Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Beautiful interior design in the house. Interior design of private houses in different styles. Site lighting is an effective design technique

On at this stage acquaintance with the project and drawing up technical specifications takes place. After confirming all the points, our architect works out a planning solution, develops a plan for the arrangement of furniture, equipment, lighting and the location of communications.

  • Conducting interviews with the customer and drawing up technical specifications for the project;
  • Visiting the site, inspecting it and measuring the premises;
  • Detailed photographic recording of the current state of the object;
  • Preparation of a measurement plan with reference to utilities;
  • Creation planning solution with furniture arrangement in different options;
  • Explication and zoning of premises indicating distances and dimensions.

During an interview with the client, the architect-designer learns about preferences and tastes in order to develop hand sketches of the future interior and make collages with examples of floor and wall coverings.

  • Choosing the direction of the interior style of the house;
  • Creating collages with examples of wall and floor coverings;
  • Development of hand sketches for all rooms in the house, interstaircase openings.

Calculate the required quantity, find and select finishing materials for a large country house for the project to be fully realized according to the architect’s plans is a very difficult task. Now there are a lot of manufacturers on the market, so choosing the right one from a huge list of items requires some experience. We have a supplier base and we know exactly where it is more profitable to purchase high-quality materials, furniture and decor.

  • Floor, wall and ceiling coverings: parquet, laminate, tiles, porcelain stoneware, cork, plaster, putty, paint, wallpaper, baseboards, stucco molding, cornices, etc.;
  • Plastic or wooden windows and window structures;
  • Input and interior doors;
  • Wall and ceiling lighting fixtures;
  • Furniture, carpets, paintings, decorative elements, etc.

The technical stage of developing the future interior begins with the design of working drawings for dismantling, erected partitions, level marks, switches and other elements.

  • Dismantling plan (if any) and plan of erected partitions;
  • Ceiling plan to scale indicating level marks, types of materials used;
  • Floor plan showing finishing materials and layout directions;
  • Plan showing location lighting fixtures, switches, sockets with bindings;
  • Layout diagram of heated floors with binding of sensors;
  • Layout plan for plumbing equipment with references in the axes;
  • Specification doorways and doors.

The design of a three-dimensional model of the future interior occurs at the stage of selecting finishing materials and furniture. The customer will be given the opportunity to see an example of flooring, furniture arrangement, lighting, kitchen and other decorative elements. If you don't like something, you can make changes. By the way, important point that in the 3D model all the real dimensions and dimensions of the premises of the house are observed.

  • Development of 3D visualizations for all premises
  • More than 3 angles of each room in the developed interior;
  • Several options for styles and furniture arrangement.

Full control by the architect who designed the customer’s future interior, including monitoring the work for compliance created interior with a developed design project for your future home.

  • Scheduled inspection of the facility and progress of work;
  • Control over the correct implementation according to the developed project;
  • If necessary, make adjustments to the documentation;
  • Assistance in the selection, purchase of finishing and decorative materials, furniture, lighting and plumbing;
  • Accommodation decorative elements in the interior.

The architect supervising the project at this stage is engaged in the selection of the necessary pieces of furniture, lighting, decor, etc. All selected interior items will match the style and color with the approved design project, and also take into account the included cost in the project.

  • Cabinet furniture: cabinets, racks, tables, modular designs and etc;
  • Upholstered furniture: armchairs, sofas, ottomans, etc.;
  • Turnkey kitchen with equipment;
  • Plumbing and furniture for bathrooms and toilets;
  • Lighting: lamps, chandeliers, floor lamps, etc.;
  • Entrance and interior doors, windows.

At the stage of selecting and purchasing materials for finishing the future interior, many questions arise about quantity, quality and delivery to the site on time. Delivery is a separate issue, since materials are often ordered from different stores and warehouses. At this stage, our specialists will carry out a whole range of work to ensure that the customer’s future housing is implemented strictly according to plan:

  • Calculation of the required amount of finishing materials: plaster, putty, paint, wallpaper, etc.
  • Search and procurement quality materials directly from suppliers at reasonable prices;
  • Delivery of all necessary materials just in time for the start of repair work.

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has dreamed of a beautiful private home that looks like it just came out of the pages of a design magazine. White fence, neat lawn and two-storey house- this, of course, is a good plan, but without knowing the basics of design, it will not be possible to create a truly cozy and comfortable home.

Home interior design styles

You need to choose one or another style in the interior according to your own preferences. It doesn't matter if it happens modern house made of glass and concrete or a cottage made in the English style, the main thing is that you feel comfortable in it. Our recommendations can help you choose a particular style.

Provence style

This style involves DECORATION, which is done in joyful and warm colors.

If you want to add a few notes of this interesting style or completely decorate the house in Provence style, then you need to remember these Basic Rules:

  • exclusive use natural materials;
  • the best color scheme can be light shades;
  • Wall finishing should be done using decorative brick, wood panels and decorative plaster;
  • furniture it’s better to “age” or, as an option, choose already aged;
  • decorative beams will make the Provence style complete;
  • It is better to choose decor in the style of the French province.

Absolutely all interior items should look as if they have been worn out by time. Modern technologies in material processing will help to successfully age even brand new furniture, which at first glance would never fit the style of the French province.

Provence is also characterized by the use of printed fabrics, which have simple motifs that fit perfectly into the interior of any room. Also, various motifs can be mixed in the decor to achieve maximum color harmony, without violating the integrity of the style.

As for color, you can safely use all shades of green, blue, yellow and red. An abundance of flowers is a must for the Provence style; it is desirable that the flowers in the vases be alive.

Country style

Country or, as it is also called, country style will bring warmth and comfort to your home. Furniture that is ideal for this style is completely devoid of any division into non-modern or modern. As in the previous style, the most commonly used natural materials having elements self made and special rough finishing.

The interior is dominated by simple natural fabrics such as linen and chintz. Excellent accessories in this decoration would be beautiful flowers, rare editions of books and antiques.

As for furniture, it is better to give preference to unpainted wicker or wooden furniture. Folklore motifs prevail so that the house can preserve the true folk spirit.

Arabic style

Increasingly popular in the interior modern houses becomes the Arabic style, which fascinates our compatriots. His correct design quite complicated because you need to follow a lot of rules. For example, images of animals or people in the interior are prohibited. It is recommended to use a variety of patterns that can decorate household items, carpets and even walls.

The richness of color enhances some unearthly feeling, the most popular colors being dark blue azure and luxurious gold.


This style presupposes the presence of extremely laconic forms, and is also characterized by the complete absence of any ornament, detailing of the facade, or decor.

Main characteristics:

  • graphic;
  • monochrome;
  • emphasizing the natural naturalness of textures;
  • clarity of compositions.

Light volumes are intended to define the overall appearance of the home, which is not cluttered with furniture. Minimalist furniture uses modern furniture made from the latest materials, such as frosted glass, steel, aluminum and, of course, wood.

High tech

Restrained decor and the most intelligent, functional use of space are considered the main features of the style.

The following features are characteristic of this style:

  • straight lines;
  • many metal parts;
  • copious use of glass.

High-tech equipment is used in this interior. Also widely used are a variety of mobile partitions that can open and close, making it very easy to change the layout.


If you want to make your home as conservative as possible, then English style- The best decision.

Three things can be called the basis of any British interior:

  • a unique chair that is installed near the fireplace;
  • fireplace;
  • bookshelf.

This interior from the books about Sherlock will become a real masterpiece if you use a high-back chair upholstered in velvet or leather. Mahogany is required element interior in British style. Of course, such a tree is quite expensive, but thanks to it you can emphasize the elegance of this style.

American style

American style looks expensive, but in fact, it is incredibly democratic and anyone can afford it.

As you know, the chalet is Vacation home ik somewhere in Switzerland or the Alps. Such coziness is now commonly used in the interiors of cottages and houses. This style is partly characterized by country principles.

For interior decoration Only natural, environmentally friendly materials are used. Solid board will ideal solution for the floor, which can be covered with stain, varnish or wax. Wood is also used for plastering and wall cladding.

Modern interior in the house

Basic principles modern interior are:

  • sharp lines;
  • sophistication;
  • simplicity.

The main thing in a modern interior is space, and not things, as in many other styles.

As for color, it is better to use white, black and neutral shades, they are the main ones. Often brave and bright colors can dilute the palette.

Geometric and even shapes are of great importance for furniture. Often furniture for modern interiors monochromatic is used. The main rule is that the furniture should not be bulky, there is no need to use various decorations and intricate lines.

Home interior: which room should you pay special attention to?

When the main interior has been chosen, it is worth taking a closer look at the interior of each room so that it best suits the idea of ​​the whole house.

The kitchen is one of the central places in the house. This is where the whole family spends a considerable part of their time. Therefore, it is important to make the kitchen as functional and comfortable as possible. Such a room should not only be comfortable to sit in, it should also be easy to cook here.

The design of this room is thought out to the smallest detail. Of course, it is better to leave such an activity as kitchen furnishings to professionals, but if this is not possible, then a do-it-yourself design can also please you. Remember that the kitchen should have enough space for comfortable movement, and workplace should be as functional as possible.

Before you start creating a bathroom design, you need to decide on the color, which is the basis of such an interior. Of course, there are certain requirements for its choice, but basically it all depends on taste. Alternatively, the selected color can be harmoniously combined with color scheme the whole house. Then the best fit pastel shades, such as pink, beige, milky and blue.

In order to create an atmosphere of luxury in the room, you need to use details with a bronze finish or gilding. The most popular design option is the classic one, which has not lost its position for many years in a row.

Bedroom design

Most important elements in this room are:

  • lighting;
  • furniture and its proper arrangement;
  • color design;
  • details;
  • layout.

The placement of windows is incredibly important, so this detail must be taken into account when planning.

Children's design

Interior of wooden houses: how not to go wrong with your choice?

Wooden and environmentally friendly houses are becoming increasingly popular, making them an incredibly popular segment of the design market.

In order to get a truly high-quality design, you need to think about a large number of little things, which as a result will be components of the success of a high-quality interior wooden house. Such a trifle can be considered, for example, engineering systems, passing either inside the house or outside, as well as heating.

Lighting a wooden house is an extremely important issue, so it needs to be thought through very carefully.

Some types of wood can darken over time, making your home appear darker every year. In order to preserve the characteristics of a wooden house, it is necessary to impregnate the wood with appropriate substances.

Attic decoration

Creating an interior in a room that is located under the very roof is not an easy task. This is due to the slopes of the roof and quite low ceilings. A little imagination and good taste can turn your attic into an original and very cozy place where you will spend time with pleasure.

In many ways, the interior design of this room depends on the roof in the house, or more precisely on its type. A sloping ceiling suggests that furniture must be placed in the room in accordance with the rules to make it as comfortable as possible.

In addition, in the attic the rooms are decorated according to their purpose, it could be an office, a bedroom or, possibly, a cinema room. Everything as you wish!

Interior of a room with a fireplace: comfort in the flickering fire

The fire of a fireplace can make a person forget about worries and clear his mind. That is why quite often fireplaces are installed in houses or even apartments, which bring real comfort to the house.

Most often, this piece of furniture is installed in the living room, but, in fact, it can be installed in any room of the house. A fireplace in the bedroom will allow you to fall asleep with pleasure.

Modern technologies make it possible to do almost everything, so fireplace designs are surprising in their diversity. Therefore, before the final choice of a fireplace, you need to determine the function that it will play. If you need a fireplace for heating, then you need to choose a real fireplace that is lit manually. But if a fireplace is needed only for aesthetic pleasure, then you can prefer a fictitious fireplace, in which a special screen is installed instead of a fire.

Exterior house design: basic rules

A beautiful house both inside and outside is more a reality than a dream if you know a few rules. To decorate such a house you can use various materials, such as plaster, lining (for example, from natural wood), artificial or natural stone.

Some can perform not only design functions, but also insulate the house from the outside.

In order to create comfortable living conditions and at the same time maintain aesthetic functions, you can use thermal panels - modern material, gaining popularity recently.

Courtyard design in a private house: main principles

Before you begin landscaping the area near your house, you need to imagine the overall picture that should appear in the end. What exactly do you want to place on such a picturesque piece of land?

Most often, the following elements are present in the yard:

  • terrace;
  • bath;
  • garage;
  • summer cuisine;
  • Summer shower;
  • utility rooms;
  • dog enclosure;
  • tracks that are successfully combined into one ensemble;
  • various green spaces;
  • playground.

The first thing you need to do is install all the premises, and then start working on the fountains and various green spaces.

We design the interior ourselves

The services of a designer in interior design are quite often expensive, so most people are looking for a way to design the design themselves. And, I must say, this does not present any particular difficulties, the main thing is to understand the basic principles of such a process..

The main thing in design is to have an idea in which you can realize all your desires. In addition, you need to choose a program in which you can easily bring the project to an ideal state.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Every person dreams of creating unique interior of your home. But sometimes such a task seems unrealistic and difficult, especially when it comes to a private home. Due to the large area, such a room is not so easy to decorate correctly. Very often, people make mistakes and create a standard and not unique design interior of a country house.

In connection with this state of affairs, it is important to point out the main difficulties and highlight the most serious mistakes. First of all, it is important to understand that it is difficult to give a beautiful aesthetic appearance to a space, which means you will need to put in maximum effort and effort.


You definitely need to create a rough action plan, which should look something like this:

  • make preliminary sketches of what you want to see in the final result;
  • decide on the theme of the design, choose an interior design project for the house;
  • The living area is of particular importance, since the larger it is, the more varied the interior can be;
  • the color scheme of each room must have one common element, which will combine the entire space into one beautiful and cozy house;
  • Not the last and not least important task is the selection of furniture that can radically change the appearance of any room. It is she who will create a special interior design for a country house.


Following this plan, you can easily make your country house beautiful, cozy and unique. For him to be like this, you must become a designer for a while and fulfill his duties, because in this case we are talking about independent execution the specified task. To come up with an interesting and creative design You can see photos of the interior of a private house in our article. Each photo will be useful, since you can combine any ideas.

Most often, home owners dream of making the entire interior design of a house made of timber as close to nature as possible: they use natural materials and decorate one of the rooms with flowers and plants, install an aquarium and get, for example, a parrot. The cage and aquarium create a living element that exaggerates the beautiful aesthetic effect and transforms the space. You have the opportunity to choose which option is right for you. Thus, the theme of the design is found. When there is a theme and an idea, the most difficult thing can be considered already accomplished.

If the country house is large, as in the photo, there will be many difficulties, you need to be prepared for this. If you adhere to the majority opinion, then the best option The interior design of a large wooden house is hidden in filling it with beautiful things and objects. Carpets, vases, paintings, and wooden furniture work well. The color palette of the house should not irritate or cause aggression, so you should avoid bright, acidic shades.

Pay special attention to furniture, which should be made of wood; of course, you can also buy ultra-modern furniture, which is fashionable, but, alas, it can significantly ruin general form any country house. Tables, chairs, sofas, cabinets, beds - should not be very large sizes, it is very good if it is made in a classic style.

Remember that by paying attention to the little things in this matter, you become one step closer to the dream of millions of owners country houses. Our photo gallery will help you create your own unique interior design for a private home.

Photo of interior design of a country house

The beautiful interior design of private homes today can be inspired by any number of motifs, current trends or historical traditions. Modern style does not set any restrictions for you: it can combine elements from different eras and cultures, but together they must create something 100% harmonious and unique.

In this article we have collected photos of 10 private houses, the interiors of which were made in perfect different styles— from classics to minimalism, including Asian motifs, fashion styles loft, eco, etc. All of them have only one thing in common - strict consistency of style, even when it comes to eclecticism. How is this possible? See for yourself!

Interior design of private houses (selection)

Why not start with classic design? Despite all the fashionable modern technologies, many people are still attracted by the interior design of private houses in the style of ancient castles, which creates a delightful atmosphere of romance and grandeur in the interior.

This interior style is extremely popular for people, a classic is a classic. This is easy to verify, because on the Internet you can find most photos of classic interiors. Today we have selected for you the most worthy examples of houses with such an interior, look and choose the one that suits you.

So, our first series of photos...

This historic eighteenth-century house has undergone careful restoration and renovation several times, but its interior design has retained its former charm through the use of expensive materials, elegant classical furniture, beautiful lamps and paintings in gilded frames. With all this, throughout the house there was installed new plumbing, as well as a complex system underfloor heating With computer controlled, which reduces home heating costs by two-thirds. What is unusual for a large country house is that there is ultra-fast Wi-Fi throughout.

2. Interior design of a private house, combining classic and modern

Judging by the beautiful ceiling stucco, wrought iron staircase and individual elements decor, the owners of this Victorian villa admire classic style, but at the same time they are too modern people to live in the atmosphere of an ancient castle. Interior design This private home has a completely unique, stately and bohemian feel, from the soft color palette, lustrous silk wallpaper and light oak floors, to the glamorous mid-20th century tables and lamps, and powerful artwork on the walls.

When creating this interior design for a private home in West London, the designer's brief was to create a glamorous effect with mid-century modern elements. It’s quite difficult to use such things, and at the same time maintain the modern look of the space, so a dark color was chosen for this home. color palette with occasional pops of bright hues. Most of the furniture and antiques were purchased in Milan, while extensive bookshelves were created by individual project. Overall, this private home design combines modern elements from Scandinavia and Europe, as well as occasional glamorous details from the 70s and modern times.

4. Modern design of private houses in industrial style

Industrial or industrial style appeared in the middle of the last century, when abandoned buildings of old factories and warehouses began to be converted into housing. Brick walls and concrete floors, industrial lighting and wooden beams on the ceiling - all these details, as it turns out, can go perfectly with modern furniture and exquisite decor. One of the manifestations of the industrial style is today at the peak of its popularity.

We present to your attention the interior design of a private house, in which red brick is in amazing harmony with white walls, as well as wooden floors and furniture.

5. Interior design of a private house with industrial elements

The house shown in the following photos is distinguished by its industrial style, both inside and out. The facade of the house has a new metal cladding made of sheets of steel with bright red inserts, which are also present in the interior and go well with the red brick walls. Divided into three levels, this a private house consists of a lower floor, which is rented, and two upper floors, which make up the owner's duplex.

Our next interior house design can serve as a model for decorating your country house or cottage. After all, when you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, what could be more pleasant to the soul than a cozy village setting?

As you can see, this house is quite small, but light walls and the furniture make it feel quite spacious. The interior design has a touch of refreshing Scandinavian style, as well as Provence and minimalism. The kitchen is tiny, but at the same time very comfortable, both for cooking and eating. Open shelves throughout the house they do not steal volume from the space, but they make the home very cozy and spiritual.

7. Creative interior design of private houses

Don't have clear preferences regarding interior style? Do you love bright colors and creativity in everything? In this case, you will definitely like this interior design of a private house! Here, in each room, a wide variety of styles of furniture and decor are mixed, and in order for this wild mixture to look harmonious, the designer decided to use not dark or neutral, but the brightest colors and patterns. This is what “Wow effect” means!

8. Eclecticism and retro in the interior design of a private house

When reconstructing this old private house, its owners wanted the interior to become more open and free. For this purpose, the designer decided to remove part brick walls on the front side, replacing them with large ones glass doors and windows. In addition, the interior also lost part internal partitions and doors, and individual areas of the home began to be separated by different floor coverings.

As for the decor, it is completely different for all rooms. Natural shades and natural materials combined with bright and glamorous decor, english furniture sits next to a Chinese one on a Tibetan rug, while antique bathroom details come to life under a disco mirror ball on the ceiling. As a result, this home is a surprising mix of practical and bohemian, open and cozy, brightly colorful and calmingly neutral.

9. Interior design of a private house in eco style

Eco style can have various manifestations. For some, this is a home design that causes minimal harm. environment: solar panels, low-water plumbing, insulation and wood from renewable forests. For others, these are exclusively natural materials and environmentally friendly paints that are safe for the health of living organisms. Finally, eco style in the interior may simply imply a design that most reminds us of nature: natural shades and shapes, natural motifs in decor, large windows and an abundance of indoor plants.

The interior design of the private house shown in the following photos took something from each of these directions. Neutral color palette, which is enlivened only by bright green plants, good natural lighting due to large windows, unpainted wood and wicker furniture - all this creates the feeling of being at home and outside at the same time.

10. Luxurious interior design of private houses

The last private house on our list has a truly unique interior design that combines Chinese style, Gothic, Art Nouveau and luxury. Appearance the building has a modern Gothic style, with its inherent various levels sticking out in all directions. Inside the home, these levels create beautiful, decadent spaces with high ceilings. As for the decor, the first thing that catches your eye is the abundance of stone, as well as Asian floral motifs. As befits spacious interiors, there are mainly large objects here: screens, sofas, heavy coffee tables, shiny satin pillows, etc.

Interior design of private houses in different styles updated: November 4, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

To create a cozy atmosphere in the courtyard of a private house, you need to properly arrange it, thinking through the design, and subsequently this place will become your favorite corner.

First you need to assess the existing territory. For a small area good decision will be the design of the courtyard of a private house with small fountain or the garden, which are in currently are one of the options modern courtyards, and ideas can be seen in photos on the Internet. If there is a lot of free space in the yard, this will allow you to reproduce the original yard, which has several divided zones with a center in the form of an artificial pond, gazebo or pool.

To make the yard look more cozy and elegant, you can place decorative statues, small ponds, exotic plants, paths made of colored tiles. Such accessories will bring a more complete look to the yard and can improve the overall atmosphere.

If you want to place a vegetable garden in the yard of a private house, this is not a problem, because modern design will allow you to do this very neatly and interestingly, and you can verify this by looking at the photos provided below.

Before you start repair work in the yard, you should consider some nuances:

  • number of people living in the house;
  • are there children in the house;
  • financial opportunities.

If desired, several zones can be combined into one to save space. To visually divide the territory, install garden sculptures, greenery (bushes, flowers or Christmas trees), if possible, build artificial pond or a small lake.

The area for children's recreation and games should be located in a place that will be visible to adults, so that children can be monitored and supervised.

Private design modern style It’s hard to imagine a yard without paths, because this element is present on the territory of every house, and in the photo you can see how best to design them in the yard. With the help of paths, several problems will be solved at the same time: safety of movement, zoning of space and yard decor.

The material from which the paths will be laid can be very different, at the discretion of the owners, for example, they use large flat stones, ordinary brick, fine gravel, while the path can be fenced with a border or a small decorative fence.

How to arrange plants and flowers correctly?

Flowers choose different varieties so that their flowering replaces each other, thus, from approximately mid-April to October, it will be possible to admire the beauty flowering plants and inhale their aromas. Special flower beds are made for flowers, planted in tubs or pots.

It is very convenient to care for flowers if they are located in flower beds, as there is no need to get dirty in the ground, because there will be lawns, paths or a pebble mound around them.

What role does lighting play in the courtyard of a private house?

An illuminated yard means, first of all, the safety of movement around the territory at night. In addition, this will allow you to enjoy your evenings surrounding nature and long-term communication with guests on fresh air from early spring to late autumn.

Lanterns should be positioned so that the facade of the house and other existing buildings, as well as the main entrance, the space near the garage or parking lot are well lit.

Typically, lighting fixtures are located along the paths, and are done so that the entire perimeter of the territory can be viewed without problems.

Having decided on the main lighting, you can consider the layout of the lighting for decorative purposes. Lanterns will look very impressive next to a flower bed, pond or lake. Trees and large shrubs are illuminated with LED strips.

In specialized stores there is a large number of lighting devices powered by solar energy. This will save you a lot of money cash on paying for electricity, and soft, dim lighting will be enough for safe movement in the dark.

Landscaping a small backyard space

In most private houses located within the city, the yard area is small, so in order to make cozy corner for children or tea drinking and a pleasant time in the fresh air, it is better to implement the intended design modern courtyard in the area adjacent to the back of the house.

There are many on the Internet different ideas and photos that will help in transforming the required space.

For a small area backyard An excellent option would be to build a base from a wooden platform or deck. Along the fence you can plant tall bushes or plants that will climb along the fence; this will help make a small courtyard cozy and hide everything that happens in it from prying eyes.

The cheapest and often preferred furniture for patios in a private home is made of plastic or artificial rattan. But they also make pieces of furniture for outdoor use from wood, forged metal and stone.

Furniture made of plastic is very convenient; it can simply be washed with water, and rattan products should not be overly moistened. Wooden furniture must be periodically varnished or protective equipment. Wrought iron chairs and tables should be painted once every few years.

It should also be noted that a wooden floor can be an excellent solution for extending the porch of a private house, it will good design for modern yards, but for an example you can pay attention to the photo.

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