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What is ppu filler for a sofa. Polyurethane foam or spring block. Polyurethane foam mattress: types, design features and advantages What is better polyurethane foam or


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Polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene - what to choose?

On the this moment in the construction and industrial sectors, a wide range of different thermal insulation materials are used, but polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene can rightfully be considered the most popular. These materials are widely used due to their low price, ease of use and their characteristics.

The question logically arises: But what to choose? Which of these materials is cheaper, which has the best thermal insulation, long service life and environmental friendliness?

Let's take a detailed look at the technical characteristics and properties of thermal insulation leaders and choose the winner.

Application area:

Polyurethane foam (PPU) and expanded polystyrene (EPS) have a really wide range of applications: these materials are used in road construction, for insulation of residential and industrial buildings, in the production of sandwich panels and refrigeration equipment, pipes, and even for packaging electronics.

Comparison of polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene

We will compare these materials on the example of the production of industrial refrigeration doors and freezers. It is clear that in the production of such equipment, without exception, all the characteristics of the heat-insulating material are important:

  1. Coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  2. Lifetime;
  3. Price;
  4. material strength;
  5. Operating temperature;
  6. Hygroscopicity;
  7. Fire safety;
  8. Bio- and chemical resistance;
  9. Resistance to change in shape / volume;
  10. Environmental friendliness;


The main and most important parameter of the heat-insulating material (especially in the production of refrigeration equipment) is known to be its thermal conductivity. When comparing polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene in this parameter, PPU will be more effective, since its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.019 - 0.028 W / m * K, against 0.04 - 0.06 W / m * K for expanded polystyrene. The table below shows the comparative technical characteristics of polyurethane foam (PPU) and expanded polystyrene (EPS).

As can be seen from the table, polyurethane foam (PPU) has a wider temperature range of operation, which is important when it is used in refrigeration equipment(where the temperature inside the room is several times different from the temperature outside). Also (PPU) has a significantly longer service life.

But these are far from all the characteristics by which these materials can be compared. Let's look at the physical properties of PPU and PPS.

Physical properties

In the production of refrigerated doors and chambers, an important role is played by such characteristics as the combustibility of the material, its hygroscopicity (ability to absorb moisture), strength, and environmental friendliness. The table below shows the comparative physical properties of polyurethane foam (PPU) and expanded polystyrene (EPS).

fire safety combustible Not combustible
Environmental friendliness At temperatures above 60°C releases phenol. Complies with sanitary standards, can be used at temperatures up to 180 ° C without fear.
Hygroscopicity When moisture gets on the panel, it is absorbed and, when exposed to low temperatures, it freezes and destroys the foam. Not hygroscopic, repels water from the surface.
Strength Brittle, easily broken, prone to cracking. Sufficiently durable, the density is 5 times higher than the foam.
Bio/chemical resistance High humidity can cause mold and fungus to form on the plates, which will cause an unfavorable indoor climate. Moisture resistant. It is not subject to rotting and mold formation.
Over time, the material settles and shrinks, which negatively affects thermal insulation. The properties of the material do not change throughout the entire service life.

The results of the comparison of polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene

For ease of perception, we have put the results of the comparison in a separate table.

Thermal insulation properties
Material strength
Operating temperature
Fire safety
Bio- and chemical stability
Resistance to shape/volume change
Environmental friendliness

Roof insulation is a process that automatically translates attic space from non-residential to residential. At the same time, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing increases almost by the size of a full floor, and such an increase should not be neglected. Insulating a mansard roof will help you create another living space effortlessly.

It is worth mentioning other good reasons for insulating the roof - for example, eliminating its heating in winter, which eliminates the formation of frost, icicles, and on warmer days, snow from the roof. Thus, the procedure is necessary and useful. You can read more about self-insulation of the roof in this article.

One of the most effective heaters is deservedly considered polyurethane foam (PPU).

Consider the insulation of the roof with polyurethane in more detail.

Styrofoam and polyurethane foam - what is the difference?

First of all, this is two different material , what is it in chemical composition, as well as mechanical properties. If we compare polyurethane foam with polystyrene foam, then the most striking difference will be hardness.

Styrofoam(expanded polystyrene) practically inflexible, at the slightest bend it can break, while PPU allows practically any deformation without losing the integrity of the structure.

Moreover, polyurethane foam has elasticity, the ability to take its former shape after stress relief. Such a difference in mechanical characteristics with more or less similar heat-conducting, noise-absorbing and other parameters puts the use of these two materials at different levels.

Styrofoam is cheaper, it can be used in places where it will not experience any physical exertion. In addition, a certain rigidity of the foam in some cases is an advantage that greatly simplifies the installation process.

PPU is a material that has several types, different densities, which creates many subspecies that have different characteristics. Unites all varieties of one main advantage - practically complete resistance to water, which is the most significant plus for heaters.

Types of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a type of plastic made from two main components. The reaction of these components creates a material whose properties can change with different ratios of the starting materials. Distinguish soft varieties PPU, with a density of 5-40 kg / m 3, and hard grades- 35-80 kg / m 3

A variety of species has caused widespread use of the material, from furniture (foam rubber known to everyone) to insulation in construction. One of the most useful properties, actively used in industry, is the possibility of spraying the material directly at the point of use, bypassing the stages of manufacture, storage, transportation, installation, adjustment, etc.

This property distinguishes polyurethane foam very favorably as a heater, which is applied directly to the treated surface with little or no preparatory operations, forming a highly effective heat-retaining layer, which does not react to moisture, does not change its qualities over time, does not interact with biological organisms and non-swelling.

Alternative types of roof insulation

In addition to PPU, apply:

  • Styrofoam.
  • Minvata.
  • Glass wool.
  • Ecowool.
  • Izover.
  • Expanded clay.
  • Cellulose, etc.

The list of all types of insulation suitable for use on the roof is quite large, but only a few types are used - mineral wool, isover, ecowool and some others. The reasons for this are the prices and unsatisfactory characteristics of a number of materials.

For example, ability to absorb water for insulation unacceptable, since all heat-conducting qualities disappear from this. Glass wool, for example, has such problems. In addition, a number of materials are subject to caking, which changes the layer thickness and reduces performance.


Of these, the most preferred basalt mineral wool as the most effective material for all indicators. But it is also impossible to work with it without creating protective layers hydro and vapor barriers, the so-called roofing cake, without which the material gradually loses its properties. We recommend that you read the article on the topic - "roof insulation with mineral wool with your own hands."

In general, reliable insulation from water vapor or splashes allows you to use any insulation, if the choice is small, you just need to know its strengths and weak sides and take them into account when installing.

Do-it-yourself roof insulation with polyurethane foam

Consider the process of insulation with liquid polyurethane foam, as an almost ideal option today. The insulation technology is quite simple, but it has many nuances, which we talked about in this article.

Available for sale special kits for spraying PPU, consisting of two containers with initial reagents that are mixed directly in the spraying process in the working head.

The reaction is quite fast and cannot be mixed in any other way.

Surface preparation is simple and does not require any complicated operations. It is only necessary to clean from debris, dust and dry, if necessary. There is no need to pre-cut off the insulation with waterproofing membranes, since the surface of the material itself excellent insulator, which does not react to water vapor or splashes.

Warming roofing with polyurethane foam from within, and PPU is applied in gaps between rafters. The material expands during the reaction, gas bubbles appear in it, giving the desired heat-insulating ability. At the same time, expanding, PPU densely fills the entire space, clogs all potholes and cavities, creating an airtight layer.

Such material reliably insures the surface from the presence bridges of cold that cause condensation to form. The entire treated area will be dry, which will protect roofing material and rafters from corrosion and decay.

After complete spraying of PPU and its hardening, only sheathe the entire treated area with sheet materials - plywood, chipboard or similar, and make a cosmetic finish of the room.

Semi-professional foam spray kit

PPU should be sprayed between the rafters, carefully sealing all the cracks and voids

Self-spraying polyurethane foam

Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam

The advantages of PPU are:

  • Incombustibility.
  • No reaction to water vapor, splashes, practically does not absorb water.
  • Excellent adhesion to any materials. (exceptions - polyethylene and fluoroplastic, wet surfaces).
  • Excellent thermal conductivity, low response to temperature changes, no temperature changes in properties.
  • Elastic structure, excluding the appearance of cracks during shrinkage and other deformations of the substrate.
  • Complete cut-off of the treated surface during application.
  • Absence of insects, rodents, birds.
  • Does not rot, does not react with the contacting elements.
  • durable, manufacturers claim service life of 30 years, but in practice, PPU works longer.

At the same time, there are also disadvantages. These include:

  • High price.
  • High technology application the need to use special equipment.
  • The applied layer must exceed 5 cm, smaller thickness will not ensure efficient operation.


It is afraid of ultraviolet radiation, which does not allow using it in the open. The rate of destruction of polyurethane foam from sunlight is approximately 1 mm per year. At the same time, complete destruction does not happen, the process does not go deep into the material. The problem is eliminated by painting or decorative fencing PPU from direct sunlight.

All the advantages of the material have been repeatedly tested and confirmed in practice, and the disadvantages are quite easily eliminated. The high cost of polyurethane foam as a material is compensated by its self-sufficiency, which allows significant savings on the purchase of a double layer of a waterproofing membrane.

Incombustibility is achieved by adding halogens to the initial components, which makes it possible to classify polyurethane foam as a class of fast-extinguishing materials. If there is no open flame, PPU cannot ignite in any way, so it can be considered completely safe in this regard.

As a result, we can conclude that roof insulation with polyurethane is not only effectively, but also profitable.

A really indisputable fact is the need to use a spraying installation, although it is difficult to say whether this is a drawback, or just a feature of the application.

If you are planning to insulate pitched roof Be sure to check out the article at the link.

If you involve specialists who will work with professional installations, then there is no need to purchase disposable kits. At the same time, the quality of the coating will be maximum, and you can also avoid mistakes caused by lack of experience.

Useful video


Polyurethane foam - the most effective and high-quality insulation, leading in all respects among other materials. The use of such a coating is the most good choice for the roof of a private house, reliably protecting the attic from cold and noise, guaranteeing long-term service and not losing properties over time. Any alternative option is inferior in quality, confirming the leading position of PPU as a heater.

New leather upholstered sofa for a beautiful living room

Many, having completed repairs in the apartment, acquire new upholstered furniture, if the means, of course, allow. But the choice must be correct. In addition to strength, a cozy appearance, the transformation mechanism, you should pay attention to the filler and ask the seller what the “stuffing” of the sofa is. It depends on how comfortable you will be. Now there are a lot of fillers, you need to have an idea about some, about their quality, quality factor, how long furniture with such a filler can last.

Types of fillers for upholstered furniture

Furniture manufacturers often use polyurethane foam - PPU as filling. Lots of box spring sofas. Buyers are sometimes confused about which is better - a spring or PPU and cannot make a choice.

Blue orthopedic sofa with a sectional spring block

Sectional sofa with polyurethane foam with a list of materials and components

Filler - polyurethane foam for orthopedic mattresses and upholstered furniture

Before choosing a sofa, we find out what PPU is. This is a synthetic porous substance consisting of cells filled with air. During its manufacture, the liquid composition foams, then solidifies. Polyurethane foam is 90% air, has thermal insulation properties. PPU - the same foam rubber, is used almost everywhere - as a filler for furniture, toys for children, sponges for dishes, washcloths and much more are made from it.

Foam rubber sheet to give softness to products

As a filler, it is widely used due to compaction, this property gives softness and elasticity to the product. It is produced in the form of small sheets - this is foam rubber, as well as in the form of fairly strong and massive plates - this is PPU. If the material is of poor quality, it will quickly become unusable and begin to crumble. Then it needs to be replaced.

Advantages and disadvantages

Elastic polyurethane foam is used in the furniture and automotive industries

Polyurethane foam has pros and cons. Let's look at the positive properties.

  1. The main quality is that dust does not accumulate in it, it is completely hypoallergenic. This ability is essential for those who are prone to allergies.
  2. In the manufacture of it is treated with an antibacterial and antifungal agent, so it does not harm health.
  3. It can last a long time, has wear resistance.
  4. Has good breathability.
  5. Thanks to elasticity, it instantly restores its original shape.

Imprint of the shape of the hand after pressing on the viscoelastic polyurethane foam

There are also negative properties.

  1. Poor quality polyurethane foam often comes across - it will lose its original shape in a short time, and the furniture will quickly sag.
  2. The material does not tolerate direct sunlight, begins to deform. By production use an upholstery from light-protective materials.
  3. Polyurethane foam is a highly flammable substance that releases toxic substances when burned.
  4. For many, the high density of PU foam may seem hard.
  5. Excessive softness of the material can cause back problems, and in children - a curvature of the spine, so it is better for them to sleep on a hard surface.

Polyurethane foam or spring block? What is the best sofa filler?

Upholstered furniture based on an independent spring block

Enough time has passed since spring blocks were replaced by materials that are used as a filler for upholstered furniture - these are latex, holofiber, polyurethane foam, sintepon. But what is better - a spring block or polyurethane foam?

Filling sofa-accordion on a metal frame

Comfort This property is important for any furniture, no matter what function it performs. It is important when you lie down that pits do not appear, then there is definitely no time for rest, and instead of a restful sleep, you will look for a comfortable position. The load must be distributed equally over the entire base. What can be said about PPU? It holds its shape well, has excellent elasticity, adapts to the contour of the human body. Withstands heavy weight, instantly returns to its original form. If the material is of sufficient quality, it will serve for a long time.
Spring blocks There are dependents and independents. In the first version, the springs are intertwined and have long been out of use. It is simply unbearable to lie on such a basis, if you press on one spring, it will pull all the others. The second option allows you to have a great rest, in such blocks each individual spring is packed in a bag, the load in this case is distributed evenly.
Thoroughness. Undoubtedly, PPU - durable material. It does not accumulate dust, excellent breathability, it is harmless. Furniture with such a filler will serve for more than one year, if used for its intended purpose. But if you often jump on such a sofa, which children especially like to do, then it will quickly lose elasticity.

The same applies to spring blocks, not everyone can withstand such loads, especially inexpensive option. Economy class furniture will creak and springs will come out through the upholstery. In high quality sofas, a sufficient number of intermediate layers are placed between the spring block and the upholstery material, so the springs always remain in place.

Price. Furniture with spring blocks is more expensive than with polyurethane foam. But it all depends on the quality of the material. Therefore, think carefully before buying a cheaper sofa, otherwise the joy of buying will turn into big problems. Be sure to ask the seller what kind of filler is inside, what quality. After all, it depends on how long the furniture can last you, whether it will be comfortable, convenient to sit or sleep on it, so that the original appearance remains the same for as long as possible.

No one will give an answer to the question "Which is better?" Each filler has advantages and disadvantages. What you prefer is up to you.

The Best Springless Synthetic Fillers

  • Many furniture makers prefer to use polyurethane foam as it is affordable and easy to work with. There are two types - cast and block. In the first case, special forms are filled out necessary composition, similar in thickness to sour cream. After it hardens, you get the desired shape. In the second case, the sheets are cut into layers of the required thickness and size and glued together.

Furniture polyurethane foam - an affordable and convenient material for frameless furniture

  • Synthetic down. A spiral fiber made of silicone, in a matter of minutes, restores its former shape after compression. It has properties such as quality factor, reliability. It is mainly used for stuffing cushions for furniture, as a filler for backs and armrests.

Synthetic down - the artificial material of the future

  • Sintepon. Non-woven, very light material, which is made from polyester fibers. The substance is hypoallergenic, so furniture with a synthetic winterizer as a filler is used in children's rooms, suitable for people prone to allergies. They are also stuffed with pillows, used in the manufacture of clothes. Eco-friendly material, does not wear out for a long time, resistant to various fungi, has water repellency, safe.

Sintepon - a material suitable for people with allergies

  • Periotek. It looks like weightless puffy felt, is safe for allergy sufferers, and may contain wool or cotton fibers. The compaction of such furniture can be normal or high.

PerioTek filler is an elastic, voluminous and durable material

  • Vatnik. This is, in fact, a flooring of cotton wool 5-10 cm thick, located between layers consisting of dense fabric. Furniture with such a filler is soft, but there is no elasticity.

Vatnik-flooring for the manufacture of upholstered furniture

The best springless natural fillers

Any filler that is used in the manufacture of upholstered furniture or mattresses has its own properties.

  • Latex natural. It is made from the sap of the rubber tree using an individual technology. It is foamed, as a result of which cells are formed, so it "breathes". Excellent heat and moisture conductivity, the material is solid, of very high quality. Shelf life is approximately 10 years. Instantly returns to its original shape after heavy loads. There is only one drawback - a very high price.

Latex mattress - high quality, comfortable and safe

  • Horsehair. Excellent filler. The horse's mane is treated with latex. This is done so that the material is elastic and serves for a long time, moisture resistant, breathable. High quality filler, but expensive. Not suitable for people prone to allergies.

Horse hair for the production of upholstered furniture and mattresses

  • Coconut coir. Fibers are produced from the intercarp of coconut, they, like horse hair, are treated with latex to be elastic and strong. In addition, they also have antibacterial properties, are hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, do not rot, breathable material. Furniture with such a filler is perfect even for small children.

Coconut filler for children's mattress

  • Sea grass. The most environmentally friendly filler. In the manufacture of raw materials combined with jute. The furniture has sufficient rigidity, which is beneficial for the back and maintaining the health of the spine. In addition, such a filler strengthens the immune system, normalizes sleep, as it contains iodine and various minerals.

Useful and healing filler for upholstered furniture - sea grass

  • Bamboo fibre. Produced from young shoots of bamboo. The material is able to absorb water vapor, pass air, has anti-allergic and antibacterial properties. It is not subject to rotting, it does not deform for a long time.

Bamboo fiber is ideal for mattress toppers, duvets and pillows

  • Camel's wool. Fine breathable material, can absorb static electricity. Not suitable for people prone to allergies.

Camel wool is an excellent warm filling material for blankets, pillows, blankets, mattress covers and winter options mattresses

  • Felt. Made from sheep wool. It has good thermal conductivity. Of the shortcomings, one minus is that it is able to accumulate moisture, which may cause mold.

Natural felt for furniture and other industries

How to choose the right PPU filler. What is it in the sofa

High-quality and durable PPU fillers

Not every PPU is of good quality. Only excellent polyurethane foam has the necessary properties. You should not make a difference between foam rubber and polyurethane foam - these are materials identical to each other. The difference lies in the function, cost, properties, category. Before choosing furniture, be sure to ask about its density - it should be from 30 kg / m3. Accordingly, the higher the density, the higher the quality and cost.

Sofa with polyurethane foam filling on the frame

Do not overlook the thickness of the material. The normal figure is four centimeters. It happens that in order to save money, a filler with a thickness of 3 or 2 cm is used. It is better to ignore furniture with a filler of this thickness. How resilient and rigid the sofa is depends on your personal preference. The choice is always yours.

Beautiful and comfortable corner sofa filled with polyurethane foam

Video: Polyurethane foam mattresses, foam mattresses, types of PPU

Penoizol is a urea-formaldehyde foam plastic, abbreviated as KFP. Universal warmth insulating material, which became widespread in the 1930s in Germany. There it was actively used almost everywhere until the 50s. CFP is a foam material white color, which in its appearance resembles extruded polystyrene foam. So, if you run a chip, for example, with your finger, then it crumbles. The material is odorless, does not emit toxic substances and is therefore considered quite safe. The composition of penoizol has a homogeneous fine-meshed structure. In our country, this insulation, depending on its manufacturer, can be called differently: penoizol, mipora, unipol, mettemplast.

Characteristics of penoizol

The technology for the production of penoizol is relatively simple, and the cost of such a material is quite low when compared with other heat insulators. With the help of special equipment that mixes the various components of the insulation, foam is obtained, which is filled either into a mold or directly into its future place, for example, into the inter-wall space, floors, crevices and other elements of the building. When the material finally hardens, a white heat-insulating layer with a density of 9 to 25 kg/m3 is obtained. I must say, a very convenient and relatively inexpensive technology.

Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is known as ordinary foam rubber. In everyday life, we often meet soft, and in construction they use hard. This material has a closed cell structure, the plates are produced with an edge, which simplifies and reduces the cost of installation. The use of special components make this material fireproof.

In addition to plates, it is produced in the form of foam, which is applied to the surface with special equipment. Due to the use of foam, "thermal bridges" will be completely absent, the coating will be continuous.

Please note: polyurethane foam, unlike expanded polystyrene and mineral wool, does not need a vapor barrier. The water absorption rate is 12-15 times less than that of conventional foam

The main advantages of using polyurethane foam:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity (almost 1.5 times higher than that of polystyrene and almost 2 times higher than mineral wool);
  • moisture resistance;
  • operating temperature from -70 to 110 degrees;
  • 30 years - the designated service life (with proper installation much longer);
  • no deformation during the entire service life;
  • resistance - rotting, fungus, the influence of moisture does not affect its properties;
  • has soundproofing properties;
  • environmental friendliness - allowed for use even in food warehouses.

Disadvantages of polyurethane foam:

  • the price is higher than polystyrene foam;
  • low resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

The use of foam for floor insulation

On the modern market of thermal insulation materials, polyurethane foam heaters, in particular, foam plastic, are very popular. The material meets all the requirements for floor insulation, at the same time it has high sound insulation and much greater strength and environmental friendliness compared to other popular polymer insulation - foam.

Penoplex can be used both to insulate the floor along the logs, and to equip the heat-insulating layer, followed by the application of a leveling screed.

Penoplex can be used both to insulate the floor along the logs, and to equip the heat-insulating layer, followed by the application of a leveling screed. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of foam plastic is significantly lower than that of polystyrene, therefore, using this heat-insulating material, it is possible to create a heat-insulating layer of much smaller thickness.

Penoplex is easy to install and process. During the installation of the material, it is possible to minimize the cost of insulation, which will make it possible to significantly save on consumables.

Penoplex is suitable for insulating floors located on the ground or above unheated basements, and for insulation of interfloor ceilings, for which the heat-insulating layer acts as a sound insulator.

It is possible to mount sheets of material directly on the base with a preliminary waterproofing layer, since with constant contact with moisture, the insulation can significantly lose its thermal insulation properties.

Penoplex is resistant to temperature extremes, the material can work in permanent conditions, where the stage of freezing the heat-insulating layer is replaced by the stage of its thawing.

The material can be used to insulate wooden floors, since foam prevents the development of microorganisms, therefore, you can not be afraid of the appearance of mold and fungi in the sub-floor space. The fire resistance of the material also makes it suitable for insulating wooden structures.

The disadvantages of penoplex include the need to comply with a certain technology for laying plates and carefully close up the joints of the sheets of material. Foam foam is laid in a checkerboard pattern, and the seams between the sheets of material are foamed with mounting foam or other sealing compounds. If the seams between the foam sheets are not sealed, then cold bridges will form, and the likelihood of condensate accumulation under the heat-insulating layer also increases.

When applying a leveling screed to the foam plastic heat-insulating layer, the structure must be additionally reinforced.

Fire hazard of polyurethane foams Isolation of a full range of chemical warfare agents

Unlike expanded polystyrene, rigid polyurethane foam is an inert, toxic polymer with a neutral odor. For this reason, it is widely applied to food storage refrigerators. Polyurethane foam does not create toxic emissions that cause human disease or death.

But as a result of the combustion of polyurethane foams and polyisocyanurate foams, a mixture of low molecular weight thermal decomposition products and their combustion products is always formed. The composition of the mixture depends on temperature and oxygen access.

The process of dissociation of polyurethane foam into the original components - polyisocyanate and polyol - begins after heating the material to 170-200°C.

With prolonged exposure to high temperatures above 250 ° C, most thermosetting plastics, as well as rigid polyurethane foams, gradually decompose.

When the isocyanate component is heated above 300°C, it decomposes to form volatile polyureas (yellow smoke) in the case of flexible polyurethane foams or to non-volatile polycarbodimmides and polyureas in the case of rigid polyurethane foams and polyisocyanurate foams. Thermal decomposition of the polyisocyanate and polyol occurs.

At temperatures exceeding 300°C, the destruction of polyisocyanurate foam begins, which, unlike polyurethane foam, contains a more stable isocyanurate cycle. The temperature at which a sufficient amount of combustible decomposition products are formed, which can be ignited by flames, sparks or combustible surfaces, for rigid polyurethane foams from 320 ° C.

For rigid polyurethane foams based on special grades of polyisocyanate, the decomposition temperature with the release of combustible gases is in the range from 370 ° C to 420 ° C. In addition, in the process of decomposition of various polyurethane foams when heated to 450 ° C, the following compounds were identified: carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), butane, tetrahydrofuran, dihydrofuran, butanedione, water, hydrocyanic (cyanic) acid and carbon monoxide ( carbon monoxide).

Comparative characteristics of polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene

Undoubtedly, the main indicator that determines the quality of insulation is thermal conductivity. If we compare expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam in this aspect, the second one will be more effective, since the coefficient of thermal conductivity of rigid polyurethane foam is 0.019 - 0.028 W / m * K, and expanded polystyrene - 0.04 - 0.06 W / m * K. Below are the comparative characteristics of polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene:

As can be seen from the table, PPU has a wider temperature range of application, as well as a longer service life. These are far from all the characteristics by which it is possible to compare polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam.

The following parameters are of no small importance:

  • Moisture permeability - expanded polystyrene (or polystyrene) absorbs moisture approximately twice as much as polyurethane foam
  • Environmental friendliness - due to the wide range of temperatures allowed when using both heaters, they are quite safe to use. However, the safety of polyurethane foam directly depends on the correct application, and expanded polystyrene begins to release phenol when heated from +60°C. The correct choice, polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene, in this case depends on the requirements for the application.

In the video, polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene are subjected to intensive fire treatment. Expanded polystyrene burns out completely, releasing a lot of toxins, and polyurethane foam manages to survive:

While Styrofoam is vulnerable to moisture, as well as almost all organic solvents, PU foam deteriorates when exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, it may seem that polyurethane foam is not suitable for external thermal insulation. However, in any case, external thermal insulation is done under the siding cladding, and the PPU layer is protected from the harmful effects of the sun. Therefore, in comparison of expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam, PPU wins both for internal and external insulation.

In comparing expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam, it is also worth mentioning the compressive strength - it is higher for PPS.

Application area

Scheme of thermal insulation of the facade with polystyrene foam.

Expanded polystyrene, or polystyrene, is used in various fields of activity: from electronics packaging to individual construction. Polyfoam, as a building material, is widely used for all types of thermal insulation works:

  • it is used for roof insulation. The simplicity and ease of its installation makes it possible to work in all weather conditions. In addition, expanded polystyrene is used for the reconstruction of flat roofs;
  • polystyrene foam boards are used for floor insulation in houses, it is at the same time not only good thermal insulation, but also waterproofing;
  • polystyrene is used as a heater for underfloor heating, which significantly reduces costs;
  • with this material it is possible to insulate the walls of buildings, both outside and inside, they insulate loggias and balconies;
  • expanded polystyrene has become widespread not only for internal insulation of the house: it is used for thermal insulation of the foundation of buildings and pipelines.

But not only expanded polystyrene has become so widespread in construction, along with it, polyurethane foam is also in great demand. It is easy to operate, and its main feature is that this heat-insulating material is not presented in the form of plates and rolls, as usual, but in the form of a special composition that is sprayed onto the surface. This feature makes polyurethane foam a universal insulation, which served as its widespread use in construction, where polyurethane foam is used in various directions:

The scheme of insulation of the house with polyurethane foam.

  • due to the chemical resistance of this material, it is well suited for thermal insulation of containers, such as swimming pools;
  • polyurethane foam is excellent for thermal insulation of pipelines, because it has a high reaction rate, which avoids foam dripping;
  • the adhesive properties of this material make it possible to widely use polyurethane foam for insulating building foundations;
  • it is used for thermal insulation of the roof;
  • This material is excellent for insulating the walls of buildings, both outside and inside.

Scope and polyurethane foam are similar in many ways, but they are still two different materials with different properties.

What to choose

Polyurethane foam polyurethane foam is lighter than extruded polystyrene foam EPS

First of all, my hands are itching to destroy the legend that isothermal vans filled with polyurethane foam (PPU) are lighter than those glued with extruded polystyrene foam (EPS). Optimum thermal insulation properties of both materials are achieved at a density of 40 kg/m³. Considering that the heat transfer coefficients of PPU and XPS are approximately equal, differing only by 2 thousandths of W / m² * K, it can be argued that in both glued and filled sandwiches with the same isothermality (for example, 0.7 W / m² * K), the thickness of the insulation material must be the same. And this means that with the same density of materials, their weight in the composition of the vans will be the SAME. We also note that, for example, for a van measuring 5.3x2.6x2.5 m for 12 euro pallets, an increase of 10 mm of insulation thickness will add only 27 kg of weight.

Polyurethane foam is the best alternative to foam plastic

A liquid thermal insulator is a worthy alternative to foam plastic and is considered an ideal thermal insulator for floor insulation.

It is a worthy alternative to foam plastic and is considered an ideal thermal insulator for floor insulation, as it is sprayed onto any surface and creates a monolithic coating without joints and seams, which eliminates the formation of cold bridges and the accumulation of condensate under the heat-insulating layer.

Polyurethane foam has the lowest thermal conductivity among all existing heat insulators, so using polyurethane foam you can get a thin, energy-efficient heat-insulating coating that is resistant to static and dynamic loads.

The polyurethane foam coating does not need additional reinforcement when insulated under a screed. It is possible to insulate with polyurethane foam floors located on the ground, above basements, interfloor ceilings, as well as the floors of rooms with a low ceiling height.

Polyurethane foam is superior to foam plastic in terms of service life, and also does not require additional creation of a waterproofing layer.

Polyurethane foam is superior to foam plastic in terms of service life, and also does not require additional creation of a waterproofing layer. As for installation, the application of polyurethane foam is a fairly quick and simple process. The heat-insulating layer does not need to be additionally fixed with dowels or adhesive compositions. Polyurethane foam helps to create a uniform coating on the surface of even very complex geometric shapes. There are no difficulties with the transportation of the material, since the polyurethane foam is delivered in liquid form directly to the place of thermal insulation work, therefore it does not take up much space, and during its transportation there is no possibility of cracks and chips of the material. In the process of insulation with polyurethane foam, waste is completely absent, and the material does not require additional processing during thermal insulation work.

You can apply a leveling screed immediately after the polyurethane foam heat-insulating layer has hardened (after 2-3 hours), and you can start sheathing the structure with floorboards or moisture-resistant plywood half an hour after spraying the polyurethane foam.

When choosing a decent heater for your home or industrial building There are a number of factors that must be taken into account that will eventually affect the time until the next overhaul, for the cost of maintaining a house, production premises on quality of life and comfort.

We build and insulate for a long time, for life.

The most common and popular heaters: mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam. Let's compare polyurethane foam with other heaters and identify the differences between polystyrene foam, mineral wool and polyurethane foam. What is better, what is worse in operation for 50 years.

Pros and cons of polyurethane foam

Many consumers know this material as ordinary foam rubber. In everyday life, soft polyurethane foam is more often used, and in construction industry- hard. Most often it is made in the form of plates.

Spraying polyurethane foam has become a very popular way of thermal insulation today. In this case, the material is made directly on the construction site and applied in the form of foam to the surface, where it hardens. The coating is obtained without joints, the occurrence of cold bridges is excluded.

When choosing which is better to purchase polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, remember that the latter does not need vapor barrier, plus its water absorption rate is about 10 times lower compared to standard foam.

As for other advantages of the material, here it can be noted:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity - the thermal protection of polyurethane foam is 1.5 times greater compared to polystyrene foam, and 2 times greater than mineral wool;
  • moisture resistance;
  • wide operating temperature range - from -70 to +110 degrees;
  • long service life - at least 30 years (with correct installation it will be bigger)
  • the absence of any deformations throughout the entire operational period;
  • resistance to decay and the appearance of fungus;
  • excellent soundproofing properties.

At first glance, it seems that polyurethane foam - perfect option for insulation. However, not everything is so simple. There were some shortcomings here as well. The main one is the issue price. If we compare polyurethane foam with extruded polystyrene, then the former is much more expensive. In the case when the material is applied to the surface by spraying, you will have to pay a considerable amount also for the work, since the process is quite complicated. You can try to save on services, rent special equipment and protective equipment. But how well can you do the job, and how long will it take? In fairness, it should be noted that the use of insulation in the form of sheets will help reduce costs. But in this case, seams will appear and the main advantage will disappear - solidity.

Other, no less significant disadvantage polyurethane foam - instability to ultraviolet rays. The material not only loses its properties and appearance. When destroyed, it decomposes into products that can harm human health. To protect polyurethane foam, it must be covered with a layer of material that does not transmit UV rays, or at least simply painted.

Of course, the owner of the house is unlikely to show the world a layer of insulation on the walls of his house in all its glory. Most likely, he is going to continue decorating the walls. But at the same time, difficulties may arise with the choice of material. It is unreasonable to attach siding to the insulation in order to break the integrity of the surface using self-tapping screws or dowels. You have to use other types of finishes, for example, plaster.

Polyurethane foam itself can also not be used on all surfaces. The low vapor permeability of the material can play a cruel joke and cause the walls to become damp and fungus to appear on them. It will be just right to use material for concrete, but for wood - it’s better not to.

Another point concerns the environmental safety of the material. Manufacturers claim that their material is absolutely harmless. However, certificates confirm its safety only in industrial conditions. Moreover, it remains open question and fire safety. Polyurethane foam refers to moderately combustible materials: under the influence of high temperatures, it begins to smolder and release harmful substances. It is unlikely to cause a fire, but in places where surfaces are very hot, it is better not to use it.

Service life of penoizol and polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam darkens under the influence of UV rays. Under the "open sky", the life of polyurethane foam will be approximately 15 years. If PPU is closed from sunlight, then its service life in this case will be more than 50 years. It is also worth noting that polyurethane foam has good frost resistance - up to 300 cycles, while optimum temperature for the use of penoizols - this is from 0 to + 40 degrees Celsius.

Subject to the recommended construction technologies, foam insulation, as the manufacturers themselves say, can last about 50 years. However, this is far from reality. As practice shows, penoizol in most cases turns into dust after 3-5 years.

What is better to buy and what is the best way to insulate a building?

The conclusions in favor of choosing penoizol or polyurethane foam, in our opinion, are obvious. Here, either save and use foam insulation masses for insulation, or spend more and get reliable thermal insulation for long years… Of course, polyurethane foam, despite the fact that it is more expensive, is a more profitable solution when it comes to high-quality insulation of buildings, warehouses and private houses!

polyurethane foam

What is the difference between penoizol and polyurethane foam, which is a distant relative of penoizol?

Polyurethane foam is a polymeric material, which is a type of plastic, which was also discovered in Germany in 1947 by a German chemist named Bayer. This insulation is obtained by the reaction of two, and sometimes more components. Among polyurethane foams, rigid, elastic and integral are distinguished. However, in this case, it is rigid polyurethane foam that is of interest to us, which has become widespread as a reliable building insulation for buildings and private houses. Rigid polyurethane foams, like penoizols, have a fine cellular structure, but have a higher density - from 25 kg / m3 and above, as well as increased elasticity, which makes it more durable, for example, it does not crumble or crumble.

Comparison of polyurethane foam and penoizol

Impact on human and animal health

Penoizol, according to manufacturers, has passed numerous safety tests and is completely neutral in terms of effects on the body for both humans and animals, as evidenced by numerous certificates. However, in some states in America and Canada, legislation prohibits the use of CPF as a potentially hazardous material. A similar ban exists in a number of European countries. The fact is that during the polymerization of carbamide foam, formaldehyde is released, which is harmful to the health of both people and animals. It must be said that the disputes between scientists and manufacturers regarding the safety of urea-formaldehyde foam still do not subside, and therefore there is no definitive answer to the question of the safety of CPF. The only thing that can be said is that it is possible to reduce the possible risks of release of formaldehyde vapors can be reduced by applying on inside vapor barrier walls.

If we talk about polyurethane foam, then in matters of safety it has certificates and conclusions that prove its harmless effect on living organisms, as well as on the environment. In terms of the use of polyurethane foam, no country in the world has such prohibitions as penoizol has.

Fire safety

If we talk about fire safety, then penoizols belong to the G2 flammability class, that is, they are not capable of spontaneous combustion. Polyurethane foams belong to the flammability class G3 and G4, which means that in the area of ​​open fire they are slow-burning and self-extinguishing.

Water permeability

The percentage of moisture absorption in penoizols is quite large, approximately 18-20%, from which we can conclude that such heat insulators are afraid of moisture. With excessive humidity, the penoizol begins to collapse, so it needs additional steam and moisture insulation.

Polyurethane foams have minimal water permeability due to their closed-cell structure, therefore, thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam will not only perfectly retain heat, but will also be a good anti-corrosion protection, protection against moisture, mold and fungi. It is also worth noting that condensation does not form on polyurethane foam surfaces.

Thermal insulation of penoizol and polyurethane foam

High-quality penoizol has good thermal conductivity - up to 0.030 W / m K, but the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is about 0.021 W / m K.

The strength of polyurethane foam and penoizol

In terms of strength, penoizol is inferior to polyurethane foam, since it is a much more fragile material. But polyurethane foam is quite durable and at the same time elastic material, which is perfectly able to withstand, for example, building shrinkage, walking and other mechanical influences.

Prices for penoizol and polyurethane foam

If we compare penoizol with polyurethane foam in terms of cost, then here the first place will be for carbamide foam, which is an order of magnitude cheaper than polyurethane foam technology, however, its physical and chemical qualities are lower than that of polyurethane foam ...

Description of foams

Polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene are foams, they have simple installation, which affects the price of finished insulation. Expanded polystyrene is ordinary and extruded. The usual one consists of soft small white balls, the extruded one is denser, warmer, more durable and more expensive than the usual one.

The advantages of expanded polystyrene include:

  • low cost 277 rubles. per 1 sq.m. 5 cm thick;
  • ease of installation;
  • low thermal conductivity 0.028 - 0.035;
  • various sheet thicknesses.

The cons include the following:

  • water absorption of expanded polystyrene leads to an increase in the thermal conductivity of the insulation;
  • it is easily destroyed by the action of the sun;
  • mice love to gnaw through it and build nests in it;
  • very short service life - 10-15 years, and we are building seriously and for a long time;
  • fire hazard - it is very combustible, emits soot and toxic gases when burned;
  • at 60 degrees it begins to fall apart, so it is not suitable for roofs at all;
  • at 20 degrees, polystyrene begins to emit poisonous gas;
  • the presence of seams between the sheets of insulation, cracking of the seams;
  • deformation during operation;
  • it is necessary to fill the seams with mounting foam, fasten the sheets to the surface, this somewhat delays the commissioning of the construction site.

Advantages and disadvantages of expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is a common foam that is familiar to everyone. It has been used for more than a year and all its pros and cons have long been known. At its core, it is 98% air bubbles enclosed in 2% polystyrene.

There are two types of expanded polystyrene - regular (foamed) and extruded. Due to the greater density, the latter has better thermophysical properties, it is stronger and more durable.

Both types of foam are available in the form of plates of various thicknesses. How to distinguish one from the other? Try to break off a piece from the edge of the plate. Cheap, packaging styrofoam will have small balls along the break. High-quality, extruded foam on the fault will show the correct polyhedrons.

The main advantages of polystyrene include the following:

  • relatively low price;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • large selection of sheets different thickness and density.

The advantages of extruded polystyrene foam in comparison with conventional foam are:

  • lower water absorption - several times less than that of conventional foamed;
  • higher strength;
  • long service life.

Please note: insulation of premises with polystyrenes from the inside is prohibited. Moisture (condensate) accumulates very quickly between the insulation and the walls, which leads to fungal infection and accelerates the destruction of the building.

Among the shortcomings, the following should be noted:

  • water-absorbing properties of ordinary polystyrene - in wet polystyrene, thermal insulation properties decrease and it becomes unusable faster;
  • short service life - only 10-15 years;
  • rodents often make their nests in it;
  • impact damage external factors- the slightest hit of sunlight through poor-quality plaster begins to destroy the insulation;
  • deformation during use;
  • fire hazard - it burns well, a sufficiently large amount of toxic substances is released during combustion.

Note: already at 60 degrees, polystyrene foam is prone to decay, so you should not use it for. Summer in southern regions the roof may well heat up to 100 degrees.

What to choose

So what is the best order? After all, the difference between polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene is not so fundamental. Both materials have similar performance characteristics. If we compare expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam in terms of individual parameters, then it is also unlikely that we will be able to identify the absolute leader. In some cases, the difference will not be significant. For example, both materials are characterized by good water resistance, a wide temperature range in which they can be used. However, there is a difference between expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam. In terms of durability, ease of installation and environmental friendliness, the first material has clear advantages. Yes, it is inferior in terms of thermal protection, but it cannot be said that it is very significant.

How else is it different from polyurethane foam? The fact that it is absolutely not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays, and therefore it can be used to insulate the roof. Perhaps their main difference is the price. The cost of extruded polystyrene foam is significantly lower.

Brief comparative characteristics of heat insulators

Options EPPS
PPU Styrofoam
Low thermal conductivity + +- ++
during the first years of operation

subject to its foaming with freon;

if foaming occurs with air

(which is often found in the Russian Federation),

then the thermal conductivity of such a foam

deserves no more than one +

Low moisture / water absorption + +
the structure collapses
High structural strength + +- +-
Strength/weight ratio + +-
same density + + +
Dimensional stability (no post-treatment) + +
Optimal work surface
(no dust/closed cells)
+ +
Ability to automate and ease of use + + +
Temperature resistance +

Polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam - which is better

Based on a thorough analysis of the characteristics of both heaters, we came to the conclusion that polyurethane foam copes better with the task of moisture, thermal and sound insulation, and also provides better fire safety and chemical resistance. The cost of expanded polystyrene is cheaper, but the heat loss with it is several times higher. Therefore, savings on insulating materials result in a significant increase in the cost of space heating. Given the long service life of thermal insulation, PPU is more profitable, despite its higher price. Our experts based on years of experience in thermal insulation, it is recommended to use polyurethane foam for durable and high-quality insulation.

We bring to your attention a comparison table of such heat-insulating materials as expanded polystyrene (EPS) and polyurethane foam (PPU) which are used in the manufacture of thermal panels

Comparison of thermal panels made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) and polyurethane foam (PPU)


polyurethane foam

Environmental friendliness

When heated to 60 degrees, it releases phenol

Complies with sanitary norms and rules, the products have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Applicable at temperatures up to 180 degrees

fire hazard

Does not support combustion


The material shrinks and contracts, which can lead to a change in the geometry of the facade.

Closed from ultraviolet polyurethane foam is resistant to most solvents, the service life exceeds the service life of the supporting structures of the building.

Limited service life. Significant reduction operational qualities after 10 years of use.

Does not change properties throughout the entire period of operation


A deep joint leads to a greater consumption of expensive joint fillers.

Perfect joining of panels, exact observance of masonry geometry along the entire facade

The choice of materials is limited, because. a special shape of the dovetail tile is required

The possibility of using facing materials of any shape.

Ease of installation

The softness of the carrier base and the weak fixation of the tiles on the panel leads to a large rejection of the material during transportation and installation.

The rigidity of the material is the possibility of cladding without the use of crates.

The tile is held only by the recesses in the tile ( dovetail), during cutting and installation, individual tiles fall out of the panel, they must be glued back

The tile is securely held in the panel due to adhesion. Cutting panels does not cause tiles to fall out.

The use of thick tiles (13-17 mm) increases the weight of the panels

Less weight of the panel, due to the ability to use tiles of smaller thickness (8-11 mm)

Building materials do not adhere well to foam plastic; expensive special mixtures are required to fill the joints.

Quartz sand in the joints increases the strength of the panel and increases the adhesion of the joint in the joints.

Operation features

Excessive humidity can lead to fungal infection and create an unfavorable indoor climate.

Polyurethane foam insulation is not afraid of fungi, mold and bacteria. For many years, polyurethane foam has proven to be an excellent insulating material that is safe for health and has no harmful effect on the natural environment.

At hit of moisture and freezing there is a destruction of polyfoam.

The use of thermal panels provides reliable waterproofing and vapor barrier, which reduces the cost of using additional insulation and insulating materials.

Regular inspection of the facade and elimination of defects that have arisen is required

Does not require renovation and repair during the entire life of the building. The components do not support combustion and are difficult to combust.


If you plan to purchase polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, you need to consider that in terms of the main parameters, the second of the options wins. It is non-combustible, has a high density, wear-resistant, long-lasting, non-hygroscopic. Expanded polystyrene is cheaper, but it has a fairly low thermal conductivity, which is often also an important selection criterion.

If self-foaming polyurethane foam is considered, expensive equipment is required for its installation. However, it is not advisable to purchase such equipment for a single use. It must be said that polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam are universal heaters, but choose suitable option follows, based on operating conditions.

Which insulation is stronger

EPS Styrofoam or PPU? Let's start with an analogy. PPU and XPS are also used in other industries. So, pillows for seats, sofas and armchairs are made from polyurethane foam with the addition of special additives, and XPS is used by the US Army and NASA. Draw your own conclusions.

The strength of XPS is confirmed by the following tests:

The Royal Institute of Aeronautics (Stockholm, Sweden) carried out tests to measure the long-term fatigue strength of Styrofoam Dow XPS and PU foam with a density of 40 kg/m³. The method is cyclic (5 Hz) deflection tests under prevailing shear stress increasing with each cycle. Tests have shown that the XPS panel has a huge advantage over the PU foam panel.

What to choose

Unfortunately no ideal material which suits absolutely everyone. It will not suit someone because of the high price of polyurethane foam, someone will not be satisfied with the service life of polystyrene foam. Therefore, weigh all the pros and cons, but keep in mind that the disadvantages are not complete contraindications for use. Knowing the properties of the insulation, you can make optimal choice And don't regret spending the money later.

For example, if you want to insulate a garage or wooden house on the site, choose cheaper polystyrene foam. 10-15 years of service life of the foam will be quite enough for this type of building. If funds permit, purchase extruded polystyrene foam. Just do not forget that ultraviolet rays destroy the foam.

If you want to improve the thermal insulation of your house or apartment for many years, it would be wise to choose polyurethane foam. The costs will be higher, but you will enjoy the benefits of insulating your home for many years to come. Higher costs for quality installation will pay off over time.

For an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of expanded polystyrene, see the video:

Carbon monoxide carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide, CO

The main toxic component of the combustion products of polyurethane foams and polyisocyanurate foams at all stages of a fire, both at low and high temperatures, is carbon monoxide.

The natural level of CO in the air is 0.01-0.9 mg/m3, and on the highways of Russia the average concentration of CO is from 6-57 mg/m3, exceeding the poisoning threshold. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) is toxic, it has the ability to combine with blood hemoglobin 200-300 times faster than oxygen. The blood becomes unable to carry enough oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and rapid and severe poisoning ensues.

At a content of 0.08% CO in the inhaled air, a person feels headache, nausea, weakness and suffocation. At 1% concentration of carbon monoxide in the room after 1-2 minutes, it has a deadly effect. With an increase in CO concentration to 0.32%, paralysis and loss of consciousness occur (death occurs after 30 minutes). At a concentration above 1.2%, consciousness is lost after 2-3 breaths, a person dies in less than 3 minutes.

Mounting Features

Advice from a professional

What to choose polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam

  • 11 Jul/
  • admin /
  • popecham

Thermal insulation of the house is a necessary measure in our climate.

The scheme of insulation of the concrete floor with polystyrene foam.

Warming the house allows not only to keep warm in winter, but also not to miss it in summer. Few people know that modern thermal insulation materials act in both directions: in winter they protect against heat loss, and in summer they prevent it from entering the house. Based on this, we can conclude: if the house is equipped with good thermal insulation, then it will be warm in winter and cool in summer. But this is not all the functions that the insulation performs: it is also able to protect the outer wall of the house from cracking at low temperatures.

The thermal insulation of the house is now widespread, and that is why the market is represented huge selection insulation, but the most popular of them can rightfully be considered polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. These materials have become so widespread due to their low price and ease of use. - a fairly simple and not very long construction event. If you know how to properly hold the tools in your hand, then insulating your house with this material will not be difficult for you. Polyurethane foam, like expanded polystyrene, is just as easy to use, and its installation will not take you much time and effort. To figure out which of these two materials is best for insulating your home, you need to compare them.

Mineral wool

Service life - 50 years for some manufacturers, a good indicator. Thermal conductivity - 0.032 - 0.12, this is the coldest insulation compared. Moisture resistance is low, it passes warm air well. During installation, there is a problem associated with the protection of the installer from fine dust, which causes irritation to the skin and respiratory organs.

One type of mineral wool is needed for walls, another for the ceiling, and a third for partitions.

Additional protection of mineral wool is required in the form of a vapor barrier device, a counter-lattice, all this increases the cost of installation and the time it takes to put the facility into operation. The price is the lowest per square meter.

Remember, the miser pays twice, first for mineral wool, then for its dismantling and spraying with PPU.

During operation shrinkage, change of the sizes of a heater is possible. It is possible for small particles of mineral wool to enter the living room, this causes allergies, skin irritation. Not without reason, people in Udmurtia are dismantling the old mineral wool and switching to PPU.

In the photo, the house, insulated with mineral wool, on the roof of the attic clearly shows how snow melts from heat leaks through the insulation. This can be clearly seen with .

Comparison of styrofoam and polyurethane foam

To understand which of these two materials is better, let's compare them in a number of important indicators in the form of a table.

Expanded polystyrene (PPS) Polyurethane foam (PPU)
Environmental friendliness
At temperatures above 60°C releases phenol. Products comply with sanitary standards. PPU can be used at temperatures up to 180 ° C without fear.
fire hazard
Lit. When burning, burning parts are separated from the material, which can serve as a fire spread. Not hot.
Service life no more than 15 years. Decline in performance occurs after 10 years of use. UV protected polyurethane foam can last longer than bearing structures building.
The material settles and shrinks, violating the geometry of the facade. The properties of the material do not change throughout the entire service life.
The presence of seams between the panels entails a large consumption of seam fillers. The seam is missing.
Limited choice of cladding materials, as a dovetail is required. Wide choice of finishing materials of any form.
Ease of installation
Plates often deteriorate during installation or transportation due to their brittleness of the material. The material is not picky in transportation. For installation, only a sprayer is needed.
Slab framing required. The material does not need additional crate.
Not all bonding materials are suitable for foam, so the use of special formulations for PPS is necessary. Excellent contact with any kind of bonding materials.
Specific installation of plates using dowels and other materials. You don't need anything other than a sprayer for installation.
Operation features
High humidity can cause mold and fungus to form on the plates, which will cause an unfavorable indoor climate. Moisture resistant. It is not subject to rotting and mold formation.
When moisture gets on the panel, it is absorbed and, when exposed to low temperatures, it freezes and destroys the foam. PPU repels water from the surface, so that the destruction of the material does not occur.
Constant inspection of thermal insulation for defects and their elimination is necessary. No renewal or repair of thermal insulation is required throughout the entire period of operation.

Comparison result

It can be seen from the table that polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam have both pros and cons, but, of course, polystyrene has the most disadvantages. Lifetime this material does not exceed 15 years. It is actively destroyed when exposed to environment. PPS slabs are often spoiled by rodents. Due to the fact that this material is a hydrocarbon polymer, it does not adhere well to adhesives and plaster mortars. But the most important thing is that polystyrene foam is an unsafe material: it burns, scattering in different sides burning fragments, while releasing toxic substances. All this indicates the unreliability of polystyrene foam for thermal insulation of the house.

Unlike polystyrene, it is a reliable and modern way of warming. This material is lightweight and does not load the structure, but at the same time it is very durable. PPU has low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability.

A well-insulated building lasts much longer, and due to its high energy efficiency, heating costs are significantly reduced. One of structural elements, through which the greatest heat losses of the structure are carried out, is the floor. Comfort temperature floor is one of the main indicators of the entire thermal insulation of the structure.

To ensure the energy efficiency of the building during thermal insulation work, it is important not only to follow the installation technology of the thermal insulation layer, but also to choose the right insulation. . It should have low thermal conductivity, light weight, high strength, fire resistance, water-repellent properties, be easy to install, durable and environmentally friendly material.

In addition, the thermal insulation work itself should not be a labor-intensive costly process.

It should have low thermal conductivity, low weight, high strength, fire resistance, water-repellent properties, be easy to install, durable and environmentally friendly material. In addition, the thermal insulation work itself should not be a labor-intensive costly process.

Why is it insulated with polyurethane foam from Ecotermix, and not with any other material? Find out in the video below:

Advantages of XPS

Advantages of EPS Styrofoam, currently used by us:

Mounting Features

The installation method is exactly what distinguishes polystyrene foam in panels from polyurethane foam. PPU is most often sprayed in the form of a monolithic coating that does not have joints and does not require serious preparation. Familiarize yourself If observed, insulation with this material does not require much time, since there are no additional work for installation.

Advice from a professional

There are two main types exterior finish walls insulated with polyurethane foam - siding and plaster

Each method has its own subtleties of applying PPU, which are important to know in advance for proper preparation surfaces and subsequent finishing.

There are two concepts for assessing the impact of harmful substances on the human body

Threshold. The threshold concept states that it is necessary to reduce the concentration of harmful substances to a certain level (threshold) determined by the value of the maximum permissible concentration (MAC). The conclusion follows from this provision: low concentrations of harmful substances (below the MPC level) are harmless. In our country (as well as in other countries former USSR) it is the threshold concept that is adopted.
Linear. The linear concept assumes that bad influence per person proportionally (linearly) depends on the total amount of the absorbed substance. Hence the conclusion: low concentrations with prolonged consumption are harmful. This concept is followed by the USA, Germany, Canada, Japan and some other countries. But when considering the toxic danger of exposure to harmful substances on humans, it is necessary to take into account the degree of their COMMULATIVENESS, i.e. the ability of a substance to accumulate in the human body over time.

STYRENE among the substances contained in building materials has the highest degree of commutativity - 0.7 (see table 1). If we imagine that polystyrene 160 mm thick (in a three-layer panel) will last 20 years, then during this period each sq. a meter of outer wall will release 3 mg/h of styrene. When 10% of this amount enters the room and air is supplied in the amount of 30 m3/m2 h, the styrene concentration will be 0.0075 mg/m3. With a temporary stay in such a room and orientation to the daily MPC = 0.002 mg/m3, the excess of the MPC for styrene will be 3.75 times.

Therefore, for a dwelling with a residence time of 25 years, the MPC value for styrene should be reduced by a factor of 594 and be 0.0000034 mg/m3 (see table).

Table 1. Decrease in the MPC value of harmful substances, taking into account their degree of cumulativeness.

Substance MAC, mg/m3 Degree of commutativity MPC reduction Recalculated MPC, mg/m3
one-time daily allowance
Carbon monoxide (carbon dioxide) 5 3 0,1195 3 1,0000000
methanol 1 0,5
Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) 20 0,02
nitrogen dioxide 0,085 0,04 0,176 5 0,0080000
Phenol 0,01 0,003 0,2815 13 0,0002308
Ammonia 0,2 0,04 0,376 31 0,0012903
Nitrogen oxide 0,4 0,06 0,444 57 0,0010526
Formaldehyde 0,035 0,003 0,575 188 0,0000160
Benzene 1,5 0,1 0,633 322 0,0003106
Styrene 0,04 0,002 0,7005 594 0,0000034

Conclusion: STYRENE requires a reduction in MPC when used in housing construction by approximately 600 times to the level of 0.0000034 mg/m3, which is equivalent to a complete ban on the use of POLYSTYRENE EPS in housing construction.

Combustibility of expanded polystyrene

Due to this property, expanded polystyrene in the form of pre-foamed granules was used as a component for napalm bombs to burn enemy armored vehicles. Expanded polystyrene melts and its melt burns with a temperature above 1100ºС. It is the only polymer that burns at such a high temperature. Therefore, when a building catches fire, in which there is a significant content of polystyrene foam, everything burns, even metal structures.

In turn, during the combustion of polystyrene, its thermal degradation occurs, during which a significant amount of substances hazardous to humans are released. Therefore, even in the Soviet Union with a unified system of sanitary and chemical control of the use polymer materials The Ministry of Health of the USSR banned the use of expanded polystyrene in construction.

In connection with the above, in Western Europe, 20 years ago, expanded polystyrene was completely removed from residential buildings. The main peaceful use of expanded polystyrene in northern Europe and Canada is for the insulation of road and railway tracks. To give the road durability, slabs of this material are added to the body of its “layer cake”. Moreover, not foamed, but extruded polystyrene foam (technology developed by BASF, Germany) is used, which has a rigid and durable shell. This makes it possible for expanded polystyrene not to be saturated with moisture, retain its heat-insulating ability and prevent freezing of the roadway - which is the main reason for its rapid destruction. The use of expanded polystyrene in greenhouses is also effective, especially in the northern regions. Studies have shown that toxic STYRENE is not released into a humid environment, but remains in the Styrofoam without causing any harm. In addition, under a layer of sand, gravel or soil, the fire hazard of expanded styrene is out of the question. That's where the place of this material.

Technologies for the production of XPS and PPU

Secondly, it is necessary to explain the basic knowledge about the technologies for the production of sandwich panels.

Glued sandwich panels. In them, the layers are connected by means of one- or two-component (more common) polyurethane adhesive in a vacuum or mechanical press. The latter is quite expensive, so not everyone can afford it. But we allowed it, and the panels we get are amazing, even, like the surface of the sea. At the same time, a sandwich panel can be either three-layer: cladding + insulation (in order to reduce the cost, some use foam, some use domestic XPS, and we use imported XPS) + cladding, or five-layer with the addition of plywood under the cladding. Or maybe N-layer.

Filled sandwich panels. The cladding of the future panel is placed in a press, while the required distance is selected between them, and the ends are closed with limiters. The top lining in the press is held either by magnets or suction cups. Further, polyurethane foam enters the space between the linings through the tube. The most difficult thing here is to achieve uniform distribution of foam, i.e. so that its density is the same throughout the entire volume of the panel. Difficulties arise with the placement of mortgages (they must first be glued to one of the facings). And with the production of N-layer panels: facings with inner layers must first be glued in a press, and then the polyurethane mass must be poured between them (the press works 2 times instead of one → energy consumption, panel production time increases → increase in labor intensity, therefore 4 and 5-layer vans with PU foam road).


Expanded polystyrene has more disadvantages than advantages. First of all, the service life of this material does not exceed 15 years. In addition, it is destroyed under the influence of the environment, hydrocarbon liquids - acetone, white spirit, gasoline, etc. Even ordinary water, which the foam actively absorbs, leads to its rapid destruction upon freezing. Also, this material is often spoiled by rodents. Plus, since the foam is a hydrocarbon polymer, building and plaster mortars do not adhere well to it, which requires the use of additional components to fix them. Also, expanded polystyrene is unsafe: it burns, spraying burning fragments of material in all directions and releasing toxic substances. All this makes foam-based thermal panels an unreliable material.

Facade thermal panels based on rigid polyurethane foam are one of the most modern and promising building materials. Light, but strong enough material has a very low thermal conductivity, low vapor permeability. In modern conditions of rising prices for fuel resources, the question arises of choosing a high-quality heat-insulating material. the best heat-insulating material today, undoubtedly, is polyurethane foam and thermal panels based on it.

Thermal panels Regent
Made from rigid polyurethane foam. By choosing Regent thermal panels, you get a high-quality and environmentally friendly product.

Today, the issue of home insulation is becoming more and more relevant. Some insulate the entire apartment completely, others only the loggia, but each person thinks about what material to choose. Polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam: which is better to order? Both are types of gas-filled plastics (foams) and each has its own characteristics. To understand which is better - polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam - you first need to compare their characteristics. This will make it much easier to determine how they differ and which option suits you best.

Foam rubber or polyurethane foam? - Which is better?

There is an opinion that if foam rubber is used as a filler for upholstered furniture, then the period of use of such furniture is much lower than if the filler is polyurethane foam! And is it really like that?!?

Does the person who asks the question: “What is inside your sofa - foam rubber or polyurethane foam?” What is this foam rubber and polyurethane foam? Probably no. You will ask why?

Because foam rubber and polyurethane foam - the same thing !!!

The word foam rubber originates from the times of the USSR. In the Soviet Union, polyurethane foam, used for the manufacture of upholstered furniture, and not only, was mainly from a Scandinavian company called « Porolon", from where the common noun foam rubber came from.

Foam rubber (polyurethane foam or PPU) is a soft polyurethane fine-meshed foam used as a softening, supporting and insulating material with good elasticity and breathability.

Foam rubber (PPU) is a safe material with many positive qualities: it retains its elastic properties in a wide temperature range, does not emit dust, is hypoallergenic, and does not mold.

After the collapse of the USSR, many foam rubber manufacturers appeared in Russia. The quality of the material they produced often left much to be desired: apart from PPU 22 and 25 density (not designed for load), no one produced anything at all. Therefore, the foam rubber on the sofas during this period of time very quickly failed. But quantity gradually turned into quality. Firms producing foam rubber grew, absorbed each other, turning into large manufacturing enterprises, and as a result, today in the European part of Russia they can be counted on the fingers, the range of foam rubber they produce has expanded significantly, and the quality has reached the European level.

Currently, you can also buy low-quality upholstered furniture, but this no longer depends on the lack of good material on the PPU market, but directly on the manufacturer of this furniture. To reduce the cost of their furniture, some manufacturers use cheap brands of foam rubber that are not designed for the load. For example, the most common inexpensive sofas today are considered "Eurobooks", the price of such a sofa with high-quality polyurethane foam can hardly be less than 12 - 14 thousand rubles from the manufacturer (in the first category of fabric), and 16 - 19 thousand in the store. If it's cheaper - think about it, because everyone knows about free cheese.

Today, the production program of polyurethane foam manufacturers includes a wide range of grades: standard (ST), with increased rigidity (EL), rigid (HL), soft (HS), highly elastic with increased comfort (HR), plus special grades: viscous (with memory), fireproof, sound-absorbing, etc. The differences between the brands are large, let's take for example three brands of standard foam rubber: ST 1932, ST 2536, ST 3542. The numbers in the brand indicate the physical and mechanical properties of elastic polyurethane foam, the first two - density, the second - rigidity. So here is the scope of the brand ST 1932 - packaging and decorative elements; ST 2536 - headrests, mattress with a load of up to 60kg, backrest with a load of 60-80kg; ST 3542 - seat and mattress with a load of 80-100kg. This means that if we put the brand ST 2536 on the seat of the sofa, then it will last much less time than ST3542. Well, for expensive sofas it is best to use the brands HR, HL, HS.

I hope we have dispelled the erroneous opinion that "foam rubber is worse than polyurethane foam."

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