Encyclopedia of fire safety

Various options for finishing the loggia. Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for arranging with photos and videos. Step-by-step repair of a loggia and a balcony All about repairing a balcony in an apartment

When planning the arrangement of your own home, you need to consider every little thing. If you make repairs on the balcony with your own hands, you can turn this small external area into a multifunctional and practical room. Modern building materials are distinguished by high aesthetic qualities and durability. They tolerate temperature and humidity fluctuations well, are easy to install and maintain.

Modern building materials allow you to realize a variety of design solutions

Before proceeding with the repair in the apartment, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the purpose of the balcony among the general interior of the housing. Where to begin?

First of all, you need to decide whether it will be open or closed. It depends on what technologies and materials will be used during the work.

Premises open type can be used for domestic purposes only a few months a year. In this they significant disadvantage. In an apartment with a small area, it is better to use a glazing system for a loggia or small balcony. This will protect their internal space from the influence external factors such as precipitation, wind, cold and debris.

Having repaired the balcony with your own hands, it is easy to get additional usable area, which can be used as:

  • sports corner;
  • storage facilities for vegetables, fruits and spins;
  • dressing room;
  • play areas for children;
  • art or locksmith workshop;
  • guest rooms;
  • flower greenhouse;
  • working office.

Even from a small balcony you can make a beautiful and comfortable spot where the whole family will enjoy spending free time. Consider design options and a list of building materials with which you can carry out quality repair balcony in an apartment or a private house. It will be a closed building.

It is important to decide on the purpose of the balcony after repair

Arrangement of flooring

When planning do-it-yourself repairs on the balcony, many novice craftsmen think about the question of where to start work. It is recommended to start it with the arrangement of the floor. Regardless of the choice of coating, there will be free-flowing mixtures and adhesive solutions.

Dust and splashes can irreparably damage top coat walls and ceiling. In order to ensure long-term operation of the premises, it is recommended to use tiles. It makes no sense to use expensive porcelain tiles. Quite enough ceramics.

So, let's begin. In order to repair the balcony on your own, you will need the following tools and fixtures:

  • building level;
  • puncher with mixer;
  • notched and rubber spatulas;
  • grinder with a diamond disc;
  • plastic crosses;
  • adhesive mixture;
  • ingredients for the solution (cement, sand, expanded clay);
  • grout for seams;
  • solution container;
  • sponge, rag.

The first thing to do is level the base. This must be done with a cement mortar with expanded clay. This filler is good in order not to weigh down the carrier plate. The finished screed should be perfectly flat. She needs to dry for at least 3-4 days.

The best solution would be laying tiles on the balcony floor

Laying the tiled floor is carried out in the following sequence:

  • carrying out markup;
  • laying whole tiles;
  • cutting out fragments to complete the edges;
  • end of laying;
  • grouting;
  • cleaning the surface from the remnants of the solution.

The correct laying is constantly monitored using an oil level and plastic crosses.

Balcony wall decoration

These surfaces on the outside are best sheathed with metal or plastic siding. This material Sturdy enough and looks good. Siding has a long service life, easy to repair and maintain.

Balcony repairs from the inside can be done in several ways, which have quite noticeable differences in technology and materials used. You need to choose based on the properties of the carrier plate that forms the wall. If the surface is without defects, then it can be slightly trimmed and pasted over with waterproof wallpaper.

Before wallpapering the wall, it is important to plaster it with high quality

More time and effort will have to be spent when choosing in favor of staining. Before this process, it is necessary to perfectly level the wall with putty. The surface is then treated sandpaper and covered with primer deep penetration. In order for the wall to look presentable, you will need at least 2 coats of paint.

The most reliable and practical option is to finish the inside of the balcony with ceramic tiles.

This cover is perfect in every way. Ceramic tile has high strength, it is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation. It only needs to be wiped down periodically. damp cloth. But this option requires a certain skill, time and significant financial costs.

Balcony repair can be carried out quickly, inexpensively and efficiently, if you use MDF panels. This approach will mask the defects of the wall and lay under the coating insulation material. After such finishing in the apartment, the microclimate will significantly improve.

MDF panels are not only beautiful, but also easy to install.

To save usable space, the frame can be made of wooden lath 20 mm thick. Connection and fastening of panels is carried out with the help of clamps. To make the surface more resistant to external factors, you can use panels with a laminated surface.

Production of a balcony ceiling

by the most in a simple way arrangement of the ceiling is its puttying and painting. However, for a room that is regularly exposed to changes in temperature and humidity, this type of finish is unreliable. It is better to use one of the types of suspended structures.

Ceiling Armstrong - a beautiful and modern solution

The most resistant to external factors is the tiled ceiling of the Armstrong system. Its design is good in that at any time you can access inner space between cassettes and concrete slab. It can accommodate any type of insulation material.

Pretty easy to decorate a balcony PVC panels. These products are lightweight and easy to use. For their installation, it is enough to install the starting plastic profile along the perimeter of the balcony walls. Panels can be dismantled at any time for maintenance or electrical work.

September 27, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair ( full cycle carrying out finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrics and finishing works), installation window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Do-it-yourself balcony repair is very rarely limited finishing work. In the vast majority of cases, we have to carry out a major reconstruction of the foundation itself, especially if it shows signs of wear and tear.

That is why, starting repair work, it is worth analyzing the situation in advance, drawing up a work plan and at least an indicative estimate. So that you can cope with such a task, while spending less time and effort, below I will describe the main stages of its implementation.

Stage 1. Restoration of supporting structures

Dismantling works

If you think where to begin repair of a loggia or balcony, then I advise you to first remove the old finish. Without performing this operation, we will not be able to objectively assess the state of the structure and understand what exactly we have to do, and which operations will be redundant.

Therefore, the first part of the repair algorithm involves the following operations:

  1. At the first stage, the old frames are dismantled.
  2. WITH outer side balconies, drainage strips (droppers) and visors installed in the upper part are removed.
  3. Then removed flooring. This must be done in without fail, because otherwise we will not be able to assess the condition of the concrete slab.

Care must be taken when dismantling the floor covering. For example. When knocking down a tile with a perforator, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the base may be damaged.

  1. Wall trim removed. This does not apply to firmly holding wall tiles (the so-called "boar") - if it does not peel off, then it is quite possible to mount thermal insulation on top of it or lay plaster.
  2. If the balcony railing was sheathed with boards, corrugated board or other material, the entire sheathing is dismantled. Only metal bars or a reinforced concrete slab should remain.

After that, we need to figure out if we need foundation repair, or you can do with finishing. Signs of an emergency load-bearing structures will be:

  • destruction (cracking, chipping) of the protective concrete layer;
  • exposure of metal embeds and reinforcing cage elements with metal corrosion;
  • fragile fixation of the fence (a plate or a structure made of rods staggers with a minimum application of force);
  • collapse or cracking of the parapet, damage to the attachment point of the balcony railing.

If at least one of these signs is present, then we will have to do capital repairs, necessarily including welding and concrete work.

In houses of old construction, the analysis of the state of the balcony resembles a game of Russian roulette: the stove can be as perfectly intact, despite more than a century of age, or very worn out, although only 20-30 years have passed since the construction. In the latter case, by the way, it is often necessary to change the floor completely, and here you cannot do without professionals with the appropriate equipment.

Strengthening the balcony slab and fencing

When the dismantling is completed and the damage to the base is identified, we proceed to the actual repair work. Here, the algorithm directly depends on the nature and extent of the damage, so I will list the main operations that you may need:

  1. The surface of the concrete slab is cleaned of dust and debris. Fragments of material that do not adhere well must be removed - and this applies to both fragments at the edge of the base, and parts of the concrete formed as a result of cracking the plane.
  2. Slots and cracks identified as a result of concrete cleaning are embroidered using circular saw with working part durable material. When jointing, the crack expands and deepens to a whole layer of concrete, in addition, transverse grooves are applied to each crack, which then ensure its effective sealing.

  1. Exposed fragments of reinforcement are cleaned of rust and treated with an anti-corrosion compound. If necessary, additional reinforcing contours are welded to replace the worn ones.

  1. To repair the edges of the base of the balcony from the outside, it is necessary to install the formwork. It can be removable wooden beam or thick board) or fixed (from metal corner). The second option is more time consuming to implement, since the corner will have to be welded to reinforcing cage plates, but also more practical - the metal edging will serve as additional protection .
  2. After the preliminary work has been completed, all areas that are subject to repair are primed. Penetrating primer for concrete is designed to provide high level adhesion of the base with the repair composition.

The repair itself is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Small gaps and cracks are filled with cement-adhesive mortar and rubbed to form a flat surface.
  2. At the same time, additional fragments of reinforcement made of a corrugated bar with a cross section of 8–12 mm are laid in large cavities.

  1. In the formwork, installed on the edge of the slab, is poured concrete mortar based on cement grade M400 and above.
  2. If the slab is severely damaged, then instead of filling individual sections, a screed is poured. At the same time, an additional reinforcing contour of welded mesh can be laid on top of the old base.

Roof repairs are carried out separately:

  1. When the ceiling of the loggia of the upper floor acts as the roof of the balcony, you can limit yourself to sealing the joints with the walls and installing visors.

  1. If a concrete slab is used as a roof (balcony on the top floor), then it must be repaired according to the same algorithm that was described above, and then covered with several layers of roofing material to protect it from moisture and prevent further destruction.
  2. Finally, we simply cover the roof on a metal frame using metal tiles, slate, corrugated board or other materials. The coating is mounted using metal fasteners, and a waterproof membrane is necessarily laid under it, which performs the function of draining rain and melt water.

Stage 2. Preparation for finishing

Moisture protection

Do-it-yourself loggia repair also provides for its interior decoration. However, simple floor tiling or wall cladding plastic panels will not bring the desired result. In order to turn concrete frame V attractive room, which in its microclimate will be comparable to a residential one, you will have to spend time and effort on preparation.

At the first stage, I would recommend paying attention to waterproofing. Of course, to protect against leakage, you can simply use polyethylene film, laying it under the floor covering, but if you do everything according to the rules, then the quality of the waterproofing will increase many times over.

It is best to use coating or penetrating compounds. The principle of operation is different, but they are applied in the same way:

  1. refurbished concrete base clean from dust.
  2. For processing with a penetrating composition, we moisten the concrete.
  3. Then we distribute with a wide brush-maklovitsa waterproofing compound along the entire plane of the base, going onto the walls by about 10-15 cm.

  1. If necessary, apply a second layer of moisture-proof mixture. In this case, it is best to re-process when the first portion of the material has already begun to polymerize, but has not yet completely dried.

Drying of the waterproofing layer takes from 24 to 48 hours. At the same time, until complete drying, it is desirable not to expose the surface to mechanical stress and protect it from moisture.


If we plan not only to ennoble a balcony or loggia, but also turn them into a residential (albeit conditionally) premises, then the reconstruction project must necessarily include. Ideal for balcony installation metal-plastic windows or products from the so-called "warm aluminum" - aluminum frames with heat-insulating polymer inserts.

The process of installing window structures is quite complicated, but it is described in sufficient detail both in the documentation of manufacturing companies and in my other articles on this resource. So here is only the most general instruction, affecting the main stages of installation:

  1. We carry out measurements of the opening, which needs to be glazed.
  2. According to the received sizes, we order the manufacture of window structures. The complete set can be selected depending on your requests, but the only thing I would not recommend saving on is energy-efficient glazing. The price of such glass today is not much higher than usual, but its use reduces heat loss through closed windows by 25 - 40%.

  1. We unpack the windows made to measure, remove the sashes and remove the double-glazed windows from the frames.
  2. We install the frames on the balcony railing and level them with wedges, fixing them from above and below with either anchors or mounting plates. We connect the frames with each other with special reinforced profiles that will compensate for the wind load.

  1. From the outside, we close all the gaps with metal strips, and from the inside we blow it with mounting foam.
  2. We return the double-glazed windows to their place and hang the sashes on the hinges. We adjust the opening parts by adjusting the fittings with the help of special screws.

All these operations must be performed by at least two people, since the weight of one window with an installed double-glazed window and a hinged sash can exceed 100 - 120 kg.


Before you make repairs on the balcony, it should also be insulated. So we will not only make the room more comfortable, but also partially solve the problem with: if you do not pay attention to thermal insulation, then moisture from the air will constantly settle on the coldest surfaces, and the finish will constantly get wet.

We start warming from the floor:

  1. We lay logs on a concrete base, the length of which corresponds to the length of the balcony.
  2. We attach the lags to the walls and rest them on the cranial bars, and then align them on the plane with the help of wedges.

  1. The space between the lags is filled with heat-insulating material. If our estimate is limited, then you can take construction (in no case packaging) foam, but I would advise you to overpay a little and use either polystyrene or mineral wool. The advantage of the first material is its high density and mechanical strength, while mineral wool not only retains heat well, but also differs in vapor permeability.

  1. From above we mount a draft floor - flooring from boards or durable plywood with a thickness of 12 to 20 mm, depending on the planned load. It is highly desirable that a distance of about 40-50 mm be maintained between the heat-insulating layer and the rough flooring for natural ventilation.

We also insulate the walls:

  1. On vertical surfaces we install a crate of horizontal bars with a section of 30x30 mm. The optimal indentation of the crate from the wall is equal to the thickness of the insulation + 3-4 cm, the pitch of the frame elements is 50-60 cm.
  2. We lay panels on the walls in the cells of the crate thermal insulation material. We fill all the cracks with either scraps of insulation or self-expanding foam.
  3. From above, install either vapor barrier membrane, or a layer of foil polymer film. The second option is more expensive, but more efficient in terms of energy saving.

Stage 3. Finishing work

Various design ideas balcony repair can be implemented using a variety of finishing materials. Different variants finishes I will describe in the table below:

Material Features of use when sheathing balconies
Moisture resistant drywall Universal panels that are used to mask the thermal insulation layer and form an ideal level ground under decoration. Products are fastened with self-tapping screws to the lathing bars, after which they are puttied and treated with a primer.

Instructions for interior decoration provides for the following options for decorating plating from GKL:

  • painting with interior paints (acrylic, latex);
  • finishing with decorative plaster (structural, mineral, Venetian);
  • wallpapering (moisture resistant);
  • pasting ceramic panels(artificial stone, imitation tiles, etc.).
Wooden panels This includes lining, false timber, block house and other products made of solid and glued wood. ideal for decorating balconies and loggias, as they retain heat well and are of acceptable strength.

When performing the installation of lining from a lining or block house in stages, do not forget about protecting the material from fungi, bacteria and insects: it is desirable to perform not only impregnation of raw materials with antiseptics, but also external processing varnish, stain or oil for natural wood.

MDF panels Outwardly, such parts look almost as attractive as those made of natural wood, but they are significantly inferior to wooden ones in terms of strength, wear resistance and water resistance. MDF sheathing must be mounted on strong frame and well protected from moisture, otherwise after 3-4 years, or even earlier, decorative coating will fall into disrepair.

Another disadvantage is the small load bearing capacity. If you plan to hang shelves or cabinets on the walls of the loggia, then before you repair the room using MDF panels, you need to install a mortgage from a wooden beam on the wall. It will be the main for fasteners.

Plastic panels The obvious advantages of plastic are low cost, ease of installation, low weight and almost absolute resistance to moisture at the same time looks plastic sheathing Not in the best way, and there are also questions about mechanical strength. And if appearance you can somehow fix it by buying expensive Chinese panels, and more expensive ones, with texture and pattern, then fragility will have to be taken into account during the entire period of operation of the skin.
Ceramic/clinker tiles Most often used for flooring, but can also be used for wall decoration, especially on open loggia without glazing. The main advantages of ceramics are high moisture resistance and mechanical strength, as well as an attractive appearance. However, such a design of a balcony will cost quite a lot, especially if you buy really high-quality tiles.

Any room, even a balcony, can be made functional and beautiful if equipped quality material. It is not difficult to do it yourself if there is no way to hire workers. In this case, some experience, logical thinking and ingenuity are needed. If experience is not enough, you should ask familiar repair specialists.

Do-it-yourself balcony decoration

The sequence of work when finishing the balcony.

Before starting work, the question arises: how to finish the balcony and what material is best suited for such premises. You also need to first glaze the balcony plastic windows if there is such a need.
An important point is electrification (the introduction of electricity). Wiring will help. good quality, impervious to moisture. Lighting is laid from the nearest outlet. It is also necessary to decide what the wiring will be: hidden or open. And choose a cable with the appropriate cross section.

It is important to consider that the degree of humidity is higher on the balcony than in other rooms. Therefore, the materials must be moisture resistant, and to what extent the walls of the balcony should be insulated.

Do-it-yourself balcony decoration


Given that there is a difference in the operation of balconies and rooms, therefore, the choice of building materials is limited.

  • The balcony is lined with wood;
  • drywall;
  • plastic panels are used to finish the cool room from the inside;
  • MDF panels;
  • laminate on the balcony;
  • If a decision is made to finish the balcony with tiles, then it is necessary to use porcelain tiles, which are not afraid of fluctuations in temperature and humidity.
  • Many prefer decorative plaster or stone.

Having chosen the option, again the question is: how to finish the balcony without outside help? The main thing is not to be afraid and choose practical option with which we are a little familiar.

    • Wood trim.
      A balcony lined with wood will be cozy and with a pleasant smell. But you should not use ordinary wood, because it is short-lived. If funds allow, then lining will be the best solution. Can be trimmed with imitation log or timber. Assembly is easy.

A balcony lined with wood will be cozy and with a pleasant smell.

    • Moisture resistant drywall.
      In construction, it is most often used, because it is considered unpretentious, uncomplicated in installation work and reliable. It does not contain toxic components, so it will not bring harm. It has many advantages: it does not catch fire due to gypsum, guarantees noise isolation, withstands any toC and evens out any curvature of the walls. Thanks to the gypsum composition, you can protect the room from fire. After finishing, it is possible to glue wallpaper, paint and trim with artificial decorative stone.

Drywall is used in construction most often

    • Plastic panels.
      This material is also often used in construction. Even the most inexperienced will be able to master the construction skills of laying plastic panels and update the balcony with their own hands. During installation, it is not necessary to align the walls, ceiling. In addition to being environmentally friendly, the panels are also beautiful and durable. Advantages of the panels: safe, easy to wash out, can last up to 30 years. The disadvantage of plastic is that it does not withstand high temperature, therefore, if the balcony is on sunny side, then it is undesirable to sheathe panels. In frosty weather, the panels can become loose.

Plastic panels - available material to decorate the balcony with your own hands

    • MDF.
      This fibreboard has average density. Varieties: panels flat type having a conventional polymer film. Some have wood veneer or an embossed pattern. Thanks to the space under the panels, you can easily lay electrical wiring, any insulation. Nowadays, you can choose MDF panels of any color and texture. Having installed the crate, then the panels should be fixed with self-tapping screws and kleimers. To avoid visible fasteners, special corners are used. It turns out simple and inexpensive.

You can choose MDF panels of any color and texture

    • Sandwich panel.
      Structure: rigid material and an intermediate heater. Thanks to the panels, the walls will turn out to be both beautiful and insulated. And most importantly, they are safe, environmentally friendly, also antifungal and soundproof.

Thanks to the sandwich panels, the walls will turn out to be both beautiful and insulated.

    • Laminate.
      If you have not yet decided how to sheathe the balcony, a laminate on the balcony would also be appropriate. But it is worth remembering that this material is a little unpredictable with various temperature differences. If the room is insulated from the inside, then the laminate on the balcony is one of the best solutions. If you need to finish in a complex, then the start of work should occur from the ceiling and walls.

Laminate is a great solution for an insulated balcony

    • Tile.
      Before sheathing, you need to make a screed with your own hands on the floor of the balcony. Ceramic tiles have a long reputation best coverage for balconies and other rooms. The strength and frost resistance of porcelain stoneware allows you not to lose the original appearance even after a long service time. It is advisable to purchase tiles with a special anti-slip coating. Decorative drawing on the tile is chosen as desired. Despite the increase in new technologies in construction, tile is the best choice.

Ceramic tiles have long had a reputation for being the best flooring for a balcony.

    • Plaster.
      If you want to make the balcony unusual, you can use acrylic, vinyl or mineral plaster. Decorating a balcony with plaster with your own hands is not difficult, given some of the nuances. Experts recommend using coarse-grained decorative plaster. This requires plaster, water, wax, sponge, trowel.

Finishing a balcony with plaster with your own hands is not difficult

    • Decorative rock.
      There are several types of natural and artificial stone and they cost a lot. But there are ways to make stone at home, if you have the skills and desire. And it is also important to consider that natural stones are capricious. In any case, the work will be crowned with a chic look with a decorative image.

Decorative stone is an excellent material for finishing a balcony

    • Block house.
      With the help of this type of lining, you can realize the most unusual ideas for interior renovation. This decorative material in the form of a planed board imitating log cabins. The outer part is convex, the back is flat. Thanks to the lining, the balcony is protected from moisture, so the period of operation is longer. Advantages: no deformation and cracks, does not rot and is not affected by mold. The block house is very durable and lightweight. Therefore, finishing can be done with your own hands and in a short time.

Block house - a very durable and lightweight material for finishing the balcony from the inside

What to consider when decorating a balcony

  1. What is the characteristic of the material;
  2. The material is subject to X;
  3. What are the positive and negative sides It has.

Taking into account all the details will help you figure out what materials are suitable for a particular balcony. Also suitable color finishing materials will be able to convey a cozy atmosphere. Some prefer to update the balcony with an increase in the area of ​​​​the apartment. In this case, you can remove the wall between the balcony and the adjacent room. But here it becomes necessary to insulate the balcony room so that the cold does not go into the apartment.

After you have taken into account all the nuances and chosen materials for decoration, we advise you to read the material on how to decorate the balcony inside with your own hands

If you are renovating the entire apartment, then you will certainly have to repair the balcony, the advantage of which is that it can be used as an extra room. The original repair of the balcony with your own hands will not only update the room, making it warmer, but also give the home style, nobility, uniqueness. Balconies or loggias can turn into anything: a flower greenhouse that will delight with colors even in frosty winters, a children's room where kids will play with pleasure or a working workshop with many shelves and cabinets where dad will place tools and equipment. How to make repairs on the balcony? The answer to this question will follow later in the article.

Before starting work…

When you have already decided on the appearance of your balcony or loggia, you can start repair work. To begin with, the balcony room should be freed from the things stored in it.

The balcony should be cleaned of old trim and interior elements:

  • floor coverings,
  • wall coverings,
  • partitions.

Hollows or bulges on the floor and walls must be smoothed out. The room can be made more durable with the help of a channel frame, having walked it from all sides.

To avoid collapse, use only relatively light materials, such as foam blocks.

If lining or MDF boards, you need to align the walls and floors in advance, foaming in the slots with mounting foam. Superimposed on top cement mortar. It will protect the foam from decay. The largest crevices are sealed with bricks, the smaller ones with silicone.

Before starting the repair of the balcony, it should be cleaned of old elements of decoration and interior

Which material is better

Today, the question of how to repair a balcony, if you are new to the construction business, is no longer acute. And all thanks to numerous video tutorials on the Internet, articles with descriptions of work technologies and consultations of store specialists who will demonstrate photographs and samples of commercially available raw materials.

Modern manufacturers for finishing a loggia or balcony offer:

  • decorative panels,
  • wallpaper,
  • plastic panels,
  • plaster,
  • lining;
  • ceramic tiles,
  • paint.

The most convenient to use and often chosen are MDF boards, lining and plastic.

Before laying the coating, it is imperative to install thermal insulation, since the balcony is open to winds and precipitation.

The best insulation is mineral wool. Remarkable properties and low price, as well as ease of use, distinguish this material from the range of others.

Options for glazing a loggia or balcony

Balcony glazing is an integral part of its repair, otherwise all efforts can go to waste.

Glass installation can be done in several ways:

  • Cold glazing. This option involves the installation of an aluminum frame into which single-layer glass is inserted. But from such a loggia you should not expect warmth.
  • Frameless way- almost the same as the cold one, only without the use of frames and vertically standing partitions. Glass in this case is tempered, durable. It is mounted in aluminum profile using rollers. The glass is separated from the profiles by rubber seals that do not allow water to pass through.
  • Warm glazing. Glazing in a warm way is the installation of double-glazed windows and profiles equipped with thermal protection. This option protects from street noise. The frame with warm glazing is made of aluminum or plastic. It is attached to the parapet with bolts.

Balcony glazing - not only The best way provide additional protection for the house from wind, moisture and heat loss, but also a great opportunity expand usable space apartments

Thermal insulation for the floor

Before you repair the balcony, giving it a certain style, it is necessary to insulate the floors. This is best served by extruded polystyrene foam, which, in addition to high rates of its main function, has other positive qualities.

Material advantages:

  • high density,
  • light weight,
  • high level of strength
  • durability.

Each slab is placed on the floor, previously leveled and smeared with glue. On adhesive coating you can lay the mounting grid, then pour the self-leveling mixture. To make the insulation even better, expanded clay is used. Plates are fastened with plastic dowels.

Also, popular floor coverings for a balcony room are linoleum, laminate and ceramic tiles.

Repairing a balcony with your own hands is not difficult, if you do not spare time and effort to finish it.

How to decorate the walls

Clapboard is one of the most commonly used materials for insulating balcony walls due to its merits.

The advantages of lining are obvious:

  • natural base,
  • long service life,
  • low cost,
  • attractive appearance.

Before laying the material on the walls of a loggia or balcony, they must be reinforced with a metal profile or wooden slats. Next, heat and waterproofing are installed. For the first, expanded polystyrene is suitable, for the second - roofing material. The lining itself is mounted using nails or clamps.

It is not always possible to beautifully arrange the corners. Unsightly areas will help to hide decorative corner from the same material as the main plates.

Today, one of the most popular ways of cladding a balcony is lining, because wooden walls always in fashion and look very stylish

Ceiling insulation

Insulating the ceiling yourself is not at all difficult. To insulate the ceiling, you can use any non-natural insulation, most often foam is used for this.

The process of working on the insulation of the ceiling looks like this:

  • Before insulating the ceiling, it is necessary to make a contour crate on it.
  • Styrofoam sheets are glued to the floor slab or inserted into the roof opening.
  • Additionally, the insulation should be fixed with umbrella dowels.
  • Slots are filled with mounting foam.
  • The main frame for finishing is attached to the contour crate.

A little trick: find out if the tenants have insulated their balcony floor from above. If they have done this, the ceiling of your balcony will not let in the cold, and it is no longer necessary to insulate it additionally.

Floor insulation on the balcony - very milestone connection of this room to the main square meters apartments

Interior decoration

The Internet photo gallery is replete with a variety of beautifully finished balconies. Beautifully decorate outwardly your own balcony - everyone can do it.

Suitable for this purpose:

  • siding;
  • metal plates;
  • plastic panels.

The best option is siding that does not rust, does not mold, is durable and strong and does not require special care. It is advisable to entrust the laying of slabs outside the balcony to professionals.

The best option for finishing the balcony is siding, which does not rust, does not mold, is durable and durable and does not require special care.

A warm balcony can be decorated with any materials. A combined balcony can be decorated in the same style with the main room, and a separate one - for every taste.

Do-it-yourself balcony repair in stages (video)

For some, a loggia is a closet for storing old and unnecessary things, tires and bicycles, and for someone else, one full-fledged room, the most cozy corner in the house, a winter garden or even a sports area. Turn a cluttered balcony into a well-groomed and functional room on their own not so difficult, you just need to correctly plan the repair of the loggia with your own hands and get down to business.

Dismantling and restoration

Repairing a loggia in a new building is one thing, but more often we have to deal with an already cluttered balcony, which must be dismantled to its original state.

First of all, clean the room of everything unnecessary, do not feel sorry for old things that have been lying idle for years and even decades. Then remove the shelves, trim and everything that was not included in the original configuration of the balcony.

If you notice cracks, voids and destruction on concrete slabs, they will need to be cleaned, treated with a primer and cemented with an adhesive-based mixture. Carefully check all cement joints for damage and, if problems are found, cement them.

Preparation for repair

Do-it-yourself loggia repair should be done in stages. Start by purchasing materials and necessary tools. For thermal insulation, choose mineral wool or modern expanded polystyrene - it depends on your budget.

It is customary to use siding, lining or decorative panels to finish the loggia, but you can also come up with your own original version. You will also need moisture resistant drywall, polyurethane foam And construction pistol, self-tapping screws, etc.

Glazing of the loggia

For budget repair suitable glazing wooden frames, but if you want to make a full-fledged soundproof room out of the loggia, then you will need glazing with plastic windows. This option is the most preferable, it will protect the room from wind, noise, drafts and other external factors.


The video shows how to gradually repair the loggia with your own hands and, in particular, how to install plastic windows on the balcony.

balcony lighting

The next step will be the installation of loggia lighting. Here you can choose any lighting to your taste. On the balcony look good both ceiling and Wall lights. At the same stage, the installation of sockets and switches is also carried out.

The photo shows the repair of the loggia at the stage of installing lighting. See how the professionals do it.

Loggia insulation

Balcony insulation is divided into several stages, let's look at each of them separately.

Wall insulation

The walls of the loggia are insulated with various heat-insulating materials. It can be penoplex, and cotton wool and others, more modern options. The insulating layer is attached to the wall with dowels or slats. Joints are sealed with mounting foam.

On top of the heat-insulating layer, you need to make a vapor barrier and reflective layers. Here you can use foil or foamed polyethylene.

Ceiling insulation

Ceiling insulation is not much different from wall insulation, but here you can choose dropped ceilings. One of the advantages of such a solution will be that such a ceiling will easily cover all the wiring for lighting.

Floor insulation

There are several ways to insulate the floor in the loggia. One of the common options is wooden logs between which a heat-insulating layer is placed. A grooved board is laid on top of the thermal insulation, which is screwed to the logs with self-tapping screws.

A screed is another common, but more expensive option. Today, on the loggia, the underfloor heating system is increasingly being stopped under the screed. This simultaneously solves the problem of thermal insulation of floors and heating of the entire balcony. A tile or other is laid on top of the screed construction material of your choice.

wall cladding

The walls of the loggia are best sheathed with drywall, clapboard or plastic panels. In any case, the material must be moisture resistant and preferably washable.

Before sheathing the walls, the insulation is closed with cork or wooden flooring, and then the top decorative layer. In the photo you can see what the repair of the loggia looks like with your own hands in the process.

Loggia interior design ideas

It all depends on your preferences. With sufficient financial investments, one more room can be made from a loggia of good footage. But even a small loggia with the right approach can make your dream come true. Think about what you are missing in your apartment and feel free to start repairing the loggia with your own hands!

And you can get acquainted with our loggia repair ideas in the photo gallery. Here are just a few options for decorating a balcony:

  • Tea corner

  • Greenhouse

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