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Arrangement of a flower garden in the backyard. How to arrange a flower bed in front of the house - a technique for making the right decisions. The original design of the flower bed

The best decoration dachas or gardens are fragrant and blooming all summer flower beds. Properly placed and beautifully designed flower arrangements will decorate and ennoble your dacha.

How to make a flower bed with your own hands will be described later in this article.

Preparation for work and rules for designing a flower bed

First, choose a place suitable for decorating a flower bed. Decide what flowers you would like to see, and what form to bring to the flower garden.

In order for the flower bed to organically fit into the landscape of your site, consider factors such as: the size and shape of land ownership, the location of buildings, the illumination of the future flower bed. The shape of the flower garden can be different, it all depends on your preferences.

Flowerbeds along paths and fences are best made long.

Place single-tier flower beds of continuous flowering near the garden house.

Multi-tiered climbing beds are ideal to place along fences, walls and around country gazebo, loaches will create shade and coolness, ideal for relaxing.

If your site has a pond, be sure to decorate it with flower arrangements. Open free areas can be decorated with closed, fantasy flower beds with flowers of the same variety.

Creating flower beds and flower beds with your own hands, make plans for future plantings. By transferring your ideas to paper and carefully considering color and stylistic solutions, it will be easier for you to bring your ideas to life.

In multi-tiered flower beds, plants are combined in height and planted as follows: ground-blooded (purslane, saxifrage), undersized (nasturtium, petunia), medium-sized (geranium, chamomile), tall (ferns, ornamental trees).

Consider the flowering time - the best option is a constantly blooming flower bed.

The original design of the flower bed

When decorating flower beds in the country with your own hands, think over fences for flower plantings. Fences will bring additional decor and complement the flower arrangement.

Various objects can serve as a fence, such as stones, tiles, bricks and other improvised materials.

Stone fences

If bricks remain on your site after the construction of the house, use them in the decor of the flower garden. When making a flower bed of bricks or stone, you will need cement mortar and bricklaying skills.

It will be enough to put two rows of fences and beautiful flower bed ready. The decoration with wild stone will be very original, it is slate, granite, cobblestones of various shapes.

Compositions from tires and bottles

Making flower beds out of unusual things like old tires and plastic bottles has become extremely popular. Applying creativity from these items you can make luxurious compositions.

In the photo of the flower bed you can see the use of bottles. Before burying the bottle, fill it with earth to avoid deformation.


Tire beds will serve you for more than one year. From old wheels of different diameters, you can create multi-tiered compositions. If desired, tires can be painted with bright colors.

The wheels are also hung as a planter, plants with falling stems would be ideal for such a flower bed.

Furniture and appliances in the design of a flower object

The use of interior items in garden decor is becoming more and more fashionable. Chairs, sideboards, dressing tables, iron beds, bathtubs, washbasins and even toilet bowls are used.

For example, the outer surface of a bathtub can be painted or tiled, filled with earth, and placed near a pond. Plant petunias or violets in chests of drawers with open drawers.

For more durable use, it is better to cover wooden objects with moisture-resistant products.


An old bicycle, and even a small car, can become a flower garden. You will need paint and a little imagination to turn your summer house or garden into something extraordinary. Photos of the design of the flower beds will help you with this.

Choice of colors

When choosing flowers for future compositions, consider not only the color, but also the duration of flowering, the height of the bush, the possibility of neighborhood, watering requirements and sunlight.

By carefully choosing plants and putting soul into the design of your suburban area, you will be able to realize your most daring ideas.

DIY photo of flower beds


Beautiful flower beds and flower beds always attract the eyes of others, guests who visit your home. The originality of the options is very high. It all depends on the imagination of the owners. What flower bed do you have? If you are still searching and thinking about the design of your site, then our article will bring a lot of interesting and useful things to your thoughts.

In mid-autumn, looking at the flower garden, the eye can only catch on the fading chrysanthemums, almost all seasonal work is behind, so there is an opportunity to focus on miscalculations.

Garden path decorated with a flower garden

In spring, flower lovers make the same mistake: they try to fit as many plants as possible in a limited area. After all, the leaves have not yet blossomed, and when planning plantings, we often do not take into account what they will be like in a month or two.

  • Therefore, the first rule: keep your distance! This year we had to cut off an old, still great-grandfather's apple tree, the branches of which, under the weight of the fruits, broke off and fell on the flower garden, causing a lot of harm. Without an apple tree, it became, as it were, more spacious and lighter, however, the part that felt comfortable in partial shade (primroses, hostas, ferns, aquilegia) is now in the sun, and in the spring they will have to think about their relocation.
  • And since there is not enough for everyone shady places, fast-growing tall ones, for example, castor bean, sunflower, evening primrose, will be able to help. So, rule two: plants also need comfort.
  • Come to the flower garden not only with a chopper and a watering can, but also with a notebook and a pen. Sketch out a planting plan, record the beginning and end of flowering. And this is the third rule.

The art of landscape design

Which of us, visiting flower growers and noticing some new plant, did not experience a sinking heart: “I want it! Want! Want!" And also trips to flower exhibitions, and just to the flower rows in the market, an interested examination of various catalogs with interesting offers. They never noticed how they turned their flower garden into a collection site with a huge number of very different ones. They do not have enough space, they obscure each other, preventing us from enjoying their beauty, but they add trouble to us.

Create the flower bed you've always wanted:

  • You must imagine where to plant it so that it does not interfere with anyone.
  • Contemplating the work of landscape designers, you are convinced that plants look best when they grow in groups.
  • Fifteen bulbs of, say, tulips of different varieties and colors, planted in a row, will not look as attractive as a group of the same variety of the same fifteen.
  • But when creating such compositions, it is important to take into account the height, color and size of the leaves, the duration and duration of flowering.
  • Each grower has his own little secrets of success and a list of annoying failures.


Colored spots in the flower garden, created by one variety, always look more spectacular than many different ones planted in one row.

Types of flower beds

Now, more and more often, household plots and dachas are used not for getting a rich harvest of vegetables, not for planting potatoes or working in greenhouses. More and more often our country life is not communication with a shovel, but communication with flowers.

Some of the summer residents refuse from "slave" labor and work for their own pleasure. For them, a dacha is one big flower garden in which they feel like in a fragrant paradise.

But arrange beautiful flower garden- it is no less difficult than forming a garden bed. To do this, you need to have some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat kind of flower beds are, and what plants are planted in them.

Even improvised means are used to decorate the flower garden. For example, an old sink. Here you will also need:

  • pieces of chain-link;
  • soil, crushed stone;
  • pebbles;
  • stones.

With the help of this inventory, the sink needs to be given a more aesthetic appearance. After that, start planting plants. Naturally, the design of the flower garden is completely dependent on the wishes of the owner.. This applies to cases of professional help.

First you need to create a small hill. After all, the building should stand out from the rest of the landscape. In addition, it is necessary to give the hill the desired shape. Here you will need a cord, ruler and other equipment. Additionally, it is worth creating a stone or plastic fence. What will not let the flower bed overgrown with grass. After that, planting begins.


The most common type of flower garden in the garden is, of course, a flower bed. But, despite the tradition, the variety of flower beds, at times, is amazing. Triangular, square, round, in two, three tiers, in outdoor flowerpots with long legs or just standing on the ground. A huge number of varieties that are designed to decorate with themselves the place in which the flower bed was installed. In general, all flower beds can be either geometric or free.

Their shape can be anything, and not only round or square. The main thing is to plant it correctly. The selection of varieties is carried out so that they all have different flowering periods.

On the site you can form a mixborder and discount. Moreover, it is possible to implement the plan without the help of a professional designer.

First, it is necessary to solve a number of issues, in particular, to choose the optimal combination of shades on the site. You also need to choose flowers. Usually combine three species in one flower bed. It is better to pre-select the geometry of the site and take into account the flowering period.

Varieties of flower beds

The carpet type is characterized by a rectangular or square configuration. Most often, low-growing multi-colored vegetation is placed here. Thanks to this, unusual patterns and patterns are created. There are also regular and irregular varieties. In the first case, all bloom at the same time. In the second - the flowers replace each other.

Quite often, gardeners create a rose garden on their own plot. Here you will definitely need a well-lit place, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than twenty square meters. First you need to make a choice of a place for roses, then start preparing the soil, planting.


It is important to know that the rosary is arranged in a special order.

That is, in the first line there are undersized bushes, the height of which is no more than forty centimeters. IN last row landed climbing roses capable of reaching several meters. The procedure is best done in early summer.

Flowerbeds near the pond

Flower beds can be quite original. The presence of a reservoir makes it possible to create a floating structure. This will require lightweight and non-sinking material. Styrofoam is excellent for this function.

Plants located in such a flower bed must love moisture and water. On the site can be placed wooden structures. It is better to make them suspended. Otherwise, the material will quickly deteriorate.


In second place after the flower beds are rabatki. These are long stretches of land that perfectly decorate paths and alleys in your garden. The width of the rabatka cannot be more than three meters. It can be planted in several tiers, and the far row will be high, and then descending. These flower beds can be placed in the garden along paths, or around free-standing trees. But the flower beds themselves also need decoration. For this, borders are usually used.

The border can have one or two tiers, the width is no more than half a meter. For borders, small, low plants are used so that you can see from the flower bed. Borders are very well combined with flower beds and rabatka.


There is such a type of flower beds as a mixborder. This means that in such a flower garden there will be a variety of plants, not only in terms of flowering, but also in growth.

But you can’t put plants that love different conditions growth: light and shade, loving water and not needing it. The mixborder has one more purpose - mixborder flowers can be cut and made into bouquets.

It must necessarily have an asymmetric shape and branches of various lengths.

Flowerbed care

Every gardener, gardener, florist should take care of protecting his site from pests and diseases. Doing work in manual mode is very time consuming, then all kinds of sprayers-sprayers come to the aid of fellow summer residents.

This technique is designed to create overpressure, due to which there is a fine dispersion of the sprayed mixture. Finely dispersed particles of the sprayed liquid fall on the surface of plants, penetrating into hard-to-reach areas.

In the state of the smallest droplets, the solution is perfectly retained on the microvilli of the stems and leaves. Twenty years ago, the choice was limited to a couple of the simplest sprayers, but now a variety of models are on the market. Competition encourages manufacturers to look for new solutions, to create engineering designs.

The most convenient is a garden hand sprayer. Before you buy a garden sprayer, familiarize yourself with the main types. In addition to differences in the volume of loading tanks, there is a gradation of sprayers by design. There are pneumatic, piston, pump, lever, petrol and battery sprinklers.

How to make flower beds with your own hands?

Making flower beds with your own hands, the secrets of choosing for filling them. Consideration of successful design ideas and choice of materials for them.

Mixborder of perennial flowers

Gardening is an abstract art along with landscape design and architecture. It's about unification correct colors, tones, shades and textures into a stunning visual palette, and then fusing that floral palette with the surrounding space.


While creating alpine slides install the stones firmly, as they will have to be moved during care.

To make very beautiful designer flower beds with your own hands, you will have to spend an impressive amount of time and effort. But, now, thanks to information from the Internet, you can really interesting ideas on decor from improvised materials. Gardening is an abstract art along with landscaping and architecture.

It seems to be the most simple task- Buy your favorite flowers and plant them in the ground. And the more diverse the vegetation, the more beautiful the result. Alas, in this way you can only get a heap different plants, which will create an overall rather untidy look. This will be especially evident where the vegetation does not match in height, shape and color. Also, problems can be caused by time periods flowering. It's a pity to get such unflattering results after all the effort.

  • Creating the right composition is a well-planned operation that requires a clear plan of action.
  • Some still prefer to plant their own designed flower garden. It can be a fun time. It is advisable not to use a wide variety of types, especially if space is limited.
  • To arrange a flower bed, you will need to choose a height, a blooming calendar, and a color scheme. It is also important to comply with the conditions environment(loving light, preferred humidity, soil type and acidity, etc.).

Due to the peculiarities of the vegetation and the surrounding landscape, the decorated corner acquires its own individuality and will be unique.


Don't worry that if you use ready-made schemes, your flower bed in the garden will become typical and uninteresting. After all, it is very unlikely that any of the acquaintances will use the same scheme. Don't be afraid to experiment. Often unique compositions obtained from those who, relying on information on the Internet, came up with their own design. Creating your own flower gardens and flower beds can be a real source of pride.

Think carefully when choosing. For example, what size do you want for your flower bed, the size of its border, etc.

Perennial plants in the flower bed

Perennials are preferred for those who don't want to replant their beds every year.

Perennials have the following advantages:

  • a wide range of forms;
  • relative ease of care;
  • undemanding.

And the direct destruction of the flower garden of perennials or bulbs can be delayed for several years with the help of tillage and fertilization of the land.

However, as a rule, the flowering period for these plants is only 3 weeks, which is not very much..

  • After flowering perennial flower bed does not look so bright, so it is recommended to dilute it annual plants.
  • Choose depending on the flowering season.
  • Often, owners want flower beds and gardens in the courtyard of the house to be pleasing to the eye from the beginning of the spring period and ending with the winter cold. To do this, take into account the seasonality of the vegetation used by the flora.
  • Summer flower beds and garden compositions can be formed from such a wide range which is pretty easy to get lost on his list. Experts advise to give Special attention long flowering species or those that can bloom twice. Among perennial long flowers there are some varieties of roses, geraniums, catnip, chamomile.


Summer is the flowering time for many species of annuals. You can think about how to make a flower bed in own garden more attractive looking. You can plant:

  • beautiful asters;
  • dahlias;
  • coreopsis;
  • various chrysanthemums;
  • calendula.

Related ornamental plants will give a special charm to the selected floral ensemble.

A vertical flower bed will look great with ampelous plants. They give volume and shine, and there are lovely petunias, lobelia and verbena that look great in a vertical flower bed.

aromatic flower bed

The perfect solution - an aromatic flower bed of lavender, sage, oregano. It is better to place it directly with the seating area. You will smell the aroma as you pass by the flower garden. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, brain function and the cardiovascular system.

To create such a flower bed, we need:

  • Plastic containers.
  • Dye.
  • Sphagnum moss (you can even use old moss).
  • Soil mix.
  • seedlings.

Step 1

Paint the containers and wait for them to dry. Soak the moss to a comfortable consistency, allowing you to "sculpt". Moss should be placed in all containers after which they should be covered with a layer of soil previously mixed with fertilizer. Subsequently, the earth must be compacted and watered.

Step 2

Containers should be filled from the top containers. Seedlings are usually small. Their root system, as a rule, does not fall apart and easily shifts in the right direction. If you need to remove the seedlings from the pot, then you need to squeeze the root system with your hand.

When planting, water the seedlings well with water. Follow the following sequence when filling the pot:

  • sphagnum;
  • the soil;
  • plant;
  • the soil.

Step 3

After that, plant a flower bed - you can hang it, as in the picture, on the side of your house, garage, fence, or any other place on outdoors which you deem necessary. Where you decide to hang your flower bed will change as it will enhance its overall aesthetic effect. Sometimes experts advise installing a tube with holes in the middle of such structures so that the water reaches the bottom. Water the flower bed using a low pressure hose. Sphagnum absorbs moisture reserves.

If you want to create an exotic flower bed, then be sure to fill it with plants and flowers that will match its name. That is, you may need to specifically order some types of flora, instead of relying on traditional flowers. You can order some exciting designs from all over the world. Small succulents would give your flower bed a desert feel.

Bright Ideas

Look for cans in your kitchen or just buy from the market. After that on a big wooden wall you should attach these jars - ideally 8 to 9 so they are well dispersed. Add the desired vertical garden plants.


Don't ignore the remaining areas - move to different places large plants or pots to find the best look.

Pines trimmed in a triangular shape create visual interest. Annuals, perennials provide a garden bright color and interesting shapes. Here, the gladioli neatly contrast with the foliage and bloom around them. Large stripes of color will create a soothing atmosphere for this garden.

Many summer residents, starting to cultivate the land, think first of all about those crops that can be called useful, that is, intended for human consumption. But for some reason it comes to flowers in the last turn. They are often allocated such plots of land where the sun's rays do not get well, planted close to the fences, walls of the building, and so on. But without flowers, the dacha looks very dull, despite the red tomatoes, yellow zucchini and scarlet cherries. How to arrange a flower garden in the country. 65 photos of design ideas for your site. Still, flowers are flowers. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, they sometimes also allow you to fight pests. Some decoctions from inflorescences contribute to the destruction of cockroaches. Such cockroach control measures are not always effective, of course, but they are absolutely environmentally friendly, that is, there are no harmful synthetic components that your head hurts about.

Flower garden in the country - beauty, as much as the soul sings!

A beautifully decorated flower garden in the country, when planting flowers in a summer cottage, one should take into account the period of their flowering. If you don’t want all the flowers to bloom at the same time, then we pause - we plant some on the same day, wait a bit and then plant others. When planting plants, you need to know what is related to what. The fact is that some flowers can have a depressing effect on others. And this is a very important point.

Should flowers be planted in flower beds? This question is often asked by those who have recently acquired a dacha and are accustomed to seeing that they grow in the city in this way. In fact, there is no need to plant like this, because a dacha is not a city. Here colors need space. original flower garden at the cottage photo:

Flowers, like any other plant, get sick. Sometimes they are even spoiled by rodents. Therefore, the periodic struggle with mice also does not hurt. At the same time, protect the harvest. In general, plant healthy plants, try to avoid sick ones, despite the fact that you may have already paid for them. Most often, a flower garden is created in the country from improvised materials.

Decoration of a summer cottage with flowers

Today, almost a third of Russian families have summer cottages outside the city. At least that's what the statistics tell us. In fact, people abandoned a lot of land plots, because they do not want to work for them. Even building organizations that receive SRO approval are seriously considering buying up such dachas and building cottages in their place. The same people who are not going to leave their dachas are striving in every possible way to ennoble the land. At the peak of popularity now planting flowers. Beautiful flower garden in the country photo:

When the cottage is decorated with flowers, then you look at it in a completely different way. The soul seems to come to life, because in each bud one feels the power and energy of nature. And, of course, one wants to work on such land. So it's not just about beauty, but also about the emotional component.

How to arrange a flower garden in the country? What flowers are best planted in the country? Well suited gladioli, chamomile, spray roses, chrysanthemums. Be sure to pick up cultivated plants, otherwise your flowers will soon turn into real weeds, as they will flood the entire garden.

If the developer carries out the construction of cottage settlements, then he has probably not only received the approval of the SRO in design, but also prepared a plan for the development of the territory. And often in it you can read that it is precisely those flowers that are planted in the country that are being prepared for planting. This is all explained very simply - such plants have proven themselves well for decades, which means there is no doubt that after planting in the ground they will not die. Beautifully decorated flower garden in the country:

In the country there is no need to grow those flowers that grow in the forest. More precisely, they still will not take root. And it happens that many go out into nature, see beautiful flower, dig it up and plant it in a summer cottage. The likelihood that the plant will survive after such a migration is not very high. Do-it-yourself flower garden diagram in the country house, see below:

What kind of misfortune is this - lawn moss?

How to arrange a flower garden in the country, the scheme of the flower garden in the country has already been drawn up with your own hands? Quite often, people who have broken the lawn on their garden plot, you have to deal with its damage. It can be weeds that change the texture of the green carpet, and plants affected by diseases, due to which earthen bald spots appear, and moss, which nullifies all the work done before.

It does not appear by chance. This means that the gardener has violated some lawn care rules. For example, the grass litter lacks drainage, there are no drains that drain water during and after rains, the ground is excessively dense and cannot breathe. The lawn suffers from moss even if the grass is cut too short with a mower. But, fortunately, it is quite easy to determine what the owner of the "green carpet" miscalculated. You just need to take a closer look appearance moss, as it happens different types. The original flower garden in the country photo:

When the moss, which is gradually spreading in the area, shoots reach for the sun, have a green top, and a dark brown rim is visible closer to the roots, it means that the land allocated for the lawn is not watered actively enough, the soil has oxidized. In turn, when the moss spreads over the lawn and does not have apical shoots, this is a clear sign that the lawn is not properly processed during mowing.

How to get rid of this scourge - moss? First, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of what is happening, and then resort to various chemical solutions. They will be required when the moss has seriously spoiled the lawn in many places. The mixtures help the lawn develop faster, along the way, killing moss spores under the earth and shoots that have already crawled out. Will serve as top dressing sand compositions, ferrous sulfate and other agrochemicals. Without them, in this case, the problem of the spread of moss on the site cannot be dealt with. Beautiful flower garden in the country photo different ideas:

Vacation home it is impossible to imagine without rich flower beds. Flower beds are called various flower or decorative plantings plants in a certain way. Share the free and regular type of planting flower beds. They consist of perennial or annual plants. Flowerbeds may include undersized trees that perform a decorative function, various shrubs and conifers.


A mixborder is a type of flower bed that has elongated shape extending in the direction of the paths. In this case, the flowers are selected depending on their height (from small to tall), the selection is carried out taking into account the timing of flowering. This allows the flower bed to look luxurious all year round.

Another type of flower beds is called parterre, such flower beds have a certain shape (more often they are square or rectangular). They are placed in the center of the garden, planted in the form of a certain pattern. A rabatka is a strip that borders the garden paths (low flowers are usually planted, creating beautiful ornaments).

The formation of flower beds involves a competent selection of plants, designing a flower garden from the fence to the house itself. Different varieties plants have different flowering periods, the difference between flowering can be from two or three weeks, this is significant. When choosing flowers for a flower bed, it is important to consider the timing in which they bloom.. This is necessary so that the plants, when blooming, can replace those that are already fading (so the flower beds will not be empty).

When planning flower beds, you need to take into account them future review. For example, some flower beds will look equally beautiful from any vantage point (circular flower beds).

flower beds with flat view, look beautiful only from the hills. They are best used in the presence of terraces and slopes on the site. If the flower bed is vertical, it expands the space, if it is vertical, it narrows.

How to do it yourself?

To create a beautiful and a luxurious flower bed you need to follow some rules. For starters, you should:

  • read scientific literature, various articles in magazines;
  • study Internet resources with information on creating flower beds on the site;
  • visit online gardening forums.

It is important to take into account your desires and possibilities. It is better to choose flowers that will delight, fit the existing microclimate of the region.

It is necessary to take into account the budget, calculating how much you need to spend Money to purchase everything you need to create a flower bed. You can reduce costs if you grow a certain number of plants from seeds with your own hands. This will take some time.

Next, you need to decide how to enclose the flower garden. You can use rocks, trees, earthen ditches or artificial material(for example, plastic or concrete fences). After that, it is necessary to begin preparing the soil for planting plants by applying fertilizers. can draw rough plan planting flowers, determine the number of plants that will grow in the flower bed. It is worth supplementing the sketch with a description: this way the picture of the future flower garden will be more understandable.

After that, you should arrange the flowers in pots at the intended location of the flower garden: this will allow you to see how they will fit together. Having decided on the location of the flowers, they should be planted, watered, and mulched at a distance of 10 or 15 centimeters from the plant. After transplantation, plants need constant care, they must be regularly watered, shaded in the heat. Any flower garden will thrive in a sunny space with good soil and fertilizer.

When creating the first flower garden, it is better to choose flowers that do not require special care. First you need to gain experience. After that, you can choose more whimsical plants, creating luxurious backyard compositions.

For example, a flower bed of several tiers, framed by stones, will look beautiful. You can make it with the help of common plants. This flower garden looks luxurious.

Composing different compositions, you can experiment, select different types of plants.

Choosing plants

Any gardener wants the flower garden to be a luxurious decoration of the backyard. A flower bed will enchant guests or family members if you choose the right plants for it, suitable for the climatic conditions of the area. Such flowers can be peony and clematis. They are able to grow for many decades without changing their place.

If you choose plants that are beautiful, but whimsical, they may not endure a harsh winter. You can give preference to southern plants. Not every shrub is able to survive the winter. It is worth immediately paying attention to this fact. The choice of plants that are suitable for the climate of the area has many advantages in the design of the flower garden. It is easier to take care of such plants, there is no need to cover them in winter time. No need to be afraid of pests (moles, mice), as well as diseases.

This will significantly reduce costs, there will be no need to buy new plants, replacing the dead ones, and there will be no labor costs. So the flower bed in the winter season can look beautiful. Landing undemanding plants will allow you to find time to relax and enjoy the beauty.

For decoration, it is better to give preference to perennial flowers. Their main advantage is that they will delight and decorate the backyard with themselves for many years. There is also a minus - not all perennials bloom immediately after planting, although over time they will not require special care. If you want that when the first sun rays flowers bloomed, you need to choose plants with bulbs. Bulbous plants begin to bloom early, decorating the flower garden with an abundance of flowers of different shades and shapes.

Among these flowers, hyacinth can be noted. In March, a blueberry begins to bloom, after it a crocus, then they are replaced by a narcissus and a tulip. A flower bed with such flowers can be made rounded by enclosing plants with stones or wood. A flower garden with primrose blends beautifully with violet. Rose looks gorgeous with phlox. When creating a flower bed with annual flowers, you can constantly change the palette and shades, choosing something new every year. It all depends on the gardener's imagination.

Beautiful annual plants are marigolds, petunias, dahlias and balsams. These spring flowers are undemanding and do well with normal care. They can be planted near the house.

Landing patterns

Modern flower arrangements adorn almost every personal plot. It is flowers that will allow you to enjoy the beauty of nature during the warm season. Even an amateur gardener can create a beautiful flower garden. For this, it is necessary to study possible schemes planting plants.

To begin with, it is necessary to improve the territory of the summer cottage itself. It is necessary to take into account the conditions for favorable plant growth. This will reduce possible mistakes flower bed formation. It is necessary to decide on the shape and size of the flower garden, choose its main palette.

It is better to start with the design of the flower bed with perennials. They are unpretentious, do not require complex care. Do not heavily clutter up the flower garden with plants. Their excessive amount will have a bad effect on flowering, and the flower bed will lose its attractiveness. You should not plant flowers one by one: a group of flowers looks more beautiful than one flower separately. Flower beds look luxurious with an abundance of flowers from the beginning of spring to the very end of autumn.

Choosing a scheme of perennial plants, you need to take into account the period of their flowering. Annual flowers will easily fill the gap between flowering. It is necessary to choose a scheme, taking into account the indicators of mail and the presence of light. Each flower bed should contain plants similar in care. It is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of the color scheme of the flower garden. It should not be variegated, it is better to combine bright plants with flowers of calm tones.

If you take into account all the nuances, drawing up a planting scheme, the flower bed will look luxurious.

Gradually, you can create more complex compositions, making out different patterns. Ideal would be a flower bed that looks equally beautiful from any side of the garden. Many levels are most often made near walls and fences. When choosing a scheme, you need to take into account the shady and sunny participants in the cottage. Due to this, you can choose the right plants for the flower bed, providing them with comfortable conditions.

It is necessary to correctly calculate the required number of plants. To do this, the entire scheme of the flower bed is divided into conditional square zones of approximately one meter on each side. You need to calculate how much each type of plant will take. All data must be divided by the average, standard for planting. For example, 2 or 3 plants are planted in a flower bed up to 1.2 meters in size. large plants, 4 - 6 medium, 7 - 9 plants below medium size and 16 - 20 small.

To correctly transfer the diagram from the drawing to the site, you need to mark the contours with sawdust, chalk or sand. Next, you need to dig up the ground, remove weeds and sprinkle the soil with special soil. You can make changes to the schema. When designing a flower garden, you need to take into account the acidity of the soil: basically, plants are demanding, they need certain conditions.

Medium sized plants make a great addition to any flower arrangement. These include peony, daylily, lily, iris, bluebell and phlox. To close empty spaces, you can plant an aster, petunia, lavatera or salvia. Lupins, aconites or delphiniums are ideal for decorating the background. Shady parts of the site can be decorated with anemones, ferns, geraniums. If the soil is acidic, hydrangea and fern will feel great on it.

The combination matters. Rose, virginia, sedum, balsam are perfectly combined. A beautiful combination there will be a palette of pink, orange and red tones, diluted purple. By following these tips, you can easily arrange an amazingly beautiful flower garden on your site.

Forms of flower beds

Design options for flower beds can be different. original solution will use old car tires. Such flower beds are common. You can paint the tire in the desired color and add decorative elements. In the end it will beautiful flower bed with flowers. You can make a multi-level flower bed out of tires, while you need to choose tires that differ in size. So you can equip any flower garden.

An old stump is also suitable for a flower bed; it can become an excellent flower garden. great idea may become use unnecessary furniture. But it is better to bring such flower beds into the house for the winter season. If there is a desire to make a flower bed out of concrete, it will not take much time. Such a flower garden will look beautiful and appropriate.

The location and shape of the flower garden directly affects the selection of the size of the flowers. Planting plants with a discount is made out with flowers of the same height from 15 to 40 cm. A round flower bed is made out, starting from the center tall plants, ending with low outer circle. A flower bed in the form of a mixborder is usually created near the walls or a fence, they start with tall plants with a smooth transition to low flowers.

For a competent design of a flower bed, it is necessary to choose the right planting scheme, choose a zone for a certain type of plant. This will improve the entire flower garden. Before dividing the plot into flower beds you need to consider whether they will fit into the design of the garden, whether they fit in style. For example, a border with flowers beautifully frames the paths of the garden; low plants are better suited for it.

Looks luxurious small pond in the center of the flower garden. Most of all, this design is suitable for a large area.

fashion direction is a flowerbed-mixborder. This is a free-form flower bed. It is often used in decoration country houses. No less popular are vertical flower beds. They use begonia and petunia.


Choosing a landscape decor for a flower bed on personal plot, you can follow fashion trends or apply non-standard solutions. Now landscape design allows you to implement any gardener's idea to create a luxurious flower bed. The main thing is simplicity and harmony decorative elements. This concept can be implemented in many ways with perennials and annuals.

The first type of decor is monochrome, it uses the same range of colors. For example, a combination of different shades of green is possible. You can use a combination of green and white (hydrangeas, primroses, saplings, hostas, astilbes).

A flowerbed of plants in green and pink colors using roses, peonies, clematis, geyher, chrysanthemums looks beautiful. The combination with red looks amazing (maple trees with red leaves, decorative barberry and geyhera).

The second type of decor is monoform, it uses flowers of the same shape. The combination of flowers with a rounded crown shape looks great (round spirea, large-leaved hydrangea, rose, spherical willows and thuja). The third type of decor is contrasting. It uses plants of bright colors. Blue and yellow tones are appropriate here (iris, viola, marigolds, nasturtium, daylily yellow color). original and combination pink shade with blue (rose, lavender, verbena, matthiola bicorne). Vertical flower beds look luxurious. Such planting is able to decorate any garden.

The main requirement of landscape design is the decoration and decoration of flower beds. Absolutely every flower bed can be transformed by adding decor. It's easy to make your own. It is worth decorating the central flower bed, as it is the basis of the whole flower arrangement garden.

On the central flower bed, the decor element will be visible from any side. The basis of such a composition can be:

  • mosaic ball;
  • drinker for birds;
  • wooden cart;
  • snag;
  • log;
  • stump;
  • wheel;
  • sundial;
  • sculpture;
  • mirror;
  • arch;
  • plant with dense foliage.

Any of the key design elements should be singular. In addition to the center element, fencing is important, as well as decorating the soil near the plants with multi-colored gravel. If you use colored gravel, you can emphasize the shape of the flower bed, beautifully decorate bright plants. The decor of the flower bed should combine the beautiful and the useful.

Now it is fashionable to combine flowers and edible plants: this is how they create a decorative garden bed. To create a decorative bed, it must be made raised from bars, boards big size. After you need to overlay it stone slabs. Next, lay the soil, in rows or beautiful patterns planted flowers, garden plants. The combination will be great different varieties lettuce, you can use green, red, lemon color with purple and green basil, different types cabbage.

Every hostess with her own land plot, tries to ennoble it with flower beds. Most often they are located next to gazebos for relaxation or directly near the entrance to the house. In order for her to have a well-groomed, attractive appearance, you need to have some skills. But it is not necessary to contact a professional designer at the same time, with some effort, you can design your site yourself.

First of all, you should decide what exactly you want to create. If you chose country style, then the flower bed can be decorated with old painted tires, decoration from an old bicycle, etc.

They are popular and distinguished by their sophistication of composition with ornamental trees And coniferous shrubs. First, they do not need special efforts care, and secondly - they look great all year round. If you opt for this option, you should consider that such plants require an acidic environment.

Fallen needles, a small part of peat and soddy land are used to prepare the soil. Then the resulting mixture must be poured into a previously prepared recess with a layer of 50 cm. coniferous plants should not, in the future they will grow. Better complement it with boxwood, rhododendron or erica. For a finished look, the edges of the flower beds will also require decoration.

Another interesting option- a flower bed of perennials. A lot of planting schemes have been developed, where the location, color scheme, and flowering period are interestingly chosen.

With proper care, such compositions do not require annual planting of new flowers. Using the suggested tips, your site will look presentable for several months of the year.

Flower bed of continuous flowering - the ideal solution for the front flower garden

Breaking a flower garden at the entrance to the house, I want it to always look attractive. The ideal solution will create a flower bed of continuous flowering.

To successfully create such a flower garden, you need to consider a few rules:

  • The flower bed should be planted with both perennial and annual flowers. And even bushes.
  • It is necessary to choose plants with approximately the same requirements for humidity, light and watering.
  • There should not be plants - aggressors (decorative leaf gout, loosestrife, periwinkle). Also undesirable are perennials that are easily inseminated (lupine, poppy, aquilegia).

The next step in creating a continuous flowering flower bed will be a plan on paper. Drawing a plan, we define its contours. We also compile a list of perennials and their location.

Here is an approximate list of perennials by season of the year:

Spring: snowdrop, crocus, blueberry, pushkinia, muscari, hionodoxa, hyacinth, tulip, narcissus, primrose, hellebore, saxifrage, daisy, hazel grouse, anemone, liverwort, erantis.

Summer: here is the most big choice various perennials: aquilegia, delphinium, poppy, lily, kupena, chamomile, daylily, peony, aquilegia, hosta, carnation, lychnis, rudbeckia, iris, phlox, cornflower, monarda, cinquefoil, sedum, euphorbia, bluebell, geyhera.

Autumn: chrysanthemum, perennial aster, gelenium, goldenrod, sunflower, coreopsis.

You can also identify groups of out-of-season plants that are attractive for a long time. This is primarily coniferous plants, spruce, mountain pine, juniper. This also includes ornamental cereals, such as blue fescue, maned barley, miscanthus. All kinds of ferns are also decorative all summer.

The final list depends on the size of the future flower bed. But even if the sizes are large, you do not need to plant a large number of various perennials, it is better to have a few of them, but each will occupy a larger area. So we will avoid excessive variegation, which will greatly complicate the perception of the entire flower garden at once.

The resulting list of plants is divided into two groups:

The first is plants that have a short growing season. It's mostly spring bulbous plants. In their place, annual flowers should be provided. It is very good to plant plants that form a large green mass from one root.

An ideal variant of such a plant is a petunia. It can be planted a little aside from the place where the bulbs are in the ground, and, growing, it will completely close it.

We will include all the remaining perennials in the second group - they will not spoil the look of the flower bed after flowering.

Having decided on the list of perennials and their features, we begin to place them on our plan. To do this, number each with a serial number from one and so on. It is even fashionable to cut out rectangles or circles from paper and number them. Then lay them out on the plan, trying on various options plant arrangements.

When the plan is ready, then, most likely, some places will remain completely empty. This is where peers will help us. From annuals, it is better to choose unpretentious ones, such as high and low marigolds, annual asters, petunias, nasturtiums, annual dahlias.

All these perennials are characterized by low maintenance requirements and a variety of colors. This will allow you to choose plants that will organically combine with existing perennials.

Then you can proceed directly to the preparation of the site. It is better to do this in late summer or early autumn. The site must be carefully dug up, select all the weeds. Allow the soil to settle for about a week and start planting perennial rhizomes and bulbs.

If not all plants are available, then their planting can be postponed until spring. But then it is desirable to mark those plants that have already been planted with signs.

In the spring of next year, we plant annuals. It is better to plant them with seedlings, so it will be possible to plant them in the places allotted to them. right amount copies.

In full glory, a flowerbed of continuous flowering will open only after a year, when all perennials take root well and grow a good root system.

The best decoration of a summer cottage is a flower bed made by one's own hands. To create a flower bed that will please the eye and where everything will be in harmony, you need to work a little.

Make a plan for what you will do. Carefully select flowers, taking into account the time of flowering and the area. She must be protected from strong wind and sun. After choosing a place, we prepare the soil, clearing weeds, remove the top layer of the earth and fertilize it. It is good to add black soil, sand, loosen and make drainage.

One large flower bed often looks better than several small ones, but this is a matter of taste.

Take a simple form, preferably round or oval, or irregular in shape, but without corners, unless you are a specialist designer, otherwise you may get an unexpected result. perennial plants fit best. Annuals are planted for novelty.

Flowers are planted from small to large, so that the large ones are in the center, or in the background if the flower bed is against the wall. IN color scheme stick to a harmonious transition so that it does not hurt the eyes. Everything is good in moderation! A little bright accents, usually, warm colors, and the rest is a background of cold colors.

Add white flowers, they dilute the colors, and black enhance warm colors. Use the principle of maximum diversification. One flowering period is undesirable, as a variegated picture may result.

If you want to make a flower bed a slide, then in the center pour the earth about half a meter high, and the bottom level is about 10 cm from the gravel. After a couple of weeks, the earth sags, then you can start planting flowers.

More and more popular. They give maximum naturalness to the landscape. The philosophy of creating such slides requires the correct placement of all elements. For giving use undersized varieties trees and shrubs. Bright plants are planted separately, and background plants in small groups. The hill is planted from above. Height - from low to high. All plants are sprinkled with pebbles and watered thoroughly.

The surroundings of the flower bed are no less important than the flower itself. Various hedges, trimmed shrubs, stones, etc. are used for decoration. For decoration, you can also use various vases and figurines, which are enough on sale.

For compositions with juniper, painted crushed stone is perfect. Weaving from branches has become fashionable.

Today, options for flowerbeds, equipped directly in tires, have gained popularity. Read about here.

You can make a flower bed in a stump.

Items of old household utensils will be more useful than ever in a flower bed! - it is fashionable and relevant. But before you place the utensils on the site, bring it to decorative look: clean, open with varnish ... The main thing is that there is no chaos in the flower bed or area where flowers, shrubs grow.

How to make a flower bed with your own hands from old chairs

There are several ways to decorate a flower bed. Wooden fencing has some disadvantages:

  1. firstly, it quickly becomes unusable;
  2. secondly, it can become a haven for aphids and mites.

wooden fencing

An alternative could be plastic mesh. This is enough a budget option although not very durable. It is not recommended to use it if the soil in the area is loose, the curb will quickly fail. The solidity of the site will give the use of decorative or natural stones. The only disadvantage of such a solution is the cost, but the appearance will please not only you, but also your guests for a long time.

It is advisable to use a metal galvanized border for fencing. It is durable and less expensive. The main thing is that you like final result your efforts.

Floating flower beds - a new hit in landscape design

Flower beds - streams

Original flower beds photo

Mobile flower beds

Vertical flower beds

Hanging flower beds photo

Compositions in the form of butterflies

Flower beds - umbrellas

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