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Growing carrot business. Industrial technology for growing carrots. We select the land

It will be about how you can earn extra money for the season the amount of about 130 thousand rubles without large capital investments.

So we will talk about growing a well-known culture for all of us - carrots. As you know, carrots can be grown not only on summer cottages in six acres, where, at best, one or two small beds are allocated to this crop (and why is there more of it and so much grows from this area that it will last the whole family for a year - high yields are the main strong point in growing carrots), you can grow carrots and in the fields, sowing hectares of land with this crop, collecting tens of tons of crops. But this is not suitable for us, because it is a big capital investment! So, the area that can be cultivated by two or three people and from which you can harvest in one season and, most importantly, sell the crop before the onset of cold weather (we don’t have a vegetable store) is 0.5 hectares or 50 acres of land. From this plot of land, you can collect up to 20 tons of carrots, of which 5 tons will be substandard (curve, broken) and 15 tons of selected vegetables. At a price of 10 rubles per kilogram, we have an income of 15 * 10 \u003d 150 thousand rubles, plus if you sell substandard goods, another 15-20 thousand.

What do we need:

1. A plot of land of 50 acres, if there is good, no, you can rent it outside the city, renting land for agricultural land costs a penny and half a hectare will cost 400 rubles, or even less, as agreed with the chairman of the local agricultural enterprise

2. Working hands (2-3 people - for example, you and your relatives)

3. Motoblock - depending on the degree of development of the land, its lightness, etc., you will need a motoblock costing from 15 to 30 thousand rubles (the lighter the land, the cheaper we choose the tool). We also need nozzles for the walk-behind tractor
- a hiller for making combs into which we will sow seeds costs about 900 rubles
- a digger with which we will dig a crop of 800 rubles

4. A manual precision seeder with which we will sow carrots in ridges costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles

5. Carrot seeds about 2 kilograms (preferably in granules, this will create the opportunity to comply with the seeding rate and the distance between the fruits will be sufficient for the growth of fruiting bodies to marketable sizes) it is better to buy seeds in such quantities at wholesale bases - cheaper

6. Fertilizers - if desired, if the soil has not been used for a long time and, as they say, rested, then fertilizers can not be applied. In any case, their cost will not exceed 1 thousand rudders for a given area.

7. Plant protection products against weeds and hand sprayer. At the stage of germination and the beginning of growth, weeds pose a serious threat to your crop, weeding such an area with your hands is out of the realm of fantasy, so there is only one way out - the use of herbicides. It will take about 2 kg, which ones will tell you in any gardening store, respectively, you will need a manual sprayer, all together it will come out no more than 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles

8. Polyethylene nets about 500 pieces for packing the harvested crop about 5 rubles per piece, total 5 * 500 = 2500 rubles

9. Car (own or hire) or other vehicle where you can bring a walk-behind tractor and other equipment and transport carrots to a vegetable base (it is necessary to agree on sales in advance)

Now the actual technology: We plow the ground with a motor cultivator to a depth of about 20 cm so that there are no large lumps, attach a hiller to the walk-behind tractor and cut the ridges, the distance between the ridges is 30-50 cm. and we make sowing in the ridges. We are waiting for shoots and spraying from weeds. After 80-100 days, you can harvest, we hook a digger on a walk-behind tractor and dig up the crop, then we collect the fruits while sorting marketable carrots and substandard ones. We pack the crop into nets and take it for sale.

That's all. The costs will not exceed 40 thousand rubles, and this is if you buy a walk-behind tractor (next year the equipment will remain and the costs will be much less) the proceeds from the sale of the entire crop will be 150 - 170 thousand rubles, our net profit is 110 - 130 thousand. If you formalize this whole thing as a personal subsidiary plot, then you can not pay taxes. But in agriculture, as in any other business, there are risks, for example, a drought or, on the contrary, a very rainy summer will greatly affect the harvest and can upset your plans.

But in any activity, whoever does not risk knows what, so go for it, the choice is yours ... By the way, more interesting business ideas that can be implemented at home can be found in this article -

Carrot is one of the most popular vegetable crops in Belarus. Local climatic conditions allow for a rich harvest. At the same time, the root crop itself turns out to be large and moderately sweet. The demand for high-quality and marketable vegetables annually exceeds supply. The vegetable is actively consumed by the population, it is bought up by factories producing canned products (baby food, juices, vegetable rolls). In the case of a non-dry summer, it is relatively undemanding to watering. Easily withstands frosts (up to -5 degrees). When collecting suitable variety and the correct vegetative period is well preserved. Is the business associated with industrial cultivation carrots? Let's take a closer look at the material.

Features of industrial cultivation of carrots

The budget for entering the described business is relatively small. Due to the fact that it is in principle not demanding vegetable crop, the cost of its cultivation is lower than other root crops and plants. So, for example, you can save some money on chemicals that are used to control pests and diseases, on expensive equipment.

The average yield of carrots is 50-60 t/ha. In particular harvest years this figure can reach 80 tons and above. Importance is given to the selection of a suitable variety of carrots. The profitability of a business depends on the chosen method of selling the grown products: early root crops, selling vegetables immediately after harvest, storage until a new harvest.

Factors affecting the yield of carrots.

Crop rotation. It is necessary to plant seeds in the spring, when the average daily temperature is +8 degrees and above. However, year after year is not necessary, so you should act according to the situation. Late planting will negatively affect the final yield and root size. Planting can be done in the land in which potatoes and legumes were previously grown. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of manure in the ground. If this type of fertilizer was previously used, plant carrots a year after organics. There is an option for planting seeds in the fall. However, the safety of such products is low. Root crops need to be sold before mid-summer.

Agricultural equipment. Industrial cultivation of carrots involves the use of carrot harvesters. On the large areas mechanized sowing and cultivation of the root crop will be required. Mineral fertilizers are applied using special agricultural installations. If there is not enough moisture, the involvement of equipment will be required for irrigation.

The soil. Some special requirements to the percentage of humus is not presented. The only thing: in order to avoid additional irrigation costs, it is required to plant on flat areas without changes in height and humidity. Of course, natural watering (rain) is of no small importance. If it is not enough, the vegetable should be watered on average once a week.

Fertilizers. The main feeding of the soil is carried out before planting the seeds. If we are talking about a solution of humus, it is introduced in the fall. The amount of potash and phosphate fertilizers is calculated depending on the type and composition of the soil. Phosphorus 90-100 kg/ha, potash - 175-200 kg/ha. Mineral additives are also applied in the autumn before the soil is plowed.

Storage. In order to sell the root crop in the most suitable period (higher prices), it is necessary to prepare a suitable storage facility. These are additional costs to consider.

Is it worth it to engage in commercial cultivation of carrots?

What is the result? The payback and profitability of a business, as mentioned above, depends on many factors. A professional and balanced approach is of paramount importance. Carrots are unpretentious, mainly grown in open ground well kept. Demand and prices are stable. In the case of establishing a sales channel for products, it is profitable to engage in the industrial cultivation of carrots in Belarus.

We work for you

There are places where experienced gardeners grow more carrots than all other crops, including potatoes. They thoroughly know all the tricks and methods, and pass on their knowledge from father to son. They also believe that growing carrots is much more profitable than, for example,. Indeed, carrots in the markets are much more expensive than potatoes, while the harvest per hundred square meters can be up to a ton, which is comparable to the best harvests potatoes.

O preliminary preparation soil and seeds for planting carrots we have already said, now let's go directly to the cultivation of carrots.

Soil preparation

In the spring, before planting carrots, it is useful to add mineral fertilizers to the plot: 15–20 grams of ammonium sulfate, 30–40 grams of precipitate and 25–35 grams of potassium sulfate per square meter.

Carrots love light, well-structured soils. For structuring, it would be ideal to sow green manure in the fall, and mow them before planting.

Choose a site for planting as light as possible - carrots do not like shade.

Planting carrots

Carrots can be sown three times per season. The first planting of carrots is done in early spring , the second - summer, and the third - before winter, late autumn .

At spring sowing carrots can be planted very early, as soon as the ground thaws. It perfectly tolerates frosts down to -4 degrees. Only frosts greater than -6 degrees for a long time are fatal for her.

At summer sowing carrot cultivation lasts until October, or even early November, the main thing is that the soil temperature is not below 5 degrees.

At autumn sowing planting is done quite late, when the soil temperature drops to 5 degrees and below. You can do crops even on frozen ground. Before winter, carrots are sown if the winters are not cold, or if it is possible to organize a sufficient layer of snow over the plantings, 40–50 cm thick.

small carrot seeds , and it is difficult to sow them without thickening. It is best to mix a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of sand. Such a glass is enough for ten square meters.

Sow carrots in rows, between which they make a distance of 15 cm for early and medium varieties, and a distance of 20 cm for late varieties. The grooves need to be watered, powdered with ash, and the seeds sown in 1 cm increments. If you sow with sand, estimate in advance how many seeds you have and how to pour them in order to get the required distance between the plants.

In spring and summer sow the swollen seeds, to a depth of 3-4 cm. After sowing, the bed cover with foil at a height of 5 cm above the ground. It is best to put the film on the bricks. autumn sow dry seeds before winter early varieties carrots, to a depth of 1-2 cm. In all cases, cover the soil layer of mulch 3-4 cm thick.


The optimum temperature for growing carrots is 20-22 degrees. At this temperature, there is greatest growth root crops.


As a rule, carrots are watered once a week. At the very beginning, plants do not need a lot of moisture, about 3 liters per square meter is enough. After In the future, the rate is systematically increased, bringing it to 20 liters per square meter, when the root crop begins to grow. 1.5-2 months before harvesting, watering is carried out less often: once every 1.5-2 weeks, and the intensity of irrigation is halved - they spend 10 liters of water per square meter, and 2-3 weeks before harvesting carrots stop watering at all.

When growing carrots, care must be taken that the soil is neither too wet nor too dry. Excess moisture even in a short time will lead to rotting of root crops. During drought, root crops do not grow, which also negatively affects the yield of carrots.

Weed control and thinning

Carrots develop slowly, and therefore weeds overtake them and begin to stifle. Therefore, weeds need to be weeded regularly. The first weeding is done 10-12 days after germination, when the plants have real leaves. The second weeding is 8-10 days after the first.

Weeding is done after watering, best of all in the morning, and at the same time thin out, shoots of carrots. At the first weeding, thinning is done, leaving 2-3 cm between plants, at the second, 4-5 cm are left between plants. After weeding and thinning, the carrots are watered again.

top dressing

Top dressing is done 3-4 weeks after the appearance of the first shoots of carrots. To do this, mullein or bird droppings are bred for 10 liters of water, ash is added. At the beginning of the formation of root crops, top dressing can be repeated.

If you have fertile land, and you have been working on your site according to the principles of organic farming for several years, then you can do without top dressing.

Pest control

Against carrot flies, it is useful to sprinkle the soil with ground red pepper ... You can also use an infusion hot pepper. Another protection option is the combined planting of carrots with onions.


Carrots are harvested later than all other crops. Early harvesting, when the soil temperature is above 10 degrees, is harmful to carrots, because the root crop is still growing.

In the next article, you will learn how to grow not just big, but.

Video on how to grow carrots

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Healthy, high-quality carrots can only be obtained by following the principles of an integrated production organization that strictly reflects all aspects of carrot cultivation. Strict control over the condition of the soil, selection of varieties, care of crops, control of weeds, pests and diseases - all these activities are basically the preservation of quality products.

Growing carrots

Carrots are one of the few crops that can be eaten fresh. all year round. It was known to the ancient Greeks under the name "Daukos". In addition, carrots have long been used in traditional medicine as a medicine. Carrots surpass many vegetables in the content of vitamins and a number of other substances useful for our body. In terms of the content of carotene (protein A), it is slightly inferior only to sweet pepper and surpasses all other vegetables. Carrots also contain vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, K, folic acid, essential oils, calcium salts, phosphorus, iodine, iron.

Carrot juice is an excellent remedy for anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys and other diseases. Sometimes carrot juice is used in home cosmetics, as it is noted that it gives the skin of the face freshness and velvety.

Biological features of carrots

According to the modern classification, cultivated and wild carrots are combined into one species Daucus carota, which includes 10 varieties. Cultivated carrots are a biennial plant. In the first year, a rosette of leaves and a root crop are formed in it, in the second year - a flowering stem and seeds.

Carrot is a relatively cold-resistant plant, easily tolerates frosts down to -3 ... -50C. The minimum temperature for seed germination is +4…+60С, optimal +18…+210С, for leaf growth +23..250С. Carrots are demanding on light.

In shading conditions, the yield is reduced. Carrots are quite sensitive to uniform and optimal moisture during all periods of their development. It is most demanding for moisture in the period from sowing to emergence of seedlings and during intensive growth of the root crop. Carrots are sensitive to increased salt concentration and lack of oxygen in the soil.

Soils, precursors and place in crop rotation. The most suitable for carrots are sandy and loamy, peat soils not prone to crust formation.

Loosening the soil contributes to good plant growth and the formation of roots, in addition, it is easier to collect them. Carrots are a good predecessor for other vegetable crops. AT vegetable crop rotation carrot - best predecessor for early cabbage and potatoes, zucchini. For carrots, a good predecessor is mid-ripening cabbage, tomato, cucumber, onion, that is, crops that free the site early to prepare it for sowing in the fall.

Soil preparation for planting carrots

The soil under sowing must be carefully cultivated, the surface of the field leveled.

Spring cultivation.

Cultivation of the soil in the spring depends on the timing of sowing.

When sowing early:

Early spring harrowing in one or two tracks. Further cultivation of the soil depends on the degree of weediness of the field and soil compaction;

If the soil has been completely prepared since autumn and is not clogged, harrowing is limited to one;

With severe weed infestation and cold spring, pre-sowing cultivation is carried out to the depth of seed sowing;

carrot fertilizer

Carrots are very sensitive to high doses organic fertilizers. Directly under the carrot fresh manure it is impossible to make, as there is a strong overgrowth of tops, root crops branch and their taste deteriorates, crops are affected by a carrot fly.

The timing of sowing depends on the variety and purpose of production. Three types of carrot sowing are distinguished by time: winter, spring and summer. Podzimny sowing is carried out 10 - 20 days before the onset of frost, completely fettering the earth.

Early spring sowing is carried out in order to use carrots in summer for early bunched goods. Sowing is carried out as soon as field work can be carried out, trying to use the moisture reserve in the soil. The most common sowing period for autumn and winter use is the first half and until May 25th. It is very important to prevent the soil from drying out after sowing, especially with wetted or bubbling seeds - the germination of seeds in dry soil leads to the death of seedlings.

Crop care.

Carrots during the growing season consists in timely and high-quality inter-row cultivation, weed control, diseases and pests, as well as irrigation. For the destruction of weeds on crops of carrots, herbicides (ground) are used.

Irrigation methods and irrigation technique, irrigation mode of carrots

Carrot is a relatively drought-resistant crop, but in the south, in the zone of unstable moisture, high and stable yields can only be obtained with irrigation.

Water consumption of carrots with optimal water supply is 4000 - 5500 m3 / ha. The beginning of the irrigation season is determined by weather conditions, most often watering starts from the end of April - the beginning of May and ends 2-3 weeks before harvest, in order to avoid cracking of root crops and improve conditions for mechanized harvesting. On drip irrigation, irrigation is carried out regularly in accordance with the phase of plant development.

Protection from diseases and pests. The carrot, especially its succulent root, is a very good object for both diseases and pests. More than it both during cultivation and storage.

Carrot fly.

The front sight is 3-5 mm long. Antennae and legs are yellow. Larva 6-7 mm long, light yellow, shiny. In late April - early May, the years of the spring generation of the fly begin. At the end of May, larvae emerge from the eggs and penetrate the roots of young plants, gnawing them. The second generation comes out in August and, in the same way as the first, damages carrot crops.

Control measures:

Stefesin, 2.5% a.e. – 0.3 l/ha – waiting period after treatment 20 days. Volaton, 50% a.e. – 2 l/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days

Alternariosis. Alternariosis plants are damaged in the second half of the growing season. Disease development is facilitated by warm, humid weather. During storage, the fungus causes dry rot of root crops, - on the surface in different places dark or grayish, slightly depressed dry spots are formed.

Control measures: Copper oxychloride, 90% w.p. – 2.4 kg/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days. Ridomi Gold, 68% w.p. – 2.5 kg/ha - waiting period after treatment 30 days.

Powdery mildew. Leaves are usually affected, and in case of severe infection, cuttings are also affected.

Control measures: Byleton, s.p. - 0.3-0.6 kg/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days; Karatan, Ph.D. - 0.5 -1 l / ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days.

Gray rot. The disease occurs on root crops during storage everywhere. In damp cool weather, gray rot affects different parts of root crops and all above-ground parts of the plant. The disease is especially harmful in the years after a cool, wet summer or autumn, when the root crops do not have time to ripen well.

Gray rot manifests itself in the form of a gray fluffy coating covering diseased areas.

Varieties and hybrids.

Carrots are distinguished by a wide variety of root forms, the length of the growing season, nutrient content and storage capacity. According to the shape of the root crop, varieties and hybrids of carrots are divided into three main varieties - Nantes, Chantanet and Flake.

Collection and storage.

Most often, carrots are harvested by hand. Bunch carrots are removed from the leaf and tied into bunches. Carrots of late ripening are harvested in a semi-mechanized way - they are dug up with a bracket, and then they are harvested by hand. Carrot roots are stored in vegetable stores and basements in bulk, in stacks, pyramids, boxes and plastic bags, as well as in pits and trenches. At the same time, the temperature is maintained within the range of 1 - 20 C and relative humidity of 90 - 95%.

If carrots are stored in a vegetable store, they often get wet and rot on top. Therefore, vegetable stores should be systematically ventilated or root crops should be covered with burlap and mats. To store carrots in boxes, wet sand (2–3 cm) is poured onto the bottom, root crops are laid on it in several layers and sprinkled with sand. Carrots are well stored in plastic bags weighing 20 - 25 kg.

The bags are not tied up so that carbon dioxide is not concentrated in them and the relative humidity of the air does not increase. Carrots can be stored in narrow (up to 1.5 m) low piles, but this method of storage depends on weather conditions.

Storage of carrots in heaps.

The experience of Canadian farmers has shown that carrots can be stored in heaps with a mound height of up to 4.9 meters without damaging the fruit.

Benefits of storing carrots in heaps:

Easily filled or emptied with a forklift, conveyor or water stream.

More efficient ventilation as air moves under the collar and provides an even flow around each root crop.

Easily exposed to moisture due to the "injection" of water in the air stream.

The cooling front moves in one direction.

Disadvantages of storing carrots in heaps.

The percentage of damaged fruits is increasing.

It is difficult or almost impossible to extract diseased fruits from the collar.

To ensure good ventilation, the fruit must be free of haulm residues or debris.

The external walls of the vault must have increased strength in order to withstand the lateral pressure of the collar.

Cooling carrots with a refrigerator. Carrots should be cooled immediately after harvesting to a temperature of 00 C. Ideal Attitude cooling time should be 7/8 within 1 - 2 days.

Cooling carrots with cold air. There are two traditional storage systems in widespread use. First: with installed air conditioner, air ducts and fans providing a circular movement of cooled air.


Easy to equip, maintain and operate.

Provides adequate air temperature control.

Provides immediate cooling of the crop on warm days, which extends the period of implementation of carrots.


Dries out the air, causing the carrots to wilt.

It is difficult to add moisture to the air.

The second is similar to the first, but the air flow here passes through a “water barrier”, which ensures uniform humidification of the air flow.


High cooling reserve.

Enhanced airflow for effective cooling of carrots.

Supports high level relative humidity.

Facilitates the distribution of cold air throughout the storage.


Significantly more expensive than the first type.

Requires additional space to accommodate equipment.

Maintains the temperature in the storage at least 0.5 0 С.

In vegetable growing, carrots are considered an unpretentious and cost-effective two-year-old root crop. It is grown for processing, fresh consumption, conservation. The first shoots appear in 10-20 days when the soil temperature is above +8°C. Subject to the conditions for planting seeds and caring for the beds, it is possible to achieve carrot yields from 1 ha to 100 tons. Considering this fact and the fact that the cost of its sale is quite high in the consumer market, root crops are grown in large volumes.

High Yielding Varieties

There are several hybrids of this sweet vegetable, each has its own requirements for sowing time, soil composition, air temperature. High yield carrots is achieved by growing the following varieties suitable for middle lane Russia:

  1. Canada F1 - late-ripening cone-shaped vegetables. The fruits have a bright color and rich taste. The variety has good keeping quality.
  2. Samson - mid-season carrots of a red-orange hue cylindrical shape. The mass of a mature fruit reaches 150-200 g.
  3. Flaccoro - high yielding variety. Vegetables grow up to 40 cm long and have a rich orange color.
  4. Incomparable - can be planted before winter. The hybrid belongs to the middle early. Large root crops have the shape of a truncated cone.
  5. Losinoostrovskaya 13 - the most popular variety carrots for the Moscow region. Compared to other species, it is superior in the content of carotene in the composition. Red-orange vegetables with a blunt end grow well in soil rich in peat.
  6. The queen of autumn is an oval carrot with juicy flesh and a slight sweetness in taste. Differs in high keeping quality.
  7. NIIOKh-336 - mid-season variety. Root crops grow a bright orange color of a cylindrical shape with a blunt end. They reach a length of 18 cm, and a diameter of 5 cm. Due to the fact that it deteriorates quickly, the hybrid is recommended to be used for home preservation.
  8. Moscow winter - a mid-season and high-yielding carrot variety that is suitable for storage at low temperatures(in the cellar). Vegetables are conical. They are distinguished by a small core and rich taste.
  9. Tushon - recommend growing when you need to harvest an early harvest from the beds. Root crops reach 18-20 cm, and in shape resemble an elongated cylinder.

Harvesting a bountiful harvest from a hundred square meters of land depends not only on the quality seed but also from observing the rules for caring for vegetables.

How to increase the yield of carrots

This root crop is second in importance after potatoes, so it is always planted in in large numbers Location on. But not every owner can grow a tasty and plentiful harvest. Carrot belongs to undemanding plants, but certain conditions are needed for its full development and maturation.

In the fall, dig the site without breaking the lumps with a shovel. If in the garden soil with hyperacidity, it is necessary to add a mixture of 200 g of chalk, fluff lime or dolomite flour.

In spring, to increase soil fertility and carrot yields, fertilizers should be used when growing:

  1. In peat soil add 5 kg of coarse-grained river sand, 3 kg of mullein, and from mineral supplements - one teaspoon of sodium nitrate or urea.
  2. Soil rich in black soil, in preparation for planting carrots, loosen and process with 2.5 liters of small old or fresh sawdust and one bucket of sand.
  3. AT sandy soil add 2 buckets of peat, turf land and 5 liters of vegetable humus in combination with sawdust.

When preparing beds, it is necessary to carefully remove weeds, and in newly developed areas - rhizomes, wireworm larvae and May beetle. The yield depends on the depth of plowing. The grains must be embedded in wet grooves and sprinkled with sand or earth on top. The depth of the hole should not be more than 2 cm.

Carrot is a light-loving root crop, so it will grow well only in sunny areas.

After the first sprouts appear, you need to thin out the beds to form bunches and remove weak leaves. Carrots are sensitive to soil moisture. Dry, dense soil becomes an ideal breeding ground for vegetable pests, so watering and hilling should be carried out regularly.

What you need to start a carrot business

Growing a sweet root crop is a profitable and quickly payback business. It is recommended to engage in it because of the high demand for carrots. An important advantage such a business is the need for a minimum start-up capital.

To grow carrots in large volumes and obtain a quality crop, it is necessary to purchase a suitable land plot or rent it. The root crop grows well after other vegetable and grain crops, but it is better when nothing has been planted on the site for 2-3 years. In this case, there will be no financial costs for soil enrichment. nutrients. If the soil is depleted, in the fall it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers - compost, humus. Experienced gardeners we are convinced that the appropriate time for sowing the root crop is the period from late April to mid-May.

Of the technological equipment, you will need to purchase a hiller, a walk-behind tractor, a seeder, a digger. On average, the cost of the units to the owner will cost 50-60 thousand rubles. In order to collect up to 30 tons of high-yielding carrots from 50 acres of cultivated area, you need to buy 1.5 kg of seed. The price of seeds depends on the root crop variety and ranges from 500-2500 thousand rubles per 1 kg.

Harvesting of carrots begins at the stage of its full maturity, when the risk of browning against the background of excess oxygen is reduced.

It is believed that it is impossible to store this vegetable for longer than 7 months without spoilage. But the harvest can be lost regardless of the keeping quality indicators.

Practice shows: if you keep folded unwashed carrots, with the remnants of the earth, its quality does not decrease as long as possible. Yield losses can be offset by equipping the vegetable store with a ventilated system.

According to the agricultural market, an average of 400 thousand rubles can be earned for 20 tons of carrots sold at 20 rubles per kg. This type of business is considered profitable by minimizing financial losses. If the root crop was born of poor quality, the crop is processed and juice or Korean carrots are made. In this case, the owners earn from 100 thousand rubles.

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