Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Warm extension to a wooden house with your own hands. Extension to a wooden house - how to do it right. Columnar base - fast, cheap, reliable

Allows for significant expansion of living and functional space country house at relatively low costs. An extension to a house can be used in different ways. Some people organize a summer kitchen there, others a dining room or living room, others a place for rest and relaxation.

New use cases square meters There are many, so you need to decide based on your own preferences and requirements.

All work on the construction of the extension can be done with your own hands.

And doesn't have special significance, what material will be chosen for its construction. You need to understand that the use of heavy building materials (bricks, concrete slabs etc.) will require the construction of a sufficiently powerful foundation. Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out calculations and draw up a project that will take into account all the important construction parameters.

What kind of extensions to the house can there be?

An extension to a country house can have the most different type. It’s even difficult to single out the most common option, but in our country you can most often find the following extensions:

  • Side with combined or own roof;
  • Attic extension;
  • Second floor extension.

A side extension with a combined roof is an affordable and affordable option because it only requires a slight extension of the roof to the size of the extension. When choosing this type, the country house is simply completed. Regardless of the materials used, you will have to make a suitable foundation. The extension can have any dimensions, but too large structures even on large areas they will not look aesthetically pleasing. Choosing an option with your own roof is usually relevant in cases where it is not possible to do it yourself common roof With country house. In such a situation, the consumption of building materials, time and volumes of construction work, financial expenses.

If you want to make an add-on, then you need to take into account the fact that not in all cases such a possibility exists.

The main problem will usually be design features foundation, because during the construction of the house it was hardly planned that a superstructure would be built in the future. Therefore, not every foundation, even the most reliable one, can cope with an additional floor of the house. If you are sure that the foundation can withstand additional loads, then before starting work it would be correct to consult with specialists who can not only carry out everything necessary calculations, but also give advice on strengthening the existing foundation with your own hands.

What building materials can be used to build an extension?

For the construction of extensions, timber, frame base, brick or foam blocks are usually used. Of course, any other building materials can be used if desired, but these four types are the most popular in our country.

  1. Using timber to build an extension is rational and best option In many cases. In this case, the use of any timber is allowed - planed, glued, rounded. The features of the timber allow you to carry out all the work yourself and in a short time.

Timber extension.

The main advantages of the timber are:

  • The production of timber is carried out at woodworking enterprises, so there is always the opportunity to choose suitable model based on your requirements and wishes;
  • In the factory, the material is treated with special compounds, which guarantees long-term resistance of the timber to various negative influences;
  • If necessary, at the enterprise, at the request of the client, the timber can be given any shade by subjecting it to high-temperature treatment;
  • Regardless of the type of timber, the material is environmentally friendly (although certain claims in this sense are made against laminated timber);
  • Extensions can be made from timber for wooden, brick, and block houses. If necessary outer side timber can be processed with any finishing or facing materials.
  1. Frame base. Building an extension based on a frame is also a very affordable option that does not require major financial investments. The frame structure is formed on the basis metal beams or pieces of wood that are installed around the perimeter of the extension along special technology. You can do everything yourself, but if you have no experience in this area, it is best to consult with specialists in advance.

Frame extension.

Upon completion of the frame installation, the internal and external surfaces are covered with special building boards (OSB, chipboard, etc.), the installation of which also creates an effective thermal insulation layer. In this case, the insulation can be traditional mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, specialized thermal insulation boards, sprayed insulators, etc. In addition, thermal insulation material, regardless of its type, is additionally insulated using waterproof insulators.

  1. It’s worth noting right away that installing a brick extension will require the owner of the house to have some skills and some experience in carrying out masonry work. Only with a competent approach and compliance with all technologies can you properly make a high-quality brick extension with your own hands. In any other case, it is necessary to invite specialists involved in laying bricks and similar materials to carry out the work.

Brick extension.

The use of brick for an extension has the following features:

  • If finishing or cladding is not planned in the future brick wall decorative materials, then such an extension is best built on the back side of the building;
  • Taking into account the fact that even a one-story brick extension will have significant weight, before its construction it is necessary to take care of constructing a strong and reliable foundation;
  • The financial costs of building a brick extension are significant (largely due to the need for a strong foundation and inviting specialists);
  • It is quite difficult to connect an extension to a country house correctly and only on your own.
  1. An extension made of foam blocks has high strength characteristics; it will not require significant costs and the use of additional thermal insulation materials.

Extension made of foam blocks.

Using foam blocks to build an extension to a house with your own hands has the following advantages:

  • There is no need to make a foundation as strong as in the case of using brick, because the blocks, given their size, have a relatively low weight;
  • The use of foam blocks eliminates the need to decorate the walls of the extension with thermal insulation materials;
  • You can build an extension made of foam blocks with your own hands several times faster than a brick structure.

At the same time, additional costs when using foam blocks may be required to ensure protection of the material from various negative impacts. As a rule, siding is used for this, decorative brick, ventilated facades and other materials.

It is worth noting that processing foam blocks with your own hands is also not difficult, so working with them is quite easy.

Features of self-building an extension

First of all, even before starting work, it is necessary to determine for which solution to which problem it was necessary to make an extension to the house. Depending on this, the construction material, foundation structure, communications, number of windows, volume and quality of insulation and waterproofing used, as well as many other points will be determined.

If you plan to make a garage out of foam blocks or an outbuilding out of brick, then the work will be carried out in one direction; if you plan to build a summer kitchen or dining room, then in a completely different direction.

Special attention You should also pay attention to connecting a country house with an extension, regardless of what tasks the extension will perform. The extension must be organically combined with the main structure, not stand out against its background, and have a solid foundation that will not cause the structure to sag and prematurely collapse.

Certain difficulties may also arise during the construction of the roof, during the installation of which some nuances must be taken into account. The roof of the extension, made of brick or foam blocks, should be slightly lower than the roof level of the main building. Otherwise, precipitation will enter the joint, which can potentially lead to moisture penetration into the room.

From a legal point of view

The construction and operation of an extension to the house must be legalized. If this is not done in advance, then in the future you may encounter quite serious difficulties and sanctions from regulatory authorities.

In order to avoid running through the courts upon completion of construction, it is recommended to begin work on the construction of an extension to the house in accordance with the procedure established by law.

First, you must obtain a permit from the local authorities, which will provide recommendations for the construction of an extension. Then you need to visit the organization involved in the projects so that specialists can develop suitable project based on the requirements for materials and general design. They can also tell you about the power and water supply of the extension (if communications are planned).

After this, it is necessary to coordinate the project with regulatory authorities and the local architectural department. Only after all bureaucratic procedures have been completed can the construction of an extension made of brick, foam blocks, timber or frame base begin. In a number of cases, after completion of construction work, the structure is inspected from the outside supervisory authorities, which establish whether the data object complies with all standards.

Some time after the construction of a house, there is often a need to expand the usable area. The only way out of this situation is to build an extension to wooden house. With proper design of the structure and selection of appropriate materials, this activity can be completed independently.

What do you need to know?

The construction of any object requires the creation of a project that is based on calculations. The construction of an extension to a wooden house is no exception. In this case, it should be provided that constructive solution, which would eliminate the occurrence of cracks. When choosing architectural form extensions, we must not forget about the need to create a unified complex in style.

In addition, it should be understood that the construction of the extension must be approved by the relevant organization and have all the necessary accompanying documentation. Otherwise, the constructed facility will be considered an unauthorized construction and in the future the developer will have to resolve the issue of legalizing it.

Types of extensions

Before starting the construction of an extension to a wooden house, you should study possible options structures and technological features their construction. After analyzing the information, the choice of materials and work technology is greatly simplified. This approach will allow the extension to be harmoniously connected to the existing building.

Canopy. This is the simplest extension design. It is necessary to protect the porch and people from sunlight and bad weather. In addition, under the canopy you can spend leisure time and receive guests.

The construction of a canopy does not necessarily require the construction of a strong foundation. Installing pillars that act as supports can be enough a solid foundation. A frame is mounted to them, and the surface of the walls is designed depending on taste preferences developer.

A wooden house may need an extension

Summer room. It is often built out of an extension. The room is intended for relaxation and serves as a place for friendly feasts. As the base of such an extension, a strip or columnar foundation. Wall material frame structure Plywood, boards or brick serve.

In order to create better illumination, the walls are made partially glazed. The roof of a summer room can have one or two slopes, and it is undesirable to make its structure heavier. Insulating or creating a heating system in such a room is impractical.

Living room. The construction of a full-fledged living room implies a full construction cycle. When constructing a foundation, use block or monolithic structure. Brick, foam blocks or timber are used to build walls. When building a roof, a layer of waterproofing is required. The entire structure of the structure must also be properly insulated.

Kitchen. Arranging an extension indoors is quite a complex undertaking. This is due to the fact that in addition to the construction of a capital structure, all communications are required, including sewerage and ventilation.

Garage. This structure is built on a surface on which walls made of bricks or blocks are located. Also under construction reliable roof made of slate, metal tiles or corrugated sheets. In addition, the room must be well ventilated.

Porch. Often when installing various designs extensions, it is necessary to build a porch. The material can be concrete, timber or metal. If the porch is of significant height or has a turn, railings must be installed.

Installation features

The construction of an extension to a wooden house largely depends on how the room is intended to be used and whether it will be residential. If capital construction is necessary, it is necessary to build a reliable foundation, separate from the base of the main building and the wall. It is also necessary to lay communications.

The main problem with building an extension is connecting it to the house. If there are omissions at this stage, then the formation of cracks in structural elements construction is inevitable.

There are the following methods of connecting structures:

  • Construction of an independent building. The method is used in the case of construction on moving soil. The base is arranged closed around the perimeter, having no points of contact with the main foundation. The gaps between the surfaces of the walls of buildings are provided with reliable hydro- and thermal insulation. The roof is constructed using a similar technology.
  • Integration of the extension into the main structure. Carrying out work using this method is associated with certain difficulties. To connect structures, anchors or pieces of reinforcing steel are installed in the foundation of the house. Then, using welding, a connection is made to the frame of the base of the attached structure. At the end of this event, they begin to pour the monolithic type foundation. Connecting the walls of two structures becomes possible when partial dismantling boxes at home. To integrate the roof structures, disassembly is carried out rafter system home and connecting it to the extension. Moreover, the fastening occurs both to the rafters and to the beams of the main building. After this, the roof covering is laid so that it represents a single surface.

When building a foundation for an extension, it is necessary to take into account the type of foundation under the house. This is due to the fact that different types foundations on the same soil exhibit different shrinkage. To prevent similar phenomenon The same base designs should be used.

Construction of an extension

Calculation and purchase of materials

At the design stage of an extension to a wooden house, the purpose of the object, its number of storeys and design features are taken into account. This makes it possible to carry out optimal choice materials and draw up a construction estimate.

The following materials can be used for its construction.


Using timber to build an extension to a wooden house is the best option. Moreover, the timber can be of any kind: glued, rounded or planed. Standardized material dimensions greatly simplify installation.

As a rule, timber is produced by specialized enterprises, each product has strictly defined dimensions, and the quality of the wood meets the standards. In the factory, the material goes through everything necessary steps protective treatment, which increases the service life of wood. If necessary, the finished product undergoes heat treatment to give the wood a certain shade. Natural wood refers to environmentally friendly materials, which has a beneficial effect on the health of people living in the house.

In addition to the described qualities, the versatility of the timber should be noted, since it can be used to create an extension not only to a wooden house.

If the cost of timber exceeds the construction estimate, then you should pay attention to other materials.

The most difficult thing is to connect the extension to the house

Frame extension

A good option from an economic point of view is the construction of a frame structure for the extension. It is characterized by the ability to carry out work on the existing foundation, which significantly reduces construction time.

The technology for constructing an extension involves the construction metal frame or wooden structure. To create the surface of the walls, the frame is sheathed on both sides using chipboards or OSB. Between them is placed a layer of thermal insulation made of available heat-insulating material. There must be vapor and moisture insulation on top of the insulation.

The frame structure of an extension to a wooden house is easy to install and is available for self-assembly.


When using brickwork when constructing the walls of an extension to a wooden house, you can get a permanent structure. The material has good thermal insulation properties, therefore, the extension can have both economic and residential purposes.

To maintain the integrity of the architectural style, it is recommended to move the brick extension out of sight. However, its location on the rear side of the building is not excluded. Brickwork has a significant mass, so a reliable foundation is built that can withstand the loads from the walls.

The cost of construction in this case increases not only due to the increase in the price of materials and additional costs for constructing the foundation, but also due to the costs of finishing work.

Main stages of construction

Foundation installation

The base for an extension to a wooden house is selected depending on design features structures. If you plan to create a residential building, then construction is mandatory. At the same time, its depth should be the same as that of the main building. Reliable connection two structures occurs due to reinforcement.

The progress of work on the construction of the foundation occurs in the following order:

  • carry out marking;
  • dig a pit or trench of appropriate depth;
  • formwork is installed;
  • produce a bundle of reinforcement cage;
  • pour .

At this stage, protection from moisture should be performed.

Light extension on a columnar foundation

Wall installation

The construction of the walls of an extension is no different from the technology of constructing a house from timber or other lumber. At the same time, the resulting expansion joint must be sealed using polyurethane foam.

When using the same materials to build an extension and a house, the walls are connected using different fasteners. Dowels are made in the timber. Screws and plates are used, as well as staples to fix the walls.

Roof installation

In the case when the height of the extension is less than the height wooden house, the roof is made with a significant slope. This will allow precipitation to be removed without hindrance. In this case, the connection of both roof structures is not necessary.

When constructing a two-story warm extension, it is recommended to connect the roofs of the structures. For this purpose, the roof of the main house is partially dismantled and the ceilings are tied together with metal corners. After that, waterproofing is installed and the roof is laid. Must be organized one system drainage

It is better to make the roof from the same material as the main building

How to cut costs?

You can reduce the cost of building an extension to a wooden house if you take into account the following recommendations:

  • the cost of timber is lower if purchased in winter;
  • independent construction of the foundation will allow you to achieve savings of about 20%;
  • use available materials;
  • use frame method construction.


The construction of the house was completed long ago, and the need to increase the living space has already arisen. Many owners face this problem. country houses. An extension to a wooden house will help solve this problem without much difficulty.

Our team of builders is engaged not only in the construction of houses, but also in warm extensions to the house, as well as verandas or terraces.

Construction of an extension to the house

Construction of an extension to a house is no less troublesome than the construction of the house itself, especially if it is an extension to an old one country house or a village log house. Sometimes this entails quite large changes in the design and layout of the house itself. This can be an extension of a veranda, terrace or warm living space for any purpose: a bedroom or living room, kitchen, bathroom or toilet. These could be technical rooms - a boiler room or a garage.

Photos of the extensions to the house that our team built

Extension of the terrace.

Adding a terrace to a house does not create big problems and costs. A terrace is an open area - a wooden deck on a specially prepared base, with or without railings. Stand-alone or attached to the main building and used for recreation on outdoors. It may be under a roof, the main functions of which are protection from rain and direct sunlight.

Veranda extension.

Adding a veranda to the house is a little more complicated and expensive, since it involves full or partial glazing, but it also remains cold. Installing a veranda provides additional benefits - protection from wind and rain from all sides. Can serve as a summer kitchen, living room, game room. As a rule, it is not heated.

Construction of a warm extension to the house.

Construction of an extension to a house with insulation is a more difficult and expensive undertaking for full-fledged living. Most often we have to deal with the construction of an extension to wooden houses. In the process of adding an extension to a house made of timber or logs, some difficulties sometimes arise when connecting to the house that need to be taken into account. For the extension itself the most optimal solution— choice in favor of frame wooden wall construction! Possibility of year-round use, as part of the main house, heated.

The correct extension to a wooden house is a frame extension.

A frame wooden extension, compared to an extension made of timber or logs, does not cause vertical settlement of the walls and therefore it can be immediately rigidly attached to the main structure. Frame walls, floors and ceilings are insulated with mineral wool. This design will be the warmest, lightest and most reliable compared to other options. And also the cheapest and most practical. Possibility to make an extension immediately turnkey. Versatility - the ability to attach to any house: made of wood, brick or blocks. Any purpose: bedrooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom, boiler room, garage.

The foundation for the extension is another “thin” place. For such an extension to the house, a more reliable foundation is required and a pile is best suited for this screw foundation. In some cases, this may be a shallow monolithic strip foundation.

The cost of building an extension without materials, just work!

Estimated - the approximate cost of a frame extension (600x300x250) with turnkey finishing.

  • Open terrace from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Glazed cold veranda from 150 thousand rubles.
  • Residential extension with insulation (100-150-200 mm) from 200 thousand rubles.

Construction of a frame extension to a house is possible at any time of the year!

Our construction crew deals not only with construction wooden outbuildings to houses, but can carry out complete renovation and reconstruction of the entire house.

There are many options for assembling frame extensions to a house. The most economical and technologically simplest option is to assemble a frame structure. Such an extension will look best next to a wooden house. What materials and tools are needed for self-installation extensions and how is the technology for installing the structure carried out?

Technological features of extensions

The definition itself makes it clear that the basis of the structure is the load-bearing skeleton - a frame made of edged timber. Other parts of the building are also made from timber - the lower frame and corner posts. Conventional racks and lintels are made from simple boards. Also, with the help of boards, future doors and window openings in the room are indicated. The thickness of the racks should be equal to the thickness of the heat-insulating layer, and based on the width of the insulation, the pitch between the racks is determined.

Let's give an example: if the house is located in the northern part of the country, then the thickness of the insulation should be at least 15 cm. It follows from this that the width of the lumber should be 150 mm by 100 or 150 mm. The step size must be kept within 60 cm, since the width of the insulation board is 60 cm.

After assembling the frame structure, it is mounted. Do not forget that before this, hydro- and vapor barrier is carried out. After insulation works The rough cladding of the structure is carried out using OSB or DSP sheets.

Video about the construction of a frame extension to a house

Frame extension to the house

Construction of a frame extension

Extension of a terrace to a wooden house

Construction of a frame extension to a private house is a quick and economical way to increase the area of ​​your home. Nowadays, structures of this type are beginning to be used in great demand, since their construction does not require special skills, and building materials can be purchased at any store building materials. If you strictly adhere to construction technology and correctly calculate each component of the extension, then it will serve long years without requiring major repairs.


An extension to a house has its own characteristics, which depend on its purpose, since different requirements are imposed on the kitchen, veranda, bathroom and additional living room. In particular, adding another residential space can be compared in complexity to building a small house.

Presented special requirements to the foundation, thermal protection of walls, floor and ceiling. With construction summer veranda much simpler, because it is a lightweight, unheated structure, for the construction of which there is no need for a powerful foundation. In general terms, the construction of a terrace is limited to the construction of walls, roof and floor. Although some homeowners prefer a glass veranda. The main thing is that the extension does not stand out from the overall style of the house.

Problems arise with the kitchen and bathroom, especially when the water supply system is already connected to the house and additional communications will need to be installed in the newly created premises. Problems may also arise with heating system. You should think about communications before building the foundation, this way you can save money and time in the future. At worst, it is necessary to equip or at least mark the outlets of water supply and heating pipes. Regardless of what will be added to the house, the process includes standard steps such as:

  • design;
  • construction of the foundation;
  • construction wall frame and its cladding;
  • roofing device.

It turns out that adding an additional room to a house with your own hands is no different from building any other building. And the strength of the entire structure will be determined by the quality of the foundation.


Work on the installation of an additional room in the form of an extension includes the design procedure, selection of materials, preparation of estimates, distribution of communications, connection with the house, arrangement of the space.

The creation of a project and drawing, as well as the calculation of an extension to any house (old or newly built, log, country house, panel, brick, wooden and others) begins after the type of structure and dimensions have been determined.

In turn, when choosing an additional room, you can opt for such as: veranda, terrace, summer cuisine, living space, garage, porch, bay window, awnings. In this case, it is important to consider the condition of the adjacent walls and, if necessary, replace rotten areas. It is necessary to adhere to a single style.

The dimensions of the frame extension should not exceed 2/3 of the area of ​​the house. For example, the area of ​​the veranda is usually approximately 20% of the area of ​​the house. The main thing is not to disturb the exterior of the facade. To make changes to the structure of a residential building, permission from the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning is required. All necessary drawings are prepared.

Ready standard projects it is problematic to use, since it needs to be tied to the existing structure of the house and the condition of the soil. They take the basis, making changes of varying degrees of complexity depending on the needs of the customer, and as a result an extraordinary solution can be obtained.

DIY construction

You can build a frame extension yourself, the main thing is to follow the advice of professionals in this matter. After the detailed project is ready future construction, you can begin construction. This process includes several the most important steps, which step-by-step instructions will help you get through.

Preparing the construction site and pouring the foundation

Before constructing the frame, you will need a foundation. It can be lightweight, columnar or strip, but in most cases they choose strip foundation monolithic type, which is the most reliable and durable.

To create a foundation, you should perform the following actions:

  • you need to mark the area. Small pegs should be driven into the corners of the future building, tying a cord (fishing line) to them. This will allow you to clearly see the outline of the future foundation;
  • it is necessary to dig a trench (ditch). Its depth depends on the dimensions of the base of the main house. The width of the trench should be 150–170 mm larger than the future walls of the extension;
  • you should fill the bottom with fine crushed stone or sand in a layer of up to 15 cm, compact it thoroughly;
  • it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing directly on the cushion of crushed stone or sand;
  • on top of the waterproofing layer you need to arrange reinforcing mesh to increase the strength of concrete;
  • you need to fill the reinforcing layer 1/3 with concrete mortar, wait until the mortar sets, and then pour more mortar to 1/2 the depth of the ditch;
  • formwork should be installed. As a material for creating forms for laying concrete, you can use wood, metal, plastic, or a combination of them;
  • it is necessary to fill the upper part of the foundation and allow the concrete to dry. Depending on the weather, this will take about 14 days;
  • after the solution has completely dried, it is worth removing the formwork and performing external waterproofing using rubber or roofing felt.

Important: the foundation of the main structure and the extension must be common, therefore, even before the stage of pouring the concrete solution, it is necessary to decide on the joining method. If construction is carried out on unstable soils, for example, loose or clay, it is necessary to allow some time for the foundation to shrink.

Connection of a frame extension with the main structure

Regardless of the quality of the foundation, due to the difference in the magnitude of the load with which the house and the extension act on the soil, there is still a possibility that over time they will shift relative to each other. Guided by this, experts strongly discourage the rigid method of connecting the extension to the main house.

It is more rational to use an abutment similar in principle to a tongue-and-groove joint. To install it on the wall of a permanent building, you need to fix two beams and place between them vertical beam, which is a component frame wall extension. This method of connection will create conditions for leveling mutual movements. Of course, you can use a metal frame instead of wood; in this case, all embedded elements should also be metal. Otherwise, you need to make a hinged connection with bolts.

Construction of walls

After final leveling of the surface of the ground part, you can proceed to the construction of the walls of the frame extension. They are based on timber beams treated with protective components.

The process of constructing walls is represented by the following algorithm of actions:

  • you need to make the bottom trim. There are several ways to connect timber, but more often they use an inclined connection or use the half-board method. We fill the voids between the timber and the base with expanded polystyrene;
  • to give the harness extra strength corner connections must be secured using anchors or dowels. The timber is fixed to the base in holes made in advance;
  • floor boards are fixed to the bottom frame in increments of 60–70 cm; it is better to fasten them using liquid nails or self-tapping screws;
  • The frame racks for the walls must be mounted on metal corners and screws. They must be placed at a distance slightly less than the width of the thermal insulation;
  • It is advisable to construct the upper frame only after all wall studs have been installed, so that by this time the structure has sufficient rigidity. The upper trim should be mounted in the same way as the lower one;
  • To strengthen the frame, you can put diagonal bars.

Having finished building the walls, it is necessary to install the floor sheathing on the prepared logs of the lower base. For this, it is better to use ordinary boards 40 mm high. Finish floor ( finishing coat) it is best to arrange only after cladding the walls and installing the roof.

Important: when constructing a frame base, it is necessary to use a building level, since even a slight tilt can provoke deformation of the entire structure.


Even at the stage of assembling the walls, it is necessary to lay ceilings every 60–70 mm and fix them to top harness with help metal corners. At the same time, you can sew up the ceiling with sheets of thick plywood or boards, which will give the frame even more rigidity. After this, a layer of insulation must be laid on the rough structure of the floor.

If you plan to use flexible material for the roof, then another layer of sheathing needs to be mounted on the rafters to install a vapor barrier.

Insulation and finishing

After installing all the elements of the frame structure, you can begin to insulate the extension. As a rule, they are used as insulation mineral wool, expanded polystyrene or ecowool. The insulation boards are placed in several rows between the frame supports. Particular attention must be paid to the connecting points of the plates to avoid gaps. To do this, the insulation is shifted in different layers relative to each other.

Thermal insulation is laid between the ceilings and the floor in a similar way. For extensions, it is advisable to insulate the outside. It doesn't diminish usable area rooms and retains heat well. Once the thermal insulation is laid over the entire surface of the extension, you can begin installing vapor and moisture insulation. The material should be placed strictly with the fibers towards the cladding, and the smooth side towards the surface of the thermal insulation. To protect from winds, the outside of the extension is sheathed with film or roofing felt.

The walls of the extension need to be insulated not only from the outside, but also from the inside. For this, a superdiffusion membrane (film), foil material and insulation are used. Superdiffusion membrane is a modern insulating “breathable” material. To save money, they practice instead plastic film, however, this material accumulates moisture, causing mold to form on the walls of the house.

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