Fire Safety Encyclopedia

How to cure a money tree. Money tree: care and possible diseases of an unpretentious culture

The diseases of the bastard are basically the same as those of other succulents. They are usually caused by bacteria and lower fungi. They most often affect plants kept at a lack of light, high and soil substrate, as well as at low temperatures.

Most often, a combination of these unfavorable factors for the maintenance of fatty factors is observed in winter, when, with a short daylight hours, high humidity remains in rooms where succulents are kept. The plant does not rest, grows, and, as a result, pathogens of various diseases settle on it.

This is primarily wet or gray rot caused by the fungus Botrytis cinema and fusarium rot when attacked by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. These fungi attack the vascular system of plants and penetrate deep into soft tissue all organs. Diseased specimens have characteristic brown soft patches that gradually cover the entire plant, and eventually it dies.

Arrangement of succulents: tiger faucaria, perforatum perforatum and cactus (lobivia)

To prevent the spread of the pathogen to healthy plants, it is necessary to drastically reduce watering and increase ventilation. In affected specimens, it is necessary to cut off diseased areas in layers to living tissue. Before each subsequent cut, the instrument must be disinfected.

Other diseases of the bastard and, in general, of all succulents are the well-known late blight (pathogens are oomycetes of the genus Phytophthora), which develop on the root collar of young plants (especially those grown from seeds - as a result, black leg disease). For prevention, crops are periodically watered with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

The causative agents of bacterial rot are less studied. This is partly due to the complex procedure for identifying pathogen bacteria, and partly to the rather expensive chemicals used in the diagnosis.

The external manifestation of bacterial lesions on plants is practically indistinguishable from those in fungal diseases. At the same time, fungicides are also used to combat bacterial, and the affected plants are treated as described above. You can also use antibiotics (penicillin, gentamicin and others) by spraying diseased plants with their aqueous solutions.

If the content is incorrect, the disease of the fat woman may not appear at first, however appearance « money tree»Will start to lose its attractiveness. So, with an excess of moisture in winter or a lack of light in summer, the stalk of Crassula (the Latin name for a fat woman) can stretch and bend ugly. It must be remembered that the indoor flower we are considering needs a certain amount of straight lines in the summer. sun rays, it is best placed on a windowsill.

Watering the money tree in winter is very rare: 1 - 2 times a month, depending on the air temperature (optimal winter temperature 12 ° C).

If the fat woman's leaves fall, then this is again caused, in all likelihood, by mistakes in care. Take a closer look at the money tree. Dry brown or black spots on the leaves of the bastard indicate insufficient watering at high air temperatures. If the fat woman has pale leaves, and they wither, there is an excess of moisture, especially in winter.

If, from waterlogging, the stalk of the fat woman turns black at the base, rotted, you have nothing to do but cut off its top, root it and continue to avoid excessive watering in winter.

Sudden leaf fall in a bastard can be caused by watering the plant too cold water, in the future, water your money tree only with settled water at room temperature. In summer, the leaves of the fat woman fall off in large quantities, if the substrate is very dry, resume watering, gradually the crown will recover.

In general, the bastard is a rather unpretentious plant, it multiplies easily. A new copy can be obtained even from one small leaf (see photo below).

Fat woman who grew out of a fallen leaf

Pests of the bastard are quite numerous, but they rarely settle on a healthy plant, in addition, it is easier to fight them than viral, bacterial or fungal diseases. This is due to the easier detection of insects in the early stages of damage and clearer recommendations for dealing with them.

In addition, a plant affected by a pest can almost always be saved, which cannot be said about plants affected by fungi, bacteria and viruses. In any case, the main preventive measure in pest control is regular and timely careful inspection of plants. Consider the most common pests of succulents (and, in particular, fat women) and measures to combat them.

Oval fat woman


A large group of insects of the genus Pseudococcus (for example, P. obscurus is a seaside mealybug), Planococcus (P. citri is a grape mealybug and others) are widespread polyphages that live on almost all ornamental plants v indoor conditions.

Females are broadly oval, pinkish or greenish, up to 4-5 mm in length and 2.8 mm in width. When ripe, the female forms a white fluffy cocoon, where she lays up to 600 eggs. 3-4 generations can be formed during the season. Settling in the axils of leaves and branches, insects suck it out and greatly weaken the plant.

Pests are destroyed by hand, washing off with a stream of water, followed by treatment of the affected areas with an alcoholic infusion of garlic or calendula (3 parts of 70% alcohol are taken for 1 part of garlic).

Of the chemical means of protection, spraying with a solution of actellik or fufanon (0.1-0.15%) is used. In this case, the treatment is repeated several times with an interval of 5-7 days in order to destroy all new generations of larvae emerging from the eggs.

Root worm.

With abundant watering, the insects move into the lower layers of the soil, crawl out through the holes of the pots and, quickly spreading around, infect other plants.

An effective way is to wet the soil from the pallet without shaking it out or pour it on top with a solution of actellik (0.2%) or fufanon (0.1-0.15%). Do this several times in 5-7 days to destroy all the larvae.

Shields and false shields.

Close relatives of scale insects belonging to the genera Saissetia (S. olea - olive scutellum, S. coffeae - hemispherical scutellum), Acutaspis (A.persea), Abgrallaspis (A. cyanophylli) and others. Females of all genera form grayish-white or yellowish scales-scutes on host plants, sometimes being located in large colonies.

In case of severe infection, the listed pesticides and preparations of the pyrethroid series are also used, of which the safest in room conditions are Arrivo, Cymbum (0.15%) and Karate (0.05%). In this case, the processing should be repeated with an interval of 1-2 weeks. It is possible to use the biological preparation "Fitoverm". These drugs are especially effective on vagrant larvae.

Spider mites.

Collective name of plant mites of the Tetranychidae family. Separate types called a flat red mite or a spider, a red spider mite, etc. Unlike those previously considered, these are very small pests, but the damage they cause is the most significant and unpleasant.

Females up to 0.3 mm long move rather quickly along the surface of the plant, breeding year-round, especially in dry air. They also differ in that they often settle on a fresh growth, where the cuticle is the thinnest. In places of their localization, the skin of the stems and leaves turns yellow and turns brown, then a rusty or brown crust forms, which not only spoils the appearance of the plant, but also disturbs its shape. At the same time, ticks quickly spread from the affected plants to healthy plants, causing great harm to them.

If spider mites are found, it is necessary to urgently increase the humidity of the air by spraying. The affected plants should also be sprayed and doused with a stream of cold water. It is good to use the infusion of yarrow, garlic, onions, tobacco, potatoes, pharmacy chamomile. Among biological means of control, one should name the predatory phytoseiulus mite - Phytoseiulus persimilis, which willingly eats the flat heifer.

All disinfecting soap preparations of household chemicals and pyrethroid preparations used to combat the scabbard are also used against ticks, as well as the new drug "Apollo" that effectively destroys the pest.

Greenhouse flat beetle.

Flat-calf mite Brempalpus obovatus of the family Tenuipalpidae. Close to spider mites; the control measures are the same.


As soon as the named pests of the bastard are found, safety measures must be taken immediately. First of all, cut off diseased roots, sometimes to the root collar, or, alternatively, cut the plant and root it again.

After that, it is imperative to disinfect the tools that have come into contact with the infected plant and the ground, as well as the pots. All infected parts of the plant, the land in which they were located, must be immediately destroyed.


V room culture thrips emerged from open ground and greenhouse farms. Now these are the most dangerous plant pests. This includes representatives of the order Thysanoptera. These are Frankliniella occidentalis - Western floral thrips, or Californian, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis - greenhouse or greenhouse thrips, Thrips physapus - floral thrips, etc.).

The adult insect is small, 1-2 mm long, dark brown or brown, elongated, with fringed wings and a black head. The eggs are laid in the tissue of the plant. The larva is light yellow, 1 mm long. Adult insects and larvae suck sap from leaves and flowers, deforming and discoloring them.

Mass propagation of thrips is observed during the flowering period, when it accumulates around the flowers. When buds appear, it penetrates inside, damaging the flowers, and in the fall, when the temperature drops, thrips move to the lower parts of the plant.

In addition to direct harm, thrips carry pathogens of some dangerous viral diseases. Its mass reproduction is observed in hot dry weather. The development of one generation takes 2-4 weeks. During the season, this pest gives up to 12-15 generations. The only good news is that at an air temperature of more than 35 ° C, the development of almost all thrips stops, and with a decrease in the relative air humidity to 50%, there is a massive death of larvae, at least in well-studied species.

The following pesticides are most effective in the fight against thrips: actellic, fufanon (0.1-0.15%), as well as relatively new drugs - evisect and hotaquik. To combat thrips, you can also use the pyrethroid drugs Arrivo, Cymbum (0.15%) and Karate (0.05%). They are of low toxicity but can sometimes cause allergic reactions... The most harmless drug in this regard, Fitoverm, is an extract of one of the soil fungi.

Facultative (non-permanent) pests of succulents, usually living in open ground and getting into the premises from there. Another, more relevant today, option for the penetration of aphids into the collection is from flower shops and import deliveries of potted plants.

This is a widespread group of insects of the genera Aphis and Myzodes. Indoors on succulents, peach (greenhouse, or tobacco) aphids (Myzodes ersiçae), melon (cotton) aphids (Aphis gossypii) and spotted greenhouse aphids (Neomyzus circumflexus) are more common.

- the most famous pests that damage the soft tissues of plants. Damaged parts often wrinkle, bend, and dry out if severely damaged. Sometimes young parts of plants can be covered with a continuous bloom of larvae and adult females. Adults are wingless or winged up to 2 mm long, wingless larvae are about 0.5 mm long. Both are dark green, brown, or black.

The eggs are elongated. They hibernate on a young growth garden plants... In spring, the founding larva emerges from the eggs. The larvae suck on young leaves, moving on to the buds. Larvae develop for 12-15 days. During the summer, aphids give 10-15 generations. In the summer period, winged settler females develop simultaneously with the wingless ones, which migrate, settling in new territories and sometimes getting into the premises. In September-October, aphids lay eggs and die.

One of the measures to combat the pest is mechanical washing with green soap solutions (3-4%), laundry soap, "Bim", "Ferry" and other detergents.

From biological control methods, the use of predatory insects that destroy aphids can be advised. However, the most effective chemical method is with the use of pesticides used to control other indoor pests of the bastard.

Other pests of the bastard in indoor conditions are red cockroaches, gnawing young parts of plants - shoots, flowers, seedlings. Cockroach control is carried out both with the help of widespread household preparations and with the help of the previously listed pesticides, including the well-proven actellic.

Significant damage to succulents in the house and garden can be caused by snails, wood lice, slugs. They must be collected and destroyed in time. As bait for these pests, you can use raw potatoes, citrus peel, etc.

In the open field, mainly herbivorous rodents harm the bastards, among them mice, voles, and rats should be mentioned. They gnaw and eat various parts of plants, they can also feed on seeds. Methods for controlling these pests are widely known.

Concluding the conversation about the diseases of the fat woman and its pests, it must be emphasized once again that the most effective method avoid them - observe those optimal conditions agricultural technology (temperature, light, moisture and soil fertility), in which the money tree feels good, looks healthy, does not get sick. It is also necessary to observe hyenic measures that prevent the spread of diseases and pests: disinfection of soil, tools, dishes, cleanliness of plants.

Constant preventive examination for the timely detection of sick or pest-affected plants and prevention of infection of neighboring healthy specimens.

It is also useful to periodically treat plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or infusion of calendula, tobacco, yarrow, etc. If pathogens or pests are found, first of all, you should apply mechanical method struggle: rinsing with water and lubrication with alcoholic tinctures (garlic, onion, celandine, pine needles), as well as hot baths for the root system. And only in the last place can you use chemical agents, remembering that most pesticides are toxic not only to pests, but also to humans, and some of them can cause allergic reactions.

Chemical treatment should be carried out only in a well-ventilated area, preferably on outdoors observing security measures.

When keeping fatty plants in the open air, to known indoor diseases and such specific pests as rodents and other vertebrates - birds, lizards, moles, as well as slugs (molluscs) and insects typical for open ground are added to pests. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the plants in the garden, and, if necessary, take timely measures to protect them. We hope that the topic of fatty disease in our article is fully disclosed, but you can always ask additional questions in the comments.

When writing the article, the materials of the book "Sedum, young and other fatty ones" were used, authors V.V. Byalt, V.N. Gapon, I.M. Vasilyeva.

Growing problems fat women there can be many, if you take care of it incorrectly.

It should be said that all thesequite applicable to othersand not only to them. But, we will consider their solution in relation to the money tree. Here are her main diseases.

The money tree grows slowly

It so happens that the growth of a fat woman slows down greatly, or it may stop growing altogether. What does she lack in this case?

Because, usually grows in semi-deserts (from there it came to us), then he needs to create these very conditions. Or something close enough to them. That is, there should be a lot of light, drainage must be good.

Do not forget to water the plant during the period of its active growth. It is also important that the soil was moderately dry, and the temperature was cool enough when the plant was no longer growing so actively and retiring.

If you provide all these conditions for, then it is unlikely that it will grow slowly.

So that the fat woman does not grow up somehow, but is formed in beautiful plant, you need to pinch her shoots. So you will stimulate growth points and, thereby, increase its crown.

IMPORTANT! Fast growth the fat woman is always associated with its optimal lighting. Finding this level of illumination is one of the most important tasks. The money tree is very fond of bright light. But, again, direct sunlight in this case is of no use to him. They shouldn't be.

Leaves are falling

The money tree reproduces well with leaves. If it starts dropping them, then this is an alarming signal. This means that it does not want to "raise" its offspring, it simply does not have the strength to do so.

The leaves of your plant may fall off different reasons... It is possible that she does not have enough light or you water her a lot.

All this mainly applies to winter. Leaves often fall off when watered directly from the tap. In this case, the water can be quite cold. This can also happen due to excess fertilizer.

If you have established the reason why your fat woman sheds leaves, then you need to exclude this factor or bring it back to normal.

Watering need to be normalized, always based on the season. For this, use only warm water, and cut the top dressing.

IMPORTANT! In winter, the fat woman does not need a lot of water. You need to water it at this time only once or twice for the whole month. The ambient temperature determines everything here.

The lower it is, the less watering will be.

15 degrees is the optimal temperature for a fat woman. Such weather is usually at this time in her homeland. So try to get closer to this temperature regime too.

The trunk of the money tree is rotting

And this sometimes happens to a fat woman. In this case, the trunk becomes very soft. As we said, the money tree came to us from the semi-desert.

In nature, growing in such conditions, it is forced to store water for future use. That is why she has such leaves. So, the excessive watering, which we sometimes organize for her (out of the best intentions, of course), the fat woman does not like at all.

From this, her roots rot and then the rot passes into the trunk itself.In this case, the soil needs to be dried quickly. If this does not help, then a fat woman is required transplanted. And you need to do this as soon as possible.

Before you plant a money tree in another pot, wash its roots and see what condition they are in.

It happens that the situation is still quite fixable. If there is very little rot on the roots, then this rot along with the roots is simply cut off until you see completely healthy tissue. Be sure to powder all sections afterwards.

Wood ash is best suited for this. After this treatment, you can plant the fat woman again. True, you will have to change the entire substrate.

If rot has already passed to the trunk, then consider that you have already lost this plant. Stem cuttings of this plant can be rooted very quickly. They will help you grow a new, healthy money tree. And now you will probably not make these mistakes when caring for him.

Leaves turn yellow

In this case, what is usually lacking in the money tree? Of course, light! Lack of light causes a similar yellowing of the leaves not only in the bastard, but also in other plants.

You should definitely increase the illumination of the whole plant. Especially if it stands in the northern windows, or in the northeast. In this case, an artificial light source will be the best solution.

If the warm season has come on the street, then the fat woman can generally be moved to the garden. A loggia is also suitable for its placement. But, in both of these cases, the direct sun should not fall on the plant.

The fat woman has soft leaves

In this case, the leaves of the plant wither, wrinkle, become completely soft and thinner. Then, they will surely fall off, and recently, after all, they were very elastic.

All this is caused, again, by improper watering of the money tree. Here, either you filled it in (the roots simply suffocate from a large number moisture), or, conversely, dried.

Adjust watering and see if there is sufficient drainage in the pot. Also, it can be caused by excessive sun exposure.

This is very often the case for recently transplanted plants. The roots, with such a transplant, are often damaged. They simply do not work as it should and the leaves become soft, that is, wither.

Diseases of the money tree. Black spots on its leaves

These spots are usually round and dry. And they appear from sunburn. In this case, the plant must be shaded, so you will save it from burns. But, here the leaves with burns will not be healthy, they will simply fall off.

It happens that the spots are not only black, but also brown. This is already a fungal infection, not a burn. If you find such spots on your fat woman, then these leaves must be removed.

The money tree itself is then treated with any drugs against such fungal infections. Reprocessing is sometimes required. This must be borne in mind.

It is clear that it is a pity to remove a lot of leaves. But you should not be afraid of this. So you will have a lot more new points of growth on the fat woman. And later, its crown will become even more lush and thick.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to analyze the conditions in which your money tree is. High humidity often causes these problems. In this case, the room needs to be ventilated more often, and the earth in the pot to mulch.

Leaves turn red

This again can be due to the light level. In this case, the light is too bright. The fat woman does not really like the direct sun, although she is used to living in the deserts. It happens that you have moved a plant from partial shade to a bright place. In this case, too, it is quite possible that the leaves will begin to turn red.

The solution here is quite simple. You need to shade the window with any kind of curtain. This will be enough for the leaves to start turning green again.It happens that when blushing, the leaves also wither. This means that by changing the location of the plant, it received sunburn.

In this case, spray the bastard with biostimulants. For this, "Epin" is quite suitable, it will help restore the health of the plant.

IMPORTANT!"Epin" must always be used in the right amount. Here, every extra drop can damage the plant. This drug is very active. Just a drop or two of "Epin" is quite enough for an adult money tree. This amount is dissolved in a whole glass of water.

Sometimes the leaves turn red not from above, but from the bottom. It is quite possible that you water the fat woman a little. If the ground is dry, then this is the main reason for this reddening.

Pests on the fat woman. What and how to fight?

Diseases of the money tree are sometimes caused by pests. Although, they are not very willing to settle on the fat woman. But, this also needs to be borne in mind.

White bloom on the leaves of the bastard

This bloom can be on the leaves in the form of spots. Or it could be small dots. Also, it sometimes appears not on the leaves themselves, but in their axils. This plaque is somewhat similar to cotton wool lumps.All this says that your money tree has been visited by a mealybug. The fat woman must be relieved of him.

In this case, the pest can simply be washed off with water. To do this, the fat woman is watered directly from the shower and then washed with a soft brush. In this case, you need to use laundry soap.

Then, of course, the whole plant is washed clean water... This is the first stage in the fight against such a pest. Next, an infusion is prepared from garlic or from tobacco and process the money tree with it. Also in this case, a decoction of cyclamen tubers is also used. For a month, you need to process a fat woman with such a "misfortune" 3 or 4 times.

Such a worm settles not only on one fat woman. It may well settle on other indoor plants. If you do not fight this pest, then it will suck out all the juice from the young shoots of the fat woman.

At the same time, it will grow very bad, its leaves will begin to fall off and, as a result, sooty mushrooms will appear on it. This white coating is usually rubbed with your fingers. So you can figure out that it is a mealybug or fungus. If your fingers smell like mold, then this is a fungal infection.

Spider mite on the money tree. How to fight?

It is much more difficult to expel a spider mite from a fat woman. If he settled on a money tree, then there will definitely be a cobweb on it, and yellowish spots will appear on the leaves.

Spider mite always settles on plants that grow in warmth and when the air is very dry. If you spray the fat woman regularly, then this pest is unlikely to appear on it.

You can fight the mite again with garlic infusion, or tobacco. You can also treat the bastard with soap suds. But, all these methods work only at the beginning of the infection of the plant with a spider mite.

It happens that these measures do not help, especially if the neighboring plants are also already affected by this pest. Here it is already necessary to turn to insecticides. At the same time, they process not only all the plants in the neighborhood with them, but also the place where they stand and the pots themselves. Only there it will be possible to destroy the tick itself and all the clutches of its eggs.


This pest cannot be noticed immediately, only at a late stage, when the leaves of the bastard change significantly for the worse. The base of the petioles of the plant itself, as well as the leaves, on their back side, are covered with red-brown plaques in color. These spots usually appear along the veins on the leaves. This is the shield.

Now the money tree needs to be saved and faster. Remove the shield. To do this, they simply scrape it off from leaves and other places affected by this pest. The plant is wiped with all the same solutions, that is, tobacco or soap.

Then they rinse it with warm water. This is not enough and without insecticides it will also be impossible to get around here. Be sure to treat the fat woman with these drugs.

If you started the plant and the scabbard hit it hard enough, then it is very difficult to remove the scabbard here. In this case, the leaves of the bastard become sticky and sweet.

IMPORTANT! The soap solution must be prepared in the correct proportions. Soap you can take household, green or potash - only 10 grams. In this case, it is diluted in half a liter of water. When you process the plant, cover the soil under it with a film.

If the money tree is heavy and just falls from the weight

Sometimes it happens. And this happens if your pot with a plant has always stood in only one position. At the same time, only one side of the crown developed well and the entire crown of the fat woman became largely one-sided.

Then the plant becomes unstable and just falls. So, do not forget to turn the pot towards the light often. So the crown of the plant will develop evenly.

We strengthen the trunk of the money tree. How to do it?

To strengthen the trunk of this plant, it must be transplanted. The pot in this case is taken a little larger than the previous one.

Also, the crown of the fat woman needs to be pinched, so you can reduce the load on one side. It is best to do such a transplant in the spring.

It happens that you can't wait until spring. If you have matured the need to transplant the fat woman at the moment, then you need to do it by transshipment. That is, everything together with a clod of earth. In this case, the pot should again be larger.

When you place the plant in it, along with its clod of earth, then the gaps (they will be required) between the clod of earth and the walls are simply carefully covered with a substrate.

A young fat woman can be given a beautiful shape, again turning it in a circle in time. After all, any plant always reaches for the light. And, if you do not turn it, then the barrel from this can be very curved. If you do it regularly, the crown of the money tree will be very beautiful, lush and evenly developed.

Diseases of the money tree will not be scary and pests will not visit it if your care is close to perfect. The fat woman in this case will delight you with her beauty and, who knows, maybe money, which, as they say, she attracts into the house.

Proper care is a guarantee that the money tree will not hurt you.

The money tree (or fat woman) is considered completely unpretentious plant with strong immunity. But Crassula can suffer from pests and diseases due to unscrupulous care. Any ailment can be cured without special costs if it is detected at an early stage, identifying by signals that the plant gives. One of the common signs is that the leaves are crumbling.

Who is Crassula

Crassula was born in South Africa, and got its name from the thick and fleshy foliage. It has many varieties and reproduces in two ways: by seed and cuttings.

It is believed that this plant is capable of purifying the air in the room where it grows, as well as bringing well-being and material wealth to the house. The fat woman is called the money tree and is referred to as mascot plants.

Water the fat woman a couple of times a week if the days are hot, and at a temperature of 18-23 ° C, one watering is enough. Autumn and winter close heating appliances Crassula is better not to hold, despite its tolerance to dry air.

The fat woman is fed no more than twice a month in the summer and once a month in the winter. The ideal fertilizer for this plant will be that which is suitable for cacti and succulents (only in a dosage reduced by half). Any top dressing is applied to moist soil.

You can't transplant a fat woman too often. This should be done as a last resort, when the root system of the plant has already filled the pot. This usually happens every three years. A mixture for cacti is suitable for a fat woman. You need to take a shallow pot, lay out a drainage layer at the bottom.

Video: caring for a fat woman

Diagnostics of ailments

Under unfavorable conditions and inattentive care, Crassula is affected by diseases.

Table: causes of ailments of the money tree

Symptoms of ailmentsCauses of occurrenceRemedies
The foliage turns pale and falls
  1. Constant waterlogging of the soil.
  2. Insufficient watering.
  3. Watering with cold water.
  4. Excess nutrients.
  5. The consequence of stress and the desire to leave offspring sooner.
  1. Reduce soil moisture or resume soft and moderate watering with warm, settled water.
  2. Suspend feeding for a month.
The stem is pulled outAbundant watering with a lack of lighting or in a cold period.
  1. Adjust watering frequency and average daily temperature.
  2. If the stem is stretched out in winter, then dry the earthen lump, provide additional lighting and increase the temperature of the content to 23-25 ​​o C.
Red spots on foliageBacterial outbreak.Remove affected leaves. Treat the plant 2-3 times with a complex antibacterial preparation (for example, Fitosporin-M) with an interval of 10 days.
Slow growth
  1. Lack or excess of food.
  2. Water scarcity.
  3. Poor lighting.
  4. Rest period.
It is necessary to adjust watering, feeding and light intensity (provide additional lighting of the fat woman for up to 10 hours a day).
Trunk decayExcessive watering without drying out the earthy coma.If, after a period of drying, the plant has not returned to normal, then the transplant will not help. In this case, you can save the fat woman only by rooting the surviving cuttings.
Lack of light.It is necessary to provide the plant with bright diffused light for 10-12 hours a day.
Softening foliageUnregulated watering.If the drying out of the earthen coma did not work, then a transplant is required. The roots should be freed from rot, rinsed in a solution of potassium permanganate and only then transplanted into a new soil.
  1. Sunburn.
  2. The plant begins to turn black due to a fungal infection, which appears due to poor ventilation of the room and waterlogging of the soil.
  1. Shade the jellyfish or treat with Fundazol (10 g per 10 L of water).
  2. Reduce watering, provide the plant with fresh air.
The fat woman is overflowing with moisture, which she receives not only from the soil, but also from the air. Therefore, it evaporates excess water on the surface of the foliage, opening the pores.It is necessary to regulate watering and reduce air humidity.
Reddening of the leaves
  1. Direct sunlight.
  2. Lack of fresh air.
  3. Low in nutrients.
  1. Shade the plant if it is in a sunny location.
  2. If, along with the reddening, the leaves also wilted, then the fat woman is starving and needs to be fed.
Silver coatingThe plant has survived stress and is recovering.Powder in the form of silver pollen on the leaves is a sign of "pushing out" of dead cells. This symptom does not provide any action. The fat woman will update herself.
Leaves wrinkledStrong bay after a long drought.Such changes in the state of the soil harm the plant, it experiences stress and dies. The first symptom of problems is leaf wrinkling.
Dry brown spotsInsufficient watering.Watering the fat woman should be regularly warm and settled water until the soil dries up to 3-5 cm in depth.
The plant dries upWith dry leaves, the plant can signal both the overmoistening of the earthen coma, and that the roots have filled the entire pot, and the time has come for transplantation.When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to examine the root system and at the same time dry the earthen lump. If the plant is cramped in the previous pot, then its transplant is necessary.

Photo gallery: symptoms of malaise

The withering of the trunk of the jerky can occur due to its dying off during the bay Drying out of the soil provokes the appearance of dry brown spots on the foliage Excessive watering leads to rotting of the stem Sunburn can be easily confused with a disease Softening of foliage and branches can occur when the root system decays If you mercilessly pour Crassula, then it has leaves turn yellow and fall off Black spots on crassula can be a sign of a fungus Increased humidity of the soil and air prompts the fat woman to evaporate water through the leaf pores Bacteria on the leaves of the fat woman leave such traces as if they are gradually reclaiming territory from the plant

Treatment of a fat woman

In almost all cases of malaise, the plant can be saved. It is important not to run the situation and accept necessary measures in time.

The plant turns yellow and sheds leaves

One of the most common problems faced by a grower growing a bastard is falling foliage. There may be several reasons for this. The main one is improper watering.

Irrigation with cold water can kill the plant. Problems can arise due to the difference between air and soil temperatures. Dampness in cold conditions provokes not only leaf fall, but also the appearance of mold and the multiplication of fungus, so you need to water the plants with warm, settled water, always taking into account the temperature of the environment.

Improper watering of the plant can lead to loss of foliage.

The stem is pulled out

When there is not enough light, the plant suffers from a lack of nutrition, because it receives it not only through the soil, assimilated by the roots, but also through the leaves, through photosynthesis. As a result, when there is little lighting, and the fat woman receives watering in the volume of the norm, then the growth of the organism accelerates, and the plant does not have time to develop and with all its might reaches up to the light source. Therefore, to form beautiful bush you need to put the plant in a well-lit place. But do not forget that shading is required from direct sunlight.

Lack of light with abundant watering will ugly stretch the trunk of a fat woman

Crassula is slowly growing

There is no clear solution to this problem. If the fat woman develops too slowly, you need to think about the correct mode of watering, lighting and feeding. During the dormant period, the plant must be provided with appropriate conditions.

The trunk rots, the leaves become soft or shriveled

An excessive amount of water in the soil leads to these symptoms. The first step is to dry the clod well. You may have to transplant the fat woman into a new soil. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the plant will not be able to recover. Then the way out will be the reproduction of Crassula with the help of healthy cuttings.

Crassula leaves shriveled due to strong bay after drought

If the fat woman stayed for a long time on a lighted window without watering, then you should not rush to water it urgently. The fact is that the roots of the plant shriveled and dried out without moisture, and after the newly obtained water they will begin to straighten out. If you give them more moisture than they can assimilate in this state, then the roots will crack, and in new environment too damp may rot. It is not surprising that the leaves of a flooded flower wrinkle after a drought.

Black spots appear on the leaves

Florists often confuse bacterial spotting with sunburn. It is easy to distinguish between these spots if you understand the nature of their occurrence. The burn always occurs locally, that is, in the place where the beam was directed, and does not spread in any way after the disappearance of solar exposure. Dark spots, resulting from a bacterial infection, gradually capture the leaf blade.

For treatment against bacteria and fungi, it is very effective to use the drug Fitosporin-M. One part of the substance is thoroughly dissolved in two parts of water, and then the resulting mixture is diluted again with water already 10 times and this solution is used to treat the bastard over the foliage.

The plant is lethargic, its parts dry

A wilting plant may indicate that the roots are already cramped in the pot. This means that it is time to transplant Crassula. Doing so better in spring... Of course, if the plant is sick and is threatened with death, then you cannot wait. In addition, a drying plant signals an incorrect watering regime - excessive or insufficient.

Leaves turn red

Changing the color of the leaves from green to reddish is a reason to shade the bastard from the sun's rays. Such a shade of foliage also acquires with a lack of fresh air (then the room must be aired daily) and a deficiency of nutrients.

Excess light and lack of fresh water leads to reddening of the leaves

Roots darken and rot

If the malaise of the fat woman is detected and it is due to decay of the roots, then it is possible to save it when the trunk of the money tree has not yet had time to turn black and rotten away, only by transplanting after processing the root system. To do this, after removing the plant from the pot, rinse the roots thoroughly under a warm running water, and then, carefully examining the processes, remove the damaged areas. After the plant has only healthy roots, immerse them for 15–20 minutes in a light raspberry solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

In order to avoid the development of a bacterial infection and a fungus, due to which the root system could also get sick, it is recommended to plant a fat woman only in treated and disinfected soil and a pot. To do this, the earth is calcined in the oven for an hour at 200 ° C, and the pot is poured with boiling water, steam, or rinsed with a steep solution of manganese or a 20% whiteness solution.

White dots or a silvery coating appear on the leaves

Light dots indicate that the plant is oversaturated with water. In this case, it is necessary to dry the ground by reducing watering. A silvery bloom is a sign that the plant has survived stress and is now recovering. You do not need to take any measures other than proper care.

A silvery coating on Crassula leaves speaks of recovery from stress.

Why is the fat woman sick and how to deal with it

There are also dangers arising from the activity of fungi or bacteria that like damp and cold. Plants with weak immunity are especially susceptible to them.

The defeat of the fat woman with a fungus

The most common causes of malaise in the fat woman are fungi and bacteria. An excess or lack of air or soil moisture, air temperature or lighting can provoke their appearance.

The most vulnerable period for Crassula is winter, when the daylight hours are short. In addition, temperature differences are constant in houses due to the lowered temperature outside the window in combination with the operation of the heating system.

Crassula can be affected by wet rot or gray rot, the occurrence of which is provoked by fungi. At the same time, brown spots appear on the plant tissues, increasing over time and eventually covering the entire plant. It is necessary to transplant Crassula into new soil in time or root healthy cuttings (when the disease is not yet in an advanced stage). Otherwise, the rot will quickly spread throughout the bush and the plant will die.

The process of spreading putrefactive lesions can be stopped by a sharp reduction in watering and increased ventilation. The affected areas near the bush are cut off, and the wounds are disinfected with potassium permanganate, brilliant green or an alcohol solution. After processing, the sections are powdered with ash or crushed coal.

The defeat of the fat woman by bacteria

Identifying a bacterial lesion of Crassula is very problematic, since the external symptoms of the disease are practically indistinguishable from fungal ones.

Rot caused by bacteria is treated with fungicides. Then a series of antibiotic treatments on the foliage is carried out using penicillin or gentamicin. Penicillin does not have a toxic effect on plants, even in harsh doses. Therefore, you can not be afraid to ruin the fat woman, especially since the most effective assistance for her, injections will become, and with this question it is better to contact a specialist.

Insect pests

It is quite simple to detect the scabbard: on the surface of the leaf and stem, you can see light brown tubercles or spots with a yellow tint.

Dealing with it is easy. Insects are harvested by hand, and then the plant is treated with soapy water or Fitoverm. This bio-agent must be used according to the instructions, it is safe for humans and plants, but extremely effective against plant pests.

The shield on the fat woman leaves clear signs of its presence

Spider mite is very small insect, which causes colossal damage to the plant. Despite its small size, the tick can also be seen with the naked eye. It looks like a small gray or red dot in constant motion. A striking manifestation of a tick attack is the cobweb enveloping the leaves of the bastard, as well as yellowing or browning of the leaves.

Spider mite leaves visible marks on an occupied plant

Having found a tick on the crassula, you should immediately spray the plant and immediately put a bag on the fat woman, tightening it on the pot. In conditions of high humidity, the tick will die. Other means to combat the pest are soapy water or Apollo.

It's pretty frequent visitor fat women. He likes to settle on the roots and in the axils of the leaves, feeding plant tissues and gradually weakening the immunity of the bush. In addition, it also spoils the appearance of Crassula, covering the greens with mealy discharge, reminiscent of cotton wool.

Mealybug on a fat woman is visible to the naked eye

The worm can be easily washed off the foliage with a stream of water. After getting rid of insects, Crassula is treated with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution or garlic infusion. The drugs Fufanon and Actellik also cope well with the pest.

The root worm settles on the roots of the fat woman. It is not easy to find it there. This usually happens during the spring transfer of the plant to another pot.

When attacking a worm, the roots of the plant should be washed under running water (temperature 50 ° C), and then the root bundle should be treated in a solution of Fufanon or Actellik (twice with an interval of 7–8 days).

The root worm unfolds its activity inside the root system

What to do to revive Crassula

The most common problem in keeping a fat woman is trunk decay. Having received at the disposal of a beautiful mini-tree with fleshy foliage, the beginner, apparently, succumbs to the false impression that such greens should be eaten intensively, and begins to mercilessly flood Crassula.

Meanwhile, if you do not let the soil in which the fat woman grows dry out, the excess moisture at the root collar will provoke tissue decay and the stem will separate from the roots. In this case, it is impossible to revive the plant.

The plant can only be saved by rooting cuttings. To do this, you need to perform a certain algorithm of actions.

  1. The plant must be carefully examined and healthy cuttings of at least 10–12 cm must be selected.
  2. Selected cuttings are carefully separated from the mother plant and left to lie down for a day at room temperature for drying.
  3. The twigs are rooted in the water. First, they bare their trunk, peeling off the leaves. Cuttings standing in the water should not be in the bright sun, they will be more comfortable in partial shade. By the third week, the plants will be ready to be moved to a separate pot.
  4. To transplant a rooted branch into a pot, you should prepare a container: rinse the pots in hot water with soap, and then disinfect in a strong solution of potassium permanganate. The container should not be large, since it is a transit point for the cutting.
  5. A 7–8 cm drainage layer of expanded clay is laid on the bottom of the pot, and up to half of the container is poured on top with a mixture of equal parts river sand and sod land.
  6. With a pencil in a pot of soil, make a hole 2-3 cm, where the cutting is carefully placed.
  7. Before reaching the edge of the pot 2 cm, add the remaining potting mix.
  8. The cutting is watered with standing water at room temperature. Each subsequent moistening is carried out only after the earthen coma has dried.
  9. A young plant should not be moved to another place until it is completely rooted in the soil and the final transplant.

Video: how to make a fat woman bloom

There has long been a stereotype that the fat woman is one of the most unpretentious plants. Despite the resistance of Crassula in relation to many factors, it can get sick due to the elementary carelessness of the grower. Timely measures taken will save the plant.

The money tree is one of the most common indoor flowers. It is undemanding to care, and at the same time attracts with its extravagance. Pests do not like the plant because of the arsenic in the leaves. But some diseases of the money tree still occur.

In our article, when mentioning the money tree, we will also use its other names known in botany: fat woman and crassula. The name "money" tree received from the shape of the leaves, similar to coins. By changing the structure and color of the leaves, one can judge one or another cause of the disease. The main features include:

  • the tree stops growing;
  • bends over, having a dry trunk;
  • leaves dry and fall;
  • the trunk of the tree becomes thin, can bend severely and even break.

Major diseases

Why the money tree does not grow, leans to the side, and also has a drooping appearance - we will try to answer these questions.

A tree can get sick for many reasons:

  • oversaturation with fertilizers can cause foliage to fall;
  • pests can start;
  • leaves can fall off and turn black due to bright lighting (direct sunlight);
  • with excessive watering, the root system can rot;
  • with overdried soil, the leaves dry and begin to fall off;
  • too cold water will cause foliage to shed;
  • a bacterial or fungal infection results in reddish-brown spots;
  • The money tree also dies from old age.

Silver patina

When a silvery bloom appears on the leaves in the form of white dots, it is urgent to reduce watering and observe the flower. After the soil has dried, Crassula will "come to its senses" and no further measures should be taken. Only in the future, do not oversaturate the plant with water.

Root rot

A common problem with excess is root rot, which leads to the death of the tree. In this case, the stem is separated from the roots and the fat woman slowly begins to die. The tree withers, its top collapses, the leaves dry up, and it is no longer possible to revive it. Excessive bay leads to the death of the fat woman. What to do? You can restore a flower only by cutting off live cuttings. Dip them into the water and wait for new roots.

There is another reason for the death: if the money tree froze. Although this plant can withstand temperatures around 0 ° C, it is non-frost-resistant. As an aid, cut off dead branches and stems by sprinkling charcoal over the cut areas.

Change in color and structure of leaves

The appearance of the leaves can be used to determine how the plant is feeling. If the leaves become soft and lethargic, this indicates that the flower is over-watered. Treatment in this case consists in examining the root system. To do this, you need to remove the bastard from the pot and remove the rotten areas of the root with a knife.
Can rot and bottom sheets, so they need to be cut off. Treat the places of cuts and breaks with charcoal. You will need new (or well-washed old) and new soil. After transplanting Crassula, do not water it right away, give it time to rest and take root, and stop watering until complete recovery.

Shriveled leaves are another symptom of the disease. In this case, the flower signals that it is too hot, and the leaves wrinkle from excess heat, and if measures are not taken in time, they will begin to turn yellow and die. It is very simple to cure a tree - in summer, do not leave the flower on the windowsill, where direct sunlight falls.

Crassula will feel best on a loggia or balcony, where there is a lot of fresh air and light. Watering in the summer is enough once a week. In winter, find a place for the flower away from heating devices and batteries, water once a month.

Leaves may become covered with white dots, which indicates high humidity. Thus, Crassula releases excess water through the pores in the leaves.

Fatty pests


Did you notice a powdery white coating on the branches, trunk and stems? A well-known and frequent lover of Crassula is the worm. It is easy to get rid of it: the pest can be easily washed off with a warm stream of water from a watering can. You can prepare a vodka or garlic solution and treat the insect's colonies with it. Please note that if you do not start to fight the pest in time, the development of sooty mushrooms will follow.

Root worm

An invisible pest, the root worm, often settles on the roots of the tree. It is impossible to detect it until it is time to transplant the fat woman into a new pot. How to treat Crassula in this case? To begin with, you should thoroughly rinse the roots under warm running water from the tap. Then treat it twice in Actellika solution.


The scale insect is a small pest that can be noticed when plaques have already appeared on the leaves. How to reanimate the money tree, the following actions will prompt:

  • if possible, mechanically collect the pest from the shoots using cotton wool dipped in alcohol;
  • wash the crassula with soapy water, using laundry soap (cover the soil with polyethylene before the procedure);
  • rinse warm water;
  • treat with an insecticide.

Spider mite

The next pest representative is spider mite... The reason for its appearance is dry air in the room, therefore, in such conditions, it is necessary to spray the fat woman.

You can find out about the presence of a tick by noticing yellow spots on the foliage. After that, cobwebs appear between the stems and the small pests themselves - mites in the form of small moving dots.

How to save the money tree in such a case, see below:

  • tear off all yellowed leaves;
  • treat with special insecticidal agents, and it is advisable to change them, since the tick quickly gets used to chemicals;
  • put on a big flower plastic bag, firmly fastening it to the flowerpot. In such conditions, ticks die;
  • for a full guarantee, at the last stage, you need to wipe the leaves with soapy water.

Video "Save indoor plants from pests and diseases"

In this video, an expert will tell you how to resolve perennial problem, will share tips to heal your plants from pests and diseases.

Prevention measures

The money tree is an unpretentious plant. To carry out the prevention of Crassula diseases, you should only water the plant correctly, observe the correct temperature regime, pick off yellowed and rotten leaves, and periodically it is allowed to wipe the leaves with a mild soapy solution.

Why is the fat woman sick and how to cure indoor plant Money Tree?

Why is the fat woman (money tree) not growing (standing in one place) or growing poorly and what to do? Since the money tree (bastard, crassula) is a semi-desert plant, for good growth it requires the conditions of its natural habitat: bright, but not excessive lighting; sufficient drainage; watering during growth; drying the soil and coolness during the period of relative rest. If these conditions are met, you will not have to complain about the slow growth of the money tree. You can give it an attractive appearance by regularly pinching the shoots, which stimulates the growth points, helps to quickly grow the crown.

ATTENTION! In order for Tolstyanka to grow quickly, it is necessary to find the optimal lighting mode, the so-called "golden mean". The money tree needs bright light, but direct sunlight should not be allowed on the plant.

Leaves are falling:

The money tree sheds its leaves: why? Since the Fatty (money tree) reproduces with the help of leaves, their shedding indicates a leaf disease or is an alarming signal that the plant is in unfavorable conditions and urgently wants to leave offspring. Why does the flower of the fat woman (money tree) fall off the leaves (the fat woman crumbles) or why does the fat woman drop and lose leaves? The reasons (why leaves fall) of such an unpleasant phenomenon or disease can be: excessive watering and insufficient lighting, especially during the period of winter dormancy; prolonged repeated drying of the earthen coma; watering with cold tap water; too frequent fertilizing. What to do, how to care at home and how to save if the fat woman's leaves fall? Having analyzed the reasons, you need to try to comply with the watering regime in accordance with the season, water with warm, settled water, and minimize the use of fertilizers. ATTENTION! In winter, the watering of the Tolstyanka is reduced to 1-2 times a month, the lower the air temperature, the less often it is. It is also advisable to reduce the temperature in the room to 15⁰, because at this time in the homeland of the money tree there is cold dry weather.

Rotted trunk:

Why does the money tree have a soft, thin trunk?

Succulents, which include the Fatty Woman (money tree), accustomed to storing water for future use in the desert, do not tolerate excessive soil moisture at all. Roots begin to rot, and behind them the trunk of the plant. If, after drying the soil, the plant has not returned to its proper form, then everything is very serious - it urgently needs to be replanted. How to save and what to do if the trunk rots, the roots rot and the money tree (fat woman) dies? Before transplanting, you need to wash off the soil from the roots and carefully examine them. If everything is not so bad, and only the roots are rotten, they are cut to healthy areas, powdered with wood ash and planted in a new substrate. It is almost impossible to reanimate a decayed trunk. Stem cuttings of the Fatty Woman take root very easily, and the new plants that you grow from them will help to correct the mistakes.

Leaves turn yellow:

Why do the leaves of the bastard (money tree) turn yellow?

The most likely reason for the yellowing of the leaves in the bastard is a lack of light. What if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow? If the windows of the room face north or northeast and the toast turns yellow, you should think about artificial lighting. In the warm season, the most the best place for a fat woman there will be a garden or a loggia with protection from direct rays of the sun. Soft sluggish leaves The money tree withers and leaves fall! Let's consider why this is happening.

Why do the leaves of the fat woman wrinkle, become soft and thin, lethargic, and what to do if the money tree withers?

Loss of leaf elasticity in the fat woman signals a problem with watering. The plant is either tormented by drought, or the roots are suffocating from waterlogging. What if the money tree has soft leaves? It is necessary to check if the drainage of the substrate is sufficient, to adjust the watering. Excessive sun exposure can be another reason, especially if the plant has been recently transplanted. The roots damaged during transplantation do not cope with the need for watering the money tree, the leaves wither and wrinkle. Black spots appeared on the leaves.

Why do the leaves of the money tree turn black?

Dry rounded black spots on the leaves of the Fatty Girl appear as a result of sunburn. Shading the plant from direct sunlight will solve this problem, but the affected leaves will fall off over time. Black and brown soft spots on the leaves indicate that Fatty Woman is affected by a fungal infection. Leaves with signs of the disease must be removed, the plant must be treated with a drug to combat fungal infections, if necessary, the treatment can be repeated several times. There is no need to be afraid of removing a large number of leaves, this creates new growth points, the crown of the plant will be thicker and more luxuriant.

ATTENTION! It is worth revising the conditions for keeping the money tree, since the fungus develops only in rooms with high humidity... Airing the room, mulching the surface layer of the earth can help to cope with this problem.

Leaves turn red:

Why and why do the leaves of the money tree turn red or have they already turned red?

The main reason for the reddening of the leaves in the fat woman is too bright sunlight. The Fat Woman does not tolerate direct sunlight, although her African origin, it would seem, suggests otherwise. A red tint may appear on the leaves after the "change of residence", the transfer of the plant from a shaded window sill to a brightly lit one. This problem can be solved very simply - just slightly shade the window with a light curtain, and the leaves will turn bright green again. If, in addition to redness, the leaves are also slightly wilted, it means that the change in location has led to sunburn, and the money tree needs feeding complex fertilizer spraying with a biostimulant. You can apply Epin, the universal " living water»For damaged plants.

CAREFULLY! Using Epin, an overdose should not be allowed, the count goes literally in drops, this drug is so active. To process an adult plant, 1-2 drops dissolved in a glass of water are enough. When the underside of the leaves turns red, you need to pay attention to the watering regime, perhaps the plant simply does not have enough moisture, the earthen lump has dried up. Pest control and photos Pests are not very fond of settling on Tolstyanka, but from time to time she suffers from their invasion.

Why does a white bloom appear on the bastard (white spots or dots on the leaves): what is it?

Sometimes in the axils of the leaves of the money tree, you can see a white bloom, similar to cotton balls. This is a signal that a mealybug has settled on the plant. In order to get rid of it, you need to: wash off the pest with warm water from the shower; wash the fat woman with a small brush with a thick foam of laundry soap, then rinse the plant with clean water; process with infusion of garlic, or tobacco, decoction of cyclamen tubers. Such treatments are carried out 3-4 times a month. The worm affects not only the Fat Woman, but also many other plants, for example: Hoya, Poinsettia succulent, Cereus cactus. If you do not fight the worm, it will feed on the juice of young shoots, which will lead to the weakening of the plant, slowing down its growth, loss of leaves, and the appearance of sooty mushrooms on the Tolstyanka colony. White bloom on the plant you need to rub between the fingers in order to distinguish the defeat mealybug from defeat by a fungus. A moldy smell indicates a fungal infection. It is much more difficult to get rid of spider mites. Its presence can be seen by small yellowish spots on the leaves and spider webs. The reason for the appearance of this pest is warm and dry air, so by spraying the plants regularly, you can avoid the appearance of a mite on the fat woman. In the early stages of the lesion, you can treat the money tree with garlic or tobacco infusion, soap foam. Such measures are not always effective, most often neighboring plants are also affected by a mite. In this case, only insecticide treatment will help. They need to process not only plants, but also the surface on which they stand, as well as flower pots for the destruction of spider mite egg clutches. The scabbard can be seen only at a late stage of the lesion, when, on the bases of the petioles of the money tree and back side leaves along the veins appeared red-brown plaques (spots), that is, the pest can be seen with the naked eye.

The following measures are urgently taken: scale insects are removed by scraping them from the surface of leaves and shoots; the fat woman is wiped with tobacco or soapy water, washed with warm water; the plant is treated with a systemic insecticide. With a strong lesion with a scutellum, when all the leaves are covered with sweet sticky secretions, it is very difficult to cope with it.

REFERENCE... A soapy solution for spraying is prepared in the following proportion - 10 g of potassium, green or laundry soap for half a liter of water. Cover the potting soil with foil before soaping. What to do: the money tree falls from gravity? Such a problem is possible only if the pot with the Fatty Woman was not turned in relation to the light, its crown became one-sided, and the tree lost its stability. How to strengthen the trunk of a fat woman? To solve the problem adult plant transplanted into a slightly larger pot, slightly reducing the load on one side by pinching. It is advisable to transplant in the spring, but if the situation does not tolerate delay, you can use the transshipment method, that is, gently get the plant along with an earthen lump, place it in a larger pot, and carefully fill the gaps between the ground and the walls of the pot with substrate. The shape of a young plant can still be corrected by turning it around its axis. window glass, the only light source, the main trunk is curved. Timely attention to the shape of the money tree will allow you to get a slender plant with uniform growth and a neat crown. Having created the Fatty Woman optimal conditions for development, you can be sure that problems and diseases will not prevent you from growing a beautiful strong plant, signaling to its owners about the well-being of the house in which she lives.

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