Encyclopedia of fire safety

Fireclay brick hearth. How to organize a garden hearth at home and in the country? Do-it-yourself hearth in the country - a photo of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bperfect design

Holidays in the country can be unforgettable if you pay due attention to the arrangement of the territory. There are many interesting tricks landscape design, which the owners of suburban real estate use on their backyard. One of them is the arrangement of the hearth. It is nice to gather around him in the evening to chat with family or friends, relax and unwind. An open fire is calming and soothing.

There are many options for how you can campfire in the country. You can do all the work with your own hands. From what materials and by what technology such a building is being built will be discussed further.


Fireplace in the country (photo shown below) can perform several functions. It can be kindled both during the day and in the evening. At the same time, the hearth is an integral part of the landscape design of the site. Therefore, it must fit into the overall style.

Most often, a fire pit is built for a decorative purpose. It can complement beautiful flower displays, an alpine slide. Most often, a whole area is equipped around the fire, where benches and chairs are installed. Here, the owners of the dacha can gather in the evening, talk with their household members, guests.

The hearth can also perform a fairly practical function. The fireplace can easily become a brazier for cooking various delicious dishes. Here you can provide for the presence of a table, gazebos, etc. Everyone can arrange a picnic area to their liking. The design of the hearth itself can also be very different. Various materials are used to create it.

Fire place

Constructing do-it-yourself campfire in the country (photo presented in the article), you should first of all choose the right place to create it. The hearth should be away from trees. There must be at least 3 m to the nearest buildings. If there are trees on the site, they must be at least 4 m from the fire. These rules fire safety needs to be done exactly. A strong gust of wind can cause a fire.

The site on which the hearth will be built must be on a flat area. It doesn't have to be high or low. The site must be prepared before construction begins. All foreign objects, roots, debris must be removed from the surface. The ground in this place is leveled. The top layer of turf must be removed. This will allow in the future to pave the site paving slabs.

You need to do markup. At the same time, they take into account where the fire will be located, what shape and size of the area will be around it. It is necessary to consider the location of benches and other items that are provided in this place for recreation.

Design options

There are many options for what shape, from what materials to create a hearth. Its location on the site varies.

Often created a fireplace in the country with their own hands made of bricks, stone, metal and various improvised non-combustible materials. For example, it could be concrete ring, as for a well, an old wheel rim and other similar materials. The walls of the fireplace should not be too thin, otherwise the structure will not be strong, the walls will crumble.

The hearth most often has a round shape. This option is easier to do with your own hands. There are also rectangular and square structures. Most often they are made of stone or brick.

The structure can be built above ground level or be slightly recessed. To prevent water from accumulating here, it is necessary to provide a cover or build a full-fledged roof.

Above ground building

One of the popular options is the arrangement of above-ground campfires in the country with their own hands. Instruction suggests starting with site preparation. First you need to determine the size of the future structure, choose suitable materials. In the center of the fire should be located. It can be brickwork, a rim from a car wheel, a concrete ring. The choice depends on the personal preferences of the owners of the site.

Around the main contour there will be a decorative finish. It is made of artificial or natural stone, brick. You can also use paving slabs. All materials used in construction must be fireproof. This also applies to the solution.

Sold in specialized stores masonry mortars containing special additives. These components make the solution resistant to high temperatures. If natural stone is used for decoration, it must be laid out on a clay-sand mixture. Strengthening the walls of the hearth with decorative masonry is simply necessary.

Creation of an elevated hearth

Overhead do-it-yourself campfire in the country it's easy enough to create. Even an inexperienced master can do this. All actions are performed according to the instructions. Having prepared the rim, you need to outline its size on the prepared site. Most often, a fire pit has a diameter of 1 m.

In the center of the intended circle, a layer of soil (10 cm) is taken out. The walls are rammed. The ring is installed inside. Further produced decorative masonry. Its walls should not be thinner than 15 cm.

When this process is completed, you need to pay attention to the space between the masonry and central ring. There should be no voids here. Otherwise, various debris, water will get inside. This space should be covered with sand or fine gravel. Also for these purposes, earth, clay mortar is suitable.

The benches must be at least 80 cm from the hearth. If the arrangement of swinging benches is envisaged, they are placed even further.

recessed hearth

Considering the options for how to make a campfire in the country with your own hands, attention should be paid to recessed structures. This design will suit almost any style of site design. A recessed fire pit can be flush with the ground level or rise a few centimeters above the surface.

There are many design options for a recessed hearth. You can make a platform around it at a level with the plane of the site itself. In some cases, not only the fire is deepened, but also the steps. So from the fire will rise up several steps. The lower one will be below ground level. The upper step can rise above the ground. This original solution harmoniously fit into the design of a spacious personal plot.

In order for the selected structure to be durable, safe, it must be built in accordance with certain standards and building codes. For this, only refractory solutions are also used. Masonry can be done on a mixture intended for stoves and fireplaces.

Creation of a recessed fire pit

Professional advice will help you understand how to make a campfire in the country. The recessed hearth is constructed quite simply. A pit should be dug on the marked site. Its depth should be at least 30 cm. To outline its shape, a peg with a rope is installed in the center. With this device, you can draw an even circle. Its diameter should take into account the thickness of the walls of the hearth.

The bottom of the deepened fireplace must be very strong. When the pit is dug, the walls and bottom must be carefully tamped. A layer of gravel 10 cm thick is poured to the bottom.

Inside, walls are laid out of brick or concrete blocks. To do this, a pre-prepared refractory solution is used. You can use clay. Bricks are leveled and compacted with a special hammer. A platform of paving slabs, stone, brick is being arranged around.

improvised materials

It can be made from various improvised materials. If there is a sheet metal corrugated board- This is a good option for creating a hearth.

The sheet must be spread and marked. The edges of the first strip should be connected. This forms a circle. The width of the strip corresponds to the height of the walls of the fireplace. The diameter of the circle should be 1 m. Next, the second strip is outlined and cut out. Its width should be the same. This segment will be longer. The diameter of the circle must be at least 20 cm larger.

Sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws. They are installed in a prepared pit. Gravel or sand is poured into the space between the circles. Can be used as a fire pit mold metal barrels, boilers, etc.

Site arrangement

Almost always supplemented by a special platform. It is most often laid out from tiles. Using imagination, you can create a beautiful original site. Suitable for this different materials. You can lay out the space near the hearth terrace board, gravel, slabs of various geometric shapes.

Here you can also provide for the availability of seats, as well as storage of firewood. The rounded shape of the site looks best. The bench can be supplemented with a stone side. It may have a semicircular shape.

On the site you can lay out a path of stone to the fire. It can be decorated with street lights. Various figurines, decorations, details will complement the overall style of landscape design.


Great care in design campfire in the country deserve benches. There are a huge number of options for arranging a vacation spot. It can be like the most simple benches, as well as original hanging swing, garden furniture etc.

When choosing benches, it is important to consider general form site design. This element of the exterior should harmoniously complement the site, give it comfort. Many models of special garden furniture are sold in specialized stores. Stylish varieties of armchairs, chairs will help to decorate the recreation area.

Ordinary camping chairs are also suitable for such purposes. You can build benches from logs. It is possible at the construction stage to lay out semicircular stone benches. For them, the presence of a wooden flooring is necessarily provided, warm pillows and blankets. Sitting on a cold stone will be uncomfortable even in summer.

Having considered the features of creating a hearth in the country, everyone will be able to choose best option for your homestead.

Hearth in the country is a great addition to the entertainment environment during the event country rest. We build a hearth in the country with our own hands. Apart from its aesthetic qualities, the hearth is used for heating on cold, winter evenings. If you are planning to do complex structure, built professionals or would you like to do chag in the country with their own hands, we encourage you to take a look at our ideas. 22 creative photo ideas, create home in the country.

1. Village hearth in a concrete bowl.

A structured and original idea to make a hearth in the form of a concrete bowl. The fire in it creates a strong focal point, ideal for small, well-designed backyards in the backyard.

Decorative hearth for giving (photo). Texture wood creates country style, which is ideal for lovers of the countryside. Fire in such a hearth is recommended to be kindled with the help of special oils for the fireplace. It is not recommended to use firewood, as this style and idea is more suitable for creating coziness and a homely atmosphere.

3. Hearth for giving in the style of "Wild Desert".

The hearth for giving (photo) in the style of "Wild Desert", this separate recreation area in the country. Made of sandstone and volcanic stone, this hearth will perfectly decorate your country house or suburban area. landscape design your suburban area will noticeably change, because it's a great and inexpensive idea to use stone and sand. Spending evenings in the company of friends and relatives in the country will become much more pleasant and comfortable.

4. Modern hearth from a copper bowl.

Just like modern interiors, hints of copper have become a popular trend, adding a touch of luxury to a modest courtyard. Most of all, this hearth is suitable for use on a terrace or open veranda. You can make a suitable frame for a copper bowl in any specialized workshop.

5. Recreation area and large hearth

There is nothing more relaxing than enjoying the gentle glow of a campfire with your friends and loved ones. If your site is located on the shore of a lake, then it is a great idea to organize a recreation area with a stone hearth near the water. It is not difficult to make such a hearth in the country with your own hands.

6. Modern hearth in the country.

Modern and stylish hearth in the country. cozy and modern design. For manufacturing, you will need your imagination and a special fireplace stone. The use of wood is not recommended, and use fireplace oil to keep the fire going.

7. Hearth for giving in a minimalist style made of steel.

Although such a hearth loses in design, the monochrome fire hearth emphasizes modern aesthetics. Making such a hearth for a summer residence is not expensive, it is worth considering the thickness of the metal so that your hearth does not deform when heated.

8. Hearth for giving in the style of "Moroccan table".

Hearth table, great idea for country house or cottages. The hearth is built into an exotic and sophisticated Moroccan-style countertop. Making such a hearth for giving (photo) will require you to spend on the purchase of refractory material, as well as the work of a master tiler.

9. Hearth for summer cottages made of steel.

The ideal solution for making a hearth. Clear geometric lines, portability and simplicity of design. This hearth can be used anywhere in your suburban area. When manufacturing, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the metal so that the hearth does not deform when heated. If you plan to paint the structure, then you need to do this with specialized and refractory paints.

10. Stylish hearth in the country house made of galvanized iron

A bold and innovative idea to make a stylish hearth in the country from galvanized iron. It is recommended to use fireplace oil for making a fire.

11. Modern hearth in a round metal shape.

A great idea when the architecture and landscaping of your summer cottage calls for an equally modern hearth. In this embodiment, the source of fire is gas. Note that the hearth was made to order by a specialized workshop.

12. Home enclosed in glass.

The deeply recessed hearth bowl is surrounded by a heat-resistant glass structure. You can buy such a home in a specialized store or make it to order.

13. Hearth, patio, seating area and swing.

A delightful idea to combine a patio and a seating area. Relaxing atmosphere around a glowing fire on your suburban area will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions. Cozy patio with swings around the fire.

14. Hearth in a country house made of stone

This stacked stone has a super modern and aesthetic look that creates a dynamic adjustment by dividing the site's landscaping into distinct zones.

Great idea to add western theme for your suburban Houses. Stone-filled barrels make a great place to light a fire using dry fuel or fireplace oil.

16. Hearth recessed in stone (photo).

Another great idea for a garden. A great effect for your fire can be created using recessed into the soil of the hearth. The advantage of this design is that the burnt wood will remain in more often, and recreation area in the country will remain untouched. This will avoid unnecessary cleaning of the territory of your suburban area.

17. Hearth in wooden table top.

Hearth in a wooden countertop, it's n a great idea to continue a conversation under the soft glow of a fire on a cozy terrace or open veranda.

18. Hearth made of granite for a summer residence.

The hearth of granite in the country can be made in various color variations. O The finishing of the hearth made of granite creates a luxurious view of the recreation area in your suburban area.

19. Hearth in a cozy city courtyard.

The city courtyard can be made more sophisticated by using a hearth made of bricks. This option is ideal for relaxing and outdoor entertainment.

20. Place for a fire in the country. Hearth in the country with their own hands from a metal cable

A luxurious idea to make a hearth with your own hands from metal cable. To make this option, you will need a metal cable, imagination and the hands of a master. Such a product looks unusual, agree.

21. The original hearth made from a rim and horseshoes.

As in the previous design, made from recycled materials. This design uses an old rim, horseshoes and fence elements. The result is wonderful! Also, this design will allow you to cook food on a fire.

22. Country-style hearth, granite countertop and wooden barrel.

If you like to sip whiskey near the fire, then undoubtedly, this is exactly your option in style country.

Now you have a general idea of ​​​​how to equip a campfire site in the country.

If you look at the cottage as a model of an ideal world, then there should be 4 elements on the site, without which the universe is unthinkable. These are air, earth, water and, of course, fire.
If you, as the owner of the site, want to enjoy all the benefits of country life, then the hearth near the house is a must.

A well-designed summer cottage can become great alternative barbecue, barbecue or smokehouse, as well as a home fireplace.

Types of outdoor hearths

open fireplace- the simplest type of outdoor hearth. In appearance, this is a flat, stone-lined "nest" in which a fire is lit.

Closed fire pit- with high sides, in the form of a well, a Russian stove, a fireplace or even an oriental tandoor.

Buried fire pit- involves a special recess below the level of the site.

They are chosen in the case when it is not possible to equip a separate fireplace area.

In addition, the hearth can be solid fuel or gas.

Fireplace on gas. As an internal filler of gas outdoor hearths, the following are most often used: chopped natural stone, gravel, colored glass, ceramic imitation of firewood.

The design of the hearth is a matter of taste and preference. There are both simple universal models, and very original, even bizarre, author's, existing in a single copy.

The most common type of hearth is a metal bowl or a hollow, patterned sphere with "legs" that can be moved from place to place.

Fireplaces, however, are not only made of metal. But also from stone, heat-resistant bricks, cement with special additives, reinforced concrete rings, curbs and paving slabs.

In most cases, the fire pit is given a round shape, less often square shape, but this, of course, is not a dogma.

Pros and cons of popular models

The safest is the buried type of hearth. In addition, it is not difficult to make it using improvised materials.

Portable metal fireplaces, made of fairly thick metal, captivate with their practicality, as well as the fact that they fit into landscape style fit any exterior. After all, they can be both laconic and with intricate details, openwork walls. It is better for owners of a small plot to purchase just such a non-bulky and mobile fire pit. In any case, then you will not have to regret choosing a place, since it will be easy to change it.
The advantages of factory portable structures also in the fact that they are usually equipped with lids, equipped with barbecue grills or skewers.

A modification of the iron hearth that is popular today is a container built into the table.

It is made more often of stainless steel and looks not like ordinary utensils, but a spectacular piece of garden furniture. Naturally, such a bowl serves somewhat less than more durable, stationary counterparts. But replacing it will not be difficult.

Choosing a place for a fire

Fire on the site is comfort, color and aesthetics ... But the main criterion that must be followed when choosing a place for a fire on the site is safety.

The plot of land where the bonfire is located must, first of all, comply with fire safety requirements, namely:

  • Optimal distance from residential premises. Open hearths, barbecues, stoves should be located 3-3.5 meters from residential and outbuildings. Especially if fertilizers, gas cylinders, household chemicals are stored in the latter. Not the most good idea also proximity to a wooden bath.
  • The distance between the fireplace and fire hazardous vegetation (trees, bushes) must be at least 4 meters.
  • It is impossible to locate the hearth close to the boundary separating the site from other people's possessions or streets. Smoke should not interfere with neighbors or passers-by.

In a modern, minimalist and functional design, the hearth is increasingly located near the reservoir and even "introduced" into it, making it part of the pool wall.

Setting up a campfire site

The hearth in the garden is not an ordinary cooking device, but the “heart” of the recreation area, around which households and guests gather, celebrate holidays, sing or dream, fascinated by watching the flames play.
It follows that garden furniture should be part of a common composition with the hearth, an integral plot.

The site where it was decided to mount the bonfire must first be leveled and prepared. Then it is laid out with paving stones, fireclay bricks or refractory tiles - paving that will prevent the spread of fire.

To make the fireplace area not only comfortable and safe, but also look catchy and elegant, you can use pebbles or multi-colored gravel for paving.
alternating concrete plates different shapes, tiles, gravel, laying out patterns from them, it is easy to create a charming corner for gatherings.

Separately and sincerely look "drowned" areas with fire. Such a terrace, having previously removed a small part of the soil, is located slightly below the level of the site.

If the fireplace is rounded, then a long, semicircular bench will make the most natural, harmonious union with it. And garden chairs and sun loungers placed on the opposite side will help to close the ring around the fire.

Fireplace and design

Live fire is an adornment of any site, but, of course, the type and model of the hearth must match the style of the house and landscape.

A metal, concrete fire pit in the form of a bowl, sphere, cone or glass will suit any typical building with a modern exterior.

Sometimes the traditional type of hearth is combined with stone fence, imitating, with the help of textured masonry, the outlines of a fireplace.

A fire pit made of minimally processed cobblestones, laid out with deliberate negligence, will be a good decor for a plot in style. Instead of armchairs, picturesque boulders, stumps and logs are located around such an emphatically natural, eco-friendly fire pit.

A rough stone hearth of an open type with a massive wooden furniture around - the perfect application to and to .

with a house in scandinavian style, a round or square fireplace made of stone, brick, slabs is combined. In this case, the main thing is the conciseness of the object, the clarity of its lines. Hearths in Scandinavian areas are often combined with a table or bench, as well as shelves for firewood, which is consistent with the ideas of minimalism.

For techno, loft, high-tech styles, designers recommend gas fires decorated with smooth, polished concrete. They can be either flush with the platform or of a modular, protruding type. The same styles are characterized by integrated fireplaces - built into a retaining wall, a semicircular bench or into the side of the pool.

Gas fires, by the way, are interesting in that the filler used to fill containers with burners can be an independent decorative element.
Enough to collect stones various shapes and shades or find colored glass.
And if the site with a gas fire is provided with artificial, luminous stones, you will get a magnificent space in the style of modern modernity.

To top it off, decorate the garden furniture located near the hearth with appropriate textile details. Let's say brutal wooden benches colorful pillows and fluffy blankets will look cute and touching at home. And for a site in an industrial spirit, small rugs or mats made of artificial fiber are suitable.

Do-it-yourself campfire in the country: choosing a place for a fire. Arrangement of the above-ground and buried hearth

In any case, in the suburban area in the warm season there will be some garbage that needs to be burned, or it will simply be unnecessary things. And here it becomes important how to equip a place for a fire in the country so that the wind cannot blow sparks, which can cause a fire.

This question is most relevant in the area where wooden buildings(even if not at home, but utility rooms), where in windy weather open flames are especially dangerous. Making a protective structure in this case is not very difficult - we will talk about it below and demonstrate it to you in this article.

So you can equip a fire pit in the country with your own hands

Campfire site

Note. The word "bonfire" in most cases means a place for a fire in a country house or in another place, made specifically for this purpose, or left after the combustion of fuel.
Also, this word can mean a large fire.

What is it for

Fireplace for barbecue

Open fire in a suburban area, as a rule, is bred for three reasons:

  • firstly, this is the usual disposal of unnecessary things and garbage;
  • secondly, for aesthetic purposes, that is, to simply sit by an open fire in the fresh air;
  • thirdly - for arranging a country barbecue or barbecue.

Of course, safety will come first and it does not matter at all whether there are country houses from block containers, from brick or wood - there is always a material that poses a fire hazard.

Of course, if you are barbecued, you will only use wood as fuel, and it is also more likely that you will use wood for the aesthetic enjoyment of fire. But when burning garbage, different materials can get there.

Therefore, you should make sure that explosive objects, such as spray cans of paint and aerosols, do not get into the fire - the instruction warns of their explosiveness. You should also avoid burning rubber and plastic (bottles, bowls, toys, and so on) - rubber will smoke, settling soot flakes in neighbors' areas, and polymers emit toxins when burned.

Arrangement options

Open elevated hearth

  • First of all, in order to equip a place for a fire, you will have to find a good place, which should be located away from a residential building, outbuildings and crowns of sprawling trees.
  • Also, do not use the lowest or most high points your site - it is best if you stop at something in the middle and the site is open and well viewed.

For the arrangement of such summer cottages, a round shape is most often used, but this is by no means the main requirement - it can also be:

The main thing is that its cross section in the narrowest place where the firewood will burn should be at least 40 cm. For a circle, they usually manage with a diameter of 80-100 cm, although this is not something mandatory.

Aboveground hearth

  • Usually done with decorative trim. Although a metal rim can be inserted into the middle, its walls must be at least 1-1.5 mm, otherwise it will burn out. That is, a metal bowl will not work here.
  • You can also install a concrete circle in the center, which you will then finish with paving slabs, only as an adhesive you will need special mixtures with fireclay additives.

  • You can also lay out the walls of fireclay (refractory) bricks, use ordinary clay with the addition of fireclay powder to bind it.
  • And you can use granite cobblestones instead of bricks, which will be enough to fix well in the ground or in concrete screed, and small gaps between them do not need to be sealed at all - this will not interfere with combustion.
  • The walls and the site itself can be finished with any facing materials that are not subject to melting and are not afraid of open fire.

buried hearth

The buried hearth, which you see in the photo above, is very similar in technological design - similar materials are used there, and the cross section of the fireplace itself does not differ from the above-ground version. The main difference is the aesthetic perception of the object and personal preferences.

Deep hearth in section

For arranging a buried fire pit:

  • A hole is dug 30-40 cm deep and a pillow 15-20 cm high is poured into it from crushed stone of a fine fraction or from granite screenings (some use fine-grain expanded clay for this purpose).
  • The walls can be laid from refractory bricks, hewn or simply even granite, using clay with fireclay powder for bonding.
  • And you can also go the simpler way and lay a concrete ring in the pit - the main thing is that the upper part of the walls be strictly horizontal. The bottom can be concreted.

The simplest version of the hearth

Grill from a steel barrel

The easiest way to make a campfire in the country is to use an old steel barrel. Its walls should not be rusted, otherwise the metal will burn out very quickly.

There are two options here:

  1. The first is when you simply cut a circle 30-35 cm high and drive it into the ground, leaving 15-20 cm above the ground.
  2. The second, when a grate is welded 15-20 cm from the top, and a blower is cut below to create traction. From above, you can weld the grill, as shown in the photo.

Note. If your suburban area is not electrified, then you will not feel complete comfort from rest even in the presence of a romantic fire. But you have a way out - this is renting a diesel generator for a summer residence.


When installing such a hearth, you can also take care of finishing the area adjacent to it, using paving slabs or paving stones. Of course, the price of these materials will be different, but even the most cheap option will get rid of dirt in case of rain. Good luck!

It is not always possible to go to the forest, but to burn a fire in the yard apartment building forbidden. But the owners suburban areas there is an alternative. Fire bowls are perfect for barbecue lovers and friendly conversations around the fire. Observing certain rules and requirements for the construction of the structure, you can get a great place for family leisure.

The most common option is the base of the hearth made of stone ( open type), above which rises a brazier, barbecue or other cooking appliances. It is important to comply with all fire safety requirements (using a special refractory glue, moving the firewood storage place away, having a constant supply of water near the hearth, in case of unforeseen circumstances), and for the most comfortable cleaning, a flat bottom is created. Self erection such a design is within the power of even a beginner.

The safest option for a fire is an earthen hearth (deep type). A special recess is created in the ground, reinforced with concrete and stone, in which a flame can be kindled. A special nuance is that insufficient, for a good flame, oxygen access is possible. A fire pit of such a plan requires shelter from precipitation and the creation of safety (remoteness from the playground) for kids.

A fireplace in the form of a Russian stove or a whole outdoor complex (stove, barbecue, smokehouse) refers to closed type. Most fast way- purchase finished construction and installation by experts. The variety of models different manufacturers provides for operation on gas or solid fuel. True connoisseurs of exclusive design opt for self-creation campfires.

Location selection

Regardless of the type and functions of the fireplace, the site for its creation is selected, first of all, taking into account fire safety. The aesthetic and ethical aspects are taken into account. The following requirements are met:

  • distance from trees, shrubs and buildings should be at least 5 meters;
  • the location of the fire on the windward side can bring inconvenience to neighbors;
  • it is unacceptable to create a hearth near places where household chemicals or combustible materials are stored;
  • the presence of drafts and their direction are taken into account;
  • colorful cobblestones and gravel will not only decorate the area with a hearth, but also secure it.

Fireplace does not apply to universal decoration landscape, it is not suitable for every style. Its harmonious location on the site is an important and difficult task. Fire cannot exist like a flower bed, just for beauty. It certainly performs certain functions: it helps to warm up, relax, prepare food and drinks. It is always the center of the area for relaxation or lunch. For very small plot this idea doesn't work. The territory of the patio or terrace should be paved with brick or stone, with fireproof properties. Only safe materials are used to prevent the possible spread of fire.

A place to enjoy the fire and contemplate its greatness is equipped with maximum comfort. More often these are semicircular shapes, forged garden furniture, the presence of dining table. The design of the combustion zone determines appearance patio or seating area. It is preferable to use natural materials.

Use in landscape design

The fireplace is important not only to harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the site, but also to beautifully design this area, combining all the required elements as much as possible. Such an area will not do without greenery. Soothing calm green shades, without bright and colorful inflorescences, make up the tandem, where one object complements another. A well-groomed emerald lawn will be a good companion. The hearth against its background will become more natural and natural, as if in the "wild nature". Its serene naturalness allows you to relax and unwind from the bustling city.

In chalet or country styles, a fire pit is combined on the same site with an artificial reservoir. Large stone boulders are chosen for its decoration. In this case, the fire personifies the rustic simplicity that does not tolerate the exotic. Most suitable plants for decorating a fireplace in the country or in the yard are pine trees, pansies, juniper, hosta, chamomile, poppies, edelweiss and others. If the owners want to have a recreation area on their site that is not afraid of weather vagaries, then a fire pit is created on a covered veranda.

It is important to match each detail to a single style. An insignificant, at first glance, nuance can destroy organicity and naturalness. Lighting is chosen with care. These can be street lights for an open area, or lights on a chain for an indoor area. Popularity is gaining stones that glow. These energy-saving lighting devices do not need sockets, wires, batteries. Their power source is solar energy. Modern appliances, last word techniques do not fit into the image of a quiet oasis. All decoration items are artificially aged or initially selected in retro style. Traces of communications are carefully masked. To create coziness and comfort around the fireplace, they create partially open veranda with swing benches.

Fireplace design options

Concrete blocks, which are easy to replace with paving slabs or cobblestones, are considered optimal, simple, and beautiful material. This design is attached thanks to the solution, with refractory additives. For natural stones clay oven mortar is used. The place around the fireplace must be free within a radius of 90 cm to protect against sparks. The double ring made of corrugated steel does not lose its demand in the arrangement of hearths. The fastening material is a self-tapping screw.

The area around the fire is laid out in the form of a solar circle. Rays are depicted with a stone of a different shade. Such a creative and original approach gave rise to a lot of ideas for decorating a fireplace. The resting place with fire is given a varied appearance: a lunar crater, gem, outdoor fireplace, etc.

Exclusive hearth original form created depending on general style household plot. Adherents of the natural style choose huge stone boulders to decorate the fire. Next to such a fire one feels the primitive power and magnificence of the elements. Textured contrast, for the same classic landscape treatment, will create a fireplace decoration with a stone garden wall.

The hearth does not have to be wood burning. A gas flame may well replace the fire from logs. In the arrangement of the technical part, it is more complicated, but easier to operate. By choosing a non-standard shape, for example, an elongated one, and having carefully thought out the paving scheme, you can create a spectacular composition for the Art Nouveau style. During the day, such a flame is not noticeable, but at night it transforms the site, completely changing its usual atmosphere.

With the help of a campfire site, it is convenient to divide a private area into zones. The location of such a site is noticeably lower when compared with neighboring ones. This security measure is played out in an original way in the relief and design in general. On a flat surface, part of the earth is removed.

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