prevent seeds from germinating or inhibit the development of seeds that have already sprouted. Keep this in mind when purchasing soil. When buying seeds, you should carefully check the expiration date, old seeds often do not germinate at all.

seedlings fall

With frequent watering, troubles such as mold and rot can occur. This can be avoided by adjusting the density of plantings and increasing the intensity of lighting at the first sign of trouble. If waterlogging could not be avoided and the basil got sick with a black leg, you need to treat the plantings with a solution blue vitriol by diluting a teaspoon of the substance in two liters of water.

Young shoots suffer from excess moisture precisely at the initial stage of their development; still fragile plants cannot resist the black leg. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to monitor the withdrawal excess moisture and do not thicken the landing. But we should not forget that basil seedlings suffer from drought no less than from the bay.

A common reason for the death of the lower roots of seedlings is spraying plantings, which does not moisten the soil to the desired depth, and in dry soil, young roots suffocate. Sprinkled soil gives the illusion of moisture, when in fact it is not. The soil should be evenly wet both outside and inside. If, nevertheless, a bay has occurred, then it is possible to save the shoots that have not yet died by transplanting them into a new soil, having previously processed the roots in a solution of Fitosporin or manganese.

Often, bays occur when the drainage holes are clogged.

Plants stopped growing

Seedling growth retardation can happen if the roots of the shoots are damaged during picking. You can avoid this trouble by transplanting plants along with an earthen clod. When picking, air plugs sometimes accidentally remain near the roots, if it is bad to compress the soil around the stem. To avoid this, gently tamp the soil with your fingers and water generously. Often, plants are transplanted into a hole already filled with water, and then sprinkled with earth. This method also avoids airing.

Deficiency or excess nutrients able to stop the growth of seedlings. It is necessary to draw up a feeding schedule in order to fertilize on time and not overfeed your plantings. The use of high-moor peat instead of a soil mixture also leads to fading of seedlings.

The fact is that in such a substrate, plants quickly grow, and then, when the peat dries out, moisture does not linger in it, the seedlings die from drought. In such cases, the dried peat ball should be soaked in water, and then the seedlings should be planted in a nutrient mixture in which peat is only an integral part.

This spicy fragrant herb is often planted not only on garden beds, but also in the flowerbed, because in addition to being very useful, lush bushes also have a beautiful decorative look. Depending on the variety, there are plants with green or purple leaves, and even with a silvery sheen. In addition, each variety has its own aroma and can smell like cinnamon, lemon, cloves or anise.

Using the seedling method, you can get an early harvest of greenery, but if such a goal is not worth it, basil reproduces well by sowing seeds in open ground.

Sowing time

Unlike, which is sown in early spring, basil is more thermophilic. It is possible to sow basil in open ground in spring when stable warm weather is established and night cooling is over. Usually this is the end of May - the beginning of June, because the spice grows actively only when the air temperature is above 20 degrees Celsius. Even lowering the night temperature to 1 degree of heat can destroy tender bushes.

Where to plant?

Basil is very picky about lighting, so the beds should be divided into sunny area where water does not stagnate - excessively wet, non-drying terrain leads to decay and destruction of plantings.

If you plant basil under young trees (they have almost no shade), its smell will scare away pests and protect the garden from their invasion.

A month before sowing, the plot is necessary, because basil loves light and nutritious soil:

  • for each square meter of the plot, add 2 kg of humus and peat;
  • dig up.

How to plant basil

The fragrant spice tends to grow strongly, therefore, when planting in rows, you need to leave a distance of at least 30 cm between them. In the same row, it is better to spread the seeds in 2 pieces with a distance of 5 cm. If everything sprouts, weaker sprouts can then be removed.

Video about growing basil

Basil is a spice loved by many, but not everyone can grow it. There are several reasons. The plant is afraid of frost, and when sown in late spring - early summer, the greens are ready for harvest only in autumn. You need to choose early varieties or allocate space for seedlings on your windows. In addition, basil seeds without special training grow poorly. But even this culture can submit to you if you master at least one of several technologies for its sowing.

Where to start planting basil

Sowing begins with the selection of seeds. Pay attention not only to the aroma of the variety, but also to the timing of its ripening. In basil, they are equal to the period from germination to flowering. Moreover, the words on the bags "early", "mid-early", "early ripe" should not worry you, because they write about varieties that ripen in 30 days and 70 days. Really early varieties (30–45 days) can be sown immediately in the soil with pre-treatment, mid-season and late (90 days) are best grown through seedlings.

As an option: sow one part of the seeds for seedlings, the second - in the greenhouse, the third - in open ground when the heat is established. So in one season you will gain experience in growing basil in several ways.

Basil seeds are small, there are a lot of them in the package, enough for sowing in different ways

The main purpose of basil is a spice for pickling and pickling cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter. Therefore, they are trying to grow it for the mass collection of these vegetables. In addition, basil is added to meat dishes, appetizers, salads. In large doses, as an independent dish, it is contraindicated in diabetes, hypertension, heart disease.

When to sow

Sowing time depends on where you plan to grow basil.

  • Sow outdoors when the ground warms up to +15⁰C and the threat of frost has passed. Plant seedlings at the same time.
  • In a summer greenhouse or greenhouse - 2 weeks earlier than in open ground.
  • For seedlings - 14-30 days for early and 45-60 for medium and late-ripening varieties before planting on permanent place(in a greenhouse or open ground).

Count down from your planned planting date and add 7-10 days for soaking and sprouting. For example, you need to sow American Lemon Basil (55-60 days). In the middle lane, frosts stop at the beginning of June, which means:

  • we sow in the ground at the end of May, seedlings will appear just in time for the beginning of June;
  • in the greenhouse - May 15;
  • for seedlings for planting in the ground - we count from the beginning of June: 45 days (seedling age) plus a week for seedlings, we get April 7–8;
  • for seedlings for planting in a greenhouse, respectively, 2 weeks earlier than in the ground - in the second decade of March.

The calculation is given for mid-season variety, early basilicas are sown 2 weeks later, late ones 2 weeks earlier. In addition, this crop is grown on windowsills from March to October. During this period, the plants have enough natural light on the window or balcony. At home, under phytolamps, basil is sown and grown all year round.

Basil is not only edible, but also beautiful, so it is grown as a pot crop, especially undersized varieties.

soil for basil

The soil for this fragrant herb needs loose and nutritious. On the plot or in the greenhouse, add a bucket of well-rotted compost or humus per square meter of bed. If the earth is clayey, heavy, add a bucket of old sawdust. As a baking powder, last year's fallen leaves, grass dust and other plant residues are suitable.

Video: green manure for looseness and fertility of beds

For seedlings, buy ready-made universal soil in the store. Ask the seller for a mixture for sowing small seeds. If by the time of planting the earth has thawed in your area, then collect it and mix it with peat and humus (compost) in equal proportions of 1: 1: 1. Before sowing, the soil must be spilled with boiling water or heated in the oven, microwave, oven, on the grill until the phase when it starts to soar. This is necessary for the destruction of pests (aphids, whiteflies, spider mite), whose eggs hibernate under lumps of earth and in plant debris.

Warming up the soil to 100⁰C, you will get rid of pests and pathogens that can harm basil seedlings

Seed preparation

Heat-loving basil seeds are protected from drying out and cold by a shell of essential oils, which dissolves only in an environment favorable for growth, which is why basil germination is low as a result of sowing in the usual way. The bed should at least be watered, covered with a film and then removed in time. But better seeds first germinate or at least soak.

  1. Take cotton pads or a cloth napkin, wrap the seeds in them.
  2. Pour hot water(+50–60⁰C), squeeze out excess water lightly.
  3. Wrap everything in a plastic bag and place in a warm place (+25⁰C).

If you open them in half an hour or an hour, you will see that the seeds are covered with a cloudy slippery coating - this is the oils dissolving. Now you can sow in the ground or wait another 3-4 days before germination.

After soaking basil seeds, the shell softens and no longer interferes with their germination.

Several ways to sow basil

Resourceful gardeners have mastered many technologies in order to get an early and rich harvest. Among them, sowing on gauze, toilet paper, in a snail and even in a hand-rolled cigarette without soil. But you can start from simple ways: classic for seedlings and direct sowing in the ground early varieties.

In all methods, when planting in water for watering and soaking seeds, you can add Epin - 3 drops per 0.5 l of water.

Sowing in open ground

With this method, the main thing is to choose the right variety. It should ripen in 30-40 days.

Varieties Aramis (35–40 days), Gvozdichny (30–40 days), Caramel (35–45 days), Lemon (45 days), Robin Bobin (42 days) and others are suitable for sowing in open ground.

Landing steps:

  1. Soak or germinate the seeds.
  2. Make grooves at a distance of 20-30 cm from one another.
  3. Rinse the grooves with warm water.
  4. Spread the seeds and cover with soil. Embedding depth no more than 1 cm.
  5. Cover with foil or agrofibre.

Spread the seeds in the grooves every 1-2 cm in case of poor germination. If the plants sprout densely, then in the phase of the first pair of true leaves they can be picked according to the scheme indicated on the seed package.

Video: agronomist's advice on how to sow, grow and use basil (after the 9th minute)

Sowing seedlings in the classical way

Take boxes or cups 7–10 cm deep. If you plan to grow on the windowsill for more than a month with picking, then the first container can be small - 3–5 cm. Picking during the seedling period slows down development for a week, which means add more 7 days.

Through seedlings, mid-ripening (Charodey, Moskvoretsky, Karamelny, Orion) and late-ripening (Table, Sharm, Marquis, Fantazer) varieties are grown.

If you take a larger and deeper container, one for the entire seedling period, then lay drainage at the bottom with a layer of 2-3 cm. You can use perlite, small river pebbles, pieces of foam. Drainage holes are required in any container.

The usual way to grow basil is in a container, box or seedling cassette.

  1. Fill the boxes, cassettes, pots or cups with earth, but not to the top, so that you add earth as you grow.
  2. Water the soil well.
  3. Spread the soaked or germinated seeds 2-3 cm apart.
  4. Fill them with a thin layer of earth - 0.5–1 cm. You can sow superficially and fall asleep as they grow. Do not water from above, the seeds can go deep with water or, conversely, float up.
  5. Cover the crops with foil and put in a warm place.
  6. At a temperature of + 25–30⁰C, seedlings will appear in 5–7 days. Dry seeds germinate in 1.5–2 weeks.

Video: simple sowing basil

On gauze

The method works when planting immediately in a permanent place with subsequent thinning, or if the seedlings are grown in a container for more than a month without picking.

  1. Spread a plastic bag, and on top of it - gauze or a wide bandage in 2-3 layers.
  2. Moisten the gauze with water from a spray bottle.
  3. Spread the seeds evenly at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.
  4. Cover with another bag on top and put in a warm place for germination. If you need a lot of basil, make several of these layers: film - gauze with seeds - film - again gauze with seeds, etc. The hatched seeds will sprout into the gauze and attach to it.
  5. Spread these seed strips in a container of soil or in a garden bed, gently straighten the fabric, cover with earth on top and water.

Gauze with seeds germinated on it is spread on the surface of the soil and covered with earth.

The method must be treated thoughtfully. If the seedling period lasts 1.5–2 months, then the gauze may crumble, then you can easily transplant the basil into the garden. Before this period, in the phase of the first two true leaves, it will not be possible to dive, because the roots are braided with gauze, which is still intact. You can only thin out by pinching the extra ones above the ground, or spread the seeds less often when sowing.

Video: sowing basil on gauze

in the snail

They write and show a lot about sowing in a snail, but the method scared away with its complexity. It was suggested: spread a strip of film or a substrate for a laminate, pour a layer of earth on top, then spread out the seeds, stepping back from the edge 1–2 cm. It was this last stage that forced many to abandon the method. Without experience and sleight of hand, the earth and carefully laid out seeds will surely end up on the table, floor and surrounding area.

Not everyone, and not the first time, manages to roll the snail without scattering the earth and seeds

But it is worth making only one change to the usual scheme, as landing in a snail turns into a simple agricultural technique.

  1. Take a strip of film 10-12 cm wide, any length. Having made one snail, you yourself decide on their number and length of the tape.
  2. Pour the soil onto the film and spread it evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the tape with a layer of about 2 cm.
  3. Moisten the soil well.
  4. Wind the film with the earth into a roll (without seeds!), secure with rubber bands for money or tape.
  5. Press a cardboard or saucer to one edge (it will be the bottom one) and lift the snail by the second (future top) edge so that it stands upright. Place the snail on a pallet, which can be the same saucer or plastic container.
  6. And now start sowing. Spread the prepared seeds 1 cm apart from each other along the spiral of the snail.
  7. Sprinkle with earth on top, cover with a film and put in a warm place until shoots appear.

Video: sowing in a ready-made snail

In a cigarette without land

The method is good for early varieties that will grow on the windowsill for no more than two weeks, as well as for growing before the first pick.

  1. Take a strip of cling film the same width as the toilet paper. Lay it out on the table. You can fold a regular plastic bag in half.
  2. Lay toilet paper on top in 3-4 layers.
  3. Wet the paper from the sprayer.
  4. Along one (it will be the top) edge, stepping back about 2 mm, spread the basil seeds every 2 mm.
  5. Roll the film with paper and seeds into a tube - cigarette roll.
  6. Place in a glass filled with 0.5 mm water.
  7. Place in a warm dark place, and after germination (after 3-4 days), transfer to the light.

For watering, pour water into a glass. It is important that the bottom edge of the paper is in the water.

Seedlings in cigarette rolls cannot live long without land; at the age of 1–2 weeks, seedlings need to be transplanted into the ground

There is no nutrition in this design, but the seedlings will have enough reserves available in the seeds. In hand-rolled cigarettes without soil, basil grows well for 1-2 weeks. Then you need to unroll the roll, add earth, like in a snail, or transplant the plants into pots and beds. From wet paper, the roots are separated very well, without being damaged.

For laying out small basil seeds on paper, it is convenient to use a wooden toothpick moistened with water.

Video: sowing in a toilet paper roll

Early varieties of basil can be sown outdoors, middle and late varieties are grown through seedlings or in a greenhouse. There is only one caveat - the seeds do not germinate well, because they are covered with a natural shell of essential oil. Before planting, it is necessary to dissolve it by placing the seeds in a warm and humid environment.

I grew up in the village, so I know a lot about growing dill and parsley. But when she left her parental home and moved to the city, she discovered many purchased plants for herself. I began to think: why are our beds bad for savory, oregano or basil?

In the same year I bought colored bags of seeds and went to my mother to garden. Unfortunately, the basil was not given for a long time: immediately the germination was poor, and it grew - just one disappointment: elongated, pale and not at all juicy. But I'm very stubborn!

I sat on the forums for a long time, talked with experienced gardeners, and learned something from my own experience ... In general, now this culture grows in our beds as it should. I share tips!

Once on the market or in the store, many are very surprised: it turns out that there are a great many species of this plant (almost 70!) Which one to buy? In this section, I will say a few words about the benefits different types vegetable basil, as well as the most popular varieties.

fragrant basil

Also known as ordinary and camphor. It has green leaves with a slight edge, light flowers. It has a tart aroma (to many it resembles the spices of cloves and pepper), as well as a tart taste. Lovers of meat and solid snacks will like it.

The most successful varieties:

  • Genovese Gigante. He is very popular in Italy.
  • Mammoth. Large-leaved, will appeal to lovers of spices.
  • Magical Michael. He loves space in the garden, as he throws out a lot of branches.


It has green leaves, delicate taste and smell. Its aroma is really reminiscent of citrus fruits. It is very productive, a few bushes are enough for a family. And at the same time, the bushes are low.

The best varieties are:

  • Citric.
  • Spark.


If the leaves of the lemon variety are light green, then these are a bright green hue. This plant is stunted, has a delicate, delicate taste.

Varieties you may be interested in:

  • Tone.
  • Green cornflower.


It looks very interesting: the leaves are green, and the flowers are purple. The leaves of the plant smell like cinnamon.

There are very few varieties of this basil. But there are good mixed varieties with other types. For example, Cinnamon Red.


Bright purple leaves and flowers. In the Caucasus, this species is known as "regan". Fresh basil has a delicate taste and aroma; it is added not only to salads, but even to compotes (including for color).

Top selling varieties:

  • Table.
  • Mauritanian.
  • Purple.


In fact, its stems and leaves have a deep purple hue. It has a very strong aroma, so gardeners often dry this plant.

The most interesting varieties:

  • Ruby of Cairo.
  • Baku.


In fact, its leaves rarely have a reddish tint - more often they are light purple. It is distinguished by low bushes, so it can often be seen in pots on the windowsills of apartments.

Our popular varieties:

  • Eastern guest.
  • Generous.

If, when harvesting, you decide to collect seeds from the most successful bushes, remember: you need to store them in a dark, ventilated place for up to 5 years.

Preparing a plot for a garden bed

  • Basil loves sunny, open places (the neighborhood of young fruit trees is allowed).
  • The soil should be super-sandy, as loose as possible. If the earth is dense and heavy, it is advisable to dig it up in the fall, and additionally fluff it up in the spring (say, with a hoe).
  • Do not spare organic fertilizers. For one square meter, it is recommended to give: about 4 kg of compost or humus + 20 g of superphosphate and potassium salt each.

Next to what crops is it customary to sow this spice

Basil is considered a natural enemy of some harmful insects - spider mites and aphids. Therefore, natural "barriers" can be made from it around many beds - for example, cucumber. But next to high cultures(sunflower, corn) it is better not to plant it - basil does not grow well in the shade.

Also, summer residents plant this culture directly in flower beds, near which they put tables for lunches and dinners in the summer. clean air. Growing basil is believed to repel mosquitoes and flies.

Remember! Experienced gardeners sure: the second time in the same place the basil will grow badly. Each time for him you need to choose a new bed. It can be returned to its old place once every 10 years.

If you're doing a crop rotation, choose a bed for your basil that used to grow potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, or beans.

Sowing seeds in open ground

This method saves a lot of time. But it’s not enough just to plow a garden and throw seeds into the ground. Need:

  1. 2-3 days before the formation of the beds, cover the soil with polyethylene. This simple trick will allow her to warm up.
  2. Disinfect the seeds in a potassium permanganate solution for a couple of hours (this will protect the plant from fungi).
  3. Before sowing, water the bed with warm water.
  4. Draw shallow (1 cm) furrows in the ground.
  5. Remember the proverb: if you sow thickly, it will reap empty. Spread the seeds one by one for every 25 cm of such a furrow. If you are not sure about their germination, you can spread them out more densely, but in this case, you may have to thin out the seedlings.
  6. Lightly sprinkle the seeds with soil, then return the film to the ground. You need to keep it until the first sprouts appear above the ground. But even after that, do not remove the film completely - during the day, let the sun illuminate the garden, and at night, return the transparent “shield” to its place.

Don't forget: if you live in the South, you can sow basil in May. But in the middle lane, this should be done no earlier than the first half of June.

And if you plant it in seedlings

This method is considered the most reliable.

Seeds for seedlings are sown no later than the beginning of April.

  • Priming. This can be a purchased mixture for seedlings (just in case, disinfect it with Fitosporin) or a mixture of 1 part river sand, 4 parts of rotted compost, 2 parts of humus. Water this soil well before sowing.
  • Container. It could be regular box(but the seedlings in it can grow large, and they will have to dive) or convenient purchased cassettes.
  • Sowing. Depth - 1 cm, width between rows - 5 cm. Cover the container with glass or film, keep in a sunny place. Seedlings will appear after 7-14 days.
  • Seedling care. Remove the glass - now 20 or even 15 degrees are enough for kids. Water them often but little by little. When the seedlings become large, pinch the top somewhere above the 7th leaf. You need to make the "guys" grow to the sides.
  • Transplant "free". This is done in the second half of May. But before that, the seedlings need to be hardened for a week, taking them out into the street or onto the balcony, first for an hour, then for two - and so on for up to a day. When transplanting into open ground, the main thing is that there are definitely no frosts at night. Just in case, seedlings can be covered with foil at night.

Garden plant care

  • Bushes do not need to be spared: pinch off the top shoots (let them all go into leaves), and flowers from young plants also need to be removed.
  • Loosen the soil more often, and this should be done before watering.
  • Top dressing can be done every month. Add the first "dose" 2 weeks after planting seedlings. It can be "Nitrophoska" (2 spoons per 12 liters, pour 3 liters per square meter of beds).

What watering likes basil

Frequent, but not too profuse. On the one hand, without the right amount water, the plant will skimp on the leaves, so you need to make sure that the soil in the garden is moist. But on the other hand, if the bushes live in permanent puddles, their roots may begin to rot, and this is fraught with the death of the whole plant.

Ideally, if you defend the water (at least 24 hours). In addition, this culture loves warm watering - for example, water can be heated in the sun.

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We protect the plant from diseases

This culture is considered non-morbid. However, there are some problems that basil may encounter in our gardens. It:

  • Blackleg. fungal disease attacks seedlings that are watered too intensively and often. It can be cured by watering the ground with a solution of potassium permanganate. However, fungicides (the same "Fundazol") can help. True, already diseased sprouts will have to be pulled out, and even the ground from under them should be removed from the pot.
  • Gray rot. Greenhouse plants are more likely to suffer from this disease, but basil can also “catch” it outdoors. You can recognize it by the characteristic gray-brown dry spots. After some time, they are covered with a gray fluff.
  • Fusarium. Fungal disease that dries up the stem. It is caused by excessively hot, wet air. To cure this ailment (as well as gray rot) can infusion onion peel: pour a glass of husk with 4 glasses of water, brew, spray the garden bed.

As a preventive measure in the open field, sprinkle the bed with wood ash once every 7 days (not thickly).

By the way, among insects, basil also has enemies. Moreover, these are creatures that are often afraid of the smell of basil. That is:

  • Aphid. It can be seen from the curled leaves, from which this pest sucks the juice. You can fight aphids with a decoction of herbs (wormwood, garlic, onion, dandelion), tar soap (100 g per 10 liters of water). Concerning purchase funds, "Aktellik", "Karbofos" will help.
  • Field (meadow) bug. This pest also drinks the juice of the leaves, and they become covered with brown spots. The bug is afraid of the same means as the aphid.

In the end, we offer a few secrets of planting a harmful basil that does not want to sprout. Doesn't want to? Let's force!

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