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When to plant basil outdoors. Basil, growing from seeds, features of planting, care. And if you plant it in seedlings

Often, gardeners and gardeners have a question about how to plant basil. And it is not surprising, because this plant came to our region relatively recently. Basil is native to the Middle East and Asia. But we also loved him. After all, there is a reason. Although basil contains a small amount of vitamins, it is rich in macronutrients (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, and others).

How to properly plant basil open ground and how to care for it, we will tell you in our article.

General information about sowing basil

Plot.Basil does not grow well in shady, cold areas. It can be planted near a residential building that will protect it from the wind. But plant from such a side that the building does not cast a shadow on the landings.

Do not plant basil in the lowlands, where the temperature is lower than flat surface. But areas on a hill, on the contrary, warm up best.

Do not choose wetlands and those where the level ground water comes close to the surface.

Priming.Basil needs light soil - sandy and sandy loam. The soil should be loose and contain nutrients. On poor soil you won't get good harvest basilica.

In dense soil, basil will grow stunted and sickly. In such conditions, it is difficult for him to develop. If you do not have the opportunity to plant this crop in suitable soil then pay attention to the thorough preparation of the soil. Namely: the application of fertilizers (organic and mineral), digging and loosening the soil.

Crop rotation.Do not grow basil in the same place for more than one year. Otherwise, the risk that this crop will be affected by a disease characteristic of it (for example, Fusarium) increases. Basil takes from the soil the nutrients necessary for its growth, which means that the next time it is planted in this place, it will not have enough of them. Return this culture to its previous place only after 5-6 years.

Timing.You can grow basil in a seedless way, immediately in open ground. But remember that this culture is thermophilic, for this reason, in countries with cold springs, it is planted in unprotected soil no earlier than June.

If you want to get fragrant basil greens ahead of time, then grow it pre-seedlings. And seedlings are planted in the ground at the right time. This is how basil is usually grown.

On a note!

If you see that the time for sowing seeds or planting seedlings is right, but the weather outside is cold, windy, and the temperature is not high enough, it is better to postpone this event. Wait out the bad weather and only then sow the seeds and plant basil seedlings in open ground.

In the southern regions, the dates may be earlier. However, remember that it is necessary to navigate not by the timing, but by the temperature established on the street. The reason is that the weather different regions varies to a greater or lesser extent, it is impossible to derive suitable terms for all. Besides temperature regime and weather conditions can change from year to year.

Temperature.As already mentioned, basil loves heat. The higher the temperature, the faster the seeds will germinate. For seed germination, the best temperature regime is from + 25ºС to + 28ºС. For the growth and development of an adult plant, a temperature of + 16ºС to + 20ºС is required (its excess will cause the basil to stretch, weaken, become stunted).

Soil preparation.Prepare the soil for growing this crop in advance in the fall. Since basil loves loose soil, dig the beds to a depth of 25 cm.

Close up for digging organic fertilizers(compost, humus or others). Apply at the rate of 2-3 kg per 1 sq. m. Also for rapid growth and good health of future seedlings, add mineral supplements: 20 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt. In the spring, you will only need to loosen the beds

If you did not have time to prepare the soil in the fall, then do not be discouraged. Do all these procedures a month before planting basil.

If your site has unsuitable soil, then its preparation requires more attention and effort. The least suitable soil for basil is heavy soil. In this case, to make the earth light, well aerated and permeable, add to each square meter sand. If the site has an excessive level of acidity, then lime the soil, add lime to it for digging, in addition to organic and mineral fertilizers. Lime can be replaced with chalk or dolomite flour. Positive influence ash is applied to heavy soil. However, please note that such processing must be repeated once every one to two years to maintain its properties.

Growing basil in seedling and seedless ways

Sowing in the ground.If climatic conditions allow you to grow basil in your garden from seeds, then make your life difficult by growing seedlings.

Basil can be sown in furrows or planting holes. Their depth is 1-2 cm. Pre-spill the grooves (pits) with water and compact their bottom so that the seeds do not go below the required depth. Place the seeds in a continuous strip or at a distance of 5 cm. Seal the grooves with loose soil. Spill it. The distance between the rows is 30 cm.

On a note!

When sowing seeds in furrows, do not forget about thinning the seedlings. First, when the plants hatch and grow a little, leave 5-10 cm between the seedlings. Second, when the plants have 3-4 true leaves, leave 20 cm between the seedlings.

Instances that you have removed from the row can be transplanted to another bed for growing.

If planting basil in planting holes, place them 20 cm apart. Row spacing is 30 cm. Place one seed at a time in the planting hole. Seal them with loose soil. Seal it. Spill with water.

When growing basil in a seedless way in open ground, it is recommended to shed the soil with a growth stimulator (Epin or others). Such a drug will accelerate the germination of the seed and the formation of roots in seedlings. This means that you will harvest spicy grass earlier than when growing without a growth stimulator.

Sowing seedlings.Calculate the sowing time for seedlings of this crop based on the weather conditions of your region. After all, in order to plant seedlings in the ground as soon as the weather is right, the basil must reach a certain age. The growing season of this crop, depending on the variety, lasts from 120 to 160 days. And seedlings are transplanted into the ground at the age of 30 to 50 days (one to two months), it also depends on the specific variety and the duration of its ripening.

Soil for sowing seedlings also take light and fertile. If desired, make up the substrate for sowing the seeds yourself. It is done like this: combine 4 parts of peat, 2 parts of rotted compost, 1 part of sand (pre-wash it). Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

If you do not trust the place where you purchased the soil, then disinfect it with a solution of potassium permanganate (use 5%, that is, dark). Not long before sowing, pre-spill the soil on them.

You can sow basil in one container (a wooden box or a long flowerpot) or in separate containers (glasses, peat pots, cassettes, etc.).

Fill the selected container with the resulting substrate so that 3-4 cm remain to the edge. Moisten it slightly. Place basil seeds in containers. Cover them with soil. Seeds should be at a depth of 1 cm. If you sow in separate containers, then place one seed in each. If you sow in a box or a long flowerpot, then planting material can be placed in a continuous groove or with an interval of 1-2 cm. When sowing in the grooves, remember that the seedlings will either have to be planted in separate containers, or thinned out twice. The first time they are thinned out when the seedlings grow up a little, the second time - when 2-3 true leaves appear on them.

After you have sown the seeds, cover the container with glass or film, this will help create the right microclimate for increasing the germination rate. Put the basil in a warm place, the required temperature is + 25ºС. Air the seedlings every day (bend the film or move the glass back for 20 minutes). If necessary, gently moisten the soil with a spray bottle so as not to wash the seeds. After the first sprouts hatch, remove the glass (film) completely and rearrange the seedlings in a bright place. If there is not enough light in the room, then turn on additional lighting for the basil - it needs a lot of light. If you have a south window, then place the seedlings there. Periodically turn it towards the sun different sides. Otherwise, the light will fall unevenly, some plants will not have enough of it and they will stretch out, but become weak. With uniform lighting, all seedlings will receive the necessary amount of light and grow strong.

When 3-4 true leaves appear on the basil seedlings, they can be planted in a garden bed in open ground. Pre-harden them, otherwise, when transplanting, they will get used to a new place for a long time. First, take the seedlings outside in warm weather for 1 hour, put them in shady places. Each day, increase the time the basil stays by outdoors for an hour until he stays there all day.

Planting seedlings.Basil grown in seedlings is planted in the ground at the age of 30-60 days (the specific date depends on the variety chosen). By that time, 3-4 leaves will appear on the plants.

Plant seedlings in open ground according to this scheme. Keep the distance between plants at 20 cm. The distance between the beds is 30 cm.

Make planting holes first. Correlate their depth with the size of the basil seedling root. In order for the plant to easily endure the transplant, plant it together with an earthen clod, that is, by transferring the roots. In this case, the roots of the plants will not be affected at all, and the basil will not hurt. Before transplanting seedlings, moisten the earthen ball.

Transplant basil seedlings outdoors in the evening. Cloudy weather will be an advantage. The fact is that plants, until they take root, do not tolerate direct Sun rays may suffer from burns.

Fill the planting holes with soil. Make it so that there are no air voids left in it: shake the plant periodically when filling the hole. Once the hole is filled, compress and compact the soil. Spill it with water.

Care.Water your basil regularly. Do not let the soil dry out, but do not flood the plants. After watering, loosen the soil so that the roots breathe and have access useful substances and water. If a crust forms on the surface of the soil, then all substances and moisture will remain on it, take measures in time. Loosen the soil and whatever watering.

Remove weeds. Carefully monitor weeds during the emergence period - it will force out weak seedlings. As the basil matures, continue removing weeds. Their presence can adversely affect the taste of this crop.

If you are not sure about the weather conditions after sowing seeds or planting seedlings, protect the basil. Cover it with covering material or a greenhouse. The second option is more convenient to use.

Feed your basil regularly. For this culture, the presence of nutrients is necessary. The first top dressing is carried out in the first month after transplantation. Second - spend 30 days after the first.

If you want to get seeds from plantings for sowing next year, then leave 3-4 bushes specifically for this. On other plants, in order to get more spicy leaves from them, cut off the flowers. In this case, the basil will branch.

Greenhouses and greenhouses.Growing basil outdoors is not possible in all regions. For this reason, its cultivation is practiced in protected soil. For this purpose, I use greenhouses and greenhouses. The first option allows you to grow basil all year round. However, the maintenance of the greenhouse requires money, which is why it is used only for growing for sale. The second option does not require capital investment. But the greenhouse will protect the plants only from a slight cold snap. Basil is covered with a hotbed for harvesting 5-7 days earlier.

Today, there is no trace of the former exoticism of basil - now this plant can be found in most beds. The reason why basil has become so popular so quickly is because of its sophisticated, multi-faceted flavor that garnishes many vegetable salads. Growing basil from seeds is carried out both with the help of seedlings and without it. However, since this plant is distinguished by its sensitivity to both soil and temperature changes, before planting in the garden, it is advisable to first germinate it on an insulated windowsill or greenhouse conditions. We will talk about how to grow and dive seedlings, and then place them in the garden.

As already mentioned, basil is grown both with the help of seedlings and in a seedless way. Seedlings allow seedlings to get stronger, after which, when transplanted into open ground, they grow faster and more confidently than seeds immediately placed in garden soil.

The seedless method can be afforded mainly by gardeners southern regions Russia, due to the fact that basil reacts poorly to the onset of cold weather. And, since it needs to be planted in open ground at the end of May, you should be absolutely sure that frosts will not come any more - otherwise the seeds simply will not germinate.

The seedling method will allow the seeds to sprout into temperature conditions which will be completely under your control. Sowing basil for seedlings is carried out from April to May. With this method of cultivation, the seedlings will have time to prepare for planting in open ground, and for this it will take at least fifty days. That's why optimal time planting seeds for seedlings is the beginning of April.

You can read more about that in the article on our portal.

Soil preparation

Basil can grow successfully in both soil mixture, prepared personally by you, and in a mixture purchased in a specialized store. At self-manufacturing soil you will need three components:

  • rotted compost (four parts);
  • Humus (two parts);
  • River sand (one part).

Before use river sand, it is necessary to wash and sift it.

To disinfect the prepared soil, you should steam it in a saucepan. If you purchased a ready-made soil mixture, disinfect it with Fitosporin or potassium permanganate.

seedling container

Basil can be grown both in wooden boxes and in plastic cassettes. If you are going to use a box, then in the future you will need to pick seedlings into separate containers so that their root systems are not cramped. The average depth of the cassette or box should be 5-6 centimeters.

Planting seedlings

Step 1. Immerse the soil mixture in containers and tamp it so that it does not reach a centimeter to the edges of the container. Moisten the soil before sowing seeds to soften it.

Step 2 Place one seed in each of the cassettes. If you are using a box, then you will need to create several rows spaced five centimeters apart and put the seeds in them.

Step 3 When you have finished placing the seeds, cover them with a thin layer of soil so that they are one centimeter deep.

Step 4 If you are going to plant basil different varieties, attach plates of the appropriate varieties to the containers so that in the future there will be no confusion when distributing seedlings throughout the garden.

Step 5 Cover the seedling with glass or place it in plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. Place the container in a room with a temperature not falling below twenty degrees, and wait for the first shoots to appear (after a week and a half).

After emergence

When you find the first sprouts, remove them from the bag and lower the temperature to sixteen degrees, otherwise the plant will stretch unnecessarily in length. As the soil dries, moisten the sprouts warm water. If water accumulates in the pan after watering, pour it out. If moisture stagnates and comes into contact with the soil, the basil root system will sooner or later begin to rot.

Two weeks after germination, fertilize them with superphosphate (4 g), wood ash (4 g) and ammonium nitrate (2 g). The composition is applied to the soil, its contact with the aerial part of the plant is undesirable.

Continue watering the seedlings for the remaining 40-30 days. Two weeks before moving the seedlings to the garden, start hardening them, bringing them to Fresh air. In this case, the air temperature should not fall below five degrees.

Important! If, when growing seedlings, the basil showed signs of root rotting, treat the plant with five grams of copper sulfate dissolved in two liters of water.

Transplantation in open ground should be planned for the end of May - the beginning of June. As soon as the soil warms up to fifteen degrees at a depth of 5-7 centimeters, it will be possible to plant the basil.


If you planted seeds in a wooden box, then you will need a pick. Picking is carried out when two true leaves appear on the seedling. In order to transplant, use separate pots or special cassettes. The composition of the soil mixture should be kept the same - this will allow the basil to quickly get used to the new "place of residence".

The most important thing when picking is not to damage the root system of the plant

In addition to humus and sand, you can also add two tablespoons of ash and one tablespoon of mineral fertilizers to five liters of soil. These components will strengthen the immunity of a fragile seedling and accelerate its development.

The further course of action is as follows:

  • Fill the containers with earth and tamp it down;
  • Using a scoop or a small shovel, make small holes and place the seedlings in them without touching the root system;
  • Gently sprinkle the plants and tamp the soil;
  • Moisten the soil by holding the seedlings so that the jet of water does not damage them. If necessary, straighten the plants after watering.

Important! Seedlings should not be buried during picking.

Video - Picking Basil

Planting basil on the windowsill

There are several ways to harvest basil. Depending on the conditions, you can grow it in own apartment on the windowsill, or planted in open ground on your own site. Please note that in the first case, the seed planting date is pushed back - if you are going to grow basil at home, then the seeds should be sown in early spring.

There are several more features of growing basil on the windowsill:

Further care of seedlings

Caring for sprouted basil seedlings will not surprise you if you have previously taken care of seedlings: it includes regular watering and fertilizing the soil. If you planted seeds in a peat tablet, then when picking seedlings, transplant them along with the ground. Also, before transplanting seedlings into separate pots, sprinkle their bottom with drainage materials - expanded clay, small pebbles or broken brick. The thickness of the drainage layer should be about two centimeters.

By the way! When growing basil seedlings on a windowsill, you can use a lightweight version of the potting mix, mixing one part humus with two parts coconut fiber.


Constantly make sure that the soil in which the basil is located is always slightly moist. As a rule, watering the basil is carried out daily. The main indicator of the state of the plant is its leaves - as soon as the plant receives less water, its leaves hang lifelessly.

Also, after watering, it is desirable to loosen the earth once every two to three days. This will contribute to the ventilation of the soil and will not allow moisture to stagnate for a long time.

top dressing

Top dressing of basil will be required if, when planting, you did not use the most nutritious soil mix option. However, if you wish, you can fertilize basil at the very good composition soil. To do this, use a fertilizer based on compost or humic substances.

Top dressing is carried out no more than once a month, since an overabundance nutrients can harm the plant in the same way that excess moisture harms it. The concentration of fertilizers must correspond to that stated in the instructions.

Growing basil in the field

As already mentioned, planning the landing of the basil in the garden should be at the beginning of June. By this time, the soil will already warm up, and will not contribute to the freezing of seedlings. When planting basil, it is recommended to consider several nuances:

By the way! Despite the widespread availability of green varieties, many gardeners prefer the purple variety of basil due to its tart aroma and pleasant taste. You can read about the varieties of basil belonging to the green and purple types below.

Soil preparation

The part of the garden that you set aside for planting basil should be dug up in a month and a half using organic materials. Compost or humus is well suited - two kilograms per square meter of the garden.

When the soil and seedlings are ready, follow these instructions:

Features of growing basil

The most difficult period in growing basil is the time when the plant gets used to the new soil and new climate. In the first few weeks, the condition of the basil must be constantly monitored so as not to miss its wilting. Procedures that will help the plant recover include the following:

  • Weeding the land to get rid of weeds. Until the moment when the basil is ready to continue its growth, constantly make sure that weeds do not appear on the site. It will only interfere with the basil, taking away its nutrients;
  • Pruning seedlings. Get rid of flower stalks in a timely manner - this will speed up the branching of the plant;

  • Soil loosening. The closer the growing season approaches, the more often it is necessary to loosen the soil;
  • Watering. As in the case of seedlings, the need for basil in liquid must be determined by the condition of the soil. As soon as it starts to dry, grab the watering can. Basil needs moisture to grow juicy green leaves. For watering, use warm, but not hot water, defended throughout the day;

  • Top dressing. Basil should be fertilized no more than once a month with nitrogen fertilizers. Feeding components should be aimed at increasing green mass and, first of all, should include Nitrofoska. Make the first fertilizer of seedlings no later than two weeks after planting the plant in the ground.

Planting seeds in open ground

Planting seeds is carried out at the end of May, when the soil warms up to an acceptable temperature. In many ways, sowing seeds resembles sowing seedlings and includes the following steps:

Unfortunately, seedless basil has less green mass than basil moved to the garden as a seedling. Also, the reckless method involves more late dates harvesting, which not all gardeners can also afford.

Basil diseases

No gardener is immune from sudden diseases of cultivated crops, therefore one must always be prepared for the manifestation of alarming symptoms and be able to recognize it. The most common diseases characteristic of basil are summarized in the table below.

Table 1. Diseases of basil


The main reason for the black leg is the poor condition of the soil. Increased acidity, insufficient breathability and an excess of moisture - all these conditions cannot but lead to the appearance of a black leg, which is a type of fungus. The fungus spreads to the root collar, which is responsible for feeding the plant. Due to blockage of blood vessels, the flow of juices slows down, which leads to blackening of the base of the stem and the gradual withering of the plant.

Fusarium can equally affect both immature seedlings and mature plants. The causative agents of this disease can be found both in the seeds themselves and in the soil. The fungus inhibits the vessels of basil, releasing a large number of toxins that are carried throughout the plant with the help of juices. The symptoms of the disease include thinning of the stem and its coloring in a brown shade (in young plants), drying out of the top, gradually spreading to all other parts of the basil (in mature plants)

This disease is typical for basil grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The causative agents of the disease are localized in the soil, as well as on plant residues. For the manifestation of gray rot, two factors must coincide: the presence of dead tissue in the basil and the presence of drops of moisture. First to be hit lower leaves, after the fungus spreads along the stem to the entire plant. The onset of the disease is indicated by the appearance of light brown spots on basil leaves, gradually covered with fluff


Since diseased plants are unlikely to be cured, it is advisable to prevent diseases in the first place. As can be understood from the description of diseases, the gardener can avoid most of them by being more attentive to the treatment of seeds and soil. Other tips to help preserve the basilica include the following:

  1. Choose every year different places for planting basil. After harvesting, at least three years must pass so that you can re-plant basil seeds in their original place without fear for his health;

  2. Before planting the seeds in the soil, disinfect them in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  3. Don't try to plant basil as close together as possible to save space. In addition to being sickly, crowded plants will be distinguished by their lethargy due to lack of nutrient resources and sunlight;
  4. Treat basil with wood ash once a week;

  5. Loosen the soil between the rows, preventing the formation of a surface crust;
  6. Measure the amount of liquid diverted for irrigation. Basil can kill excess moisture, and its disadvantage;
  7. If you do encounter a diseased plant, remove it from the soil along with the root and burn it.

In Greek, the word "basil" means king. This spicy herb got its name due to its taste, incredible aroma and a huge list of useful properties. Seasoning is in great demand in the Mediterranean countries. In Italy, Pesto sauce is prepared from it, and the French prefer its combination with tomatoes. In Russia, basil began to be grown not so long ago, but many summer residents have already managed to master all agricultural techniques. How to sow basil outdoors? What to do with the first shoots? All this below.

Ancient history of purple and red basil

Basil became known to mankind more than 5000 years ago. All this time it was actively used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Basil tea has a calming effect on the nervous system and tones the body. The drink improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Basil in a pot close-up

Africa is considered the birthplace of the basil. In Russia, they learned about the miraculous properties of this herb in the 18th century. In those days, they prepared from it cosmetics in the form of tonics and masks. Today, basil is also used to improve the condition of the skin.

Description of the bush

Basil represents annual plant with short, oblong leaves. Its stem can reach up to 60 cm in height. The root has branching, is close to the surface of the earth. Leaves and stem are covered with hairs. Flower color is white, pale pink. The fruits outwardly resemble nuts, ripen in a group of 4 pcs. and are able to remain viable for up to 5 years.

How many varieties can be planted in the country?

The variety of varieties of basil is striking in its abundance. The most popular among them is fragrant basil. In Africa, you can find camphor basil, which has leaves blue color. Brown basil is grown in Mexico, and lemon basil is grown in southeast Asia. In a plant with purple leaves not so pronounced aroma, but due to its bright color, it is used to decorate dishes.

Preparing seedlings at home in spring

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of March. They are pre-soaked in warm water or non-concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. After 2 hours, the liquid is drained. For growing seedlings, pots and boxes are suitable, the depth of which is at least 10 cm. A layer of drainage is laid on the bottom of the container, then a soil mixture consisting of peat, humus, sand (in a ratio of 4: 2: 1).

Read also:

Harvest under film and glass: tips for gardeners

Holes are made in the soil with a depth of 1 cm and seeds are placed in them. From above, the grooves are sprinkled with earth and sprayed using a sprayer. After all these manipulations, the crops are covered with a film or glass. Pots with them put in a warm place. The next step involves proper care for seedlings:

  • Once a day, the film or glass is removed and the crops are allowed to air out.
  • FROM inside condensate must be collected.
  • The soil should be periodically watered with a moderate amount of water.

You can observe the appearance of the first shoots after 7 days. This is a sign that the seedling needs to be opened. As soon as a full-fledged leaf grows, the sprouts should be planted and a distance of 5 cm should be left between them.

When there are 5 leaves, pinch the top of the sprouts. This is done so that the plant is thicker. At the end of spring, sprouts germinated at home can be sent to the garden. This can only be done after 5 leaves have formed. Until this number is not, landing is not worth it.

A week before planting seedlings in open ground, it must be hardened. To do this, it should be taken out to fresh air daily. The duration of the first hardening procedure is 15 minutes. Further, the time spent on the street must be brought up to 24 hours.

How to plant seeds or seedlings in open ground

Under the influence of low temperatures, the basil dies. In this regard, the seedlings are planted in the garden when the morning frosts have passed. It is best to plant this plant in the spring, in mid-May. The scheme for crops can be any.

Basil responds well to fertile, permeable soil. Fertilization is required before planting. 2 kg of humus, peat and compost are added per 1 m2.

The distance between the sprouts should be about 40 cm. The depth of the holes is 10 cm. Before planting, the holes must be watered.

Experienced summer residents do not recommend planting basil in the same place two years in a row. If you do not take this moment into account, brown spots will appear on the leaves of the plant, and over time it will die. This disease is called fusarium. Its pathogens are fungi that live in the ground for a long time. The optimal interval between plantings should be 5 years.

Growing and caring for green shoots of basil in the garden

Basil grown in a barrel

So that basil leaves delight with their spicy taste and healthy leaves he needs to be properly cared for. The plant needs abundant watering warm, settled water. It's best to fill it up plastic barrel, put in the sun and wait for warming up. By evening, the water can be used for irrigation.

Read also:

We plant wisely

When moistening the soil, you should try not to flood the sprouts with water. Excess moisture will lead to black leg damage. The spice grows well if nitrogen fertilizers are applied under it. The first feeding is carried out after 14 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in the garden. To increase the green mass of the plant, in addition to pinching the tops, you will need to cut the flowers.

The soil around the basil bushes is loosened, all weeds are removed. During the summer season, 6-7 such procedures should be carried out. When weeding and loosening are over, the sprouts are watered with warm water.

Harvesting crops in the garden

Basil leaves must be harvested before they bloom. It is during this period that it contains an abundant accumulation of vitamins and essential oils. The immature buds will tell you that the grass can be cut.

Basil blooms until autumn. The plant loves heat, so it must be placed in a house or in a greenhouse before the first frost. It grows well in a pot for indoor flowers. Basil will not only decorate the room, but also fill it with an incredible spicy aroma.

Proper drying

When the crop is harvested, it must be dried. You can do this in different ways:

  • On open air. The leaves are washed, garbage is removed, laid out on a towel. After the water drains, they are placed on a baking sheet. If the leaves are large, it is better to collect them in bunches, tie them and hang them to dry on a rope in a warm room.
  • In the oven. Clean and dried leaves are laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven, heated to 400 ° C for 2 hours.
  • In the microwave. To dry the grass, the device is turned on at full power and the plant is left in it for 3 minutes.

You can determine the readiness of the basil manually. If it is completely dry, the greens will crumble in your hands. Glass jars or paper bags are suitable for storing spices.

The high popularity of basil grown on summer cottages, is largely due not only to its excellent qualities as a fragrant spice, but also to its decorative effect. By the way, this wonderful-smelling grass is also planted to repel pests in the garden. So do not delay planting it, because you can grow early basil only after sowing seeds for seedlings. Read on to find out how to do it right.

Planting basil seeds for seedlings: varieties, terms, necessary containers and soil

by the most popular varieties basil depending on the ripening period are:

  • Early (40-50 days): Dwarf, Fragrant Green, Pearl of the Moscow Region, Lemon and Clove;
  • Medium (60-70 days): Caramel, Charodey, Moskvoretsky, Orion and Vanilla Aroma;
  • Late (80-90 days): Moorish, Table, Marquis, Charm and Dreamer.

Depending on the color, basil also comes in green and purple.

Video: how to grow basil - an overview of varieties

When to plant seedlings: depending on the region, variety, according to the lunar calendar

Basil is a rather heat-loving crop, with planting and disembarking which in open ground should not be rushed. Therefore, if you want to get early and high-quality greens, as well as extend the time of its “fruiting” (of course, if you regularly pinch it), it is better to plant basil seeds first for seedlings.

As a rule, you need to plant basil for seedlings about 9-11 weeks before the expected time of transplanting the plant to the garden. Why so much time? Firstly, 1-2 weeks, as a rule, are spent waiting for the first shoots to appear, secondly, the seedlings should grow to an acceptable size - this is another 7-8 weeks, and thirdly, if you dive, feel free to add more 1 week for seedlings to take root in a new place. Therefore, if you live in middle lane(for example, Moscow region), then the best time to start planting for you will be the second half of March - the beginning of April, just by the end of May, seedlings can be planted in well-warmed soil. If you have a warmer climate, then the dates are shifted - you can start sowing as early as February, just in time for May, the seedlings will be completely ready.

The crop variety also has a noticeable effect on the timing of sowing basil for seedlings. So, it is better to plant medium and late varieties earlier, but it makes no sense to rush with early ones, because. overgrown seedlings do not take root well in a new place, and if you plant them ahead of time, they will simply freeze and will not be accepted.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

It can help you choose the optimal date for sowing a crop. Moon calendar.

auspicious days according to the lunar calendar for planting basil in 2019 are:

  • in February - 6-8, 15-17, 23-25;
  • in March - 8-12, 15-17, 27-29;
  • in April - 6-13, 15-18, 24-26, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 8-10, 12-14, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-31;
  • in June - 5, 6, 9-15, 22-25;
  • in July - 10-12, 20-22, 29-31;
  • in August - 2-8, 11-13, 17, 18, 26-28;
  • in September - 1-5, 7-10;
  • in October - there are no favorable dates;
  • in November - 1-3, 6-8, 15-18, 24, 25.

But you should also take into account the periods of the new moon and the full moon, since when sowing at this time, the seedlings will turn out to be weak and elongated. Therefore, there are days when the planting of the basil is carried out categorically impossible:

  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17;
  • in August - 15, 16, 30, 31;
  • in September - 14, 15, 28, 29;
  • in October - 14, 28;
  • in November - 12, 13, 26, 27.

Therefore, it is necessary to pre-plan the days for sowing and prepare for them in advance.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine "1000 tips for summer residents."

Tanks and soil

When choosing a container for sowing basil, first of all, think about how much you will need it and where you will put it. If you have a lot of space and want to grow big harvest, then plant in large wooden or plastic boxes, special cassettes for seedlings. Also suitable peat tablets and the most common disposable cups, used containers for sour cream, yogurt or carton boxes from milk.

To successfully grow basil seedlings, loose and light soil is required, in other words, it must be nutritious and breathable.

As always, potting soil can be bought at a garden store, or you can mix it up a bit and make your own.

The optimal composition of the soil mixture should consist of the following components:

  • 2 parts of humus or well-rotted compost;
  • 4 parts of peat;
  • 1 part sand.

You can also use the following soil mixture:

  • 1 part of garden land;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part humus.

The resulting substrate must first be sieved (so that there are no lumps in it), and then steamed in a water bath or heated in an oven for 60 minutes. Such heat treatment will rid the soil of fungal diseases and weed seeds contained in the ground.

When using ready-made store soil, it is enough just to shed it with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or a special disinfectant, for example, the most famous brands - Maxim or.

Landing methods

phased classic way sowing basil seeds for seedlings:

  1. The planting container is filled with soil mixture by 5-6 cm, then compacted.
  2. Seeds are spread evenly over the surface of the soil.
  3. Lightly sprinkled with soil 5-10 mm.
  4. Abundantly, but gently watered from the sprayer. The seeds must not be accidentally washed out.
  5. It remains only to cover the future seedlings. To do this, you can use glass, shoe covers or transparent polyethylene film or package. And put in a warm (temperature should be in the range of 20-25 degrees) and a bright place (southern windowsill).

More original way planting can be sowing basil seeds into snails. To learn how to do it right, see the following video:

An even newer and more effective (according to some summer residents) way of sowing basil is to plant it in shoe covers, all the information about which you will learn from the video below:

Caring for basil seedlings after planting

Growing basil seedlings can hardly be called a very simple and banal task. After all, you constantly need to control the temperature and properly water the crops, because. it is very picky about heat and soil moisture.

Friendly shoots, as a rule, appear after a week or a half. Once basil will sprout, the cover can be removed. Now we need to support a little more low temperature- somewhere + 16-20 degrees. So the seedlings will not stretch. You can also prevent stretching by taking care of additional seedling lighting (phytolamps or economical LED lamps), thereby extending daylight hours to the recommended 12 hours.

About a week after germination, for better growth, young seedlings can be fertilized with wood ash by preparing a solution at the rate of 10 grams of ash per 1 liter of warm water.

Note! Excessive moisture can cause damage to the basil black leg, so it is important to ensure that after watering excess water did not stagnate in the pan.

Video: basil seedling care, watering


You can start diving basil seedlings after the plant has 2 true leaves.

You can use the same soil mixture for picking, except to add a couple of spoons of wood ash and one spoon of complex mineral fertilizer into it (based on 5 liters of earth), and then mix thoroughly.

By the way! So that the seedlings can easily be taken out of the ground, the seedlings should be abundantly moistened before picking.

The basil pick runs along standard scheme: containers are filled with earth, then compacted, recesses are made into which a young seedling is placed, earth is poured in and the soil is slightly compacted again. Now it remains to perform the final watering.

Important! After picking, it is recommended to put the seedlings in a cooler place!

Video: picking basil

Care after picking

Further care for basil seedlings after picking consists in regular watering, several top dressings and the obligatory pinching of shoots.

top dressing

If the basil develops normally, the seedlings are usually fed for the first time immediately after picking. For this, a complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is used at the rate of 10 grams of the product per 1 liter of water. In the future, the basil is fertilized 1 time in 2 weeks.

Reminder! Nitrogen stimulates the growth of leaves, and phosphorus and potassium have a positive effect on the content essential oil in green mass.

It is worth remembering that basil develops quite moderately at the beginning of its growth, so you should not rush it too much and constantly fertilize it. An overabundance can be much worse than a seedling's mineral starvation.


When the 5-6th true leaf appears at the basil, it is recommended to pinch the shoots. So the greens will not stretch, but will begin to branch better and give more fragrant leaves. Actually, this is the main purpose of growing basil, isn't it?

Re-pinching the basil will be necessary when it begins to bloom. In addition to flowers, you should pinch a few leaves under them.

When and how to plant basil seedlings in open ground

10-14 days before planting in open ground, basil seedlings should begin to be taken out to fresh air or a balcony for the purpose of hardening.

As a rule, the term for planting basil in open ground comes when the earth warms up to 15 degrees, that is, it falls on May-beginning of June, depending on climate zone region.

The place for growing basil is chosen as much as possible illuminated and protected from cold winds.

However, there is often not enough heat in the Middle Band of Aromatic Spice, which is why it grows slowly. Therefore, you can plant it in a greenhouse or in a temporary mini-greenhouse made of covering material stretched over small arcs. Even more simple solution there will be a night shelter for newly planted seedlings.

It will be useful to plant basil next to peppers, tomatoes or cucumbers. So the neighboring plant, due to its phytoncidal properties, will be under reliable protection from various kinds of insects and pests (for example, from the same aphid).

Basil will grow well only on light, airy and nutritious soils: clay and infertile soils will not suit it. Therefore, before planting, add a little humus or compost to the soil, as well as sand and peat, if it is excessively clay.

Basil seedlings are planted directly with an earthen clod.

The distance between adjacent bushes should be 25-30 cm for tall varieties, 15-20 cm for more compact varieties. Leave 20-30 cm between rows.

Immediately after transplanting to the garden, the bushes should be watered abundantly.

By the way! You can grow basil on the windowsill, read more about it

Video: planting basil seedlings in the garden

Caring for basil after planting in the ground

Further care and cultivation of basil in the open field in the garden includes regular watering, top dressing and loosening of the earth.

In order for the basil to rapidly grow fragrant green leaves, it needs a large amount of life-giving moisture, which means that watering should be regular and plentiful.

Factors contributing to active growth green mass are also timely pinching flower stalks and top dressing nitrogen fertilizers, which should be carried out at least once every 4-5 weeks.

Reminder! Nitrogen fertilizers stimulate the growth of green mass of all plants.

If you strictly follow these recommendations, then the basil will develop well and give a lot of useful greenery until the first frost.

Advice! The more often and more you cut off the leaves, the sooner new ones will appear.

Thus, growing an excellent basil spice through seedlings until the first harvests requires attention, accuracy and patience.

Video: growing basil from seeds - from seedlings to planting in open ground

In contact with

Basil is ideal for growing at home, as it is not whimsical, grows both in winter and summer, looks pretty and smells very tasty. If you are new to home gardening, we recommend starting with this herb! In this material you will find everything about how to grow basil on the windowsill, how to care for it and pinch it properly in order to get the most harvest.

How to plant basil seeds

You can grow basil in a pot from cuttings or from a young shoot from the garden, but basil grown from seeds gives the best and longest (almost a year!) At home.

To plant basil on a windowsill, you will need:

  1. seeds;
  • Any variety of basil will do, but keep in mind that the purple and Greek small-leaf varieties take longer and are more difficult to grow. Especially fast and easy grow small-leaved and undersized varieties basilica.
  1. Soil (read more about the choice of soil and its preparation in Step No. 2);
  2. Expanded clay or pebbles for drainage;
  3. A 1-2 liter pot or a large container at least 15 cm deep in which the basil shoots can grow 10 cm apart. A container for growing basil must have drainage holes;
  4. Food film or plastic bag;
  5. Shoulder blade.

Step 1. Seed preparation

This stage is optional, but desirable if you want to slightly speed up the appearance of the first shoots. Soak the seeds in warm water for 1-2 days, changing the water every 12 hours (or more often), then hold them in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours and finally dry the seeds on a napkin or gauze. Seeds can be removed with a toothpick.

Step 2. Ground preparation

loose soil - important condition success. Suitable soil can be created from:

  • Mixtures of universal soil for indoor plants with garden soil (in a ratio of 1: 1);
  • Mixtures of biohumus and soil for indoor plants (in a ratio of 1: 4);
  • Mixtures of biohumus with coco-soil (in a ratio of 1: 2).

Do not forget to process the purchased soil before planting the seeds: pour it on a baking sheet and bake it in the oven at a temperature of 100-120 degrees for about an hour, and then feed it with some mineral fertilizer. This procedure will prevent the appearance of pests in the future.

Next, we put expanded clay or pebbles on the bottom of the container to make a drainage layer 2-3 cm thick. And finally, we pour the prepared soil on top, not reaching 3-4 cm to the edges, level the surface, and then water the soil abundantly.

Step 3. Sowing seeds

Now you need to sow the seeds at a distance of about 2 cm from each other, sprinkle them with a 1-2 cm layer of earth, and then cover the pot with cling film or a bag to create a greenhouse effect.

Next, we transfer the pot to a warm place and wait for the first shoots to appear, periodically opening the film to ventilate the planting. It is not necessary to water the seedlings during this period, if desired, you can spray them lightly, then the greens will turn out juicier.

  • Depending on the variety and favorable conditions, the first sprouts of basil will appear in 7-12 days.

When the seedlings finally appear, remove the film and boldly thin out the shoots so that there is a gap of 10 cm between the remaining sprouts. Then transfer the pot to a sunny windowsill.

  • When the seedlings grow up to 5-7 cm, another 2-3 cm of soil can be added to the pot to strengthen the young shoots.

From the moment the film is removed, you need to start caring for the plant - regularly water it, loosen the ground, control temperature and lighting. Below is a memo with the main rules of care.

Basil care tips

Watering: During the summer, water and spray the basil every morning if desired, making sure the soil is always moist but not overwatered. In winter, watering should be moderate - 2 times a week will be enough.

Temperature: Keep an eye on the air temperature, it should be quite high - 20-25 degrees. Keep in mind that basil does not tolerate drafts, and when the air temperature is below 20 degrees, it begins to lose flavor.

Light: During the warm season (March to August), basil needs 6 hours of natural sunlight. In winter, additional lighting is indispensable. Read more about how and with what to create it further in Step #4.

Soil fertilization: If the soil is not fertile enough, then it can be fertilized once a month: with biohumus, Agrolife (1 tsp on the surface of the earth) or other organic fertilizers.

Step 4: Creating Favorable Lighting

If you grow basil in autumn or winter (September to February), then your mini-garden must be artificially lit for 12 hours a day.

  • Phytolamps are suitable for this or LED lamp with warm white light 2700K, installed at a distance of 15-20 cm from the plants.

Step 5. Proper harvesting

The key to getting fluffy and branched basil with lots of leaves is frequent and early pruning, also known as pinching.

After 1-1.5 months, when the basil is overgrown with 4-6 real leaves, you need to harvest the first crop by pinching off 2 leaves from the tops.

Further, when the basil has 3 sets of true leaves, pinch off the top immediately, cutting off the stem just above the small leaves that are just starting to grow from the axils. The place of the cut and those very small, barely noticeable leaves can be seen in the photo below. This procedure should be carried out every few weeks.

  • When you only need a few leaves here and there to add to a dish or drink, choose the older side leaves and pinch them off where they meet the main stem (pictured).

  • Remember that plants should always have at least 4 leaves at the bottom. If you prune the lower shoots, the basil will grow taller instead of wider and become less productive.
  • If you notice a blooming bud, immediately cut it and two leaves under it. If this is not done, the greens will begin to deteriorate.

We offer to see visual video lesson about growing basil on a windowsill.

3 Alternative Ways to Grow Basil in Pots

  1. All the same method, but with the germination of seeds in a temporary container and with subsequent picking into a permanent one

In our instructions, we talked about sowing seeds immediately into a permanent pot, which is convenient because the plant does not need to be replanted after the first shoots. But if for the first 1.5 months you do not want to clutter up the window sill big pot, then you can first sow the seeds in a small container (for example, in sour cream cups) and only after reaching a shoot growth of 5-7 cm, transplant them into a large pot.

You can clearly see the process of picking basil in the next video lesson.

  1. Transplanting basil from open ground to a pot

If you are growing basil in your garden, you can simply transplant young plant into a pot. Such a basil will bring a crop faster, but will not last long, as it will bloom soon.

  1. Growing basil from cuttings

Another way to accelerate and simplify the cultivation of basil is by planting cuttings. To do this, you need to cut off the tops or side shoots from an adult plant (you can even buy basil), germinate them in water for 1-2 weeks (changing it every day), and then plant them in a pot. Such seedlings will give the first harvest in 2-3 weeks, but will last only 3-4 months.

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