Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to make a simple wooden gazebo. Arbor with your own hands (step by step photos). Metal gazebos

Before starting any construction, you need to prepare project documentation for it. Building a gazebo with your own hands in the country is no exception, here you also need diagrams, dimensions, sketches, which together will allow you to get a complete picture of the future structure.

You will understand what materials are needed for construction, as well as where and how certain structural elements will be placed. Most importantly, it will be possible to draw up estimates in order to avoid unnecessary costs.

Country gazebos - it's simple and beautiful

To date, many modern construction and finishing materials. Therefore, it is possible to move away from the use of familiar building materials and create unique gazebo designs with your own hands. In the understanding of many people, a gazebo is just a place where you can relax. Indeed, it is so. But now kitchens, couches, swings and even barbecues are being created in the gazebos.

Due to the fact that modern building materials are light and elegant, you can assemble gazebos yourself. Difficulty is determined only by your own ideas. On the Internet you can find a huge number of photos that will inspire you to create a unique gazebo on your site:

Design of a gazebo in the country, photo:

portable design

If consider various characteristics gazebos, it is possible to conditionally divide these buildings into groups. So there is:

  • open gazebos (easy to build, used mainly in summer),
  • closed gazebos (construction with walls, windows and doors),
  • portable gazebo (disassembled and assembled easily).

There is a huge variety of building materials that can be used to build gazebos with your own hands. So, wooden, metal, glass and plastic objects are used. In addition, stone is actively used. popular in Lately gazebos made of stone. Here, even the raw materials that no one uses at all can go into action: plastic bottles, pallets, trees, and others. It all depends on what kind of imagination the owner has.

Arbor drawing for a small area

As for the size of the future gazebo, everything is determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site itself. If there is not much space, then the gazebo should not be created very large. The configuration is square, rectangular, round, in the form of a hexagon, octahedron. Sometimes they create gazebos in the shape of an oval.

Advice! If you are creating a gazebo for the first time with your own hands, then you need to use photographs, drawings, and expert advice. All information can be found on the Internet. This will help you avoid mistakes in the future.

As a roofing material for gazebos choose slate, corrugated board, flexible tiles, cellular or monolithic polycarbonate. If we take into account that many of these materials are very plastic, then it is possible to make not only single-pitched, but also multi-pitched, as well as spherical, arched, domed and other forms of roofs. Arbors are common, in which climbing green plants are used as a roof.

Arbors, in which summer kitchens are equipped, are especially popular today. Barbecues, fireplaces or barbecue areas are also built in there. Remember that to create such structures, you will need to fulfill certain requirements. And again: it is necessary to have drawings, sketches and projects not only of the entire gazebo, but also of a stove, a fireplace, for example. This will allow you to accurately cope with the work, as well as spend a minimum of funds.

Gazebo with barbecue open type

Building gazebos with your own hands

How to create country gazebo do it yourself? On the Internet, as mentioned earlier, there are many projects and drawings of gazebos. If you are not sure that you can create your own project on your own, it is strongly recommended to use the projects of those arbors that are found on the network.

Dimensional drawing of a wooden structure

So, the creation of a gazebo project consists of several stages. First you need to create a sketch future construction, make working drawings. Schemes and sketches will allow at this stage to plan the location of the structure, outline the arrangement of equipment and furniture in it. If communications are needed in the gazebo, in addition to light, then their supply system is also determined. There are clear guidelines that will allow you to properly prepare the project.

Open Structure Diagram

So, initially we decide on the type of gazebo - open or closed. Then - think over the style of the summerhouse, which should be combined with other buildings on the site. Construction materials to be used in the works are determined. Finally, on the site you need to allocate a place for a gazebo. All dimensions must be clearly reflected in the drawing and coincide with the area on the ground. If the gazebo in the country will have a closed type, then you should definitely create ventilation system. For massive gazebos, the type of foundation is determined:

  • tape,
  • columnar,
  • slab base.

Now you can proceed to the description of structural units. Here mark the place of installation of windows, doors and stairs. The roof scheme is a separate work. The construction technology of each structural elements country gazebos are determined separately, which should be reflected in the project. It's time to mark the wiring of electricity and plumbing. The plan shows the places of installation of furniture, equipment, lamps. It should be noted that this is far from all the work, the nuances that should be taken into account when drawing up a gazebo project with your own hands.

Photo of a rectangular building project

The more carefully the project is worked out, the more accurately the calculations of building materials will be made, the easier it will be to carry out the construction itself. Most importantly, errors are practically leveled. The construction will be strong and durable.

Video: garden gazebo made of wood, step by step instructions

Building a wooden gazebo with your own hands

So, when it comes to choosing a material for building a gazebo, many people prefer to choose wood. The fact is that this material allows you to create a gazebo for a summer residence that fits into the interior of any site. In addition, wood is an environmentally friendly material that is environmentally friendly, durable. The tree is easy to process and for the construction of arbors they use timber, logs, boards, and other elements.

Winter design of gazebos made of wood, photo

Rectangular gazebo

The easiest option for self construction is the use rectangular design. This is an open structure for summer use. There will be open support posts, roof and fencing. In the drawing, only the dimensions of the structure, the height, and the sketch of the structure should be displayed.

As a rule, a drawing of the profile and frontal projection of the gazebo is created. The foundation is displayed in a separate scheme. Usually preferred columnar base. Here you need to specify the dimensions of the pillars, the height and depth to which they will be dug.

Advice! In order to make the work more convenient to carry out, you can attach to the project detailed diagram installation of technical units with indication of mounting options between themselves.

As for the roof drawing, it is appropriate to display the truss systems here, indicating the fastening of the upper trim, the lower support for the rafters, and also indicate the step between the rafters. Once all the drawings are ready, you can directly proceed to construction work. So, we prepare and mark the site for construction. Stakes tied with a rope are used. Once the perimeter is marked, we begin to equip the foundation.

Do-it-yourself drawing of a simple wooden gazebo for a summer residence, dimensions

To create a foundation, according to the drawing, a pit should be dug. Although it is difficult to call a pit a foundation pit if it is 80 centimeters deep. However, everything should be named according to the building rules. A layer of sand is laid out at the bottom. Supports are placed, which are then concreted. Be sure to check the evenness of all supports with a level, their distance from each other, as well as the level in height.

Photo of the initial stage of work

Now let's move on to creating the lower trim, we equip the floor from the log. Wooden beams are used. Once the floor frame is ready, you need to create a flooring from boards or ready-made floor coverings(see site). Then fix top harness, assemble the roof frame. The frame is sheathed with a board and covered with roofing material.

Construction stages

Once the structure of the gazebo is in place, you can create fences. Initially, fix the horizontal bars, which will be the railing at the same time. Then vertical racks are installed. If the project provides for a wooden grate, then it is necessary to create a frame from a bar, and then a grate is stuffed inside it.

Wooden structure, building dimensions

Gazebo with barbecue and barbecue

Before you start creating a gazebo project with a barbecue, fireplace or barbecue, you need to create a sketch that displays the location of the gazebo on the site. The fact is that gas and water will be suitable for such gazebos. Therefore, the layout must be perfect. Consider the direction of the wind, in which the smoke from the stove will not spread to other buildings.

Arbors made of wood with a barbecue, stove or fireplace, as a rule, replace summer kitchens. It is noteworthy that the structure can be open or closed. So, closed gazebo can be used even in winter. Therefore, at the design stage, you need to take care of the insulation of the room, as well as the creation of a high-quality ventilation system.

Note that create gazebo project with barbecue, barbecue or oven - it's pretty hard work. Here, not only the design of the gazebo and the foundation are taken into account, but also elements such as a stove, a fireplace. Remember that furnace equipment is created from stone, which has a lot of weight. Usually created strip foundation, and under the stove or fireplace - tiled.

Advice! To in concrete base cracks did not appear, it is necessary to lay reinforcement under the brazier or fireplace.

The drawings need to display the dimensions of the future gazebo, as well as the location of a fireplace or barbecue in it. Separately, the scheme of the foundation and the chimney is indicated. The project will include the brazier itself, the shape of the brazier, the number of firing points, laying the stone in rows.

During the development of the gazebo plan, it is necessary to carefully consider the zoning of the room. It is necessary to provide for the safest arrangement of the table, to provide a free approach to the fireplace or to the barbecue. Do not forget that you will have to clean the stove, fireplace, and so on. It is extremely important to designate in the project a zone within which fire-fighting material will be laid around the fireplace.

If your gazebo with a fireplace or barbecue will be used as a summer kitchen, then it must be supplied with water, electricity, gas. Therefore, the project must provide for the appropriate communications, wiring diagram, water, and so on.

Once again, we note that there is a lot of work to be done not only during the creation of the project, but also during construction. Therefore, now it is necessary to draw up a project as carefully as possible, so that later unpleasant “surprises” can be avoided.

Very often, in addition to wood, metal is used to build gazebos. It can be aluminum or simple iron. The material is good because it does not need to be specially processed, like wood. Connections are created using a welding machine. It is noteworthy that the models of metal gazebos can be not only stationary, but also prefabricated / collapsible. In the second case, bolts are used to connect structural elements.

Advice! In order for the metal structure to last as long as possible, it must be treated with an anti-corrosion material, and also occasionally painted.

When you plan to create a metal gazebo, carefully choose a place on the site. The fact is that the metal is very hot in the summer. Therefore, the metal structures of arbors, as a rule, are created in an open type in the garden.

Simple construction from profile pipe

Before you start creating a project, it is better to think over the design of the building, which will match the style of the exterior. The dimensions that are laid down in the drawings depend on the number of people who are supposed to be inside the gazebo. In addition, you should consider the amount of furniture, equipment and so on.

Usually people use ready-made schemes for the construction of metal arbors. It is not difficult to find photos and designs on the Internet. The most simple design rectangular shape, which has dimensions of 2.5 by 3 meters. In this case, the gazebo will not be bulky. At the same time, you can easily install several seats and a table in it.

Due to the fact that the profile pipe has a number of advantages, many people use this particular material for the construction of arbors. The structure is not only easy to build, but also easy to maintain. The fact is that the metal is not strongly affected environment and has a relatively high durability. Profile pipes are not expensive, they have a neat appearance. Before starting construction, you should decide on the type and shape of the structure. In addition, drawings are being prepared, the availability of materials and tools that will be involved in the work is checked. So, you can create a rectangular, round, square, hexagonal and other shape of the gazebo.

Advice! If you do not have enough experience with a welding machine, or if you are creating such structures for the first time, like a gazebo, it is better to choose the simplest designs.

You can create your own drawing, a sketch of a gazebo. All dimensions are indicated in the drawings, the rest of the calculations are carried out as accurately as possible, since the further appearance and durability of the arbor depends on this.

So, in order to build a gazebo from shaped pipes with your own hands, you should use the following materials: concrete, primer for metal processing, roofing material, as well as the actual profile pipes. Of the tools must be welding machine, level, grinder, drills with a drill, as well as fasteners. As soon as a place for the construction of the structure is chosen, you need to start arranging the pits. Their number is determined according to the project - by the number of supports. The pits are up to 60 centimeters deep. The height of the racks is taken into account with this dimension. As supports, it is allowed to use a profile 80 by 80 mm, as well as with a wall thickness of 3 mm. Support heels are welded to the racks. This will increase the degree of rigidity of the structure.

Crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the prepared pits. After that, the litter is tamped, racks are placed and concrete is poured. Here you should follow the vertical of the racks as accurately as possible. As soon as the concrete begins to harden, the evenness of each rack is checked again. After these works are carried out, it is necessary to wait about two days until the concrete "grabs".

Now you can start creating the bottom strap. Here a profile of a smaller section is used, welding the material to the supports at a certain height above the ground level. As a rule, the harness is made at such a height that it is possible to enter the gazebo as comfortably as possible.

Now comes the stage of creating the roof. A truss system is created from the profile according to the drawings. If the shape is gable, then the profile is welded at an angle of 15 degrees. To make it more convenient to fix the roofing material, a profile pipe is welded onto the frame as a crate, the pitch of which is 45 cm. That's all - the gazebo frame is considered assembled.

Metal and polycarbonate construction

The main advantage of polycarbonate is that it has a transparent structure. In addition, it goes well with other materials. Arbors made of polycarbonate can decorate any yard. It is noteworthy that polycarbonate can be used not only for roofing, but also for fencing.

  • Forms of arbors

There are a huge number of forms of arbors made of polycarbonate. This can be explained by the plasticity of the material, low weight, and ease of installation. The design is oval, round, rectangular and even spherical. The structure can be open or closed.

Polycarbonate must be closed at the ends. When moisture enters its cells, destruction begins.

The roof can be single or gable, arched, hipped and so on. Since all kinds of polycarbonate colors are sold, you can create a unique atmosphere inside the gazebo. Everyone chooses the color of the material in accordance with their tastes. Polycarbonate is combined with any material: stone, metal profile, wood, plastic and so on.

Video - original building project

Photos of gazebos: simple and beautiful

Photo of a simple and beautiful brick gazebo
Photo of a gazebo made of logs with plastic windows

Photo of a brick building with glass inserts

Regardless of what material is used to create the gazebo, you need to check the quality of the structure at the end of the work. So, we make sure that the edges of the materials are processed, not sharp. In particular, polycarbonate must be closed at the ends. When moisture enters its cells, destruction begins. Created do-it-yourself gazebo from any building material will be strong, reliable, functional and durable, if the project documentation is correctly drawn up. Which structure to create depends only on your preferences, as well as on financial capabilities.

The gazebo is one of the popular types of small architectural forms. Sooner or later, every owner of a suburban area thinks about building such a vacation spot for his family and guests.

Gatherings on fresh air, at the same time, regardless of changeable weather conditions, will be the best pastime.

Choosing the type of gazebo for giving

Before choosing a place on which a gazebo will be built, it is necessary to decide on its purpose. You should think through everything to the smallest detail - how many people will be in it, its purpose (rest, place for children's games), etc.

The type and material of the gazebo will depend on personal preferences, on financial capabilities. The decisive role is played by the size of the suburban area. It is clear that a large gazebo on small plot will look inappropriate.

Garden gazebo should be combined in style with country house. Many summer residents are considering closed-type houses, so that even in winter time You could have fun with your family and friends.

There are several basic types of gazebos: open, closed, live, barbecue gazebos.


A simple, inexpensive and easy type of building that can be purchased ready-made or built with your own hands. The basis of such arbors is four pillars and a roof. This is the best summer option, which is suitable for a small area. It should be located near the house or in the shade.

Such arbors have small disadvantages:

  • use only in the warm season;
  • lack of protection from wind gusts;
  • does not protect against insects.


This type of arbor can be considered almost a full-fledged house. They are equipped with windows, doors, as well as lighting, heating appliances, shelves, etc. It is easy to install a summer kitchen in them, and a barbecue (mandatory presence of a chimney), other accessories for comfortable rest.

Closed gazebos will look great in large areas.

"Live gazebos"

A living gazebo does not require almost any financial outlay. This type is a natural construction consisting of real plants. Such a gazebo will be truly a work of art. Live gazebos are the realization of your most unimaginable ideas.

Barbecue gazebos

These are modern and popular projects, as they are able to fully satisfy the needs of the owners. personal plots who like to eat outdoors. It is a paradise for gourmets who prefer flavorful charcoal food.

They are mainly made in open form, but if you install a high-quality chimney, then you can do it in a closed form.

The choice of material for building a gazebo

One of the stages of choosing gazebos is the material. This is an important point to take into account. Main materials: wood, metal, stone, brick, cloth


Arbors made of wood - the cheapest and practical material. Wood is an environmentally friendly material, so it is necessary to protect the material from decay. The type of log gazebo will look perfect if the house and other buildings are made from solid pieces of wood.

Wooden gazebos for summer cottages, together with a house made of wood, will create a single style and unite into one composition.

stone or brick

This type of gazebo is strong, durable and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. They need a solid foundation of concrete blocks or tape. Very often this type of gazebo is combined with.

It is good to eat in it, arrange various festive events. And, of course, brick gazebos look advantageous against the backdrop of a brick house. The material is not combustible, therefore it is safe in terms of fire. In brick or stone arbors, coolness is well preserved.


Metal gazebos for summer cottages are simplicity, reliability and durability. There are a great many variations. Decorated with artistic forging, openwork arbors will be a noticeable element of style on suburban area. This type of gazebo can be attributed to a stationary view, so the place for them must be chosen very carefully.


The fabric perfectly hides from the weather, muffles the noise of the street, relieves the invasion of insects and closes from prying eyes. The most popular is tarpaulin - wind-resistant and moisture-resistant material.

Garden awnings can be supplemented with mosquito nets. In order for such a gazebo to be in harmony with the style, it stands, decorated in the same style.

What shape to choose?

The shape of the gazebo also plays a huge role, so its choice should be approached responsibly.


This form of gazebo is very common. Buildings can be wooden and metal. Also, rectangular buildings can be built of brick.


Such a gazebo is made of wood, polycarbonate with a small area for recreation. Walls can be made using willow weaving technology. Such a structure will be a real decoration of any suburban area.


This is a complex form of gazebo. For its construction, it is necessary to think over schemes and drawings. As a rule, such gazebos have six or eight corners. Such complex building will give solidity to the personal plot.

Choosing a gazebo style

In order for the gazebo to harmonize with the surroundings of the adjoining area, it is necessary that the style and finish are combined with the architecture of the house, and the dimensions correspond to the dimensions of the site.

Classic style

The classical style has a rich, restrained and austere style. As a rule, the gazebo has graceful, straight lines, strict forms, a simple and uncomplicated roof, precise outlines. A variety of decor in this style is inappropriate.

East style

This style captivates with incredible roofs, beautiful patterns and other decorative elements. Such arbors can be made of wood, brick, stone or glass. Sometimes gazebos in this style are divided into two recreation areas, which are separated by additional seats.

forest style

Arbors in the forest style will look best in the garden. You can decorate the gazebo in the form of a bird's nest, created from intertwined branches, or in the form of a hermit's hut. In this style, it is worth including imagination and fantasy.

Country style

Pergolas in rustic style or country style are made of wood. For design, there are truly huge opportunities here, because the gazebo can be in the form of a village house or a forester's hut. You can remember fairy tales and arrange it as a hut on chicken legs or the house of Winnie the Pooh.

Detailed instructions for making a gazebo

The fastest and least expensive option, simple rectangular shape With pitched roof from wood.

Site preparation

When choosing a place for a building, you need to take into account its location in accordance with the existing architecture, the possibility of supplying communications, if necessary, lighting.

The direction of the roof slope so that precipitation falls to a certain place. Consider approaches and overview from open areas gazebos.


Using pegs, twine and tape measure, we make markings, align the diagonals.

Foundation blocks are installed around the perimeter of the gazebo. There should be as many blocks as there will be supporting pillars that will stand on them, it depends on the size of the gazebo and a few more for the middle.

We cover the blocks waterproofing material- ruberoid.

Bottom trim

The timber is supplied for sale with a size of 6 meters, it would be optimal to make the size of the gazebo, taking into account this factor, so that there are fewer scraps. The beam of the required length is fastened around the perimeter with corners, and the diagonals are also checked in parallel.

Rack installation

Racks made of timber are placed at the corners, and at the places where the foundation blocks are installed, along the back wall of the rack, they are sawn off 20 centimeters less than the front ones, to create a slope of the roof. The size of the entrance is outlined along the front and racks are also installed on both edges of it, fastened with corners, reinforced with jibs. During installation, we constantly check the level from two adjacent sides so that the racks do not collapse.

Top harness

Connects the structure, mounted with a beam, similar to the bottom.


Stages floor and roof can be reversed in sequence, if the weather is going to turn bad, then after the framing go to the roof, but on the finished floor, it is easier to work.

The floor joists are attached to the bottom trim using the corners of the floor, the step size depends on the thickness of the floorboard than thinner board, the smaller the step. If you choose the optimal board with a thickness of 40 ml, then the distance can be made 1 meter.

Then the floor boards are nailed to the joists with nails. It is better to sand the boards in advance and cover them with impregnation so as not to wipe them during operation.


A simple rafter system is arranged. Rafters are made from boards. For overhangs elements load-bearing structure roofs are made longer on each side, for example, 25 cm in front and 20 cm in back, this is done so that precipitation does not fall on the walls and into the gazebo itself.

While the rafters are attached to the sides and the structure is re-calibrated, the railing can be installed.

Depending on the choice of roofing material, a continuous crate is made of a planed dry board or a crate of unedged boards, at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Using a metal tile, the boards for the crate are stuffed with falling under the wave, otherwise the tile will not fall.

The material for the roof is thrown over, leveled and fixed with roofing nails.

The frame and roof are built, there are still works on sheathing the gazebo.

IN classic version the sides are sheathed to half and completely the back wall. A beautiful log look is acquired by finishing from a block house.

For harmonious contrast, the frame and walls can be painted in different colors, for example, dark racks and light walls. You can also use decorative elements made of wood.

Such a gazebo, installed with your own hands, will bring comfort and pleasure from its use on long years. We hope the article was useful, and you will make the gazebo of your dreams, which will please the eye every day!

Photo selection of beautiful gazebos for summer cottages

We come to the dacha not to sit within four walls summer house. Only bad weather or extreme heat can force a citizen to hide under a roof.

Is it possible to make sure that you stay under the roof and still breathe fresh air?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - you can if you build a light gazebo. This building will not only decorate the landscape of a suburban area, but will also become a favorite place for relaxation and communication.

Today there are many ready-made options for light country shelters, but build your own gazebo home master much more interesting.

The family budget will only benefit from such a decision, because the cost makeshift construction on average 40-50% lower than the purchase of a finished structure.

Design and material options

Wood has been and remains the traditional material for country arbors. It is easy to process, extremely decorative, and with high-quality antiseptic impregnation and varnishing, it is very durable. Price wooden structure is minimal, and the time for its construction, even with unhurried work, does not exceed 2-3 days.

Another popular material for light shelters is metal. If the frame is made of a steel corner or a profile pipe, then not only grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren will use your gazebo.

There are an incredible variety of options for country shelters. We will not cover the immensity, but we will answer one question in detail - how to build the simplest gazebo quickly and inexpensively.

To do this, you can donate a wooden floor and a supporting frame made of timber, which is placed under it. Concrete screed is a cheap and easy-to-implement base option for a gazebo.

Before starting work, you need to make a detailed drawing, and then choose a suitable place for construction in your summer cottage. Then we will have to cut the vegetation layer to a depth of 10-15 cm, while leveling the area for concreting.

Important point! We will not use metal for the frame. Our simple gazebo will be wooden. The roof of the building will be supported by four timber posts.

As practice shows, the isolation of a wooden pole with roofing felt or bitumen in direct contact with concrete is ineffective. After 3-5 years, the base still rots, and the gazebo can turn over from strong wind. Therefore, during construction, it is necessary to immediately cut off the wood from the concrete.

For this, at the stage of concreting foundation slab it is necessary to strictly vertically dig into the ground segments of a round or square pipe right size so that 20-30 cm of metal comes out of the concrete. Having drilled four holes in them for self-tapping screws, we will get “eternal supports” for wooden posts, on which the roof will rest.

A light country gazebo does not require the construction of brick fences to protect it from strong winds. The simplest fence made of eurolining with a height of 80-90 cm, mounted on two longitudinal bars, will protect your back from blowing and burning sun rays. Such a fence is fixed to wooden posts with ordinary wood screws.

Instead of lining for fencing, you can also use cellular polycarbonate. It transmits light well, is easily attached to the bars, and is not afraid of moisture and heat.

For the roof, we use a wooden beam with a section of 50x50 mm. A gable tent frame is assembled from it, which is mounted on a horizontal strapping beam. You can cover the roof with any sheet material(metal tile, polycarbonate, ondulin or wavy slate).

When drawing a gazebo, calculate its dimensions and make the width of the roof such that the roofing material does not have to be cut. To do this, freeze dimensions of the sheet used and allow a slight overlap for the end and side eaves of the roof.

For example, for 8-wave asbestos-cement slate, the length of the gazebo should be a multiple of 1 meter, and the length of the ramp should be 1.75 meters. If several sheets of slate are laid along the slope, then the length of each is reduced by 10-15 cm to ensure overlap.

Considering other options for materials for the construction of light shelters, polycarbonate should be especially noted. From it you can make not only a fence, but also a roof. This lightweight and impact-resistant plastic is optimally combined with a metal profile.

The result is an openwork translucent structure, especially appropriate in the shade of trees. Here you should not use slate and other opaque materials. A translucent roof and dense foliage will create a pleasant partial shade.

It should be noted that this also applies to simple designs. All that is needed for it is several tens of meters of a steel corner with a section of 50x50 mm, a steel strip, one standard sheet polycarbonate 2.1x6 meters and several planed boards for the manufacture of tables and benches.

Having concreted 4 corner posts in the foundation, they need to be scalded with a corner with a section of 25x25 mm. Two corner belts are welded or screwed on with self-tapping screws in the middle part of the racks and one is allowed along the top to create the supporting part of the roof.

Polycarbonate bends perfectly, so you can make a beautiful arched roof for a gazebo without any problems. To do this, weld two steel strips 50 mm wide bent in the form of an arch to the uprights and attach three longitudinal strips of metal to them for attaching a polycarbonate sheet.

An interesting version of a wooden gazebo with a polycarbonate roof

The roof that covers summer gazebo for giving, can be made of shingles. In this case, you will have to buy several sheets of OSB, which will become the basis for this material.

Wood-oriented board, even with a thickness of 10-12 mm, is very strong and rigid. Therefore, it does not have to make a spatial frame of wood for it. It is enough just to attach it well to the strapping bar of the racks, and on the ridge to one of the sheets from below, attach a bar with a section of 5x5 cm to fix the end of the second OSB sheet.

As we have already noted, the simplest garden gazebo does not have frame frame. The foundation and floor for it is concrete screed reinforced with steel mesh. You can safely put a brazier on such a surface, without fear that the floor will catch fire from the fallen coal. If the shelter is planned to be used in winter, then it is better to make the floor wooden, and raise the foundation higher.

Columnar is inexpensive and easy to build. In order not to go beyond a modest budget, you can use ordinary red brick or natural flagstone. Having dug shallow (up to 40 cm) square holes along the perimeter, columns are placed in them on the solution. Anchor bolts 20 cm long with a thread at the free end must be laid in the masonry.

On the columns put the simplest supporting frame of wooden beam 50x100 mm. Laying on it an antiseptic floorboard, we will get a warm floor, which will be protected from snow by a high foundation. Three walls at winter gazebo can be made from cellular polycarbonate.

Having made an open hearth inside with an exhaust hood, we will get a comfortable picnic room. You can stay in it even with a slight frost, without feeling discomfort.

Useful video

- a task that requires some skills in construction. There are many construction options, but if you plan to do it on your own, then you should choose simple projects. Next, we will describe in detail the technology of how to make a gazebo with our own hands, photos will help us illustrate each stage of construction.

Preparatory activities - choose a project

There should be a gazebo on the site! Perhaps, then you can proceed to describe the construction process, and tell you step by step how to make a gazebo with your own hands. But …

First you need to decide on the project. No doubt small architectural form should be beautiful, practical, comfortable, reliable, functional, resonate with the general architectural ensemble and harmoniously fit into landscape design site. Ideally, it should be not just an outbuilding for a comfortable outdoor recreation, made “hai so”, but also a real decoration of the garden plot.

Making a gazebo for a summer residence allows you to show imagination


And open: classic with a roof and a parapet, awnings, mini portable structures, collapsible tents with an awning roof and sometimes the same canopy-walls, gazebos-swings. And, of course, all sorts of original designs, the manufacture of two-story arbors is especially in demand, something like summer kitchen, sometimes the room is adapted for a garage, and on top - a viewing platform, a place for rest and gatherings.

When choosing a project, do not forget that the gazebo is a decoration garden plots, and not the dominant architectural ensemble


The dimensions of the gazebo directly depend on what functionality it will be endowed with, and what area of ​​​​the site you plan to allocate for construction. Here we will clarify only a few circumstances that are essential for choosing a size:

  • If household plot small and a gazebo is needed for recreation of 4-6 people, it is better to opt for the manufacture of a mini-design, their average dimensions are 1.6 by 2.0 m.
  • In a typical gazebo with dimensions of 2.5 * 3 m, 3 * 3 m, you can place a small barbecue, and a workplace (kitchen), and make a table for gatherings for 6-10 people.
  • Larger buildings are suitable for accommodating numerous companies, or for closed and combined structures.

It is not difficult to make a simple gazebo with your own hands, the main thing is to follow the installation technology of the main components

What to make

But before you make a gazebo with your own hands according to the drawings, it’s not enough to decide on the shape and size, you need to choose the material for making the building:

  • tree - log, timber, boards, tree trunks, driftwood;
  • brick, stone, monolithic concrete, blocks;
  • metal - welded structures made of rolled metal (corners, rectangular and round profiles), forged products;
  • glass and polycarbonate, the frame is usually made of other materials and sheathed transparent sheets: roof, walls protecting from wind and rain;
  • a metal profile with a PVC sheath, as a rule, this prefabricated structures, under which a special platform is made, and then the assembly takes place according to the type of designer.

Of course, the most popular materials for the manufacture of gazebos are metal and wood. They are quite easy to handle with the ability to hold tools in your hands.

Making a polycarbonate gazebo usually takes 1-3 days


Is there anything that can compare with the beauty of the texture of wood, with its warmth and special subtle aroma. Wooden country houses fit well into almost any landscape design. There is a recommendation that gazebos should be made in the same style in which the main house is made, so that they do not stand out from the general concept of the design of the site. The tree is perfectly combined with any materials, even if the house is not chopped, but finished with siding, brick, stone, etc.

Advice: Before you make a gazebo in the country, the whole tree must be thoroughly impregnated with antiseptics, and covered with fire-fighting preparations for 2 layers.

It is not difficult to make a hexagonal gazebo, it is important to make a drawing correctly and accurately transfer it to the area

Most often made by hand wooden gazebos, since no additional equipment except for tools.

Pavilions made of wood turn out to be especially cozy, conducive to relaxation, they are equally comfortable both on a hot day and in a frost. We invite you to watch how to make a gazebo, a video that shows step by step how you can quickly make a small wooden building.


Arbors made of metal are reliable, durable, durable, this material has only one serious enemy - rust, but modern anti-corrosion impregnations, which should be used to process parts before building, allow you to forget about this problem.

Today, small forged structures, usually hexagonal in shape, are in demand. They are graceful, airy and create a feeling of lightness, such gazebos do not overload the space and are practically invisible on the site, especially if they are decorated with climbing plants.

Another popular way to make a metal gazebo is to make a welded frame and sheathe it with polycarbonate. Here it all depends on your requests, it can be a mini barrel gazebo, or a huge canopy.

For the manufacture of a forged gazebo, you can buy ready-made parts: patterns and lattices


As for the manufacture of the roof, then soft bituminous tiles, polycarbonate, metal tiles, ondulin are most often used as the roof of gazebos.

To decorate the building, elements with wood carvings are used, curly details - poles, balusters, a wooden lattice that you can do yourself, artistic forging, including individual decorative swirls and finished sections.

How to make a beautiful gazebo

We will make a garden flying wooden house, closed with a grate, 4.5 * 4.5 m, under a hip roof.

Making a gazebo with your own hands, like any other construction, begins with site preparation and foundation. We transfer the drawing to the area, make markings for the foundation. We drive pegs in the corners, pull the rope, check the geometry, the diagonals should be equal.

We make the foundation

Clearing the site and making markings for the foundation

We remove the top fertile layer of soil, dig holes. First, in the corners, then we divide the distance between them into equal parts, and we dig holes around the perimeter. Between the pits should be 1.2 -2.0 m, no more. Depth 0.5 - 0.7 m.

To make the foundation, you need to prepare a pillow

We fill the bottom with crushed stone 0.2 m, sandstone 0.2 m, thoroughly ram.

Pillars can be made independently or made from ready-made blocks

We install blocks on the prepared pillow.

It is better to make not only horizontal waterproofing, but also coat the stob with bitumen

We lay the waterproofing, you can coat the blocks with heated bituminous mastic or lay 2 layers of roofing material on them.

How to make a frame

For the manufacture of the lower strapping, we take a beam, preferably glued, with a cross section of 100 * 100, 100 * 150 mm.

The photos show how to make the bottom harness.

We cut the ends into half-logs, make recesses for fastening the middle bars. We lay it around the perimeter, fix it with screws, additionally on metal corners.

Logs are best made from the same timber as the perimeter strapping

We lay the logs inside the structure. We impregnate them with an antiseptic and fire-fighting solution.

For the manufacture of supports, a beam with a section of 100 * 100 mm is suitable

We install the support stands, we attract them to the metal corners so as not to knock down the geometry, we prop them up with temporary jibs.

It is better to do the strapping first between the paired pillars, and then pull them together

We tighten on the heads, check the geometry, it will fit edged board with a section of 50 * 100 mm.

When making a frame, constantly check the level of the horizon and vertical on a plumb line

We install the middle supports, make a transverse upper harness. We lay the floor. For the manufacture of the floor, decking or grooved board is well suited.

How to make a roof

On the transverse strapping, in the center, we fasten vertically 2 beams, section 100 * 100 mm, length 0.9 m, we connect them ridge beam, board 100*50 mm. It is better to make rafters and assemble a farm on the ground.

Photo example of how best to make and install a ridge beam

We make rafters for our building hanging type, should protrude beyond the building by at least 300 mm, 3 pcs., lift up, fasten to the ridge beam.

It is better to do rafters on a sled so that the roof slides a little with strong heaving of the soil

We strengthen rafter legs at the corners of the structure.

Good to know: truss system for outbuildings according to SNiP it is made from a board 50 * 150 mm, this is the maximum maximum.

For the manufacture of crates, you can use OSB or moisture-resistant plywood

We make a roof sheathing under the roof. In our case, this is a 60 * 20 mm rail.

Laying roofing material

How to make wall structures

At a height of 900 mm from the floor, we fasten curly railings or an ordinary beam, we sheathe the resulting frame inside with a thinner beam, 20 * 40 mm, we get a frame in a frame.

Parapet can be made from balusters

We fix it with a board diagonally. From above we sew the parapet with a rail.

Lattices can be made by yourself, the sides can also be closed monolithic polycarbonate, or make a full-fledged glazing

We decorate the upper part of the wall wooden lattice, it will protect from the sun and gusts of wind. In the corners of the racks we fix a curly corner, it does not carry any practical load, for beauty. We sew up the base with a mini-fence made from scraps. We paint the gazebo in the desired color. For convenience, we build a porch.

In the photo, how to make a country gazebo out of wood and decorate it is not expensive, but beautiful

And at the end, watch the video on how to make a gazebo with your own hands, from the video you will understand how much it simple process. I must say that this video will inspire many to make a place to relax in the country. Country homemade mini design, comfortable, beautiful, ergonomic, it can be done in one day without any help.

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B a gazebo is an indispensable attribute of a private house, a country cottage and just a dwelling, in which there is a separate land plot. It will protect from the rays of the sun, rain and other adverse weather conditions. Under the roof of the gazebo, it is always comfortable to spend time with friends or settle down with your family during an evening tea party. However, not everyone knows how to make a gazebo with their own hands from wood step by step. Let's look at the rules for building a gazebo: what to make it from, what materials are needed, and, finally, the stages of its installation.

wooden gazebo

Arbor made of wood: what are the advantages?

To date, there are many materials from which you can make a gazebo. The most common of them are metal and wood. In this article, we will look at how to make do-it-yourself gazebos from wood step by step. Why wood? Because this material has a lot of advantages:

  • easy to install, as wood is a relatively light material;
  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material, so it will not be able to harm the environment;
  • wood is enough durable material: It is immune to ultraviolet rays. To prevent the wood from rotting from exposure to moisture, it should be coated with a transparent varnish for wood;
  • Wood goes well with stone, concrete, metal and other materials. In terms of decor, it is universal;

  • Wood carving is also popular now. Exquisite relief drawings will become a kind of decor for the gazebo.

Despite the fact that wood as a material for gazebos has a number of disadvantages (for example, it rots when exposed to moisture, may not be durable enough, subject to the negative effects of termites), it is the best material for building gazebos, which has no alternative.

Related article:

Materials for building a gazebo made of wood

To build a gazebo, you need to stock up on such materials and tools:

  • Iron or wooden pegs pegs - will be needed to mark the area where the gazebo will be installed. Also, for convenience, a fishing line is used, which is pulled between pegs installed along the marked edges of the structure;

  • Auxiliary materials: saw, planer, nails of various calibers, etc.

Quantity necessary materials depends on the size of the planned gazebo.

Stages of building a gazebo made of wood

The choice of design and drawing of the gazebo

Before construction begins, you need to decide what kind of gazebo you want. Here the flight of fancy is unlimited. Designs can be rectangular, hexagonal, round, square, etc. Having decided on the form, you need to set the dimensions of the future building.

Below is a plan for the construction of an octagonal wooden gazebo. This design is very convenient because inside the gazebo it will be comfortable and convenient: up to 12 people can easily accommodate there. Its area may be different depending on the location and your desires. The height of the gazebo is 2.5 meters.

Construction stages


The site selected for construction is cleared, and in accordance with the above dimensions, iron pegs are installed in the corners. Line is stretched in the corners. Mark the place where the entrance will be located.

Foundation preparation

According to the marking, he digs holes, at the bottom of each of them we make a sandy base. It is highly desirable to compact the sand before laying the foundation to avoid excessive settlement. Installing on the bottom concrete blocks or a brick, we fall asleep with gravel, we tamp and fall asleep back with soil. All blocks must be set strictly according to the level.

Instead of blocks in each pit, formwork can be made and cement mortar can be poured.

Base device

After the foundation is ready, install wooden base in accordance with the drawing. This can be done in two ways. The first way: we expose the base of wooden bars using internal jumpers, sew up the floor and only after that we expose the wooden racks, attaching them to the floor with nails and metal plates.

The second method involves placing wooden racks directly on each foundation pillar between the base lintels.

The fastening of the bars is carried out using metal corners.

For the reliability of the structure, at the stage of erecting the foundation, it is possible to lay a metal rod in each pillar, onto which the base of the wooden rack will be inserted.

Strapping installation

Further along the edges of the gazebo (except for the place where the entrance to the structure is planned) we install a strapping made of a wooden beam, made in the form of some kind of pattern. We fix the bars with nails and screws. Leave the entrance open.

Roof device

Now we equip the roof of the gazebo. If you want to make a roof with a sloping slope, install 8 rafters on the supporting pillars, connect them with a horizontal cross member. The end result is an "A" shape. If you prefer a single-sided gazebo made of wood with your own hands step by step, then we equip one continuous rafter on the pillars.

We lay the roof, and only after that we lay the tiles on its surface.

To understand how to make a wooden gazebo with your own hands, a step-by-step drawing is simply necessary. Having calculated and planned the entire structure from the very beginning, the installation process will be an easy and exciting experience.

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