Encyclopedia of fire safety

Small gas boiler. Floor gas boilers of low power. Products of BAXI, BIASI, BUDERUS, JUNKERS, PROTHERM, VAILLANT, VIESSMANN companies. The subtleties of choosing a boiler for heating and hot water

The boilers are equipped with a microprocessor-based power modulation control system (57-100%), pre-mix burners that guarantee minimal NOx (less than 25 ppm), CO and CO2. The boilers are equipped with a full range of interlocks and security systems, built-in circulation pump, built-in storage tank (for double-circuit models). The Indurance boiler heat exchangers are guaranteed for 5 years.

Low power gas boilers are often used in residential buildings. In connection with the installation features, they are divided into floor and wall. To provide housing hot water and for space heating a household double-circuit gas boiler is used. In such a device, a boiler, the boiler itself, a burner and an automation system are connected. This is almost a miniature boiler room in the house.

Low-power gas boilers are installed quickly, they do not need a separate room, they are mounted on the floor or wall. Floor boilers more powerful, better suited as heating devices. When choosing which floor-mounted double-circuit gas boiler to buy, it is recommended to focus on the material of the heat exchanger: cast iron, copper or steel. The best heat conductor is copper, but it is more expensive. A domestic double-circuit gas boiler with a built-in boiler is suitable for country house. Such a model has a larger amount of hot water in stock, can operate at low pressure and scale is less formed in it.

Double-circuit domestic boilers also differ in the type of gas burner, which can be atmospheric with air supply by gravity or can be pressurized. With this option, air enters the combustion chamber forcibly, using an electric fan. The second option is more economical, as it has a higher efficiency.

You can buy a floor double-circuit gas boiler in a specialized organization, where specialists will help you choose the most suitable model and install a water heater in the house.

Model range of gas boilers "Indurance"

Distinctive features of Indurance boilers: Boilers "Indurance" as standard contain:
  • lovely design
  • compactness (width - 46 cm)
  • no soot formation process
  • high efficiency (efficiency not lower than 95%) in all combustion modes
  • reliable operation with any water (permissible hardness up to 6 mg eq / l)
  • low content of nitrogen oxides NOx (less than 25 ppm)
  • reliable operation on both natural gas and liquefied propane (maximum gas pressure - 3.2 kPa, minimum - 1.2 kPa)
  • modulating power control mode (100% - 50%)
  • forced supply of gas-air mixture and smoke exhaust system with built-in fan
  • frequency regulation of the built-in fan
  • built-in circulation pump with bypass ring
  • built-in hot water storage tank (75 l for models EBP110 and EBP175)
  • self-diagnosis unit with display panel
  • mains supply 220 V, 50 Hz
  • maximum water pressure in the boiler - 0.21 MPa
  • water temperature at the boiler outlet - from 60°С to 105°С
  • reliable operation in the temperature range environment from 4°С to +60°С
  • built-in frost protection
  • quietness at work
  • microprocessor control unit for automatic control of boiler operation
  • frequency controlled fan
  • electronic spark ignition unit with flame sensor
  • circulation pump with bypass
  • modulating automatic gas valve
  • water flow switch
  • boiler water level switch
  • thermomanometer
  • maximum water temperature switch
  • safety valve for maximum water pressure in the boiler
  • burner block made of of stainless steel factory installed
  • bronze heat exchanger manifolds
  • combustion chamber insulated with branded lightweight cast refractory with operating temperature up to 11000C
  • built-in storage tank 75 l for hot water (models EBP110 and EBP175)
  • storage tank water level switch (models EBP110 and EBP175)
  • DHW plate heat exchanger (models EBP110 and EBP175)

With the high efficiency of Indurance boilers, operating costs are minimal. Perfect design, easy operation and low costs guarantee savings! All equipment is certified by Gosstandart, Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation and approved for use in Russia
Boiler production is ISO9002 certified

Gas boiler for heating a private house- this is not only a necessity, but one of the main elements of comfortable living, so the choice must be approached consciously at the design stage of the entire system as a whole. Market heating equipment does not stand still and is constantly developing and the result of fierce competition is the presence of the widest choice of boilers of various brands, configurations and modifications. Unlike owners of city apartments, who most often receive a boiler after the fact, the owner of a private house has the opportunity to choose a unit at almost any stage of designing his house.

From the author: the purpose of this article is to get acquainted with modern heating technology, its main differences, variety and applicability. We are not representatives of any of the boiler manufacturers, but we are engaged in diagnostics and repair of electronics of gas units and we will try to make this review as practical and not biased as possible.

Criteria for choosing a gas boiler

One of the main criteria for choosing a gas boiler is the required power and the need for hot water at home. Ideally, the required power of the boiler is selected based on the thermal calculation of the building that will be heated by it. In the process of thermal calculation, the heat losses of the premises, the number of windows, doorways, ceiling height, wall materials and the characteristics of the selected thermal insulation are taken into account.

There is an opinion that it is possible to select the power of the unit at the rate of 1 kW per 10 square meters area, but this value is rather arbitrary. Modern thermal insulation materials, plastic windows and insulated doors significantly increase the energy efficiency class of buildings, and this figure can be reduced by 20-30%.

A strong overestimation of the boiler power can lead to a decrease in its efficiency. Modern gas boilers allow you to adjust the power in a fairly wide range, but it should be borne in mind that maximum efficiency and the efficiency of the boiler will be achieved when it operates at rated power. Continuous operation of the boiler

the lower limit of power reduces the efficiency of the unit by about 12-15%. Information on the value of efficiency at different modes work, as a rule, is indicated in the passport or instructions for the device. Overstating the power of the boiler is also fraught with too frequent switching on and off of the device, which negatively affects the actuators and electronics.

When choosing power, some experts recommend taking into account the need for hot water preparation and increasing the power by 20%, or even twice. Naturally, when choosing a gas boiler for heating a private house, it is assumed that residents will also need hot water, but it will be more correct to be guided not by power, but by the number of hot water points and their distance from the boiler room.

Often the final power and type of boiler is selected based on the needs for hot water preparation.

Depending on this criterion, there may be several options:

    double-circuit gas boiler

    boiler with built-in boiler

    single-circuit boiler and indirect heating boiler

Double-circuit gas boiler

Double-circuit gas boilers are designed to heat the coolant in the heating system and, if necessary, prepare hot water, i.e. they have two independent circuits. Depending on the type of boiler, double-circuit models can be with one heat exchanger (primary) and with two additional plate heat exchangers for preparing hot water. When choosing such a boiler, you should pay attention to the performance of the boiler in hot water mode. On average, the water consumption of one point of water parsing at a comfortable pressure and average pressure will be about 8-10 liters per minute.

Based on this, for example, a 24 kW double-circuit boiler will be able to provide approximately 2 points of water analysis, because the performance of the heat exchanger in DHW mode in most cases will be 14-15 liters per minute. And such productivity will be at a temperature delta of 25 degrees, at a temperature delta of 35 degrees this value will be significantly less - in the region of 10 liters per minute. Delta is the difference between the cold water temperature and the required heating temperature. The comfortable DHW temperature is about 40 degrees, therefore, at an incoming cold water temperature of about 5 degrees (in winter period) - the delta will just be 35. For example, we present these characteristics for some of the most famous models:

With an increase in the power of the boiler, these figures will not increase significantly. For 32-36 kW models, this is approximately 15-16 l / min, and for 38-40 kW, 18-19 l / min. Therefore, it is obvious that a double-circuit boiler with a secondary heat exchanger can be considered mainly for small private houses or apartments up to 120 square meters with two, maximum three points of water analysis. Double-circuit boilers are separate devices and are not intended for joint work with boilers.

Summing up, we can highlight the following features double circuit models:

    versatility (both heating and hot water at the same time)

    dimensions (can be mounted in a kitchen cabinet)

    ease of installation and operation

    lower value (cost) of initial costs

Boiler with built-in small volume boiler

Such boilers have some advantages compared to typical double-circuit boilers: instead of a flow-through heat exchanger, a small capacity boiler is installed (usually 40-60 liters) and this means that there is always a small supply of hot water. Firstly, residents practically do not need to wait for the initial water heating. Secondly, the boiler will turn on less often - it happens that it is necessary to briefly open the tap to rinse the cup. In this case, the double-circuit boiler will turn on and heat the water at full power, the option with a built-in boiler will turn on only when the spare temperature water will fall below the given one. Fewer inclusions - longer term executive services.

For example: the Ariston CLAS B EVO 24 FF model (built-in tank of 40 liters) already has a DHW capacity of 16 liters per minute at a delta of 35 degrees and 19 liters per minute at a delta of 30 degrees 10 minutes after switching on!

Obviously, such boilers have a greater degree of comfort, but are significantly more expensive. Also, they are free from the problem of scale formation, that is, they are less demanding on water quality. When choosing a boiler for a private house, you should pay attention to the performance in hot water mode and ease of maintenance.

Single-circuit boiler and indirect heating boiler

An indirect heating boiler is a water storage tank that does not have its own heating element, and heating occurs due to external sources (for example, a boiler or solar panels). According to many experts, the use of a single-circuit boiler and a boiler in the heating circuit is most preferable. From the previous version, such a scheme differs in the volume of the boiler itself in the direction of increase. The boiler is selected based on the needs of the residents of a private house in hot water. There are various methods to choose from, calculators are a topic for a separate review. Individually, it is necessary to determine the maximum possible one-time water consumption, for example, in morning hours and choose the capacity of the desired volume. The performance of the boiler will depend on the capacity of the boiler, because the capacity of the boiler itself is limited by the capacity of its coil. The volume of the boiler is selected from the peak values ​​​​of water consumption. If averaged, the following recommendations can be made: up to 80 liters for a family of 1-2 people, up to 150 liters for a family of 3-4 people, and from 200 liters for families of more than 5 people. In non-standard cases, it is necessary to carry out design calculations.

Thus, we get the following advantages of using a boiler:

    constant supply of hot water (maximum comfort)

    lower hydraulic resistance compared to a plate heat exchanger

    reduction in the number of boiler starts

    reduced water consumption (no need to drain water while waiting for heating)

    no scale formation (does not cancel regular maintenance)

Some manufacturers of heating equipment have ready-made options boiler + boiler, which are installed in a single system.

So, in the end - we select the boiler according to the heat losses of the house, the boiler - according to the needs for the amount of hot water.

In addition to the main performance characteristics boilers have a number of other differences: material of manufacture and type of heat exchanger, type of combustion chamber, installation method.

According to the installation method, floor and wall boilers are distinguished. Wall mounted boilers differ in compact size, light weight and versatility, they are used when there is no separate room for installing a gas boiler. Floor models are equipped with cast iron heat exchangers (therefore, they are heavy) and require certain requirements from the room during installation. A distinctive feature of such boilers is their high reliability. The cast iron heat exchanger is highly resistant to corrosion and has a long service life. Among the shortcomings - fragility and heavy weight.

Heat exchangers of wall-mounted boilers can be made of steel, copper, aluminum alloy or stainless steel. Steel heat exchangers are the cheapest and have a number of disadvantages, such as lower efficiency, a tendency to deformation and have a shorter service life. Copper heat exchangers have significantly higher thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance and lighter weight.

Bithermic heat exchanger

It is worth considering separately the design feature of gas boilers with a bithermic heat exchanger. In “bithermics”, heating of the heating coolant and running water takes place in a single primary bithermic heat exchanger (there is no secondary one). When the boiler needs to heat the heating system, the circulation pump turns on; when DHW heating is required, the pump turns off and all power is transferred to the tap water flowing there. The heat exchanger itself is a pipe-in-pipe design (one is heating, the other is hot water). The advantage is low price, but an important need is the water treatment of the water passing through the heat exchanger. Limescale, which is actively formed on the walls during high temperatures operation can significantly shorten the service life.

Atmospheric and turbocharged gas boilers

According to the method of removing combustion products, gas boilers are divided into atmospheric, where smoke is removed from the combustion chamber due to natural draft in the chimney, and turbocharged, in which combustion products are removed forcibly with a fan.

Gas boilers with a fan are more expensive, but more economical and have higher efficiency. To install such a boiler, a classic chimney device is not required, it is enough to use a coaxial chimney (pipe in a pipe), in which air is supplied and removed through one common pipe, which can be taken out of the room through the wall.

Modern fans with variable speed allow you to achieve significant savings and, in combination with a modulated gas burner to adjust the power of the boiler in a very wide range, as well as to obtain high efficiency in low power modes.

Condensing boilers

All roughly represent the process of heat transfer in a conventional gas boiler: the heat exchanger is located directly above the burner and when the gas is burned, heat is transferred to the coolant. During the combustion of the gas-air mixture, the formation of carbon dioxide, water and heat is released. The rest of the heat that the heat exchanger did not have time to accept goes into the chimney, while the temperature of the flue gases can be from 140 to 170 degrees.

With this scheme, a large amount of heat simply flies into the pipe. This is due to the fact that the combustion products contain approximately 10% of water in the gaseous state, i.e. in the form of steam and manufacturers are trying in every possible way to avoid the condensation of this steam inside the boiler or chimney. The layout of a traditional boiler is designed to prevent the formation of condensate, because condensate is water only in a simplified form. In reality, the combustion products contain harmful impurities that form an aggressive mixture of acids (nitric, sulfuric, coal), which lead to rapid wear of the boiler elements.

The process of condensate formation begins when the combustion products are cooled to about 55-57 degrees. Therefore, the solution for extracting additional heat is to cool the combustion products to the conditions for the formation of condensate inside the boiler and control this process. For maximum heat transfer to the heat carrier, a large area of ​​​​the heat exchanger and the creation of conditions for the formation of condensate inside this heat exchanger are required. In addition, the condensate, cooling down, gives additional heat, which, in fact, is transferred to the coolant, flowing down the walls. That is why marketers often indicate the efficiency of such boilers as more than 100%, adding to the efficiency of a traditional boiler the effect of heat transfer by condensate.

Example: Baxi LUNA DUO-TEC 1.24 GA. The maximum power is 24.7 kW, and the minimum power is only 3.7 kW!!!

In addition to heat transfer efficiency condensing boilers can regulate power in a very wide range. This is especially true in middle lane, where the average annual temperature ranges from 0 to 5 degrees. Therefore, such a boiler will be much more economical than the traditional one in the off-season, when the nominal power of the boiler is not required.

In addition to all the advantages, it is worth noting that in order to receive maximum opportunities condensing boiler required low temperature regime work (supply temperature less than 50 degrees), and this is not always possible. Since the boiler, in fact, is additionally a condensate generator, it must also be disposed of in a country house using septic tanks - this will have to be taken care of additionally.

In a country house, insects can also become a real problem for such a boiler. The temperature of the exhaust gases is low and therefore attracts insects, and in the case of a coaxial chimney, and x will be continuously sucked into the combustion chamber.


In this review, we analyzed the main differences between gas installations on the market and examined typical applicability schemes. Choosing a gas boiler can be a difficult task, which one to choose - Ariston, BAXI, Vaillant or Protherm? Let's give some advice.

    Choose boilers of popular brands, widely distributed in the market of a particular region. The purchase of products from little-known manufacturers can lead to a limitation of the life of the boiler until the first breakdown.

    Pay attention to the materials and manufacturers of the main components of the boiler (hydraulic group, circulation pump, heat exchanger). Preference should be given to well-known global brands and durable materials manufacturing.

    Expansion tank. It is worth seeing if the volume of the built-in expansion tank will be enough for your conditions, because in different boilers of the same power it can differ in the range from 6 to 10 liters. If the heating system provides its own expansion tank, then the recommendation can be neglected.

    Be sure to evaluate the cost of ownership of the boiler and the availability of service and spare parts. You can compare prices for the main components: heat exchanger, electronic board, fan and others. In different regions, the availability of spare parts may be different, so you should give preference to the most common brands, with which in the event of a breakdown, for example, during the heating period, there will be no problems.

    When choosing, compare the technical equipment of different models: the presence of self-diagnosis, anti-freeze, post-circulation functions, power adjustment ranges, the presence of a warm floor mode (if necessary) and the ability to connect programming options and weather-dependent automation.

    In the case of choosing a single-circuit boiler for antifreeze as a coolant, specify the possibility of its use. Some manufacturers prohibit the use of antifreeze in their boilers.

    Be sure to read the terms of the product warranty. In some cases, the warranty can be calculated from the date of manufacture of the product and if you are sold a boiler that has been in storage for two years, you will lose the lion's share of the warranty period.

    As for the reviews, we do not recommend using them as the ultimate truth. The history of equipment operation may be different and depend on specific conditions, region, water hardness, power quality, literacy of the designer and installer. Some people take care of things, observe maintenance intervals and operating rules, others believe that you can not approach the boiler for 10 years and everything should work. On the Internet, you can often find overtly custom reviews or reviews written for search engines, so they are often biased and carry absolutely no value. A gas boiler has long been no longer a luxury and is used everywhere, therefore, it is better to take advantage of the reviews of the owners, who are likely to be found in the immediate vicinity.

We hope that this material will help you in choosing a gas boiler for heating a private house, we also recommend watching a video with recommendations from professionals.

Basically, low-power gas boilers of 5-7 kW are used for heating small summer cottages or small apartments area up to 50 m². But, if you decide to purchase such a unit, you should take into account that the correction for heat loss can be from 10 to 30%.

A 5 kW gas boiler is designed for heating buildings that do not have a chimney. That's why everything famous models such heating devices are equipped with a closed-type furnace. They do not need a full-fledged smoke exhaust system. For the output of combustion products, a coaxial type pipe will suffice. In most cases, it comes with the boiler. Such a chimney is carried through a hole in the wall and taken out to the street. Best Option if it is horizontal.

When choosing low-power devices, you should accurately calculate whether such a boiler can sufficiently heat the available area. If the building is poorly insulated, and the doors and windows are blown through, the device's performance of 5 kW may not be enough.

In addition, it should be noted that the manufacturer puts the maximum power of the unit in the passport. And if the gas boiler constantly works at its maximum capacity, this will quickly lead to its wear. Therefore, in this case, it is important to determine exactly whether the specified performance is sufficient to heat your room.

Gas boilers with a power of 5 kW are equipped with a standard set of necessary functions and are quite easy to use. They do not have modern systems of management, control and safety of work, which are equipped with many units with higher productivity. Also, low-power devices do not have a display, a control panel and the ability to connect other heating systems, for example, “warm floors”.

Favorable working conditions for heating boilers 5 kW

Gas boilers with a power of 5 kW will heat a house or apartment with high quality under certain operating conditions:

  • good wall insulation;
  • no gaps in window and door openings;
  • ceiling height no more than 2.7 m;
  • absence of severe prolonged frosts.

Advantages and disadvantages of low-power units

The advantages of low-power units include:

  • small dimensions;
  • low fuel consumption with a sufficiently high efficiency;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of management;
  • ease of installation.

Cons of gas boilers with low productivity:

  • limited functionality;
  • small selection of models;
  • difficult to find accessories;
  • limited operating conditions.

Models of gas boilers with a power of 5 kW


This wall-mounted single-circuit parapet-type gas boiler has a heat exchanger made of steel. Ignition is carried out with the help of electricity by pressing a button. The unit is equipped with an Italian-made Polidoro gas burner. Safety is ensured by gas valve 630 EUROSIT (Italy). The kit includes a coaxial tube.

The boiler has the following characteristics:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • weight - 30 kg;
  • warranty - 12 months;


The presented single-circuit model of the floor type is characterized by economy and silent operation. In the event of a failure, the Italian EUROSIT security system blocks the fuel supply.

The gas boiler is equipped with a stainless steel sectional burner, which ensures the environmental friendliness of the produced smoke and the absence of soot accumulation in the combustion chamber. The heat exchanger of the unit is made of steel. The coolant temperature ranges from 40-90ºC. The kit includes a coaxial type chimney. This boiler has branch pipes for connecting to the heating system located on both sides.

The gas unit has the following characteristics:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • weight - 40 kg;
  • fuel consumption - up to 0.56 m³ / h;
  • warranty - 12 months;
  • country - manufacturer - Ukraine.

Manufacturer : Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. kg,

Viessmannstraße 1 - 35108 Allendorf (Eder), Germany


gas heating boiler


Type of:WH1 D

· Low-temperature single-circuit/double-circuit gas heating boiler.

· Place of installation: wall-mounted.

· Modulated automatic atmospheric burner.

· Open and closed combustion chamber.

· Programmable heat generation with constant and weather-dependent heat carrier temperature.

Full automation of all processes.

· Application: heating and hot water supply.

· Type of combustion and exhaust gases: natural (atmospheric) and forced (turbo).

· Nominal thermal power: from 10.5 to 31 kW.

Modification of wall mounted gas boilers VITOPEND 100-W, type WH1D

Table number 1.

Wall-mounted gas-fired single-circuit boiler Viessmann VITOPEND 100-W, type WH1D

Thermal power, kW

24 .8


24 .8


Boiler type



The combustion chamber










WH1D2 68

WH1D2 63

WH1D2 69



WH1D2 64

WH1D2 70

WH1D2 65

WH1D27 1



WH1D2 66

WH1D27 2

WH1D27 3

Purpose and scope

Low-power low-temperature hot water Viessmann boilers Vitopend 100-W WH1D with atmospheric modulating burner are designed and recommended by the manufacturer for individual heating and hot water preparation. The scope of single / double-circuit gas boilers wall-mounted Viessmann Vitopend 100-W is the main source of the autonomous heating system for private residential buildings and other premises, small in area and building volume.

According to the intended use, the Vitopend 100-W single/double-circuit hot water boiler may only be installed and operated in closed heating systems with forced circulation of the coolant and in accordance with the relevant installation, service and operation instructions in accordance with Russian regulations and the European standard EN 12828:2014 "Systems heating in buildings. Design of water heating systems.

Boilers Vitopend 100-W with an open combustion chamber use natural draft to remove combustion products. The coaxial LAS exhaust system of the Vitopend 100-W boilers with a closed combustion chamber ensures forced removal of combustion products. The rated heat output of the boiler, depending on the model and mode of operation, ranges from 10.5 to 31 kW.

The Vitopend 100-W boiler is intended for use in any climatic conditions and is designed exclusively for heating a heat carrier that has the properties of drinking water. The basic condition for the intended use is a fixed wall installation. For ease of installation, a specially designed template is attached with the designation of the main fastener points.

It is possible to combine the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W boiler with additional units approved for operation with this boiler system. So, for example, a Vitopend 100-W single-circuit gas heating boiler, when equipped with a Vitocell 100-V water heater, is used for hot water supply, both domestic and drinking.

In some cases, purposes of use that go beyond the established limits may require the approval of the manufacturer. Non-intended use is considered to be industrial or industrial use, or for purposes other than space heating or hot water production.

Improper operation (handling) of the Vitopend 100-W gas boiler is prohibited and releases the manufacturer from liability for failure of the boiler system. Change elements heating system in relation to their intended functionality is also considered improper handling of the boiler.

The low-temperature wall-mounted gas boiler Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D is easy to transport, has a small weight and overall dimensions, which makes it possible to place it even in small areas, for example, in wall niches.


Table number 2.

Single-circuit and double-circuit boiler VIESSMANN VITOPEND 100-W WH1D

The combustion chamber



Technical Parameter


Boiler identification number

Nominal heating output range for space heating/DHW heating

K.P.D at full load (100 %)

Efficiency at partial load (30%)

Nominal gas supply pressure

Natural gas

Natural gas with pressure sensor

Liquefied gas

Maximum allowable gas supply pressure

Natural gas

Liquefied gas

Maximum electrical power consumption*

Working voltage

Electrical protection class

Maximum boiler water temperature

Permissible operating pressure

Diaphragm expansion tank

Inlet pressure

Boiler volume Vitopend

DHW indicators**

Max. operating pressure

Long-term performance for hot water preparation

Water consumption (T = 30 K)

DHW temperature control range

Flow parameters at maximum load

Natural gas

Liquefied gas

Energy efficiency and environmental friendliness

Energy efficiency according to 92/42 EWG

NO x emission

__ mg _

CO emissions at full load

Flue gas characteristics at 20 °C air temperature (natural gas/LPG)

Flue gas temperature at maximum output

Flue gas temperature at minimum value power

Flue gas flow at maximum output

Flue gas flow at minimum power

Flue gas pressure: - maximum allowable pressure

Required pressure

Residual pressure of flue gas fan

System of removal of products of combustion LAS

Chimney diameter

coaxial chimney

Parallel chimney


* Maximum electrical power input including circulation pump.

** DHW values ​​only for gas combined (two-circuit) hot water boiler.

Device and product description

The gas low-temperature water-heating boiler of the flow type of low thermal power Viessmann Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D is one of the most popular high-performance, economical wall-mounted boilers, and for a potential owner it is especially important: with an optimal ratio between price and quality - cost and performance. The rated thermal power developed by Vitopend 100-W gas boilers, type WH1D, provides the most comfortable and economical heating of residential buildings of various sizes and construction volumes. The heat output of boilers with a closed combustion chamber for space heating and hot water preparation is 24.8/31 kW and 24/30 kW for an open combustion chamber.

wall hot water boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100 W are divided into two types: single-circuit and double-circuit. The process of heat exchange in boilers of both types is basically the same and consists in the following: the combustion products of the fuel heat the water (coolant) passed through the lamella-type primary heat exchanger. The main difference between the two types of Vitopend 100-W WH1D boilers is that, in addition to the primary heat exchanger, elements of the hot water heating device for hot water supply are installed in the double-circuit boiler. That's why important element double-circuit boiler Vitopend 100-W WH1D is a plate-type flow heat exchanger with a small volume, in which cold water from cold water - cold water supply system is heated by hot coolant circulating in the system. The heat exchanger for hot water preparation is installed on the chassis of the AQUA-BLOC hydraulic unit.

The direction of the coolant flow is set by another important element of the Vitopend 100-W WH1D boiler - a three-way valve. In its state, two positions are possible: in one of them, the hot coolant is supplied to the central heating system, in the other, the coolant goes to the heat exchanger, heating the water for hot water supply. In this case, the DHW mode is considered a priority, to which the valve switches when any hot water flow tap is opened. It controls the operation of the three-way valve of the relay (sensor) of the flow installed in the boiler. Convenient regulators allow you to quickly set the flow temperature of the heating line and hot water.

The Vitopend 100-W gas boiler, type WH1D, provides high hot water comfort with a continuous output of 14.3 l/min (at 30/31 kW). Maintaining a constant temperature of hot water is carried out thanks to electronic regulation and the presence of a temperature sensor on the output line. The DHW temperature setting range is 30 - 57°C.

The Vitopend 100-W WH1D single-circuit boiler is naturally not equipped with a hot water heat exchanger for the DHW system, however, it is possible to equip this type of boiler with an autonomous Viessmann DHW cylinder, for example Vitocell 100. boiler diagram (Fig. 16).

The temperature in the supply line or hot water can be controlled from the digital indication on the display. Boilers Vitopend 100 are equipped with a diagnostic system that displays the operating and service status of the device, as well as emergency modes. The pressure gauge installed on the boiler control panel measures the pressure in the boiler system.

The Viessmann Vitopend 100-W boiler, type WH1D, has a long service life and is reliable in operation even with significant fluctuations in gas pressure and electrical voltage. Due to its small overall and mounting dimensions, the boiler is suitable for installation even on the walls of small kitchens or in wall niches in utility rooms.

The main advantages of the atmospheric low-temperature gas boiler Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D wall-mounted:

​ gas water heating single/double circuit boiler with a range of thermal power from 10.5 to 31 kW;

Modulated atmospheric burner for operation on natural and liquefied gas;

Efficiency: 83% (Hs) / 92% (Hi);

Boiler capacity in DHW mode is 14.3 l/min;

maintaining a constant temperature of hot water thanks to an electronic temperature controller;

open and closed combustion chamber;

Compliance with high environmental requirements;

· Classification of a boiler with a closed combustion chamber for energy efficiency in accordance with 92/42 EWG "Three Stars";

Availability of a system for diagnosing the operating modes of the boiler, with information about the emergency mode;

Availability of a frost protection system;

compact size and silent operation;

low energy consumption of the boiler due to the use of weather-dependent automation;

high reliability of ignition;

Built-in gas pressure control switch for automatic switching on after a failure in the gas supply;

Silent start of the boiler thanks to the intermittent ignition system;

The small weight of the boiler facilitates transportation;

compact design contributes to the ease of installation of the boiler installation;

Supplied ready to use;

high operational reliability and long service life;

Possibility of combination with capacitive storage.

By design, the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W gas boiler is a rectangular case, inside which a heat exchanger, a gas burner, an AQUA-BLOC hydraulic unit with a circulation pump, a membrane expansion tank and other elements necessary for the operation of the boiler are installed (Fig. 1). Highly effective thermal insulation of the combustion chamber protects the outer surface of the boiler system from heating.

A modulating atmospheric burner is used in the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W hot water single / double-circuit gas boiler of low thermal power. With smooth modulation control, the burner changes its power within the specified range, maintaining the controlled parameter - the temperature of the supply line at a given level. Therefore, a necessary element of the control system is a temperature sensor and an electronic controller. The modulating atmospheric burner of the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W gas boiler is pre-configured to operate on natural gas type "E". A set of replacement jets, which is not included in the scope of delivery, allows the boiler burner to be converted to work on liquefied gas. The built-in gas pressure control switch automatically switches the boiler into operation after a failure in the gas supply.

Removal of products of combustion of gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W with a closed combustion chamber is carried out by means of a separately located fan. The fan parameters are calculated depending on the maximum power of the burner and the aerodynamic resistance of the gas-air path of the heat generator. The air supply is regulated by changing the position of the air damper when the burner power changes.

Heating of boiler water takes place in the primary flow-through lamellar type heat exchanger (Fig. 2). At the same time, in boilers of different thermal power, the number of lamellae also varies. So, for example, in boilers with a power of 30/31 kW, the number of lamellas is 98, and in boilers with a power of 24/24.8 kW, there are 82 lamellas. The total volume of the primary heat exchanger is 1.2 liters of boiler water (Table 2)

Since the heating installation is a water-heating wall-mounted single-circuit gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W, Since the WH1D type is delivered in a state of operational readiness, the boiler automation is pre-set to operate in standard mode at the factory. At the same time, the boiler water temperature setting of the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W heat generator with low heat output does not exceed 76 °C. Primary factory setting can be changed at the discretion of the user in order to create more comfortable living conditions. By resetting the thermostatic controller, it is possible to increase the boiler water temperature and thus the flow temperature. However, the manufacturer recommends that, in order to minimize distribution losses, the DHW system and heat distribution device should be set to a supply temperature of no more than 70 °C. During operation of the gas boiler, the temperature of the boiler water is constantly displayed on the display located on the control panel.

Rice. 3. Controls and indications

Fig.4. Display indication

1 - manometer;

2 - display;

3 - regulator "Hot water temperature";

4 - regulator "Heat carrier temperature";

5 - on / off button with the RESET function.

A - heating;

B - preparation of hot water;

C - digital indication or fault code;

D—temperature, °C;

E – service setting is active (only for specialists);

F is the current burner power;

G - the burner is working;

H - malfunction.

In the boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W, Type WH1D has built-in automation that allows you to control the boiler in operation mode with a constant supply temperature. The operating modes are carried out using the built-in controller and are set by the controls on the boiler panel (Fig. 3). All functions of the boiler installation can be set with just two control knobs: hot water temperature control and heat carrier temperature control. At the same time, easy-to-use regulators allow you to quickly set the flow temperature of the heating line and hot water supply.

During the operation of the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W boiler, type WH1D without control device remote control(thermostat) desired temperature of the room is set by the handle of the regulator "Heat carrier temperature". To maintain the set temperature in the premises of the house to the Vitopend 100-W boiler, type WH1D four types of remote control room thermostats (control devices) can be connected:

– Vitotrol 100, type RT room thermostat for controlling the boiler according to the set room temperature;

– Vitotrol 100, type UTA programmable room thermostat;

– Vitotrol 100, type UTDB digital thermostat with large LCD display;

– Vitotrol 100, type UTDB-RF room thermostat with integrated receiver and separate radio transmitter.

It should be noted that Viessmann Vitopend 100-W boilers are equipped with a built-in anti-freeze function and a diagnostic system, which, using digital indication on the display, informs about the operating and service modes of the boiler, as well as about the occurrence of an emergency mode (Table 3).

Table number 3.

Fault indication on the display


Installation behavior






Burner blocked

Gas pressure too low

Check gas pressure and gas pressure switch


Burner blocked

Thrust tipping control device activated

Check gas duct.

Instruction. If the draft tipping control device has actuated 10 times within 24 hours, the burner goes into fault mode (fault indication "F6").


Burner failure

The temperature limiter has tripped

Check the filling level of the heating system. Check circulation pump.

Remove air from the installation.

Check temperature limiter and connecting cables.

Turn the knob to unlock"Coolant temperature" almost to the full to the right and then back (reset).


Burner failure

Flame signal already present at burner start

Check ionization electrode and connecting cables.


Burner failure

No flame signal

Check ignition electrodes / ionization electrode and connecting cables, check gas pressure, check gas control valves, ignition, ignition transformer.

Switch the power switch off and on again or perform a reset, see F2.


Burner failure

Thrust tipping control device activated

Check the tilt sensor.

Switch the power switch off and on again or perform a reset, see F2.


Burner blocked

Short circuit of the boiler temperature sensor


Burner blocked

Boiler temperature sensor break

Check the boiler water temperature sensor.


Short circuit of the temperature sensor of the tank water heater (gas single-circuit boiler)

Check sensor


No hot water preparation

Short circuit of the outlet hot water temperature sensor (gas combi boiler)

Check sensor.


No hot water preparation

Breakage of the temperature sensor of the storage water heater (gas single-circuit boiler)

Check sensor.


No hot water preparation

Break in outlet hot water temperature sensor (gas combi boiler)

Check sensor.


Burner blocked

Short circuit of the traction control sensor

Check sensor.


Burner blocked

Breakage of the traction control sensor

Check sensor.

The AQUA-BLOC hydraulic unit with circulation pump (Fig. 5) is installed in the lower part of the boiler on an easily removable chassis and is equipped with a MULTI-STECKSYSTEM quick coupling. This makes it quite easy to make service maintenance, since all the most important components of the unit are easily accessible from the front of the boiler and can be quickly replaced if necessary. Technical characteristics of the circulation pump are given in table No. 4.

Table number 4.


Unit rev.

Pump type

UP 15-60

UP 15-50

Rated heat output of the boiler

Hydraulic characteristic (fig.6)


Circulation pump power

Installation input parameters:

· Water temperature:< 85 °C.

· Minimum pressure: 0.8 bar.

The circulation pumps UP 15-50 and UP 15-60 are small in size and light in weight, operate almost silently and at the same time consume a minimum amount of electricity. The pump housing is made of cast iron, the motor housing is made of extruded aluminium. The motor shaft of the circulation pump is made of hardened stainless steel and is mounted on bearings that are lubricated using the pumped liquid. Working wheel circulation pump is made of durable technopolymer.

An important element of the combined (double-circuit) boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W WH1D is a small plate-type heat exchanger in which cold water from the cold water supply system is heated by the hot coolant circulating in the system. At the same time, the number of plates varies between boilers of various capacities and heat exchanger volumes. So in boilers with a thermal power of 30/31 kW, the number of plates is 14, and in boilers with a power of 24/24.8 kW - 12 plates.

The expansion of water (coolant) is designed to compensate for the membrane expansion tank, the total volume of which for boilers with a capacity of 24/24.8 kW is 6 liters, and for boilers with a capacity of 30/31 kW - 10 liters (Table 2).

Nomenclature and overall dimensions

24/24.8 kW boiler

30/31 kW boiler

Fig.10. Overall and mounting dimensions of the Viessmann gas boiler Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D

A - place for electrical cables.

B- required height taking into account the dummy tank water heater.

C - width (depth) of the boiler.

D - reinforcing cover.

Table number 4.

dimensions wall-mounted gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D


Boiler heat output

Height with reinforcement cover

Height including underfloor DHW cylinder

Weight of single/double circuit boiler

Boiler connections:

supply line

return line

Gas connection

Installation instructions

Vitopend 100-W wall-mounted gas boilers have been specially designed for quick installation and reduced maintenance time. Installation of the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W wall-mounted boiler, type WH1D, should be entrusted to a specialized service organization. However, work on gas equipment may only be carried out by installers who are authorized by the responsible gas supply company.

The room for the installation of a floor-standing single-circuit gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W must be with normal humidity and meet the requirements of the relevant building rules and regulations, in particular SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning". Failure to comply with these requirements may result in malfunctions and damage to the boiler system.

Frost protection and proper ventilation are essential for normal operation of the boiler. So, for example, for the operation of the boiler burner, the required volume of air must be taken from the room, for which it is necessary to install a special duct-air duct that extends beyond the outer wall - into the atmosphere. To prevent drafts in the burner area, the air intake duct must not end directly behind the boiler. With a rated heat output of a gas boiler up to 35 kW cross section air duct must be at least 150 cm².

It is not allowed to pollute the air of the room for installing the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W floor single-circuit gas boiler with halogenated hydrocarbons, which, for example, are part of aerosols, paints, solvents and detergents. In the event of air pollution by halogenated hydrocarbons, the boiler may only be installed if sufficient measures are taken to ensure that uncontaminated combustion air is supplied. In addition, strong dust and high humidity are not allowed in the room.

In order to avoid damage and deformation of the connecting pipes of the Vitopend 100-W boiler, it is strictly forbidden to use an improper installation tool and apply excessive forces (loads). Pipelines connected to the heating boiler during installation and after installation during operation should not experience residual mechanical stresses and loads (bending, misalignment, compression, torsion, tension, vibration, distortions, uneven tightening of fasteners).

Fig.11. Mounting kit, straight

Fig.12. Mounting kit under the boiler

1 - Hanging bar.

2 - Mounting kit for connection, straight.

3 - Reinforcing cover.

To connect the boiler to the gas pipeline and for surface mounting of the hot water supply and heating system, a connection kit with straight pipes is included (Fig. 11). For visual completion of the boiler connection, a protective decorative reinforcing cover is supplied.

For connection to the Vitopend 100-W boiler of the underfloor heating system, a set with a thermostatic mixer is offered, which limits the maximum supply temperature to the underfloor heating system and guarantees the operation of the boiler without the formation of condensate (Fig. 12). The kit comes with a decorative cover.

Several options are available for connecting a Viessmann DHW cylinder with a capacity of 120 or 150 liters to the boiler. This can be a set of connections for mounting a water heater under the boiler, as well as a set of connections for mounting a water heater installed next to the boiler.

Pre-marking with mounting template.

Boiler installation.

Connection of electrical connections.


Fig.14. Installation and commissioning of the boiler

Scheme electrical connections gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W, type WH1D

CN 8– stepper motor of the switching valve;

T8– high voltage transformer and line and ionization line;

3 – boiler water temperature sensor;

4 – outlet temperature sensor (combi boiler only);

5 – cylinder temperature sensor (single-circuit boiler only);

20 – internal circulation pump;

35 – electromagnetic shut-off gas valve;

47 – temperature limiter;

149 - relay (sensor) DHW;

100/159 – blocking exhaust devices via an external expansion module H3;

162 – traction control sensor;

190 - modulating coil.

Since the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W WH1D gas boiler is supplied ready for direct operation, the main installation electrical connections are made inside the boiler at the factory. Mounting the connection of auxiliary equipment, e.g. room thermostat The Vitotrol 100 or the Vitocell 100-W DHW cylinder is connected to the connections of the boiler controller, so this work and the connection to the mains must be entrusted to a specialist service provider. So, for example, the connection of the "L" and "N" cores of the network cable must be observed, since wrong connection may result in serious injury or damage to the instrument. In addition, the connecting cables must not come into direct contact with hot parts, as this will damage the cables.

Cable NYM-J 3 × 1.5 mm 2 recommended by the manufacturer for powering the equipment of the Vitopend 100-W WH1D boiler from electrical network, has the appropriate number of cores for external connections. The power supply network must have neutral wire, and the mains supply cable must have a disconnector that simultaneously disconnects all ungrounded wires from the mains with a contact opening of at least 3 mm.

When installing the unit in wet rooms, it is forbidden to connect auxiliary equipment on the controller to the boiler in the zone high humidity. When installing the boiler outside wet rooms connection of accessories to the network can be done directly on the controller. This connection is controlled directly by the controller's power switch.

The manufacturer recommends installing a gas boiler in the area where the chimney passes through the building structure. The flue gas outlet must be connected to the chimney in the shortest possible way via a chimney. In this case, sharp bends in the gas outlet pipes should be avoided. When installing the chimney, it is necessary to check that the cross section of the chimney pipes and the chimney matches the cross section of the boiler nozzle. A distance of at least 100 mm from the chimney to flammable structural elements must be ensured. If necessary, provide thermal insulation of the chimney pipe.

The well-deserved confidence of buyers in Viessmann and the consequently high demand for its products, which comply with the European UNI-EN standards, were also noted by manufacturers of counterfeit goods. On Russian market cheap fakes of Viessmann products have penetrated, which are distinguished by a low price and equally low quality.

The use of such "branded" goods is fraught with the occurrence of emergency force majeure circumstances associated with the use gas equipment. The money spent to remedy these circumstances is nothing compared to the cost of genuine Viessmann branded products.

If you want to avoid such surprises, purchase original Viessmann products only from official distributors.

RANDSTROY Group of Companies

is an official distributor VIESSMANN products

in Russia and CIS countries

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