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Brezhnevka design 2 rooms without redevelopment. Layout of apartments in Brezhnev houses. Brezhnevka kitchen real photos

Brezhnevka layout - the features of the "Brezhnev" layout must be taken into account if you choose an apartment in such a house.

In order not to be accidentally misled, we will consider the main characteristics of houses of the Brezhnevka type according to appearance, footage and location of rooms.

Layout Brezhnevka: the history of "Brezhnev" apartments

"Khrushchev" was very well suited for the quick and cheap resettlement of citizens of the USSR in separate square meters, but time passed and more modern solutions were required.

As a result, a whole series of buildings appeared, which received the name “brezhnevka” among the people.

This name came from the name of Secretary General L.I. Brezhnev, during whose time a large-scale building of this series of houses took place, although some were also built under Khrushchev and were called "early Brezhnevka".

In general, the period of construction of buildings took from 1964 to the early 1980s, although this applies to Moscow, in the regions the construction of some layouts related to the "Brezhnevka" continues to this day. The peak of construction occurred in the 70s - 80s. of the last century, they were built from panels, bricks and rarely from blocks.

Characteristics of the layout of houses "brezhnevka"

"Brezhnevka" is inferior to the so-called. "New" layout, but still a little better than the "Khrushchev". There are about forty types of modifications to the layouts of buildings of this type. Initially, the layout provided for eight and nine-story, but there are also five-story options.

The layout provided for apartments from 1-room to 5-room.

Most Brezhnevkas were built from a panel, but there are also brick options. Brezhnevka made from the panel differ from Khrushchev in the presence of a slightly larger kitchen - 6.8 - 7.4 sq.m. and ceilings 2.7 meters high (meaning panel series II-29, II-49, I-1605/9, II-18/9, I-515/9m, I-515/9sh, 1-Lg-602, 1LG504D2, 1-Lg-606, 121, 1- Lg-600). Otherwise they have the same adjoining rooms and a toilet with a bathroom, as well as a garbage chute between floors and an elevator.

Brick options, represented by series 1-528KP-41, 9 floors high. and 1-528KP-80 with a height of 14 floors. "Brezhnevka", for the most part, have 9 - 17 floors, at that time, apparently, all aspirations were closer to space, as a result, many series appeared in the form of one or two access "towers".

The roof of the Brezhnev houses is flat, the drainage system is usually internal. Housing in panel buildings has window sills up to 30 cm wide, and brick up to 45 cm.

The advantages of planning houses "brezhnevka"

In the series I-528KP, I-600, I-528-KP-41, I-504, 121, I-528-KP-80), the location of the apartments provided for the presence of a load-bearing wall that adjoined the neighboring apartment. As a result, the sound insulation increased, in other words, the "Khrushchev" were already much inferior in this parameter.

Though a trifle, but waterproofing in the bathroom and wide window sills became small pluses of Brezhnevka. The most comfortable living, undoubtedly, are brick buildings due to the noise and heat insulation characteristics.

In addition, there are often separate bathrooms and utility rooms, rooms are mostly separate

I already mentioned the layouts of "brezhnevka" like "tower" - these are generally separate projects of that time, and so they have several advantages - large kitchens - about 10 square meters. and large balconies.

Compared to the "Khrushchev" buildings, the staircases are wider, the placement of rooms is more convenient and larger in area (in 2-room windows on both sides), with a separate bathroom (not everywhere), buildings rich in design and appearance (especially later series ), a “refrigerator” was preserved under the windowsill in the kitchen, as a legacy from the “Khrushchev”.

Disadvantages of apartments with a Brezhnevka layout

Since, basically, construction material was a panel external walls turned out to be thin, as a result of which it could be cold in winter, and heated up from the sun in summer.

However, this does not apply to all panel options, for example, series II-29 (9-storey) has good heat and noise insulation characteristics and has thick external walls. In the same series, there are five different layouts of 2-room apartments. one thing is bad, "Khrushchev" and "Brezhnevka" tend to gradually become obsolete, both morally and technically.

It is necessary to buy living space in such a building with the idea that after some time you will have to “throw off” on overhaul. By the way, there are two ways to bring a residential building "to life" - rehabilitation and overhaul.

So, the reorganization is carried out without evicting residents and does not provide for a “major” repair, and therefore the effect is much lower and no longer than during a major overhaul.

Now you know what you have to do if you live or will live in Brezhnevka, although these activities apply to any building.

In some series of "brezhnevka" kitchens are inconveniently located - between outer wall and a bathroom.

The garbage chute, which I promised to mention separately, due to the lack of training in its use, is often clogged with garbage, and this fact is the source of the smell and the rats.

Also, due to the multi-storey structure, few people walk on the landings and it is not uncommon for a picture when various "kampash" teenagers, outcasts, and so on find a place to spend time on the stairwells.

The layout of the Brezhnevka-type apartments

The layout in the "brezhnevka" is many-sided and depends on a certain series, and since there are about forty of them and quite a lot has been erected, we will present only general figures and a frequently encountered one for consideration.

  • 1-room "brezhnevka" - 22 - 31 sq.m
  • 2-room "brezhnevka" - 42 - 45 sq.m
  • 3-room "brezhnevka" - 48 - 56 sq.m
  • 4-room "brezhnevka" - 68 - 72 sq.m

In five-story buildings with separate bathrooms (except for one-room ones), the minimum area of ​​​​rooms is about 15 sq.m. in the hall, up to 10 sq.m. in the bedroom, up to 8 sq.m. in the nursery, about 6 sq.m. in the kitchen.

1-room "brezhnevka" photo:

2-room "brezhnevka" wagon (version 1) photo:

2-room "brezhnevka" wagon (version 2) photo:

2-room "brezhnevka" corner photo:

3-room "brezhnevka" (version 1) photo:

4-room "brezhnevka" photo:

We examined the main characteristics of the layout of the "Brezhnev" apartments and buildings. Now you have a rough idea of ​​the buildings and housing in them, built over a long period of construction in the USSR.

This layout, represented by many series, is present in any city in Russia; dwellings continue to be sold and bought to this day. Perhaps one of those who read this article will acquire their own Brezhnevka.

Typical layouts of apartments are typical for a whole series of houses - a group of residential buildings that are completely or almost completely identical in design and layout of rooms. Also, these houses are built from the same materials.

Typical layouts of apartments include Brezhnevka, Khrushchev, Stalinka. Houses from these series are found in almost every locality countries.

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Stalinka houses are still expensive and prestigious. This is mainly due to their location: as a rule, "Stalinki" are located in the city center and in the areas closest to it. In addition, the cost of housing is affected by a large total area, as well as high ceilings.

"Stalinki" are divided into two types depending on the building material used: cinder block and brick. Most brick houses were built in the early period, and cinder blocks began to appear at a time when developers gained access to building panels and blocks. brick buildings usually have better thermal insulation, more attractive facade. Cinder block houses look less refined, and sometimes just dull.

The construction of "stalinok" significantly decreased in 1956, when industrial mass housing construction began, which caused the appearance of entire arrays of "Khrushchev".

The main features of the "Stalinka" layout:

  • High ceilings;
  • Convenient layout of "Stalinka";
  • Massive walls.

In "Stalinka" usually three- and four room apartments, options with two, as well as five or more rooms are much less common. One-room apartments are a rarity at all.

"Stalinki" can refer to ordinary or nomenklatura houses. Nomenklatura were built specifically for elite residents. These houses are distinguished by an excellent layout, spacious hallways. The apartments may also contain not only a children's room, but also an office, a library, a room for servants. The kitchen in such "Stalinka" is large, the bathroom is separate. Usually located on the same floor 2-4 apartments. Ordinary houses are simpler and more modest, the area of ​​apartments in them is smaller.

Apartment layouts standard series— Stalinki:

Rice. 1 - Layout of a one-room apartment in Stalinka

Rice. 2 - Layouts of two-room apartments in Stalinka

Rice. 3 - Layouts of three-room apartments in Stalinka

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Typical layout of Khrushchevka apartments

The “Khrushchevs” include five storey houses, the construction of which began in the period 1956-1964, during the reign of Khrushchev. In Moscow, these buildings were built until 1972, and in the region itself and in many other regions of the country - until the mid-1980s.

At first, "Khrushchev" buildings were built of brick, but in the 60s, for economic reasons, panel housing construction. Apartments in "Khrushchev" have a small area of ​​​​rooms (for example, 6-9 m2 were allocated for a bedroom), and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bkitchens does not exceed 6 m2. The height of the ceilings also decreased - up to 2.5 meters.

The main disadvantages of the layout of apartments "Khrushchev" include:

  • Poor thermal insulation (hot in summer and cold in winter);
  • Combined bathroom;
  • Lack of a garbage chute, elevator, attic.

But these houses also have their advantages. This is, first of all, the low cost of apartments and a good territorial location - not far from the metro, in areas with developed infrastructure.

Layouts of apartments of standard series - Khrushchev:

Rice. 4 - Layouts of one-room apartments in Khrushchev

Rice. 5 - Layouts of two-room apartments in Khrushchev

Rice. 6 - Layouts of three-room apartments in Khrushchev

Typical layout of Brezhnevka apartments

Typical Brezhnevka houses were built during Brezhnev's time - from 1964 to the beginning of the 80s.

Unlike "Khrushchev", such houses had more floors and an increased area of ​​​​apartments. In the very first apartments, there was often a "Khrushchev refrigerator", which was a closet under kitchen window. This decision was borrowed from the "Khrushchev". The bathroom was created separately. In the future, the layout changed a little, some of the solutions are used in our time.

Brezhnevka is characterized by an improved layout. But this is true only in relation to the “Khrushchevs”, as for the “Stalinka”, they are more comfortable for living. In Brezhnevka houses, the ceilings are not too high, the kitchens are small (about 7-9 m2). The number of rooms varies from 1 to 5.

One of the varieties of "brezhnevok" are hotel-type apartments. They are small, their total area is 12-18 square meters. Such apartments were intended for temporary stay, but then most of them were fixed on a permanent basis.

The "Brezhnev" houses have an elevator, a garbage chute, and the ceiling height is 2.65 meters.

Most of the buildings are poorly insulated and have recently undergone major renovations to improve energy efficiency.

Layouts of apartments of standard series - Brezhnevka:

Rice. 7 - Layouts of one-room apartments in Brezhnevka

Rice. 8 - Layouts of two-room apartments in Brezhnevka


One-room apartments.

Two-room apartments.

Three-room apartments.


Everyone has heard the term "Khrushchev", but not everyone can give this type of apartment accurate description. Let's try to figure it out together, for this we need to plunge into history.

Back in 1955, namely on July 31, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, headed by Khrushchev, adopted a resolution "On the development of housing construction in the USSR", due to the massive lack of residential space. As a result, the Khrushchevka project was developed, which got its name from the participation of the Secretary General in it. Construction began in the mid-1950s. The technical solution project was a panel or brick house in three, five floors with the presence of high ceilings (2.5 m), but with the absence of an elevator and a garbage chute. The style of such houses was strict, with the absence of any decorations, even the glazing of balconies in Khrushchev was considered a great luxury at that time. On one floor there were four apartments, which housed one or two rooms, with adjacent walls and poor sound insulation, a combined bathroom and a small kitchen. But even in such difficult conditions, people found the right solutions to everyday problems. Take, for example, the construction of a built-in cabinet for food storage. The thickness of the walls was about half a brick, and in cold weather this was a good substitute for a refrigerator.

The apartments, of course, were small, with a minimum of amenities, but at that time for people this was happiness. These houses were mainly built in major cities. This process proceeded at a colossal pace, which affected the quality of housing.


One-room apartment.

Two-roomed flat.

Three bedroom apartment.

Brezhnevka (Brezhnev layout).

Brezhnevkas are improved Khrushchevs. In these houses, the area of ​​\u200b\u200brooms is larger and kitchens are even seven meters high.

Characteristics of houses

It is not difficult to guess where their name came from: the houses were built during the Brezhnev period. The great advantage of Brezhnevka is that the inter-apartment walls in these houses are load-bearing. AT different regions our country has its own understanding of a series of typical houses, the greatest confusion concerns Brezhnevka.

In the generally accepted sense, by "Permian" standards, there are several series of standard houses classified by real estate market experts as Brezhnevka:


5-storey houses with improved planning parameters of apartments compared to Khrushchev houses. In the hallways there is a place for a built-in wardrobe, combined bathrooms are allowed only in 1-room apartments, all apartments have balconies.


o Flat roof;

o Balconies are coupled from the end;

o In the extreme entrances 4 apartments per floor (2 to the right - 2 to the left) in the middle entrances 3 apartments;

o Rooms insulated or by tram;

o Bathrooms in 2,3,4 rooms are always separate, in 1 room they can be combined and separate. If the bathroom is combined, then the kitchen is larger;

o There are 4-room apartments, but only corner apartments (62 sq.m. 1Izolyr + 3 Adjacent)

o Due to the material of the walls - brick "brezhnevka" is more in demand.

o Apartment layouts are similar to panel "brezhnevkas".


One-room apartment

Two-roomed flat

Three bedroom apartment

Panel "brezhnevka" 5 floors.

Brezhnevkas are popularly called houses built in the 60-70s. The hallways are still small, but the kitchen has noticeably increased to 6-7 square meters.

Walk-through rooms are a thing of the past, now all rooms are isolated, and in large apartments Windows overlook both sides of the house. Unfortunately, the bathrooms with the toilet were very small. Most of the walls are load-bearing, so the possibilities for redevelopment are very limited, it is only possible to expand the kitchen a little due to the corridor and so small bathroom. The houses are panel, so the ceilings, walls and floor are perfectly even, but it is cold in them in winter, and the batteries are also built into the wall. The coldest corner apartments, their residents have to spend additional heating or buy radiators.


One-room apartments:

Two-room apartments:

Three-room apartments:

Brezhnevka nine, fourteen-story.

Brezhnevka- a multi-storey residential building (usually 9 or 14 floors), built of brick, the mass construction of which took place in the 70s and 80s of the last century. Unlike Khrushchev, it is equipped with an elevator and a garbage chute. Brezhnevka can often be recognized by the key phrase "Apartment with an improved layout."


One-room apartments:

Two-room apartments:

Gray panel.

These are apartments of the next (after Khrushchev's time) generation. 9-storey buildings with a garbage chute and elevators. The houses are built of reinforced concrete panels. The parameters of the apartments in these houses meet the standard of mass housing: the kitchen area is at least 7 sq.m, separate bathrooms, hallways and corridors are equipped with built-in wardrobes and mezzanines. The ceiling height is 2.6 m, the rooms in the two-room apartments are isolated, in the three-room apartments they are adjoining-isolated, there are balconies and loggias. There are 4 apartments on the site. In these houses, as a rule, 2 and 3 room apartments. Kitchen area - from 7.5 to 10 m². In two-room apartments, the rooms are isolated. There is an elevator, garbage chute, loggia or balcony. A feature of the "gray panel" layouts is that they do not have four-room apartments, one-room apartments are extremely rare. 3-room apartments of 4 types:

o Standard: 1 isolation + 2 tram + balcony + loggia (S 62/43/7.5)

o Non-standard: 1 isolation + 2 tram + balcony + loggia (S 70/48/9.5) B Chinese wall at the junctions of houses.

o Corner with balcony: 1 isolated + 2 tram + balcony (S 57/38/9.5)

o Corner: 1 Isolation + 2 adjacent + 2 loggias (S 57/38/7.5)

layout typical floor:

Two-roomed flat:

Three bedroom apartment:

Layout of the outer entrances:

Episode 85- nine-ten-story houses, often lined with facade tiles. In these houses, mainly 2 and 3 room apartments, a smaller percentage of 1 and 4 room apartments.

Features of the 85 series - small areas of apartments. In a 2-room apartment, the total area is 54 sq.m., living area 29-30 sq.m., kitchen from 7.5 to 8 sq.m., the layout is convenient - the kitchen is in the middle, between two rooms, large loggia, square hallway. AT three-room layout unsuccessful because of the long narrow corridor, narrow elongated kitchen with an area of ​​8-11 sq.m. and a small living area - 38-39 sq.m (one of the rooms is quite small, 9 sq.m.) total area up to 65 sq.m.


Two-roomed flat:

Three bedroom apartment:

Episode 97- 5, 10 or 16 storey buildings, the construction of which began in Perm in the late 80s. Houses of this type are most widely used in residential areas (Parkovy, Sadovy, Dekbristov Ave.). construction of houses of this series continues to the present.

One-room apartment:

Two-roomed flat:

Three bedroom apartment:

Sixteen-story houses:

Series E-600.

Houses of the E-600 series (600th series) in the city of Perm are being built from the beginning of the 90s of the XX century to the present. Despite the fact that this panel houses, they have a number of advantages in relation to panel houses of previous series, more comfortable layout, increased noise and heat insulation. Houses of this series can be from 5 to 16 floors, but 10-storey houses are the most common.

The houses of this series have many different layouts, below are the most common ones in Perm.

Typical floor plans:

Often in the real estate market there are small apartments in panel house or studios, looking at which the question arises: “How to live in such a room?”. Do not underestimate the potential of Khrushchev with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m. in an old building. Little tricks will help to create a beautiful and modern design of a 2-room apartment.


In a small two-room apartment with an area of ​​40 sq. m., located in a panel house, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • narrow corridor leaves no room for furniture. Not a single design project can fix the standards for planning 2-room premises.
  • Combining a bathroom- saves space, but does not always reflect well on the comfort of residents.

  • A separate work area should always be allocated for the kitchen. It does not matter whether the interior is designed for a 1-room or two-room apartment with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m.

  • Low ceilings are distinguished by “Stalinka”, “Khrushchev” and “Brezhnevka”. A well-thought-out design project will help correct this shortcoming.


Redevelopment is always carried out after a detailed analysis of the premises, as well as taking into account the ideas of residents about comfort.

  • Each family member should have their own space. in a small two-room apartment in a panel house. If the area of ​​the room does not exceed 40-60 sq.m., then the personal area should be allocated with furniture, curtains or other techniques.

  • Selected first room style, then they develop a design project and think over the interior of the Khrushchev.

  • Before developing a design project, it is necessary to take into account the technical capabilities of a dwelling in a panel house. The age of the building, the location of walls, windows and doors - all this affects the redevelopment plan.


The layout of the two-room "Stalinka" is distinguished by rooms of non-standard area, high ceilings and lack of load-bearing walls. This allows you to develop various projects. You can, for example, turn a two-room apartment into a three-room apartment. But usually the design project is thought out in order to increase the area. Therefore, most often from a room of 40-60 sq.m. studio is being made. To do this, the kitchen area joins the room or the hall is combined with a corridor.


Khrushchevs are characterized by a small quadrature, low ceilings, combined bathroom and walk-through rooms. Therefore, the interior of the room, with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m., is thought out in such a way as to correct planning errors. To begin with, doorways are transferred to the corners of the load-bearing walls. If the room is designed for two tenants, then a studio is made from it. The area of ​​the bathroom is increased by the corridor.

If a large family lives in a 2-room Khrushchev, then part of the passage room should be separated, the corridor should be enlarged. If the location of the bathroom allows, you can move the walls apart.


In 2-room "brezhnevka", with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m., there are more conditions for creating modern design: kitchens up to 8 meters, overall rooms, separate bathroom. The main disadvantage of such a room is a large load on bearing walls. They not only cannot be demolished, but also the passage can not be moved. Therefore, the redevelopment design project comes down to combining a bathroom, a hall and a dining room. Next, the interior is thought out, which would visually increase the size of the rooms.

The premises of modern buildings rarely need redevelopment. They are built in large isolated rooms. Very often there are balconies that can be combined with the living room.

The secret to success in any art lies in thinking through the details. Therefore, the design of 2-room living quarters is developed taking into account the personal preferences of the owners.

You can decorate all living quarters in the same style or in different, even contrasting and incompatible ones. The first option is used if all rooms are isolated and connected only by a corridor. For apartments with a semi-studio layout, in which the kitchen area is combined with a hall and a corridor into a single space, it is better to use two different styles. In the living area, emphasis should be placed on large and free space, and in the bedroom, use soft styles that create a comfortable environment.

Zoning of premises

Functional zoning will help to equip any room as conveniently as possible. Its essence lies in the logical arrangement of several working areas in one area.

Kitchen-living room. The most common zoning method, in which on the border of the kitchen and the hall is located dinner Zone. In relation to the kitchen in a remote corner, you can equip an office or library. An example of such a design is shown in the photo below.

Living room-study. To design such zoning, it is better to use a separating screen or partition. An example of such a design is shown in the photo below.

Bedroom-study. The only way to combine these rooms is to install a compact bed that can be hidden in a closet. A double bed, as a large-sized piece of furniture, occupies all the free space. The interior of such a room is thought out in such a way as to highlight a small working area with a screen.

Living room (bedroom) - wardrobe. Such an element complements any recreation area. A closet located in the far part of the room or dividing the room into zones can act as a dressing room.

Color design

Each style has its own palette. Equipping a small-sized room, the main focus should be on increasing the space. To do this, the interior is thought out in light shades, with translucent textiles, mirrors and glossy surfaces. In studios, you can use textured materials, drapery and massive furniture.

Cold palettes help to visually enlarge the space, but create an official and presentable appearance. Therefore, they are complemented by ethnic decor of bright colors.


Thinking through the interior large room in a panel house, the following details must be taken into account:

  • Furniture in a 2-room Khrushchev should be installed small-sized, modular: coffee table, which, if necessary, will turn into dinner table, folding bed, corner wardrobe.

  • Ceilings can be used to add functionality or decoration to a one- or two-room apartment.. For example, you can install an LCD TV above the bed in the bedroom.

  • If in two-room Khrushchev, with an area of ​​60 sq.m., there is a balcony, it should be attached to the residential area.

If possible, develop design project 2-room or small-sized premises in the house together with specialists.

Video gallery

Brezhnevka apartments are the so-called housing of the old fund, which is widespread in our country. In each city, dozens of houses of that era have been preserved. Such apartments are still in demand. If you are going to buy or sell housing in the secondary market, you need to know what distinguishes model houses the last century.

Building Features

It is not difficult to guess where such a name of houses came from. During the reign of the notorious party leader L. I. Brezhnev, there was a large-scale development of territories from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. "Brezhnevka" came to replace the cramped "Khrushchev", which did not always have good planning. At the new stage of construction, the architects abandoned 5 floors and began to build new houses with a height of 8-9 and 12-16 floors. This decision was due rapid growth population in cities, it allowed, with minimal effort, to resettle more Soviet families.

The peak of construction fell on the 70-80s of the last century. New houses were created mainly from reinforced concrete slabs, which made it possible to speed up the process of their construction and improve sound insulation. Despite the advantages of this solution, as a result, the apartments became colder. There was also an alternative - brick, so some series of houses were built without slabs. The height of brick "brezhnevka", as a rule, reached 16 floors. Such buildings were erected in the form of one- or two-entrance buildings.

On the landing"brezhnevka" are 3-4 apartments. For the first time, elevators and garbage chutes in the entrances appeared in such houses. Another plus panel houses there were two elevators - passenger and freight, while their mechanisms are under the roof, and the stairs and the garbage chute are as far away from the apartments as possible, which significantly reduces audibility.

Description of apartments

In the houses of that period, for the first time, not only more comfortable one-, two- and three-room apartments appeared, but also spacious four-room apartments. Such housing was intended for large families. The living area of ​​the apartment has increased significantly, and the layout has become more comfortable.

There are about 40 types of standard apartment layouts, and their typical sizes are as follows:

  • one-room - 27-34 sq. m;
  • two-room - 38-47 sq. m;
  • three-room apartment - 49-65 sq. m;
  • four-room apartment - 58-76 sq. m.

In terms of area, a two-room "brezhnevka" is approximately equal to a three-room "khrushchev", but the footage of kitchens and hallways remained the same. Often the windows are located on parallel walls of the building, that is, they face the courtyard on one side, and on the busy street on the other. AT narrow corridor there is a place for a built-in wardrobe; the apartment also has mezzanines and storage rooms.

In some layout options, under the windowsill in the kitchen there is a so-called winter refrigerator. In many typical houses the walls have become thinner, and this makes the apartments cold in winter and hot in summer. Of course, Brezhnevkas are inferior to apartments with a new improved layout, but still they are the best option than "Khrushchev".

Size Options

If the area of ​​the corridor and the kitchen has increased only slightly, then the improvement in the comfort of the rooms is obvious.

The living area in a three-room apartment is approximately the same:

  • kitchen - 5-7 sq. m;
  • bedroom - up to 10 sq. m;
  • children's - about 8 square meters. m;
  • living room - 15-17 sq. m.

The layout and dimensions of the rooms depend on the series of the house. The height of the ceilings increased from 2.5 m to 2.7 m compared to the "Khrushchev" buildings. one-room apartments. These improvements have greatly facilitated everyday life and improved the quality of life. Unfortunately, the toilet and bath were still very cramped.

Design Ideas

Perhaps every owner dreams of improving the Brezhnevka. As a rule, many tenants complain, first of all, about small kitchen and the impossibility of arranging a capacious storage system in the corridor.

Any work on the redevelopment and repair of an apartment must be trusted to professionals, since it will not be difficult for them to study the plan of the apartment, conduct a detailed analysis, select suitable options repair, coordinate all redevelopment work with higher authorities.

Age of the building, deterioration engineering systems, the location of the walls and windows also affects the possibility of reworking the Brezhnevka. As a rule, all the walls of the apartment are load-bearing, so the possibility of redevelopment in most cases is very limited, but this does not mean that it is impossible. Even 30 sq. m you can create a stylish and modern interior.

  • If the configuration of the apartment allows, you can demolish the wall between the kitchen and the living room, thus freeing up quite a lot of free space for equipping a modern studio apartment.

You can zone the room with the help of color, stylistic accents, correct selection furniture and curtains and other techniques.

  • It is better to attach a balcony to a residential area. If you properly carry out comprehensive work to coordinate the alteration, redevelopment, insulation of the loggia, you will be able to increase the living space by several square meters. However, such repairs will be expensive: dismantling the wall, strengthening, glazing, transferring heating and insulation will require large financial costs. Be prepared for this.

  • The kitchen can be enlarged in several ways, for example, combined with a balcony or, if there is no balcony or it is in another room, with next door. As mentioned above, almost all the walls of the apartment are load-bearing, so they cannot be demolished, but it is possible to coordinate with the BTI the construction of an additional opening in the wall. Such an arch will be very convenient, add light and air to the atmosphere and make both rooms visually larger.

This option is available only for those apartments in which electric stove. kitchen with gas stove must be isolated from living quarters.

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