Encyclopedia of fire safety

The maximum length of water heated floors. Underfloor heating contour length: optimal pipe values. How many degrees are allowed for temperature changes

One of the conditions for the implementation of high-quality and proper heating premises with the help of a warm floor is to maintain the temperature of the coolant in accordance with the specified parameters.

These parameters are determined by the project, taking into account the required amount of heat for the heated room and flooring.

Required data for calculation

The efficiency of the heating system depends on a properly laid circuit.

To maintain the set temperature regime indoors, it is necessary to correctly calculate the length of the loops used to circulate the coolant.

First, you need to collect the initial data on the basis of which the calculation will be performed and which consist of the following indicators and characteristics:

  • the temperature that should be above the floor covering;
  • layout diagram of loops with coolant;
  • distance between pipes;
  • the maximum possible length of the pipe;
  • the possibility of using several contours of different lengths;
  • connection of several loops to one collector and to one pump and their possible number with such a connection.

Based on the above data, it is possible to perform the correct calculation of the length of the underfloor heating circuit and, due to this, to ensure a comfortable temperature regime in the room with minimal cost to pay for energy supplies.

Floor temperature

The temperature on the surface of the floor, made with a water heating device underneath, depends on functional purpose premises. Its values ​​should not exceed those specified in the table:

Compliance with the temperature regime in accordance with the above values ​​will create a favorable environment for the work and rest of the people in them.

Pipe laying options used for underfloor heating

Underfloor heating options

The laying scheme can be performed with a regular, double and corner snake or snail. Various combinations of these options are also possible, for example, along the edge of the room you can lay out a pipe with a snake, and then the middle part with a snail.

AT large rooms complex configuration, it is better to lay with a snail. In rooms of small size and with a variety of complex configurations, snake laying is used.

Distance between pipes

The pipe laying step is determined by calculation and usually corresponds to 15, 20 and 25 cm, but no more. When laying out the pipes with a step of more than 25 cm, the human foot will feel the temperature difference between and directly above them.

At the edges of the room, the heating circuit pipe is laid in increments of 10 cm.

Permissible contour length

The length of the circuit must be selected according to the diameter of the pipe

It depends on the pressure in a particular closed loop and hydraulic resistance, the values ​​of which determine the diameter of the pipes and the volume of fluid that is fed into them per unit time.

When installing a warm floor, situations often occur when the circulation of the coolant in a separate loop is disturbed, which cannot be restored by any pump, water is locked in this circuit, as a result of which it cools down. This results in pressure losses of up to 0.2 bar.

Based practical experience, you can adhere to the following recommended sizes:

  1. Less than 100 m can be a loop made of metal-plastic pipe 16 mm in diameter. For reliability optimal size is 80 m.
  2. Not more than 120 m take the maximum length of the circuit of 18 mm pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene. Experts are trying to install a circuit with a length of 80-100 m.
  3. No more than 120-125 m, the size of the loop for metal-plastic with a diameter of 20 mm is considered acceptable. In practice, they also try to reduce this length to ensure sufficient reliability of the system.

For more exact definition the size of the loop length for the underfloor heating in the room in question, in which there will be no problems with the circulation of the coolant, it is necessary to perform calculations.

Application of several contours of different lengths

The device of the floor heating system provides for the implementation of several circuits. Of course, the ideal option is when all the loops have the same length. In this case, no adjustment and balancing of the system is required, but it is almost impossible to implement such a piping scheme. Detailed video about calculating the length of the water circuit, see this video:

For example, it is necessary to implement a floor heating system in several rooms, one of which, for example, a bathroom, has an area of ​​4 m2. This means that 40 m of pipe will be needed to heat it. It is not advisable to arrange contours of 40 m in other rooms, while loops of 80-100 m can be made.

The difference in pipe lengths is determined by calculation. If it is impossible to perform calculations, a requirement can be applied that allows a difference in the length of the contours of the order of 30-40%.

Also, the difference in the lengths of the loops can be compensated by increasing or decreasing the diameter of the pipe and changing the pitch of its laying.

Ability to connect to one node and pump

The number of loops that can be connected to one collector and one pump is determined depending on the power of the equipment used, the number of thermal circuits, the diameter and material of the pipes used, the area of ​​​​heated premises, the material of the enclosing structures, and many other various indicators.

Such calculations must be entrusted to specialists with knowledge and practical skills in the implementation of such projects.

Loop size determination

The loop size depends on total area premises

Having collected all the initial data, considering possible options creating a heated floor and having determined the most optimal of them, you can proceed directly to calculating the length of the contour of a water heated floor.

To do this, it is necessary to divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the loops for water floor heating are laid by the distance between the pipes and multiply by a factor of 1.1, which takes into account 10% for turns and bends.

To the result you need to add the length of the pipeline, which will need to be laid from the collector to the warm floor and back. The answer to the key questions of organizing a warm floor, see this video:

You can determine the length of the loop laid in 20 cm increments in a room of 10 m2, located at a distance of 3 m from the collector, by doing the following:

10/0.2*1.1+(3*2)=61 m.

In this room, 61 m of pipe must be laid, forming a heating circuit, in order to ensure the possibility of high-quality heating of the floor covering.

The presented calculation helps to create conditions for maintaining comfortable temperature air in small separate rooms.

To correctly determine the pipe length of several thermal circuits for a large number premises powered from one collector, it is necessary to involve the design organization.

She will do this with the help of specialized programs that take into account many different factors on which the uninterrupted circulation of water depends, and hence the high-quality floor heating.

Today, the "warm floor" system is very popular among the owners of apartments and private houses. The vast majority of those who have heating system, or has already done the installation of a similar design in their housing, or is thinking about it. They are especially relevant in homes where there are small children who crawl and can freeze without adequate heating. These designs are much more economical than other heating systems. In addition, they interact better with the human body, because, unlike the electric version, they do not create magnetic fluxes. Among them positive qualities fire safety and high efficiency. In this case, the heated air is evenly distributed throughout the space of the room.

The principle is that lines are laid under the coating, through which the coolant circulates - as a rule, water, heating the floor surface and the room. This method copes with heating very effectively, provided that the design is correctly calculated and if its installation is done correctly.

System mounting options

There are two principles by which the installation of a warm water floor can be carried out - flooring and concrete. In both options, a heater is necessarily used under the contour of the water floor - this is necessary so that all the heat goes up and heats the home. If the heater is not used, the space below will also be heated, which is completely unacceptable, since it reduces the heating effect. As a heater, it is customary to use penoplex or penofol. Penoplex has excellent heat-insulating properties, repels moisture and does not lose its properties in a humid environment. It has good resistance to compressive loads, is easy to use and inexpensive. Penofol also has a foil layer, which serves as a reflector of thermal radiation inside the apartment.

The first option is that we put the contour on a flooring made of insulation - polystyrene foam, penofol or another suitable material. We cover the contour on top with a tree or other coating. The step by step process is as follows:

  1. We carry out a thin rough screed;
  2. We lay sheets of insulation with grooves for the highway;
  3. We lay the line and perform pressure testing;
  4. We cover the top with a substrate made of foamed polyethylene or polystyrene;
  5. We put a top coat of laminate or other material with good thermal conductivity on top.

The second option looks like this:

  1. We carry out a thin concrete screed;
  2. We put a heater on the screed;
  3. We lay out waterproofing on the insulation, on top of which we place the contour of the warm water floor;
  4. At the top we fix it with a reinforcing mm and fill it with a concrete screed;
  5. We put the finish coat on the screed.

The temperature is controlled by two thermometers- one shows the temperature of the coolant entering the line, the other - the temperature reverse flow. If the difference is between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius, then the design is working properly.

Methods for laying the contour of a warm water floor

When we carry out installation, the highway can be laid out in the following ways:

For spacious rooms with a simple geometric configuration, it is worth using the snail method. For small rooms of complex shape, it is more convenient and efficient to use the snake method.

These methods can, of course, be combined with each other.

depending on the diameter of the line and the size of the room. The smaller the laying step, the better and better the housing warms up, but on the other hand, then the costs for heating the coolant, materials and installation structures increase significantly. The maximum step size can be 30 centimeters, but this value cannot be exceeded, otherwise the human foot will feel the temperature difference. There will be more heat loss near the outer walls, so the line laying step in these places should be less than in the middle.

The material for the manufacture of pipes is polypropylene or cross-linked polyethylene. If you are using polypropylene pipes, it is worth choosing an option with fiberglass reinforcement, since polypropylene tends to expand when heated. Polyethylene pipes when heated, they behave well and they do not need reinforcement.

Water floor contour length

The length of the water circuit of the warm floor is calculated by the formula:

L=S\N*1,1, where

L - loop length,

S is the area of ​​the heated room,

N - laying step length,

1.1 - pipe safety factor.

There is such a thing as the maximum length of the water loop - if we exceed it, loopback effect may occur. This is a situation when the coolant flow is distributed in the line in such a way that a pump of any power cannot set it in motion. The maximum loop size directly depends on the diameter of the pipe. As a rule, it is in the range from 70 to 125 meters. The material from which the pipe is made also plays a role here.

The question arises - what to do if one circuit of the maximum size is not able to heat the room? The answer is simple - we are designing a double-circuit floor.

Installation of a system where a two-circuit design option is used is no different from where one circuit is used. If the double-circuit option does not cope with the task, add the required number of loops, as much as possible to connect to a home-made polypropylene floor heating manifold.

The question arises - how much one circuit in size can differ from another in a design where there are more than one. In theory, the installation of a warm water floor structure assumes an equal distribution of the load, and therefore it is desirable that the length of the loops be approximately the same. But this is not always possible, especially if one collector serves several rooms. For example, the size of the loop in the bathroom will be clearly smaller than in the living room. In this case, the balancing fittings equalize the load along the contours. The variation in size in such cases is allowed up to 40 percent.

Installation of a warm water heating structure is allowed only in those parts of the room where there will be no overall furniture. This is due to the excessive load on it and the fact that in these areas it is impossible to ensure proper heat transfer. This space is called the usable area of ​​​​the room. Depending on this area, as well as on the laying step, the number of design loops depends.

  • 15 cm - up to 12 m 2;
  • 20 cm - up to 16 m 2;
  • 25 cm - up to 20 m 2;
  • 30 cm - up to 24 m 2.

Underfloor heating installation - what else you need to know

When installing a water heating system, you should know a few more important things.

  • One loop should heat one room - it should not be stretched over two or more rooms.
  • One pump must serve one manifold group.
  • When calculating multi-storey buildings served by one collector, the coolant flow should be distributed, starting from the upper floors. In this case, the heat loss of the floor on the second floor will serve as additional heating for the premises of the first floor.
  • One collector is able to serve up to 9 loops with a loop length of up to 90 m, and with a length of 60-70 m - up to 11 loops.


Warm water heating systems are extremely convenient and efficient in operation. It is quite possible to install them on your own. An important role is played by the correctness of calculations, accuracy and thoroughness in the performance of all work, taking into account all the features and details. After carrying out all the work, you will be able to enjoy the warmth and comfort of a well-heated room with a floor that is so pleasant to walk barefoot on.

In almost every country house underfloor heating must be installed. Before such heating is created, the required pipe length is calculated.

In each such private house, autonomous system heat supply. If the layout of the premises allows, the owners of such country estates themselves install a warm water floor.

Of course, the installation of such a floor can be done in an ordinary apartment, but such work is very laborious. Owners and employees have to solve a lot of problems. The main difficulty will be connecting the pipe to the current system heat supply. Installing an additional boiler in a small apartment is simply impossible.

The amount of heat that needs to be supplied to the room depends on the correctness of this calculation so that it always has a comfortable temperature. The calculations carried out will help determine the power of the warm floor, as well as help to make right choice boiler and pump.

It is very difficult to make such a calculation. There are quite a few different criteria to consider:

  • Season;
  • The temperature of the air outside;
  • Room type;
  • The number and dimensions of the window;
  • Floor covering.
  • Wall insulation;
  • Where is the room located, downstairs or on the upper floors;
  • Alternative heat sources;
  • office equipment;
  • Lighting.

To make it more convenient to perform such a calculation, average values ​​are taken. If a double-glazed window is installed in the house and done good insulation, this parameter will be approximately equal to 40 W / m2.

Warm buildings with little thermal insulation constantly lose about 70-80 W / m2.

If you take old house, heat losses increase sharply and approach 100 W/m2.

In new cottages where wall insulation has not been done, where panoramic windows, losses, can be about 300 W/m2.

Once you have selected an approximate value for your room, you can start calculating the replenishment of heat losses.

How to determine the optimal room temperature

In this case, there are no particular difficulties. For orientation, you can use the recommended values, or come up with your own. And be sure to take into account flooring.

The floor of the dwelling should be heated to 29 degrees. At a distance from external walls more than half a meter, the floor temperature should reach 35 degrees. If the room is constantly high humidity, you will need to heat the floor surface to 33 degrees.

If the house is supposed wooden parquet, the floor must not be heated above 27 degrees, as the parquet may deteriorate.

Carpet is able to retain heat, it makes it possible to increase the temperature by about 4-5 degrees.

How is the calculation done

Calculation of pipes for underfloor heating is done according to the following scheme. For one square meter floor surface requires 5 meters of pipe. The step length should be 20 cm. The required amount is calculated by the formula:

  • L \u003d S / N x 1.1
  • Area - S:
  • Laying step - N;
  • Spare pipe, to create turns - 1.1.

For greater accuracy, the distance from the collector to the floor is added and multiplied by two. An example of calculating the length of a warm floor pipe:

  • Floor area - 15 sq. m;
  • Length from the collector to the floor - 4 m;
  • Laying step - 0.15m;
  • It turns out: 15 / 0.15 x 1.1 + (4 x 2) = 118 m.

Contour length calculation

To calculate the length of the contour, it is necessary to take into account the diameter of the pipe and the material from which it is made. Take, for example, a metal-plastic, 16 inch pipe. In order for the warm floor to function well, the length of the water circuit should be no more than 100 meters. The most suitable length for such a pipe is 75–80 meters.

If 18 mm is taken, made of polyethylene, the length of the water circuit should be within 120 meters. Basically, a pipe equal to 90–100 meters is installed.

The pipe consumption for a warm floor from a metal-plastic pipe 20 mm will be 100 - 120 meters.

When choosing a pipe, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. It must be said that the material and method of laying has a strong influence on the quality of the warm floor and its durability. Practical experience has shown that the most best material for warm there will be metal-plastic pipes.

Calculation of the number of contours

If you take into account all the rules, it becomes clear that one circuit of the warm floor is enough for small rooms. When the area of ​​​​the room is much larger, you need to divide it into sections, in a ratio of 1: 2. In other words, the width of the section will be less than its length, exactly half. To determine the number of plots, you need to know the following parameters:

  • Step 15 cm - plot area 12 sq. meters;
  • 20 cm - 16 sq. meters;
  • 25 cm - 20 sq. meters;
  • 30 cm - 24 sq. meters.

Sometimes the supply section is made longer than 15 meters. Masters advise the indicated values ​​​​to be increased by another 2 square meters. meters.

Is it possible to mount a warm floor with different contour lengths?

A warm floor is considered ideal, where each loop has the same length. This will allow you not to engage in additional settings, you do not need to adjust the balance.

Of course, the length of the contour can be the same, but this is not always beneficial.

For example, an object consists of several rooms in which it is necessary to install a warm floor. One of these rooms is a bathroom, with an area of ​​​​4 square meters. meters. The total length of the pipe of such a circuit, taking into account the distance to the collector, will be 40 m. Of course, no one will adjust to this size by dividing usable area under 4 sq. meters. Such a division would be completely unnecessary. After all, there is a special balancing valve, with which you can equalize the pressure of the circuits.

Today, you can also perform a calculation to determine the maximum size of the pipe length relative to each circuit, taking into account the type of equipment and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facility.

We will not tell you how these complex calculations are done. Just when installing a warm floor, the spread in the length of the pipeline of a separate circuit is taken within 30 - 40%.

In addition, when there is a need, it becomes possible to "manipulate" the diameters of the pipes. It becomes possible to change the laying step, large areas break into several medium pieces.

If the room is very large, is it necessary to create several contours?

Of course, it is better to divide the warm floor in such rooms into parts and mount several circuits.

This need is due to various reasons:

  1. The short length of the pipe will prevent the appearance of a “locked loop” when the circulation of the coolant becomes impossible;
  2. Square concrete pad should be less than 30 sq. meters. The length of its sides should be in a ratio of 1: 2. One of the ends of the slab must be less than 8 meters long.


Initially, the main thing is to know the initial data of your premises, and the formulas will help you determine how many pipes you need per 1m2 of underfloor heating.

One of the conditions for the implementation of high-quality and proper heating of a room with a warm floor is to maintain the temperature of the coolant in accordance with the specified parameters.

These parameters are determined by the project, taking into account the required amount of heat for the heated room and flooring.

Required data for calculation

The efficiency of the heating system depends on a properly laid circuit.

To maintain the set temperature in the room, it is necessary to correctly calculate the length of the loops used to circulate the coolant.

First, you need to collect the initial data on the basis of which the calculation will be performed and which consist of the following indicators and characteristics:

  • the temperature that should be above the floor covering;
  • layout diagram of loops with coolant;
  • distance between pipes;
  • the maximum possible length of the pipe;
  • the possibility of using several contours of different lengths;
  • connection of several loops to one collector and to one pump and their possible number with such a connection.

Based on the above data, it is possible to correctly calculate the length of the underfloor heating circuit and, through this, ensure a comfortable temperature regime in the room with minimal costs for paying for energy supply.

Floor temperature

The temperature on the surface of the floor, made with a water heating device underneath, depends on the functional purpose of the room. Its values ​​should not exceed those specified in the table:

Compliance with the temperature regime in accordance with the above values ​​will create a favorable environment for the work and rest of the people in them.

Pipe laying options used for underfloor heating

Underfloor heating options

The laying scheme can be performed with a regular, double and corner snake or snail. Various combinations of these options are also possible, for example, along the edge of the room you can lay out a pipe with a snake, and then the middle part with a snail.

In large rooms of complex configuration, it is better to lay with a snail. In rooms of small size and with a variety of complex configurations, snake laying is used.

The pipe laying step is determined by calculation and usually corresponds to 15, 20 and 25 cm, but no more. When laying out the pipes with a step of more than 25 cm, the human foot will feel the temperature difference between and directly above them.

At the edges of the room, the heating circuit pipe is laid in increments of 10 cm.

Permissible contour length

The length of the circuit must be selected according to the diameter of the pipe

It depends on the pressure in a particular closed loop and hydraulic resistance, the values ​​of which determine the diameter of the pipes and the volume of fluid that is fed into them per unit time.

When installing a warm floor, situations often occur when the circulation of the coolant in a separate loop is disturbed, which cannot be restored by any pump, water is locked in this circuit, as a result of which it cools down. This results in pressure losses of up to 0.2 bar.

Based on practical experience, you can adhere to the following recommended sizes:

  1. Less than 100 m can be a loop made of a metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 16 mm. For reliability, the optimal size is 80 m.
  2. Not more than 120 m take the maximum length of the circuit of 18 mm pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene. Experts are trying to install a circuit with a length of 80-100 m.
  3. No more than 120-125 m, the size of the loop for metal-plastic with a diameter of 20 mm is considered acceptable. In practice, they also try to reduce this length to ensure sufficient reliability of the system.

For a more accurate determination of the size of the loop length for the underfloor heating in the room under consideration, in which there will be no problems with the circulation of the coolant, it is necessary to perform calculations.

Application of several contours of different lengths

The device of the floor heating system provides for the implementation of several circuits. Of course, the ideal option is when all the loops have the same length. In this case, no adjustment and balancing of the system is required, but it is almost impossible to implement such a piping scheme. For a detailed video on calculating the length of the water circuit, see this video:

For example, it is necessary to implement a floor heating system in several rooms, one of which, for example, a bathroom, has an area of ​​4 m2. This means that 40 m of pipe will be needed to heat it. It is not advisable to arrange contours of 40 m in other rooms, while loops of 80-100 m can be made.

The difference in pipe lengths is determined by calculation. If it is impossible to perform calculations, a requirement can be applied that allows a difference in the length of the contours of the order of 30-40%.

Also, the difference in the lengths of the loops can be compensated by increasing or decreasing the diameter of the pipe and changing the pitch of its laying.

Ability to connect to one node and pump

The number of loops that can be connected to one collector and one pump is determined depending on the power of the equipment used, the number of thermal circuits, the diameter and material of the pipes used, the area of ​​​​heated premises, the material of the enclosing structures, and many other various indicators.

Such calculations must be entrusted to specialists with knowledge and practical skills in the implementation of such projects.

The size of the loop depends on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room

Having collected all the initial data, having considered possible options for creating a heated floor and determining the most optimal of them, you can proceed directly to calculating the length of the water floor heating circuit.

To do this, it is necessary to divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the loops for water floor heating are laid by the distance between the pipes and multiply by a factor of 1.1, which takes into account 10% for turns and bends.

To the result you need to add the length of the pipeline, which will need to be laid from the collector to the warm floor and back. The answer to the key questions of organizing a warm floor, see this video:

You can determine the length of the loop laid in 20 cm increments in a room of 10 m2, located at a distance of 3 m from the collector, by doing the following:

10/0.2*1.1+(3*2)=61 m.

In this room, 61 m of pipe must be laid, forming a heating circuit, in order to ensure the possibility of high-quality heating of the floor covering.

The presented calculation helps to create conditions for maintaining a comfortable air temperature in small separate rooms.

In order to correctly determine the length of the pipe of several thermal circuits for a large number of rooms powered by one collector, it is necessary to involve a design organization.

She will do this with the help of specialized programs that take into account many different factors on which the uninterrupted circulation of water depends, and hence the high-quality floor heating.

How much should be the maximum length of a water-heated floor is determined by many parameters. It is worth looking into this issue in more detail.

Properly installed underfloor heating home comfort. When arranging it in an apartment, a house, it is important to carry out an accurate calculation of all materials, including pipes, the location of the main components, and the power of the devices.

Features of a warm water floor

The principle of operation of a water-heated floor is to create a system of pipes through which hot water. This system resembles a heating system. But on the floor, the pipeline is installed in a cement screed. Dry mounting possible.

Such a floor is recommended to arrange in private homes. In high-rise buildings where central heating works, connecting to a common pipeline is fraught with problems with heating neighbors. They can lower the temperature of the water in the radiators. This will make the rooms colder.

Underfloor heating with water heating consists of the following elements:

  • pipe system;
  • boiler (gas or electric);
  • circulation pump;
  • automatic system for controlling the temperature of liquid in pipes.

Factory systems have additional components, which increase the efficiency of the water floor.

The main element of the device is the pipeline. Now plastic, metal-plastic products 16-20 mm in diameter are used. They bend perfectly, which allows you to create contours of different shapes. The most popular are snake, spiral. They are easy to install, you can arrange them yourself.

How is the calculation of the length of coolants

The calculation of the length of the pipeline is based on the combination of different parameters:

  • room size;
  • required air temperature;
  • temperature at the inlet and outlet;
  • the location of the pipes, the distance between them;
  • view finish coat gender;
  • the thickness of the screed under the system and above it;
  • supply line length.

In some cases, additional indicators are required for calculation. The most important is the location of the coolants in the screed.

Exist general rules, which are guided by masters and amateurs.

  1. The distance from the wall to the outer contour of the pipes is 20-30 cm.
  2. The gap between the pipes is 30 cm (the diameter of the coolant itself is taken into account - 3 mm).
  3. The distance from the end of the pipe to the collector is approximately 40 cm.

Including these indicators, the maximum length of the water floor contour is calculated.

Temperature indicators

The temperature regime in the coolant affects the size of the pipeline. To make it comfortable to move on the floor, the water must be heated to a maximum of 60 degrees. The optimal heating of the surface itself depends on the purpose of the room:

  • residential - 29 degrees;
  • through passage - 35 0;
  • workers - 33 0 .

Attention! Cement strainer and flooring absorb some of the heat.

To control and regulate this indicator, sensors are installed. There are usually 2 of them: at the entrance and exit from the system. The temperature difference on these devices is no more than 5 degrees.

During operation of the underfloor heating system, water circulates through pipes. Passing along the entire circuit, it cools. The total length of the pipe affects the speed of this process.


Collector - main element floor heating system, which serves as its beginning and end. These devices have 2 modifications: internal (mounted in the floor) and external (installed indoors on the wall). When calculating the length of the contour of a water-heated floor, the supply of heat carriers to this device is taken into account.

Amount of water

To create a water-heated floor, the amount of liquid consumed is a priority indicator. The lack of it will lead to rapid cooling of the system and the surface. The option for calculating the consumed water can be as follows:

  • 20 square meters - the area of ​​​​the room;
  • 27 cm - the distance between the pipes;
  • 15 pipes - the number of basic parts to create a snake;
  • 40 cm - the distance from the pipe to the collector.

Taking into account these indicators, the maximum length of the circuit will be 51 meters. These are the total dimensions of all parts.

Attention! The length of the carriers of the warm water floor is at least 40 m, maximum 100 m.

If the dimensions of the room are such that the maximum length of the pipes exceeds 100 m, it is better not to install the water circuit. Its effectiveness will be low. 70 m are considered optimal. If it is necessary to install a warm floor on an area exceeding 100 m, it is worth creating 2 approximately identical contours. For example, the first is 62.5 m, the second is 77.5.

For a pipeline of 51 m, 17.5 liters of water will be required. This amount of liquid must be present in the system. A pump is used to replenish it. It makes the water circulate, contributes to the compensation of losses from natural evaporation.

The device of a water heated floor in the house

The heat carrier in the floor is mounted in the form of a single or double snake, spiral. The total length of the pipe depends on the choice of the location of the contour. Perfect option- coils of the same size. However, in practice, creating uniform loops is difficult and impractical.

When the floor is made throughout the house, the parameters of the premises are taken into account. In the bathroom, bathroom, hallway, which occupy a smaller area compared to the living room, bedroom or other rooms, it is difficult to create long coils. They do not require many pipes to heat them. Their length can be limited to a few meters.

Attention! The tile in the bathroom absorbs some of the heat, cools quickly. To heat it, a sufficient amount of hot liquid is required.

Some prudent owners, when arranging a water circuit, bypass these premises. This saves materials, labor and time. In small rooms, it is more difficult to install a warm floor than in spacious ones.

If the system bypasses such cubbyholes, it is important to correctly calculate the maximum pressure parameters in the system. To do this, use a balancing valve. It is designed to equalize the pressure loss in different circuits.

Water floor installation technology

To gain experience in installing a water-heated floor, you should try to make it on a small surface area. The pipe system is mounted in two ways: cold on a wooden (polystyrene) base and wet in a screed.

The dry method is as follows:

  1. metal strips are placed on wooden flooring or polystyrene mats, in which channels are created along the width of the pipes;
  2. pipes are inserted into recesses;
  3. then put a layer of plywood (OSB, GVL, etc.);
  4. then lay the flooring.

More complex, laborious, but budget way- "wet" cement screed. This is a multi-layer construction. It is based on concrete surface and consists of several levels:

  1. – thermal insulation;
  2. - fixing elements (mesh, tapes);
  3. – tubular coolants;
  4. cement-sand mortar- coupler;
  5. - flooring.

AT apartment buildings in order to protect the neighbors from the bay from below, they put first waterproofing material. It is advisable to put a reinforcing mesh on the pipes themselves in order to reduce the mechanical load. A damper tape is attached around the perimeter of the room and between the contours. It is the boundary between the wall and the floor, different fragments of the warm floor.

Both methods have their pros and cons. Which one is preferable depends on the individual characteristics of the premises, the preferences of the owners, the possibilities of attracting craftsmen, or the need for do-it-yourself installation.

When installing a pipeline in a screed, the maximum length of the circuit may be greater. Concrete - cold material. To heat it up, you need heat water in the system. It cools faster than wood or artificial products. When installing a warm floor, it is important to provide for all the nuances, including installation technology.

Installing a water floor heating system is a time-consuming, troublesome task. It requires precise calculation and extremely careful attitude to installation. Differences in base heights, errors in the placement of loops, turns, defects in the main parts will lead to inefficient operation of the entire heating element. Maximum length water heated floor - for each house is determined individually. In order not to make a miscalculation, it is worth contacting specialists. Small cost for a professional consultation will save you from errors in the operation of the facility and provide the necessary conditions comfort.

Viewed: 362

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