Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Barrel baths: features, advantages and disadvantages of designs. Do-it-yourself barrel sauna: an economical option for a summer residence How to install a barrel sauna

The barrel bathhouse is an original structure, which is a full-fledged bathhouse, but at the same time has compact dimensions and an unusual appearance.

Barrel sauna: features and its advantages

The barrel bath received this name due to its unusual shape: Basically it looks like a barrel turned on its side. This unusual design has a number of advantages:

  • aesthetic appearance. This bathhouse cannot be called ordinary; it looks original and unusual. Rounded shapes soothe and set the mood for relaxation. Such a bath will decorate any area;
  • fast warm-up. Thanks to its streamlined shape and small size, even in winter, the steam room warms up in just half an hour;
  • efficiency. To operate such a bathhouse you need very little electricity and firewood, its fuel consumption is more than 20% lower than in a regular bathhouse;
  • mobility. The barrel is easy to transport. If you bought a new one Vacation home or site, you can easily transport it to the right place;
  • no need to install a foundation. The bathhouse has special fastenings, so it does not require floor preparation;
  • compactness. The bath takes on average 8-10 square meters, so it’s perfect even for a small area;
  • easy installation. There is no need to hire a specialist, you just need to choose a place where to place the bathhouse. Installation will only take a few hours. Another advantage is that after installation there will be no construction waste left;
  • variety of configurations. Do you think that a barrel sauna is just a steam room? You can find options with a shower, a dressing room, a porch, a relaxation room and even a swimming pool. It is possible to manufacture a bath with different types stoves: wood-burning, electric;
  • ease of care. The bathhouse has a smaller area, it does not have hard-to-reach corners, so it is easy to keep it clean.

Installing a barrel sauna is a fairly simple matter. Watch the installation process in this video:

What's inside the barrel sauna?

As already mentioned, the modification of the bathhouse can be different. Very miniature options contain only the essentials - a steam room. Everything in it looks like in a regular bathhouse: there are shelves, benches, a stove, windows and doors.

There can be several rooms: shower room, rest room, dressing room, etc. It is possible to install a veranda, open terrace, visor, etc.

How to make a barrel with your own hands? Procedure

It is not difficult to find a company from which you can buy a barrel sauna. The price is quite affordable, so many people use this option. But others prefer to do everything themselves: build a bathhouse for themselves and their needs. Is it possible to make a barrel with your own hands and install it yourself? Certainly! Next we will tell you what needs to be done and in what order.

Stage 1. Selecting a location

The bathhouse does not need to prepare a foundation, but it needs to find a flat area where the wood will not interact with the ground.

The following areas are suitable for this:

  • lined with paving slabs;
  • filled with concrete;
  • covered with gravel;
  • covered road slabs etc.

Stage 2. Selection of materials

In order for the barrel sauna to be comfortable and last for many years, you need to choose the right wood.

Do-it-yourself barrels are not suitable for construction conifers, because when heated they release resins that can burn the skin. But here there is an exception - cedar. This material has aromatherapy and healing properties. It does not deform, easily tolerates strong temperature changes, is moisture resistant, fungi and mold do not develop on it, and cedar does not shrink. In addition, it has an attractive appearance and pleasant texture that will decorate the bathhouse.

Another good option is oak - this durable material, which will last for many years. Under the influence of moisture it only becomes stronger. Oak has medicinal properties and has a rich dark color. The disadvantage of this breed is the price.

Linden is a popular and widespread material that is actively used for the construction of baths. It gives the room a pleasant and light aroma, creates a healing microclimate, does not shrink and has good thermal conductivity. But linden is susceptible to fungus, which reduces its service life.

Aspen is similar in its characteristics to linden; it also heats up quickly, holds heat well, and emits a pleasant aroma. In terms of moisture resistance, it is considered better than linden; another important advantage of this type of wood is its low price.

Stage 3. Preparing the base

The barrel sauna is round, its stability is ensured by the base, so this stage plays an important role in the process of building a sauna with your own hands.

Boards 30-35 cm wide and 35-40 mm thick are suitable for it. A recess is cut out on all beams, repeating the shape of the outline arc. The notches are cut using special patterns, and it is important that the minimum height of the board is at least 10 cm. To fix and fasten them, formwork and screws are used, and they are screwed into the corners with metal corners.

There will be about 2-4 bases in total, depending on the length of the barrel bath. The first stand is installed under front door, and the last one is under the back wall.

Stage 4. Preparation of partitions

The walls of the barrel bath are attached to the partitions. Their size is determined by the capacity of the bath. But even if you are planning to make a miniature version for several people, it is not recommended to build too small rooms, as you will feel uncomfortable in them.

You need to immediately decide on the places where the windows and doors will be and cut holes for them. The number of partitions depends on the layout of the bathhouse; there will be at least two of them.

Stage 5. Preparing the walls

On the base of the walls, boards are laid out, which are connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove method. From time to time they need to be further strengthened. Continue until you get a circle.

Stage 6. Screed

To give the structure strength and reliability, you need to take metal clamps and use them to tighten the barrel bath around the circumference. They will protect the boards from spreading and also prevent cracks from appearing.

Stage 7. Installation of windows and doors

At this stage you need to install the necessary windows and doors. The room must be airtight, so all elements will fit exactly, without gaps.

Stage 8. Insulation

If you plan to take a steam bath only in the summer, then you can skip this step. If it will be used in winter, then additional insulation is necessary.

Stage 9. Preparing the roof

You can use different materials for the roof: bitumen shingles, roofing felt, corrugated sheets or metal tiles.

The floor for the bath is at a slight angle so that water does not accumulate. Therefore, the bathhouse is placed slightly at an angle towards the back wall.

Can be laid on the floor wooden grate, then the bath will warm up better. In addition, this type of flooring is more comfortable to walk on.

If there is a sewer system on the site, then you need to make a drain in the floor and connect it to the pipe. The pipe must be insulated, otherwise in winter it may crack due to temperature changes. If not, then it is necessary to equip a drainage hole.

Then you need to make and secure it, install the stove and, if necessary, remove the chimney, connect the water tank, install a shower, etc.

And a few more tips:

  • everything needs to be processed before assembly wooden parts special protective impregnation, since it will be difficult to do this when assembled;
  • It is important that the boards fit together perfectly. If you do not have the appropriate equipment, then it is better to contact a professional;
  • It is possible to calculate the number of boards that will be needed only after drawing up a detailed drawing.

Making barrels with your own hands - video:

A barrel sauna is a comfortable and compact room in which you can take a good steam bath. Building a barrel sauna with your own hands is not an easy task; the accuracy of the drawing and careful selection of materials are important. If you do not want to waste time building such a room, then you can buy ready-made sauna-barrel.

Construction of a full-fledged bathhouse building on the used summer time summer cottage is not always advisable, since the costs of its production are quite high. Sometimes it is preferable to use a budget option for a bathhouse, made from scratch literally within a couple of days. At the same time, externally such a structure can have a completely finished and attractive appearance (due to the use of special exterior finishing techniques).

In the article we will talk about how to make a barrel sauna with your own hands, what materials to use, as well as drawings, diagrams, photos and video instructions.

The longitudinal dimensions of such structures range from 2 to 6 meters; Moreover, the smallest buildings usually consist of only one steam room with a stove.

Large buildings may include a washing room, a rest room, as well as an impromptu porch with a canopy.


To build a barrel sauna, you can use wood from such well-known species as fir, spruce or larch. Taking into account the special operating conditions in a summer cottage (precipitation, sudden changes in external temperatures, as well as high humidity), it is best to use moisture-resistant types of wood. Such species include cedar and larch, high price which are fully compensated by the possibility of their long-term operation.

As for the shape of the blanks for making an impromptu bathhouse, well-planed edged board with a special “tenon-to-groove” connection.

For ease of assembly of the structure, it is advisable to give the typesetting elements rounded shapes by selecting part of the material according to a special template. When using ordinary flat boards, you should select blanks of small width, the radial size of which allows you to bring the shape of the structure as close as possible to a circle.


As a rule, there is no need for a foundation. It is enough to prepare a flat area and place a special base on it, which will serve as a reliable support for the structure of a round shape.

The following can be used as such a platform:

  • completely concreted or asphalted area;
  • concreted area with paving slabs laid on the screed;
  • an ordinary well-compacted soil surface with a wooden board laid on it;

In addition, an old reinforced concrete slab of suitable size can be used to prepare a level area.

When assembling the support base, try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To equip it, a high-quality edged board with a thickness of at least 5 cm must be used, pre-treated with a special impregnation or any other composition that protects the wood from rotting.
  2. The distance between the transverse support boards should be no more than 1.5 meters, and their total number should be selected based on the size of the bathhouse.
  3. During the assembly process, a rounded recess is made on the crossbar boards, exactly repeating the contours of the structure installed on them (when preparing the recess, be sure to ensure that the unselected part of the board is at least 10 cm on each side).
  4. To give the structure additional rigidity when assembling the structure, you should use metal blanks installed in corner joints and at joints individual elements grounds.

Assembly order

Assembly of the bathhouse body begins with the installation of partitions fixed to the crossbars of the base. When arranging them, one should not forget about special openings designed for installing door and window blocks, as well as treating the wood material with a special protective impregnation.

Then several boards are laid on the finished oval base required length, connected to each other using the “tenon-to-groove” method. Upon completion of the preparation of a part of the circle sufficient to fix the end partitions, the latter are installed in place and securely fastened. After this, you can safely continue forming a circle from the boards supported by the partitions.

The required rigidity of the barrel bath structure is ensured through the use of tightening metal hoops. For reliable adhesion of the enclosing hoops, special iron clamps are used, with the help of which subsequently (after the wood has dried) it will be possible to tighten the structure, preventing the formation of cracks.

As for the exterior decoration of the building, its function can be performed by traditional soft roof, mounted on the upper sector of the bath. When arranging it, this part of the barrel is first covered with waterproofing material ( plastic film, for example), and then covered with roofing felt or bitumen shingles.


Assembling a barrel bath:


In the photo you can see various implementations of the barrel bath:


And now, you can familiarize yourself with the diagrams and drawings for making a barrel bath:

Why not build a sauna on your site? Everything would be fine, but many are stopped by the fact that the construction process itself takes a lot of time, a lot of money is spent on the design of the bathhouse and construction, and the same amount is spent on interior decoration and equipment. And the area is not rubber, a more or less decent bathhouse is already 10-15 square meters at a minimum. So, should we live without a bath for the rest of our lives?

If there is no life without a bath

Nothing like that. If you really can’t live without a bathhouse, and space or money are tight, then you can consider a rather original, inexpensive, compact and interesting option- do-it-yourself barrel sauna We will attach drawings and photos to the text, and we will try to tell the rest in words. First of all, what is this, a barrel sauna? Frankly speaking, no one can really say where such structures came from, but there are still some assumptions.

The fact is that in Japan their traditional bathhouse, sento, is not quite similar to ours. They do not steam, as we understand it, in a steam room, but take a hot bath, and with a strictly controlled temperature of 55 degrees. Sento is a collective bathhouse and it looks like a huge deep basin or barrel. The audience, having previously washed themselves, climbs into such a barrel-font for a bath and steams, while simultaneously talking about abstract Japanese topics.

Japanese and Finnish barrel sauna. What is the difference?

But all Japanese have time to visit a public bath. Those who cannot live without good steaming install a miniature analogue of sento, called furo, right at home. And this is a real barrel with a lid into which they stick their head, having first filled the barrel with water at a temperature of 55 degrees.

Probably, the Finns took a look at this design and decided that it would be nice to save time and money to build the same barrel, only install it horizontally and increase it in size five times. Then the bathhouse will turn into a real bathhouse, with a steam room, a vestibule and a relaxation area, and a Finnish barrel sauna looks something like this.

A person who is absolutely far from wooden architecture can build such a structure with his own hands, and even in finished form a barrel bath costs three to four hundred thousand. No three hundred thousand to have your own mobile sauna with a steam room? It’s not scary, then you can assemble it with your own hands, quickly and without much time or special tools.

Since the barrel sauna is entirely assembled from good wood, then that's it healing properties traditional baths are fully preserved. From a technology point of view, this is robust design, which does not take up much space, it can be transported to any place on the globe on a regular trailer for passenger car or, as a last resort, in the back of a one and a half ton truck. We hope there is no need to explain what prospects open up for the owner of such a miracle.

Materials for a barrel sauna

The interior of the barrel bath is Spartan luxury. That is, it has everything you need to take bath procedures and even a little more:

In addition, the interior of such a bathhouse can absorb any design fantasies, since the approach to the design and design of the building itself is unconventional. But only if the materials used for interior decoration are the same wood: cedar, linden, birch, pine or spruce. The advantages of a barrel sauna also include the absence of corners as such and very uniform heating, which is facilitated by the round or oval cross-section of a cedar sauna barrel or a barrel sauna made of another tree.

Shapes and designs

The design of such a bathhouse is thought out to the smallest detail, this is clearly visible in the drawings. There is no need to build an expensive foundation, since the bathhouse feels great on a flat, compacted area, or, in extreme cases, on a monolithic concrete slab ceiling, which is not a problem to get. Beams-runners are installed on the base, on which the main structure of the barrel bath rests. These beams are needed not only to securely fix the structure, but also to ensure that the surface of the bathhouse does not have contact with the soil.

You cannot build a barrel sauna from poor and low-quality materials. But you will need the bare minimum of good timber. The boards must have either a special radial profile or a profile designed for a tongue-and-groove connection. As a rule, they use a board 4.5 cm thick and 9 cm wide. To install the barrel, you will need steel hoops that tighten and firmly fix the entire structure.

Actually, these are all the tricks you need to know about the barrel bath, and good wood and a properly made stove will take care of the optimal microclimate in your new bathhouse. Happy experimenting!

To build a bathhouse, you can choose the traditional option - cut down a small one or build a steam room according to frame technology. A sauna - a barrel made with your own hands from specially prepared boards - looks much more attractive and original. Since the method of assembling a house-side structure is of interest to many homeowners, we suggest considering the manufacturing procedure in this article.

Selection of design and dimensions

The building is similar to a barrel not only externally, but also structurally. The structure consists of the following elements:

  • round end walls, knocked together from tightly fitted boards, are analogous to the bottom and lid of a barrel;
  • side walls, assembled from longitudinally laid thick boards with special recesses (following the example of a log house);
  • external ties made of steel strip or cable, resembling barrel iron hoops;
  • stands for horizontal installation assembled body on the ground;
  • elements of interior design - stove, shelves, partitions with doors (if necessary).

Steam room, washing room and dressing room in the form of a classic round barrel

Reference. There are more complex designs, made in the form of a rectangle with rounded corners or an oval, shown in the photo below.

The first step is to decide on the project and layout bath rooms– the future dimensions and foundation of the structure depend on this. Please note an important point: the side walls are made of solid boards made specifically for the bathhouse, so the length of the structure directly depends on the length of the lumber.

The design and internal layout of the barrel is developed depending on the selected type of bathhouse and other wishes of the homeowner as follows:

A beginner who decides to build a barrel-shaped sauna on his own is not recommended to start with large structures equipped with several internal partitions. Make a one-room sauna 2 m long - if desired, it can be loaded onto a car trailer and taken to a recreation area near a pond.

Harvesting lumber

The beams and boards for a bathhouse made in the form of a barrel must be sawn from hardwood - aspen, linden, and so on. Of the coniferous species, the use of cedar and larch, which are resistant to temperature changes and moisture, is allowed. Pine and spruce, when heated strongly, release resin, whose drops can burn people in the steam room.

Advice. If the choice of wood is limited only to coniferous species, for the cladding of the upper part of the body, select boards without knots, which are sources of resinous secretions.

To make a barrel-type sauna, purchase the following timber:

  • timber with a minimum cross-section of 10 x 10 cm for stands;
  • a board 45-50 mm thick and 10 cm wide is used for assembling end and side walls;
  • wooden door 0.7 x 1.8 m with a frame (you can buy a ready-made one or make it yourself from timber 50 x 50 mm and boards 2.5 cm thick);
  • lumber for the manufacture of shelves and lattice trays.

The number of boards on the end walls of the barrel is calculated as follows: the area of ​​the circle is determined, the resulting value is divided by the width of the product and multiplied by a safety factor of 1.2. Do not forget to add bars - power jumpers that connect the boards to each other during the panel assembly process.

Side paneling timber is calculated by the circumference divided by the width of the board. Apply a safety factor because the wood must be mortise-and-tongue-faced on a woodworking machine.

Note. On sale it is not difficult to find ready-made kits for assembling bathhouses - barrels of various sizes and layouts. But often the quality of these products does not correspond to their cost.

What else will be needed in the process of building a round bath:

  • metal ties - steel cables or strips;
  • fasteners – galvanized screws and nails;
  • compositions for external and internal wood treatment – ​​antiseptics, varnishes;
  • materials for the manufacture of the roof - shingles, plywood, beams and roofing(common options are bitumen shingles or corrugated sheets);
  • sauna stove of appropriate power, calculated according to the volume of the steam room;
  • chimney pipes - sandwich;
  • special lamps and switches for baths, non-flammable cables.

If you plan to use the barrel year-round, it is worth making external insulation. Suitable thermal insulation material– mineral wool, polymers are not recommended.

Wood processing

Since the walls of the bathhouse are joined in a special way - like log cabins, all the boards need to be mechanically processed with cutters on a machine; cutting out semicircular grooves by hand is unrealistic. The developer needs to contact a woodworking workshop and provide sketches with the parameters of the workpieces. Exact dimensions ridges, grooves and profile of the cutter are indicated in the drawing.

To facilitate further construction works Process the trimmed workpieces in advance according to the instructions:

Advice. Cover the surfaces of the workpieces going outside and inside the barrel with different protective compounds. Apply from inside special remedy for baths and steam rooms.

After painting, stack the boards to dry, laying thin strips between the tiers. How to lead correctly preparatory work, look at the video:

Manufacturing of end walls

As mentioned above, a barrel-sauna is made with your own hands from two (minimum) round edge elements connected by profiled cladding boards. Therefore, construction begins with the assembly of the ends of the barrel using panel technology.

Lay 2 support beams on a flat area and begin assembling the rear blank wall in the following sequence:

Advice. It is not necessary to tie the blanks into a shield with two long jumpers. Place 4 crossbars shorter and closer to the edge - the product will look more aesthetically pleasing.

When assembling, the groove of each subsequent beam is put on the ridge of the previous one, as builders of log houses do. This method connection prevents precipitation from entering the joint. Fit the boards tightly, use clamps and wedging if necessary.

The front wall is made in the same way, only the door frame serves as the base. Twist it with self-tapping screws from the beams, having previously secured it to the stands with clamps and aligned the diagonals with a tape measure. To trace the circle, nail a temporary board to the box with the center on it.

After sawing off the excess, sand the ends of both pieces and install the door. It would not hurt to additionally secure the edge boards of the wall with long furniture screws screwed into the adjacent board bars. How to make the round walls of a barrel-sauna, watch the video:

Instructions for assembling the bath

The structure needs to be assembled locally - it is quite cumbersome to move. But first you need to make stands - legs located under the outer walls and partitions. For making, use as much as possible the scraps of materials left over after assembling the front and back walls. One of the design options is shown in the photo.

Installation of the sauna barrel is carried out in the following order:

Important point. A version of a traditional Russian bathhouse with a sink is installed at a slight slope towards the rear wall. A hole is drilled at the lowest point of the floor to drain water.

The finished body of the barrel should be protected from precipitation so that the upper part of the bath becomes less wet. It is recommended to use the budget method here:

  1. Stuff flexible nails across the body wooden planks at intervals of 0.5-0.6 m.
  2. Pin sheets of thin plywood to the top of the slats.
  3. Cover the improvised base of the roof with bitumen shingles.

If insulation is needed, the shingles are nailed to the body in several layers - the gap between the plywood and the outer surface of the barrel will increase. You can put it there mineral wool, covered diffusion membrane. The procedure for assembling the bathhouse is shown in detail in the next video:

Construction work

Once installation is complete, proceed to interior design barrels. The following work remains to be done in the bathhouse:

  1. Make a ventilation hole in the rear end covered with a lid.
  2. Place the oven using a metal stand. Protect the section of the wall behind the stove with fireproof materials - roofing steel or mineralite slabs.
  3. Make a chimney from a sandwich pipe by making a hole in the ceiling. Read how to install chimney pipes correctly.
  4. Make shelves and a floor drain (lattice tray), attach the elements to the walls.
  5. Lay out the electrical wiring, install a bath lamp and a switch.

Under the barrel - Russian bathhouse, it is advisable to dig a pit in advance to drain water through a hole in the floor. There is another way of drainage - connect a flexible pipe to the drain, laid to a storm drain gutter or other place.


If you decide to self-production baths are barrels, please be patient and have plenty of free time. The author of the videos presented here spent about 1 month building it from scratch. Add time costs to resolve unforeseen delays and problems associated with lack of experience. There is a way to reduce construction time - order a ready-made kit to the craftsmen, and only do the installation yourself.

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Turnkey barrel bathhouse, inexpensive - there are a lot of advertisements in newspapers and advertising blocks on the Internet. A.S. Pushkin in the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan, rhyming the line “A cloud is moving across the sky, A barrel is floating on the sea,” hardly imagined that the modern generation would adapt the barrel for a bathhouse. We also doubt that the ancient Greek Diagenes, when writing his philosophical treatises, could have imagined that his descendants would arrange wooden barrel Russian steam room

Domestic ingenuity, guided by the saying Roman satirical writer Juvenal “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, proposed to users the idea of ​​​​using barrel baths, supplementing it with the principle: “the economy should be economical.” It is not known for certain who is responsible for realizing the idea of ​​​​building a Russian bathhouse in a barrel. However, it can definitely be said that the extraordinary structure has earned popularity both among residents of country villages and among urban private sector.

Having stumbled across proposals of this kind, we wanted to understand what barrel saunas are. We propose to consider the principles of the device and non-standard approaches to the execution of an intricate structure. Find out what advantages the barrel sauna offers and determine the list of disadvantages. On top of everything else, I want to know what is more profitable, buying a ready-made barrel sauna or building an object with your own hands?

Barrel sauna – pros and cons

Ecological consciousness. The barrel sauna is made of wood, which has a beneficial effect on environment. Selected, high-quality materials are used that are renewable and safe to use. The dynamic, round shape of barrel saunas provides less space wasted than their square counterparts, reducing the load on the sauna stove. To properly warm up a cylindrical bathhouse, 8-10 logs are enough.

Adaptability– truly, a bathhouse in a barrel can be easily adapted for use in any space. The barrel can be placed both indoors and outdoors. Barrel saunas with electric heaters are available for sale. And wood stoves. Bathhouse designs can be created in custom sizes to suit your needs.

Easy assembly. The barrel sauna can be supplied fully assembled or as a DIY kit. The unique hinged components made of a semicircular profile make it easy to install a bathhouse yourself, far surpassing the competition in the construction of a bathhouse from traditional logs. The light weight of the bath facilitates the installation of the structure on any solid and flat surface. The base can be dense soil, concrete pouring or regular asphalt.

Detail oriented– from every board in the bathhouse, to the installation of windows, benches and accessories. Ready options preferable, since manufacturers pay the most close attention every aspect, while work outside may be accompanied by shortcomings. The finished barrel sauna is installed on site in one day, which allows you to pay more attention small details. Many companies interest the buyer by promising to give the foundation as a gift.

The barrel sauna has a number of advantages

Support service. When buying a ready-made sauna barrel, you can choose a seller whose company policy allows you to maintain a working relationship with you. Maintains attention to detail, improves timely response to complaints and improves customer service. Despite the fact that a barrel sauna is cheaper than a traditional log sauna, manufacturers, due to fierce competition, are extremely scrupulous about the quality of their work.

Availability– the entire construction of a sauna in a barrel is an inexpensive and beautiful alternative to the construction of an external sauna or bathhouse building. Modern ones imagine it possible to insulate a bathhouse - a barrel and operate it without problems all year round. The small dimensions and efficiency of the heater stove help maintain the temperature in the steam room at a high level, despite the severe frost outside.

Beautiful comfort. All turnkey barrel baths are equipped with standard warm wooden floors, in contrast to cold concrete, which is typical for ordinary bathhouse rooms. The barrel sauna comes with quality benches made from linden wood, their traditionally pleasant round shape is a bright comfort enhancer that everyone will love.

Quick cooking. In terms of heating speed, the barrel sauna is noticeably ahead of standard ones rectangular designs. Household members and guests will not have to wait long for the “first couple”. It takes no more than 30 - 40 minutes for the air in the steam room to warm up to comfortable temperature Finnish sauna (+90 C).

The only drawback in a budget building is the natural crampedness; the barrel sauna, according to reviews from the owners, does not allow you to sit comfortably cheerful company. Capacity is limited to two people, which is sometimes a significant disadvantage.

Sauna barrel made of timber projects and prices

The cistern sauna project is definitely a simple and predictable zoning of a narrow, small interior space. The determining factor in the layout of a bathhouse is its length.

The “mobile barrel sauna” project does not exceed a length of 2 meters and is limited only to a steam room. There is no changing room, you have to take off your clothes either in spartan conditions under the canopy that crowns the main entrance or in advance in the house, and run to the sauna wrapped in a towel.

There is no space for organization in a two-meter sauna barrel washing department. When deciding to install a mini bath, you need to take care in advance about installing a wooden font or place it near the pool.

A portable three-meter barrel sauna has the advantage of length, using it to organize a locker room and a minimal recreation area.

The project of a four-meter barrel bathhouse does not involve making changes to the layout. The design of the building remains the same, the steam room has the same limits, it increases just the locker room area. The increased space allows the installation of longer benches, increasing the degree of comfort for vacationers.

The maximum justified design for a wooden barrel-shaped bathhouse is six meters in length. Bathhouse large sizes It is better to build in a traditional form. The six-meter length allows you to freely place a steam room, a wash compartment and organize a relaxation area.

A barrel bathhouse 6 meters long can allow a change in the tradition of locating the entrance from the end of the building by moving it to the center of the facility. This approach helps break down interior space baths into two functional areas: steam room and relaxation area. The dressing room is located behind the front door.

The diameter of the barrel can be selected based on individual growth parameters; within the standard design, the height of the barrel bath is determined to be 2.2 meters. This height is enough for the average person to feel comfortable inside the barrel.

Designers are not satisfied with the traditions of a round shape; they are inventive and offer the consumer oval, square and even triangular designs.

From bad weather, rain and snow, the roof of the barrel baths is covered with soft bitumen tiles. Shingles highlight fabulous beauty construction, and serves for a long time without losing its original properties.

The choice for tiles was not only due to external qualities, craftsmen successfully use the main advantage of the material - the ability to perfectly bend around any curved surface.

Barrel sauna - heater stove

A flaming motor that makes an ordinary room turn into a Russian steam room looks like an ordinary stove-heater . The “heart” of the bathhouse is the Feringer Malyutka stove or geyser stove. In a barrel-shaped design, the stove is installed inside or outside, usually at the end of the room. In rare cases, the stove is located on the side. The choice of stove for a barrel sauna falls on one of three models:

  • Electric boiler equipped with a heater;
  • Traditional wood-burning stove for a sauna;
  • A wood-burning stove combined with a stainless water tank.

How to make a barrel sauna with your own hands

In the production process of making a barrel bath, softwood is used. More a budget option designed from pine and spruce. Larch and fir add presentability, but the purchase price increases. Expensive cedar helps to achieve luxury and nobility of the structure.

Wood varieties of linden, aspen, alder, oak or cedar impregnated with linseed oil are used in interior decoration premises. Flax oil is necessary to improve the water resistance characteristics of the material.

It is advisable to combine the barrel sauna body using different types of wood. It is wise to assemble the lower part of the barrel from larch, as it resists rotting processes well. Upper part barrels where more is required building material, preferably made from cheaper pine.

Approximate price of a barrel bath

Just as the length of the barrel determines the project, the price of the bathhouse is primarily determined based on the dimensions of the barrel. The second thing that determines the price is the variety of equipment included in the furnace equipment and the cost. finishing materials. The prevailing price in 2018 for a two-meter turnkey barrel bathhouse with a diameter of 2.1 meters, from pine boards with initial equipment on the market it is offered from 80,000 rubles.

A structure made from Altai pine is 10% more expensive, while cedar will increase the total amount by another 25%. A barrel sauna with an open mini veranda protected from the rain by a canopy will cost you 15-20 thousand rubles more. basic version. Typically, a barrel sauna is used in the summer and does not require insulation. For those who like to return to the dacha late autumn and flood the bathhouse from the road, you need to order an insulated structure, it will cost another 20-25% more.

A very inexpensive option can be purchased for only 60,000 rubles. To do this, you should pay attention to the mini sauna trailer. An irreplaceable thing for passionate steam room lovers who do not want to part with the bathhouse. Steam on the shore of the lake while fishing, worthy luxury modern man. The mini sauna is installed on a trailer and becomes mobile. The price of a bathhouse for a trailer starts from 60,000 rubles.

As the length increases, the price of sauna barrels increases, not linearly. If the dacha plot allows, it is advisable to aim for a three-meter length. Two compartments (steam room and locker room), a spruce or pine barrel, will cost the owner about 130-150 thousand rubles. The six-meter pine “royal barrel bath” is worth considering for a large family. The project allows for a washroom, locker room and steam room. The starting price of a 6 meter barrel starts from 300 thousand rubles.

Do-it-yourself barrel sauna

Of course, you can saw and plan a barrel sauna kit with your own hands self-assembly. The only downside is that it will take forever, leaving behind the summer season. The reason for the long production of structural elements lies in the need to plane each board on one side, forming a semicircle, and on the other, a gutter. Otherwise it will be impossible to form cylindrical shape without huge gaps.

In the modern world, for such a purpose they use not a chisel, but milling machine. Technological equipment cuts the joining elements quickly and accurately forming a semicircular or U-shaped profile.

It is definitely unprofitable to purchase a milling machine for personal use in order to cut a set of boards once. Moreover, you will also have to buy a set of cutters. The best option To save money on building a bathhouse from a barrel, you can buy a ready-made kit and do the assembly yourself.

Professional assemblers ask for work from 10 to 40 thousand rubles, based on the length of the bathhouse, we suggest installing the barrel bathhouse yourself. Armed with instructions and a minimal set of tools, any healthy man can install a barrel sauna on the site with his own hands.

Factory kit for assembling a bathhouse

Before installing the bathhouse, you must ensure that the base is level and rigid. In most cases, a compacted dirt area is sufficient. If the soil on the site is soft, then work on preparing the foundation is carried out more carefully. Best to do concrete pad the size of a bathhouse. In the absence of concrete, the area under the barrel is covered with crushed stone and poured cement-sand screed 100 mm thick with proportions of 1 part cement, 2 parts sand.

Next, they install on the site wooden supports which are included in the delivery package. The semicircular cutouts of the supports will securely fix the bathhouse barrel along its entire length. We advise you to additionally treat the barrel sauna supports with a compound against fungus and mold.

Having placed the supports for the barrel along the length of the structure, we begin to lay out the bottom of the bathhouse from profiled boards. We fasten the boards to the supports with self-tapping screws. Having laid the lower sector of the circle, we install the end round load-bearing walls. The walls must be inserted into the groove formed by the laid boards at the bottom. Next, the boards are sequentially sheathed in a circle around the bathhouse, using nails as fasteners.

When the bathhouse body is assembled, it must be firmly tied together with steel hoop strips. The ends of the hoop are equipped with special threaded adjustment bolts. Using a tie, the hoops are tightened, finally giving rigidity to the entire structure.

The final stage is the installation of the heater. The factory instructions for installing a barrel bath also regulate the laying engineering communications(electrical wiring for lighting and sewer pipes).

Finishing, installation of doors, benches, tables is carried out at the end installation work. All that remains is to protect the bathhouse from bad weather with bitumen shingles and begin the first kindling of the sauna.

If you have a partner, then using the factory instructions and armed with a set of tools (hammer, screwdriver, saw and plane) you can cope with assembling a bathhouse from a “constructor” in a couple of days.

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