Encyclopedia of fire safety

Build a garage roof with your own hands. How to build a quality roof for a garage with your own hands. Instructions for the construction of a gable roof garage

Roof structures for the garage are of several types. In order to choose the optimal one, you need to familiarize yourself with the specific features of each of them. So, different variants mounted differently.


A roof for a garage is very different from a roof for a house. This is due not only to the fact that the garage is used as an additional utility facility, but also to the fact that there is no need for such high-quality thermal insulation. So the roofs cover inexpensive materials that do not cause difficulties during their installation.

A specific feature of the garage roof is that its shape and design is selected relative to the location of the garage house. In addition, it is determined by the stylistic coloring of the facade of the main house, as well as the surrounding landscape. However, it must be remembered that there should not be any special frills here, because the garage is still not the main building, and in theory it should not attract too much attention to itself.

Due to the simplicity of the design, roofs for a garage will not cost much. This is due to the cheapness of the material and repair work. Due to the ease of installation, construction work will cost a little. Thanks to the same feature, installation can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists.


So high-quality insulation is not required, so this side part can be easily omitted.


It cannot be said that the garage roof is represented by a wide variety of types. Simplicity and functionality are the fundamental principles in accordance with which the choice is made in favor of a particular design. This is the reason for such a poor choice.

The choice in favor of one or another type is made on the basis of several factors. Firstly, the climatic zone in which the garage is being built is important. How windy the area is, how much precipitation falls here, directly affects the choice of design and roof slope. Secondly, again, it is important general harmony. Much better if the roof of the garage is similar to that of the house. Thirdly, the chosen material plays a role. Some types look good only on roofs with one slope, others - with two.

Before choosing one or another type, it is necessary to analyze the situation with the construction of the garage. First of all, you need to know:

  • the climate in which the garage building will be located;
  • whether the garage will be adjacent to the house or separate;
  • from what material the roof is laid;
  • roof height above ground level.

By answering each of the questions posed, you will be able to choose the best option that is suitable in a particular case.

Each of the types of roofs has its own subtypes, which are also worth keeping in mind. The use of one or another subtype is determined depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roofing. Thus, it turns out to prevent the collapse of the roof, its subsidence under the weight of precipitation, and the load on the foundation is also regulated.


A roof with a slope of up to 3 degrees is flat. Compared to pitched roofs, it has several advantages:

  • a flat roof takes up much less space than a pitched roof, which results in savings on materials for its manufacture;
  • a flat roof can be built much faster than a pitched one, since it does not require complex calculations regarding the truss system;
  • repair flat design much easier and safer due to the fact that the risk of falling down by sliding on a surface with a steep slope is reduced;
  • if the garage is attached to the house, then such a roof can be converted into a balcony or used as a terrace on the second floor.

However, flat roofs are not suitable for areas with high winds and high rainfall, as they may collapse and collapse under the weight of the snow. This is also due to the fact that such a roof will have to be periodically cleaned of snow and icy crust.


To drain water from such roofs, it is often necessary to organize additional drain channels. The tightness of the roof is at risk: this must be constantly monitored, carrying out preventive work every year.


low-slope pitched roofs considered to be a universal solution. They are suitable for areas with an average climate. The garage may not be located in the city, but it should not stand in the steppe windy space. The slope angle of low-slope structures varies from 3 to 30 degrees. The advantages of such roofs are some features, which will be discussed later. The peculiarity is that the slope for each specific case is determined by calculations, while the minimum allowable value is selected. Calculations are made based on roofing material.

When building roofs with a low slope, it will be necessary to take into account several specific features:

  • The need for equipment drainage system internal or external type.
  • The roof must have good tightness.
  • Need for availability ventilation gap under the roof. Its size is determined according to the angle of inclination: the flatter the roof, the greater the gap.

Thus, opting for a low-slope roof guarantees savings in materials, but you will have to spend much more effort and money on the structure itself. Make sure that the choice of a low slope is justified in terms of aesthetic appeal.


The slope angle of steep roofs starts at 30 degrees. As with other options, this variety has both pros and cons. It is necessary to use roofs with a steep slope in cases where the garage is located on calm sites (for example, in urban areas). If there is a lot of snow in the area, then such a roof will allow you not to waste time cleaning it, because the snow will not linger on it, rolling down steep surfaces.

This option is completely unacceptable for windy areas. So, the roof can easily be blown away by a strong gust of wind. If the area is calm and there is little rainfall, then the cost of such construction will not be justified.

Thus, the choice of one or another variety is primarily due to the location of the garage and the site as a whole.

For steppe windy deserts, it is best to choose flat or low-slope roofs, for wooded areas, low-slope options are best, and for urban developments with in large numbers precipitation the best choice will become a steeply sloping variety.

However, roofs are divided not only by the angle of inclination. There is another classification of roofs - by the number of slopes. For garages, only two varieties are used: single-slope and dual-slope.


Shed roofing is valued for its simplicity and functionality.

  • Firstly, its installation takes really less time than the construction of a gable version.
  • Secondly, it will not be difficult to make all the calculations for the required amount of material. This step can be taken independently, and the accuracy of the calculations will not be in doubt.
  • Thirdly, much less material is spent on such a roof than on gable construction the same area.
  • Fourth, a shed roof is a great option if you need to arrange a garage attached to the house. She looks the most harmonious.
  • Fifth, it is believed that shed roofs are more durable than gable ones. In addition, they are more reliable and strong, and thanks to timely repairs, they can last up to 50 years.

Shed structures are not without drawbacks.

  • Due to the fact that in most cases single-sided options are flat, the load on them increases in the winter. Snow does not roll by itself, and you either have to clean it yourself or rely on the roof to hold up.
  • At single-sided version you will definitely have to abandon the attic, even if initially a small attic room was still planned.
  • This variety is more difficult to equip with decent thermal insulation.
  • Many people notice that the shed construction looks rustic against the background of the expressive gable, and in some cases this causes certain inconvenience to the owners.


A gable roof is more often used for garages that stand separately. Seeing her on a structure attached to the house is a rarity. Nevertheless, dual-slope options have their own advantages.

  • Thanks to its special shape, snow and rain do not linger on such a roof. They roll down instead of making the structure heavier.
  • Although a gable roof is more complex than a single-pitched roof, you can make a garage version yourself if you take into account some amendments.
  • By choosing the elementary option, you can significantly save on work, because you will be able to complete them alone, maximum with a partner.
  • The gable design allows you to equip it with good thermal insulation, thereby achieving a reduction in heat loss. So, when planning a warm garage, other roofing options cannot be considered.
  • The gable roof allows you to organize a small attic where you can store tools and other equipment. In cases where a hinged gable structure is chosen, it turns out to increase the height of the ceiling.

After evaluating exactly how you want to see your garage in the end, you can easily choose the type of roof structure for it.


Roofing materials are not only those that are with outside. For the internal construction, their types are also used. If the rafters can be made from a wooden beam, then several materials are suitable for waterproofing at once. Most often, roll insulators are used for this, for example, bikrost, roofing material, roofing felt. Instead, you can use bituminous mastic, which will reliably protect the roof from water penetration.

But it is also important not to buy too expensive materials for sheathing. garage roof. For example, a garage roof lined with ceramic tiles will look strange and out of place. If the roof of the main house is finished with such an elite material, it would still be better for the garage to choose a cheap equivalent. This will show both the good taste of the owner and his practicality, allowing significant savings.

For the internal wooden structure, there is also an analogue - concrete frame. It should be borne in mind that concrete is much heavier than wood, the load on the foundation of the structure will increase greatly. In this regard, before choosing such an alternative, it is necessary to make sure that the strength of the structure is sufficient.


One of the most common materials used to cover the garage roof is corrugated board. This type is so often used due to a number of advantages, including - big choice colors, price, ease of installation. In addition, the corrugated board is durable. If laid properly, a durable, aesthetically pleasing finish is guaranteed.

Roof decking differs in the height of the corrugations, the width of the sheets themselves and the type of galvanized steel that is used in production. The material of the HC category belongs to the roofing class, therefore, when choosing, you must definitely look for just such a marking. Pay attention to the presence of the GOST mark. If it is not there, this means that other standards were taken as a sample during production, or there were no standards at all. From this we can conclude that corrugated board without such an icon is not always of high quality.

For the roof, it is necessary to choose profiled sheets with polymer coated. Polyvinyl dichloride, pural and polyester are considered suitable. The first is the most durable sample, but its cost is somewhat higher, but the other options are cheaper, but less wear-resistant.


Gray dull slate material has long become a classic of the genre, and when it comes to slate, everyone imagines just such roofs. Despite the unattractive appearance, slate has excellent strength characteristics. If you choose a quality sample produced in accordance with modern technologies, it can easily last up to 50 years.

  • Slate is made from different types of raw materials. Plastic, asbestos-cement, soft, rubber and metal are used. Each of these subcategories has its own characteristics and advantages.
  • For example, the asbestos-containing version has excellent technical performance and low cost, but asbestos is toxic, and this type of slate is unhealthy.
  • Soft slate does not have frost resistance, but it is strong, durable and at the same time flexible.
  • Plastic slate lasts up to 15 years without loss of strength, but it must be mounted carefully, given that it tends to shrink or expand depending on temperature changes.

Now there is a wide variety of decorative solutions on the market, and you can pick up slate material of any color.


The company name Ondulin has long been a household name, which is used to refer to roofing sheets imitating other materials. Three types are the most popular.

  • smart. The material has a small mass, as a result of which it is possible to carry out installation alone, without the help of a partner. Thanks to optimal size sheets and their small thickness of only 3 mm, it is possible to completely sheathe the roof of the garage in one day. It will take a lot of nails. And also when working with Smart material, the joints will need to be covered with additional decorative elements.
  • DIY. This variety is more rigid than the previous one. This is due to the fact that the waves here are more frequent and higher. The mass of the material remains the same. So, such options are more suitable for roofs of complex architecture, and not for elementary ones. garage structures. The material is overlapped, due to which its consumption increases.
  • "Tile". Finishing with this type of sheet is indistinguishable from finishing with metal tiles, but it is much easier to implement than laying out a real tiled roof. A wide variety of color options is presented, and there are not only plain roofs, but also spotted ones.


steel roofs raises more questions than any of the others.

  • First, they are not strong enough. Any strong mechanical damage will easily warp too flexible material.
  • Secondly, steel does not hold temperature at all, as a result of which it will be necessary to take additional care of the heat-insulating layer.
  • Thirdly, waterproofing is also not up to standard: the roof can easily start to leak, endangering the safety of your car. You will need to additionally seal the roof.

However, seam steel floors are distinguished by several significant advantages. In the first place is the price: it is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of other options. Repairing this roof is also easy, since the panels are fastened to each other by means of ordinary tucks. The roof can be covered with this material even in winter. Due to its flexibility, steel is excellent for winter installation. So, because of all this folded roof coverings confidently kept in the list of the most popular among all materials for the design of side buildings.


Roofing material is laid on solid crate. Its advantage is that it is sold in rolls, and there will be no difficulties with installation. However, there are several pitfalls here as well.

  • It should be borne in mind that the material consumption will be impressive. Roofing material is laid in three layers, which are smeared bituminous mastic for better thermal and waterproofing.
  • The service life of the material is 15 years, after which it will need to be dismantled.
  • The material is mainly used for finishing flat roofs. Roofing material coating cannot be called aesthetically attractive: when pitched roofs are sheathed with it, they are additionally covered from above with some material with better decorative properties.

Roofing felt is produced in four main categories, which differ in the type of base.

  • Rubemast gives the coating durability due to the fact that it is more flexible, less prone to cracking.
  • Stekloruberoid or steklomast has characteristics similar to rubemast, however, it is based on fiberglass, and not on building cardboard.
  • Tol is practically not produced, since it lags far behind in quality, but in terms of manufacturing price it is on a par with other types.
  • Euroruberoid has a complex structure. This material is the newest of all, and its qualities are far superior to those of traditional roofing felts.


This variety is of the greatest interest due to its unusual appearance. The peculiarity of polycarbonate roofs is that they are transparent. Depending on which type of polycarbonate is selected, the degree of transparency varies. So, the surface can be from slightly hazy to almost opaque. By structure, monolithic and cellular polycarbonate plates are distinguished. The first option is cheaper, but the second does not require additional arrangement of thermal insulation.

Polycarbonate is resistant to all kinds of influences, both physical and chemical. It is non-flammable, so it can be classified as a fireproof material.

However, it should be borne in mind that if you plan to make a warm garage, polycarbonate will not work. Due to the arrangement of additional thermal insulation, all its decorative qualities will be lost, and the result will not please as much as it could. If you need a warm garage, then it is better to make a roof from a cheaper material.

slope angle

The device of the roof involves carrying out complex calculations, including the lifting of the roof. Regardless of whether a gable or single-slope design is chosen, lifting is mandatory. The only exceptions are flat roofs, but there is always a slight slope of a couple of degrees.

The height to which the roof must be raised is determined by many factors. important detail is how exactly the slope will be located. note that optimally position the ramp on the windward side. It does not matter whether the garage will be closed from the wind by other structures or a fence - this rule is immutable.

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Garage storage of cars not only increases their safety, but also increases the operating time. In most cases, the simplest garage project with a low estimated cost is chosen. It is possible to build such structures in just 2-3 weeks, the specific terms depend on the complexity of the project and the individual wishes of the developers.

Currently, warm garage options are not popular for several reasons.

Shed roof - best option truss system for budget garage projects. What are its advantages and are there any disadvantages?

Objective characteristics of pitched roofs

Let's start the review of the technical and operational parameters of shed roofs in an unconventional way, not with advantages, but with disadvantages. The disadvantages include the following factors.

Lack of attic space or its small volume

Indeed, shed roofs can simultaneously serve as a garage ceiling (the attic is completely absent) or have a separate ceiling, but it is located at a minimum distance from the rafter system. This drawback is very conditional, today there is no need to store a complete set of spare parts in the garage due to their shortage, everything missing can be purchased in stores without any problems. And from such garage storage, technically complex units quickly lose their factory data. As for the set of winter / summer tires, there is always a place for it in the garage itself or in a small attic.

High snow load

According to SNiP, with a roof slope of less than 20 °, the entire snow cover remains on the surface of the slopes. Shed roofs rarely have an angle of inclination exceeding such values, respectively, during calculations, it is necessary to take into account the maximum values ​​​​of the height of the snow cover for each climate zone, increase the stability of the truss system, take special measures to increase its reliability. But for garages this is not a problem, the small size of the building significantly reduces the overall load and facilitates work.

Low design performance

This is a very controversial statement, each garage owner has his own preferences. There is no need to obey the designers in everything, they see the project only once, and they will not use the garage. Best of all, in terms of design parameters, the building that the owner likes, and not the designers. Now it's time to talk a little about the benefits shed roof for the garage.

Table. Benefits of shed roofs for garages.

IndexShort description
low cost If we take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the cost of the roof, then single-pitched roofs are the cheapest among all the options used in construction. Garage roofs are rarely insulated, and this significantly reduces the estimated cost.
Minimum amount of non-productive waste The roof has no joints, ridges, valleys and other elements that significantly complicate the coating process. simple geometry slopes minimizes the amount of waste of expensive roofing materials.
Manufacturability and ease of installation The rafter system is very simple, there is no need to install various stops and struts, runs and skates. Beams are laid directly on bearing walls a small building or on a strapping belt.
Versatility of use Shed roofs can be made not only on garages, but also on all outbuildings. This allows you to build structures for various purposes in the same style.

According to professional builders, shed roofs - the only type of truss system that amateurs can assemble. You just need to be able to cut lumber a little and have great desire build your own garage.

Prices for snow guards

Snow guard

Shed roof truss options

A simple design, in principle, cannot have many options; this rule also applies to shed roofs for a garage.

A garage with a shed roof can be either a free-standing structure or adjacent to an existing one. The second option allows you to save free space on the site, make a warm entrance / exit from the house, simplifies the connection engineering systems etc. These are virtues.

But there is in attached garages significant disadvantage. Indicators bearing capacity the foundation of the house and the garage are certainly different. During seasonal fluctuations in architectural structures, a gap will appear between the garage and the wall of the house; to prevent leaks, a set of special construction measures will have to be taken, which somewhat complicates construction. And in the case of large fluctuations, leakage cannot be eliminated. Conclusion - extensions should be provided at the stage of development of the project of the main buildings and a common foundation should be poured for them.

Artificial facade wall pitched roof- racks with top strapping beams and plank sheathing

Prices for various types of timber

Practical Tips for Designing a Shed Roof for a Garage

We will not describe complex engineering calculations, ordinary developers do not deal with them. And the garage is not such an important and responsible building to do the project taking into account all the requirements of existing state standards and regulations. Consider only general provisions and recommendations, this information is quite enough for the construction of a reliable and durable garage.

  1. Determining the angle of inclination of the slopes. As already mentioned, for all types of roofing, the angle of inclination of the slopes cannot be less than 12 °. In practice, such buildings are rare, developers want to reinsure themselves and make the angle of inclination up to 20 °, due to this, the attic space also increases.

  2. Determination of the height difference of the slopes flat roof . After you have decided on the angle of inclination, you should find out to what height to raise the second end of the rafters. This is done using tables, a special calculator on websites or independently. To do this, multiply the length of the garage by tg α, where α is the angle of inclination of the ramp. Accordingly, if the slope will have a slope to the side, then it is necessary to multiply not the length, but the width of the garage.
  3. Determining the length of the rafters. You can continue to use calculators or formulas, but in practice it is better to measure the length with an ordinary rope or tape measure, which completely eliminates the possibility of error. One end of the rope is attached to the wall, and the other to the elevation or run. An overhang should be added to the resulting size. As a rule, the roof overhang is approximately 20 cm around the perimeter of the garage.

  4. The number of rafters and the distance between them. Here, the exact calculations are very complex, the number of elements depends on the parameters of the lumber, the type of roofing and the climatic zone of residence. You should not delve too deeply into the calculations, it is much easier to look at the already built structures and make your own truss system of the same size. Old garages have withstood the load and have stood the test of time. It's much easier and more reliable than doing complicated calculations.

Calculator for calculating the length of rafter legs

Enter the requested values ​​and click the button "Calculate the length of the rafter leg"

skate height ( ridge knot) h, meters

Building width D, meters

For which system should the calculation be made?

Calculator for calculating the distributed load on the rafters of a pitched roof

Specify the angle of the roof slope

Specify the selected type of roofing

Asbestos-cement slate of a regular profile Asbestos-cement slate of a reinforced profile Cellulose-bitumen sheets ("Euroslate", "ondulin") Roofing iron (galvanized steel) Soft tile Metal tile, corrugated board Ceramic tiles Cement-based tiles Polymer-sand tiles Soft roof - roofing material on bituminous mastic in two layers

Determine according to the map-scheme and indicate the zone of your region according to the level of snow load


Determine on the map and indicate the zone of your region according to the level of wind pressure


Specify the location of the building

Indicate the height of the roof above the ground

Not more than 5 meters - from 5 to 10 meters

Description of the truss system

We must remember that the two are completely the same truss systems no, each has its own characteristics. With the same length and width of the garage for rafters, you can use one board 50 × 150 mm or two 25 × 150 mm, lumber can be solid 6 m long, but it is possible to build two shorter boards. Rafters can simply sag or have additional stops or braces. final decision taken by an experienced master on the basis of personal practical experience. Strong whole rafters can not be reinforced with spacers, and thin or extended rafters cannot do without such elements. Supports can be placed in the center of the roof or at its corners.

Choice of crate

The crate has the same numerous manufacturing options. Under soft roofs the crate should be solid, but it can be made both from sheets of plywood or OSB, and from tightly knocked down edged board. For metal tiles and profiled sheets, there is no need to make a continuous expensive crate, and the distance between the slats depends on their size and the thickness of the metal sheets. Of course, one should always take into account snow loads. As you can see, even this far from complete list of factors affecting the shed roof truss system provides a wide choice of optimal truss systems for each specific case. And we have not yet considered options with insulated roofs, they also affect the design features.

Choosing a roof for a pitched garage roof

Currently, there are many roofing materials for roofing, in principle, all of them can be used for a garage. But professional builders recommend only a few types of coatings for shed roofs, it is on them that you should become more detailed.

Table. Roofing materials for the garage.

Type of roofingDescription of technical and operational characteristics

The most commonly used roofing material. One of the cheapest, does not require special tools for installation, has a minimum amount of waste. The term of use is from ten years, the most expensive types can be operated up to fifty years. Profiled sheets have different thicknesses, but you need to choose no thinner than 0.5 mm. The step of the lathing depends on the thickness of the roofing sheets.

In terms of price and operating time, it is in no way inferior to profiled sheets. Disadvantage - at high temperatures heating waves of ondulin gradually level out, which causes a deterioration in the initial technical indicators.

Traditional roofing material, although in recent times not recommended for use due to the presence of a carcinogen (asbestos). Such a statement by the sanitary authorities is debatable; people live in houses under slate for many decades and do not feel harm to their health. Nobody lives in garages, you should not be afraid. The disadvantage is that a lot of weight requires a reinforced truss system.

It can be both shingles and rolled coverings. Rarely used. The former are expensive, while the latter look bad. But you need to know that the cheapest roofing for shed roofs of garages is rolled.

The choice of roofing materials depends not only on their price and performance, but also on the angle of inclination of the slope. We have already mentioned that in practice this parameter is 20 ° and higher, and they can be mounted on slopes with an inclination angle of more than 12 °. So, all of the above roofing materials can be used for garage roofs.

The types of roofs for the garage are quite different, here the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building comes first. The larger it is, the more stingrays will be.
Garage roofs are also divided according to the material of manufacture, so they also have different weights. And the heavier the roof, the more powerful the frame must be made.
Today we will consider the construction of the roof of the garage. You will have the opportunity to watch the roof of the garage with your own hands video and from the photo you can see their varieties.

Types of roofs and roofing materials

First you need to consider what are and then choose the right material and determine what to make the roof of the garage from. The roof on the garage may well be made independently, you don’t have to be a great specialist here, but of course you need to have an idea.
And you can only do simple options. To begin with, it will be necessary to properly study its design.
For these purposes, you can consider the two most popular types of roofs. Each has its own design features.

Attention: First of all, before buying the material, you need to make a garage roof project. Then you can correctly calculate the amount of material.

shed roof

A flat garage roof is suitable for a small room. This type of roof is the easiest to implement. Most often seen frame garage with a flat roof.
It is quite easy to assemble, with the sale instructions are given on the installation rules. The wooden roof of the garage is also made in buildings where it is not big square land and there is no way to increase it.


  • The emphasis for it is the walls of the building, erected to different heights, and the truss system is the simplest.
  • The slope of this roof may vary. It should be chosen based on climatic conditions(including the presence of constantly blowing winds) and the selected roof covering material.
  • The angle of inclination of a shed roof can be made from 0 to 60 degrees. Doing a roof slope greater than this value is not recommended. The properties of the material chosen to cover the roof will determine the amount of slope (slope).

Attention: What more roof along the plane, the greater the slope should be. This will reduce the load on the frame and precipitation will be better discharged.

  • The basis for the construction of any roof are rafters. The rafter system is made from well-dried spruce or pine boards and bars, which are pre-impregnated with an antiseptic.
    It is he who protects wooden structures from fire, dampness, pests. For the construction of single-pitched blood, an inclined truss system is more suitable than others.

Gable roof

A garage for one car with a gable roof can be seen quite often. We have installation instructions on our website.


  • The gable roof of the garage, in addition to aesthetic advantages, also has purely practical ones. It makes it possible to arrange a comfortable attic space. The simplest gable roof has the form of an isosceles triangle.
  • There is nothing complicated in her device if there is a desire and necessary materials and tools. The rafter system and roofing are the components of any roof.
    Rafter legs are installed in rows in pairs and connected top in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof ridge, thereby forming its frame. The lower part of the rafters rests on a mauerlat (horizontal beam), which, in turn, is attached with anchors to the walls of the building.
  • The width of the roof and its height to the ridge is necessary to calculate the amount of materials needed. To calculate the height of the ridge and the length of the rafter leg, you need to measure the width of the walls of the building and the angle of the roof.
  • The installation of the truss system is done in stages, starting with the strengthening of the Mauerlat and ending with the installation of the crate for further covering the roof with the selected material. If the mauerlat is attached to the walls of a building made of concrete or brick, then waterproofing must be made between them (see). A ruberoid lining can act as it.

Roof materials

The roof of the garage can be made from different materials. They have quite different prices and it all depends on the state of your wallet.
A garage with a tile roof will be much more expensive than a slate roof. But laying metal tiles will take less time. But there are other materials that are used quite often.


This wide known material is considered the easiest to use and inexpensive. One roll of roofing material is enough to cover 10 square meters. meters of roof.


  • Roofing material (see) is laid on a concrete base only after it has been completely cleaned of the old coating and dirt. A layer of hot bituminous mastic is applied to the concrete, and immediately, without waiting for it to cool, a layer of roofing material is laid. For snug fit material to the surface, it is leveled with a special roller.
  • The built-up roofing material can be laid without cleaning the surface from the old coating. With the help of a gas burner, a roll of roofing felt is heated until the adhesive layer begins to melt, and pressed tightly to the surface, rolled out. The canvas is also leveled using a roller.
  • Ruberoid coating requires periodic inspection for the timely detection of damage and the necessary repairs.

Galvanized iron for roofing

A galvanized iron roof has a long service life and is relatively cheap, but it has some disadvantages.

  • Sheets of iron are overlapped from the bottom up, starting from the bottom corner of the roof. Attached with self-tapping screws with steel gaskets.
  • The installation of sheets with a locking system avoids damage to the material, since it is carried out without making through holes, which prevents the penetration of moisture.
  • To extend the life of the roof, it should be painted. Acrylic primer-enamel for galvanized iron will well protect the zinc layer from the negative effects of weather conditions.

bituminous tiles

Soft tile is a new generation roofing material. Made from cellulose coated with bitumen.
In fact, these are multi-colored pieces of roofing material different shapes, treated with polymers for strength. The roof from it turns out to be similar to a classic tiled one, but in a modern design.


  • The composition of this modern material: fiberglass, modified bitumen and stone dressing. It is recommended to lay it at a temperature not lower than 5 degrees, otherwise it becomes brittle.
  • Installation of tile strips starts from the bottom from the center, and then goes along the eaves in vertical rows. Each row is offset from the previous one. This is done to form a beautiful pattern.
  • Sheets of soft tiles are fastened with galvanized nails. The edges of the strips (shingles) are glued with bituminous mastic, which improves waterproofing.
  • To obtain a roof of uniform color, it is recommended to mix the tiles from different packages.


The most commonly used for roofing is traditional asbestos cement slate.

Installation and installation of a slate covering are carried out similarly to the installation of a corrugated roof. Slate is attached to the prepared surface with slate nails or special screws.

Attention: You must first drill holes in the slate sheets. Internal corners each of the sheets are cut diagonally to ensure a tight fit of the slate.

Recently, modern roofing has become more popular, for example, corrugated board (see). It is superior to slate both in ease of installation and in service life.


Another popular modern roofing material.


  • Made from cellulose and impregnated with bitumen, ondulin is much more environmentally friendly than materials that include asbestos. This material provides good waterproofing and prevents noise penetration.
  • When installing, you need to pay attention to the cracks that can form at the junction of the slopes. They must be sealed with a profile seal.

Attention: It is not recommended to walk on the roof of ondulin, it does not withstand heavy weight. In order to avoid rapid burnout of the material, when buying it, you should choose a reliable manufacturer.


Garage roofs can be covered with polycarbonate of 2 types: monolithic and cellular:

  • Monolithic sheets in their appearance and properties resemble glass, but they are stronger and lighter. Good for working on flat surfaces.

Attention: Due to the cost significantly higher than other materials, monolithic polycarbonate is not in demand.

  • Cellular polycarbonate, on the contrary, has gained great popularity. Advantages in flexibility and lightness make it possible to use it in the construction of fantasy structures. It stands much lower than its counterpart, well resists fire and the effects of chemically active environments.
  • The high strength of cellular (in a different way cellular) polycarbonate has a positive effect on its service life.

The garage roof can be covered with any of the listed materials, you just need to choose the one that is most suitable for you.

In times of scarcity of materials, outbuildings were built from the remains of boards and everything that remained after the construction of the house. Of course, from this they did not lose functionality, but significantly spoiled the appearance of the site. Teter garage is made as part of an architectural ensemble, made in the same style and color scheme. In this article we will tell you how to make a high-quality gable roof for a garage with your own hands, we will figure out how to draw up a project and carry out the installation correctly.

A gable roof is a simple structure consisting of two inclined planes called roof slopes. They rest on the outer walls of the garage and converge at the ridge joint, which is the highest point of the roof. Two slopes and the base of the roof form an isosceles triangle. This method Overlapping a garage compared to other options has the following advantages:

  1. Ensuring self-descent of snow and rainwater from the roof. The inclined surface of the slopes of a gable roof contributes to the removal of water and snow masses, due to which the load on truss frame does not increase, and the need to clean the roof of snow rarely occurs. In regions with high winter rainfall, a gable garage roof is a viable alternative. shed structures, which often fall in snowfalls.
  2. Profitability. To make a gable roof with your own hands, it takes a little building materials. Lumber from which the truss frame and roofing materials are made have affordable price, therefore, the total cost of work on blocking the garage will not be much higher than the cost of erecting single-sided counterparts of the same area.
  3. Easy assembly. A separate article of savings may be the refusal to involve in the construction of the roof professional workers, since even an inexperienced craftsman can correctly make a gable roof for a garage with his own hands.
  4. High energy efficiency. Due to its shape, the gable roof reduces energy losses during space heating. It is considered the most energy efficient way to cover buildings for household purposes. Therefore, if heating is carried out in the garage, a do-it-yourself gable roof is the most correct option.
  5. Organization of storage. The garage, first of all, is reserved for the maintenance of cars and other equipment, however, it must have a place for storing seasonal tools, wheels and spare parts. The gable roof allows you to organize spacious shelving in the attic, they are easily made by hand in accordance with the needs of the owners.

Note! A garage with a gable roof, unlike a shed roof, looks like an independent structure. It can be located not only near the house, but in any convenient location site. Experienced craftsmen recommend making slopes with a slope of 20-30 degrees and using roofing material that was used for the house to maintain a single design style.


The first step in building a do-it-yourself gable roof for a garage is to create a project that reflects the main design parameters. To get to work, you need to determine three main characteristics: the height of the ridge, the slope of the slopes and the type of roofing. When creating a project, calculations are carried out taking into account the loads imposed on the frame elements. The total weight of the roof is calculated to determine how deep the foundation is required. To sketch a working scheme, you need to correctly make the following calculations:

Important! The choice of a suitable roofing material depends on the angle of inclination of the slopes. The slope of 20-30 degrees, which most experienced roofers recommend for the roof of the garage, allows you to use it as a cover. soft tiles, corrugated board, slate or roll materials. But the metal tile, popular in do-it-yourself construction, requires slopes of 35 degrees or more.

truss frame

The basis of each gable roof is a truss frame, a set of elements that ensure the stability and stability of the roof structure. The roof of the garage is built on the basis of rafters made of wood. conifers impregnated with antiseptic and refractory substances. Depending on the layout of the building, the weight and area covered by the roofing material, 2 different types truss systems:

Note! When calculating the rafter system, the weight of its elements is taken into account, since it increases the load on the foundation. To avoid overload, leading to deformation of the base of the building, a balance should be struck between the thickness of the section and the number of rafters. The size of the lumber is chosen in accordance with the tables, taking into account the length of the rafters and the step between them.


The most crucial moment if you are building a roof with your own hands is the installation itself. In order to avoid mistakes, it is better to sketch a schematic drawing that reflects all the dimensions of the frame elements, the distance between them, as well as the method of attachment. Work is performed in the following order:

Note! If the garage premises are heated, the slopes are thermally insulated, as well. To do this, use non-combustible fibrous insulation, for example, basalt wool or expanded polystyrene.

Video instruction

The triangle has great stability compared to other simple shapes. It underlies various truss systems. If you are faced with choosing a shape, type of roof and roofing material, then a do-it-yourself gable roof for a garage will be a reliable option.

Why double?

It will be easier to answer this question if you just know about all the benefits:

  • Great convenience and ease of installation. Having good instruction, even those who do not have much experience in roofing can cope with the construction of such a structure.
  • Availability of accessories. All the necessary elements can be bought or ordered specifically for your project.
  • Possibility to choose the best slope angle. This leads to a good drainage of precipitation, and hence a long service life of the coating and other materials.
  • If no premises are planned under the roof, then cold attic reduce the need for additional heating and ventilation.
  • Ease of placement various nodes in the roof space.
  • The advantage of organizing an attic room.
  • Choice of any type of roofing.
  • Installation additional windows or skylights.
  • The possibility of an individual approach.

Sometimes the implementation of the form gable roof can be very interesting. It doesn't have to be the shape of an isosceles triangle. Also distinguished:

  • Asymmetric. In this case, the length of one slope may exceed the other. This option can be used in cases where the house is located on a significant difference in ground level. Or on one side there is an extension of great height.
  • Hip or four-slope. This option is more like a pyramid, so it is more stable. Also, its appearance is more attractive.
  • Half hip. In this embodiment, two parallel slopes are not lowered to the very end. In the gables can be located windows, as well as a manhole.
  • Broken or attic. This option is perfect if you plan to make an additional room in the attic space.

The slopes do not have to be absolutely flat. They can be made in the Chinese style - with a notch, or, conversely, in the shape of an arch. Everything will be limited by the imagination of the customer and the capabilities of the contractor.

Basic concepts

Before starting any work, you need to familiarize yourself with the theory. The main components of the rafter system are:

  1. Mauerlat. This is the foundation of the whole structure. It is usually made from timber or several boards, which are fastened together to form a monolithic rectangle.
  2. Rafter or rafter legs. These are inclined beams (sides of a triangle) that go around the entire perimeter and are responsible for the rigidity of the entire structure.
  3. Struts. These are also beams that are installed at a certain angle. Their purpose is to create support for the rafter legs.
  4. Bolt or puff. The transverse bar, which is the base of the triangle. It can be raised or located between the edges of the rafter legs. Sometimes two of them can be used in a design.
  5. Grandmother. This is the vertical bar (the height of the triangle). It is attached between the rafter legs. It is used in cases where the width of the roof exceeds 6 m.
  6. Run. An additional beam that fits parallel to the Mauerlat. It is a support and is used in cases where it is necessary to mount the headstock.
  7. Filly. It is used in cases where the ramp does not protrude to the required level. Fastened as a continuation of the rafter legs. Usually made from smaller boards.
  8. Skate. The junction of two cross-bar legs at the top.
  9. Skate ride. Longitudinal beam, which is located at the bottom of the ridge or serves to adjoin the legs.
  10. Rack. A board that is installed parallel to the headstock, but closer to the corner. Serves for uniform distribution load and transfer it to the internal walls.
  11. Crate. Rails that are attached to outside the entire roof plane. Necessary in order to ensure good fixation of the future roofing.

It is important to remember that some of these elements will not be necessary for all projects. They are needed in order to increase rigidity and stability when the width of the supporting walls exceeds 6 m. Also, with such a width, hanging rafters are usually chosen, if the width is greater, then supporting ones will already be needed.

Note! During the installation process, it sometimes becomes necessary to increase the length of the rafter legs or other elements. To do this correctly, you need to join two boards and grab them in pieces on both sides of the seam.

Any construction begins not with the application of force, but with the use of mental abilities. The first is the numbers, then how to do it. The calculation of the roof begins with the choice of the angle of inclination of the slopes. This will depend on:

  • the amount of precipitation;
  • the location of the building;
  • choice of material for flooring;
  • maximum wind force;
  • desire to install zeniths or windows;
  • budget - the larger the angle of the slope, the more expensive it will cost. Indeed, in this case it will be necessary more material for flooring.

The more precipitation throughout the year, the larger the angle must be so that water or snow can be removed without hindrance. This is important so that the critical load does not increase and moisture stagnation does not occur. If strong winds are often observed, then the angle will need to be reduced. If you plan to have skylights, then the angle should not exceed 25˚. Usually the most optimal values consider 20–35˚ (sometimes the slope can reach 45˚).

Note! The degree of load from blowing winds is taken from the average readings for the region and multiplied by a correction factor. The value of the snow cover is also taken from the average and multiplied by a correction factor (usually this figure is in the range of 80–320 kg / m 2).

When the angle is determined, you can set the height of the future structure. To do this, you need to use the basic concepts from geometry. Divide an isosceles triangle into two right triangles. So we will know the length of the base, it will be equal to half the width of the building. Now, having this value, it must be multiplied by the tangent of the selected angle (the value of the tangent can be viewed from the Bradis tables). When we know the length of two legs, we can find out the length of the future slope. To do this, we square the length of each, and then add the result. After that, it must be taken out from under the root. But remember that the slope will need to be slightly increased in order for the formwork to be covered.

Note! The step between the rafter legs is selected individually depending on the loads. Usually it is in the range of 60-120 cm.

A gable roof is essentially two rectangles that rest on top of each other, so it's easy to calculate the area. To do this, we multiply the length of the slope by the total length of the roof and, the resulting result, we multiply by two more.

Having all the values, you can calculate the material that is required. The amount of roofing material will be equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes. For Mauerlat, you will need a beam of 15 × 15 or 10 × 10 cm. The total length will be equal to two building lengths. For crossbar legs, a board of 15 × 10 cm is usually used (it is also used for pasterns and jibs). To find out how much will be needed, it is necessary to determine at what distance they will be. This will give the quantity in pieces. Knowing the number and size, you can calculate the amount of m 3. It is also necessary to take into account what additional elements will apply. For the run, you can use a beam of 15 × 10 cm. For the crate, the material is selected in accordance with the recommendation of the flooring manufacturer.

Note! Now online calculators are available to automate the calculation of all values.


Before starting installation, it is necessary to make sure that the load-bearing walls are strong enough to withstand not only the weight of the roof, but also the weight of maximum rainfall. The ideal would be to have reinforced belt at the top.

  • The first thing to do is to ensure the waterproofing of the Mauerlat. To do this, roofing material or other similar material is laid along the entire plane of the upper end of the wall. Wood absorbs moisture well, which can perfectly rise through the macropores of concrete. If this is not prevented, then the beams will simply rot.
  • Beams are cut to required size and climb the wall. They are attached to concrete with bolted (clamping) anchor bolts. Under no circumstances should frames be used. They serve for spreading. Studs are another way. But they will need to be bricked up at the stage of building a wall or pouring an armored belt. The depth of their occurrence should be about 1 m. Mauerlat is located either closer to the inner edge, or in the middle. The distance from the outer edge should not be less than 5 cm.
  • In addition to the Mauerlat timber, you can use several boards. In this case, they will need to be well pulled together with self-tapping screws or nails. If you have to make it from a non-solid beam, then the dressing should be in the middle of the wall and not move to the edges.
  • Next, you can proceed to the installation of the transverse beams. The design may be different: several longitudinal runs are mounted, and the ceiling boards are already hemmed to them.
  • Now you need to set landmarks in order to install farms. To do this, on the Mauerlat, you need to mark the installation sites for future rafters. We already know their number and step. First measured extreme points from the walls along the edges of the support beam. After that, be sure to check the diagonals so that there is no displacement.
  • Farms can be assembled right at the top, or ready-made structures are raised to the garage.

  • Most builders pull several reference ropes to maintain one plane. One goes along the ridge and two more at a distance of about 50 cm. But this approach is not always rational. The wind can shake the level of the thread, or it can be lifted by some board. To prevent this from happening, you can do the following. Installed several vertical supports, they are fixed with jibs. A longitudinal board is attached to these supports. She will serve as a level. Its rigidity is enough to correctly set the angle and the common plane. After installation, it can be dismantled. True, this method will be irrelevant if the farms are going downstairs.
  • There is one more option. Two extreme trusses are installed, a ridge support or several longitudinal boards. They will serve as a level.
  • If you do not want to fiddle with the fit so that the tops of the trusses are end-to-end, then you can overlap them. Installation begins with the gable rafter legs (they must be butt-joined to facilitate future sheathing), from one and the other edge. You need to move towards the middle. The legs are connected to each other with nails or bolts. A wooden overlay is necessarily thrown from below, it can be replaced with a nailed metal plate.
  • In the direction of travel, temporary jumpers are installed that hold the entire structure.
  • In places where the rafter will be adjacent to the Mauerlat, it is necessary to wash down so that the leg lies well. Fixation occurs with the help of a sliding support or a metal corner.
  • It is important to ensure that the height difference between the beams for the rafters does not exceed 1 cm, otherwise the roof will not turn out to be even.
  • After all the rafter legs are mounted, you can proceed to the installation of the vapor barrier. It is attached with a construction stapler to the crossbar legs according to the marks applied on the film.

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