Encyclopedia of fire safety

Beads from caps from plastic bottles. Crafts from plastic bottle caps: we make decorations for home and garden, helping the environment. How to make bottle cap crafts

I am glad that humanity is gradually learning to reuse waste.

If earlier these were only modest attempts, now people will think several times before sending them to the garbage container.

You can reuse not only transparent, but also the cover. About them today and will be discussed. More specifically, how can apply multi-colored caps in Everyday life how to make of them:

  • garden paths;
  • fence;
  • furniture;
  • massage Mat;
  • other crafts for home and garden.

Recycling plastic caps - a relatively young direction, which is only gaining momentum. In large shopping malls can see special containers for collecting multi-colored plastic.

It is clear that a resident of a small town is unlikely to take a bag with lids to the capital to throw them in a specially designated place. But sending them to a landfill is also not worth it - you can give them second life.

Colored, white, large and small - almost all bottle caps are suitable for creating country crafts.

The main thing is to let your imagination run wild.

Can connect to collection their covers relatives and friends.

This material can be used in a variety of ways, and for this it needs quite a lot.

Coasters for glasses and hot dishes, children's toys and rattles, country rugs and seats, lampshades for lamps and curtains, garden furniture - and this is only a small fraction of what can be made from plastic bottle caps. Next we Let's take a look at some tutorials which can be your source of inspiration.

Garden paths and paths

The garden path on the plot will become brighter and more fun if you lay it out with colorful corks. Why buy crushed stone and gravel when you can use the waste for free? Also, this way you can save the environment from pollution.

To get started, you need mark the territory, install the sides and fill the base with solid material so that the plugs do not fall into the ground. Now only remains lay out track - you can do it in a chaotic manner, or you can gradient or pattern, as in the photo below, the result will be unusual decision for landscape design.

Looks good garden path from the covers in the form of a rainbow also a great option for brook imitations.

let's consider step by step process creating a garden path:

  1. First of all, it is necessary decide on the size path and location. On the this stage you just need to outline the boundaries of the garden path.
  2. In the future, it should remove the top layer of soil and dig a trench at least 10 cm deep.
  3. Now follows set up the formwork wooden products and fill the trench with fine sand or gravel.
  4. cook concrete mortar in order to fill the future track.
  5. Flood the path follows in small portions with the addition of glue.

Now you can lay out colorful plugs. In order for the path to have a finished look, it is necessary to install a curb. Plastic covers can be laid out on top of green spaces.

We talked about how to make a garden path out of tires.

Instructions for creating a rug

Here we will talk about a massage mat that will be useful for all family members. One evening is enough for you to create unusual decoration for the home, which will be useful for health. A little patience and care - and an unusual massager is ready.

It can be use for foot massage at the end of the working day, as a massage therapist for a tired back, as well as for rehabilitation after operations.

You can make it in any form, or you can think over the shape, size and even the design of the product in advance.

Here's what you'll need:

First of all, it is necessary make holes in lids On the sides- it is best to do this according to the principle of the cross.

Now imagine what your rug will look like.

Lay out a pattern on the floor and fix it in any way (draw or photograph).

Laid out plug the plugs with a snake on the fishing line according to the drawing, row by row.

The result should be a long "snake". Then select the covers of the first row and put them on the fishing line in others - located opposite.

So, having collected the first row, proceed to the collection of the second and then a third. It remains only to tighten the ends and securely fasten them. You can use the above diagram, or you can try to draw up an original drawing yourself.

How to make a fence?

It should be said right away that for the covers of this material you need not just a lot, but a lot. It is almost impossible to collect such a quantity on your own, given that parts must be the same size.

It is also worth deciding on the color in advance - you can collect caps of the same shade, or you can cover them with the desired color.

And there is also lots of options:

  • cover the fence with only one color;
  • make in the manner of colored pencils;
  • put on the fence with plastic covers unusual pattern and the whole picture, as in the photo.

As soon as there are enough covers, it is necessary to sort and drill holes in each of them with a thickness corresponding to the size of the fishing line. The same holes are made in the frame of the fence.

Once you have decided on a pattern or ornament, you need to weave the fence section. For these purposes, suitable wire from. And for fence frames, you can use steel strips, corners and pipes.

Now you should arrange the covers in accordance with the pattern on plywood or cardboard, after which transfer the image to the frame fence. Further, only string lids and fix them.

In any case, such a fence will definitely not go unnoticed. fasten caps should with wire or string. Nails are not the best the best option, since they will not allow you to fit the covers under each other.

Other garden and home decorations

In a private house or a gazebo on a personal plot, you can do unusual curtains from multi-colored corks. They will perfectly emphasize the interior in Provence style, as well as create a cheerful mood.

These curtains are very easy to make. The main thing is to choose the right palette in accordance with your interior.

Or how about new light, comfortable, compact and mobile garden furniture? Craftsmen make from covers original and creative chairs, as well as unusually decorate tables.

Also, don't rush to throw away corks if you have small children. This is excellent entertainment for kids that develops fine motor skills, and also forms color perception.

Invite your little one to sort the corks by color - you will be surprised how much this activity will captivate the child.

You can also assemble a frame from wooden slats in the shape of a flower or a funny animal and fill it with colored caps from PET bottles - you get an unusual decoration for personal plot which will certainly attract the attention of everyone around.

If you prefer bright colors and unusual design solutions, pay attention to the fact that unusual and original lampshades.

Making such an element with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to design a frame and choose covers of the desired shade.

Practicality, convenience and functionality are the main criteria that the design must meet. country house. Surely, somewhere in your shed an old kitchen sofa is gathering dust, which is a pity to throw away, and it is difficult to make something worthwhile out of it. Try making plastic caps fun rug that brings old furniture back to life.

Also from bright plastic covers you can make unusual pots or . It is enough just to glue the base with colored corks.

Related videos

The video shows a lot of ideas brought to life on creating a variety of beautiful and useful crafts from plastic covers for a house, a summer residence, a personal plot:


To all that has been said, it remains only to add that the lids are not waste and not. It is a versatile material that can be reuse, creating unusual and useful things while protecting nature from pollution. These colorful caps can be used to create baby toys and rattles, garden furniture and interior decoration.

After reading this article, you have learned how to use PET bottle caps for garden and summer cottages, making a variety of DIY crafts and decorations out of them.

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The same as many others - throw it in the trash.

Did you know that not only the bottle, but also the cap is a valuable raw material that can be reused?

There are really many benefits to this.

By not throwing plastic in the landfill, you provide invaluable assistance to nature.

Recently, the recycling of plastic caps has gained a lot of momentum. Many enterprises buy this material from the population for the purpose of further.

Waste collection brings significant benefits charitable foundations. This is how, thanks to the multicolored PET bottle caps, wheelchairs are purchased and expensive medical care is provided.

The latter applies to a large number of lids. But what if there are not so many for recycling and not so few to just throw in the trash? Consider the following reuse ideas this material.

From this article you will learn how to make from PET bottle caps decorative crafts, original paintings and wall panels, as well as much more that will diversify the interior of your home.

Caps are very similar to mosaic elements that can be used to lay out original patterns and ornaments.

From them you can make unusual panels and even paintings that will decorate your home.

Manufacturing principle Such work is simple: first you need to make a checkered pattern on paper (in color), then the covers are assembled, sorted and painted in the required colors.

You can arrange the elements in a chaotic manner, then you will get a picture with an exclusive pattern, for example, as in the photo.

Remains only to fix them in the picture with hot glue, or other durable composition, and as a pattern, you can use a pattern for cross-stitching or beading.

A unique feature of this material is the possibility of using it for various decorative purposes. Take one of the walls of the garage, bath or barn into circulation - try laying out a fancy pattern right on the wall. bottle caps also can be fixed with wire, fishing line or nails.


Making such a decor with your own hands is very simple. Can use blank to create a drawing or painting. And you can lay out the caps in any order, with an ornament or pattern to decorate one of the walls of the house.

By the way, in one of the Russian outbacks there is a unique house, all the walls of which are lined with a fancy ornament of caps.

Plastic lids provide a lot of opportunities for creative ideas. Try lay out them with gradient color change- such a panel will certainly attract the attention of everyone around.

If you put caps from PET bottles in a chaotic manner, using different colors, shapes and dimensions, you can create unusual composition, which will become bright accent in your dwelling. Cover panels are the most common use of raw materials at home.

Show your imagination - it is quite possible that you will be able to create an unusual composition, the analogues of which will not be found anywhere else. It is worth mentioning right away that ready schemes to create a panel of traffic jams is practically non-existent. Here you have to use your own imagination.

Doesn't hurt either special computer program , which creates cross stitch patterns.

First of all, you need to select an image and decide on the surface where the panel will show off. Then follows match and resize, calculate the approximate number of cells (in length and width) and enter parameters into the program. The computer will quickly create a rough sketch of the drawing and match the colors to match the source.

Pattern schemes

You need to start small - try creating a primitive pattern from traffic jams. So you can “fill your hand”, understand the principle of creating a picture, and also understand if you have enough patience for more voluminous work.

In any case, for any craft of this kind, a scheme is needed. Without it, you will not be able to apply a complex drawing.

Her can be developed by yourself if it is about simple image or a simple pattern.

Can take advantage of ready-made solutions.

An example of the simplest drawing in the photo - even a child can handle it.

Based on the dimensions of the lids, pick up the base, which can be used as a piece of thick cardboard or plywood.

It should draw on the required number of squares and outline colored areas (you can use felt-tip pens or paints, or you can use numbers). After that, only attach plugs. This can be done with a fishing line or wire.

If you surround the drawing with a simple pattern of the same covers, you can get a rug or a hard seat for kitchen sofa. From plastic stoppers they also make a variety of animal figurines that look interesting on the walls.

You you can paint plastic lids in any shade which makes it much easier to work with them. It is convenient to use paint in spray cans.

Other DIY crafts

From bottle caps do simple and uncomplicated coasters for hot. It is enough just to fold them in the shape of a flower and glue them together.

To create a coaster you will need 7 covers, and for the manufacture of a large stand - 28 things.

Also needed:

  • bright fabric (coral, blue, pink or orange);
  • glass, lid or jar with a diameter of at least 7 cm;
  • simple pencil;
  • thread and needle;
  • scissors.

On a piece of fabric, you need to draw the same circles, circling the lid or glass, cut them out and cover them with fabric each lid.

Then connect them together chain, roll into a flower and fasten securely.

Make sure the seams are invisible.

You can leave the structure without fabric, then the covers will have to be attached to each other with special glue.

If you want to make a stand for a small pot or kettle, just connect 4 cup holders together.

They also look very original. decorative cork figurines. Try to create a wooden frame in the form of a vegetable, fruit or flower and lay it out inner space colorful plugs. Such a figure will take pride of place on your personal plot.

In addition, about how else you can use the lids from plastic bottles, and how to make them useful crafts and beautiful jewelry for the garden and at home, you can read here (Crafts from covers for the garden with your own hands).

Related videos

The presented video is a story about how a resident of one of the cities of Russia decorates her dacha with the help of a mosaic of lids, the schemes for which she develops on her own:


There are many options for using multi-colored corks. All this means that this species can and should be reused.

If you don't have time to make original crafts lids, or you can't bring your ideas to life, find a waste collection point in your city. Here you can exchange caps from PET bottles for money (albeit not very big), but you will do a good deed for the environment.

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Now it is quite popular to do needlework. Thanks to fantasy available material and skillful hands, craftsmen create amazing things. At the same time, you can make a thing that will decorate the decor or make it special from the most ordinary and unpredictable option. Take, for example, plastic bottles. This is just an excellent raw material, you can create a variety of crafts and useful things for the household from them. Furniture items, garden items, pots, feeders, decorative items - the list goes on for a very long time. And most importantly, what is waste-free production. The entire bottle is used entirely. Indeed, from unnecessary, at first glance, traffic jams, you can create beautiful pictures.

Pictures from corks from plastic bottles look original and beautiful. And the main thing is that everyone can create such a product from corks. How to do it? What is needed for work? What examples of paintings are available online? This article will provide answers to these questions, as well as help you do it yourself.

Benefits of plastic corks

We can say that this is just the perfect raw material for work. For many years, this method has been popular and decorates the homes and gardens of many residents. What are the benefits of using plastic stoppers?

Indeed, the advantages of the material are just a lot. This is why corks are so popular in art. The good news is that everyone can start creating. All you need is a desire, a clear pattern of the picture and a large number of multi-colored traffic jams. Let's look at some techniques for creating pictures from corks.

Cork mosaic

The main catch in creating pictures from corks is to find the right amount of material. Sometimes it is possible to collect a lot of traffic jams within a few months. That is why it is recommended to include your friends and acquaintances in the search. Then everything will be much faster. This is especially important when it comes to a large mosaic. Often compositions are made precisely as room decor. It can be an old hut or agricultural buildings. You will rarely see such a finish, but everything looks very beautiful. You can see this in the photo below.

To create a similar picture on the walls, you can not do without a detailed scheme. After all, it’s impossible to create an image by eye just like that. If we are talking about beginners, then for them it is recommended to first choose simple circuits to master the technique and "fill your hand." At the same time, you do not need to immediately take on big sizes. It is enough to start with a small mosaic that is easy to make. Here is an example of such a simple circuit.

Having made it, you can start creating new drawings. If you have a printer, then just print one of the diagrams and get to work. It is clear that there are not many similar schemes for paintings on the Internet. But you can print any other to create a semblance of a picture. Having learned one technique, you can proceed to another. After creating a simple mosaic of bottle caps, you can take on a new one, more difficult and larger.

There are several directions for making mosaics. It all depends on the location of the pattern and how it is formed. Cork mosaic is made as a panel or as an independent drawing that is not attached to the surface. To create a mosaic of corks, there are several main stages of work that can be divided as follows:

  1. To begin with, a detailed diagram is applied to cardboard or paper, on which they are guided in the work. By the way, there is one trick, you can take ready-made options for cross stitch.
  2. After that, the corks begin to form according to the colors, preparing for work.
  3. That's all, it remains only to place the plugs in their places, fixing them to each other with glue, which is designed for this purpose.

Interestingly, this technique is rarely used. Many people think that it is much more practical to fix the corks immediately on the surface to be treated. One of the options for implementing a mosaic is to make it on a wooden fence. It is considered the ideal surface for such tasks. You can work directly on the fence, or first make a picture on wood plywood, and then place it on the fence. As an option, simply install a picture with a pattern on the site.

Note! Residents of apartments from high-rise buildings often take such tricks into service, thereby decorating their balconies. Pretty good method to make it original and stand out against the general gray background.

However, the most popular mosaic of traffic jams has gained for decoration. suburban area. The decoration method is very simple, fast, cheap, original and beautiful. For a summer residence - just right. The drawings are separate. Some can serve as an ornament and be repeated at intervals, while others are full-fledged drawings. If we talk about the fence, then there is another option for fixing the mosaic:

  • pictures from corks from plastic bottles, namely schemes, can be made on cardboard or immediately transferred to the fence. To give the picture a deeper look and brightness, the outlines are applied with colored paint, which will match the palette of the image;
  • corks are sorted by color and fixed with nails. Their length is selected taking into account the height of the traffic jams and the thickness of the fence or plywood;
  • details can be captured inside, and external. It all depends on the desired result.

Advice! If the option of fixing the plugs with the bottom to the surface was chosen, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the recesses between them and inside them may become clogged. And it will ruin the whole entourage. Therefore, from time to time it will be necessary to clean the surface with water from a hose. Otherwise, it is better to fix them upside down.

Cork rugs

Another popular option for using corks is to create rugs with a different image or ornament. This invention is not only practical, as it can be used on the farm, but also useful. They can massage tired legs or back, relieve muscle tension and relax the body. Few people know that the feet contain unequal endings that are associated with all internal organs.

If this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreation interests you, then it will take quite a bit of material, time and effort to work. The process is the following:

How exactly to do all the work will help visual video. It clearly shows how exactly to implement the idea with a cork rug with a specific pattern.

Note! Cork garden paths can be similar to this. Look at the photo, how original it looks.

Summing up

As you can see, plastic bottle caps are universal material, which can be used to decorate your summer house, apartment or house. There are many options for using the roof. It can be a mosaic on the walls or a fence, beautiful paths from plastic bottle caps leading to the garden or to the gazebo, rugs for the feet, back or hallway. But that's not all. Some even create incredible paintings from caps that are simply hung on the wall. The technology of creation is practically the same. The same scheme is taken as the basis, and the plugs are fixed in place. You can see similar products in these photos.

Crafts from corks from plastic bottles. From covers of different sizes and colors, you can even make a kind of reproduction of your favorite well-known canvas

Did you know that corks are a very popular craft material in other countries? They make paintings, figurines, rugs, decorations, frame furniture and create non-standard decor elements. Therefore, do not rush to throw out traffic jams after the past holidays - they can be very interesting to use!

At first glance, the cork seems to be a banal and useless thing. However, fans interesting ideas with their own hands, this statement is easily refuted by demonstrating intricate products.

Crafts from corks

80% of the material for wine corks is produced in the southern countries - Portugal and Spain. The climate is conducive to growth and prosperity cork trees, which serve as material.

The properties of wine corks cannot be overestimated. Thanks to the tannins that they contain, the development of microorganisms is suppressed. The suberin makes them resistant and the wax makes them waterproof.

If you have accumulated enough material, we suggest you use it wisely.

With their help, you can create interesting and beautiful things that will be useful to you or will appeal to children.


If you have not accumulated right amount material, you can buy them online. The price for 100 pieces fluctuates around 300 rubles.

Draw an interesting image on one side of the cork. It can be a heart, a number, or any other symbol. Cut out its outline in such a way that the drawn element protruded. Now you can paint it with any color and use it. Kids will love putting their own stamp on postcards or notebooks, decorating walls, and more. Make a seal with your child - he will be interested in choosing his own distinctive sign.


Thanks to the texture, you can get an unusual 3-D picture. It will be difficult to make a letter or a whole word without proper skill, but everyone can build a three-dimensional heart. All you need is superglue and a little time. The resulting picture will be a great addition to your home interior. Another interesting application is a stylish backdrop for a photo shoot. The front of the corks is easy to paint in your favorite color or make a smooth transition, from white top to raspberry bottom.


animal toy

Tie or sew a small wine cork cover, tie a thread to it. This will be great fun for your pet. If you want to diversify the life of a cat, make a mouse! A fur cover with ears and a tail (which can be knitted and sewn on) will distract the cat from your shoes and possibly leave furniture intact.


Openwork and unusual holder is useful for thematic and festive events, they can decorate the desktop. They can hold notes, reminders, business cards and guest cards. "Wine holder" is made in two ways. Take a metal wire, decorate it with beads and wrap it around the cork. You can also fasten several corks at once. A small incision is made along the top, where you can stick the paper.


You can add warmth to your home with a homemade candlestick. Take two glass containers different sizes- you need one of them to be twice as large as the other. Place one container inside another. Fill the space between them wooden elements. Place a scented candle inside a small bowl. You can also make a pre-candle yourself - from the remnants of old candles.

Panel for notes

Very often we need to leave some information to loved ones, or hang up a reminder for ourselves personally. In this case, a panel will help you out, which must be hung in a place accessible for viewing. You will need a base on which you will glue the cortical elements. It can be done as normal rectangular shape and heart shaped. Draw a garland of light bulbs along the rim - the panel will become a full-fledged decoration for your home.


This element of the interior is useful for those who have a summer house or Vacation home. Attach cork plugs to a planed board, previously varnished and in your favorite color, using a screwdriver. Now you can hang potholders and many other things on it.

Canape skewers

To make your table look original when guests arrive, use this tip. Cut corks into circles, find toothpicks and twine, look for interesting elements for decoration. On each toothpick, put on a circle with a fabric heart glued to it, beads or twine bows. Guests will note such ingenuity!


Who doesn't like to decorate their refrigerator with beautiful magnets that "hold" notes, photos, postcards. Cut the wine cork in half (make a cut “along”. Glue a piece of magnetic strip to it and hang it on the refrigerator. You can first paint or decorate a homemade magnet. If you cut them into circles, you can make interesting magnets for children in the form of letters of the alphabet.

Hot stand

Several dozen wine corks, combined with glue and satin paper, will create unique coasters for hot dishes. This is an indispensable attribute for every kitchen. Cut all corks in half to create cylindrical shape. Glue them together in the form of a circle or a hexagon. The outer edge is completely glued decorative fabric or tape. You can also glue a small loop.

House for the birds

Take a thick cardboard, cut out the components for the house from it: the bottom, the roof, the walls. Cut along the cortical elements, paste over all four walls with them. Next, cut the corks into circles and form neat tiles for the roof from them. Don't forget to leave round hole to enter.

Jewelry Organizer

A large number of earrings, bracelets and beads are very difficult to store. They are constantly confused, it takes a lot of time to search in the box. Make it easy for yourself to store your jewelry with this unique wall organizer. Corks are tightly glued to a strong base - you can use both halves and circles. Then attach some small hooks to them to hang your jewelry on.


This kind of design suitable for furniture for your country house. Update them to an already damaged countertop. Using liquid nails, glue the corks to the surface, laying them tightly against each other. Top coat them with clear varnish. Definitely, such a countertop will look incredible!


You will need to buy accessories that are sold in specialized stores, or use parts of key fobs that are no longer needed. Color or sign each keychain, decorate them with beads. It turns out original thing which can be used as a gift.

Filament curtains

Prepare various beads, a large number of corks, fishing line. Using a needle, make holes, string them onto the fishing line alternately with beads.

A pen

You will need four standard holes, drill through holes in them, insert ink paste inside. Your child's classmates will be surprised by this innovation!

From champagne corks

Some people collect champagne corks, others throw them away right after the holidays. However, they can really come in handy, become an original addition to the familiar interior.

For example, an old chest of drawers or wardrobe can be decorated with designer handles.

For this you need to prepare:

  • champagne corks;
  • pencil;
  • cross screwdriver;
  • screws.

You need to mark the middle of the cork, attach it to a box or door. On the other hand, you need to push the screw with the tip forward and screw it into the cork with a screwdriver from the narrow side.

Also, champagne will be useful to you in the manufacture of the original necklace. It can become not only your unusual accessory, but your child's favorite thing or a nice gift for a friend.

Materials you will need:

  • champagne corks;
  • needle;
  • colored threads;
  • pencil, ruler;
  • thimble;
  • glue;
  • felt.

Mark with a pencil, cut most of the cork into several thin pieces. A width of 4-5 millimeters will be enough. Select color scheme, you can choose one shade for several circles.

Step back from the middle, start tying the cortical circles with multi-colored threads in a circle. Use a thimble if you are afraid of hurting your fingers. The middle of the product should resemble an asterisk.

When you are done with the last circle, take a piece of felt and glue all the tied cork pieces on it. Cut off excess fabric, sew chains for beads to the product.

From plastic lids

Human fantasy has no limits. There are many crafts made from plastic bottles, but no less interesting things can be built from the caps of such bottles. Finished products can be found quite rarely, since it is not so easy to collect a sufficient amount of material.

However, if you set a goal, you can involve the whole family and friends in the collection of plastic caps. For some, this is ordinary garbage, for creative person- material for the future masterpiece. From such a plastic foothold, you can build toys, jewelry, interior items.

Plastic crafts from lids vary:

  • color and size;
  • form;
  • the amount of material used;
  • final destination;
  • the way the covers are connected to each other;
  • ornament or pattern.

Fastening can be done in different ways. For example, to make children's toys or corks or create a picture, use Moment glue. They can stick covers on three different sides - front, back, side.

To attach plugs to wooden base, use self-tapping screws, nails with a wide hat. It is possible to ensure the durability of a thing due to the fishing line, which connects all the elements. To do this, make two to six holes on each cork.

The two holes on the lid look like a button that needs to be sewn on. Four holes on the sides are made in order to securely connect all the elements together with a fishing line and create a reliable structure.

This type of fastening is used when creating fences or arbors.

Most often plastic crafts suitable for summer cottages or baths, but many of them are acceptable for ordinary apartment. Small coasters for cups look spectacular and unusual. It is no less interesting to make watches from caps of different sizes.

The rug can harm linoleum or natural wood flooring.

The main advantages of this type of material can be reduced to the following points:

  • economy;
  • diversity;
  • the possibility of coating with paint, spray, gel;
  • the same size;
  • the ability to create a large number of crafts;
  • ease of use.

From beer caps

Reusing lids is a good thing. Beer caps, which are thrown away in huge quantities every day, have never been in short supply. Even if you do not drink this intoxicating drink, someone you know should definitely do it! As a last resort, you can ask the bartender for a favor for a bag or two of corks.

Chinese wind chimes

Talismans, which are hung at the window or on the street, are very popular among Americans. Not so long ago, fashion has come down to us - "Music of the Wind" is often hung in summer cottages. It is believed that such a talisman attracts good luck to the house. However, wind chimes bought in the Feng Shui department will greatly affect your wallet. And why, if you can use beer caps and make them yourself. You will need metal rings, a piece tin can(or any other base) on which the wires will be attached, a large number of multi-colored covers. A melodic ringing will be heard from every breath of the breeze.

Panels for the kitchen

Decorative piece of beer caps will decorate your kitchen. It is interesting not only to hang it on the wall, but also to adapt it by the faucet. A skillfully made panel will look no worse than a designer tile. You will need a base on which you will glue the tin lids.


Cute and neat candles will be a great addition to your home decor. They can decorate the table for romantic dinner, New Year's interior as well as a wedding. Simply flip the lids over, fit the wick and fill the mold with clear wax. You can use wax from old candles, which must first be melted in a saucepan over low heat.


Purchase beads and fasteners at the craft store, pick up beautiful beer caps. Homemade compositions will be a great gift and will replenish your personal collection earrings.


Do you like doing needlework, making beadwork? Then you will love the idea of ​​making your work easier by creating a handy compact organizer. Glue the lids to the plastic rectangular base and fill them with small beads. It will be easy and convenient for you to collect beads!

Tab for books

Paint the inside of the lid to your taste, stick it to a large paper clip - you will enjoy a convenient bookmark, you will never lose the place where you finished reading.


A great option for joint crafts with children. Paint the lid however you like: you can make a ladybug or a sun. Use acrylic paints. When the product dries, glue it on a gift box or postcard.


Select caps by color and try to make a wreath that will decorate front door. To do this, you will need glue, a strong base and accessories.

Crafts for the garden

It is difficult to resist the desire to decorate your garden or vegetable garden with colorful crafts. In addition, such crafts can be very useful.

With the help of wine corks, a sharp penknife and a marker, you can make "branded" stamps. To do this, you must first draw the desired figure and then cut it on the cork. Such prints can be used on postcards, in letters, or simply for playing with children.

Volumetric letters and pictures

Do you want to confess your love in an original way or just surprise your loved ones? Then stock up on wine corks. After all, they can be made beautiful three-dimensional picture(for example, in the form of a heart), as well as letters for composing various phrases (for example, I love you). And they, in turn, can be used to decorate the interior and photo shoots. Detailed tutorials on how to make them can be found at the links below.

If the handle at the closet or chest of drawers is broken, do not rush to upholster the thresholds furniture stores looking for a replacement. You can go the other way and make unusual handles from wine corks. To do this, they need to be sharpened a little, and then attached with screws to the door or drawer. For some, this will become a temporary measure, and for someone - an original detail in the interior.

An old fan grill, a bunch of wine corks, twine... At first glance, this is unnecessary trash, which should be in a landfill. But in capable hands, this garbage turns into designer chandelier. You need to attach a cartridge to the grill from the fan, and tie plugs to the twine at different levels. detailed instructions at the link below.

These original frames for pictures and photographs are obtained from wine corks. At the same time, you can safely experiment: glue the corks along, across or in a herringbone pattern, use them as a whole or cut them into pieces. It all depends on the interior where these unusual frames will hang. By the way, you should not limit yourself to photographs and paintings only - corks can border a mirror, a chalkboard, and much more.

cat toy

If you tie a case on a wine cork, you will get an unusual toy for your pet. You can drive it around the apartment, sharpen your claws about it, and gnaw it. In a word, wine corks can save your shoes and furniture, so take yarn, felt and make a toy for your cat as soon as possible.

Wine corks can make elegant holders. There are two options here: you can screw a wire into the cork and insert photos, notes and other little things, or you can glue or tie several corks together and cut a strip for attaching cards. Such holders can serve as seating cards at a wedding or simply stand on your desk.

A warm and romantic atmosphere can be created with wine corks, two glass jars and a scented candle. Place the vessels one inside the other (the first should be 2-3 times smaller in diameter), fill the space between them with stoppers, insert a candle into the smaller vessel. Voila! The original candlestick is ready.

A plank and a few wine corks - this is the "recipe" for a convenient hanger. Anyone who knows how to handle a screwdriver can do it. Such a hanger will perfectly complement the interior of a summer house or a country house.

Looking at this graceful giraffe, which serves as an interior decoration, it seems as if several experienced engineers worked on it. In fact, it is done in an elementary way: the wire frame is pasted over with paper, and then wine corks are “planted” on it. The main thing is not to feel sorry for the glue, so that the design turns out not only beautiful, but also durable.

With the help of wine corks, you can make a convenient and beautiful panel - something like " interactive whiteboard". You can attach shopping lists, phone numbers, notes for loved ones or photos to it. In this case, it is better to use small needles or pins, and not glue and adhesive tape - then the panel will serve you for many years.

What goes around comes around. But sometimes it is very difficult to remember what and where you have sown. In order not to get confused in the future harvest, use labels from wine corks. To do this, you need to drill a hole in the cork, insert a stick into it and write "Tomatoes", "Parsley", "Peppers", etc. Stick these tags in seedling containers, and you will always know where and what you are growing.


These beautiful wreaths can be made using wine corks. The technology is quite simple: we make a frame and glue it with corks. At the same time, the type and “mood” of the wreath will depend on how you arrange them. These wreaths can decorate the house on New Year and other holidays. You will find one of the master classes on making wreaths from wine corks

Canape skewers

Canape is a great holiday appetizer. Especially when you consider that you can not buy skewers for them, but make them from improvised materials. This will require wine corks (they need to be cut into circles), toothpicks and some kind of decor (ribbons, stickers, beads, etc. will do). Drill into the resulting wooden mugs holes for toothpicks, decorate them, and the original canapé skewers are ready.

By sawing the cork in half and gluing a magnetic strip to it, you will get an original fridge magnet. With it, you can attach photos, notes, shopping lists and other important little things.

To save furniture, we use special coasters for hot pots and plates. Of course, such a thing can be bought, but it is more interesting to make it yourself. Take a few dozen wine corks (the number depends on the diameter of the stand), glue gun, knife and satin ribbon for decor. Cut the corks in half (if this is not done, the stand will just turn out a little higher), sand the edges and glue the corks together in the form of a circle or octahedron. Run a ribbon along the edge or decorate with others decorative elements. The stand is ready.

bird house

These are such chic “apartments” that can be made for birds using wine corks. First you need to make a frame from thick cardboard, and then glue it with corks. It turns out a real cobbled teremok. it great idea for children's creativity, because the child will learn not only to "build", but also to take care of nature.

Earrings, pendants, necklaces, brooches and rings can all be made from ordinary wine corks. You just need to be a little creative and get the right accessories. Corks can be used whole (for example, for pendants), cut into circles or sawn in half (for earrings and necklaces). They can be decorated and decorated with beads. In a word, the flight of fancy is not limited.

Jewelry storage organizer

From wine corks, you can make not only jewelry, but also an organizer for storing them. Any girl knows how difficult it is to place jewelry so that it is not lost, visible and at hand. Dear ladies, take a picture frame right size and stick wine corks inside. Make several hooks to make it convenient to hang beads and bracelets. And earrings can be stuck between corks or directly into them (if the wood is soft enough).

There was a pompous blue-red table, but it became a stylish black-brown one. But its main highlight is the countertop. It is made of wine corks: the corks are “planted” on liquid nails and varnished on top. It may not be very practical, but it's definitely impressive. It is unlikely that any of your friends have such an original bar counter.

To keep your keys from getting lost, make a keychain out of wine corks. It's very simple. You need to buy accessories (sold in stores for goods for creativity) and dream up a little. You can leave the cork as it is, or you can decorate it: paint it, write your name or the “purpose” of the key (for example, “office”, “home”, “mailbox”), hang beads, etc. As a result, you will get an exclusive keychain that is unlikely to get lost.

miniature flower pots

If you think a wine cork is too small to grow plants in, you are wrong. From it you can make very cute flower pot on a magnet. To do this, you need to take a wooden (necessarily not plastic) cork, gouge a small hole inside, fill it with earth and plant small sprouts there. After that, you can stick a magnet to the cork, and there will be a nice little “flower bed” on your refrigerator.

A Christmas tree, toys for it, Santa's reindeer, gift wrapping and much more can be made for the New Year with the help of wine corks. For example, to make the main character new year holidays- herringbone, - you will need a base in the form of a cone, paper, glue and, of course, corks. Drape the cone with colored paper and stick corks on it - they will play the role of needles. Such a Christmas tree looks very nice, and may well replace a traditional (live or artificial) tree. Who doesn't love sailing boats? As children, we made them from newspapers, but the voyage of the paper ship was, alas, short-lived. Another thing is a vessel made of wine corks. Glue a couple of corks, attach a sail and you can go on a "sea" trip. Such a boat will delight your child and remind you of your own childhood.

Now it is fashionable to decorate houses with various decorative balls. They are made from paper, thread and other materials. Wine corks also work well for this task. To make a decorative ball out of them, you will need: the actual corks (a lot), a foam ball, a glue gun, brown acrylic paint and a brush. We paint the foam base and the “bottoms” of the corks, and then glue the ball over them. Such a decorative ball of wine corks looks great on a bookshelf, as it harmonizes with books. And if you want to hang it somewhere, do not forget to attach a ribbon.

Wine corks are most often made from wood. Therefore, the wine stopper is durable and reliable material, from which you can make practical rugs for the bathroom and hallway. To do this, the corks need to be cut lengthwise and stick them on a rubberized base. You can also use whole corks and glue them together vertically (it is better to use metal carcass). The last option is more suitable for the front door.

If you drill a hole in several wine corks and insert ink paste into it, then you will get an unusual pen. So that it does not hang out and does not bend, the corks should be glued together. You will not only save on the purchase stationery but also surprise your friends.

Many people remember such an attribute of Soviet life as “pendants” made of postcards and paper clips instead of doors. After the collapse of the USSR filament curtains seemed to be a thing of the past. But fashion, as you know, develops in a spiral - a new round of popularity of filament curtains is coming. True, now they are more used for zoning rooms. One thing is invariable - you can make such a curtain with your own hands. For example, from wine corks. Looks very creative.

This lampshade, made of wine corks, will bring warmth and comfort to your home, and the light streaming through the cracks will create a special, somewhat mysterious atmosphere. But the main thing is that it will not be difficult to make it. You need to take a regular plastic cover and glue it with wine corks. Do not do it too tightly - the more gaps, the more light.

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