Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Study of fire emergencies. The essence of fire protection

Passive against fire protection(PPZ) is integral integral part three components of structural fire protection fire safety and in the building. Fire protection systems contain fires or slow their spread through the use of fire-resistant walls, floors and doors. FRP systems must comply with relevant requirements for fire safety regulations, their use and compliance with building codes in order to ensure their effectiveness.

Structural fire protection

Fire protection in a building or offshore facility is a system that includes:

  • Active fire protection, which may include manual or automatic fire detection and extinguishing.
  • Passive fire protection, which includes separation from the general building through the use of fire resistance of nominal walls and floors. Organizing into smaller fire compartments, consisting of one or more rooms or floors, prevents or slows the spread of fire from the fire room of origin to other building spaces, limiting damage to the building and providing more time for building occupants to evacuate in an emergency.
  • Fire prevention includes minimizing sources of ignition, as well as training users and operators of a facility or structure regarding the operation and Maintenance fire protection systems associated for proper operation and emergency procedures, including notifications for rapid response firefighters in cases of emergency evacuation.

Main characteristics

The target for fire protection systems is typically demonstrated by fire testing and the ability to maintain protection up to 140°C. At 550°C, considered critical for structural steel, complete collapse occurs. Such codes are accepted in most countries, with basic test standards for walls and floors such as BS 476: Part 22: 1987, BS EN 1364-1: 1999 and BS EN 1364-2: 1999 or ASTM E119. Smaller components such as fire dampers, fire doors, etc. must also meet the fire resistance standards found in walls and floors. Fire testing involves exposure to live fire in excess of 1100°C, depending on fire resistance and duration. In this way, the degree of impact of fire is checked and the survivability of the system in real conditions is predicted.

To achieve these goals, there are many various types materials that are used in the design and construction of systems. For example, common endothermic Construction Materials include calcium silicate board, concrete and gypsum wall slab. Drywall typically loses all its strength during a fire. It has been established and proven that the use of endothermic materials is good engineering practice. Chemically bound water within these materials sublimates. During this process, the unexposed side cannot exceed the boiling point of water. Once the hydrates are consumed, the temperature on the unheated side of the endothermic fire retardant tends to rise rapidly. However, too much water can be a problem. When concrete slabs become too wet, they can literally explode in a fire, which is why testing laboratories insist on measuring the water content of concrete and mortar in fire test samples before running any fire tests. Passive fire protection may also include intumescents and ablative materials. However, they must comply with certification requirements or established catalogs such as DIN 4102 part 4 or the Canadian National Building Code.

Passive fire protection measures are designed to contain the fire at its source, thereby limiting the spread of fire and smoke for a limited period of time. Passive fire protection measures such as fire barriers, fire walls and fire doors, are tested to determine the degree of fire resistance final assembly, usually expressed in terms of hours of fire resistance (for example, ⅓, ¾, 1, 1 ½, 2, 3, 4 hours). The certification schedule includes degree restrictions.

Unlike active fire protection measures, passive Fire protection products generally do not require electrical or electronic activation. The exception to this rule are fire dampers (fire-resistant seals inside ducts, excluding duct lubricants) and fire door closers, which must move, open and close in order to work, as well as all intumescent products that swell.

As the name suggests, passive fire protection (PFP) remains inactive in the pavement system until a fire occurs. There are mainly two types of PRM: fireproofing vermiculite, intumescent fireproofing vermiculite and fireproofing vermiculite. The structural elements of the steel are covered with materials, mainly a very thick layer of vermiculite. It's more cheap option Compared to intumescent, but very damp and aesthetically unpleasant. In addition, if the environment is corrosive in nature, then the Vermiculite option is not advisable to use, since there is a possibility of water getting into it (due to the porous nature of vermiculite), and then it is difficult to control the metal for corrosion. Intumescent fireproofing is a layer of paint that is applied along with a coating system to structural steel members. The thickness of this intumescent coating depends on the steel section used. To calculate DFT (Dry Film Thickness), a factor called HP/ (heated perimeter divided by cross-sectional area), is often called the "section factor" and is expressed in m -1. Fire-resistant coatings are used as an intermediate layer in a coating system (primer, intermediate and top / finishing coating). Due to the relatively low thickness of this intumescent coating (typically in the 350- to 700-micrometer range), good finish and anti-corrosion nature, fire-resistant coatings are preferred based on aesthetics and performance.

It should be noted that in the event of a fire, steel structure, will eventually fail once the steel reaches its critical core temperature (about 550 degrees Celsius or 850 degrees Fahrenheit). The fire protection system will only contain the fire by creating a layer of char between the steel and the fire. Depending on requirements, a fire protection system can provide a firefighter rating of more than 120 minutes. PPP systems are highly recommended in infrastructure projects as they can save lives and property.


  • fire resistance level of the wall
  • Not only are firewalls rated fire-resistant, they are also designed to separate buildings in such a way that if a collapse occurs on one side, it will not affect the other side. They can also be used to eliminate the need for sprinklers.
  • Fire-resistant glass using multi-layer intumescent technology or wire mesh embedded in the glass can be used in the manufacture of fire-rated rated windows in walls or fire doors.
  • degree of fire resistance of floors
  • placement of separations (barriers designated as placement of separations are intended to separate parts of buildings where different kinds uses on each side, for example apartments on one side and shops on the other side of the accommodation division).
  • gates (fire dampers). A reduced degree of fire resistance is called degree of fire protection, as for fire barriers, if they do not contain plastic pipes and regular closures.
  • fire barriers
  • lubricant ducts (these refer to ducts that are used for commercial purposes - food preparation equipment).
  • cable coating (use of fire retardants that are either endothermic or intumescent to reduce the development of fire and smoke).
  • spray fire protection
  • fire retardant cladding (slabs used for the same purpose as spray fire retardant). Materials for such casing include pearl, vermiculite, calcium silicate, gypsum, intumescent epoxy resin, durasteel (cellulose reinforced concrete and perforated sheet metal).
  • enclosures (boxes or packages of fire-resistant materials, including fire-resistant wraps and tapes to protect special valves and other items that require protection from fire) or ensuring the integrity of the chain of measures aimed at maintaining the functioning of electric cable in case of accidental fire.

Fire safety rules

The most important goal of fire protection is identical to all fire protection: life safety. This is primarily achieved by maintaining structural integrity during a fire, as well as limiting the spread of fire and its effects (such as heat and smoke). Property protection is usually secondary. The exception is nuclear facilities, since evacuation in this case may be more difficult or even impossible. Nuclear facilities such as buildings and ships must also be powered by a nuclear reactor that does not experience a nuclear crisis.

Typically, during the construction of buildings, fire protection systems must comply with the requirements of the building regulations that were in force on the day the building permit was applied. Municipal construction departments are usually responsible for the implementation of fire safety regulations for compliance with building codes and regulations. Upon completion of construction, the building must maintain the design basis while remaining in compliance with the current fire code, which will be enforced by the municipal fire department's fire safety staff. fire department.The organization must have an up-to-date fire protection plan containing a complete inventory and maintenance of parts for all fire protection components, including the fire resistance of fire barriers, fire sprinklers, smoke alarms, systems fire alarm, fire extinguishers, etc. - typical requirements to demonstrate compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Changes to fire protection systems or items affecting the structural or fire integrity or use of a building are subject to registration by regulatory authorities. Such controls help prevent potential problems that may not be obvious to the building owner or contractors. Large and very common deficiencies in existing buildings include fire extinguishing door closers through propping doors open and running through them carpets and perforating fire resistance rated walls and floors without proper fire fighting equipment.

The use of fire protection measures at a facility depends on its characteristics (the nature and characteristics of the facility, its location and size, material assets and type of equipment) and on the requirements of current standards. All fire protection measures used can be divided into passive and active.

Passive protection measures are reduced to rational architectural - planning solutions. Even at the design stage, it is necessary to provide for: ease of approach and entry into the building for fire departments; reducing the risk of fire spreading between floors, individual rooms and buildings of an industrial facility; constructive measures to ensure smoke-free buildings; rational use of industrial lighting, etc.

Active protection measures include: automatic fire alarm systems; installations automatic fire extinguishing; Technical equipment first fire service; special means suppression of fires and explosions of industrial facilities; auxiliary equipment, used by fire departments.

Automatic fire alarm is an important prevention measure major fires. In the absence of a fire alarm, a long period of time passes from the moment a fire is detected until the fire department is called, which in most cases leads to the complete engulfment of the room in flames. The main task of an automatic fire alarm is to detect the initial stage of a fire, transmit notification of the place and time of its occurrence and, if necessary, turn on automatic fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems.

Currently, the most commonly used are heat, smoke, light and sound fire detectors.

Heat detectors According to the principle of operation, they are divided into maximum, differential and maximum - differential. The first are triggered when a certain temperature is reached, the second - at a certain rate of temperature increase, and the third - from any significant change in temperature. Smoke fire detectors have less inertia compared to thermal ones. They can be point and linear-volumetric. Point smoke detectors use the ionization effect. In the open chamber of the detector, due to the radioactive source, air ionization occurs, which in turn leads to the flow of a small amount between the two electrodes of the chamber. electric current. When smoke enters the open chamber, the electric current decreases, as a result of which the electronic relay circuit is turned on. Linear - volumetric smoke detector optical type works on the principle of changing the light intensity when there is smoke.

Light detectors do not operate on the principle of infrared or ultraviolet radiation flame. They are highly sensitive and trigger an alarm almost immediately upon the appearance of a small source of radiation heat within the direct line of sight of the detector.

Sound fire detectors are a transceiver of ultrasonic vibrations, which is tuned to the shape of a standing wave within the protected volume. The operating principle of the detector is that the form of a standing wave is disrupted as a result of changes in the speed of sound in the airspace due to the influence of convective flows formed during a fire.

Preventing the development of a fire depends not only on the speed of its detection, but also on the choice of fire extinguishing means and methods.

Fire extinguishing agents

In the practice of extinguishing fires, the following principles of fire suppression are most widely used:

1) isolating the combustion source from the air or reducing the oxygen concentration by diluting the air with non-flammable gases to a value at which combustion cannot occur;

2) cooling the combustion center below certain temperatures;

3) intense inhibition (inhibition) of the rate of chemical reaction in the flame;

4) mechanical flame failure as a result of exposure to a strong jet of gas and water;

5) creation of fire barrier conditions, i.e. conditions under which the flame spreads through narrow channels.


The fire extinguishing ability of water is determined by the cooling effect, dilution of the flammable medium by vapors formed during evaporation and mechanical effect on the burning substance, i.e. flame failure. The cooling effect of water is determined by the significant values ​​of its heat capacity and heat of vaporization. The diluting effect, leading to a decrease in the oxygen content in the surrounding air, is due to the fact that the volume of steam is 1700 times greater than the volume of evaporated water; it has an insulating effect on the source of the fire.

Along with this, water has properties that limit its scope of application. Thus, when extinguishing with water, oil products and many other flammable liquids float and continue to burn on the surface, so water may be ineffective in extinguishing them. The fire extinguishing effect when extinguishing with water in such cases can be increased by supplying it in a sprayed state.

Fires are extinguished with water using water fire extinguishing installations, fire trucks and water nozzles (manual and fire monitors). To supply water to these installations, they use industrial enterprises and in populated areas water pipes.

In case of fire, water is used for external and internal fire extinguishing. Water consumption for external fire extinguishing is taken in accordance with building codes and regulations. Water consumption for fire extinguishing depends on the category fire danger enterprise, the degree of fire resistance of building structures, the volume of production premises.

One of the main conditions that external water pipelines must satisfy is to ensure constant pressure in water supply network, supported by permanently operating pumps, a water tower or a pneumatic installation. This pressure is often determined from the operating conditions of internal fire hydrants.

In order to ensure fire extinguishing at the initial stage of its occurrence, in most industrial and public buildings Internal fire hydrants are installed on the internal water supply network.

According to the method of creating water pressure, fire water pipelines are divided into high- and low pressure. Fire water pipes high pressure arranged in such a way that the pressure in the water supply is always sufficient to directly supply water from hydrants or stationary monitors to the site of the fire. From low-pressure water supply systems, mobile fire pumps or motor pumps take water through fire hydrants and supply it to the necessary pressure to the fire site.

The fire water supply system is used in various combinations: the choice of one or another system depends on the nature of the production, the territory it occupies, etc.

Water fire extinguishing installations include sprinkler and deluge installations. They are a branched, water-filled pipe system equipped with special heads. In the event of a fire, the system reacts (in different ways, depending on the type) and irrigates the structures of the room and equipment in the area of ​​​​action of the heads.

The disadvantages of water include poor wettability with respect to a number of metals. To improve the extinguishing properties of water, surfactants can be added to it. Water cannot be used to extinguish a number of metals, their hydrides, carbides, as well as electrical installations.

Foams are a widespread, effective and convenient fire extinguishing agent. Foams are used to extinguish solid and liquid substances that do not interact with water. There are various classifications of foams, for example by stability, expansion rate, foaming agent base, viscosity, etc.

Foam-generating equipment includes air-foam barrels for producing low-expansion foam, foam generators and foam sprinklers for producing medium-expansion foam.


When extinguishing fires with inert gaseous diluents, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, smoke or exhaust gases, steam, as well as argon and other gases are used. The fire extinguishing effect of these compounds is to dilute the air and reduce the oxygen content in it to a concentration at which combustion stops. The fire extinguishing effect when diluted with these gases is caused by heat losses due to heating of the diluents and a decrease in the thermal effect of the reaction. A special place among fire extinguishing compounds occupies carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), which is used to extinguish flammable liquid warehouses, battery stations, drying ovens, test benches for electric motors, etc.

It should be remembered, however, that carbon dioxide cannot be used to extinguish substances whose molecules include oxygen, alkali and alkaline earth metals, as well as smoldering materials. To extinguish these substances, nitrogen or argon is used, and the latter is used in cases where there is a danger of the formation of metal nitrides with explosive properties and shock sensitivity.

Recently, a new method has been developed for supplying gases in a liquefied state into the protected volume, which has significant advantages over the method based on the supply of compressed gases.

With the new supply method, there is virtually no need to limit the size of objects allowed for protection, since the liquid occupies approximately 500 times less volume than an equal amount of gas and does not require much effort to supply it. Moreover, upon evaporation liquefied gas a significant cooling effect is achieved and the limitation associated with the possible destruction of weakened openings is eliminated, since when liquefied gases are supplied, a soft filling mode is created without a dangerous increase in pressure.


All fire extinguishing compounds described above have a passive effect on the flame. More promising are fire extinguishing agents that effectively inhibit chemical reactions in the flame, i.e. have an inhibitory effect on them. The most widely used fire extinguishing compounds are inhibitors based on saturated hydrocarbons, in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by halogen atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine).

Halocarbons are poorly soluble in water, but mix well with many organic substances. Fire extinguishing properties halogenated hydrocarbons increase with increasing sea mass of the halogen contained in them.

Halocarbon compositions are convenient for fire extinguishing physical properties. Thus, high density values ​​of liquid and vapor make it possible to create a fire extinguishing jet and the penetration of droplets into the flame, as well as retention of fire extinguishing vapors near the combustion source. Low freezing temperatures allow these compounds to be used at sub-zero temperatures.

Recently, fire extinguishing powders have been increasingly used to extinguish fires. They can be used to extinguish fires solids, various flammable liquids, gases, metals, as well as live installations.

They are characterized by high fire extinguishing efficiency and versatility, i.e. the ability to extinguish any materials, including those that are indestructible by all other means.

Powder compositions are, in particular, the only means of extinguishing fires alkali metals, organoaluminum and other organometallic compounds (they are produced by industry on the basis of sodium and potassium carbonates and bicarbonates, phosphorus-ammonium salts, lead-based powder for extinguishing metals, etc.).

Powders have a number of advantages over halohydrocarbons: they and their decomposition products are not dangerous to human health; As a rule, they do not have a corrosive effect on metals; protect people fighting fires from thermal radiation.

It should be noted that powder compositions can eliminate fires of relatively small volumes and areas, so they are used to charge hand-held and portable fire extinguishers. Powders are recommended for use in the initial stages of fires.

Many fire extinguishing agents used in automatic systems fire extinguishing equipment, damage technological installations. Therefore, the choice of the type of fire extinguishing agent should be determined not only by the speed and quality of fire extinguishing, but also by the need to ensure the minimum total damage that can be caused to the building and equipment.

Fire extinguishing apparatus

Fire extinguishing apparatus is divided into mobile (fire fighting vehicles), stationary installations and fire extinguishers (manual up to 10 liters and mobile and stationary above 25 liters).

Firefighting vehicles are divided into tankers that deliver water and a foam solution to the fire and are equipped with barrels for supplying water or air-mechanical foam of various expansion rates, and special ones designed for other fire extinguishing agents or for certain objects.

Stationary installations are designed to extinguish fires in the initial stages of their occurrence without human intervention. They are installed in buildings and structures, as well as to protect external technological installations. According to the fire extinguishing agents used, they are divided into water, foam, gas, powder and steam. Stationary installations can be automatic or manual with remote start. Usually, automatic installations are also equipped with devices for manual starting.

The most widespread are two types of water and foam extinguishing installations: sprinkler and deluge.

sprinkler installation– most effective remedy extinguishing ordinary flammable materials in the initial stage of fire development. Sprinkler systems are activated automatically when the temperature in the protected volume rises above a preset limit. The entire system consists of pipelines laid under the ceiling of the room and sprinklers placed on pipelines with a given distance from each other.

Deluge installations differ from sprinkler systems in the absence of a valve in the sprinkler. The deluge sprinkler is always open. The deluge system is activated manually or automatically by a signal from an automatic detector using a control and starting unit located on the main fire pipeline. The sprinkler system is activated above the fire, and the deluge system irrigates the entire protected volume with water.

In the initial stage of a fire, portable primary fire extinguishing equipment can be used.

Primary fire extinguishing agents

These include fire extinguishers, buckets, water containers, sand boxes, crowbars, axes, shovels, felt mats, etc.

Fire extinguishers are one of the most effective primary fire extinguishing agents. Fire extinguishers, depending on the extinguishing agent being charged, are divided into: liquid, carbon dioxide, chemical, air-foam, freon, powder and combined. In liquid fire extinguishers, water with additives is used (to improve wettability, lower the freezing point, etc.), in carbon dioxide extinguishers - liquefied carbon dioxide, in chemical extinguishers - aqueous solutions of acids and alkalis, in freon extinguishers - freons 114B2, 13B1, in powder extinguishers - powders PS, PSB-3, PF, etc. Fire extinguishers are marked with letters characterizing the type of fire extinguisher by category, and a number indicating its capacity (volume). Fire extinguishing agent supplied to the combustion zone under the influence overpressure in the internal volume of the fire extinguisher.

Application of fire extinguishers:

1. Carbon dioxide - extinguishing objects under voltage up to 1000V.

2. Chemical fires - extinguishing solid materials and gas liquids over an area of ​​up to 1 sq.m.

3. Air foam - extinguishing fires of flammable liquids, gases, solid (and smoldering) materials (except for metals and live installations).

4. Freon gases - extinguishing the fire of flammable liquids, gases, flammable gases.

5. Powder - extinguishing materials, installations under voltage; charged MGS, PH - extinguishing metals; PSB-3, P-1P - extinguishing flammable liquids, GJ, flammable gases.

In industry, a liquid fire extinguisher of the OZh-7 brand is used, which is charged with water with surfactant additives or an aqueous solution of sulfanol, sulfonate, foaming agent or wetting agent.

The class of chemical foam fire extinguishers includes fire extinguishers of the OKP - 10 and OKVP - 10 brands. When activating the chemical foam fire extinguisher, in its internal volume there is a mixing of previously isolated reserves of acid and alkali. As a result of their interaction, carbon dioxide is formed, which intensively mixes the liquid, forming foam. The pressure in the fire extinguisher body increases and foam is thrown out.

In production conditions, air-foam fire extinguishers of the brands OVP - 5, ORP - 10, ORP - 100, OVPU - 250 are also used. The charge in them is a 6% aqueous solution of foaming agent PO1. The pressure in the body of fire extinguishers is created by carbon dioxide contained in special cylinders located inside or outside the fire extinguisher. In fire extinguishers of this type, air-mechanical foam is formed in a special socket, where the solution leaving the body is mixed with air.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (OU - 2A, OU - 5, OU - 8) are filled with carbon dioxide contained in liquid state under pressure 6...7 MPa. After opening the valve in a special socket, carbon dioxide turns into a solid state and is supplied in the form of an aerosol to the combustion zone. These fire extinguishers are used to extinguish live electrical installations.

A modernized version of the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is the carbon dioxide - bromoethyl fire extinguisher (OUB - 3, OUB - 7). These fire extinguishers contain a charge consisting of 97% ethyl bromide, 3% liquefied carbon dioxide and compressed air introduced into the extinguisher to create operating pressure. Fire extinguishers of this type are used to extinguish burning solid and liquid materials, electrical equipment and electronic equipment.

Powder fire extinguishers(OPS – 6, OPS – 10, OPPS – 100) have a container for storing a supply of powder and a special cylinder, which contains (nitrogen, air) under a pressure of 15 MPa, which is necessary to push the powder out of the internal volume of the fire extinguisher. These fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish small fires of alkali, alkaline earth metals, and organosilicon compounds.

Place fire extinguishers in easily accessible places. Impact on fire extinguishers heating devices, straight sun rays not acceptable.

Fire prevention

Fires in human-inhabited areas and enterprises occur in most cases due to a violation of the technological regime. This is unfortunately a common occurrence and the state provides special documents describing the basics of fire protection. These standards are: GOST 12.1.004-76 “Fire Safety” and GOST 12.1.010-76 “Explosion Safety”.

Events for fire prevention are divided into organizational, technical, regime and operational.

Organizational arrangements include correct operation machines and in-plant transport, proper maintenance of buildings and territory, fire safety briefing of workers and employees, organization of voluntary fire brigades, fire technical commissions, issuance of orders on strengthening fire safety, etc.

Technical measures include compliance fire regulations, standards for the design of buildings, for the installation of electrical wires and equipment, heating, ventilation, lighting, correct placement of equipment.

Security measures include the prohibition of smoking in undesignated places, welding and other hot work in fire hazardous areas, etc.

Operational measures are timely preventive examinations, repairs and testing of process equipment.

Fire breaks

To prevent the spread of fire from one building to another, fire breaks are installed between them. When determining fire breaks, it is assumed that the greatest danger in relation to possible ignition of neighboring buildings and structures is thermal radiation from the fire source. The amount of heat received by a building adjacent to a burning object depends on the properties of combustible materials and flame temperature, the size of the radiating surface, the area of ​​light openings, the flammability group of enclosing structures, the presence of fire barriers, the relative position of buildings, meteorological conditions, etc.

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Fire prevention refers to fire safety training and a set of measures aimed at preventing fires. Fire protection these are measures aimed at reducing damage in the event of a fire. It is not always possible to draw a clear line between these two main fire safety objectives, as, for example, in the case of actions aimed at limiting the spread of fire during a fire.

Since most people spend most of their time in buildings, the main focus is on ensuring the fire safety of buildings. Specialized fire prevention and protection measures are required for the fire safety of forests, vehicles, railway, air and sea transport, as well as underground tunnels and mines.

Shuvalov M.G. Firefighting Basics. M., 1979
Savelyev P.S. Fire disasters. M., 1983
Yurchenko D. et al. Scientific and technological progress in fire protection. M., 1983
Shcherbina Y.Ya., Shcherbina I.Ya. Fire Protection Basics. Kyiv, 1985


Fire protection means include the entire set of technologies, methods and measures taken and used to protect against fire. Their purpose, despite all their diversity, is to completely eliminate or minimize the possibility of loss of existing objects, structures, and materials that may be damaged by fire as a result of fire. There are passive, active and preventive methods of protection. Passive methods of protection involve preventing the occurrence of a fire itself, minimizing the likelihood of its flaring up. Active methods include those undertaken to save people and property.

Preventive fire protection methods

For guard various designs from the flame. Impregnated with fire retardant liquids wooden structures fabrics available at the site, etc. Special coloring compounds and fire-retardant plasters are also used. The action of fire retardant compounds is based on their ability to insulate the material from the effects of high temperature. Even if a fire occurs, treatment fire retardant compounds successfully prevents fire of the protected structure. In addition, the flame resistance of the protected structure increases dramatically. Prolonged exposure to fire and high temperature can damage even steel bearing structures, so that the risk of even their damage cannot be completely neglected.

Mandatory preventative measure- protection and insulation of the electrical wiring in the building. This basic measure reduces the risk of short circuits and fires due to it. All wires and cables must be laid only on non-combustible channels or foundations. Installing RCD devices can also significantly reduce the risk of a short circuit; automatic fuses are also used for this purpose. Also, all electrical and gas stoves must be isolated from wooden surfaces and furniture. All sockets must be protected from possible moisture.

Active fire protection methods

In number active methods protection includes the creation of fire services and headquarters. Their purpose is to quickly respond to fire incidents. The created services must be mobile.

All active methods of protection can be divided into methods of protection against high temperatures and methods of protection against other hazards caused by fire. The most dangerous of them is carbon monoxide, formed in large quantities when burning, and dangerous to humans. Firefighters engaged in extinguishing fires have a thermally insulating suit, special filtering devices, hoods, and gas masks.

To save people, the most important thing will be the presence of a detailed evacuation plan at each site. All escape routes must be free, emergency exits must have lighting, window openings must be made of easily breakable materials. If possible, the escape staircase should have natural light and have windows. If they are absent there should be working system ventilation and smoke removal. Moreover, the ventilation system should be activated immediately when the fire alarm is turned on.

For active struggle with fire, use special fire extinguishing agents. These include fire extinguishers of all types and types (powder and carbon dioxide). Fire extinguishing agents also include sand and other materials that can prevent the spread of flames and the ignition of structures and materials.

When extinguishing forest fires Among the active methods, the shock wave method is also used.

The facility must have safes and fireproof cabinets to protect the most valuable documents and things.

Fire alarm and its role in fire protection

Each facility must be equipped with a fire alarm system. It combines technical means used to detect hazardous factors, analyze and process received information, transmit and record information. Typically, a fire alarm system transmits signals to a special remote control that controls the available automatic fire extinguishing equipment.

A fire alarm normally consists of the following components: sirens and detectors, connecting lines and devices. The main types of fire alarms are addressable, radial, addressable and analogue.

CONTENT: INTRODUCTION It's no secret that fires most often occur from people's careless attitude towards fire. Fires cause enormous material damage and in some cases are accompanied by loss of life. The problem of loss of life in fires is a matter of particular concern. Therefore, fire protection is the most important responsibility of every member of society and is carried out on a national scale.

It's no secret that fires most often occur from people's careless attitude towards fire. Fires cause enormous material damage and in some cases are accompanied by loss of life. The problem of loss of life in fires is a matter of particular concern. Therefore, fire protection is the most important responsibility of every member of society and is carried out on a national scale. Solving this problem requires the implementation of a complex of scientific, technical and organizational tasks.
Fire protection has as its goal finding the most effective, economically feasible and technically sound methods and means of preventing fires and extinguishing them with minimal damage with the most rational use of forces and technical means extinguishing.

Fire safety is a condition of an object in which the possibility of a fire is excluded, and in case of its occurrence, the necessary elimination measures are taken negative influence fire hazards on people, structures and material assets. Fire safety can be ensured by fire prevention measures and active fire protection. Fire prevention includes a set of measures aimed at preventing a fire or reducing its consequences. Active fire protection - measures that ensure the successful fight against fires or explosive situations.
The fire safety system is a set of forces and means, as well as legal, organizational, economic, social, scientific and technical measures aimed at fighting fires. The main elements of the fire safety system are state authorities, local governments, enterprises, and citizens who take part in ensuring fire safety.
The main functions of the Fire Safety System are:
1 Regulatory legal regulation and implementation of government measures in the field of fire safety
2. Creation of the fire department and organization of its activities,
3. Development and implementation of fire safety measures,
4. Implementation of rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of fire safety,
5. Conducting fire prevention propaganda and training the population in fire safety measures
6. Promoting the activities of volunteer firefighters and fire protection associations,
7. Involving the population in ensuring fire safety,
8. Scientific and technical support of fire safety,
9 Information support in the field of fire safety,
10. Implementation of state fire supervision and other control functions to ensure fire safety,
11 Production of fire-technical products, performance of work and provision of services in the field of fire safety,
12 Licensing of activities (works, services) in the field of fire safety and certification of products and services in the field of fire safety,
13 Fire insurance
14 Establishment of tax benefits and implementation of other measures of social and economic incentives for ensuring fire safety
15 Extinguishing fires and carrying out related priority rescue operations,
16. Accounting for fires and their consequences
17. Establishment of a special fire regime.

Industrial facilities are characterized by an increased fire hazard, as they are characterized by complexity production processes, the presence of significant quantities of liquefied flammable gases, solid combustible materials, large equipment of electrical installations, and more.
The main causes of fires are often:
1) Violation of the technological regime - 33%.
2) Malfunction of electrical equipment - 16%.
3) Poor preparation for equipment repair - 13%.
4) Spontaneous combustion of oily rags and other materials - 10%
Sources of ignition can also be open fire of technological installations, red-hot or heated walls of apparatus and equipment, sparks from electrical equipment, static electricity, sparks from impact and friction of machine and equipment parts, etc. In addition, sources of ignition can be violations of the rules and regulations for the storage of flammable materials, careless handling of fire, use of open flame torches, blowtorches, smoking in prohibited places, failure to comply fire prevention measures for firefighting equipment, water supply, fire alarm, provision primary means fire extinguishing, etc.
As practice shows, an accident of even one large unit, accompanied by a fire and explosion, for example, in chemical industry they often accompany one another, can lead to very serious consequences not only for the production itself and the people serving it, but also for environment. In this regard, it is extremely important to correctly assess the fire and explosion hazard of the technological process already at the design stage, identify possible causes of accidents, and determine hazardous factors and scientifically justify the choice of methods and means of fire and explosion prevention and protection.
An important factor in carrying out this work is knowledge of the processes and conditions of combustion and explosion, the properties of substances and materials used in technological process, methods and means of protection against fire and explosion.
Fire prevention measures are divided into organizational, technical, regime and operational.
Organizational measures: provide for the correct operation of machines and in-plant transport, proper maintenance of buildings, territories, fire safety instructions.
Technical measures: compliance with fire safety rules and regulations when designing buildings, installing electrical wires and equipment, heating, ventilation, lighting, correct placement of equipment.
Regulatory measures - prohibition of smoking in undesignated places, prohibition of welding and other hot work in fire hazardous areas, etc.
Operational measures - timely prevention, inspections, repairs and testing of process equipment.

Basic fire safety requirements.
The main condition for obtaining permission from fire authorities is compliance with fire safety requirements. Even for enterprises classified as a group covered by the notification principle, all fire protection measures remain binding.
The most important organizational, engineering and technical measures to ensure fire safety in enterprises are outlined below.

How to prepare instructions on fire safety measures?
In which rooms should evacuation plans be posted in case of fire?
Who should receive fire safety training?
What signs must be installed at the enterprise?
What are the requirements for the installation of smoking areas?
What organizational fire safety measures are mandatory for enterprises?
To maintain fire safety, each enterprise must implement a set of mandatory organizational events listed in the "Fire Safety Rules in Ukraine", namely:
determine the responsibilities of officials to ensure fire safety;
appoint those responsible for fire safety of individual buildings, structures, premises, areas, technological and engineering equipment, as well as for the maintenance and operation of technical fire protection equipment;
enter the appropriate fire mode;
prepare, approve and familiarize all employees with:
– general facility instructions on fire safety measures;
– relevant instructions for all explosion- and fire-hazardous premises;
draw up plans (schemes) for evacuation of people in case of fire;
approve the procedure (system) for notifying people about a fire, familiarize all employees with it;
determine the categories of buildings and premises according to explosion and fire hazard in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents, as well as determine the classes of zones according to the "Rules for Electrical Installations";
install appropriate fire safety signs on the territory, in buildings and premises, signs indicating the telephone number and the procedure for calling the fire department.
Particular attention is paid to special measures to prevent fires from the thermal manifestations of electric current (see Appendix 10 of the brochure “How to obtain permission from fire authorities”).
How are those responsible for fire safety appointed?
Those responsible for fire safety are appointed by order of the head of the enterprise, a sample of which is filled out in Appendix 5 of the brochure “How to obtain permission from the fire inspection authorities”).
What fire safety issues should be documented?
Internal documents establishing the fire safety regime at the enterprise are developed by those responsible for fire safety and approved by the head of the enterprise. Documents are stored in a special folder on fire safety issues.
The documents should indicate, in particular, the following:
rules for using electric heating household appliances, use of open fire, performance of temporary fire hazardous work;
smoking area;
the procedure for inspecting and closing premises upon completion of work;
procedure for servicing technical fire protection equipment (fire extinguishers, fire alarm systems, automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, etc.);
responsible persons, which should carry out special training and personnel briefings on fire safety issues, and the frequency of these events;
actions to be taken by employees in the event of a fire.
What fire safety documents should be kept at the enterprise?
The list of documents may be different for each enterprise. The main documents required by the fire authorities are given below:
Order(s) on the appointment of those responsible for fire safety of individual buildings, structures, premises, etc.;
An order (corresponding provision) on the procedure according to which special training and instructions should be provided to employees, and their knowledge on fire safety issues should be tested;
Program for conducting introductory fire safety training;
Program for conducting initial fire safety training;
List of questions on which knowledge should be tested after primary, repeated and unscheduled fire safety briefings;
Logbook for registration of briefings on fire safety issues;
Expert opinion(s) regarding the correctness and completeness of implementation fire safety requirements in design and estimate documentation for construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of production and other facilities, introduction of new technologies;
Permission (permits) for the start of operation of each newly created enterprise, the commissioning of new and reconstructed facilities, for the introduction of new technologies, the launch into production of new fire-hazardous machines, equipment and products, for the rental of any premises, buildings and structures;
Certificate(s) of conformity for all types fire equipment and fire-fighting equipment;
List of responsibilities of officials to ensure fire safety;
Orders, instructions establishing the appropriate fire safety regime;
General facility instructions on fire safety measures;
Instructions on fire safety measures for all explosion- and fire-hazardous premises (areas, workshops, warehouses, workshops, laboratories, etc.);
Plans (schemes) for evacuation of people in case of fire;
Instructions for security workers (security guards, watchmen, guards, etc.);
A list of company officials compiled specifically for security workers, in which (the list) the home address, business and home telephone numbers of each of these persons should be indicated;
Charts and reports of insulation resistance measurements electrical networks and electrical equipment;
Documentation, the list of which is given in the "Rules for the technical maintenance of installations fire automatics";
Regulations for the maintenance of fire automatic systems, fire warning systems, fire extinguishers;
Schedules and reports for checking the resistance of grounding devices.


To stop burning, the following methods are used:

· isolation of the combustion source from air oxygen (for most flammable substances, at an oxygen concentration of less than 14%, the combustion process stops);

· cooling the combustion zone to a temperature below the auto-ignition temperature;

· cooling the burning material below the ignition temperature;

· dilution of burning materials with non-flammable substances;

· braking (inhibition) of burning rate;

· mechanical knocking down of the flame in the combustion chamber;

· isolation of flammable substances from the combustion zone, etc.

Water is the cheapest and most common means of extinguishing fires. Water has a high heat capacity and a significant increase in volume during steam formation (1 liter of water produces 1700 liters of steam).

Water is used to extinguish the fire of solid flammable substances, create water curtains and cool objects (machines, structures, etc.) located near the source of combustion.

Water should not be used to extinguish electrical equipment. A low effect is observed when extinguishing oil products with water.

A spray of water is more effective when extinguishing fires, especially when extinguishing flammable liquids. When surfactants (wetting agents) are added to water, water consumption is reduced by up to 2.5 times.

Extinguishing with foam is more effective, since the foam cover shields the flammable substance from the heat of the combustion zone. Foam, both chemical and air-mechanical, is used to extinguish solids and flammable liquids.

Chemical foam is formed by the reaction between an alkali and an acid in the presence of a foaming agent.

Air-mechanical foam is a colloidal substance consisting of gas bubbles surrounded by films of liquid. It is obtained by mixing water and foaming agent with air. Air-mechanical foam is characterized by expansion ratio, i.e. the ratio of the volume of foam to the volume of its liquid phase. To extinguish flammable liquids (FL) and flammable liquids, it is possible to use air-mechanical foam of medium expansion (from 40 to 120).

Extinguishing with powder compositions is very effective, as they have a high fire extinguishing ability. They are used when extinguishing a fire cannot be extinguished with water and foams (metals, etc.). It is permissible to extinguish fires with powder compositions at sub-zero temperatures.

The main role when extinguishing a fire with powders is their ability to inhibit flames.

Inert diluents are used as fire extinguishing compositions for volumetric extinguishing - water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, flue gases, etc. Extinguishing when the medium is diluted with inert diluents is associated with heat loss for heating these diluents, which leads to a decrease in the rate of the combustion process.

Water vapor is used to extinguish fires in small spaces. Carbon dioxide is used to extinguish fires in flammable liquid warehouses, etc.

The choice of extinguishing agent depends on the class of fire, for example:

· class A – all types of fire extinguishing agents can be used;

· class B – water and all types of foam, powders are used;

· class C – gas compositions in the form of inert diluents, powders, water are used;

· class D – powders are used;

· class E – powders, carbon dioxide, etc. are used.

Fire extinguishing means are divided into primary and stationary.

Primary fire extinguishing agents are used to eliminate small fires. In this case, they use: fire nozzles, fire extinguishers, dry sand, thick blankets, etc.

Stationary fire extinguishing systems are always ready for action. The fire extinguishing process can be started remotely or automatically. Sprinkler and deluge systems are used for automatic water fire extinguishing.

Fire safety in this production. (Safety Instructions)

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