Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to insulate the roof in a multi-storey building. Insulation of the roof of a wooden house from the inside. Roof materials

Flat roofing is inexpensive and practical way arrangement of any building. Often it is erected over multi-storey residential buildings, industrial facilities, garages and extensions (verandas, terraces). In case of residential buildings a flat roof must be insulated, otherwise there will be little sense from it. This is what we will talk about in today's article - do-it-yourself warming of a flat roof.

The need for roof insulation, including a flat one, is obvious - anyone familiar with the concept of convection from a school physics course should understand that air, heating up, rushes up. If at the top he does not meet a worthy barrier, then he will freely leave the room. In other words, all efforts to heat the house under a flat roof will come to naught.

However, the beneficial aspects of roof insulation do not end there. In addition to the fact that thermal insulation delays warm air, it prevents the occurrence of sudden temperature changes inside roofing cake. Let's turn to the same school physics course. When it's cold street air collides with heated streams rising from the house, the reaction creates condensate - the smallest droplets of water. Accumulating, condensate impregnates the layers of the roofing cake and wooden elements, provoking their rapid wear. For this reason, laying only one insulation under the roof sheathing is indispensable - it is necessary to protect it vapor barrier membrane, which will remove condensate from the thermal insulation and contribute to its rapid evaporation.

It turns out that the flat roof insulation device involves the use of not only heat-insulating material, but also vapor barrier. The sequence of laying depends on the type of roof. Flat roofs are classic and inversion. In the first case, it is based on a carrier plate, on which a vapor barrier is laid, and then a heater. It, in turn, is closed roll waterproofing bitumen based. It simultaneously protects the insulation from moisture and is a topcoat. Such roofs can be found on multi-storey buildings in any city. It is also worth mentioning that a classic roof can be exploited and non-exploited. As the name implies, an exploited roof can be used, that is, to place equipment, furniture there, make add-ons, in general, use it to the full as additional surface. The coating of an unused roof is not adapted to increased loads, but the insulation of both types follows the same scenarios.

Inverted roof in technical performance much better than the traditional one. First, a layer of gravel, expanded clay or gravel is poured onto the carrier plate. The thickness of the powder should be at least 5 cm. A waterproofing is placed on such a drainage cushion, then a heater, everything is poured with concrete and the screed is covered with a finishing material. The main difference is in the laying of the insulation over the waterproofing, which allows you to protect the hydrophobic layer from harmful ultraviolet rays, temperature extremes and mechanical damage. As a result, an inverted flat roof lasts much longer than a traditional one and automatically becomes exploitable - a strong concrete screed (especially if it is reinforced) allows you to arrange outdoor recreation and sports areas.

It should be borne in mind that the insulation, as well as all other layers of the roofing pie, will be Various types loads: snow weight, wind force, mass of overlying materials, etc. Therefore, to heaters for flat roofs impose increased physical and mechanical requirements. In addition, experts strongly recommend choosing the most hydrophobic material, since it is impossible to guarantee 100% protection from moisture. We will talk more about the choice of insulation a little later.

Ways to insulate flat roofs

Insulation of flat roofs is carried out according to one of two schemes: in one or two layers. Single-layer insulation is relevant for industrial buildings, garages and warehouses. Suitable for operated and non-operated roofs (in the first case, the presence of reinforced concrete screed finish layer). Placing the insulation in one plane provides moderate protection against the appearance of condensate and excessive heat loss, however, only two-layer insulation allows creating a comfortable microclimate for a comfortable life.

A two-layer insulation scheme, as you might guess, involves laying two layers of heat-insulating material in different planes. The lower main layer should be thermally stable with low strength and a thickness of 70 to 170 mm. The top layer is responsible for distributing the mechanical load over the entire surface of the system. Its thickness is significantly less than that of the lower layer, and ranges from 30 to 50 mm, but it is characterized by high compressive and tensile strength. Such a functional distribution of two layers of insulation significantly reduces the weight of the roofing pie as a whole, thereby reducing the load exerted by the roof on floors and foundations.

The choice of insulation for the roof

A variety of materials are used to insulate a flat roof from the outside, but after studying the above information, we can already identify several basic selection criteria. First, maximum hydrophobicity. Secondly, strength and density. Thirdly, if possible, light weight. Consider the materials used in modern construction.

Most often, in urban and private construction, backfill materials are used due to their availability and low cost. We are talking about expanded clay (clay foamed under high pressure) and perlite (light coarse-grained sand with good thermal insulation characteristics). Unfortunately, the low cost and availability of the advantages of these materials are limited - in other respects they are not able to compete with fibrous or polymeric insulation. They are relatively heavy, and it is ideal to create with their help. flat surface on a slight slope is quite difficult.

The second most popular are mineral wool boards and expanded polystyrene. Mineral wool retains heat well, is easy to use, does not burn, but needs high-quality waterproofing - if it gets even a little wet, it will no longer protect against heat loss. Extruded polystyrene foam is not afraid of water, it is characterized by high strength, ease of installation and relatively low cost. However, it is better to use it to create an inversion roof, since the material is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and is flammable.

Not so long ago, mineral wool in slabs made from basalt rocks appeared on the market. It is much stronger in compression and tear than older counterparts, is not so afraid of water and allows you to create a fairly durable coating without arranging a heavy concrete screed.

And finally, the newest, high-quality and expensive insulation is polyurethane foam. A special composition is applied to the prepared surface by mechanical spraying, after which it foams, hardens and creates a durable waterproof crust that perfectly retains heat and is immune to ultraviolet radiation. In the West, polyurethane foam has long been used to insulate roofs, including flat ones. In our latitudes, its advantages have only just begun to be appreciated.

The positive aspects of using polyurethane foam for roof insulation:

  • very low thermal conductivity (polyurethane foam 0.022 W/m², mineral wool 0.055 W/m²);
  • requires minimal surface preparation (clean of debris, you can not level and process);
  • for high-quality insulation, a layer 5-6 cm thick is sufficient;
  • absolutely seamless coating, which eliminates the formation of potentially risky places of leaks and drafts;
  • absolute hydrophobicity and vapor permeability (allows you to save on hydro and vapor barrier);
  • spraying can be used to create additional waterproofing;
  • the high rigidity of the hardened coating allows you to equip a concrete screed on top of it;
  • relatively low density (does not give a strong load on the bearing elements);
  • environmental Safety;
  • the ability to cover surfaces and objects of any shape (allows you to protect problematic places where pipes exit from leaks and heat loss);
  • does not burn and does not support combustion;
  • service life is more than 25 years;
  • high speed of work.

Thus, polyurethane foam replaces both insulation, steam and waterproofing. The only drawback is that it will not work to do such work with your own hands, since this requires special equipment and skills in handling two-component material.

Warming technology

It's time to tell you how to insulate a flat roof yourself. Since the shortcomings of bulk insulation do not allow us to talk about them as the best options for arrangement, we will touch on the use of mineral wool boards and extruded polystyrene foam.

Mineral wool boards

Immediately builds to make a reservation that not all mineral wool boards can be used to insulate a flat exploited roof or a classic soft roof. Basalt slabs are best suited for this purpose, the fibers in which are directed in different sides- this allows them to withstand high loads. Of course, you can protect the fragile insulation with a screed (dry or wet), but this will create an additional load on the supporting structures.

Mineral wool insulation technology:

Video about the insulation of a flat roof with mineral wool:

extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam is highly durable and water resistant, and therefore is most often used for inverted roof insulation. There are slotted locks on the plates, which provide a very dense surface, but for greater reliability, it is recommended to glue all joints with construction tape.

The beauty of polystyrene foam is that working with it is very simple and fast:

  1. First, the slabs are laid on the base slab, gluing the gaps of the joints with construction tape. If you need to lay a second layer, the plates are mounted "in a run".
  2. Geotextiles are laid over the polystyrene foam insulation, designed to protect the lower layers of the cake from dirt and mechanical damage.
  3. A 5-10 cm layer of gravel or gravel is poured onto the geotextile. Sometimes, for additional drainage, a profiled membrane is laid between the geotextile and the powder.
  4. Finally, crushed stone or gravel is poured with a screed and the top coat is laid. If it is planned to land on the operated roof lawn grass or flowers, an additional layer of geotextile should be laid on top of the backfill, after which 15-20 cm of fertile soil should be poured.

Insulating a flat roof is not so easy, but this measure is necessary if you want to live in a warm house and not overpay for heating.

Builders often charge a lot of money for work on roof insulation. This is motivated by the fact that these are labor-intensive works that are carried out on weight. To save money,wooden house can be done independently. Special qualifications are not needed here, special equipment is not required. And it doesn’t matter if your roof is made of ondulin, metal tile or slate, gable or broken structure. However, modern insulating materials and the proven cold roof insulation technology has many nuances that you need to know.

It is not difficult to make the roof warm, and the premises of a private wooden house suitable for year-round use. The main thing is to create good conditions to keep the heat inside the attic. How to insulate the roof, what materials to use, we will consider in this article. Insulation issues can be addressed both during the construction of the house, and after, by reconstructing the upper floor.

In accordance with the laws of physics and convection processes, warm air masses rise to the top. In the presence of a cold roof of a wooden house, all the heat will go outside. Such heat losses make it necessary to additionally heat the premises in the house, spending electricity or fuel. So high-quality insulation ceiling slabs is the most important task to preserve heat, rational use of heat carriers and create a microclimate in the house.

Cold refers to the construction of a gable or broken roof, which does not have a multilayer structure. In such inexpensive and simple roofs there is no waterproofing, vapor barrier and thermal insulation.

The design scheme of a gable cold roof is very simple - as a rule, a floor of boards is laid on the beams of a wooden floor, and the roof is made of slate or metal tiles, without any insulators. In order to properly insulate a cold roof, you need to know what requirements apply to the design of the ceiling of the upper floor and attic floors. And also you should choose the right insulation material.

Requirements for roofing

When starting to insulate a roof made of ondulin, slate or metal tiles, broken or hip, you should know what building codes and rules exist for the floors of a private wooden house. In order not to violate the basic parameters that must be met by the design of the attic, the thermal insulation of the ceiling andmansard roof insulation from the insideshould be carried out taking into account the basic requirements. For attic floors and ceilings, this is strength and compliance with fire safety standards.

The strength of the attic floors must correspond to the nature of the under-roof space. If an attic is arranged in the attic, then the ceilings must withstand the weight of the floors, furniture and people in it. Floor beams should not sag, and permissible load cannot exceed 100 kg per square meter.

The second basic requirement - fire safety is especially important for a wooden house. All structural elements must be treated with special flame retardants.

Types of heat-insulating materials

In order to qualitatively insulate the structure wooden ceiling and the entire roof of metal tiles use a variety of heat insulators.

Main types:

  • polystyrene and foam plastic;
  • mineral wool;
  • ecowool;
  • glass wool;
  • fiberboard;
  • foamed polyurethane;

Each of the listed heaters has its pros and cons. The choice of insulation for the ceiling and for metal tiles depends on various factors. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with each type of heat insulator in more detail in order to understand the better it is to insulate the ceiling floors and the entire upper floor.

Budget options for insulation

In addition to those listed, there are inexpensive, bulk heaters. Such materials are also carried outmansard roof insulation. Bulk heat insulators include:

  • sawdust and shavings;
  • expanded clay;
  • slag;
  • ecowool.


To prevent the crumb of insulation from waking up through the cracks of the wooden floor, you can lay a plastic film.

But remember at the same time that there will be no vapor barrier, since polyethylene does not allow moisture to pass through, which can condense in the room of the upper floor. Backfill insulation requires calculations of the strength of the floors. It is necessary to make sure that the beams can withstand a considerable weight of bulk insulator, as well as slate or metal tiles.

Another economical option for ceiling insulation is the installation of corrugated cardboard. Sheets of material are fastened with self-tapping screws or building brackets to the attic floor. Joints and seams are sealed with polyurethane foam. Electrical wiring is retracted into corrugated channels, protecting wooden structures from fire.

General scheme of ceiling insulation

Roof and ceiling structures are the most vulnerable elements to heat loss in a home. They account for from 15 to 40 percent of the total heat transfer of the house, regardless of the roofing material - metal tiles or slate. In addition, to create a comfortable climate in the house, a vapor barrier must be made to protect the insulation from evaporation, as well as waterproofing of the ceiling and attic floor.

It is recommended to carry out the insulation of a wooden house in a complex way, arranging the thermal insulation of the roof from the inside and the ceiling at the same time. This will save insulating material, since two ten-centimeter layers of heat insulator with air gap the attic space is replaced with a layer of the same insulation 25-30 cm thick. Thus, about forty percent of thermal insulation is saved. External insulation of the ceiling with simultaneous thermal insulation of the roof from the side of the attic will give a good effect and will avoid dampness of the lower rooms. Such thermal insulation can be carried out without dismantling the roof of metal tiles and the ceiling of the upper floor.

Features of ceiling insulation

They consist in the fact that when installing thermal insulation, there is no way to organize the removal of condensate, which is formed due to the temperature difference between the attic and lower rooms. In addition, depending on the season, there is a change of warm and cold sides. Therefore, when installing thermal insulation of a wooden ceiling, it is necessary to provide for the complete absence of condensate on the insulation.

You can prevent the formation of condensate by laying a special vapor barrier - a film material that allows moisture to pass through in one direction.


It should be laid in such a way that there is a gap between the insulation material and the film.

It should be noted that when insulating the ceiling great importance It has correct application separating film. Below we will consider their varieties.

Membranes and release film materials

Modern technologies allow the use of more and more diverse materials that allow water, steam and other substances to pass or repel. Years of proven glassine, roofing felt and tar used on slate roofs or metal roofing, fade into the background and are rarely used. Technological membrane-type insulating films are much lighter, more convenient to use and, importantly, perform their function more purposefully and efficiently. In addition, they are reliable, strong and durable, and their thickness is much less. Important correct scheme their applications.

Enlarged insulating materials can be divided into two groups.

1) Vapor barrier. For this purpose, so-called vapor barriers are used - thin-layer materials that do not allow evaporation to pass through. In turn, they can be:

  • film;
  • foil;
  • foiled with a capillary substrate (folgoizol).

2) Waterproofing. It is carried out with materials that do not allow moisture and any liquids to pass through, called membranes. Are divided into:

  • simple film with one layer;
  • microperforated with steam penetration in both directions;
  • superdiffusion, with vapor permeation in one direction.

Vapor barrier is best arranged using polypropylene film materials, the thickness of which is from 55 microns. Polyethylene films are not suitable for evaporation protection, because they let air through regardless of their thickness, due to their structural features.


The PVC film is sensitive to temperature changes and changes in humidity, it can perform its role poorly over time, and even crack.

For a foil vapor barrier, polyethylene can be used as a base, since the foil prevents the penetration of vapors.

Waterproofing can be done with a simple polyethylene film.


But polyethylene is suitable only in heated houses with slate or metal roofing.

When insulating the ceiling of a cold roof, a film with microperforation and a three-layer reinforced coating is needed. The reinforcing layer will not allow the film to sag and will provide a ventilation gap.

Thus, having studied the properties of insulating materials and the features of their use, we can conclude that the waterproofing and thermal insulation of a cold house ceiling on their own is a completely doable task.

Proper insulation of the attic and attic ceiling

When making a choice, the better to insulate the roof of a private household, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of building materials, its specifications, but also the nuances of carrying out installation work. You can lay the heat insulator yourself, but in some cases it is better to use the services of experienced roofers.

Rules for choosing a heater - the better to insulate

When choosing a heat-insulating material, first of all, pay attention to the type of roof, which can be pitched or flat. Features of the roof structure affect the requirements for insulation.

When choosing it, a number of parameters are analyzed:

  • thermal conductivity - the lower its indicator, the more effective the insulation will be;
  • long service life without loss of quality;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the ability to maintain the original parameters;
  • environmental friendliness - the insulation does not contain toxic substances;
  • frost resistance - in the event of a temperature difference, the performance properties of the heat-insulating material should not deteriorate;
  • specific gravity - preference should be given to heaters with low density, which will not weigh down roof frame;
  • fire resistance;
  • soundproofing - is of great importance in the arrangement of "noisy" roofing, for example, from metal tiles.

When deciding on the question of how to insulate the roof of a private house, it is not advisable to make mistakes that affect the quality of thermal insulation work:

  1. Saving money on quality. Experts recommend purchasing insulation from manufacturers who have long proven themselves well.
  2. Laying a layer of insulation of insufficient thickness.
  3. Violation of the technology of installation work.

All materials used for thermal insulation of roofs in private households are divided into several groups:

  • in the form of plates;
  • roll;
  • sprayed;
  • bulk.

Mineral wool for the roof of a private house

When choosing how to insulate the roof from the inside of a private house, many prefer mineral wool. It is used in the arrangement of insulation of flat and pitched roofs. This material with a fibrous structure is produced from rock melts. In the building materials market, mineral wool is sold in the form of mats (plates) and rolled products. When making a choice, one should take into account its thickness and density.

Among the advantages of mineral wool:

  • high degree of thermal insulation;
  • incombustibility;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • parameter stability;
  • easy installation;
  • affordable price;
  • soundproofing;
  • absence of rodents and microorganisms.

Sufficiently rigid mineral fiber boards are used for external insulation of a flat roof structure. Mineral wool with a smaller thickness and density is used to insulate pitched roofs.

Insulation using this material requires the arrangement of hydro-, vapor barrier and ventilation gaps. These layers prevent moisture from collecting in the insulation. Otherwise, the heat-insulating qualities of mineral wool are reduced, and rotting processes begin in the rafter system.

glass wool

It is sold on the construction market in rolls and in the form of plates. This is an environmentally friendly insulation with good soundproofing qualities. When installing a heat-insulating layer using glass wool, roofers use protective clothing and special equipment and follow safety precautions so as not to harm their health.

Before you perform roof insulation in a private house with mineral wool, you need to choose vapor barrier material, and at the same time, glass wool slabs may already have outside foil coating - its presence simplifies the laying of the heat-insulating layer.

Roof insulation with foam

This popular tile material is also called extruded polystyrene foam. It is used to insulate roofs. It is distinguished by high rates of thermal insulation, resistant to humid air.

Since the material does not absorb vapours, it can be laid directly on the waterproofing layer without creating air gap. The combustibility and vapor impermeability of expanded polystyrene makes it unsuitable for arranging an insulated flat soft roof.

With thermal insulation pitched roof tile foam is placed between the rafters in one layer. In this case, the edges of the material should be tightly adjacent to wooden structures. Also, the joints of the plates must be treated with mounting foam and then glued reinforced tape on top.

How to insulate with polyurethane foam

The material is known among experts as a good choice for insulating the roof of a private house, since it has a number of advantages:

  • low specific gravity;
  • waterproofing properties due to the presence of a clogged cell structure;
  • soundproofing qualities;
  • low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • biostability.

Polyurethane foam is produced in the form of plates with sufficient rigidity. It can also be applied by spraying. During operation, PPU boards retain their shape, they are easy to drill and cut. The products are mounted in the same way as they equip the thermal insulation of the roof using expanded polystyrene.

Despite the fact that polyurethane foam spraying is a recent technology, it has deservedly received recognition. The application of a heat-insulating layer is carried out using equipment, which is considered the main disadvantage of this method. Of the advantages of the sprayed polyurethane foam, it should be noted the high quality of the heat-insulating layer, since the coating turns out to be monolithic - the foaming composition fills all the cracks without exception.


The technology for insulating the roof of a private household using penoizol has much in common with the use of another material - sprayed polyurethane foam. According to the technical characteristics, it is similar to the foam. Its advantages include the combination affordable price and good quality.

When looking for a solution, the cheaper it is to insulate the roof, it is penoizol that can be called such a material. The price for it is less than that of extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, basalt slabs. This polymer material is completely safe for human health.

Foaming equipment is used for spraying penoizol. It is necessary to bring the hose closer to the place of arrangement of insulation and fill the gap with foam. After hardening, the thermofoam will not have a harmful effect and will not weigh down the structure. Penoizol differs from sprayed polystyrene foam by a high degree of moisture absorption (almost 5%), therefore it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier layer.

foam concrete

This material used when you need to solve a problem than to insulate the roof of a private house with a flat roof.

Foam concrete is made from:

  • cement;
  • concrete;
  • sand;
  • means for the formation of pores.

The use of foam material leads to the creation of a strong and durable roof insulation. Since foam concrete has a low density, it does not exert high loads on load-bearing frame and retains heat very well.

Advantages of foam concrete:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • vapor permeability;
  • fire safety.

For laying foam concrete, a special mobile installation is used. As a result, the insulation layer should be 3-15 centimeters.

Expanded clay

They are used in the arrangement of flat slopes. Expanded clay refers to the bulk type of insulation. It is placed either on floor slabs or on the outer surface of the roof. The heat insulator is compacted and covered with a screed, while the required slope of the slope should be observed in order to ensure the removal of atmospheric precipitation.

When using expanded clay, loads are significantly increased both on the foundation of the building and on roof structures. This nuance should be taken into account when drawing up project documentation for private house. The quality of such thermal insulation depends on compliance with the insulation technology.

foamed glass

Refers to environmentally friendly materials for warming the roof of the house. It has high thermal insulation performance. It is produced by foaming the glass mass with carbon.

As a result, foamed glass is resistant to deformation processes, moisture and steam, it is durable and non-combustible. This insulation is used for arranging thermal insulation on all types of roofs, regardless of what materials they are built from. When installing foamed glass, polymer acetate glue is used to ensure a high degree of adhesion.

The use of this insulation gives the soft roofing elasticity and allows it to be leveled. This is one of the best options for thermal insulation of flat roofs that are planned to be exploited.


For the manufacture of such insulation as ecowool, waste paper is used. This heat insulator is environmentally friendly with excellent sound and heat insulating properties. But, as you know, cellulose is a combustible material and rodents and microorganisms can damage it. For this reason, ecowool is treated with bioprotective compounds and fire retardants.

This material is lightweight and inexpensive. But the arrangement of the thermal insulation of the roof needs a special approach when it is required to mount ecowool between the rafters. Closed “boxes” are made of tiled materials, then a heater is blown into them, filling the gaps completely with it.

Of the shortcomings of the heat insulator, it should be noted the need to prepare for installation and use special equipment.


Long before the advent of modern thermal insulation materials especially popular if necessary, insulate the roof own house used sawdust, which is a waste of woodworking. They are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, but flammable, which must be taken into account when choosing an insulation option. In addition, rodents like to live in them, and sawdust is also subject to the process of decay.

This bulk material is not insulated roof structure, but only the ceiling. Ecowool can be used in the same way. Having laid the sawdust in an even layer, the ceilings of residential premises are qualitatively insulated in their own homes.

In order to enhance the thermal insulation performance, sawdust is mixed with clay and the attic floor is treated. Their use is possible only on condition that the attic space will not be used.

The right choice of insulation and high-quality arrangement of the roofing pie allows you to provide a favorable microclimate for its residents throughout the year in private households, and save on heating in winter.

Typically, the ceiling and roof consume up to forty percent of the total heat exchange at home. Ceiling insulation is a topical issue for many families. For such work, certain knowledge and skills of the builder are needed. As in any construction process, it has its own peculiarities and difficulties. At present, thanks to modern technologies, any novice builder and a simple layman will be able to do such work.


The so-called cold roof is built according to slightly different principles. During its construction, the usual types of layering of materials are not used. A similar view exists in those houses where the room under the roof is not residential and is not heated in winter.

Due to this structure of the roof, it has a light weight and minimal construction costs. The installation itself is much easier to perform than when building a roof with warm design. Previously, it was believed that this is an ideal and inexpensive option for the construction of a simple country house.

It is important to know that due to the lack of heating in the upper room, the air there acts as a buffer, which helps to avoid excessive heat loss.

Due to the increase in heating tariffs, many people began to think about the insulation of ceilings. A large amount of heat evaporates from the house due to the presence of cracks in the ceiling. This is due to poor quality construction and poor building materials.

Insulation of the ceiling and the presence of a cold roof are a topical problem for residents of the upper floors. This is especially true of the old housing stock. This problem is also relevant for owners who live in a private house. The attic is a neutral territory, and the management company may not allow you to put a layer of insulation there. Therefore, there remains the option of insulating the ceiling in your own apartment.

A feature of this solution is that a few useful centimeters from the height of the ceiling will be lost. But due to the possibilities of drywall and various lighting fixtures you can get an updated and fashionable interior. To keep warm and not pay too much for heating, you should think about insulating the ceiling.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in a private house has its own characteristics. It is customary to start work from the second or extreme floor. It could be attic space, last floor or attic areas. Laying special material with thermal insulation properties occurs on top of the ceiling or in empty cracks and helps keep the heat in the room.

You will not need to think about additional ceiling decoration. The master will not need to mount the insulation on the ceiling itself. Due to the placement of insulation in the ceiling, condensation will not form.

You need to know that you can not insulate the roof slope. This will help melt the snow and form icicles. In addition, an insulated attic building standards is already an attic. It is also important to be aware of such a feature that the next layer directed from the room should be more vapor permeable than the previous one.

Another feature is that it is impossible to drain condensate. This rule also applies to sloped ceilings. There are drainable walls. This is a very expensive and difficult pleasure for the owners of a private house. The cool and hot sides of the ceiling in an apartment building can be reversed. It depends on the time of year.

It's worth knowing that modern technology ceiling insulation is focused on the absence of condensate in the material itself.

And if it is nevertheless formed, then it should have the opportunity to go outside.

Another feature is the process of laying on a cold floor. When using loose material, be sure to leave gaps. Another gap remains between the insulator and the insulation layer. This technique is a safety net in case of condensation.

In a private house or cottage, it is possible to insulate the ceiling of the next floor with the help of special material, which is placed on top of the ceiling or in the existing voids. Features of the overlap depend on its type. It can be made of wood or concrete.

To put the insulation on the beams, which are a wooden floor, it is worth using light and backfill materials. Good materials and in the form of a roll. In order to insulate concrete, it is worth using not very loose mats and dense materials.

If the issue of insulation was not resolved at the construction stage or it is top floor residential building, it is quite justified to start warming as needed.

If we are talking about insulating the roof of a private lady made of wood, then in this case there are a number of advantages. Insulation will create additional sound insulation. This is especially true in moments of heavy rain and wind outside. In the heat, the insulation will delay the entry of hot air from the street. Due to this, a pleasant climate will remain in the room.

In winter, an insulated roof will help to significantly save electricity and will prevent heat from escaping from the room to the street.

It is possible to insulate the ceiling in a private wooden house on your own. It is important to be well prepared for this. Need to know the properties different materials, their pros and cons, own a specific technology for insulating the ceiling, study the video instruction.

It has become fashionable to insulate attics and turn them into attics. A feature of such a room is the criteria ventilation area, which are located between the room and the outer structure. The size of such ventilation usually ranges from fifteen to twenty centimeters. But the usual roof has an attic with dormer windows. Therefore, to create a warm climate there, it is important to take care of sufficient air circulation.

When heating good ventilation reduces the degree of heating of the roof and prevents the formation of ice blocks on the roof.

For residents of multi-storey buildings or private ones, in the absence of the possibility of insulating the roof from the top floor, another option can be considered. It's about insulation from below. This type of work is possible if the premises are reconstructed with good overlap in the attic, when there is no way to get into the attic. This is especially true for residents apartment buildings and uncooperative managers. In this case, the structure will be mounted on the basis of a frame made of wooden slats or metal elements. Insulation can be in the form of plates.

With this type of insulation, there is a big minus. As mentioned earlier, due to this technique, the height of the room and precious centimeters are lost.

In addition, such work requires more experience and time to complete them.

It must be remembered that good and durable insulation will be obtained with an integrated approach. Moreover, in a room with cold roof and additionally it is necessary to insulate door, window openings and in without fail floor. Using a thermal imager, you can easily calculate the areas through which the greatest amount of heat escapes. They are usually red and yellow.


Currently available in hardware stores big choice heaters. In order to choose the right options, you should carefully study the presented samples and their main characteristics. They must meet all the necessary requirements.

There are several nuances on the basis of which it is worth choosing materials. It is important to know that products with low thermal conductivity are best suited for this. The material must be moisture resistant. This is an important criterion when choosing a heater for outer side and with a rather worn roof.

Insulation and other materials must last quite a long time, so they must be durable. Do not forget about environmental safety. For work, you need to choose non-flammable or low-flammable products.

For a private house, the best insulation is expanded clay.

Often they use shavings or sawdust, they often use stone or mineral wool, ecowool, foam plastic, foam plastic, aerated concrete. Polyurethane foam is a sprayed type of material.

For roof insulation wooden house it is worth using certain types of insulation. You need to choose the material strictly in accordance with the type of overlap. It comes in two types - concrete or wood. For concrete, it is worth using heavier heaters. They come in the form of a mat or slab. As a rule, they are of the loose type.

Often builders also use heaters of natural origin. These include sawdust, hay, pine needles, last year's leaves, algae or reeds. However, it is worth remembering that all natural materials, except for sawdust, are subject to severe decay.

It is important to approach the issue of material selection very responsibly.

Which to choose?

Insulation in the form of chips or sawdust is considered the most antique material. In areas where woodworking production is highly developed, this material is very cheap. It is great for creating a layer of insulation on top of a hardwood floor. A significant disadvantage of this type of insulation is its high flammability.

In the construction industry, there are three types mineral wool: stone, slag and glass. Stone wool is obtained from rocks with the addition of clay, limestone and formaldehyde.

A significant disadvantage of this material is that it contains harmful substances in its composition. When heated, they turn into phenols and enter the air. Balzat wool is considered safer, it contains much less harmful substances.

Slag wool is obtained from the use of blast furnace slag and other waste metallurgical industry. Due to the average thermal conductivity and the ability to absorb a large amount of moisture, it is not suitable for warming a cold ceiling.

Glass wool is the most suitable material, besides it has an extremely low cost.

A clear disadvantage is that if particles of the material get on the skin or mucous membranes of a person, it can be harmful to health. In this case, experts advise using gloves and gloves when working with this type of insulation. special means protection.

A clear advantage of wool as a home insulation is the ease of its transportation and installation. This is possible due to the low weight. Cotton wool has low flammability and high temperatures can only bake. For hosts country houses and cottages, it is important to know that glass wool is not the most favorite material for insects, various rodents and mold to live.

Polyethylene foam is a foamed PVC, on which a layer of foil is applied. The manufacturer releases this insulation in rolls up to one meter wide. You can also insulate the ceiling with foam. But it is important to know that in this case additional installation will be required. suspended structures. It is also good to use expanded polystyrene in a private house. It fits snugly and, due to its good density, is often used in the attic, as a basis for further puttying.

Expanded clay is also very popular. It is better if it is made of light alloy clay. Due to this, the material is light and rather porous structure. Production modern heaters allows you to choose foam products. Many builders consider isover as a heater. This material is similar in many respects to mineral wool. But it is more resilient and resistant to stress.

Another worthy option is penofol. His distinctive feature is the property of reflecting heat radiation. This material is well suited as a heater inside and outside the house. With this tool it is quite possible to insulate the entire country house and not just the ceiling.

Do not forget about polyurethane foam. It is a comfortable and good quality material, meets all the necessary characteristics as a heater. It is a mounting foam that only needs to be sprayed on to get the desired result. It not only insulates, but also contributes to the sound insulation of the room.

For tenants apartment building it is best to obtain permission from the management company and insulate the floor of the attic.

An excellent option in this case would be the use of expanded clay. This material is fire resistant and perfectly protects against moisture.

Inside the apartment, vapor-permeable heaters are often used. In the process of carrying out repair work, the master uses special materials that fill the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling. After that, you can start finishing work with drywall.

Application area

As noted earlier, materials can be used both indoors and above the ceiling. Sawdust and clay are perfect for eliminating defects in wood floors. The floor is worked out with clay, then sprinkled with a thin layer of sand and sawdust is scattered on top.

In order to prevent mice from getting into the sawdust, it is worth using carbide mixed with slaked lime. In an old house made of timber, the height of such insulation can reach thirty centimeters. When using the attic for household purposes, it is enough to put wooden boards on top of such a heater.

Experienced craftsmen use a special film with waterproofing.

It passes particles of steam from the living quarters. For a residential building, you can use a mixture of clay with sawdust. A great option in a chopped or frame house.

In any case, people will walk on the concrete floor of an apartment building. This will happen in the process of repair work or preventive maintenance. In this case, you should choose a dense foam or mineral wool. It is necessary to put plywood or a board on the insulation.

You can use these two types of insulation and a less dense layer. Due to this, the material will come out much cheaper. In this case, on the stove you need to make a crate of wood. It is better if it is on stands, because the mounted height can reach twenty centimeters or more. A heater is laid under such a crate and a gap is made for ventilation.

For insulation of reinforced concrete floors in brick house foam can be used. In this case, we are not talking about the release of toxic substances during combustion. Residential apartments are separated from it by a special ceiling that does not burn.

In the presence of a wooden floor, the use of foam is undesirable.

This also applies to the rules fire safety. The most common type of floors between floors is wood. In this case, your choice should be stopped on ecowool. This type of material is placed in a bulk, it can fill any space.

Ecowool tiles are laid in several layers. It is important that the seams of the layers are covered. After insulation, the attic is already turning into an attic, but this applies to private houses and cottages.

Recently, the issue of insulation in the basement has become relevant.

In modern houses, such a room can be equipped in a real living room. It can be an office, a gym or a workshop. In any case, this room can only be used if there is a comfortable temperature for a person in it. Warming basement is the right step towards saving energy and heat throughout the house. Even if the basement is unsuitable for equipping usable space in it, it still needs to be insulated.

This can be done internally, externally or in a combined way. The choice of heaters is quite wide. The main thing is to choose the appropriate option for specific purposes.

Work technology

It is very important that the roof of the house is warm. It is not cheap, but in the future it saves the budget. After all, energy costs are significantly reduced.

When working on the insulation of the ceiling with expanded clay, the weight of the material itself is of great importance. Due to the weight of expanded clay, it cannot be used in the presence of wood floors. Due to the severity of the material, the flooring can completely fail. Expanded clay should be used in the presence of concrete floors. The scheme of insulation of the ceiling and roof may vary slightly.

Preparation of the attic begins with clearing the entire area from trash and debris.

If there is an old insulation, then it is also best to remove it. It can create an extra load on the floors.

The next step is to conduct a thorough isolation. This is necessary so that in the spring it is not necessary to remove the consequences of flooding. For this, a special membrane is used. It is placed between the logs so that about four centimeters are wound around the sides of the log.

The insulator must be pressed very tightly against the joists. Usually it is fixed with a stapler or glue.

wooden floor must have an oxygen tolerance on at least two sides.

After that, the laying of the first layer of insulation begins. It is placed to the level of the lag. Then the insulation is covered with a membrane, which has a small throughput oxygen. Then the wood flooring is laid. Leave special gaps for ventilation.

It is necessary to correctly select the thickness of the insulation.

In this case, it is worth considering the layer of waterproofing. Often builders use material with a thickness of about fifty millimeters.

When carrying out insulation with polyurethane foam, you will need to call the master. The spraying process takes place under high pressure. Due to this, all the gaps are filled. The thickness of the layer is from ten to twelve centimeters.

Mineral wool as a heater has a different thickness. The indicators depend on the amount of work. The layer of cotton wool used as a heater can be from two to twenty centimeters.

Polyethylene foam is polyethylene foam.

The thickness of such material is from one millimeter to two centimeters. Styrofoam is laid in slabs. The thickness of one plate varies from two to ten centimeters. This is due to the fact that the material must overlap each other.

When insulating the attic are used various materials for warming. But the average figure ranges from fifteen to twenty centimeters. The layer of clay and straw is about ten centimeters. In order for everything to be even, it is worth using a special ruler or stick.

Thermal insulation options

There are only two options for insulating a cold ceiling and roof - either the ceiling is insulated inside the room, or the outside is insulated. Both of these options will perfectly help to save heat and electricity in the house. Each of these options has its own set necessary materials and mounting technology.

Materials for thermal insulation are divided into two classes - these are vapor-permeable and vapor-tight. These indications indicate the ability to absorb moisture. It is for them that they choose one or another type of material for performing work on the insulation of the ceiling or roof. For work on external insulation, a vapor-tight material is used, and for internal work, a vapor-permeable material is used.

Most often used internally mineral heaters. Work can be done using rolled glass wool. Complete with a plasterboard ceiling, you get an excellent buffer for hot air. The insulation process is carried out at the time of installation false ceiling.

It will be correct if, first, a frame is made of profiles, in which the insulation will then be placed.

If the work is carried out with your own hands and on your own, do not forget about safety.

Glass wool is a rather dangerous material. Ways to attach glass wool to the ceiling are quite simple. The material is glued to the tile adhesive. It is important that the glue dries as quickly as possible. After all the insulation has dried, it is sewn up with drywall.

It is worth remembering that cotton wool cannot be rammed and pressed.

Due to such features, it is mounted on glue, and not on self-tapping screws. The entire thermal effect of mineral wool lies in the abundant number of layers that are placed inside the wool.

In the process of work, it is worth paying attention to the installation of lighting equipment. Spotlights tend to heat up quickly and when interacting with mineral wool, they instantly fail. This is due to the accumulation of heat and the lack of any ventilation.

In this case, it is better to use chandeliers or sconces as lighting fixtures.

If the issue of spotlights is fundamental, then there is a way out of this situation. A layer of thermal insulation is not placed around the planned luminaire.

Another option is a large ceiling space. This is necessary so that between the material and the drywall there is air bag, in which the light bulbs are then mounted.

The option of external insulation will be the least expensive. In this case, it is worth carefully studying the condition of the floors. If they are old, they may simply not withstand the screed and collapse. If the attic is not planned to be used, then the option of external insulation will be ideal.

It is important to follow all the rules and technology of work. Otherwise, the ceiling and corners will freeze in winter.

When working on your own, it is important to remember the features and properties of each building material.

Outside, attic insulation is considered the most economical. It will not be necessary to engage in the installation of a false ceiling to hide the insulation. A significant advantage of this method of insulation is the ability to subsequently make an attic in this room. This is suitable for aerated concrete or wooden house.

Many builders claim that insulation from the outside is in many ways reminiscent of floor insulation, but with a slightly different technique. After cleaning the attic space, it is carefully measured along the perimeter.

After the foam sheets are laid, all joints must be passed with mounting foam.

If the owners of the house do not plan to use the attic for living quarters, then the insulation work can be stopped at this point. In the event that a small warehouse or room is placed in the attic in the future, additional work. The insulation is covered with a layer of waterproofing material, reinforced, and then poured with a screed.

It is possible to use mineral wool. After laying it is recommended to close it with a special film. True, when such thermal insulation is made, then in the future only wooden floors can be laid on it.

Ceiling insulation is a very important process. Through this space in the house, up to a quarter of all heat is lost. The process itself can be carried out by dry and wet methods. The second option involves the presence of a wet mass, which adheres to the surface and forms a layer of sound insulation.

The attic room is protected from the street only by a roof. Therefore, such a room needs a thorough insulation.

It is advisable to check the moisture content of the material in summer and winter in several places. If an increase in humidity is not noted inside the insulation, then you should not worry about the quality of work.

by the most in a simple way checks will be an inspection of the roof in the winter.

If the snow blockages in the center of the roof or along the perimeter have melted a little, large icicles also hang down, then the heat loss is obvious.

Everything that was supposed to stay inside the house goes outside.

If the appearance of moisture is noted, then it is necessary to increase the air flow in the gap for ventilation. This is done by connecting to common system air exchange and its output to the roof. The second way is to blow the room with outside air. In such a situation, the presence of drafts in the attic is a very useful thing.

From the above, it follows that the process of insulating the ceiling is quite simple. This is within the power of both a novice master and an amateur builder. The main thing is to properly lay the insulator, bring lumber, make a counter-groove, put insulation and close it all with a board. But still, some materials are best applied using special tools. To do this, you still have to turn to professionals.

When laying glass wool, you should contact a professional master.

The mass of material poured by hand retains heat much worse. Such savings on the work of specialists in the future will cost the owner of the premises much more.

In the case when the distance between different elements of the floor is greater, it is recommended to use mineral wool roll type. Depending on the manufacturer, it is usually one meter wide.

It is important to know that the insulation of the attic is a smart decision. This will help reduce the heating of the room in the summer and will keep warm in the winter.

Fans of natural materials should be aware of a few features. In the absence of sawdust, you can use straw. In this situation, water is added to the clay until a wet mass is formed. Then wet straw is added to the composition and everything is thoroughly mixed with hands or feet.

In the process of using sawdust, the composition must be left to dry for at least two weeks. At this time, the room should be well ventilated.

It is important to remember about fire safety. The material for insulation must comply with the standards. Its technical characteristics should include holding the fire for a quarter of an hour in a private and an hour and a half in an apartment building.

The roof must be insulated to prevent heat loss in the winter season and the possibility of overheating in the summer season.

The roof is an essential building in every home. It is necessary to protect all natural factors, namely rain, wind, snow, hail. For maximum comfort of the room, the roof must be built and insulated correctly.

Why insulate the roof?

At all times, people were interested in the question of. Various tricks were used so that the heat did not go outside, but remained in the house for a long time. With development construction technologies There have been many ways to deal with this issue. Various materials are used for roof insulation.

Important! The roof is the protection of the house. If you do not insulate it, then under the influence of wet precipitation, the beams begin to rot over time and the protection of the house loses its direct function. Carrying out insulation with your own hands significantly saves financial resources and keeps the roof structure in working condition.

Nobody wants to produce expensive repair work to restore the roof or completely replace it after a certain period of time. Therefore, it is important to properly insulate and waterproof.

During the construction of the attic space, strict requirements for insulation are imposed..

The question of roof insulation should arise at the stage of building a house. If the house is one-story, and the attic is not used as a living space, you can not insulate the roof from the inside. In such a situation, it is enough to insulate the ceiling.

Roof materials

When insulating the roof, an important question arises about the choice of insulation. Before choosing suitable material, you need to pay attention to thermal conductivity, material density, ability to absorb moisture, environmental safety.

Helpful information! The density of the material means the weight that falls on the truss system. This should be taken into account when choosing a material.

The ability to absorb moisture must be very low, as the ingress of moisture destroys insulation material and renders him useless.

With regard to environmental safety, the material should not harm the person living in the house.

Heaters are currently in use.:

  1. mineral wool. Fibrous material from the melt of mineral substances.
  2. expanded polystyrene (polystyrene). Foam material cured in a certain state.
  3. sawdust. The smallest wood particles that are obtained under the action of a saw.
  4. expanded clay. A porous lightweight material that is formed by firing clay.

These materials are in demand due to their high quality and dignity. In addition to the positive qualities, these materials also have some disadvantages. Therefore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the technology of strengthening roofs and choose the option that suits you.

Roof insulation with mineral wool

Before insulating the roof in this way, it is necessary to decide on the installation: to insulate from above or inside.

Roofs wooden houses often insulated with mineral wool, which has many advantages. Namely, this stuff:

  1. Safe in terms of fire;
  2. Absence of harmful substances;
  3. Has good heat-insulating qualities;
  4. It does not weigh much, so it is not difficult to use it.

The high level of hygroscopicity of mineral wool is a disadvantage, so it is necessary to carry out hydro and vapor barrier.

We will consider the sequence of roof insulation with this material in stages.

First stage. A slab of mineral wool is laid on top of the finished rafter device. It is important that there is no air space in the insulation layer, and the joints are tightly pressed against the rafters.

When the insulation is laid, the waterproofing is laid so that it sags a little, is not stretched.

Important! Do not confuse the sides of the membrane waterproofing material. The top layer is waterproof, and the bottom layer does not block the passage of steam and moisture.

Waterproofing is laid a little with an overlap. Make sure that there is an air space of about 5 cm between the waterproofing layer and the membrane.

Second phase. When the laying of the waterproofing membrane is completed, the ventilation arrangements begin.

Advice! It is advisable to use trimming bars of about two meters for this in order to save material.

On the installed bars, a crate of boards is stuffed, which are laid across the rafters.

Such a device provides high-quality drying of moisture that collects on the membrane. Roofing material is laid on the crate.

Third final stage. A vapor barrier material is stretched onto the rafter system inside the building, onto which a crate of slats is nailed. And they are already attached to the rails inner lining- plywood.

It is important to remember that after the installation of mineral wool, the dimensions of the material increase by 20%.

Roof insulation using expanded polystyrene

This is an insulating material in the form of small polymer balls filled with air and is often used for roof insulation.

Since expanded polystyrene perfectly retains heat, it is light in weight and easy to operate.

This material has various positive qualities :

  1. Low vapor permeability;
  2. Thermal insulation properties provided high level humidity;
  3. Lack of ability to absorb moisture;
  4. Wear resistance;
  5. Resistance to bacteria and insects;
  6. Fire resistant.

You can cut off polystyrene foam plates with an ordinary knife, which greatly facilitates the use of this material.

When processing the edges of the plate sandpaper dust and odor are not generated.

The process of insulating your roof with foam plastic is carried out in the same way as with mineral wool. The space between the plates can be sealed with mounting foam.

Roof insulation using expanded clay

This option of roof insulation has been used for many years and is considered traditional.

The main advantages of the material are as follows:

  1. Low price;
  2. High heat retention properties;
  3. Not combustible;
  4. Waterproof.

For thermal insulation use sand, crushed stone or gravel. The scheme for insulating a roof made of expanded clay is very simple - the material is poured into the cavity, thereby making a heat-insulating layer.

The main advantage of expanded clay is the absence of synthetic additives. This material is made of clay, so it is absolutely harmless.

Roof insulation with sawdust

This method of roof insulation is the cheapest in terms of price range. When budget funds do not allow the use of expensive materials, you can insulate with sawdust. The only negative of this method is that mice can appear in the sawdust.

To prevent such an unpleasant moment from happening, sawdust is mixed with lime. And it is best to use wood shavings for roof insulation.

The warming process is very simple. It is enough to fill the sawdust into the cavity. This forms a layer that does not allow heat to escape to the outside.

The effectiveness of this method of roof insulation is reduced due to the easy spread of fire in the event of a possible fire.

Mansard roof insulation

In modern times, it has become very fashionable to have an attic in the house. In addition to fashion, this construction increases the living space of the house. But making this room comfortable is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

The attic room is most susceptible to heat loss, since contact with the external environment is much greater than other rooms. For a comfortable stay in attic floor you need to take care of waterproofing and roofing.

To prevent the room from being blown by the wind and cold air from entering, certain rules must be followed. You can choose any insulation material, but foam is most often used.

Effective insulation has the following schema:

  1. roof covering;
  2. crate;
  3. ventilation outlet;
  4. windproof film;
  5. truss support;
  6. thermal insulation;
  7. vapor barrier;
  8. drywall.

Each of these materials has its own weight. This must be taken into account, since the attic truss systems are not always able to withstand the load. Whether it is worth removing any material without damaging the thermal insulation or not, it depends on the temperature regime of the region.

To prevent rain and wind from entering the attic, you need to choose high-density and vapor-permeable heaters. Otherwise wet air will settle on the insulation and form mold.

Important! In order for moist air to enter the insulation material, it is necessary to install a ventilation outlet. Its area depends on the size of the roof.

Important to remember that the heat from the attic leaves not only through the roof, but also through the walls. This should also be taken care of when insulating the attic.


If a do-it-yourself roof insulation item arose in the plans, you need to properly study this process and the execution scheme. You can watch videos on this topic.

The quality of roof insulation with your own hands can be assessed in the winter season. If icicles appeared on the cornice, this means that the work was done poorly, in violation of technology.

It is best to purchase a ready-made insulation system, as manufacturers have thought through all the points in advance.

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